# Ceres Solver - A fast non-linear least squares minimizer # Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # http://code.google.com/p/ceres-solver/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Author: keir@google.com (Keir Mierle) CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.0) CMAKE_POLICY(VERSION 2.8) IF (COMMAND cmake_policy) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0003 NEW) ENDIF (COMMAND cmake_policy) PROJECT(CERES C CXX) # Set up the git hook to make Gerrit Change-Id: lines in commit messages. SET (LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY) IF (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) # .git directory can be found on Unix based system, or on Windows with # Git Bash (shipped with msysgit) SET (LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) ELSE (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) # TODO(keir) Add proper Windows support ENDIF (EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/.git) IF (EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/commit-msg) # Download the hook only if it is not already present FILE(DOWNLOAD https://ceres-solver-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/commit-msg) # Make the downloaded file executable, since it is not by default. FILE(COPY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/commit-msg DESTINATION ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/ FILE_PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_WRITE GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}/hooks/commit-msg) ENDIF (EXISTS ${LOCAL_GIT_DIRECTORY}) SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) SET(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) SET(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) # Important: Always bump the second number (e.g. 1.3.x to 1.4.0) for any # release that changes the ABI. The ABI changes for almost any modification to # include/ceres (e.g. the public API). If you are unsure about whether # something is an ABI change, please ask on the list. # # For versions without ABI changes, bump the smallest number in CERES_VERSION, # but leave the CERES_ABI_VERSION unchanged. SET(CERES_VERSION_MAJOR 1) SET(CERES_VERSION_MINOR 7) SET(CERES_VERSION_PATCH 0) SET(CERES_VERSION ${CERES_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CERES_VERSION_MINOR}.${CERES_VERSION_PATCH}) SET(CERES_ABI_VERSION 1.7.0) ENABLE_TESTING() OPTION(BUILD_TESTING "Enable tests" ON) OPTION(BUILD_ANDROID "Build for Android. Use build_android.sh instead of setting this." OFF) OPTION(BUILD_SHARED "Build a dynamically linkable version of Ceres Solver." ON) # To get a more static build, try the following line on Mac and Linux: # SET(CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES .a ${CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES}) # Default locations to search for on various platforms. LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/lib) LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/lib) LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/homebrew/lib) # Mac OS X LIST(APPEND SEARCH_LIBS /opt/local/lib) LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include) LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include) LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/homebrew/include) # Mac OS X LIST(APPEND SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/include) # Locations to search for Eigen SET(EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/eigen3) # Ubuntu 10.04's default location. LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include/eigen3) LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/homebrew/include/eigen3) # Mac OS X LIST(APPEND EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/var/macports/software/eigen3/opt/local/include/eigen3) # Mac OS X # Locations to search for SuiteSparse SET(SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /usr/lib/suitesparse) # Ubuntu LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /usr/local/lib/suitesparse) LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS /opt/local/lib/ufsparse) # Mac OS X SET(SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/suitesparse) # Ubuntu LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/local/include/suitesparse) LIST(APPEND SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /opt/local/include/ufsparse) # Mac OS X SET(CXSPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) SET(CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) LIST(APPEND CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS /usr/include/suitesparse) # Ubuntu IF ((NOT DEFINED SUITESPARSE) OR (DEFINED SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE)) # Check for SuiteSparse dependencies SET(AMD_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(AMD_LIB NAMES amd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found AMD library: ${AMD_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find AMD library") SET(AMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${AMD_LIB}) FIND_PATH(AMD_INCLUDE NAMES amd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found AMD header in: ${AMD_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find AMD header") SET(AMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${AMD_INCLUDE}) SET(CAMD_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(CAMD_LIB NAMES camd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found CAMD library: ${CAMD_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CAMD library") SET(CAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CAMD_LIB}) FIND_PATH(CAMD_INCLUDE NAMES camd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found CAMD header in: ${CAMD_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CAMD header") SET(CAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CAMD_INCLUDE}) SET(COLAMD_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(COLAMD_LIB NAMES colamd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found COLAMD library: ${COLAMD_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find COLAMD library") SET(COLAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_LIB}) FIND_PATH(COLAMD_INCLUDE NAMES colamd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found COLAMD header in: ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find COLAMD header") SET(COLAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(CCOLAMD_LIB NAMES ccolamd PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found CCOLAMD library: ${CCOLAMD_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CCOLAMD library") SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_LIB}) FIND_PATH(CCOLAMD_INCLUDE NAMES ccolamd.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found CCOLAMD header in: ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CCOLAMD header") SET(CCOLAMD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(CHOLMOD_LIB NAMES cholmod PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found CHOLMOD library: ${CHOLMOD_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CHOLMOD library") SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_LIB}) FIND_PATH(CHOLMOD_INCLUDE NAMES cholmod.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found CHOLMOD header in: ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CHOLMOD header") SET(CHOLMOD_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) SET(SUITESPARSEQR_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(SUITESPARSEQR_LIB NAMES spqr PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found SUITESPARSEQR library: ${SUITESPARSEQR_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find SUITESPARSEQR library") SET(SUITESPARSEQR_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_LIB}) FIND_PATH(SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE NAMES SuiteSparseQR.hpp PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found SUITESPARSEQR header in: ${SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find SUITESPARSEQR header") SET(SUITESPARSEQR_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE}) # If SuiteSparse version is >= 4 then SuiteSparse_config is required. # For SuiteSparse 3, UFconfig.h is required. SET(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND TRUE) SET(UFCONFIG_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB NAMES suitesparseconfig PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found SuiteSparse_config library: ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find SuiteSparse_config library") ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB}) FIND_PATH(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE NAMES SuiteSparse_config.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found SuiteSparse_config header in: ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}") SET(UFCONFIG_FOUND FALSE) ELSE (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find SuiteSparse_config header") ENDIF (EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB} OR NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) SET(SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND FALSE) FIND_PATH(UFCONFIG_INCLUDE NAMES UFconfig.h PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found UFconfig header in: ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find UFconfig header") SET(UFCONFIG_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_LIB} OR NOT EXISTS ${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) FIND_LIBRARY(METIS_LIB NAMES metis PATHS ${SUITESPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found METIS library: ${METIS_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find METIS library") ENDIF (EXISTS ${METIS_LIB}) # SuiteSparseQR may be compiled with Intel Threading Building Blocks. SET(TBB_FOUND TRUE) FIND_LIBRARY(TBB_LIB NAMES tbb PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${TBB_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found TBB library: ${TBB_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${TBB_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find TBB library") SET(TBB_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${TBB_LIB}) FIND_LIBRARY(TBB_MALLOC_LIB NAMES tbbmalloc PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${TBB_MALLOC_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found TBB Malloc library: ${TBB_MALLOC_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${TBB_MALLOC_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find TBB library") SET(TBB_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${TBB_MALLOC_LIB}) SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND TRUE) IF (APPLE) # Mac OS X has LAPACK/BLAS bundled in a framework called # "vecLib". Search for that instead of for the normal "lapack" # library. FIND_LIBRARY(LAPACK_LIB NAMES vecLib) ELSE (APPLE) FIND_LIBRARY(BLAS_LIB NAMES blas) IF (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found BLAS library: ${BLAS_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find BLAS library") SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${BLAS_LIB}) FIND_LIBRARY(LAPACK_LIB NAMES lapack) ENDIF (APPLE) IF (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found LAPACK library: ${LAPACK_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) SET(BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND FALSE) MESSAGE("-- Did not find LAPACK library") ENDIF (EXISTS ${LAPACK_LIB}) # We don't use SET(SUITESPARSE_FOUND ${AMD_FOUND} ...) in order to # be able to check whether SuiteSparse is available withou expanding # SUITESPARSE_FOUND with ${}. This means further checks could be: # # IF (SUITESPARSE_FOUND) # # and not: # # IF (${SUITESPARSE_FOUND}) # IF (${AMD_FOUND} AND ${CAMD_FOUND} AND ${COLAMD_FOUND} AND ${CCOLAMD_FOUND} AND ${CHOLMOD_FOUND} AND (${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND} OR ${UFCONFIG_FOUND}) AND ${BLAS_AND_LAPACK_FOUND}) SET(SUITESPARSE_FOUND TRUE) ELSE () SET(SUITESPARSE_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF () ENDIF ((NOT DEFINED SUITESPARSE) OR (DEFINED SUITESPARSE AND SUITESPARSE)) # By default, if all of SuiteSparse's dependencies are found, Ceres is # built with SuiteSparse support. -DSUITESPARSE=ON/OFF can be used to # enable/disable SuiteSparse explicitly. IF (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) IF (SUITESPARSE) IF (NOT SUITESPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "One or more of SuiteSparse's dependencies was not found") ENDIF (NOT SUITESPARSE_FOUND) ELSE (SUITESPARSE) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) ENDIF (SUITESPARSE) ELSE (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) IF (SUITESPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Found all SuiteSparse dependencies. Building with SuiteSparse") SET(SUITESPARSE ON) ELSE (SUITESPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Did not find all SuiteSparse dependencies. Building without SuiteSparse") SET(SUITESPARSE OFF) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_SUITESPARSE) ENDIF (SUITESPARSE_FOUND) ENDIF (DEFINED SUITESPARSE) # By default, if all of CXSparse's dependencies are found, Ceres is # built with CXSparse support. -DCXSPARSE=ON/OFF can be used to # enable/disable CXSparse explicitly. IF ((NOT DEFINED CXSPARSE) OR (DEFINED CXSPARSE AND CXSPARSE)) SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND ON) FIND_LIBRARY(CXSPARSE_LIB NAMES cxsparse PATHS ${CXSPARSE_SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found CXSparse library in: ${CXSPARSE_LIB}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CXSparse header") SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_LIB}) FIND_PATH(CXSPARSE_INCLUDE NAMES cs.h PATHS ${CXSPARSE_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found CXSparse header in: ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}") ELSE (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Did not find CXSparse header") SET(CXSPARSE_FOUND FALSE) ENDIF (EXISTS ${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) ENDIF ((NOT DEFINED CXSPARSE) OR (DEFINED CXSPARSE AND CXSPARSE)) IF (DEFINED CXSPARSE) IF (CXSPARSE) IF (NOT CXSPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "-- CXSparse not found.") ENDIF (NOT CXSPARSE_FOUND) ELSE (CXSPARSE) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_CXSPARSE) ENDIF (CXSPARSE) ELSE (DEFINED CXSPARSE) IF (CXSPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Building with CXSparse support.") SET(CXSPARSE ON) ELSE (CXSPARSE_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Building without CXSparse.") SET(CXSPARSE OFF) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_CXSPARSE) ENDIF (CXSPARSE_FOUND) ENDIF (DEFINED CXSPARSE) # Google Flags OPTION(GFLAGS "Enable Google Flags." ON) IF (GFLAGS) FIND_LIBRARY(GFLAGS_LIB NAMES gflags PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_LIB}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Google Flags. Please specify: " "-DGFLAGS_LIB=...") ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found Google Flags library: ${GFLAGS_LIB}") FIND_PATH(GFLAGS_INCLUDE NAMES gflags/gflags.h PATHS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Google Flags. Please specify: " "-DGFLAGS_INCLUDE=...") ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found Google Flags header in: ${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}") ELSE (GFLAGS) MESSAGE("-- Google Flags disabled; no tests or tools will be built!") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_GFLAGS) ENDIF (GFLAGS) # Google Logging IF (NOT BUILD_ANDROID) FIND_LIBRARY(GLOG_LIB NAMES glog PATHS ${SEARCH_LIBS}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_LIB}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Google Log. Please specify: " "-DGLOG_LIB=...") ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_LIB}) MESSAGE("-- Found Google Log library: ${GLOG_LIB}") FIND_PATH(GLOG_INCLUDE NAMES glog/logging.h PATHS ${SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Google Log. Please specify: " "-DGLOG_INCLUDE=...") ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${GLOG_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found Google Log header in: ${GLOG_INCLUDE}") ELSE (NOT BUILD_ANDROID) SET(GLOG_LIB miniglog) MESSAGE("-- Using minimal Glog substitute for Android (library): ${GLOG_LIB}") SET(GLOG_INCLUDE internal/ceres/miniglog) MESSAGE("-- Using minimal Glog substitute for Android (include): ${GLOG_INCLUDE}") ENDIF (NOT BUILD_ANDROID) # Eigen FIND_PATH(EIGEN_INCLUDE NAMES Eigen/Core PATHS ${EIGEN_SEARCH_HEADERS}) IF (NOT EXISTS ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't find Eigen. Try passing -DEIGEN_INCLUDE=...") ELSE (NOT EXISTS ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}) MESSAGE("-- Found Eigen 3.x: ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}") ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${EIGEN_INCLUDE}) # Template specializations for the Schur complement based solvers. If # compile time, binary size or compiler performance is an issue, you # may consider disabling this. OPTION(SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS "Enable fixed-size schur specializations." ON) IF (NOT SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_RESTRICT_SCHUR_SPECIALIZATION) MESSAGE("-- Disabling Schur specializations (faster compiles)") ENDIF (NOT SCHUR_SPECIALIZATIONS) # Line search minimizer is useful for large scale problems or when # sparse linear algebra libraries are not available. If compile time, # binary size or compiler performance is an issue, consider disabling # this. OPTION(LINE_SEARCH_MINIMIZER "Enable the line search minimizer." ON) IF (NOT LINE_SEARCH_MINIMIZER) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_LINE_SEARCH_MINIMIZER) MESSAGE("-- Disabling line search minimizer") ENDIF (NOT LINE_SEARCH_MINIMIZER) OPTION(CUSTOM_BLAS "Use handcoded BLAS routines (usually faster) instead of Eigen." ON) IF (NOT CUSTOM_BLAS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_CUSTOM_BLAS) MESSAGE("-- Disabling custom blas") ENDIF (NOT CUSTOM_BLAS) # Multithreading using OpenMP OPTION(OPENMP "Enable threaded solving in Ceres (requires OpenMP)" ON) IF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") SET(OPENMP_FOUND FALSE) ELSE (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") IF (OPENMP) FIND_PACKAGE(OpenMP) ENDIF (OPENMP) ENDIF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") IF (OPENMP_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Found OpenMP.") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_USE_OPENMP) SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${OpenMP_CXX_FLAGS}") IF (UNIX) # At least on Linux, we need pthreads to be enabled for mutex to # compile. This may not work on Windows or Android. FIND_PACKAGE(Threads REQUIRED) SET(STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS "${STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}") SET(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_HAVE_PTHREAD) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_HAVE_RWLOCK) ENDIF (UNIX) ELSE (OPENMP_FOUND) MESSAGE("-- Can't find OpenMP. Disabling multithreading.") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_THREADS) ENDIF (OPENMP_FOUND) # Disable threads in mutex.h. Someday, after there is OpenMP support in # Android, this can get removed. Also turn on a workaround for an NDK bug. IF (BUILD_ANDROID) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_THREADS) ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_WORK_AROUND_ANDROID_NDK_COMPILER_BUG) ENDIF (BUILD_ANDROID) OPTION(DISABLE_TR1 "Don't use TR1. This replaces some hash tables with sets. Slower." OFF) IF (DISABLE_TR1) MESSAGE("-- Replacing unordered_map/set with map/set (warning: slower!)") ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DCERES_NO_TR1) ELSE (DISABLE_TR1) MESSAGE("-- Using normal TR1 unordered_map/set") # Use the std namespace for the hash<> and related templates. This may vary by # system. IF (MSVC) IF (MSVC90) # Special case for Visual Studio 2008. # Newer versions have got tr1 symbols in another namespace, # and this is being handled in Else branch of this condition. # Probably Visual studio 2003 and 2005 also shall be handled here, # but don't have by hand to verify and most likely they're not # used by Ceres users anyway. ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_START=namespace std { namespace tr1 {\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_END=}}\"") ELSE (MSVC90) # This is known to work with Visual Studio 2010 Express. # Further, for as long Visual Studio 2012 didn't move tr1 to # just another namespace, the same define will work for it as well. # Hopefully all further versions will also keep working with this define. ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_START=namespace std {\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_END=}\"") ENDIF(MSVC90) ELSE (MSVC) # This is known to work with recent versions of Linux and Mac OS X. ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_START=namespace std { namespace tr1 {\"") ADD_DEFINITIONS("\"-DCERES_HASH_NAMESPACE_END=}}\"") ENDIF (MSVC) ENDIF (DISABLE_TR1) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( include internal internal/ceres ${GLOG_INCLUDE} ${EIGEN_INCLUDE} ) FILE(GLOB CERES_HDRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/*.h) INSTALL(FILES ${CERES_HDRS} DESTINATION include/ceres) FILE(GLOB CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/ceres/internal/*.h) INSTALL(FILES ${CERES_PUBLIC_INTERNAL_HDRS} DESTINATION include/ceres/internal) IF (SUITESPARSE) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${AMD_INCLUDE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CAMD_INCLUDE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${COLAMD_INCLUDE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CCOLAMD_INCLUDE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CHOLMOD_INCLUDE}) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${SUITESPARSEQR_INCLUDE}) IF (SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_INCLUDE}) ENDIF (SUITESPARSE_CONFIG_FOUND) IF (UFCONFIG_FOUND) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${UFCONFIG_INCLUDE}) ENDIF (UFCONFIG_FOUND) ENDIF (SUITESPARSE) IF (CXSPARSE) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${CXSPARSE_INCLUDE}) ENDIF (CXSPARSE) IF (GFLAGS) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${GFLAGS_INCLUDE}) ENDIF (GFLAGS) # Change the default build type from Debug to Release, while still # supporting overriding the build type. # # The CACHE STRING logic here and elsewhere is needed to force CMake # to pay attention to the value of these variables. IF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) MESSAGE("-- No build type specified; defaulting to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release.") SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE) ELSE (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") MESSAGE("\n=================================================================================") MESSAGE("\n-- Build type: Debug. Performance will be terrible!") MESSAGE("-- Add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release to the CMake command line to get an optimized build.") MESSAGE("\n=================================================================================") ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") ENDIF (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # Set the default Ceres flags to an empty string. SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS) IF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") IF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) IF (BUILD_ANDROID) # TODO(keir): Figure out what flags should go here to make an optimized # native ARM binary for Android. ELSE (BUILD_ANDROID) # Linux IF (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS "${CERES_CXX_FLAGS} -march=native -mtune=native") ENDIF (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") # Mac OS X IF (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") SET (CERES_CXX_FLAGS "${CERES_CXX_FLAGS} -fast -msse3") ENDIF (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") ENDIF (BUILD_ANDROID) ENDIF (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) IF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") # Use of -O4 requires use of gold linker & LLVM-gold plugin, which might # well not be present / in use and without which files will compile, but # not link ('file not recognized') so explicitly check for support INCLUDE(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG("-O4" HAVE_LTO_SUPPORT) IF (HAVE_LTO_SUPPORT) MESSAGE(STATUS "Enabling link-time optimization (-O4)") SET(CERES_CXX_FLAGS "${CERES_CXX_FLAGS} -O4") ELSE () MESSAGE(STATUS "Compiler/linker does not support link-time optimization (-O4), disabling.") ENDIF (HAVE_LTO_SUPPORT) ENDIF () ENDIF (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Release") SET (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} ${CERES_CXX_FLAGS}") # After the tweaks for the compile settings, disable some warnings on MSVC. IF (MSVC) # Disable signed/unsigned int conversion warnings. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4018") # Disable warning about using struct/class for the same symobl. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4099") # Disable warning about the insecurity of using "std::copy". ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4996") # Disable performance warning about int-to-bool conversion. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4800") # Disable performance warning about fopen insecurity. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4996") # Disable warning about int64 to int32 conversion. Disabling # this warning may not be correct; needs investigation. # TODO(keir): Investigate these warnings in more detail. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4244") # It's not possible to use STL types in DLL interfaces in a portable and # reliable way. However, that's what happens with Google Log and Google Flags # on Windows. MSVC gets upset about this and throws warnings that we can't do # much about. The real solution is to link static versions of Google Log and # Google Test, but that seems tricky on Windows. So, disable the warning. ADD_DEFINITIONS("/wd4251") # Google Flags doesn't have their DLL import/export stuff set up correctly, # which results in linker warnings. This is irrelevant for Ceres, so ignore # the warnings. SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /ignore:4049") # Tuple sizes of 10 are used by Gtest. ADD_DEFINITIONS("-D_VARIADIC_MAX=10") ENDIF (MSVC) IF (UNIX) # GCC is not strict enough by default, so enable most of the warnings. SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-missing-field-initializers") ENDIF (UNIX) # Use a larger inlining threshold for Clang, since it hobbles Eigen, # resulting in an unreasonably slow version of the blas routines. The # -Qunused-arguments is needed because CMake passes the inline # threshold to the linker and clang complains about it and dies. IF (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Qunused-arguments -mllvm -inline-threshold=600 -Wno-return-type-c-linkage") ENDIF () ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(internal/ceres) OPTION(BUILD_DOCUMENTATION "Build User's Guide (html)" OFF) IF (BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) MESSAGE("-- Documentation building is enabled") # Make CMake aware of the cmake folder, in order to find 'FindSphinx.cmake' SET (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") # Generate the User's Guide (html). # The corresponding target is UserGuide, but is included in ALL. ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(docs) ENDIF (BUILD_DOCUMENTATION) OPTION(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" ON) IF (BUILD_EXAMPLES) MESSAGE("-- Build the examples.") ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(examples) ELSE (BUILD_EXAMPLES) MESSAGE("-- Do not build any example.") ENDIF (BUILD_EXAMPLES) # Add an uninstall target to remove all installed files. CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake" IMMEDIATE @ONLY) ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(uninstall COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/uninstall.cmake) # Set up install directories. INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR, LIB_INSTALL_DIR and # CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR must not be absolute paths. SET(INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR include) SET(LIB_INSTALL_DIR lib) SET(CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR share/Ceres) # This "exports" all targets which have been put into the export set # "CeresExport". This means that CMake generates a file with the given # filename, which can later on be loaded by projects using this package. # This file contains ADD_LIBRARY(bar IMPORTED) statements for each target # in the export set, so when loaded later on CMake will create "imported" # library targets from these, which can be used in many ways in the same way # as a normal library target created via a normal ADD_LIBRARY(). INSTALL(EXPORT CeresExport DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} FILE CeresTargets.cmake) # Figure out the relative path from the installed Config.cmake file to the # install prefix (which may be at runtime different from the chosen # CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX if under Windows the package was installed anywhere) # This relative path will be configured into the CeresConfig.cmake. FILE(RELATIVE_PATH relInstallDir ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) # Create a CeresConfig.cmake file. Config.cmake files are searched by # FIND_PACKAGE() automatically. We configure that file so that we can put any # information we want in it, e.g. version numbers, include directories, etc. CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CeresConfig.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfig.cmake" @ONLY) # Additionally, when CMake has found a CeresConfig.cmake, it can check for a # CeresConfigVersion.cmake in the same directory when figuring out the version # of the package when a version has been specified in the FIND_PACKAGE() call, # e.g. FIND_PACKAGE(Ceres [1.4.2] REQUIRED). The version argument is optional. CONFIGURE_FILE("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CeresConfigVersion.cmake.in" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfigVersion.cmake" @ONLY) # Install these two files into the same directory as the generated exports-file. INSTALL(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfig.cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CeresConfigVersion.cmake" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/depend.cmake" DESTINATION ${CMAKECONFIG_INSTALL_DIR})