# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Install/copy the image to the device.""" from __future__ import print_function import cStringIO import os import re import shutil import tempfile import time from chromite.cbuildbot import constants from chromite.cli import command from chromite.lib import commandline from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging from chromite.lib import dev_server_wrapper as ds_wrapper from chromite.lib import operation from chromite.lib import osutils from chromite.lib import path_util from chromite.lib import remote_access DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR = path_util.FromChrootPath( os.path.join(constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT, 'devserver', 'static')) class UsbImagerOperation(operation.ProgressBarOperation): """Progress bar for flashing image to operation.""" def __init__(self, image): super(UsbImagerOperation, self).__init__() self._size = os.path.getsize(image) self._transferred = 0. self._bytes = re.compile(r'(\d+) bytes') def _GetDDPid(self): """Get the Pid of dd.""" try: pids = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(['pgrep', 'dd'], capture_output=True, print_cmd=False).output for pid in pids.splitlines(): if osutils.IsChildProcess(int(pid), name='dd'): return int(pid) return -1 except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError: # If dd isn't still running, then we assume that it is finished. return -1 def _PingDD(self, dd_pid): """Send USR1 signal to dd to get status update.""" try: cmd = ['kill', '-USR1', str(dd_pid)] cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(cmd, print_cmd=False) except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError: # Here we assume that dd finished in the background. return def ParseOutput(self, output=None): """Parse the output of dd to update progress bar.""" dd_pid = self._GetDDPid() if dd_pid == -1: return self._PingDD(dd_pid) if output is None: stdout = self._stdout.read() stderr = self._stderr.read() output = stdout + stderr match = self._bytes.search(output) if match: self._transferred = match.groups()[0] self.ProgressBar(float(self._transferred) / self._size) def _IsFilePathGPTDiskImage(file_path): """Determines if a file is a valid GPT disk. Args: file_path: Path to the file to test. """ if os.path.isfile(file_path): with cros_build_lib.Open(file_path) as image_file: image_file.seek(0x1fe) if image_file.read(10) == '\x55\xaaEFI PART': return True return False def _ChooseImageFromDirectory(dir_path): """Lists all image files in |dir_path| and ask user to select one. Args: dir_path: Path to the directory. """ images = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(dir_path) if _IsFilePathGPTDiskImage(os.path.join(dir_path, x))]) idx = 0 if len(images) == 0: raise ValueError('No image found in %s.' % dir_path) elif len(images) > 1: idx = cros_build_lib.GetChoice( 'Multiple images found in %s. Please select one to continue:' % ( (dir_path,)), images) return os.path.join(dir_path, images[idx]) class FlashError(Exception): """Thrown when there is an unrecoverable error during flash.""" class USBImager(object): """Copy image to the target removable device.""" def __init__(self, device, board, image, debug=False, install=False, yes=False): """Initalizes USBImager.""" self.device = device self.board = board if board else cros_build_lib.GetDefaultBoard() self.image = image self.debug = debug self.debug_level = logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO self.install = install self.yes = yes def DeviceNameToPath(self, device_name): return '/dev/%s' % device_name def GetRemovableDeviceDescription(self, device): """Returns a informational description of the removable |device|. Args: device: the device name (e.g. sdc). Returns: A string describing |device| (e.g. Patriot Memory 7918 MB). """ desc = [ osutils.GetDeviceInfo(device, keyword='manufacturer'), osutils.GetDeviceInfo(device, keyword='product'), osutils.GetDeviceSize(self.DeviceNameToPath(device)), '(%s)' % self.DeviceNameToPath(device), ] return ' '.join([x for x in desc if x]) def ListAllRemovableDevices(self): """Returns a list of removable devices. Returns: A list of device names (e.g. ['sdb', 'sdc']). """ devices = osutils.ListBlockDevices() removable_devices = [] for d in devices: if d.TYPE == 'disk' and d.RM == '1': removable_devices.append(d.NAME) return removable_devices def ChooseRemovableDevice(self, devices): """Lists all removable devices and asks user to select/confirm. Args: devices: a list of device names (e.g. ['sda', 'sdb']). Returns: The device name chosen by the user. """ idx = cros_build_lib.GetChoice( 'Removable device(s) found. Please select/confirm to continue:', [self.GetRemovableDeviceDescription(x) for x in devices]) return devices[idx] def InstallImageToDevice(self, image, device): """Installs |image| to the removable |device|. Args: image: Path to the image to copy. device: Device to copy to. """ cmd = [ 'chromeos-install', '--yes', '--skip_src_removable', '--skip_dst_removable', '--payload_image=%s' % image, '--dst=%s' % device, '--skip_postinstall', ] cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(cmd) def CopyImageToDevice(self, image, device): """Copies |image| to the removable |device|. Args: image: Path to the image to copy. device: Device to copy to. """ cmd = ['dd', 'if=%s' % image, 'of=%s' % device, 'bs=4M', 'iflag=fullblock', 'oflag=sync'] if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.NOTICE: op = UsbImagerOperation(image) op.Run(cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand, cmd, debug_level=logging.NOTICE, update_period=0.5) else: cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand( cmd, debug_level=logging.NOTICE, print_cmd=logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() < logging.NOTICE) cros_build_lib.SudoRunCommand(['sync'], debug_level=self.debug_level) def _GetImagePath(self): """Returns the image path to use.""" image_path = translated_path = None if os.path.isfile(self.image): if not self.yes and not _IsFilePathGPTDiskImage(self.image): # TODO(wnwen): Open the tarball and if there is just one file in it, # use that instead. Existing code in upload_symbols.py. if cros_build_lib.BooleanPrompt( prolog='The given image file is not a valid disk image. Perhaps ' 'you forgot to untar it.', prompt='Terminate the current flash process?'): raise FlashError('Update terminated by user.') image_path = self.image elif os.path.isdir(self.image): # Ask user which image (*.bin) in the folder to use. image_path = _ChooseImageFromDirectory(self.image) else: # Translate the xbuddy path to get the exact image to use. translated_path, _ = ds_wrapper.GetImagePathWithXbuddy( self.image, self.board, static_dir=DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) image_path = ds_wrapper.TranslatedPathToLocalPath( translated_path, DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) logging.info('Using image %s', translated_path or image_path) return image_path def Run(self): """Image the removable device.""" devices = self.ListAllRemovableDevices() if self.device: # If user specified a device path, check if it exists. if not os.path.exists(self.device): raise FlashError('Device path %s does not exist.' % self.device) # Then check if it is removable. if self.device not in [self.DeviceNameToPath(x) for x in devices]: msg = '%s is not a removable device.' % self.device if not (self.yes or cros_build_lib.BooleanPrompt( default=False, prolog=msg)): raise FlashError('You can specify usb:// to choose from a list of ' 'removable devices.') target = None if self.device: # Get device name from path (e.g. sdc in /dev/sdc). target = self.device.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[-1] elif devices: # Ask user to choose from the list. target = self.ChooseRemovableDevice(devices) else: raise FlashError('No removable devices detected.') image_path = self._GetImagePath() try: device = self.DeviceNameToPath(target) if self.install: self.InstallImageToDevice(image_path, device) else: self.CopyImageToDevice(image_path, device) except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError: logging.error('Failed copying image to device %s', self.DeviceNameToPath(target)) class FileImager(USBImager): """Copy image to the target path.""" def Run(self): """Copy the image to the path specified by self.device.""" if not os.path.exists(self.device): raise FlashError('Path %s does not exist.' % self.device) image_path = self._GetImagePath() if os.path.isdir(self.device): logging.info('Copying to %s', os.path.join(self.device, os.path.basename(image_path))) else: logging.info('Copying to %s', self.device) try: shutil.copy(image_path, self.device) except IOError: logging.error('Failed to copy image %s to %s', image_path, self.device) class RemoteDeviceUpdater(object): """Performs update on a remote device.""" DEVSERVER_FILENAME = 'devserver.py' STATEFUL_UPDATE_BIN = '/usr/bin/stateful_update' UPDATE_ENGINE_BIN = 'update_engine_client' # Root working directory on the device. This directory is in the # stateful partition and thus has enough space to store the payloads. DEVICE_BASE_DIR = '/mnt/stateful_partition/cros-flash' UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_PROGRESSBAR = 0.5 UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_NORMAL = 10 def __init__(self, ssh_hostname, ssh_port, image, stateful_update=True, rootfs_update=True, clobber_stateful=False, reboot=True, board=None, src_image_to_delta=None, wipe=True, debug=False, yes=False, force=False, ping=True, disable_verification=False): """Initializes RemoteDeviceUpdater""" if not stateful_update and not rootfs_update: raise ValueError('No update operation to perform; either stateful or' ' rootfs partitions must be updated.') self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cros-flash') self.ssh_hostname = ssh_hostname self.ssh_port = ssh_port self.image = image self.board = board self.src_image_to_delta = src_image_to_delta self.do_stateful_update = stateful_update self.do_rootfs_update = rootfs_update self.disable_verification = disable_verification self.clobber_stateful = clobber_stateful self.reboot = reboot self.debug = debug self.ping = ping # Do not wipe if debug is set. self.wipe = wipe and not debug self.yes = yes self.force = force # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking @classmethod def GetUpdateStatus(cls, device, keys=None): """Returns the status of the update engine on the |device|. Retrieves the status from update engine and confirms all keys are in the status. Args: device: A ChromiumOSDevice object. keys: the keys to look for in the status result (defaults to ['CURRENT_OP']). Returns: A list of values in the order of |keys|. """ keys = ['CURRENT_OP'] if not keys else keys result = device.RunCommand([cls.UPDATE_ENGINE_BIN, '--status'], capture_output=True) if not result.output: raise Exception('Cannot get update status') try: status = cros_build_lib.LoadKeyValueFile( cStringIO.StringIO(result.output)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Cannot parse update status') values = [] for key in keys: if key not in status: raise ValueError('Missing %s in the update engine status') values.append(status.get(key)) return values def UpdateStateful(self, device, payload, clobber=False): """Update the stateful partition of the device. Args: device: The ChromiumOSDevice object to update. payload: The path to the update payload. clobber: Clobber stateful partition (defaults to False). """ # Copy latest stateful_update to device. stateful_update_bin = path_util.FromChrootPath(self.STATEFUL_UPDATE_BIN) device.CopyToWorkDir(stateful_update_bin) msg = 'Updating stateful partition' logging.info('Copying stateful payload to device...') device.CopyToWorkDir(payload) cmd = ['sh', os.path.join(device.work_dir, os.path.basename(self.STATEFUL_UPDATE_BIN)), os.path.join(device.work_dir, os.path.basename(payload))] if clobber: cmd.append('--stateful_change=clean') msg += ' with clobber enabled' logging.info('%s...', msg) try: device.RunCommand(cmd) except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError: logging.error('Faild to perform stateful partition update.') def _CopyDevServerPackage(self, device, tempdir): """Copy devserver package to work directory of device. Args: device: The ChromiumOSDevice object to copy the package to. tempdir: The directory to temporarily store devserver package. """ logging.info('Copying devserver package to device...') src_dir = os.path.join(tempdir, 'src') osutils.RmDir(src_dir, ignore_missing=True) shutil.copytree( ds_wrapper.DEVSERVER_PKG_DIR, src_dir, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('*.pyc', 'tmp*', '.*', 'static', '*~')) device.CopyToWorkDir(src_dir) return os.path.join(device.work_dir, os.path.basename(src_dir)) def SetupRootfsUpdate(self, device): """Makes sure |device| is ready for rootfs update.""" logging.info('Checking if update engine is idle...') status, = self.GetUpdateStatus(device) if status == 'UPDATE_STATUS_UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT': logging.info('Device needs to reboot before updating...') device.Reboot() status, = self.GetUpdateStatus(device) if status != 'UPDATE_STATUS_IDLE': raise FlashError('Update engine is not idle. Status: %s' % status) def UpdateRootfs(self, device, payload, tempdir): """Update the rootfs partition of the device. Args: device: The ChromiumOSDevice object to update. payload: The path to the update payload. tempdir: The directory to store temporary files. """ # Setup devserver and payload on the target device. static_dir = os.path.join(device.work_dir, 'static') payload_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, 'pregenerated') src_dir = self._CopyDevServerPackage(device, tempdir) device.RunCommand(['mkdir', '-p', payload_dir]) logging.info('Copying rootfs payload to device...') device.CopyToDevice(payload, payload_dir) devserver_bin = os.path.join(src_dir, self.DEVSERVER_FILENAME) ds = ds_wrapper.RemoteDevServerWrapper( device, devserver_bin, static_dir=static_dir, log_dir=device.work_dir) logging.info('Updating rootfs partition') try: ds.Start() # Use the localhost IP address to ensure that update engine # client can connect to the devserver. omaha_url = ds.GetDevServerURL( ip='', port=ds.port, sub_dir='update/pregenerated') cmd = [self.UPDATE_ENGINE_BIN, '-check_for_update', '-omaha_url=%s' % omaha_url] device.RunCommand(cmd) # If we are using a progress bar, update it every 0.5s instead of 10s. if command.UseProgressBar(): update_check_interval = self.UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_PROGRESSBAR oper = operation.ProgressBarOperation() else: update_check_interval = self.UPDATE_CHECK_INTERVAL_NORMAL oper = None end_message_not_printed = True # Loop until update is complete. while True: op, progress = self.GetUpdateStatus(device, ['CURRENT_OP', 'PROGRESS']) logging.info('Waiting for update...status: %s at progress %s', op, progress) if op == 'UPDATE_STATUS_UPDATED_NEED_REBOOT': logging.notice('Update completed.') break if op == 'UPDATE_STATUS_IDLE': raise FlashError( 'Update failed with unexpected update status: %s' % op) if oper is not None: if op == 'UPDATE_STATUS_DOWNLOADING': oper.ProgressBar(float(progress)) elif end_message_not_printed and op == 'UPDATE_STATUS_FINALIZING': oper.Cleanup() logging.notice('Finalizing image.') end_message_not_printed = False time.sleep(update_check_interval) ds.Stop() except Exception: logging.error('Rootfs update failed.') logging.warning(ds.TailLog() or 'No devserver log is available.') raise finally: ds.Stop() device.CopyFromDevice(ds.log_file, os.path.join(tempdir, 'target_devserver.log'), error_code_ok=True) device.CopyFromDevice('/var/log/update_engine.log', tempdir, follow_symlinks=True, error_code_ok=True) def _CheckPayloads(self, payload_dir): """Checks that all update payloads exists in |payload_dir|.""" filenames = [] filenames += [ds_wrapper.ROOTFS_FILENAME] if self.do_rootfs_update else [] if self.do_stateful_update: filenames += [ds_wrapper.STATEFUL_FILENAME] for fname in filenames: payload = os.path.join(payload_dir, fname) if not os.path.exists(payload): raise FlashError('Payload %s does not exist!' % payload) def Verify(self, old_root_dev, new_root_dev): """Verifies that the root deivce changed after reboot.""" assert new_root_dev and old_root_dev if new_root_dev == old_root_dev: raise FlashError( 'Failed to boot into the new version. Possibly there was a ' 'signing problem, or an automated rollback occurred because ' 'your new image failed to boot.') @classmethod def GetRootDev(cls, device): """Get the current root device on |device|.""" rootdev = device.RunCommand( ['rootdev', '-s'], capture_output=True).output.strip() logging.debug('Current root device is %s', rootdev) return rootdev def Cleanup(self): """Cleans up the temporary directory.""" if self.wipe: logging.info('Cleaning up temporary working directory...') osutils.RmDir(self.tempdir) else: logging.info('You can find the log files and/or payloads in %s', self.tempdir) def _CanRunDevserver(self, device, tempdir): """We can run devserver on |device|. If the stateful partition is corrupted, Python or other packages (e.g. cherrypy) needed for rootfs update may be missing on |device|. This will also use `ldconfig` to update library paths on the target device if it looks like that's causing problems, which is necessary for base images. Args: device: A ChromiumOSDevice object. tempdir: A temporary directory to store files. Returns: True if we can start devserver; False otherwise. """ logging.info('Checking if we can run devserver on the device.') src_dir = self._CopyDevServerPackage(device, tempdir) devserver_bin = os.path.join(src_dir, self.DEVSERVER_FILENAME) devserver_check_command = ['python', devserver_bin, '--help'] try: device.RunCommand(devserver_check_command) except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e: logging.warning('Cannot start devserver: %s', e) if 'python: error while loading shared libraries' in str(e): logging.info('Attempting to correct device library paths...') try: device.RunCommand(['ldconfig', '-r', '/']) device.RunCommand(devserver_check_command) logging.info('Library path correction successful.') return True except cros_build_lib.RunCommandError as e2: logging.warning('Library path correction failed: %s', e2) return False return True def Run(self): """Performs remote device update.""" old_root_dev, new_root_dev = None, None try: device_connected = False with remote_access.ChromiumOSDeviceHandler( self.ssh_hostname, port=self.ssh_port, base_dir=self.DEVICE_BASE_DIR, ping=self.ping) as device: device_connected = True payload_dir = self.tempdir if os.path.isdir(self.image): # If the given path is a directory, we use the provided update # payload(s) in the directory. payload_dir = self.image logging.info('Using provided payloads in %s', payload_dir) elif os.path.isfile(self.image): # If the given path is an image, make sure devserver can access it # and generate payloads. logging.info('Using image %s', self.image) ds_wrapper.GetUpdatePayloadsFromLocalPath( self.image, payload_dir, src_image_to_delta=self.src_image_to_delta, static_dir=DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) else: self.board = cros_build_lib.GetBoard(device_board=device.board, override_board=self.board, force=self.yes) if not self.board: raise FlashError('No board identified') if not self.force and self.board != device.board: # If a board was specified, it must be compatible with the device. raise FlashError('Device (%s) is incompatible with board %s', device.board, self.board) logging.info('Board is %s', self.board) # Translate the xbuddy path to get the exact image to use. translated_path, resolved_path = ds_wrapper.GetImagePathWithXbuddy( self.image, self.board, static_dir=DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR, lookup_only=True) logging.info('Using image %s', translated_path) # Convert the translated path to be used in the update request. image_path = ds_wrapper.ConvertTranslatedPath(resolved_path, translated_path) # Launch a local devserver to generate/serve update payloads. ds_wrapper.GetUpdatePayloads( image_path, payload_dir, board=self.board, src_image_to_delta=self.src_image_to_delta, static_dir=DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) # Verify that all required payloads are in the payload directory. self._CheckPayloads(payload_dir) restore_stateful = False if (not self._CanRunDevserver(device, self.tempdir) and self.do_rootfs_update): msg = ('Cannot start devserver! The stateful partition may be ' 'corrupted.') prompt = 'Attempt to restore the stateful partition?' restore_stateful = self.yes or cros_build_lib.BooleanPrompt( prompt=prompt, default=False, prolog=msg) if not restore_stateful: raise FlashError('Cannot continue to perform rootfs update!') if restore_stateful: logging.warning('Restoring the stateful partition...') payload = os.path.join(payload_dir, ds_wrapper.STATEFUL_FILENAME) self.UpdateStateful(device, payload, clobber=self.clobber_stateful) device.Reboot() if self._CanRunDevserver(device, self.tempdir): logging.info('Stateful partition restored.') else: raise FlashError('Unable to restore stateful partition.') # Perform device updates. if self.do_rootfs_update: self.SetupRootfsUpdate(device) # Record the current root device. This must be done after # SetupRootfsUpdate because SetupRootfsUpdate may reboot the # device if there is a pending update, which changes the # root device. old_root_dev = self.GetRootDev(device) payload = os.path.join(payload_dir, ds_wrapper.ROOTFS_FILENAME) self.UpdateRootfs(device, payload, self.tempdir) logging.info('Rootfs update completed.') if self.do_stateful_update and not restore_stateful: payload = os.path.join(payload_dir, ds_wrapper.STATEFUL_FILENAME) self.UpdateStateful(device, payload, clobber=self.clobber_stateful) logging.info('Stateful update completed.') if self.reboot: logging.notice('Rebooting device...') device.Reboot() if self.clobber_stateful: # --clobber-stateful wipes the stateful partition and the # working directory on the device no longer exists. To # remedy this, we recreate the working directory here. device.BaseRunCommand(['mkdir', '-p', device.work_dir]) if self.do_rootfs_update and self.reboot: logging.notice('Verifying that the device has been updated...') new_root_dev = self.GetRootDev(device) self.Verify(old_root_dev, new_root_dev) if self.disable_verification: logging.info('Disabling rootfs verification on the device...') device.DisableRootfsVerification() except Exception: logging.error('Device update failed.') if device_connected and device.lsb_release: lsb_entries = sorted(device.lsb_release.items()) logging.info('Following are the LSB version details of the device:\n%s', '\n'.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in lsb_entries)) raise else: logging.notice('Update performed successfully.') finally: self.Cleanup() def Flash(device, image, board=None, install=False, src_image_to_delta=None, rootfs_update=True, stateful_update=True, clobber_stateful=False, reboot=True, wipe=True, ping=True, disable_rootfs_verification=False, clear_cache=False, yes=False, force=False, debug=False): """Flashes a device, USB drive, or file with an image. This provides functionality common to `cros flash` and `brillo flash` so that they can parse the commandline separately but still use the same underlying functionality. Args: device: commandline.Device object; None to use the default device. image: Path (string) to the update image. Can be a local or xbuddy path; non-existant local paths are converted to xbuddy. board: Board to use; None to automatically detect. install: Install to USB using base disk layout; USB |device| scheme only. src_image_to_delta: Local path to an image to be used as the base to generate delta payloads; SSH |device| scheme only. rootfs_update: Update rootfs partition; SSH |device| scheme only. stateful_update: Update stateful partition; SSH |device| scheme only. clobber_stateful: Clobber stateful partition; SSH |device| scheme only. reboot: Reboot device after update; SSH |device| scheme only. wipe: Wipe temporary working directory; SSH |device| scheme only. ping: Ping the device before attempting update; SSH |device| scheme only. disable_rootfs_verification: Remove rootfs verification after update; SSH |device| scheme only. clear_cache: Clear the devserver static directory. yes: Assume "yes" for any prompt. force: Ignore sanity checks and prompts. Overrides |yes| if True. debug: Print additional debugging messages. Raises: FlashError: An unrecoverable error occured. ValueError: Invalid parameter combination. """ if force: yes = True if clear_cache: logging.info('Clearing the cache...') ds_wrapper.DevServerWrapper.WipeStaticDirectory(DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) try: osutils.SafeMakedirsNonRoot(DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) except OSError: logging.error('Failed to create %s', DEVSERVER_STATIC_DIR) if install: if not device or device.scheme != commandline.DEVICE_SCHEME_USB: raise ValueError( '--install can only be used when writing to a USB device') if not cros_build_lib.IsInsideChroot(): raise ValueError('--install can only be used inside the chroot') if not device or device.scheme == commandline.DEVICE_SCHEME_SSH: if device: hostname, port = device.hostname, device.port else: hostname, port = None, None logging.notice('Preparing to update the remote device %s', hostname) updater = RemoteDeviceUpdater( hostname, port, image, board=board, src_image_to_delta=src_image_to_delta, rootfs_update=rootfs_update, stateful_update=stateful_update, clobber_stateful=clobber_stateful, reboot=reboot, wipe=wipe, debug=debug, yes=yes, force=force, ping=ping, disable_verification=disable_rootfs_verification) updater.Run() elif device.scheme == commandline.DEVICE_SCHEME_USB: path = osutils.ExpandPath(device.path) if device.path else '' logging.info('Preparing to image the removable device %s', path) imager = USBImager(path, board, image, debug=debug, install=install, yes=yes) imager.Run() elif device.scheme == commandline.DEVICE_SCHEME_FILE: logging.info('Preparing to copy image to %s', device.path) imager = FileImager(device.path, board, image, debug=debug, yes=yes) imager.Run()