AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-12-13minor: fixed missing coverage in SeverityMatchFilterrnveach
2017-12-13Issue #5208: override all dependecies from super-pom to pass version validationRoman Ivanov
2017-12-13config: bump antlr4 to 4.7.1 with minor output extension for travisRoman Ivanov
2017-12-13config: bump maven-javadoc-plugin to 3.0.0Roman Ivanov
2017-12-13config: add artifactId and new rule to version-number-rules.xmlRoman Ivanov
2017-12-13config: sleep 5s before 'false' in travis for versions (travis did not print ...Roman Ivanov
2017-12-12Issue #4605: increased pitest coverage for utils packagernveach
2017-12-12Issue #4716: enabled intellij AbstractClassExtendsConcreteClassrnveach
2017-12-12Issue #5003: increased pitest coverage for whitespace package to 100%rnveach
2017-12-12Issue #4675: increased pitest coverage for misc packagernveach
2017-12-12config: enforce uncovered validation for pitestRoman Ivanov
2017-12-12config: try coverageThreshold 100 for all profilesRoman Ivanov
2017-12-11minor: sync grep and echo of check_survived_imports at shippable.ymlRoman Ivanov
2017-12-10Issue #2804: changed javadoc test suppression to specific messagesrnveach
2017-12-10Issue #2804: allow suppression by messagernveach
2017-12-10minor: renamed different class fields to have unique namesrnveach
2017-12-09Issue #5005: increased pitest coverage for metrics package to 100%rnveach
2017-12-08Issue #5005: increased pitest coverage for metrics packagernveach
2017-12-08Issue #5008: removed checks at 100% mutation for coding packagernveach
2017-12-08config: exclude link to marketplace.visualstudio.com (linkcheck)Roman Ivanov
2017-12-08Issue #4876: specified what checks is in ModuleReflectionUtilsrnveach
2017-12-08Issue #5008: increased pitest of coding packagernveach
2017-12-08minor: locked down abstract test classes from overridingrnveach
2017-12-08Issue #5327: fixed finding annotation name with comment embeddedrnveach
2017-12-07minor: add content to config.html by workaround with h4 removalRoman Ivanov
2017-12-06Issue #5008: increased pitest of coding packagernveach
2017-12-06Issue #5268: False RedundantModifier violation for final method of enum insid...BBG
2017-12-05Issue #5002: added documentation for violateExecutionOnNonTightHtmlrnveach
2017-12-05Pull #5321: fixed bug on matching xpath when no xpath givenrnveach
2017-12-05Issue #5290: change all sonarqube.com to sonarcloud.ioRoman Ivanov
2017-12-05doc: add 'Checkstyle for Microsoft Visual Studio Code' in known toolsRoman Ivanov
2017-12-05Issue #5208: avoid error code from grep if nothing foundRoman Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump guava to 23.5Roman Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump guava to 23.4Roman Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump system-rules to 1.17.0Roman Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump jgit to Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump equalsverifier to 2.4Roman Ivanov
2017-12-05config: bump Saxon-HE to 9.8.0-6Roman Ivanov
2017-12-04config: bump version commons-io to 2.6Roman Ivanov
2017-12-04config: bump guava to 23.3-jreRoman Ivanov
2017-12-04minor: removed temporary issues that are closedrnveach
2017-12-04config: change 'exit 1' to 'false' in travis.yml to let travis print all outputRoman Ivanov
2017-12-02Revert "infra: fix for travis:osx problem with 'shell_session_update: command...Roman Ivanov
2017-12-01Issue #4169: Javadoc on annotation fields supportPavel Bludov
2017-12-01minor: add eclipse url to exclude due to SSL (linkcheck)Roman Ivanov
2017-11-30Issue #5208: use maven version plugin to report new versions for updateRoman Ivanov
2017-11-28Merge Checkstyle 8.5 into aosp/masterAurimas Liutikas
2017-11-28Issue #4701: No error for a misplaced javadoc tagPavel Bludov
2017-11-26Issue #5124: removed usages of branchContains for Variable Distancernveach
2017-11-26config: update Orekit to use develop branch in wercker CIRoman Ivanov