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authorGavin Howard <yzena.tech@gmail.com>2019-11-23 11:28:41 -0700
committerGavin Howard <yzena.tech@gmail.com>2019-11-23 11:28:50 -0700
commit5e2fb73c2c7a3222a443357f5a4c310e18478f9d (patch)
parent35550fedabf0a5b4c233e9c54f39038332e907fc (diff)
Add a NEWS.md file
This was done on the request of a user.
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0a4464d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+# News
+## 2.3.1
+This is a production release. It fixes a bug that caused `-1000000000 < -1` to
+return `0`. This only happened with negative numbers and only if the value on
+the left was more negative by a certain amount.
+## 2.3.0
+This is a production release with changes to the build system.
+## 2.2.0
+This release is a production release. It only has new features and performance
+1. The performance of `sqrt(x)` was improved.
+2. The new function `root(x, n)` was added to the extended math library to
+ calculate `n`th roots.
+3. The new function `cbrt(x)` was added to the extended math library to
+ calculate cube roots.
+## 2.1.3
+This is a non-critical release; it just changes the build system, and in
+non-breaking ways:
+1. Linked locale files were changed to link to their sources with a relative
+ link.
+2. A bug in `configure.sh` that caused long option parsing to fail under `bash`
+ was fixed.
+## 2.1.2
+This release is not a critical release.
+1. A few codes were added to history.
+2. Multiplication was optimized a bit more.
+3. Addition and subtraction were both optimized a bit more.
+## 2.1.1
+This release contains a fix for the test suite made for Linux from Scratch: now
+the test suite prints `pass` when a test is passed.
+Other than that, there is no change in this release, so distros and other users
+do not need to upgrade.
+## 2.1.0
+This release is a production release.
+The following bugs were fixed:
+1. A `dc` bug that caused stack mishandling was fixed.
+2. A warning on OpenBSD was fixed.
+3. Bugs in `ctrl+arrow` operations in history were fixed.
+4. The ability to paste multiple lines in history was added.
+5. A `bc` bug, mishandling of array arguments to functions, was fixed.
+6. A crash caused by freeing the wrong pointer was fixed.
+7. A `dc` bug where strings, in a rare case, were mishandled in parsing was
+ fixed.
+In addition, the following changes were made:
+1. Division was slightly optimized.
+2. An option was added to the build to disable printing of prompts.
+3. The special case of empty arguments is now handled. This is to prevent
+ errors in scripts that end up passing empty arguments.
+4. A harmless bug was fixed. This bug was that, with the pop instructions
+ (mostly) removed (see below), `bc` would leave extra values on its stack for
+ `void` functions and in a few other cases. These extra items would not
+ affect anything put on the stack and would not cause any sort of crash or
+ even buggy behavior, but they would cause `bc` to take more memory than it
+ needed.
+On top of the above changes, the following optimizations were added:
+1. The need for pop instructions in `bc` was removed.
+2. Extra tests on every iteration of the interpreter loop were removed.
+3. Updating function and code pointers on every iteration of the interpreter
+ loop was changed to only updating them when necessary.
+4. Extra assignments to pointers were removed.
+Altogether, these changes sped up the interpreter by around 2x.
+***NOTE***: This is the last release with new features because this `bc` is now
+considered complete. From now on, only bug fixes and new translations will be
+added to this `bc`.
+## 2.0.3
+This is a production, bug-fix release.
+Two bugs were fixed in this release:
+1. A rare and subtle signal handling bug was fixed.
+2. A misbehavior on `0` to a negative power was fixed.
+The last bug bears some mentioning.
+When I originally wrote power, I did not thoroughly check its error cases;
+instead, I had it check if the first number was `0` and then if so, just return
+`0`. However, `0` to a negative power means that `1` will be divided by `0`,
+which is an error.
+I caught this, but only after I stopped being cocky. You see, sometime later, I
+had noticed that GNU `bc` returned an error, correctly, but I thought it was
+wrong simply because that's not what my `bc` did. I saw it again later and had a
+double take. I checked for real, finally, and found out that my `bc` was wrong
+all along.
+That was bad on me. But the bug was easy to fix, so it is fixed now.
+There are two other things in this release:
+1. Subtraction was optimized by [Stefan Eßer][14].
+2. Division was also optimized, also by Stefan Eßer.
+## 2.0.2
+This release contains a fix for a possible overflow in the signal handling. I
+would be surprised if any users ran into it because it would only happen after 2
+billion (`2^31-1`) `SIGINT`'s, but I saw it and had to fix it.
+## 2.0.1
+This release contains very few things that will apply to any users.
+1. A slight bug in `dc`'s interactive mode was fixed.
+2. A bug in the test suite that was only triggered on NetBSD was fixed.
+3. **The `-P`/`--no-prompt` option** was added for users that do not want a
+ prompt.
+4. A `make check` target was added as an alias for `make test`.
+5. `dc` got its own read prompt: `?> `.
+## 2.0.0
+This release is a production release.
+This release is also a little different from previous releases. From here on
+out, I do not plan on adding any more features to this `bc`; I believe that it
+is complete. However, there may be bug fix releases in the future, if I or any
+others manage to find bugs.
+This release has only a few new features:
+1. `atan2(y, x)` was added to the extended math library as both `a2(y, x)` and
+ `atan2(y, x)`.
+2. Locales were fixed.
+3. A **POSIX shell-compatible script was added as an alternative to compiling
+ `gen/strgen.c`** on a host machine. More details about making the choice
+ between the two can be found by running `./configure.sh --help` or reading
+ the [build manual][13].
+4. Multiplication was optimized by using **diagonal multiplication**, rather
+ than straight brute force.
+5. The `locale_install.sh` script was fixed.
+6. `dc` was given the ability to **use the environment variable
+ `DC_ENV_ARGS`**.
+7. `dc` was also given the ability to **use the `-i` or `--interactive`**
+ options.
+8. Printing the prompt was fixed so that it did not print when it shouldn't.
+9. Signal handling was fixed.
+10. **Handling of `SIGTERM` and `SIGQUIT`** was fixed.
+11. The **built-in functions `maxibase()`, `maxobase()`, and `maxscale()`** (the
+ commands `T`, `U`, `V` in `dc`, respectively) were added to allow scripts to
+ query for the max allowable values of those globals.
+12. Some incompatibilities with POSIX were fixed.
+In addition, this release is `2.0.0` for a big reason: the internal format for
+numbers changed. They used to be a `char` array. Now, they are an array of
+larger integers, packing more decimal digits into each integer. This has
+delivered ***HUGE*** performance improvements, especially for multiplication,
+division, and power.
+This `bc` should now be the fastest `bc` available, but I may be wrong.
+## 1.2.8
+This release contains a fix for a harmless bug (it is harmless in that it still
+works, but it just copies extra data) in the [`locale_install.sh`][12] script.
+## 1.2.7
+This version contains fixes for the build on Arch Linux.
+## 1.2.6
+This release removes the use of `local` in shell scripts because it's not POSIX
+shell-compatible, and also updates a man page that should have been updated a
+long time ago but was missed.
+## 1.2.5
+This release contains some missing locale `*.msg` files.
+## 1.2.4
+This release contains a few bug fixes and new French translations.
+## 1.2.3
+This release contains a fix for a bug: use of uninitialized data. Such data was
+only used when outputting an error message, but I am striving for perfection. As
+Michelangelo said, "Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle."
+## 1.2.2
+This release contains fixes for OpenBSD.
+## 1.2.1
+This release contains bug fixes for some rare bugs.
+## 1.2.0
+This is a production release.
+There have been several changes since `1.1.0`:
+1. The build system had some changes.
+2. Locale support has been added. (Patches welcome for translations.)
+3. **The ability to turn `ibase`, `obase`, and `scale` into stacks** was added
+ with the `-g` command-line option. (See the [`bc` manual][9] for more
+ details.)
+4. Support for compiling on Mac OSX out of the box was added.
+5. The extended math library got `t(x)`, `ceil(x)`, and some aliases.
+6. The extended math library also got `r2d(x)` (for converting from radians to
+ degrees) and `d2r(x)` (for converting from degrees to radians). This is to
+ allow using degrees with the standard library.
+7. Both calculators now accept numbers in **scientific notation**. See the
+ [`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for details.
+8. Both calculators can **output in either scientific or engineering
+ notation**. See the [`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for details.
+9. Some inefficiencies were removed.
+10. Some bugs were fixed.
+11. Some bugs in the extended library were fixed.
+12. Some defects from [Coverity Scan][11] were fixed.
+## 1.1.4
+This release contains a fix to the build system that allows it to build on older
+versions of `glibc`.
+## 1.1.3
+This release contains a fix for a bug in the test suite where `bc` tests and
+`dc` tests could not be run in parallel.
+## 1.1.2
+This release has a fix for a history bug; the down arrow did not work.
+## 1.1.1
+This release fixes a bug in the `1.1.0` build system. The source is exactly the
+The bug that was fixed was a failure to install if no `EXECSUFFIX` was used.
+## 1.1.0
+This is a production release. However, many new features were added since `1.0`.
+1. **The build system has been changed** to use a custom, POSIX
+ shell-compatible configure script ([`configure.sh`][6]) to generate a POSIX
+ make-compatible `Makefile`, which means that `bc` and `dc` now build out of
+ the box on any POSIX-compatible system.
+2. Out-of-memory and output errors now cause the `bc` to report the error,
+ clean up, and die, rather than just reporting and trying to continue.
+3. **Strings and constants are now garbage collected** when possible.
+4. Signal handling and checking has been made more simple and more thorough.
+5. `BcGlobals` was refactored into `BcVm` and `BcVm` was made global. Some
+ procedure names were changed to reflect its difference to everything else.
+6. Addition got a speed improvement.
+7. Some common code for addition and multiplication was refactored into its own
+ procedure.
+8. A bug was removed where `dc` could have been selected, but the internal
+ `#define` that returned `true` for a query about `dc` would not have
+ returned `true`.
+9. Useless calls to `bc_num_zero()` were removed.
+10. **History support was added.** The history support is based off of a
+ [UTF-8 aware fork][7] of [`linenoise`][8], which has been customized with
+ `bc`'s own data structures and signal handling.
+11. Generating C source from the math library now removes tabs from the library,
+ shrinking the size of the executable.
+12. The math library was shrunk.
+13. Error handling and reporting was improved.
+14. Reallocations were reduced by giving access to the request size for each
+ operation.
+15. **`abs()` (`b` command for `dc`) was added as a builtin.**
+16. Both calculators were tested on FreeBSD.
+17. Many obscure parse bugs were fixed.
+18. Markdown and man page manuals were added, and the man pages are installed by
+ `make install`.
+19. Executable size was reduced, though the added features probably made the
+ executable end up bigger.
+20. **GNU-style array references were added as a supported feature.**
+21. Allocations were reduced.
+22. **New operators were added**: `$` (`$` for `dc`), `@` (`@` for `dc`), `@=`,
+ `<<` (`H` for `dc`), `<<=`, `>>` (`h` for `dc`), and `>>=`. See the
+ [`bc` manual][9] and the [`dc` manual][10] for more details.
+23. **An extended math library was added.** This library contains code that
+ makes it so I can replace my desktop calculator with this `bc`. See the
+ [`bc` manual][3] for more details.
+24. Support for all capital letters as numbers was added.
+25. **Support for GNU-style void functions was added.**
+26. A bug fix for improper handling of function parameters was added.
+27. Precedence for the or (`||`) operator was changed to match GNU `bc`.
+28. `dc` was given an explicit negation command.
+29. `dc` was changed to be able to handle strings in arrays.
+## 1.1 Release Candidate 3
+This release is the eighth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the third
+release candidate meant as a general release candidate. The new code has not
+been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 Release Candidate 2
+This release is the seventh release candidate for 1.1, though it is the second
+release candidate meant as a general release candidate. The new code has not
+been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 5
+This release is the sixth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the fifth
+release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
+code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 4
+This release is the fifth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the fourth
+release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
+code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 3
+This release is the fourth release candidate for 1.1, though it is the third
+release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
+code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 2
+This release is the third release candidate for 1.1, though it is the second
+release candidate meant specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new
+code has not been tested as thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 FreeBSD Beta 1
+This release is the second release candidate for 1.1, though it is meant
+specifically to test if `bc` works on FreeBSD. The new code has not been tested as
+thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.1 Release Candidate 1
+This is the first release candidate for 1.1. The new code has not been tested as
+thoroughly as it should for release.
+## 1.0
+This is the first non-beta release. `bc` is ready for production use.
+As such, a lot has changed since 0.5.
+1. `dc` has been added. It has been tested even more thoroughly than `bc` was
+ for `0.5`. It does not have the `!` command, and for security reasons, it
+ never will, so it is complete.
+2. `bc` has been more thoroughly tested. An entire section of the test suite
+ (for both programs) has been added to test for errors.
+3. A prompt (`>>> `) has been added for interactive mode, making it easier to
+ see inputs and outputs.
+4. Interrupt handling has been improved, including elimination of race
+ conditions (as much as possible).
+5. MinGW and [Windows Subsystem for Linux][1] support has been added (see
+ [xstatic][2] for binaries).
+6. Memory leaks and errors have been eliminated (as far as ASan and Valgrind
+ can tell).
+7. Crashes have been eliminated (as far as [afl][3] can tell).
+8. Karatsuba multiplication was added (and thoroughly) tested, speeding up
+ multiplication and power by orders of magnitude.
+9. Performance was further enhanced by using a "divmod" function to reduce
+ redundant divisions and by removing superfluous `memset()` calls.
+10. To switch between Karatsuba and `O(n^2)` multiplication, the config variable
+ `BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN` was added. It is set to a sane default, but the
+ optimal number can be found with [`karatsuba.py`][4] (requires Python 3)
+ and then configured through `make`.
+11. The random math test generator script was changed to Python 3 and improved.
+ `bc` and `dc` have together been run through 30+ million random tests.
+12. All known math bugs have been fixed, including out of control memory
+ allocations in `sine` and `cosine` (that was actually a parse bug), certain
+ cases of infinite loop on square root, and slight inaccuracies (as much as
+ possible; see the [README][5]) in transcendental functions.
+13. Parsing has been fixed as much as possible.
+14. Test coverage was improved to 94.8%. The only paths not covered are ones
+ that happen when `malloc()` or `realloc()` fails.
+15. An extension to get the length of an array was added.
+16. The boolean not (`!`) had its precedence change to match negation.
+17. Data input was hardened.
+18. `bc` was made fully compliant with POSIX when the `-s` flag is used or
+ `POSIXLY_CORRECT` is defined.
+19. Error handling was improved.
+20. `bc` now checks that files it is given are not directories.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 7
+This is the seventh release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0
+Release Candidate 6.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 6
+This is the sixth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
+Candidate 5.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 5
+This is the fifth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
+Candidate 4.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 4
+This is the fourth release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
+Candidate 3.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 3
+This is the third release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
+Candidate 2.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 2
+This is the second release candidate for 1.0. It fixes a few bugs in 1.0 Release
+Candidate 1.
+## 1.0 Release Candidate 1
+This is the first Release Candidate for 1.0. `bc` is complete, with `dc`, but it
+is not tested.
+## 0.5
+This beta release completes more features, but it is still not complete nor
+tested as thoroughly as necessary.
+## 0.4.1
+This beta release fixes a few bugs in 0.4.
+## 0.4
+This is a beta release. It does not have the complete set of features, and it is
+not thoroughly tested.
+[1]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
+[2]: http://xstatic.musl.cc/bc/
+[3]: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/
+[4]: ./karatsuba.py
+[5]: ./README.md
+[6]: ./configure.sh
+[7]: https://github.com/rain-1/linenoise-mob
+[8]: https://github.com/antirez/linenoise
+[9]: ./manuals/bc.1.ronn
+[10]: ./manuals/dc.1.ronn
+[11]: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/gavinhoward-bc
+[12]: ./locale_install.sh
+[13]: ./manuals/build.md
+[14]: https://github.com/stesser