Import pip requirements into Bazel. ## whl_library_alias
whl_library_alias(name, default_version, repo_mapping, version_map, wheel_name)
**ATTRIBUTES** | Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | name | A unique name for this repository. | Name | required | | | default_version | - | String | required | | | repo_mapping | A dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.<p>For example, an entry "@foo": "@bar" declares that, for any time this repository depends on @foo (such as a dependency on @foo//some:target, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared @bar (@bar//some:target). | Dictionary: String -> String | required | | | version_map | - | Dictionary: String -> String | required | | | wheel_name | - | String | required | | ## compile_pip_requirements
compile_pip_requirements(name, extra_args, extra_deps, generate_hashes, py_binary, py_test,
                         requirements_in, requirements_txt, requirements_darwin, requirements_linux,
                         requirements_windows, visibility, tags, kwargs)
Generates targets for managing pip dependencies with pip-compile. By default this rules generates a filegroup named "[name]" which can be included in the data of some other compile_pip_requirements rule that references these requirements (e.g. with `-r ../other/requirements.txt`). It also generates two targets for running pip-compile: - validate with `bazel test [name]_test` - update with `bazel run [name].update` If you are using a version control system, the requirements.txt generated by this rule should be checked into it to ensure that all developers/users have the same dependency versions. **PARAMETERS** | Name | Description | Default Value | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | name | base name for generated targets, typically "requirements". | none | | extra_args | passed to pip-compile. | [] | | extra_deps | extra dependencies passed to pip-compile. | [] | | generate_hashes | whether to put hashes in the requirements_txt file. | True | | py_binary | the py_binary rule to be used. | <function py_binary> | | py_test | the py_test rule to be used. | <function py_test> | | requirements_in | file expressing desired dependencies. | None | | requirements_txt | result of "compiling" the file. | None | | requirements_darwin | File of darwin specific resolve output to check validate if has changes. | None | | requirements_linux | File of linux specific resolve output to check validate if has changes. | None | | requirements_windows | File of windows specific resolve output to check validate if has changes. | None | | visibility | passed to both the _test and .update rules. | ["//visibility:private"] | | tags | tagging attribute common to all build rules, passed to both the _test and .update rules. | None | | kwargs | other bazel attributes passed to the "_test" rule. | none | ## multi_pip_parse
multi_pip_parse(name, default_version, python_versions, python_interpreter_target,
                requirements_lock, kwargs)
NOT INTENDED FOR DIRECT USE! This is intended to be used by the multi_pip_parse implementation in the template of the multi_toolchain_aliases repository rule. **PARAMETERS** | Name | Description | Default Value | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | name | the name of the multi_pip_parse repository. | none | | default_version | the default Python version. | none | | python_versions | all Python toolchain versions currently registered. | none | | python_interpreter_target | a dictionary which keys are Python versions and values are resolved host interpreters. | none | | requirements_lock | a dictionary which keys are Python versions and values are locked requirements files. | none | | kwargs | extra arguments passed to all wrapped pip_parse. | none | **RETURNS** The internal implementation of multi_pip_parse repository rule. ## package_annotation
package_annotation(additive_build_content, copy_files, copy_executables, data, data_exclude_glob,
Annotations to apply to the BUILD file content from package generated from a `pip_repository` rule. [cf]: **PARAMETERS** | Name | Description | Default Value | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | additive_build_content | Raw text to add to the generated BUILD file of a package. | None | | copy_files | A mapping of src and out files for [@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf] | {} | | copy_executables | A mapping of src and out files for [@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf]. Targets generated here will also be flagged as executable. | {} | | data | A list of labels to add as data dependencies to the generated py_library target. | [] | | data_exclude_glob | A list of exclude glob patterns to add as data to the generated py_library target. | [] | | srcs_exclude_glob | A list of labels to add as srcs to the generated py_library target. | [] | **RETURNS** str: A json encoded string of the provided content. ## pip_install
pip_install(requirements, name, kwargs)
Accepts a locked/compiled requirements file and installs the dependencies listed within. ```python load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_install") pip_install( name = "pip_deps", requirements = ":requirements.txt", ) load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "install_deps") install_deps() ``` **PARAMETERS** | Name | Description | Default Value | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | requirements | A 'requirements.txt' pip requirements file. | None | | name | A unique name for the created external repository (default 'pip'). | "pip" | | kwargs | Additional arguments to the [pip_repository](./ repository rule. | none | ## pip_parse
pip_parse(requirements, requirements_lock, name, kwargs)
Accepts a locked/compiled requirements file and installs the dependencies listed within. Those dependencies become available in a generated `requirements.bzl` file. You can instead check this `requirements.bzl` file into your repo, see the "vendoring" section below. This macro wraps the [`pip_repository`](./ rule that invokes `pip`. In your WORKSPACE file: ```python load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_parse") pip_parse( name = "pip_deps", requirements_lock = ":requirements.txt", ) load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "install_deps") install_deps() ``` You can then reference installed dependencies from a `BUILD` file with: ```python load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "requirement") py_library( name = "bar", ... deps = [ "//my/other:dep", requirement("requests"), requirement("numpy"), ], ) ``` In addition to the `requirement` macro, which is used to access the generated `py_library` target generated from a package's wheel, The generated `requirements.bzl` file contains functionality for exposing [entry points][whl_ep] as `py_binary` targets as well. [whl_ep]: ```python load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "entry_point") alias( name = "pip-compile", actual = entry_point( pkg = "pip-tools", script = "pip-compile", ), ) ``` Note that for packages whose name and script are the same, only the name of the package is needed when calling the `entry_point` macro. ```python load("@pip_deps//:requirements.bzl", "entry_point") alias( name = "flake8", actual = entry_point("flake8"), ) ``` ## Vendoring the requirements.bzl file In some cases you may not want to generate the requirements.bzl file as a repository rule while Bazel is fetching dependencies. For example, if you produce a reusable Bazel module such as a ruleset, you may want to include the requirements.bzl file rather than make your users install the WORKSPACE setup to generate it. See This is the same workflow as Gazelle, which creates `go_repository` rules with [`update-repos`]( To do this, use the "write to source file" pattern documented in to put a copy of the generated requirements.bzl into your project. Then load the requirements.bzl file directly rather than from the generated repository. See the example in rules_python/examples/pip_parse_vendored. **PARAMETERS** | Name | Description | Default Value | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | requirements | Deprecated. See requirements_lock. | None | | requirements_lock | A fully resolved 'requirements.txt' pip requirement file containing the transitive set of your dependencies. If this file is passed instead of 'requirements' no resolve will take place and pip_repository will create individual repositories for each of your dependencies so that wheels are fetched/built only for the targets specified by 'build/run/test'. Note that if your lockfile is platform-dependent, you can use the requirements_[platform] attributes. | None | | name | The name of the generated repository. The generated repositories containing each requirement will be of the form <name>_<requirement-name>. | "pip_parsed_deps" | | kwargs | Additional arguments to the [pip_repository](./ repository rule. | none |