path: root/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/web_perf/metrics/rendering_stats.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/telemetry/telemetry/web_perf/metrics/rendering_stats.py')
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/web_perf/metrics/rendering_stats.py b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/web_perf/metrics/rendering_stats.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65bdbee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/telemetry/telemetry/web_perf/metrics/rendering_stats.py
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import itertools
+from operator import attrgetter
+from telemetry.web_perf.metrics import rendering_frame
+# These are LatencyInfo component names indicating the various components
+# that the input event has travelled through.
+# This is when the input event first reaches chrome.
+# This is when the input event was originally created by OS.
+# This is when the input event was sent from browser to renderer.
+# This is when an input event is turned into a scroll update.
+# This is when a scroll update is forwarded to the main thread.
+# This is when the input event has reached swap buffer.
+# Name for a main thread scroll update latency event.
+# Name for a gesture scroll update latency event.
+GESTURE_SCROLL_UPDATE_EVENT_NAME = 'InputLatency::GestureScrollUpdate'
+# These are keys used in the 'data' field dictionary located in
+# BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats.
+VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA = 'visible_content_area'
+APPROXIMATED_VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA = 'approximated_visible_content_area'
+CHECKERBOARDED_VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA = 'checkerboarded_visible_content_area'
+# These are keys used in the 'errors' field dictionary located in
+# RenderingStats in this file.
+APPROXIMATED_PIXEL_ERROR = 'approximated_pixel_percentages'
+CHECKERBOARDED_PIXEL_ERROR = 'checkerboarded_pixel_percentages'
+def GetLatencyEvents(process, timeline_range):
+ """Get LatencyInfo trace events from the process's trace buffer that are
+ within the timeline_range.
+ Input events dump their LatencyInfo into trace buffer as async trace event
+ of name starting with "InputLatency". Non-input events with name starting
+ with "Latency". The trace event has a member 'data' containing its latency
+ history.
+ """
+ latency_events = []
+ if not process:
+ return latency_events
+ for event in itertools.chain(
+ process.IterAllAsyncSlicesStartsWithName('InputLatency'),
+ process.IterAllAsyncSlicesStartsWithName('Latency')):
+ if event.start >= timeline_range.min and event.end <= timeline_range.max:
+ for ss in event.sub_slices:
+ if 'data' in ss.args:
+ latency_events.append(ss)
+ return latency_events
+def ComputeEventLatencies(input_events):
+ """ Compute input event latencies.
+ Input event latency is the time from when the input event is created to
+ when its resulted page is swap buffered.
+ Input event on different platforms uses different LatencyInfo component to
+ record its creation timestamp. We go through the following component list
+ to find the creation timestamp:
+ 1. INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_ORIGINAL_COMPONENT -- when event is created in OS
+ 2. INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_UI_COMPONENT -- when event reaches Chrome
+ 3. INPUT_EVENT_LATENCY_BEGIN_RWH_COMPONENT -- when event reaches RenderWidget
+ If the latency starts with a
+ classified as a scroll update instead of a normal input latency measure.
+ Returns:
+ A list sorted by increasing start time of latencies which are tuples of
+ (input_event_name, latency_in_ms).
+ """
+ input_event_latencies = []
+ for event in input_events:
+ data = event.args['data']
+ if END_COMP_NAME in data:
+ end_time = data[END_COMP_NAME]['time']
+ if ORIGINAL_COMP_NAME in data:
+ start_time = data[ORIGINAL_COMP_NAME]['time']
+ elif UI_COMP_NAME in data:
+ start_time = data[UI_COMP_NAME]['time']
+ elif BEGIN_COMP_NAME in data:
+ start_time = data[BEGIN_COMP_NAME]['time']
+ start_time = data[BEGIN_SCROLL_UPDATE_COMP_NAME]['time']
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('LatencyInfo has no begin component')
+ latency = (end_time - start_time) / 1000.0
+ input_event_latencies.append((start_time, event.name, latency))
+ input_event_latencies.sort()
+ return [(name, latency) for _, name, latency in input_event_latencies]
+def HasRenderingStats(process):
+ """ Returns True if the process contains at least one
+ BenchmarkInstrumentation::*RenderingStats event with a frame.
+ """
+ if not process:
+ return False
+ for event in process.IterAllSlicesOfName(
+ 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::DisplayRenderingStats'):
+ if 'data' in event.args and event.args['data']['frame_count'] == 1:
+ return True
+ for event in process.IterAllSlicesOfName(
+ 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats'):
+ if 'data' in event.args and event.args['data']['frame_count'] == 1:
+ return True
+ return False
+def GetTimestampEventName(process):
+ """ Returns the name of the events used to count frame timestamps. """
+ if process.name == 'SurfaceFlinger':
+ return 'vsync_before'
+ event_name = 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::DisplayRenderingStats'
+ for event in process.IterAllSlicesOfName(event_name):
+ if 'data' in event.args and event.args['data']['frame_count'] == 1:
+ return event_name
+ return 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats'
+class RenderingStats(object):
+ def __init__(self, renderer_process, browser_process, surface_flinger_process,
+ timeline_ranges):
+ """
+ Utility class for extracting rendering statistics from the timeline (or
+ other loggin facilities), and providing them in a common format to classes
+ that compute benchmark metrics from this data.
+ Stats are lists of lists of numbers. The outer list stores one list per
+ timeline range.
+ All *_time values are measured in milliseconds.
+ """
+ assert len(timeline_ranges) > 0
+ self.refresh_period = None
+ # Find the top level process with rendering stats (browser or renderer).
+ if surface_flinger_process:
+ timestamp_process = surface_flinger_process
+ self._GetRefreshPeriodFromSurfaceFlingerProcess(surface_flinger_process)
+ elif HasRenderingStats(browser_process):
+ timestamp_process = browser_process
+ else:
+ timestamp_process = renderer_process
+ timestamp_event_name = GetTimestampEventName(timestamp_process)
+ # A lookup from list names below to any errors or exceptions encountered
+ # in attempting to generate that list.
+ self.errors = {}
+ self.frame_timestamps = []
+ self.frame_times = []
+ self.approximated_pixel_percentages = []
+ self.checkerboarded_pixel_percentages = []
+ # End-to-end latency for input event - from when input event is
+ # generated to when the its resulted page is swap buffered.
+ self.input_event_latency = []
+ self.frame_queueing_durations = []
+ # Latency from when a scroll update is sent to the main thread until the
+ # resulting frame is swapped.
+ self.main_thread_scroll_latency = []
+ # Latency for a GestureScrollUpdate input event.
+ self.gesture_scroll_update_latency = []
+ for timeline_range in timeline_ranges:
+ self.frame_timestamps.append([])
+ self.frame_times.append([])
+ self.approximated_pixel_percentages.append([])
+ self.checkerboarded_pixel_percentages.append([])
+ self.input_event_latency.append([])
+ self.main_thread_scroll_latency.append([])
+ self.gesture_scroll_update_latency.append([])
+ if timeline_range.is_empty:
+ continue
+ self._InitFrameTimestampsFromTimeline(
+ timestamp_process, timestamp_event_name, timeline_range)
+ self._InitImplThreadRenderingStatsFromTimeline(
+ renderer_process, timeline_range)
+ self._InitInputLatencyStatsFromTimeline(
+ browser_process, renderer_process, timeline_range)
+ self._InitFrameQueueingDurationsFromTimeline(
+ renderer_process, timeline_range)
+ def _GetRefreshPeriodFromSurfaceFlingerProcess(self, surface_flinger_process):
+ for event in surface_flinger_process.IterAllEventsOfName('vsync_before'):
+ self.refresh_period = event.args['data']['refresh_period']
+ return
+ def _InitInputLatencyStatsFromTimeline(
+ self, browser_process, renderer_process, timeline_range):
+ latency_events = GetLatencyEvents(browser_process, timeline_range)
+ # Plugin input event's latency slice is generated in renderer process.
+ latency_events.extend(GetLatencyEvents(renderer_process, timeline_range))
+ event_latencies = ComputeEventLatencies(latency_events)
+ # Don't include scroll updates in the overall input latency measurement,
+ # because scroll updates can take much more time to process than other
+ # input events and would therefore add noise to overall latency numbers.
+ self.input_event_latency[-1] = [
+ latency for name, latency in event_latencies
+ self.main_thread_scroll_latency[-1] = [
+ latency for name, latency in event_latencies
+ self.gesture_scroll_update_latency[-1] = [
+ latency for name, latency in event_latencies
+ def _GatherEvents(self, event_name, process, timeline_range):
+ events = []
+ for event in process.IterAllSlicesOfName(event_name):
+ if event.start >= timeline_range.min and event.end <= timeline_range.max:
+ if 'data' not in event.args:
+ continue
+ events.append(event)
+ events.sort(key=attrgetter('start'))
+ return events
+ def _AddFrameTimestamp(self, event):
+ frame_count = event.args['data']['frame_count']
+ if frame_count > 1:
+ raise ValueError('trace contains multi-frame render stats')
+ if frame_count == 1:
+ self.frame_timestamps[-1].append(
+ event.start)
+ if len(self.frame_timestamps[-1]) >= 2:
+ self.frame_times[-1].append(
+ self.frame_timestamps[-1][-1] - self.frame_timestamps[-1][-2])
+ def _InitFrameTimestampsFromTimeline(
+ self, process, timestamp_event_name, timeline_range):
+ for event in self._GatherEvents(
+ timestamp_event_name, process, timeline_range):
+ self._AddFrameTimestamp(event)
+ def _InitImplThreadRenderingStatsFromTimeline(self, process, timeline_range):
+ event_name = 'BenchmarkInstrumentation::ImplThreadRenderingStats'
+ for event in self._GatherEvents(event_name, process, timeline_range):
+ data = event.args['data']
+ if VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA not in data:
+ 'Calculating approximated_pixel_percentages not possible because '
+ 'visible_content_area was missing.')
+ 'Calculating checkerboarded_pixel_percentages not possible because '
+ 'visible_content_area was missing.')
+ return
+ visible_content_area = data[VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA]
+ if visible_content_area == 0:
+ 'Calculating approximated_pixel_percentages would have caused '
+ 'a divide-by-zero')
+ 'Calculating checkerboarded_pixel_percentages would have caused '
+ 'a divide-by-zero')
+ return
+ self.approximated_pixel_percentages[-1].append(
+ float(data[VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA]) * 100.0, 3))
+ else:
+ 'approximated_pixel_percentages was not recorded')
+ self.checkerboarded_pixel_percentages[-1].append(
+ float(data[VISIBLE_CONTENT_DATA]) * 100.0, 3))
+ else:
+ 'checkerboarded_pixel_percentages was not recorded')
+ def _InitFrameQueueingDurationsFromTimeline(self, process, timeline_range):
+ try:
+ events = rendering_frame.GetFrameEventsInsideRange(process,
+ timeline_range)
+ new_frame_queueing_durations = [e.queueing_duration for e in events]
+ self.frame_queueing_durations.append(new_frame_queueing_durations)
+ except rendering_frame.NoBeginFrameIdException:
+ self.errors['frame_queueing_durations'] = (
+ 'Current chrome version does not support the queueing delay metric.')