path: root/include/ceres/numeric_diff_cost_function.h
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diff --git a/include/ceres/numeric_diff_cost_function.h b/include/ceres/numeric_diff_cost_function.h
index 8544e44..a47a66d 100644
--- a/include/ceres/numeric_diff_cost_function.h
+++ b/include/ceres/numeric_diff_cost_function.h
@@ -27,19 +27,111 @@
// Author: keir@google.com (Keir Mierle)
+// sameeragarwal@google.com (Sameer Agarwal)
// Create CostFunctions as needed by the least squares framework with jacobians
// computed via numeric (a.k.a. finite) differentiation. For more details see
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_differentiation.
-// To get a numerically differentiated cost function, define a subclass of
-// CostFunction such that the Evaluate() function ignores the jacobian
-// parameter. The numeric differentiation wrapper will fill in the jacobian
-// parameter if nececssary by repeatedly calling the Evaluate() function with
-// small changes to the appropriate parameters, and computing the slope. For
-// performance, the numeric differentiation wrapper class is templated on the
-// concrete cost function, even though it could be implemented only in terms of
-// the virtual CostFunction interface.
+// To get an numerically differentiated cost function, you must define
+// a class with a operator() (a functor) that computes the residuals.
+// The function must write the computed value in the last argument
+// (the only non-const one) and return true to indicate success.
+// Please see cost_function.h for details on how the return value
+// maybe used to impose simple constraints on the parameter block.
+// For example, consider a scalar error e = k - x'y, where both x and y are
+// two-dimensional column vector parameters, the prime sign indicates
+// transposition, and k is a constant. The form of this error, which is the
+// difference between a constant and an expression, is a common pattern in least
+// squares problems. For example, the value x'y might be the model expectation
+// for a series of measurements, where there is an instance of the cost function
+// for each measurement k.
+// The actual cost added to the total problem is e^2, or (k - x'k)^2; however,
+// the squaring is implicitly done by the optimization framework.
+// To write an numerically-differentiable cost function for the above model, first
+// define the object
+// class MyScalarCostFunctor {
+// MyScalarCostFunctor(double k): k_(k) {}
+// bool operator()(const double* const x,
+// const double* const y,
+// double* residuals) const {
+// residuals[0] = k_ - x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1];
+// return true;
+// }
+// private:
+// double k_;
+// };
+// Note that in the declaration of operator() the input parameters x
+// and y come first, and are passed as const pointers to arrays of
+// doubles. If there were three input parameters, then the third input
+// parameter would come after y. The output is always the last
+// parameter, and is also a pointer to an array. In the example above,
+// the residual is a scalar, so only residuals[0] is set.
+// Then given this class definition, the numerically differentiated
+// cost function with central differences used for computing the
+// derivative can be constructed as follows.
+// CostFunction* cost_function
+// = new NumericDiffCostFunction<MyScalarCostFunctor, CENTRAL, 1, 2, 2>(
+// new MyScalarCostFunctor(1.0)); ^ ^ ^ ^
+// | | | |
+// Finite Differencing Scheme -+ | | |
+// Dimension of residual ------------+ | |
+// Dimension of x ----------------------+ |
+// Dimension of y -------------------------+
+// In this example, there is usually an instance for each measurement of k.
+// In the instantiation above, the template parameters following
+// "MyScalarCostFunctor", "1, 2, 2", describe the functor as computing
+// a 1-dimensional output from two arguments, both 2-dimensional.
+// The framework can currently accommodate cost functions of up to 10
+// independent variables, and there is no limit on the dimensionality
+// of each of them.
+// The central difference method is considerably more accurate at the cost of
+// twice as many function evaluations than forward difference. Consider using
+// central differences begin with, and only after that works, trying forward
+// difference to improve performance.
+// TODO(sameeragarwal): Add support for dynamic number of residuals.
+// WARNING #1: A common beginner's error when first using
+// NumericDiffCostFunction is to get the sizing wrong. In particular,
+// there is a tendency to set the template parameters to (dimension of
+// residual, number of parameters) instead of passing a dimension
+// parameter for *every parameter*. In the example above, that would
+// be <MyScalarCostFunctor, 1, 2>, which is missing the last '2'
+// argument. Please be careful when setting the size parameters.
+// For a variety of reason, including compatibility with legacy code,
+// NumericDiffCostFunction can also take CostFunction objects as
+// input. The following describes how.
+// To get a numerically differentiated cost function, define a
+// subclass of CostFunction such that the Evaluate() function ignores
+// the jacobian parameter. The numeric differentiation wrapper will
+// fill in the jacobian parameter if necessary by repeatedly calling
+// the Evaluate() function with small changes to the appropriate
+// parameters, and computing the slope. For performance, the numeric
+// differentiation wrapper class is templated on the concrete cost
+// function, even though it could be implemented only in terms of the
+// virtual CostFunction interface.
// The numerically differentiated version of a cost function for a cost function
// can be constructed as follows:
@@ -51,233 +143,153 @@
// where MyCostFunction has 1 residual and 2 parameter blocks with sizes 4 and 8
// respectively. Look at the tests for a more detailed example.
-// The central difference method is considerably more accurate at the cost of
-// twice as many function evaluations than forward difference. Consider using
-// central differences begin with, and only after that works, trying forward
-// difference to improve performance.
// TODO(keir): Characterize accuracy; mention pitfalls; provide alternatives.
-#include <cstring>
-#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "Eigen/Dense"
+#include "ceres/cost_function.h"
+#include "ceres/internal/numeric_diff.h"
#include "ceres/internal/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "ceres/sized_cost_function.h"
#include "ceres/types.h"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace ceres {
-enum NumericDiffMethod {
-// This is split from the main class because C++ doesn't allow partial template
-// specializations for member functions. The alternative is to repeat the main
-// class for differing numbers of parameters, which is also unfortunate.
-template <typename CostFunctionNoJacobian,
- int num_residuals,
- int parameter_block_size,
- int parameter_block,
- NumericDiffMethod method>
-struct Differencer {
- // Mutates parameters but must restore them before return.
- static bool EvaluateJacobianForParameterBlock(
- const CostFunctionNoJacobian *function,
- double const* residuals_at_eval_point,
- double **parameters,
- double **jacobians) {
- using Eigen::Map;
- using Eigen::Matrix;
- using Eigen::RowMajor;
- using Eigen::ColMajor;
- typedef Matrix<double, num_residuals, 1> ResidualVector;
- typedef Matrix<double, parameter_block_size, 1> ParameterVector;
- typedef Matrix<double, num_residuals, parameter_block_size,
- (parameter_block_size == 1 &&
- num_residuals > 1) ? ColMajor : RowMajor> JacobianMatrix;
- Map<JacobianMatrix> parameter_jacobian(jacobians[parameter_block],
- num_residuals,
- parameter_block_size);
- // Mutate 1 element at a time and then restore.
- Map<ParameterVector> x_plus_delta(parameters[parameter_block],
- parameter_block_size);
- ParameterVector x(x_plus_delta);
- // TODO(keir): Pick a smarter number! In theory a good choice is sqrt(eps) *
- // x, which for doubles means about 1e-8 * x. However, I have found this
- // number too optimistic. This number should be exposed for users to change.
- const double kRelativeStepSize = 1e-6;
- ParameterVector step_size = x.array().abs() * kRelativeStepSize;
- // To handle cases where a parameter is exactly zero, instead use the mean
- // step_size for the other dimensions.
- double fallback_step_size = step_size.sum() / step_size.rows();
- if (fallback_step_size == 0.0) {
- // If all the parameters are zero, there's no good answer. Take
- // kRelativeStepSize as a guess and hope for the best.
- fallback_step_size = kRelativeStepSize;
- }
- // For each parameter in the parameter block, use finite differences to
- // compute the derivative for that parameter.
- for (int j = 0; j < parameter_block_size; ++j) {
- if (step_size(j) == 0.0) {
- // The parameter is exactly zero, so compromise and use the mean
- // step_size from the other parameters. This can break in many cases,
- // but it's hard to pick a good number without problem specific
- // knowledge.
- step_size(j) = fallback_step_size;
- }
- x_plus_delta(j) = x(j) + step_size(j);
- double residuals[num_residuals]; // NOLINT
- if (!function->Evaluate(parameters, residuals, NULL)) {
- // Something went wrong; bail.
- return false;
- }
- // Compute this column of the jacobian in 3 steps:
- // 1. Store residuals for the forward part.
- // 2. Subtract residuals for the backward (or 0) part.
- // 3. Divide out the run.
- parameter_jacobian.col(j) =
- Map<const ResidualVector>(residuals, num_residuals);
- double one_over_h = 1 / step_size(j);
- if (method == CENTRAL) {
- // Compute the function on the other side of x(j).
- x_plus_delta(j) = x(j) - step_size(j);
- if (!function->Evaluate(parameters, residuals, NULL)) {
- // Something went wrong; bail.
- return false;
- }
- parameter_jacobian.col(j) -=
- Map<ResidualVector>(residuals, num_residuals, 1);
- one_over_h /= 2;
- } else {
- // Forward difference only; reuse existing residuals evaluation.
- parameter_jacobian.col(j) -=
- Map<const ResidualVector>(residuals_at_eval_point, num_residuals);
- }
- x_plus_delta(j) = x(j); // Restore x_plus_delta.
- // Divide out the run to get slope.
- parameter_jacobian.col(j) *= one_over_h;
- }
- return true;
- }
-// Prevent invalid instantiations.
-template <typename CostFunctionNoJacobian,
- int num_residuals,
- int parameter_block,
- NumericDiffMethod method>
-struct Differencer<CostFunctionNoJacobian,
- num_residuals,
- 0 /* parameter_block_size */,
- parameter_block,
- method> {
- static bool EvaluateJacobianForParameterBlock(
- const CostFunctionNoJacobian *function,
- double const* residuals_at_eval_point,
- double **parameters,
- double **jacobians) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Shouldn't get here.";
- return true;
- }
-template <typename CostFunctionNoJacobian,
- NumericDiffMethod method = CENTRAL, int M = 0,
- int N0 = 0, int N1 = 0, int N2 = 0, int N3 = 0, int N4 = 0, int N5 = 0>
+template <typename CostFunctor,
+ NumericDiffMethod method = CENTRAL,
+ int kNumResiduals = 0, // Number of residuals, or ceres::DYNAMIC
+ int N0 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 0.
+ int N1 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 1.
+ int N2 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 2.
+ int N3 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 3.
+ int N4 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 4.
+ int N5 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 5.
+ int N6 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 6.
+ int N7 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 7.
+ int N8 = 0, // Number of parameters in block 8.
+ int N9 = 0> // Number of parameters in block 9.
class NumericDiffCostFunction
- : public SizedCostFunction<M, N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5> {
+ : public SizedCostFunction<kNumResiduals,
+ N0, N1, N2, N3, N4,
+ N5, N6, N7, N8, N9> {
- NumericDiffCostFunction(CostFunctionNoJacobian* function,
- Ownership ownership)
- : function_(function), ownership_(ownership) {}
+ NumericDiffCostFunction(CostFunctor* functor,
+ const double relative_step_size = 1e-6)
+ :functor_(functor),
+ ownership_(TAKE_OWNERSHIP),
+ relative_step_size_(relative_step_size) {}
- virtual ~NumericDiffCostFunction() {
+ NumericDiffCostFunction(CostFunctor* functor,
+ Ownership ownership,
+ const double relative_step_size = 1e-6)
+ : functor_(functor),
+ ownership_(ownership),
+ relative_step_size_(relative_step_size) {}
+ ~NumericDiffCostFunction() {
if (ownership_ != TAKE_OWNERSHIP) {
- function_.release();
+ functor_.release();
virtual bool Evaluate(double const* const* parameters,
double* residuals,
double** jacobians) const {
+ using internal::FixedArray;
+ using internal::NumericDiff;
+ const int kNumParameters = N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N7 + N8 + N9;
+ const int kNumParameterBlocks =
+ (N0 > 0) + (N1 > 0) + (N2 > 0) + (N3 > 0) + (N4 > 0) +
+ (N5 > 0) + (N6 > 0) + (N7 > 0) + (N8 > 0) + (N9 > 0);
// Get the function value (residuals) at the the point to evaluate.
- bool success = function_->Evaluate(parameters, residuals, NULL);
- if (!success) {
- // Something went wrong; ignore the jacobian.
+ if (!internal::EvaluateImpl<CostFunctor,
+ N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9>(
+ functor_.get(),
+ parameters,
+ residuals,
+ functor_.get())) {
return false;
if (!jacobians) {
- // Nothing to do; just forward.
return true;
// Create a copy of the parameters which will get mutated.
- const int kParametersSize = N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5;
- double parameters_copy[kParametersSize];
- double *parameters_references_copy[6];
- parameters_references_copy[0] = &parameters_copy[0];
- parameters_references_copy[1] = &parameters_copy[0] + N0;
- parameters_references_copy[2] = &parameters_copy[0] + N0 + N1;
- parameters_references_copy[3] = &parameters_copy[0] + N0 + N1 + N2;
- parameters_references_copy[4] = &parameters_copy[0] + N0 + N1 + N2 + N3;
- parameters_references_copy[5] =
- &parameters_copy[0] + N0 + N1 + N2 + N3 + N4;
+ FixedArray<double> parameters_copy(kNumParameters);
+ FixedArray<double*> parameters_reference_copy(kNumParameterBlocks);
+ parameters_reference_copy[0] = parameters_copy.get();
+ if (N1) parameters_reference_copy[1] = parameters_reference_copy[0] + N0;
+ if (N2) parameters_reference_copy[2] = parameters_reference_copy[1] + N1;
+ if (N3) parameters_reference_copy[3] = parameters_reference_copy[2] + N2;
+ if (N4) parameters_reference_copy[4] = parameters_reference_copy[3] + N3;
+ if (N5) parameters_reference_copy[5] = parameters_reference_copy[4] + N4;
+ if (N6) parameters_reference_copy[6] = parameters_reference_copy[5] + N5;
+ if (N7) parameters_reference_copy[7] = parameters_reference_copy[6] + N6;
+ if (N8) parameters_reference_copy[8] = parameters_reference_copy[7] + N7;
+ if (N9) parameters_reference_copy[9] = parameters_reference_copy[8] + N8;
+#define COPY_PARAMETER_BLOCK(block) \
+ if (N ## block) memcpy(parameters_reference_copy[block], \
+ parameters[block], \
+ sizeof(double) * N ## block); // NOLINT
-#define COPY_PARAMETER_BLOCK(block) \
- if (N ## block) memcpy(parameters_references_copy[block], \
- parameters[block], \
- sizeof(double) * N ## block); // NOLINT
- if (N ## block && jacobians[block]) { \
- if (!Differencer<CostFunctionNoJacobian, /* NOLINT */ \
- M, \
- N ## block, \
- block, \
- method>::EvaluateJacobianForParameterBlock( \
- function_.get(), \
- residuals, \
- parameters_references_copy, \
- jacobians)) { \
- return false; \
- } \
+ if (N ## block && jacobians[block] != NULL) { \
+ if (!NumericDiff<CostFunctor, \
+ method, \
+ kNumResiduals, \
+ N0, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9, \
+ block, \
+ N ## block >::EvaluateJacobianForParameterBlock( \
+ functor_.get(), \
+ residuals, \
+ relative_step_size_, \
+ parameters_reference_copy.get(), \
+ jacobians[block])) { \
+ return false; \
+ } \
return true;
- internal::scoped_ptr<CostFunctionNoJacobian> function_;
+ internal::scoped_ptr<CostFunctor> functor_;
Ownership ownership_;
+ const double relative_step_size_;
} // namespace ceres