diff options
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release-update.sh b/release-update.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ad32ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release-update.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Script to run after a release has been tagged, signed and pushed
+# to git. Will do a fresh checkout, verify the git tag, do fresh
+# build/dist, sign the dist with gpg, create a backup copy in HOME,
+# upload the tar.gz and sig to sourceware, checkout bzip2-htdocs,
+# copy over the new changes, manual, etc. and git push that to update
+# https://sourceware.org/bzip2/
+# Any error is fatal
+set -e
+# We take one argument, the version (e.g. 1.0.7)
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "$0 <version> (e.g. 1.0.7)"
+ exit 1
+echo " === NOTE === "
+echo "Requires a sourceware account in the bzip2 group."
+echo "Make sure the git repo was tagged, signed and pushed"
+echo "If not, please double check the source tree is release ready first"
+echo "Then do:"
+echo " git tag -s -m \"bzip2 $VERSION release\" bzip2-$VERSION"
+echo " git push --tags"
+read -p "Do you want to continue creating/uploading the release (yes/no)? "
+if [ "x$REPLY" != "xyes" ]; then
+ echo "OK, till next time."
+ exit
+echo "OK, creating and updating the release."
+# Create a temporary directoy and make sure it is cleaned up.
+tempdir=$(mktemp -d) || exit
+trap "rm -rf -- ${tempdir}" EXIT
+pushd "${tempdir}"
+# Checkout
+git clone git://sourceware.org/git/bzip2.git
+cd bzip2
+git tag --verify "bzip2-${VERSION}"
+git checkout -b "$VERSION" "bzip2-${VERSION}"
+# Create dist (creates bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz)
+make dist
+# Sign (creates bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz.sig)
+gpg -b bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+# Create backup copy
+echo "Putting a backup copy in $HOME/bzip2-$VERSION"
+mkdir $HOME/bzip2-$VERSION
+cp bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz.sig $HOME/bzip2-$VERSION/
+# Upload
+scp bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz bzip2-${VERSION}.tar.gz.sig \
+ sourceware.org:/sourceware/ftp/pub/bzip2/
+ssh sourceware.org "(cd /sourceware/ftp/pub/bzip2 \
+ && ln -sf bzip2-$VERSION.tar.gz bzip2-latest.tar.gz \
+ && ln -sf bzip2-$VERSION.tar.gz.sig bzip2-latest.tar.gz.sig \
+ && ls -lah bzip2-latest*)"
+# Update homepage, manual, etc.
+cd "${tempdir}"
+git clone ssh://sourceware.org/git/bzip2-htdocs.git
+cp bzip2/CHANGES bzip2/bzip.css bzip2-htdocs/
+cp bzip2/bzip.css bzip2/bzip2.txt bzip2/manual.{html,pdf} bzip2-htdocs/manual/
+cd bzip2-htdocs
+git commit -a -m "Update for bzip2 $VERSION release"
+git show
+git push
+# Cleanup
+trap - EXIT