#! /bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Gavin D. Howard and contributors. # # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # script="$0" scriptdir=$(dirname "$script") script=$(basename "$script") . "$scriptdir/functions.sh" usage() { if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then _usage_val=1 printf "%s\n\n" "$1" else _usage_val=0 fi printf 'usage: %s -h\n' "$script" printf ' %s --help\n' "$script" printf ' %s [-bD|-dB|-c] [-EfgGHMNPST] [-O OPT_LEVEL] [-k KARATSUBA_LEN]\n' "$script" printf ' %s \\\n' "$script" printf ' [--bc-only --disable-dc|--dc-only --disable-bc|--coverage] \\\n' printf ' [--debug --disable-extra-math --disable-generated-tests] \\\n' printf ' [--disable-history --disable-man-pages --disable-nls] \\\n' printf ' [--disable-prompt --disable-signal-handling --disable-strip] \\\n' printf ' [--opt=OPT_LEVEL] [--karatsuba-len=KARATSUBA_LEN] \\\n' printf ' [--prefix=PREFIX] [--bindir=BINDIR] \\\n' printf ' [--datarootdir=DATAROOTDIR] [--datadir=DATADIR] \\\n' printf ' [--mandir=MANDIR] [--man1dir=MAN1DIR] \\\n' printf ' [--force] \\\n' printf '\n' printf ' -b, --bc-only\n' printf ' Build bc only. It is an error if "-d" or "-B" are specified too.\n' printf ' -B, --disable-bc\n' printf ' Disable bc. It is an error if "-b", "--bc-only", "-D", or "--disable-dc"\n' printf ' are specified too.\n' printf ' -c, --coverage\n' printf ' Generate test coverage code. Requires gcov and regcovr.\n' printf ' It is an error if either "-b" ("-D") or "-d" ("-B") is specified.\n' printf ' Requires a compiler that use gcc-compatible coverage options\n' printf ' -d, --dc-only\n' printf ' Build dc only. It is an error if "-b" is specified too.\n' printf ' -D, --disable-dc\n' printf ' Disable dc. It is an error if "-d", "--dc-only" "-B", or "--disable-bc"\n' printf ' are specified too.\n' printf ' -E, --disable-extra-math\n' printf ' Disable extra math. This includes: "$" operator (truncate to integer),\n' printf ' "@" operator (set number of decimal places), and r(x, p) (rounding\n' printf ' function). Additionally, this option disables the extra printing\n' printf ' functions in the math library.\n' printf ' -f, --force\n' printf ' Force use of all enabled options, even if they do not work. This\n' printf ' option is to allow the maintainer a way to test that certain options\n' printf ' are not failing invisibly. (Development only.)' printf ' -g, --debug\n' printf ' Build in debug mode. Adds the "-g" flag, and if there are no\n' printf ' other CFLAGS, and "-O" was not given, this also adds the "-O0"\n' printf ' flag. If this flag is *not* given, "-DNDEBUG" is added to CPPFLAGS\n' printf ' and a strip flag is added to the link stage.\n' printf ' -G, --disable-generated-tests\n' printf ' Disable generating tests. This is for platforms that do not have a\n' printf ' GNU bc-compatible bc to generate tests.\n' printf ' -h, --help\n' printf ' Print this help message and exit.\n' printf ' -H, --disable-history\n' printf ' Disable history.\n' printf ' -k KARATSUBA_LEN, --karatsuba-len KARATSUBA_LEN\n' printf ' Set the karatsuba length to KARATSUBA_LEN (default is 64).\n' printf ' It is an error if KARATSUBA_LEN is not a number or is less than 16.\n' printf ' -M, --disable-man-pages\n' printf ' Disable installing manpages.\n' printf ' -N, --disable-nls\n' printf ' Disable POSIX locale (NLS) support.\n' printf ' -O OPT_LEVEL, --opt OPT_LEVEL\n' printf ' Set the optimization level. This can also be included in the CFLAGS,\n' printf ' but it is provided, so maintainers can build optimized debug builds.\n' printf ' This is passed through to the compiler, so it must be supported.\n' printf ' -P, --disable-prompt\n' printf ' Disables the prompt in the built bc. The prompt will never show up,\n' printf ' or in other words, it will be permanently disabled and cannot be\n' printf ' enabled.\n' printf ' -S, --disable-signal-handling\n' printf ' Disable signal handling. On by default.\n' printf ' -T, --disable-strip\n' printf ' Disable stripping symbols from the compiled binary or binaries.\n' printf ' Stripping symbols only happens when debug mode is off.\n' printf ' --prefix PREFIX\n' printf ' The prefix to install to. Overrides "$PREFIX" if it exists.\n' printf ' If PREFIX is "/usr", install path will be "/usr/bin".\n' printf ' Default is "/usr/local".\n' printf ' --bindir BINDIR\n' printf ' The directory to install binaries. Overrides "$BINDIR" if it exists.\n' printf ' Default is "$PREFIX/bin".\n' printf ' --datarootdir DATAROOTDIR\n' printf ' The root location for data files. Overrides "$DATAROOTDIR" if it exists.\n' printf ' Default is "$PREFIX/share".\n' printf ' --datadir DATADIR\n' printf ' The location for data files. Overrides "$DATADIR" if it exists.\n' printf ' Default is "$DATAROOTDIR".\n' printf ' --mandir MANDIR\n' printf ' The location to install manpages to. Overrides "$MANDIR" if it exists.\n' printf ' Default is "$DATADIR/man".\n' printf ' --man1dir MAN1DIR\n' printf ' The location to install Section 1 manpages to. Overrides "$MAN1DIR" if\n' printf ' it exists. Default is "$MANDIR/man1".\n' printf '\n' printf 'In addition, the following environment variables are used:\n' printf '\n' printf ' CC C compiler. Must be compatible with POSIX c99.\n' printf ' Default is "c99".\n' printf ' HOSTCC Host C compiler. Must be compatible with POSIX c99.\n' printf ' Default is "$CC".\n' printf ' HOST_CC Same as HOSTCC. If HOSTCC also exists, it is used.\n' printf ' CFLAGS C compiler flags.\n' printf ' HOSTCFLAGS CFLAGS for HOSTCC. Default is "$CFLAGS".\n' printf ' HOST_CFLAGS Same as HOST_CFLAGS. If HOST_CFLAGS also exists, it is used.\n' printf ' CPPFLAGS C preprocessor flags. Default is "".\n' printf ' LDFLAGS Linker flags. Default is "".\n' printf ' PREFIX The prefix to install to. Default is "/usr/local".\n' printf ' If PREFIX is "/usr", install path will be "/usr/bin".\n' printf ' BINDIR The directory to install binaries. Default is "$PREFIX/bin".\n' printf ' DATAROOTDIR The root location for data files. Default is "$PREFIX/share".\n' printf ' DATADIR The location for data files. Default is "$DATAROOTDIR".\n' printf ' MANDIR The location to install manpages to. Default is "$DATADIR/man".\n' printf ' MAN1DIR The location to install Section 1 manpages to. Default is\n' printf ' "$MANDIR/man1".\n' printf ' NLSPATH The location to install locale catalogs to. Must be an absolute\n' printf ' path (or contain one). This is treated the same as the POSIX\n' printf ' definition of $NLSPATH (see POSIX environment variables for\n' printf ' more information). Default is "/usr/share/locale/%%L/%%N".\n' printf ' EXECSUFFIX The suffix to append to the executable names, used to not\n' printf ' interfere with other installed bc executables. Default is "".\n' printf ' EXECPREFIX The prefix to append to the executable names, used to not\n' printf ' interfere with other installed bc executables. Default is "".\n' printf ' DESTDIR For package creation. Default is "". If it is empty when\n' printf ' `%s` is run, it can also be passed to `make install`\n' "$script" printf ' later as an environment variable. If both are specified,\n' printf ' the one given to `%s` takes precedence.\n' "$script" printf ' LONG_BIT The number of bits in a C `long` type. This is mostly for the\n' printf ' embedded space since this `bc` uses `long`s internally for\n' printf ' overflow checking. In C99, a `long` is required to be 32 bits.\n' printf ' For most normal desktop systems, setting this is unnecessary,\n' printf ' except that 32-bit platforms with 64-bit longs may want to set\n' printf ' it to `32`. Default is the default of `LONG_BIT` for the target\n' printf ' platform. Minimum allowed is `32`. It is a build time error if\n' printf ' the specified value of `LONG_BIT` is greater than the default\n' printf ' value of `LONG_BIT` for the target platform.\n' printf ' GEN_HOST Whether to use `gen/strgen.c`, instead of `gen/strgen.sh`, to\n' printf ' produce the C files that contain the help texts as well as the\n' printf ' math libraries. By default, `gen/strgen.c` is used, compiled by\n' printf ' "$HOSTCC" and run on the host machine. Using `gen/strgen.sh`\n' printf ' removes the need to compile and run an executable on the host\n' printf ' machine since `gen/strgen.sh` is a POSIX shell script. However,\n' printf ' `gen/lib2.bc` is perilously close to 4095 characters, the max\n' printf ' supported length of a string literal in C99 (and it could be\n' printf ' added to in the future), and `gen/strgen.sh` generates a string\n' printf ' literal instead of an array, as `gen/strgen.c` does. For most\n' printf ' production-ready compilers, this limit probably is not\n' printf ' enforced, but it could be. Both options are still available for\n' printf ' this reason. If you are sure your compiler does not have the\n' printf ' limit and do not want to compile and run a binary on the host\n' printf ' machine, set this variable to "0". Any other value, or a\n' printf ' non-existent value, will cause the build system to compile and\n' printf ' run `gen/strgen.c`. Default is "".\n' printf ' GEN_EMU Emulator to run string generator code under (leave empty if not\n' printf ' necessary). This is not necessary when using `gen/strgen.sh`.\n' printf ' Default is "".\n' printf '\n' printf 'WARNING: even though `configure.sh` supports both option types, short and\n' printf 'long, it does not support handling both at the same time. Use only one type.\n' exit "$_usage_val" } replace_ext() { if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0" fi _replace_ext_file="$1" _replace_ext_ext1="$2" _replace_ext_ext2="$3" _replace_ext_result=$(printf "$_replace_ext_file" | sed -e "s@\.$_replace_ext_ext1@\.$_replace_ext_ext2@") printf '%s\n' "$_replace_ext_result" } replace_exts() { if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0" fi _replace_exts_files="$1" _replace_exts_ext1="$2" _replace_exts_ext2="$3" for _replace_exts_file in $_replace_exts_files; do _replace_exts_new_name=$(replace_ext "$_replace_exts_file" "$_replace_exts_ext1" "$_replace_exts_ext2") _replace_exts_result="$_replace_exts_result $_replace_exts_new_name" done printf '%s\n' "$_replace_exts_result" } replace() { if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0" fi _replace_str="$1" _replace_needle="$2" _replace_replacement="$3" substring_replace "$_replace_str" "%%$_replace_needle%%" "$_replace_replacement" } gen_file_lists() { if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then err_exit "Invalid number of args to $0" fi _gen_file_lists_contents="$1" shift _gen_file_lists_filedir="$1" shift _gen_file_lists_typ="$1" shift # If there is an extra argument, and it # is zero, we keep the file lists empty. if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then _gen_file_lists_use="$1" else _gen_file_lists_use="1" fi _gen_file_lists_needle_src="${_gen_file_lists_typ}SRC" _gen_file_lists_needle_obj="${_gen_file_lists_typ}OBJ" _gen_file_lists_needle_gcda="${_gen_file_lists_typ}GCDA" _gen_file_lists_needle_gcno="${_gen_file_lists_typ}GCNO" if [ "$_gen_file_lists_use" -ne 0 ]; then _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(ls $_gen_file_lists_filedir/*.c | tr '\n' ' ') _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_src" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement") _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "c" "o") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_obj" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement") _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "o" "gcda") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcda" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement") _gen_file_lists_replacement=$(replace_exts "$_gen_file_lists_replacement" "gcda" "gcno") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcno" "$_gen_file_lists_replacement") else _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_src" "") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_obj" "") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcda" "") _gen_file_lists_contents=$(replace "$_gen_file_lists_contents" "$_gen_file_lists_needle_gcno" "") fi printf '%s\n' "$_gen_file_lists_contents" } bc_only=0 dc_only=0 coverage=0 karatsuba_len=64 debug=0 signals=1 hist=1 extra_math=1 optimization="" generate_tests=1 install_manpages=1 nls=1 prompt=1 force=0 strip_bin=1 while getopts "bBcdDEfgGhHk:MNO:PST-" opt; do case "$opt" in b) bc_only=1 ;; B) dc_only=1 ;; c) coverage=1 ;; d) dc_only=1 ;; D) bc_only=1 ;; E) extra_math=0 ;; f) force=1 ;; g) debug=1 ;; G) generate_tests=0 ;; h) usage ;; H) hist=0 ;; k) karatsuba_len="$OPTARG" ;; M) install_manpages=0 ;; N) nls=0 ;; O) optimization="$OPTARG" ;; P) prompt=0 ;; S) signals=0 ;; T) strip_bin=0 ;; -) arg="$1" arg="${arg#--}" LONG_OPTARG="${arg#*=}" case $arg in help) usage ;; bc-only) bc_only=1 ;; dc-only) dc_only=1 ;; coverage) coverage=1 ;; debug) debug=1 ;; force) force=1 ;; prefix=?*) PREFIX="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; prefix) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi PREFIX="$2" shift ;; bindir=?*) BINDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; bindir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi BINDIR="$2" shift ;; datarootdir=?*) DATAROOTDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; datarootdir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi DATAROOTDIR="$2" shift ;; datadir=?*) DATADIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; datadir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi DATADIR="$2" shift ;; mandir=?*) MANDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; mandir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi MANDIR="$2" shift ;; man1dir=?*) MAN1DIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; man1dir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi MAN1DIR="$2" shift ;; localedir=?*) LOCALEDIR="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; localedir) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi LOCALEDIR="$2" shift ;; karatsuba-len=?*) karatsuba_len="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; karatsuba-len) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi karatsuba_len="$1" shift ;; opt=?*) optimization="$LONG_OPTARG" ;; opt) if [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then usage "No argument given for '--$arg' option" fi optimization="$1" shift ;; disable-bc) dc_only=1 ;; disable-dc) bc_only=1 ;; disable-extra-math) extra_math=0 ;; disable-generated-tests) generate_tests=0 ;; disable-history) hist=0 ;; disable-man-pages) install_manpages=0 ;; disable-nls) nls=0 ;; disable-prompt) prompt=0 ;; disable-signal-handling) signals=0 ;; disable-strip) strip_bin=0 ;; help* | bc-only* | dc-only* | coverage* | debug*) usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;; disable-bc* | disable-dc* | disable-extra-math*) usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;; disable-generated-tests* | disable-history*) usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;; disable-man-pages* | disable-nls* | disable-signal-handling*) usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;; disable-strip*) usage "No arg allowed for --$arg option" ;; '') break ;; # "--" terminates argument processing * ) usage "Invalid option $LONG_OPTARG" ;; esac shift OPTIND=1 ;; ?) usage "Invalid option $opt" ;; esac done if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 -a "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then usage "Can only specify one of -b(-D) or -d(-B)" fi case $karatsuba_len in (*[!0-9]*|'') usage "KARATSUBA_LEN is not a number" ;; (*) ;; esac if [ "$karatsuba_len" -lt 16 ]; then usage "KARATSUBA_LEN is less than 16" fi set -e link="@printf 'No link necessary\\\\n'" main_exec="BC" executable="BC_EXEC" bc_test="@tests/all.sh bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 \$(BC_EXEC)" bc_time_test="@tests/all.sh bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 1 \$(BC_EXEC)" dc_test="@tests/all.sh dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 \$(DC_EXEC)" dc_time_test="@tests/all.sh dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 1 \$(DC_EXEC)" timeconst="@tests/bc/timeconst.sh tests/bc/scripts/timeconst.bc \$(BC_EXEC)" # In order to have cleanup at exit, we need to be in # debug mode, so don't run valgrind without that. if [ "$debug" -ne 0 ]; then vg_bc_test="@tests/all.sh bc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 valgrind \$(VALGRIND_ARGS) \$(BC_EXEC)" vg_dc_test="@tests/all.sh dc $extra_math 1 $generate_tests 0 valgrind \$(VALGRIND_ARGS) \$(DC_EXEC)" else vg_bc_test="@printf 'Cannot run valgrind without debug flags\\\\n'" vg_dc_test="@printf 'Cannot run valgrind without debug flags\\\\n'" fi karatsuba="@printf 'karatsuba cannot be run because one of bc or dc is not built\\\\n'" karatsuba_test="@printf 'karatsuba cannot be run because one of bc or dc is not built\\\\n'" bc_lib="\$(GEN_DIR)/lib.o" bc_help="\$(GEN_DIR)/bc_help.o" dc_help="\$(GEN_DIR)/dc_help.o" if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 ]; then bc=1 dc=0 dc_help="" executables="bc" dc_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'" dc_time_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'" vg_dc_test="@printf 'No dc tests to run\\\\n'" install_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage" uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_bc" uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bc_manpage" elif [ "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then bc=0 dc=1 bc_lib="" bc_help="" executables="dc" main_exec="DC" executable="DC_EXEC" bc_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'" bc_time_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'" vg_bc_test="@printf 'No bc tests to run\\\\n'" timeconst="@printf 'timeconst cannot be run because bc is not built\\\\n'" install_prereqs=" install_dc_manpage" uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_dc" uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_dc_manpage" else bc=1 dc=1 executables="bc and dc" link="\$(LINK) \$(BIN) \$(EXEC_PREFIX)\$(DC)" karatsuba="@\$(KARATSUBA) 0 \$(BC_EXEC)" karatsuba_test="@\$(KARATSUBA) 100 \$(BC_EXEC)" install_prereqs=" install_bc_manpage install_dc_manpage" uninstall_prereqs=" uninstall_bc uninstall_dc" uninstall_man_prereqs=" uninstall_bc_manpage uninstall_dc_manpage" fi if [ -z "${LONG_BIT+set}" ]; then LONG_BIT_DEFINE="" elif [ "$LONG_BIT" -lt 32 ]; then usage "LONG_BIT is less than 32" else LONG_BIT_DEFINE="-DBC_LONG_BIT=\$(BC_LONG_BIT)" fi if [ -z "${HOSTCFLAGS+set}" -a -z "${HOST_CFLAGS+set}" ]; then HOSTCFLAGS="$CFLAGS" elif [ -z "${HOSTCFLAGS+set}" ]; then HOSTCFLAGS="$HOST_CFLAGS" fi if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then if [ -z "$CFLAGS" -a -z "$optimization" ]; then CFLAGS="-O0" fi CFLAGS="-g $CFLAGS" else CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG $CPPFLAGS" if [ "$strip_bin" -ne 0 ]; then LDFLAGS="-s $LDFLAGS" fi fi if [ -n "$optimization" ]; then CFLAGS="-O$optimization $CFLAGS" fi if [ "$coverage" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "$bc_only" -eq 1 -o "$dc_only" -eq 1 ]; then usage "Can only specify -c without -b or -d" fi CFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -g -O0 $CFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="-DNDEBUG $CPPFLAGS" COVERAGE="@gcov -pabcdf \$(GCDA) \$(BC_GCDA) \$(DC_GCDA)" COVERAGE="$COVERAGE;\$(RM) -f \$(GEN)*.gc*" COVERAGE="$COVERAGE;gcovr --html-details --output index.html" COVERAGE_PREREQS=" test" else COVERAGE="@printf 'Coverage not generated\\\\n'" COVERAGE_PREREQS="" fi if [ -z "${DESTDIR+set}" ]; then destdir="" else destdir="DESTDIR = $DESTDIR" fi if [ -z "${PREFIX+set}" ]; then PREFIX="/usr/local" fi if [ -z "${BINDIR+set}" ]; then BINDIR="$PREFIX/bin" fi if [ "$install_manpages" -ne 0 -o "$nls" -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "${DATAROOTDIR+set}" ]; then DATAROOTDIR="$PREFIX/share" fi fi if [ "$install_manpages" -ne 0 ]; then if [ -z "${DATADIR+set}" ]; then DATADIR="$DATAROOTDIR" fi if [ -z "${MANDIR+set}" ]; then MANDIR="$DATADIR/man" fi if [ -z "${MAN1DIR+set}" ]; then MAN1DIR="$MANDIR/man1" fi else install_prereqs="" uninstall_man_prereqs="" fi if [ -z "$CC" ]; then CC="c99" fi if [ -z "$HOSTCC" -a -z "$HOST_CC" ]; then HOSTCC="$CC" elif [ -z "$HOSTCC" ]; then HOSTCC="$HOST_CC" fi if [ "$nls" -ne 0 ]; then set +e printf 'Testing NLS...\n' flags="-DBC_ENABLE_NLS=1 -DBC_ENABLED=$bc -DDC_ENABLED=$dc -DBC_ENABLE_SIGNALS=$signals" flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_HISTORY=$hist" flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=$extra_math -I./include/" flags="$flags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700" "$HOSTCC" $HOSTCFLAGS $flags -c "src/vm.c" -o "$scriptdir/vm.o" > /dev/null 2>&1 err="$?" rm -rf "$scriptdir/vm.o" # If this errors, it is probably because of building on Windows, # and NLS is not supported on Windows, so disable it. if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then printf 'NLS does not work.\n' if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then printf 'Disabling NLS...\n' nls=0 else printf 'Forcing NLS...\n' fi else printf 'NLS works.\n\n' printf 'Testing gencat...\n' gencat "$scriptdir/en_US.cat" "$scriptdir/locales/en_US.msg" > /dev/null 2>&1 err="$?" rm -rf "$scriptdir/en_US.cat" if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then printf 'gencat does not work.\n' if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then printf 'Disabling NLS...\n\n' nls=0 else printf 'Forcing NLS...\n\n' fi else printf 'gencat works.\n\n' if [ "$HOSTCC" != "$CC" ]; then printf 'Cross-compile detected.\n\n' printf 'WARNING: Catalog files generated with gencat may not be portable\n' printf ' across different architectures.\n\n' fi if [ -z "$NLSPATH" ]; then NLSPATH="/usr/share/locale/%L/%N" fi install_locales_prereqs=" install_locales" uninstall_locales_prereqs=" uninstall_locales" fi fi set -e else install_locales_prereqs="" uninstall_locales_prereqs="" fi if [ "$hist" -eq 1 ]; then set +e printf 'Testing history...\n' flags="-DBC_ENABLE_HISTORY=1 -DBC_ENABLED=$bc -DDC_ENABLED=$dc -DBC_ENABLE_SIGNALS=$signals" flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_NLS=$nls" flags="$flags -DBC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=$extra_math -I./include/" flags="$flags -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700" "$HOSTCC" $HOSTCFLAGS $flags -c "src/history/history.c" -o "$scriptdir/history.o" > /dev/null 2>&1 err="$?" rm -rf "$scriptdir/history.o" # If this errors, it is probably because of building on Windows, # and history is not supported on Windows, so disable it. if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then printf 'History does not work.\n' if [ $force -eq 0 ]; then printf 'Disabling history...\n' hist=0 else printf 'Forcing history...\n' fi else printf 'History works.\n' fi set -e fi if [ "$extra_math" -eq 1 -a "$bc" -ne 0 ]; then BC_LIB2_O="\$(GEN_DIR)/lib2.o" else BC_LIB2_O="" fi GEN="strgen" GEN_EXEC_TARGET="\$(HOSTCC) \$(HOSTCFLAGS) -o \$(GEN_EXEC) \$(GEN_C)" CLEAN_PREREQS=" clean_gen" if [ -z "${GEN_HOST+set}" ]; then GEN_HOST=1 else if [ "$GEN_HOST" -eq 0 ]; then GEN="strgen.sh" GEN_EXEC_TARGET="@printf 'Do not need to build gen/strgen.c\\\\n'" CLEAN_PREREQS="" fi fi # Print out the values; this is for debugging. printf '\n' if [ "$bc" -ne 0 ]; then printf 'Building bc\n' else printf 'Not building bc\n' fi if [ "$dc" -ne 0 ]; then printf 'Building dc\n' else printf 'Not building dc\n' fi printf '\n' printf 'BC_ENABLE_SIGNALS=%s\n' "$signals" printf 'BC_ENABLE_HISTORY=%s\n' "$hist" printf 'BC_ENABLE_EXTRA_MATH=%s\n' "$extra_math" printf 'BC_ENABLE_NLS=%s\n' "$nls" printf 'BC_ENABLE_PROMPT=%s\n' "$prompt" printf '\n' printf 'BC_NUM_KARATSUBA_LEN=%s\n' "$karatsuba_len" printf '\n' printf 'CC=%s\n' "$CC" printf 'CFLAGS=%s\n' "$CFLAGS" printf 'HOSTCC=%s\n' "$HOSTCC" printf 'HOSTCFLAGS=%s\n' "$HOSTCFLAGS" printf 'CPPFLAGS=%s\n' "$CPPFLAGS" printf 'LDFLAGS=%s\n' "$LDFLAGS" printf 'PREFIX=%s\n' "$PREFIX" printf 'BINDIR=%s\n' "$BINDIR" printf 'DATAROOTDIR=%s\n' "$DATAROOTDIR" printf 'DATADIR=%s\n' "$DATADIR" printf 'MANDIR=%s\n' "$MANDIR" printf 'MAN1DIR=%s\n' "$MAN1DIR" printf 'NLSPATH=%s\n' "$NLSPATH" printf 'EXECSUFFIX=%s\n' "$EXECSUFFIX" printf 'EXECPREFIX=%s\n' "$EXECPREFIX" printf 'DESTDIR=%s\n' "$DESTDIR" printf 'LONG_BIT=%s\n' "$LONG_BIT" printf 'GEN_HOST=%s\n' "$GEN_HOST" printf 'GEN_EMU=%s\n' "$GEN_EMU" contents=$(cat "$scriptdir/Makefile.in") needle="WARNING" replacement='*** WARNING: Autogenerated from Makefile.in. DO NOT MODIFY ***' contents=$(replace "$contents" "$needle" "$replacement") contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src" "") contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/bc" "BC_" "$bc") contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/dc" "DC_" "$dc") contents=$(gen_file_lists "$contents" "$scriptdir/src/history" "HISTORY_" "$hist") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_ENABLED" "$bc") contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_ENABLED" "$dc") contents=$(replace "$contents" "LINK" "$link") contents=$(replace "$contents" "SIGNALS" "$signals") contents=$(replace "$contents" "HISTORY" "$hist") contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXTRA_MATH" "$extra_math") contents=$(replace "$contents" "NLS" "$nls") contents=$(replace "$contents" "PROMPT" "$prompt") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_LIB_O" "$bc_lib") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_HELP_O" "$bc_help") contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_HELP_O" "$dc_help") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_LIB2_O" "$BC_LIB2_O") contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA_LEN" "$karatsuba_len") contents=$(replace "$contents" "NLSPATH" "$NLSPATH") contents=$(replace "$contents" "DESTDIR" "$destdir") contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECSUFFIX" "$EXECSUFFIX") contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECPREFIX" "$EXECPREFIX") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BINDIR" "$BINDIR") contents=$(replace "$contents" "MAN1DIR" "$MAN1DIR") contents=$(replace "$contents" "CFLAGS" "$CFLAGS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "HOSTCFLAGS" "$HOSTCFLAGS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "CPPFLAGS" "$CPPFLAGS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "LDFLAGS" "$LDFLAGS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "CC" "$CC") contents=$(replace "$contents" "HOSTCC" "$HOSTCC") contents=$(replace "$contents" "COVERAGE" "$COVERAGE") contents=$(replace "$contents" "COVERAGE_PREREQS" "$COVERAGE_PREREQS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_PREREQS" "$install_prereqs") contents=$(replace "$contents" "INSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS" "$install_locales_prereqs") contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_MAN_PREREQS" "$uninstall_man_prereqs") contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_PREREQS" "$uninstall_prereqs") contents=$(replace "$contents" "UNINSTALL_LOCALES_PREREQS" "$uninstall_locales_prereqs") contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXECUTABLES" "$executables") contents=$(replace "$contents" "MAIN_EXEC" "$main_exec") contents=$(replace "$contents" "EXEC" "$executable") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_TEST" "$bc_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "BC_TIME_TEST" "$bc_time_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_TEST" "$dc_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "DC_TIME_TEST" "$dc_time_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "VG_BC_TEST" "$vg_bc_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "VG_DC_TEST" "$vg_dc_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "TIMECONST" "$timeconst") contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA" "$karatsuba") contents=$(replace "$contents" "KARATSUBA_TEST" "$karatsuba_test") contents=$(replace "$contents" "LONG_BIT" "$LONG_BIT") contents=$(replace "$contents" "LONG_BIT_DEFINE" "$LONG_BIT_DEFINE") contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN" "$GEN") contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN_EXEC_TARGET" "$GEN_EXEC_TARGET") contents=$(replace "$contents" "CLEAN_PREREQS" "$CLEAN_PREREQS") contents=$(replace "$contents" "GEN_EMU" "$GEN_EMU") printf '%s\n' "$contents" > "$scriptdir/Makefile" cd "$scriptdir" make clean > /dev/null