// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "extensions/browser/file_highlighter.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace extensions { namespace { const char kManifest[] = "{\n" " \"name\": \"Content Scripts\",\n" " \"version\": \"2.0\",\n" " // this is a comment with the word permissions.\n" " /* This is a multine\n" " comment with the word permissions\n" " that shouldn't be highlighted */\n" " \"permissions\": [\n" " /* This is a tricky comment because it has brackets }]*/\n" " \"tabs\"\n" " ],\n" " \"content_scripts\": [\n" " {\n" " \"matches\": [\"*://aaronboodman.com/*\", \"*://rdcronin.com/*\"],\n" " \"js\": [\"myscript.js\"]\n" " }\n" " ],\n" " \"test_key\": {\n" " \"escaped_quoted\\\"\",\n" " \"/*foo*/\"\n" " },\n" " \"manifest_version\": 2,\n" " \"international_key\": \"還是不要\"\n" "}"; } // namespace TEST(ManifestHighlighterUnitTest, ManifestHighlighterUnitTest) { // Get a full key. const char kPermissionsFeature[] = "\"permissions\": [\n" " /* This is a tricky comment because it has brackets }]*/\n" " \"tabs\"\n" " ]"; ManifestHighlighter permissions(kManifest, "permissions", std::string()); EXPECT_EQ(kPermissionsFeature, permissions.GetFeature()); // Get a specific portion of a key. const char kTabsFeature[] = "\"tabs\""; ManifestHighlighter tabs(kManifest, "permissions", "tabs"); EXPECT_EQ(kTabsFeature, tabs.GetFeature()); // Get a single-character, non-quoted entity of a key. const char kManifestVersionFeature[] = "2"; ManifestHighlighter version(kManifest, "manifest_version", "2"); EXPECT_EQ(kManifestVersionFeature, version.GetFeature()); // Get a compound portion of a key, including quoted '//' (which shouldn't be // mistaken for comments). const char kMatchesFeature[] = "\"matches\": [\"*://aaronboodman.com/*\", \"*://rdcronin.com/*\"]"; ManifestHighlighter matches(kManifest, "content_scripts", "matches"); EXPECT_EQ(kMatchesFeature, matches.GetFeature()); // If a feature isn't present, we should get an empty string. ManifestHighlighter not_present(kManifest, "a_fake_feature", std::string()); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), not_present.GetFeature()); // If we request a specific portion of a key which is not found, we should // get an empty string. ManifestHighlighter specific_portion_not_present( kManifest, "permissions", "a_fake_feature"); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), specific_portion_not_present.GetFeature()); const char kEscapedQuotedFeature[] = "\"escaped_quoted\\\"\""; ManifestHighlighter escaped_quoted( kManifest, "test_key", "escaped_quoted\\\""); EXPECT_EQ(kEscapedQuotedFeature, escaped_quoted.GetFeature()); const char kFeatureWithComment[] = "\"/*foo*/\""; ManifestHighlighter feature_with_comment(kManifest, "test_key", "/*foo*/"); EXPECT_EQ(kFeatureWithComment, feature_with_comment.GetFeature()); // Check with non-ascii characters. const char kInternationalFeature[] = "\"international_key\": \"還是不要\""; ManifestHighlighter international_feature( kManifest, "international_key", std::string()); EXPECT_EQ(kInternationalFeature, international_feature.GetFeature()); } TEST(SouceHighlighterUnitTest, SourceHighlighterUnitTest) { const char kBasicSourceFile[] = "line one\nline two\nline three"; SourceHighlighter basic1(kBasicSourceFile, 1u); EXPECT_EQ("line one", basic1.GetFeature()); SourceHighlighter basic2(kBasicSourceFile, 2u); EXPECT_EQ("line two", basic2.GetFeature()); SourceHighlighter basic3(kBasicSourceFile, 3u); EXPECT_EQ("line three", basic3.GetFeature()); const char kNoNewlineSourceFile[] = "thisisonelonglinewithnobreaksinit"; SourceHighlighter full_line(kNoNewlineSourceFile, 1u); EXPECT_EQ(kNoNewlineSourceFile, full_line.GetFeature()); SourceHighlighter line_zero(kNoNewlineSourceFile, 0u); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), line_zero.GetFeature()); SourceHighlighter out_of_bounds(kNoNewlineSourceFile, 2u); EXPECT_EQ(std::string(), out_of_bounds.GetFeature()); } } // namespace extensions