path: root/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/iron-overlay-behavior/README.md
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+This README is automatically generated from the comments in these files:
+iron-overlay-backdrop.html iron-overlay-behavior.html
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+[![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-overlay-behavior.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/PolymerElements/iron-overlay-behavior)
+_[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-overlay-behavior)_
+Use `Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior` to implement an element that can be hidden or shown, and displays
+on top of other content. It includes an optional backdrop, and can be used to implement a variety
+of UI controls including dialogs and drop downs. Multiple overlays may be displayed at once.
+See the [demo source code](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-overlay-behavior/blob/master/demo/simple-overlay.html)
+for an example.
+### Closing and canceling
+An overlay may be hidden by closing or canceling. The difference between close and cancel is user
+intent. Closing generally implies that the user acknowledged the content on the overlay. By default,
+it will cancel whenever the user taps outside it or presses the escape key. This behavior is
+configurable with the `no-cancel-on-esc-key` and the `no-cancel-on-outside-click` properties.
+`close()` should be called explicitly by the implementer when the user interacts with a control
+in the overlay element. When the dialog is canceled, the overlay fires an 'iron-overlay-canceled'
+event. Call `preventDefault` on this event to prevent the overlay from closing.
+### Positioning
+By default the element is sized and positioned to fit and centered inside the window. You can
+position and size it manually using CSS. See `Polymer.IronFitBehavior`.
+### Backdrop
+Set the `with-backdrop` attribute to display a backdrop behind the overlay. The backdrop is
+appended to `<body>` and is of type `<iron-overlay-backdrop>`. See its doc page for styling
+In addition, `with-backdrop` will wrap the focus within the content in the light DOM.
+Override the [`_focusableNodes` getter](#Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior:property-_focusableNodes)
+to achieve a different behavior.
+### Limitations
+The element is styled to appear on top of other content by setting its `z-index` property. You
+must ensure no element has a stacking context with a higher `z-index` than its parent stacking
+context. You should place this element as a child of `<body>` whenever possible.
+`iron-overlay-backdrop` is a backdrop used by `Polymer.IronOverlayBehavior`. It should be a
+### Styling
+The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling.
+| Custom property | Description | Default |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| `--iron-overlay-backdrop-background-color` | Backdrop background color | #000 |
+| `--iron-overlay-backdrop-opacity` | Backdrop opacity | 0.6 |
+| `--iron-overlay-backdrop` | Mixin applied to `iron-overlay-backdrop`. | {} |
+| `--iron-overlay-backdrop-opened` | Mixin applied to `iron-overlay-backdrop` when it is displayed | {} |