#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: ascii -*- r""" ================================== Benchmark cssmin implementations ================================== Benchmark cssmin implementations. :Copyright: Copyright 2011 - 2014 Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable :License: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Usage:: python -mbench.main [-c COUNT] [-p file] cssfile ... -c COUNT number of runs per cssfile and minifier. Defaults to 10. -p file File to write the benchmark results in (pickled) """ if __doc__: __doc__ = __doc__.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __author__ = r"Andr\xe9 Malo".encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __version__ = "1.0.0" import sys as _sys import time as _time import_notes = [] class _p_02__rcssmin(object): def __init__(self): import rcssmin cssmin = rcssmin._make_cssmin(python_only=True) self.cssmin = lambda x: cssmin(x, keep_bang_comments=True) class _p_03__rcssmin(object): def __init__(self): import _rcssmin cssmin = _rcssmin.cssmin self.cssmin = lambda x: cssmin(x, keep_bang_comments=True) class cssmins(object): from bench import cssmin as p_01_cssmin p_02_rcssmin = _p_02__rcssmin() try: p_03__rcssmin = _p_03__rcssmin() except ImportError: import_notes.append("_rcssmin (C-Port) not available") print(import_notes[-1]) print("Python Release: %s" % ".".join(map(str, _sys.version_info[:3]))) print("") def slurp(filename): """ Load a file """ fp = open(filename) try: return fp.read() finally: fp.close() def print_(*value, **kwargs): """ Print stuff """ (kwargs.get('file') or _sys.stdout).write( ''.join(value) + kwargs.get('end', '\n') ) def bench(filenames, count): """ Benchmark the minifiers with given css samples :Parameters: `filenames` : sequence List of filenames `count` : ``int`` Number of runs per css file and minifier :Exceptions: - `RuntimeError` : empty filenames sequence """ if not filenames: raise RuntimeError("Missing files to benchmark") try: xrange except NameError: xrange = range try: cmp except NameError: cmp = lambda a, b: (a > b) - (a < b) ports = [item for item in dir(cssmins) if item.startswith('p_')] ports.sort() space = max(map(len, ports)) - 4 ports = [(item[5:], getattr(cssmins, item).cssmin) for item in ports] flush = _sys.stdout.flush struct = [] inputs = [(filename, slurp(filename)) for filename in filenames] for filename, style in inputs: print_("Benchmarking %r..." % filename, end=" ") flush() outputs = [] for _, cssmin in ports: try: outputs.append(cssmin(style)) except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt): raise except: outputs.append(None) struct.append(dict( filename=filename, sizes=[ (item is not None and len(item) or None) for item in outputs ], size=len(style), messages=[], times=[], )) print_("(%.1f KiB)" % (struct[-1]['size'] / 1024.0,)) flush() times = [] for idx, (name, cssmin) in enumerate(ports): if outputs[idx] is None: print_(" FAILED %s" % (name,)) struct[-1]['times'].append((name, None)) else: print_(" Timing %s%s... (%5.1f KiB %s)" % ( name, " " * (space - len(name)), len(outputs[idx]) / 1024.0, idx == 0 and '*' or ['=', '>', '<'][ cmp(len(outputs[idx]), len(outputs[0])) ], ), end=" ") flush() xcount = count while True: counted = [None for _ in xrange(xcount)] start = _time.time() for _ in counted: cssmin(style) end = _time.time() result = (end - start) * 1000 if result < 10: # avoid measuring within the error range xcount *= 10 continue times.append(result / xcount) break print_("%8.2f ms" % times[-1], end=" ") flush() if len(times) <= 1: print_() else: print_("(factor: %s)" % (', '.join([ '%.2f' % (timed / times[-1]) for timed in times[:-1] ]))) struct[-1]['times'].append((name, times[-1])) flush() print_() return struct def main(argv=None): """ Main """ import getopt as _getopt import os as _os import pickle as _pickle if argv is None: argv = _sys.argv[1:] try: opts, args = _getopt.getopt(argv, "hc:p:", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: e = _sys.exc_info()[0](_sys.exc_info()[1]) print >> _sys.stderr, "%s\nTry %s -mbench.main --help" % ( e, _os.path.basename(_sys.executable), ) _sys.exit(2) count, pickle = 10, None for key, value in opts: if key in ("-h", "--help"): print >> _sys.stderr, ( "%s -mbench.main [-c count] [-p file] cssfile ..." % ( _os.path.basename(_sys.executable), ) ) _sys.exit(0) elif key == '-c': count = int(value) elif key == '-p': pickle = str(value) struct = bench(args, count) if pickle: fp = open(pickle, 'wb') try: fp.write(_pickle.dumps(( ".".join(map(str, _sys.version_info[:3])), import_notes, struct, ), 0)) finally: fp.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()