## devil 😈 devil (device interaction layer) is a library used by the Chromium developers to interact with Android devices. It currently supports SDK level 16 and above. ## Interfaces devil provides python APIs: - [`devil.android.adb_wrapper`](docs/adb_wrapper.md) provides a thin wrapper around the adb binary. Most functions and methods have direct analogues on the adb command-line. - [`devil.android.device_utils`](docs/device_utils.md) provides higher-level functionality built on top of `adb_wrapper`. **This is the primary mechanism through which chromium's scripts interact with devices.** ## Utilities devil also provides command-line utilities: - [`devil/utils/markdown.py`](docs/markdown.md) generated markdown documentation for python modules. ## Constraints and Caveats devil supports python 2.7. Python 3 compatibility is currently a work in progress (see https://crbug.com/1007101). ## Contributing Please see [our contributor's guide](/CONTRIBUTING.md)