path: root/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-form/demo/index.html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-form/demo/index.html')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-form/demo/index.html b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-form/demo/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2bafe2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-form/demo/index.html
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+<!doctype html>
+Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
+The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
+The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
+Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
+subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
+ <title>iron-form demo</title>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
+ <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
+ <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
+ <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
+ <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-snippet.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../iron-demo-helpers/demo-pages-shared-styles.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-input/paper-input.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-button/paper-button.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-item/paper-item.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-spinner/paper-spinner.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../../paper-styles/shadow.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="../iron-form.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="cats-only.html">
+ <custom-style>
+ <style is="custom-style" include="demo-pages-shared-styles">
+ input, paper-input, paper-checkbox {
+ margin-bottom: 8px;
+ }
+ iron-form {
+ @apply --shadow-elevation-2dp;
+ padding: 20px;
+ }
+ paper-button {
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 45%;
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ #form1 paper-button {
+ width: 30%;
+ }
+ paper-button:not([disabled]) {
+ background: #03a9f4;
+ color: white;
+ }
+ paper-spinner {
+ width: 14px;
+ height: 14px;
+ margin-right: 20px;
+ }
+ .output {
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ font-family: monospace;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </custom-style>
+<body unresolved>
+ <div class="vertical-section-container centered">
+ <h3>Iron-form works with native and custom elements, and can prevent automatic redirection</h3>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <input type="checkbox" checked onchange="form1.allowRedirect = !this.checked;"> Prevent automatic form redirection<br><br>
+ <iron-form id="form1">
+ <form action="/foo" method="get">
+ <paper-input type="text" name="name" required label="Name" value="Batman"></paper-input>
+ <input name="foo" required>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="donuts" checked>I like donuts<br>
+ <paper-checkbox name="food" value="pizza" checked>pizza</paper-checkbox><br>
+ <paper-checkbox name="food" value="cheese" required>cheese</paper-checkbox>
+ <br>
+ <paper-dropdown-menu label="Cars" name="cars" required>
+ <paper-listbox class="dropdown-content" slot="dropdown-content">
+ <paper-item value="volvo">Volvo</paper-item>
+ <paper-item value="saab">Saab</paper-item>
+ <paper-item value="fiat">Fiat</paper-item>
+ <paper-item value="audi">Audi</paper-item>
+ </paper-listbox>
+ </paper-dropdown-menu>
+ <br><br>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form1.submit()">Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form1.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form1.validate()">Validate</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <br>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form1.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ <h3>You can submit a form in many different ways: by manually calling submit(),
+ using a native button, or by wrapping a paper-button in a native button:</h3>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <iron-form id="form2">
+ <form action="/foo" method="get">
+ <paper-input label="Name" value="Batman" name="name"></paper-input>
+ <input type="checkbox" required> You must check this box.
+ <p>Using a native button to submit the form will display
+ the native browser validation UI for native elements: </p>
+ <button type="submit">Submit</button>
+ <button type="reset">Reset</button>
+ <p>Using a custom element to submit the form will not display
+ the native browser validation UI:</p>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form2.submit()">Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form2.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <br>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form2.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ <h3>To customize the request sent to the server, you can listen to the `iron-form-presubmit` event</h3>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <iron-form id="form3">
+ <form action="/foo" method="get">
+ <paper-input name="name" label="Name" value="Batman" required></paper-input>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form3.submit()">Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form3.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form3.addEventListener('iron-form-presubmit', function(event) {
+ this.request.params['sidekick'] = 'Robin';
+ });
+ form3.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ <h3>Example of an <code>iron-form</code> reacting to state changes.</h3>
+ <p>This form will have the "Submit" button disabled until all fields
+ are valid, and then show a spinner during submission.</p>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <iron-form id="form4">
+ <form action="/foo" method="get">
+ <paper-input name="name" label="Name" required auto-validate></paper-input>
+ <paper-checkbox name="read" required>You must check this box</paper-checkbox><br>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="_delayedSubmit(event)" disabled id="form4Submit">
+ <paper-spinner id="spinner" hidden></paper-spinner>Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form4.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form4.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ spinner.active = false;
+ spinner.hidden = true;
+ form4Submit.disabled = false;
+ });
+ form4.addEventListener('change', function(event) {
+ // Validate the entire form to see if we should enable the `Submit` button.
+ form4Submit.disabled = !form4.validate();
+ });
+ function _delayedSubmit(event) {
+ spinner.active = true;
+ spinner.hidden = false;
+ form4Submit.disabled = true;
+ // Simulate a slow server response.
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ form4.submit()
+ }, 1000);
+ }
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ <h3>Iron-form respects the novalidate form attribute</h3>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <iron-form id="form5">
+ <form method="get" action="/foo" novalidate>
+ <paper-input name="name" label="Name" required></paper-input>
+ <cats-only name="cats"></cats-only>
+ <input name="animal" placeholder="animal" required value="meerkat"><br>
+ <paper-checkbox name="cheese" required>Cheese</paper-checkbox>
+ <br>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form5.submit()">Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form5.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form5.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ <h3>Iron-form respects nested elements</h3>
+ <demo-snippet>
+ <template>
+ <iron-form id="form6">
+ <form method="get" action="/foo">
+ <p>
+ <input name="name" label="Name" required>
+ <cats-only name="cats"></cats-only>
+ <paper-checkbox name="cheese" required>Cheese</paper-checkbox>
+ </p>
+ <input type="submit" value="Submit">
+ <br>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form6.submit()">Submit</paper-button>
+ <paper-button raised onclick="form6.reset()">Reset</paper-button>
+ </form>
+ <div class="output"></div>
+ </iron-form>
+ <script>
+ form6.addEventListener('iron-form-submit', function(event) {
+ this.querySelector('.output').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
+ });
+ </script>
+ </template>
+ </demo-snippet>
+ </div>