path: root/cbuildbot/stages/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cbuildbot/stages/')
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+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Module containing the completion stages."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+from chromite.cbuildbot import chroot_lib
+from chromite.cbuildbot import commands
+from chromite.cbuildbot import config_lib
+from chromite.cbuildbot import failures_lib
+from chromite.cbuildbot import results_lib
+from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
+from chromite.cbuildbot import manifest_version
+from chromite.cbuildbot import tree_status
+from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import generic_stages
+from chromite.cbuildbot.stages import sync_stages
+from chromite.lib import clactions
+from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
+from chromite.lib import git
+from chromite.lib import patch as cros_patch
+from chromite.lib import portage_util
+def GetBuilderSuccessMap(builder_run, overall_success):
+ """Get the pass/fail status of all builders.
+ A builder is marked as passed if all of its steps ran all of the way to
+ completion. We determine this by looking at whether all of the steps for
+ all of the constituent boards ran to completion.
+ In cases where a builder does not have any boards, or has child boards, we
+ fall back and instead just look at whether the entire build was successful.
+ Args:
+ builder_run: The builder run we wish to get the status of.
+ overall_success: The overall status of the build.
+ Returns:
+ A dict, mapping the builder names to whether they succeeded.
+ """
+ success_map = {}
+ for run in [builder_run] + builder_run.GetChildren():
+ if run.config.boards and not run.config.child_configs:
+ success_map[] = True
+ for board in run.config.boards:
+ board_runattrs = run.GetBoardRunAttrs(board)
+ if not board_runattrs.HasParallel('success'):
+ success_map[] = False
+ else:
+ # If a builder does not have boards, or if it has child configs, we
+ # will just use the overall status instead.
+ success_map[] = overall_success
+ return success_map
+def CreateBuildFailureMessage(overlays, builder_name, dashboard_url):
+ """Creates a message summarizing the failures.
+ Args:
+ overlays: The overlays used for the build.
+ builder_name: The name of the builder.
+ dashboard_url: The URL of the build.
+ Returns:
+ A failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage object.
+ """
+ internal = overlays in [constants.PRIVATE_OVERLAYS,
+ constants.BOTH_OVERLAYS]
+ details = []
+ tracebacks = tuple(results_lib.Results.GetTracebacks())
+ for x in tracebacks:
+ if isinstance(x.exception, failures_lib.CompoundFailure):
+ # We do not want the textual tracebacks included in the
+ # stringified CompoundFailure instance because this will be
+ # printed on the waterfall.
+ ex_str = x.exception.ToSummaryString()
+ else:
+ ex_str = str(x.exception)
+ # Truncate displayed failure reason to 1000 characters.
+ ex_str = ex_str[:200]
+ details.append('The %s stage failed: %s' % (x.failed_stage, ex_str))
+ if not details:
+ details = ['cbuildbot failed']
+ # reason does not include builder name or URL. This is mainly for
+ # populating the "failure message" column in the stats sheet.
+ reason = ' '.join(details)
+ details.append('in %s' % dashboard_url)
+ msg = '%s: %s' % (builder_name, ' '.join(details))
+ return failures_lib.BuildFailureMessage(msg, tracebacks, internal, reason,
+ builder_name)
+class ManifestVersionedSyncCompletionStage(
+ generic_stages.ForgivingBuilderStage):
+ """Stage that records board specific results for a unique manifest file."""
+ option_name = 'sync'
+ def __init__(self, builder_run, sync_stage, success, **kwargs):
+ super(ManifestVersionedSyncCompletionStage, self).__init__(
+ builder_run, **kwargs)
+ self.sync_stage = sync_stage
+ self.success = success
+ # Message that can be set that well be sent along with the status in
+ # UpdateStatus.
+ self.message = None
+ def GetBuildFailureMessage(self):
+ """Returns message summarizing the failures."""
+ return CreateBuildFailureMessage(self._run.config.overlays,
+ self._run.ConstructDashboardURL())
+ def PerformStage(self):
+ if not self.success:
+ self.message = self.GetBuildFailureMessage()
+ if not config_lib.IsPFQType(self._run.config.build_type):
+ # Update the pass/fail status in the manifest-versions
+ # repo. Suite scheduler checks the build status to schedule
+ # suites.
+ self._run.attrs.manifest_manager.UpdateStatus(
+ success_map=GetBuilderSuccessMap(self._run, self.success),
+ message=self.message, dashboard_url=self.ConstructDashboardURL())
+class ImportantBuilderFailedException(failures_lib.StepFailure):
+ """Exception thrown when an important build fails to build."""
+class MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage(ManifestVersionedSyncCompletionStage):
+ """Stage that records whether we passed or failed to build/test manifest."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._slave_statuses = {}
+ def _GetLocalBuildStatus(self):
+ """Return the status for this build as a dictionary."""
+ status = manifest_version.BuilderStatus.GetCompletedStatus(self.success)
+ status_obj = manifest_version.BuilderStatus(status, self.message)
+ return {self._bot_id: status_obj}
+ def _FetchSlaveStatuses(self):
+ """Fetch and return build status for slaves of this build.
+ If this build is not a master then return just the status of this build.
+ Returns:
+ A dict of build_config name -> BuilderStatus objects, for all important
+ slave build configs. Build configs that never started will have a
+ BuilderStatus of MISSING.
+ """
+ # Wait for slaves if we're a master, in production or mock-production.
+ # Otherwise just look at our own status.
+ slave_statuses = self._GetLocalBuildStatus()
+ if not self._run.config.master:
+ # The slave build returns its own status.
+ logging.warning('The build is not a master.')
+ elif self._run.options.mock_slave_status or not self._run.options.debug:
+ # The master build.
+ builders = self._GetSlaveConfigs()
+ builder_names = [ for b in builders]
+ timeout = None
+ build_id, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle()
+ if db:
+ timeout = db.GetTimeToDeadline(build_id)
+ if timeout is None:
+ # Catch-all: This could happen if cidb is not setup, or the deadline
+ # query fails.
+ if self._run.options.debug:
+ # For debug runs, wait for three minutes to ensure most code
+ # paths are executed.
+'Waiting for 3 minutes only for debug run. '
+ 'Would have waited for %s seconds.', timeout)
+ timeout = 3 * 60
+ manager = self._run.attrs.manifest_manager
+ if sync_stages.MasterSlaveLKGMSyncStage.sub_manager:
+ manager = sync_stages.MasterSlaveLKGMSyncStage.sub_manager
+ slave_statuses.update(manager.GetBuildersStatus(
+ self._run.attrs.metadata.GetValue('build_id'),
+ builder_names,
+ timeout=timeout))
+ return slave_statuses
+ def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
+ """Decide whether an exception should be treated as fatal."""
+ # Besides the master, the completion stages also run on slaves, to report
+ # their status back to the master. If the build failed, they throw an
+ # exception here. For slave builders, marking this stage 'red' would be
+ # redundant, since the build itself would already be red. In this case,
+ # report a warning instead.
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ exc_type = exc_info[0]
+ if (issubclass(exc_type, ImportantBuilderFailedException) and
+ not self._run.config.master):
+ return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
+ else:
+ # In all other cases, exceptions should be treated as fatal. To
+ # implement this, we bypass ForgivingStage and call
+ # generic_stages.BuilderStage._HandleStageException explicitly.
+ return generic_stages.BuilderStage._HandleStageException(self, exc_info)
+ def HandleSuccess(self):
+ """Handle a successful build.
+ This function is called whenever the cbuildbot run is successful.
+ For the master, this will only be called when all slave builders
+ are also successful. This function may be overridden by subclasses.
+ """
+ # We only promote for the pfq, not chrome pfq.
+ # TODO(build): Run this logic in debug mode too.
+ if (not self._run.options.debug and
+ config_lib.IsPFQType(self._run.config.build_type) and
+ self._run.config.master and
+ self._run.manifest_branch == 'master' and
+ self._run.config.build_type != constants.CHROME_PFQ_TYPE):
+ self._run.attrs.manifest_manager.PromoteCandidate()
+ if sync_stages.MasterSlaveLKGMSyncStage.sub_manager:
+ sync_stages.MasterSlaveLKGMSyncStage.sub_manager.PromoteCandidate()
+ def HandleFailure(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Handle a build failure.
+ This function is called whenever the cbuildbot run fails.
+ For the master, this will be called when any slave fails or times
+ out. This function may be overridden by subclasses.
+ Args:
+ failing: The names of the failing builders.
+ inflight: The names of the builders that are still running.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ """
+ if failing or inflight or no_stat:
+ logging.PrintBuildbotStepWarnings()
+ if failing:
+ logging.warning('\n'.join([
+ 'The following builders failed with this manifest:',
+ ', '.join(sorted(failing)),
+ 'Please check the logs of the failing builders for details.']))
+ if inflight:
+ logging.warning('\n'.join([
+ 'The following builders took too long to finish:',
+ ', '.join(sorted(inflight)),
+ 'Please check the logs of these builders for details.']))
+ if no_stat:
+ logging.warning('\n'.join([
+ 'The following builders did not start or failed prematurely:',
+ ', '.join(sorted(no_stat)),
+ 'Please check the logs of these builders for details.']))
+ def PerformStage(self):
+ super(MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage, self).PerformStage()
+ # Upload our pass/fail status to Google Storage.
+ self._run.attrs.manifest_manager.UploadStatus(
+ success=self.success, message=self.message,
+ dashboard_url=self.ConstructDashboardURL())
+ statuses = self._FetchSlaveStatuses()
+ self._slave_statuses = statuses
+ no_stat = set(builder for builder, status in statuses.iteritems()
+ if status.Missing())
+ failing = set(builder for builder, status in statuses.iteritems()
+ if status.Failed())
+ inflight = set(builder for builder, status in statuses.iteritems()
+ if status.Inflight())
+ # If all the failing or inflight builders were sanity checkers
+ # then ignore the failure.
+ fatal = self._IsFailureFatal(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ if fatal:
+ self._AnnotateFailingBuilders(failing, inflight, no_stat, statuses)
+ self.HandleFailure(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ raise ImportantBuilderFailedException()
+ else:
+ self.HandleSuccess()
+ def _IsFailureFatal(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Returns a boolean indicating whether the build should fail.
+ Args:
+ failing: Set of builder names of slave builders that failed.
+ inflight: Set of builder names of slave builders that are inflight
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ Returns:
+ True if any of the failing or inflight builders are not sanity check
+ builders for this master, or if there were any non-sanity-check builders
+ with status None.
+ """
+ sanity_builders = self._run.config.sanity_check_slaves or []
+ sanity_builders = set(sanity_builders)
+ return not sanity_builders.issuperset(failing | inflight | no_stat)
+ def _AnnotateFailingBuilders(self, failing, inflight, no_stat, statuses):
+ """Add annotations that link to either failing or inflight builders.
+ Adds buildbot links to failing builder dashboards. If no builders are
+ failing, adds links to inflight builders. Adds step text for builders
+ with status None.
+ Args:
+ failing: Set of builder names of slave builders that failed.
+ inflight: Set of builder names of slave builders that are inflight.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ statuses: A builder-name->status dictionary, which will provide
+ the dashboard_url values for any links.
+ """
+ builders_to_link = set.union(failing, inflight)
+ for builder in builders_to_link:
+ if statuses[builder].dashboard_url:
+ if statuses[builder].message:
+ text = '%s: %s' % (builder, statuses[builder].message.reason)
+ else:
+ text = '%s: timed out' % builder
+ logging.PrintBuildbotLink(text, statuses[builder].dashboard_url)
+ for builder in no_stat:
+ logging.PrintBuildbotStepText('%s did not start.' % builder)
+ def GetSlaveStatuses(self):
+ """Returns cached slave status results.
+ Cached results are populated during PerformStage, so this function
+ should only be called after PerformStage has returned.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary from build names to manifest_version.BuilderStatus
+ builder status objects.
+ """
+ return self._slave_statuses
+ def _GetFailedMessages(self, failing):
+ """Gathers the BuildFailureMessages from the |failing| builders.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ Returns:
+ A list of BuildFailureMessage or NoneType objects.
+ """
+ return [self._slave_statuses[x].message for x in failing]
+ def _GetBuildersWithNoneMessages(self, failing):
+ """Returns a list of failed builders with NoneType failure message.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ Returns:
+ A list of builder names.
+ """
+ return [x for x in failing if self._slave_statuses[x].message is None]
+class CanaryCompletionStage(MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage):
+ """Collect build slave statuses and handle the failures."""
+ def HandleFailure(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Handle a build failure or timeout in the Canary builders.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ """
+ # Print out the status about what builds failed or not.
+ MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage.HandleFailure(
+ self, failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ if self._run.config.master:
+ self.CanaryMasterHandleFailure(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ def SendCanaryFailureAlert(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Send an alert email to summarize canary failures.
+ Args:
+ failing: The names of the failing builders.
+ inflight: The names of the builders that are still running.
+ no_stat: The names of the builders that had status None.
+ """
+ builder_name = 'Canary Master'
+ title = '%s has detected build failures:' % builder_name
+ msgs = [str(x) for x in self._GetFailedMessages(failing)]
+ slaves = self._GetBuildersWithNoneMessages(failing)
+ msgs += ['%s failed with unknown reason.' % x for x in slaves]
+ msgs += ['%s timed out' % x for x in inflight]
+ msgs += ['%s did not start' % x for x in no_stat]
+ msgs.insert(0, title)
+ msgs.append('You can also view the summary of the slave failures from '
+ 'the %s stage of %s. Click on the failure message to go '
+ 'to an individual slave\'s build status page: %s' % (
+, builder_name, self.ConstructDashboardURL()))
+ msg = '\n\n'.join(msgs)
+ logging.warning(msg)
+ extra_fields = {'X-cbuildbot-alert': 'canary-fail-alert'}
+ tree_status.SendHealthAlert(self._run, 'Canary builder failures', msg,
+ extra_fields=extra_fields)
+ def _ComposeTreeStatusMessage(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Composes a tres status message.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ Returns:
+ A string.
+ """
+ slave_status_list = [
+ ('did not start', list(no_stat)),
+ ('timed out', list(inflight)),
+ ('failed', list(failing)),]
+ # Print maximum 2 slaves for each category to not clutter the
+ # message.
+ max_num = 2
+ messages = []
+ for status, slaves in slave_status_list:
+ if not slaves:
+ continue
+ slaves_str = ','.join(slaves[:max_num])
+ if len(slaves) <= max_num:
+ messages.append('%s %s' % (slaves_str, status))
+ else:
+ messages.append('%s and %d others %s' % (slaves_str,
+ len(slaves) - max_num,
+ status))
+ return '; '.join(messages)
+ def CanaryMasterHandleFailure(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Handles the failure by sending out an alert email.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ """
+ if self._run.manifest_branch == 'master':
+ self.SendCanaryFailureAlert(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ tree_status.ThrottleOrCloseTheTree(
+ '"Canary master"',
+ self._ComposeTreeStatusMessage(failing, inflight, no_stat),
+ internal=self._run.config.internal,
+ buildnumber=self._run.buildnumber,
+ dryrun=self._run.debug)
+ def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info):
+ """Decide whether an exception should be treated as fatal."""
+ # Canary master already updates the tree status for slave
+ # failures. There is no need to mark this stage red. For slave
+ # builders, the build itself would already be red. In this case,
+ # report a warning instead.
+ # pylint: disable=protected-access
+ exc_type = exc_info[0]
+ if issubclass(exc_type, ImportantBuilderFailedException):
+ return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info)
+ else:
+ # In all other cases, exceptions should be treated as fatal.
+ return super(CanaryCompletionStage, self)._HandleStageException(exc_info)
+class CommitQueueCompletionStage(MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage):
+ """Commits or reports errors to CL's that failed to be validated."""
+ # These stages are required to have run at least once and to never have
+ # failed, on each important slave. Otherwise, we may have incomplete
+ # information on which CLs affect which builders, and thus skip all
+ # board-aware submission.
+ _CRITICAL_STAGES = ('CommitQueueSync',)
+ def HandleSuccess(self):
+ if self._run.config.master:
+ self.sync_stage.pool.SubmitPool(reason=constants.STRATEGY_CQ_SUCCESS)
+ # After submitting the pool, update the commit hashes for uprevved
+ # ebuilds.
+ manifest = git.ManifestCheckout.Cached(self._build_root)
+ portage_util.EBuild.UpdateCommitHashesForChanges(
+ self.sync_stage.pool.changes, self._build_root, manifest)
+ if config_lib.IsPFQType(self._run.config.build_type):
+ super(CommitQueueCompletionStage, self).HandleSuccess()
+ manager = self._run.attrs.manifest_manager
+ version = manager.current_version
+ if version:
+ chroot_manager = chroot_lib.ChrootManager(self._build_root)
+ chroot_manager.SetChrootVersion(version)
+ def HandleFailure(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Handle a build failure or timeout in the Commit Queue.
+ This function performs any tasks that need to happen when the Commit Queue
+ fails:
+ - Abort the HWTests if necessary.
+ - Push any CLs that indicate that they don't care about this failure.
+ - Determine what CLs to reject.
+ See MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage.HandleFailure.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ """
+ # Print out the status about what builds failed or not.
+ MasterSlaveSyncCompletionStage.HandleFailure(
+ self, failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ if self._run.config.master:
+ self.CQMasterHandleFailure(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ def _GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(self, changes):
+ """Query CIDB to for slaves and CL actions.
+ Args:
+ changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of (config_map, action_history), where the config_map
+ is a dictionary mapping build_id to config name for all slaves
+ in this run plus the master, and action_history is a list of all
+ CL actions associated with |changes|.
+ """
+ # build_id is the master build id for the run.
+ build_id, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle()
+ assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
+ slave_list = db.GetSlaveStatuses(build_id)
+ # TODO(akeshet): We are getting the full action history for all changes that
+ # were in this CQ run. It would make more sense to only get the actions from
+ # build_ids of this master and its slaves.
+ action_history = db.GetActionsForChanges(changes)
+ config_map = dict()
+ # Build the build_id to config_name mapping. Note that if add the
+ # "relaunch" feature in cbuildbot, there may be multiple build ids
+ # for the same slave config. We will have to make sure
+ # GetSlaveStatuses() returns only the valid slaves (e.g. with
+ # latest start time).
+ for d in slave_list:
+ config_map[d['id']] = d['build_config']
+ # TODO(akeshet): We are giving special treatment to the CQ master, which
+ # makes this logic CQ specific. We only use this logic in the CQ anyway at
+ # the moment, but may need to reconsider if we need to generalize to other
+ # master-slave builds.
+ assert == constants.CQ_MASTER
+ config_map[build_id] = constants.CQ_MASTER
+ return config_map, action_history
+ def GetRelevantChangesForSlaves(self, changes, no_stat):
+ """Compile a set of relevant changes for each slave.
+ Args:
+ changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping a slave config name to a set of relevant changes.
+ """
+ # Retrieve the slaves and clactions from CIDB.
+ config_map, action_history = self._GetSlaveMappingAndCLActions(changes)
+ changes_by_build_id = clactions.GetRelevantChangesForBuilds(
+ changes, action_history, config_map.keys())
+ # Convert index from build_ids to config names.
+ changes_by_config = dict()
+ for k, v in changes_by_build_id.iteritems():
+ changes_by_config[config_map[k]] = v
+ for config in no_stat:
+ # If a slave is in |no_stat|, it means that the slave never
+ # finished applying the changes in the sync stage. Hence the CL
+ # pickup actions for this slave may be
+ # inaccurate. Conservatively assume all changes are relevant.
+ changes_by_config[config] = set(changes)
+ return changes_by_config
+ def _ShouldSubmitPartialPool(self):
+ """Determine whether we should attempt or skip SubmitPartialPool.
+ Returns:
+ True if all important, non-sanity-check slaves ran and completed all
+ critical stages, and hence it is safe to attempt SubmitPartialPool. False
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ # sanity_check_slaves should not block board-aware submission, since they do
+ # not actually apply test patches.
+ sanity_check_slaves = set(self._run.config.sanity_check_slaves)
+ all_slaves = set([ for x in self._GetSlaveConfigs()])
+ all_slaves -= sanity_check_slaves
+ assert not in all_slaves
+ # Get slave stages.
+ build_id, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle()
+ assert db, 'No database connection to use.'
+ slave_stages = db.GetSlaveStages(build_id)
+ should_submit = True
+ # Configs that have passed critical stages.
+ configs_per_stage = {stage: set() for stage in self._CRITICAL_STAGES}
+ for stage in slave_stages:
+ if (stage['name'] in self._CRITICAL_STAGES and
+ stage['status'] in ACCEPTED_STATUSES):
+ configs_per_stage[stage['name']].add(stage['build_config'])
+ for stage in self._CRITICAL_STAGES:
+ missing_configs = all_slaves - configs_per_stage[stage]
+ if missing_configs:
+ logging.warning('Config(s) %s did not complete critical stage %s.',
+ ' '.join(missing_configs), stage)
+ should_submit = False
+ return should_submit
+ def CQMasterHandleFailure(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Handle changes in the validation pool upon build failure or timeout.
+ This function determines whether to reject CLs and what CLs to
+ reject based on the category of the failures and whether the
+ sanity check builder(s) passed.
+ Args:
+ failing: Names of the builders that failed.
+ inflight: Names of the builders that timed out.
+ no_stat: Set of builder names of slave builders that had status None.
+ """
+ messages = self._GetFailedMessages(failing)
+ self.SendInfraAlertIfNeeded(failing, inflight, no_stat)
+ changes = self.sync_stage.pool.changes
+ do_partial_submission = self._ShouldSubmitPartialPool()
+ if do_partial_submission:
+ changes_by_config = self.GetRelevantChangesForSlaves(changes, no_stat)
+ # Even if there was a failure, we can submit the changes that indicate
+ # that they don't care about this failure.
+ changes = self.sync_stage.pool.SubmitPartialPool(
+ changes, messages, changes_by_config, failing, inflight, no_stat,
+ reason=constants.STRATEGY_CQ_PARTIAL)
+ else:
+ logging.warning('Not doing any partial submission, due to critical stage '
+ 'failure(s).')
+ title = 'CQ encountered a critical failure.'
+ msg = ('CQ encountered a critical failure, and hence skipped '
+ 'board-aware submission. See %s' % self.ConstructDashboardURL())
+ tree_status.SendHealthAlert(self._run, title, msg)
+ sanity_check_slaves = set(self._run.config.sanity_check_slaves)
+ tot_sanity = self._ToTSanity(sanity_check_slaves, self._slave_statuses)
+ if not tot_sanity:
+ # Sanity check slave failure may have been caused by bug(s)
+ # in ToT or broken infrastructure. In any of those cases, we
+ # should not reject any changes.
+ logging.warning('Detected that a sanity-check builder failed. '
+ 'Will not reject any changes.')
+ # If the tree was not open when we acquired a pool, do not assume that
+ # tot was sane.
+ if not self.sync_stage.pool.tree_was_open:
+'The tree was not open when changes were acquired so we are '
+ 'attributing failures to the broken tree rather than the '
+ 'changes.')
+ tot_sanity = False
+ if inflight:
+ # Some slave(s) timed out due to unknown causes, so only reject infra
+ # changes (probably just chromite changes).
+ self.sync_stage.pool.HandleValidationTimeout(sanity=tot_sanity,
+ changes=changes)
+ return
+ # Some builder failed, or some builder did not report stats, or
+ # the intersection of both. Let HandleValidationFailure decide
+ # what changes to reject.
+ self.sync_stage.pool.HandleValidationFailure(
+ messages, sanity=tot_sanity, changes=changes, no_stat=no_stat)
+ def _GetInfraFailMessages(self, failing):
+ """Returns a list of messages containing infra failures.
+ Args:
+ failing: The names of the failing builders.
+ Returns:
+ A list of BuildFailureMessage objects.
+ """
+ msgs = self._GetFailedMessages(failing)
+ # Filter out None messages because we cannot analyze them.
+ return [x for x in msgs if x and
+ x.HasFailureType(failures_lib.InfrastructureFailure)]
+ def SendInfraAlertIfNeeded(self, failing, inflight, no_stat):
+ """Send infra alerts if needed.
+ Args:
+ failing: The names of the failing builders.
+ inflight: The names of the builders that are still running.
+ no_stat: The names of the builders that had status None.
+ """
+ msgs = [str(x) for x in self._GetInfraFailMessages(failing)]
+ # Failed to report a non-None messages is an infra failure.
+ slaves = self._GetBuildersWithNoneMessages(failing)
+ msgs += ['%s failed with unknown reason.' % x for x in slaves]
+ msgs += ['%s timed out' % x for x in inflight]
+ msgs += ['%s did not start' % x for x in no_stat]
+ if msgs:
+ builder_name =
+ title = '%s has encountered infra failures:' % (builder_name,)
+ msgs.insert(0, title)
+ msgs.append('See %s' % self.ConstructDashboardURL())
+ msg = '\n\n'.join(msgs)
+ subject = '%s infra failures' % (builder_name,)
+ extra_fields = {'X-cbuildbot-alert': 'cq-infra-alert'}
+ tree_status.SendHealthAlert(self._run, subject, msg,
+ extra_fields=extra_fields)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _ToTSanity(sanity_check_slaves, slave_statuses):
+ """Returns False if any sanity check slaves failed.
+ Args:
+ sanity_check_slaves: Names of slave builders that are "sanity check"
+ builders for the current master.
+ slave_statuses: Dict of BuilderStatus objects by builder name keys.
+ Returns:
+ True if no sanity builders ran and failed.
+ """
+ sanity_check_slaves = sanity_check_slaves or []
+ return not any([x in slave_statuses and slave_statuses[x].Failed() for
+ x in sanity_check_slaves])
+ def GetIrrelevantChanges(self, board_metadata):
+ """Calculates irrelevant changes.
+ Args:
+ board_metadata: A dictionary of board specific metadata.
+ Returns:
+ A set of irrelevant changes to the build.
+ """
+ if not board_metadata:
+ return set()
+ # changes irrelevant to all the boards are irrelevant to the build
+ changeset_per_board_list = list()
+ for v in board_metadata.values():
+ changes_dict_list = v.get('irrelevant_changes', None)
+ if changes_dict_list:
+ changes_set = set(cros_patch.GerritFetchOnlyPatch.FromAttrDict(d) for d
+ in changes_dict_list)
+ changeset_per_board_list.append(changes_set)
+ else:
+ # If any board has no irrelevant change, the whole build not have also.
+ return set()
+ return set.intersection(*changeset_per_board_list)
+ def PerformStage(self):
+ """Run CommitQueueCompletionStage."""
+ if (not self._run.config.master and
+ not self._run.config.do_not_apply_cq_patches):
+ # Slave needs to record what change are irrelevant to this build.
+ board_metadata = self._run.attrs.metadata.GetDict().get('board-metadata')
+ irrelevant_changes = self.GetIrrelevantChanges(board_metadata)
+ self.sync_stage.pool.RecordIrrelevantChanges(irrelevant_changes)
+ super(CommitQueueCompletionStage, self).PerformStage()
+class PreCQCompletionStage(generic_stages.BuilderStage):
+ """Reports the status of a trybot run to Google Storage and Gerrit."""
+ def __init__(self, builder_run, sync_stage, success, **kwargs):
+ super(PreCQCompletionStage, self).__init__(builder_run, **kwargs)
+ self.sync_stage = sync_stage
+ self.success = success
+ def GetBuildFailureMessage(self):
+ """Returns message summarizing the failures."""
+ return CreateBuildFailureMessage(self._run.config.overlays,
+ self._run.ConstructDashboardURL())
+ def PerformStage(self):
+ # Update Gerrit and Google Storage with the Pre-CQ status.
+ if self.success:
+ self.sync_stage.pool.HandlePreCQPerConfigSuccess()
+ else:
+ message = self.GetBuildFailureMessage()
+ self.sync_stage.pool.HandleValidationFailure([message])
+class PublishUprevChangesStage(generic_stages.BuilderStage):
+ """Makes uprev changes from pfq live for developers."""
+ def __init__(self, builder_run, success, **kwargs):
+ """Constructor.
+ Args:
+ builder_run: BuilderRun object.
+ success: Boolean indicating whether the build succeeded.
+ """
+ super(PublishUprevChangesStage, self).__init__(builder_run, **kwargs)
+ self.success = success
+ def PerformStage(self):
+ overlays, push_overlays = self._ExtractOverlays()
+ assert push_overlays, 'push_overlays must be set to run this stage'
+ # If the build failed, we don't want to push our local changes, because
+ # they might include some CLs that failed. Instead, clean up our local
+ # changes and do a fresh uprev.
+ if not self.success:
+ # Clean up our root and sync down the latest changes that were
+ # submitted.
+ commands.BuildRootGitCleanup(self._build_root)
+ # Sync down the latest changes we have submitted.
+ if self._run.options.sync:
+ next_manifest = self._run.config.manifest
+ repo = self.GetRepoRepository()
+ repo.Sync(next_manifest)
+ # Commit an uprev locally.
+ if self._run.options.uprev and self._run.config.uprev:
+ commands.UprevPackages(self._build_root, self._boards, overlays)
+ # Push the uprev commit.
+ commands.UprevPush(self._build_root, push_overlays, self._run.options.debug)