path: root/catapult/common/bin
diff options
authorTreehugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com>2020-08-05 23:05:44 +0000
committerAutomerger Merge Worker <android-build-automerger-merge-worker@system.gserviceaccount.com>2020-08-05 23:05:44 +0000
commit548f841b745404224698a3eafc6d4cb190d0ca8c (patch)
tree8a0d6fd78eb610653f12ded770595c80f1e89a61 /catapult/common/bin
parent1d3aa42aef5ab74bf9b13fb5a7e18c73e137f58c (diff)
parenta5e4f4d2969520f4563ec0d66cbe469c49ee38bc (diff)
Merge changes Ie9f01eed,I3acb8a0d am: fb769a1607 am: 316160b179 am: 3fd616f492 am: 5338649baa am: a5e4f4d296
Original change: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/external/chromium-trace/+/1392438 Change-Id: I7a428aa7cb0cdad8a449e25867e8c4bb514c2d2d
Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/common/bin')
2 files changed, 393 insertions, 229 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries b/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries
deleted file mode 100755
index e148c747..00000000
--- a/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Updates the Chrome reference builds.
- $ /path/to/update_reference_build.py
- $ git commit -a
- $ git cl upload
-import collections
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import urllib2
-import zipfile
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'py_utils'))
-from py_utils import cloud_storage
-from dependency_manager import base_config
-def BuildNotFoundError(error_string):
- raise ValueError(error_string)
-_CHROME_BINARIES_CONFIG = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', 'common',
- 'py_utils', 'py_utils', 'chrome_binaries.json')
-CHROME_GS_BUCKET = 'chrome-unsigned'
-# Remove a platform name from this list to disable updating it.
-# Add one to enable updating it. (Must also update _PLATFORM_MAP.)
-_PLATFORMS_TO_UPDATE = ['mac_x86_64', 'win_x86', 'win_AMD64', 'linux_x86_64',
- 'android_k_armeabi-v7a', 'android_l_arm64-v8a',
- 'android_l_armeabi-v7a', 'android_n_armeabi-v7a',
- 'android_n_arm64-v8a']
-# Remove a channel name from this list to disable updating it.
-# Add one to enable updating it.
-_CHANNELS_TO_UPDATE = ['stable', 'canary', 'dev']
-# Omaha is Chrome's autoupdate server. It reports the current versions used
-# by each platform on each channel.
-_OMAHA_PLATFORMS = { 'stable': ['mac', 'linux', 'win', 'android'],
- 'dev': ['linux'], 'canary': ['mac', 'win']}
-# All of the information we need to update each platform.
-# omaha: name omaha uses for the platforms.
-# zip_name: name of the zip file to be retrieved from cloud storage.
-# gs_build: name of the Chrome build platform used in cloud storage.
-# destination: Name of the folder to download the reference build to.
-UpdateInfo = collections.namedtuple('UpdateInfo',
- 'omaha, gs_folder, gs_build, zip_name')
-_PLATFORM_MAP = {'mac_x86_64': UpdateInfo(omaha='mac',
- gs_folder='desktop-*',
- gs_build='mac64',
- zip_name='chrome-mac.zip'),
- 'win_x86': UpdateInfo(omaha='win',
- gs_folder='desktop-*',
- gs_build='win-clang',
- zip_name='chrome-win-clang.zip'),
- 'win_AMD64': UpdateInfo(omaha='win',
- gs_folder='desktop-*',
- gs_build='win64-clang',
- zip_name='chrome-win64-clang.zip'),
- 'linux_x86_64': UpdateInfo(omaha='linux',
- gs_folder='desktop-*',
- gs_build='linux64',
- zip_name='chrome-linux64.zip'),
- 'android_k_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(omaha='android',
- gs_folder='android-*',
- gs_build='arm',
- zip_name='Chrome.apk'),
- 'android_l_arm64-v8a': UpdateInfo(omaha='android',
- gs_folder='android-*',
- gs_build='arm_64',
- zip_name='ChromeModern.apk'),
- 'android_l_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(omaha='android',
- gs_folder='android-*',
- gs_build='arm',
- zip_name='Chrome.apk'),
- 'android_n_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(omaha='android',
- gs_folder='android-*',
- gs_build='arm',
- zip_name='Monochrome.apk'),
- 'android_n_arm64-v8a': UpdateInfo(omaha='android',
- gs_folder='android-*',
- gs_build='arm_64',
- zip_name='Monochrome.apk'),
-def _ChannelVersionsMap(channel):
- rows = _OmahaReportVersionInfo(channel)
- omaha_versions_map = _OmahaVersionsMap(rows, channel)
- channel_versions_map = {}
- for platform in _PLATFORMS_TO_UPDATE:
- omaha_platform = _PLATFORM_MAP[platform].omaha
- if omaha_platform in omaha_versions_map:
- channel_versions_map[platform] = omaha_versions_map[omaha_platform]
- return channel_versions_map
-def _OmahaReportVersionInfo(channel):
- url ='https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/all?channel=%s' % channel
- lines = urllib2.urlopen(url).readlines()
- return [l.split(',') for l in lines]
-def _OmahaVersionsMap(rows, channel):
- platforms = _OMAHA_PLATFORMS.get(channel, [])
- if (len(rows) < 1 or
- not rows[0][0:3] == ['os', 'channel', 'current_version']):
- raise ValueError(
- 'Omaha report is not in the expected form: %s.' % rows)
- versions_map = {}
- for row in rows[1:]:
- if row[1] != channel:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Omaha report contains a line with the channel %s' % row[1])
- if row[0] in platforms:
- versions_map[row[0]] = row[2]
- logging.warn('versions map: %s' % versions_map)
- if not all(platform in versions_map for platform in platforms):
- raise ValueError(
- 'Omaha report did not contain all desired platforms for channel %s' % channel)
- return versions_map
-def _QueuePlatformUpdate(platform, version, config, channel):
- """ platform: the name of the platform for the browser to
- be downloaded & updated from cloud storage. """
- platform_info = _PLATFORM_MAP[platform]
- filename = platform_info.zip_name
- # remote_path example: desktop-*/30.0.1595.0/precise32/chrome-precise32.zip
- remote_path = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (
- platform_info.gs_folder, version, platform_info.gs_build, filename)
- if not cloud_storage.Exists(CHROME_GS_BUCKET, remote_path):
- cloud_storage_path = 'gs://%s/%s' % (CHROME_GS_BUCKET, remote_path)
- raise BuildNotFoundError(
- 'Failed to find %s build for version %s at path %s.' % (
- platform, version, cloud_storage_path))
- reference_builds_folder = os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'chrome_telemetry_build',
- 'reference_builds', channel)
- if not os.path.exists(reference_builds_folder):
- os.makedirs(reference_builds_folder)
- local_dest_path = os.path.join(reference_builds_folder, filename)
- cloud_storage.Get(CHROME_GS_BUCKET, remote_path, local_dest_path)
- _ModifyBuildIfNeeded(local_dest_path, platform)
- config.AddCloudStorageDependencyUpdateJob(
- 'chrome_%s' % channel, platform, local_dest_path, version=version,
- execute_job=False)
-def _ModifyBuildIfNeeded(location, platform):
- """Hook to modify the build before saving it for Telemetry to use.
- This can be used to remove various utilities that cause noise in a
- test environment. Right now, it is just used to remove Keystone,
- which is a tool used to autoupdate Chrome.
- """
- if platform == 'mac_x86_64':
- _RemoveKeystoneFromBuild(location)
- return
- if 'mac' in platform:
- raise NotImplementedError(
- 'Platform <%s> sounds like it is an OSX version. If so, we may need to '
- 'remove Keystone from it per crbug.com/932615. Please edit this script'
- ' and teach it what needs to be done :).')
-def _RemoveKeystoneFromBuild(location):
- """Removes the Keystone autoupdate binary from the chrome mac zipfile."""
- logging.info('Removing keystone from mac build at %s' % location)
- temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='RemoveKeystoneFromBuild')
- try:
- subprocess.check_call(['unzip', '-q', location, '-d', temp_folder])
- keystone_folder = os.path.join(
- temp_folder, 'chrome-mac', 'Google Chrome.app', 'Contents',
- 'Frameworks', 'Google Chrome Framework.framework', 'Frameworks',
- 'KeystoneRegistration.framework')
- shutil.rmtree(keystone_folder)
- os.remove(location)
- subprocess.check_call(['zip', '--quiet', '--recurse-paths', '--symlinks',
- location, 'chrome-mac'],
- cwd=temp_folder)
- finally:
- shutil.rmtree(temp_folder)
-def UpdateBuilds():
- config = base_config.BaseConfig(_CHROME_BINARIES_CONFIG, writable=True)
- for channel in _CHANNELS_TO_UPDATE:
- channel_versions_map = _ChannelVersionsMap(channel)
- for platform in channel_versions_map:
- print 'Downloading Chrome (%s channel) on %s' % (channel, platform)
- current_version = config.GetVersion('chrome_%s' % channel, platform)
- channel_version = channel_versions_map.get(platform)
- print 'current: %s, channel: %s' % (current_version, channel_version)
- if current_version and current_version == channel_version:
- continue
- _QueuePlatformUpdate(platform, channel_version, config, channel)
- print 'Updating chrome builds with downloaded binaries'
- config.ExecuteUpdateJobs(force=True)
-def main():
- logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- UpdateBuilds()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries.py b/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..86a1d7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/common/bin/update_chrome_reference_binaries.py
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Updates the Chrome reference builds.
+ $ /path/to/update_reference_build.py
+ $ git commit -a
+ $ git cl upload
+import argparse
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import urllib2
+import zipfile
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'py_utils'))
+from py_utils import cloud_storage
+from dependency_manager import base_config
+_CHROME_BINARIES_CONFIG = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', 'common',
+ 'py_utils', 'py_utils', 'chrome_binaries.json')
+_CHROME_GS_BUCKET = 'chrome-unsigned'
+_CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET = 'chromium-browser-snapshots'
+# How many commit positions to search below and above omaha branch position to
+# find closest chromium build snapshot. The value 10 is chosen because it looks
+# more than sufficient from manual inspection of the bucket.
+# Remove a platform name from this list to disable updating it.
+# Add one to enable updating it. (Must also update _PLATFORM_MAP.)
+_PLATFORMS_TO_UPDATE = ['mac_x86_64', 'win_x86', 'win_AMD64', 'linux_x86_64',
+ 'android_k_armeabi-v7a', 'android_l_arm64-v8a',
+ 'android_l_armeabi-v7a', 'android_n_armeabi-v7a',
+ 'android_n_arm64-v8a', 'android_n_bundle_armeabi-v7a',
+ 'android_n_bundle_arm64-v8a']
+# Add platforms here if you also want to update chromium binary for it.
+# Must add chromium_info for it in _PLATFORM_MAP.
+_CHROMIUM_PLATFORMS = ['mac_x86_64', 'win_x86', 'win_AMD64', 'linux_x86_64']
+# Remove a channel name from this list to disable updating it.
+# Add one to enable updating it.
+_CHANNELS_TO_UPDATE = ['stable', 'canary', 'dev']
+# Omaha is Chrome's autoupdate server. It reports the current versions used
+# by each platform on each channel.
+_OMAHA_PLATFORMS = { 'stable': ['mac', 'linux', 'win', 'android'],
+ 'dev': ['linux'], 'canary': ['mac', 'win']}
+# All of the information we need to update each platform.
+# omaha: name omaha uses for the platforms.
+# zip_name: name of the zip file to be retrieved from cloud storage.
+# gs_build: name of the Chrome build platform used in cloud storage.
+# chromium_info: information needed to update chromium (optional).
+# destination: Name of the folder to download the reference build to.
+UpdateInfo = collections.namedtuple('UpdateInfo',
+ 'omaha, gs_folder, gs_build, chromium_info, zip_name')
+# build_dir: name of the build directory in _CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET.
+# zip_name: name of the zip file to be retrieved from cloud storage.
+ChromiumInfo = collections.namedtuple('ChromiumInfo', 'build_dir, zip_name')
+_PLATFORM_MAP = {'mac_x86_64': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='mac',
+ gs_folder='desktop-*',
+ gs_build='mac64',
+ chromium_info=ChromiumInfo(
+ build_dir='Mac',
+ zip_name='chrome-mac.zip'),
+ zip_name='chrome-mac.zip'),
+ 'win_x86': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='win',
+ gs_folder='desktop-*',
+ gs_build='win-clang',
+ chromium_info=ChromiumInfo(
+ build_dir='Win',
+ zip_name='chrome-win.zip'),
+ zip_name='chrome-win-clang.zip'),
+ 'win_AMD64': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='win',
+ gs_folder='desktop-*',
+ gs_build='win64-clang',
+ chromium_info=ChromiumInfo(
+ build_dir='Win_x64',
+ zip_name='chrome-win.zip'),
+ zip_name='chrome-win64-clang.zip'),
+ 'linux_x86_64': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='linux',
+ gs_folder='desktop-*',
+ gs_build='linux64',
+ chromium_info=ChromiumInfo(
+ build_dir='Linux_x64',
+ zip_name='chrome-linux.zip'),
+ zip_name='chrome-linux64.zip'),
+ 'android_k_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Chrome.apk'),
+ 'android_l_arm64-v8a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm_64',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='ChromeModern.apk'),
+ 'android_l_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Chrome.apk'),
+ 'android_n_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Monochrome.apk'),
+ 'android_n_arm64-v8a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm_64',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Monochrome.apk'),
+ 'android_n_bundle_armeabi-v7a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Monochrome.apks'),
+ 'android_n_bundle_arm64-v8a': UpdateInfo(
+ omaha='android',
+ gs_folder='android-*',
+ gs_build='arm_64',
+ chromium_info=None,
+ zip_name='Monochrome.apks')
+VersionInfo = collections.namedtuple('VersionInfo',
+ 'version, branch_base_position')
+def _ChannelVersionsMap(channel):
+ rows = _OmahaReportVersionInfo(channel)
+ omaha_versions_map = _OmahaVersionsMap(rows, channel)
+ channel_versions_map = {}
+ for platform in _PLATFORMS_TO_UPDATE:
+ omaha_platform = _PLATFORM_MAP[platform].omaha
+ if omaha_platform in omaha_versions_map:
+ channel_versions_map[platform] = omaha_versions_map[omaha_platform]
+ return channel_versions_map
+def _OmahaReportVersionInfo(channel):
+ url ='https://omahaproxy.appspot.com/all?channel=%s' % channel
+ lines = urllib2.urlopen(url).readlines()
+ return [l.split(',') for l in lines]
+def _OmahaVersionsMap(rows, channel):
+ platforms = _OMAHA_PLATFORMS.get(channel, [])
+ if (len(rows) < 1 or
+ rows[0][0:3] != ['os', 'channel', 'current_version'] or
+ rows[0][7] != 'branch_base_position'):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Omaha report is not in the expected form: %s.' % rows)
+ versions_map = {}
+ for row in rows[1:]:
+ if row[1] != channel:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Omaha report contains a line with the channel %s' % row[1])
+ if row[0] in platforms:
+ versions_map[row[0]] = VersionInfo(version=row[2],
+ branch_base_position=int(row[7]))
+ logging.warn('versions map: %s' % versions_map)
+ if not all(platform in versions_map for platform in platforms):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Omaha report did not contain all desired platforms '
+ 'for channel %s' % channel)
+ return versions_map
+RemotePath = collections.namedtuple('RemotePath', 'bucket, path')
+def _ResolveChromeRemotePath(platform_info, version_info):
+ # Path example: desktop-*/30.0.1595.0/precise32/chrome-precise32.zip
+ return RemotePath(bucket=_CHROME_GS_BUCKET,
+ path=('%s/%s/%s/%s' % (platform_info.gs_folder,
+ version_info.version,
+ platform_info.gs_build,
+ platform_info.zip_name)))
+def _FindClosestChromiumSnapshot(base_position, build_dir):
+ """Returns the closest chromium snapshot available in cloud storage.
+ Chromium snapshots are pulled from _CHROMIUM_BUILD_DIR in CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET.
+ Continuous chromium snapshots do not always contain the exact release build.
+ This function queries the storage bucket and find the closest snapshot within
+ +/-_CHROMIUM_SNAPSHOT_SEARCH_WINDOW to find the closest build.
+ """
+ min_position = base_position - _CHROMIUM_SNAPSHOT_SEARCH_WINDOW
+ max_position = base_position + _CHROMIUM_SNAPSHOT_SEARCH_WINDOW
+ # Getting the full list of objects in cloud storage bucket is prohibitively
+ # slow. It's faster to list objects with a prefix. Assuming we're looking at
+ # +/- 10 commit positions, for commit position 123456, we want to look at
+ # positions between 123446 an 123466. We do this by getting all snapshots
+ # with prefix 12344*, 12345*, and 12346*. This may get a few more snapshots
+ # that we intended, but that's fine since we take the min distance anyways.
+ min_position_prefix = min_position / 10;
+ max_position_prefix = max_position / 10;
+ available_positions = []
+ for position_prefix in range(min_position_prefix, max_position_prefix + 1):
+ query = '%s/%d*' % (build_dir, position_prefix)
+ try:
+ ls_results = cloud_storage.ListDirs(_CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET, query)
+ except cloud_storage.NotFoundError:
+ # It's fine if there is no chromium snapshot available for one prefix.
+ # We will look at the rest of the prefixes.
+ continue
+ for entry in ls_results:
+ # entry looks like '/Linux_x64/${commit_position}/'.
+ position = int(entry.split('/')[2])
+ available_positions.append(position)
+ if len(available_positions) == 0:
+ raise ValueError('No chromium build found +/-%d commit positions of %d' %
+ distance_function = lambda position: abs(position - base_position)
+ min_distance_snapshot = min(available_positions, key=distance_function)
+ return min_distance_snapshot
+def _ResolveChromiumRemotePath(channel, platform, version_info):
+ platform_info = _PLATFORM_MAP[platform]
+ branch_base_position = version_info.branch_base_position
+ omaha_version = version_info.version
+ build_dir = platform_info.chromium_info.build_dir
+ # Look through chromium-browser-snapshots for closest match.
+ closest_snapshot = _FindClosestChromiumSnapshot(
+ branch_base_position, build_dir)
+ if closest_snapshot != branch_base_position:
+ print ('Channel %s corresponds to commit position ' % channel +
+ '%d on %s, ' % (branch_base_position, platform) +
+ 'but closest chromium snapshot available on ' +
+ '%s is %d' % (_CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET, closest_snapshot))
+ return RemotePath(bucket=_CHROMIUM_GS_BUCKET,
+ path = ('%s/%s/%s' % (build_dir, closest_snapshot,
+ platform_info.chromium_info.zip_name)))
+def _QueuePlatformUpdate(binary, platform, version_info, config, channel):
+ """ platform: the name of the platform for the browser to
+ be downloaded & updated from cloud storage. """
+ platform_info = _PLATFORM_MAP[platform]
+ if binary == 'chrome':
+ remote_path = _ResolveChromeRemotePath(platform_info, version_info)
+ elif binary == 'chromium':
+ remote_path = _ResolveChromiumRemotePath(channel, platform, version_info)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('binary must be \'chrome\' or \'chromium\'')
+ if not cloud_storage.Exists(remote_path.bucket, remote_path.path):
+ cloud_storage_path = 'gs://%s/%s' % (remote_path.bucket, remote_path.path)
+ logging.warn('Failed to find %s build for version %s at path %s.' % (
+ platform, version_info.version, cloud_storage_path))
+ logging.warn('Skipping this update for this platform/channel.')
+ return
+ reference_builds_folder = os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'chrome_telemetry_build',
+ 'reference_builds', binary, channel)
+ if not os.path.exists(reference_builds_folder):
+ os.makedirs(reference_builds_folder)
+ local_dest_path = os.path.join(reference_builds_folder,
+ platform,
+ platform_info.zip_name)
+ cloud_storage.Get(remote_path.bucket, remote_path.path, local_dest_path)
+ _ModifyBuildIfNeeded(binary, local_dest_path, platform)
+ config.AddCloudStorageDependencyUpdateJob('%s_%s' % (binary, channel),
+ platform, local_dest_path, version=version_info.version,
+ execute_job=False)
+def _ModifyBuildIfNeeded(binary, location, platform):
+ """Hook to modify the build before saving it for Telemetry to use.
+ This can be used to remove various utilities that cause noise in a
+ test environment. Right now, it is just used to remove Keystone,
+ which is a tool used to autoupdate Chrome.
+ """
+ if binary != 'chrome':
+ return
+ if platform == 'mac_x86_64':
+ _RemoveKeystoneFromBuild(location)
+ return
+ if 'mac' in platform:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ 'Platform <%s> sounds like it is an OSX version. If so, we may need to '
+ 'remove Keystone from it per crbug.com/932615. Please edit this script'
+ ' and teach it what needs to be done :).')
+def _RemoveKeystoneFromBuild(location):
+ """Removes the Keystone autoupdate binary from the chrome mac zipfile."""
+ logging.info('Removing keystone from mac build at %s' % location)
+ temp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='RemoveKeystoneFromBuild')
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(['unzip', '-q', location, '-d', temp_folder])
+ keystone_folder = os.path.join(
+ temp_folder, 'chrome-mac', 'Google Chrome.app', 'Contents',
+ 'Frameworks', 'Google Chrome Framework.framework', 'Frameworks',
+ 'KeystoneRegistration.framework')
+ shutil.rmtree(keystone_folder)
+ os.remove(location)
+ subprocess.check_call(['zip', '--quiet', '--recurse-paths', '--symlinks',
+ location, 'chrome-mac'],
+ cwd=temp_folder)
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(temp_folder)
+def _NeedsUpdate(config, binary, channel, platform, version_info):
+ channel_version = version_info.version
+ print 'Checking %s (%s channel) on %s' % (binary, channel, platform)
+ current_version = config.GetVersion('%s_%s' % (binary, channel), platform)
+ print 'current: %s, channel: %s' % (current_version, channel_version)
+ if current_version and current_version == channel_version:
+ print 'Already up to date.'
+ return False
+ return True
+def UpdateBuilds(args):
+ config = base_config.BaseConfig(_CHROME_BINARIES_CONFIG, writable=True)
+ for channel in _CHANNELS_TO_UPDATE:
+ channel_versions_map = _ChannelVersionsMap(channel)
+ for platform in channel_versions_map:
+ version_info = channel_versions_map.get(platform)
+ if args.update_chrome:
+ if _NeedsUpdate(config, 'chrome', channel, platform, version_info):
+ _QueuePlatformUpdate('chrome', platform, version_info, config,
+ channel)
+ if args.update_chromium and platform in _CHROMIUM_PLATFORMS:
+ if _NeedsUpdate(config, 'chromium', channel, platform, version_info):
+ _QueuePlatformUpdate('chromium', platform, version_info,
+ config, channel)
+ print 'Updating builds with downloaded binaries'
+ config.ExecuteUpdateJobs(force=True)
+def main():
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Update reference binaries used by perf bots.')
+ parser.add_argument('--no-update-chrome', action='store_false',
+ dest='update_chrome', default=True,
+ help='do not update chrome binaries')
+ parser.add_argument('--no-update-chromium', action='store_false',
+ dest='update_chromium', default=True,
+ help='do not update chromium binaries')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ UpdateBuilds(args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()