# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Module containing the generic stages.""" from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import fnmatch import json import os import re import sys import time import traceback # We import mox so that we can identify mox exceptions and pass them through # in our exception handling code. try: import mox except ImportError: mox = None from chromite.cbuildbot import cbuildbot_config from chromite.cbuildbot import commands from chromite.cbuildbot import failures_lib from chromite.cbuildbot import results_lib from chromite.cbuildbot import constants from chromite.cbuildbot import repository from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging from chromite.lib import gs from chromite.lib import osutils from chromite.lib import parallel from chromite.lib import portage_util from chromite.lib import retry_util from chromite.lib import timeout_util class BuilderStage(object): """Parent class for stages to be performed by a builder.""" # Used to remove 'Stage' suffix of stage class when generating stage name. name_stage_re = re.compile(r'(\w+)Stage') # TODO(sosa): Remove these once we have a SEND/RECIEVE IPC mechanism # implemented. overlays = None push_overlays = None # Class should set this if they have a corresponding no option that # skips their stage. # TODO(mtennant): Rename this something like skip_option_name. option_name = None # Class should set this if they have a corresponding setting in # the build_config that skips their stage. # TODO(mtennant): Rename this something like skip_config_name. config_name = None @classmethod def StageNamePrefix(cls): """Return cls.__name__ with any 'Stage' suffix removed.""" match = cls.name_stage_re.match(cls.__name__) assert match, 'Class name %s does not end with Stage' % cls.__name__ return match.group(1) def __init__(self, builder_run, suffix=None, attempt=None, max_retry=None): """Create a builder stage. Args: builder_run: The BuilderRun object for the run this stage is part of. suffix: The suffix to append to the buildbot name. Defaults to None. attempt: If this build is to be retried, the current attempt number (starting from 1). Defaults to None. Is only valid if |max_retry| is also specified. max_retry: The maximum number of retries. Defaults to None. Is only valid if |attempt| is also specified. """ self._run = builder_run self._attempt = attempt self._max_retry = max_retry self._build_stage_id = None # Construct self.name, the name string for this stage instance. self.name = self._prefix = self.StageNamePrefix() if suffix: self.name += suffix # TODO(mtennant): Phase this out and use self._run.bot_id directly. self._bot_id = self._run.bot_id # self._boards holds list of boards involved in this run. # TODO(mtennant): Replace self._boards with a self._run.boards? self._boards = self._run.config.boards # TODO(mtennant): Try to rely on just self._run.buildroot directly, if # the os.path.abspath can be applied there instead. self._build_root = os.path.abspath(self._run.buildroot) self._prebuilt_type = None if self._run.ShouldUploadPrebuilts(): self._prebuilt_type = self._run.config.build_type # Determine correct chrome_rev. self._chrome_rev = self._run.config.chrome_rev if self._run.options.chrome_rev: self._chrome_rev = self._run.options.chrome_rev # USE and enviroment variable settings. self._portage_extra_env = {} useflags = self._run.config.useflags[:] if self._run.options.clobber: self._portage_extra_env['IGNORE_PREFLIGHT_BINHOST'] = '1' if self._run.options.chrome_root: self._portage_extra_env['CHROME_ORIGIN'] = 'LOCAL_SOURCE' self._latest_toolchain = (self._run.config.latest_toolchain or self._run.options.latest_toolchain) if self._latest_toolchain and self._run.config.gcc_githash: useflags.append('git_gcc') self._portage_extra_env['GCC_GITHASH'] = self._run.config.gcc_githash if useflags: self._portage_extra_env['USE'] = ' '.join(useflags) if self._run.config.separate_debug_symbols: self._portage_extra_env['FEATURES'] = 'separatedebug' # Note: BuildStartStage is a special case: Since it is created before we # have a valid |build_id|, it is not logged in cidb. self._InsertBuildStageInCIDB(name=self.name) def GetStageNames(self): """Get a list of the places where this stage has recorded results.""" return [self.name] def GetBuildStageIDs(self): """Get a list of build stage ids in cidb corresponding to this stage.""" return [self._build_stage_id] if self._build_stage_id is not None else [] def UpdateSuffix(self, tag, child_suffix): """Update the suffix arg for the init call. Use this function to concatenate the tag for the current class with the suffix passed in by a child class. This function is expected to be called before __init__, and as such should not use any object attributes. Args: tag: The tag for this class. Should not be None. child_suffix: The suffix passed up by the child class. May be None. Returns: Extended suffix that incoroporates the tag, to be passed up to the parent class's __init__. """ if child_suffix is None: child_suffix = '' return ' [%s]%s' % (tag, child_suffix) # TODO(akeshet): Eliminate this method and update the callers to use # builder run directly. def ConstructDashboardURL(self, stage=None): """Return the dashboard URL This is the direct link to buildbot logs as seen in build.chromium.org Args: stage: Link to a specific |stage|, otherwise the general buildbot log Returns: The fully formed URL """ return self._run.ConstructDashboardURL(stage=stage) def _InsertBuildStageInCIDB(self, **kwargs): """Insert a build stage in cidb. Expected arguments are the same as cidb.InsertBuildStage, except |build_id|, which is populated here. """ build_id, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle() if db: kwargs['build_id'] = build_id self._build_stage_id = db.InsertBuildStage(**kwargs) def _FinishBuildStageInCIDB(self, status): """Mark the stage as finished in cidb. Args: status: The finish status of the build. Enum type constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES """ _, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle() if self._build_stage_id is not None and db is not None: db.FinishBuildStage(self._build_stage_id, status) def _TranslateResultToCIDBStatus(self, result): """Translates the different result_lib.Result results to builder statuses. Args: result: Same as the result passed to results_lib.Result.Record() Returns: A value in the enum constants.BUILDER_ALL_STATUSES. """ if result == results_lib.Results.SUCCESS: return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PASSED elif result == results_lib.Results.FORGIVEN: return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FORGIVEN elif result == results_lib.Results.SKIPPED: return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_SKIPPED else: return constants.BUILDER_STATUS_FAILED def _ExtractOverlays(self): """Extracts list of overlays into class.""" overlays = portage_util.FindOverlays( self._run.config.overlays, buildroot=self._build_root) push_overlays = portage_util.FindOverlays( self._run.config.push_overlays, buildroot=self._build_root) # Sanity checks. # We cannot push to overlays that we don't rev. assert set(push_overlays).issubset(set(overlays)) # Either has to be a master or not have any push overlays. assert self._run.config.master or not push_overlays return overlays, push_overlays def GetRepoRepository(self, **kwargs): """Create a new repo repository object.""" manifest_url = self._run.options.manifest_repo_url if manifest_url is None: manifest_url = self._run.config.manifest_repo_url kwargs.setdefault('referenced_repo', self._run.options.reference_repo) kwargs.setdefault('branch', self._run.manifest_branch) kwargs.setdefault('manifest', self._run.config.manifest) return repository.RepoRepository(manifest_url, self._build_root, **kwargs) def _Print(self, msg): """Prints a msg to stderr.""" sys.stdout.flush() print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def _PrintLoudly(self, msg): """Prints a msg with loudly.""" border_line = '*' * 60 edge = '*' * 2 sys.stdout.flush() print(border_line, file=sys.stderr) msg_lines = msg.split('\n') # If the last line is whitespace only drop it. if not msg_lines[-1].rstrip(): del msg_lines[-1] for msg_line in msg_lines: print('%s %s' % (edge, msg_line), file=sys.stderr) print(border_line, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def _GetPortageEnvVar(self, envvar, board): """Get a portage environment variable for the configuration's board. Args: envvar: The environment variable to get. E.g. 'PORTAGE_BINHOST'. board: The board to apply, if any. Specify None to use host. Returns: The value of the environment variable, as a string. If no such variable can be found, return the empty string. """ cwd = os.path.join(self._build_root, 'src', 'scripts') if board: portageq = 'portageq-%s' % board else: portageq = 'portageq' binhost = cros_build_lib.RunCommand( [portageq, 'envvar', envvar], cwd=cwd, redirect_stdout=True, enter_chroot=True, error_code_ok=True) return binhost.output.rstrip('\n') def _GetSlaveConfigs(self): """Get the slave configs for the current build config. This assumes self._run.config is a master config. Returns: A list of build configs corresponding to the slaves for the master build config at self._run.config. Raises: See config_lib.Config.GetSlavesForMaster for details. """ all_configs = cbuildbot_config.GetConfig() return all_configs.GetSlavesForMaster(self._run.config, self._run.options) def _Begin(self): """Can be overridden. Called before a stage is performed.""" # Tell the buildbot we are starting a new step for the waterfall cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotStepName(self.name) self._PrintLoudly('Start Stage %s - %s\n\n%s' % ( self.name, cros_build_lib.UserDateTimeFormat(), self.__doc__)) def _Finish(self): """Can be overridden. Called after a stage has been performed.""" self._PrintLoudly('Finished Stage %s - %s' % (self.name, cros_build_lib.UserDateTimeFormat())) def PerformStage(self): """Run the actual commands needed for this stage. Subclassed stages must override this function. """ def _HandleExceptionAsSuccess(self, _exc_info): """Use instead of HandleStageException to ignore an exception.""" return results_lib.Results.SUCCESS, None @staticmethod def _StringifyException(exc_info): """Convert an exception into a string. Args: exc_info: A (type, value, traceback) tuple as returned by sys.exc_info(). Returns: A string description of the exception. """ exc_type, exc_value = exc_info[:2] if issubclass(exc_type, failures_lib.StepFailure): return str(exc_value) else: return ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)) @classmethod def _HandleExceptionAsWarning(cls, exc_info, retrying=False): """Use instead of HandleStageException to treat an exception as a warning. This is used by the ForgivingBuilderStage's to treat any exceptions as warnings instead of stage failures. """ description = cls._StringifyException(exc_info) cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotStepWarnings() logging.warning(description) return (results_lib.Results.FORGIVEN, description, retrying) @classmethod def _HandleExceptionAsError(cls, exc_info): """Handle an exception as an error, but ignore stage retry settings. Meant as a helper for _HandleStageException code only. Args: exc_info: A (type, value, traceback) tuple as returned by sys.exc_info(). Returns: Result tuple of (exception, description, retrying). """ # Tell the user about the exception, and record it. retrying = False description = cls._StringifyException(exc_info) cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotStepFailure() logging.error(description) return (exc_info[1], description, retrying) def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info): """Called when PerformStage throws an exception. Can be overriden. Args: exc_info: A (type, value, traceback) tuple as returned by sys.exc_info(). Returns: Result tuple of (exception, description, retrying). If it isn't an exception, then description will be None. """ if self._attempt and self._max_retry and self._attempt <= self._max_retry: return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info, retrying=True) else: return self._HandleExceptionAsError(exc_info) def _TopHandleStageException(self): """Called when PerformStage throws an unhandled exception. Should only be called by the Run function. Provides a wrapper around _HandleStageException to handle buggy handlers. We must go deeper... """ exc_info = sys.exc_info() try: return self._HandleStageException(exc_info) except Exception: logging.error( 'An exception was thrown while running _HandleStageException') logging.error('The original exception was:', exc_info=exc_info) logging.error('The new exception is:', exc_info=True) return self._HandleExceptionAsError(exc_info) def HandleSkip(self): """Run if the stage is skipped.""" pass def _RecordResult(self, *args, **kwargs): """Record a successful or failed result.""" results_lib.Results.Record(*args, **kwargs) def Run(self): """Have the builder execute the stage.""" _, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle() if self._build_stage_id is not None and db is not None: db.StartBuildStage(self._build_stage_id) # See if this stage should be skipped. if (self.option_name and not getattr(self._run.options, self.option_name) or self.config_name and not getattr(self._run.config, self.config_name)): self._PrintLoudly('Not running Stage %s' % self.name) self.HandleSkip() self._RecordResult(self.name, results_lib.Results.SKIPPED, prefix=self._prefix) self._FinishBuildStageInCIDB(constants.BUILDER_STATUS_SKIPPED) return record = results_lib.Results.PreviouslyCompletedRecord(self.name) if record: # Success is stored in the results log for a stage that completed # successfully in a previous run. self._PrintLoudly('Stage %s processed previously' % self.name) self.HandleSkip() self._RecordResult(self.name, results_lib.Results.SUCCESS, prefix=self._prefix, board=record.board, time=float(record.time)) self._FinishBuildStageInCIDB(constants.BUILDER_STATUS_SKIPPED) return start_time = time.time() # Set default values result = results_lib.Results.SUCCESS description = None sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() self._Begin() try: # TODO(davidjames): Verify that PerformStage always returns None. See # crbug.com/264781 self.PerformStage() except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: result, description, retrying = self._TopHandleStageException() raise except Exception as e: if mox is not None and isinstance(e, mox.Error): raise # Tell the build bot this step failed for the waterfall. result, description, retrying = self._TopHandleStageException() if result not in (results_lib.Results.FORGIVEN, results_lib.Results.SUCCESS): raise failures_lib.StepFailure() elif retrying: raise failures_lib.RetriableStepFailure() except BaseException: result, description, retrying = self._TopHandleStageException() raise finally: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time self._RecordResult(self.name, result, description, prefix=self._prefix, time=elapsed_time) self._FinishBuildStageInCIDB(self._TranslateResultToCIDBStatus(result)) if isinstance(result, BaseException) and self._build_stage_id is not None: _, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle() if db: failures_lib.ReportStageFailureToCIDB(db, self._build_stage_id, result) self._Finish() sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() class NonHaltingBuilderStage(BuilderStage): """Build stage that fails a build but finishes the other steps.""" def Run(self): try: super(NonHaltingBuilderStage, self).Run() except failures_lib.StepFailure: name = self.__class__.__name__ logging.error('Ignoring StepFailure in %s', name) class ForgivingBuilderStage(BuilderStage): """Build stage that turns a build step red but not a build.""" def _HandleStageException(self, exc_info): """Override and don't set status to FAIL but FORGIVEN instead.""" return self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(exc_info) class RetryStage(object): """Retry a given stage multiple times to see if it passes.""" def __init__(self, builder_run, max_retry, stage, *args, **kwargs): """Create a RetryStage object. Args: builder_run: See arguments to BuilderStage.__init__() max_retry: The number of times to try the given stage. stage: The stage class to create. *args: A list of arguments to pass to the stage constructor. **kwargs: A list of keyword arguments to pass to the stage constructor. """ self._run = builder_run self.max_retry = max_retry self.stage = stage self.args = (builder_run,) + args self.kwargs = kwargs self.names = [] self._build_stage_ids = [] self.attempt = None def GetStageNames(self): """Get a list of the places where this stage has recorded results.""" return self.names[:] def GetBuildStageIDs(self): """Get a list of build stage ids in cidb corresponding to this stage.""" return self._build_stage_ids[:] def _PerformStage(self): """Run the stage once, incrementing the attempt number as needed.""" suffix = ' (attempt %d)' % (self.attempt,) stage_obj = self.stage( *self.args, attempt=self.attempt, max_retry=self.max_retry, suffix=suffix, **self.kwargs) self.names.extend(stage_obj.GetStageNames()) self._build_stage_ids.extend(stage_obj.GetBuildStageIDs()) self.attempt += 1 stage_obj.Run() def Run(self): """Retry the given stage multiple times to see if it passes.""" self.attempt = 1 retry_util.RetryException( failures_lib.RetriableStepFailure, self.max_retry, self._PerformStage) class RepeatStage(object): """Run a given stage multiple times to see if it fails.""" def __init__(self, builder_run, count, stage, *args, **kwargs): """Create a RepeatStage object. Args: builder_run: See arguments to BuilderStage.__init__() count: The number of times to try the given stage. stage: The stage class to create. *args: A list of arguments to pass to the stage constructor. **kwargs: A list of keyword arguments to pass to the stage constructor. """ self._run = builder_run self.count = count self.stage = stage self.args = (builder_run,) + args self.kwargs = kwargs self.names = [] self._build_stage_ids = [] self.attempt = None def GetStageNames(self): """Get a list of the places where this stage has recorded results.""" return self.names[:] def GetBuildStageIDs(self): """Get a list of build stage ids in cidb corresponding to this stage.""" return self._build_stage_ids[:] def _PerformStage(self): """Run the stage once.""" suffix = ' (attempt %d)' % (self.attempt,) stage_obj = self.stage( *self.args, attempt=self.attempt, suffix=suffix, **self.kwargs) self.names.extend(stage_obj.GetStageNames()) self._build_stage_ids.extend(stage_obj.GetBuildStageIDs()) stage_obj.Run() def Run(self): """Retry the given stage multiple times to see if it passes.""" for i in range(self.count): self.attempt = i + 1 self._PerformStage() class BoardSpecificBuilderStage(BuilderStage): """Builder stage that is specific to a board. The following attributes are provided on self: _current_board: The active board for this stage. board_runattrs: BoardRunAttributes object for this stage. """ def __init__(self, builder_run, board, suffix=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(board, basestring): raise TypeError('Expected string, got %r' % (board,)) self._current_board = board self.board_runattrs = builder_run.GetBoardRunAttrs(board) # Add a board name suffix to differentiate between various boards (in case # more than one board is built on a single builder.) if len(builder_run.config.boards) > 1 or builder_run.config.grouped: suffix = self.UpdateSuffix(board, suffix) super(BoardSpecificBuilderStage, self).__init__(builder_run, suffix=suffix, **kwargs) def _RecordResult(self, *args, **kwargs): """Record a successful or failed result.""" kwargs.setdefault('board', self._current_board) super(BoardSpecificBuilderStage, self)._RecordResult(*args, **kwargs) def _InsertBuildStageInCIDB(self, **kwargs): """Insert a build stage in cidb.""" kwargs.setdefault('board', self._current_board) super(BoardSpecificBuilderStage, self)._InsertBuildStageInCIDB(**kwargs) def GetParallel(self, board_attr, timeout=None, pretty_name=None): """Wait for given |board_attr| to show up. Args: board_attr: A valid board runattribute name. timeout: Timeout in seconds. None value means wait forever. pretty_name: Optional name to use instead of raw board_attr in log messages. Returns: Value of board_attr found. Raises: AttrTimeoutError if timeout occurs. """ timeout_str = 'forever' if timeout is not None: timeout_str = '%d minutes' % int((timeout / 60) + 0.5) if pretty_name is None: pretty_name = board_attr logging.info('Waiting up to %s for %s ...', timeout_str, pretty_name) return self.board_runattrs.GetParallel(board_attr, timeout=timeout) def GetImageDirSymlink(self, pointer='latest-cbuildbot'): """Get the location of the current image.""" return os.path.join(self._run.buildroot, 'src', 'build', 'images', self._current_board, pointer) class ArchivingStageMixin(object): """Stage with utilities for uploading artifacts. This provides functionality for doing archiving. All it needs is access to the BuilderRun object at self._run. No __init__ needed. Attributes: acl: GS ACL to use for uploads. archive: Archive object. archive_path: Local path where archives are kept for this run. Also copy of self.archive.archive_path. download_url: The URL where artifacts for this run can be downloaded. Also copy of self.archive.download_url. upload_url: The Google Storage location where artifacts for this run should be uploaded. Also copy of self.archive.upload_url. version: Copy of self.archive.version. """ PROCESSES = 10 @property def archive(self): """Retrieve the Archive object to use.""" # pylint: disable=W0201 if not hasattr(self, '_archive'): self._archive = self._run.GetArchive() return self._archive @property def acl(self): """Retrieve GS ACL to use for uploads.""" return self.archive.upload_acl # TODO(mtennant): Get rid of this property. @property def version(self): """Retrieve the ChromeOS version for the archiving.""" return self.archive.version @property def archive_path(self): """Local path where archives are kept for this run.""" return self.archive.archive_path # TODO(mtennant): Rename base_archive_path. @property def bot_archive_root(self): """Path of directory one level up from self.archive_path.""" return os.path.dirname(self.archive_path) @property def upload_url(self): """The GS location where artifacts should be uploaded for this run.""" return self.archive.upload_url @property def download_url(self): """The URL where artifacts for this run can be downloaded.""" return self.archive.download_url @contextlib.contextmanager def ArtifactUploader(self, queue=None, archive=True, strict=True): """Upload each queued input in the background. This context manager starts a set of workers in the background, who each wait for input on the specified queue. These workers run self.UploadArtifact(*args, archive=archive) for each input in the queue. Args: queue: Queue to use. Add artifacts to this queue, and they will be uploaded in the background. If None, one will be created on the fly. archive: Whether to automatically copy files to the archive dir. strict: Whether to treat upload errors as fatal. Returns: The queue to use. This is only useful if you did not supply a queue. """ upload = lambda path: self.UploadArtifact(path, archive, strict) with parallel.BackgroundTaskRunner(upload, queue=queue, processes=self.PROCESSES) as bg_queue: yield bg_queue def PrintDownloadLink(self, filename, prefix='', text_to_display=None): """Print a link to an artifact in Google Storage. Args: filename: The filename of the uploaded file. prefix: The prefix to put in front of the filename. text_to_display: Text to display. If None, use |prefix| + |filename|. """ url = '%s/%s' % (self.download_url.rstrip('/'), filename) if not text_to_display: text_to_display = '%s%s' % (prefix, filename) cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotLink(text_to_display, url) def _IsInUploadBlacklist(self, filename): """Check if this file is blacklisted to go into a board's extra buckets. Args: filename: The filename of the file we want to check is in the blacklist. Returns: True if the file is blacklisted, False otherwise. """ for blacklisted_file in constants.EXTRA_BUCKETS_FILES_BLACKLIST: if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, blacklisted_file): return True return False def _GetUploadUrls(self, filename, builder_run=None): """Returns a list of all urls for which to upload filename to. Args: filename: The filename of the file we want to upload. builder_run: builder_run object from which to get the board, base upload url, and bot_id. If none, this stage's values. """ board = None urls = [self.upload_url] bot_id = self._bot_id if builder_run: urls = [builder_run.GetArchive().upload_url] bot_id = builder_run.GetArchive().bot_id if (builder_run.config['boards'] and len(builder_run.config['boards']) == 1): board = builder_run.config['boards'][0] if (not self._IsInUploadBlacklist(filename) and (hasattr(self, '_current_board') or board)): if self._run.config.pre_cq: # Do not load artifacts.json for pre-cq configs. This is a # workaround for crbug.com/440167. return urls board = board or self._current_board custom_artifacts_file = portage_util.ReadOverlayFile( 'scripts/artifacts.json', board=board) if custom_artifacts_file is not None: json_file = json.loads(custom_artifacts_file) for url in json_file.get('extra_upload_urls', []): urls.append('/'.join([url, bot_id, self.version])) return urls @failures_lib.SetFailureType(failures_lib.InfrastructureFailure) def UploadArtifact(self, path, archive=True, strict=True): """Upload generated artifact to Google Storage. Args: path: Path of local file to upload to Google Storage if |archive| is True. Otherwise, this is the name of the file in self.archive_path. archive: Whether to automatically copy files to the archive dir. strict: Whether to treat upload errors as fatal. """ filename = path if archive: filename = commands.ArchiveFile(path, self.archive_path) upload_urls = self._GetUploadUrls(filename) try: commands.UploadArchivedFile( self.archive_path, upload_urls, filename, self._run.debug, update_list=True, acl=self.acl) except failures_lib.GSUploadFailure as e: cros_build_lib.PrintBuildbotStepText('Upload failed') if e.HasFatalFailure( whitelist=[gs.GSContextException, timeout_util.TimeoutError]): raise elif strict: raise else: # Treat gsutil flake as a warning if it's the only problem. self._HandleExceptionAsWarning(sys.exc_info()) @failures_lib.SetFailureType(failures_lib.InfrastructureFailure) def UploadMetadata(self, upload_queue=None, filename=None): """Create and upload JSON file of the builder run's metadata, and to cidb. This uses the existing metadata stored in the builder run. The default metadata.json file should only be uploaded once, at the end of the run, and considered immutable. During the build, intermediate metadata snapshots can be uploaded to other files, such as partial-metadata.json. This method also updates the metadata in the cidb database, if there is a valid cidb connection set up. Args: upload_queue: If specified then put the artifact file to upload on this queue. If None then upload it directly now. filename: Name of file to dump metadata to. Defaults to constants.METADATA_JSON """ filename = filename or constants.METADATA_JSON metadata_json = os.path.join(self.archive_path, filename) # Stages may run in parallel, so we have to do atomic updates on this. logging.info('Writing metadata to %s.', metadata_json) osutils.WriteFile(metadata_json, self._run.attrs.metadata.GetJSON(), atomic=True, makedirs=True) if upload_queue is not None: logging.info('Adding metadata file %s to upload queue.', metadata_json) upload_queue.put([filename]) else: logging.info('Uploading metadata file %s now.', metadata_json) self.UploadArtifact(filename, archive=False) build_id, db = self._run.GetCIDBHandle() if db: logging.info('Writing updated metadata to database for build_id %s.', build_id) db.UpdateMetadata(build_id, self._run.attrs.metadata) else: logging.info('Skipping database update, no database or build_id.')