Building the Chromium-based WebView in AOSP is no longer supported. WebView can now be built entirely from the Chromium source code. General instructions for building WebView from Chromium: ------ The prebuilt included in these APKs is built from Chromium release tag 52.0.2743.100, using the GN build tool (not the older GYP tool). To match our build settings, set: target_os="android" is_debug=false is_official_build=true is_chrome_branded=false use_official_google_api_keys=false exclude_unwind_tables=true enable_resource_whitelist_generation=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" proprietary_codecs=true enable_remoting=true in your GN argument file before building. ------ Due to WebView API changes in the N release, the Java code in the Chromium 2743_91 branch is not compatible with N. We'll be working on upstreaming the N-specific Java changes to Chromium once the final N SDK is released. ------ For questions about building WebView, please see!forum/android-webview-dev