#!/bin/bash #This script is used at https://app.codeship.com/projects/124310 #Run "firefox target/site/linkcheck.html" after completion to review html report set -e uname -a mvn --version curl -I https://sourceforge.net/projects/checkstyle/ mvn clean site -Dcheckstyle.ant.skip=true -DskipTests -DskipITs -Dpmd.skip=true -Dfindbugs.skip=true -Dcobertura.skip=true -Dcheckstyle.skip=true echo "------------ grep of linkcheck.html--BEGIN" # "grep ... | cat" is required command is running in "set -e" mode and grep could return exit code 1 if nothing is matching grep externalLink target/site/linkcheck.html | cat echo "------------ grep of linkcheck.html--END" RESULT=$(grep externalLink target/site/linkcheck.html | grep -v 'Read timed out' | wc -l) echo 'Exit code:'$RESULT if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]]; then false; fi