# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests for py_test.""" load("@rules_testing//lib:analysis_test.bzl", "analysis_test") load("@rules_testing//lib:util.bzl", rt_util = "util") load("//python:defs.bzl", "py_test") load( "//tests/base_rules:py_executable_base_tests.bzl", "create_executable_tests", ) load("//tests/base_rules:util.bzl", pt_util = "util") load("//tests/support:test_platforms.bzl", "LINUX", "MAC") # Explicit Label() calls are required so that it resolves in @rules_python # context instead of @rules_testing context. _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAIN = Label("//tests/cc:cc_toolchain_suite") _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAINS = [str(Label("//tests/cc:all"))] _tests = [] def _test_mac_requires_darwin_for_execution(name, config): # Bazel 5.4 has a bug where every access of testing.ExecutionInfo is # a different object that isn't equal to any other, which prevents # rules_testing from detecting it properly and fails with an error. # This is fixed in Bazel 6+. if not pt_util.is_bazel_6_or_higher(): rt_util.skip_test(name = name) return rt_util.helper_target( config.rule, name = name + "_subject", srcs = [name + "_subject.py"], ) analysis_test( name = name, impl = _test_mac_requires_darwin_for_execution_impl, target = name + "_subject", config_settings = { "//command_line_option:cpu": "darwin_x86_64", "//command_line_option:crosstool_top": _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAIN, "//command_line_option:extra_toolchains": _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAINS, "//command_line_option:platforms": [MAC], }, ) def _test_mac_requires_darwin_for_execution_impl(env, target): env.expect.that_target(target).provider( testing.ExecutionInfo, ).requirements().keys().contains("requires-darwin") _tests.append(_test_mac_requires_darwin_for_execution) def _test_non_mac_doesnt_require_darwin_for_execution(name, config): # Bazel 5.4 has a bug where every access of testing.ExecutionInfo is # a different object that isn't equal to any other, which prevents # rules_testing from detecting it properly and fails with an error. # This is fixed in Bazel 6+. if not pt_util.is_bazel_6_or_higher(): rt_util.skip_test(name = name) return rt_util.helper_target( config.rule, name = name + "_subject", srcs = [name + "_subject.py"], ) analysis_test( name = name, impl = _test_non_mac_doesnt_require_darwin_for_execution_impl, target = name + "_subject", config_settings = { "//command_line_option:cpu": "k8", "//command_line_option:crosstool_top": _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAIN, "//command_line_option:extra_toolchains": _FAKE_CC_TOOLCHAINS, "//command_line_option:platforms": [LINUX], }, ) def _test_non_mac_doesnt_require_darwin_for_execution_impl(env, target): # Non-mac builds don't have the provider at all. if testing.ExecutionInfo not in target: return env.expect.that_target(target).provider( testing.ExecutionInfo, ).requirements().keys().not_contains("requires-darwin") _tests.append(_test_non_mac_doesnt_require_darwin_for_execution) def py_test_test_suite(name): config = struct(rule = py_test) native.test_suite( name = name, tests = pt_util.create_tests(_tests, config = config) + create_executable_tests(config), )