# Performance Dashboard The Chrome Performance Dashboard is a App Engine web app for displaying and monitoring performance test results. - [Getting set up to contribute](/dashboard/docs/getting-set-up.md) - [Dashboard admin tasks](/dashboard/docs/admin-tasks.md) - [Debugging in production](/dashboard/docs/cloud-debugger.md) - [Example code snippets](/dashboard/docs/code-snippets.md) - [Data format for new graph data](/dashboard/docs/data-format.md) - [Checklist for deployment](/dashboard/docs/deploy-checklist.md) - [Rolling back from a broken deployment](/dashboard/docs/rollback.md) - [Project glossary](/dashboard/docs/glossary.md) - [Pages and endpoints](/dashboard/docs/pages-and-endpoints.md) ## Contact Bugs can be reported on the [github issue tracker](https://github.com/catapult-project/catapult/issues); for questions and feedback, send an email to chrome-perf-dashboard-team@google.com.