package; import java.math.BigInteger; public abstract class WNafUtil { public static final String PRECOMP_NAME = "bc_wnaf"; private static final int[] DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE_CUTOFFS = new int[]{ 13, 41, 121, 337, 897, 2305 }; private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 16; private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; private static final int[] EMPTY_INTS = new int[0]; private static final ECPoint[] EMPTY_POINTS = new ECPoint[0]; public static void configureBasepoint(ECPoint p) { final ECCurve c = p.getCurve(); if (null == c) { return; } BigInteger n = c.getOrder(); int bits = (null == n) ? c.getFieldSize() + 1 : n.bitLength(); final int confWidth = Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, getWindowSize(bits) + 3); c.precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME, new PreCompCallback() { public PreCompInfo precompute(PreCompInfo existing) { WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf = (existing instanceof WNafPreCompInfo) ? (WNafPreCompInfo)existing : null; if (null != existingWNaf && existingWNaf.getConfWidth() == confWidth) { existingWNaf.setPromotionCountdown(0); return existingWNaf; } WNafPreCompInfo result = new WNafPreCompInfo(); result.setPromotionCountdown(0); result.setConfWidth(confWidth); if (null != existingWNaf) { result.setPreComp(existingWNaf.getPreComp()); result.setPreCompNeg(existingWNaf.getPreCompNeg()); result.setTwice(existingWNaf.getTwice()); result.setWidth(existingWNaf.getWidth()); } return result; } }); } public static int[] generateCompactNaf(BigInteger k) { if ((k.bitLength() >>> 16) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'k' must have bitlength < 2^16"); } if (k.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_INTS; } BigInteger _3k = k.shiftLeft(1).add(k); int bits = _3k.bitLength(); int[] naf = new int[bits >> 1]; BigInteger diff = _3k.xor(k); int highBit = bits - 1, length = 0, zeroes = 0; for (int i = 1; i < highBit; ++i) { if (!diff.testBit(i)) { ++zeroes; continue; } int digit = k.testBit(i) ? -1 : 1; naf[length++] = (digit << 16) | zeroes; zeroes = 1; ++i; } naf[length++] = (1 << 16) | zeroes; if (naf.length > length) { naf = trim(naf, length); } return naf; } public static int[] generateCompactWindowNaf(int width, BigInteger k) { if (width == 2) { return generateCompactNaf(k); } if (width < 2 || width > 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'width' must be in the range [2, 16]"); } if ((k.bitLength() >>> 16) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'k' must have bitlength < 2^16"); } if (k.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_INTS; } int[] wnaf = new int[k.bitLength() / width + 1]; // 2^width and a mask and sign bit set accordingly int pow2 = 1 << width; int mask = pow2 - 1; int sign = pow2 >>> 1; boolean carry = false; int length = 0, pos = 0; while (pos <= k.bitLength()) { if (k.testBit(pos) == carry) { ++pos; continue; } k = k.shiftRight(pos); int digit = k.intValue() & mask; if (carry) { ++digit; } carry = (digit & sign) != 0; if (carry) { digit -= pow2; } int zeroes = length > 0 ? pos - 1 : pos; wnaf[length++] = (digit << 16) | zeroes; pos = width; } // Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length if (wnaf.length > length) { wnaf = trim(wnaf, length); } return wnaf; } public static byte[] generateJSF(BigInteger g, BigInteger h) { int digits = Math.max(g.bitLength(), h.bitLength()) + 1; byte[] jsf = new byte[digits]; BigInteger k0 = g, k1 = h; int j = 0, d0 = 0, d1 = 0; int offset = 0; while ((d0 | d1) != 0 || k0.bitLength() > offset || k1.bitLength() > offset) { int n0 = ((k0.intValue() >>> offset) + d0) & 7, n1 = ((k1.intValue() >>> offset) + d1) & 7; int u0 = n0 & 1; if (u0 != 0) { u0 -= (n0 & 2); if ((n0 + u0) == 4 && (n1 & 3) == 2) { u0 = -u0; } } int u1 = n1 & 1; if (u1 != 0) { u1 -= (n1 & 2); if ((n1 + u1) == 4 && (n0 & 3) == 2) { u1 = -u1; } } if ((d0 << 1) == 1 + u0) { d0 ^= 1; } if ((d1 << 1) == 1 + u1) { d1 ^= 1; } if (++offset == 30) { offset = 0; k0 = k0.shiftRight(30); k1 = k1.shiftRight(30); } jsf[j++] = (byte)((u0 << 4) | (u1 & 0xF)); } // Reduce the JSF array to its actual length if (jsf.length > j) { jsf = trim(jsf, j); } return jsf; } public static byte[] generateNaf(BigInteger k) { if (k.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } BigInteger _3k = k.shiftLeft(1).add(k); int digits = _3k.bitLength() - 1; byte[] naf = new byte[digits]; BigInteger diff = _3k.xor(k); for (int i = 1; i < digits; ++i) { if (diff.testBit(i)) { naf[i - 1] = (byte)(k.testBit(i) ? -1 : 1); ++i; } } naf[digits - 1] = 1; return naf; } /** * Computes the Window NAF (non-adjacent Form) of an integer. * @param width The width w of the Window NAF. The width is * defined as the minimal number w, such that for any * w consecutive digits in the resulting representation, at * most one is non-zero. * @param k The integer of which the Window NAF is computed. * @return The Window NAF of the given width, such that the following holds: * k = ∑i=0l-1 ki2i * , where the ki denote the elements of the * returned byte[]. */ public static byte[] generateWindowNaf(int width, BigInteger k) { if (width == 2) { return generateNaf(k); } if (width < 2 || width > 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'width' must be in the range [2, 8]"); } if (k.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } byte[] wnaf = new byte[k.bitLength() + 1]; // 2^width and a mask and sign bit set accordingly int pow2 = 1 << width; int mask = pow2 - 1; int sign = pow2 >>> 1; boolean carry = false; int length = 0, pos = 0; while (pos <= k.bitLength()) { if (k.testBit(pos) == carry) { ++pos; continue; } k = k.shiftRight(pos); int digit = k.intValue() & mask; if (carry) { ++digit; } carry = (digit & sign) != 0; if (carry) { digit -= pow2; } length += (length > 0) ? pos - 1 : pos; wnaf[length++] = (byte)digit; pos = width; } // Reduce the WNAF array to its actual length if (wnaf.length > length) { wnaf = trim(wnaf, length); } return wnaf; } public static int getNafWeight(BigInteger k) { if (k.signum() == 0) { return 0; } BigInteger _3k = k.shiftLeft(1).add(k); BigInteger diff = _3k.xor(k); return diff.bitCount(); } public static WNafPreCompInfo getWNafPreCompInfo(ECPoint p) { return getWNafPreCompInfo(p.getCurve().getPreCompInfo(p, PRECOMP_NAME)); } public static WNafPreCompInfo getWNafPreCompInfo(PreCompInfo preCompInfo) { return (preCompInfo instanceof WNafPreCompInfo) ? (WNafPreCompInfo)preCompInfo : null; } /** * Determine window width to use for a scalar multiplication of the given size. * * @param bits the bit-length of the scalar to multiply by * @return the window size to use */ public static int getWindowSize(int bits) { return getWindowSize(bits, DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE_CUTOFFS, MAX_WIDTH); } /** * Determine window width to use for a scalar multiplication of the given size. * * @param bits the bit-length of the scalar to multiply by * @param maxWidth the maximum window width to return * @return the window size to use */ public static int getWindowSize(int bits, int maxWidth) { return getWindowSize(bits, DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE_CUTOFFS, maxWidth); } /** * Determine window width to use for a scalar multiplication of the given size. * * @param bits the bit-length of the scalar to multiply by * @param windowSizeCutoffs a monotonically increasing list of bit sizes at which to increment the window width * @return the window size to use */ public static int getWindowSize(int bits, int[] windowSizeCutoffs) { return getWindowSize(bits, windowSizeCutoffs, MAX_WIDTH); } /** * Determine window width to use for a scalar multiplication of the given size. * * @param bits the bit-length of the scalar to multiply by * @param windowSizeCutoffs a monotonically increasing list of bit sizes at which to increment the window width * @param maxWidth the maximum window width to return * @return the window size to use */ public static int getWindowSize(int bits, int[] windowSizeCutoffs, int maxWidth) { int w = 0; for (; w < windowSizeCutoffs.length; ++w) { if (bits < windowSizeCutoffs[w]) { break; } } return Math.max(2, Math.min(maxWidth, w + 2)); } public static WNafPreCompInfo precompute(final ECPoint p, final int minWidth, final boolean includeNegated) { final ECCurve c = p.getCurve(); return (WNafPreCompInfo)c.precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME, new PreCompCallback() { public PreCompInfo precompute(PreCompInfo existing) { WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf = (existing instanceof WNafPreCompInfo) ? (WNafPreCompInfo)existing : null; int width = Math.max(2, Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, minWidth)); int reqPreCompLen = 1 << (width - 2); if (checkExisting(existingWNaf, width, reqPreCompLen, includeNegated)) { existingWNaf.decrementPromotionCountdown(); return existingWNaf; } WNafPreCompInfo result = new WNafPreCompInfo(); ECPoint[] preComp = null, preCompNeg = null; ECPoint twiceP = null; if (null != existingWNaf) { int promotionCountdown = existingWNaf.decrementPromotionCountdown(); result.setPromotionCountdown(promotionCountdown); int confWidth = existingWNaf.getConfWidth(); result.setConfWidth(confWidth); preComp = existingWNaf.getPreComp(); preCompNeg = existingWNaf.getPreCompNeg(); twiceP = existingWNaf.getTwice(); } width = Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, Math.max(result.getConfWidth(), width)); reqPreCompLen = 1 << (width - 2); int iniPreCompLen = 0; if (null == preComp) { preComp = EMPTY_POINTS; } else { iniPreCompLen = preComp.length; } if (iniPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen) { preComp = resizeTable(preComp, reqPreCompLen); if (reqPreCompLen == 1) { preComp[0] = p.normalize(); } else { int curPreCompLen = iniPreCompLen; if (curPreCompLen == 0) { preComp[0] = p; curPreCompLen = 1; } ECFieldElement iso = null; if (reqPreCompLen == 2) { preComp[1] = p.threeTimes(); } else { ECPoint isoTwiceP = twiceP, last = preComp[curPreCompLen - 1]; if (null == isoTwiceP) { isoTwiceP = preComp[0].twice(); twiceP = isoTwiceP; /* * For Fp curves with Jacobian projective coordinates, use a (quasi-)isomorphism * where 'twiceP' is "affine", so that the subsequent additions are cheaper. This * also requires scaling the initial point's X, Y coordinates, and reversing the * isomorphism as part of the subsequent normalization. * * NOTE: The correctness of this optimization depends on: * 1) additions do not use the curve's A, B coefficients. * 2) no special cases (i.e. Q +/- Q) when calculating 1P, 3P, 5P, ... */ if (!twiceP.isInfinity() && ECAlgorithms.isFpCurve(c) && c.getFieldSize() >= 64) { switch (c.getCoordinateSystem()) { case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN: case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_CHUDNOVSKY: case ECCurve.COORD_JACOBIAN_MODIFIED: { iso = twiceP.getZCoord(0); isoTwiceP = c.createPoint(twiceP.getXCoord().toBigInteger(), twiceP.getYCoord() .toBigInteger()); ECFieldElement iso2 = iso.square(), iso3 = iso2.multiply(iso); last = last.scaleX(iso2).scaleY(iso3); if (iniPreCompLen == 0) { preComp[0] = last; } break; } } } } while (curPreCompLen < reqPreCompLen) { /* * Compute the new ECPoints for the precomputation array. The values 1, 3, * 5, ..., 2^(width-1)-1 times p are computed */ preComp[curPreCompLen++] = last = last.add(isoTwiceP); } } /* * Having oft-used operands in affine form makes operations faster. */ c.normalizeAll(preComp, iniPreCompLen, reqPreCompLen - iniPreCompLen, iso); } } if (includeNegated) { int pos; if (null == preCompNeg) { pos = 0; preCompNeg = new ECPoint[reqPreCompLen]; } else { pos = preCompNeg.length; if (pos < reqPreCompLen) { preCompNeg = resizeTable(preCompNeg, reqPreCompLen); } } while (pos < reqPreCompLen) { preCompNeg[pos] = preComp[pos].negate(); ++pos; } } result.setPreComp(preComp); result.setPreCompNeg(preCompNeg); result.setTwice(twiceP); result.setWidth(width); return result; } private boolean checkExisting(WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf, int width, int reqPreCompLen, boolean includeNegated) { return null != existingWNaf && existingWNaf.getWidth() >= Math.max(existingWNaf.getConfWidth(), width) && checkTable(existingWNaf.getPreComp(), reqPreCompLen) && (!includeNegated || checkTable(existingWNaf.getPreCompNeg(), reqPreCompLen)); } private boolean checkTable(ECPoint[] table, int reqLen) { return null != table && table.length >= reqLen; } }); } public static WNafPreCompInfo precomputeWithPointMap(final ECPoint p, final ECPointMap pointMap, final WNafPreCompInfo fromWNaf, final boolean includeNegated) { final ECCurve c = p.getCurve(); return (WNafPreCompInfo)c.precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME, new PreCompCallback() { public PreCompInfo precompute(PreCompInfo existing) { WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf = (existing instanceof WNafPreCompInfo) ? (WNafPreCompInfo)existing : null; int width = fromWNaf.getWidth(); int reqPreCompLen = fromWNaf.getPreComp().length; if (checkExisting(existingWNaf, width, reqPreCompLen, includeNegated)) { existingWNaf.decrementPromotionCountdown(); return existingWNaf; } /* * TODO Ideally this method would support incremental calculation, but given the * existing use-cases it would be of little-to-no benefit. */ WNafPreCompInfo result = new WNafPreCompInfo(); result.setPromotionCountdown(fromWNaf.getPromotionCountdown()); ECPoint twiceFrom = fromWNaf.getTwice(); if (null != twiceFrom) { ECPoint twice =; result.setTwice(twice); } ECPoint[] preCompFrom = fromWNaf.getPreComp(); ECPoint[] preComp = new ECPoint[preCompFrom.length]; for (int i = 0; i < preCompFrom.length; ++i) { preComp[i] =[i]); } result.setPreComp(preComp); result.setWidth(width); if (includeNegated) { ECPoint[] preCompNeg = new ECPoint[preComp.length]; for (int i = 0; i < preCompNeg.length; ++i) { preCompNeg[i] = preComp[i].negate(); } result.setPreCompNeg(preCompNeg); } return result; } private boolean checkExisting(WNafPreCompInfo existingWNaf, int width, int reqPreCompLen, boolean includeNegated) { return null != existingWNaf && existingWNaf.getWidth() >= width && checkTable(existingWNaf.getPreComp(), reqPreCompLen) && (!includeNegated || checkTable(existingWNaf.getPreCompNeg(), reqPreCompLen)); } private boolean checkTable(ECPoint[] table, int reqLen) { return null != table && table.length >= reqLen; } }); } private static byte[] trim(byte[] a, int length) { byte[] result = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, result.length); return result; } private static int[] trim(int[] a, int length) { int[] result = new int[length]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, result.length); return result; } private static ECPoint[] resizeTable(ECPoint[] a, int length) { ECPoint[] result = new ECPoint[length]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, a.length); return result; } }