path: root/win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule
diff options
authorRobert Sloan <>2018-04-24 11:35:46 -0700
committerRobert Sloan <>2018-04-24 11:35:52 -0700
commit5cbb5c8e9904cdd70a9336405c9c561a6b745a8a (patch)
tree87c407a05e18d9442cd85ef2cd5337cbb58de218 /win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule
parent15c0b3594be4cd3bd18a44be8eef0429a0cb072f (diff)
external/boringssl: Sync to
This includes the following changes: Test: BoringSSL CTS Presubmits. Change-Id: I283b7d8f01ceef3becb152708b65894c717e3680
Diffstat (limited to 'win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule/p256-x86_64-asm.asm b/win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule/p256-x86_64-asm.asm
index ec481418..888a87f9 100644
--- a/win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule/p256-x86_64-asm.asm
+++ b/win-x86_64/crypto/fipsmodule/p256-x86_64-asm.asm
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ $L$ONE_mont:
DQ 0x0000000000000001,0xffffffff00000000,0xffffffffffffffff,0x00000000fffffffe
+ DQ 0xf3b9cac2fc632551,0xbce6faada7179e84,0xffffffffffffffff,0xffffffff00000000
+ DQ 0xccd1c8aaee00bc4f
global ecp_nistz256_neg
@@ -91,6 +97,641 @@ $L$SEH_end_ecp_nistz256_neg:
+global ecp_nistz256_ord_mul_mont
+ mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue
+ mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+ mov rax,rsp
+ mov rdi,rcx
+ mov rsi,rdx
+ mov rdx,r8
+ push rbp
+ push rbx
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ mov rax,QWORD[rdx]
+ mov rbx,rdx
+ lea r14,[$L$ord]
+ mov r15,QWORD[$L$ordK]
+ mov rcx,rax
+ mul QWORD[rsi]
+ mov r8,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ mov r9,rdx
+ mul QWORD[8+rsi]
+ add r9,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r10,rdx
+ mul QWORD[16+rsi]
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r13,r8
+ imul r8,r15
+ mov r11,rdx
+ mul QWORD[24+rsi]
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,r8
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r12,rdx
+ mul QWORD[r14]
+ mov rbp,r8
+ add r13,rax
+ mov rax,r8
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rcx,rdx
+ sub r10,r8
+ sbb r8,0
+ mul QWORD[8+r14]
+ add r9,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r9,rax
+ mov rax,rbp
+ adc r10,rdx
+ mov rdx,rbp
+ adc r8,0
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r11,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rbx]
+ sbb rbp,rdx
+ add r11,r8
+ adc r12,rbp
+ adc r13,0
+ mov rcx,rax
+ mul QWORD[rsi]
+ add r9,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[8+rsi]
+ add r10,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[16+rsi]
+ add r11,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rcx,r9
+ imul r9,r15
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[24+rsi]
+ add r12,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ xor r8,r8
+ add r12,rax
+ mov rax,r9
+ adc r13,rdx
+ adc r8,0
+ mul QWORD[r14]
+ mov rbp,r9
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,r9
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r11,r9
+ sbb r9,0
+ mul QWORD[8+r14]
+ add r10,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,rbp
+ adc r11,rdx
+ mov rdx,rbp
+ adc r9,0
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r12,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[16+rbx]
+ sbb rbp,rdx
+ add r12,r9
+ adc r13,rbp
+ adc r8,0
+ mov rcx,rax
+ mul QWORD[rsi]
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[8+rsi]
+ add r11,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[16+rsi]
+ add r12,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r12,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rcx,r10
+ imul r10,r15
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[24+rsi]
+ add r13,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ xor r9,r9
+ add r13,rax
+ mov rax,r10
+ adc r8,rdx
+ adc r9,0
+ mul QWORD[r14]
+ mov rbp,r10
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,r10
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r12,r10
+ sbb r10,0
+ mul QWORD[8+r14]
+ add r11,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,rbp
+ adc r12,rdx
+ mov rdx,rbp
+ adc r10,0
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r13,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[24+rbx]
+ sbb rbp,rdx
+ add r13,r10
+ adc r8,rbp
+ adc r9,0
+ mov rcx,rax
+ mul QWORD[rsi]
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[8+rsi]
+ add r12,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r12,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[16+rsi]
+ add r13,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r13,rax
+ mov rax,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rcx,r11
+ imul r11,r15
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul QWORD[24+rsi]
+ add r8,rbp
+ adc rdx,0
+ xor r10,r10
+ add r8,rax
+ mov rax,r11
+ adc r9,rdx
+ adc r10,0
+ mul QWORD[r14]
+ mov rbp,r11
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,r11
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r13,r11
+ sbb r11,0
+ mul QWORD[8+r14]
+ add r12,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r12,rax
+ mov rax,rbp
+ adc r13,rdx
+ mov rdx,rbp
+ adc r11,0
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r8,rax
+ sbb rbp,rdx
+ add r8,r11
+ adc r9,rbp
+ adc r10,0
+ mov rsi,r12
+ sub r12,QWORD[r14]
+ mov r11,r13
+ sbb r13,QWORD[8+r14]
+ mov rcx,r8
+ sbb r8,QWORD[16+r14]
+ mov rbp,r9
+ sbb r9,QWORD[24+r14]
+ sbb r10,0
+ cmovc r12,rsi
+ cmovc r13,r11
+ cmovc r8,rcx
+ cmovc r9,rbp
+ mov QWORD[rdi],r12
+ mov QWORD[8+rdi],r13
+ mov QWORD[16+rdi],r8
+ mov QWORD[24+rdi],r9
+ mov r15,QWORD[rsp]
+ mov r14,QWORD[8+rsp]
+ mov r13,QWORD[16+rsp]
+ mov r12,QWORD[24+rsp]
+ mov rbx,QWORD[32+rsp]
+ mov rbp,QWORD[40+rsp]
+ lea rsp,[48+rsp]
+ mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
+ mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+ DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
+global ecp_nistz256_ord_sqr_mont
+ mov QWORD[8+rsp],rdi ;WIN64 prologue
+ mov QWORD[16+rsp],rsi
+ mov rax,rsp
+ mov rdi,rcx
+ mov rsi,rdx
+ mov rdx,r8
+ push rbp
+ push rbx
+ push r12
+ push r13
+ push r14
+ push r15
+ mov r8,QWORD[rsi]
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ mov r14,QWORD[16+rsi]
+ mov r15,QWORD[24+rsi]
+ lea rsi,[$L$ord]
+ mov rbx,rdx
+ jmp NEAR $L$oop_ord_sqr
+ mov rbp,rax
+ mul r8
+ mov r9,rax
+DB 102,72,15,110,205
+ mov rax,r14
+ mov r10,rdx
+ mul r8
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,r15
+DB 102,73,15,110,214
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r11,rdx
+ mul r8
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,r15
+DB 102,73,15,110,223
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r12,rdx
+ mul r14
+ mov r13,rax
+ mov rax,r14
+ mov r14,rdx
+ mul rbp
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,r15
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov r15,rdx
+ mul rbp
+ add r12,rax
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r12,r15
+ adc r13,rdx
+ adc r14,0
+ xor r15,r15
+ mov rax,r8
+ add r9,r9
+ adc r10,r10
+ adc r11,r11
+ adc r12,r12
+ adc r13,r13
+ adc r14,r14
+ adc r15,0
+ mul rax
+ mov r8,rax
+DB 102,72,15,126,200
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul rax
+ add r9,rbp
+ adc r10,rax
+DB 102,72,15,126,208
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mul rax
+ add r11,rbp
+ adc r12,rax
+DB 102,72,15,126,216
+ adc rdx,0
+ mov rbp,rdx
+ mov rcx,r8
+ imul r8,QWORD[32+rsi]
+ mul rax
+ add r13,rbp
+ adc r14,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[rsi]
+ adc r15,rdx
+ mul r8
+ mov rbp,r8
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r10,r8
+ sbb rbp,0
+ mul r8
+ add r9,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r9,rax
+ mov rax,r8
+ adc r10,rdx
+ mov rdx,r8
+ adc rbp,0
+ mov rcx,r9
+ imul r9,QWORD[32+rsi]
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r11,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[rsi]
+ sbb r8,rdx
+ add r11,rbp
+ adc r8,0
+ mul r9
+ mov rbp,r9
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r11,r9
+ sbb rbp,0
+ mul r9
+ add r10,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r10,rax
+ mov rax,r9
+ adc r11,rdx
+ mov rdx,r9
+ adc rbp,0
+ mov rcx,r10
+ imul r10,QWORD[32+rsi]
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r8,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[rsi]
+ sbb r9,rdx
+ add r8,rbp
+ adc r9,0
+ mul r10
+ mov rbp,r10
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r8,r10
+ sbb rbp,0
+ mul r10
+ add r11,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r11,rax
+ mov rax,r10
+ adc r8,rdx
+ mov rdx,r10
+ adc rbp,0
+ mov rcx,r11
+ imul r11,QWORD[32+rsi]
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r9,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[rsi]
+ sbb r10,rdx
+ add r9,rbp
+ adc r10,0
+ mul r11
+ mov rbp,r11
+ add rcx,rax
+ mov rax,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ adc rcx,rdx
+ sub r9,r11
+ sbb rbp,0
+ mul r11
+ add r8,rcx
+ adc rdx,0
+ add r8,rax
+ mov rax,r11
+ adc r9,rdx
+ mov rdx,r11
+ adc rbp,0
+ shl rax,32
+ shr rdx,32
+ sub r10,rax
+ sbb r11,rdx
+ add r10,rbp
+ adc r11,0
+ xor rdx,rdx
+ add r8,r12
+ adc r9,r13
+ mov r12,r8
+ adc r10,r14
+ adc r11,r15
+ mov rax,r9
+ adc rdx,0
+ sub r8,QWORD[rsi]
+ mov r14,r10
+ sbb r9,QWORD[8+rsi]
+ sbb r10,QWORD[16+rsi]
+ mov r15,r11
+ sbb r11,QWORD[24+rsi]
+ sbb rdx,0
+ cmovc r8,r12
+ cmovnc rax,r9
+ cmovnc r14,r10
+ cmovnc r15,r11
+ dec rbx
+ jnz NEAR $L$oop_ord_sqr
+ mov QWORD[rdi],r8
+ mov QWORD[8+rdi],rax
+ pxor xmm1,xmm1
+ mov QWORD[16+rdi],r14
+ pxor xmm2,xmm2
+ mov QWORD[24+rdi],r15
+ pxor xmm3,xmm3
+ mov r15,QWORD[rsp]
+ mov r14,QWORD[8+rsp]
+ mov r13,QWORD[16+rsp]
+ mov r12,QWORD[24+rsp]
+ mov rbx,QWORD[32+rsp]
+ mov rbp,QWORD[40+rsp]
+ lea rsp,[48+rsp]
+ mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
+ mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
+ DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
global ecp_nistz256_mul_mont
@@ -2191,6 +2832,13 @@ ALIGN 4
DD $L$SEH_end_ecp_nistz256_neg wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_info_ecp_nistz256_neg wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_begin_ecp_nistz256_ord_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_end_ecp_nistz256_ord_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_info_ecp_nistz256_ord_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_begin_ecp_nistz256_ord_sqr_mont wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_end_ecp_nistz256_ord_sqr_mont wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$SEH_info_ecp_nistz256_ord_sqr_mont wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_begin_ecp_nistz256_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_end_ecp_nistz256_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$SEH_info_ecp_nistz256_mul_mont wrt ..imagebase
@@ -2231,6 +2879,16 @@ $L$SEH_info_ecp_nistz256_neg:
DB 9,0,0,0
DD short_handler wrt ..imagebase
DD $L$neg_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$neg_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+DB 9,0,0,0
+ DD full_handler wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$ord_mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$ord_mul_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD 48,0
+DB 9,0,0,0
+ DD full_handler wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$ord_sqr_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$ord_sqr_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD 48,0
DB 9,0,0,0
DD full_handler wrt ..imagebase