path: root/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/browser/browser_options.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/browser/browser_options.py')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/browser/browser_options.py b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/browser/browser_options.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67b6d165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/browser/browser_options.py
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+# Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import copy
+import logging
+import optparse
+import os
+import shlex
+import socket
+import sys
+from py_utils import cloud_storage # pylint: disable=import-error
+from telemetry.core import platform
+from telemetry.core import util
+from telemetry.internal.browser import browser_finder
+from telemetry.internal.browser import browser_finder_exceptions
+from telemetry.internal.browser import profile_types
+from telemetry.internal.platform import device_finder
+from telemetry.internal.platform import remote_platform_options
+from telemetry.internal.platform.profiler import profiler_finder
+from telemetry.internal.util import binary_manager
+from telemetry.util import wpr_modes
+class BrowserFinderOptions(optparse.Values):
+ """Options to be used for discovering a browser."""
+ def __init__(self, browser_type=None):
+ optparse.Values.__init__(self)
+ self.browser_type = browser_type
+ self.browser_executable = None
+ self.chrome_root = None # Path to src/
+ self.chromium_output_dir = None # E.g.: out/Debug
+ self.device = None
+ self.cros_ssh_identity = None
+ self.cros_remote = None
+ self.profiler = None
+ self.verbosity = 0
+ self.browser_options = BrowserOptions()
+ self.output_file = None
+ self.remote_platform_options = None
+ self.no_performance_mode = False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(sorted(self.__dict__.items()))
+ def Copy(self):
+ return copy.deepcopy(self)
+ def CreateParser(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Selection group
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Which browser to use')
+ group.add_option('--browser',
+ dest='browser_type',
+ default=None,
+ help='Browser type to run, '
+ 'in order of priority. Supported values: list,%s' %
+ ','.join(browser_finder.FindAllBrowserTypes(self)))
+ group.add_option('--browser-executable',
+ dest='browser_executable',
+ help='The exact browser to run.')
+ group.add_option('--chrome-root',
+ dest='chrome_root',
+ help='Where to look for chrome builds. '
+ 'Defaults to searching parent dirs by default.')
+ group.add_option('--chromium-output-directory',
+ dest='chromium_output_dir',
+ help='Where to look for build artifacts. '
+ 'Can also be specified by setting environment variable '
+ group.add_option(
+ '--remote',
+ dest='cros_remote',
+ help='The hostname of a remote ChromeOS device to use.')
+ group.add_option(
+ '--remote-ssh-port',
+ type=int,
+ default=socket.getservbyname('ssh'),
+ dest='cros_remote_ssh_port',
+ help='The SSH port of the remote ChromeOS device (requires --remote).')
+ identity = None
+ testing_rsa = os.path.join(
+ util.GetTelemetryThirdPartyDir(), 'chromite', 'ssh_keys', 'testing_rsa')
+ if os.path.exists(testing_rsa):
+ identity = testing_rsa
+ group.add_option('--identity',
+ dest='cros_ssh_identity',
+ default=identity,
+ help='The identity file to use when ssh\'ing into the ChromeOS device')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Debugging options
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'When things go wrong')
+ profiler_choices = profiler_finder.GetAllAvailableProfilers()
+ group.add_option(
+ '--profiler', default=None, type='choice',
+ choices=profiler_choices,
+ help='Record profiling data using this tool. Supported values: %s. '
+ '(Notice: this flag cannot be used for Timeline Based Measurement '
+ 'benchmarks.)' % ', '.join(profiler_choices))
+ group.add_option(
+ '-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest='verbosity',
+ help='Increase verbosity level (repeat as needed)')
+ group.add_option('--print-bootstrap-deps',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Output bootstrap deps list.')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Platform options
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Platform options')
+ group.add_option('--no-performance-mode', action='store_true',
+ help='Some platforms run on "full performance mode" where the '
+ 'test is executed at maximum CPU speed in order to minimize noise '
+ '(specially important for dashboards / continuous builds). '
+ 'This option prevents Telemetry from tweaking such platform settings.')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Remote platform options
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Remote platform options')
+ group.add_option('--android-blacklist-file',
+ help='Device blacklist JSON file.')
+ group.add_option('--device',
+ help='The device ID to use. '
+ 'If not specified, only 0 or 1 connected devices are supported. '
+ 'If specified as "android", all available Android devices are '
+ 'used.')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Browser options.
+ self.browser_options.AddCommandLineArgs(parser)
+ real_parse = parser.parse_args
+ def ParseArgs(args=None):
+ defaults = parser.get_default_values()
+ for k, v in defaults.__dict__.items():
+ if k in self.__dict__ and self.__dict__[k] != None:
+ continue
+ self.__dict__[k] = v
+ ret = real_parse(args, self) # pylint: disable=E1121
+ if self.verbosity >= 2:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ elif self.verbosity:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
+ else:
+ logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ if self.chromium_output_dir:
+ os.environ['CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR'] = self.chromium_output_dir
+ # Parse remote platform options.
+ self.BuildRemotePlatformOptions()
+ if self.remote_platform_options.device == 'list':
+ if binary_manager.NeedsInit():
+ binary_manager.InitDependencyManager([])
+ devices = device_finder.GetDevicesMatchingOptions(self)
+ print 'Available devices:'
+ for device in devices:
+ print ' ', device.name
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if self.browser_executable and not self.browser_type:
+ self.browser_type = 'exact'
+ if self.browser_type == 'list':
+ if binary_manager.NeedsInit():
+ binary_manager.InitDependencyManager([])
+ devices = device_finder.GetDevicesMatchingOptions(self)
+ if not devices:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ browser_types = {}
+ for device in devices:
+ try:
+ possible_browsers = browser_finder.GetAllAvailableBrowsers(self,
+ device)
+ browser_types[device.name] = sorted(
+ [browser.browser_type for browser in possible_browsers])
+ except browser_finder_exceptions.BrowserFinderException as ex:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: ', ex
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print 'Available browsers:'
+ if len(browser_types) == 0:
+ print ' No devices were found.'
+ for device_name in sorted(browser_types.keys()):
+ print ' ', device_name
+ for browser_type in browser_types[device_name]:
+ print ' ', browser_type
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Parse browser options.
+ self.browser_options.UpdateFromParseResults(self)
+ return ret
+ parser.parse_args = ParseArgs
+ return parser
+ # TODO(eakuefner): Factor this out into OptionBuilder pattern
+ def BuildRemotePlatformOptions(self):
+ if self.device or self.android_blacklist_file:
+ self.remote_platform_options = (
+ remote_platform_options.AndroidPlatformOptions(
+ self.device, self.android_blacklist_file))
+ # We delete these options because they should live solely in the
+ # AndroidPlatformOptions instance belonging to this class.
+ if self.device:
+ del self.device
+ if self.android_blacklist_file:
+ del self.android_blacklist_file
+ else:
+ self.remote_platform_options = (
+ remote_platform_options.AndroidPlatformOptions())
+ def AppendExtraBrowserArgs(self, args):
+ self.browser_options.AppendExtraBrowserArgs(args)
+ def MergeDefaultValues(self, defaults):
+ for k, v in defaults.__dict__.items():
+ self.ensure_value(k, v)
+class BrowserOptions(object):
+ """Options to be used for launching a browser."""
+ # Levels of browser logging.
+ NO_LOGGING = 'none'
+ NON_VERBOSE_LOGGING = 'non-verbose'
+ VERBOSE_LOGGING = 'verbose'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.browser_type = None
+ self.show_stdout = False
+ self.extensions_to_load = []
+ # If set, copy the generated profile to this path on exit.
+ self.output_profile_path = None
+ # When set to True, the browser will use the default profile. Telemetry
+ # will not provide an alternate profile directory.
+ self.dont_override_profile = False
+ self.profile_dir = None
+ self.profile_type = None
+ self._extra_browser_args = set()
+ self.extra_wpr_args = []
+ self.wpr_mode = wpr_modes.WPR_OFF
+ self.full_performance_mode = True
+ # The amount of time Telemetry should wait for the browser to start.
+ # This property is not exposed as a command line option.
+ self._browser_startup_timeout = 60
+ self.disable_background_networking = True
+ self.browser_user_agent_type = None
+ self.clear_sytem_cache_for_browser_and_profile_on_start = False
+ self.startup_url = 'about:blank'
+ # Background pages of built-in component extensions can interfere with
+ # performance measurements.
+ self.disable_component_extensions_with_background_pages = True
+ # Disable default apps.
+ self.disable_default_apps = True
+ self.logging_verbosity = self._DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL
+ # The cloud storage bucket & path for uploading logs data produced by the
+ # browser to.
+ # If logs_cloud_remote_path is None, a random remote path is generated every
+ # time the logs data is uploaded.
+ self.logs_cloud_bucket = cloud_storage.TELEMETRY_OUTPUT
+ self.logs_cloud_remote_path = None
+ # TODO(danduong): Find a way to store target_os here instead of
+ # finder_options.
+ self._finder_options = None
+ # Whether to take screen shot for failed page & put them in telemetry's
+ # profiling results.
+ self.take_screenshot_for_failed_page = False
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # This works around the infinite loop caused by the introduction of a
+ # circular reference with _finder_options.
+ obj = self.__dict__.copy()
+ del obj['_finder_options']
+ return str(sorted(obj.items()))
+ def IsCrosBrowserOptions(self):
+ return False
+ @classmethod
+ def AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser):
+ ############################################################################
+ # Please do not add any more options here without first discussing with #
+ # a telemetry owner. This is not the right place for platform-specific #
+ # options. #
+ ############################################################################
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Browser options')
+ profile_choices = profile_types.GetProfileTypes()
+ group.add_option('--profile-type',
+ dest='profile_type',
+ type='choice',
+ default='clean',
+ choices=profile_choices,
+ help=('The user profile to use. A clean profile is used by default. '
+ 'Supported values: ' + ', '.join(profile_choices)))
+ group.add_option('--profile-dir',
+ dest='profile_dir',
+ help='Profile directory to launch the browser with. '
+ 'A clean profile is used by default')
+ group.add_option('--extra-browser-args',
+ dest='extra_browser_args_as_string',
+ help='Additional arguments to pass to the browser when it starts')
+ group.add_option('--extra-wpr-args',
+ dest='extra_wpr_args_as_string',
+ help=('Additional arguments to pass to Web Page Replay. '
+ 'See third_party/web-page-replay/replay.py for usage.'))
+ group.add_option('--show-stdout',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='When possible, will display the stdout of the process')
+ group.add_option('--browser-logging-verbosity',
+ dest='logging_verbosity',
+ type='choice',
+ choices=cls._LOGGING_LEVELS,
+ help=('Browser logging verbosity. The log file is saved in temp '
+ "directory. Note that logging affects the browser's "
+ 'performance. Supported values: %s. Defaults to %s.' % (
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Compatibility options')
+ group.add_option('--gtest_output',
+ help='Ignored argument for compatibility with runtest.py harness')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ def UpdateFromParseResults(self, finder_options):
+ """Copies our options from finder_options"""
+ browser_options_list = [
+ 'extra_browser_args_as_string',
+ 'extra_wpr_args_as_string',
+ 'profile_dir',
+ 'profile_type',
+ 'show_stdout',
+ ]
+ for o in browser_options_list:
+ a = getattr(finder_options, o, None)
+ if a is not None:
+ setattr(self, o, a)
+ delattr(finder_options, o)
+ self.browser_type = finder_options.browser_type
+ self._finder_options = finder_options
+ if hasattr(self, 'extra_browser_args_as_string'):
+ tmp = shlex.split(
+ self.extra_browser_args_as_string)
+ self.AppendExtraBrowserArgs(tmp)
+ delattr(self, 'extra_browser_args_as_string')
+ if hasattr(self, 'extra_wpr_args_as_string'):
+ tmp = shlex.split(
+ self.extra_wpr_args_as_string)
+ self.extra_wpr_args.extend(tmp)
+ delattr(self, 'extra_wpr_args_as_string')
+ if self.profile_type == 'default':
+ self.dont_override_profile = True
+ if self.profile_dir and self.profile_type != 'clean':
+ logging.critical(
+ "It's illegal to specify both --profile-type and --profile-dir.\n"
+ "For more information see: http://goo.gl/ngdGD5")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if self.profile_dir and not os.path.isdir(self.profile_dir):
+ logging.critical(
+ "Directory specified by --profile-dir (%s) doesn't exist "
+ "or isn't a directory.\n"
+ "For more information see: http://goo.gl/ngdGD5" % self.profile_dir)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not self.profile_dir:
+ self.profile_dir = profile_types.GetProfileDir(self.profile_type)
+ if getattr(finder_options, 'logging_verbosity'):
+ self.logging_verbosity = finder_options.logging_verbosity
+ delattr(finder_options, 'logging_verbosity')
+ # This deferred import is necessary because browser_options is imported in
+ # telemetry/telemetry/__init__.py.
+ finder_options.browser_options = CreateChromeBrowserOptions(self)
+ @property
+ def finder_options(self):
+ return self._finder_options
+ @property
+ def extra_browser_args(self):
+ return self._extra_browser_args
+ @property
+ def browser_startup_timeout(self):
+ return self._browser_startup_timeout
+ @browser_startup_timeout.setter
+ def browser_startup_timeout(self, value):
+ self._browser_startup_timeout = value
+ def AppendExtraBrowserArgs(self, args):
+ if isinstance(args, list):
+ self._extra_browser_args.update(args)
+ else:
+ self._extra_browser_args.add(args)
+def CreateChromeBrowserOptions(br_options):
+ browser_type = br_options.browser_type
+ if (platform.GetHostPlatform().GetOSName() == 'chromeos' or
+ (browser_type and browser_type.startswith('cros'))):
+ return CrosBrowserOptions(br_options)
+ return br_options
+class ChromeBrowserOptions(BrowserOptions):
+ """Chrome-specific browser options."""
+ def __init__(self, br_options):
+ super(ChromeBrowserOptions, self).__init__()
+ # Copy to self.
+ self.__dict__.update(br_options.__dict__)
+class CrosBrowserOptions(ChromeBrowserOptions):
+ """ChromeOS-specific browser options."""
+ def __init__(self, br_options):
+ super(CrosBrowserOptions, self).__init__(br_options)
+ # Create a browser with oobe property.
+ self.create_browser_with_oobe = False
+ # Clear enterprise policy before logging in.
+ self.clear_enterprise_policy = True
+ # Disable GAIA/enterprise services.
+ self.disable_gaia_services = True
+ self.auto_login = True
+ self.gaia_login = False
+ self.username = 'test@test.test'
+ self.password = ''
+ self.gaia_id = '12345'
+ # For non-accelerated QEMU VMs.
+ self.browser_startup_timeout = 240
+ def IsCrosBrowserOptions(self):
+ return True