// libjingle // Copyright 2004 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO // EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; // OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR // OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF // ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #ifndef TALK_MEDIA_BASE_VIDEOENGINE_UNITTEST_H_ // NOLINT #define TALK_MEDIA_BASE_VIDEOENGINE_UNITTEST_H_ #include #include #include "talk/base/bytebuffer.h" #include "talk/base/gunit.h" #include "talk/base/timeutils.h" #include "talk/media/base/fakenetworkinterface.h" #include "talk/media/base/fakevideocapturer.h" #include "talk/media/base/fakevideorenderer.h" #include "talk/media/base/mediachannel.h" #include "talk/media/base/streamparams.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include // NOLINT #endif #define EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(c, w, h, t) \ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT((c), renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), (t)); \ EXPECT_EQ((w), renderer_.width()); \ EXPECT_EQ((h), renderer_.height()); \ EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.errors()); \ #define EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT(r, c, w, h, t) \ EXPECT_EQ_WAIT((c), (r).num_rendered_frames(), (t)); \ EXPECT_EQ((w), (r).width()); \ EXPECT_EQ((h), (r).height()); \ EXPECT_EQ(0, (r).errors()); \ #define EXPECT_GT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT(r, c, w, h, t) \ EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT((r).num_rendered_frames() >= (c) && \ (w) == (r).width() && \ (h) == (r).height(), (t)); \ EXPECT_EQ(0, (r).errors()); \ static const uint32 kTimeout = 5000U; static const uint32 kSsrc = 1234u; static const uint32 kRtxSsrc = 4321u; static const uint32 kSsrcs4[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; inline bool IsEqualRes(const cricket::VideoCodec& a, int w, int h, int fps) { return a.width == w && a.height == h && a.framerate == fps; } inline bool IsEqualCodec(const cricket::VideoCodec& a, const cricket::VideoCodec& b) { return a.id == b.id && a.name == b.name && IsEqualRes(a, b.width, b.height, b.framerate); } namespace std { inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const cricket::VideoCodec& c) { s << "{" << c.name << "(" << c.id << "), " << c.width << "x" << c.height << "x" << c.framerate << "}"; return s; } } // namespace std inline int TimeBetweenSend(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { return static_cast( cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate) / talk_base::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec); } // Fake video engine that makes it possible to test enabling and disabling // capturer (checking that the engine state is updated and that the capturer // is indeed capturing) without having to create a channel. It also makes it // possible to test that the media processors are indeed being called when // registered. template class VideoEngineOverride : public T { public: VideoEngineOverride() { } virtual ~VideoEngineOverride() { } bool is_camera_on() const { return T::GetVideoCapturer()->IsRunning(); } void set_has_senders(bool has_senders) { cricket::VideoCapturer* video_capturer = T::GetVideoCapturer(); if (has_senders) { video_capturer->SignalVideoFrame.connect(this, &VideoEngineOverride::OnLocalFrame); } else { video_capturer->SignalVideoFrame.disconnect(this); } } void OnLocalFrame(cricket::VideoCapturer*, const cricket::VideoFrame*) { } void OnLocalFrameFormat(cricket::VideoCapturer*, const cricket::VideoFormat*) { } void TriggerMediaFrame( uint32 ssrc, cricket::VideoFrame* frame, bool* drop_frame) { T::SignalMediaFrame(ssrc, frame, drop_frame); } }; // Macroes that declare test functions for a given test class, before and after // Init(). // To use, define a test function called FooBody and pass Foo to the macro. #define TEST_PRE_VIDEOENGINE_INIT(TestClass, func) \ TEST_F(TestClass, func##PreInit) { \ func##Body(); \ } #define TEST_POST_VIDEOENGINE_INIT(TestClass, func) \ TEST_F(TestClass, func##PostInit) { \ EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(talk_base::Thread::Current())); \ func##Body(); \ engine_.Terminate(); \ } template class VideoEngineTest : public testing::Test { protected: // Tests starting and stopping the engine, and creating a channel. void StartupShutdown() { EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(talk_base::Thread::Current())); cricket::VideoMediaChannel* channel = engine_.CreateChannel(NULL); EXPECT_TRUE(channel != NULL); delete channel; engine_.Terminate(); } #ifdef WIN32 // Tests that the COM reference count is not munged by the engine. // Test to make sure LMI does not munge the CoInitialize reference count. void CheckCoInitialize() { // Initial refcount should be 0. EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)); // Engine should start even with COM already inited. EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(talk_base::Thread::Current())); engine_.Terminate(); // Refcount after terminate should be 1; this tests if it is nonzero. EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)); // Decrement refcount to (hopefully) 0. CoUninitialize(); CoUninitialize(); // Ensure refcount is 0. EXPECT_EQ(S_OK, CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED)); CoUninitialize(); } #endif void ConstrainNewCodecBody() { cricket::VideoCodec empty, in, out; cricket::VideoCodec max_settings(engine_.codecs()[0].id, engine_.codecs()[0].name, 1280, 800, 30, 0); // set max settings of 1280x960x30 EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig( cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings))); // don't constrain the max resolution in = max_settings; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // constrain resolution greater than the max and wider aspect, // picking best aspect (16:10) in.width = 1380; in.height = 800; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect, // picking best aspect (16:9) in.width = 1280; in.height = 740; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (4:3) in.width = 1280; in.height = 960; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (16:10) in.width = 1280; in.height = 800; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30); // reduce max settings to 640x480x30 max_settings.width = 640; max_settings.height = 480; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig( cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings))); // don't constrain the max resolution in = max_settings; in.width = 640; in.height = 480; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // keep 16:10 if they request it in.height = 400; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // don't constrain lesser 4:3 resolutions in.width = 320; in.height = 240; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // don't constrain lesser 16:10 resolutions in.width = 320; in.height = 200; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds in.width = 0; in.height = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // constrain resolution lesser than the max and wider aspect, // picking best aspect (16:9) in.width = 350; in.height = 201; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 180, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect, // picking best aspect (4:3) in.width = 350; in.height = 300; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 240, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max and wider aspect, // picking best aspect (16:9) in.width = 1380; in.height = 800; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max and narrow aspect, // picking best aspect (4:3) in.width = 1280; in.height = 900; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 480, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (4:3) in.width = 1280; in.height = 960; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 480, 30); // constrain resolution greater than the max, picking equal aspect (16:10) in.width = 1280; in.height = 800; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); // constrain res & fps greater than the max in.framerate = 50; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); // reduce max settings to 160x100x10 max_settings.width = 160; max_settings.height = 100; max_settings.framerate = 10; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig( cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings))); // constrain res & fps to new max EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 160, 100, 10); // allow 4:3 "comparable" resolutions in.width = 160; in.height = 120; in.framerate = 10; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, empty, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 160, 120, 10); } void ConstrainRunningCodecBody() { cricket::VideoCodec in, out, current; cricket::VideoCodec max_settings(engine_.codecs()[0].id, engine_.codecs()[0].name, 1280, 800, 30, 0); // set max settings of 1280x960x30 EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig( cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings))); // establish current call at 1280x800x30 (16:10) current = max_settings; current.height = 800; // Don't constrain current resolution in = current; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds in.width = 0; in.height = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // Reduce an intermediate resolution down to the next lowest one, preserving // aspect ratio. in.width = 800; in.height = 600; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); // Clamping by aspect ratio, but still never return a dimension higher than // requested. in.width = 1280; in.height = 720; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30); in.width = 1279; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 960, 600, 30); in.width = 1281; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 720, 30); // Clamp large resolutions down, always preserving aspect in.width = 1920; in.height = 1080; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30); in.width = 1921; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30); in.width = 1919; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 1280, 800, 30); // reduce max settings to 640x480x30 max_settings.width = 640; max_settings.height = 480; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.SetDefaultEncoderConfig( cricket::VideoEncoderConfig(max_settings))); // establish current call at 640x400x30 (16:10) current = max_settings; current.height = 400; // Don't constrain current resolution in = current; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // requested resolution of 0x0 succeeds in.width = 0; in.height = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED2(IsEqualCodec, out, in); // Reduce an intermediate resolution down to the next lowest one, preserving // aspect ratio. in.width = 400; in.height = 300; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 320, 200, 30); // Clamping by aspect ratio, but still never return a dimension higher than // requested. in.width = 640; in.height = 360; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30); in.width = 639; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 480, 300, 30); in.width = 641; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 360, 30); // Clamp large resolutions down, always preserving aspect in.width = 1280; in.height = 800; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); in.width = 1281; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); in.width = 1279; EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); EXPECT_PRED4(IsEqualRes, out, 640, 400, 30); // Should fail for any that are smaller than our supported formats in.width = 80; in.height = 80; EXPECT_FALSE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); in.height = 50; EXPECT_FALSE(engine_.CanSendCodec(in, current, &out)); } VideoEngineOverride engine_; talk_base::scoped_ptr video_capturer_; }; template class VideoMediaChannelTest : public testing::Test, public sigslot::has_slots<> { protected: virtual cricket::VideoCodec DefaultCodec() = 0; virtual cricket::StreamParams DefaultSendStreamParams() { return cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc); } virtual void SetUp() { cricket::Device device("test", "device"); EXPECT_TRUE(engine_.Init(talk_base::Thread::Current())); channel_.reset(engine_.CreateChannel(NULL)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_.get() != NULL); ConnectVideoChannelError(); network_interface_.SetDestination(channel_.get()); channel_->SetInterface(&network_interface_); SetRendererAsDefault(); media_error_ = cricket::VideoMediaChannel::ERROR_NONE; channel_->SetRecvCodecs(engine_.codecs()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream(DefaultSendStreamParams())); video_capturer_.reset(new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); cricket::VideoFormat format(640, 480, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_->Start(format)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, video_capturer_.get())); } // Utility method to setup an additional stream to send and receive video. // Used to test send and recv between two streams. void SetUpSecondStream() { SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv(); // Setup recv for second stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2))); // Make the second renderer available for use by a new stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_)); } // Setup an additional stream just to send video. Defer add recv stream. // This is required if you want to test unsignalled recv of video rtp packets. void SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv() { // SetUp() already added kSsrc make sure duplicate SSRCs cant be added. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2))); // We dont add recv for the second stream. // Setup the receive and renderer for second stream after send. video_capturer_2_.reset(new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer()); cricket::VideoFormat format(640, 480, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_2_->Start(format)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc + 2, video_capturer_2_.get())); } virtual void TearDown() { channel_.reset(); engine_.Terminate(); } void ConnectVideoChannelError() { channel_->SignalMediaError.connect(this, &VideoMediaChannelTest::OnVideoChannelError); } bool SetDefaultCodec() { return SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec()); } void SetRendererAsDefault() { EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(0, &renderer_)); } bool SetOneCodec(int pt, const char* name, int w, int h, int fr) { return SetOneCodec(cricket::VideoCodec(pt, name, w, h, fr, 0)); } bool SetOneCodec(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { std::vector codecs; codecs.push_back(codec); cricket::VideoFormat capture_format(codec.width, codec.height, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate), cricket::FOURCC_I420); if (video_capturer_) { EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_->Start(capture_format)); } if (video_capturer_2_) { EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, video_capturer_2_->Start(capture_format)); } bool sending = channel_->sending(); bool success = SetSend(false); if (success) success = channel_->SetSendCodecs(codecs); if (success) success = SetSend(sending); return success; } bool SetSend(bool send) { return channel_->SetSend(send); } bool SetSendStreamFormat(uint32 ssrc, const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { return channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(ssrc, cricket::VideoFormat( codec.width, codec.height, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate), cricket::FOURCC_ANY)); } int DrainOutgoingPackets() { int packets = 0; do { packets = NumRtpPackets(); // 100 ms should be long enough. talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100); } while (NumRtpPackets() > packets); return NumRtpPackets(); } bool SendFrame() { if (video_capturer_2_) { video_capturer_2_->CaptureFrame(); } return video_capturer_.get() && video_capturer_->CaptureFrame(); } bool WaitAndSendFrame(int wait_ms) { bool ret = talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(wait_ms); ret &= SendFrame(); return ret; } // Sends frames and waits for the decoder to be fully initialized. // Returns the number of frames that were sent. int WaitForDecoder() { #if defined(HAVE_OPENMAX) // Send enough frames for the OpenMAX decoder to continue processing, and // return the number of frames sent. // Send frames for a full kTimeout's worth of 15fps video. int frame_count = 0; while (frame_count < static_cast(kTimeout) / 66) { EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(66)); ++frame_count; } return frame_count; #else return 0; #endif } bool SendCustomVideoFrame(int w, int h) { if (!video_capturer_.get()) return false; return video_capturer_->CaptureCustomFrame(w, h, cricket::FOURCC_I420); } int NumRtpBytes() { return network_interface_.NumRtpBytes(); } int NumRtpBytes(uint32 ssrc) { return network_interface_.NumRtpBytes(ssrc); } int NumRtpPackets() { return network_interface_.NumRtpPackets(); } int NumRtpPackets(uint32 ssrc) { return network_interface_.NumRtpPackets(ssrc); } int NumSentSsrcs() { return network_interface_.NumSentSsrcs(); } const talk_base::Buffer* GetRtpPacket(int index) { return network_interface_.GetRtpPacket(index); } int NumRtcpPackets() { return network_interface_.NumRtcpPackets(); } const talk_base::Buffer* GetRtcpPacket(int index) { return network_interface_.GetRtcpPacket(index); } static int GetPayloadType(const talk_base::Buffer* p) { int pt = -1; ParseRtpPacket(p, NULL, &pt, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return pt; } static bool ParseRtpPacket(const talk_base::Buffer* p, bool* x, int* pt, int* seqnum, uint32* tstamp, uint32* ssrc, std::string* payload) { talk_base::ByteBuffer buf(p->data(), p->length()); uint8 u08 = 0; uint16 u16 = 0; uint32 u32 = 0; // Read X and CC fields. if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&u08)) return false; bool extension = ((u08 & 0x10) != 0); uint8 cc = (u08 & 0x0F); if (x) *x = extension; // Read PT field. if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&u08)) return false; if (pt) *pt = (u08 & 0x7F); // Read Sequence Number field. if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false; if (seqnum) *seqnum = u16; // Read Timestamp field. if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false; if (tstamp) *tstamp = u32; // Read SSRC field. if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false; if (ssrc) *ssrc = u32; // Skip CSRCs. for (uint8 i = 0; i < cc; ++i) { if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false; } // Skip extension header. if (extension) { // Read Profile-specific extension header ID if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false; // Read Extension header length if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&u16)) return false; uint16 ext_header_len = u16; // Read Extension header for (uint16 i = 0; i < ext_header_len; ++i) { if (!buf.ReadUInt32(&u32)) return false; } } if (payload) { return buf.ReadString(payload, buf.Length()); } return true; } // Parse all RTCP packet, from start_index to stop_index, and count how many // FIR (PT=206 and FMT=4 according to RFC 5104). If successful, set the count // and return true. bool CountRtcpFir(int start_index, int stop_index, int* fir_count) { int count = 0; for (int i = start_index; i < stop_index; ++i) { talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtcpPacket(i)); talk_base::ByteBuffer buf(p->data(), p->length()); size_t total_len = 0; // The packet may be a compound RTCP packet. while (total_len < p->length()) { // Read FMT, type and length. uint8 fmt = 0; uint8 type = 0; uint16 length = 0; if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&fmt)) return false; fmt &= 0x1F; if (!buf.ReadUInt8(&type)) return false; if (!buf.ReadUInt16(&length)) return false; buf.Consume(length * 4); // Skip RTCP data. total_len += (length + 1) * 4; if ((192 == type) || ((206 == type) && (4 == fmt))) { ++count; } } } if (fir_count) { *fir_count = count; } return true; } void OnVideoChannelError(uint32 ssrc, cricket::VideoMediaChannel::Error error) { media_error_ = error; } // Test that SetSend works. void SetSend() { EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, video_capturer_.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->sending()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(false)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending()); } // Test that SetSend fails without codecs being set. void SetSendWithoutCodecs() { EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending()); EXPECT_FALSE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->sending()); } // Test that we properly set the send and recv buffer sizes by the time // SetSend is called. void SetSendSetsTransportBufferSizes() { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); // TODO(sriniv): Remove or re-enable this. // As part of b/8030474, send-buffer is size now controlled through // portallocator flags. Its not set by channels. // EXPECT_EQ(64 * 1024, network_interface_.sendbuf_size()); EXPECT_EQ(64 * 1024, network_interface_.recvbuf_size()); } // Tests that we can send frames and the right payload type is used. void Send(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); } // Tests that we can send and receive frames. void SendAndReceive(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); } // Tests that we only get a VideoRenderer::SetSize() callback when needed. void SendManyResizeOnce() { cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer_.num_set_sizes()); codec.width /= 2; codec.height /= 2; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(3, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ(2, renderer_.num_set_sizes()); } void SendReceiveManyAndGetStats(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec, int duration_sec, int fps) { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); for (int i = 0; i < duration_sec; ++i) { for (int frame = 1; frame <= fps; ++frame) { EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(1000 / fps)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame + i * fps, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); } cricket::VideoMediaInfo info; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info)); // For webrtc, |framerate_sent| and |framerate_rcvd| depend on periodic // callbacks (1 sec). // Received |fraction_lost| and |packets_lost| are from sent RTCP packet. // One sent packet needed (sent about once per second). // |framerate_input|, |framerate_decoded| and |framerate_output| are using // RateTracker. RateTracker needs to be called twice (with >1 second in // b/w calls) before a framerate is calculated. // Therefore insert frames (and call GetStats each sec) for a few seconds // before testing stats. } talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); } // Test that stats work properly for a 1-1 call. void GetStats() { const int kDurationSec = 3; const int kFps = 10; SendReceiveManyAndGetStats(DefaultCodec(), kDurationSec, kFps); cricket::VideoMediaInfo info; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info)); ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.senders.size()); // TODO(whyuan): bytes_sent and bytes_rcvd are different. Are both payload? // For webrtc, bytes_sent does not include the RTP header length. EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].bytes_sent, 0); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.senders[0].packets_sent); EXPECT_EQ(0.0, info.senders[0].fraction_lost); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].firs_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].plis_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.senders[0].nacks_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height); EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].framerate_input, 0); EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].framerate_sent, 0); ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.receivers.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[0].ssrcs().size()); EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.receivers[0].ssrcs().size()); EXPECT_EQ(info.senders[0].ssrcs()[0], info.receivers[0].ssrcs()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), info.receivers[0].bytes_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.receivers[0].packets_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(0.0, info.receivers[0].fraction_lost); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].packets_lost); // TODO(asapersson): Not set for webrtc. Handle missing stats. // EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].packets_concealed); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].firs_sent); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].plis_sent); EXPECT_EQ(0, info.receivers[0].nacks_sent); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.receivers[0].frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.receivers[0].frame_height); EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_rcvd, 0); EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_decoded, 0); EXPECT_GT(info.receivers[0].framerate_output, 0); } // Test that stats work properly for a conf call with multiple recv streams. void GetStatsMultipleRecvStreams() { cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer1.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2.num_rendered_frames()); std::vector ssrcs; ssrcs.push_back(1); ssrcs.push_back(2); network_interface_.SetConferenceMode(true, ssrcs); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer2, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); cricket::VideoMediaInfo info; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info)); ASSERT_EQ(1U, info.senders.size()); // TODO(whyuan): bytes_sent and bytes_rcvd are different. Are both payload? // For webrtc, bytes_sent does not include the RTP header length. EXPECT_GT(info.senders[0].bytes_sent, 0); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.senders[0].packets_sent); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height); ASSERT_EQ(2U, info.receivers.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < info.receivers.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.receivers[i].ssrcs().size()); EXPECT_EQ(i + 1, info.receivers[i].ssrcs()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), info.receivers[i].bytes_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.receivers[i].packets_rcvd); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.receivers[i].frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.receivers[i].frame_height); } } // Test that stats work properly for a conf call with multiple send streams. void GetStatsMultipleSendStreams() { // Normal setup; note that we set the SSRC explicitly to ensure that // it will come first in the senders map. EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1234))); channel_->UpdateAspectRatio(640, 400); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); // Add an additional capturer, and hook up a renderer to receive it. cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1; talk_base::scoped_ptr capturer( new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); capturer->SetScreencast(true); const int kTestWidth = 160; const int kTestHeight = 120; cricket::VideoFormat format(kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(5), cricket::FOURCC_I420); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(format)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(5678))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(5678, capturer.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(5678))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(5678, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame( kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout); // Get stats, and make sure they are correct for two senders. cricket::VideoMediaInfo info; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetStats(cricket::StatsOptions(), &info)); ASSERT_EQ(2U, info.senders.size()); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), info.senders[0].packets_sent + info.senders[1].packets_sent); EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[0].ssrcs().size()); EXPECT_EQ(1234U, info.senders[0].ssrcs()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, info.senders[0].send_frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, info.senders[0].send_frame_height); EXPECT_EQ(1U, info.senders[1].ssrcs().size()); EXPECT_EQ(5678U, info.senders[1].ssrcs()[0]); EXPECT_EQ(kTestWidth, info.senders[1].send_frame_width); EXPECT_EQ(kTestHeight, info.senders[1].send_frame_height); // The capturer must be unregistered here as it runs out of it's scope next. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(5678, NULL)); } // Test that we can set the bandwidth. void SetSendBandwidth() { EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetStartSendBandwidth(64 * 1024)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetMaxSendBandwidth(-1)); // <= 0 means unlimited. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetMaxSendBandwidth(128 * 1024)); } // Test that we can set the SSRC for the default send source. void SetSendSsrc() { EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout); uint32 ssrc = 0; talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, ssrc); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), NumRtpPackets(ssrc)); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), NumRtpBytes(ssrc)); EXPECT_EQ(1, NumSentSsrcs()); EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpPackets(kSsrc - 1)); EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpBytes(kSsrc - 1)); } // Test that we can set the SSRC even after codecs are set. void SetSendSsrcAfterSetCodecs() { // Remove stream added in Setup. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(999))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(999u, video_capturer_.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(999u, DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0)); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > 0, kTimeout); uint32 ssrc = 0; talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(999u, ssrc); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpPackets(), NumRtpPackets(ssrc)); EXPECT_EQ(NumRtpBytes(), NumRtpBytes(ssrc)); EXPECT_EQ(1, NumSentSsrcs()); EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpPackets(kSsrc)); EXPECT_EQ(0, NumRtpBytes(kSsrc)); } // Test that we can set the default video renderer before and after // media is received. void SetRenderer() { uint8 data1[] = { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; talk_base::Buffer packet1(data1, sizeof(data1)); talk_base::SetBE32(packet1.data() + 8, kSsrc); channel_->SetRenderer(0, NULL); EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); channel_->OnPacketReceived(&packet1, talk_base::PacketTime()); SetRendererAsDefault(); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); } // Tests empty StreamParams is rejected. void RejectEmptyStreamParams() { // Remove the send stream that was added during Setup. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); cricket::StreamParams empty; EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream(empty)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(789u))); } // Tests setting up and configuring a send stream. void AddRemoveSendStreams() { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); EXPECT_GE(2, NumRtpPackets()); uint32 ssrc = 0; size_t last_packet = NumRtpPackets() - 1; talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(static_cast(last_packet))); ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, ssrc); // Remove the send stream that was added during Setup. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); int rtp_packets = NumRtpPackets(); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(789u))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(789u, video_capturer_.get())); EXPECT_EQ(rtp_packets, NumRtpPackets()); // Wait 30ms to guarantee the engine does not drop the frame. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(NumRtpPackets() > rtp_packets, kTimeout); last_packet = NumRtpPackets() - 1; p.reset(GetRtpPacket(static_cast(last_packet))); ParseRtpPacket(p.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ssrc, NULL); EXPECT_EQ(789u, ssrc); } // Tests adding streams already exists returns false. void AddRecvStreamsAlreadyExist() { cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(0))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(0))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); } // Tests setting up and configuring multiple incoming streams. void AddRemoveRecvStreams() { cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2; cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); // Ensure we can't set the renderer on a non-existent stream. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); cricket::VideoRenderer* renderer; EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); // Ensure we can add streams. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); // Verify the first AddRecvStream hook up to the default renderer. EXPECT_EQ(&renderer_, renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == renderer); // Ensure we can now set the renderers. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer); // Ensure we can change the renderers if needed. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); } // Tests setting up and configuring multiple incoming streams in a // non-conference call. void AddRemoveRecvStreamsNoConference() { cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2; // Ensure we can't set the renderer on a non-existent stream. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); cricket::VideoRenderer* renderer; EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); // Ensure we can add streams. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); // Verify the first AddRecvStream hook up to the default renderer. EXPECT_EQ(&renderer_, renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == renderer); // Ensure we can now set the renderers. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer); // Ensure we can change the renderers if needed. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer2 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(&renderer1 == renderer); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(1, &renderer)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->GetRenderer(2, &renderer)); } // Test that no frames are rendered after the receive stream have been // removed. void AddRemoveRecvStreamAndRender() { cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1; EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc)); // Send three more frames. This is to avoid that the test might be flaky // due to frame dropping. for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(100)); // Test that no more frames have been rendered. EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer1.num_rendered_frames()); // Re-add the stream again and make sure it renders. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); // Force the next frame to be a key frame to make the receiving // decoder happy. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SendIntraFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); // Because the default channel is used, RemoveRecvStream above is not going // to delete the channel. As a result the engine will continue to receive // and decode the 3 frames sent above. So it is possible we will receive // some (e.g. 1) of these 3 frames after the renderer is set again. EXPECT_GT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 2, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); // Detach |renderer1| before exit as there might be frames come late. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, NULL)); } // Tests the behavior of incoming streams in a conference scenario. void SimulateConference() { cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1, renderer2; EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer1.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2.num_rendered_frames()); std::vector ssrcs; ssrcs.push_back(1); ssrcs.push_back(2); network_interface_.SetConferenceMode(true, ssrcs); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer2, 1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, renderer1.width()); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, renderer1.height()); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().width, renderer2.width()); EXPECT_EQ(DefaultCodec().height, renderer2.height()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(1)); } // Tests that we can add and remove capturers and frames are sent out properly void AddRemoveCapturer() { cricket::VideoCodec codec = DefaultCodec(); codec.width = 320; codec.height = 240; const int time_between_send = TimeBetweenSend(codec); EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr capturer( new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); capturer->SetScreencast(true); cricket::VideoFormat format(480, 360, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(format)); // All capturers start generating frames with the same timestamp. ViE does // not allow the same timestamp to be used. Capture one frame before // associating the capturer with the channel. EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); int captured_frames = 1; for (int iterations = 0; iterations < 2; ++iterations) { EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, capturer.get())); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(time_between_send); EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); ++captured_frames; // Wait until frame of right size is captured. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= captured_frames && format.width == renderer_.width() && format.height == renderer_.height() && !renderer_.black_frame(), kTimeout); EXPECT_GE(renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), captured_frames); EXPECT_EQ(format.width, renderer_.width()); EXPECT_EQ(format.height, renderer_.height()); captured_frames = renderer_.num_rendered_frames() + 1; EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); // Make sure a black frame is generated within the specified timeout. // The black frame should be the resolution of the send codec. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= captured_frames && codec.width == renderer_.width() && codec.height == renderer_.height() && renderer_.black_frame(), kTimeout); EXPECT_GE(renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), captured_frames); EXPECT_EQ(codec.width, renderer_.width()); EXPECT_EQ(codec.height, renderer_.height()); EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame()); // The black frame has the same timestamp as the next frame since it's // timestamp is set to the last frame's timestamp + interval. WebRTC will // not render a frame with the same timestamp so capture another frame // with the frame capturer to increment the next frame's timestamp. EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(format.width, format.height, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); } } // Tests that if RemoveCapturer is called without a capturer ever being // added, the plugin shouldn't crash (and no black frame should be sent). void RemoveCapturerWithoutAdd() { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, 640, 400, kTimeout); // Remove the capturer. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); // Wait for one black frame for removing the capturer. EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, 640, 400, kTimeout); // No capturer was added, so this RemoveCapturer should // fail. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(300); // Verify no more frames were sent. EXPECT_EQ(2, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Tests that we can add and remove capturer as unique sources. void AddRemoveCapturerMultipleSources() { // WebRTC implementation will drop frames if pushed to quickly. Wait the // interval time to avoid that. // WebRTC implementation will drop frames if pushed to quickly. Wait the // interval time to avoid that. // Set up the stream associated with the engine. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer_)); cricket::VideoFormat capture_format; // default format capture_format.interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30); // Set up additional stream 1. cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer1; EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(1, &renderer1)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(1))); talk_base::scoped_ptr capturer1( new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); capturer1->SetScreencast(true); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer1->Start(capture_format)); // Set up additional stream 2. cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer2; EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(2, &renderer2)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(2))); talk_base::scoped_ptr capturer2( new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); capturer2->SetScreencast(true); EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer2->Start(capture_format)); // State for all the streams. EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); // A limitation in the lmi implementation requires that SetCapturer() is // called after SetOneCodec(). // TODO(hellner): this seems like an unnecessary constraint, fix it. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(1, capturer1.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(2, capturer2.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); // Test capturer associated with engine. const int kTestWidth = 160; const int kTestHeight = 120; EXPECT_TRUE(capturer1->CaptureCustomFrame( kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer1, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout); // Capture a frame with additional capturer2, frames should be received EXPECT_TRUE(capturer2->CaptureCustomFrame( kTestWidth, kTestHeight, cricket::FOURCC_I420)); EXPECT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer2, 1, kTestWidth, kTestHeight, kTimeout); // Successfully remove the capturer. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); // Fail to re-remove the capturer. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); // The capturers must be unregistered here as it runs out of it's scope // next. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(1, NULL)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(2, NULL)); } void HighAspectHighHeightCapturer() { const int kWidth = 80; const int kHeight = 10000; const int kScaledWidth = 20; const int kScaledHeight = 2500; cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc, &renderer)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_GT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer, 1, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); // Registering an external capturer is currently the same as screen casting // (update the test when this changes). talk_base::scoped_ptr capturer( new cricket::FakeVideoCapturer); capturer->SetScreencast(true); const std::vector* formats = capturer->GetSupportedFormats(); cricket::VideoFormat capture_format = (*formats)[0]; EXPECT_EQ(cricket::CS_RUNNING, capturer->Start(capture_format)); // Capture frame to not get same frame timestamps as previous capturer. capturer->CaptureFrame(); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, capturer.get())); EXPECT_TRUE(talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30)); EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureCustomFrame(kWidth, kHeight, cricket::FOURCC_ARGB)); EXPECT_TRUE(capturer->CaptureFrame()); EXPECT_GT_FRAME_ON_RENDERER_WAIT( renderer, 2, kScaledWidth, kScaledHeight, kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); } // Tests that we can adapt video resolution with 16:10 aspect ratio properly. void AdaptResolution16x10() { cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); codec.width = 640; codec.height = 400; SendAndReceive(codec); codec.width /= 2; codec.height /= 2; // Adapt the resolution. EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); } // Tests that we can adapt video resolution with 4:3 aspect ratio properly. void AdaptResolution4x3() { cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); codec.width = 640; codec.height = 400; SendAndReceive(codec); codec.width /= 2; codec.height /= 2; // Adapt the resolution. EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(2, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); } // Tests that we can drop all frames properly. void AdaptDropAllFrames() { // Set the channel codec's resolution to 0, which will require the adapter // to drop all frames. cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); codec.width = codec.height = codec.framerate = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Tests that we can reduce the frame rate on demand properly. // TODO(fbarchard): This test is flakey on pulse. Fix and re-enable void AdaptFramerate() { cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); int frame_count = 0; // The capturer runs at 30 fps. The channel requires 30 fps. EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0)); // Should be rendered. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be rendered. frame_count += 2; EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); talk_base::scoped_ptr p(GetRtpPacket(0)); EXPECT_EQ(codec.id, GetPayloadType(p.get())); // The channel requires 15 fps. codec.framerate = 15; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0)); // Should be rendered. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be rendered. frame_count += 2; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); // The channel requires 10 fps. codec.framerate = 10; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0)); // Should be rendered. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be rendered. frame_count += 2; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); // The channel requires 8 fps. The adapter adapts to 10 fps, which is the // closest factor of 30. codec.framerate = 8; EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(codec)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(0)); // Should be rendered. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be rendered. frame_count += 2; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); } // Tests that we can set the send stream format properly. void SetSendStreamFormat() { cricket::VideoCodec codec(DefaultCodec()); SendAndReceive(codec); int frame_count = 1; EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, codec.width, codec.height, kTimeout); // Adapt the resolution and frame rate to half. cricket::VideoFormat format( codec.width / 2, codec.height / 2, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(codec.framerate / 2), cricket::FOURCC_I420); // The SSRC differs from the send SSRC. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc - 1, format)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format)); EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be rendered. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame(30)); // Should be dropped. frame_count += 1; EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(frame_count, format.width, format.height, kTimeout); // Adapt the resolution to 0x0, which should drop all frames. format.width = 0; format.height = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format)); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500); EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Test that setting send stream format to 0x0 resolution will result in // frames being dropped. void SetSendStreamFormat0x0() { EXPECT_TRUE(SetOneCodec(DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, DefaultCodec())); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); // This frame should be received. EXPECT_TRUE(SendFrame()); EXPECT_FRAME_WAIT(1, DefaultCodec().width, DefaultCodec().height, kTimeout); const int64 interval = cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval( DefaultCodec().framerate); cricket::VideoFormat format( 0, 0, interval, cricket::FOURCC_I420); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetSendStreamFormat(kSsrc, format)); // This frame should not be received. EXPECT_TRUE(WaitAndSendFrame( static_cast(interval/talk_base::kNumNanosecsPerMillisec))); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(500); EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Tests that we can mute and unmute the channel properly. void MuteStream() { int frame_count = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(SetDefaultCodec()); cricket::FakeVideoCapturer video_capturer; video_capturer.Start( cricket::VideoFormat( 640, 480, cricket::VideoFormat::FpsToInterval(30), cricket::FOURCC_I420)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, &video_capturer)); EXPECT_TRUE(SetSend(true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); EXPECT_EQ(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames()); // Mute the channel and expect black output frame. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame()); ++frame_count; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame()); // Unmute the channel and expect non-black output frame. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false)); EXPECT_TRUE(talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30)); EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame()); ++frame_count; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame()); // Test that we can also Mute using the correct send stream SSRC. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30)); EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame()); ++frame_count; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_TRUE(renderer_.black_frame()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc, false)); EXPECT_TRUE(talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(30)); EXPECT_TRUE(video_capturer.CaptureFrame()); ++frame_count; EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(frame_count, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_FALSE(renderer_.black_frame()); // Test that muting an invalid stream fails. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->MuteStream(kSsrc+1, true)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(kSsrc, NULL)); } // Test that multiple send streams can be created and deleted properly. void MultipleSendStreams() { // Remove stream added in Setup. I.e. remove stream corresponding to default // channel. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); const unsigned int kSsrcsSize = sizeof(kSsrcs4)/sizeof(kSsrcs4[0]); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kSsrcsSize; ++i) { EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrcs4[i]))); } // Delete one of the non default channel streams, let the destructor delete // the remaining ones. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrcs4[kSsrcsSize - 1])); // Stream should already be deleted. EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrcs4[kSsrcsSize - 1])); } // Two streams one channel tests. // Tests that we can send and receive frames. void TwoStreamsSendAndReceive(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { SetUpSecondStream(); // Test sending and receiving on first stream. SendAndReceive(codec); // Test sending and receiving on second stream. EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ(2, NumRtpPackets()); EXPECT_EQ(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Set up 2 streams where the first stream uses the default channel. // Then disconnect the first stream and verify default channel becomes // available. // Then add a new stream with |new_ssrc|. The new stream should re-use the // default channel. void TwoStreamsReUseFirstStream(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { SetUpSecondStream(); // Default channel used by the first stream. EXPECT_EQ(kSsrc, channel_->GetDefaultChannelSsrc()); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc)); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(kSsrc)); // Default channel is no longer used by a stream. EXPECT_EQ(0u, channel_->GetDefaultChannelSsrc()); SetRendererAsDefault(); uint32 new_ssrc = kSsrc + 100; EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc))); // Re-use default channel. EXPECT_EQ(new_ssrc, channel_->GetDefaultChannelSsrc()); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddSendStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc))); EXPECT_FALSE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(new_ssrc))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetCapturer(new_ssrc, video_capturer_.get())); SendAndReceive(codec); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveSendStream(new_ssrc)); EXPECT_EQ(0u, channel_->GetDefaultChannelSsrc()); } // Tests that we can send and receive frames with early receive. void TwoStreamsSendAndUnsignalledRecv(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv(); // Test sending and receiving on first stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); Send(codec); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); // The first send is not expected to yield frames, because the ssrc // is not signalled yet. With unsignalled recv enabled, we will drop frames // instead of packets. EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames()); // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver. talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100); // Test sending and receiving on second stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_)); SendFrame(); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ(4, NumRtpPackets()); // The second send is expected to yield frame as the ssrc is signalled now. // Decode should succeed here, though we received the key frame earlier. // Without early recv, we would have dropped it and decoding would have // failed. EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); } // Tests that we cannot receive key frames with unsignalled recv disabled. void TwoStreamsSendAndFailUnsignalledRecv(const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(0); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv(); // Test sending and receiving on first stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); Send(codec); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver. talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(10); // Test sending and receiving on second stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_)); SendFrame(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(4, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); // We dont expect any frames here, because the key frame would have been // lost in the earlier packet. This is the case we want to solve with early // receive. EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Tests that we drop key frames when conference mode is disabled and we // receive rtp packets on unsignalled streams. void TwoStreamsSendAndFailUnsignalledRecvInOneToOne( const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(false); vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv(); // Test sending and receiving on first stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); Send(codec); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); // In one-to-one mode, we deliver frames to the default channel if there // is no registered recv channel for the ssrc. EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout); // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver. talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100); // Test sending and receiving on second stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->AddRecvStream( cricket::StreamParams::CreateLegacy(kSsrc + 2))); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRenderer(kSsrc + 2, &renderer2_)); SendFrame(); EXPECT_TRUE_WAIT(renderer_.num_rendered_frames() >= 1, kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(4, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); // We dont expect any frames here, because the key frame would have been // delivered to default channel. EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames()); } // Tests that we drop key frames when conference mode is enabled and we // receive rtp packets on unsignalled streams. Removal of a unsignalled recv // stream is successful. void TwoStreamsAddAndRemoveUnsignalledRecv( const cricket::VideoCodec& codec) { cricket::VideoOptions vmo; vmo.conference_mode.Set(true); vmo.unsignalled_recv_stream_limit.Set(1); EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetOptions(vmo)); SetUpSecondStreamWithNoRecv(); // Sending and receiving on first stream. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->SetRender(true)); Send(codec); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(2, NumRtpPackets(), kTimeout); EXPECT_EQ_WAIT(1, renderer_.num_rendered_frames(), kTimeout); // The first send is not expected to yield frames, because the ssrc // is no signalled yet. With unsignalled recv enabled, we will drop frames // instead of packets. EXPECT_EQ(0, renderer2_.num_rendered_frames()); // Give a chance for the decoder to process before adding the receiver. talk_base::Thread::Current()->ProcessMessages(100); // Ensure that we can remove the unsignalled recv stream that was created // when the first video packet with unsignalled recv ssrc is received. EXPECT_TRUE(channel_->RemoveRecvStream(kSsrc + 2)); } VideoEngineOverride engine_; talk_base::scoped_ptr video_capturer_; talk_base::scoped_ptr video_capturer_2_; talk_base::scoped_ptr channel_; cricket::FakeNetworkInterface network_interface_; cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer_; cricket::VideoMediaChannel::Error media_error_; // Used by test cases where 2 streams are run on the same channel. cricket::FakeVideoRenderer renderer2_; }; #endif // TALK_MEDIA_BASE_VIDEOENGINE_UNITTEST_H_ NOLINT