path: root/chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h
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authorTorne (Richard Coles) <>2012-11-14 11:43:16 +0000
committerTorne (Richard Coles) <>2012-11-14 11:43:16 +0000
commit5821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019 (patch)
treee19f4793aac92e2c0d9a01087019a60d6657d838 /chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h
parent8e79a8efe247f109aafd917a69e8a392961b3687 (diff)
Merge from Chromium at DEPS revision r167172
This commit was generated by Change-Id: Ib8d56fd5ae39a2d7e8c91dcd76cc6d13f25f2aab
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h')
1 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h b/chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c643e387d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <list>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
+#include "base/location.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
+#include "base/observer_list.h"
+#include "base/string16.h"
+#include "base/time.h"
+#include "base/timer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/api/sync/profile_sync_service_base.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/api/sync/profile_sync_service_observer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile_keyed_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/backend_unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/failed_datatypes_handler.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_controller.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_manager.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/data_type_manager_observer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/sync_backend_host.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/invalidation_frontend.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/invalidations/invalidator_storage.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/sync/sync_prefs.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
+#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
+#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/engine/model_safe_worker.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/sync_manager_factory.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/util/experiments.h"
+#include "sync/internal_api/public/util/unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
+#include "sync/js/sync_js_controller.h"
+class Profile;
+class ProfileSyncComponentsFactory;
+class SigninManager;
+class SyncGlobalError;
+namespace browser_sync {
+class BackendMigrator;
+class ChangeProcessor;
+class DataTypeManager;
+class JsController;
+class SessionModelAssociator;
+namespace sessions { class SyncSessionSnapshot; }
+namespace syncer {
+class BaseTransaction;
+class InvalidatorRegistrar;
+struct SyncCredentials;
+struct UserShare;
+namespace sync_pb {
+class EncryptedData;
+} // namespace sync_pb
+// ProfileSyncService is the layer between browser subsystems like bookmarks,
+// and the sync backend. Each subsystem is logically thought of as being
+// a sync datatype.
+// Individual datatypes can, at any point, be in a variety of stages of being
+// "enabled". Here are some specific terms for concepts used in this class:
+// 'Registered' (feature suppression for a datatype)
+// When a datatype is registered, the user has the option of syncing it.
+// The sync opt-in UI will show only registered types; a checkbox should
+// never be shown for an unregistered type, and nor should it ever be
+// synced.
+// A datatype is considered registered once RegisterDataTypeController
+// has been called with that datatype's DataTypeController.
+// 'Preferred' (user preferences and opt-out for a datatype)
+// This means the user's opt-in or opt-out preference on a per-datatype
+// basis. The sync service will try to make active exactly these types.
+// If a user has opted out of syncing a particular datatype, it will
+// be registered, but not preferred.
+// This state is controlled by the ConfigurePreferredDataTypes and
+// GetPreferredDataTypes. They are stored in the preferences system,
+// and persist; though if a datatype is not registered, it cannot
+// be a preferred datatype.
+// 'Active' (run-time initialization of sync system for a datatype)
+// An active datatype is a preferred datatype that is actively being
+// synchronized: the syncer has been instructed to querying the server
+// for this datatype, first-time merges have finished, and there is an
+// actively installed ChangeProcessor that listens for changes to this
+// datatype, propagating such changes into and out of the sync backend
+// as necessary.
+// When a datatype is in the process of becoming active, it may be
+// in some intermediate state. Those finer-grained intermediate states
+// are differentiated by the DataTypeController state.
+// Sync Configuration:
+// Sync configuration is accomplished via the following APIs:
+// * OnUserChoseDatatypes(): Set the data types the user wants to sync.
+// * SetDecryptionPassphrase(): Attempt to decrypt the user's encrypted data
+// using the passed passphrase.
+// * SetEncryptionPassphrase(): Re-encrypt the user's data using the passed
+// passphrase.
+// Additionally, the current sync configuration can be fetched by calling
+// * GetRegisteredDataTypes()
+// * GetPreferredDataTypes()
+// * IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()
+// * EncryptEverythingEnabled()
+// * IsPassphraseRequired()/IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption()
+// The "sync everything" state cannot be read from ProfileSyncService, but
+// is instead pulled from SyncPrefs.HasKeepEverythingSynced().
+// Initial sync setup:
+// For privacy reasons, it is usually desirable to avoid syncing any data
+// types until the user has finished setting up sync. There are two APIs
+// that control the initial sync download:
+// * SetSyncSetupCompleted()
+// * SetSetupInProgress()
+// SetSyncSetupCompleted() should be called once the user has finished setting
+// up sync at least once on their account. SetSetupInProgress(true) should be
+// called while the user is actively configuring their account, and then
+// SetSetupInProgress(false) should be called when configuration is complete.
+// When SetSyncSetupCompleted() == false, but SetSetupInProgress(true) has
+// been called, then the sync engine knows not to download any user data.
+// When initial sync is complete, the UI code should call
+// SetSyncSetupCompleted() followed by SetSetupInProgress(false) - this will
+// tell the sync engine that setup is completed and it can begin downloading
+// data from the sync server.
+class ProfileSyncService : public ProfileSyncServiceBase,
+ public browser_sync::SyncFrontend,
+ public browser_sync::SyncPrefObserver,
+ public browser_sync::DataTypeManagerObserver,
+ public syncer::UnrecoverableErrorHandler,
+ public content::NotificationObserver,
+ public ProfileKeyedService,
+ public InvalidationFrontend {
+ public:
+ typedef browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::Status Status;
+ enum SyncEventCodes {
+ // Events starting the sync service.
+ START_FROM_NTP = 1, // Sync was started from the ad in NTP
+ START_FROM_WRENCH = 2, // Sync was started from the Wrench menu.
+ START_FROM_OPTIONS = 3, // Sync was started from Wrench->Options.
+ START_FROM_BOOKMARK_MANAGER = 4, // Sync was started from Bookmark manager.
+ START_FROM_PROFILE_MENU = 5, // Sync was started from multiprofile menu.
+ START_FROM_URL = 6, // Sync was started from a typed URL.
+ // Events regarding cancellation of the signon process of sync.
+ CANCEL_FROM_SIGNON_WITHOUT_AUTH = 10, // Cancelled before submitting
+ // username and password.
+ CANCEL_DURING_SIGNON = 11, // Cancelled after auth.
+ CANCEL_DURING_CONFIGURE = 12, // Cancelled before choosing data
+ // types and clicking OK.
+ // Events resulting in the stoppage of sync service.
+ STOP_FROM_OPTIONS = 20, // Sync was stopped from Wrench->Options.
+ // Miscellaneous events caused by sync service.
+ };
+ // Defines the type of behavior the sync engine should use. If configured for
+ // AUTO_START, the sync engine will automatically call SetSyncSetupCompleted()
+ // and start downloading data types as soon as sync credentials are available
+ // (a signed-in username and a "chromiumsync" token).
+ // If configured for MANUAL_START, sync will not start until the user
+ // completes sync setup, at which point the UI makes an explicit call to
+ // SetSyncSetupCompleted().
+ enum StartBehavior {
+ };
+ // Used to specify the kind of passphrase with which sync data is encrypted.
+ enum PassphraseType {
+ IMPLICIT, // The user did not provide a custom passphrase for encryption.
+ // We implicitly use the GAIA password in such cases.
+ EXPLICIT, // The user selected the "use custom passphrase" radio button
+ // during sync setup and provided a passphrase.
+ };
+ // Default sync server URL.
+ static const char* kSyncServerUrl;
+ // Sync server URL for dev channel users
+ static const char* kDevServerUrl;
+ // Takes ownership of |factory|.
+ ProfileSyncService(ProfileSyncComponentsFactory* factory,
+ Profile* profile,
+ SigninManager* signin,
+ StartBehavior start_behavior);
+ virtual ~ProfileSyncService();
+ // Initializes the object. This must be called at most once, and
+ // immediately after an object of this class is constructed.
+ void Initialize();
+ virtual void SetSyncSetupCompleted();
+ // ProfileSyncServiceBase implementation.
+ virtual bool HasSyncSetupCompleted() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool ShouldPushChanges() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual syncer::ModelTypeSet GetPreferredDataTypes() const OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual bool HasObserver(Observer* observer) const OVERRIDE;
+ void RegisterAuthNotifications();
+ // Returns true if sync is enabled/not suppressed and the user is logged in.
+ // (being logged in does not mean that tokens are available - tokens may
+ // be missing because they have not loaded yet, or because they were deleted
+ // due to
+ // Virtual to enable mocking in tests.
+ virtual bool IsSyncEnabledAndLoggedIn();
+ // Return whether all sync tokens are loaded and available for the backend to
+ // start up. Virtual to enable mocking in tests.
+ virtual bool IsSyncTokenAvailable();
+ // Registers a data type controller with the sync service. This
+ // makes the data type controller available for use, it does not
+ // enable or activate the synchronization of the data type (see
+ // ActivateDataType). Takes ownership of the pointer.
+ void RegisterDataTypeController(
+ browser_sync::DataTypeController* data_type_controller);
+ // Returns the session model associator associated with this type, but only if
+ // the associator is running. If it is doing anything else, it will return
+ // null.
+ browser_sync::SessionModelAssociator* GetSessionModelAssociator();
+ // Fills state_map with a map of current data types that are possible to
+ // sync, as well as their states.
+ void GetDataTypeControllerStates(
+ browser_sync::DataTypeController::StateMap* state_map) const;
+ // Disables sync for user. Use ShowLoginDialog to enable.
+ virtual void DisableForUser();
+ // syncer::InvalidationHandler implementation (via SyncFrontend).
+ virtual void OnInvalidatorStateChange(
+ syncer::InvalidatorState state) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnIncomingInvalidation(
+ const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap& invalidation_map,
+ syncer::IncomingInvalidationSource source) OVERRIDE;
+ // SyncFrontend implementation.
+ virtual void OnBackendInitialized(
+ const syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::JsBackend>& js_backend,
+ const syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::DataTypeDebugInfoListener>&
+ debug_info_listener,
+ bool success) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnSyncCycleCompleted() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnSyncConfigureRetry() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnConnectionStatusChange(
+ syncer::ConnectionStatus status) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnStopSyncingPermanently() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnPassphraseRequired(
+ syncer::PassphraseRequiredReason reason,
+ const sync_pb::EncryptedData& pending_keys) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnPassphraseAccepted() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnEncryptedTypesChanged(
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types,
+ bool encrypt_everything) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnEncryptionComplete() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnMigrationNeededForTypes(
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet types) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnExperimentsChanged(
+ const syncer::Experiments& experiments) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnActionableError(
+ const syncer::SyncProtocolError& error) OVERRIDE;
+ // DataTypeManagerObserver implementation.
+ virtual void OnConfigureBlocked() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnConfigureDone(
+ const browser_sync::DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult& result) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnConfigureRetry() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void OnConfigureStart() OVERRIDE;
+ // Update the last auth error and notify observers of error state.
+ void UpdateAuthErrorState(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
+ // Called when a user chooses which data types to sync as part of the sync
+ // setup wizard. |sync_everything| represents whether they chose the
+ // "keep everything synced" option; if true, |chosen_types| will be ignored
+ // and all data types will be synced. |sync_everything| means "sync all
+ // current and future data types."
+ virtual void OnUserChoseDatatypes(bool sync_everything,
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types);
+ // Get various information for displaying in the user interface.
+ std::string QuerySyncStatusSummary();
+ // Initializes a struct of status indicators with data from the backend.
+ // Returns false if the backend was not available for querying; in that case
+ // the struct will be filled with default data.
+ virtual bool QueryDetailedSyncStatus(
+ browser_sync::SyncBackendHost::Status* result);
+ virtual const GoogleServiceAuthError& GetAuthError() const;
+ // Returns true if initial sync setup is in progress (does not return true
+ // if the user is customizing sync after already completing setup once).
+ // ProfileSyncService uses this to determine if it's OK to start syncing, or
+ // if the user is still setting up the initial sync configuration.
+ virtual bool FirstSetupInProgress() const;
+ // Called by the UI to notify the ProfileSyncService that UI is visible so it
+ // will not start syncing. This tells sync whether it's safe to start
+ // downloading data types yet (we don't start syncing until after sync setup
+ // is complete). The UI calls this as soon as any part of the signin wizard is
+ // displayed (even just the login UI).
+ // If |setup_in_progress| is false, this also kicks the sync engine to ensure
+ // that data download starts.
+ virtual void SetSetupInProgress(bool setup_in_progress);
+ // Returns true if the SyncBackendHost has told us it's ready to accept
+ // changes.
+ // [REMARK] - it is safe to call this function only from the ui thread.
+ // because the variable is not thread safe and should only be accessed from
+ // single thread. If we want multiple threads to access this(and there is
+ // currently no need to do so) we need to protect this with a lock.
+ // TODO(timsteele): What happens if the bookmark model is loaded, a change
+ // takes place, and the backend isn't initialized yet?
+ virtual bool sync_initialized() const;
+ virtual bool HasUnrecoverableError() const;
+ const std::string& unrecoverable_error_message() {
+ return unrecoverable_error_message_;
+ }
+ tracked_objects::Location unrecoverable_error_location() {
+ return unrecoverable_error_location_;
+ }
+ // Returns true if OnPassphraseRequired has been called for any reason.
+ virtual bool IsPassphraseRequired() const;
+ // Returns true if OnPassphraseRequired has been called for decryption and
+ // we have an encrypted data type enabled.
+ virtual bool IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() const;
+ syncer::PassphraseRequiredReason passphrase_required_reason() const {
+ return passphrase_required_reason_;
+ }
+ // Returns a user-friendly string form of last synced time (in minutes).
+ virtual string16 GetLastSyncedTimeString() const;
+ ProfileSyncComponentsFactory* factory() { return factory_.get(); }
+ // The profile we are syncing for.
+ Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }
+ // Returns a weak pointer to the service's JsController.
+ // Overrideable for testing purposes.
+ virtual base::WeakPtr<syncer::JsController> GetJsController();
+ // Record stats on various events.
+ static void SyncEvent(SyncEventCodes code);
+ // Returns whether sync is enabled. Sync can be enabled/disabled both
+ // at compile time (e.g., on a per-OS basis) or at run time (e.g.,
+ // command-line switches).
+ static bool IsSyncEnabled();
+ // Returns whether sync is managed, i.e. controlled by configuration
+ // management. If so, the user is not allowed to configure sync.
+ bool IsManaged() const;
+ // syncer::UnrecoverableErrorHandler implementation.
+ virtual void OnUnrecoverableError(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const std::string& message) OVERRIDE;
+ // Called when a datatype wishes to disable itself due to having hit an
+ // unrecoverable error.
+ virtual void DisableBrokenDatatype(
+ syncer::ModelType type,
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ std::string message);
+ // The functions below (until ActivateDataType()) should only be
+ // called if sync_initialized() is true.
+ // TODO(akalin): This is called mostly by ModelAssociators and
+ // tests. Figure out how to pass the handle to the ModelAssociators
+ // directly, figure out how to expose this to tests, and remove this
+ // function.
+ virtual syncer::UserShare* GetUserShare() const;
+ // TODO(akalin): These two functions are used only by
+ // ProfileSyncServiceHarness. Figure out a different way to expose
+ // this info to that class, and remove these functions.
+ virtual syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot
+ GetLastSessionSnapshot() const;
+ // Returns whether or not the underlying sync engine has made any
+ // local changes to items that have not yet been synced with the
+ // server.
+ bool HasUnsyncedItems() const;
+ // Used by ProfileSyncServiceHarness. May return NULL.
+ browser_sync::BackendMigrator* GetBackendMigratorForTest();
+ // TODO(sync): This is only used in tests. Can we remove it?
+ void GetModelSafeRoutingInfo(syncer::ModelSafeRoutingInfo* out) const;
+ // Returns a ListValue indicating the status of all registered types.
+ //
+ // The format is:
+ // [ {"name": <name>, "value": <value>, "status": <status> }, ... ]
+ // where <name> is a type's name, <value> is a string providing details for
+ // the type's status, and <status> is one of "error", "warning" or "ok"
+ // dpending on the type's current status.
+ //
+ // This function is used by to help populate the about:sync
+ // page. It returns a ListValue rather than a DictionaryValye in part to make
+ // it easier to iterate over its elements when constructing that page.
+ Value* GetTypeStatusMap() const;
+ // Overridden by tests.
+ // TODO(zea): Remove these and have the dtc's call directly into the SBH.
+ virtual void ActivateDataType(
+ syncer::ModelType type, syncer::ModelSafeGroup group,
+ browser_sync::ChangeProcessor* change_processor);
+ virtual void DeactivateDataType(syncer::ModelType type);
+ // SyncPrefObserver implementation.
+ virtual void OnSyncManagedPrefChange(bool is_sync_managed) OVERRIDE;
+ // content::NotificationObserver implementation.
+ virtual void Observe(int type,
+ const content::NotificationSource& source,
+ const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
+ // Changes which data types we're going to be syncing to |preferred_types|.
+ // If it is running, the DataTypeManager will be instructed to reconfigure
+ // the sync backend so that exactly these datatypes are actively synced. See
+ // class comment for more on what it means for a datatype to be Preferred.
+ virtual void ChangePreferredDataTypes(
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet preferred_types);
+ // Gets the set of all data types that could be allowed (the set that
+ // should be advertised to the user). These will typically only change
+ // via a command-line option. See class comment for more on what it means
+ // for a datatype to be Registered.
+ virtual syncer::ModelTypeSet GetRegisteredDataTypes() const;
+ // Checks whether the Cryptographer is ready to encrypt and decrypt updates
+ // for sensitive data types. Caller must be holding a
+ // syncapi::BaseTransaction to ensure thread safety.
+ virtual bool IsCryptographerReady(
+ const syncer::BaseTransaction* trans) const;
+ // Returns true if a secondary (explicit) passphrase is being used. It is not
+ // legal to call this method before the backend is initialized.
+ virtual bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const;
+ // Returns the actual passphrase type being used for encryption.
+ virtual syncer::PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const;
+ // Returns the time the current explicit passphrase (if any), was set.
+ // If no secondary passphrase is in use, or no time is available, returns an
+ // unset base::Time.
+ virtual base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const;
+ // Note about setting passphrases: There are different scenarios under which
+ // we might want to apply a passphrase. It could be for first-time encryption,
+ // re-encryption, or for decryption by clients that sign in at a later time.
+ // In addition, encryption can either be done using a custom passphrase, or by
+ // reusing the GAIA password. Depending on what is happening in the system,
+ // callers should determine which of the two methods below must be used.
+ // Asynchronously sets the passphrase to |passphrase| for encryption. |type|
+ // specifies whether the passphrase is a custom passphrase or the GAIA
+ // password being reused as a passphrase.
+ // TODO(atwilson): Change this so external callers can only set an EXPLICIT
+ // passphrase with this API.
+ virtual void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
+ PassphraseType type);
+ // Asynchronously decrypts pending keys using |passphrase|. Returns false
+ // immediately if the passphrase could not be used to decrypt a locally cached
+ // copy of encrypted keys; returns true otherwise.
+ virtual bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase)
+ // Turns on encryption for all data. Callers must call OnUserChoseDatatypes()
+ // after calling this to force the encryption to occur.
+ virtual void EnableEncryptEverything();
+ // Returns true if we are currently set to encrypt all the sync data. Note:
+ // this is based on the cryptographer's settings, so if the user has recently
+ // requested encryption to be turned on, this may not be true yet. For that,
+ // encryption_pending() must be checked.
+ virtual bool EncryptEverythingEnabled() const;
+ // Fills |encrypted_types| with the set of currently encrypted types. Does
+ // not account for types pending encryption.
+ virtual syncer::ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypes() const;
+ // Returns true if the syncer is waiting for new datatypes to be encrypted.
+ virtual bool encryption_pending() const;
+ const GURL& sync_service_url() const { return sync_service_url_; }
+ bool auto_start_enabled() const { return auto_start_enabled_; }
+ SigninManager* signin() const { return signin_; }
+ bool setup_in_progress() const { return setup_in_progress_; }
+ // Stops the sync backend and sets the flag for suppressing sync startup.
+ void StopAndSuppress();
+ // Resets the flag for suppressing sync startup and starts the sync backend.
+ void UnsuppressAndStart();
+ // Marks all currently registered types as "acknowledged" so we won't prompt
+ // the user about them any more.
+ void AcknowledgeSyncedTypes();
+ SyncGlobalError* sync_global_error() { return sync_global_error_.get(); }
+ // TODO(sync): This is only used in tests. Can we remove it?
+ const FailedDatatypesHandler& failed_datatypes_handler() const;
+ browser_sync::DataTypeManager::ConfigureStatus configure_status() {
+ return configure_status_;
+ }
+ // If true, the ProfileSyncService has detected that a new GAIA signin has
+ // succeeded, and is waiting for initialization to complete. This is used by
+ // the UI to differentiate between a new auth error (encountered as part of
+ // the initialization process) and a pre-existing auth error that just hasn't
+ // been cleared yet. Virtual for testing purposes.
+ virtual bool waiting_for_auth() const;
+ // InvalidationFrontend implementation. It is an error to have
+ // registered handlers when Shutdown() is called.
+ virtual void RegisterInvalidationHandler(
+ syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void UpdateRegisteredInvalidationIds(
+ syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler,
+ const syncer::ObjectIdSet& ids) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void UnregisterInvalidationHandler(
+ syncer::InvalidationHandler* handler) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual syncer::InvalidatorState GetInvalidatorState() const OVERRIDE;
+ // ProfileKeyedService implementation. This must be called exactly
+ // once (before this object is destroyed).
+ virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
+ // Simulate an incoming notification for the given id and payload.
+ void EmitInvalidationForTest(
+ const invalidation::ObjectId& id,
+ const std::string& payload);
+ protected:
+ // Used by test classes that derive from ProfileSyncService.
+ virtual browser_sync::SyncBackendHost* GetBackendForTest();
+ // Helper to install and configure a data type manager.
+ void ConfigureDataTypeManager();
+ // Starts up the backend sync components.
+ void StartUp();
+ // Shuts down the backend sync components.
+ // |sync_disabled| indicates if syncing is being disabled or not.
+ void ShutdownImpl(bool sync_disabled);
+ // Return SyncCredentials from the TokenService.
+ syncer::SyncCredentials GetCredentials();
+ // Test need to override this to create backends that allow setting up
+ // initial conditions, such as populating sync nodes.
+ //
+ // TODO(akalin): Figure out a better way to do this. Ideally, we'd
+ // construct the backend outside this class and pass it in to the
+ // contructor or Initialize().
+ virtual void CreateBackend();
+ const browser_sync::DataTypeController::TypeMap& data_type_controllers() {
+ return data_type_controllers_;
+ }
+ // Helper method for managing encryption UI.
+ bool IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled() const;
+ // Helper for OnUnrecoverableError.
+ // TODO(tim): Use an enum for |delete_sync_database| here, in ShutdownImpl,
+ // and in SyncBackendHost::Shutdown.
+ void OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl(
+ const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const std::string& message,
+ bool delete_sync_database);
+ // This is a cache of the last authentication response we received from the
+ // sync server. The UI queries this to display appropriate messaging to the
+ // user.
+ GoogleServiceAuthError last_auth_error_;
+ // Our asynchronous backend to communicate with sync components living on
+ // other threads.
+ scoped_ptr<browser_sync::SyncBackendHost> backend_;
+ // Was the last SYNC_PASSPHRASE_REQUIRED notification sent because it
+ // was required for encryption, decryption with a cached passphrase, or
+ // because a new passphrase is required?
+ syncer::PassphraseRequiredReason passphrase_required_reason_;
+ private:
+ enum UnrecoverableErrorReason {
+ };
+ friend class ProfileSyncServicePasswordTest;
+ friend class SyncTest;
+ friend class TestProfileSyncService;
+ FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ProfileSyncServiceTest, InitialState);
+ // Detects and attempts to recover from a previous improper datatype
+ // configuration where Keep Everything Synced and the preferred types were
+ // not correctly set.
+ void TrySyncDatatypePrefRecovery();
+ // Starts up sync if it is not suppressed and preconditions are met.
+ // Called from Initialize() and UnsuppressAndStart().
+ void TryStart();
+ // Puts the backend's sync scheduler into NORMAL mode.
+ // Called when configuration is complete.
+ void StartSyncingWithServer();
+ // Called when we've determined that we don't need a passphrase (either
+ // because OnPassphraseAccepted() was called, or because we've gotten a
+ // OnPassphraseRequired() but no data types are enabled).
+ void ResolvePassphraseRequired();
+ // During initial signin, ProfileSyncService caches the user's signin
+ // passphrase so it can be used to encrypt/decrypt data after sync starts up.
+ // This routine is invoked once the backend has started up to use the
+ // cached passphrase and clear it out when it is done.
+ void ConsumeCachedPassphraseIfPossible();
+ // If |delete_sync_data_folder| is true, then this method will delete all
+ // previous "Sync Data" folders. (useful if the folder is partial/corrupt).
+ void InitializeBackend(bool delete_sync_data_folder);
+ // Initializes the various settings from the command line.
+ void InitSettings();
+ // Sets the last synced time to the current time.
+ void UpdateLastSyncedTime();
+ void NotifyObservers();
+ void ClearStaleErrors();
+ void ClearUnrecoverableError();
+ // About-flags experiment names for datatypes that aren't enabled by default
+ // yet.
+ static std::string GetExperimentNameForDataType(
+ syncer::ModelType data_type);
+ // Create and register a new datatype controller.
+ void RegisterNewDataType(syncer::ModelType data_type);
+ // Helper method to process SyncConfigureDone after unwinding the stack that
+ // originally posted this SyncConfigureDone.
+ void OnSyncConfigureDone(
+ browser_sync::DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult result);
+ // Reconfigures the data type manager with the latest enabled types.
+ // Note: Does not initialize the backend if it is not already initialized.
+ // This function needs to be called only after sync has been initialized
+ // (i.e.,only for reconfigurations). The reason we don't initialize the
+ // backend is because if we had encountered an unrecoverable error we don't
+ // want to startup once more.
+ virtual void ReconfigureDatatypeManager();
+ // Called when the user changes the sync configuration, to update the UMA
+ // stats.
+ void UpdateSelectedTypesHistogram(
+ bool sync_everything,
+ const syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types) const;
+#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
+ // Refresh spare sync bootstrap token for re-enabling the sync service.
+ // Called on successful sign-in notifications.
+ void RefreshSpareBootstrapToken(const std::string& passphrase);
+ // Internal unrecoverable error handler. Used to track error reason via
+ // Sync.UnrecoverableErrors histogram.
+ void OnInternalUnrecoverableError(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
+ const std::string& message,
+ bool delete_sync_database,
+ UnrecoverableErrorReason reason);
+ // Must be called every time |backend_initialized_| or
+ // |invalidator_state_| is changed (but only if
+ // |invalidator_registrar_| is not NULL).
+ void UpdateInvalidatorRegistrarState();
+ // Destroys / recreates an instance of ProfileSyncService. Used exclusively by
+ // the sync integration tests so they can restart sync from scratch without
+ // tearing down and recreating the browser process. Needed because simply
+ // calling Shutdown() and Initialize() will not recreate other internal
+ // objects like SyncBackendHost, SyncManager, etc.
+ void ResetForTest();
+ // Factory used to create various dependent objects.
+ scoped_ptr<ProfileSyncComponentsFactory> factory_;
+ // The profile whose data we are synchronizing.
+ Profile* profile_;
+ // The class that handles getting, setting, and persisting sync
+ // preferences.
+ browser_sync::SyncPrefs sync_prefs_;
+ // TODO(tim): Move this to InvalidationService, once it exists. Bug 124137.
+ browser_sync::InvalidatorStorage invalidator_storage_;
+ // TODO(ncarter): Put this in a profile, once there is UI for it.
+ // This specifies where to find the sync server.
+ GURL sync_service_url_;
+ // The last time we detected a successful transition from SYNCING state.
+ // Our backend notifies us whenever we should take a new snapshot.
+ base::Time last_synced_time_;
+ // The time that StartUp() is called. This member is zero if StartUp() has
+ // never been called, and is reset to zero once OnBackendInitialized() is
+ // called.
+ base::Time start_up_time_;
+ // The time that OnConfigureStart is called. This member is zero if
+ // OnConfigureStart has not yet been called, and is reset to zero once
+ // OnConfigureDone is called.
+ base::Time sync_configure_start_time_;
+ // Indicates if this is the first time sync is being configured. This value
+ // is equal to !HasSyncSetupCompleted() at the time of OnBackendInitialized().
+ bool is_first_time_sync_configure_;
+ // List of available data type controllers.
+ browser_sync::DataTypeController::TypeMap data_type_controllers_;
+ // Whether the SyncBackendHost has been initialized.
+ bool backend_initialized_;
+ // Set to true if a signin has completed but we're still waiting for the
+ // backend to refresh its credentials.
+ bool is_auth_in_progress_;
+ // Encapsulates user signin - used to set/get the user's authenticated
+ // email address.
+ SigninManager* signin_;
+ // Information describing an unrecoverable error.
+ UnrecoverableErrorReason unrecoverable_error_reason_;
+ std::string unrecoverable_error_message_;
+ tracked_objects::Location unrecoverable_error_location_;
+ // Manages the start and stop of the various data types.
+ scoped_ptr<browser_sync::DataTypeManager> data_type_manager_;
+ ObserverList<Observer> observers_;
+ syncer::SyncJsController sync_js_controller_;
+ content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ base::WeakPtrFactory<ProfileSyncService> weak_factory_;
+ // This allows us to gracefully handle an ABORTED return code from the
+ // DataTypeManager in the event that the server informed us to cease and
+ // desist syncing immediately.
+ bool expect_sync_configuration_aborted_;
+ // Sometimes we need to temporarily hold on to a passphrase because we don't
+ // yet have a backend to send it to. This happens during initialization as
+ // we don't StartUp until we have a valid token, which happens after valid
+ // credentials were provided.
+ std::string cached_passphrase_;
+ // The current set of encrypted types. Always a superset of
+ // syncer::Cryptographer::SensitiveTypes().
+ syncer::ModelTypeSet encrypted_types_;
+ // Whether we want to encrypt everything.
+ bool encrypt_everything_;
+ // Whether we're waiting for an attempt to encryption all sync data to
+ // complete. We track this at this layer in order to allow the user to cancel
+ // if they e.g. don't remember their explicit passphrase.
+ bool encryption_pending_;
+ // If true, we want to automatically start sync signin whenever we have
+ // credentials (user doesn't need to go through the startup flow). This is
+ // typically enabled on platforms (like ChromeOS) that have their own
+ // distinct signin flow.
+ const bool auto_start_enabled_;
+ scoped_ptr<browser_sync::BackendMigrator> migrator_;
+ // This is the last |SyncProtocolError| we received from the server that had
+ // an action set on it.
+ syncer::SyncProtocolError last_actionable_error_;
+ // This is used to show sync errors in the wrench menu.
+ scoped_ptr<SyncGlobalError> sync_global_error_;
+ // keeps track of data types that failed to load.
+ FailedDatatypesHandler failed_datatypes_handler_;
+ scoped_ptr<browser_sync::BackendUnrecoverableErrorHandler>
+ backend_unrecoverable_error_handler_;
+ browser_sync::DataTypeManager::ConfigureStatus configure_status_;
+ // If |true|, there is setup UI visible so we should not start downloading
+ // data types.
+ bool setup_in_progress_;
+ // The set of currently enabled sync experiments.
+ syncer::Experiments current_experiments;
+ // Factory the backend will use to build the SyncManager.
+ syncer::SyncManagerFactory sync_manager_factory_;
+ // Holds the current invalidator state as updated by
+ // OnInvalidatorStateChange(). Note that this is different from the
+ // state known by |invalidator_registrar_| (See
+ // UpdateInvalidatorState()).
+ syncer::InvalidatorState invalidator_state_;
+ // Dispatches invalidations to handlers. Set in Initialize() and
+ // unset in Shutdown().
+ scoped_ptr<syncer::InvalidatorRegistrar> invalidator_registrar_;
+ // Sync's internal debug info listener. Used to record datatype configuration
+ // and association information.
+ syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::DataTypeDebugInfoListener> debug_info_listener_;
+bool ShouldShowActionOnUI(
+ const syncer::SyncProtocolError& error);