path: root/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/web-animations-js/CONTRIBUTING.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'catapult/third_party/polymer/components/web-animations-js/CONTRIBUTING.md')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/web-animations-js/CONTRIBUTING.md b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/web-animations-js/CONTRIBUTING.md
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index 00000000..15142a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catapult/third_party/polymer/components/web-animations-js/CONTRIBUTING.md
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+## Developer instructions
+### Setup
+1. Fork web-animations/web-animations-js.
+1. `git clone git@github.com:$GITHUB_USER/web-animations-js.git`
+1. `git submodule update --init --recursive` (Necessary for running tests.)
+1. Install [node](https://nodejs.org/en/) and make sure `npm` is in your $PATH
+1. Run `npm install` in the respository to pull in development dependencies.
+1. Run `npm install -g grunt-cli` to get the build tools for the command line.
+### Contributing
+Note that development should occur against the `dev` branch, not `master`. This
+is the default target for pull requests.
+1. In your fork of web-animations-js, `git checkout dev` or create a new branch whose parent is dev.
+1. Run `grunt` to build the polyfill.
+1. Run `grunt test` to run polyfill and web-platform-tests tests.
+1. Commit changes to your fork.
+1. Create a pull request from your fork of web-animations-js to
+ [web-animations/web-animations-js/dev](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/tree/dev).
+1. Ensure that you've signed the [Google Contributor License Agreement](https://cla.developers.google.com/clas).
+## Debugging tests
+You can run the tests in an interactive mode with `grunt debug`. This starts the
+Karma server once for each polyfill target for each test framework.
+Navigate to `http://localhost:9876/debug.html` to open the test runner in your
+browser of choice, all test results appear in the Javascript console.
+Test failures can be accessed via `window.failures` and `window.formattedFailures`
+once the tests have completed.
+The polyfill target and tests can be specified as arguments to the `debug` task.
+Example: `grunt debug:web-animations-next:test/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation/pause.html`
+Multiple test files may be listed with comma separation. Specifying files will output their URL in the command line.
+Example: `http://localhost:9876/base/test/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation/pause.html`
+## Design notes
+[Design diagrams](https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9rpPoIDv3vTNlZxOVp6a2tNa1E&usp=sharing)
+## Publishing a release
+1. Determine the version number for the release
+ * Increment the first number and reset others to 0 when there are large breaking changes
+ * Increment the second number and reset the third to 0 when there are significant new, but backwards compatible features
+ * Otherwise, increment the third number
+1. Add versioned release notes to `History.md`, for example:
+ ### 3.13.37 — *November 1, 2001*
+ * Fixed a bug where nothing worked
+ Use the following to generate a summary of commits, but edit the list to contain only
+ relevant information.
+ git log --first-parent `git describe --tags --abbrev=0 master`..dev --pretty=format:" * %s"
+1. Specify the new version inside `package.json` (for NPM), for example:
+ ```js
+ "version": "3.13.37",
+ ```
+1. Build the polyfill with `npm install && grunt` then update `docs/experimental.md`'s Build Target Comparison with the current gzipped sizes.
+1. Commit the above changes to web-animations-js/dev and merge to
+ web-animations-js/master.
+ ```sh
+ git checkout master
+ git merge dev --no-edit --quiet
+ ```
+1. Build and commit minified JavaScript files.
+ ```sh
+ npm install
+ grunt
+ # Optional "grunt test" to make sure everything still passes.
+ git add -f *.min.js{,.map}
+ git rm .gitignore
+ git commit -m 'Add build artifacts from '`cat .git/refs/heads/dev`
+ git push HEAD:refs/heads/master
+ ```
+1. Draft a [new release](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/releases) at the
+ commit pushed to web-animations-js in step #4. Copy the release notes from `History.md`
+ added in step #2.
+1. Once you've pushed to web-animations-js, run `npm publish` from that checked-out folder
+ To do this, you'll need to be a collaborator [on the NPM project](https://www.npmjs.com/package/web-animations-js), or have a collaborator help you.
+1. If there are any breaking changes to the API in this release you must notify web-animations-changes@googlegroups.com.
+ Only owners of the group may post to it so you may need to request ownership or ask someone to post it for you.
+## Testing architecture
+This is an overview of what happens when `grunt test` is run.
+1. Polyfill tests written in mocha and chai are run.
+ 1. grunt creates a karma config with mocha and chai adapters.
+ 1. grunt adds the test/js files as includes to the karma config.
+ 1. grunt starts the karma server with the config and waits for the result.
+ 1. The mocha adaptor runs the included tests and reports the results to karma.
+ 1. karma outputs results to the console and returns the final pass/fail result to grunt.
+1. web-platform-tests/web-animations tests written in testtharness.js are run.
+ 1. grunt creates a karma config with karma-testharness-adaptor.js included.
+ 1. grunt adds the web-platform-tests/web-animations files to the custom testharnessTests config in the karma config.
+ 1. grunt adds failure expectations to the custom testharnessTests config in the karma config.
+ 1. grunt starts the karma server with the config and waits for the result.
+ 1. The testharness.js adaptor runs the included tests (ignoring expected failures) and reports the results to karma.
+ 1. karma outputs results to the console and returns the final pass/fail result to grunt.
+1. grunt exits successfully if both test runs passed.