/* * libjingle * Copyright 2004 Google Inc. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TALK_MEDIA_WEBRTCVOICEENGINE_H_ #define TALK_MEDIA_WEBRTCVOICEENGINE_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "talk/media/base/rtputils.h" #include "talk/media/webrtc/webrtccommon.h" #include "talk/media/webrtc/webrtcexport.h" #include "talk/media/webrtc/webrtcvoe.h" #include "talk/session/media/channel.h" #include "webrtc/base/buffer.h" #include "webrtc/base/byteorder.h" #include "webrtc/base/logging.h" #include "webrtc/base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "webrtc/base/stream.h" #include "webrtc/common.h" #if !defined(LIBPEERCONNECTION_LIB) && \ !defined(LIBPEERCONNECTION_IMPLEMENTATION) // If you hit this, then you've tried to include this header from outside // the shared library. An instance of this class must only be created from // within the library that actually implements it. Otherwise use the // WebRtcMediaEngine to construct an instance. #error "Bogus include." #endif namespace webrtc { class VideoEngine; } namespace cricket { // WebRtcSoundclipStream is an adapter object that allows a memory stream to be // passed into WebRtc, and support looping. class WebRtcSoundclipStream : public webrtc::InStream { public: WebRtcSoundclipStream(const char* buf, size_t len) : mem_(buf, len), loop_(true) { } void set_loop(bool loop) { loop_ = loop; } virtual int Read(void* buf, int len) OVERRIDE; virtual int Rewind() OVERRIDE; private: rtc::MemoryStream mem_; bool loop_; }; // WebRtcMonitorStream is used to monitor a stream coming from WebRtc. // For now we just dump the data. class WebRtcMonitorStream : public webrtc::OutStream { virtual bool Write(const void *buf, int len) OVERRIDE { return true; } }; class AudioDeviceModule; class AudioRenderer; class VoETraceWrapper; class VoEWrapper; class VoiceProcessor; class WebRtcSoundclipMedia; class WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel; // WebRtcVoiceEngine is a class to be used with CompositeMediaEngine. // It uses the WebRtc VoiceEngine library for audio handling. class WebRtcVoiceEngine : public webrtc::VoiceEngineObserver, public webrtc::TraceCallback, public webrtc::VoEMediaProcess { public: WebRtcVoiceEngine(); // Dependency injection for testing. WebRtcVoiceEngine(VoEWrapper* voe_wrapper, VoEWrapper* voe_wrapper_sc, VoETraceWrapper* tracing); ~WebRtcVoiceEngine(); bool Init(rtc::Thread* worker_thread); void Terminate(); int GetCapabilities(); VoiceMediaChannel* CreateChannel(); SoundclipMedia* CreateSoundclip(); AudioOptions GetOptions() const { return options_; } bool SetOptions(const AudioOptions& options); // Overrides, when set, take precedence over the options on a // per-option basis. For example, if AGC is set in options and AEC // is set in overrides, AGC and AEC will be both be set. Overrides // can also turn off options. For example, if AGC is set to "on" in // options and AGC is set to "off" in overrides, the result is that // AGC will be off until different overrides are applied or until // the overrides are cleared. Only one set of overrides is present // at a time (they do not "stack"). And when the overrides are // cleared, the media engine's state reverts back to the options set // via SetOptions. This allows us to have both "persistent options" // (the normal options) and "temporary options" (overrides). bool SetOptionOverrides(const AudioOptions& options); bool ClearOptionOverrides(); bool SetDelayOffset(int offset); bool SetDevices(const Device* in_device, const Device* out_device); bool GetOutputVolume(int* level); bool SetOutputVolume(int level); int GetInputLevel(); bool SetLocalMonitor(bool enable); const std::vector& codecs(); bool FindCodec(const AudioCodec& codec); bool FindWebRtcCodec(const AudioCodec& codec, webrtc::CodecInst* gcodec); const std::vector& rtp_header_extensions() const; void SetLogging(int min_sev, const char* filter); bool RegisterProcessor(uint32 ssrc, VoiceProcessor* voice_processor, MediaProcessorDirection direction); bool UnregisterProcessor(uint32 ssrc, VoiceProcessor* voice_processor, MediaProcessorDirection direction); // Method from webrtc::VoEMediaProcess virtual void Process(int channel, webrtc::ProcessingTypes type, int16_t audio10ms[], int length, int sampling_freq, bool is_stereo) OVERRIDE; // For tracking WebRtc channels. Needed because we have to pause them // all when switching devices. // May only be called by WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel. void RegisterChannel(WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel *channel); void UnregisterChannel(WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel *channel); // May only be called by WebRtcSoundclipMedia. void RegisterSoundclip(WebRtcSoundclipMedia *channel); void UnregisterSoundclip(WebRtcSoundclipMedia *channel); // Called by WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel to set a gain offset from // the default AGC target level. bool AdjustAgcLevel(int delta); VoEWrapper* voe() { return voe_wrapper_.get(); } VoEWrapper* voe_sc() { return voe_wrapper_sc_.get(); } int GetLastEngineError(); // Set the external ADMs. This can only be called before Init. bool SetAudioDeviceModule(webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm, webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm_sc); // Starts AEC dump using existing file. bool StartAecDump(rtc::PlatformFile file); // Check whether the supplied trace should be ignored. bool ShouldIgnoreTrace(const std::string& trace); // Create a VoiceEngine Channel. int CreateMediaVoiceChannel(); int CreateSoundclipVoiceChannel(); private: typedef std::vector SoundclipList; typedef std::vector ChannelList; typedef sigslot:: signal3 FrameSignal; void Construct(); void ConstructCodecs(); bool InitInternal(); bool EnsureSoundclipEngineInit(); void SetTraceFilter(int filter); void SetTraceOptions(const std::string& options); // Applies either options or overrides. Every option that is "set" // will be applied. Every option not "set" will be ignored. This // allows us to selectively turn on and off different options easily // at any time. bool ApplyOptions(const AudioOptions& options); // webrtc::TraceCallback: virtual void Print(webrtc::TraceLevel level, const char* trace, int length) OVERRIDE; // webrtc::VoiceEngineObserver: virtual void CallbackOnError(int channel, int errCode) OVERRIDE; // Given the device type, name, and id, find device id. Return true and // set the output parameter rtc_id if successful. bool FindWebRtcAudioDeviceId( bool is_input, const std::string& dev_name, int dev_id, int* rtc_id); bool FindChannelAndSsrc(int channel_num, WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel** channel, uint32* ssrc) const; bool FindChannelNumFromSsrc(uint32 ssrc, MediaProcessorDirection direction, int* channel_num); bool ChangeLocalMonitor(bool enable); bool PauseLocalMonitor(); bool ResumeLocalMonitor(); bool UnregisterProcessorChannel(MediaProcessorDirection channel_direction, uint32 ssrc, VoiceProcessor* voice_processor, MediaProcessorDirection processor_direction); void StartAecDump(const std::string& filename); void StopAecDump(); int CreateVoiceChannel(VoEWrapper* voe); // When a voice processor registers with the engine, it is connected // to either the Rx or Tx signals, based on the direction parameter. // SignalXXMediaFrame will be invoked for every audio packet. FrameSignal SignalRxMediaFrame; FrameSignal SignalTxMediaFrame; static const int kDefaultLogSeverity = rtc::LS_WARNING; // The primary instance of WebRtc VoiceEngine. rtc::scoped_ptr voe_wrapper_; // A secondary instance, for playing out soundclips (on the 'ring' device). rtc::scoped_ptr voe_wrapper_sc_; bool voe_wrapper_sc_initialized_; rtc::scoped_ptr tracing_; // The external audio device manager webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm_; webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm_sc_; int log_filter_; std::string log_options_; bool is_dumping_aec_; std::vector codecs_; std::vector rtp_header_extensions_; bool desired_local_monitor_enable_; rtc::scoped_ptr monitor_; SoundclipList soundclips_; ChannelList channels_; // channels_ can be read from WebRtc callback thread. We need a lock on that // callback as well as the RegisterChannel/UnregisterChannel. rtc::CriticalSection channels_cs_; webrtc::AgcConfig default_agc_config_; webrtc::Config voe_config_; bool initialized_; // See SetOptions and SetOptionOverrides for a description of the // difference between options and overrides. // options_ are the base options, which combined with the // option_overrides_, create the current options being used. // options_ is stored so that when option_overrides_ is cleared, we // can restore the options_ without the option_overrides. AudioOptions options_; AudioOptions option_overrides_; // When the media processor registers with the engine, the ssrc is cached // here so that a look up need not be made when the callback is invoked. // This is necessary because the lookup results in mux_channels_cs lock being // held and if a remote participant leaves the hangout at the same time // we hit a deadlock. uint32 tx_processor_ssrc_; uint32 rx_processor_ssrc_; rtc::CriticalSection signal_media_critical_; // Cache received experimental_aec and experimental_ns values, and apply them // in case they are missing in the audio options. We need to do this because // SetExtraOptions() will revert to defaults for options which are not // provided. Settable experimental_aec_; Settable experimental_ns_; }; // WebRtcMediaChannel is a class that implements the common WebRtc channel // functionality. template class WebRtcMediaChannel : public T, public webrtc::Transport { public: WebRtcMediaChannel(E *engine, int channel) : engine_(engine), voe_channel_(channel) {} E *engine() { return engine_; } int voe_channel() const { return voe_channel_; } bool valid() const { return voe_channel_ != -1; } protected: // implements Transport interface virtual int SendPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len) OVERRIDE { rtc::Buffer packet(data, len, kMaxRtpPacketLen); if (!T::SendPacket(&packet)) { return -1; } return len; } virtual int SendRTCPPacket(int channel, const void *data, int len) OVERRIDE { rtc::Buffer packet(data, len, kMaxRtpPacketLen); return T::SendRtcp(&packet) ? len : -1; } private: E *engine_; int voe_channel_; }; // WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel is an implementation of VoiceMediaChannel that uses // WebRtc Voice Engine. class WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel : public WebRtcMediaChannel { public: explicit WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel(WebRtcVoiceEngine *engine); virtual ~WebRtcVoiceMediaChannel(); virtual bool SetOptions(const AudioOptions& options); virtual bool GetOptions(AudioOptions* options) const { *options = options_; return true; } virtual bool SetRecvCodecs(const std::vector &codecs); virtual bool SetSendCodecs(const std::vector &codecs); virtual bool SetRecvRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions); virtual bool SetSendRtpHeaderExtensions( const std::vector& extensions); virtual bool SetPlayout(bool playout); bool PausePlayout(); bool ResumePlayout(); virtual bool SetSend(SendFlags send); bool PauseSend(); bool ResumeSend(); virtual bool AddSendStream(const StreamParams& sp); virtual bool RemoveSendStream(uint32 ssrc); virtual bool AddRecvStream(const StreamParams& sp); virtual bool RemoveRecvStream(uint32 ssrc); virtual bool SetRemoteRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer); virtual bool SetLocalRenderer(uint32 ssrc, AudioRenderer* renderer); virtual bool GetActiveStreams(AudioInfo::StreamList* actives); virtual int GetOutputLevel(); virtual int GetTimeSinceLastTyping(); virtual void SetTypingDetectionParameters(int time_window, int cost_per_typing, int reporting_threshold, int penalty_decay, int type_event_delay); virtual bool SetOutputScaling(uint32 ssrc, double left, double right); virtual bool GetOutputScaling(uint32 ssrc, double* left, double* right); virtual bool SetRingbackTone(const char *buf, int len); virtual bool PlayRingbackTone(uint32 ssrc, bool play, bool loop); virtual bool CanInsertDtmf(); virtual bool InsertDtmf(uint32 ssrc, int event, int duration, int flags); virtual void OnPacketReceived(rtc::Buffer* packet, const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time); virtual void OnRtcpReceived(rtc::Buffer* packet, const rtc::PacketTime& packet_time); virtual void OnReadyToSend(bool ready) {} virtual bool MuteStream(uint32 ssrc, bool on); virtual bool SetMaxSendBandwidth(int bps); virtual bool GetStats(VoiceMediaInfo* info); // Gets last reported error from WebRtc voice engine. This should be only // called in response a failure. virtual void GetLastMediaError(uint32* ssrc, VoiceMediaChannel::Error* error); bool FindSsrc(int channel_num, uint32* ssrc); void OnError(uint32 ssrc, int error); bool sending() const { return send_ != SEND_NOTHING; } int GetReceiveChannelNum(uint32 ssrc); int GetSendChannelNum(uint32 ssrc); bool SetupSharedBandwidthEstimation(webrtc::VideoEngine* vie, int vie_channel); protected: int GetLastEngineError() { return engine()->GetLastEngineError(); } int GetOutputLevel(int channel); bool GetRedSendCodec(const AudioCodec& red_codec, const std::vector& all_codecs, webrtc::CodecInst* send_codec); bool EnableRtcp(int channel); bool ResetRecvCodecs(int channel); bool SetPlayout(int channel, bool playout); static uint32 ParseSsrc(const void* data, size_t len, bool rtcp); static Error WebRtcErrorToChannelError(int err_code); private: class WebRtcVoiceChannelRenderer; // Map of ssrc to WebRtcVoiceChannelRenderer object. A new object of // WebRtcVoiceChannelRenderer will be created for every new stream and // will be destroyed when the stream goes away. typedef std::map ChannelMap; typedef int (webrtc::VoERTP_RTCP::* ExtensionSetterFunction)(int, bool, unsigned char); void SetNack(int channel, bool nack_enabled); void SetNack(const ChannelMap& channels, bool nack_enabled); bool SetSendCodec(const webrtc::CodecInst& send_codec); bool SetSendCodec(int channel, const webrtc::CodecInst& send_codec); bool ChangePlayout(bool playout); bool ChangeSend(SendFlags send); bool ChangeSend(int channel, SendFlags send); void ConfigureSendChannel(int channel); bool ConfigureRecvChannel(int channel); bool DeleteChannel(int channel); bool InConferenceMode() const { return options_.conference_mode.GetWithDefaultIfUnset(false); } bool IsDefaultChannel(int channel_id) const { return channel_id == voe_channel(); } bool SetSendCodecs(int channel, const std::vector& codecs); bool SetSendBandwidthInternal(int bps); bool SetHeaderExtension(ExtensionSetterFunction setter, int channel_id, const RtpHeaderExtension* extension); bool SetupSharedBweOnChannel(int voe_channel); bool SetChannelRecvRtpHeaderExtensions( int channel_id, const std::vector& extensions); bool SetChannelSendRtpHeaderExtensions( int channel_id, const std::vector& extensions); rtc::scoped_ptr ringback_tone_; std::set ringback_channels_; // channels playing ringback std::vector recv_codecs_; std::vector send_codecs_; rtc::scoped_ptr send_codec_; bool send_bw_setting_; int send_bw_bps_; AudioOptions options_; bool dtmf_allowed_; bool desired_playout_; bool nack_enabled_; bool playout_; bool typing_noise_detected_; SendFlags desired_send_; SendFlags send_; // shared_bwe_vie_ and shared_bwe_vie_channel_ together identifies a WebRTC // VideoEngine channel that this voice channel should forward incoming packets // to for Bandwidth Estimation purposes. webrtc::VideoEngine* shared_bwe_vie_; int shared_bwe_vie_channel_; // send_channels_ contains the channels which are being used for sending. // When the default channel (voe_channel) is used for sending, it is // contained in send_channels_, otherwise not. ChannelMap send_channels_; std::vector send_extensions_; uint32 default_receive_ssrc_; // Note the default channel (voe_channel()) can reside in both // receive_channels_ and send_channels_ in non-conference mode and in that // case it will only be there if a non-zero default_receive_ssrc_ is set. ChannelMap receive_channels_; // for multiple sources // receive_channels_ can be read from WebRtc callback thread. Access from // the WebRtc thread must be synchronized with edits on the worker thread. // Reads on the worker thread are ok. // std::vector receive_extensions_; // Do not lock this on the VoE media processor thread; potential for deadlock // exists. mutable rtc::CriticalSection receive_channels_cs_; }; } // namespace cricket #endif // TALK_MEDIA_WEBRTCVOICEENGINE_H_