path: root/win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm b/win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm
index 58f19ac2..b3306410 100644
--- a/win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm
+++ b/win-x86_64/crypto/bn/x86_64-mont5.asm
@@ -23,30 +23,64 @@ $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul_mont_gather5:
mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
+ mov r9d,r9d
+ mov rax,rsp
test r9d,7
jnz NEAR $L$mul_enter
jmp NEAR $L$mul4x_enter
- mov r9d,r9d
- mov rax,rsp
movd xmm5,DWORD[56+rsp]
- lea r10,[$L$inc]
push rbx
push rbp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
- lea r11,[2+r9]
- neg r11
- lea rsp,[((-264))+r11*8+rsp]
- and rsp,-1024
+ neg r9
+ mov r11,rsp
+ lea r10,[((-280))+r9*8+rsp]
+ neg r9
+ and r10,-1024
+ sub r11,r10
+ and r11,-4096
+ lea rsp,[r11*1+r10]
+ mov r11,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,r10
+ ja NEAR $L$mul_page_walk
+ jmp NEAR $L$mul_page_walk_done
+ lea rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+ mov r11,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,r10
+ ja NEAR $L$mul_page_walk
+ lea r10,[$L$inc]
mov QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp],rax
lea r12,[128+rdx]
movdqa xmm0,XMMWORD[r10]
movdqa xmm1,XMMWORD[16+r10]
@@ -385,34 +419,44 @@ $L$sub: sbb rax,QWORD[r14*8+rcx]
sbb rax,0
xor r14,r14
+ and rsi,rax
+ not rax
+ mov rcx,rdi
+ and rcx,rax
mov r15,r9
+ or rsi,rcx
- mov rsi,QWORD[r14*8+rsp]
- mov rcx,QWORD[r14*8+rdi]
- xor rsi,rcx
- and rsi,rax
- xor rsi,rcx
+ mov rax,QWORD[r14*8+rsi]
mov QWORD[r14*8+rsp],r14
- mov QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rsi
+ mov QWORD[r14*8+rdi],rax
lea r14,[1+r14]
sub r15,1
jnz NEAR $L$copy
mov rsi,QWORD[8+r9*8+rsp]
mov rax,1
mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
lea rsp,[rsi]
mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
@@ -429,16 +473,25 @@ $L$SEH_begin_bn_mul4x_mont_gather5:
mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
DB 0x67
mov rax,rsp
push rbx
push rbp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
DB 0x67
shl r9d,3
lea r10,[r9*2+r9]
@@ -454,45 +507,72 @@ DB 0x67
lea r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ mov rbp,rsp
sub r11,rdi
and r11,4095
cmp r10,r11
jb NEAR $L$mul4xsp_alt
- sub rsp,r11
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ sub rbp,r11
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
jmp NEAR $L$mul4xsp_done
lea r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
sub r11,r10
mov r10,0
cmovc r11,r10
- sub rsp,r11
+ sub rbp,r11
- and rsp,-64
+ and rbp,-64
+ mov r11,rsp
+ sub r11,rbp
+ and r11,-4096
+ lea rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk
+ jmp NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk_done
+ lea rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$mul4x_page_walk
neg r9
mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax
call mul4x_internal
mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
mov rax,1
mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
lea rsp,[rsi]
mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
@@ -1036,14 +1116,23 @@ $L$SEH_begin_bn_power5:
mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
mov rax,rsp
push rbx
push rbp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
shl r9d,3
lea r10d,[r9*2+r9]
neg r9
@@ -1057,24 +1146,41 @@ $L$SEH_begin_bn_power5:
lea r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ mov rbp,rsp
sub r11,rdi
and r11,4095
cmp r10,r11
jb NEAR $L$pwr_sp_alt
- sub rsp,r11
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ sub rbp,r11
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
jmp NEAR $L$pwr_sp_done
lea r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
sub r11,r10
mov r10,0
cmovc r11,r10
- sub rsp,r11
+ sub rbp,r11
- and rsp,-64
+ and rbp,-64
+ mov r11,rsp
+ sub r11,rbp
+ and r11,-4096
+ lea rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk
+ jmp NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk_done
+ lea rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$pwr_page_walk
mov r10,r9
neg r9
@@ -1089,6 +1195,7 @@ $L$pwr_sp_done:
mov QWORD[32+rsp],r8
mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax
DB 102,72,15,110,207
DB 102,72,15,110,209
@@ -1115,18 +1222,27 @@ DB 102,72,15,126,226
call mul4x_internal
mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
mov rax,1
mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
lea rsp,[rsi]
mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
global bn_sqr8x_internal
@@ -1989,15 +2105,24 @@ $L$SEH_begin_bn_from_mont8x:
mov r9,QWORD[48+rsp]
DB 0x67
mov rax,rsp
push rbx
push rbp
push r12
push r13
push r14
push r15
shl r9d,3
lea r10,[r9*2+r9]
neg r9
@@ -2011,24 +2136,41 @@ DB 0x67
lea r11,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ mov rbp,rsp
sub r11,rdi
and r11,4095
cmp r10,r11
jb NEAR $L$from_sp_alt
- sub rsp,r11
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ sub rbp,r11
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
jmp NEAR $L$from_sp_done
lea r10,[((4096-320))+r9*2]
- lea rsp,[((-320))+r9*2+rsp]
+ lea rbp,[((-320))+r9*2+rbp]
sub r11,r10
mov r10,0
cmovc r11,r10
- sub rsp,r11
+ sub rbp,r11
- and rsp,-64
+ and rbp,-64
+ mov r11,rsp
+ sub r11,rbp
+ and r11,-4096
+ lea rsp,[rbp*1+r11]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$from_page_walk
+ jmp NEAR $L$from_page_walk_done
+ lea rsp,[((-4096))+rsp]
+ mov r10,QWORD[rsp]
+ cmp rsp,rbp
+ ja NEAR $L$from_page_walk
mov r10,r9
neg r9
@@ -2043,6 +2185,7 @@ $L$from_sp_done:
mov QWORD[32+rsp],r8
mov QWORD[40+rsp],rax
mov r11,r9
lea rax,[48+rsp]
@@ -2078,11 +2221,12 @@ DB 102,73,15,110,218
pxor xmm0,xmm0
lea rax,[48+rsp]
- mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
jmp NEAR $L$from_mont_zero
+ mov rsi,QWORD[40+rsp]
movdqa XMMWORD[rax],xmm0
movdqa XMMWORD[16+rax],xmm0
movdqa XMMWORD[32+rax],xmm0
@@ -2093,16 +2237,24 @@ $L$from_mont_zero:
mov rax,1
mov r15,QWORD[((-48))+rsi]
mov r14,QWORD[((-40))+rsi]
mov r13,QWORD[((-32))+rsi]
mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rsi]
mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rsi]
mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rsi]
lea rsp,[rsi]
mov rdi,QWORD[8+rsp] ;WIN64 epilogue
mov rsi,QWORD[16+rsp]
DB 0F3h,0C3h ;repret
global bn_scatter5
@@ -2321,9 +2473,14 @@ mul_handler:
cmp rbx,r10
jb NEAR $L$common_seh_tail
+ mov r10d,DWORD[4+r11]
+ lea r10,[r10*1+rsi]
+ cmp rbx,r10
+ jb NEAR $L$common_pop_regs
mov rax,QWORD[152+r8]
- mov r10d,DWORD[4+r11]
+ mov r10d,DWORD[8+r11]
lea r10,[r10*1+rsi]
cmp rbx,r10
jae NEAR $L$common_seh_tail
@@ -2335,11 +2492,11 @@ mul_handler:
mov r10,QWORD[192+r8]
mov rax,QWORD[8+r10*8+rax]
- jmp NEAR $L$body_proceed
+ jmp NEAR $L$common_pop_regs
mov rax,QWORD[40+rax]
mov rbx,QWORD[((-8))+rax]
mov rbp,QWORD[((-16))+rax]
mov r12,QWORD[((-24))+rax]
@@ -2419,22 +2576,22 @@ ALIGN 8
DB 9,0,0,0
DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
- DD $L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
DB 9,0,0,0
DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
- DD $L$mul4x_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$mul4x_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$mul4x_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
DB 9,0,0,0
DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
- DD $L$power5_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$power5_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$power5_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
DB 9,0,0,0
DD mul_handler wrt ..imagebase
- DD $L$from_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$from_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
+ DD $L$from_prologue wrt ..imagebase,$L$from_body wrt ..imagebase,$L$from_epilogue wrt ..imagebase
DB 0x01,0x0b,0x03,0x0a