// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "bsdiff/diff_encoder.h" #include #include #include #include "bsdiff/fake_patch_writer.h" #include "bsdiff/test_utils.h" namespace { // Generated with: // echo 'Hello World' | hexdump -v -e '" " 12/1 "0x%02x, " "\n"' const uint8_t kHelloWorld[] = { 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x0a, }; } // namespace namespace bsdiff { class DiffEncoderTest : public testing::Test { protected: void SetUp() { // By default, set the encoder to kHelloWorld to kHelloWorld. diff_encoder_.reset(new DiffEncoder(&fake_patch_, kHelloWorld, sizeof(kHelloWorld), kHelloWorld, sizeof(kHelloWorld))); } FakePatchWriter fake_patch_; std::unique_ptr diff_encoder_; }; TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, CreateEmptyPatchTest) { diff_encoder_.reset(new DiffEncoder(&fake_patch_, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0)); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Close()); // Both diff and extra stream must be empty stream, and not control entries. EXPECT_EQ(0U, fake_patch_.entries().size()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_patch_.diff_stream().empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_patch_.extra_stream().empty()); } TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, AllInExtraStreamTest) { diff_encoder_.reset(new DiffEncoder(&fake_patch_, nullptr, 0, kHelloWorld, sizeof(kHelloWorld))); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); // Write to the extra stream in two parts: first 5 bytes, then the rest. EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, 5, 0))); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry( ControlEntry(0, sizeof(kHelloWorld) - 5, 0))); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(2U, fake_patch_.entries().size()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_patch_.diff_stream().empty()); std::vector hello_world(kHelloWorld, kHelloWorld + sizeof(kHelloWorld)); EXPECT_EQ(hello_world, fake_patch_.extra_stream()); } TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, AllInDiffStreamTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); EXPECT_TRUE( diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(sizeof(kHelloWorld), 0, 0))); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Close()); EXPECT_EQ(std::vector(sizeof(kHelloWorld), 0), fake_patch_.diff_stream()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_patch_.extra_stream().empty()); } TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, OldPosNegativeErrorTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); // Referencing negative values in oldpos is fine, until you use them. EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, 0, -5))); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, 0, 2))); EXPECT_FALSE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(1, 0, 0))); } // Test that using an oldpos past the end of the file fails. TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, OldPosTooBigErrorTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); EXPECT_TRUE( diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, 0, sizeof(kHelloWorld)))); EXPECT_FALSE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(1, 0, 0))); } // Test that diffing against a section of the old file past the end of the file // fails. TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, OldPosPlusSizeTooBigErrorTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); // The oldpos is set to a range inside the word, the we try to copy past the // end of it. EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry( ControlEntry(0, 0, sizeof(kHelloWorld) - 3))); EXPECT_FALSE( diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(sizeof(kHelloWorld), 0, 0))); } TEST_F(DiffEncoderTest, ExtraStreamTooBigErrorTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->Init()); EXPECT_TRUE(diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(3, 0, 0))); // This writes too many bytes in the stream because we already have 3 bytes. EXPECT_FALSE( diff_encoder_->AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, sizeof(kHelloWorld), 0))); } } // namespace bsdiff