path: root/docs/source/faqs.rst
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+.. _chapter-tricks:
+FAQS, Tips & Tricks
+Answers to frequently asked questions, tricks of the trade and general
+#. Use `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_.
+ Ceres has extensive support for logging detailed information about
+ memory allocations and time consumed in various parts of the solve,
+ internal error conditions etc. This is done logging using the
+ `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_ library. We
+ use it extensively to observe and analyze Ceres's
+ performance. `google-glog <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_
+ allows you to control its behaviour from the command line `flags
+ <http://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/glog.html>`_. Starting
+ with ``-logtostdterr`` you can add ``-v=N`` for increasing values
+ of ``N`` to get more and more verbose and detailed information
+ about Ceres internals.
+ In an attempt to reduce dependencies, it is tempting to use
+ `miniglog` - a minimal implementation of the ``glog`` interface
+ that ships with Ceres. This is a bad idea. ``miniglog`` was written
+ primarily for building and using Ceres on Android because the
+ current version of `google-glog
+ <http://code.google.com/p/google-glog>`_ does not build using the
+ NDK. It has worse performance than the full fledged glog library
+ and is much harder to control and use.
+#. Use analytical/automatic derivatives.
+ This is the single most important piece of advice we can give to
+ you. It is tempting to take the easy way out and use numeric
+ differentiation. This is a bad idea. Numeric differentiation is
+ slow, ill-behaved, hard to get right, and results in poor
+ convergence behaviour.
+ Ceres allows the user to define templated functors which will
+ be automatically differentiated. For most situations this is enough
+ and we recommend using this facility. In some cases the derivatives
+ are simple enough or the performance considerations are such that
+ the overhead of automatic differentiation is too much. In such
+ cases, analytic derivatives are recommended.
+ The use of numerical derivatives should be a measure of last
+ resort, where it is simply not possible to write a templated
+ implementation of the cost function.
+ In many cases it is not possible to do analytic or automatic
+ differentiation of the entire cost function, but it is generally
+ the case that it is possible to decompose the cost function into
+ parts that need to be numerically differentiated and parts that can
+ be automatically or analytically differentiated.
+ To this end, Ceres has extensive support for mixing analytic,
+ automatic and numeric differentiation. See
+ :class:`NumericDiffFunctor` and :class:`CostFunctionToFunctor`.
+#. Putting `Inverse Function Theorem
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function_theorem>`_ to use.
+ Every now and then we have to deal with functions which cannot be
+ evaluated analytically. Computing the Jacobian in such cases is
+ tricky. A particularly interesting case is where the inverse of the
+ function is easy to compute analytically. An example of such a
+ function is the Coordinate transformation between the `ECEF
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECEF>`_ and the `WGS84
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System>`_ where the
+ conversion from WGS84 from ECEF is analytic, but the conversion
+ back to ECEF uses an iterative algorithm. So how do you compute the
+ derivative of the ECEF to WGS84 transformation?
+ One obvious approach would be to numerically
+ differentiate the conversion function. This is not a good idea. For
+ one, it will be slow, but it will also be numerically quite
+ bad.
+ Turns out you can use the `Inverse Function Theorem
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_function_theorem>`_ in this
+ case to compute the derivatives more or less analytically.
+ The key result here is. If :math:`x = f^{-1}(y)`, and :math:`Df(x)`
+ is the invertible Jacobian of :math:`f` at :math:`x`. Then the
+ Jacobian :math:`Df^{-1}(y) = [Df(x)]^{-1}`, i.e., the Jacobian of
+ the :math:`f^{-1}` is the inverse of the Jacobian of :math:`f`.
+ Algorithmically this means that given :math:`y`, compute :math:`x =
+ f^{-1}(y)` by whatever means you can. Evaluate the Jacobian of
+ :math:`f` at :math:`x`. If the Jacobian matrix is invertible, then
+ the inverse is the Jacobian of the inverse at :math:`y`.
+ One can put this into practice with the following code fragment.
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ Eigen::Vector3d ecef; // Fill some values
+ // Iterative computation.
+ Eigen::Vector3d lla = ECEFToLLA(ecef);
+ // Analytic derivatives
+ Eigen::Matrix3d lla_to_ecef_jacobian = LLAToECEFJacobian(lla);
+ bool invertible;
+ Eigen::Matrix3d ecef_to_lla_jacobian;
+ lla_to_ecef_jacobian.computeInverseWithCheck(ecef_to_lla_jacobian, invertible);
+#. When using Quaternions, use :class:`QuaternionParameterization`.
+#. How to choose a parameter block size?
+#. Choosing a linear solver.
+ When using the ``TRUST_REGION`` minimizer, the choice of linear
+ solver is an important decision. It affects solution quality and
+ runtime. Here is a simple way to reason about it.
+ 1. For small (a few hundred parameters) or dense problems use
+ ``DENSE_QR``.
+ 2. For general sparse problems (i.e., the Jacobian matrix has a
+ substantial number of zeros) use
+ ``SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY``. This requires that you have
+ ``SuiteSparse`` or ``CXSparse`` installed.
+ 3. For bundle adjustment problems with up to a hundred or so
+ cameras, use ``DENSE_SCHUR``.
+ 4. For larger bundle adjustment problems with sparse Schur
+ Complement/Reduced camera matrices use ``SPARSE_SCHUR``. This
+ requires that you have ``SuiteSparse`` or ``CXSparse``
+ installed.
+ 5. For large bundle adjustment problems (a few thousand cameras or
+ more) use the ``ITERATIVE_SCHUR`` solver. There are a number of
+ preconditioner choices here. ``SCHUR_JACOBI`` offers an
+ excellent balance of speed and accuracy. This is also the
+ recommended option if you are solving medium sized problems for
+ which ``DENSE_SCHUR`` is too slow but ``SuiteSparse`` is not
+ available.
+ If you are not satisfied with ``SCHUR_JACOBI``'s performance try
+ order. They require that you have ``SuiteSparse``
+ installed. Both of these preconditioners use a clustering
+ algorithm. Use ``SINGLE_LINKAGE`` before ``CANONICAL_VIEWS``.
+#. Use `Solver::Summary::FullReport` to diagnose performance problems.
+ When diagnosing Ceres performance issues - runtime and convergence,
+ the first place to start is by looking at the output of
+ ``Solver::Summary::FullReport``. Here is an example
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ ./bin/bundle_adjuster --input ../data/problem-16-22106-pre.txt
+ iter cost cost_change |gradient| |step| tr_ratio tr_radius ls_iter iter_time total_time
+ 0 4.185660e+06 0.00e+00 2.16e+07 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+04 0 7.50e-02 3.58e-01
+ 1 1.980525e+05 3.99e+06 5.34e+06 2.40e+03 9.60e-01 3.00e+04 1 1.84e-01 5.42e-01
+ 2 5.086543e+04 1.47e+05 2.11e+06 1.01e+03 8.22e-01 4.09e+04 1 1.53e-01 6.95e-01
+ 3 1.859667e+04 3.23e+04 2.87e+05 2.64e+02 9.85e-01 1.23e+05 1 1.71e-01 8.66e-01
+ 4 1.803857e+04 5.58e+02 2.69e+04 8.66e+01 9.93e-01 3.69e+05 1 1.61e-01 1.03e+00
+ 5 1.803391e+04 4.66e+00 3.11e+02 1.02e+01 1.00e+00 1.11e+06 1 1.49e-01 1.18e+00
+ Ceres Solver v1.10.0 Solve Report
+ ----------------------------------
+ Original Reduced
+ Parameter blocks 22122 22122
+ Parameters 66462 66462
+ Residual blocks 83718 83718
+ Residual 167436 167436
+ Minimizer TRUST_REGION
+ Sparse linear algebra library SUITE_SPARSE
+ Trust region strategy LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
+ Given Used
+ Threads 1 1
+ Linear solver threads 1 1
+ Linear solver ordering AUTOMATIC 22106, 16
+ Cost:
+ Initial 4.185660e+06
+ Final 1.803391e+04
+ Change 4.167626e+06
+ Minimizer iterations 5
+ Successful steps 5
+ Unsuccessful steps 0
+ Time (in seconds):
+ Preprocessor 0.283
+ Residual evaluation 0.061
+ Jacobian evaluation 0.361
+ Linear solver 0.382
+ Minimizer 0.895
+ Postprocessor 0.002
+ Total 1.220
+ Termination: NO_CONVERGENCE (Maximum number of iterations reached.)
+ Let us focus on run-time performance. The relevant lines to look at
+ are
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ Time (in seconds):
+ Preprocessor 0.283
+ Residual evaluation 0.061
+ Jacobian evaluation 0.361
+ Linear solver 0.382
+ Minimizer 0.895
+ Postprocessor 0.002
+ Total 1.220
+ Which tell us that of the total 1.2 seconds, about .3 seconds was
+ spent in the linear solver and the rest was mostly spent in
+ preprocessing and jacobian evaluation.
+ The preprocessing seems particularly expensive. Looking back at the
+ report, we observe
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ Linear solver ordering AUTOMATIC 22106, 16
+ Which indicates that we are using automatic ordering for the
+ ``SPARSE_SCHUR`` solver. This can be expensive at times. A straight
+ forward way to deal with this is to give the ordering manually. For
+ ``bundle_adjuster`` this can be done by passing the flag
+ ``-ordering=user``. Doing so and looking at the timing block of the
+ full report gives us
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ Time (in seconds):
+ Preprocessor 0.051
+ Residual evaluation 0.053
+ Jacobian evaluation 0.344
+ Linear solver 0.372
+ Minimizer 0.854
+ Postprocessor 0.002
+ Total 0.935
+ The preprocessor time has gone down by more than 5.5x!.
+Further Reading
+For a short but informative introduction to the subject we recommend
+the booklet by [Madsen]_ . For a general introduction to non-linear
+optimization we recommend [NocedalWright]_. [Bjorck]_ remains the
+seminal reference on least squares problems. [TrefethenBau]_ book is
+our favorite text on introductory numerical linear algebra. [Triggs]_
+provides a thorough coverage of the bundle adjustment problem.