/* * libjingle * Copyright 2013, Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "talk/app/webrtc/webrtcsessiondescriptionfactory.h" #include "talk/app/webrtc/jsep.h" #include "talk/app/webrtc/jsepsessiondescription.h" #include "talk/app/webrtc/mediaconstraintsinterface.h" #include "talk/app/webrtc/mediastreamsignaling.h" #include "talk/app/webrtc/webrtcsession.h" using cricket::MediaSessionOptions; namespace webrtc { namespace { static const char kFailedDueToIdentityFailed[] = " failed because DTLS identity request failed"; // Arbitrary constant used as common name for the identity. // Chosen to make the certificates more readable. static const char kWebRTCIdentityName[] = "WebRTC"; static const uint64 kInitSessionVersion = 2; static bool CompareStream(const MediaSessionOptions::Stream& stream1, const MediaSessionOptions::Stream& stream2) { return stream1.id < stream2.id; } static bool SameId(const MediaSessionOptions::Stream& stream1, const MediaSessionOptions::Stream& stream2) { return stream1.id == stream2.id; } // Checks if each Stream within the |streams| has unique id. static bool ValidStreams(const MediaSessionOptions::Streams& streams) { MediaSessionOptions::Streams sorted_streams = streams; std::sort(sorted_streams.begin(), sorted_streams.end(), CompareStream); MediaSessionOptions::Streams::iterator it = std::adjacent_find(sorted_streams.begin(), sorted_streams.end(), SameId); return it == sorted_streams.end(); } enum { MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_SUCCESS, MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_FAILED, MSG_GENERATE_IDENTITY, }; struct CreateSessionDescriptionMsg : public rtc::MessageData { explicit CreateSessionDescriptionMsg( webrtc::CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer) : observer(observer) { } rtc::scoped_refptr observer; std::string error; rtc::scoped_ptr description; }; } // namespace // static void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::CopyCandidatesFromSessionDescription( const SessionDescriptionInterface* source_desc, SessionDescriptionInterface* dest_desc) { if (!source_desc) return; for (size_t m = 0; m < source_desc->number_of_mediasections() && m < dest_desc->number_of_mediasections(); ++m) { const IceCandidateCollection* source_candidates = source_desc->candidates(m); const IceCandidateCollection* dest_candidates = dest_desc->candidates(m); for (size_t n = 0; n < source_candidates->count(); ++n) { const IceCandidateInterface* new_candidate = source_candidates->at(n); if (!dest_candidates->HasCandidate(new_candidate)) dest_desc->AddCandidate(source_candidates->at(n)); } } } WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory( rtc::Thread* signaling_thread, cricket::ChannelManager* channel_manager, MediaStreamSignaling* mediastream_signaling, DTLSIdentityServiceInterface* dtls_identity_service, WebRtcSession* session, const std::string& session_id, cricket::DataChannelType dct, bool dtls_enabled) : signaling_thread_(signaling_thread), mediastream_signaling_(mediastream_signaling), session_desc_factory_(channel_manager, &transport_desc_factory_), // RFC 4566 suggested a Network Time Protocol (NTP) format timestamp // as the session id and session version. To simplify, it should be fine // to just use a random number as session id and start version from // |kInitSessionVersion|. session_version_(kInitSessionVersion), identity_service_(dtls_identity_service), session_(session), session_id_(session_id), data_channel_type_(dct), identity_request_state_(IDENTITY_NOT_NEEDED) { transport_desc_factory_.set_protocol(cricket::ICEPROTO_HYBRID); session_desc_factory_.set_add_legacy_streams(false); // SRTP-SDES is disabled if DTLS is on. SetSdesPolicy(dtls_enabled ? cricket::SEC_DISABLED : cricket::SEC_REQUIRED); if (!dtls_enabled) { return; } if (identity_service_.get()) { identity_request_observer_ = new rtc::RefCountedObject(); identity_request_observer_->SignalRequestFailed.connect( this, &WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnIdentityRequestFailed); identity_request_observer_->SignalIdentityReady.connect( this, &WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnIdentityReady); if (identity_service_->RequestIdentity(kWebRTCIdentityName, kWebRTCIdentityName, identity_request_observer_)) { LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "DTLS-SRTP enabled; sent DTLS identity request."; identity_request_state_ = IDENTITY_WAITING; } else { LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Failed to send DTLS identity request."; identity_request_state_ = IDENTITY_FAILED; } } else { identity_request_state_ = IDENTITY_WAITING; // Do not generate the identity in the constructor since the caller has // not got a chance to connect to SignalIdentityReady. signaling_thread_->Post(this, MSG_GENERATE_IDENTITY, NULL); } } WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::~WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory() { transport_desc_factory_.set_identity(NULL); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::CreateOffer( CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer, const PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions& options) { cricket::MediaSessionOptions session_options; std::string error = "CreateOffer"; if (identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_FAILED) { error += kFailedDueToIdentityFailed; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (!mediastream_signaling_->GetOptionsForOffer(options, &session_options)) { error += " called with invalid options."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (!ValidStreams(session_options.streams)) { error += " called with invalid media streams."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (data_channel_type_ == cricket::DCT_SCTP && mediastream_signaling_->HasDataChannels()) { session_options.data_channel_type = cricket::DCT_SCTP; } CreateSessionDescriptionRequest request( CreateSessionDescriptionRequest::kOffer, observer, session_options); if (identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_WAITING) { create_session_description_requests_.push(request); } else { ASSERT(identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_SUCCEEDED || identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_NOT_NEEDED); InternalCreateOffer(request); } } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::CreateAnswer( CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer, const MediaConstraintsInterface* constraints) { std::string error = "CreateAnswer"; if (identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_FAILED) { error += kFailedDueToIdentityFailed; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (!session_->remote_description()) { error += " can't be called before SetRemoteDescription."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (session_->remote_description()->type() != JsepSessionDescription::kOffer) { error += " failed because remote_description is not an offer."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } cricket::MediaSessionOptions options; if (!mediastream_signaling_->GetOptionsForAnswer(constraints, &options)) { error += " called with invalid constraints."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } if (!ValidStreams(options.streams)) { error += " called with invalid media streams."; LOG(LS_ERROR) << error; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(observer, error); return; } // RTP data channel is handled in MediaSessionOptions::AddStream. SCTP streams // are not signaled in the SDP so does not go through that path and must be // handled here. if (data_channel_type_ == cricket::DCT_SCTP) { options.data_channel_type = cricket::DCT_SCTP; } CreateSessionDescriptionRequest request( CreateSessionDescriptionRequest::kAnswer, observer, options); if (identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_WAITING) { create_session_description_requests_.push(request); } else { ASSERT(identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_SUCCEEDED || identity_request_state_ == IDENTITY_NOT_NEEDED); InternalCreateAnswer(request); } } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::SetSdesPolicy( cricket::SecurePolicy secure_policy) { session_desc_factory_.set_secure(secure_policy); } cricket::SecurePolicy WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::SdesPolicy() const { return session_desc_factory_.secure(); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnMessage(rtc::Message* msg) { switch (msg->message_id) { case MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_SUCCESS: { CreateSessionDescriptionMsg* param = static_cast(msg->pdata); param->observer->OnSuccess(param->description.release()); delete param; break; } case MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_FAILED: { CreateSessionDescriptionMsg* param = static_cast(msg->pdata); param->observer->OnFailure(param->error); delete param; break; } case MSG_GENERATE_IDENTITY: { LOG(LS_INFO) << "Generating identity."; SetIdentity(rtc::SSLIdentity::Generate(kWebRTCIdentityName)); break; } default: ASSERT(false); break; } } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::InternalCreateOffer( CreateSessionDescriptionRequest request) { cricket::SessionDescription* desc( session_desc_factory_.CreateOffer( request.options, static_cast(session_)->local_description())); // RFC 3264 // When issuing an offer that modifies the session, // the "o=" line of the new SDP MUST be identical to that in the // previous SDP, except that the version in the origin field MUST // increment by one from the previous SDP. // Just increase the version number by one each time when a new offer // is created regardless if it's identical to the previous one or not. // The |session_version_| is a uint64, the wrap around should not happen. ASSERT(session_version_ + 1 > session_version_); JsepSessionDescription* offer(new JsepSessionDescription( JsepSessionDescription::kOffer)); if (!offer->Initialize(desc, session_id_, rtc::ToString(session_version_++))) { delete offer; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(request.observer, "Failed to initialize the offer."); return; } if (session_->local_description() && !request.options.transport_options.ice_restart) { // Include all local ice candidates in the SessionDescription unless // the an ice restart has been requested. CopyCandidatesFromSessionDescription(session_->local_description(), offer); } PostCreateSessionDescriptionSucceeded(request.observer, offer); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::InternalCreateAnswer( CreateSessionDescriptionRequest request) { // According to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245#section- // an answer should also contain new ice ufrag and password if an offer has // been received with new ufrag and password. request.options.transport_options.ice_restart = session_->IceRestartPending(); // We should pass current ssl role to the transport description factory, if // there is already an existing ongoing session. rtc::SSLRole ssl_role; if (session_->GetSslRole(&ssl_role)) { request.options.transport_options.prefer_passive_role = (rtc::SSL_SERVER == ssl_role); } cricket::SessionDescription* desc(session_desc_factory_.CreateAnswer( static_cast(session_)->remote_description(), request.options, static_cast(session_)->local_description())); // RFC 3264 // If the answer is different from the offer in any way (different IP // addresses, ports, etc.), the origin line MUST be different in the answer. // In that case, the version number in the "o=" line of the answer is // unrelated to the version number in the o line of the offer. // Get a new version number by increasing the |session_version_answer_|. // The |session_version_| is a uint64, the wrap around should not happen. ASSERT(session_version_ + 1 > session_version_); JsepSessionDescription* answer(new JsepSessionDescription( JsepSessionDescription::kAnswer)); if (!answer->Initialize(desc, session_id_, rtc::ToString(session_version_++))) { delete answer; PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed(request.observer, "Failed to initialize the answer."); return; } if (session_->local_description() && !request.options.transport_options.ice_restart) { // Include all local ice candidates in the SessionDescription unless // the remote peer has requested an ice restart. CopyCandidatesFromSessionDescription(session_->local_description(), answer); } session_->ResetIceRestartLatch(); PostCreateSessionDescriptionSucceeded(request.observer, answer); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed( CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer, const std::string& error) { CreateSessionDescriptionMsg* msg = new CreateSessionDescriptionMsg(observer); msg->error = error; signaling_thread_->Post(this, MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_FAILED, msg); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Create SDP failed: " << error; } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::PostCreateSessionDescriptionSucceeded( CreateSessionDescriptionObserver* observer, SessionDescriptionInterface* description) { CreateSessionDescriptionMsg* msg = new CreateSessionDescriptionMsg(observer); msg->description.reset(description); signaling_thread_->Post(this, MSG_CREATE_SESSIONDESCRIPTION_SUCCESS, msg); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnIdentityRequestFailed(int error) { ASSERT(signaling_thread_->IsCurrent()); LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Async identity request failed: error = " << error; identity_request_state_ = IDENTITY_FAILED; std::string msg = kFailedDueToIdentityFailed; while (!create_session_description_requests_.empty()) { const CreateSessionDescriptionRequest& request = create_session_description_requests_.front(); PostCreateSessionDescriptionFailed( request.observer, ((request.type == CreateSessionDescriptionRequest::kOffer) ? "CreateOffer" : "CreateAnswer") + msg); create_session_description_requests_.pop(); } } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::OnIdentityReady( const std::string& der_cert, const std::string& der_private_key) { ASSERT(signaling_thread_->IsCurrent()); LOG(LS_VERBOSE) << "Identity is successfully generated."; std::string pem_cert = rtc::SSLIdentity::DerToPem( rtc::kPemTypeCertificate, reinterpret_cast(der_cert.data()), der_cert.length()); std::string pem_key = rtc::SSLIdentity::DerToPem( rtc::kPemTypeRsaPrivateKey, reinterpret_cast(der_private_key.data()), der_private_key.length()); rtc::SSLIdentity* identity = rtc::SSLIdentity::FromPEMStrings(pem_key, pem_cert); SetIdentity(identity); } void WebRtcSessionDescriptionFactory::SetIdentity( rtc::SSLIdentity* identity) { identity_request_state_ = IDENTITY_SUCCEEDED; SignalIdentityReady(identity); transport_desc_factory_.set_identity(identity); transport_desc_factory_.set_secure(cricket::SEC_ENABLED); while (!create_session_description_requests_.empty()) { if (create_session_description_requests_.front().type == CreateSessionDescriptionRequest::kOffer) { InternalCreateOffer(create_session_description_requests_.front()); } else { InternalCreateAnswer(create_session_description_requests_.front()); } create_session_description_requests_.pop(); } } } // namespace webrtc