package; import java.math.BigInteger; public class FixedPointUtil { public static final String PRECOMP_NAME = "bc_fixed_point"; public static int getCombSize(ECCurve c) { BigInteger order = c.getOrder(); return order == null ? c.getFieldSize() + 1 : order.bitLength(); } public static FixedPointPreCompInfo getFixedPointPreCompInfo(PreCompInfo preCompInfo) { return (preCompInfo instanceof FixedPointPreCompInfo) ? (FixedPointPreCompInfo)preCompInfo : null; } public static FixedPointPreCompInfo precompute(final ECPoint p) { final ECCurve c = p.getCurve(); return (FixedPointPreCompInfo)c.precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME, new PreCompCallback() { public PreCompInfo precompute(PreCompInfo existing) { FixedPointPreCompInfo existingFP = (existing instanceof FixedPointPreCompInfo) ? (FixedPointPreCompInfo)existing : null; int bits = getCombSize(c); int minWidth = bits > 250 ? 6 : 5; int n = 1 << minWidth; if (checkExisting(existingFP, n)) { return existingFP; } int d = (bits + minWidth - 1) / minWidth; ECPoint[] pow2Table = new ECPoint[minWidth + 1]; pow2Table[0] = p; for (int i = 1; i < minWidth; ++i) { pow2Table[i] = pow2Table[i - 1].timesPow2(d); } // This will be the 'offset' value pow2Table[minWidth] = pow2Table[0].subtract(pow2Table[1]); c.normalizeAll(pow2Table); ECPoint[] lookupTable = new ECPoint[n]; lookupTable[0] = pow2Table[0]; for (int bit = minWidth - 1; bit >= 0; --bit) { ECPoint pow2 = pow2Table[bit]; int step = 1 << bit; for (int i = step; i < n; i += (step << 1)) { lookupTable[i] = lookupTable[i - step].add(pow2); } } c.normalizeAll(lookupTable); FixedPointPreCompInfo result = new FixedPointPreCompInfo(); result.setLookupTable(c.createCacheSafeLookupTable(lookupTable, 0, lookupTable.length)); result.setOffset(pow2Table[minWidth]); result.setWidth(minWidth); return result; } private boolean checkExisting(FixedPointPreCompInfo existingFP, int n) { return existingFP != null && checkTable(existingFP.getLookupTable(), n); } private boolean checkTable(ECLookupTable table, int n) { return table != null && table.getSize() >= n; } }); } }