// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "bsdiff/endsley_patch_writer.h" #include #include namespace { std::vector VectorFromString(const std::string& s) { return std::vector(s.data(), s.data() + s.size()); } } // namespace namespace bsdiff { class EndsleyPatchWriterTest : public testing::Test { protected: // Return a subvector from |data_| starting at |start| of size at most |size|. std::vector DataSubvector(size_t start, size_t size) { if (start > data_.size()) return std::vector(); size = std::min(size, data_.size() - start); return std::vector(data_.begin() + start, data_.begin() + start + size); } std::vector data_; EndsleyPatchWriter patch_writer_{&data_, CompressorType::kNoCompression, 0}; }; // Smoke check that a patch includes the new_size and magic header. TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, CreateEmptyPatchTest) { EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Init(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Close()); // The empty header is set to 24 bytes. EXPECT_EQ(24U, data_.size()); std::vector empty_patch = { // Magic header. 'E', 'N', 'D', 'S', 'L', 'E', 'Y', '/', 'B', 'S', 'D', 'I', 'F', 'F', '4', '3', // 8 zeros for the |new_size| of zero bytes. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; EXPECT_EQ(empty_patch, data_); } TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, CreateCompressedPatchTest) { EndsleyPatchWriter compressed_writer(&data_, CompressorType::kBZ2, 9); auto text = VectorFromString("HelloWorld"); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.Init(text.size())); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(5, 5, -2))); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.WriteDiffStream(text.data(), 5)); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.WriteExtraStream(text.data() + 5, 5)); // Check that the output patch had no data written to it before Close() is // called, since we are still compressing it. EXPECT_TRUE(data_.empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.Close()); // Check that the whole file is compressed with BZ2 by looking at the header. const auto bz2_header = VectorFromString("BZh9"); data_.resize(4); EXPECT_EQ(bz2_header, data_); } TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, CreateEmptyBrotliPatchTest) { EndsleyPatchWriter compressed_writer(&data_, CompressorType::kBrotli, 9); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.Init(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(compressed_writer.Close()); } // Test we generate the right patch when the control, diff and extra stream come // in the right order. TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, DataInNiceOrderTest) { auto text = VectorFromString("abcdeFGHIJ"); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Init(10)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(2, 3, -2))); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteDiffStream(text.data(), 2)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteExtraStream(text.data() + 2, 3)); // Check that we are actually writing to the output vector as soon as we can. EXPECT_EQ(24U + 24U + 2U + 3U, data_.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(0, 5, 1024))); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteExtraStream(text.data() + 5, 5)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Close()); // We have a header, 2 control entries and a total of 10 bytes of data. EXPECT_EQ(24U + 24U * 2 + 10U, data_.size()); // Verify that control entry values are encoded properly in little-endian. EXPECT_EQ((std::vector{10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}), DataSubvector(16U, 8)); // new_size // Negative numbers are encoded with the sign bit in the most significant bit // of the 8-byte number. EXPECT_EQ((std::vector{2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x80}), DataSubvector(24U + 16, 8)); // The second member on the last control entry (1024) encoded in // little-endian. EXPECT_EQ((std::vector{0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}), DataSubvector(24U + 24U + 5U + 16U, 8)); // Check that the diff and extra data are sent one after the other in the // right order. EXPECT_EQ(VectorFromString("abcde"), DataSubvector(24U + 24U, 5)); } // When we send first the diff or extra data it shouldn't be possible to // write it to the patch, but at the end of the patch we should be able to // write it all. TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, DataInBadOrderTest) { auto text = VectorFromString("abcdeFGHIJ"); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Init(10)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteDiffStream(text.data(), 5)); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteExtraStream(text.data() + 5, 5)); // Writ all the control entries at the end, only the header should have been // sent so far. EXPECT_EQ(24U, data_.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(2, 3, -2))); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(2, 1, 1024))); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(ControlEntry(1, 1, 1024))); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Close()); // We have a header, 3 control entries and a total of 10 bytes of data. EXPECT_EQ(24U + 24U * 3 + 10U, data_.size()); // The data from the first and second control entries: EXPECT_EQ(VectorFromString("abFGH"), DataSubvector(24U + 24U, 5)); EXPECT_EQ(VectorFromString("cdI"), DataSubvector(24U + 24U * 2 + 5, 3)); EXPECT_EQ(VectorFromString("eJ"), DataSubvector(24U + 24U * 3 + 8, 2)); } TEST_F(EndsleyPatchWriterTest, FlushOnlyWhenWorthItTest) { size_t kEntrySize = 1000; // must be even for this test. size_t kNumEntries = 3000; size_t kNewSize = kEntrySize * kNumEntries; // 3 MB EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Init(kNewSize)); // Write all the extra and diff data first. std::vector zeros(kNewSize / 2, 0); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteDiffStream(zeros.data(), zeros.size())); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.WriteExtraStream(zeros.data(), zeros.size())); // No patch data flushed so far, only the header. EXPECT_EQ(24U, data_.size()); ControlEntry entry(kEntrySize / 2, kEntrySize / 2, -1); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(entry)); } // Even if all the diff and extra data is available and some control entries // are also available no information should have been flushed yet because we // don't want the overhead of updating the diff_data_ and extra_data_ vectors. EXPECT_EQ(24U, data_.size()); // Write the remaining entries. for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumEntries - 10; i++) { EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.AddControlEntry(entry)); } // Even before Close() is called, we have enough control entries to make it // worth it calling flush at some point. EXPECT_LT(24U, data_.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(patch_writer_.Close()); } } // namespace bsdiff