path: root/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/image_processing/screen_finder.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/image_processing/screen_finder.py')
1 files changed, 857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/image_processing/screen_finder.py b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/image_processing/screen_finder.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..932d6dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/internal/image_processing/screen_finder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This script attempts to detect the region of a camera's field of view that
+# contains the screen of the device we are testing.
+# Usage: ./screen_finder.py path_to_video 0 0 --verbose
+from __future__ import division
+import copy
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
+from telemetry.internal.image_processing import cv_util
+from telemetry.internal.image_processing import frame_generator as \
+ frame_generator_module
+from telemetry.internal.image_processing import video_file_frame_generator
+from telemetry.internal.util import external_modules
+np = external_modules.ImportRequiredModule('numpy')
+cv2 = external_modules.ImportRequiredModule('cv2')
+class ScreenFinder(object):
+ """Finds and extracts device screens from video.
+ Sample Usage:
+ sf = ScreenFinder(sys.argv[1])
+ while sf.HasNext():
+ ret, screen = sf.GetNext()
+ Attributes:
+ _lost_corners: Each index represents whether or not we lost track of that
+ corner on the previous frame. Ordered by [top-right, top-left,
+ bottom-left, bottom-right]
+ _frame: An unmodified copy of the frame we're currently processing.
+ _frame_debug: A copy of the frame we're currently processing, may be
+ modified at any time, used for debugging.
+ _frame_grey: A greyscale copy of the frame we're currently processing.
+ _frame_edges: A Canny Edge detected copy of the frame we're currently
+ processing.
+ _screen_size: The size of device screen in the video when first detected.
+ _avg_corners: Exponentially weighted average of the previous corner
+ locations.
+ _prev_corners: The location of the corners in the previous frame.
+ _lost_corner_frames: A counter of the number of successive frames in which
+ we've lost a corner location.
+ _border: See |border| above.
+ _min_line_length: The minimum length a line must be before we consider it
+ a possible screen edge.
+ _frame_generator: See |frame_generator| above.
+ _width, _height: The width and height of the frame.
+ _anglesp5, _anglesm5: The angles for each point we look at in the grid
+ when computing brightness, constant across frames."""
+ class ScreenNotFoundError(Exception):
+ pass
+ # Square of the distance a corner can travel in pixels between frames
+ # The minimum width line that may be considered a screen edge.
+ # Number of frames with lost corners before we ignore MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION
+ # The weight applied to the new screen location when exponentially averaging
+ # screen location.
+ # TODO(mthiesse): This should be framerate dependent, for lower framerates
+ # this value should approach 1. For higher framerates, this value should
+ # approach 0. The current 0.5 value works well in testing with 240 FPS.
+ # TODO(mthiesse): Investigate how to select the constants used here. In very
+ # bright videos, twice as bright may be too high, and the minimum of 60 may
+ # be too low.
+ # The factor by which a quadrant at an intersection must be brighter than
+ # the other quadrants to be considered a screen corner.
+ # The minimum average brightness required of an intersection quadrant to
+ # be considered a screen corner (on a scale of 0-255).
+ # Low and high hysteresis parameters to be passed to the Canny edge
+ # detection algorithm.
+ SMALL_ANGLE = 5 / 180 * np.pi # 5 degrees in radians
+ DEBUG = False
+ def __init__(self, frame_generator, border=5):
+ """Initializes the ScreenFinder object.
+ Args:
+ frame_generator: FrameGenerator, An initialized Video Frame Generator.
+ border: int, number of pixels of border to be kept when cropping the
+ detected screen.
+ Raises:
+ FrameReadError: The frame generator may output a read error during
+ initialization."""
+ assert isinstance(frame_generator, frame_generator_module.FrameGenerator)
+ self._lost_corners = [False, False, False, False]
+ self._frame_debug = None
+ self._frame = None
+ self._frame_grey = None
+ self._frame_edges = None
+ self._screen_size = None
+ self._avg_corners = None
+ self._prev_corners = None
+ self._lost_corner_frames = 0
+ self._border = border
+ self._min_line_length = self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH
+ self._frame_generator = frame_generator
+ self._anglesp5 = None
+ self._anglesm5 = None
+ if not self._InitNextFrame():
+ logging.warn('Not enough frames in video feed!')
+ return
+ self._height, self._width = self._frame.shape[:2]
+ def _InitNextFrame(self):
+ """Called after processing each frame, reads in the next frame to ensure
+ HasNext() is accurate."""
+ self._frame_debug = None
+ self._frame = None
+ self._frame_grey = None
+ self._frame_edges = None
+ try:
+ frame = next(self._frame_generator.Generator)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return False
+ self._frame = frame
+ self._frame_debug = copy.copy(frame)
+ self._frame_grey = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
+ self._frame_edges = cv2.Canny(self._frame_grey,
+ return True
+ def HasNext(self):
+ """True if there are more frames available to process. """
+ return self._frame is not None
+ def GetNext(self):
+ """Gets the next screen image.
+ Returns:
+ A numpy matrix containing the screen surrounded by the number of border
+ pixels specified in initialization, and the location of the detected
+ screen corners in the current frame, if a screen is found. The returned
+ screen is guaranteed to be the same size at each frame.
+ 'None' and 'None' if no screen was found on the current frame.
+ Raises:
+ FrameReadError: An error occurred in the FrameGenerator.
+ RuntimeError: This method was called when no frames were available."""
+ if self._frame is None:
+ raise RuntimeError('No more frames available.')
+ logging.info('Processing frame: %d',
+ self._frame_generator.CurrentFrameNumber)
+ # Finds straight lines in the image.
+ hlines = cv2.HoughLinesP(self._frame_edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 60,
+ minLineLength=self._min_line_length,
+ maxLineGap=100)
+ # Extends these straight lines to be long enough to ensure the screen edge
+ # lines intersect.
+ lines = cv_util.ExtendLines(np.float32(hlines[0]), 10000) \
+ if hlines is not None else []
+ # Find intersections in the lines; these are likely to be screen corners.
+ intersections = self._FindIntersections(lines)
+ if len(intersections[:, 0]) > 0:
+ points = np.vstack(intersections[:, 0].flat)
+ if (self._prev_corners is not None and len(points) >= 4 and
+ not self._HasMovedFast(points, self._prev_corners)):
+ corners = self._prev_corners
+ missing_corners = 0
+ else:
+ # Extract the corners from all intersections.
+ corners, missing_corners = self._FindCorners(
+ intersections, self._frame_grey)
+ else:
+ corners = np.empty((4, 2), np.float32)
+ corners[:] = np.nan
+ missing_corners = 4
+ screen = None
+ found_screen = True
+ final_corners = None
+ try:
+ # Handle the cases where we have missing corners.
+ screen_corners = self._NewScreenLocation(
+ corners, missing_corners, intersections)
+ final_corners = self._SmoothCorners(screen_corners)
+ # Create a perspective transform from our corners.
+ transform, w, h = self._GetTransform(final_corners, self._border)
+ # Apply the perspective transform to get our output.
+ screen = cv2.warpPerspective(
+ self._frame, transform, (int(w + 0.5), int(h + 0.5)))
+ self._prev_corners = final_corners
+ except self.ScreenNotFoundError as e:
+ found_screen = False
+ logging.info(e)
+ if self.DEBUG:
+ self._Debug(lines, corners, final_corners, screen)
+ self._InitNextFrame()
+ if found_screen:
+ return screen, self._prev_corners
+ return None, None
+ def _FindIntersections(self, lines):
+ """Finds intersections in a set of lines.
+ Filters pairs of lines that are less than 45 degrees apart. Filtering
+ these pairs helps dramatically reduce the number of points we have to
+ process, as these points could not represent screen corners anyways.
+ Returns:
+ The intersections, represented as a tuple of (point, line, line) of the
+ points and the lines that intersect there of all lines in the array that
+ are more than 45 degrees apart."""
+ intersections = np.empty((0, 3), np.float32)
+ for i in xrange(0, len(lines)):
+ for j in xrange(i + 1, len(lines)):
+ # Filter lines that are less than 45 (or greater than 135) degrees
+ # apart.
+ if not cv_util.AreLinesOrthogonal(lines[i], lines[j], (np.pi / 4.0)):
+ continue
+ ret, point = cv_util.FindLineIntersection(lines[i], lines[j])
+ point = np.float32(point)
+ if not ret:
+ continue
+ # If we know where the previous corners are, we can also filter
+ # intersections that are too far away from the previous corners to be
+ # where the screen has moved.
+ if self._prev_corners is not None and \
+ self._lost_corner_frames <= self.RESET_AFTER_N_BAD_FRAMES and \
+ not self._PointIsCloseToPreviousCorners(point):
+ continue
+ intersections = np.vstack((intersections,
+ np.array((point, lines[i], lines[j]))))
+ return intersections
+ def _PointIsCloseToPreviousCorners(self, point):
+ """True if the point is close to the previous corners."""
+ max_dist = self.MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION
+ if cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[0], point) <= max_dist or \
+ cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[1], point) <= max_dist or \
+ cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[2], point) <= max_dist or \
+ cv_util.SqDistance(self._prev_corners[3], point) <= max_dist:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _HasMovedFast(self, corners, prev_corners):
+ min_dist = np.zeros(4, np.float32)
+ for i in xrange(4):
+ dist = np.min(cv_util.SqDistances(corners, prev_corners[i]))
+ min_dist[i] = dist
+ # 3 corners can move up to one pixel before we consider the screen to have
+ # moved. TODO(mthiesse): Should this be relaxed? Resolution dependent?
+ if np.sum(min_dist) < 3:
+ return False
+ return True
+ class CornerData(object):
+ def __init__(self, corner_index, corner_location, brightness_score, line1,
+ line2):
+ self.corner_index = corner_index
+ self.corner_location = corner_location
+ self.brightness_score = brightness_score
+ self.line1 = line1
+ self.line2 = line2
+ def __gt__(self, corner_data2):
+ return self.corner_index > corner_data2.corner_index
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ('\nCorner index: ' + str(self.corner_index) +
+ ',\nCorner location: ' + str(self.corner_location) +
+ ',\nBrightness score: ' + str(self.brightness_score) +
+ ',\nline1: ' + str(self.line1) + ',\nline2: ' + str(self.line2))
+ def _FindCorners(self, intersections, grey_frame):
+ """Finds the screen corners in the image.
+ Given the set of intersections in the image, finds the intersections most
+ likely to be corners.
+ Args:
+ intersections: The array of intersections in the image.
+ grey_frame: The greyscale frame we're processing.
+ Returns:
+ An array of length 4 containing the positions of the corners, or nan for
+ each index where a corner could not be found, and a count of the number
+ of missing corners.
+ The corners are ordered as follows:
+ 1 | 0
+ -----
+ 2 | 3
+ Ex. 3 corners are found from a square of width 2 centered at the origin,
+ the output would look like:
+ '[[1, 1], [np.nan, np.nan], [-1, -1], [1, -1]], 1'"""
+ filtered = []
+ corners = np.empty((0, 2), np.float32)
+ for corner_pos, score, point, line1, line2 in \
+ self._LooksLikeCorner(intersections, grey_frame):
+ if self.DEBUG:
+ center = (int(point[0] + 0.5), int(point[1] + 0.5))
+ cv2.circle(self._frame_debug, center, 5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
+ point.resize(1, 2)
+ corners = np.append(corners, point, axis=0)
+ point.resize(2,)
+ corner_data = self.CornerData(corner_pos, point, score, line1, line2)
+ filtered.append(corner_data)
+ # De-duplicate corners because we may have found many false positives, or
+ # near-misses.
+ self._DeDupCorners(filtered, corners)
+ # Strip everything but the corner location.
+ filtered_corners = np.array(
+ [corner_data.corner_location for corner_data in filtered])
+ corner_indices = [corner_data.corner_index for corner_data in filtered]
+ # If we have found a corner to replace a lost corner, we want to check
+ # that the corner is not erroneous by ensuring it makes a rectangle with
+ # the 3 known good corners.
+ if len(filtered) == 4:
+ for i in xrange(4):
+ point_info = (filtered[i].corner_location,
+ filtered[i].line1,
+ filtered[i].line2)
+ if (self._lost_corners[i] and
+ not self._PointConnectsToCorners(filtered_corners, point_info)):
+ filtered_corners = np.delete(filtered_corners, i, 0)
+ corner_indices = np.delete(corner_indices, i, 0)
+ break
+ # Ensure corners are sorted properly, inserting nans for missing corners.
+ sorted_corners = np.empty((4, 2), np.float32)
+ sorted_corners[:] = np.nan
+ for i in xrange(len(filtered_corners)):
+ sorted_corners[corner_indices[i]] = filtered_corners[i]
+ # From this point on, our corners arrays are guaranteed to have 4
+ # elements, though some may be nan.
+ # Filter corners that have moved too far from the previous corner if we
+ # are not resetting known corner information.
+ reset_corners = (
+ (self._lost_corner_frames > self.RESET_AFTER_N_BAD_FRAMES)
+ and len(filtered_corners) == 4)
+ if self._prev_corners is not None and not reset_corners:
+ sqdists = cv_util.SqDistances(self._prev_corners, sorted_corners)
+ for i in xrange(4):
+ if np.isnan(sorted_corners[i][0]):
+ continue
+ if sqdists[i] > self.MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION:
+ sorted_corners[i] = np.nan
+ real_corners = self._FindExactCorners(sorted_corners)
+ missing_corners = np.count_nonzero(np.isnan(real_corners)) / 2
+ return real_corners, missing_corners
+ def _LooksLikeCorner(self, intersections, grey_frame):
+ """Finds any intersections of lines that look like a screen corner.
+ Args:
+ intersections: The numpy array of points, and the lines that intersect
+ at the given point.
+ grey_frame: The greyscale frame we're processing.
+ Returns:
+ An array of: The corner location (0-3), the relative brightness score
+ (to be used to de-duplicate corners later), the point, and the lines
+ that make up the intersection, for all intersections that look like a
+ corner."""
+ points = np.vstack(intersections[:, 0].flat)
+ lines1 = np.vstack(intersections[:, 1].flat)
+ lines2 = np.vstack(intersections[:, 2].flat)
+ # Map the image to four quadrants defined as the regions between each of
+ # the lines that make up the intersection.
+ line1a1 = np.pi - np.arctan2(lines1[:, 1] - points[:, 1],
+ lines1[:, 0] - points[:, 0])
+ line1a2 = np.pi - np.arctan2(lines1[:, 3] - points[:, 1],
+ lines1[:, 2] - points[:, 0])
+ line2a1 = np.pi - np.arctan2(lines2[:, 1] - points[:, 1],
+ lines2[:, 0] - points[:, 0])
+ line2a2 = np.pi - np.arctan2(lines2[:, 3] - points[:, 1],
+ lines2[:, 2] - points[:, 0])
+ line1a1 = line1a1.reshape(-1, 1)
+ line1a2 = line1a2.reshape(-1, 1)
+ line2a1 = line2a1.reshape(-1, 1)
+ line2a2 = line2a2.reshape(-1, 1)
+ line_angles = np.concatenate((line1a1, line1a2, line2a1, line2a2), axis=1)
+ np.ndarray.sort(line_angles)
+ # TODO(mthiesse): Investigate whether these should scale with image or
+ # screen size. My intuition is that these don't scale with image size,
+ # though they may be affected by image quality and how blurry the corners
+ # are. See stackoverflow.com/q/7765810/ for inspiration.
+ avg_range = 8.0
+ num_points = 7
+ points_m_avg = points - avg_range
+ points_p_avg = points + avg_range
+ # Exclude points near frame boundaries.
+ include = np.where((points_m_avg[:, 0] > 0) & (points_m_avg[:, 1] > 0) &
+ (points_p_avg[:, 0] < self._width) &
+ (points_p_avg[:, 1] < self._height))
+ line_angles = line_angles[include]
+ points = points[include]
+ lines1 = lines1[include]
+ lines2 = lines2[include]
+ points_m_avg = points_m_avg[include]
+ points_p_avg = points_p_avg[include]
+ # Perform a 2-d linspace to generate the x, y ranges for each
+ # intersection.
+ arr1 = points_m_avg[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)
+ arr2 = points_p_avg[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)
+ lin = np.linspace(0, 1, num_points)
+ x_range = arr1 + (arr2 - arr1) * lin
+ arr1 = points_m_avg[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)
+ arr2 = points_p_avg[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)
+ y_range = arr1 + (arr2 - arr1) * lin
+ # The angles for each point we look at in the grid when computing
+ # brightness are constant across frames, so we can generate them once.
+ if self._anglesp5 is None:
+ ind = np.transpose([np.tile(x_range[0], num_points),
+ np.repeat(y_range[0], num_points)])
+ vectors = ind - points[0]
+ angles = np.arctan2(vectors[:, 1], vectors[:, 0]) + np.pi
+ self._anglesp5 = angles + self.SMALL_ANGLE
+ self._anglesm5 = angles - self.SMALL_ANGLE
+ results = []
+ for i in xrange(len(y_range)):
+ # Generate our filters for which points belong to which quadrant.
+ one = np.where((self._anglesp5 <= line_angles[i, 1]) &
+ (self._anglesm5 >= line_angles[i, 0]))
+ two = np.where((self._anglesp5 <= line_angles[i, 2]) &
+ (self._anglesm5 >= line_angles[i, 1]))
+ thr = np.where((self._anglesp5 <= line_angles[i, 3]) &
+ (self._anglesm5 >= line_angles[i, 2]))
+ fou = np.where((self._anglesp5 <= line_angles[i, 0]) |
+ (self._anglesm5 >= line_angles[i, 3]))
+ # Take the cartesian product of our x and y ranges to get the full list
+ # of pixels to look at.
+ ind = np.transpose([np.tile(x_range[i], num_points),
+ np.repeat(y_range[i], num_points)])
+ # Filter the full list by which indices belong to which quadrant, and
+ # convert to integers so we can index with them.
+ one_i = np.int32(np.rint(ind[one[0]]))
+ two_i = np.int32(np.rint(ind[two[0]]))
+ thr_i = np.int32(np.rint(ind[thr[0]]))
+ fou_i = np.int32(np.rint(ind[fou[0]]))
+ # Average the brightness of the pixels that belong to each quadrant.
+ q_1 = np.average(grey_frame[one_i[:, 1], one_i[:, 0]])
+ q_2 = np.average(grey_frame[two_i[:, 1], two_i[:, 0]])
+ q_3 = np.average(grey_frame[thr_i[:, 1], thr_i[:, 0]])
+ q_4 = np.average(grey_frame[fou_i[:, 1], fou_i[:, 0]])
+ avg_intensity = [(q_4, 0), (q_1, 1), (q_2, 2), (q_3, 3)]
+ # Sort by intensity.
+ avg_intensity.sort(reverse=True)
+ # Treat the point as a corner if one quadrant is at least twice as
+ # bright as the next brightest quadrant, with a minimum brightness
+ # requirement.
+ tau = (2.0 * np.pi)
+ min_brightness = self.MIN_RELATIVE_BRIGHTNESS_FACTOR
+ if avg_intensity[0][0] > avg_intensity[1][0] * min_factor and \
+ avg_intensity[0][0] > min_brightness:
+ bright_corner = avg_intensity[0][1]
+ if bright_corner == 0:
+ angle = np.pi - (line_angles[i, 0] + line_angles[i, 3]) / 2.0
+ if angle < 0:
+ angle = angle + tau
+ else:
+ angle = tau - (line_angles[i, bright_corner] +
+ line_angles[i, bright_corner - 1]) / 2.0
+ score = avg_intensity[0][0] - avg_intensity[1][0]
+ # TODO(mthiesse): int(angle / (pi / 2.0)) will break if the screen is
+ # rotated through 45 degrees. Probably many other things will break as
+ # well, movement of corners from one quadrant to another hasn't been
+ # tested. We should support this eventually, but this is unlikely to
+ # cause issues for any test setups.
+ results.append((int(angle / (np.pi / 2.0)), score, points[i],
+ lines1[i], lines2[i]))
+ return results
+ def _DeDupCorners(self, corner_data, corners):
+ """De-duplicate corners based on corner_index.
+ For each set of points representing a corner: If one point is part of the
+ rectangle and the other is not, filter the other one. If both or none are
+ part of the rectangle, filter based on score (highest relative brightness
+ of a quadrant). The reason we allow for neither to be part of the
+ rectangle is because we may not have found all four corners of the
+ rectangle, and in degenerate cases like this it's better to find 3 likely
+ corners than none.
+ Modifies corner_data directly.
+ Args:
+ corner_data: CornerData for each potential corner in the frame.
+ corners: List of all potential corners in the frame."""
+ # TODO(mthiesse): Ensure that the corners form a sensible rectangle. For
+ # example, it is currently possible (but unlikely) to detect a 'screen'
+ # where the bottom-left corner is above the top-left corner, while the
+ # bottom-right corner is below the top-right corner.
+ # Sort by corner_index to make de-duping easier.
+ corner_data.sort()
+ # De-dup corners.
+ c_old = None
+ for i in xrange(len(corner_data) - 1, 0, -1):
+ if corner_data[i].corner_index != corner_data[i - 1].corner_index:
+ c_old = None
+ continue
+ if c_old is None:
+ point_info = (corner_data[i].corner_location,
+ corner_data[i].line1,
+ corner_data[i].line2)
+ c_old = self._PointConnectsToCorners(corners, point_info, 2)
+ point_info_new = (corner_data[i - 1].corner_location,
+ corner_data[i - 1].line1,
+ corner_data[i - 1].line2)
+ c_new = self._PointConnectsToCorners(corners, point_info_new, 2)
+ if (not (c_old or c_new)) or (c_old and c_new):
+ if (corner_data[i].brightness_score <
+ corner_data[i - 1].brightness_score):
+ del corner_data[i]
+ c_old = c_new
+ else:
+ del corner_data[i - 1]
+ elif c_old:
+ del corner_data[i - 1]
+ else:
+ del corner_data[i]
+ c_old = c_new
+ def _PointConnectsToCorners(self, corners, point_info, tolerance=1):
+ """Checks if the lines of an intersection intersect with corners.
+ This is useful to check if the point is part of a rectangle specified by
+ |corners|.
+ Args:
+ point_info: A tuple of (point, line, line) representing an intersection
+ of two lines.
+ corners: corners that (hopefully) make up a rectangle.
+ tolerance: The tolerance (approximately in pixels) of the distance
+ between the corners and the lines for detecting if the point is on
+ the line.
+ Returns:
+ True if each of the two lines that make up the intersection where the
+ point is located connect the point to other corners."""
+ line1_connected = False
+ line2_connected = False
+ point, line1, line2 = point_info
+ for corner in corners:
+ if corner is None:
+ continue
+ # Filter out points that are too close to one another to be different
+ # corners.
+ sqdist = cv_util.SqDistance(corner, point)
+ if sqdist < self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH * self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH:
+ continue
+ line1_connected = line1_connected or \
+ cv_util.IsPointApproxOnLine(corner, line1, tolerance)
+ line2_connected = line2_connected or \
+ cv_util.IsPointApproxOnLine(corner, line2, tolerance)
+ if line1_connected and line2_connected:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _FindExactCorners(self, sorted_corners):
+ """Attempts to find more accurate corner locations.
+ Args:
+ sorted_corners: The four screen corners, sorted by corner_index.
+ Returns:
+ A list of 4 probably more accurate corners, still sorted."""
+ real_corners = np.empty((4, 2), np.float32)
+ # Count missing corners, and search in a small area around our
+ # intersections representing corners to see if we can find a more exact
+ # corner, as the position of the intersections is noisy and not always
+ # perfectly accurate.
+ for i in xrange(4):
+ corner = sorted_corners[i]
+ if np.isnan(corner[0]):
+ real_corners[i] = np.nan
+ continue
+ # Almost unbelievably, in edge cases with floating point error, the
+ # width/height of the cropped corner image may be 2 or 4. This is fine
+ # though, as long as the width and height of the cropped corner are not
+ # hard-coded anywhere.
+ corner_image = self._frame_edges[corner[1] - 1:corner[1] + 2,
+ corner[0] - 1:corner[0] + 2]
+ ret, p = self._FindExactCorner(i <= 1, i == 1 or i == 2, corner_image)
+ if ret:
+ if self.DEBUG:
+ self._frame_edges[corner[1] - 1 + p[1]][corner[0] - 1 + p[0]] = 128
+ real_corners[i] = corner - 1 + p
+ else:
+ real_corners[i] = corner
+ return real_corners
+ def _FindExactCorner(self, top, left, img):
+ """Tries to finds the exact corner location for a given corner.
+ Searches for the top or bottom, left or right most lit
+ pixel in an edge-detected image, which should represent, with pixel
+ precision, as accurate a corner location as possible. (Though perhaps
+ up-sampling using cubic spline interpolation could get sub-pixel
+ precision)
+ TODO(mthiesse): This algorithm could be improved by including a larger
+ region to search in, but would have to be made smarter about which lit
+ pixels are on the detected screen edge and which are a not as it's
+ currently extremely easy to fool by things like notification icons in
+ screen corners.
+ Args:
+ top: boolean, whether or not we're looking for a top corner.
+ left: boolean, whether or not we're looking for a left corner.
+ img: A small cropping of the edge detected image in which to search.
+ Returns:
+ True and the location if a better corner location is found,
+ False otherwise."""
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ cy = 0
+ starting_x = w - 1 if left else 0
+ cx = starting_x
+ if top:
+ y_range = xrange(h - 1, -1, -1)
+ else:
+ y_range = xrange(0, h, 1)
+ if left:
+ x_range = xrange(w - 1, -1, -1)
+ else:
+ x_range = xrange(0, w, 1)
+ for y in y_range:
+ for x in x_range:
+ if img[y][x] == 255:
+ cy = y
+ if (left and x <= cx) or (not left and x >= cx):
+ cx = x
+ if cx == starting_x and cy == 0 and img[0][starting_x] != 255:
+ return False, (0, 0)
+ return True, (cx, cy)
+ def _NewScreenLocation(self, new_corners, missing_corners, intersections):
+ """Computes the new screen location with best effort.
+ Creates the final list of corners that represents the best effort attempt
+ to find the new screen location. Handles degenerate cases where 3 or fewer
+ new corners are present, using previous corner and intersection data.
+ Args:
+ new_corners: The corners found by our search for corners.
+ missing_corners: The count of how many corners we're missing.
+ intersections: The intersections of straight lines found in the current
+ frame.
+ Returns:
+ An array of 4 new_corners hopefully representing the screen, or throws
+ an error if this is not possible.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: Finding the screen location was not possible."""
+ screen_corners = copy.copy(new_corners)
+ if missing_corners == 0:
+ self._lost_corner_frames = 0
+ self._lost_corners = [False, False, False, False]
+ return screen_corners
+ if self._prev_corners is None:
+ raise self.ScreenNotFoundError(
+ 'Could not locate screen on frame %d' %
+ self._frame_generator.CurrentFrameNumber)
+ self._lost_corner_frames += 1
+ if missing_corners > 1:
+ logging.info('Unable to properly detect screen corners, making '
+ 'potentially false assumptions on frame %d',
+ self._frame_generator.CurrentFrameNumber)
+ # Replace missing new_corners with either nearest intersection to previous
+ # corner, or previous corner if no intersections are found.
+ for i in xrange(0, 4):
+ if not np.isnan(new_corners[i][0]):
+ self._lost_corners[i] = False
+ continue
+ self._lost_corners[i] = True
+ min_dist = self.MAX_INTERFRAME_MOTION
+ min_corner = None
+ for isection in intersections:
+ dist = cv_util.SqDistance(isection[0], self._prev_corners[i])
+ if dist >= min_dist:
+ continue
+ if missing_corners == 1:
+ # We know in this case that we have 3 corners present, meaning
+ # all 4 screen lines, and therefore intersections near screen
+ # corners present, so our new corner must connect to these
+ # other corners.
+ if not self._PointConnectsToCorners(new_corners, isection, 3):
+ continue
+ min_corner = isection[0]
+ min_dist = dist
+ screen_corners[i] = min_corner if min_corner is not None else \
+ self._prev_corners[i]
+ return screen_corners
+ def _SmoothCorners(self, corners):
+ """Smoothes the motion of corners, reduces noise.
+ Smoothes the motion of corners by computing an exponentially weighted
+ moving average of corner positions over time.
+ Args:
+ corners: The corners of the detected screen.
+ Returns:
+ The final corner positions."""
+ if self._avg_corners is None:
+ self._avg_corners = np.asfarray(corners, np.float32)
+ for i in xrange(0, 4):
+ # Keep an exponential moving average of the corner location to reduce
+ # noise.
+ new_contrib = np.multiply(self.CORNER_AVERAGE_WEIGHT, corners[i])
+ old_contrib = np.multiply(1 - self.CORNER_AVERAGE_WEIGHT,
+ self._avg_corners[i])
+ self._avg_corners[i] = np.add(new_contrib, old_contrib)
+ return self._avg_corners
+ def _GetTransform(self, corners, border):
+ """Gets the perspective transform of the screen.
+ Args:
+ corners: The corners of the detected screen.
+ border: The number of pixels of border to crop along with the screen.
+ Returns:
+ A perspective transform and the width and height of the target
+ transform.
+ Raises:
+ ScreenNotFoundError: Something went wrong in detecting the screen."""
+ if self._screen_size is None:
+ w = np.sqrt(cv_util.SqDistance(corners[1], corners[0]))
+ h = np.sqrt(cv_util.SqDistance(corners[1], corners[2]))
+ if w < 1 or h < 1:
+ raise self.ScreenNotFoundError(
+ 'Screen detected improperly (bad corners)')
+ if min(w, h) < self.MIN_SCREEN_WIDTH:
+ raise self.ScreenNotFoundError('Detected screen was too small.')
+ self._screen_size = (w, h)
+ # Extend min line length, if we can, to reduce the number of extraneous
+ # lines the line finder finds.
+ self._min_line_length = max(self._min_line_length, min(w, h) / 1.75)
+ w = self._screen_size[0]
+ h = self._screen_size[1]
+ target = np.zeros((4, 2), np.float32)
+ width = w + border
+ height = h + border
+ target[0] = np.asfarray((width, border))
+ target[1] = np.asfarray((border, border))
+ target[2] = np.asfarray((border, height))
+ target[3] = np.asfarray((width, height))
+ transform_w = width + border
+ transform_h = height + border
+ transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(corners, target)
+ return transform, transform_w, transform_h
+ def _Debug(self, lines, corners, final_corners, screen):
+ for line in lines:
+ intline = ((int(line[0]), int(line[1])),
+ (int(line[2]), int(line[3])))
+ cv2.line(self._frame_debug, intline[0], intline[1], (0, 0, 255), 1)
+ i = 0
+ for corner in corners:
+ if not np.isnan(corner[0]):
+ cv2.putText(
+ self._frame_debug, str(i), (int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])),
+ cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, 1, (255, 255, 0), 1, cv2.CV_AA)
+ i += 1
+ if final_corners is not None:
+ for corner in final_corners:
+ cv2.circle(self._frame_debug,
+ (int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])), 5, (255, 0, 255), 1)
+ cv2.imshow('original', self._frame)
+ cv2.imshow('debug', self._frame_debug)
+ if screen is not None:
+ cv2.imshow('screen', screen)
+ cv2.waitKey()
+# For being run as a script.
+# TODO(mthiesse): To be replaced with a better standalone script.
+# Ex: ./screen_finder.py path_to_video 0 5 --verbose
+def main():
+ start_frame = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) >= 3 else 0
+ vf = video_file_frame_generator.VideoFileFrameGenerator(sys.argv[1],
+ start_frame)
+ if len(sys.argv) >= 4:
+ sf = ScreenFinder(vf, int(sys.argv[3]))
+ else:
+ sf = ScreenFinder(vf)
+ # TODO(mthiesse): Use argument parser to improve command line parsing.
+ if len(sys.argv) > 4 and sys.argv[4] == '--verbose':
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.WARN)
+ while sf.HasNext():
+ sf.GetNext()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()