# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Continuous Integration Database Library.""" from __future__ import print_function import collections import datetime import glob import os import re try: import sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy.exc import sqlalchemy.interfaces from sqlalchemy import MetaData except ImportError: raise AssertionError( 'Unable to import sqlalchemy. Please install this package by running ' '`sudo apt-get install python-sqlalchemy` or similar.') from chromite.cbuildbot import constants from chromite.lib import clactions from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging from chromite.lib import factory from chromite.lib import graphite from chromite.lib import osutils from chromite.lib import retry_stats CIDB_MIGRATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(constants.CHROMITE_DIR, 'cidb', 'migrations') _RETRYABLE_OPERATIONAL_ERROR_CODES = frozenset([ 1053, # 'Server shutdown in progress' 1205, # 'Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction' 2003, # 'Can't connect to MySQL server' 2006, # Error code 2006 'MySQL server has gone away' indicates that # the connection used was closed or dropped 2013, # 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' # TODO(akeshet): consider only retrying UPDATE queries against # this error code, not INSERT queries, since we don't know # whether the query completed before or after the connection # lost. 2026, # 'SSL connection error: unknown error number' ]) def _IsRetryableException(e): """Determine whether a query should be retried based on exception. Intended for use as a handler for retry_util. Args: e: The exception to be filtered. Returns: True if the query should be retried, False otherwise. """ # Exceptions usually are raised as sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, but # occasionally also escape as MySQLdb.OperationalError. Neither of those # exception types inherit from one another, so we fall back to string matching # on the exception name. See crbug.com/483654 if 'OperationalError' in str(type(e)): # Unwrap the error till we get to the error raised by the DB backend. # Record each error_code that we encounter along the way. e_orig = e encountered_error_codes = set() while e_orig: if len(e_orig.args) and isinstance(e_orig.args[0], int): encountered_error_codes.add(e_orig.args[0]) e_orig = getattr(e_orig, 'orig', None) if encountered_error_codes & _RETRYABLE_OPERATIONAL_ERROR_CODES: # Suppress logging of error code 2006 retries. They are routine and # expected, and logging them confuses people. if not 2006 in encountered_error_codes: logging.info('RETRYING cidb query due to %s.', e) return True else: logging.info('None of error codes encountered %s are-retryable.', encountered_error_codes) return False def _RetrySuccessHandler(attempt): """If a query succeeded after retry, log it.""" if attempt > 1: logging.info('cidb query succeeded after %s retries', attempt - 1) class DBException(Exception): """General exception class for this module.""" class UnsupportedMethodException(DBException): """Raised when a call is made that the database does not support.""" def minimum_schema(min_version): """Generate a decorator to specify a minimum schema version for a method. This decorator should be applied only to instance methods of SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection objects. """ def decorator(f): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.schema_version < min_version: raise UnsupportedMethodException() return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator class StrictModeListener(sqlalchemy.interfaces.PoolListener): """This listener ensures that STRICT_ALL_TABLES for all connections.""" def connect(self, dbapi_con, *_args, **_kwargs): cur = dbapi_con.cursor() cur.execute("SET SESSION sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES'") cur.close() # Tuple to keep arguments that modify SQL query retry behaviour of # SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection. SqlConnectionRetryArgs = collections.namedtuple( 'SqlConnectionRetryArgs', ('max_retry', 'sleep', 'backoff_factor')) class SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection(object): """Connection to a database that is aware of its schema version.""" SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME = 'schemaVersionTable' SCHEMA_VERSION_COL = 'schemaVersion' def _UpdateConnectUrlArgs(self, key, db_credentials_dir, filename): """Read an argument for the sql connection from the given file. side effect: store argument in self._connect_url_args Args: key: Name of the argument to read. db_credentials_dir: The directory containing the credentials. filename: Name of the file to read. """ file_path = os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): self._connect_url_args[key] = osutils.ReadFile(file_path).strip() def _UpdateSslArgs(self, key, db_credentials_dir, filename): """Read an ssl argument for the sql connection from the given file. side effect: store argument in self._ssl_args Args: key: Name of the ssl argument to read. db_credentials_dir: The directory containing the credentials. filename: Name of the file to read. """ file_path = os.path.join(db_credentials_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(file_path): if 'ssl' not in self._ssl_args: self._ssl_args['ssl'] = {} self._ssl_args['ssl'][key] = file_path def _UpdateConnectArgs(self, db_credentials_dir): """Update all connection args from |db_credentials_dir|.""" self._UpdateConnectUrlArgs('host', db_credentials_dir, 'host.txt') self._UpdateConnectUrlArgs('port', db_credentials_dir, 'port.txt') self._UpdateConnectUrlArgs('username', db_credentials_dir, 'user.txt') self._UpdateConnectUrlArgs('password', db_credentials_dir, 'password.txt') self._UpdateSslArgs('cert', db_credentials_dir, 'client-cert.pem') self._UpdateSslArgs('key', db_credentials_dir, 'client-key.pem') self._UpdateSslArgs('ca', db_credentials_dir, 'server-ca.pem') def __init__(self, db_name, db_migrations_dir, db_credentials_dir, query_retry_args=SqlConnectionRetryArgs(8, 4, 2)): """SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection constructor. Args: db_name: Name of the database to connect to. db_migrations_dir: Absolute path to directory of migration scripts for this database. db_credentials_dir: Absolute path to directory containing connection information to the database. Specifically, this directory may contain files names user.txt, password.txt, host.txt, port.txt, client-cert.pem, client-key.pem, and server-ca.pem This object will silently drop the relevant mysql commandline flags for missing files in the directory. query_retry_args: An optional SqlConnectionRetryArgs tuple to tweak the retry behaviour of SQL queries. """ # None, or a sqlalchemy.MetaData instance self._meta = None # pid of process on which _engine was created self._engine_pid = None self._engine = None self.db_migrations_dir = db_migrations_dir self.db_credentials_dir = db_credentials_dir self.db_name = db_name self.query_retry_args = query_retry_args # mysql args that are optionally provided by files in db_credentials_dir self._connect_url_args = {} self._ssl_args = {} self._UpdateConnectArgs(db_credentials_dir) connect_url = sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL('mysql', **self._connect_url_args) # Create a temporary engine to connect to the mysql instance, and check if # a database named |db_name| exists. If not, create one. We use a temporary # engine here because the real engine will be opened with a default # database name given by |db_name|. temp_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(connect_url, connect_args=self._ssl_args, listeners=[StrictModeListener()]) databases = self._ExecuteWithEngine('SHOW DATABASES', temp_engine).fetchall() if (db_name,) not in databases: self._ExecuteWithEngine('CREATE DATABASE %s' % db_name, temp_engine) logging.info('Created database %s', db_name) temp_engine.dispose() # Now create the persistent connection to the database named |db_name|. # If there is a schema version table, read the current schema version # from it. Otherwise, assume schema_version 0. self._connect_url_args['database'] = db_name self._connect_url = sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL('mysql', **self._connect_url_args) self.schema_version = self.QuerySchemaVersion() logging.info('Created a SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection, ' 'sqlalchemy version %s', sqlalchemy.__version__) def DropDatabase(self): """Delete all data and tables from database, and drop database. Use with caution. All data in database will be deleted. Invalidates this database connection instance. """ self._meta = None self._Execute('DROP DATABASE %s' % self.db_name) self._InvalidateEngine() def QuerySchemaVersion(self): """Query the database for its current schema version number. Returns: The current schema version from the database's schema version table, as an integer, or 0 if the table is empty or nonexistent. """ tables = self._Execute('SHOW TABLES').fetchall() if (self.SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME,) in tables: r = self._Execute('SELECT MAX(%s) from %s' % ( self.SCHEMA_VERSION_COL, self.SCHEMA_VERSION_TABLE_NAME)) return r.fetchone()[0] or 0 else: return 0 def _GetMigrationScripts(self): """Look for migration scripts and return their versions and paths." Returns: A list of (schema_version, script_path) tuples of the migration scripts for this database, sorted in ascending schema_version order. """ # Look for migration script files in the migration script directory, # with names of the form [number]*.sql, and sort these by number. migration_scripts = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.db_migrations_dir, '*.sql')) migrations = [] for script in migration_scripts: match = re.match(r'([0-9]*).*', os.path.basename(script)) if match: migrations.append((int(match.group(1)), script)) migrations.sort() return migrations def ApplySchemaMigrations(self, maxVersion=None): """Apply pending migration scripts to database, in order. Args: maxVersion: The highest version migration script to apply. If unspecified, all migrations found will be applied. """ migrations = self._GetMigrationScripts() # Execute the migration scripts in order, asserting that each one # updates the schema version to the expected number. If maxVersion # is specified stop early. for (number, script) in migrations: if maxVersion is not None and number > maxVersion: break if number > self.schema_version: # Invalidate self._meta, then run script and ensure that schema # version was increased. self._meta = None logging.info('Running migration script %s', script) self.RunQueryScript(script) self.schema_version = self.QuerySchemaVersion() if self.schema_version != number: raise DBException('Migration script %s did not update ' 'schema version to %s as expected. ' % (number, script)) def RunQueryScript(self, script_path): """Run a .sql script file located at |script_path| on the database.""" with open(script_path, 'r') as f: script = f.read() queries = [q.strip() for q in script.split(';') if q.strip()] for q in queries: # This is intentionally not wrapped in retries. self._GetEngine().execute(q) def _ReflectToMetadata(self): """Use sqlalchemy reflection to construct MetaData model of database. If self._meta is already populated, this does nothing. """ if self._meta is not None: return self._meta = MetaData() fn = lambda: self._meta.reflect(bind=self._GetEngine()) self._RunFunctorWithRetries(fn) def _Insert(self, table, values): """Create and execute a one-row INSERT query. Args: table: Table name to insert to. values: Dictionary of column values to insert. Returns: Integer primary key of the inserted row. """ self._ReflectToMetadata() ins = self._meta.tables[table].insert().values(values) r = self._Execute(ins) return r.inserted_primary_key[0] def _InsertMany(self, table, values): """Create and execute an multi-row INSERT query. Args: table: Table name to insert to. values: A list of value dictionaries to insert multiple rows. Returns: The number of inserted rows. """ # sqlalchemy 0.7 and prior has a bug in which it does not always # correctly unpack a list of rows to multi-insert if the list contains # only one item. if len(values) == 1: self._Insert(table, values[0]) return 1 self._ReflectToMetadata() ins = self._meta.tables[table].insert() r = self._Execute(ins, *values) return r.rowcount def _GetPrimaryKey(self, table): """Gets the primary key column of |table|. This function requires that the given table have a 1-column promary key. Args: table: Name of table to primary key for. Returns: A sqlalchemy.sql.schema.Column representing the primary key column. Raises: DBException if the table does not have a single column primary key. """ self._ReflectToMetadata() t = self._meta.tables[table] # TODO(akeshet): between sqlalchemy 0.7 and 0.8, a breaking change was # made to how t.columns and t.primary_key are stored, and in sqlalchemy # 0.7 t.columns does not have a .values() method. Hence this clumsy way # of extracting the primary key column. Currently, our builders have 0.7 # installed. Once we drop support for 0.7, this code can be simply replaced # by: # key_columns = t.primary_key.columns.values() col_names = t.columns.keys() cols = [t.columns[n] for n in col_names] key_columns = [c for c in cols if c.primary_key] if len(key_columns) != 1: raise DBException('Table %s does not have a 1-column primary ' 'key.' % table) return key_columns[0] def _Update(self, table, row_id, values): """Create and execute an UPDATE query by primary key. Args: table: Table name to update. row_id: Primary key value of row to update. values: Dictionary of column values to update. Returns: The number of rows that were updated (0 or 1). """ self._ReflectToMetadata() primary_key = self._GetPrimaryKey(table) upd = self._meta.tables[table].update().where( primary_key == row_id).values(values) r = self._Execute(upd) return r.rowcount def _UpdateWhere(self, table, where, values): """Create and execute an update query with a custom where clause. Args: table: Table name to update. where: Raw SQL for the where clause, in string form, e.g. 'build_id = 1 and board = "tomato"' values: dictionary of column values to update. Returns: The number of rows that were updated. """ self._ReflectToMetadata() upd = self._meta.tables[table].update().where(where) r = self._Execute(upd, values) return r.rowcount def _Select(self, table, row_id, columns): """Create and execute a one-row one-table SELECT query by primary key. Args: table: Table name to select from. row_id: Primary key value of row to select. columns: List of column names to select. Returns: A column name to column value dict for the row found, if a row was found. None if no row was. """ self._ReflectToMetadata() primary_key = self._GetPrimaryKey(table) table_m = self._meta.tables[table] columns_m = [table_m.c[col_name] for col_name in columns] sel = sqlalchemy.sql.select(columns_m).where(primary_key == row_id) r = self._Execute(sel).fetchall() if r: assert len(r) == 1, 'Query by primary key returned more than 1 row.' return dict(zip(columns, r[0])) else: return None def _SelectWhere(self, table, where, columns): """Create and execute a one-table SELECT query with a custom where clause. Args: table: Table name to update. where: Raw SQL for the where clause, in string form, e.g. 'build_id = 1 and board = "tomato"' columns: List of column names to select. Returns: A list of column name to column value dictionaries each representing a row that was selected. """ self._ReflectToMetadata() table_m = self._meta.tables[table] columns_m = [table_m.c[col_name] for col_name in columns] sel = sqlalchemy.sql.select(columns_m).where(where) r = self._Execute(sel) return [dict(zip(columns, values)) for values in r.fetchall()] def _Execute(self, query, *args, **kwargs): """Execute a query with retries. This method executes a query using the engine credentials that were set up in the constructor for this object. If necessary, a new engine unique to this pid will be created. Args: query: Query to execute, of type string, or sqlalchemy.Executible, or other sqlalchemy-executible statement (see sqlalchemy docs). *args: Additional args passed along to .execute(...) **kwargs: Additional args passed along to .execute(...) Returns: The result of .execute(...) """ return self._ExecuteWithEngine(query, self._GetEngine(), *args, **kwargs) def _ExecuteWithEngine(self, query, engine, *args, **kwargs): """Execute a query using |engine|, with retires. This method wraps execution of a query against an engine in retries. The engine will automatically create new connections if a prior connection was dropped. Args: query: Query to execute, of type string, or sqlalchemy.Executible, or other sqlalchemy-executible statement (see sqlalchemy docs). engine: sqlalchemy.engine to use. *args: Additional args passed along to .execute(...) **kwargs: Additional args passed along to .execute(...) Returns: The result of .execute(...) """ f = lambda: engine.execute(query, *args, **kwargs) logging.info('Running cidb query on pid %s, repr(query) starts with %s', os.getpid(), repr(query)[:100]) return self._RunFunctorWithRetries(f) def _RunFunctorWithRetries(self, functor): """Run the given |functor| with correct retry parameters.""" return retry_stats.RetryWithStats( retry_stats.CIDB, handler=_IsRetryableException, max_retry=self.query_retry_args.max_retry, sleep=self.query_retry_args.sleep, backoff_factor=self.query_retry_args.backoff_factor, success_functor=_RetrySuccessHandler, raise_first_exception_on_failure=False, functor=functor) def _GetEngine(self): """Get the sqlalchemy engine for this process. This method creates a new sqlalchemy engine if necessary, and returns an engine that is unique to this process. Returns: An sqlalchemy.engine instance for this database. """ pid = os.getpid() if pid == self._engine_pid and self._engine: return self._engine else: e = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self._connect_url, connect_args=self._ssl_args, listeners=[StrictModeListener()]) self._engine = e self._engine_pid = pid logging.info('Created cidb engine %s@%s for pid %s', e.url.username, e.url.host, pid) return self._engine def _InvalidateEngine(self): """Dispose of an sqlalchemy engine.""" try: pid = os.getpid() if pid == self._engine_pid and self._engine: self._engine.dispose() finally: self._engine = None self._meta = None class CIDBConnection(SchemaVersionedMySQLConnection): """Connection to a Continuous Integration database.""" _SQL_FETCH_ACTIONS = ( 'SELECT c.id, b.id, action, c.reason, build_config, ' 'change_number, patch_number, change_source, timestamp FROM ' 'clActionTable c JOIN buildTable b ON build_id = b.id ') _SQL_FETCH_MESSAGES = ( 'SELECT build_id, build_config, waterfall, builder_name, build_number, ' 'message_type, message_subtype, message_value, timestamp, board FROM ' 'buildMessageTable c JOIN buildTable b ON build_id = b.id ') _DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d' NUM_RESULTS_NO_LIMIT = -1 def __init__(self, db_credentials_dir, *args, **kwargs): super(CIDBConnection, self).__init__('cidb', CIDB_MIGRATIONS_DIR, db_credentials_dir, *args, **kwargs) def GetTime(self): """Gets the current time, according to database. Returns: datetime.datetime instance. """ return self._Execute('SELECT NOW()').fetchall()[0][0] @minimum_schema(43) def InsertBuild(self, builder_name, waterfall, build_number, build_config, bot_hostname, master_build_id=None, timeout_seconds=None, important=None): """Insert a build row. Args: builder_name: buildbot builder name. waterfall: buildbot waterfall name. build_number: buildbot build number. build_config: cbuildbot config of build bot_hostname: hostname of bot running the build master_build_id: (Optional) primary key of master build to this build. timeout_seconds: (Optional) If provided, total time allocated for this build. A deadline is recorded in cidb for the current build to end. important: (Optional) If provided, the |important| value for this build. """ values = { 'builder_name': builder_name, 'buildbot_generation': constants.BUILDBOT_GENERATION, 'waterfall': waterfall, 'build_number': build_number, 'build_config': build_config, 'bot_hostname': bot_hostname, 'start_time': sqlalchemy.func.current_timestamp(), 'master_build_id': master_build_id, 'important': important, } if timeout_seconds is not None: now = self.GetTime() duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout_seconds) values.update({'deadline': now + duration}) return self._Insert('buildTable', values) @minimum_schema(3) def InsertCLActions(self, build_id, cl_actions): """Insert a list of |cl_actions|. If |cl_actions| is empty, this function does nothing. Args: build_id: primary key of build that performed these actions. cl_actions: A list of CLAction objects. Returns: Number of actions inserted. """ if not cl_actions: return 0 values = [] for cl_action in cl_actions: change_number = cl_action.change_number patch_number = cl_action.patch_number change_source = cl_action.change_source action = cl_action.action reason = cl_action.reason values.append({ 'build_id': build_id, 'change_source': change_source, 'change_number': change_number, 'patch_number': patch_number, 'action': action, 'reason': reason}) retval = self._InsertMany('clActionTable', values) stats = graphite.StatsFactory.GetInstance() for cl_action in cl_actions: r = cl_action.reason or 'no_reason' # TODO(akeshet) This is a slightly hacky workaround for the fact that our # strategy reasons contain a ':', but statsd considers that character to # be a name terminator. r = r.replace(':', '_') stats.Counter('.'.join(['cl_actions', cl_action.action])).increment(r) return retval @minimum_schema(6) def InsertBoardPerBuild(self, build_id, board): """Inserts a board-per-build entry into database. Args: build_id: primary key of the build in the buildTable board: String board name. """ self._Insert('boardPerBuildTable', {'build_id': build_id, 'board': board}) @minimum_schema(7) def InsertChildConfigPerBuild(self, build_id, child_config): """Insert a child-config-per-build entry into database. Args: build_id: primary key of the build in the buildTable child_config: String child_config name. """ self._Insert('childConfigPerBuildTable', {'build_id': build_id, 'child_config': child_config}) @minimum_schema(28) def InsertBuildStage(self, build_id, name, board=None, status=constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PLANNED): """Insert a build stage entry into database. Args: build_id: primary key of the build in buildTable name: Full name of build stage. board: (Optional) board name, if this is a board-specific stage. status: (Optional) stage status, one of constants.BUILDER_ALL_STATUSES. Default constants.BUILDER_STATUS_PLANNED. Returns: Integer primary key of inserted stage, i.e. build_stage_id """ return self._Insert('buildStageTable', {'build_id': build_id, 'name': name, 'board': board, 'status': status}) @minimum_schema(29) def InsertFailure(self, build_stage_id, exception_type, exception_message, exception_category=constants.EXCEPTION_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN, outer_failure_id=None, extra_info=None): """Insert a failure description into database. Args: build_stage_id: primary key, in buildStageTable, of the stage where failure occured. exception_type: str name of the exception class. exception_message: str description of the failure. exception_category: (Optional) one of constants.EXCEPTION_CATEGORY_ALL_CATEGORIES, Default: 'unknown'. outer_failure_id: (Optional) primary key of outer failure which contains this failure. Used to store CompoundFailure relationship. extra_info: (Optional) extra category-specific string description giving failure details. Used for programmatic triage. """ if exception_message: exception_message = exception_message[:240] values = {'build_stage_id': build_stage_id, 'exception_type': exception_type, 'exception_message': exception_message, 'exception_category': exception_category, 'outer_failure_id': outer_failure_id, 'extra_info': extra_info} return self._Insert('failureTable', values) @minimum_schema(42) def InsertBuildMessage(self, build_id, message_type=None, message_subtype=None, message_value=None, board=None): """Insert a build message into database. Args: build_id: primary key of build recording this message. message_type: Optional str name of message type. message_subtype: Optional str name of message subtype. message_value: Optional value of message. board: Optional str name of the board. """ if message_type: message_type = message_type[:240] if message_subtype: message_subtype = message_subtype[:240] if message_value: message_value = message_value[:480] if board: board = board[:240] values = {'build_id': build_id, 'message_type': message_type, 'message_subtype': message_subtype, 'message_value': message_value, 'board': board} return self._Insert('buildMessageTable', values) @minimum_schema(2) def UpdateMetadata(self, build_id, metadata): """Update the given metadata row in database. Args: build_id: id of row to update. metadata: CBuildbotMetadata instance to update with. Returns: The number of build rows that were updated (0 or 1). """ d = metadata.GetDict() versions = d.get('version') or {} return self._Update('buildTable', build_id, {'chrome_version': versions.get('chrome'), 'milestone_version': versions.get('milestone'), 'platform_version': versions.get('platform'), 'full_version': versions.get('full'), 'sdk_version': d.get('sdk-versions'), 'toolchain_url': d.get('toolchain-url'), 'build_type': d.get('build_type'), 'important': d.get('important')}) @minimum_schema(32) def ExtendDeadline(self, build_id, timeout_seconds): """Extend the deadline for this build. Args: build_id: primary key, in buildTable, of the build for which deadline should be extended. timeout_seconds: Time remaining for the deadline from the current time. Returns: Number of rows updated (1 for success, 0 for failure) Deadline extension can fail if (1) The deadline is already past, or (2) The new deadline requested is earlier than the original deadline. """ return self._Execute( 'UPDATE buildTable SET deadline = NOW() + INTERVAL %d SECOND WHERE ' 'id = %d AND ' '(deadline = 0 OR deadline > NOW()) AND ' 'NOW() + INTERVAL %d SECOND > deadline' % (timeout_seconds, build_id, timeout_seconds) ).rowcount @minimum_schema(6) def UpdateBoardPerBuildMetadata(self, build_id, board, board_metadata): """Update the given board-per-build metadata. Args: build_id: id of the build board: board to update board_metadata: per-board metadata dict for this board """ update_dict = { 'main_firmware_version': board_metadata.get('main-firmware-version'), 'ec_firmware_version': board_metadata.get('ec-firmware-version'), } return self._UpdateWhere( 'boardPerBuildTable', 'build_id = %d and board = "%s"' % (build_id, board), update_dict) @minimum_schema(28) def StartBuildStage(self, build_stage_id): """Marks a build stage as inflight, in the database. Args: build_stage_id: primary key of the build stage in buildStageTable. """ current_timestamp = sqlalchemy.func.current_timestamp() return self._Update( 'buildStageTable', build_stage_id, {'status': constants.BUILDER_STATUS_INFLIGHT, 'start_time': current_timestamp}) @minimum_schema(28) def FinishBuildStage(self, build_stage_id, status): """Marks a build stage as finished, in the database. Args: build_stage_id: primary key of the build stage in buildStageTable. status: one of constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES """ current_timestamp = sqlalchemy.func.current_timestamp() return self._Update( 'buildStageTable', build_stage_id, {'status': status, 'finish_time': current_timestamp, 'final': True}) @minimum_schema(25) def FinishBuild(self, build_id, status=None, summary=None, metadata_url=None): """Update the given build row, marking it as finished. This should be called once per build, as the last update to the build. This will also mark the row's final=True. Args: build_id: id of row to update. status: Final build status, one of constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES. summary: A summary of the build (failures) collected from all slaves. metadata_url: google storage url to metadata.json file for this build, e.g. ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/master-paladin/' 'R39-6225.0.0-rc1/metadata.json') """ self._ReflectToMetadata() if summary: summary = summary[:1024] # The current timestamp is evaluated on the database, not locally. current_timestamp = sqlalchemy.func.current_timestamp() self._Update('buildTable', build_id, {'finish_time': current_timestamp, 'status': status, 'summary': summary, 'metadata_url': metadata_url, 'final': True}) @minimum_schema(16) def FinishChildConfig(self, build_id, child_config, status=None): """Marks the given child config as finished with |status|. This should be called before FinishBuild, on all child configs that were used in a build. Args: build_id: primary key of the build in the buildTable child_config: String child_config name. status: Final child_config status, one of constants.BUILDER_COMPLETED_STATUSES or None for default "inflight". """ self._Execute( 'UPDATE childConfigPerBuildTable ' 'SET status="%s", final=1 ' 'WHERE (build_id, child_config) = (%d, "%s")' % (status, build_id, child_config)) @minimum_schema(43) def GetBuildStatus(self, build_id): """Gets the status of the build. Args: build_id: build id to fetch. Returns: Dictionary for a single build (see GetBuildStatuses for keys) or None if no build with this id was found. """ statuses = self.GetBuildStatuses([build_id]) return statuses[0] if statuses else None @minimum_schema(43) def GetBuildStatuses(self, build_ids): """Gets the statuses of the builds. Args: build_ids: A list of build id to fetch. Returns: A list of dictionary with keys (id, build_config, start_time, finish_time, status, waterfall, build_number, builder_name, platform_version, full_version, important), or None if no build with this id was found. """ return self._SelectWhere( 'buildTable', 'id IN (%s)' % ','.join(str(int(x)) for x in build_ids), ['id', 'build_config', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'status', 'waterfall', 'build_number', 'builder_name', 'platform_version', 'full_version', 'important']) @minimum_schema(43) def GetSlaveStatuses(self, master_build_id): """Gets the statuses of slave builders to given build. Args: master_build_id: build id of the master build to fetch the slave statuses for. Returns: A list containing, for each slave build (row) found, a dictionary with keys (id, build_config, start_time, finish_time, status, important). """ return self._SelectWhere('buildTable', 'master_build_id = %d' % master_build_id, ['id', 'build_config', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'status', 'important']) @minimum_schema(30) def GetSlaveStages(self, master_build_id): """Gets all the stages of slave builds to given build. Args: master_build_id: build id of the master build to fetch the slave stages for. Returns: A list containing, for each stage of each slave build found, a dictionary with keys (id, build_id, name, board, status, last_updated, start_time, finish_time, final, build_config). """ bs_table_columns = ['id', 'build_id', 'name', 'board', 'status', 'last_updated', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'final'] bs_prepended_columns = ['bs.' + x for x in bs_table_columns] results = self._Execute( 'SELECT %s, b.build_config FROM buildStageTable bs JOIN buildTable b ' 'ON build_id = b.id where b.master_build_id = %d' % (', '.join(bs_prepended_columns), master_build_id)).fetchall() columns = bs_table_columns + ['build_config'] return [dict(zip(columns, values)) for values in results] @minimum_schema(44) def GetSlaveFailures(self, master_build_id): """Gets the failure entries for slave builds to given build. Args: master_build_id: build id of the master build to fetch failures for. Returns: A list containing, for each failure entry, a dictionary with keys (id, build_stage_id, outer_failure_id, exception_type, exception_message, exception_category, extra_info, timestamp, stage_name, board, stage_status, build_id, master_build_id, builder_name, waterfall, build_number, build_config, build_status, important). """ columns = ['id', 'build_stage_id', 'outer_failure_id', 'exception_type', 'exception_message', 'exception_category', 'extra_info', 'timestamp', 'stage_name', 'board', 'stage_status', 'build_id', 'master_build_id', 'builder_name', 'waterfall', 'build_number', 'build_config', 'build_status', 'important'] columns_string = ', '.join(columns) results = self._Execute('SELECT %s FROM failureView ' 'WHERE master_build_id = %s ' % (columns_string, master_build_id)).fetchall() return [dict(zip(columns, values)) for values in results] @minimum_schema(32) def GetTimeToDeadline(self, build_id): """Gets the time remaining till the deadline for given build_id. Always use this function to find time remaining to a deadline. This function computes all times on the database. You run the risk of hitting timezone issues if you compute remaining time locally. Args: build_id: The build_id of the build to query. Returns: The time remaining to the deadline in seconds. 0 if the deadline is already past. None if no deadline is found. """ # Sign information is lost in the timediff coercion into python # datetime.timedelta type. So, we must find out if the deadline is past # separately. r = self._Execute( 'SELECT deadline >= NOW(), TIMEDIFF(deadline, NOW()) ' 'from buildTable where id = %d' % build_id).fetchall() if not r: return None time_remaining = r[0][1] if time_remaining is None: return None deadline_past = (r[0][0] == 0) return 0 if deadline_past else abs(time_remaining.total_seconds()) @minimum_schema(43) def GetBuildHistory(self, build_config, num_results, ignore_build_id=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, starting_build_number=None): """Returns basic information about most recent builds. By default this function returns the most recent builds. Some arguments can restrict the result to older builds. Args: build_config: config name of the build. num_results: Number of builds to search back. Set this to CIDBConnection.NUM_RESULTS_NO_LIMIT to request no limit on the number of results. ignore_build_id: (Optional) Ignore a specific build. This is most useful to ignore the current build when querying recent past builds from a build in flight. start_date: (Optional, type: datetime.date) Get builds that occured on or after this date. end_date: (Optional, type:datetime.date) Get builds that occured on or before this date. starting_build_number: (Optional) The minimum build_number on the CQ master for which data should be retrieved. Returns: A sorted list of dicts containing up to |number| dictionaries for build statuses in descending order. Valid keys in the dictionary are [id, build_config, buildbot_generation, waterfall, build_number, start_time, finish_time, platform_version, full_version, status, important]. """ columns = ['id', 'build_config', 'buildbot_generation', 'waterfall', 'build_number', 'start_time', 'finish_time', 'platform_version', 'full_version', 'status', 'important'] where_clauses = ['build_config = "%s"' % build_config] if start_date is not None: where_clauses.append('date(start_time) >= date("%s")' % start_date.strftime(self._DATE_FORMAT)) if end_date is not None: where_clauses.append('date(start_time) <= date("%s")' % end_date.strftime(self._DATE_FORMAT)) if starting_build_number is not None: where_clauses.append('build_number >= %d' % starting_build_number) if ignore_build_id is not None: where_clauses.append('id != %d' % ignore_build_id) query = ( 'SELECT %s' ' FROM buildTable' ' WHERE %s' ' ORDER BY id DESC' % (', '.join(columns), ' AND '.join(where_clauses))) if num_results != self.NUM_RESULTS_NO_LIMIT: query += ' LIMIT %d' % num_results results = self._Execute(query).fetchall() return [dict(zip(columns, values)) for values in results] @minimum_schema(26) def GetAnnotationsForBuilds(self, build_ids): """Returns the annotations for given build_ids. Args: build_ids: list of build_ids for which annotations are requested. Returns: {id: annotations} where annotations is itself a list of dicts containing annotations. Valid keys in annotations are [failure_category, failure_message, blame_url, notes]. """ columns_to_report = ['failure_category', 'failure_message', 'blame_url', 'notes'] where_or_clauses = [] for build_id in build_ids: where_or_clauses.append('build_id = %d' % build_id) annotations = self._SelectWhere('annotationsTable', ' OR '.join(where_or_clauses), ['build_id'] + columns_to_report) results = {} for annotation in annotations: build_id = annotation['build_id'] if build_id not in results: results[build_id] = [] results[build_id].append(annotation) return results @minimum_schema(11) def GetActionsForChanges(self, changes): """Gets all the actions for the given changes. Note, this includes all patches of the given changes. Args: changes: A list of GerritChangeTuple, GerritPatchTuple or GerritPatch specifying the changes to whose actions should be fetched. Returns: A list of CLAction instances, in action id order. """ if not changes: return [] clauses = [] # Note: We are using a string of OR statements rather than a 'WHERE IN' # style clause, because 'WHERE IN' does not make use of multi-column # indexes, and therefore has poor performance with a large table. for change in changes: change_number = int(change.gerrit_number) change_source = 'internal' if change.internal else 'external' clauses.append('(change_number, change_source) = (%d, "%s")' % (change_number, change_source)) clause = ' OR '.join(clauses) results = self._Execute( '%s WHERE %s' % (self._SQL_FETCH_ACTIONS, clause)).fetchall() return [clactions.CLAction(*values) for values in results] @minimum_schema(11) def GetActionHistory(self, start_date, end_date=None): """Get the action history of CLs in the specified range. This will get the full action history of any patches that were touched by the CQ or Pre-CQ during the specified time range. Note: Since this includes the full action history of these patches, it may include actions outside the time range. Args: start_date: (Type: datetime.date) The first date on which you want action history. end_date: (Type: datetime.date) The last date on which you want action history. """ values = {'start_date': start_date.strftime(self._DATE_FORMAT), 'end_date': end_date.strftime(self._DATE_FORMAT)} # Enforce start and end date. conds = 'DATE(timestamp) >= %(start_date)s' if end_date: conds += ' AND DATE(timestamp) <= %(end_date)s' changes = ('SELECT DISTINCT change_number, patch_number, change_source ' 'FROM clActionTable WHERE %s' % conds) query = '%s NATURAL JOIN (%s) as w' % (self._SQL_FETCH_ACTIONS, changes) results = self._Execute(query, values).fetchall() return clactions.CLActionHistory(clactions.CLAction(*values) for values in results) @minimum_schema(29) def HasBuildStageFailed(self, build_stage_id): """Determine whether a build stage has failed according to cidb. Args: build_stage_id: The id of the build_stage to query for. Returns: True if there is a failure reported for this build stage to cidb. """ failures = self._SelectWhere('failureTable', 'build_stage_id = %d' % build_stage_id, ['id']) return bool(failures) @minimum_schema(40) def GetKeyVals(self): """Get key-vals from keyvalTable. Returns: A dictionary of {key: value} strings (values may also be None). """ results = self._Execute('SELECT k, v FROM keyvalTable').fetchall() return dict(results) @minimum_schema(42) def GetBuildMessages(self, build_id): """Gets build messages from buildMessageTable. Args: build_id: The build to get messages for. Returns: A list of build message dictionaries, where each dictionary contains keys build_id, build_config, builder_name, build_number, message_type, message_subtype, message_value, timestamp, board. """ return self._GetBuildMessagesWithClause('build_id = %s' % build_id) @minimum_schema(42) def GetSlaveBuildMessages(self, master_build_id): """Gets build messages from buildMessageTable. Args: master_build_id: The build to get all slave messages for. Returns: A list of build message dictionaries, where each dictionary contains keys build_id, build_config, waterfall, builder_name, build_number, message_type, message_subtype, message_value, timestamp, board. """ return self._GetBuildMessagesWithClause( 'master_build_id = %s' % master_build_id) def _GetBuildMessagesWithClause(self, clause): """Private helper method for fetching build messages.""" columns = ['build_id', 'build_config', 'waterfall', 'builder_name', 'build_number', 'message_type', 'message_subtype', 'message_value', 'timestamp', 'board'] results = self._Execute('%s WHERE %s' % (self._SQL_FETCH_MESSAGES, clause)).fetchall() return [dict(zip(columns, values)) for values in results] def _INV(): raise AssertionError('CIDB connection factory has been invalidated.') CONNECTION_TYPE_PROD = 'prod' # production database CONNECTION_TYPE_DEBUG = 'debug' # debug database, used by --debug builds CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK = 'mock' # mock connection, not backed by database CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE = 'none' # explicitly no connection CONNECTION_TYPE_INV = 'invalid' # invalidated connection class CIDBConnectionFactoryClass(factory.ObjectFactory): """Factory class used by builders to fetch the appropriate cidb connection""" _CIDB_CONNECTION_TYPES = { CONNECTION_TYPE_PROD: factory.CachedFunctionCall( lambda: CIDBConnection(constants.CIDB_PROD_BOT_CREDS)), CONNECTION_TYPE_DEBUG: factory.CachedFunctionCall( lambda: CIDBConnection(constants.CIDB_DEBUG_BOT_CREDS)), CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK: None, CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE: lambda: None, CONNECTION_TYPE_INV: _INV, } def _allowed_cidb_transition(self, from_setup, to_setup): # Always allow factory to be invalidated. if to_setup == CONNECTION_TYPE_INV: return True # Allow transition invalid - > mock if from_setup == CONNECTION_TYPE_INV and to_setup == CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK: return True # Otherwise, only allow transitions between none -> none, mock -> mock, and # mock -> none. if from_setup == CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK: if to_setup in (CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE, CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK): return True if from_setup == CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE and to_setup == from_setup: return True return False def __init__(self): super(CIDBConnectionFactoryClass, self).__init__( 'cidb connection', self._CIDB_CONNECTION_TYPES, self._allowed_cidb_transition) def IsCIDBSetup(self): """Returns True iff GetCIDBConnectionForBuilder is ready to be called.""" return self.is_setup def GetCIDBConnectionType(self): """Returns the type of db connection that is set up. Returns: One of ('prod', 'debug', 'mock', 'none', 'invalid', None) """ return self.setup_type def InvalidateCIDBSetup(self): """Invalidate the CIDB connection factory. This method may be called at any time, even after a setup method. Once this is called, future calls to GetCIDBConnectionForBuilder will raise an assertion error. """ self.Setup(CONNECTION_TYPE_INV) def SetupProdCidb(self): """Sets up CIDB to use the prod instance of the database. May be called only once, and may not be called after any other CIDB Setup method, otherwise it will raise an AssertionError. """ self.Setup(CONNECTION_TYPE_PROD) def SetupDebugCidb(self): """Sets up CIDB to use the debug instance of the database. May be called only once, and may not be called after any other CIDB Setup method, otherwise it will raise an AssertionError. """ self.Setup(CONNECTION_TYPE_DEBUG) def SetupMockCidb(self, mock_cidb=None): """Sets up CIDB to use a mock object. May be called more than once. Args: mock_cidb: (optional) The mock cidb object to be returned by GetCIDBConnection. If not supplied, then CIDB will be considered not set up, but future calls to set up a non-(mock or None) connection will fail. """ self.Setup(CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK, mock_cidb) def SetupNoCidb(self): """Sets up CIDB to use an explicit None connection. May be called more than once, or after SetupMockCidb. """ self.Setup(CONNECTION_TYPE_NONE) def ClearMock(self): """Clear a mock CIDB object. This method clears a cidb mock object, but leaves the connection factory in _CONNECTION_TYPE_MOCK, so that future calls to set up a non-mock cidb will fail. """ self.SetupMockCidb() def GetCIDBConnectionForBuilder(self): """Get a CIDBConnection. A call to one of the CIDB Setup methods must have been made before calling this factory method. Returns: A CIDBConnection instance connected to either the prod or debug instance of the database, or a mock connection, depending on which Setup method was called. Returns None if CIDB has been explicitly set up for that using SetupNoCidb. """ return self.GetInstance() def _ClearCIDBSetup(self): """Clears the CIDB Setup state. For testing purposes only.""" self._clear_setup() CIDBConnectionFactory = CIDBConnectionFactoryClass()