path: root/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/paper-input/test/paper-input.html
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1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/paper-input/test/paper-input.html b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/paper-input/test/paper-input.html
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index 00000000..77f68c58
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+++ b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/paper-input/test/paper-input.html
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+<!doctype html>
+Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
+This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
+The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
+The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
+Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
+subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
+ <title>paper-input tests</title>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=yes">
+ <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../iron-test-helpers/test-helpers.js"></script>
+ <script src="../../iron-test-helpers/mock-interactions.js"></script>
+ <link rel="import" href="../paper-input.html">
+ <link rel="import" href="letters-only.html">
+ <test-fixture id="basic">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="has-tabindex">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input tabindex="0"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="label">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input label="foo"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="label-has-value">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input label="foo" value="bar"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="error">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input auto-validate pattern="[0-9]*" value="foobar" error-message="error"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="required">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input auto-validate required error-message="error"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="required-no-auto-validate">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input required error-message="error"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="required-char-counter">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input auto-validate char-counter required error-message="error"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="char-counter">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input char-counter value="foobar"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="type-number-char-counter">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input type="number" char-counter value="1138"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="always-float-label">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input always-float-label label="foo"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="placeholder">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input label="foo" placeholder="bar"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="date">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input label="foo" type="date"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <letters-only></letters-only>
+ <test-fixture id="validator">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input value="123123" validator="letters-only" auto-validate></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <test-fixture id="multiple-inputs">
+ <template>
+ <paper-input label="one"></paper-input>
+ <paper-input label="two"></paper-input>
+ <paper-input label="three"></paper-input>
+ <paper-input label="four"></paper-input>
+ </template>
+ </test-fixture>
+ <script>
+ suite('basic', function() {
+ test('setting value sets the input value', function() {
+ var input = fixture('basic');
+ input.value = 'foobar';
+ assert.equal(input.inputElement.value, input.value, 'inputElement.value equals input.value');
+ });
+ test('placeholder does not overlap label', function() {
+ var input = fixture('placeholder');
+ assert.equal(input.inputElement.placeholder, input.placeholder, 'inputElement.placeholder equals input.placeholder');
+ assert.equal(input.noLabelFloat, false);
+ var floatingLabel = Polymer.dom(Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-container').root).querySelector('.label-is-floating');
+ assert.ok(floatingLabel);
+ });
+ test('special types autofloat the label', function() {
+ var input = fixture('date');
+ // Browsers that don't support special <input> types like `date` fallback
+ // to `text`, so make sure to only test if type is still preserved after
+ // the element is attached.
+ if (input.inputElement.type === "date") {
+ assert.equal(input.alwaysFloatLabel, true);
+ var floatingLabel = Polymer.dom(Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-container').root).querySelector('.label-is-floating');
+ assert.ok(floatingLabel);
+ }
+ });
+ test('always-float-label attribute works without placeholder', function() {
+ var input = fixture('always-float-label');
+ var container = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-container');
+ var inputContent = Polymer.dom(container.root).querySelector('.input-content');
+ assert.isTrue(inputContent.classList.contains('label-is-floating'), 'label is floating');
+ });
+ test('label does not receive pointer events', function() {
+ var input = fixture('always-float-label');
+ var label = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('label');
+ assert.equal(getComputedStyle(label).pointerEvents, 'none');
+ });
+ test('error message is displayed', function() {
+ var input = fixture('error');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ var error = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-error');
+ assert.ok(error, 'paper-input-error exists');
+ assert.notEqual(getComputedStyle(error).display, 'none', 'error is not display:none');
+ });
+ test('empty required input shows error', function() {
+ var input = fixture('required');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ var error = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-error');
+ assert.ok(error, 'paper-input-error exists');
+ assert.notEqual(getComputedStyle(error).display, 'none', 'error is not display:none');
+ });
+ test('character counter is displayed', function() {
+ var input = fixture('char-counter');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ var counter = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-char-counter')
+ assert.ok(counter, 'paper-input-char-counter exists');
+ assert.equal(counter._charCounterStr, input.value.length, 'character counter shows the value length');
+ });
+ test('character counter is correct for type=number', function() {
+ var input = fixture('type-number-char-counter');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ var counter = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-char-counter')
+ assert.ok(counter, 'paper-input-char-counter exists');
+ assert.equal(counter._charCounterStr, input.value.toString().length, 'character counter shows the value length');
+ });
+ test('validator is used', function() {
+ var input = fixture('validator');
+ assert.ok(input.inputElement.invalid, 'input is invalid');
+ });
+ test('caret position is preserved', function() {
+ var input = fixture('basic');
+ var ironInput = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('input[is="iron-input"]');
+ input.value = 'nananana';
+ ironInput.selectionStart = 2;
+ ironInput.selectionEnd = 2;
+ input.updateValueAndPreserveCaret('nanananabatman');
+ assert.equal(ironInput.selectionStart, 2, 'selectionStart is preserved');
+ assert.equal(ironInput.selectionEnd, 2, 'selectionEnd is preserved');
+ });
+ test('setting autofocus to true implictly acquires focus', function(done) {
+ var input = fixture('basic');
+ var inputFocusSpy = sinon.spy(input.inputElement, 'focus');
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ assert(inputFocusSpy.called);
+ done();
+ }, 50);
+ input.autofocus = true;
+ });
+ test('autofocus doesn\'t grab focus if another element already has it', function(done) {
+ var inputs = fixture('multiple-inputs');
+ var inputFocusSpies = inputs.map(function(input) {
+ return sinon.spy(input.inputElement, 'focus');
+ });
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ assert(inputFocusSpies[0].called, 'first autofocus input with grabbed focus');
+ assert(!inputFocusSpies[1].called, 'second autofocus input let first input keep focus');
+ done();
+ }, 50);
+ inputs[0].autofocus = true;
+ inputs[1].autofocus = true; // Shouldn't cause focus to change
+ });
+ });
+ suite('focus/blur events', function() {
+ var input;
+ setup(function() {
+ input = fixture('basic');
+ });
+ // At the moment, it is very hard to correctly fire exactly
+ // one focus/blur events on a paper-input. This is because
+ // when a paper-input is focused, it needs to focus
+ // its underlying native input, which will also fire a `blur`
+ // event.
+ test('focus events fired on host element', function() {
+ input.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
+ assert(input.focused, 'input is focused');
+ });
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ });
+ test('focus events fired on host element if nested element is focused', function() {
+ input.addEventListener('focus', function(event) {
+ assert(input.focused, 'input is focused');
+ });
+ MockInteractions.focus(input.inputElement);
+ });
+ test('blur events fired on host element', function() {
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ input.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
+ assert(!input.focused, 'input is blurred');
+ });
+ MockInteractions.blur(input);
+ });
+ test('blur events fired on host element nested element is blurred', function() {
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ input.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
+ assert(!input.focused, 'input is blurred');
+ });
+ MockInteractions.blur(input.inputElement);
+ });
+ test('focusing then bluring sets the focused attribute correctly', function() {
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ assert(input.focused, 'input is focused');
+ MockInteractions.blur(input);
+ assert(!input.focused, 'input is blurred');
+ MockInteractions.focus(input.inputElement);
+ assert(input.focused, 'input is focused');
+ MockInteractions.blur(input.inputElement);
+ assert(!input.focused, 'input is blurred');
+ });
+ test('focusing then bluring with shift-tab removes the focused attribute correctly', function() {
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ assert(input.focused, 'input is focused');
+ // Fake a shift-tab induced blur by forcing the flag.
+ input._shiftTabPressed = true;
+ MockInteractions.blur(input.inputElement);
+ assert(!input.focused, 'input is blurred');
+ });
+ });
+ suite('focused styling (integration test)', function() {
+ test('underline is colored when input is focused', function(done) {
+ var input = fixture('basic');
+ var container = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-container');
+ var line = Polymer.dom(container.root).querySelector('.underline');
+ assert.isFalse(line.classList.contains('is-highlighted'), 'line is not highlighted when input is not focused');
+ MockInteractions.focus(input.inputElement);
+ requestAnimationFrame(function() {
+ assert.isTrue(line.classList.contains('is-highlighted'), 'line is highlighted when input is focused');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ suite('validation', function() {
+ test('invalid attribute updated after calling validate()', function() {
+ var input = fixture('required-no-auto-validate');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ input.validate();
+ var error = Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-error');
+ assert.ok(error, 'paper-input-error exists');
+ assert.notEqual(getComputedStyle(error).display, 'none', 'error is not display:none');
+ assert.isTrue(input.invalid, 'invalid is true');
+ });
+ });
+ suite('a11y', function() {
+ test('has aria-labelledby, which is monotonically increasing', function() {
+ var inputs = fixture('multiple-inputs');
+ // Find the first index of the input in this fixture. Since the label
+ // ids monotonically increase every time a new input is created, and
+ // this fixture isn't the first one in the document, we're going to start
+ // at an ID > 1.
+ var firstLabel = Polymer.dom(inputs[0].root).querySelector('label').id;
+ var index = parseInt(firstLabel.substr(firstLabel.lastIndexOf('-') + 1));
+ for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {
+ var input = inputs[i].inputElement;
+ var label = Polymer.dom(inputs[i].root).querySelector('label').id;
+ assert.isTrue(input.hasAttribute('aria-labelledby'));
+ assert.equal(label, 'paper-input-label-' + (index++));
+ assert.equal(input.getAttribute('aria-labelledby'), label);
+ }
+ });
+ test('has aria-describedby for error message', function() {
+ var input = fixture('required');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ assert.isTrue(input.inputElement.hasAttribute('aria-describedby'));
+ assert.equal(input.inputElement.getAttribute('aria-describedby'), Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-error').id, 'aria-describedby points to the error message');
+ });
+ test('has aria-describedby for character counter', function() {
+ var input = fixture('char-counter');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ assert.isTrue(input.inputElement.hasAttribute('aria-describedby'));
+ assert.equal(input.inputElement.getAttribute('aria-describedby'), Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-char-counter').id, 'aria-describedby points to the character counter');
+ });
+ test('has aria-describedby for character counter and error', function() {
+ var input = fixture('required-char-counter');
+ forceXIfStamp(input);
+ assert.isTrue(input.inputElement.hasAttribute('aria-describedby'));
+ assert.equal(input.inputElement.getAttribute('aria-describedby'), Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-error').id + ' ' + Polymer.dom(input.root).querySelector('paper-input-char-counter').id, 'aria-describedby points to the error message and character counter');
+ });
+ test('focus an input with tabindex', function(done) {
+ var input = fixture('has-tabindex');
+ flush(function() {
+ MockInteractions.focus(input);
+ flush(function() {
+ assert.equal(input.shadowRoot ? input.shadowRoot.activeElement :
+ document.activeElement, input._focusableElement);
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ </script>