path: root/docs/source/version_history.rst
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+.. _chapter-version-history:
+Version History
+New Features
+#. Sparse and dense covariance estimation.
+#. A new Wolfe line search. (Alex Stewart)
+#. ``BFGS`` line search direction. (Alex Stewart)
+#. C API
+#. Speeded up the use of loss functions > 17x.
+#. Use of Inner iterations can now be adaptively stopped. Iteration
+ and runtime statistics for inner iterations are not reported in
+ ``Solver::Summary`` and ``Solver::Summary::FullReport``.
+#. Add BlockRandomAccessCRSMatrix.
+#. Speeded up automatic differentiation by 7\%.
+#. Bundle adjustment example from libmv/Blender (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Add the ability to turn shared library compilation on and off
+#. No more dependence on Protocol Buffers.
+#. Incomplete LQ factorization.
+#. Ability to write trust region problems to disk.
+#. Add sinh, cosh, tanh and tan functions to automatic differentiation
+ (Johannes Schönberger)
+Bug Fixes
+#. Add documentation for minimizer progress output.
+#. Lint and other cleanups (William Rucklidge and James Roseborough)
+#. Collections port fix for MSC 2008 (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Various corrections and cleanups in the documentation.
+#. Change the path where CeresConfig.cmake is installed (Pablo
+ Speciale)
+#. Minor erros in documentation (Pablo Speciale)
+#. Updated depend.cmake to follow CMake IF convention. (Joydeep
+ Biswas)
+#. Stablize the schur ordering algorithm.
+#. Update license header in split.h.
+#. Enabling -O4 (link-time optimization) only if compiler/linker
+ support it. (Alex Stewart)
+#. Consistent glog path across files.
+#. ceres-solver.spec: Use cleaner, more conventional Release string
+ (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. Fix compile bug on RHEL6 due to missing header (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. CMake file is less verbose.
+#. Use the latest upstream version of google-test and gmock.
+#. Rationalize some of the variable names in ``Solver::Options``.
+#. Improve Summary::FullReport when line search is used.
+#. Expose line search parameters in ``Solver::Options``.
+#. Fix update of L-BFGS history buffers after they become full. (Alex
+ Stewart)
+#. Fix configuration error on systems without SuiteSparse installed
+ (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Enforce the read call returns correct value in ``curve_fitting_c.c``
+ (Arnaud Gelas)
+#. Fix DynamicAutoDiffCostFunction (Richard Stebbing)
+#. Fix Problem::RemoveParameterBlock documentation (Johannes
+ Schönberger)
+#. Fix a logging bug in parameter_block.h
+#. Refactor the preconditioner class structure.
+#. Fix an uninitialized variable warning when building with ``GCC``.
+#. Fix a reallocation bug in
+ ``CreateJacobianBlockSparsityTranspose``. (Yuliy Schwartzburg)
+#. Add a define for O_BINARY.
+New Features
+#. Major Performance improvements.
+ a. Schur type solvers (``SPARSE_SCHUR``, ``DENSE_SCHUR``,
+ ``ITERATIVE_SCHUR``) are significantly faster due to custom BLAS
+ routines and fewer heap allocations.
+ b. ``SPARSE_SCHUR`` when used with ``CX_SPARSE`` now uses a block
+ AMD for much improved factorization performance.
+ c. The jacobian matrix is pre-ordered so that
+ ``SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY`` and ``SPARSE_SCHUR`` do not have to
+ make copies inside ``CHOLMOD``.
+ d. Faster autodiff by replacing division by multplication by inverse.
+ e. When compiled without threads, the schur eliminator does not pay
+ the penalty for locking and unlocking mutexes.
+#. Users can now use ``linear_solver_ordering`` to affect the
+ fill-reducing ordering used by ``SUITE_SPARSE`` for
+#. ``Problem`` can now report the set of parameter blocks it knows about.
+#. ``TrustRegionMinimizer`` uses the evaluator to compute the gradient
+ instead of a matrix vector multiply.
+#. On ``Mac OS``, whole program optimization is enabled.
+#. Users can now use automatic differentiation to define new
+ ``LocalParameterization`` objects. (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Enable larger tuple sizes for Visual Studio 2012. (Petter Strandmark)
+Bug Fixes
+#. Update the documentation for ``CostFunction``.
+#. Fixed a typo in the documentation. (Pablo Speciale)
+#. Fix a typo in suitesparse.cc.
+#. Bugfix in ``NumericDiffCostFunction``. (Nicolas Brodu)
+#. Death to BlockSparseMatrixBase.
+#. Change Minimizer::Options::min_trust_region_radius to double.
+#. Update to compile with stricter gcc checks. (Joydeep Biswas)
+#. Do not modify cached CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE. (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. ``<iterator>`` needed for back_insert_iterator. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Lint cleanup. (William Rucklidge)
+#. Documentation corrections. (Pablo Speciale)
+Backward Incompatible API Changes
+#. Added ``Problem::Evaluate``. Now you can evaluate a problem or any
+ part of it without calling the solver.
+ In light of this the following settings have been deprecated and
+ removed from the API.
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_residuals``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_gradient``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_jacobian``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_residuals``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_gradient``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_jacobian``
+ Instead we recommend using something like this.
+ .. code-block:: c++
+ Problem problem;
+ // Build problem
+ vector<double> initial_residuals;
+ problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(),
+ NULL, /* No cost */
+ &initial_residuals,
+ NULL, /* No gradient */
+ NULL /* No jacobian */ );
+ Solver::Options options;
+ Solver::Summary summary;
+ Solver::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);
+ vector<double> final_residuals;
+ problem.Evaluate(Problem::EvaluateOptions(),
+ NULL, /* No cost */
+ &final_residuals,
+ NULL, /* No gradient */
+ NULL /* No jacobian */ );
+New Features
+#. Problem now supports removal of ParameterBlocks and
+ ResidualBlocks. There is a space/time tradeoff in doing this which
+ is controlled by
+ ``Problem::Options::enable_fast_parameter_block_removal``.
+#. Ceres now supports Line search based optimization algorithms in
+ addition to trust region algorithms. Currently there is support for
+ gradient descent, non-linear conjugate gradient and LBFGS search
+ directions.
+#. Added ``Problem::Evaluate``. Now you can evaluate a problem or any
+ part of it without calling the solver. In light of this the
+ following settings have been deprecated and removed from the API.
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_residuals``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_gradient``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_initial_jacobian``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_residuals``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_gradient``
+ - ``Solver::Options::return_final_jacobian``
+#. New, much improved HTML documentation using Sphinx.
+#. Changed ``NumericDiffCostFunction`` to take functors like
+ ``AutoDiffCostFunction``.
+#. Added support for mixing automatic, analytic and numeric
+ differentiation. This is done by adding ``CostFunctionToFunctor``
+ and ``NumericDiffFunctor`` objects to the API.
+#. Sped up the robust loss function correction logic when residual is
+ one dimensional.
+#. Sped up ``DenseQRSolver`` by changing the way dense jacobians are
+ stored. This is a 200-500% improvement in linear solver performance
+ depending on the size of the problem.
+#. ``DENSE_SCHUR`` now supports multi-threading.
+#. Greatly expanded ``Summary::FullReport``:
+ - Report the ordering used by the ``LinearSolver``.
+ - Report the ordering used by the inner iterations.
+ - Execution timing breakdown into evaluations and linear solves.
+ - Effective size of the problem solved by the solver, which now
+ accounts for the size of the tangent space when using a
+ ``LocalParameterization``.
+#. Ceres when run at the ``VLOG`` level 3 or higher will report
+ detailed timing information about its internals.
+#. Remove extraneous initial and final residual evaluations. This
+ speeds up the solver a bit.
+#. Automatic differenatiation with a dynamic number of parameter
+ blocks. (Based on an idea by Thad Hughes).
+#. Sped up problem construction and destruction.
+#. Added matrix adapters to ``rotation.h`` so that the rotation matrix
+ routines can work with row and column major matrices. (Markus Moll)
+#. ``SCHUR_JACOBI`` can now be used without ``SuiteSparse``.
+#. A ``.spec`` file for producing RPMs. (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. ``CMake`` can now build the sphinx documentation (Pablo Speciale)
+#. Add support for creating a CMake config file during build to make
+ embedding Ceres in other CMake-using projects easier. (Pablo
+ Speciale).
+#. Better error reporting in ``Problem`` for missing parameter blocks.
+#. A more flexible ``Android.mk`` and a more modular build. If binary
+ size and/or compile time is a concern, larger parts of the solver
+ can be disabled at compile time.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Compilation fixes for MSVC2010 (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Fixed "deprecated conversion from string constant to char*"
+ warnings. (Pablo Speciale)
+#. Correctly propagate ifdefs when building without Schur eliminator
+ template specializations.
+#. Correct handling of ``LIB_SUFFIX`` on Linux. (Yuliy Schwartzburg).
+#. Code and signature cleanup in ``rotation.h``.
+#. Make examples independent of internal code.
+#. Disable unused member in ``gtest`` which results in build error on
+ OS X with latest Xcode. (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. Pass the correct flags to the linker when using
+ ``pthreads``. (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. Only use ``cmake28`` macro when building on RHEL6. (Taylor
+ Braun-Jones)
+#. Remove ``-Wno-return-type-c-linkage`` when compiling with
+ GCC. (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+#. Fix ``No previous prototype`` warnings. (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. MinGW build fixes. (Sergey Sharybin)
+#. Lots of minor code and lint fixes. (William Rucklidge)
+#. Fixed a bug in ``solver_impl.cc`` residual evaluation. (Markus
+ Moll)
+#. Fixed varidic evaluation bug in ``AutoDiff``.
+#. Fixed ``SolverImpl`` tests.
+#. Fixed a bug in ``DenseSparseMatrix::ToDenseMatrix()``.
+#. Fixed an initialization bug in ``ProgramEvaluator``.
+#. Fixes to Android.mk paths (Carlos Hernandez)
+#. Modify ``nist.cc`` to compute accuracy based on ground truth
+ solution rather than the ground truth function value.
+#. Fixed a memory leak in ``cxsparse.cc``. (Alexander Mordvintsev).
+#. Fixed the install directory for libraries by correctly handling
+ ``LIB_SUFFIX``. (Taylor Braun-Jones)
+Backward Incompatible API Changes
+The new ordering API breaks existing code. Here the common case fixes.
+.. code-block:: c++
+ options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR
+ options.ordering_type = ceres::SCHUR
+.. code-block:: c++
+ options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR
+.. code-block:: c++
+ options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR;
+ options.ordering_type = ceres::USER;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
+ options.ordering.push_back(my_points[i])
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_cameras; ++i) {
+ options.ordering.push_back(my_cameras[i])
+ }
+ options.num_eliminate_blocks = num_points;
+.. code-block:: c++
+ options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR;
+ options.ordering = new ceres::ParameterBlockOrdering;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) {
+ options.linear_solver_ordering->AddElementToGroup(my_points[i], 0);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_cameras; ++i) {
+ options.linear_solver_ordering->AddElementToGroup(my_cameras[i], 1);
+ }
+New Features
+#. A new richer, more expressive and consistent API for ordering
+ parameter blocks.
+#. A non-linear generalization of Ruhe & Wedin's Algorithm II. This
+ allows the user to use variable projection on separable and
+ non-separable non-linear least squares problems. With
+ multithreading, this results in significant improvements to the
+ convergence behavior of the solver at a small increase in run time.
+#. An image denoising example using fields of experts. (Petter
+ Strandmark)
+#. Defines for Ceres version and ABI version.
+#. Higher precision timer code where available. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Example Makefile for users of Ceres.
+#. IterationSummary now informs the user when the step is a
+ non-monotonic step.
+#. Fewer memory allocations when using ``DenseQRSolver``.
+#. GradientChecker for testing CostFunctions (William Rucklidge)
+#. Add support for cost functions with 10 parameter blocks in
+ ``Problem``. (Fisher)
+#. Add support for 10 parameter blocks in ``AutoDiffCostFunction``.
+Bug Fixes
+#. static cast to force Eigen::Index to long conversion
+#. Change LOG(ERROR) to LOG(WARNING) in ``schur_complement_solver.cc``.
+#. Remove verbose logging from ``DenseQRSolve``.
+#. Fix the Android NDK build.
+#. Better handling of empty and constant Problems.
+#. Remove an internal header that was leaking into the public API.
+#. Memory leak in ``trust_region_minimizer.cc``
+#. Schur ordering was operating on the wrong object (Ricardo Martin)
+#. MSVC fixes (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Various fixes to ``nist.cc`` (Markus Moll)
+#. Fixed a jacobian scaling bug.
+#. Numerically robust computation of ``model_cost_change``.
+#. Signed comparison compiler warning fixes (Ricardo Martin)
+#. Various compiler warning fixes all over.
+#. Inclusion guard fixes (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Segfault in test code (Sergey Popov)
+#. Replaced ``EXPECT/ASSERT_DEATH`` with the more portable
+#. Fixed the camera projection model in Ceres' implementation of
+ Snavely's camera model. (Ricardo Martin)
+New Features
+#. Android Port (Scott Ettinger also contributed to the port)
+#. Windows port. (Changchang Wu and Pierre Moulon also contributed to the port)
+#. New subspace Dogleg Solver. (Markus Moll)
+#. Trust region algorithm now supports the option of non-monotonic steps.
+#. New loss functions ``ArcTanLossFunction``, ``TolerantLossFunction``
+ and ``ComposedLossFunction``. (James Roseborough).
+#. New ``DENSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY`` linear solver, which uses Eigen's
+ LDLT factorization on the normal equations.
+#. Cached symbolic factorization when using ``CXSparse``.
+ (Petter Strandark)
+#. New example ``nist.cc`` and data from the NIST non-linear
+ regression test suite. (Thanks to Douglas Bates for suggesting this.)
+#. The traditional Dogleg solver now uses an elliptical trust
+ region (Markus Moll)
+#. Support for returning initial and final gradients & Jacobians.
+#. Gradient computation support in the evaluators, with an eye
+ towards developing first order/gradient based solvers.
+#. A better way to compute ``Solver::Summary::fixed_cost``. (Markus Moll)
+#. ``CMake`` support for building documentation, separate examples,
+ installing and uninstalling the library and Gerrit hooks (Arnaud
+ Gelas)
+#. ``SuiteSparse4`` support (Markus Moll)
+#. Support for building Ceres without ``TR1`` (This leads to
+ slightly slower ``DENSE_SCHUR`` and ``SPARSE_SCHUR`` solvers).
+#. ``BALProblem`` can now write a problem back to disk.
+#. ``bundle_adjuster`` now allows the user to normalize and perturb the
+ problem before solving.
+#. Solver progress logging to file.
+#. Added ``Program::ToString`` and ``ParameterBlock::ToString`` to
+ help with debugging.
+#. Ability to build Ceres as a shared library (MacOS and Linux only),
+ associated versioning and build release script changes.
+#. Portable floating point classification API.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Fix how invalid step evaluations are handled.
+#. Change the slop handling around zero for model cost changes to use
+ relative tolerances rather than absolute tolerances.
+#. Fix an inadvertant integer to bool conversion. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Do not link to ``libgomp`` when building on
+ windows. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Include ``gflags.h`` in ``test_utils.cc``. (Petter
+ Strandmark)
+#. Use standard random number generation routines. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. ``TrustRegionMinimizer`` does not implicitly negate the
+ steps that it takes. (Markus Moll)
+#. Diagonal scaling allows for equal upper and lower bounds. (Markus Moll)
+#. TrustRegionStrategy does not misuse LinearSolver:Summary anymore.
+#. Fix Eigen3 Row/Column Major storage issue. (Lena Gieseke)
+#. QuaternionToAngleAxis now guarantees an angle in $[-\pi, \pi]$. (Guoxuan Zhang)
+#. Added a workaround for a compiler bug in the Android NDK to the
+ Schur eliminator.
+#. The sparse linear algebra library is only logged in
+ Summary::FullReport if it is used.
+ to ``CERES_NO_PROTOCOL_BUFFERS`` for consistency.
+#. Fix how static structure detection for the Schur eliminator logs
+ its results.
+#. Correct example code in the documentation. (Petter Strandmark)
+#. Fix ``fpclassify.h`` to work with the Android NDK and STLport.
+#. Fix a memory leak in the ``levenber_marquardt_strategy_test.cc``
+#. Fix an early return bug in the Dogleg solver. (Markus Moll)
+#. Zero initialize Jets.
+#. Moved ``internal/ceres/mock_log.h`` to ``internal/ceres/gmock/mock-log.h``
+#. Unified file path handling in tests.
+#. ``data_fitting.cc`` includes ``gflags``
+#. Renamed Ceres' Mutex class and associated macros to avoid
+ namespace conflicts.
+#. Close the BAL problem file after reading it (Markus Moll)
+#. Fix IsInfinite on Jets.
+#. Drop alignment requirements for Jets.
+#. Fixed Jet to integer comparison. (Keith Leung)
+#. Fix use of uninitialized arrays. (Sebastian Koch & Markus Moll)
+#. Conditionally compile gflag dependencies.(Casey Goodlett)
+#. Add ``data_fitting.cc`` to the examples ``CMake`` file.
+Bug Fixes
+#. ``suitesparse_test`` is enabled even when ``-DSUITESPARSE=OFF``.
+#. ``FixedArray`` internal struct did not respect ``Eigen``
+ alignment requirements (Koichi Akabe & Stephan Kassemeyer).
+#. Fixed ``quadratic.cc`` documentation and code mismatch
+ (Nick Lewycky).
+Bug Fixes
+#. Fix constant parameter blocks, and other minor fixes (Markus Moll)
+#. Fix alignment issues when combining ``Jet`` and
+ ``FixedArray`` in automatic differeniation.
+#. Remove obsolete ``build_defs`` file.
+New Features
+#. Powell's Dogleg solver
+#. Documentation now has a brief overview of Trust Region methods and
+ how the Levenberg-Marquardt and Dogleg methods work.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Destructor for ``TrustRegionStrategy`` was not virtual (Markus Moll)
+#. Invalid ``DCHECK`` in ``suitesparse.cc`` (Markus Moll)
+#. Iteration callbacks were not properly invoked (Luis Alberto Zarrabeiti)
+#. Logging level changes in ConjugateGradientsSolver
+#. VisibilityBasedPreconditioner setup does not account for skipped camera pairs. This was debugging code.
+#. Enable SSE support on MacOS
+#. ``system_test`` was taking too long and too much memory (Koichi Akabe)
+New Features
+#. ``CXSparse`` support.
+#. Block oriented fill reducing orderings. This reduces the
+ factorization time for sparse ``CHOLMOD`` significantly.
+#. New Trust region loop with support for multiple trust region step
+ strategies. Currently only Levenberg-Marquardt is supported, but
+ this refactoring opens the door for Dog-leg, Stiehaug and others.
+#. ``CMake`` file restructuring. Builds in ``Release`` mode by
+ default, and now has platform specific tuning flags.
+#. Re-organized documentation. No new content, but better
+ organization.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Fixed integer overflow bug in ``block_random_access_sparse_matrix.cc``.
+#. Renamed some macros to prevent name conflicts.
+#. Fixed incorrent input to ``StateUpdatingCallback``.
+#. Fixes to AutoDiff tests.
+#. Various internal cleanups.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Fix a bug in the handling of constant blocks. (Louis Simard)
+#. Add an optional lower bound to the Levenberg-Marquardt regularizer
+ to prevent oscillating between well and ill posed linear problems.
+#. Some internal refactoring and test fixes.
+New Features
+#. New iterative linear solver for general sparse problems - ``CGNR``
+ and a block Jacobi preconditioner for it.
+#. Changed the semantics of how ``SuiteSparse`` dependencies are
+ checked and used. Now ``SuiteSparse`` is built by default, only if
+ all of its dependencies are present.
+#. Automatic differentiation now supports dynamic number of residuals.
+#. Support for writing the linear least squares problems to disk in
+ text format so that they can loaded into ``MATLAB``.
+#. Linear solver results are now checked for nan and infinities.
+#. Added ``.gitignore`` file.
+#. A better more robust build system.
+Bug Fixes
+#. Fixed a strict weak ordering bug in the schur ordering.
+#. Grammar and typos in the documents and code comments.
+#. Fixed tests which depended on exact equality between floating point values.
+Initial Release. Nathan Wiegand contributed to the Mac OSX port.