/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "web/LinkHighlight.h" #include "SkMatrix44.h" #include "core/dom/Node.h" #include "core/frame/FrameView.h" #include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderLayer.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderLayerModelObject.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h" #include "core/rendering/RenderView.h" #include "core/rendering/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h" #include "core/rendering/style/ShadowData.h" #include "platform/graphics/Color.h" #include "public/platform/Platform.h" #include "public/platform/WebAnimationCurve.h" #include "public/platform/WebCompositorSupport.h" #include "public/platform/WebFloatAnimationCurve.h" #include "public/platform/WebFloatPoint.h" #include "public/platform/WebRect.h" #include "public/platform/WebSize.h" #include "public/web/WebKit.h" #include "web/WebLocalFrameImpl.h" #include "web/WebViewImpl.h" #include "wtf/CurrentTime.h" #include "wtf/Vector.h" using namespace WebCore; namespace blink { class WebViewImpl; PassOwnPtr LinkHighlight::create(Node* node, WebViewImpl* owningWebViewImpl) { return adoptPtr(new LinkHighlight(node, owningWebViewImpl)); } LinkHighlight::LinkHighlight(Node* node, WebViewImpl* owningWebViewImpl) : m_node(node) , m_owningWebViewImpl(owningWebViewImpl) , m_currentGraphicsLayer(0) , m_geometryNeedsUpdate(false) , m_isAnimating(false) , m_startTime(monotonicallyIncreasingTime()) { ASSERT(m_node); ASSERT(owningWebViewImpl); WebCompositorSupport* compositorSupport = Platform::current()->compositorSupport(); m_contentLayer = adoptPtr(compositorSupport->createContentLayer(this)); m_clipLayer = adoptPtr(compositorSupport->createLayer()); m_clipLayer->setAnchorPoint(WebFloatPoint()); m_clipLayer->addChild(m_contentLayer->layer()); m_contentLayer->layer()->setAnimationDelegate(this); m_contentLayer->layer()->setDrawsContent(true); m_contentLayer->layer()->setOpacity(1); m_geometryNeedsUpdate = true; updateGeometry(); } LinkHighlight::~LinkHighlight() { clearGraphicsLayerLinkHighlightPointer(); releaseResources(); } WebContentLayer* LinkHighlight::contentLayer() { return m_contentLayer.get(); } WebLayer* LinkHighlight::clipLayer() { return m_clipLayer.get(); } void LinkHighlight::releaseResources() { m_node.clear(); } RenderLayer* LinkHighlight::computeEnclosingCompositingLayer() { if (!m_node || !m_node->renderer()) return 0; // Find the nearest enclosing composited layer and attach to it. We may need to cross frame boundaries // to find a suitable layer. RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer(); RenderLayer* renderLayer; do { renderLayer = renderer->enclosingLayer()->enclosingCompositingLayerForRepaint(); if (!renderLayer) { renderer = renderer->frame()->ownerRenderer(); if (!renderer) return 0; } } while (!renderLayer); CompositedLayerMappingPtr compositedLayerMapping = renderLayer->compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking ? renderLayer->groupedMapping() : renderLayer->compositedLayerMapping(); GraphicsLayer* newGraphicsLayer = renderLayer->compositingState() == PaintsIntoGroupedBacking ? compositedLayerMapping->squashingLayer() : compositedLayerMapping->mainGraphicsLayer(); m_clipLayer->setTransform(SkMatrix44()); if (!newGraphicsLayer->drawsContent()) { if (renderLayer->scrollableArea() && renderLayer->scrollableArea()->usesCompositedScrolling()) { ASSERT(renderLayer->hasCompositedLayerMapping() && renderLayer->compositedLayerMapping()->scrollingContentsLayer()); newGraphicsLayer = compositedLayerMapping->scrollingContentsLayer(); } } if (m_currentGraphicsLayer != newGraphicsLayer) { if (m_currentGraphicsLayer) clearGraphicsLayerLinkHighlightPointer(); m_currentGraphicsLayer = newGraphicsLayer; m_currentGraphicsLayer->addLinkHighlight(this); } return renderLayer; } static void convertTargetSpaceQuadToCompositedLayer(const FloatQuad& targetSpaceQuad, RenderObject* targetRenderer, RenderObject* compositedRenderer, FloatQuad& compositedSpaceQuad) { ASSERT(targetRenderer); ASSERT(compositedRenderer); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { IntPoint point; switch (i) { case 0: point = roundedIntPoint(targetSpaceQuad.p1()); break; case 1: point = roundedIntPoint(targetSpaceQuad.p2()); break; case 2: point = roundedIntPoint(targetSpaceQuad.p3()); break; case 3: point = roundedIntPoint(targetSpaceQuad.p4()); break; } point = targetRenderer->frame()->view()->contentsToWindow(point); point = compositedRenderer->frame()->view()->windowToContents(point); FloatPoint floatPoint = compositedRenderer->absoluteToLocal(point, UseTransforms); switch (i) { case 0: compositedSpaceQuad.setP1(floatPoint); break; case 1: compositedSpaceQuad.setP2(floatPoint); break; case 2: compositedSpaceQuad.setP3(floatPoint); break; case 3: compositedSpaceQuad.setP4(floatPoint); break; } } } static void addQuadToPath(const FloatQuad& quad, Path& path) { // FIXME: Make this create rounded quad-paths, just like the axis-aligned case. path.moveTo(quad.p1()); path.addLineTo(quad.p2()); path.addLineTo(quad.p3()); path.addLineTo(quad.p4()); path.closeSubpath(); } void LinkHighlight::computeQuads(Node* node, Vector& outQuads) const { if (!node || !node->renderer()) return; RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer(); // For inline elements, absoluteQuads will return a line box based on the line-height // and font metrics, which is technically incorrect as replaced elements like images // should use their intristic height and expand the linebox as needed. To get an // appropriately sized highlight we descend into the children and have them add their // boxes. if (renderer->isRenderInline()) { for (Node* child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) computeQuads(child, outQuads); } else { renderer->absoluteQuads(outQuads); } } bool LinkHighlight::computeHighlightLayerPathAndPosition(RenderLayer* compositingLayer) { if (!m_node || !m_node->renderer() || !m_currentGraphicsLayer) return false; ASSERT(compositingLayer); // Get quads for node in absolute coordinates. Vector quads; computeQuads(m_node.get(), quads); ASSERT(quads.size()); // Adjust for offset between target graphics layer and the node's renderer. FloatPoint positionAdjust = IntPoint(m_currentGraphicsLayer->offsetFromRenderer()); Path newPath; for (size_t quadIndex = 0; quadIndex < quads.size(); ++quadIndex) { FloatQuad absoluteQuad = quads[quadIndex]; absoluteQuad.move(-positionAdjust.x(), -positionAdjust.y()); // Transform node quads in target absolute coords to local coordinates in the compositor layer. FloatQuad transformedQuad; convertTargetSpaceQuadToCompositedLayer(absoluteQuad, m_node->renderer(), compositingLayer->renderer(), transformedQuad); // FIXME: for now, we'll only use rounded paths if we have a single node quad. The reason for this is that // we may sometimes get a chain of adjacent boxes (e.g. for text nodes) which end up looking like sausage // links: these should ideally be merged into a single rect before creating the path, but that's // another CL. if (quads.size() == 1 && transformedQuad.isRectilinear()) { FloatSize rectRoundingRadii(3, 3); newPath.addRoundedRect(transformedQuad.boundingBox(), rectRoundingRadii); } else addQuadToPath(transformedQuad, newPath); } FloatRect boundingRect = newPath.boundingRect(); newPath.translate(-toFloatSize(boundingRect.location())); bool pathHasChanged = !(newPath == m_path); if (pathHasChanged) { m_path = newPath; m_contentLayer->layer()->setBounds(enclosingIntRect(boundingRect).size()); } m_contentLayer->layer()->setPosition(boundingRect.location()); return pathHasChanged; } void LinkHighlight::paintContents(WebCanvas* canvas, const WebRect& webClipRect, bool, WebFloatRect&) { if (!m_node || !m_node->renderer()) return; GraphicsContext gc(canvas); IntRect clipRect(IntPoint(webClipRect.x, webClipRect.y), IntSize(webClipRect.width, webClipRect.height)); gc.clip(clipRect); gc.setFillColor(m_node->renderer()->style()->tapHighlightColor()); gc.fillPath(m_path); } void LinkHighlight::startHighlightAnimationIfNeeded() { if (m_isAnimating) return; m_isAnimating = true; const float startOpacity = 1; // FIXME: Should duration be configurable? const float fadeDuration = 0.1f; const float minPreFadeDuration = 0.1f; m_contentLayer->layer()->setOpacity(startOpacity); WebCompositorSupport* compositorSupport = Platform::current()->compositorSupport(); OwnPtr curve = adoptPtr(compositorSupport->createFloatAnimationCurve()); curve->add(WebFloatKeyframe(0, startOpacity)); // Make sure we have displayed for at least minPreFadeDuration before starting to fade out. float extraDurationRequired = std::max(0.f, minPreFadeDuration - static_cast(monotonicallyIncreasingTime() - m_startTime)); if (extraDurationRequired) curve->add(WebFloatKeyframe(extraDurationRequired, startOpacity)); // For layout tests we don't fade out. curve->add(WebFloatKeyframe(fadeDuration + extraDurationRequired, blink::layoutTestMode() ? startOpacity : 0)); OwnPtr animation = adoptPtr(compositorSupport->createAnimation(*curve, WebAnimation::TargetPropertyOpacity)); m_contentLayer->layer()->setDrawsContent(true); m_contentLayer->layer()->addAnimation(animation.leakPtr()); invalidate(); m_owningWebViewImpl->scheduleAnimation(); } void LinkHighlight::clearGraphicsLayerLinkHighlightPointer() { if (m_currentGraphicsLayer) { m_currentGraphicsLayer->removeLinkHighlight(this); m_currentGraphicsLayer = 0; } } void LinkHighlight::notifyAnimationStarted(double, blink::WebAnimation::TargetProperty) { } void LinkHighlight::notifyAnimationFinished(double, blink::WebAnimation::TargetProperty) { // Since WebViewImpl may hang on to us for a while, make sure we // release resources as soon as possible. clearGraphicsLayerLinkHighlightPointer(); releaseResources(); } void LinkHighlight::updateGeometry() { // To avoid unnecessary updates (e.g. other entities have requested animations from our WebViewImpl), // only proceed if we actually requested an update. if (!m_geometryNeedsUpdate) return; m_geometryNeedsUpdate = false; RenderLayer* compositingLayer = computeEnclosingCompositingLayer(); if (compositingLayer && computeHighlightLayerPathAndPosition(compositingLayer)) { // We only need to invalidate the layer if the highlight size has changed, otherwise // we can just re-position the layer without needing to repaint. m_contentLayer->layer()->invalidate(); if (m_currentGraphicsLayer) m_currentGraphicsLayer->addRepaintRect(FloatRect(layer()->position().x, layer()->position().y, layer()->bounds().width, layer()->bounds().height)); } else if (!m_node || !m_node->renderer()) { clearGraphicsLayerLinkHighlightPointer(); releaseResources(); } } void LinkHighlight::clearCurrentGraphicsLayer() { m_currentGraphicsLayer = 0; m_geometryNeedsUpdate = true; } void LinkHighlight::invalidate() { // Make sure we update geometry on the next callback from WebViewImpl::layout(). m_geometryNeedsUpdate = true; } WebLayer* LinkHighlight::layer() { return clipLayer(); } } // namespace WeKit