path: root/catapult/telemetry/third_party/altgraph/altgraph_tests/test_dot.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/telemetry/third_party/altgraph/altgraph_tests/test_dot.py')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/telemetry/third_party/altgraph/altgraph_tests/test_dot.py b/catapult/telemetry/third_party/altgraph/altgraph_tests/test_dot.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83993dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/telemetry/third_party/altgraph/altgraph_tests/test_dot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+import unittest
+import os
+from altgraph import Dot
+from altgraph import Graph
+from altgraph import GraphError
+class TestDot (unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_constructor(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ self.assertEqual(dot.name, 'G')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {})
+ self.assertEqual(dot.temp_dot, 'tmp_dot.dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.temp_neo, 'tmp_neo.dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.dot, 'dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.dotty, 'dotty')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.neato, 'neato')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.type, 'digraph')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes, dict([(x, {}) for x in g]))
+ edges = {}
+ for head in g:
+ edges[head] = {}
+ for tail in g.out_nbrs(head):
+ edges[head][tail] = {}
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1], edges[1])
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges, edges)
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g, nodes=[1,2],
+ edgefn=lambda node: list(sorted(g.out_nbrs(node)))[:-1],
+ nodevisitor=lambda node: {'label': node},
+ edgevisitor=lambda head, tail: {'label': (head, tail) },
+ name="testgraph",
+ dot='/usr/local/bin/dot',
+ dotty='/usr/local/bin/dotty',
+ neato='/usr/local/bin/neato',
+ graphtype="graph")
+ self.assertEqual(dot.name, 'testgraph')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {})
+ self.assertEqual(dot.temp_dot, 'tmp_dot.dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.temp_neo, 'tmp_neo.dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.dot, '/usr/local/bin/dot')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.dotty, '/usr/local/bin/dotty')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.neato, '/usr/local/bin/neato')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.type, 'graph')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes, dict([(x, {'label': x}) for x in [1,2]]))
+ edges = {}
+ for head in [1,2]:
+ edges[head] = {}
+ for tail in list(sorted(g.out_nbrs(head)))[:-1]:
+ if tail not in [1,2]: continue
+ edges[head][tail] = {'label': (head, tail) }
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1], edges[1])
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges, edges)
+ self.assertRaises(GraphError, Dot.Dot, g, nodes=[1,2, 9])
+ def test_style(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([])
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {})
+ dot.style(key='value')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {'key': 'value'})
+ dot.style(key2='value2')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.attr, {'key2': 'value2'})
+ def test_node_style(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {})
+ dot.node_style(1, key='value')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {'key': 'value'})
+ dot.node_style(1, key2='value2')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[1], {'key2': 'value2'})
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[2], {})
+ dot.all_node_style(key3='value3')
+ for n in g:
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[n], {'key3': 'value3'})
+ self.assertTrue(9 not in dot.nodes)
+ dot.node_style(9, key='value')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.nodes[9], {'key': 'value'})
+ def test_edge_style(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {})
+ dot.edge_style(1,2, foo='bar')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {'foo': 'bar'})
+ dot.edge_style(1,2, foo2='2bar')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][2], {'foo2': '2bar'})
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][3], {})
+ self.assertFalse(6 in dot.edges[1])
+ dot.edge_style(1,6, foo2='2bar')
+ self.assertEqual(dot.edges[1][6], {'foo2': '2bar'})
+ self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 1, 9, a=1)
+ self.assertRaises(GraphError, dot.edge_style, 9, 1, a=1)
+ def test_iter(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ dot.style(graph="foobar")
+ dot.node_style(1, key='value')
+ dot.node_style(2, key='another', key2='world')
+ dot.edge_style(1,4, key1='value1', key2='value2')
+ dot.edge_style(2,4, key1='valueA')
+ self.assertEqual(list(iter(dot)), list(dot.iterdot()))
+ for item in dot.iterdot():
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(item, str))
+ first = list(dot.iterdot())[0]
+ self.assertEqual(first, "digraph %s {\n"%(dot.name,))
+ dot.type = 'graph'
+ first = list(dot.iterdot())[0]
+ self.assertEqual(first, "graph %s {\n"%(dot.name,))
+ dot.type = 'foo'
+ self.assertRaises(GraphError, list, dot.iterdot())
+ dot.type = 'digraph'
+ self.assertEqual(list(dot), [
+ 'digraph G {\n',
+ 'graph="foobar";',
+ '\n',
+ '\t"1" [',
+ 'key="value",',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"2" [',
+ 'key="another",',
+ 'key2="world",',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"3" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"4" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"6" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"7" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"1" -> "2" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"1" -> "3" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"1" -> "4" [',
+ 'key1="value1",',
+ 'key2="value2",',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"2" -> "4" [',
+ 'key1="valueA",',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"2" -> "6" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"2" -> "7" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"6" -> "1" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '\t"7" -> "4" [',
+ '];\n',
+ '}\n'])
+ def test_save(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g)
+ dot.style(graph="foobar")
+ dot.node_style(1, key='value')
+ dot.node_style(2, key='another', key2='world')
+ dot.edge_style(1,4, key1='value1', key2='value2')
+ dot.edge_style(2,4, key1='valueA')
+ fn = 'test_dot.dot'
+ self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(fn))
+ try:
+ dot.save_dot(fn)
+ fp = open(fn, 'r')
+ data = fp.read()
+ fp.close()
+ self.assertEqual(data, ''.join(dot))
+ finally:
+ if os.path.exists(fn):
+ os.unlink(fn)
+ def test_img(self):
+ g = Graph.Graph([
+ (1,2),
+ (1,3),
+ (1,4),
+ (2,4),
+ (2,6),
+ (2,7),
+ (7,4),
+ (6,1),
+ ]
+ )
+ dot = Dot.Dot(g, dot='/usr/local/bin/!!dot', dotty='/usr/local/bin/!!dotty', neato='/usr/local/bin/!!neato')
+ dot.style(size='10,10', rankdir='RL', page='5, 5' , ranksep=0.75)
+ dot.node_style(1, label='BASE_NODE',shape='box', color='blue')
+ dot.node_style(2, style='filled', fillcolor='red')
+ dot.edge_style(1,4, style='dotted')
+ dot.edge_style(2,4, arrowhead='dot', label='binds', labelangle='90')
+ system_cmds = []
+ def fake_system(cmd):
+ system_cmds.append(cmd)
+ return None
+ try:
+ real_system = os.system
+ os.system = fake_system
+ system_cmds = []
+ dot.save_img('foo')
+ self.assertEqual(system_cmds, ['/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tgif tmp_dot.dot -o foo.gif'])
+ system_cmds = []
+ dot.save_img('foo', file_type='jpg')
+ self.assertEqual(system_cmds, ['/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg tmp_dot.dot -o foo.jpg'])
+ system_cmds = []
+ dot.save_img('bar', file_type='jpg', mode='neato')
+ self.assertEqual(system_cmds, [
+ '/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o tmp_dot.dot tmp_neo.dot',
+ '/usr/local/bin/!!dot -Tjpg tmp_dot.dot -o bar.jpg',
+ ])
+ system_cmds = []
+ dot.display()
+ self.assertEqual(system_cmds, [
+ '/usr/local/bin/!!dotty tmp_dot.dot'
+ ])
+ system_cmds = []
+ dot.display(mode='neato')
+ self.assertEqual(system_cmds, [
+ '/usr/local/bin/!!neato -o tmp_dot.dot tmp_neo.dot',
+ '/usr/local/bin/!!dotty tmp_dot.dot'
+ ])
+ finally:
+ if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot):
+ os.unlink(dot.temp_dot)
+ if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo):
+ os.unlink(dot.temp_neo)
+ os.system = real_system
+ if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/dot') and os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/neato'):
+ try:
+ dot.dot='/usr/local/bin/dot'
+ dot.neato='/usr/local/bin/neato'
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo.gif'))
+ dot.save_img('foo')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.gif'))
+ os.unlink('foo.gif')
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists('foo.gif'))
+ dot.save_img('foo', mode='neato')
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('foo.gif'))
+ os.unlink('foo.gif')
+ finally:
+ if os.path.exists(dot.temp_dot):
+ os.unlink(dot.temp_dot)
+ if os.path.exists(dot.temp_neo):
+ os.unlink(dot.temp_neo)
+if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+ unittest.main()