# Devil: Persistent Device List ## What is it? A persistent device list that stores all expected devices between builds. It is used by non-swarmed bots to detect any missing/extra devices attached to them. This will be no longer needed when all bots are switched over to swarming. ## Bots The list is usually located at: - `~/.android/known_devices.json`. Look at recipes listed below in order to find more up to date location. ## Local Runs The persistent device list is unnecessary for local runs. It is only used on the bots that upload data to the perf dashboard. ## Where it is used The persistent device list is used in the [chromium_android](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/tools/build/+/HEAD:recipes/recipe_modules/chromium_android/api.py;l=50;drc=fd928820620dff8989e853accc54b1d61657f236) recipe module, and consumed by the [device_status.py](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/HEAD:third_party/catapult/devil/devil/android/tools/device_status.py;l=230;drc=1e5bef4469199e4daba5d8fd885966112f8a45d5) script among others.