package; public class InputDeclarationOrder { static final int FOO2 = 3; // error public before package public static final int FOO = 3; private static final int FOO3 = 3; // eror public before package and private public static final int FOO4 = 3; private static final String ERROR = "error"; // error protected before private protected static final String ERROR1 = "error"; // error public before private public static final String WARNING = "warning"; private int mMaxInitVars = 3; // error statics should be before instance members // error publics before private public static final int MAX_ITER_VARS = 3; private class InnerClass { private static final int INNER_FOO = 2; // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO2 = 2; public InnerClass() { int foo = INNER_FOO; foo += INNER_FOO2; foo += INNER_FOO3; } // error member variables should be before methods or ctors // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO3 = 2; } public int getFoo1() { return mFoo; } // error ctors before methods public InputDeclarationOrder() { String foo = ERROR; foo += ERROR1; foo += WARNING; int fooInt = mMaxInitVars; fooInt += MAX_ITER_VARS; fooInt += mFoo; } public static int getFoo2() { return 13; } public int getFoo() { return mFoo; } private static int getFoo21() { return 14; } // error member variables should be before methods or ctors private int mFoo = 0; } enum InputDeclarationOrderEnum { ENUM_VALUE_1, ENUM_VALUE_2, ENUM_VALUE_3 { private static final int INNER_FOO = 2; // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO2 = 2; public void doIt() { } // error member variables should be before methods or ctors // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO3 = 2; }; static final int FOO2 = 3; // error public before package public static final int FOO = 3; private static final int FOO3 = 3; // eror public before package and private public static final int FOO4 = 3; private static final String ERROR = "error"; // error protected before private protected static final String ERROR1 = "error"; // error public before private public static final String WARNING = "warning"; private int mMaxInitVars = 3; // error statics should be before instance members // error publics before private public static final int MAX_ITER_VARS = 3; private class InnerClass { private static final int INNER_FOO = 2; // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO2 = 2; public InnerClass() { int foo = INNER_FOO; foo += INNER_FOO2; foo += INNER_FOO3; } // error member variables should be before methods or ctors // error public before private public static final int INNER_FOO3 = 2; } public int getFoo1() { return mFoo; } // error ctors before methods InputDeclarationOrderEnum() { String foo = ERROR; foo += ERROR1; foo += WARNING; int fooInt = mMaxInitVars; fooInt += MAX_ITER_VARS; fooInt += mFoo; } public static int getFoo2() { return 2; } public int getFoo() { return mFoo; } private static int getFoo21() { return 1; } // error member variables should be before methods or ctors private int mFoo = 0; class AsyncProcess { private final int startLogErrorsCnt = 0; protected final int maxTotalConcurrentTasks = 0; } }