package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class InputFinalLocalVariableFalsePositives { // spring-framework/spring-web/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/multipart/commons/ private void foo1() { String value; if (true) { try { value = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { if (true) { } value = ""; } } else { value = ""; } } // spring-framework/spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/stomp/ private void foo2() { String stompAccessor; if (true) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No header accessor (not using the SimpMessagingTemplate?): "); } else if (true) { stompAccessor = ""; } else if (true) { stompAccessor = ""; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected header accessor type "); } if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { } return; } stompAccessor.toString(); } if (true) { return; } if (true) { if (true) { } stompAccessor = ""; stompAccessor.toString(); stompAccessor.toString(); if (true) { stompAccessor.toString(); } } else if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { } return; } } else { if (true) { if (true) { } return; } } } // spring-framework/spring-jdbc/src/main/java/org/springframework/jdbc/support/ private void foo3() { String errorCodes; try { if (true) { } else { } if (true) { } errorCodes = ""; if (true) { } } catch (Exception ex) { errorCodes = ""; } final String s = errorCodes; } // spring-framework/spring-context/src/main/java/org/springframework/scheduling/config/ private void foo4() { if (true) { try { int corePoolSize; if (true) { corePoolSize = Integer.valueOf("1"); if (corePoolSize > 2) { } if (true) { if (corePoolSize == 0) { corePoolSize = 2; } else { } } } else { corePoolSize = 1; } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { } } } // spring-framework/spring-beans/src/main/java/org/springframework/beans/factory/support/ private void foo5() { if (true) { final String s = ""; String constructorToUse; synchronized (s) { constructorToUse = ""; if (constructorToUse == null) { if (true) { } try { if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { constructorToUse = ""; } else { constructorToUse = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } else { } } // openjdk8/src/windows/classes/sun/print/ private void foo6() { String[] attrs; if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { } } if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i] instanceof Object) { } if (attrs[i] instanceof Object) { } } } } // openjdk8/src/windows/classes/sun/awt/windows/ private void foo7() { int index; if (true) { index = 0; } else if (true) { index = 2; } else { return; } if (true) { index += 1; } } // openjdk8/src/solaris/classes/sun/print/ private void foo8() { String[] attrs; if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i] instanceof String) { } } } if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i] instanceof Object) { } if (attrs[i] instanceof String) { } } } } // openjdk8/src/solaris/classes/sun/java2d/xr/ private void foo9() { int transx, transy; if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { } else { } transx = 2; transy = 1; } else { transx = 0; transy = 0; } } if (true) { transx = 1; transy = 2; } else { transx = transy = 0; } try { } finally { } } // openjdk8/src/solaris/classes/sun/awt/ private void foo10() { int index; if (false) { index = 0; } else if (true) { index = 2; } else { return; } if (false) { index += 1; } } // jdk8/src/solaris/classes/java/util/prefs/ private void foo11() { if (true) if (true) return; long lastModifiedTime; if (true) { lastModifiedTime = 1L; if (true) { } } else if (true) { } if (true) { lastModifiedTime = 2L; if (true) { } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/util/locale/provider/ private void foo12() { String numElemKey; if (true) { numElemKey = ".NumberElements"; if (true) { } } if (true) { numElemKey = ""; if (true) { } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/tools/jar/ private void foo13() { String out; if (true) { out = ""; } else { out = ""; if (true) { } } if (true) { out = ""; } if (true) { } out.toString(); if (true) { try { out = ""; } catch (Exception ioe) { } finally { if (true) { } if (true) { out.toString(); } if (true) { } if (true) { } if (true) { } } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/ private void foo14() { int c, c2; // violation: Variable 'c2' should be declared final if (true) { } if (true) { if ((c = 'd') >= 0) { if (true) { c2 = 'a'; if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { } c = c2; } else { } } } if (true) { } } return; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/text/normalizer/ private void foo15() { int limit; if (true) { limit = 0xdc00 >> 1; limit = 2 + 1; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/text/bidi/ private void foo16() { final int a = 1; byte level; if (true) { switch (a) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: if (true) { } if ((true) || (true)) { level = 1; if (true) { } if (true) { } break; } for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { } if (true) { } break; case 4: if (true) break; case 5: if (true) { if (true) { break; } if (true) { } break; } if (true) { } break; case 6: break; case 7: for (int i = 0; i < 15458; i++) { } if (true) { } break; case 8: break; case 9: if (true) { } break; case 10: level = (byte) 1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { } } break; case 11: level = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { while (level < 2) { } while (true) { } } if (true) { continue; } } break; case 12: level = (byte) 2; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { } } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Internal ICU error in processPropertySeq"); } } if (true) { level = (byte) 12; for (; ; ) { } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ private void foo17() { try { int newLen; if (true) { try { newLen = 1; } catch (Exception ibse) { } } else { newLen = 2; if (true) { } } if (true) { try { } catch (Exception e) { } } if (true) { newLen = 3; if (true) { if (true) { } } } return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(e.toString()); } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/ssl/ private void foo18() throws Exception { int newLen; if (true) { try { newLen = 1; } catch (Exception ibse) { } } else { newLen = 2; if (true) { } } if (true) { try { } catch (Exception e) { } } if (true) { newLen = 1; if (true) { if (true) { throw new Exception("invalid explicit IV"); } } } return; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/rsa/ private String foo19() { String params; synchronized (this) { params = "blindingCache.get(modulus)"; } if (true) { return params; } params = "new BlindingParameters(e, re, rInv)"; synchronized (this) { } return params; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/provider/certpath/ldap/ private void foo20() { String cert; if (true) { cert = "certPair.getForward()"; if (true) { } } if (true) { cert = "certPair.getReverse()"; if (true) { } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/pkcs11/ private void foo21() throws Exception { try { final int keyType = 8; String[] attributes; switch (keyType) { case 1: case 2: case 3: attributes = null; break; default: attributes = null; break; } attributes = null; return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not generate key", e); } finally { } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ private void foo22() throws Exception { String subDer; if (true) { subDer = ""; if (true) { while ("".equals(subDer)) { } for (int i = 0; i < 1541; i++) { } } else { throw new Exception(); } } else { throw new Exception(); } if (true) { } if (true) { } if (true) { if (true) { subDer = ""; if (true) { while ("".equals(subDer)) { } } else { throw new Exception(); } if (true) { } } else { throw new Exception(); } } if (true) { throw new Exception(); } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/security/krb5/internal/ private void foo23() throws Exception { int bint; if (true) { throw new Exception(); } if (true) { throw new Exception(); } if (true) { bint = 1; if (true) { throw new Exception(""); } } else { throw new Exception(); } if (true) { bint = 2; if (bint == 4) { throw new Exception(); } } else { throw new Exception(); } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/rmi/server/ private void foo24() { final String a = ""; String loader; synchronized (this) { while ("".equals(a)) { if (true) { } } if (true) { if (true) { } loader = ""; } loader = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/print/ private void foo25() { double w, h; if (true) { if (true) { w = 11.0; h = 12.2; } } if (true) { w = 1.0; h = 2.5; } return; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/print/ private void foo26() { String[] attrs; if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (true) { } } } if (true) { attrs = null; for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { if (attrs[i] instanceof String) { } if (attrs[i] instanceof String) { } } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/net/www/protocol/http/ private void foo27() { String locUrl; try { locUrl = ""; if (true) { return; } } catch (Exception mue) { locUrl = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/misc/ private void foo28() { final String a = ""; String[] path; if (true) { while ("".equals(a)) { } path = new String[5]; while ("".equals(a)) { if (true) { path[1] = ""; } else { path[2] = ""; } } if (true) { path[3] = ""; } else { path[4] = ""; } if (true) { path = new String[14]; } } else { path = new String[81]; } return; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/misc/ private void foo29() { int decExp; parseNumber: try { if (true) { throw new NumberFormatException("empty String"); } int i = 0; switch (i) { case '-': case '+': i++; } if (true) { if (true) { return; } break parseNumber; } else if (true) { if (true) { return; } break parseNumber; } else if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { return; } } } skipLeadingZerosLoop: while (i < 15) { if (true) { } else if (true) { if (true) { throw new NumberFormatException("multiple points"); } if (true) { } } else { break skipLeadingZerosLoop; } i++; } digitLoop: while (i < 12) { if (true) { } else if (true) { } else if (true) { if (true) { throw new NumberFormatException("multiple points"); } if (true) { } } else { break digitLoop; } i++; } if (true) { break parseNumber; } if (true) { decExp = 1; } else { decExp = 2; } if (true) { switch (i) { case '-': case '+': i++; } final int expAt = i; expLoop: while (i < 54) { if (true) { } if (true) { } else { i--; break expLoop; } } if (true) { decExp = 12; } else { decExp = decExp + 123; } if (i == expAt) { break parseNumber; } } if (i < 9788) { break parseNumber; } if (true) { return; } return; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } throw new NumberFormatException(); } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/pipe/ private void foo30() { int transx, transy; if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { } else { } transx = 1; transy = 2; } else { transx = 0; transy = 0; } } if (true) { transx = 4; transy = 1; } else { transx = transy = 0; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/ private void foo31() throws Exception { String srcIL; if (true) { srcIL = ""; if (srcIL != null) { return; } } if (true) { try { srcIL = ""; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to convert rasters"); } for (int y = 0; y < 12; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 12; x++) { for (int i = 0; i < 5478; i++) { } } for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { for (int i = 0; i < 541; i++) { } } } } else { try { srcIL = ""; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to convert rasters"); } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/java2d/cmm/lcms/ private void foo32() throws Exception { String srcIL, dstIL; try { if (true) { dstIL = ""; if (dstIL != null) { srcIL = ""; if (srcIL != null) { return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to convert images"); } if (true) { if (true) { } try { srcIL = ""; dstIL = ""; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to convert images"); } } else { dstIL = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/font/ private void foo33() { float advance; if (true) { advance = 1234; if (advance != Float.MAX_VALUE) { if (true) { return; } else { return; } } } else if (true) { if (true) { advance = 123; if (advance != Float.MAX_VALUE) { if (true) { return; } else { return; } } } } if (true) { return; } if (true) { advance = 12435; } else { if (true) { } else { } if (true) { advance = 123; } else { advance = 123414; } } if (true) { } else if (true) { if (true) { for (int i = 0; i < 214; i++) { } } } return; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/awt/geom/ private void foo34() { final String s = ""; int etag; if (true) { etag = 1; do { if (true) { } if (true) { } } while ("".equals(s)); if (true) { etag = 13213; } else { } } else { etag = 12312; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/ private void foo35() { final int a = 8; String elem; switch (a) { case 1: switch (a) { case '-': while (true) { if (true) { } } default: } case '/': switch (a) { case '>': case '<': if (true) { } elem = ""; break; default: if (true) { return; } switch (a) { case '>': case '<': break; default: } if (true) { elem = ""; } else { elem = ""; } break; } if (true) { elem = ""; if (true) { return; } } else { if (true) { elem = ""; } else { elem = ""; } } elem = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/parser/ private void foo36() { String attname; if (true) { attname = ""; if (true) { } else { if (true) { if (true) { } else { } } } } else if (true) { } else if (true) { if (true) { attname = ""; if (true) { } if (true) { } else { if (true) { if (true) { } } } } else { } } else if (true) { attname = ""; } else if (true) { return; } else { if (true) { } else { return; } } if (true) { attname = ""; } else { } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/text/ private void foo37() { int dot; if (true) { dot = 213213; if (true) { if (true) { } } if (true) { dot += 1; if (true) { try { } catch (Exception ble) { } } } } else if (true) { dot = 31; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/synth/ private void foo38() { String painter; if (true) { if ((painter = "").equals("")) { return; } } if ((painter = "").equals("")) { return; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/metal/ private void foo39() { int spacing; if (true) { if (true) { if (true); } else { spacing = 4; if (true) return; } } if (true) { spacing = 123; if (true) return; } if (true) { spacing = 12; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/plaf/basic/ private void foo40() { String cBounds; if (true) { if (true) { cBounds = ""; } if (true) { cBounds = ""; } } else { if (true) { cBounds = ""; } if (true) { cBounds = ""; } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/border/ private void foo41() { String nextInsets; if (true) { nextInsets = ""; } if (true) { nextInsets = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/swing/ private String foo42() { if (true) { String rowBounds; if (true) { rowBounds = ""; if (true) { if (true) { return ""; } return ""; } if (true) { if (true) { rowBounds = ""; return rowBounds; } } else { return rowBounds; } } return ""; } return ""; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/sql/rowset/spi/ private void foo43() { String providerImpls; try { providerImpls = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { providerImpls = null; } String strRowsetProperties; try { strRowsetProperties = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { strRowsetProperties = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/sound/sampled/ private void foo45() { String mixer; if (true) { if (true) { if (true) { mixer = ""; if (mixer != null) { return; } } else { mixer = ""; if (mixer != null) { return; } } } } if (true) { mixer = ""; if (mixer != null) { return; } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/security/auth/ private void foo46() { String e; if (true) { synchronized (this) { e = ""; } synchronized (this) { e = ""; } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/javax/naming/spi/ private void foo47() { final String a = ""; String factory; if (true) { factory = ""; } if ("".equals(a)) { factory = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/util/regex/ private void foo48() { int ch; if (true) { ch = 1; } if (true) { ch = 2; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/locks/ private String foo49() { long next; if (!Thread.interrupted()) { if (true) { if (true) { if ((next = 5) == 5) return "next"; } else if ((next = 5) == 5) return "next"; } if (true) return "0L"; if (true) if ((next = 5) == 5) return "next"; } return ""; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/time/ private void foo50() { long nanos; try { nanos = 1L; } catch (Exception ex2) { nanos = 0L; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/text/ private void foo51() { if (true) { int vowel; if (true) { vowel = 1; } if (true) { vowel = 2; } } if (true) { int consonant; if (true) { consonant = 23; } if (true) { consonant =2; } } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/sql/ private void foo52() { String drivers; try { drivers = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { drivers = null; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/security/ private void foo53() { String pc; synchronized (this) { pc = "Hello"; } pc = ""; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/lang/invoke/ private void foo54() { final int a = 1; final String linkerName; String lambdaName; switch (a) { case 1: linkerName = "linkToVirtual"; lambdaName = "DMH" + ".invokeVirtual"; break; case 2: linkerName = "linkToStatic"; lambdaName = "DMH" + ".invokeStatic"; break; case 3: linkerName = "linkToStatic"; lambdaName = "DMH.invokeStaticInit"; break; case 4: linkerName = "linkToSpecial"; lambdaName = "DMH" + ".invokeSpecial"; break; case 5: linkerName = "linkToInterface"; lambdaName = "DMH" + ".invokeInterface"; break; case 6: linkerName = "linkToSpecial"; lambdaName = "DMH" + ".newInvokeSpecial"; break; default: throw new InternalError("which="); } lambdaName += "_"; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/lang/ private String foo55() { String res; if (true) { res = ""; if (res != null) return res; } if (true) { res = "temporaryRes"; } else { res = ""; } if (true) { if (true) { } else { } } return ""; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/awt/geom/ private void foo56() { int num; if (true) { num = 3; } else { num = 1; if (true) { num = 2; } } if (num > 1) { num = 2; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/awt/geom/ private void foo57() { final int a = 1; double T01, T10; switch (a) { case 1: break; case 9: case 11: case 12: break; case 123: case 14: break; case 1234: case 12345: break; case 566: case 8678: break; case 534: case 7968: case 86785678: case 86759789: break; case 346547: T01 =1; T10 = 2; break; case 432534523: case 5345235: break; case 235345: case 523452345: break; case 75675467: break; } T01 = 21; T10 = 53; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/java/awt/event/ private void foo58() { final int a = 54; String typeStr; switch (a) { case 1: typeStr = "WINDOW_OPENED"; break; case 2: typeStr = "WINDOW_CLOSING"; break; case 3: typeStr = "WINDOW_CLOSED"; break; case 4: typeStr = "WINDOW_ICONIFIED"; break; case 5: typeStr = "WINDOW_DEICONIFIED"; break; case 6: typeStr = "WINDOW_ACTIVATED"; break; case 7: typeStr = "WINDOW_DEACTIVATED"; break; case 8: typeStr = "WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS"; break; case 9: typeStr = "WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS"; break; case 10: typeStr = "WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED"; break; default: typeStr = "unknown type"; } typeStr += ","; } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/example/debug/tty/ private void foo59() { String spec; if (true) { spec = ""; } if (true) { spec = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/com/sun/security/auth/callback/ private void foo60() throws Exception { final int a = 1; String text; switch (a) { case 1: text = ""; break; case 2: text = "Warning: "; break; case 3: text = "Error: "; break; default: throw new Exception(); } final String message = ""; if (message != null) { text += message; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/com/sun/net/ssl/ private void foo61() { String tmaw; if (true) { tmaw = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (true) { if (true) { tmaw = ""; } } else { tmaw = ""; } } if (true) { tmaw = ""; } } else { tmaw = null; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/com/sun/jndi/dns/ private void foo62() { String znode; synchronized (this) { znode = ""; } if (znode != null) { synchronized (znode) { } if (true) { if (true) { synchronized (znode) { if (true) { } else if (true) { } else { return; } } if (true) { return; } } } } synchronized (this) { znode = ""; } } // openjdk8/src/share/classes/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/ private void foo63() { float h; float l; float s; synchronized (this) { h = 1; l = 2; s = 3; } h = 4; l = 5; s = 6; } // openjdk8/src/macosx/classes/sun/lwawt/macosx/ private void foo64() { int index; if (true) { index = 0; } else if (true) { index = 2; } else { return; } if (true) { index += 1; } } // apache-struts/core/src/main/java/org/apache/struts2/dispatcher/mapper/ private void foo65() { String name; if (true) { name = "uri"; } else if (true) { name = ""; } else if (true) { name = ""; } else { name = ""; } if (true) { if (true) { name = ""; } } } // infinispan/remoting/transport/jgroups/ private void foo66() { String cfg; if (true) { if (true) { cfg = ""; } if (true) { cfg = ""; } if (true) { cfg = ""; } } } // hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/bytecode/internal/javassist/ private void foo67() { String fastClass; try { fastClass = ""; if (true) { if (fastClass == null) { } else { } } } catch (Throwable t) { fastClass = null; } } // guava-mvnstyle/guava/src/com/google/common/net/ private void foo68() { int partsLo; if (true) { partsLo = 1; if ( --partsLo != 0) { return; } if (true) { return; } } else { partsLo = 0; } } // guava-mvnstyle/guava/src/com/google/common/collect/ private void foo69() { String node; if (true) { node = ""; if (node == null) { return; } if (true) { node = ""; } } else { node = ""; } } // guava-mvnstyle/guava/src/com/google/common/cache/ private void foo70() { String supplier; try { supplier = ""; } catch (Throwable t) { supplier = ""; } } // findbugs/src/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/detect/ private void foo71() { int priority; if (true) { priority = 1; } else if (true) { priority = 2; } else { return; } if (true) { priority++; } if (true) { priority++; } } // findbugs/src/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/ba/ private void foo72() { String p; try { p = ""; } catch (RuntimeException e) { p = ""; } } // findbugs/eclipsePlugin/src/de/tobject/findbugs/actions/ private void foo73() { String control; if (true) { if (true) { control = ""; if (control != null) { } } } if (true) { if (true) { } if (true) { control = ""; if (control != null) { } } } } // findbugs/eclipsePlugin/src/de/tobject/findbugs/ private void foo75() { String libPathAsString; try { libPathAsString = ""; if (libPathAsString == null) { } libPathAsString = ""; if (libPathAsString == null) { } } catch(Exception ex) { } } // findbugs/src/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/detect/ private void foo76() { int priority; if (true) { priority = 2; } else if (true) { priority = 3; } else { return; } if (true) { priority++; } if (true) { priority++; } } // elasticsearch/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/index/search/child/ private void foo77() { if (true) { int docId; if (true) { docId = 21; if (docId != 1254) { } else { } } else { docId = 45234; if (true) { } } if (true) { docId = 3213213; } } } // elasticsearch/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/common/inject/internal/ private void foo78() { String injectionPoints; if (true) { try { injectionPoints = ""; } catch (Exception e) { injectionPoints = ""; } } else { injectionPoints = ""; } } // apache-struts/core/src/main/java/org/apache/struts2/dispatcher/mapper/ private void foo79() { String name; if (true) { name = ""; } else if (true) { name = ""; } else if (true) { name = ""; } else { name = ""; } if (true) { if (true) { name = ""; } } } // apache-ant/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/types/ private void foo80() { String names; if (true) { names = ""; if (true) { names = ""; } } else { names = ""; } } // apache-ant/src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/taskdefs/optional/net/ private void foo81() { StringBuffer msg; synchronized (this) { msg = new StringBuffer(" ["); } synchronized (this) { msg = new StringBuffer(" ["); } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/ private void foo82() { String filesToCompact; try { synchronized (this) { filesToCompact = ""; filesToCompact = ""; } } finally { } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/ private void foo83() { String key; if (true) { try { key = ""; } catch (Exception e) { if (true) { try { key = ""; } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } else { key = ""; } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/regionserver/ private void foo84() { float newMemstoreSize; float newBlockCacheSize; if (true) { newBlockCacheSize = 354; newMemstoreSize = 534; } else if (true) { newBlockCacheSize = 213213; newMemstoreSize = 53425; } else { return; } if (true) { newMemstoreSize = 2; } else if (true) { newMemstoreSize = 3; } if (true) { newBlockCacheSize = 354; } else if (true) { newBlockCacheSize = 14; } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/master/ private void foo85() { boolean needNewPlan; try { if (true) { } if (true) { needNewPlan = true; } else { if (true) { } return; } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Object) { } if (true) { if (true) { if (t instanceof Object) { } else { } } try { needNewPlan = false; if (true) { } else if (true) { needNewPlan = true; } } catch (Exception ie) { return; } } else if (true) { needNewPlan = false; } else { needNewPlan = true; } } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/mapred/ private void foo86() { String result; try { try { result = ""; if (true) { if (true) { } } } catch (Exception e) { if (true) { } if (true) { } else { } result = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/ipc/ private void foo87() { int count; if (true) { return; } try { count = 2; } catch (Exception ieo) { throw ieo; } catch (Error e) { count = -1; } } // Hbase/hbase-server/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/ipc/ private void foo88() { String c; synchronized (this) { try { c = ""; } catch (Exception e) { return; } } if (true) { if (true) c = null; } } private void foo89() { final int a = 8; String b; switch (a) { case 8: b = "b"; break; default: b = "c"; break; } } private void foo90() { final int a = 8; String b; switch (a) { default: b = "c"; } b = "b"; } private void foo91() { Integer[] s; if (true) { s = new Integer[0]; } else { s = new Integer[5]; if (true) { final ArrayList retain = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Integer c : s) { if (true) { retain.add(c); } } s = retain.toArray(new Integer[retain.size()]); } if (true && s.length > 0) { s = new Integer[] {s[0]}; } } Arrays.toString(s); } // findbugs/src/java/edu/umd/cs/findbugs/ba/jsr305/ private void foo92() { String tqa; if (true) { tqa = null; if (true) { } } else { if (true) { } tqa = "a"; if (true) { } if (tqa == null) { if (true) { } tqa = "b"; if (true) { if (tqa == "abc") { } else if (tqa != null) { } else { } } } if (tqa == "bcd") { tqa = null; } if (tqa == null) { if (true) { if (true) { } } else { if (true) { } tqa = "c"; if (true) { } } } } } // hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/internal/util/collections/ private void foo93() { if (true) { String evictedCopy; if (true) { final String evictedEntry = "a"; evictedCopy = evictedEntry; } else { evictedCopy = "c"; for (int i = 0; i < 0; ++i) { evictedCopy.trim(); } evictedCopy = evictedCopy.trim(); } } } // spring-framework/spring-core/src/main/java/org/springframework/core/ private void foo94() { String valueClass; if (true) { valueClass = "a"; } else if (true) { valueClass = "b"; if (valueClass == null) { if (true) { } if (true) { } valueClass = "c"; } } else { valueClass = "d"; } } // spring-framework/spring-test/src/main/java/org/springframework/test/annotation/ private void foo95() { String profileValueSource; if (true) { profileValueSource = "a"; } else { try { profileValueSource = "b"; } catch (Exception e) { if (true) { } profileValueSource = "c"; } } } // spring-framework/spring-webmvc/src/main/java/org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/ private void foo96() { Object arg; if (true) { arg = "a"; } else if (true) { arg = "b"; } else if (true) { arg = "c"; } else if (true) { arg = "d"; } else if (true) { arg = "e"; } else if (true) { arg = "f"; } else { try { arg = "g"; if (arg != null) { if (true) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { arg = null; } } } // infinispan/commons/src/main/java/org/infinispan/commons/util/concurrent/jdk8backported/ private void foo97() { if (true) { String evictedCopy; if (true) { evictedCopy = "b"; } else { evictedCopy = "c"; for (int i = 0; i < 0; ++i) { } evictedCopy = "d"; } } } // infinispan/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/util/concurrent/ private void foo98() { if (true) { String evictedCopy; if (true) { evictedCopy = "b"; } else { evictedCopy = "c"; for (int i = 0; i < 0; ++i) { } evictedCopy = "d"; } } } // infinispan/persistence/soft-index/src/main/java/org/infinispan/persistence/sifs/ private void foo99() { int insertionPoint; if (true) { insertionPoint = 0; } else if (true) { insertionPoint = 1; } else { insertionPoint = 2; if (insertionPoint < 0) { insertionPoint = -insertionPoint - 1; } else { insertionPoint++; } } } // apache-struts/core/src/main/java/com/opensymphony/xwork2/util/ private void foo100() { String result; if (true) { result = "a"; } else { result = "b"; if (result != null) { } result = "c"; } } }