diff options
138 files changed, 95536 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PhoneNumberMetaData.xml b/PhoneNumberMetaData.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9981722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhoneNumberMetaData.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24816 @@
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ @author: Shaopeng Jia
+ @author: Lara Rennie
+ MetaData on Phone Number Plan and formatting rules
+ Note: Territories are in alphabetical order by their IDs, which are based on ISO 3166-1
+ two-letter country codes (or are set to "001" for non-geographical entities, which
+ represents "World" in the UN M.49 standard). The country names in the comments are the
+ official short names in English according to ISO 3166-1.
+ For more information on what each element represents, see
+ java/com/google/i18n/phonenumbers/phonemetadata.proto
+ Note that if you want to add validation metadata, the generalDesc nationalNumberPattern and
+ possibleNumberPattern must be provided. If this is missing, then the country will be
+ considered to have no more specific phone-number type metadata (fixedLine, mobile etc) and
+ hence only basic validation rules (numbers should be between 3 and 15 digits long) will be
+ applied.
+ If adding an element for a non-geographical entity, please add an example number element to the
+ general description.
+ Country code, international and national prefix information main source:
+ Emergency numbers Wikipedia source:
+<!DOCTYPE phoneNumberMetadata [
+ <!ELEMENT phoneNumberMetadata (territories)>
+ <!ELEMENT territories (territory+)>
+ <!ELEMENT territory (availableFormats?, generalDesc?, noInternationalDialling?,
+ areaCodeOptional?, fixedLine?, mobile?, pager?, tollFree?, premiumRate?,
+ sharedCost?, personalNumber?, voip?, uan?, voicemail?, shortCode?, emergency?)>
+ <!ELEMENT generalDesc (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT noInternationalDialling (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern?,
+ exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT areaCodeOptional (nationalNumberPattern, possibleNumberPattern, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT fixedLine (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT mobile (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT pager (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT tollFree (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT premiumRate (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT sharedCost (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT personalNumber (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT voip (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT uan (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT voicemail (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT shortCode (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT emergency (nationalNumberPattern?, possibleNumberPattern?, exampleNumber?)>
+ <!ELEMENT availableFormats (numberFormat+)>
+ <!ELEMENT nationalNumberPattern (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT possibleNumberPattern (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT exampleNumber (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT numberFormat (leadingDigits*, format, intlFormat*)>
+ <!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT intlFormat (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT leadingDigits (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ATTLIST territory id CDATA #REQUIRED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory countryCode CDATA #REQUIRED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory mainCountryForCode (true) #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory leadingDigits CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory preferredInternationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory internationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixForParsing CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixTransformRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory preferredExtnPrefix CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting (true) #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory leadingZeroPossible (true) #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST territory carrierCodeFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST numberFormat nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting (true) #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST numberFormat carrierCodeFormattingRule CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ATTLIST numberFormat pattern CDATA #REQUIRED>
+ <territories>
+ <!-- Ascension Island -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AC" countryCode="247" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Formatted as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-467]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The prefix 70 has been added since it has been seen online, such as for the number of
+ the Ascension Island local government itself. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[0-5]|
+ 4[4-6]|
+ [26]\d|
+ 70
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6889</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ Note the 4-digit emergency numbers fit the fixed-line pattern, therefore are not
+ included. This is consistent with how we handle such numbers in other countries. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Andorra -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AD" countryCode="376" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[346-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(180[02])(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [346-9]|
+ 180
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[78]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[346]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>312345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Note that the definitions of 1800 and 1802 numbers differ in the plan and on the
+ Andorran website, but we consider both to be freephone here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>180[02]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- The national numbering plan says that numbers beginning with 9 are reserved for special
+ services, so we assume they are premium rate here, although we cannot find examples
+ online. -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[0268]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United Arab Emirates -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AE" countryCode="971" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-4679])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-4679][2-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5[056])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([4679]00)(\d)(\d{5})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[4679]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{2,9})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-79]\d{7,8}|
+ 800\d{2,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-4679][2-8]\d|
+ 600[25]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5[056]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>501234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 400\d{6}|
+ 800\d{2,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[02]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700[05]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700012345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 99[789]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Afghanistan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AF" countryCode="93" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-7]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [25][0-8]|
+ [34][0-4]|
+ 6[0-5]
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>234567890</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[057-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 02|
+ 19
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>119</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Antigua and Barbuda -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AG" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="268"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 268 468 is not in the plan, but has been added after numbers with this prefix have been
+ found in online searches. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 268(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 6[0-38]|
+ 84
+ )|
+ 56[0-2]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2684601234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 268 776/778/779 are not in the plan, but have been added after numbers with these
+ prefixes have been found in online searches. Same for 268 780/782/784/786. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 268(?:
+ 464|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[0-9]|
+ 64|
+ 7[0-689]|
+ 8[02-68]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2684641234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>26840[69]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2684061234</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- This is included as Centrex in the plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>26848[01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2684801234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Anguilla -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AI" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="264"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2644(?:
+ 6[12]|
+ 9[78]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2644612345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 264(?:
+ 235|
+ 476|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[6-9]|
+ 8[1-4]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 29|
+ 72
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2642351234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Albania -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AL" countryCode="355" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formats mostly follow -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(4)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>4[0-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6[6-9])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2358][2-5]|
+ 4[7-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [235][16-9]|
+ 8[016-9]|
+ [79]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-57]\d{7}|
+ 6\d{8}|
+ 8\d{5,7}|
+ 9\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [168][1-9]|
+ [247]\d|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[1-3]|
+ [2-6]\d|
+ [79][1-8]|
+ 8[1-9]
+ )|
+ 4\d{2}|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[1-4]|
+ [2-578]\d|
+ 6[1-5]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [19][1-5]|
+ [2-6]\d|
+ [78][1-7]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[6-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>661234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- It is named "Shared Revenue Services" in the plan, but as there is a separate "Shared
+ Cost Services", it is highly likely these numbers are premium rate numbers. No
+ information/example is found in the Internet. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>808123</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>12[789]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>129</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Armenia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- We think the national dialling prefix is 0 - it seems this was a change in 2005 (or 2008)
+ along with the new city codes. However, their official document makes no mention of it,
+ websites disagree, and we are not sure if the change has actually been made. -->
+ <territory id="AM" countryCode="374" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 47
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [5-7]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes telephone numbers in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, physically located inside
+ Azerbaijan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 10\d|
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-46]|
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[2-69]|
+ 5[2-7]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 8[1-7]
+ )|
+ 3[12]2|
+ 47\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 55 from online numbers found and SMSs received from numbers with this prefix. It
+ seems to be used by Orange Armenia. Part of the range 97 is used by Nagorno-Karabakh
+ Republic. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 55|
+ 77|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>77123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[016]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[1-4]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60[2-6]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>60271234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8[1-7]\d{2}|
+ 1(?:
+ 0[04-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8711</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10[123]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>102</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Netherlands Antilles -->
+ <!-- Note this country no longer exists. This metadata exists only to validate old Sint Maarten
+ numbers through their parallel running period (which ends Sep 2012). -->
+ <!-- The link below no longer works, since ITU deleted this document since this country no
+ longer exists. We keep it here as a record of the last place we found information on this
+ country. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AN" countryCode="599" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Shares formatting patterns with "CW". -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 8[239]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5451234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 1[01]|
+ 2[0-7]|
+ 5\d|
+ 8[016-8]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5101234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Angola -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AO" countryCode="244" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2\d(?:
+ [26-9]\d|
+ \d[26-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Expanded the 92 prefix possibilities to match numbers found online. Unitel are
+ launching the prefix 94 apparently on 25th April 2012. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-4]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>923123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[235]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Argentina -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AR" countryCode="54" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="
+ 0(?:
+ (11|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 02?|
+ [13]|
+ 2[13-79]|
+ 4[1-6]|
+ 5[2457]|
+ 6[124-8]|
+ 7[1-4]|
+ 8[13-6]|
+ 9[1-367]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [06]2?|
+ 1[467]|
+ 2[02-6]|
+ 3[13-8]|
+ [49][2-6]|
+ 5[2-8]|
+ 7
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 7[3-578]|
+ 9
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0136]|
+ 2[24-6]|
+ 4[6-8]?|
+ 5[15-8]
+ )|
+ 80|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-3]|
+ [19]|
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 4[02568]?|
+ 5[2-4]|
+ 6[2-46]|
+ 72?|
+ 8[23]?
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 2[79]|
+ 6|
+ 8[2578]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[124-9]|
+ [12]|
+ 3[5-8]?|
+ 4[24-7]|
+ 5[4-68]?|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[126]|
+ 8[237-9]?|
+ 9[1-36-8]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1|
+ 2[1245]|
+ 3[237]?|
+ 4[1-46-9]|
+ 6[2-4]|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 8[2-5]?
+ )|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[15-8]|
+ 2[15]|
+ 3[145]|
+ 4[13]|
+ 5[14-8]|
+ [069]|
+ 7[2-57]|
+ 8[126]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [01]|
+ 2[125-7]|
+ 3[23578]?|
+ 4[13-6]|
+ 5[4-8]?|
+ 6[1-357-9]|
+ 7[36-8]?|
+ 8[5-8]?|
+ 9[124]
+ )
+ )
+ )15
+ )?"
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule="9$1" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([68]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[68]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>911</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <!-- Some 4-digit area codes actually are caught by this rule. Preference is given however
+ to the 3-digit area codes, since they are considerably larger communities. -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 2[234689]|
+ 3[3-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[013]|
+ 3[067]|
+ 49|
+ 6[01346]|
+ 80|
+ 9[147-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 36|
+ 4[12358]|
+ 5[138]|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7[069]|
+ 8[013578]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <!-- Several 294X four-digit area codes exist: 2940, 2942, 2945, 2946 and 2948. -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[013]|
+ 3[067]|
+ 49|
+ 6[01346]|
+ 80|
+ 9(?:
+ [17-9]|
+ 4[13479]
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 36|
+ 4[12358]|
+ 5(?:
+ [18]|
+ 3[0-689]
+ )|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7[069]|
+ 8(?:
+ [015]|
+ 3[0-2479]|
+ 7[0-24-9]|
+ 8[0-79]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <!-- The formatting pattern here for these newly introduced area codes is based on the ITU
+ document. We have not found sufficient examples online to know if this is actually
+ being followed by the general population, or whether the back-up pattern for
+ four-digit area codes (below) is preferred. -->
+ <leadingDigits>93[58]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 53|
+ 8[78]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 537|
+ 8(?:
+ 73|
+ 88
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 15-$3-$4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3-$4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- These patterns are a copy of the mobile patterns with the leading 9 removed. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ 2[013]|
+ 3[067]|
+ 49|
+ 6[01346]|
+ 80|
+ 9[147-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 36|
+ 4[12358]|
+ 5[138]|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7[069]|
+ 8[013578]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <!-- Several 294X four-digit area codes exist: 2940, 2942, 2945, 2946 and 2948. -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ 2[013]|
+ 3[067]|
+ 49|
+ 6[01346]|
+ 80|
+ 9(?:
+ [17-9]|
+ 4[13479]
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 36|
+ 4[12358]|
+ 5(?:
+ [18]|
+ 3[0-689]
+ )|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7[069]|
+ 8(?:
+ [015]|
+ 3[0-2479]|
+ 7[0-24-9]|
+ 8[0-79]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 53|
+ 8[78]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 537|
+ 8(?:
+ 73|
+ 88
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-368]\d{9}|
+ 9\d{10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>810\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8101234567</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Also covering fixed satellite service numbers (670). -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 11\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [0139]\d|
+ 2[13-79]|
+ 4[1-6]|
+ 5[2457]|
+ 6[124-8]|
+ 7[1-4]|
+ 8[13-6]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[467]|
+ 2[02-6]|
+ 3[13-8]|
+ [49][2-6]|
+ 5[2-8]|
+ [067]\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 7[3-8]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [01346]\d|
+ 2[24-6]|
+ 5[15-8]
+ )|
+ 80\d|
+ 9(?:
+ [0124789]\d|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 5[234]|
+ 6[2-46]
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 2[79]|
+ 6\d|
+ 8[2578]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [78]\d|
+ 0[0124-9]|
+ [1-356]\d|
+ 4[24-7]|
+ 9[123678]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [138]\d|
+ 2[1245]|
+ 4[1-9]|
+ 6[2-4]|
+ 7[1-6]
+ )|
+ 6[24]\d|
+ 7(?:
+ [01469]\d|
+ 2[013-9]|
+ 3[145]|
+ 5[14-8]|
+ 7[2-57]|
+ 8[0-24-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [0-3578]\d|
+ 4[13-6]|
+ 6[1-357-9]|
+ 9[124]
+ )
+ )|
+ 670\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Also covers mobile satellite services (675 numbers). -->
+ <!-- 4-digit area codes are not covered here in detail - we only check the digit after the
+ area code is in the range 2-9. The four-digit area-code checking is done in detail if
+ we attempt to strip the caller-pays token (15) from the number. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 675\d{7}|
+ 9(?:
+ 11[2-9]\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[013]|
+ 3[067]|
+ 49|
+ 6[01346]|
+ 80|
+ 9[147-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 36|
+ 4[12358]|
+ 5[138]|
+ 6[24]|
+ 7[069]|
+ 8[013578]
+ )
+ )[2-9]\d{6}|
+ \d{4}[2-9]\d{5}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>91123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60[04579]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>810\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8101234567</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[2356]|
+ 1[02-5]|
+ 21
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>121</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[017]|
+ 28
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- American Samoa -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="684"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6846(?:
+ 22|
+ 33|
+ 44|
+ 55|
+ 77|
+ 88|
+ 9[19]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6846221234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 684(?:
+ 733|
+ 258
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6847331234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Austria -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AT" countryCode="43" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([15])(\d{3,12})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 5[079]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,10})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 316|
+ 46|
+ 51|
+ 732|
+ 6(?:
+ 44|
+ 5[0-3579]|
+ [6-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1|
+ [28]0
+ )|
+ [89]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[1-578]|
+ [3-8]
+ )|
+ 4[2378]|
+ 5[2-6]|
+ 6(?:
+ [12]|
+ 4[1-35-9]|
+ 5[468]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 35|
+ 4[1-8]|
+ [57-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{3,12}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Note that the full area code is not validated - just the first 3 digits. This also
+ means that even though for most Austrian numbers the minimum length is 7, we allow 6
+ since we don't differentiate below between 3 and 4 digit area codes for reasons of
+ efficiency. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{3,12}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1[467]|
+ 2[13-8]|
+ 5[2357]|
+ 6[1-46-8]|
+ 7[1-8]|
+ 8[124-7]|
+ 9[1458]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[1-8]|
+ 3[23568]|
+ 4[5-7]|
+ 5[1378]|
+ 6[1-38]|
+ 8[3-68]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 35|
+ 63|
+ 7[1368]|
+ 8[2457]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 3[357]|
+ 4[147]|
+ 5[12578]|
+ 6[37]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 13|
+ 2[1-47]|
+ 4[1-35-8]|
+ 5[468]|
+ 62
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 3[25]|
+ 4[13478]|
+ 5[68]|
+ 6[16-8]|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 9[45]
+ )
+ )\d{3,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567890</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 44|
+ 5[0-3579]|
+ 6[013-9]|
+ [7-9]\d
+ )\d{4,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>644123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[02]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 711|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 3[019]
+ )
+ )\d{6,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[018]
+ )\d{6,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>780\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>780123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ (?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ 17
+ )\d{2,10}|
+ [79]\d{3,11}
+ )|
+ 720\d{6, 10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>50123</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [12]2|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Australia -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Cocos Islands (CC) and Christmas Islands (CX) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AU" countryCode="61" mainCountryForCode="true"
+ internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="0011" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="([2378])(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2378]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [45]|
+ 14
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(16)(\d{3})(\d{2,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>16</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1[389]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [38]0|
+ 90
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [38]00|
+ 90
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(180)(2\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>180</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1802</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(19\d)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>19[13]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(19\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>19[67]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(13)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>13[1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-578]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 3(?:
+ \d{4}|
+ 00\d{6}
+ )|
+ 80(?:
+ 0\d{6}|
+ 2\d{3}
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Excludes prefixes used by Cocos Islands and Christmas Islands -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [237]\d{8}|
+ 8(?:
+ [68]\d{3}|
+ 7[0-6]\d{2}|
+ 9(?:
+ [02-9]\d{2}|
+ 1(?:
+ [0-57-9]\d|
+ 6[0135-9]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes MobileSat and Thuraya satellite services. According to the wikipedia page,
+ other ranges 14[1-3] are not currently used. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 14(?:
+ 5\d|
+ 71
+ )\d{5}|
+ 4(?:
+ [0-2]\d|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 4[46-9]|
+ 5[0-37-9]|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 7[07-9]|
+ 8[7-9]|
+ 9[89]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>16\d{3,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1612345</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 180(?:
+ 0\d{3}|
+ 2
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 19(?:
+ 0[0126]\d{6}|
+ [13-5]\d{3}|
+ [679]\d{5}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- Local-rate (SmartNumbers) are put here because they are a reverse-charge network,
+ although they charge a small local call connect fee (around 25c). These start with 13
+ or 1300. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 13(?:
+ 00\d{2}
+ )?\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <!-- Wikipedia was the source for these types of numbers, and number allocation search here
+ confirms this. (Search
+ from 0500000000 to 0590000000) -->
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 000|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Aruba -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AW" countryCode="297" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[25-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 8[1-9]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The prefixes 994 & 96[45], while not in the plan, seem to be used in mobile numbers
+ found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5(?:
+ 6\d|
+ 9[2-478]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [039]0|
+ 22|
+ [46][01]
+ )|
+ 7[34]\d|
+ 9(?:
+ 6[45]|
+ 9[4-8]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5601234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 28\d{5}|
+ 501\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5011234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 100|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Åland Islands. -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Finland. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AX" countryCode="358" internationalPrefix="00|99[049]" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <!-- The general desc and fixed line are numbers different from Finland metadata. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [135]\d{5,9}|
+ [27]\d{4,9}|
+ 4\d{5,10}|
+ 6\d{7,8}|
+ 8\d{6,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <!-- According to the national numbering plan, service numbers are in general not accessible
+ from abroad, although 600/700/800 numbers may be. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [13]00\d{3,7}|
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0\d{3,7}|
+ 2[023]\d{1,6}|
+ 9[89]\d{1,6}
+ )
+ )|
+ 60(?:
+ [12]\d{5,6}|
+ 6\d{7}
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d{7}|
+ 3\d{8}|
+ 5[03-9]\d{2,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>100123</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18[1-8]\d{3,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1812345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- The mobile, toll free, premium rate and UAN numbers copied from Finland. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4\d{5,10}|
+ 50\d{4,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[67]00\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>600123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Covers nationwide non-geographic numbers, and nationwide "service numbers", typically
+ assigned to institutions such as universities, the national post, etc, where they are
+ not otherwise classified as toll-free or premium-rate numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [13]0\d{4,8}|
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [016-8]\d{3,7}|
+ [2-59]\d{2,7}
+ )|
+ 9\d{4,8}
+ )|
+ 60(?:
+ [12]\d{5,6}|
+ 6\d{7}
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d{7}|
+ 3\d{8}|
+ 5[03-9]\d{2,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10112345</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Azerbaijan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="AZ" countryCode="994" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 1[28]|
+ 2(?:
+ [45]2|
+ [0-36]
+ )|
+ 365
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[28]\d|
+ 2(?:
+ 02|
+ 1[24]|
+ 2[2-4]|
+ 33|
+ [45]2|
+ 6[23]
+ )|
+ 365
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4[04]|
+ 5[015]|
+ 60|
+ 7[07]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>401234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 88 is listed as fixed-line for Baku in the ITU document, but online numbers seem to
+ suggest they are in fact national toll-free numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>88\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>881234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- These are marked as Interactive Calls in the ITU document. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900200\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900200123</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bosnia and Herzegovina -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BA" countryCode="387" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3-689]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [35]\d|
+ 49
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[1-356]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>61123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[08]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[0246]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- Using this category to model national tariff numbers - these are under Shared Cost in
+ the plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>82\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>82123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>81\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>12[234]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>122</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Barbados -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BB" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="246"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>246[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2462345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 246(?:
+ (?:
+ 2[346]|
+ 45|
+ 82
+ )\d|
+ 25[0-4]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2462501234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[235]11</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bangladesh -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BD" countryCode="880" internationalPrefix="00[12]?"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-79]1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [3-79][2-9]|
+ 8
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- This is quite complex so we can define that numbers beginning with 88 are not part of the
+ plan, so the country code can be accurately stripped off. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-79]\d{5,9}|
+ 1\d{9}|
+ 8[0-7]\d{4,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- There was a plan to move to 10 digit fixed-line numbers, but this does not seem to have
+ been realised, judging by online numbers and wikipedia. These patterns are grouped
+ first by leading digit, then within by number of digits. Several Dhaka prefixes (02 731
+ etc) are included despite not being mentioned on the wikipedia page or ITU doc due to
+ online evidence. Another oddity is Chittagong - some numbers have a leading 2, others
+ do not - both are allowed for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 7(?:
+ 1[0-267]|
+ 2[0-289]|
+ 3[0-29]|
+ [46][01]|
+ 5[1-3]|
+ 7[017]|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[125]|
+ [139][1-6]|
+ 2[0157-9]|
+ 6[1-35]|
+ 7[1-5]|
+ 8[1-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[0-2]|
+ 1[1-4]|
+ 2[568]|
+ 3[3-6]|
+ 5[5-7]|
+ 6[0167]|
+ 7[15]|
+ 8[016-8]
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 3(?:
+ [6-8]1|
+ (?:
+ 0[23]|
+ [25][12]|
+ 82|
+ 416
+ )\d|
+ (?:
+ 31|
+ 12?[5-7]
+ )\d{2}
+ )\d{3}|
+ 4(?:
+ (?:
+ 02|
+ [49]6|
+ [68]1
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 0[13]|
+ 21\d? |
+ [23]2|
+ [457][12]|
+ 6[28]
+ )\d|
+ (?:
+ 23|
+ [39]1
+ )\d{2}|
+ 1\d{3}
+ )\d{3}|
+ 5(?:
+ (?:
+ [457-9]1|
+ 62
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 1\d? |
+ 2[12]|
+ 3[1-3]|
+ 52
+ )\d|
+ 61{2}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [45]1|
+ (?:
+ 11|
+ 2[15]|
+ [39]1
+ )\d|
+ (?:
+ [06-8]1|
+ 62
+ )\d{2}
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ (?:
+ 32|
+ 91
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 02|
+ 31|
+ [67][12]
+ )\d|
+ [458]1\d{2}|
+ 21\d{3}
+ )\d{3}|
+ 8(?:
+ (?:
+ 4[12]|
+ [5-7]2|
+ 1\d?
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 0|
+ 3[12]|
+ [5-7]1|
+ 217
+ )\d
+ )\d{4}|
+ 9(?:
+ [35]1|
+ (?:
+ [024]2|
+ 81
+ )\d|
+ (?:
+ 1|
+ [24]1
+ )\d{2}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>27111234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Presuming that mobile numbers with the prefixes 66, 37, 44 and 38 must be followed by
+ numbers [02-9] or they would clash with fixed-line codes. According to the plan, mobile
+ numbers should be moving to 1[13-9] anyway. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[13-9]\d|
+ (?:
+ 3[78]|
+ 44
+ )[02-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ 44|
+ 6[02-9]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1812345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Note: Including Tele-voting numbers here as they are free of charge. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[03]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [39]|
+ 5(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [1-4]
+ )|
+ 6\d{2}|
+ 7[0-4]|
+ 8[0-29]
+ )|
+ 1[6-9]|
+ 2(?:
+ 2[0-5]|
+ [34]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1\d?|
+ 3\d|
+ 6[3-6]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 1\d{2}
+ )|
+ 5[2-9]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>103</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 10[0-2]|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Belgium -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BE" countryCode="32" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(4[6-9]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>4[6-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-49])(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [23]|
+ [49][23]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([15-8]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [156]|
+ 7[0178]|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-79]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 80|
+ 9
+ )0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Note that 80 is a valid area code, so we explicitly check for this case that the third
+ digit begins with 1-9 -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[0-69]|
+ [23][2-8]|
+ [49][23]|
+ 5\d|
+ 6[013-57-9]|
+ 7[18]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-69]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4(?:
+ [679]\d|
+ 8[3-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>470123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 90|
+ 7[07]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>87\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>87123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Burkina Faso -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BF" countryCode="226" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- The national numbering plan from ITU suggests grouping of 2, 2 and 4, but we have
+ chosen to use the standard from numbers found on the internet instead. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[24-7]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 50 48 and 50 49 exist as well. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 20(?:
+ 49|
+ 5[23]|
+ 9[016-9]
+ )|
+ 40(?:
+ 4[569]|
+ 55|
+ 7[0179]
+ )|
+ 50[34]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20491234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Including the whole range of 75 despite the document restricting it to only a few,
+ since diallable numbers have been found outside the range that the document specifies.
+ Including 716 as well since many numbers seem to have this prefix. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6(?:
+ 0[0-5]|
+ [68]0
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [02-68]\d|
+ 1[0-4689]|
+ 7[0-69]|
+ 9[0-689]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bulgaria -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BG" countryCode="359" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>29</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 43[124-7]|
+ 70[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 43[124-7]|
+ 70[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [356]|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ 8[1-6]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 48|
+ 8[7-9]|
+ 9[08]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [23567]\d{5,7}|
+ [489]\d{6,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 29xxxx numbers have been added because they can be found online, and are typically
+ used by taxi companies. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [0-8]\d{5,6}|
+ 9\d{4,6}
+ )|
+ (?:
+ [36]\d|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 8[1-6]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )\d{5,6}|
+ (?:
+ 4(?:
+ [124-7]\d|
+ 3[1-6]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )
+ )\d{4,5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 8[7-9]|
+ 98
+ )\d{7}|
+ 4(?:
+ 3[0789]|
+ 8\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>48123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 50|
+ 6[06]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bahrain -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BH" countryCode="973" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[136-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- Universal Service numbers are under both Mobile and Fixed-Line, as they can be assigned
+ to either. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 3[3-6]|
+ 6[0156]|
+ 7\d
+ )\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[16]\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 3[12]|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 69|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 77\d{2}
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17001234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- Mobile prefix 384 is not yet in the ITU document but other sources (e.g. Google
+ searches) suggest mobile numbers with this prefix are in use. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ [23469]\d|
+ 5[35]|
+ 77|
+ 8[348]
+ )\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[16]\d|
+ 6(?:
+ [06]\d|
+ 3[03-9]|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 69|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 77\d{2}
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>36001234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- 87 numbers are "wholly paid by the caller", so they are slotted under premium-rate for
+ now. -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 87|
+ 9[014578]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>84\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>84123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Burundi -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BI" countryCode="257" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat
+ pattern="([27]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[27]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 22(?:
+ 2[0-7]|
+ [3-5]0
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Extra online mobile number prefixes found: 79 10, 78 \d{2} and 76 [29]\d. The 29
+ prefix is listed as a mobile prefix, but many people list it as their fixed home
+ number. We will keep it as mobile for now, but it may actually be a prefix for fixed
+ satellite phones. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 29\d|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[1-3]|
+ [4-9]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>79561234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Benin -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BJ" countryCode="229" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Numbers beginning with 7 should be formatted as a block. -->
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2689]\d{7}|
+ 7\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- These come from the national numbering plan, but have been widened to include other
+ prefixes found in the yellow pages - specifically 21 0. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 02|
+ 1[037]|
+ 2[45]|
+ 3[68]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20211234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- We have restricted the pattern here to the first two digits, as beyond this the data
+ seems to be no longer accurate. The prefixes 9[468] have also been added, along with 66
+ (seemingly a prefix for Mobile MTN), and 64 for BeninCell. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6[46]|
+ 9[03-8]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90011234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[3-5]\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7312</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>857[58]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>85751234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- Numbers beginning with 81 are reserved for _either_ free phone or shared-cost (same cost
+ as a local-call.) We model these as UAN since we have no more detailed information. -->
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>81\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Barthélemy, French Antilles -->
+ <!-- There seems to be some overlap with phone numbers from Saint Martin and Guadeloupe. The
+ national numbering plan does not specify any St Barthélemy-specific numbering prefixes, but
+ it appears from searches in online white and yellow pages that a subset of the prefixes
+ available in Guadeloupe are used. In these cases, if getRegionCodeForNumber is used, one of
+ these region codes will be returned, although numbers will be valid for both regions. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BL" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <!-- Formatting rules borrowed from Guadeloupe. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 590(?:
+ 2[7-9]|
+ 5[12]|
+ 87
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>590271234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 690(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[27]|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 8[78]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>690221234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bermuda -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="441"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[4589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 441(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 02|
+ 23|
+ 61|
+ [3479]\d
+ )|
+ [46]\d{2}|
+ 5(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 60|
+ 89
+ )|
+ 824
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 441(?:
+ [37]\d|
+ 5[0-39]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4413701234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Brunei Darussalam -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BN" countryCode="673" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Format is from -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-578]\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-5]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[78]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[135]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>991</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bolivia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BO" countryCode="591"
+ internationalPrefix="00(1\d)?"
+ nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0(1\d)?"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([234])(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>[234]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([67]\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23467]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2\d{2}|
+ 5(?:11|[258]\d|9[67])|
+ 6(?:12|2\d|9[34])|
+ 8(?:2[34]|39|62)
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3\d{2}|
+ 4(?:6\d|8[24])|
+ 8(?:25|42|5[257]|86|9[25])|
+ 9(?:2\d|3[234]|4[248]|5[24]|6[2-6]|7\d)
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4\d{2}|
+ 6(?:11|[24689]\d|72)
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[089]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BQ" countryCode="599" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Shares formatting patterns with CW. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[347]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 318[023]|
+ 416[0239]|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[578]|
+ 50
+ )\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7151234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 318[1456]|
+ 416[15-8]|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ [89]\d
+ )\d
+ )\d{3}|
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3181234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Brazil -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="BR" countryCode="55"
+ internationalPrefix="00(?:1[45]|2[135]|[34]1|43)"
+ nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0(?:(1[245]|2[135]|[34]1)(\d{10,11}))?"
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule="$2">
+ <!--The national prefix for parsing here also contains a capturing group for the main number,
+ since the carrier codes here may also be area codes, so we want to check the length of
+ the number after capturing. We also need a nationalTransformRule to repopulate with the
+ number without the carrier code. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})(\d{4})"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP $CC ($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>119</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP $CC ($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-9][1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([34]00\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[34]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([3589]00)(\d{2,3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3589]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-46-9]\d{7,10}|
+ 5\d{8,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[34]00\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>40041234</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- According to this publication, the prefixes 11 53, 11 54 and 11 57 are to be used for
+ mobile phones prior to the introduction of a ninth digit. It is not clear whether they
+ are still valid as fixed-line numbers, so we are leaving them here in the meantime:
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1[1-9][2-5]\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ [4689][1-9]|
+ 2[12478]|
+ 3[1-578]|
+ 5[13-5]|
+ 7[13-579]
+ )[2-5]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 5[347]|
+ [6-8]\d|
+ 9\d{1,2}
+ )|
+ [2-9][6-9]\d
+ )\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ [4689][1-9]|
+ 2[12478]|
+ 3[1-578]|
+ 5[13-5]|
+ 7[13-579]
+ )[6-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1161234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[359]00\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>300123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[34]00\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>40041234</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 28|
+ 9[023]
+ )|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>190</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bahamas -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="242"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 242(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 02|
+ [236][1-9]|
+ 4[0-24-9]|
+ 5[0-68]|
+ 7[3467]|
+ 8[0-4]|
+ 9[2-467]
+ )|
+ 461|
+ 502|
+ 6(?:
+ 12|
+ 7[67]|
+ 8[78]|
+ 9[89]
+ )|
+ 702
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2423456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 242(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 5[79]|
+ [79]5
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [2-4][1-9]|
+ 5[1-8]|
+ 6[2-8]|
+ 7\d|
+ 81
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 2[45]|
+ 3[35]|
+ 44|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 65|
+ 77
+ )|
+ 6[34]6|
+ 727
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2423591234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 242 300 is a Domestic Toll Free service. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 242300\d{4}|
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>91[19]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bhutan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BT" countryCode="975" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Format is from
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([17]7)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 77
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-8])(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-68]|
+ 7[246]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-8]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ [34][5-7]|
+ 5[236]|
+ 6[2-46]|
+ 7[246]|
+ 8[2-4]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The 77 prefix is not yet in the ITU document but numbers online indicate this prefix
+ is in use. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[17]7\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[023]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Bhutan has been found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Botswana -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="BW" countryCode="267" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(90)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-79]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 4[0-48]|
+ 6[0-24]|
+ 9[0578]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[0235-9]|
+ 55|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[01]|
+ 9[0-57]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 6[03]|
+ 7[1267]|
+ 9[0-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[0389]|
+ 4[0489]|
+ 7[1-47]|
+ 88|
+ 9[0-49]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 2[1-35]|
+ 5[149]|
+ 8[067]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2401234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ [1-35]\d{6}|
+ [46][0-7]\d{5}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No reliable information about toll-free numbers can be found; many are written on the
+ internet like 0800 123 456, but this is not supported by any documentation and no
+ numbers can be found that actually work. -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>79[12][01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>79101234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[789]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Belarus -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Information on national prefix provided by a Belarussian person. -->
+ <territory id="BY" countryCode="375" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefixForParsing="80?"
+ nationalPrefix="8">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP 0$FG"
+ pattern="([1-4]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-4]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
+ pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8[01]|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
+ pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>82</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-4]\d{8}|
+ [89]\d{9,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Numbers are often written without the city code. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- Toll-free and premium rate numbers are not available from abroad. -->
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ [01]|
+ 20
+ )\d{8}|
+ 902\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>82012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 1[1-5]|
+ 2\d|
+ 6[1-4]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [235]\d|
+ 4[1-7]
+ )|
+ 7\d{2}
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [246]\d|
+ 3[0-35-9]|
+ 5[1-9]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [235]\d|
+ 4[0-8]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[02-79]|
+ 4[024-7]|
+ 5[0-7]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Using test number for Grodno from the plan. -->
+ <exampleNumber>152450911</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 5[5679]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )|
+ 33\d|
+ 44\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Using test number for BelCel from the plan. -->
+ <exampleNumber>294911911</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Putting Interactive Polling Service (free) here too. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 0[13]|
+ 20\d
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8011234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Putting Interactive Polling Service (paid) here too. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 810|
+ 902
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9021234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Belize -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- The trunk prefix, formally 0, was dropped in the last reorganisation of the numbering plan.
+ -->
+ <territory id="BZ" countryCode="501" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <!-- Adding hyphen following the Belize Telemedia formatting rules. -->
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0)(800)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-8]\d{6}|
+ 0\d{10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[234578][02]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2221234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 62[6-9], 63X and 6[67][2-9] were added as we have been able to successfully send SMSs
+ to these numbers or many numbers have been found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[0-367]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6221234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- We don't know how these would be dialled internationally - it is possible that they can't
+ be dialled internationally at all - so we represent the leading 0 as part of the number.
+ Information from -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>08001234123</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 0|
+ 11
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Canada -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CA" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011" nationalPrefix="1">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-9]\d{9}|
+ 3\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 04|
+ 26|
+ [48]9|
+ 50
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 06|
+ 43
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 03|
+ 1[68]|
+ 3[18]|
+ 5[06]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[06]|
+ 1[49]|
+ 79|
+ 8[17]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[04]|
+ 13|
+ 47
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[059]|
+ 80|
+ 78
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [06]7|
+ 19|
+ 73
+ )|
+ 90[25]
+ )[2-9]\d{6}|
+ 310\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2042345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 04|
+ 26|
+ [48]9|
+ 50
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 06|
+ 43
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 03|
+ 1[68]|
+ 3[18]|
+ 5[06]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[06]|
+ 1[49]|
+ 79|
+ 8[17]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[04]|
+ 13|
+ 47
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[059]|
+ 80|
+ 78
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [06]7|
+ 19|
+ 73
+ )|
+ 90[25]
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2042345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}|
+ 310\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cocos Islands -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Australia. -->
+ <!-- References state Cocos Islands have fixed line numbers starting +61 8 9162. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CC" countryCode="61" preferredInternationalPrefix="0011"
+ internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <!-- Uses AU formatting rules. -->
+ <!-- General desc and fixed line rules different from Australia. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1458]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>89162\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>891621234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- Mobile, toll free, premium rate, personal number and VOIP copied from Australia. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4(?:
+ [0-2]\d|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 4[47-9]|
+ 5[0-37-9]|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 7[07-9]|
+ 8[7-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 80(?:
+ 0\d{2}
+ )? |
+ 3(?:
+ 00\d{2}
+ )?
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- We assume this is the same as for Australia, since they have the same country code and
+ share their police force, and no better information can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 000|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Congo, Dem. Rep. of the (formerly Zaire) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CD" countryCode="243" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8[0-259]|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8[48]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-6]\d{6}|
+ 8\d{6,8}|
+ 9\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- According to IR-21 CCT 20081024.doc CCT for Congo has ranges 84\d{5} and 85\d{7}. We
+ are following this rather than the ITU document ranges for CCT. Similarly, for numbers
+ with the prefix 88, only 5 subsequent digits can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ [0-259]\d{2}|
+ [48]
+ )\d{5}|
+ 9[7-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>991234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No national emergency numbers were located for Congo. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Central African Republic -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CF" countryCode="236" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[278]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21612345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[0257]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8776\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>87761234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- No emergency numbers information can be found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Congo (Rep. of the) (Brazzaville) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CG" countryCode="242" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[02]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[028]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>222[1-589]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0[14-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>061234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Referred to as a "Green number" in the telephone plan. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No emergency numbers information can be found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Switzerland -->
+ <!--
+ under Technical prescriptions: Numbering plan for international carriers -->
+ <territory id="CH" countryCode="41" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-7]|
+ [89]1
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8[047]|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>860</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-9]\d{8}|
+ 860\d{9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[12467]|
+ 3[1-4]|
+ 4[134]|
+ 5[12568]|
+ 6[12]|
+ [7-9]1
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[46-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>741234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[016]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>84[0248]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>840123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>878\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>878123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voicemail>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>860\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>860123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[278]|
+ 44
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Côte d'Ivoire -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CI" countryCode="225" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Using format from online yellow pages over format implied in national numbering plan.
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[02-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[023]|
+ 1[02357]|
+ [23][045]|
+ 4[03-5]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[06]|
+ 1[069]|
+ [2-4][07]|
+ 5[09]|
+ 6[08]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added the prefixes 4[0-2] (Moov), 5[57-9] & 65 because SMS messages have been
+ successfully delivered. Supported by numbers found on the internet. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ 4[0-24-9]|
+ 5[057-9]|
+ 6[05679]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>01234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[01]|
+ [78]0
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cook Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CK" countryCode="682" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[13-7]|
+ 4[1-5]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[0-68]|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- and other tourist
+ sites agree on the following numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[689]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>998</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Chile -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Carriers listed here: -->
+ <territory id="CL" countryCode="56"
+ internationalPrefix="(?:0|1(?:1[0-69]|2[0-57]|5[13-58]|69|7[0167]|8[018]))0"
+ nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0|(1(?:1[0-69]|2[0-57]|5[13-58]|69|7[0167]|8[018]))"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <!-- When dialling mobile numbers from landlines, or vice versa, you need a prefix of 0, which
+ we strip here. National destinations may be dialled with a carrier if they are not local so
+ we extract these carrier codes as well. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC ($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2,3})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC ($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [357]|
+ 4[1-35]|
+ 6[13-57]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)([6-9]\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(44)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>44</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="([68]00)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 60|
+ 8
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(600)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>60</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1230)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-9]|
+ 600|
+ 123
+ )\d{7,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>600\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2|
+ 32|
+ 41
+ )\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 3[3-5]|
+ 4[235]|
+ 5[1-3578]|
+ 6[13-57]|
+ 7[1-35]
+ )\d{6,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Area codes do not need to be dialled when dialling within the same area, so the
+ smallest possible number is length 6. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[6-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>961234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Toll free patterns have been collected by looking at numbers on the internet, rather than
+ from a definitive source. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 1230 numbers are used by Visa/Mastercard helplines in Chile -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 800\d{6}|
+ 1230\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>600\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>44\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>441234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>13[123]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>133</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cameroon -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CM" countryCode="237" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting on the internet is consistently with the first 2 extracted, and usually in
+ the same format as France (all 2 digit groups) so we use this instead of the guidance
+ of the national numbering plan (which has 1 3 2 2 and 4 4 as its two formatting
+ examples.) -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([237-9]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2379]|
+ 88
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[237-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Technically, the numbers are required only to start with a 2 or a 3, but all numbers at
+ the moment start with 22 or 33 since they have been migrated from seven digit numbers
+ beginning with these numbers. This rule should be relaxed if/when we start getting
+ numbers beginning in other ways. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 22|
+ 33
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[79]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- These numbers are listed as value-added in the guide, and in practice seem to begin
+ with 88 (usually 880). No information can be found as to whether these are premium rate
+ or shared cost. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>88\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- Numbers must be prefixed with a 1 when dialled from a mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1?1[37]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- China -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CN" countryCode="86" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(80\d{2})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>80[2678]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([48]00)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[48]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Local numbers -->
+ <!-- Chinese fixed-line numbers can be dialed from a cell phone without area code and they
+ can be 7 to 8 digits. This rule is here to make formatting work with such numbers, as
+ people frequently store them in their cellphones. It has to stay before formatting
+ rules for fixed-line numbers to make AsYouTypeFormatter work with these numbers. The
+ leadingDigits prefix makes sure it doesn't clash with mobile numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(21)(\d{4})(\d{4,6})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="([12]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 10[1-9]|
+ 2[02-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <!-- Note the leadingDigitsPattern for 4 digits is the same as 3 digits, -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 10[1-9]|
+ 2[02-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 10(?:
+ [1-79]|
+ 8(?:
+ [1-9]|
+ 0[1-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 2[02-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 11|
+ 7[179]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [15]1|
+ 3[12]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1|
+ 2[37]|
+ 3[12]|
+ 7[13-79]|
+ 9[15]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 31|
+ 5[457]|
+ 6[09]|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 898
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 35|
+ 49|
+ 5|
+ 7[02-68]|
+ 9[1-68]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[179]|
+ [35][2-9]|
+ 6[4789]|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[23]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[03-9]|
+ 4[36]|
+ 5|
+ 6[1-6]|
+ 7[028]|
+ 80|
+ 9[2-46-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[1-5]|
+ 6[0238]|
+ 9[12]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 01|
+ [1579]|
+ 2[248]|
+ 3[04-9]|
+ 4[3-6]|
+ 6[2368]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[236-8]|
+ 2[5-7]|
+ [37]|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 8[3678]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-3689]|
+ 1[1-79]|
+ [379]|
+ 4[13]|
+ 5[1-5]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1[3-58]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[3-58]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(10800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>108</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1080</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>10800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-79]\d{7,11}|
+ 8[0-357-9]\d{6,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4|
+ (?:
+ 10
+ )?8
+ )00\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 0432 increased to 8 digits on October 24, 2009. 0791 increased to 8 digits on
+ August 28, 2011. 0475 is the prefix for Tongliao but is not in the ITU data. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 21\d{8,10}|
+ (?:
+ 10|
+ 2[02-57-9]|
+ 3(?:
+ 11|
+ 7[179]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [15]1|
+ 3[12]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[37]|
+ 3[12]|
+ 7[13-79]|
+ 9[15]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 31|
+ 5[457]|
+ 6[09]|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 898
+ )\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 35|
+ 49|
+ 5\d|
+ 7[02-68]|
+ 9[1-68]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[179]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6[4789]|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[23]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[03-9]|
+ 4[36]|
+ 5\d|
+ 6[1-6]|
+ 7[028]|
+ 80|
+ 9[2-46-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[1-5]|
+ 6[0238]|
+ 9[12]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 01|
+ [17]\d|
+ 2[248]|
+ 3[04-9]|
+ 4[3-6]|
+ 5[0-3689]|
+ 6[2368]|
+ 9[02-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[236-8]|
+ 2[5-7]|
+ [37]\d|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 8[3678]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-3689]|
+ 1[1-79]|
+ [379]\d|
+ 4[13]|
+ 5[1-5]
+ )
+ )\d{7}|
+ 80(?:
+ 29|
+ 6[03578]|
+ 7[018]|
+ 81
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 3\d|
+ 4[57]|
+ 5[0-35-9]|
+ 8[0235-9]
+ )\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>13123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Toll free, premium rate, and VoIP numbers are not clearly defined in the official Chinese
+ number plan, and do not seem to have been standardized. The information below is
+ collected from searching the web. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 10
+ )?800\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>16[08]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>16812345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>400\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[09]|
+ 20
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>119</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Colombia -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="CO" countryCode="57" internationalPrefix="00[579]|#555|#999"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="0([3579]|4(?:44|56))?">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 8[2-9]|
+ 9[0-3]|
+ [2-7]
+ )|
+ [24-8]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 8[2-9]|
+ 9(?:
+ 09|
+ [1-3]
+ )|
+ [2-7]
+ )|
+ [24-8]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{7})" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC $FG">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 80|
+ 9[04]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 800|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 4[78]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [13]\d{0,3}|
+ [24-8]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[124-8][2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0-24]|
+ 1[0-8]|
+ 2[01]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3211234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 19(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 4[78]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>19001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[29]|
+ 23|
+ 32|
+ 56
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Costa Rica -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CR" countryCode="506" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="(19(?:0[0-2468]|19|66|77))" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [24-7]|
+ 8[3-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[24-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[24-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 8[67] prefix after numbers were found online where these prefixes have been
+ assigned.-->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 0[0-4]|
+ 7[01]
+ )\d{5}|
+ [67][01]\d{6}|
+ 8[36-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>83123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Includes "mass calls" numbers with prefix 905. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[059]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- Including trunking service numbers starting with 5100. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 210[0-6]\d{4}|
+ 4(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [04]0\d{4}|
+ 10[0-3]\d{3}|
+ 2(?:
+ 00\d|
+ 900
+ )\d{2}|
+ 3[01]\d{4}|
+ 5\d{5}|
+ 70[01]\d{3}
+ )|
+ 1[01]\d{5}
+ )|
+ 5100\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>40001234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- This pattern excludes 4-digit SMS content numbers for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 00|
+ 15|
+ 2[2-4679]
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 1[0-35-9]|
+ 37|
+ [46]6|
+ 75|
+ 8[79]|
+ 9[0-379]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 00|
+ [12]2|
+ 34|
+ 55
+ )|
+ 333|
+ 400|
+ 5(?:
+ 15|
+ 5[15]|
+ )
+ 693|
+ 7(?:
+ 00|
+ 1[789]|
+ 2[02]|
+ [67]7
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1022</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cuba -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CU" countryCode="53" internationalPrefix="119"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{6,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-4]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57]\d{5,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2[1-4]\d{5,6}|
+ 3(?:
+ 1\d{6}|
+ [23]\d{4,6}
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [125]\d{5,6}|
+ [36]\d{6}|
+ [78]\d{4,6}
+ )|
+ 7\d{6,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 6111|
+ 8
+ )|
+ 40
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>140</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10[456]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>106</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cape Verde -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CV" countryCode="238" internationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[259]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 2[1-7]|
+ 3[0-8]|
+ 4[12]|
+ 5[1256]|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[1-3]|
+ 8[1-5]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2211234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- It seems, contrary to their numbering plan, the entire 9X range is used for mobile
+ phones. SMS messages has been successfully sent to numbers starting with 95 and 97 for
+ example, and there are plenty of numbers on the internet that start with these
+ prefixes. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 9\d|
+ 59
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9911234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>13[012]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>132</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Curaçao -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CW" countryCode="599" internationalPrefix="00" mainCountryForCode="true">
+ <!-- All the formatting patterns for country-code 599 are here. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[13-7]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[169]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ [48]\d{2}|
+ 50\d|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[0-2]|
+ [34]\d|
+ 6[35-7]|
+ 77
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>94151234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 5(?:
+ [1246]\d|
+ 3[01]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [1679]\d|
+ 3[01]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>95181234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>955\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>95581234</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- Value-added services are lumped together under shared cost, since we are not sure
+ exactly what they are. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 10|
+ 69
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1011234</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cyprus -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CY" countryCode="357" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Format from>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[257-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[2-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes paging numbers (they are mixed into the same block). -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[5-79]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>96123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Using for Corporate Network numbers and Universal Service numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 50|
+ 77
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>77123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Christmas Islands -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Australia. -->
+ <!-- References state Christmas Islands have fixed line numbers starting +61 8 9164. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CX" countryCode="61" preferredInternationalPrefix="0011"
+ internationalPrefix="(?:14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88))?001[14-689]"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <!-- Uses AU formatting rules. -->
+ <!-- General desc and fixed line rules different from Australia. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1458]\d{5,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>89164\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>891641234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- Mobile, toll free, premium rate, personal number and VOIP copied from Australia. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4(?:
+ [0-2]\d|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 4[47-9]|
+ 5[0-37-9]|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 7[07-9]|
+ 8[7-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 80(?:
+ 0\d{2}
+ )? |
+ 3(?:
+ 00\d{2}
+ )?
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>500\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>500123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>550\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>550123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- We assume this is the same as for Australia, since they have the same country code and
+ share their police force, and no better information can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 000|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Czech Rep. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="CZ" countryCode="420" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 3[1257-9]|
+ 4[16-9]|
+ 5[13-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 60[1-8]|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[25]|
+ [2379]\d
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Includes premium rate dial-up. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 0[05689]|
+ 76
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[134]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>811234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[17]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>910123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Numbers belonging to private communication networks are included here. These are
+ classified as Institutional networks, belonging to institutions like the police, armed
+ forces and railways, along with a couple of formerly government-owned banks. These
+ numbers are reachable by the public. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 5[056]|
+ 7[234]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>972123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 5[058]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Germany -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DE" countryCode="49" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,11})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3[02]|
+ 40|
+ [68]9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The order of the rules on 3-5 digits area code matter as fallback is used here. -->
+ <!-- 3 digit area codes. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,11})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ \d1|
+ 0[2389]|
+ 1[24]|
+ 28|
+ 34
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [3-9][15]|
+ 40
+ )|
+ [4-8][1-9]1|
+ 9(?:
+ 06|
+ [1-9]1
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 4 digit area codes. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2,11})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [24-6]|
+ [7-9](?:
+ \d[1-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [3569][02-46-9]|
+ 4[2-4679]|
+ 7[2-467]|
+ 8[2-46-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [24-6]|
+ [7-9](?:
+ \d[1-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-467]|
+ 2[127-9]|
+ 3[124578]|
+ [46][1246]|
+ 7[1257-9]|
+ 8[1256]|
+ 9[145]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[135]|
+ 3[1357]|
+ 4[13578]|
+ 6[1246]|
+ 7[1356]|
+ 9[1346]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[14]|
+ 2[1-3589]|
+ 3[1357]|
+ 4[1246]|
+ 6[1-4]|
+ 7[1346]|
+ 8[13568]|
+ 9[1246]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[356]|
+ 2[1-489]|
+ 3[124-6]|
+ 4[1347]|
+ 6[13]|
+ 7[12579]|
+ 8[1-356]|
+ 9[135]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[1-7]|
+ 3[1357]|
+ 4[145]|
+ 6[1-5]|
+ 7[1-4]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 21|
+ 3[1468]|
+ 4[1347]|
+ 6[0135-9]|
+ 7[1467]|
+ 8[136]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[12479]|
+ 2[1358]|
+ 3[1357]|
+ 4[134679]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[136]|
+ 8[147]|
+ 9[1468]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 5 digit area codes. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5})(\d{1,10})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!--,13401,17660-_,00.html -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([18]\d{2})(\d{7,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[5-7]|
+ 800
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{4,10})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 18|
+ 90
+ )0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 180|
+ 900[1359]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{2})(\d{5,11})">
+ <leadingDigits>181</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Where we have seen prefixes in use for the IVPN/User Group numbers, we format it the
+ way it is generally written. For other prefixes, we fall back to using a three-digit
+ prefix since we have currently no more information to allow us to format these more
+ precisely. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(18\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>18500</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(18\d{2})(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>18[68]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(18\d)(\d{8})">
+ <leadingDigits>18[2-579]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(700)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>700</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- When deciding whether to assume a leading 49 is a country code or not, the number is
+ examined to see if it is valid with the 49 as part of the number. Due to the variable
+ length of German numbers, this test is hard to do. The national pattern is hence
+ stricter for numbers starting with 49, to try and remove the country code if the number
+ begins with 49 whenever possible. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-35-9]\d{3,14}|
+ 4(?:
+ [0-8]\d{4,12}|
+ 9(?:
+ 4[1-8]|
+ [0-35-7]\d
+ )\d{2,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,15}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The numbering plan defines rather optimistic longest-number limits - online numbers
+ don't seem to respect this. The max-length is hence extended. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [246]\d{5,13}|
+ 3(?:
+ [03-9]\d{4,13}|
+ 2\d{9}
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[2-8]|
+ [1256]\d|
+ [38][0-8]|
+ 4\d{0,2}|
+ [79][0-7]
+ )\d{3,11}|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[2-8]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )\d{3,10}|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[2-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )\d{3,10}|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[6-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )\d{3,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- According to
+ numbers beginning with 162, 163 and 17 can all be 10 or 11 digits long.
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 5[0-2579]\d{8}|
+ 6[023]\d{7,8}|
+ 7(?:
+ [0-57-9]\d?|
+ 6\d
+ )\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 16(?:
+ 4\d{1,10}|
+ [89]\d{1,11}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>16412345</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 900(?:
+ [135]\d{6}|
+ 9\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- See bug 1683119 for a discussion about maximum number lengths. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>180\d{5,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18012345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Using UAN for numbers marked in the plan as being assigned to International Virtual
+ Private Networks (0181) & User Groups (018[2-9]). These seem in practice to be assigned
+ to companies. More information here: -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 18(?:
+ 1\d{5,11}|
+ [2-9]\d{8}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18500123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- Public Service Number for German administration. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>115</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>115</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[02]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Djibouti -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DJ" countryCode="253" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[27]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes "Numéro long CDMA fixe" numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 1[2-5]|
+ 7[45]|
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21360003</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>77[6-8]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>77831001</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Denmark -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DK" countryCode="45" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- There are some overlaps for some number prefixes - the plan says that they are 'mainly'
+ used for a certain type of number. For this reason, both "mainly mobile" and "mainly
+ fixed-line" are put under both number types. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-7]\d|
+ 8[126-9]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>32123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-7]\d|
+ 8[126-9]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Dominica -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="767"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[57-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 767(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 55|
+ 66
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[01]|
+ 4[0-25-9]
+ )|
+ 50[0-4]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7674201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 61[237], 285 and 295 since online numbers have been found with this
+ prefix. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 767(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [234689]5|
+ 7[5-7]
+ )|
+ 31[5-7]|
+ 61[2-7]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7672251234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 333|
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Dominican Rep. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DO" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="8[024]9"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The ITU data seems to be somewhat incomplete. We ensure that the fully-specified mobile
+ prefixes in the document are classified as such by excluding them from the fixed-line
+ ranges, but other than this have a generic rule. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ [04]9[2-9]\d{6}|
+ 29(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [0-59]\d|
+ 6[04-9]|
+ 7[0-27]|
+ 8[0237-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-35-9]\d|
+ 4[7-9]
+ )|
+ [45]\d{2}|
+ 6(?:
+ [0-27-9]\d|
+ [3-5][1-9]|
+ 6[0135-8]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[013-9]|
+ [1-37]\d|
+ 4[1-35689]|
+ 5[1-4689]|
+ 6[1-57-9]|
+ 8[1-79]|
+ 9[1-8]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[146-9]|
+ 1[0-48]|
+ [248]\d|
+ 3[1-79]|
+ 5[01589]|
+ 6[013-68]|
+ 7[124-8]|
+ 9[0-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [0-24]\d|
+ 3[02-46-9]|
+ 5[0-79]|
+ 60|
+ 7[0169]|
+ 8[57-9]|
+ 9[02-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8092345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[024]9[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8092345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Algeria -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="DZ" countryCode="213" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting from -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-4]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-4]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([5-8]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[5-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [1-4]|
+ [5-9]\d
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- We include the VSAT lines here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[014-79]|
+ 3[0-8]|
+ 4[0135689]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 9619\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 65 and 78 from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[56]|
+ 6[569]|
+ 7[7-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>551234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[3-689]1\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>808123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- The Algerian plan doesn't specify where the costs start to be considered "premium", so we
+ draw an arbitrary line here and say that from 50 Da up they will be considered premium.
+ -->
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[12]1\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>98[23]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>983123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[47]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Ecuador -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- A new plan has been prepared, but no implementation date has yet been stated. -->
+ <territory id="EC" countryCode="593" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-57]|
+ 6[2-7]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1-$2-$3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 69|
+ [89]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7}|1\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7][2-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 69|
+ [89]\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>99123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[12]|
+ 12
+ )|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Estonia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="EE" countryCode="372" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-79]\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [369]|
+ 4[3-8]|
+ 5(?:
+ [0-2]|
+ 5[0-478]|
+ 6[45]
+ )|
+ 7[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [369]|
+ 4[3-8]|
+ 5(?:
+ [02]|
+ 1(?:
+ [0-8]|
+ 95
+ )|
+ 5[0-478]|
+ 6(?:
+ 4[0-4]|
+ 5[1-589]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(70)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8000)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>8000</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([458]\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 40|
+ 5|
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ [1-5]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 40|
+ 5|
+ 8(?:
+ 00[1-9]|
+ [1-5]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{3,4}|
+ [3-9]\d{6,7}|
+ 800\d{6,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{3,4}|
+ 800[2-9]\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Supporting eFax numbers here as well. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[23589]|
+ 4(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [3-8]
+ )|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ 88
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 7 digit mobile numbers currently in use with special prefixes are preserved - new
+ numbers are 8 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5\d|
+ 8[1-5]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 5(?:
+ [02]\d{2}|
+ 1(?:
+ [0-8]\d|
+ 95
+ )|
+ 5[0-478]\d|
+ 64[0-4]|
+ 65[1-589]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 800(?:
+ 0\d{3}|
+ 1\d|
+ [2-9]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70[0-2]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- All 4-5 digit numbers listed in the plan as being a "short number for a service" are
+ included here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[01245]|
+ 3[0-6]|
+ 4[1-489]|
+ 5[0-59]|
+ 6[1-46-9]|
+ 7[0-27-9]|
+ 8[189]|
+ 9[012]
+ )\d{1,2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12123</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[13-9]|
+ [2-9]\d
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>116</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[02]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Egypt -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="EG" countryCode="20" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Note that no explicit formatting rule is here for 5-digit numbers starting with a 16
+ or 19. These are formatted without national prefix, as a block, so do not need to be
+ listed here. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [012]|
+ 5[0-2]
+ )|
+ [89]00
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 3|
+ 5[23]
+ )|
+ [4-6]|
+ [89][2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{4,9}|
+ [2456]\d{8}|
+ 3\d{7}|
+ [89]\d{8,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Short numbers used for businesses (starting with 16 or 19) are covered here. Note also
+ that the plan says numbers starting with 15 should be followed by seven digit
+ subscriber numbers, but all numbers we have found online are in fact six digit.
+ Subscriber numbers starting with 5 are also permitted for the area codes 040, with 5, 6
+ and 7 for the area code 050, with 5 and 7 for 082, with 6 for 084, with 7 for 086 and
+ 092 and with 5 and 6 for 96. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(
+ 3[23]\d|
+ 5[23]
+ )|
+ 2[2-4]\d{2}|
+ 3\d{2}|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[2-5]|
+ [578][23]|
+ 64
+ )\d|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[2-7]|
+ [57][23]
+ )\d|
+ 6[24-689]3\d|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[2-57]|
+ 4[26]|
+ 6[237]|
+ 8[2-4]
+ )\d|
+ 9(?:
+ 2[27]|
+ 3[24]|
+ 52|
+ 6[2356]|
+ 7[2-4]
+ )\d
+ )\d{5}|
+ 1[69]\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>234567890</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding the extra prefixes 102 and 121 from user reports that Vodafone and Mobinil have
+ started allocating numbers beginning with these prefixes. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[01269]|
+ 1[124]|
+ 2[0-278]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[23]|
+ 80
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>122</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Eritrea -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ER" countryCode="291" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[178]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[12568]|
+ 20|
+ 40|
+ 55|
+ 6[146]
+ )\d{4}|
+ 8\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8370362</exampleNumber><!-- Test number from plan. -->
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- It is unclear in the plan whether the 07 mobile prefix superseded the previous 017[1-3]
+ numbers or was in addition to them, so we support both here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 17[1-3]\d{4}|
+ 7\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No emergency numbers information can be found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Spain -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ES" countryCode="34" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([5-9]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 8(?:
+ [13]0|
+ [28][0-8]|
+ [47][1-9]|
+ 5[01346-9]|
+ 6[0457-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [1238][0-8]|
+ [47][1-9]|
+ [56]\d
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6\d|
+ 7[1-4]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[89]00\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[367]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>803123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>901123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <!-- Modelling non-geographic nomadic numbers as UAN. -->
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>51\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>511234567</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 61|
+ 8[05]|
+ 9[12]
+ )|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Ethiopia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ET" countryCode="251" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-59]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-59]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 11(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 1[124]|
+ 2[2-57]|
+ 3[1-5]|
+ 5[5-8]|
+ 8[6-8]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 13|
+ 3[6-8]|
+ 5[89]|
+ 7[05-9]|
+ 8[2-6]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[01]|
+ 3[0-289]|
+ 4[1289]|
+ 7[1-4]|
+ 87
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[69]|
+ 3[2-49]|
+ 4[0-3]|
+ 6[5-8]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[57]|
+ 44|
+ 5[0-4]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 18|
+ 2[69]|
+ 4[5-7]|
+ 5[1-5]|
+ 6[0-59]|
+ 8[015-8]
+ )
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 11[1-9]|
+ 22[0-7]|
+ 33\d|
+ 44[1467]|
+ 66[1-68]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 11[124-6]|
+ 33[2-8]|
+ 44[1467]|
+ 55[14]|
+ 66[1-3679]|
+ 77[124-79]|
+ 880
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 11[0-46-8]|
+ 22[0-6]|
+ 33[0134689]|
+ 44[04]|
+ 55[0-6]|
+ 66[01467]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 44[0-8]|
+ 55[0-69]|
+ 66[0-3]|
+ 77[1-5]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 6(?:
+ 22[0-24-7]|
+ 33[1-5]|
+ 44[13-69]|
+ 55[14-689]|
+ 660|
+ 88[1-4]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 11[1-9]|
+ 22[1-9]|
+ 33[13-7]|
+ 44[13-6]|
+ 55[1-689]
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 7(?:
+ 227|
+ 55[05]|
+ (?:
+ 66|
+ 77
+ )[14-8]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 11[149]|
+ 22[013-79]|
+ 33[0-68]|
+ 44[013-8]|
+ 550|
+ 66[1-5]|
+ 77\d
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>111112345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The data here is not regularly updated by the Ethiopian authorities, and many more
+ numbers are visible online than are reported in the ITU document. This pattern is
+ therefore somewhat more relaxed than in the ITU document. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[12]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- The 91, 92, and 93 numbers are for the city of Addis Ababa. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11?|
+ [23]|
+ 9[17]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>991</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Finland -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Åland (AX) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FI" countryCode="358" internationalPrefix="00|99[049]" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" mainCountryForCode="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ [1-3]00|
+ [6-8]0
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,10})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[09]|
+ [14]|
+ 50|
+ 7[135]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4,11})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [25689][1-8]|
+ 3
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{4,11}|
+ [2-9]\d{4,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <!-- According to the national numbering plan, service numbers are in general not accessible
+ from abroad, although 600/700/800 numbers may be. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [13]00\d{3,7}|
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0\d{3,7}|
+ 2[023]\d{1,6}|
+ 9[89]\d{1,6}
+ )
+ )|
+ 60(?:
+ [12]\d{5,6}|
+ 6\d{7}
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d{7}|
+ 3\d{8}|
+ 5[03-9]\d{2,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>100123</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- This is limited to geographic numbers - non-geographic nationwide subscriber numbers
+ are listed under UAN. It also excludes Åland numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [3569][1-8]\d{3,9}|
+ [47]\d{5,10}
+ )|
+ 2[1-8]\d{3,9}|
+ 3(?:
+ [1-8]\d{3,9}|
+ 9\d{4,8}
+ )|
+ [5689][1-8]\d{3,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1312345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4\d{5,10}|
+ 50\d{4,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[67]00\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>600123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Covers nationwide non-geographic numbers, and nationwide "service numbers", typically
+ assigned to institutions such as universities, the national post, etc, where they are
+ not otherwise classified as toll-free or premium-rate numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [13]0\d{4,8}|
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [016-8]\d{3,7}|
+ [2-59]\d{2,7}
+ )|
+ 9\d{4,8}
+ )|
+ 60(?:
+ [12]\d{5,6}|
+ 6\d{7}
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d{7}|
+ 3\d{8}|
+ 5[03-9]\d{2,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10112345</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Fiji -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FJ" countryCode="679" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|52)"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[36-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [36-9]\d{6}|
+ 0\d{10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding the prefixes 30X, 31X and 62X, since numbers with these prefixes have been found
+ online, including in the white pages. 35X and 85X were found in the exchanges listed on
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[0-5]|
+ 6[25-7]|
+ 8[58]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 7[67], 8[367], and 9[034678] from numbers found online and numbers where SMSs have
+ been received from. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7[0-467]|
+ 8[367]|
+ 9[02346-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Information found on It is not clear if these are internationally
+ diallable, or if so, how. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>08001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- From the Emergency Numbers page on the Telecom Fiji website. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 04|
+ 1[34]|
+ 8[1-4]
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 0[1-3]|
+ [25]9
+ )|
+ 2[289]|
+ 30|
+ [45]4|
+ 75|
+ 913
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>91[17]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Falkland Islands (Malvinas) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FK" countryCode="500" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- All numbers are formatted together, as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-7]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-47]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>31234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- Service numbers use 3 digit short codes -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Micronesia, Federated States of -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FM" countryCode="691" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[39]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3[2357]0[1-9]\d{3}|
+ 9[2-6]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Note that most ranges are used for both fixed and mobile but numbers starting with 970
+ are exclusively mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3[2357]0[1-9]\d{3}|
+ 9[2-7]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3501234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 911|
+ 320221
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Faroe Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FO" countryCode="298" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="(10(?:01|[12]0|88))"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
+ <!-- All numbers are formatted together, as a block. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{6})">
+ <format>$1</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 20|
+ [3-4]\d|
+ 8[19]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1-9]|
+ 5\d|
+ 7[1-79]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[257-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>802123</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 90(?:
+ [1345][15-7]|
+ 2[125-7]|
+ 99
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>901123</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6[0-36]|
+ 88
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- Includes special numbers, special services and universal services. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[48]|
+ 4[124]\d|
+ 71\d|
+ 8[7-9]\d
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>114</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- France -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="FR" countryCode="33" internationalPrefix="[04579]0"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <!-- 4-digit premium-rate numbers will be formatted as a block without a national prefix. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-79])(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-79]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
+ pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [124-9]\d{8}|
+ 3\d{3}(?:\d{5})?
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}(?:\d{5})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3123</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-5]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6\d{8}|
+ 7[5-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- We are putting 4-digit premium-rate numbers here for now, since they are used by
+ agencies such as CPAM and the national unemployment agency. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3\d{3}|
+ 89[1-37-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}(?:\d{5})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>891123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 1[019]|
+ 2[0156]|
+ 84|
+ 90
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- 087 numbers used to be used for this. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [578]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Gabon -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GA" countryCode="241" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[12]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [12]\d{6}|
+ 0\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The plan stated that the new 7-digit fixed-line plan would come into force in 2005, but
+ then said it was "postponed til a later time". This time was never communicated, but
+ now 7-digit numbers can be found online so we have assumed that this has in fact
+ happened. In addition, we attempted to dial 6-digit numbers and the result was an
+ "invalid number" error. There is also a typo in one place in the ITU document stating
+ that the numbers in Ntoum moved from "42" to "02 41" - it seems they moved to "02 42"
+ as written later in the document. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 4[4-8]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 4[02]|
+ 5[04-689]|
+ 6[024-79]|
+ 8[236]|
+ 9[02368]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1441234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- The leading zero here is supposed to be temporary - at a later date, Gabon intends to
+ have a 0 as their national prefix for all numbers instead. It is uncertain at the moment
+ whether the 0 for mobile numbers is still necessary when dialling from outside the
+ country or not. -->
+ <!-- was used as the basis for the acceptable prefixes,
+ with some supplementary prefixes added from internet research. There is supposedly a
+ resource on mobile prefixes on the Gabon Telecom website, but the site (
+ doesn't seem to work and no alternative can be found. Extra prefixes added: 07 12, 07 13,
+ 06 71, 07 33, 07 [67]\d -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 0[89]|
+ 3[0-4]|
+ 8[0-26]|
+ 9[238]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[3-7]|
+ 1[01]|
+ 2[0-7]|
+ 6[0-589]|
+ 71|
+ 83|
+ 9[57]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[2-5]|
+ 2[89]|
+ 3[35-9]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[0-47-9]|
+ [67]\d|
+ 8[457-9]|
+ 9[0146]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>06031234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1730|
+ 18|
+ 13\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1730</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United Kingdom -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Note that this excludes Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey prefixes for the purposes of
+ validation, although the formatting rules are shared. -->
+ <territory id="GB" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ mainCountryForCode="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- 2d, 55, 56, 70 and 76 pager numbers (excludes 7624) with 10 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2|
+ 5[56]|
+ 7(?:
+ 0|
+ 6[013-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2|
+ 5[56]|
+ 7(?:
+ 0|
+ 6(?:
+ [013-9]|
+ 2[0-35-9]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 11d, 1d1, 3dd, 9dd with 10 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 1|
+ \d1
+ )|
+ 3|
+ 9[018]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 1dddd with 9 or 10 digits.
+ These area codes are very rare in GB, and are only available in the following places:
+ 13873(Langholm), 15242(Hornby), 15394(Hawkshead), 15395(Grange-over-Sands),
+ 15396(Sedbergh), 16973(Wigton), 16974(Raughton Head), 16977(Brampton),
+ 17683(Appleby), 17684(Pooley Bridge), 17687(Keswick), 19467(Gosforth). -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 38|
+ 5[23]|
+ 69|
+ 76|
+ 94
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 387|
+ 5(?:
+ 24|
+ 39
+ )|
+ 697|
+ 768|
+ 946
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 3873|
+ 5(?:
+ 242|
+ 39[456]
+ )|
+ 697[347]|
+ 768[347]|
+ 9467
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 1ddd with 9 or 10 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 7ddd (not 70, 76) with 10 digits. Note: DOES include 7624 when used for IM. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ [1-5789]|
+ 62
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ [1-5789]|
+ 624
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 800 1111 : UK ChildLine. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>8001</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>80011</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>800111</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>8001111</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 845 46 47 : UK NHS Direct. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(845)(46)(4\d)">
+ <leadingDigits>845</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>8454</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>84546</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>845464</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 84d, 87d with 10 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8(?:
+ 4[2-5]|
+ 7[0-3]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 80d (including 800) with 10 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(80\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 500, 800 with 9 digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([58]00)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[58]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <areaCodeOptional>
+ <!-- These are a subset of the fixed-line rules, with digits 2-9 as the leading digit of the
+ subscriber number. There are patterns for 2+8, 3+7 and a combined pattern for all
+ 4+6/4+5 and 5+5/5+4 numbers. Note that numbers matching this pattern are not
+ necessarily valid numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2\d[2-9]\d{7}|
+ 1(?:
+ 1\d|
+ \d1
+ )[2-9]\d{6}|
+ 1(?:
+ [248][02-9]\d[2-9]\d{4,5}|
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ [02-79]\d|
+ 8[0-69]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [04-9]\d|
+ 2[0-35-9]|
+ 3[0-8]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [02-8]\d|
+ 9[0-689]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [02-5789]\d|
+ 6[0-79]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [0235-9]\d|
+ 4[0-5789]
+ )
+ )[2-9]\d{4,5}|
+ (?:
+ 387(?:
+ 3[2-9]|
+ [24-9]\d
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 24(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ [3-9]\d
+ )|
+ 39(?:
+ [4-6][2-9]|
+ [237-9]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 697(?:
+ [347][2-9]|
+ [25689]\d
+ )|
+ 768(?:
+ [347][2-9]|
+ [25679]\d
+ )|
+ 946(?:
+ 7[2-9]|
+ [2-689]\d
+ )
+ )\d{3,4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1332456789</exampleNumber>
+ </areaCodeOptional>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Pattern matches geographic NSN=10 numbers as follows:
+ - area code and local number first digit for 2+8,
+ - area code and local number first digit for 3+7,
+ - area code only for 4+6 (including areas with embedded 5+5).
+ Pattern matches geographic NSN=9 numbers as follows:
+ - area code and local number first two digits for 4+5,
+ - area code and local number first three digits for 4+5 special case (01768) 88Ddd,
+ - area code and local number first digit for 5+4 special case (016977) Dddd.
+ All patterns exclude ranges used in GG, IM, JE. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 0[01378]|
+ 3[0189]|
+ 4[017]|
+ 8[0-46-9]|
+ 9[012]
+ )\d{7}|
+ 1(?:
+ (?:1
+ (?:3[0-48]|
+ [46][0-4]|
+ 5[012789]|
+ 7[0-39]|
+ 8[01349]
+ )|
+ 21[0-7]|
+ 31[0-8]|
+ [459]1\d|
+ 61[0-46-9]
+ )
+ )\d{6}|
+ 1(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[024-9]|
+ 2[3-9]|
+ 3[3-79]|
+ 4[1-689]|
+ [58][02-9]|
+ 6[0-4789]|
+ 7[013-9]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [25][02-9]|
+ 3[02-579]|
+ [468][0-46-9]|
+ 7[1235679]|
+ 9[24578]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[03-9]|
+ [28][02-5789]|
+ [37]\d|
+ 4[02-69]|
+ 5[0-8]|
+ [69][0-79]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[1235-9]|
+ 2[024-9]|
+ 3[015689]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ 5[03-9]|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[0-35-9]|
+ 8[0-468]|
+ 9[0-5789]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[034689]|
+ 2[0-35689]|
+ [38][013-9]|
+ 4[1-467]|
+ 5[0-69]|
+ 6[13-9]|
+ 7[0-8]|
+ 9[0124578]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[0246-9]|
+ 2\d|
+ 3[023678]|
+ 4[03-9]|
+ 5[0-46-9]|
+ 6[013-9]|
+ 7[0-35-9]|
+ 8[024-9]|
+ 9[02-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[35-9]|
+ 2[1-5789]|
+ 3[02-578]|
+ 4[0-578]|
+ 5[124-9]|
+ 6[2-69]|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[02-9]|
+ 9[02569]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[02-589]|
+ 2[02-689]|
+ 3[1-5789]|
+ 4[2-9]|
+ 5[0-579]|
+ 6[234789]|
+ 7[0124578]|
+ 8\d|
+ 9[2-57]
+ )
+ )\d{6}|
+ 1(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 46[1-4]|
+ 87[2-9]
+ )|
+ 545[1-79]|
+ 76(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 6[1-6]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 7(?:
+ 2[0-4]|
+ 3[2-5]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[2-8]|
+ 7[0-4789]|
+ 8[345]
+ )
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 638[2-5]|
+ 647[23]|
+ 8(?:
+ 47[04-9]|
+ 64[015789]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 044[1-7]|
+ 20(?:
+ 2[23]|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 30|
+ 5[2-57]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[2-8]
+ )|
+ 140
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 052|
+ 87[123]
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 24(?:
+ 3[2-79]|
+ 6\d
+ )|
+ 276\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 26[06-9]|
+ 686
+ )
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 06(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 7[4-79]
+ )|
+ 295[567]|
+ 35[34]\d|
+ 47(?:
+ 24|
+ 61
+ )|
+ 59(?:
+ 5[08]|
+ 6[67]|
+ 74
+ )|
+ 955[0-4]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 26(?:
+ 6[13-9]|
+ 7[0-7]
+ )|
+ 442\d|
+ 50(?:
+ 2[0-3]|
+ [3-68]2|
+ 76
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 27[56]\d|
+ 37(?:
+ 5[2-5]|
+ 8[239]
+ )|
+ 84(?:
+ 3[2-58]
+ )
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 85
+ )|
+ 52\d
+ )|
+ 3583|
+ 4(?:
+ 66[1-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ 2[01]|
+ 81
+ )
+ )|
+ 63(?:
+ 23|
+ 3[1-4]
+ )|
+ 9561
+ )
+ )\d{3}|
+ 176888[234678]\d{2}|
+ 16977[23]\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!--
+ 7100-7599, 7700-7999 with 10 digits; excluding ranges used in GG, IM, JE. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ [1-4]\d\d|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[0-8]|
+ [13-9]\d|
+ 2[0-35-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-7]\d|
+ 8[02-9]|
+ 9[0-689]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [014-9]\d|
+ [23][0-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [04-9]\d|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[0-35-9]|
+ 3[0-689]
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7400123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <!-- 76 with 10 digits; excluding ranges used in IM. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 76(?:
+ 0[012]|
+ 2[356]|
+ 4[0134]|
+ 5[49]|
+ 6[0-369]|
+ 77|
+ 81|
+ 9[39]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <!-- Source for non geographic numbers:
+ -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 800 1111 with 7 digits, 800 with 9 or 10 digits, 808 with 10 digits, 500 with 9 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 80(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 1111|
+ \d{6,7}
+ )|
+ 8\d{7}
+ )|
+ 500\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{2,3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- 871, 872, 873 with 10 digits are now Controlled Premium Rate Services, so are listed
+ here as well as 900-909, 910-919, 980-983 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 87[123]|
+ 9(?:
+ [01]\d|
+ 8[0-3]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- Using shared cost to deal with the various revenue sharing number prefixes in the
+ United Kingdom: 845 46 47 with 7 digits, 842-845, 870 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 5464\d|
+ [2-5]\d{7}
+ )|
+ 70\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8431234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- 70 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- 56 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- 30d, 33d, 34d, 37d, 55 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[0347]|
+ 55
+ )\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- This is a list of the ones that can be called. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 1(?:
+ 1|
+ [68]\d{3}
+ )|
+ 2[123]|
+ 33|
+ 4(?:
+ 1|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 5\d|
+ 70\d|
+ 800\d|
+ 9[15]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 02|
+ 2(?:
+ 02|
+ 11|
+ 2
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 02|
+ 45
+ )
+ 425
+ )|
+ 3[13]3|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[02]|
+ 35[01]|
+ 44[45]|
+ 5\d
+ )|
+ 650|
+ 789|
+ 901
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>150</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Grenada -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GD" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="473"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[4589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 473(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 3[0-2]|
+ 69
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[89]|
+ 86
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [06]8|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 4[0-49]|
+ 5[5-79]|
+ 68|
+ 73|
+ 90
+ )|
+ 63[68]|
+ 7(?:
+ 58|
+ 84
+ )|
+ 938
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4732691234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 473(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 0[3-79]|
+ 1[04-9]|
+ 20|
+ 58
+ )|
+ 53[3-8]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4734031234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Georgia -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="GE" countryCode="995" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Format isn't very strictly defined - the yellow pages omits area code and does 2 2 2,
+ the communications commission uses 2 3 3. Wikipedia says 3 2 3. Some use 2 6. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[348]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3458]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ [256]\d|
+ 4[124-9]|
+ 7[0-4]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[2-7]|
+ 3[1-79]|
+ 4[2-8]|
+ 7[239]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>322123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The ITU document says 790 instead of 590, but this contradicts their press release
+ about the change in numbers, and online numbers found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 14|
+ 5[01578]|
+ 68|
+ 7[0147-9]|
+ 9[0-35-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>555123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Information from, examples such as Wissol Petroleum Georgia hotline. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- It seems there may be special 6 digit numbers beginning with 91, but we are not sure, so
+ these are omitted for now. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- According to Wikipedia, 011, 022 and 033 will be replaced by 111, 122, 113 and 114 in
+ 2011. We are not sure if that has happened, so we support both versions for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 11|
+ 22|
+ 33
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 1[123]|
+ 22
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- French Guiana (French Dept. of) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Using a national prefix here as online numbers are formatted with it. -->
+ <territory id="GF" countryCode="594" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 594(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[012457-9]|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 4[3-9]|
+ 5[7-9]|
+ 6[0-3]|
+ 9[014]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>594101234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 694(?:
+ [04][0-7]|
+ 1[0-5]|
+ 2[0-46-9]|
+ 38|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>694201234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- The 876 prefix is mentioned in the plan, but the plan is from 2006 and in France VOIP
+ numbers were changed from 087 to the 09 prefix in 2009. It is likely this occurred here
+ too. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guernsey -->
+ <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GG" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <areaCodeOptional>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1481[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1481250123</exampleNumber>
+ </areaCodeOptional>
+ <!-- Specific to GG. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 1481 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1481\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1481456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 7781, 7839, 7911 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 781|
+ 839|
+ 911
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7781123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Other numbers as per GB. -->
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 76(?:
+ 0[012]|
+ 2[356]|
+ 4[0134]|
+ 5[49]|
+ 6[0-369]|
+ 77|
+ 81|
+ 9[39]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 80(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 1111|
+ \d{6,7}
+ )|
+ 8\d{7}
+ )|
+ 500\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{2,3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 87[123]|
+ 9(?:
+ [01]\d|
+ 8[0-3]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 5464\d|
+ [2-5]\d{7}
+ )|
+ 70\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8431234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[0347]|
+ 55
+ )\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- Taken from numbers listed explicitly as Public Telephone Network Numbers in
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 1(?:
+ 1|
+ [68]\d{3}
+ )|
+ 23|
+ 4(?:
+ 1|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 55|
+ 800\d|
+ 95
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>155</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Ghana -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GH" countryCode="233" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[235]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [235]\d{8}|
+ 8\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 0[237]\d|
+ [167](?:
+ 2[0-6]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2[0-5]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[0-3]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[013-9]|
+ 3[01]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 2[0-7]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[0-2]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 20|
+ 7\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>302345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[034678]|
+ 5[047]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>231234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Found online references to these numbers, although they are not in the plan since they
+ are not internationally diallable. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 19[123]|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Gibraltar -->
+ <territory id="GI" countryCode="350" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- No formatting rules - numbers are always formatted as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2568]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 00\d|
+ 16[0-7]|
+ 22[2457]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20012345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[4-8]|
+ 60
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>57123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[1-689]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>87\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>87123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 00|
+ 1(?:
+ 6(?:
+ 00[06]|
+ 11[17]
+ )|
+ 8\d{2}
+ )|
+ 23|
+ 4(?:
+ 1|
+ 7[014]
+ )|
+ 5[015]|
+ 9[34]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 4[0-2]|
+ 8\d
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>116123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 9[09]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Greenland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GL" countryCode="299" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-689]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Including VSAT numbers here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 19|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 6[14689]|
+ 8[14-79]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>321000</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[245][2-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>221234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3[89]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>381234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Gambia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GM" countryCode="220" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4(?:
+ [23]\d{2}|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[024679]|
+ [6-9]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 54[0-7]|
+ 6(?:
+ [67]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[04]|
+ 2[035]|
+ 3[58]|
+ 48
+ )
+ )|
+ 8\d{3}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5661234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[0-2]|
+ [3679]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1?1[678]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guinea -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GN" countryCode="224" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- We have two formatting patterns here since the 8 digit case is more normal and we want
+ that to be preferred for the AYTF. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23567]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>62</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23567]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 30(?:
+ 24|
+ 3[12]|
+ 4[1-35-7]|
+ 5[13]|
+ 6[189]|
+ [78]1|
+ 9[1478]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30241234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- WiMAX is in the plan - which is a wireless broadband protocol. Not including this in
+ the metadata for now unless this proves to be necessary. These would start with 79. We
+ are also allowing an extra digit for numbers beginning with 62, since Orange is
+ apparently moving their 62 and 68 ranges both to 62 and adding an extra digit.
+ Extra prefixes 24, 66 and 69 have been added for MTN Guinée, as notified by an
+ opensource contributor and matched by numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 24|
+ 55
+ )\d{6}|
+ 6(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 2[0-35-9]|
+ 3[3467]|
+ 5[2457-9]
+ )|
+ 2\d{2,3}|
+ [4-9]\d{2}|
+ 3(?:
+ [14]0|
+ 35
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>60201234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>78\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>78123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- No national emergency numbers were located for Guinea. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guadeloupe -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GP" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00"
+ mainCountryForCode="true" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([56]90)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The plan says 59011 and 59012 are not implemented yet, but is from 2006 and online
+ examples can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 590(?:
+ 1[12]|
+ 2[0-68]|
+ 3[28]|
+ 4[126-8]|
+ 5[067]|
+ 6[018]|
+ [89]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>590201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 1[1-9] and 2[013-5] as prefixes after SMSs have been successfully sent to
+ numbers with this prefix. also attributes this range to Guadeloupe
+ Digicel Mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 690(?:
+ 00|
+ 1[1-9]|
+ 2[013-5]|
+ [3-5]\d|
+ 6[0-57-9]|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 8[0-6]|
+ 9[09]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>690301234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Equatorial Guinea -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GQ" countryCode="240" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[235]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23589]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 3\d[7-9]|
+ [0-24-9]\d[46]
+ )|
+ 5\d{2}[7-9]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>333091234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 222|
+ 551
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Note that personal and sharedCost numbers are said to go under here too - hopefully when
+ they start allocating them there will be a differentiation of prefixes, but this is not
+ clear now. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- No national emergency numbers were located for Equatorial Guinea. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Greece -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GR" countryCode="30" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([27]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 21|
+ 7
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[2-9]1|
+ [689]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>2[2-9][02-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[26-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 1\d{2}|
+ 2(?:
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 5[1-4]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[1-5]|
+ [289][1-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[1-5]|
+ 3[1-4]|
+ [45][1-3]|
+ 7[1-7]|
+ 8[1-6]|
+ 9[1-79]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 3[1-4]|
+ 4[13-5]|
+ 6[1-578]|
+ 9[1-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[1-3]|
+ 4[124]|
+ 5[1-6]|
+ [39][1-4]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 3[124]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 5[13-9]|
+ [269][1-6]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[1-5]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[1-5]|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 5[1-57]|
+ 6[134]|
+ 9[15-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[1-5]|
+ [34][1-4]|
+ 9[1-7]
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>69\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[19]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9091234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- Including calls with maximum charge of 0,25 EUR/minute here instead of under premium
+ rate. -->
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 0[16]|
+ 12|
+ 25
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8011234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 00|
+ 12|
+ 66|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guatemala -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="GT" countryCode="502" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-7]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-7]\d{7}|
+ 1[89]\d{9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[267][2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Wikipedia claims numbers with 3 are also mobile although in ITU document it says that
+ they are just reserved. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[345]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18[01]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001112222</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>19001112222</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[124-9]|
+ [57]\d{2}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[03]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guam -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GU" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="671"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Added 671 555/720/721 based on information from
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 671(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 00|
+ 3[39]|
+ 4[349]|
+ 55|
+ 6[26]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 56|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ 8[23678]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 55|
+ 6[2-5]|
+ 88
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[2-578]|
+ 4[24-9]|
+ 5[34]|
+ 78|
+ 8[5-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [079]7|
+ 2[0167]|
+ 3[45]|
+ 8[789]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [2-5789]8|
+ 6[48]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 2[29]|
+ 6[79]|
+ 7[179]|
+ 8[789]|
+ 9[78]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6713001234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- We assume mobile phone numbers to be the same as fixed-line - further info unavailable -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 671(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 00|
+ 3[39]|
+ 4[349]|
+ 55|
+ 6[26]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 56|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ 8[23678]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 55|
+ 6[2-5]|
+ 88
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[2-578]|
+ 4[24-9]|
+ 5[34]|
+ 78|
+ 8[5-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [079]7|
+ 2[0167]|
+ 3[45]|
+ 8[789]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [2-5789]8|
+ 6[48]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 2[29]|
+ 6[79]|
+ 7[179]|
+ 8[789]|
+ 9[78]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6713001234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guinea-Bissau -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GW" countryCode="245" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3567]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 2[0125]|
+ 3[1245]|
+ 4[12]|
+ 5[1-4]|
+ 70|
+ 9[1-467]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5-7]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[378]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Guyana -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="GY" countryCode="592" internationalPrefix="001">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-4679]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1[6-9]|
+ 2[0-35-9]|
+ 3[1-4]|
+ 5[3-9]|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[0-24-79]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[25-9]|
+ 3\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4[0-24]|
+ 5[56]
+ )|
+ 77[1-57]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The ITU document only describes a few ranges for mobile numbers but there is evidence
+ that SMS messages have been succesfully sent to numbers in the entire range prefixed
+ with 6. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6091234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 289|
+ 862
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2891234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9008\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9008123</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 02|
+ 171|
+ 444|
+ 7[67]7|
+ 801|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[78]|
+ [2-47]
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0801</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>91[123]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Hong Kong -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="HK" countryCode="852" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [235-7]|
+ [89](?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(900)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(900)(\d{2,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- Slightly more complex pattern to allow the country code to be stripped off if
+ necessary. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [235-7]\d{7}|
+ 8\d{7,8}|
+ 9\d{4,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 5[78]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[1-69]\d|
+ 6\d{2}|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-8]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 900(?:
+ [0-24-9]\d{7}|
+ 3\d{1,4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[1-3]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 99[29]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Honduras -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- It seems there is no longer a trunk prefix in use, based on websites like
+ and on seeing how locals write their numbers in
+ national format. -->
+ <territory id="HN" countryCode="504" internationalPrefix="00" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[237-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Extra prefixes 228X and 2292 were added from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[019]|
+ 1[1-36]|
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[056]|
+ 5[57]|
+ 8[0146-9]|
+ 9[012]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2|3-59]|
+ 3[13-689]|
+ 4[0-68]|
+ 5[1-35]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 4[3-5]|
+ 5\d|
+ 6[56]|
+ 74
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 4[0-378]|
+ [56]\d|
+ [78][0-8]|
+ 9[01]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 6[46-9]|
+ 7[02-9]|
+ 8[34]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 79|
+ 8[0-35789]|
+ 9[1-57-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[37-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>91234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>199</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>199</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Croatia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="HR" countryCode="385" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- The plan says 1 XXX XXXX but the government and local telecom websites are formatted 1
+ XXXX XXX, so we prefer that formatting here. These same sources prefer XXX XXX to XX
+ XXXX as well. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6[029])(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>6[029]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-5]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-5]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 6[145]|
+ 7
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 6[145]|
+ 7
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(80[01])(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(80[01])(\d{3,4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-7]\d{5,8}|
+ [89]\d{6,11}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Supporting 060 (general service), 062 (universal access), 069 (children service)
+ numbers here too. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1|
+ 6[029]
+ )\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 2[0-3]|
+ 3[1-5]|
+ 4[02-47-9]|
+ 5[1-3]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[1257-9]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- 061 is for TeleVoting numbers - but these are charged at similar rates to premium rate
+ so we include them here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[145]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>611234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[45]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>741234567</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 92
+ )|
+ 9[34]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Haiti -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="HT" countryCode="509" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-489]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The prefix 24 seems to be also used, based on online searches. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [24]\d|
+ 5[1-5]|
+ 94
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22453300</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The prefix 31 seems to be also used, based on online searches. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[1-9]|
+ 4\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>34101234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- ITU document says numbers with prefix 8 are "value-added services and free numbers
+ without making any further distinction. However, seems
+ to suggest they are free. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- ITU document suggests 98\d{6}, but restricts it to
+ 98[89]\d{5}. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>98[89]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>98901234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>114</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[48]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>118</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Hungary -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="HU" countryCode="36" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="06" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
+ <!-- Although the national prefix is necessary for dialling, the preferred format (confirmed
+ by a Hungarian person and following the yellow pages) is to omit this when formatting.
+ Yellow pages: -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes numbers for corporate networks. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2(?:
+ 1\d|
+ [2-9]
+ )|
+ 3[2-7]|
+ 4[24-9]|
+ 5[2-79]|
+ 6[23689]|
+ 7(?:
+ 1\d|
+ [2-9]
+ )|
+ 8[2-57-9]|
+ 9[2-69]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [27]0|
+ 3[01]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>201234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>40\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>40123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[457]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Indonesia -->
+ <!-- (from 2001, very out-of-date) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ID" countryCode="62" internationalPrefix="0(?:0[1789]|10(?:00|1[67]))"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{2})(\d{7,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[124]|
+ [36]1
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [4579]|
+ 2[035-9]|
+ [36][02-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8[1-35-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(177)(\d{6,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!--, and examples on the web show
+ that sometimes they are followed by less digits. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{5,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(809)(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>809</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Area codes taken from wikipedia, with missing ones added from
+ We also added 0770 after user feedback because it seems to be used on Bintan island.
+ Where known, fixed mobile prefixes have been represented as Mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [0-8]\d{6,7}|
+ 9\d{6}
+ )|
+ [24]\d{7,8}
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [35][1-4]|
+ 6[0-8]|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 8\d|
+ 9[1-8]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1|
+ 2[1-578]|
+ 3[1-68]|
+ 4[1-3]|
+ 5[1-8]|
+ 6[1-3568]|
+ 7[0-46]|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[1-589]|
+ 1[01347-9]|
+ 2[0-36-8]|
+ 3[0-24-68]|
+ 5[1-378]|
+ 6[1-5]|
+ 7[134]|
+ 8[1245]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[1-35-9]|
+ 2[25-8]|
+ 3[1246-9]|
+ 4[1-3589]|
+ 5[1-46]|
+ 6[1-8]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 19?|
+ [25]\d|
+ 3[1-469]|
+ 4[1-6]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[1-46-9]|
+ 2[14-9]|
+ [36]\d|
+ 4[1-8]|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 7[0-36-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[12]|
+ 1[013-8]|
+ 2[0-479]|
+ 5[125-8]|
+ 6[23679]|
+ 7[159]|
+ 8[01346]
+ )
+ )\d{5,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- It is unclear exactly which prefixes could be mobile phones, based on the information
+ on the wikipedia page. However, Bakrie have provided a list of their prefixes, which
+ are captured below. The pattern covers the area code plus the first one-two digits of
+ the subscriber number. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 3[145]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[1-469]|
+ 60|
+ 8[0359]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 88|
+ 9[1256]
+ )|
+ 3[1-4]9|
+ 4(?:
+ 36|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[349]|
+ [2-4]9
+ )|
+ 6[0-7]9|
+ 7(?:
+ [1-36]9|
+ 4[39]
+ )|
+ 8[1-5]9|
+ 9[1-48]9
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 19[1-3]|
+ 2[12]9|
+ 3[13]9|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[69]|
+ 39
+ )|
+ 5[14]9|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[69]|
+ 2[89]
+ )|
+ 709
+ )|
+ 4[13]19|
+ 5(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 19|
+ 8[39]
+ )|
+ 4[129]9|
+ 6[12]9
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 19[12]|
+ 2(?:
+ [23]9|
+ 77
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[13]9|
+ 2[15]9|
+ 419|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[89]|
+ 29
+ )|
+ 6[15]9|
+ 7[178]9
+ )
+ )\d{5,6}|
+ 8[1-35-9]\d{7,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>812345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 177\d{6,8}|
+ 800\d{5,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- The infomation below is provided by an Indonesian -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>809\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[02389]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Ireland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IE" countryCode="353" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 4[347]|
+ 5[2-58]|
+ 6[2-47-9]|
+ 9[3-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 40[24]|
+ 50[45]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(48)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>48</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(818)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>81</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [24-69]|
+ 7[14]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([78]\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 76|
+ 8[35-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(700)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 8[059]|
+ 5
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 8[059]0|
+ 5
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[124-9]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18[59]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1850123456</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- We allow 6-7 digit subscriber numbers for the 021 area code since that seems to be
+ reflected by the numbers in the Yellow Pages. The 023, 043, 052 and 064 area codes also
+ may have 7 digit subscriber numbers, although limited to 5 in the plan. This was caused
+ by a numbering update in 2008 ( has more details).
+ Other changes not in the plan include consolidating 0502, 0506 and 0509 into 057 and
+ 054, 055 and 053 into 053, and making 044 be followed by 7 digits in some cases.
+ Another peculiarity is that 048 actually replaces 00 44 28 when Irish people dial,
+ allowing them to easily dial Northern Ireland. We support these numbers here, although
+ technically they are numbers for the UK. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{7,8}|
+ 2(?:
+ 1\d{6,7}|
+ [24-9]\d{5}|
+ 3\d{5,7}
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[24]\d{5}|
+ [1269]\d{7}|
+ [34]\d{5,7}|
+ 5\d{6}|
+ 7\d{5}|
+ 8[0-46-9]\d{7}
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[45]\d{5}|
+ 1\d{6}|
+ 2\d{5,7}|
+ [3679]\d{7}|
+ 8\d{5}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 1\d{6}|
+ 4\d{5,7}|
+ [237-9]\d{5}|
+ [56]\d{7}
+ )|
+ 7[14]\d{7}|
+ 9(?:
+ 1\d{6}|
+ [04]\d{7}|
+ [3-9]\d{5}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 22\d{6}|
+ [35-9]\d{7,8}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>850123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 15(?:
+ 1[2-9]|
+ [2-8]0|
+ 59|
+ 9[089]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1520123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18[59]0\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1850123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>76\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>761234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>818\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>818123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Israel -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!--
+ (in Hebrew)-->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- (in Hebrew) -->
+ <!-- Formatting practice following wikipedia, and government sites. -->
+ <territory id="IL" countryCode="972" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|1[2-48])"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([2-489])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-489]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([57]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[57]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)([7-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[7-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The following number is for hospitals. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1255)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>125</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1200)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>120</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1212)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>121</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The following is for voicemail access. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1599)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>15</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- These are 4-digit star numbers which are only accessible within Israel and must be
+ dialed with a star in front of the number. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-689]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>*$1</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc >
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [17]\d{6,9}|
+ [2-589]\d{3}(?:\d{3,6})?|
+ 6\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1700\d{6}|
+ [2-689]\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-489]|
+ 7[2-46-8]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ [0246-9]\d{2}|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 33|
+ 44|
+ 5[58]|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>501234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Online 1-809 numbers now classify themselves as "toll-free". -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 80[019]\d{3}|
+ 255
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Peculiarly, one source states that 1956 and 1957 are the new premium rate prefixes.
+ However, no online numbers starting with these prefixes can be found, and this data
+ is not found in any other source. Instead, 1919 numbers are commonly used online for
+ these services, so we support them. -->
+ <!-- 1200 and 1212 numbers are for televoting. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 212|
+ (?:
+ 919|
+ 200
+ )\d{2}
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1919123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>77\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>771234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- 4-digit star numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-689]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2250</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <voicemail>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1599\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1599123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1455</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[012]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Isle of Man -->
+ <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IM" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <areaCodeOptional>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1624[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1624250123</exampleNumber>
+ </areaCodeOptional>
+ <!-- Specific to IM. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 1624 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1624\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1624456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 7524, 7624, 7924 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[569]24\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7924123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 808 162 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>808162\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8081624567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- 872 299, 900 624, 901 624, 906 624, 907 624 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 872299|
+ 90[0167]624
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9016247890</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- 844 040 6, 844 090 6, 845 624, 870 624 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 40[49]06|
+ 5624\d
+ )|
+ 70624\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8456247890</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <!-- Other numbers as per GB. -->
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- 308 162, 33d, 344 040 6, 344 090 6, 345 624, 370 624, 372 299, 55 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 08162\d|
+ 3\d{5}|
+ 4(?:
+ 40[49]06|
+ 5624\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0624\d|
+ 2299\d
+ )
+ )\d{3}|
+ 55\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{2}(?:\d{3})?</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>150</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- India -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Note that several changes in area codes have occurred since the numbering plan was released
+ - changes are notified on the website. Area codes can be verified here at
+ -->
+ <territory id="IN" countryCode="91" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Mobile numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ 2[0579]|
+ 3[057-9]|
+ 4[0-389]|
+ 5[024-9]|
+ 6[0-35-9]|
+ 7[03469]|
+ 8[0-4679]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[01589]|
+ 1[0-479]|
+ 2[236-9]|
+ 3[0479]|
+ 4[0-68]|
+ 5|
+ 6[045789]|
+ 7[1-69]|
+ 8[0124-9]|
+ 9[02-9]
+ )|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[04-9]|
+ 5[09]|
+ 7[5-8]|
+ 9[389]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [58]|
+ 7[3679]|
+ 9[689]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ 1[15-9]|
+ [29][89]|
+ 39|
+ 8[389]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0|
+ [47]9|
+ [25]0|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ [89][7-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[027]|
+ 12|
+ 20|
+ 3[19]|
+ 5[45]|
+ 6[5-9]|
+ 7[679]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[27-9]|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 42|
+ 60|
+ 9[5-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [03][07-9]|
+ 14|
+ 2[7-9]|
+ 4[25]|
+ 6[09]|
+ 7|
+ 9[013-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[01589]|
+ 1(?:
+ [024]|
+ 1[56]|
+ 30|
+ 7[19]|
+ 97
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [2369]|
+ 7[0135789]|
+ 8[01567]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0235-8]|
+ 4[14789]|
+ 74|
+ 90
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [02-58]|
+ 10|
+ 6[09]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[07-9]|
+ 1[01]|
+ [26]|
+ 30|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[39]|
+ 8[56]|
+ 7[45]|
+ 9[0157]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0589]|
+ 49|
+ 7[0-5]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[24]|
+ 33|
+ 49|
+ [2569]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [07-9]|
+ 1[057]|
+ 2[024-8]|
+ 44|
+ 5[3589]|
+ 6[0167]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [05-9]|
+ 2[35-9]|
+ 3[019]|
+ 4[03678]
+ )
+ )|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 2 digits area code -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 11|
+ 2[02]|
+ 33|
+ 4[04]|
+ 79|
+ 80[2-46]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 3 digit area codes that don't clash with mobile patterns. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[0-249]|
+ 3[0-25]|
+ 4[145]|
+ [569][14]|
+ 7[1257]|
+ 8[1346]|
+ [68][1-9]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 1[257]|
+ 3[013]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[0137]|
+ 6[0158]|
+ 78|
+ 8[1568]|
+ 9[14]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 26|
+ 4[1-3]|
+ 5[34]|
+ 6[01489]|
+ 7[02-46]|
+ 8[159]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[36]|
+ 2[1-47]|
+ 3[15]|
+ 5[12]|
+ 6[126-9]|
+ 7[0-24-9]|
+ 8[013-57]|
+ 9[014-7]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [136][25]|
+ 22|
+ 4[28]|
+ 5[12]|
+ [78]1|
+ 9[15]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 12|
+ [2345]1|
+ 57|
+ 6[13]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 80
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Three-digit area codes that potentially overlap with mobile. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[14]|
+ 3[134]|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[15]|
+ [67]1|
+ 88
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[14]|
+ 3[134]|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5(?:
+ 1|
+ 5[2-6]
+ )|
+ [67]1|
+ 88
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8(?:
+ 16|
+ 2[014]|
+ 3[126]|
+ 6[136]|
+ 7[078]|
+ 8[34]|
+ 91
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 4 digits area code -->
+ <!-- Fallback for fixed-line numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [2-579]|
+ [68][1-9]
+ )|
+ [2-8]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1600)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>160</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1600</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1800)(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>180</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(18[06]0)(\d{2,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>18[06]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>18[06]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Televoting numbers. Formatting information is from
+ -->
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>18[06]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 18(?:
+ 03|
+ 6[12]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{7,12}|
+ [2-9]\d{9,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 600\d{6}|
+ 8(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0\d{4,8}|
+ 3\d{9}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0\d{7}|
+ [12]\d{9}
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- This is a list of the 2 and 3 digit area codes and the first 3 digits of 4 digit area
+ codes, so we can check the following digit belongs to one of the operator-codes (2-7).
+ Operator codes are from wikipedia, with the addition of 5 (HFCL Infotel in some areas).
+ Not all operator codes are available in all areas, but we don't maintain that
+ distinction here.
+ Area codes starting with a 7 are listed separately, since the prefixes need to be more
+ detailed so they clash less with mobile phone prefixes. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 11|
+ 2[02]|
+ 33|
+ 4[04]|
+ 79
+ )[2-7]\d{7}|
+ 80[2-467]\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 2[0-249]|
+ 3[0-25]|
+ 4[145]|
+ [59][14]|
+ 6[014]|
+ 7[1257]|
+ 8[01346]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 1[257]|
+ 3[013]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[0137]|
+ 6[0158]|
+ 78|
+ 8[1568]|
+ 9[14]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 26|
+ 4[1-3]|
+ 5[34]|
+ 6[01489]|
+ 7[02-46]|
+ 8[159]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[36]|
+ 2[1-47]|
+ 3[15]|
+ 5[12]|
+ 6[126-9]|
+ 7[0-24-9]|
+ 8[013-57]|
+ 9[014-7]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [136][25]|
+ 22|
+ 4[28]|
+ 5[12]|
+ [78]1|
+ 9[15]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 12|
+ [2345]1|
+ 57|
+ 6[13]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 80
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[14]|
+ 3[134]|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[15]|
+ [67]1|
+ 88
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 16|
+ 2[014]|
+ 3[126]|
+ 6[136]|
+ 7[078]|
+ 8[34]|
+ 91
+ )
+ )[2-7]\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 2[35-8]|
+ 3[346-9]|
+ 4[236-9]|
+ [59][0235-9]|
+ 6[235-9]|
+ 7[34689]|
+ 8[257-9]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 1[134689]|
+ 3[24-8]|
+ 4[2-8]|
+ 5[25689]|
+ 6[2-4679]|
+ 7[13-79]|
+ 8[2-479]|
+ 9[235-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 01|
+ 1[79]|
+ 2[1-5]|
+ 4[25-8]|
+ 5[125689]|
+ 6[235-7]|
+ 7[157-9]|
+ 8[2-467]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[14578]|
+ 2[5689]|
+ 3[2-467]|
+ 5[4-7]|
+ 6[35]|
+ 73|
+ 8[2689]|
+ 9[2389]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [16][146-9]|
+ 2[14-8]|
+ 3[1346]|
+ 4[14-69]|
+ 5[46]|
+ 7[2-4]|
+ 8[2-8]|
+ 9[246]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[1358]|
+ 2[2457]|
+ 3[2-4]|
+ 4[235-7]|
+ [57][2-689]|
+ 6[24-58]|
+ 8[1-6]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[1357-9]|
+ 2[235-8]|
+ 3[03-57-9]|
+ 4[0-24-9]|
+ 5\d|
+ 6[2457-9]|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 8[1256]|
+ 9[2-4]
+ )
+ )\d|
+ 7(?:
+ (?:
+ 1[013-9]|
+ 2[0235-9]|
+ 3[2679]|
+ 4[1-35689]|
+ 5[2-46-9]|
+ [67][02-9]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[0-6]|
+ [013-8]\d
+ )
+ )
+ )[2-7]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- -->
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- A couple of additional prefixes not found on the wikipedia page, are added because SMS
+ messages have been successfully sent to these numbers. It seems almost impossible to
+ know for some of these numbers whether they are land-line or mobile, since the ranges
+ overlap. Extra prefixes added: 7277, 730[124-689], 735[0-24-8], 738[0-57], 740[34679],
+ 750[679], 7796, 787[34], 7896, 810[1-358], 811[56], 812[02569], 814[01], 8171, 8179,
+ 822[1-689], 823[0-24-9], 826[0-35-7], 827[0137-9], 828[01], 829[0-2479], the ranges in
+ 83X excepting 830[037], 834[14] and 8390, 840[02-57-9], 842[24-689], 843[0-59],
+ 844[0-489], 845[0-24-689], 846[09], 847[0135], 848[0-8], 850[7-9], 8510, 852[02-589],
+ 8530, 854[47], 8559, 856[0-5], 8586, 859[57], 860[1259], 8649, 865[03-79], 867[0-59],
+ 868[349], 869[0-46], 872[013-9], 8749, 875[1-35-9], 876[0-47], 879[4589], 881[05],
+ 8824, 8859, 892[67], 894[6-8], 896[3-6]. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[04-9]|
+ 5[09]|
+ 7[5-8]|
+ 9[389]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [58]\d|
+ 7[3679]|
+ 9[689]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ 1[15-9]|
+ [29][89]|
+ 39|
+ 8[389]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [47]9|
+ [25]0|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ [89][7-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[027]|
+ 12|
+ 20|
+ 3[19]|
+ 5[45]|
+ 6[5-9]|
+ 7[679]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[27-9]|
+ [39][5-9]|
+ 42|
+ 60
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [03][07-9]|
+ 14|
+ 2[7-9]|
+ 4[25]|
+ 6[09]|
+ 7\d|
+ 9[013-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [01589]\d|
+ 66
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ [024]\d|
+ 1[56]|
+ 30|
+ 7[19]|
+ 97
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [2369]\d|
+ 52|
+ 7[0135789]|
+ 8[01567]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0235-8]|
+ 4[14789]|
+ 74|
+ 90
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [02-58]\d|
+ 10|
+ 6[09]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[07-9]|
+ 1[01]|
+ [26]\d|
+ 30|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[39]|
+ 7[45]|
+ 8[56]|
+ 9[0157]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0589]\d|
+ 49|
+ 7[0-59]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[24]|
+ 33|
+ 49|
+ [2569]\d
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [07-9]\d|
+ 1[057]|
+ 2[024-8]|
+ 44|
+ 5[3589]|
+ 6[0167]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [05-9]\d|
+ 2[35-9]|
+ 3[019]|
+ 4[036-8]
+ )
+ )|
+ 9\d{3}
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Information gathered from sites such as
+ and
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 600\d{6}|
+ 80(?:
+ 0\d{4,8}|
+ 3\d{9}
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Only televoting numbers are covered here for now. The 900 numbers are not covered
+ because they overlap with mobile, and we haven't found any real numbers online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>186[12]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1861123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1860\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18603451234</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[0128]|
+ 12|
+ 298
+ )|
+ 2611
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>108</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- British Indian Ocean Territory / Diego Garcia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IO" countryCode="246" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>37\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3709100</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>38\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3801234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- It seems that there are no emergency numbers for this island. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Iraq -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IQ" countryCode="964" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-6]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-7]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 2[13-5]|
+ 3[02367]|
+ 4[023]|
+ 5[03]|
+ 6[026]
+ )\d{6,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[3-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <!-- No national emergency numbers were located for Iraq. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Iran, Islamic Republic of -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IR" countryCode="98" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting follows wikipedia. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(21)(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(21)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(21)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [13-9]|
+ 2[02-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-6]\d{4,9}|
+ 9(?:
+ [1-4]\d{8}|
+ 9\d{2,8}
+ )|
+ [178]\d{9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The patterns here are organized such that numbers with variable lengths come first,
+ followed by numbers that are 10 digits long. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 1[2-9]\d{2,7}|
+ 51\d{3,7}
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 241|
+ 3(?:
+ 11|
+ 51
+ )|
+ 441|
+ 5[14]1
+ )\d{4,7}|
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 34|
+ 41
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 11|
+ 52
+ )
+ )\d{6,7}|
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ [134589][12]|
+ [27][1-4]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2[189]|
+ [389][12]|
+ 42|
+ 5[256]|
+ 6[1-59]|
+ 7[34]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[1-4]|
+ 3[125]|
+ 4[24-9]|
+ 5[23]|
+ [6-9][12]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [135-9][12]|
+ 2[1-467]|
+ 4[2-4]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[89]|
+ 3[1-5]|
+ 4[2-8]|
+ [5-7][12]|
+ 8[1245]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 12|
+ [347-9][12]|
+ 51|
+ 6[1-6]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [13589][12]|
+ 2[1289]|
+ 4[1-4]|
+ 6[1-6]|
+ 7[1-3]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [145][12]|
+ 3[124578]|
+ 6[1256]|
+ 7[1245]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [039]\d|
+ [16][1-35-9]|
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 4[013-9]|
+ [57][1-9]|
+ 8[13-9]
+ )|
+ 2[01]\d|
+ 3(?:
+ [035-9]\d|
+ 13|
+ 2[1-579]|
+ 47
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>943[24678]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9432123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <voip>
+ <!-- Includes VSAT and Boomehen Satellite numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>993[12]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9932123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- MCI Public Relations numbers -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9990\d{0,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9990123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[025]|
+ 25
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Iceland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IS" countryCode="354" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(3\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [4-9]\d{6}|
+ 38\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Including 87[23] XXXX here as it is listed as a fax number. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4(?:
+ 1[0-245]|
+ 2[0-7]|
+ [37][0-8]|
+ 4[0245]|
+ 5[0-356]|
+ 6\d|
+ 8[0-46-8]|
+ 9[013-79]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 05|
+ [156]\d|
+ 2[02578]|
+ 3[013-6]|
+ 4[03-6]|
+ 7[0-2578]|
+ 8[0-25-9]|
+ 9[013-689]
+ )|
+ 87[23]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4101234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- TETRA = TErrestrial Trunked RAdio is included under mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 38[59]\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ 6(?:
+ 1[0-8]|
+ 3[0-27-9]|
+ 4[0-27]|
+ 5[0-29]|
+ [67][0-69]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 5[057]|
+ 7[0-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[0-5]|
+ [469]\d|
+ 5[1-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6101234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9011234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>49[013-79]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4931234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <voicemail>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 388\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ 6(?:
+ 2[0-8]|
+ 49|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[6-9]|
+ [38]\d|
+ 50|
+ 7[014-9]
+ )|
+ 95[48]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>388123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Italy -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IT" countryCode="39" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- The leading zero for fixed numbers will be prepended before the matching of these
+ regular expressions. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0[26])(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0[26])(\d{4})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0[26])(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][0159]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][0159]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][2-46-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d{3})(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9][2-46-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [13]|
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 4[78]|
+ 99
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8(?:
+ 03|
+ 92
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [0189]\d{5,10}|
+ 3(?:
+ [12457-9]\d{8}|
+ [36]\d{7,9}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>848\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8481234567</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ [26]\d{4,9}|
+ [13-57-9](?:
+ [0159]\d{4,8}|
+ [2-46-8]\d{5,8}
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- According to wikipedia, TIM mobile numbers can be 9 digits long, but all others are 10
+ digits long. However, a user reported the existence of new 11 digit long numbers for
+ TIM with the prefix 33X, so this is supported also. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ [12457-9]\d{8}|
+ 6\d{7,8}|
+ 3\d{7,9}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 80(?:
+ 0\d{6}|
+ 3\d{3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Adding 0878 numbers, as per
+ Other
+ premium prefixes are mentioned here:
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0878\d{5}|
+ 1(?:
+ 44|
+ 6[346]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 89(?:
+ 2\d{3}|
+ 9\d{6}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>899123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>84[78]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8481234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <!-- The plan says these should be 6 digits long, but when you go to telephone companies in
+ Italy, such as
+ and when you search for 178 numbers, they seem to all be 7 digits, so we cover both
+ lengths here. -->
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>178\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1781234567</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[2358]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Jersey -->
+ <!-- Inherits formatting rules from the UK. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="JE" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" x" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[135789]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <areaCodeOptional>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1534[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1534250123</exampleNumber>
+ </areaCodeOptional>
+ <!-- Specific to JE. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 1534 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1534\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1534456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 7509, 7700, 7797, 7829, 7937 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 509|
+ 7(?:
+ 00|
+ 97
+ )|
+ 829|
+ 937
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7797123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <!-- Pager numbers as per GB. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 76(?:
+ 0[012]|
+ 2[356]|
+ 4[0134]|
+ 5[49]|
+ 6[0-369]|
+ 77|
+ 81|
+ 9[39]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7640123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <!-- Specific to JE. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- 800 735, 800 781, 808 901 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 80(?:
+ 07(?:
+ 35|
+ 81
+ )|
+ 8901
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8007354567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- 871 206, 900 665, 900 669, 901 810, 907 107, 907 155 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 871206|
+ 90(?:
+ 066[59]|
+ 1810|
+ 71(?:
+ 07|
+ 55
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9018105678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <!-- 844 405, 844 442, 844 469, 844 703, 845 041, 845 800, 870 002 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 05|
+ 42|
+ 69
+ )|
+ 703
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 041|
+ 800
+ )
+ )|
+ 70002
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8447034567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- 70 1511 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>701511\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7015115678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- VoIP numbers as per GB. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- 300 735, 300 781, 308 901, 33d, 344 405, 344 442, 344 469, 344 703, 345 041, 345 800,
+ 370 002, 371 206, 55 with 10 digits. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 07(?:
+ 35|
+ 81
+ )|
+ 8901
+ )|
+ 3\d{4}|
+ 4(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 05|
+ 42|
+ 69
+ )|
+ 703
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 041|
+ 800
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0002|
+ 1206
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 55\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 00|
+ 18\d{3}|
+ 23|
+ 4(?:
+ [14]|
+ 28|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 5\d|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[12]|
+ [128]|
+ 35?
+ )|
+ 808|
+ 9[135]
+ )|
+ 23[234]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>150</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Jamaica -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="JM" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="876"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Numbers have been found online for ranges 62x,63x, 656, 66[2-489]. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 876(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 0[12]|
+ 1[0-468]|
+ 2[35]|
+ 63
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[1-3579]|
+ 1[027-9]|
+ [23]\d|
+ 40|
+ 5[06]|
+ 6[2-489]|
+ 7[05]|
+ 8[04]|
+ 9[4-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[2-689]|
+ [1-6]\d|
+ 8[056]|
+ 9[45]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-8]|
+ 1[02378]|
+ [2-8]\d|
+ 9[2-468]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8765123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 27, 28, 299, 31, 508, 527 and 566 as extra prefixes, as they have been found to
+ be valid by sending SMSs and looking at online number lookup sites.
+ Numbers have been found online for the following ranges 29x, 53x, 54x, 55x, 56x.
+ Most have mobile numbers online so we have put them under mobile but is possible
+ they are a mixture of fixed line and mobile.
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 876(?:
+ 2[1789]\d|
+ [348]\d{2}|
+ 5(?:
+ 08|
+ 27|
+ 6[0-24-9]|
+ [3-578]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[07]|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[1-47-9]|
+ 9[0-36-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [01]9|
+ 9[0579]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8762101234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[09]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>119</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Jordan -->
+ <!--[1].pdf?lang=english -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="JO" countryCode="962" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2356]|
+ 87
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[457-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 70|
+ 8[0158]|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[235-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 6(?:
+ 2[0-35-9]|
+ 3[0-57-8]|
+ 4[24-7]|
+ 5[0-24-8]|
+ [6-9][02]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1-79]|
+ 10|
+ 2[014-7]|
+ 3[0-689]|
+ 4[019]|
+ 5[0-3578]
+ )
+ )|
+ 32(?:
+ 0[1-69]|
+ 1[1-35-7]|
+ 2[024-7]|
+ 3\d|
+ [457][02]|
+ 60
+ )|
+ 53(?:
+ [013][02]|
+ 2[0-59]|
+ 49|
+ 5[0-35-9]|
+ 6[15]|
+ 7[45]|
+ 8[1-6]|
+ 9[0-36-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 2[50]0|
+ 300|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[0125]|
+ 1[2-7]|
+ 2[0569]|
+ [38][07-9]|
+ 4[025689]|
+ 6[0-589]|
+ 7\d|
+ 9[0-2]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [01][056]|
+ 2[034]|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 4[17-8]|
+ 5[0-69]|
+ 6[0-35-9]|
+ 7[1-379]|
+ 8[0-68]|
+ 9[02-39]
+ )|
+ )|
+ 87(?:
+ [02]0|
+ 7[08]|
+ 9[09]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>62001234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Trunked radio dispatch is included under mobile. -->
+ <!-- According to the ITU document of 23.X.2011, the leading digits 75 are not possible.
+ However, a web search shows that such numbers seem to exist. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 5\d|
+ 7[2-79]|
+ 8[5-8]|
+ 9[035-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>790123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 74(?:
+ 66|
+ 77
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>746612345</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>85\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- These numbers are Location Independent Services / Fixed cost according to
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 10|
+ 8\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88101234</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 09|
+ 1[01]|
+ 9[024-79]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>111</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Japan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="JP" countryCode="81" internationalPrefix="010" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" leadingZeroPossible="true" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Toll-free, premium-rate and UAN numbers -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 12|
+ 57|
+ 99
+ )0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- National-only toll-free numbers (0077 and 0088) and VOIP numbers (0037) where the
+ leading "0" is considered the national prefix. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>077</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>077</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>088</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>037</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Some leading digits are explicitly reserved for a particular purpose.
+ We handle them first in this rule, and let the following rules ignore those exceptions.
+ Note: The rule here is not in the files we rely on when creating the other rules.
+ We would need to manually modify it if the Japanese goverment
+ decided to change the rule.
+ (prefix): purpose
+ "20": Pagers
+ "50": IP phone
+ "70": PHS (Personal Handy-phone System, which has been used in Japan
+ with Non-3G, Japanese-specific protocol).
+ See also (Japanese)
+ "80" and "90": Mobile phone
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2579]0|
+ 80[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The order of the reg-exps are important.
+ Examples (not all):
+ - "15": 15420 -> 154-20, 15472 -> 1547-2, 15410 -> 15-410,
+ - "22": 22200 -> 22-200, 22300 -> 22-300, 22320 -> 223-20, 22350 -> 22-350
+ - "42": 42000 -> 4-2000, 42901 -> 4-2901, 42910 -> 42-910
+ - "82": 82200 -> 82-200, 82020 -> 820-20, 82400 -> 82-400
+ - "99": 99400 -> 99-400, 99430 -> 994-30, 99692 -> 9969-2, 99750 -> 997-50
+ - "993": 99330 -> 993-30, 99331 -> 99-331, 99332 -> 993-32
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 26|
+ 3[79]|
+ 4[56]|
+ 5[4-68]|
+ 6[3-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 76|
+ 97
+ )|
+ 499|
+ 746|
+ 8(?:
+ 3[89]|
+ 63|
+ 47|
+ 51
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 49|
+ 80|
+ 9[16]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 267|
+ 3(?:
+ 7[247]|
+ 9[278]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 5[67]|
+ 66
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 47|
+ 58|
+ 64|
+ 8[67]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[245]|
+ 48|
+ 5[4-68]
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 76|
+ 97
+ )9|
+ 499[2468]|
+ 7468|
+ 8(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 8[78]|
+ 96
+ )|
+ 636|
+ 477|
+ 51[24]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 496|
+ 802|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[23]|
+ 69
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 267|
+ 3(?:
+ 7[247]|
+ 9[278]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 5[67]|
+ 66
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 47|
+ 58|
+ 64|
+ 8[67]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[245]|
+ 48|
+ 5[4-68]
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 769|
+ 979[2-69]
+ )|
+ 499[2468]|
+ 7468|
+ 8(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 8[78]|
+ 96[2457-9]
+ )|
+ 636[2-57-9]|
+ 477|
+ 51[24]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 496|
+ 802|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[23]|
+ 69
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 5[2-8]|
+ [68][2-7]|
+ 7[2-689]|
+ 9[1-578]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2[03-9]|
+ 3[3-58]|
+ 4[0-468]|
+ 5[04-8]|
+ 6[013-8]|
+ 7[06-9]|
+ 8[02-57-9]|
+ 9[13]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[28]|
+ 3[689]|
+ 6[035-7]|
+ 7[05689]|
+ 80|
+ 9[3-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[1-36-9]|
+ 4[4578]|
+ 5[013-8]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[2-8]|
+ 8[14-7]|
+ 9[4-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[15]|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ 6[135-8]|
+ 7[0-4689]|
+ 9[014-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[49]|
+ 3[3-8]|
+ 4[5-8]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6[35-9]|
+ 7[579]|
+ 8[03-579]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [23]0|
+ 4[02-46-9]|
+ 5[024-79]|
+ 6[4-9]|
+ 7[2-47-9]|
+ 8[02-7]|
+ 9[3-7]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 5(?:
+ [236-8]|
+ [45][2-69]
+ )|
+ [68][2-7]|
+ 7[2-689]|
+ 9[1-578]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [04-9]|
+ 3[23]
+ )|
+ 3[3-58]|
+ 4[0-468]|
+ 5(?:
+ 5[78]|
+ 7[2-4]|
+ [0468][2-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0135-8]|
+ 4[2-5]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [0679]|
+ 8[2-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [024578]|
+ 3[25-9]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 3[2-4]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 8[237-9]
+ )|
+ 3[689]|
+ 6[035-7]|
+ 7(?:
+ [059][2-8]|
+ [68]
+ )|
+ 80|
+ 9[3-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[1-36-9]|
+ 4[4578]|
+ 5[013-8]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[2-8]|
+ 8[14-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ [89][2-8]|
+ [4-7]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[15]|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ 6[135-8]|
+ 7[0-4689]|
+ 9(?:
+ [017-9]|
+ 4[6-8]|
+ 5[2-478]|
+ 6[2-589]
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 4[4-8]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 7[2-6]|
+ [3-6][2-9]|
+ 8[2-5]
+ )|
+ 4[5-8]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ [37]|
+ 5[4-7]|
+ 6[2-9]|
+ 8[2-8]|
+ 9[236-9]
+ )|
+ 7[579]|
+ 8[03-579]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [23]0|
+ 4[02-46-9]|
+ 5[024-79]|
+ 6[4-9]|
+ 7[2-47-9]|
+ 8[02-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ 3[34]|
+ [4-7]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 5(?:
+ [236-8]|
+ [45][2-69]
+ )|
+ [68][2-7]|
+ 7[2-689]|
+ 9[1-578]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [04-9]|
+ 3[23]
+ )|
+ 3[3-58]|
+ 4[0-468]|
+ 5(?:
+ 5[78]|
+ 7[2-4]|
+ [0468][2-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0135-8]|
+ 4[2-5]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [0679]|
+ 8[2-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [024578]|
+ 3[25-9]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 3[2-4]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 8[237-9]
+ )|
+ 3[689]|
+ 6[035-7]|
+ 7(?:
+ [059][2-8]|
+ [68]
+ )|
+ 80|
+ 9[3-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[1-36-9]|
+ 4[4578]|
+ 5[013-8]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[2-8]|
+ 8[14-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ [89][2-8]|
+ [4-7]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[15]|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ 6[135-8]|
+ 7[0-4689]|
+ 9(?:
+ [017-9]|
+ 4[6-8]|
+ 5[2-478]|
+ 6[2-589]
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 4[4-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ [3578]|
+ 20|
+ 4[04-9]|
+ 6[56]
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 7(?:
+ [2-5]|
+ 6[0-59]
+ )|
+ [3-6][2-9]|
+ 8[2-5]
+ )|
+ 4[5-8]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ [37]|
+ 5(?:
+ [467]|
+ 5[014-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [2-8]|
+ 9[02-69]
+ )|
+ 8[2-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ [236-8]|
+ 9[23]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7[579]|
+ 8[03-579]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [23]0|
+ 4[02-46-9]|
+ 5[024-79]|
+ 6[4-9]|
+ 7[2-47-9]|
+ 8[02-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 3[02-9]|
+ 4[0-24689]
+ )|
+ 4[2-69]|
+ [5-7]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 5(?:
+ [236-8]|
+ [45][2-69]
+ )|
+ [68][2-7]|
+ 7[2-689]|
+ 9[1-578]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [04-9]|
+ 3[23]
+ )|
+ 3[3-58]|
+ 4[0-468]|
+ 5(?:
+ 5[78]|
+ 7[2-4]|
+ [0468][2-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0135-8]|
+ 4[2-5]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [0679]|
+ 8[2-7]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [024578]|
+ 3[25-9]|
+ 9[6-9]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 3[2-4]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 8[237-9]
+ )|
+ 3[689]|
+ 6[035-7]|
+ 7(?:
+ [059][2-8]|
+ [68]
+ )|
+ 80|
+ 9[3-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 3[1-36-9]|
+ 4[4578]|
+ 5[013-8]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[2-8]|
+ 8[14-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ [89][2-8]|
+ [4-7]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[15]|
+ 3[5-9]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ 6[135-8]|
+ 7[0-4689]|
+ 9(?:
+ [017-9]|
+ 4[6-8]|
+ 5[2-478]|
+ 6[2-589]
+ )
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 4[4-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ [3578]|
+ 20|
+ 4[04-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ 5[25]|
+ 60
+ )
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 7(?:
+ [2-5]|
+ 6[0-59]
+ )|
+ [3-6][2-9]|
+ 8[2-5]
+ )|
+ 4[5-8]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ [37]|
+ 5(?:
+ [467]|
+ 5[014-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [2-8]|
+ 9[02-69]
+ )|
+ 8[2-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ [236-8]|
+ 9[23]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7[579]|
+ 8[03-579]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [23]0|
+ 4[02-46-9]|
+ 5[024-79]|
+ 6[4-9]|
+ 7[2-47-9]|
+ 8[02-7]|
+ 9(?:
+ 3(?:
+ 3[02-9]|
+ 4[0-24689]
+ )|
+ 4[2-69]|
+ [5-7]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 2(?:
+ 23|
+ 5[5-9]|
+ 64|
+ 78|
+ 8[39]|
+ 91
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[2689]|
+ 64|
+ 7[347]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [2-589]|
+ 39
+ )|
+ 60|
+ 8(?:
+ [46-9]|
+ 3[279]|
+ 2[124589]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [235-8]|
+ 93
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 2(?:
+ 23|
+ 5(?:
+ [57]|
+ [68]0|
+ 9[19]
+ )|
+ 64|
+ 78|
+ 8[39]|
+ 917
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [68]|
+ 20|
+ 9[178]
+ )|
+ 64|
+ 7[347]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [2-589]|
+ 39[67]
+ )|
+ 60|
+ 8(?:
+ [46-9]|
+ 3[279]|
+ 2[124589]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [235-8]|
+ 93[34]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 2(?:
+ 23|
+ 5(?:
+ [57]|
+ [68]0|
+ 9(?:
+ 17|
+ 99
+ )
+ )|
+ 64|
+ 78|
+ 8[39]|
+ 917
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [68]|
+ 20|
+ 9[178]
+ )|
+ 64|
+ 7[347]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [2-589]|
+ 39[67]
+ )|
+ 60|
+ 8(?:
+ [46-9]|
+ 3[279]|
+ 2[124589]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [235-8]|
+ 93(?:
+ 31|
+ 4
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ 9[14-79]|
+ 74|
+ [34]7|
+ [56]9
+ )|
+ 82|
+ 993
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[09]|
+ 7[01]
+ )|
+ 6[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2479][1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-9]\d{8,9}|
+ 0(?:
+ 3\d{9}|
+ 7\d{5,7}|
+ 8\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <!-- Toll-free numbers with a leading "00" cannot be dialled internationally. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 37\d{8}|
+ 777(?:
+ [01]\d{2}|
+ 5\d{3}|
+ 8\d{4}
+ )|
+ 882[1245]\d{4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0777012</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 1[235-8]|
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ [58][2-8]|
+ 6[2-7]|
+ 7[2-9]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )|
+ 2[2-9]\d|
+ [36][1-9]\d|
+ 4(?:
+ 6[02-8]|
+ [2-578]\d|
+ 9[2-59]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[2-8]|
+ [2-589]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 3[4-9]|
+ 4[02-9]|
+ [25-9]\d
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 3[2-9]|
+ 4[5-9]|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 8[03-9]|
+ [2679]\d
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [679][1-9]|
+ [2-58]\d
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>312345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [79]0\d|
+ 80[1-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>20\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- and
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 120\d{6}|
+ 800\d{7}|
+ 0(?:
+ 777(?:
+ [01]\d{2}|
+ 5\d{3}|
+ 8\d{4}
+ )|
+ 882[1245]\d{4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>120123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>990\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>990123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 037|
+ 50
+ )\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- Storing "unified number service" as UAN. -->
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>570\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>570123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[09]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Kenya -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KE" countryCode="254" internationalPrefix="000"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>[24-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 20\d{6,7}|
+ [4-9]\d{6,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The prefix 066 is supposed to be used only for 9-digit numbers, but none of these can
+ be found online, and the plan says also it is migrating to 9 digit numbers. Both are
+ supported for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 20\d{6,7}|
+ 4(?:
+ [013]\d{7}|
+ [24-6]\d{5,7}
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [0-36-8]\d{5,7}|
+ [459]\d{5}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [08]\d{5}|
+ [14-79]\d{5,7}|
+ 2\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>202012345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 0[0-8]|
+ [123]\d|
+ 5[0-5]|
+ 7[0-5]|
+ 8[5-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Longer numbers have been found than the plan suggests, so we support them here too. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800[24-8]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800223456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[02-578]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900223456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- Excluding SMS-only premium-rate short codes for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[09]|
+ 1(?:
+ [06]|
+ 9[0-2579]
+ )|
+ 2[13]|
+ 3[01]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>116</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Kyrgyzstan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KG" countryCode="996" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 31[25]|
+ [5-7]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 1[36]|
+ [2-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[35-8]\d{8,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Extra area codes found on Web Search: 3147, 3150, 3948. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-9]|
+ 47|
+ 5[02]|
+ 6[1-8]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[0-479]|
+ 6[0-7]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 22|
+ 5[6-9]|
+ 6[0-4]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[4-7]|
+ 59|
+ 6[0-5]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 22|
+ 5[35-7]|
+ 6[0-3]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[468]|
+ 4[1-9]|
+ 59|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[5-7]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 22|
+ 4[1-8]|
+ 6[0-8]
+ )
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 09|
+ 12|
+ 2[2-4]
+ )\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>312123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added 70[1235789] since SMS messages have been successfully sent to numbers with this
+ prefix, and numbers have been found like this online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5[124-7]\d{7}|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[0-357-9]|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Add an extra digit to the number pattern since the only toll-free number found on Web
+ Search contains 10 digits instead of the 9 digits specified in the ITU document. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10[123]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cambodia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KH" countryCode="855" internationalPrefix="00[178]"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1\d[1-9]|
+ [2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[89]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 3[2-6]|
+ 4[2-4]|
+ [567][2-5]
+ )[2-46-9]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>23456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 86 from numbers found online, along with 88 (these numbers seem to be one digit
+ longer as well.) Adding 97 followed by 7 digits as such numbers have been found online.
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ (?:
+ 1[0-35-9]|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 7[06-9]
+ )[1-9]|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[89]|
+ 5[2-689]|
+ 8\d{2}|
+ [13469]\d|
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [0-689][1-9]|
+ 7[1-9]\d?
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>91234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Adding extra prefix 180021 used by -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1800(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[019]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1900(?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2[09]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 11[789]|
+ 666
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Kiribati -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- We include the national prefix for parsing here just in case numbers can be dialled with a
+ leading 0 - the main ITU document says this is not the case and no numbers online have been
+ found formatted this way, but Kiribati's own document lists it as a national dialling
+ prefix. -->
+ <territory id="KI" countryCode="686" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0">
+ <!-- Numbers should be formatted as a block." -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-689]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [234]\d|
+ 50|
+ 8[1-5]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>31234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Exclude 99[2349] from mobile since these are emergency numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6\d{4}|
+ 9(?:
+ [0-8]\d|
+ 9[015-8]
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>61234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 10(?:
+ [0-8]|
+ 5[01259]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>100</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[2349]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Comoros -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KM" countryCode="269" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[379]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- CDMA phones are included here, as they are considered as an extension of fixed line:
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 6[0-37-9]|
+ 7[0-57-9]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7712345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3[234]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3212345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- These are referred to as value-added services in the plan and no further information
+ can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 39[01]|
+ 9[01]0
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Kitts and Nevis -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KN" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="869"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding the 869 302 prefix as it is used by Marriott Hotels, even though no other record
+ of it can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 869(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 29|
+ 36
+ )|
+ 302|
+ 4(?:
+ 6[5-9]|
+ 70
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8692361234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added some more prefixes in the 66 and 76 range from online numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 869(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 5[6-8]|
+ 6[5-7]
+ )|
+ 66\d|
+ 76[02-6]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8695561234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 333|
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Korea, Dem. People's Rep. of -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KP" countryCode="850" internationalPrefix="00|99"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{9}|
+ [28]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>
+ \d{6,8}|
+ \d{10}
+ </possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <!-- For numbers starting with 2, only the 2381 range can be dialed internationally. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [0-24-9]\d{2}|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-79]\d|
+ 8[02-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>23821234</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Covers only numbers from Pyongyang and Rason Economic Special Zone. According to
+ wikipedia, other ranges of phone numbers are top secret, unpublished, and not dialable
+ from overseas. Also, there is conflicting information about the length of fixed-line
+ numbers, so here we are following Wikipedia. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2\d{7}|
+ 85\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19[123]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1921234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- According to the following webpage, there is no emergency number in
+ North Korea: -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Korea (Rep. of) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Exceptions :
+ internationalPrefix
+ 0031, 0033, 0071, 0073 - Special services of KT and DACOM, ignorable
+ nationalPrefix
+ 1[4-6]XX-YYYY - Country-wide common number services, display as it is without hyphens -->
+ <territory id="KR" countryCode="82" internationalPrefix="00(?:[124-68]|[37]\d{2})"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="0(8[1-46-8]|85\d{2})?"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$CC-$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>11[29]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 0|
+ 1[19]|
+ [69]9|
+ 5[458]
+ )|
+ [57]0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 0|
+ 1[19]|
+ [69]9|
+ 5(?:
+ 44|
+ 59|
+ 8
+ )
+ )|
+ [57]0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [169][2-8]|
+ [78]|
+ 5[1-4]
+ )|
+ [68]0|
+ [3-6][1-9][2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [169][2-8]|
+ [78]|
+ 5(?:
+ [1-3]|
+ 4[56]
+ )
+ )|
+ [68]0|
+ [3-6][1-9][2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1312</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>131[13-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>13[2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 030 numbers are used for Unified Messaging Services, according to the plan. There is a
+ limit of what digits may follow the 030, but we ignore that here. These numbers are
+ actually not supported for validation purposes by the library at the moment as no
+ online examples can be found, but we leave theme here so formatting continues to work
+ if they are entered. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>30</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2[2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>21[0-46-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [3-6][1-9]1(?:
+ [0-46-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Company numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 5[46-9]|
+ 6[04678]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 44|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88|
+ 99
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 00|
+ 44|
+ 6[16]|
+ 70|
+ 88
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-7]\d{3,9}|
+ 8\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2|
+ [34][1-3]|
+ 5[1-5]|
+ 6[1-4]
+ )(?:
+ 1\d{2,3}|
+ [2-9]\d{6,7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[0-25-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1023456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- The information below is provided by a Korean person. -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>602345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>50\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 5(?:
+ 44|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88|
+ 99
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 00|
+ 44|
+ 6[16]|
+ 70|
+ 88
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15441234</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[29]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Kuwait -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KW" countryCode="965" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Format is from ITU. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1269]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5[05]\d)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(65816)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>65816</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [12569]\d{6,7}|
+ 65816\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}|\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 18\d|
+ 2(?:
+ [23]\d{2}|
+ 4[1-35-9]\d|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[034]|
+ [2-46]\d|
+ 5[1-3]|
+ 7[1-7]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added 969 from an opensource report that this is now in use by Zain. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5(?:
+ 0[0-2568]|
+ 5\d
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[034679]|
+ 5(?:
+ [015-79]|
+ 8(?:
+ [02-9]|
+ 1[0-57-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 6\d|
+ 7[067]|
+ 9[69]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[09]|
+ 4[049]|
+ 6[69]|
+ [79]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>50012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <voicemail>
+ <!-- Wataniya Telecom -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>65816\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>65816123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [02-9]\d|
+ 1[013-9]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>177</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Cayman Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KY" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="345"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- The 800 NXX code is listed as being "national only", but we successfully reached numbers
+ from Switzerland with this prefix so do not list it as noInternationalDialling. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The Westtel numbers in the plan seem now to be live and assigned to fixed-line phones,
+ as per numbers found online and their website -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 345(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 22|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 444|
+ 6(?:
+ 23|
+ 38|
+ 40
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 4[35-79]|
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 77
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 1[45]|
+ 25|
+ [48]8
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 14|
+ 4[035-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3452221234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding central office codes 321, 322, 328, 576, 923 & 936 from numbers found online.
+ Most central office codes that were surrendered have not been included, with the
+ exception of 546 where numbers have been found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 345(?:
+ 32[1-9]|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[67]|
+ 2[5-7]|
+ 4[6-8]|
+ 76
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[67]|
+ 2[3-9]|
+ 3[689]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3453231234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>345849\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3458491234</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 900[2-9]\d{6}|
+ 345976\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Kazakhstan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="KZ" countryCode="7" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <!-- Formatting rules obtained from Russia. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7\d{2}|
+ 80[09]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>751\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7511234567</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- VSAT numbers are also included here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 0(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[023]|
+ 59|
+ 63
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[0-79]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-79]|
+ 4[0-35-9]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[013-79]|
+ 4[0-8]|
+ 5[1-79]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [234]\d|
+ 5[19]|
+ 61
+ )|
+ 72\d|
+ 8(?:
+ [27]\d|
+ 3[1-46-9]|
+ 4[0-5]
+ )
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[46-9]|
+ 5[3469]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[0679]|
+ 46|
+ 5[12679]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [234]\d|
+ 5[139]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1235-9]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[01246-8]|
+ 59|
+ 61
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-9]|
+ 4[0-4]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 40|
+ 5[279]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[0-3]|
+ 59
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[124578]|
+ 59
+ )
+ )|
+ 3622
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 0[01257]|
+ 6[02-4]|
+ 7[1578]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7710009998</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>809\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>751\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7511234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Lao People's Dem. Rep. -->
+ <!-- (Seems incomplete) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LA" countryCode="856" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(20)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-8]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[13]|
+ [3-8]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[13]|
+ [35-7][14]|
+ 41|
+ 8[1468]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21212862</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 2028, 2058, 2078 and 2097 from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 20(?:
+ 2[238]|
+ 5[4-68]|
+ 7[78]|
+ 9[7-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2023123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Lao P.D.R. has been found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19[015]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>190</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Lebanon -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LB" countryCode="961" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [13-6]|
+ 7(?:
+ [2-579]|
+ 62|
+ 8[0-7])|
+ [89][2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [89][01]|
+ 7(?:
+ [01]|
+ 6[013-9]|
+ 88)
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[13-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [14-6]\d{2}|
+ 7(?:
+ [2-579]\d|
+ 62|
+ 8[0-7])|
+ [89][2-9]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3\d|
+ 7(?:
+ [01]\d|
+ 6[013-9]|
+ 88
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[01]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 40|
+ 75
+ )|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Lucia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="758"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding 430 and 572 since numbers have been found with these prefixes online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 758(?:
+ 234|
+ 4(?:
+ 30|
+ 5[0-9]|
+ 6[2-9]|
+ 8[0-2]
+ )|
+ 572|
+ 638|
+ 758
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7582345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 72[1256] as these prefixes are found widely on the internet and SMS messages
+ have been successfully delivered to these numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 758(?:
+ 28[4-7]|
+ 384|
+ 4(?:
+ 6[01]|
+ 8[4-9]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[89]|
+ 20|
+ 84
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[2-9]|
+ 2[0-6]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7582845678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ Note the second source only mentions 911, so we are not sure if 999 is indeed an
+ emergency number here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Liechtenstein -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- has some different patterns for tollfree and shared cost numbers -
+ look at "Mehrwertnummer". -->
+ <!-- The national prefix of "0" is only used for 0800 and 0900 numbers. -->
+ <territory id="LI" countryCode="423" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [23]|
+ 7[4-9]|
+ 87
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[7-9]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 66|
+ 80|
+ 90
+ )\d{7}|
+ [237-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Regular Cost services are included here as well. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 17|
+ 3\d|
+ 6[02-58]|
+ 96
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 02|
+ 7[01357]|
+ 8[048]|
+ 9[0269]
+ )|
+ 870
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 66(?:
+ [0178][0-4]|
+ 2[025-9]|
+ [36]\d|
+ 4[129]|
+ 5[45]|
+ 9[019]
+ )\d{5}|
+ 7(?:
+ 4[2-59]|
+ 56|
+ [6-9]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>661234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 80(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 07|
+ 2[238]|
+ 79|
+ \d{4}
+ )|
+ 9\d{2}
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002222</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 90(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 2[278]|
+ 79|
+ \d{4}
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 23|
+ \d{4}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 66|
+ \d{4}
+ )
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002222</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>701\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7011234</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <!-- Information for short codes and emergency numbers comes from:
+ -->
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 145|
+ 4(?:
+ [0357]|
+ 14
+ )|
+ 50\d{4}|
+ 6(?:
+ 00|
+ [1-4]
+ )|
+ 75|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[128]|
+ 7
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1600</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[278]|
+ 44
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sri Lanka -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LK" countryCode="94" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{1})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-689]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [189]1|
+ 2[13-7]|
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[157]|
+ 5[12457]|
+ 6[35-7]
+ )[2-57]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding the prefix 76 for Dialog, based on information from open-source users. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[125-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[0189]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>119</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Liberia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LR" countryCode="231" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting from Ministry of Agriculture,
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([279]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[279]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([4-6])(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[38]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [29]\d|
+ [4-6]|
+ 7\d{1,2}|
+ [38]\d{2}
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added 66, 67 and 68 as prefixes because of online numbers fitting this pattern. It
+ seems that 88-0xx is also being used, for 9-digit long numbers, and that some numbers
+ beginning with 77[67] are also 9 digits long now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4[67]|
+ 5\d|
+ 6[4-8]|
+ 7(?:
+ 7[67]\d|
+ \d{2}
+ )|
+ 880\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4612345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Telemedia service is listed under premium rate. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- The plan lists the following range as being assigned to TEMAS. On their homepage they
+ say they are involved in the VoIP sector. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>33200\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>332001234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 355|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Lesotho -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LS" countryCode="266" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting following yellow pages: -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2568]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>50123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800[256]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80021234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[257]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Lithuania -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LT" countryCode="370" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="8" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP-$FG)">
+ <!-- National Prefix formatting rule from -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Two-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([34]\d)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 37|
+ 4(?:
+ 1|
+ 5[45]|
+ 6[2-4]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Three-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-6]\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3[148]|
+ 4(?:
+ [24]|
+ 6[09]
+ )|
+ 528|
+ 6
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[7-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5)(2\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>52[0-79]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[1478]|
+ 4[124-6]|
+ 52
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>61234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[0239]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 11?|
+ 22?|
+ 33?
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Luxembourg -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="LU" countryCode="352" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="(15(?:0[06]|1[12]|35|4[04]|55|6[26]|77|88|99)\d)"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Patterns overlap because of variable number length. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-5]|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ [89](?:
+ [1-9]|
+ 0[2-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-5]|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ [89](?:
+ [1-9]|
+ 0[2-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The pattern for 7-digit numbers starting with 20 here will never be reached - but since
+ we want this pattern to apply for 8-digit numbers with a 20 prefix, we include 20 in
+ the leading digits. This is also done for 9-10 digit numbers starting with 20 below.
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ [0367]|
+ 4[3-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ [0367]|
+ 4[3-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{1,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ [12589]|
+ 4[12]
+ )|
+ [3-5]|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ [89](?:
+ [1-9]|
+ 0[2-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [89]0[01]|
+ 70
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- The country-code is an impossible number prefix, so has been excluded here. This is
+ necessary since the numbers have a variable number length. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [24-9]\d{3,10}|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-46-9]\d{2,9}|
+ 5[013-9]\d{1,8}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Note that numbers starting with 2[367] can be a maximum of 10 digits - all others a
+ maximum of 11. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2\d{1,2}|
+ 3[2-9]|
+ [67]\d|
+ 4[1-8]\d?|
+ 5[1-5]\d?|
+ 9[0-24-9]\d?
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [059][05-9]|
+ [13]\d|
+ [26][015-9]|
+ 4[0-26-9]|
+ 7[0-389]|
+ 8[08]
+ )\d?|
+ 4\d{2,3}|
+ 5(?:
+ [01458]\d|
+ [27][0-69]|
+ 3[0-3]|
+ [69][0-7]
+ )\d?|
+ 7(?:
+ 1[019]|
+ 2[05-9]|
+ 3[05]|
+ [45][07-9]|
+ [679][089]|
+ 8[06-9]
+ )\d?|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[2-9]|
+ 1[0-36-9]|
+ 3[3-9]|
+ [469]9|
+ [58][7-9]|
+ 7[89]
+ )\d?|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[89]|
+ 2[0-49]|
+ 37|
+ 49|
+ 5[0-27-9]|
+ 7[7-9]|
+ 9[0-478]
+ )\d?
+ )\d{1,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>27123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[269][18]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>628123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>20\d{2,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>12\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[23]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Latvia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LV" countryCode="371" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2689]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[3-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>63123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>81\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0[123]|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Libya (Soc. People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) -->
+ <!-- Status as of 21 Jan 2011: a lot of outdated information on the web including on wikipedia
+ and The new area codes are on the Arabic website of the main telecommunication
+ operator (Hatef Libya). A new mobile operator Aljeel Aljadeed for Technology will start
+ using 096 (they are allowing customers to register numbers currently), so their code has
+ also been added. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="LY" countryCode="218" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([25679]\d)(\d{7})">
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[25679]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1345]|
+ 5[1347]|
+ 6[123479]|
+ 71
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The prefix 094 has been added on the strength of numbers found online, and numbers
+ where SMS messages have been apparently successfully received. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- This information may or may not apply to the new government. -->
+ <!-- Most of the domain is down (checked on 2011-11-07). -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19[013]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>193</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Morocco -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MA" countryCode="212" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([56]\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 5(?:
+ 2[015-7]|
+ 3[0-4]
+ )|
+ 6
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 5(?:
+ 2[2-489]|
+ 3[5-9]
+ )|
+ 892
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 5(?:
+ 2(?:
+ [2-48]|
+ 90
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [5-79]|
+ 80
+ )
+ )|
+ 892
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 5(?:
+ 29|
+ 38
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 5(?:
+ 29|
+ 38
+ )[89]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8[09])(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 8(?:
+ 0|
+ 9[013-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Closed numbering plan. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 2(?:
+ (?:
+ [015-7]\d|
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 3[2-57]|
+ 4[2-8]|
+ 8[235-9]|
+ )\d|
+ 9(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [89]0
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ (?:
+ [0-4]\d|
+ [57][2-9]|
+ 6[235-8]|
+ 9[3-9]
+ )\d|
+ 8(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [89]0
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>520123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Prefixes 60[1-5], 62[79], 63[0458] and 68[01] are from numbers found online,
+ bug-reports, and information provided directly by the carriers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 0[0-6]|
+ [14-7]\d|
+ 2[23679]|
+ 3[03458]|
+ 8[01]|
+ 99
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>650123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>89\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>891234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [59]|
+ 77
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Monaco -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- We support Kosovo mobile numbers (044, 045) with a Monaco country-code here, as we do not
+ support Kosovo at the moment. Kosovo seems to use a variety of country codes currently. It
+ also seems that the national prefix is only used for mobile numbers, not fixed-line. -->
+ <territory id="MC" countryCode="377" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Following formatting found online rather than in the ITU document example. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>4</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4 $5</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[4689]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Restricted to this as no numbers with the prefix of 91, 95 or 96 have been found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[2-47-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>99123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 4X mobile numbers are actually used by Kosovo. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6\d{8}|
+ 4\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 8\d|
+ 90
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ [578]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Moldova, Rep. of -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MD" countryCode="373" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(22)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>22</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([25-7]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[13-79]|
+ [5-7]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[25-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1[0569]|
+ 2\d|
+ 3[015-7]|
+ 4[1-46-9]|
+ 5[0-24689]|
+ 6[2-589]|
+ 7[1-37]|
+ 9[1347-9]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 33|
+ 5[257]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes prefixes for Interdnestrcom, -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 562|
+ 6(?:
+ 50|
+ 7[1-5]|
+ [089]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 7[47-9]|
+ [89]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>65012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[056]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- Information came from -->
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80812345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Includes numbers used for access to different transport directory services of general
+ interest, since these are charged at the same rate as fixed-line numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 03|
+ 14
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80312345</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [79]|
+ 6(?:
+ 000|
+ 1(?:
+ 11|
+ 23
+ )
+ )|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 4\d{3}|
+ 5[0-3]\d|
+ 6[0-389]\d|
+ 8\d{2}|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[04-9]|
+ [1-4]\d
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>116000</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 90[123]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Montenegro -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="ME" countryCode="382" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-57-9]|6[3789]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-57-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ [389]|
+ 7(?:
+ [0-8]|
+ 9[3-9]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(67)(9)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>679</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>679[0-2]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Fixed line numbers have prefix 20,30,31,32,33,40,41,50,51,52 followed by 6 digits.
+ The valid options for the third digit were from
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 20[2-8]|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[2-7]|
+ 1[35-7]|
+ 2[3567]|
+ 3[4-7]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[237]|
+ 1[27]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[47]|
+ 1[27]|
+ 2[378]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Mobile numbers start with 632, 67, 68 or 69. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 32\d|
+ [89]\d{2}|
+ 7(?:
+ [0-8]\d|
+ 9(?:
+ [3-9]|
+ [0-2]\d
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- According to ITU it is possible for the numbers to be between length 4-12
+ ( However, in reality they seem to be 8 or 9
+ digits long, based on the Montenegro document. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>67622901</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- All toll free numbers have prefix 80 followed by 02 or 08. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800[28]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80080002</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Numbers with prefix 88, 94 or 95 are services with additional charges. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 88\d|
+ 9(?:
+ 4[13-8]|
+ 5[16-8]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>94515151</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- VOIP are prefixed with 78. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>78[1-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>78108780</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Corporate Telephony are prefixed with 77. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>77\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>77273012</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 16\d{3}|
+ 2(?:
+ [015-9]|
+ \d{2}
+ )|
+ [0135]\d{2}|
+ 4\d{2,3}|
+ 9\d{3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1011</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 2[234]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Madagascar -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MG" countryCode="261" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([23]\d)(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Added the prefixes 20 44 and 20 47 as they seem popular on the internet - the plan says
+ 20 4 is for the rest of the province of Antanarivo, but then fails to mention any area
+ codes beginning with 4. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ (?:
+ 2\d|
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[3467]|
+ 6[279]|
+ 8[268]|
+ 9[245]
+ )\d|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[29]|
+ [35]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 210\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>202123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The numbering plan suggests the third digit, Z, should be 24-9,
+ but this is not borne out by reality. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3[02-4]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>301234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11?[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint-Martin, French Antilles -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MF" countryCode="590" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <!-- Formatting rules borrowed from Guadeloupe. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 590(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[79]|
+ 5[128]|
+ [78]7
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>590271234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 690(?:
+ 10|
+ 2[27]|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 8[78]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>690221234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Marshall Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MH" countryCode="692" internationalPrefix="011"
+ nationalPrefix="1">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 247|
+ 528|
+ 625
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2471234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 235|
+ 329|
+ 45[56]|
+ 545
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2351234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- VSAT prefixes are here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>635\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6351234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- Only fixed-line numbers (625 4111 and 625 8666) can be found instead of short Emergency
+ numbers. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Rep. of -->
+ <!--
+ go to Telecommunications, Numbering, then Numbering plan. -->
+ <territory id="MK" countryCode="389" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formats follow wikipedia. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([347]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[347]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{2})(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[58]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Extra prefix 02 60 added from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 5[125]|
+ 6[01]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[3-6]|
+ 2[2-6]|
+ 3[2-5]|
+ 4[235]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [23][2-6]|
+ 4[3-6]|
+ 5[25]|
+ 6[25-8]|
+ 7[24-6]|
+ 8[4-6]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[0-25-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>72345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5[02-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>50012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 9[234]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mali -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ML" countryCode="223" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([246-8]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[246-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 20 70 seems a common pattern, in addition to 21 25. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 2[0-589]|
+ 7[027-9]
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 2[5-7]|
+ [3-689]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 442\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 63 and 71 from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6(?:
+ [3569]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [08][1-9]|
+ [3579][0-4]|
+ 4[014-7]|
+ [16]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>65012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Online examples have not been found, but this seems to follow the prescriptions in the
+ plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Myanmar -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MM" countryCode="95" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- This overlaps with the previous pattern. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(3)(33\d)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>133</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1333</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 67|
+ 81
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{3})(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ [25-9]|
+ 4[1349]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(4\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>94[0256]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [124-8]\d{5,7}|
+ 9(?:
+ [25689]|
+ 4\d{1,2}|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Fixed satellite network numbers (1 3 33X XXX) are also included here. It seems as well
+ that numbers starting with 081 may be followed by six digits, as well as five, so we
+ support both. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ [0-689]|
+ 7\d?
+ )|
+ 7[0-5]|
+ 8(?:
+ [2-6]|
+ 1\d?
+ )
+ )\d{5}|
+ 1333\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Mobile numbers starting with 09 7XX and 09 4[139]X have been found online, despite not
+ being in the plan, so we support these here.-->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ [25689]|
+ 4(?:
+ [0256]\d|
+ [1349]
+ )|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>92123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Myanmar has been found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>199</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>199</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mongolia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MN" countryCode="976" internationalPrefix="001"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[12]1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([12]2\d)(\d{5,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[12]2[1-3]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [12](?:
+ 27|
+ [3-5]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [12](?:
+ 27|
+ [3-5]\d
+ )2
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- It seems from online formatting that the national prefix is not written (or perhaps
+ needed?) for numbers in these ranges. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[57-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([12]\d{4})(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [12](?:
+ 27|
+ [3-5]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [12](?:
+ 27|
+ [3-5]\d
+ )[4-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [12]\d{7,9}|
+ [57-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Note the leading digit is the access code: 1 is used by Mongolia Telecom subscribers
+ and 2 is used by Mongolian Railway subscribers. The area code then follows the access
+ code, and could be 1 to 4 digits long. We also cover wireless local loop numbers here
+ as well, even though we are not certain whether they are in fact fixed or mobile in
+ this country. 5-digit subscriber numbers for 4-digit area codes have been added due to
+ online numbers being found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [12](?:
+ 1\d|
+ 2(?:
+ [1-3]\d?|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 3[2-8]\d{1,2}|
+ 4[2-68]\d{1,2}|
+ 5[1-4689]\d{1,2}
+ )\d{5}|
+ (?:
+ 5[0568]|
+ 70
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding prefix 98 from numbers found on the internet. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 8[89]|
+ 9[15689]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[569]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>75123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10[0-3]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>102</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Macao, China -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MO" countryCode="853" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([268]\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 28[2-57-9]|
+ 8[2-57-9]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>28212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The 6[23] prefixes are added as SMS messages have been successfully delivered to these
+ numbers, and they are also widely present on the Internet. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[236]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>66123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MP" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="670"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Extra exchange codes 232, 289, 355, 472, 633, 637, 646, 647, 649, 653, 687, 734 and 828
+ were seen in the white and yellow pages, but no numbers with these exchange codes have
+ proved to be diallable so we exclude them for now.. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 670(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 3[3-7]|
+ 56|
+ 8[5-8]
+ )|
+ 32[1238]|
+ 4(?:
+ 33|
+ 8[348]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 32|
+ 55|
+ 88
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 64|
+ 70|
+ 82
+ )|
+ 78[589]|
+ 8[3-9]8|
+ 989
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6702345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 670(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 3[3-7]|
+ 56|
+ 8[5-8]
+ )|
+ 32[1238]|
+ 4(?:
+ 33|
+ 8[348]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 32|
+ 55|
+ 88
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 64|
+ 70|
+ 82
+ )|
+ 78[589]|
+ 8[3-9]8|
+ 989
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6702345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Martinique (French Dept. of) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MQ" countryCode="596" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[56]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 596(?:
+ 0[2-5]|
+ [12]0|
+ 3[05-9]|
+ 4[024-8]|
+ [5-7]\d|
+ 89|
+ 9[4-8]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>596301234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 696(?:
+ [0-479]\d|
+ 5[01]|
+ 8[0-689]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>696201234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- The 876 prefix is mentioned in the plan, but the plan is from 2006 and in France VOIP
+ numbers were changed from 087 to the 09 prefix in 2009. It is likely this occurred here
+ too. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ [578]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mauritania -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MR" countryCode="222" internationalPrefix="00" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-48]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-48]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 25[08]\d{5}|
+ 35\d{6}|
+ 45[1-7]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>35123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 70
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3\d|
+ 6[1-36]|
+ 7[1-3]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 6[0457-9]|
+ 7[4-9]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Montserrat -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MS" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="664"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>664491\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6644912345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>66449[2-6]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6644923456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Malta -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- (Numbering link in the LHS menu - has more up-to-date allocations) -->
+ <territory id="MT" countryCode="356" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2579]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 1[0-6]|
+ [69]\d
+ )|
+ [1-357]\d{2}
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21001234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7(?:
+ 210|
+ [79]\d{2}|
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 2[13]\d|
+ 696|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[1-3]|
+ 89|
+ 97
+ )|
+ 9\d{2}
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>96961234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7117\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71171234</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 50(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 3[1679]|
+ 4\d
+ )|
+ [169]\d{2}|
+ 7[06]\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>50031234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mauritius -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MU" countryCode="230" internationalPrefix="0(?:[2-7]0|33)"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="020">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-9]\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Wireless local loop numbers are considered to be fixed, since there is almost no
+ roaming capability. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [034789]\d|
+ 1[0-7]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [013-8]\d|
+ 2[4-7]
+ )|
+ [56]\d{2}|
+ 8(?:
+ 14|
+ 3[129]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!--Adding 92 as SMS messages have been successfully sent to this prefix. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 25\d|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[12389]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 7\d{2}|
+ 87[15-8]|
+ 9[1-8]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2512345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 1[89]|
+ 2\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2181234</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[012]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>30\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 20|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3201234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[0-36-9]|
+ [02-9]\d|
+ \d{3,4}
+ )|
+ 8\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>995</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 11[45]|
+ 99\d
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Maldives -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MV" countryCode="960" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|19)"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [3467]|
+ 9(?:
+ [1-9]|
+ 0[1-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [3467]\d{6}|
+ 9(?:
+ 00\d{7}|
+ \d{6}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 300 has been added as prefixes from online searches, since the numbers seemed to be
+ diallable. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 0[01]|
+ 3[0-59]|
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [567][02468]|
+ 8[024689]|
+ 90
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6701234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 7[45] has been added as many numbers online have been found with this prefix. 46[46]
+ are new prefixes for Dhiraagu and Wataniya, used currently for SMS-based services. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 46[46]|
+ 7[3-9]\d|
+ 9[6-9]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7712345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>781\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7812345</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [19]0|
+ 23
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 02|
+ 19
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>102</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Malawi -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- The plan doesn't state that a national prefix exists, but numbers found on the internet are
+ consistent in having one. -->
+ <territory id="MW" countryCode="265" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1789]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ \d{2}
+ )?|
+ [2789]\d{2}
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 14 is no longer mentioned in the plan as a prefix, but plenty of online numbers have
+ been found so this is being retained for now. It is possible however that these may be
+ old-format mobile numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[2-9]|
+ 21\d{2}
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 111|
+ 77\d|
+ 88\d|
+ 99\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>991234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 199|
+ 99[789]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>997</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mexico -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MX" countryCode="52" internationalPrefix="0[09]"
+ nationalPrefix="01"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0[12]|04[45](\d{10})"
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule="1$1"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <!-- When a number starts with 01 or 02, we remove the prefixes; when a number starts with 044
+ or 045 followed by 10 digits, we replace the prefixes with 1. This way all the mobile
+ numbers, regardless of whether they are written in international format (leading 1) or
+ national format (leading 044/045), will be parsed into the same form. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([358]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 33|
+ 55|
+ 81
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2467]|
+ 3[12457-9]|
+ 5[89]|
+ 8[02-9]|
+ 9[0-35-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)([358]\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ 33|
+ 55|
+ 81
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>044 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [2467]|
+ 3[12457-9]|
+ 5[89]|
+ 8[2-9]|
+ 9[1-35-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>044 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 33|
+ 55|
+ 81
+ )\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 3[1-35-8]|
+ 4[13-9]|
+ 7[1-689]|
+ 8[1-578]|
+ 9[467]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[1-79]|
+ [2458][1-9]|
+ 7[1-8]|
+ 9[1-5]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[1-57-9]|
+ [24-6][1-9]|
+ [37][1-8]|
+ 8[1-35-9]|
+ 9[2-689]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 88|
+ 9[1-79]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[2-68]|
+ [234][1-9]|
+ 5[1-3689]|
+ 6[12457-9]|
+ 7[1-7]|
+ 8[67]|
+ 9[4-8]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [13467][1-9]|
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 5[13-9]|
+ 8[1-69]|
+ 9[17]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[13-689]|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 4[124-6]|
+ 6[1246-9]|
+ 7[1-378]|
+ 9[12479]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[346-9]|
+ 2[1-4]|
+ 3[2-46-8]|
+ 5[1348]|
+ [69][1-9]|
+ 7[12]|
+ 8[1-8]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2221234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ (?:
+ 33|
+ 55|
+ 81
+ )\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-9]|
+ 3[1-35-8]|
+ 4[13-9]|
+ 7[1-689]|
+ 8[1-578]|
+ 9[467]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 1[1-79]|
+ [2458][1-9]|
+ 7[1-8]|
+ 9[1-5]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 1[1-57-9]|
+ [24-6][1-9]|
+ [37][1-8]|
+ 8[1-35-9]|
+ 9[2-689]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 88|
+ 9[1-79]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[2-68]|
+ [2-4][1-9]|
+ 5[1-3689]|
+ 6[12457-9]|
+ 7[1-7]|
+ 8[67]|
+ 9[4-8]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [13467][1-9]|
+ 2[1-8]|
+ 5[13-9]|
+ 8[1-69]|
+ 9[17]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[13-689]|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 4[124-6]|
+ 6[1246-9]|
+ 7[1-378]|
+ 9[12479]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[346-9]|
+ 2[1-4]|
+ 3[2-46-8]|
+ 5[1348]|
+ [69][1-9]|
+ 7[12]|
+ 8[1-8]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12221234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 06[568]|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>066</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Malaysia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MY" countryCode="60" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([4-79])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-79]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(3)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="([18]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[02-46-9][1-9]|
+ 8
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)([36-8]00)(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[36-8]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>11</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(154)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>15</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[13-9]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3\d{2}|
+ [4-79]\d|
+ 8[2-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>312345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [02-46-9][2-9]|
+ 11\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[38]00\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1300123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1600\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1600123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>154\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1541234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mozambique -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="MZ" countryCode="258" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([28]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2|
+ 8[246]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(80\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[28]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [1346]\d|
+ 5[0-2]|
+ [78][12]|
+ 93
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[246]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>821234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Unsure of the length requirement on toll-free numbers, so using 9
+ based on online examples. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- The plan suggests 801 and 802 numbers are shared-cost numbers, and numbers beginning with
+ a 9 are premium rate, but no online examples can be found of any of these so they are
+ omitted for the time-being. -->
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[0234]\d</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- 11X is national, 19X is for Maputo. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[79]|
+ 9[78]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>119</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Namibia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NA" countryCode="264" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8[1235]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{2,3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(88)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>88</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(870)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>870</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[68]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes VSAT service. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ [0189]\d|
+ [2-6]|
+ 7\d?
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[378]
+ )|
+ 4[01]|
+ 69|
+ 7[014]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 17|
+ 25|
+ 5(?:
+ [0-36-8]|
+ 4\d?
+ )|
+ 69|
+ 70
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ [0237]\d?|
+ [14-689]
+ )|
+ 34|
+ 6[29]|
+ 7[01]|
+ 81
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ [012]|
+ 7?
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [06]|
+ 1\d
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [01357]|
+ [25]\d?
+ )|
+ 69|
+ 7[01]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ [0459]|
+ [23678]\d?
+ )|
+ 69|
+ 7[01]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ 5|
+ 6\d?
+ )|
+ 38|
+ 42|
+ 69|
+ 7[01]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 17|
+ 2(?:
+ [569]|
+ [234]\d?
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0\d?|
+ [13]
+ )|
+ 69|
+ 7[01]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612012345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes the Switch CDMA Service. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 60|
+ 8[125]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>811234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8701\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>870123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- Including virtual telephone and VOIP services. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(
+ 3\d{2}|
+ 86
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88612345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{3}|
+ 9(?:
+ 3111|
+ \d{2}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>93111</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- ITU doc reserves 9XX for emergency numbers. No examples found. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10111</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10111</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- New Caledonia (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NC" countryCode="687" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- From, the local yellow pages. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1.$2.$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-47-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Including the 88 prefix for public payphones. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[03-9]|
+ 3[0-5]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 88
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7[3-9]|
+ 8[0-79]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>751234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <shortCode>
+ <!-- OPT: Office des Postes et Télécommunications de Nouvelle Calédonie -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0[06]|
+ 1[02-46]|
+ 20|
+ 3[0125]|
+ 42|
+ 5[058]|
+ 77
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[5-8]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Niger -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NE" countryCode="227" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([029]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [29]|
+ 09
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(08)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>08</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[029]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding 20 61 from online numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 20|
+ 3[1-7]|
+ 4[134]|
+ 5[14]|
+ 6[14578]|
+ 7[1-578]
+ )|
+ 1(?:
+ 4[145]|
+ 5[14]|
+ 6[14-68]|
+ 7[169]|
+ 88
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20201234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added 90, 91, 92, 97, 98 & 99 from online data. Airtel have confirmed that they use the
+ 97 prefix, and Orange use 92. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[0-46-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>93123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>08\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>08123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>09\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>09123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- No emergency numbers information can be found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Norfolk Island -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Including numbers for Australian Antarctic stations. -->
+ <territory id="NF" countryCode="672" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[13]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- ITU says all 3X numbers except 38 are fixed-line, but 3[3-79] numbers don't seem to
+ connect after we tried calling them. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 06|
+ 17|
+ 28|
+ 39
+ )|
+ 3[012]\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>106609</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>38\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>381234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 55|
+ 77
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Nigeria -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NG" countryCode="234" internationalPrefix="009"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([129])(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[129]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-8]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [3-6]|
+ 7(?:
+ [1-79]|
+ 0[1-9]
+ )|
+ 8[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([78]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 70|
+ 8[01]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([78]00)(\d{4})(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([78]00)(\d{5})(\d{5,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[78]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(78)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>78</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-69]\d{5,8}|
+ [78]\d{5,13}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [12]\d{6,7}|
+ 9\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 4[023568]|
+ 5[02368]|
+ 6[02-469]|
+ 7[569]|
+ 8[2-9]
+ )\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ 4[47]|
+ 5[14579]|
+ 6[1578]|
+ 7[0-357]
+ )\d{5,6}|
+ (?:
+ 78|
+ 41
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- More 81X prefixes have been added based on online numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 70(?:
+ [3-9]\d|
+ 2[1-9]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[2-9]|
+ 1[0235689]
+ )\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8021234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Info on these numbers from -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80017591759</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>700\d{7,11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>199</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>199</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Nicaragua -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NI" countryCode="505" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[128]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>118</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>118</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Netherlands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NL" countryCode="31" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-578]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[035]|
+ 2[0346]|
+ 3[03568]|
+ 4[0356]|
+ 5[0358]|
+ 7|
+ 8[458]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-5]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[16-8]|
+ 2[259]|
+ 3[124]|
+ 4[17-9]|
+ 5[124679]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6)(\d{8})">
+ <leadingDigits>6[0-57-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(66)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>66</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(14)(\d{3,4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>14</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]0\d)(\d{4,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 80|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{4,8}|
+ [2-7]\d{8}|
+ [89]\d{6,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>14\d{3,4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[0135-8]|
+ 2[02-69]|
+ 3[0-68]|
+ 4[0135-9]|
+ [57]\d|
+ 8[478]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[1-58]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>66\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>662345678</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[069]\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>85\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>851234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- These numbers are used for local government. They are formed by the appending the local
+ dialling code (including the national prefix 0) after the leading digits "14". -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 140(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [035]|
+ [16-8]\d
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [0346]|
+ [259]\d
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [03568]|
+ [124]\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [0356]|
+ [17-9]\d
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [0358]|
+ [124679]\d
+ )|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[458]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>14020</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>18\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1833</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Norway -->
+ <!-- Metadata (excluding fixed-line) shared with Svalbard. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NO" countryCode="47" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true"
+ mainCountryForCode="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([489]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[489]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[235-7]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0\d{4}|
+ [2-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Excludes Svalbard fixed-line numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1-4]|
+ 3[1-3578]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-4679]|
+ 7[0-8]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4[015-8]|
+ 5[89]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>41234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>82[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>82012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 810(?:
+ 0[0-6]|
+ [2-8]\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81021234</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>880\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>85[0-5]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Includes some 810 local-rate numbers, and long-distance rate numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0\d{4}|
+ 81(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0[7-9]|
+ 1\d
+ )|
+ 5\d{2}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>01234</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <voicemail>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>81[23]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81212345</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[023]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Nepal -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NP" countryCode="977" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting patterns taken from pages like -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[2-6]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[01]|
+ [2-8]|
+ 9(?:
+ [1-69]|
+ 7[15-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 9(?:
+ 7[45]|
+ 8
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- This is complex, in order to try and distinguish between numbers that start with 97 and
+ numbers that have the country code prefixed. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-8]\d{7}|
+ 9(?:
+ [1-69]\d{6}|
+ 7[2-6]\d{5,7}|
+ 8\d{8}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Added (1) 2XXXXXX and (88) from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[0124-6]|
+ 2[13-79]|
+ 3[135-8]|
+ 4[146-9]|
+ 5[135-7]|
+ 6[13-9]|
+ 7[15-9]|
+ 8[1-46-9]|
+ 9[1-79]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>14567890</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- There is no definitive source of information for mobile numbers in Nepal. The infomation
+ here is collected by searching the Internet. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 7[45]|
+ 8[0145]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9841234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No information on other types of phone numbers for Nepal has been found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[0-3]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Nauru -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NR" countryCode="674" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[458]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 444|
+ 888
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4441234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>55[5-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5551234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 23|
+ 92
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[0-2]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Niue -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="NU" countryCode="683" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Numbers are always formatted as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-5]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Putting FWT (fixed-wireless-terminals) numbers here too. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[34]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4002</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[125]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- New Zealand -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Includes Ross Dependency, Antarctica -->
+ <!-- Does not currently support 083 "Enhanced voice services", New Zealand direct service
+ numbers and 050 "Nation-Wide Service". -->
+ <territory id="NZ" countryCode="64" internationalPrefix="0(?:0|161)"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Pattern for fixed-line formats. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([34679])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [3467]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Area code for NZ's Scott Base, in Antarctica. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(24099)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>240</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>2409</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>24099</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Mobile numbers do not have exclusive leading digits - formatting depends on number
+ length. -->
+ <!-- Vodafone numbers can be 8 digits (without leading 0). -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>21</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Paging numbers and some mobile numbers (Telecom/Vodafone/TelstraClear). -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ 1[1-9]|
+ [69]|
+ 7[0-35-9]
+ )|
+ 86
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 2Degrees numbers are formatted with 022 separated, since this seems to be more common
+ than writing the first group as 022X based on Google web searches, and is used by
+ 2Degrees themselves. See formatting on for an example of the
+ latter. We follow the same pattern for 020 (Orcon) and 028 (mixed) numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2[028]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <!-- 0274, 0210 and toll-free/premium-rate prefixes 0508/0800/0900. -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ 10|
+ 74
+ )|
+ 5|
+ [89]0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6[235-9]\d{6}|
+ [2-57-9]\d{7,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[2-79]|
+ [49][2-689]|
+ 6[235-9]|
+ 7[2-589]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 24099\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>32345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes mobile radio service numbers (e.g. TeamTalk). -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [028]\d{7,8}|
+ 1(?:
+ 0\d{5,7}|
+ [12]\d{5,6}|
+ [3-9]\d{5}
+ )|
+ [79]\d{7}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[28]6\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>26123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <!-- These are the toll free patterns used, by Telecom and Telstra/Clear, but they are
+ referred to as 'Value-added service' in the phone plan for some reason. 85 numbers are
+ not covered, as telecom companies don't seem to support them yet. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 508\d{6,7}|
+ 80\d{6,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>111</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>111</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Oman -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="OM" countryCode="968" internationalPrefix="00" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2\d)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([58]00)(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[58]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ 5|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )\d{6}|
+ 800\d{5,6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[3-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>23123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>92123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Link to document about toll-free numbers on, which suggests they should
+ be 8007 followed by 4 digits. However, the only examples I can find, including the
+ customer help line for the main telephony company there (omantel), is 8007 followed by
+ 5 digits, so am allowing both for now to be on the safe side. 500 numbers seem to offer
+ international toll-free dialing numbers - +968 500 1300 for international help desk for
+ omantel, for example. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8007\d{4,5}|
+ 500\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80071234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Panama -->
+ <!-- - last read March 22th 2012. -->
+ <!-- - although it omits the fact that mobile phones are 8
+ digits long. -->
+ <territory id="PA" countryCode="507" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-57-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- Note that numbers starting with 101, 106, 131, 151, 156 and 168 have not been assigned to
+ any rule below since we are not sure what the "servicios 102/103" refer to here. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Note that "servicios 101/104" in the plan refer to "Local Basic Communications Service"
+ and "Public and Semipublic Terminal Service", represented here as fixed-line. -->
+ <!-- The range 194-XXXX has been added since a number was found online with this prefix and
+ proved to be diallable. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 0[02-579]|
+ 19|
+ 23|
+ 3[03]|
+ 4[479]|
+ 57|
+ 65|
+ 7[016-8]|
+ 8[58]|
+ 9[134]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [0235679]\d|
+ 1[0-7]|
+ 4[04-9]|
+ 8[028]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0-7]|
+ 1[14-7]|
+ 2[0-3]|
+ 3[03]|
+ 4[0457]|
+ 5[56]|
+ 6[068]|
+ 7[078]|
+ 80|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 3[013-59]|
+ 4\d|
+ 7[0-689]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [01]\d|
+ 2[0-7]|
+ [56]0|
+ 79
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[09]|
+ 2[0-267]|
+ [34]0|
+ 5[6-9]|
+ 7[0-24-7]|
+ 8[89]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [34]\d|
+ 5[0-5]|
+ 8[02]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[78]|
+ 1[0178]|
+ 2[0378]|
+ 3[379]|
+ 40|
+ 5[0489]|
+ 6[06-9]|
+ 7[046-9]|
+ 8[36-8]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2001234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Note that "servicios 106/107" in the plan refer to mobile services. We also include
+ service "210", "Servicio de Busca Personas". -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[16]1|
+ 21[89]|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[01]|
+ 7[23]
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 6(?:
+ [04-9]\d|
+ 1[0-5]|
+ 2[0-6]|
+ 3[6-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>60012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[09]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Value-added services are represented as "400" in the plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 779|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[235]|
+ 60|
+ 7[578]|
+ 86|
+ 95
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[0-2]|
+ 81
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8601234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10[2-4]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>102</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Peru -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PE" countryCode="51" internationalPrefix="19(?:1[124]|77|90)00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ preferredExtnPrefix=" Anexo ">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([4-8]\d)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [4-7]|
+ 8[2-4]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Formatting from common usage found on the internet, supported by ITU doc. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[14-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1\d|
+ 4[1-4]|
+ 5[1-46]|
+ 6[1-7]|
+ 7[2-46]|
+ 8[2-4]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>11234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>805\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80512345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80112345</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[24]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80212345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 05|
+ 1[67]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>105</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- French Polynesia (Tahiti) (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PF" countryCode="689" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 36|
+ 44
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>441234</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes "voice-server" prefixes and pay-phone. The 41 range has been made more
+ specific to exclude Mobile MSRN. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 36\d|
+ 4(?:
+ [02-9]\d|
+ 1[02-9]
+ )|
+ [5689]\d{2}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>401234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [27]\d{3}|
+ 3[0-59]\d{2}|
+ 411[3-6]
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Papua New Guinea -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PG" countryCode="675" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-689]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7[1-36]\d)(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[1-36]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Fixed line patterns are from the numbering plan, with additions for 4XX since many
+ numbers in the yellow pages seem to be outside the 47X range prescribed by the plan.
+ The same applies to extra 64X numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3\d{2}|
+ 4[257]\d|
+ 5[34]\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 29|
+ 4[1-9]
+ )|
+ 85[02-46-9]|
+ 9[78]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Mobile number patterns from the numbering plan are included here,
+ as well as 68x from Wikipedia and 730 from online numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 68|
+ 7[1236]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6812345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>180\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1801234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- VSAT prefixes are here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>275\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2751234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- has been used, excluding fixed-line phone-numbers.
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>000</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>000</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Philippines -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PH" countryCode="63" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!--Area code separated from number. Area codes found here:
+ -->
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{4})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 23|
+ 39|
+ 46
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2[3-6]|
+ [35]9|
+ 4[26]|
+ 76
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 642|
+ 8(?:
+ 62|
+ 8[245]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 230|
+ 397|
+ 461
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 35|
+ [46]4|
+ 51
+ )|
+ 396|
+ 4(?:
+ 22|
+ 63
+ )|
+ 59[347]|
+ 76[15]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 221|
+ 446
+ )|
+ 642[23]|
+ 8(?:
+ 622|
+ 8(?:
+ [24]2|
+ 5[13]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d{5})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 346|
+ 4(?:
+ 27|
+ 9[35]
+ )|
+ 883
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3469|
+ 4(?:
+ 279|
+ 9(?:
+ 30|
+ 56
+ )
+ )|
+ 8834
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- This rule is a fallback for the more specific area codes. -->
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="([3-8]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Formatting from -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1800)(\d{1,2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-9]\d{7,9}|
+ 1800\d{7,9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2|
+ 3[2-68]|
+ 4[2-9]|
+ 5[2-6]|
+ 6[2-58]|
+ 7[24578]|
+ 8[2-8]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding Sun prefixes 94[23] based on -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 0[5-9]|
+ 1[025-9]|
+ 2[0-36-9]|
+ 3[02-9]|
+ 4[236-9]|
+ 7[349]|
+ 89|
+ 9[49]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9051234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Information on toll-free numbers collected from searching the internet -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11,13}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>180012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No information can be found about other types of numbers (such as premium rate) in the
+ Philippines. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 11[27]|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Pakistan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PK" countryCode="92" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Universal Access Numbers (UAN) number format patterns first, so that these numbers are
+ formatted nicely by the AYTF. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(111)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[125]|
+ 4[0-246-9]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[16]|
+ 91
+ )1
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[125]|
+ 4[0-246-9]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[16]|
+ 91
+ )11
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[125]|
+ 4[0-246-9]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[16]|
+ 91
+ )111
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(111)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )\d1
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )\d11
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )\d111
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{7,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[125]|
+ 4[0-246-9]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[16]|
+ 91
+ )[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[349]|
+ 45|
+ 54|
+ 60|
+ 72|
+ 8[2-5]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )\d[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(3\d{2})(\d{7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([15]\d{3})(\d{5,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 58[12]|
+ 1
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- This is from online examples. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(586\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>586</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]00)(\d{3})(\d{2})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- This is horribly complex because the country code is 92, and several area codes start
+ with 92, and the number length is widely variable. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1\d{8}|
+ [2-8]\d{5,11}|
+ 9(?:
+ [013-9]\d{4,9}|
+ 2\d(?:
+ 111\d{6}|
+ \d{3,7}
+ )
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The subscriber number length is not well defined for some area codes. From online
+ examples, we have come up with a heuristic that for 3-digit area codes, the subscriber
+ number will be 6 or 7 digits - for 2-digit area codes it will be 7, with the exceptions
+ of Karachi and Lahore (both 8). -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 21|
+ 42
+ )[2-9]\d{7}|
+ (?:
+ 2[25]|
+ 4[0146-9]|
+ 5[1-35-7]|
+ 6[1-8]|
+ 7[14]|
+ 8[16]|
+ 91
+ )[2-9]\d{6}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 3[2358]|
+ 4[2-4]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 45[3479]|
+ 54[2-467]|
+ 60[468]|
+ 72[236]|
+ 8(?:
+ 2[2-689]|
+ 3[23578]|
+ 4[3478]|
+ 5[2356]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 1|
+ 2[2-8]|
+ 3[27-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 6[3569]|
+ 9[25-8]
+ )
+ )[2-9]\d{5,6}|
+ 58[126]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 311 & 325 as SMSs have been successfully sent to these numbers and numbers can
+ be found online with these prefixes. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [12][1-5]|
+ 3[1-6]|
+ 4[1-7]|
+ 55|
+ 64
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <!-- These are referred to as UPT numbers in the plan. -->
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>122\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <!-- The example number here is the test number from the plan. -->
+ <exampleNumber>122044444</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Data on what a UAN is is hard to come by. has information under
+ - which defines their format - but not
+ what type of number they are. We exclude Azad Jammu, Kashmir and Northern Areas here
+ since no online example UANs can be found, and they have an "access code" at the start,
+ making it difficult to guess what a UAN in these areas would look like. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [125]|
+ 3[2358]|
+ 4[2-4]|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [0-246-9]|
+ 5[3479]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [1-35-7]|
+ 4[2-467]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [1-8]|
+ 0[468]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [14]|
+ 2[236]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ [16]|
+ 2[2-689]|
+ 3[23578]|
+ 4[3478]|
+ 5[2356]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 1|
+ 22|
+ 3[27-9]|
+ 4[2-6]|
+ 6[3569]|
+ 9[2-7]
+ )
+ )111\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21111825888</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 22?|
+ 5
+ )|
+ [56]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Poland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!--
+ (in Polish) -->
+ <territory id="PL" countryCode="48" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [124]|
+ 3[2-4]|
+ 5[24-689]|
+ 6[1-3578]|
+ 7[14-7]|
+ 8[1-79]|
+ 9[145]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,6})">
+ <!-- Pattern for shorter fixed-line numbers. -->
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [124]|
+ 3[2-4]|
+ 5[24-689]|
+ 6[1-3578]|
+ 7[14-7]|
+ 8[1-7]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- We are formatting 70 numbers as per mobile numbers, based on information from some
+ Poles that this is more usual. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 39|
+ 5[013]|
+ 6[0469]|
+ 7[0289]|
+ 8[08]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Additional patterns for shorter pager numbers. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>64</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>64</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-58]\d{6,8}|
+ 9\d{8}|
+ [67]\d{5,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Grouped by prefix-length. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[2-8]|
+ 2[2-59]|
+ 3[2-4]|
+ 4[1-468]|
+ 5[24-689]|
+ 6[1-3578]|
+ 7[14-6]|
+ 8[1-7]
+ )\d{5,7}|
+ 77\d{4,7}|
+ (?:
+ 89|
+ 9[145]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[013]|
+ 6[069]|
+ 7[289]|
+ 88
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>642\d{3,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>642123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>39\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>391234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 99[789]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Collectivité territoriale de la République française) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PM" countryCode="508" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([45]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[45]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>41\d{4} </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>411234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>55\d{4} </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>551234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Pitcairn Island -->
+ <!-- id="PN" -->
+ <!-- This island is not supported since evidence seems to be that the 50 inhabitants use
+ satellite phones. -->
+ <!-- Puerto Rico -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PR" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="787|939"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 787|
+ 939
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7872345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 787|
+ 939
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7872345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Palestinian Authority -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Palestinian phone numbers can be reached through the Israeli country code (972) in addition
+ to the Palestinian country code (970) and so Palestinian landlines and mobile lines are a
+ subset of the Israeli formats. -->
+ <territory id="PS" countryCode="970" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2489])(2\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2489]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5[69]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1[78]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[78]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- 4 and 5 digit premium numbers will be formatted as one block by default. -->
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [24589]\d{7,8}|
+ 1(?:
+ [78]\d{8}|
+ [49]\d{2,3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 22[234789]|
+ 42[45]|
+ 82[01458]|
+ 92[369]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5[69]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>599123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- According to Paltel, premium numbers are 14xx and 19xxx -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 4|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>19123</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1700\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Portugal -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PT" countryCode="351" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-46-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-46-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [12]\d|
+ [35][1-689]|
+ 4[1-59]|
+ 6[1-35689]|
+ 7[1-9]|
+ 8[1-69]|
+ 9[1256]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ [136]\d{2}|
+ 2[124-79]\d|
+ 4(?:
+ 80|
+ 9\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4\d{8}|
+ 80[02]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>71\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>808\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>808123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>30\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>301234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 70(?:
+ 7\d|
+ 8[147]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>707123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Palau -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PW" countryCode="680" internationalPrefix="01[12]">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2552255|
+ (?:
+ 277|
+ 345|
+ 488|
+ 5(?:
+ 35|
+ 44|
+ 87
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 22|
+ 54|
+ 79
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 33|
+ 47
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 24|
+ 55|
+ 76
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2771234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6[234689]0|
+ 77[45789]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6201234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Paraguay -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PY" countryCode="595" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- CONATEL plan. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,7})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ [26]1|
+ 3[289]|
+ 4[124678]|
+ 7[123]|
+ 8[1236]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-9]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>9[1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Format seen in examples found online. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8700</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- "Fall-back" rule for the rest of the fixed-line numbers that have 3-digit area codes.
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4,6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($FG)">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-8][1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5[0-5]\d{4,7}|
+ [2-46-9]\d{5,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [26]1|
+ 3[289]|
+ 4[124678]|
+ 7[123]|
+ 8[1236]
+ )\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[4568]|
+ 7[15]|
+ 9[1-5]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 18|
+ 3[167]|
+ 4[2357]|
+ 51
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 18|
+ 2[45]|
+ 3[12]|
+ 5[13]|
+ 64|
+ 71|
+ 9[1-47]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [1-4]\d|
+ 5[0234]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[1-3]|
+ 44|
+ 7[1-4678]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 17|
+ 4[0-4]|
+ 6[1-578]|
+ 75|
+ 8[0-8]
+ )|
+ 858
+ )\d{5,6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 61|
+ 7[1-6]|
+ 8[1-5]|
+ 9[1-5]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>961456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8700[0-4]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>870012345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]0\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>201234567</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[1-4]\d</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 128|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Qatar -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="QA" countryCode="974" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([28]\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[28]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-7]\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-7]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The prefix 40 has now been allocated, based on numbers seen online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>4[04]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>44123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3567]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>33123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [12]\d|
+ 61
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- No premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1|
+ 20|
+ 9[27]\d
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Réunion (French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean) -->
+ <!-- Note this shares the same country code as La Mayotte and the formatting patterns here are
+ used by both of them. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="RE" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ leadingDigits="262|6[49]|8" mainCountryForCode="true" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([268]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 0876 numbers are mentioned in the plan, but none in use can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>262\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>262161234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 9[23]|
+ 47
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>692123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- 08* Numbers in Réunion are the same as those valid in France. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>89[1-37-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>891123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 1[019]|
+ 2[0156]|
+ 84|
+ 90
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ [578]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Romania -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Extension prefix found online, confirmed by a Romanian. -->
+ <territory id="RO" countryCode="40" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ preferredExtnPrefix=" int ">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([237]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [23]1|
+ 7
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [23][02-9]|
+ [89]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[237-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Although the ITU plan says the number plan is open, this was changed in 2008 according
+ to wikipedia and people must dial the full number. For this reason the possible number
+ pattern is restricted to 9 digits. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23][13-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[1-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[036]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>801\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>802\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>802123456</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- refers to numbers beginning with 37, 38 or 39 as
+ location-independent national numbers. Only numbers beginning with 37 have been seen so
+ these are the only ones supported for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>37\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>372123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Serbia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="RS" countryCode="381" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([23]\d{2})(\d{4,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 2[389]|
+ 39
+ )0
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-3]\d)(\d{5,10})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1|
+ 2(?:
+ [0-24-7]|
+ [389][1-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-8]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(6\d)(\d{6,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7[26])(\d{4,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[26]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7[08]\d)(\d{4,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[08]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- The complicated pattern here is to distinguish between Pristina (area code 38, followed
+ by 2-9) and the country calling code (381). -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [126-9]\d{4,11}|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-79]\d{3,10}|
+ 8[2-9]\d{2,9}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Most subscriber numbers may not start with 0 or 1. Exceptionally, the prefix 11 1[5-7]
+ has been issused, so we allow 11 1X here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ [02-9][2-9]|
+ 1[1-9]
+ )\d|
+ 2(?:
+ [0-24-7][2-9]\d|
+ [389](?:
+ 0[2-9]|
+ [2-9]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [0-8][2-9]\d|
+ 9(?:
+ [2-9]\d|
+ 0[2-9]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{3,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ [0-689]|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{6,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{3,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 90[0169]|
+ 78\d
+ )\d{3,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[06]\d{4,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>700123456</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1(?:
+ [013-9]|
+ \d(2,4)
+ )|
+ [89]\d{1,4}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 9[234]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Russian Federation -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="RU" countryCode="7" mainCountryForCode="true" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP ($FG)"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting from wikipedia, confirmed on Goverment websites such as
+ Contains formatting instructions for
+ Kazakhstan as well. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3489]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[34689]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3489]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The Ivanovo area code 493 was omitted on the official document, but this is still used
+ in the yellow pages, and on their own website and is listed on wikipedia. This applies
+ also to 395 (Irkutsk). Also including the 840 prefix for Abkhazia. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 0[12]|
+ 4[1-35-79]|
+ 5[1-3]|
+ 8[1-58]|
+ 9[0145]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 01|
+ 1[1356]|
+ 2[13467]|
+ 7[1-5]|
+ 8[1-7]|
+ 9[1-689]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 1[1-8]|
+ 2[01]|
+ 3[13-6]|
+ 4[0-8]|
+ 5[15]|
+ 6[1-35-7]|
+ 7[1-37-9]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3011234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- The metadata states that 804 numbers are UAN numbers, but
+ states that they are now being offered as toll-free
+ numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[04]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Covers tele-voting numbers as well. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[39]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8091234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0[123]|
+ 112
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Rwanda -->
+ <!-- According to ITU, there is no national prefix. However, this is still used. As of June 3rd
+ 2011, this was confirmed by a Rwandan local. It is also shown in this format on pages such
+ as "Choose Your Number" service. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="RW" countryCode="250" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(2\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([7-9]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[7-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[027-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- We support satellite numbers here, since they are in the plan, although no recent
+ online examples can be found. We also support fixed-line ranges that have been reserved
+ and paid for, even where no online numbers can be found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2[258]\d{7}|
+ 06\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>250123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[258]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>720123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saudi Arabia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SA" countryCode="966" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-467])(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-467]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9200)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(5\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>5</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8111)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>81</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- The more detailed pattern here is to allow the country-code to be stripped off for
+ fixed-line numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-467]\d{7}|
+ 5\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 8|
+ 92
+ )\d{9}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding 18 as a prefix after numbers found with this prefix online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [12][24-8]|
+ 3[35-8]|
+ 4[3-68]|
+ 6[2-5]|
+ 7[235-7]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Including "Nomadic" numbers from the Telecom Company "Go" -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5[013-689]\d|
+ 8111
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>512345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9200\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>92001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(
+ 0[24-79]|
+ 33|
+ 40|
+ 66|
+ 8[59]|
+ 9[02-6]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>902</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[7-9]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Solomon Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SB" countryCode="677" internationalPrefix="0[01]">
+ <!-- A single group is used to format 5-digit numbers. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[78]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-8]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Although not mentioned in the 2011 update, it seems likely that the range 67300-67699
+ is still used for Sasamunga, Shortland, Poitete and Ringgi as per the 2010 plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[4-79]|
+ [23]\d|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[03]|
+ 6[0-37]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>40123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 48\d{3}|
+ 7(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 5[025-8]|
+ 6[0-4]
+ )\d{4}|
+ 8[4-8]\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7421234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[38]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18123</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5[12]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>51123</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[02-79]|
+ 1[12]|
+ 2[0-26]|
+ 4[189]|
+ 68
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ [01]1|
+ 22|
+ 33|
+ 55|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>100</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Seychelles -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SC" countryCode="248" internationalPrefix="0[0-2]"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[246]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[24689]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- We are putting Fixed Services numbers here for now, as we cannot find any evidence that
+ they are more expensive to call than other Fixed Line services. ISDN and DID services
+ are here too, since they seem to be also fixed-line phone numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>4[2-46]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4217123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Includes Fixed Cellular. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[5-8]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2510123</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8000\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800000</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Using this to represent Value Added Service in the plan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>98\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>981234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>64\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6412345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 1[027]|
+ 2[0-8]|
+ 3[13]|
+ 4[0-2]|
+ [59][15]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[124-6]|
+ 8[158]
+ )|
+ 96\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>100</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sudan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SD" countryCode="249" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[19]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Retaining previous prefix as 18 since it seems still to be used. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [25]\d|
+ 8[3567]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>121231234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 90X as online numbers have been found with this prefix. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[012569]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911231234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sweden -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Formatting patterns are from that document and from the Swedish yellow pages
+ -->
+ <territory id="SE" countryCode="46" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8)(\d{2,3})(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-69]\d)(\d{2,3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[013689]|
+ 2[0136]|
+ 3[1356]|
+ 4[0246]|
+ 54|
+ 6[03]|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-69]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[13689]|
+ 2[136]|
+ 3[1356]|
+ 4[0246]|
+ 54|
+ 6[03]|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[2457]|
+ 2[2457-9]|
+ 3[0247-9]|
+ 4[1357-9]|
+ 5[0-35-9]|
+ 6[124-9]|
+ 9(?:
+ [125-8]|
+ 3[0-5]|
+ 4[0-3]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[2457]|
+ 2[2457-9]|
+ 3[0247-9]|
+ 4[1357-9]|
+ 5[0-35-9]|
+ 6[124-9]|
+ 9(?:
+ [125-8]|
+ 3[0-5]|
+ 4[0-3]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(20)(\d{2,3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>20</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9[034]\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>9[034]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{6,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[1-8]\d{6}|
+ [136]\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 2[0-35]|
+ 4[0-4]|
+ 5[0-25-9]|
+ 7[13-6]|
+ [89]\d
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ [136]\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 2[0-7]|
+ 4[0136-8]|
+ 5[0-38]|
+ 7[018]|
+ 8[01]|
+ 9[0-57]
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [356]\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 0[0-4]|
+ 1\d|
+ 2[0-25]|
+ 4[056]|
+ 7[0-2]|
+ 8[0-3]|
+ 9[023]
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [0246]\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 1[0-8]|
+ 3[0135]|
+ 5[14-79]|
+ 7[0-246-9]|
+ 8[0156]|
+ 9[0-689]
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[0-6]|
+ 1[0-5]|
+ 2[0-68]|
+ 3[0-4]|
+ 4\d|
+ 5[0-5]|
+ 6[03-5]|
+ 7[013]|
+ 8[0-79]|
+ 9[01]
+ )\d{5,6}|
+ 6(?:
+ [03]\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 1[1-3]|
+ 2[0-4]|
+ 4[02-57]|
+ 5[0-37]|
+ 6[0-3]|
+ 7[0-2]|
+ 8[0247]|
+ 9[0-356]
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )|
+ 8\d{6,8}|
+ 9(?:
+ 0\d{5,7}|
+ (?:
+ 1[0-68]|
+ 2\d|
+ 3[02-59]|
+ 4[0-4]|
+ 5[0-4]|
+ 6[01]|
+ 7[0135-8]|
+ 8[01]
+ )\d{5,6}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[02-46]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>701234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>20\d{4,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>201234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 00|
+ 39|
+ 44
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>77\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>771234567</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>75\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>751234567</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 90000
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Singapore -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SG" countryCode="65" internationalPrefix="0[0-3][0-9]">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3689]\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [369]|
+ 8[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7000)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>70</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- We have a stricter national number pattern for numbers beginning with 6 to enable us to
+ easily strip off leading "65" country codes. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [36]\d{7}|
+ [17-9]\d{7,10}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[1-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>61234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 8[1-6]|
+ 9[0-8]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1?800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>18001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>19001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3[0-2]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Although not detailed in the plan beyond mentioning their existence, it seems 7000
+ numbers are used for companies. Most of the online examples are in fact alpha-numbers.
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7000\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [0136]\d{2}|
+ 41\d|
+ [89](?:
+ [1-9]\d|
+ 0[1-9]
+ )|
+ [57]\d{2,3})|
+ 99[0-46-8]
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1312</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[59]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Helena and Tristan da Cunha -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SH" countryCode="290" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Numbers are formatted as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-468]\d|
+ 7[01]
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Using St Helena Tourism as the example number. -->
+ <exampleNumber>2158</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [59]\d|
+ 7[2-9]
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{2,3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Slovenia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SI" countryCode="386" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)"
+ pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [12]|
+ 3[4-8]|
+ 4[24-8]|
+ 5[2-8]|
+ 7[3-8]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-7]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [37][01]|
+ 4[019]|
+ 51|
+ 6
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89][09])(\d{3,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89][09]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([58]\d{2})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 59|
+ 8[1-3]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-7]\d{6,7}|
+ [89]\d{4,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1\d|
+ [25][2-8]|
+ 3[4-8]|
+ 4[24-8]|
+ 7[3-8]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>11234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- We include 049 here - it is VoIP in the plan, but SMS messages have been successfully
+ delivered - and it is run by Mobitel. There are also mobile numbers found on the
+ internet with this prefix - it is apparently used in Kosovo. Also
+ added 068, which is used by the mobile operator -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [37][01]|
+ 4[019]|
+ 51|
+ 6[48]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>31234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Includes televoting, mass calling -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 90\d{4,6}|
+ 89[1-3]\d{2,5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 59|
+ 8[1-3]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>59012345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[23]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Svalbard -->
+ <!-- Metadata shared with Norway. -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SJ" countryCode="47" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0\d{4}|
+ [4789]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>79\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>79123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- Copied from Norway metadata. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 4[015-8]|
+ 5[89]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>41234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[01]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>82[09]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>82012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 810(?:
+ 0[0-6]|
+ [2-8]\d
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81021234</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>880\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>88012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>85[0-5]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>85012345</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- Includes some 810 local-rate numbers, and long-distance rate numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0\d{4}|
+ 81(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 0[7-9]|
+ 1\d
+ )|
+ 5\d{2}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>01234</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <voicemail>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>81[23]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>81212345</exampleNumber>
+ </voicemail>
+ <!-- Same as Norway, according to -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[023]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Slovakia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SK" countryCode="421" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-5]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-5]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([689]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[689]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-5]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>212345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 948 isn't in the number pattern, but many examples using this have been found, so
+ deeming it valid for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1-8]|
+ 1[0-24-9]|
+ 4[0489]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ [78]\d{7}|
+ 00\d{6}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[5-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>850123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 5[0-4]|
+ 9[0-6]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>690123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 5[058]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sierra Leone -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SL" countryCode="232" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Following formatting of online yellow pages -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-578]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[235]2[2-4][2-9]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22221234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding prefix 50 because it was found in online numbers and this is supported by
+ - although the data may be outdated, since no
+ further information about Datatel can be found. Adding prefix 79 since it was launched
+ by Airtel on Feb 2nd 2012. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 25|
+ 3[03]|
+ 44|
+ 5[056]|
+ 7[6-9]|
+ 88
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>25123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 01|
+ 99
+ )9
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- San Marino -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- (Information about Italy) -->
+ <!-->
+ <!-- San Marino fixed-line numbers have an area code of "0549". However, this seems to be
+ optional when dialling from outside the country; the phone number can be reached both with
+ and without this area code. The nationalPrefixForParsing and nationalPrefixTransformRule
+ are used to ensure that if the 0549 is not present, it will be added. -->
+ <territory id="SM" countryCode="378" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="(?:0549)?([89]\d{5})" nationalPrefixTransformRule="0549$1"
+ leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[5-7]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- We follow the guidelines of the yellow-pages when formatting in national format. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(0549)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ <!-- We follow the guidelines of the Telecommunications Document published on ITU when
+ formatting in international format. -->
+ <intlFormat>($1) $2</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- A rule in case the number has been stored without the leading 0549 necessary for
+ fixed-lines. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>0549 $1</format>
+ <intlFormat>(0549) $1</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[05-7]\d{7,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <!-- Example numbers provided by the Telecommunications Services. -->
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0549(?:
+ 8[0157-9]|
+ 9\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0549886377</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[16]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>66661212</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Includes Video Call numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[178]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5[158]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>58001110</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[358]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Senegal -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SN" countryCode="221" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Using yellow pages and online telecom company formatting, rather than that implied in
+ the national numbering plan. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[37]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 3(?:
+ 010|
+ 3(?:
+ 8[1-9]|
+ 9[2-9]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>301012345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- The patterns from the ITU document seem too restrictive, based on numbers found in
+ online searches and phones that SMSs have been successfully received from, so the
+ ranges, have been extended to include 76 5[4-7], 76 6[3-5] and 77 01, 1[239], 2[89],
+ 3[49], 4[7-9], 7[4-7], 8[2-9] and 9\d. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1256]0|
+ 6(?:
+ 1[23]|
+ 2[89]|
+ 3[3489]|
+ 4[6-9]|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 6[3-9]|
+ 7[45]|
+ 8[3-8]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 01|
+ [1-9]\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>701012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>33301\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>333011234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- No emergency numbers information can be found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Somalia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- This document seems to cover only a small set of prefixes in Somalia. Somalia has limited
+ information available, and the numerous telecom carriers were previously working under an
+ unregulated environment. The extra prefixes were added from the contact phone numbers of
+ the countries main telecom operators. We also have received information that a national
+ prefix of "0" is required when dialling from different regions (e.g. Puntland, Somaliland)
+ for some operators, so that is included here although we do not use it when formatting. -->
+ <territory id="SO" countryCode="252" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- These follow formats online, such as -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[0-79]|
+ [13-5]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 24|
+ [67]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 15|
+ 28|
+ 6[178]|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(69\d)(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>69</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-79]\d{6,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Apparently Telesom and Nationlink (Somaliland) both use the prefix 2. We exclude 28
+ here since that is apparently used for mobile. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [134]\d|
+ 2[0-79]|
+ 5[57-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Example numbers are test numbers from the document. -->
+ <exampleNumber>5522010</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- 24 is used by the carrier Telesom. 28 is used by Nationlink. 6[89] are apparently used
+ by Nationlink Somalia, 67 by Nationlink Puntland, and 61 by Hormuud. 7X is used by
+ Somtel. 6 followed by only 7 digits is used by Telecom. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 15\d|
+ 2(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 8
+ )|
+ 6[17-9]?\d{2}|
+ 7\d{2}|
+ 9[01]\d
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90792024</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- According to the following webpage, there is no emergency number in Somalia:
+ -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Suriname -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SR" countryCode="597" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Following conventions used in the Suriname Yellow Pages. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-4]|
+ 5[2-58]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>56</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[6-8]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{5,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes non-geographic WLL-CDMA Fixed Lines. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1-3]|
+ 3[0-7]|
+ 4\d|
+ 5[2-58]|
+ 68\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 74 from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7[1-5]|
+ 8[1-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7412345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>561234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ [02-9]\d|
+ 1[0-46-9]|
+ \d{3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>115</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>115</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- South Sudan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- These number sources disagree over whether the number length should be 7 or 10 digits. The
+ contact numbers for the South Sudan telecommunications authority, along with all numbers
+ seen online, are 9 digits, so we follow this instead. -->
+ <territory id="SS" countryCode="211" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1489]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 1[67] has been included as per the ITU document, even though no online numbers can be
+ found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[67]\d|
+ 811
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>811123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Online numbers indicate that 95 is used by Vivacell, [49]77 by Gemtel, 91 by Zain,
+ 9[29] by MTN (although it is unclear if 477 is still in use). 12 has been ascribed
+ to "Sudani", but it is not clear whether they are in fact still operating in South
+ Sudan. Patterns here are derived entirely from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 02|
+ 2[1269]
+ )|
+ 477|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[03689]|
+ 1\d|
+ 2[024-9]|
+ 5[5-79]|
+ 77|
+ 98
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>977123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sao Tome and Principe -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ST" countryCode="239" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>22\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2221234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[89]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9812345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Emergency numbers longer than 3 digits covered by fixed-line. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- El Salvador -->
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <territory id="SV" countryCode="503" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[267]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [267]\d{7}|
+ [89]\d{6}(?:\d{4})?
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>
+ \d{7,8}|
+ \d{11}
+ </possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Numbers starting with 20, 27, 28 and 29 are reserved but not yet used. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[1-6]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[67]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>70123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- Toll free numbers are either 800 NNNN or 800 NNNN NNNN. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{4}(?:\d{4})?</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <!-- Premium rate numbers are either 900 NNNN or 900 NNNN NNNN. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{4}(?:\d{4})?</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{4})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Sint Maarten -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SX" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="721"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7215(?:
+ 4[2-8]|
+ 8[239]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7215425678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- We assume we can send SMSs to the Fixed GSM numbers mentioned in the plan and hence
+ include these as mobile numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7215(?:
+ 1[02]|
+ 2\d|
+ 5[03469]|
+ 8[01678]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7215205678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>919</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>919</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Syrian Arab Republic -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SY" countryCode="963" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-5]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-59]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 1\d?|
+ 4\d|
+ [2356]
+ )|
+ 2[1-35]|
+ 3(?:
+ [13]\d|
+ 4
+ )|
+ 4[13]|
+ 5[1-3]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Numbers have been found on the Internet for the prefixes 922, 936, 94[0168], 95[0247],
+ and 96[78]. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[1-356]|
+ 4\d|
+ 5[024-7]|
+ 6[26-9]|
+ 88|
+ 9[0-489]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>944567890</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[023]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Swaziland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="SZ" countryCode="268" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[027]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[027]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>08001234</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[07]|
+ [13]7|
+ 2[57]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[34]|
+ [1278]3|
+ 3[23]|
+ [46][34]
+ )|
+ (?:
+ 40[4-69]|
+ 67
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[5-7]|
+ 1[6-9]|
+ [23][78]|
+ 48|
+ 5[01]
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22171234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[6-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>76123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>08001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Turks and Caicos Islands -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="649"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5689]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 649(?:
+ 712|
+ 9(?:
+ 4\d|
+ 50
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6497121234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Extra prefixes 246, 247, 346 found online and in the yellow pages. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 649(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 3[12]|
+ 4[1-7]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 3[1-39]|
+ 4[1-7]
+ )|
+ 4[34][12]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6492311234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>64971[01]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>6497101234</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Chad -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- The international prefix includes 16 as the international manual exchange. -->
+ <territory id="TD" countryCode="235" preferredInternationalPrefix="00"
+ internationalPrefix="00|16">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat
+ pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2679]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 22(?:
+ [3789]0|
+ 5[0-5]|
+ 6[89]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22501234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Sotel Tchad "SALAM" (77 XX XX XX) is classified as a fixed operator in the plan, but it
+ also says numbers starting with 7 are mobile numbers. Putting under mobile for now.
+ Also adding 63[5-9] from evidence of successful SMS delivery. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6[36]\d|
+ 77\d|
+ 9(?:
+ 5[0-4]|
+ 9\d
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>63012345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[78]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>17</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- French Southern Territories -->
+ <!-- id="TF" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" -->
+ <!-- This country is not covered due to lack of information about its numbering plan. It has 140
+ temporary inhabitants. -->
+ <!-- Togo -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TG" countryCode="228" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ 2[2-7]|
+ 3[23]|
+ 44|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22212345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[0-289]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>90112345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 01|
+ 1[78]|
+ 7[17]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>117</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Thailand -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TH" countryCode="66" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting patterns from wikipedia and the document itself -
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-9]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-9]\d{7,8}|
+ 1\d{3}(?:\d{6})?
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}|\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1100</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1-9]|
+ 3[2-9]|
+ 4[2-5]|
+ 5[2-6]|
+ 7[3-7]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[89]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>812345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <voip>
+ <!-- The ITU document says that the 89 prefix is also VOIP but there are lots of numbers
+ online to suggest they are actually used as mobile numbers -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- 4-digit numbers are classified under UAN. Most of these are commercial numbers, and
+ their costs range from free to 6 Baht/min. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1100</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 669|
+ 9[19]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>191</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tajikistan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TJ" countryCode="992" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP) $FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([349]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [34]7|
+ 91[78]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([459]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 4[48]|
+ 5|
+ 9(?:
+ 1[59]|
+ [0235-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(331700)(\d)(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>331</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>3317</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>33170</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>331700</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>3[1-5]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ [1245]|
+ 3(?:
+ [02-9]|
+ 1[0-589]
+ )
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3-59]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 1[3-5]|
+ 2[245]|
+ 3[12]|
+ 4[24-7]|
+ 5[25]|
+ 72
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 46|
+ 74|
+ 87
+ )
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>372123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 90 prefix as SMS messages could be successfully delivered to these mobile
+ numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 505|
+ 9[0-35-9]\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>917123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[1-3]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tokelau -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TK" countryCode="690" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-5]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-4]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- The example number is the contact number from the ITU document. -->
+ <exampleNumber>3010</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>5\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5190</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No evidence that any emergency numbers exist for this tiny island has been found. -->
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Timor-Leste (East Timor) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TL" countryCode="670" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-47-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[1-5]|
+ 3[1-9]|
+ 4[1-4]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2112345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[2-4]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7212345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8012345</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9012345</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ Seems to be a number for the local UN Police. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Turkmenistan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TM" countryCode="993" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP $FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- There doesn't seem to be a standardized format. The format below is based on the
+ Turkmenistan embassy at
+ -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>12</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{6})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 13|
+ [2-5]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-6]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Additional prefixes from the wikipedia page. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-9]
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 22|
+ 4[0-35-8]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 22|
+ 4[03-9]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[128]|
+ 4\d|
+ 6[15]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 5[7-9]|
+ 6[014-689]
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- According to feedback from users, the carrier Altyn Asyr is the only one currently
+ operating, with the numbers 6[3-5]\d{6}. MTS used to operate the ranges 6[6-8] but this
+ has been suspended. It is unclear whether it will resume. We support both ranges in the
+ meantime. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6[3-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>66123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0[1-3]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>03</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tunisia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TN" countryCode="216" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57-9]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[012]|
+ 7\d
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>71234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [259]\d|
+ 4[01]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- These are listed as 'value added services' - pending further information, we add them
+ here for now. -->
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8[0128]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>80123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19[078]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>197</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tonga -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TO" countryCode="676" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [1-6]|
+ 7[0-4]|
+ 8[05]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7[5-9]|
+ 8[7-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[02-8]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[1-4]|
+ [56]0|
+ 7[0149]|
+ 8[05]
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- TCC mobile numbers were given a prefix of "77" in 2009, although this is not mentioned
+ in their ITU document. Numbers with a prefix of "75" have also been found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7[578]|
+ 8[7-9]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7715123</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0800\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0800222</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 22|
+ 33|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Turkey -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TR" countryCode="90" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [23]|
+ 4(?:
+ [0-35-9]|
+ 4[0-35-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <leadingDigits>[589]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(444)(\d{1})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>444</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [2-589]\d{9}|
+ 444\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>444\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4441444</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Includes numbers starting with 392 for Northern Cyprus. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [13][26]|
+ [28][2468]|
+ [45][268]|
+ [67][246]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [13][28]|
+ [24-6][2468]|
+ [78][02468]|
+ 92
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [16][246]|
+ [23578][2468]|
+ 4[26]
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 0[1-35-7]|
+ 22|
+ 3\d|
+ 4[1-79]|
+ 5[1-5]|
+ 9[246]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <pager>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>512\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </pager>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 444\d{4}|
+ 850\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4441444</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 1[02]|
+ 55
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Trinidad and Tobago -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TT" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="868"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 868(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 01|
+ 2[1-5]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 07|
+ 1[4-6]|
+ 2[1-9]|
+ [3-6]\d|
+ 7[0-79]|
+ 9[0-8]
+ )|
+ 82[12]
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8682211234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 703 as messages have been successfully delivered to phones with this prefix. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 868(?:
+ 29\d|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ [2-9]\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [679]\d|
+ 8[0-4]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 20|
+ 78|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 03|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ [2-9]\d
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8682911234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[09]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tuvalu -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TV" countryCode="688" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Numbers are formatted as a block. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{4,5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[02-9]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>20123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Some numbers online can be found that are 5-digits long, and start with 90 or 91. We
+ don't know if these are valid or not - the ITU document excludes them - so are not
+ covering these for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>901234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Taiwan, China -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Extension symbols found on the internet so far have been #, X and Ext -
+ so # has been chosen as the preferred extension prefix. -->
+ <territory id="TW" countryCode="886" internationalPrefix="0(?:0[25679]|19)"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix="#" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2-8])(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [2-7]|
+ 8[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 80|
+ 9
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[029]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>110</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Tanzania -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="TZ" countryCode="255" internationalPrefix="00[056]"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([24]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[24]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([67]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[67]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Formatting for special numbers from -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([89]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2[2-8]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>222345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6[158]|
+ 7[1-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>612345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[08]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 40|
+ 6[01]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>840123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>41\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>412345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 11[12]|
+ 999
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>111</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Ukraine -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="UA" countryCode="380" preferredInternationalPrefix="0~0"
+ internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- City codes separated out. No definitive list has been found of what constitutes the
+ area code - is useful but not error-free.
+ Have used local yellow pages guidelines, Google searches and regression tests to
+ reverse-engineer these rules as well as bugs. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-69]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 39|
+ 4(?:
+ [45][0-5]|
+ 87
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0|
+ 6[37]|
+ 7[37]
+ )|
+ 6[36-8]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 39|
+ 4(?:
+ [45][0-5]|
+ 87
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[14-7]|
+ 7
+ )|
+ 7[37]
+ )|
+ 6[36-8]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-689]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3[1-8]2|
+ 4[1378]2|
+ 5(?:
+ [12457]2|
+ 6[24]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [49]2|
+ [12][29]|
+ 5[24]
+ )|
+ 8|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ [1-46-8]2[013-9]|
+ 52
+ )|
+ 4[1378]2|
+ 5(?:
+ [12457]2|
+ 6[24]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [49]2|
+ [12][29]|
+ 5[24]
+ )|
+ 8|
+ 90
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([3-6]\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 5[013-9]|
+ [1-46-8]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [137][013-9]|
+ 6|
+ [45][6-9]|
+ 8[4-6]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [1245][013-9]|
+ 6[0135-9]|
+ 3|
+ 7[4-6]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [49][013-9]|
+ 5[0135-9]|
+ [12][13-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3(?:
+ 5[013-9]|
+ [1-46-8](?:
+ 22|
+ [013-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ [137][013-9]|
+ 6|
+ [45][6-9]|
+ 8[4-6]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [1245][013-9]|
+ 6(?:
+ 3[02389]|
+ [015689]
+ )|
+ 3|
+ 7[4-6]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [49][013-9]|
+ 5[0135-9]|
+ [12][13-8]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3-689]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 3[1-8]|
+ 4[13-8]|
+ 5[1-7]|
+ 6[12459]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>311234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 39|
+ 50|
+ 6[36-8]|
+ 9[1-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>391234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Uganda -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="UG" countryCode="256" internationalPrefix="00[057]"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [7-9]|
+ 20(?:
+ [013-5]|
+ 2[5-9]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 6[45]|
+ [7-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 3|
+ 4(?:
+ [1-5]|
+ 6[0-36-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(2024)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>2024</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Ranges with prefixes 20[35] are "not yet operational" as of Feb. 2012. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 20(?:
+ [014]\d{2}|
+ 2(?:
+ 40|
+ [5-9]\d
+ )|
+ 3[23]\d|
+ 5[0-4]\d
+ )\d{4}|
+ [34]\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- The ITU plan calls for all numbers to be exactly 9 digits. However, it's not clear if
+ local dialing is still possible. We assume it is for now. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>312345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Added 79[5-9] and 707 from online numbers found with this prefix. -->
+ <!-- Ranges with prefixes 7[246] are "not yet operational" as of Nov. 2011. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7(?:
+ 0[0-7]|
+ [15789]\d|
+ 20|
+ [46][0-4]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800[123]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[123]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>901123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>999</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United States -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Note the national prefix of US is the same as its country code, and when formatting phone
+ numbers in the national format, it is not included. Therefore, we omit it here to make
+ formatting consistent with the rest of the world. The same applies to all the
+ countries/regions under NANPA -->
+ <!-- The national prefix of "1" here is the same as the country code. It is not used by default
+ when formatting, but is set here so that users who are calling formatByPattern can specify
+ NationalPrefixFormattingRule if they want to. -->
+ <territory id="US" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011"
+ mainCountryForCode="true" nationalPrefix="1">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>($1) $2-$3</format>
+ <!-- A different pattern is used when formatting internationally, as the area code is no
+ longer optional and should not be in brackets. -->
+ <intlFormat>$1-$2-$3</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[1-35-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[4589]|
+ 3[149]|
+ 4[08]|
+ 5[1-46]|
+ 6[0279]|
+ 7[06]|
+ 8[13]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-57-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[0135]|
+ 3[014679]|
+ 47|
+ 5[12]|
+ 6[01]|
+ 8[056]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[124-9]|
+ 1[02-579]|
+ 2[3-5]|
+ 3[0245]|
+ 4[0235]|
+ 58|
+ 69|
+ 7[0589]|
+ 8[04]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[1-57-9]|
+ 1[0235-8]|
+ 20|
+ 3[0149]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[19]|
+ 6[1-37]|
+ 7[013-5]|
+ 8[056]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[1-35-9]|
+ 1[024-9]|
+ 2[036]|
+ 3[016]|
+ 4[16]|
+ 5[017]|
+ 6[0-279]|
+ 78|
+ 8[12]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1-46-8]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[047]|
+ 3[124]|
+ 4[07]|
+ 5[47]|
+ 6[02359]|
+ 7[02-59]|
+ 8[156]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[1-68]|
+ 1[02-8]|
+ 28|
+ 3[0-25]|
+ 4[3578]|
+ 5[06-9]|
+ 6[02-5]|
+ 7[028]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1346-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[0589]|
+ 3[1678]|
+ 4[0179]|
+ 5[1246]|
+ 7[0-3589]|
+ 8[0459]
+ )
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 0[1-35-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[4589]|
+ 3[149]|
+ 4[08]|
+ 5[1-46]|
+ 6[0279]|
+ 7[06]|
+ 8[13]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[1-57-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[0135]|
+ 3[014679]|
+ 47|
+ 5[12]|
+ 6[01]|
+ 8[056]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 0[124-9]|
+ 1[02-579]|
+ 2[3-5]|
+ 3[0245]|
+ 4[0235]|
+ 58|
+ 69|
+ 7[0589]|
+ 8[04]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[1-57-9]|
+ 1[0235-8]|
+ 20|
+ 3[0149]|
+ 4[01]|
+ 5[19]|
+ 6[1-37]|
+ 7[013-5]|
+ 8[056]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[1-35-9]|
+ 1[024-9]|
+ 2[036]|
+ 3[016]|
+ 4[16]|
+ 5[017]|
+ 6[0-279]|
+ 78|
+ 8[12]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[1-46-8]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[047]|
+ 3[124]|
+ 4[07]|
+ 5[47]|
+ 6[02359]|
+ 7[02-59]|
+ 8[156]
+ )|
+ 8(?:
+ 0[1-68]|
+ 1[02-8]|
+ 28|
+ 3[0-25]|
+ 4[3578]|
+ 5[06-9]|
+ 6[02-5]|
+ 7[028]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0[1346-9]|
+ 1[02-9]|
+ 2[0589]|
+ 3[1678]|
+ 4[0179]|
+ 5[1246]|
+ 7[0-3589]|
+ 8[0459]
+ )
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 112|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Uruguay -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- International long-distance providers can be dialled by dialling 01 followed by a carrier
+ code JK, where J = [3-9] and K is any digit. -->
+ <territory id="UY" countryCode="598" internationalPrefix="0(?:1[3-9]\d|0)"
+ preferredInternationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" preferredExtnPrefix=" int. ">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Following formatting. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[24]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Including the national prefix here since URSEC does when formatting these. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>9[1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2489]\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2\d{7}|
+ 4[2-7]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>21231234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[13-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>94231234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80[05]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>90[0-8]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <shortCode>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 0[4-9]|
+ 1[2368]|
+ 2[0-3568]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>104</exampleNumber>
+ </shortCode>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 128|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Uzbekistan -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="UZ" countryCode="998" preferredInternationalPrefix="8~10"
+ internationalPrefix="810" nationalPrefix="8"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([679]\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[679]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Adding 711 from numbers found online, such as the US embassy, and 6922, which seems to
+ be used in Namangan. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 6(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[124]|
+ 4[1-4]|
+ 5[123578]|
+ 64
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[0-57-9]|
+ 41
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[3-7]|
+ 5[024-8]
+ )|
+ 6\d{2}|
+ 7(?:
+ [23]\d|
+ 7[69]|
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 22|
+ 4[1-8]|
+ 6[135]
+ )
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0(?:
+ 5[4-9]|
+ 6[0146]|
+ 7[12456]|
+ 9[135-8]
+ )|
+ 1[12]\d|
+ 2(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[1345789]|
+ 4[123579]|
+ 5[14]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1578]|
+ 4[1-35-7]|
+ 5[1-57]|
+ 61
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 3[1-579]|
+ 7[1-79]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 22|
+ 5[1-9]|
+ 6[1457]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 22|
+ 3[12457]|
+ 4[13-8]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 22|
+ 5[1-9]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>662345678</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 9[45] as suggested by
+ Adding other prefixes from, and any other
+ prefixes Tyntec has a carrier mapped to. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 6(?:
+ 1(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 98|
+ 2[01]
+ )|
+ 35[0-4]|
+ 50\d|
+ 61[23]|
+ 7(?:
+ [01][017]|
+ 4\d|
+ 55|
+ 9[5-9]
+ )
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 11\d|
+ 2(?:
+ [12]1|
+ 9[01379]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [126]\d|
+ 3[0-4]
+ )|
+ 7\d{2}
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 19[01]|
+ 2(?:
+ 27|
+ 9[26]
+ )|
+ 30\d|
+ 59\d|
+ 7\d{2}
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1[5-9]|
+ 2[0367]|
+ 38|
+ 41|
+ 52|
+ 60
+ )|
+ 3[79]\d|
+ 4(?:
+ 56|
+ 83
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [07]\d|
+ 1[017]|
+ 3[07]|
+ 4[047]|
+ 5[057]|
+ 67|
+ 8[0178]|
+ 9[79]
+ )|
+ 9[0-3]\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 24|
+ 3[237]|
+ 4[5-9]|
+ 7[15-8]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 7[12]|
+ 8[0589]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0\d|
+ [39][07]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 7[079]
+ )
+ )|
+ 9(
+ 2(?:
+ 1[1267]|
+ 5\d|
+ 3[01]|
+ 7[0-4]
+ )|
+ 5[67]\d|
+ 6(?:
+ 2[0-26]|
+ 8\d
+ )|
+ 7\d{2}
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 7(?:
+ 0\d{3}|
+ 1(?:
+ 13[01]|
+ 6(?:
+ 0[47]|
+ 1[67]|
+ 66
+ )|
+ 71[3-69]|
+ 98\d
+ )|
+ 2(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[79]|
+ 95
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[5-9]|
+ 6[0-6]
+ )|
+ 57\d|
+ 7(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 1[17]|
+ 2[27]|
+ 3[37]|
+ 44|
+ 5[057]|
+ 66|
+ 88
+ )
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 1[0-6]|
+ 21|
+ 3[469]|
+ 7[159]
+ )|
+ 33\d|
+ 5(?:
+ 0[0-4]|
+ 5[579]|
+ 9\d
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [0-3579]\d|
+ 4[0467]|
+ 6[67]|
+ 8[078]
+ )|
+ 9[4-6]\d
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 29|
+ 5[0257]|
+ 6[0-7]|
+ 7[1-57]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[0-4]|
+ 8\d|
+ 9[5-9]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 1[024589]|
+ 2[0127]|
+ 3[0137]|
+ [46][07]|
+ 5[01]|
+ 7[5-9]|
+ 9[079]
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 7[015-9]|
+ [89]\d
+ )
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 112|
+ 2(?:
+ 0\d|
+ 2[29]|
+ [49]4
+ )|
+ 3[1568]\d|
+ 52[6-9]|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[01578]|
+ 1[017]|
+ [23]7|
+ 4[047]|
+ [5-7]\d|
+ 8[78]|
+ 9[079]
+ )
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 2[1245]|
+ 4[2-4]
+ )|
+ 39\d|
+ 41[179]|
+ 5(?:
+ [349]\d|
+ 5[0-2]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ 0[017]|
+ [13]\d|
+ 22|
+ 44|
+ 55|
+ 67|
+ 88
+ )
+ )|
+ 9(?:
+ 22[128]|
+ 3(?:
+ 2[0-4]|
+ 7\d
+ )|
+ 57[05629]|
+ 7(?:
+ 2[05-9]|
+ 3[37]|
+ 4\d|
+ 60|
+ 7[2579]|
+ 87|
+ 9[07]
+ )
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 9[0-57-9]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ Note that the third source, for a local mobile company, comments that a '*' needs to
+ be dialled before the 2-digit emergency numbers on their cell-phone. This is not
+ explicitly handled here, but instead is handled by normalising input in the code. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 0(?:
+ 0[123]|
+ [123]|
+ 50
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>01</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Vatican City -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Note that numbers here are also accessible via Italy (+39 and prefix of 06 698) but can
+ also be dialled with the Vatican City country code. -->
+ <territory id="VA" countryCode="379" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(06)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>06\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>06698\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0669812345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- We have no information on mobile numbers from the Vatican. It is probable that they use
+ Italian mobile contracts. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>N/A</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>N/A</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No information exists about other types of numbers. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[2358]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="VC" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="784"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5789]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 784(?:
+ 266|
+ 3(?:
+ 6[6-9]|
+ 7\d|
+ 8[0-24-6]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 38|
+ 5[0-36-8]|
+ 8\d|
+ 9[01]
+ )|
+ 555|
+ 638|
+ 784
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7842661234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 784 433 and 784 534 since online numbers can be found with these prefixes, and
+ the latter seems, according to some online sources, to be assigned to Digicell. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 784(?:
+ 4(?:
+ 3[0-4]|
+ 5[45]|
+ 9[2-5]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 2[6-9]|
+ 3[0-4]|
+ 93
+ )
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7844301234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Venezuela -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- 1XX specifies a particular carrier to route a call to. -->
+ <territory id="VE" countryCode="58" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="(1\d{2})|0"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$CC $FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{7})">
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[24589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- Open numbering plan. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Including region-free 500 calls here, since these are treated as local calls. Wikipedia
+ mentions these as 5XX, but online examples that can be found are seemingly restricted
+ to 50[01]. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 12|
+ 3[457-9]|
+ [58][1-9]|
+ [467]\d|
+ 9[1-6]
+ )|
+ 50[01]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2121234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 4(?:
+ 1[24-8]|
+ 2[46]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>4121234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9001234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>171</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>171</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Virgin Islands, British -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="VG" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="284"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- No data on central office codes can be found on the website. The codes 422
+ and 774 have been added from numbers found in the white pages. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 284(?:
+ (?:
+ 229|
+ 4(?:
+ 22|
+ 9[45]
+ )|
+ 774|
+ 8(?:
+ 52|
+ 6[459]
+ )
+ )\d{4}|
+ 496[0-5]\d{3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2842291234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- No data on central office codes can be found on the website. The codes
+ 34[0-367], 446 and 54[57] have been added from numbers found in the white pages. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 284(?:
+ (?:
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0-3]|
+ 4[0-367]
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4[0-6]|
+ 68|
+ 99
+ )|
+ 54[0-57]
+ )\d{4}|
+ 496[6-9]\d{3}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2843001234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 11|
+ 99
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Virgin Islands, United States -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="VI" countryCode="1" leadingDigits="340"
+ nationalPrefix="1" internationalPrefix="011">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- NANPA country - uses US formatting rules -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[3589]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- The ITU document seems a bit out-of-date so extra prefixes based on numbers in the
+ yellow pages have been added, and the list of exchanges found on
+ -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 340(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 01|
+ 2[067]|
+ 36|
+ 44|
+ 77
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 32|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4[38]|
+ 7[34]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[34]|
+ 55
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 26|
+ 4[23]|
+ 9[023]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [17]\d|
+ 27
+ )|
+ 884|
+ 998
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3406421234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 340(?:
+ 2(?:
+ 01|
+ 2[067]|
+ 36|
+ 44|
+ 77
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 32|
+ 44
+ )|
+ 4(?:
+ 4[38]|
+ 7[34]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ 1[34]|
+ 55
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 26|
+ 4[23]|
+ 9[023]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [17]\d|
+ 27
+ )|
+ 884|
+ 998
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>3406421234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 8(?:
+ 00|
+ 55|
+ 66|
+ 77|
+ 88
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>9002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 5(?:
+ 00|
+ 33|
+ 44
+ )[2-9]\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5002345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>911</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Viet Nam (Vietnam) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="VN" countryCode="84" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([17]99)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[17]99</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([48])(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[48]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d)(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[025-79]|
+ 3[0136-9]|
+ 5[2-9]|
+ 6[0-46-8]|
+ 7[02-79]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(80)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>80</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(69\d)(\d{4,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>69</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([235-7]\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2[1348]|
+ 3[25]|
+ 5[01]|
+ 65|
+ 7[18]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9\d)(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(1[2689]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1(?:
+ [26]|
+ 8[68]|
+ 99
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(1[89]00)(\d{4,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[89]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [17]\d{6,9}|
+ [2-69]\d{7,9}|
+ 8\d{6,8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [17]99\d{4}|
+ 69\d{5,6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1992000</exampleNumber>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ [025-79]|
+ 1[0189]|
+ [348][01]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ [0136-9]|
+ [25][01]
+ )|
+ 4\d|
+ 5(?:
+ [01][01]|
+ [2-9]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0-46-8]|
+ 5[01]
+ )|
+ 7(?:
+ [02-79]|
+ [18][01]
+ )|
+ 8[1-9]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>2101234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 9\d|
+ 1(?:
+ 2\d|
+ 6[2-9]|
+ 8[68]|
+ 99
+ )
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>912345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1900123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <uan>
+ <!-- These include non-geographic fixed numbers, such as for government ministries. While
+ listed as "private networks", they may actually be callable from within Vietnam. (They are
+ "private" in the sense that ordinary people could not be assigned these numbers.) -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [17]99\d{4}|
+ 69\d{5,6}|
+ 80\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1992000</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>11[345]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>113</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Vanuatu -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="VU" countryCode="678" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <!-- Should be formatted in one block, apart from the mobile numbers. -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[579]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-57-9]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 2[2-9]\d|
+ 3(?:
+ [67]\d|
+ 8[0-8]
+ )|
+ 48[4-9]|
+ 88\d
+ )\d{2}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 5(?:
+ 7[2-5]|
+ [3-69]\d
+ )|
+ 7[013-7]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5912345</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Using this for non-geographical numbers, since they have not been clearly defined. -->
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 30\d{3}|
+ 900\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30123</exampleNumber>
+ </uan>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>112</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>112</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Wallis and Futuna (Territoire français d'outre-mer) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="WF" countryCode="681" internationalPrefix="00">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[5-7]\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Web searching only finds examples with the 72 prefix but the ITU document states
+ that 50 and 68 are possible, so they are included here. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 50|
+ 68|
+ 72
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>501234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 50|
+ 68|
+ 72
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>501234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[578]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Samoa -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="WS" countryCode="685" internationalPrefix="0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Should be formatted in one block, apart from the specific series below. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d)(\d{5})">
+ <leadingDigits>7</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-8]\d{4,6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [2-5]\d|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 84\d{2}
+ )\d{3}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 60|
+ 7[25-7]\d
+ )\d{4}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>601234</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <!-- The 800 number series is new, and is used by companies such as the ANZ bank in Samoa to
+ provide 24 hour eMerchant support. It is marked as "Customized Services" in the plan
+ for now, so may be also used for other purposes than toll free, but until we have
+ further evidence of these we will keep it as toll free. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- Current research suggests other types of numbers are not used in Samoa. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>99[4-6]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>994</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Yemen -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="YE" countryCode="967" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-7])(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [1-6]|
+ 7[24-68]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(7\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[0137]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-7]\d{6,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1(?:
+ 7\d|
+ [2-68]
+ )|
+ 2[2-68]|
+ 3[2358]|
+ 4[2-58]|
+ 5[2-6]|
+ 6[3-58]|
+ 7[24-68]
+ )\d{5}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding 70 from numbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[0137]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>712345678</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <emergency>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>19[1459]</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>191</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mayotte -->
+ <!-- Some information at - most from
+ collection of internet data.
+ verifies the fixed-line prefixes, but the mobile prefixes listed here seem out of date.
+ -->
+ <territory id="YT" countryCode="262" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ leadingDigits="269|63">
+ <!-- Formatting as per La Réunion. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2696[0-4]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>269601234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>639\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>639123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Same as in France. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 12|
+ 5
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>15</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- South Africa -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ZA" countryCode="27" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(860)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>860</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-578]\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [1-57]|
+ 8(?:
+ [0-57-9]|
+ 6[1-9]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7|
+ 8[1-5789]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2,3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 7|
+ 8[1-5789]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [1-5]\d{8}|
+ (?:
+ 7\d{4,8}|
+ 8[1-5789]\d{3,7}
+ )|
+ 8[06]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[0-8]|
+ 2[1-478]|
+ 3[1-69]|
+ 4\d|
+ 5[1346-8]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 7[1-4689]|
+ 8[1-5789]
+ )\d{3,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>711234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>86[1-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>861234567</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>860\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>860123456</exampleNumber>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>87\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>871234567</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 1(?:
+ 01(?:
+ 11|
+ 77
+ )|
+ 12
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,5}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>10111</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Zambia -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ZM" countryCode="260" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([29]\d)(\d{7})">
+ <leadingDigits>[29]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(800)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[289]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>21[1-8]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>211234567</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Adding extra prefixes 50, 6[1-57-9] and 7[13-6] since SMS messages have been
+ successfully delivered to these numbers, and numbers like this can be found on the
+ Internet. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 9(?:
+ 5[05]|
+ 6[1-9]|
+ 7[13-9]
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>955123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>800123456</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 112|
+ 99[139]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Zimbabwe -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="ZW" countryCode="263" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- One-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([49])(\d{3})(\d{2,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 4|
+ 9[2-9]
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Mobile numbers -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([179]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ [19]1|
+ 7
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(86\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>86[24]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Two-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-356]\d)(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[3-9]|
+ 2(?:
+ [1-469]|
+ 0[0-35-9]|
+ [45][0-79]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0-79]|
+ 1[0-689]|
+ [24-69]|
+ 3[0-69]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [02-46-9]|
+ [15][0-69]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0145]|
+ [29][0-79]|
+ 3[0-689]|
+ [68][0-69]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([1-356]\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 1[3-9]|
+ 2(?:
+ [1-469]|
+ 0[0-35-9]|
+ [45][0-79]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 0[0-79]|
+ 1[0-689]|
+ [24-69]|
+ 3[0-69]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [02-46-9]|
+ [15][0-69]
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ [0145]|
+ [29][0-79]|
+ 3[0-689]|
+ [68][0-69]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Three-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2356]\d{2})(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ [278]|
+ 0[45]|
+ 48
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 08|
+ 17|
+ 3[78]|
+ [78]
+ )|
+ 5[15][78]|
+ 6(?:
+ [29]8|
+ 37|
+ [68][78]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([2356]\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 2(?:
+ [278]|
+ 0[45]|
+ 48
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 08|
+ 17|
+ 3[78]|
+ [78]
+ )|
+ 5[15][78]|
+ 6(?:
+ [29]8|
+ 37|
+ [68][78]
+ )
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Four-digit area codes -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([25]\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 25|
+ 54
+ )8
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 258[23]|
+ 5483
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([25]\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>
+ (?:
+ 25|
+ 54
+ )8
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>
+ 258[23]|
+ 5483
+ </leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- VOIP numbers -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(8\d{3})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>86[1389]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- A complicated nationalNumberPattern is necessary here, since the numbers are extremely
+ variable in length and the possible prefixes clash with the country code. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 2(?:
+ [012457-9]\d{3,8}|
+ 6\d{3,6}
+ )|
+ [13-79]\d{4,8}|
+ 86\d{8}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- Numbering is grouped by subscriber-number length. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 1[3-9]|
+ 2(?:
+ 0[45]|
+ [16]|
+ 2[28]|
+ [49]8?|
+ 58[23]|
+ 7[246]|
+ 8[1346-9]
+ )|
+ 3(?:
+ 08?|
+ 17?|
+ 3[78]|
+ [2456]|
+ 7[1569]|
+ 8[379]
+ )|
+ 5(?:
+ [07-9]|
+ 1[78]|
+ 483|
+ 5(?:
+ 7?|
+ 8
+ )
+ )|
+ 6(?:
+ 0|
+ 28|
+ 37?|
+ [45][68][78]|
+ 98?
+ )|
+ 848
+ )\d{3,6}|
+ (?:
+ 2(?:
+ 27|
+ 5|
+ 7[135789]|
+ 8[25]
+ )|
+ 3[39]|
+ 5[1-46]|
+ 6[126-8]
+ )\d{4,6}|
+ 2(?:
+ 0|
+ 70
+ )\d{5,6}|
+ (?:
+ 4\d|
+ 9[2-8]
+ )\d{4,7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1312345</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <!-- The ITU document list 8622 and 8644 as VoIP, but an online search reveals that they are
+ also being used by the carriers as mobile prefixes. -->
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 7[137]\d{7}|
+ 86(?:
+ 22|
+ 44
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>711234567</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- No tollFree or premiumRate information can be found. -->
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 86(?:
+ 1[12]|
+ 30|
+ 8[367]|
+ 99
+ )\d{6}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>8686123456</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ 112|
+ 99[3459]
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>999</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Universal International Toll Free Number -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="800">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Universal International Shared Cost Number -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="808">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </sharedCost>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Inmarsat Global Limited -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="870">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[35-7]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>301234567</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Assigning these to mobile since Inmarsat considers them to be mobile numbers. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ (?:
+ [356]\d|
+ 7[6-8]
+ )\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- VISIONng -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Number length has been derived from examples found online. -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="878">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <!-- Formatting chosen based on online examples. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{5})(\d{5})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{12}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>101234567890</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>10\d{10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </voip>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="883">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- Wikipedia also listed a few other +883 ranges, but no information on their lengths and
+ costs can be found online, so we don't include them here for now. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>51\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>510012345</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 51(?:
+ 00\d{5}(?:\d{3})?|
+ 10\d{8}
+ )
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ </voip>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United Nations- OCHA -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Numbers here are classified as UAN, as they are non-geographical and universally
+ accessible. In addition, the end-user tariff to reach these numbers is lower or similar to
+ the tariff of a national call. -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="888">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{5})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678901</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <uan>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{11}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </uan>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Universal International Premium Rate Number -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="979">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>123456789</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ </territories>
diff --git a/PhoneNumberMetaDataForTesting.xml b/PhoneNumberMetaDataForTesting.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a18e41f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PhoneNumberMetaDataForTesting.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ @author: Shaopeng Jia
+ MetaData on Phone Number Plan and formatting rules. This file is used
+ solely for the purpose of unittesting, so data in this file is not
+ necessarily consistent with that of PhoneNumberMetaData.xml.
+ <territories>
+ <!-- Andorra -->
+ <territory id="AD" countryCode="376" internationalPrefix="00">
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Angola -->
+ <!-- This country has been coopted to test the case of a national prefix
+ with a non-numeric symbol in it. -->
+ <territory id="AO" countryCode="244" internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0~0">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[29]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2\d(?:[26-9]\d|\d[26-9])\d{5}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>222123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <!-- Expanded the 92 prefix possibilities to matchnumbers found online. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[1-3]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>923123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Argentina -->
+ <territory id="AR" countryCode="54" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="0(?:(11|343|3715)15)?"
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule="9$1">
+ <!-- Note in nationalPrefixForParsing, the areacode (such as 11, 343, etc.), when present in
+ front of carrier selection code 15, is captured to replace $1 in
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule -->
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>11</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[02-9]|[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(11)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>911</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 15 $3-$4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(9)(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{4})"
+ carrierCodeFormattingRule="$NP$FG $CC">
+ <leadingDigits>9(?:1[02-9]|[23])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$2 $3-$4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[68]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-3689]\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-3]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9\d{10}|[1-3]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6(0\d|10)\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Australia -->
+ <territory id="AU" countryCode="61" internationalPrefix="001[12]"
+ nationalPrefix="0" preferredInternationalPrefix="0011"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG"
+ pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})" >
+ <leadingDigits>1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{1})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2-478]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc >
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-578]\d{4,14}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{5,15}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2378]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>4\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>190[0126]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Brazil -->
+ <territory id="BR" countryCode="55" internationalPrefix="0014" nationalPrefix="0">
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 19[023]|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>190</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Bahamas -->
+ <territory id="BS" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011"
+ nationalPrefix="1">
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>(242|8(00|66|77|88)|900)\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>242(?:3(?:02|[236][1-9]|4[0-24-9]|5[0-68]|7[3-57]|9[2-5])|4(?:2[237]|51|64|77)|502|636|702)\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>242(357|359|457|557)\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8(00|66|77|88)\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Germany -->
+ <territory id="DE" countryCode="49" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,8})">
+ <leadingDigits>2|3[3-9]|906|[4-9][1-9]1</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4,9})">
+ <leadingDigits>[34]0|[68]9</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1/$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- Extra fictional pattern for shorter numbers with the same prefixes as the following
+ pattern, to illustrate the problem the AYTF has with real patterns that share this
+ property. -->
+ <numberFormat pattern="([4-9]\d)(\d{2})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[4-6]|[7-9](?:\d[1-9]|[1-9]\d)</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([4-9]\d{3})(\d{2,7})">
+ <leadingDigits>[4-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[4-6]|[7-9](?:\d[1-9]|[1-9]\d)</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{1})(\d{6})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>900</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{4,14}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{2,14}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>(?:[24-6]\d{2}|3[03-9]\d|[789](?:[1-9]\d|0[2-9]))\d{1,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>30123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1(5\d{9}|7\d{8}|6[02]\d{8}|63\d{7})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900([135]\d{6}|9\d{7})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United Kingdom -->
+ <territory id="GB" countryCode="44" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="($NP$FG)">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[1-59]|[78]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>6</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>7[1-57-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>8[47]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-6]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>7[1-57-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>9[018]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <sharedCost>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8(?:4[3-5]|7[0-2])\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </sharedCost>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>56\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </voip>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </personalNumber>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Italy -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="IT" countryCode="39" internationalPrefix="00" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[26]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>0[13-57-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>3</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3,6})">
+ <leadingDigits>8</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[0389]\d{5,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>3\d{8,9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80(?:0\d{6}|3\d{3})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>89(?:2\d{3}|9\d{6})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{6,9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Japan -->
+ <!-- The metadata here is added to unit test AsYouTypeFormatter for JP, which requires switching
+ patterns as digits beyond the third one are entered. As a result, only a few fake
+ formatting rules are added. -->
+ <territory id="JP" countryCode="81" internationalPrefix="010"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG" leadingZeroPossible="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[57-9]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[57-9]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>111|222|333</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>(?:111|222|333)1</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>(?:111|222|333)11</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>222|333</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>2221|3332</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>22212|3332</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>222120|3332</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>077</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <!-- The following numberFormat is added to test that the format containing the star sign is
+ not used by the AYTF. -->
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[23]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>*$1</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[23]\d{3}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>07\d{5}|[1-357-9]\d{3,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>0777[01]\d{2}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>0777012</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Korea (Rep. of) -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- Exceptions :
+ internationalPrefix
+ 0031, 0033, 0071, 0073 - Special services of KT and DACOM, ignorable
+ nationalPrefix
+ 1[4-6]XX-YYYY - Country-wide common number services, display as it is without hyphens -->
+ <territory id="KR" countryCode="82" internationalPrefix="00(?:[124-68]|[37]\d{2})"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixForParsing="0(8[1-46-8]|85\d{2})?"
+ nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5[458])|[57]0</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5(?:44|59|8))|[57]0</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5[1-4])|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5(?:[1-3]|4[56]))|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>1312</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>131</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>131[13-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>13[2-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>30</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3-$4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2(?:[26]|3[0-467])</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>2(?:[26]|3(?:01|1[45]|2[17-9]|39|4|6[67]|7[078]))</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>2(?:3[0-35-9]|[457-9])</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>2(?:3(?:0[02-9]|1[0-36-9]|2[02-6]|3[0-8]|6[0-589]|7[1-69]|[589])|[457-9])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2-$3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>21[0-46-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>21(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>21[36]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>21(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-46-9])</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1[36]</leadingDigits>
+ <leadingDigits>[3-6][1-9]1(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-7]\d{3,9}|8\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>(?:2|[34][1-3]|5[1-5]|6[1-4])(?:1\d{2,3}|[2-9]\d{6,7})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{4,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>22123456</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1[0-25-9]\d{7,8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1023456789</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>60[2-9]\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>602345678</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <personalNumber>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>50\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>5012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </personalNumber>
+ <voip>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>7012345678</exampleNumber>
+ </voip>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mexico -->
+ <territory id="MX" countryCode="52" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="01" nationalPrefixForParsing="01|04[45](\d{10})"
+ nationalPrefixTransformRule="1$1" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP $FG"
+ nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting="true">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]00</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>33|55|81</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[2467]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[2-9]|9[1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)(\d{2})(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:33|55|81)</leadingDigits>
+ <format>045 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$FG" pattern="(1)(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1(?:[124579]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[02-9])</leadingDigits>
+ <format>045 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ <intlFormat>$1 $2 $3 $4</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{9,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[2-9]\d{9}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1\d{10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- New Zealand -->
+ <territory id="NZ" countryCode="64" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>24|[34679]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d)(\d{3})(\d{3,5})">
+ <leadingDigits>2[179]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1-$2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{3,4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ [289]\d{7,9}|
+ [3-7]\d{7}
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>24099\d{3}|(?:3[2-79]|[479][2-689]|6[235-9])\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7,8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2(?:[027]\d{7}|9\d{6,7}|1(?:0\d{5,7}|[12]\d{5,6}|[3-9]\d{5})|4[1-9]\d{6}|8\d{7,8})</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{6,7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9,10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Poland -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <territory id="PL" countryCode="48" internationalPrefix="00"
+ nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[1-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>(?:5[01]|6[069]|7[289]|88)\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>70\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Réunion (French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean) -->
+ <!-- Note this shares the same country code as La Mayotte and French
+ Southern Territories, and the formatting patterns here are used by all of
+ them. This is present to test leadingDigits. -->
+ <territory id="RE" countryCode="262" leadingDigits="262|6(?:9[23]|47)|8"
+ internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="([268]\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3 $4</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <!-- 0876 numbers are mentioned in the plan, but none in use can be
+ found. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>262\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>262161234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>6(?:9[23]|47)\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>692123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- 08* Numbers in Réunion are the same as those valid in France. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8(?:1[01]|2[0156]|84|9[0-37-9])\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>810123456</exampleNumber>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Singapore -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- For testing the AYTF with long NDDs, "777777" is added as a possible national prefix. -->
+ <territory id="SG" countryCode="65" internationalPrefix="0[0-3][0-9]"
+ nationalPrefixForParsing="777777">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>[369]|8[1-9]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>1[89]</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <leadingDigits>800</leadingDigits>
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[13689]\d{7,10}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <!-- This specific pattern with the | is used to unit-test IsPossibleNumberWithReason. -->
+ <possibleNumberPattern>
+ \d{8}|
+ \d{10,11}
+ </possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[36]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[89]\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1?800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10,11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>1900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{11}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- United States -->
+ <!-- -->
+ <!-- For testing purposes, numbers starting with 24 are not considered US
+ numbers.-->
+ <territory id="US" countryCode="1" internationalPrefix="011"
+ preferredExtnPrefix=" extn. " nationalPrefix="1"
+ mainCountryForCode="true" >
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
+ </numberFormat>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <!-- Numbers beginning with 7 are excluded for testing purposes only. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[13-689]\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{7}(?:\d{3})?</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>1234567890</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <noInternationalDialling>
+ <!-- This range is added for testing purposes only. -->
+ <nationalNumberPattern>800\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </noInternationalDialling>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>8(?:00|66|77|88)\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ <premiumRate>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>900\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{10}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </premiumRate>
+ <emergency>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>
+ 119|
+ 911
+ </nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{3}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>911</exampleNumber>
+ </emergency>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- Mayotte -->
+ <territory id="YT" countryCode="262" leadingDigits="269|639"
+ internationalPrefix="00" nationalPrefix="0" nationalPrefixFormattingRule="$NP$FG">
+ <!-- Formatting as per La Réunion. -->
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>[268]\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{9}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>2696[0-4]\d{4}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>269601234</exampleNumber>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>639\d{6}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>639123456</exampleNumber>
+ </mobile>
+ <!-- Same as in France. -->
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>80\d{7}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>801234567</exampleNumber>
+ </tollFree>
+ </territory>
+ <!-- International Toll Free numbers -->
+ <territory id="001" countryCode="800">
+ <availableFormats>
+ <numberFormat pattern="(\d{4})(\d{4})">
+ <format>$1 $2</format>
+ </numberFormat>
+ </availableFormats>
+ <generalDesc>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>\d{8}</possibleNumberPattern>
+ <exampleNumber>12345678</exampleNumber>
+ </generalDesc>
+ <fixedLine>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </fixedLine>
+ <mobile>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>NA</nationalNumberPattern>
+ <possibleNumberPattern>NA</possibleNumberPattern>
+ </mobile>
+ <tollFree>
+ <nationalNumberPattern>\d{8}</nationalNumberPattern>
+ </tollFree>
+ </territory>
+ </territories>
diff --git a/geocoding/de/352.txt b/geocoding/de/352.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13287cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/de/352.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/352.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+35223|Bad Mondorf
+35230|Kanton Capellen
+35232|Kanton Mersch
+35275|Distrikt Grevenmacher
+35280|Kanton Diekirch
+35283|Kanton Vianden
+35292|Kanton Clerf
+35295|Kanton Wiltz
diff --git a/geocoding/de/41.txt b/geocoding/de/41.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f04782e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/de/41.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-11-06]
+4134|Burgdorf/Langnau i.E.
+4171|St. Gallen
diff --git a/geocoding/de/43.txt b/geocoding/de/43.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce3648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/de/43.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1037 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-03-30]
+432144|Deutsch Jahrndorf
+432162|Bruck an der Leitha
+432165|Hainburg a.d. Donau
+432167|Neusiedl am See
+432168|Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge
+432169|Trautmannsdorf an der Leitha
+432174|Wallern im Burgenland
+432177|Podersdorf am See
+432212|Orth an der Donau
+432216|Leopoldsdorf im Marchfelde
+432239|Breitenfurt bei Wien
+432242|Sankt Andrä-Wördern
+432245|Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel
+432246|Gerasdorf bei Wien
+432255|Deutsch Brodersdorf
+432264|Rückersdorf, Harmannsdorf
+432271|Ried am Riederberg
+432272|Tulln an der Donau
+432279|Kirchberg am Wagram
+432283|Angern an der March
+432287|Strasshof an der Nordbahn
+432522|Laa an der Thaya
+432523|Kirchstetten, Neudorf bei Staatz
+432533|Neusiedl an der Zaya
+432535|Hohenau an der March
+432577|Asparn an der Zaya
+432611|Mannersdorf an der Rabnitz
+432618|Markt Sankt Martin
+432622|Wiener Neustadt
+432625|Bad Sauerbrunn
+432629|Warth, Niederösterreich
+432633|Markt Piesting
+432636|Puchberg am Schneeberg
+432637|Grünbach am Schneeberg
+432639|Bad Fischau
+432641|Kirchberg am Wechsel
+432642|Aspangberg-Sankt Peter
+432646|Kirchschlag in der Buckligen Welt
+432647|Krumbach, Niederösterreich
+432665|Prein an der Rax
+432667|Schwarzau im Gebirge
+432673|Altenmarkt an der Triesting
+432674|Weißenbach an der Triesting
+432680|Sankt Margarethen im Burgenland
+432683|Purbach am Neusiedler See
+432684|Schützen am Gebirge
+432715|Weißenkirchen in der Wachau
+432718|Lichtenau im Waldviertel
+432722|Kirchberg an der Pielach
+432723|Rabenstein an der Pielach
+432724|Schwarzenbach an der Pielach
+432732|Krems an der Donau
+432733|Schönberg am Kamp
+432735|Hadersdorf am Kamp
+432738|Fels am Wagram
+432742|Sankt Pölten
+432744|Kasten bei Böheimkirchen
+432756|Sankt Leonhard am Forst
+432763|Sankt Veit an der Gölsen
+432768|Sankt Aegyd am Neuwalde
+432812|Groß Gerungs
+432825|Göpfritz an der Wild
+432842|Waidhofen an der Thaya
+432846|Raabs an der Thaya
+432848|Pfaffenschlag bei Waidhofen
+432854|Kirchberg am Walde
+432857|Bad Großpertholz
+432858|Moorbad Harbach
+432916|Riegersburg, Hardegg
+432959|Sitzendorf an der Schmida
+432985|Gars am Kamp
+432987|Sankt Leonhard am Hornerwald
+432989|Brunn an der Wild
+433113|Pischelsdorf in der Steiermark
+433114|Markt Hartmannsdorf
+433116|Kirchbach in Steiermark
+433117|Eggersdorf bei Graz
+433119|Sankt Marein bei Graz
+433123|Sankt Oswald bei Plankenwarth
+433134|Heiligenkreuz am Waasen
+433135|Kalsdorf bei Graz
+433140|Sankt Martin am Wöllmißberg
+433148|Kainach bei Voitsberg
+433158|Sankt Anna am Aigen
+433159|Bad Gleichenberg
+433177|Puch bei Weiz
+433178|Sankt Ruprecht an der Raab
+433183|Sankt Georgen an der Stiefing
+433184|Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal
+433325|Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitztal
+433327|Sankt Michael im Burgenland
+433331|Sankt Lorenzen am Wechsel
+433356|Markt Allhau
+433365|Deutsch Schützen-Eisenberg
+433464|Groß Sankt Florian
+433468|Sankt Oswald ob Eibiswald
+433469|Sankt Oswald im Freiland
+433474|Deutsch Goritz
+433476|Bad Radkersburg
+433477|Sankt Peter am Ottersbach
+433515|Sankt Lorenzen bei Knittelfeld
+433534|Stadl an der Mur
+433536|Sankt Peter am Kammersberg
+433537|Sankt Georgen ob Murau
+433575|Sankt Johann am Tauern
+433584|Neumarkt in Steiermark
+433585|Sankt Lambrecht
+433588|Katsch an der Mur
+433617|Gaishorn am See
+433622|Bad Aussee
+433623|Bad Mitterndorf
+433632|Sankt Gallen
+433637|Gams bei Hieflau
+433684|Sankt Martin am Grimming
+433689|Sankt Nikolai im Sölktal
+433832|Kraubath an der Mur
+433834|Wald am Schoberpaß
+433843|Sankt Michael in Obersteiermark
+433844|Kammern im Liesingtal
+433845|Mautern in Steiermark
+433853|Spital am Semmering
+433857|Neuberg an der Mürz
+433858|Mitterdorf im Mürztal
+433862|Bruck an der Mur
+433864|Sankt Marein im Mürztal
+433866|Breitenau am Hochlantsch
+433867|Pernegg an der Mur
+433869|Sankt Katharein an der Laming
+434212|Sankt Veit an der Glan
+434223|Maria Saal
+434226|Sankt Margareten im Rosental
+434228|Feistritz im Rosental
+434229|Krumpendorf am Wörther See
+434239|Sankt Kanzian am Klopeiner See
+434240|Bad Kleinkirchheim
+434244|Bad Bleiberg
+434245|Feistritz an der Drau
+434253|Sankt Jakob im Rosental
+434254|Faak am See
+434256|Nötsch im Gailtal
+434264|Klein Sankt Paul
+434265|Weitensfeld im Gurktal
+434272|Pörtschach am Wörther See
+434274|Velden am Wörther See
+434275|Ebene Reichenau
+434276|Feldkirchen in Kärnten
+434283|Sankt Stefan im Gailtal
+434350|Bad Sankt Leonhard im Lavanttal
+434357|Sankt Paul im Lavanttal
+434358|Sankt Andrä
+434714|Dellach im Drautal
+434732|Gmünd in Kärnten
+434762|Spittal an der Drau
+434823|Tresdorf, Rangersdorf
+434873|Sankt Jakob in Defereggen
+434875|Matrei in Osttirol
+434876|Kals am Großglockner
+434877|Prägraten am Großvenediger
+434879|Sankt Veit in Defereggen
+435212|Seefeld in Tirol
+435223|Hall in Tirol
+435226|Neustift im Stubaital
+435232|Kematen in Tirol
+435236|Gries im Sellrain
+435248|Steinberg am Rofan
+435272|Steinach am Brenner
+435273|Matrei am Brenner
+435274|Gries am Brenner
+435279|Sankt Jodok am Brenner
+435282|Zell am Ziller
+435335|Hopfgarten im Brixental
+435352|Sankt Johann in Tirol
+435357|Kirchberg in Tirol
+435413|Sankt Leonhard im Pitztal
+435446|Sankt Anton am Arlberg
+435448|Pettneu am Arlberg
+435557|Sankt Gallenkirch
+435575|Langen bei Bregenz
+435678|Weißenbach am Lech
+436132|Bad Ischl
+436135|Bad Goisern
+436138|Sankt Wolfgang im Salzkammergut
+436212|Seekirchen am Wallersee
+436213|Oberhofen am Irrsee
+436214|Henndorf am Wallersee
+436216|Neumarkt am Wallersee
+436219|Obertrum am See
+436226|Fuschl am See
+436227|Sankt Gilgen
+436229|Hof bei Salzburg
+436234|Zell am Moos
+436241|Sankt Koloman
+436242|Rußbach am Paß Gschütt
+436244|Golling an der Salzach
+436272|Oberndorf bei Salzburg
+436276|Nußdorf am Haunsberg
+436277|Sankt Pantaleon
+436412|Sankt Johann im Pongau
+436415|Schwarzach im Pongau
+436432|Bad Hofgastein
+436434|Bad Gastein
+436461|Dienten am Hochkönig
+436467|Mühlbach am Hochkönig
+436476|Sankt Margarethen im Lungau
+436477|Sankt Michael im Lungau
+436542|Zell am See
+436545|Bruck an der Großglocknerstraße
+436546|Fusch an der Großglocknerstraße
+436565|Neukirchen am Großvenediger
+436566|Bramberg am Wildkogel
+436582|Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer
+436584|Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer
+437211|Reichenau im Mühlkreis
+437212|Zwettl an der Rodl
+437213|Bad Leonfelden
+437217|Sankt Veit im Mühlkreis
+437224|Sankt Florian
+437227|Neuhofen an der Krems
+437228|Kematen an der Krems
+437230|Altenberg bei Linz
+437232|Sankt Martin im Mühlkreis
+437233|Feldkirchen an der Donau
+437237|Sankt Georgen an der Gusen
+437241|Steinerkirchen an der Traun
+437247|Kematen am Innbach
+437249|Bad Schallerbach
+437250|Maria Neustift
+437258|Bad Hall
+437261|Schönau im Mühlkreis
+437263|Bad Zell
+437264|Windhaag bei Perg
+437266|Bad Kreuzen
+437273|Aschach an der Donau
+437278|Neukirchen am Walde
+437279|Haibach ob der Donau
+437280|Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald
+437281|Aigen im Mühlkreis
+437285|Hofkirchen im Mühlkreis
+437286|Lembach im Mühlkreis
+437287|Peilstein im Mühlviertel
+437289|Rohrbach in Oberösterreich
+437412|Ybbs an der Donau
+437413|Marbach an der Donau
+437415|Altenmarkt, Yspertal
+437435|Sankt Valentin
+437442|Waidhofen an der Ybbs
+437445|Hollenstein an der Ybbs
+437448|Kematen an der Ybbs
+437471|Neustadtl an der Donau
+437475|Hausmening, Neuhofen an der Ybbs
+437477|Sankt Peter in der Au
+437480|Langau, Gaming
+437483|Oberndorf an der Melk
+437484|Göstling an der Ybbs
+437486|Lunz am See
+437488|Steinakirchen am Forst
+437489|Purgstall an der Erlauf
+437563|Spital am Pyhrn
+437565|Sankt Pankraz
+437566|Rosenau am Hengstpaß
+437582|Kirchdorf an der Krems
+437585|Klaus an der Pyhrnbahn
+437587|Wartberg an der Krems
+437588|Ried im Traunkreis
+437616|Grünau im Almtal
+437618|Neukirchen, Altmünster
+437662|Seewalchen am Attersee
+437663|Steinbach am Attersee
+437664|Weyregg am Attersee
+437665|Unterach am Attersee
+437667|Sankt Georgen im Attergau
+437675|Ampflwang im Hausruckwald
+437676|Ottnang am Hausruck
+437683|Frankenburg am Hausruck
+437717|Sankt Aegidi
+437718|Waldkirchen am Wesen
+437719|Taufkirchen an der Pram
+437722|Braunau am Inn
+437728|Schwand im Innkreis
+437729|Neukirchen an der Enknach
+437732|Haag am Hausruck
+437733|Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis
+437734|Hofkirchen an der Trattnach
+437743|Maria Schmolln
+437747|Kirchberg bei Mattighofen
+437751|Sankt Martin im Innkreis
+437752|Ried im Innkreis
+437758|Obernberg am Inn
+437763|Kopfing im Innkreis
+437941|Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
+437943|Windhaag bei Freistadt
+437945|Sankt Oswald bei Freistadt
+437948|Hirschbach im Mühlkreis
+437949|Rainbach im Mühlkreis
+437954|Sankt Georgen am Walde
diff --git a/geocoding/de/49.txt b/geocoding/de/49.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26967a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/de/49.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5219 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-08-11]
+49208|Oberhausen Rheinland
+492129|Haan Rheinland
+492158|Grefrath bei Krefeld
+492163|Schwalmtal Niederrhein
+492173|Langenfeld Rheinland
+492174|Burscheid Rheinland
+492175|Leichlingen Rheinland
+492202|Bergisch Gladbach
+492222|Bornheim Rheinland
+492224|Bad Honnef
+492225|Meckenheim Rheinland
+492232|Brühl Rheinland
+492233|Hürth Rheinland
+492236|Wesseling Rheinland
+492237|Kerpen Rheinland-Türnich
+492242|Hennef Sieg
+492246|Lohmar Rheinland
+492253|Bad Münstereifel
+492271|Bergheim Erft
+492272|Bedburg Erft
+492274|Elsdorf Rheinland
+492292|Windeck Sieg
+492294|Morsbach Sieg
+492324|Hattingen Ruhr
+492331|Hagen Westfalen
+492335|Wetter Ruhr
+492352|Altena Westfalen
+492357|Herscheid Westfalen
+492364|Haltern Westfalen
+492366|Herten Westfalen
+492373|Menden Sauerland
+492377|Wickede Ruhr
+492381|Hamm Westfalen
+492382|Ahlen Westfalen
+492402|Stolberg Rheinland
+492403|Eschweiler Rheinland
+492404|Alsdorf Rheinland
+492445|Schleiden Eifel
+492446|Heimbach Eifel
+492447|Dahlem bei Kall
+492449|Blankenheim Ahr
+492452|Heinsberg Rheinland
+492464|Aldenhoven bei Jülich
+492471|Roetgen Eifel
+492505|Altenberge Westfalen
+492543|Billerbeck Westfalen
+492554|Laer Kreis Steinfurt
+492557|Wettringen Kreis Steinfurt
+492562|Gronau Westfalen
+492571|Greven Westfalen
+492593|Ascheberg Westfalen
+492597|Senden Westfalen
+492603|Bad Ems
+492604|Nassau Lahn
+492606|Winningen Mosel
+49261|Koblenz am Rhein
+492620|Neuhäusel Westerwald
+492622|Bendorf am Rhein
+492626|Selters Westferwald
+492639|Anhausen Kreis Neuwied
+492641|Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
+492644|Linz am Rhein
+492646|Königsfeld Eifel
+492661|Bad Marienberg Westerwald
+492663|Westerburg Westerwald
+492666|Freilingen Westerwald
+492674|Bad Bertrich
+492678|Büchel bei Cochem
+492681|Altenkirchen Westerwald
+492682|Hamm Sieg
+492683|Asbach Westerwald
+492684|Puderbach Westerwald
+492687|Horhausen Westerwald
+492696|Nohn Eifel
+492734|Freudenberg Westfalen
+492735|Neunkirchen Siegerl
+492736|Burbach Siegerl
+492745|Brachbach Sieg
+492751|Bad Berleburg
+492752|Bad Laasphe
+492754|Bad Laasphe-Feudingen
+492755|Bad Berleburg-Schwarzenau
+492758|Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen
+492759|Bad Berleburg-Aue
+492761|Olpe Biggesee
+492762|Wenden Südsauerland
+492764|Welschen Ennest
+492772|Herborn Hessen
+492776|Bad Endbach-Hartenrod
+492777|Breitscheid Hessen
+492821|Kleve Niederrhein
+492826|Kranenburg Niederrhein
+492855|Voerde Niederrhein
+492861|Borken Westfalen
+492867|Heiden Kreis Borken
+492872|Rhede Westfalen
+492933|Sundern Sauerland
+492973|Eslohe Sauerland
+492981|Winterberg Westfalen
+4933053|Zehlendorf Kreis Oberhavel
+4933056|Mühlenbeck Kreis Oberhavel
+4933080|Marienthal Kreis Oberhavel
+4933082|Menz Kreis Oberhavel
+4933083|Schulzendorf Kreis Oberhavel
+4933086|Grieben Kreis Oberhavel
+4933093|Fürstenberg Havel
+4933201|Gross Glienicke
+4933204|Beelitz Mark
+4933207|Gross Kreutz
+493321|Nauen Brandenburg
+4933230|Börnicke Kreis Havelland
+4933239|Gross Behnitz
+493327|Werder Havel
+4933332|Gartz Oder
+4933335|Pinnow Kreis Uckermark
+4933336|Passow Kreis Uckermark
+4933362|Liepe Kreis Barnim
+4933363|Altenhof Kreis Barnim
+4933364|Gross Ziethen Kreis Barnim
+4933365|Lüdersdorf Kreis Barnim
+4933367|Friedrichswalde Brandenburg
+493337|Biesenthal Brandenburg
+493338|Bernau Brandenburg
+4933393|Gross Schönebeck Kreis Barnim
+4933394|Blumberg Kreis Barnim
+493342|Neuenhagen bei Berlin
+4933433|Buckow Märkische Schweiz
+4933434|Herzfelde bei Strausberg
+4933437|Reichenberg bei Strausberg
+493344|Bad Freienwalde
+4933458|Falkenberg Mark
+4933472|Golzow bei Seelow
+4933477|Trebnitz bei Müncheberg
+4933478|Gross Neuendorf
+49335|Frankfurt (Oder)
+4933602|Alt Zeschdorf
+4933603|Falkenhagen bei Seelow
+4933607|Briesen Mark
+4933608|Jacobsdorf Mark
+493361|Fürstenwalde Spree
+4933631|Bad Saarow-Pieskow
+4933634|Berkenbrück Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933635|Arensdorf Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933636|Steinhöfel Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933638|Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
+4933655|Grunow Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933657|Steinsdorf Brandenburg
+4933672|Pfaffendorfb Beeskow
+4933676|Friedland bei Beeskow
+4933677|Glienicke bei Beeskow
+4933678|Storkow Mark
+4933679|Wendisch Rietz
+4933704|Baruth Mark
+4933732|Hennickendorf bei Luckenwalde
+4933742|Oehna Brandenburg
+4933746|Werbig bei Jüterbog
+493375|Königs Wusterhausen
+4933760|Münchehofe Kreis Dahme-Spreewald
+4933764|Mittenwalde Mark
+4933765|Märkisch Buchholz
+4933767|Friedersdorf bei Berlin
+493377|Zossen Brandenburg
+493381|Brandenburg an der Havel
+4933833|Wollin bei Brandenburg
+4933835|Golzow bei Brandenburg
+4933836|Butzow bei Brandenburg
+4933844|Brück Brandenburg
+4933849|Wiesenburg Mark
+4933870|Zollchow bei Rathenow
+4933874|Stechow Brandenburg
+4933920|Walsleben bei Neuruppin
+4933923|Flecken Zechlin
+4933926|Herzberg Mark
+4933928|Wildberg Brandenburg
+4933931|Rheinsberg Mark
+4933933|Lindow Mark
+493394|Wittstock Dosse
+4933963|Wulfersdorf bei Wittstock
+4933965|Herzsprung bei Wittstock
+4933968|Meyenburg Kreis Prignitz
+4933970|Neustadt Dosse
+4933971|Kyritz Brandenburg
+4933973|Zernitz bei Neustadt Dosse
+4933975|Dannenwalde Kreis Prignitz
+4933979|Wusterhausen Dosse
+4933982|Hoppenrade Kreis Prignitz
+4933983|Gross Pankow Kreis Prignitz
+4933984|Blumenthal bei Pritzwalk
+4933986|Falkenhagen Kreis Prignitz
+49340|Dessau Anh
+4934208|Löbnitz bei Delitzsch
+4934221|Schildau Gneisenaustadt
+4934222|Arzberg bei Torgau
+4934224|Belgern Sachsen
+4934243|Bad Düben
+4934261|Kühren bei Wurzen
+4934262|Falkenhain bei Wurzen
+4934292|Brandis bei Wurzen
+4934293|Naunhof bei Grimma
+4934296|Groitzsch bei Pegau
+4934298|Taucha bei Leipzig
+4934324|Ostrau Sachsen
+4934327|Waldheim Sachsen
+4934328|Hartha bei Döbeln
+493433|Borna Stadt
+4934345|Bad Lausick
+4934347|Oelzschau bei Borna
+4934361|Dahlen Sachsen
+4934362|Mügeln bei Oschatz
+4934383|Trebsen Mulde
+4934386|Dürrweitzschen bei Grimma
+4934424|Reuden bei Zeitz
+493443|Weissenfels Sachsen-Anhalt
+493445|Naumburg Saale
+4934461|Nebra Unstrut
+4934462|Laucha Unstrut
+4934463|Bad Kösen
+4934464|Freyburg Unstrut
+4934465|Bad Bibra
+493447|Altenburg Thüringen
+493448|Meuselwitz Thüringen
+4934491|Schmölln Thüringen
+4934493|Gößnitz Thüringen
+49345|Halle Saale
+4934600|Ostrau Saalkreis
+4934602|Landsberg Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934603|Nauendorf Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934606|Teicha Sachsen-Anhalt
+493461|Merseburg Saale
+493462|Bad Dürrenberg
+4934632|Mücheln Geiseltal
+4934635|Bad Lauchstädt
+4934639|Wallendorf Luppe
+4934654|Stolberg Harz
+4934656|Wallhausen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934658|Hayn Harz
+4934659|Blankenheim bei Sangerhausen
+493466|Artern Unstrut
+4934671|Bad Frankenhausen Kyffhäuser
+4934692|Alsleben Saale
+493471|Bernburg Saale
+4934721|Nienburg Saale
+493473|Aschersleben Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934745|Winningen Sachsen-Anhalt
+493475|Lutherstadt Eisleben
+493476|Hettstedt Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934774|Röblingen am See
+4934782|Mansfeld Südharz
+4934901|Roßlau Elbe
+4934903|Coswig Anhalt
+4934909|Aken Elbe
+493491|Lutherstadt Wittenberg
+4934925|Bad Schmiedeberg
+4934926|Pretzsch Elbe
+4934954|Roitzsch bei Bitterfeld
+493496|Köthen Anhalt
+4934975|Görzig Kreis Köthen
+4934978|Radegast Kreis Köthen
+4934979|Wulfen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4935021|Königstein Sächsische Schweiz
+4935022|Bad Schandau
+4935023|Bad Gottleuba
+4935024|Stadt Wehlen
+4935033|Rosenthal Sächsische Schweiz
+4935052|Kipsdorf Kurort
+4935053|Glashütte Sachsen
+4935054|Lauenstein Sachsen
+4935055|Höckendorf bei Dippoldiswalde
+4935056|Altenberg Sachsen
+4935057|Hermsdorf Erzgebirge
+4935200|Arnsdorf bei Dresden
+4935202|Klingenberg Sachsen
+4935206|Kreischa bei Dresden
+493522|Grossenhain Sachsen
+493523|Coswig bei Dresden
+4935240|Tauscha bei Großenhain
+4935246|Ziegenhain Sachsen
+4935247|Zehren Sachsen
+4935248|Schönfeld bei Großenhain
+4935263|Gröditz bei Riesa
+4935266|Heyda bei Riesa
+493529|Heidenau Sachsen
+4935325|Rückersdorf bei Finsterwalde
+4935326|Schönborn Kreis Elbe-Elster
+4935341|Bad Liebenwerda
+4935342|Mühlberg Elbe
+4935343|Hirschfeld bei Elsterwerda
+493535|Herzberg Elster
+4935362|Schönewalde bei Herzberg
+4935365|Falkenberg Elster
+493537|Jessen Elster
+4935383|Elster Elbe
+4935384|Steinsdorf bei Jessen
+4935389|Holzdorf Elster
+493542|Lübbenau Spreewald
+4935435|Gollmitz bei Calau
+4935436|Laasow bei Calau
+493544|Luckau Brandenburg
+4935451|Dahme Brandenburg
+493546|Lübben Spreewald
+4935473|Neu Lübbenau
+4935474|Schönwalde bei Lübben
+4935600|Döbern NL
+4935603|Burg Spreewald
+4935606|Briesen bei Cottbus
+4935608|Gross Ossnig
+493562|Forst Lausitz
+493564|Schwarze Pumpe
+4935691|Bärenklau NL
+4935694|Gosda bei Klinge
+4935722|Lauta bei Hoyerswerda
+4935723|Bernsdorf OL
+4935726|Groß Särchen
+4935728|Uhyst Spree
+4935771|Bad Muskau
+4935774|Boxberg Sachsen
+4935826|Königshain bei Görlitz
+4935828|Reichenbach OL
+4935829|Gersdorf bei Görlitz
+4935841|Großschönau Sachsen
+4935843|Hirschfelde bei Zittau
+4935844|Oybin Kurort
+493586|Neugersdorf Sachsen
+4935874|Bernstadt an der Eigen
+4935875|Obercunnersdorf bei Löbau
+4935876|Weissenberg Sachsen
+4935891|Rothenburg OL
+4935892|Horka OL
+4935936|Sohland Spree
+4935938|Großpostwitz OL
+4935951|Neukirch Lausitz
+4935952|Großröhrsdorf OL
+493596|Neustadt in Sachsen
+493601|Mühlhausen Thüringen
+4936024|Diedorf bei Mühlhausen
+4936026|Struth bei Mühlhausen
+4936027|Lengenfeld Unterm Stein
+4936028|Kammerforst Thüringen
+493603|Bad Langensalza
+4936041|Bad Tennstedt
+493606|Heiligenstadt Heilbad
+4936075|Dingelstädt Eichsfeld
+4936200|Elxleben bei Arnstadt
+4936207|Plaue Thüringen
+493621|Gotha Thüringen
+493622|Waltershausen Thüringen
+4936253|Georgenthal Thüringer Wald
+4936255|Goldbach bei Gotha
+4936257|Luisenthal Thüringen
+4936259|Tabarz Thüringer Wald
+493631|Nordhausen Thüringen
+4936333|Heringen Helme
+4936422|Reinstädt Thüringen
+4936424|Kahla Thüringen
+4936426|Ottendorf bei Stadtroda
+4936427|Dornburg Saale
+493643|Weimar Thüringen
+4936458|Bad Berka
+4936459|Blankenhain Thüringen
+4936461|Bad Sulza
+4936465|Oberndorf bei Apolda
+4936481|Neustadt an der Orla
+4936484|Knau bei Pößneck
+4936601|Hermsdorf Thüringen
+4936602|Ronneburg Thüringen
+4936605|Bad Köstritz
+4936608|Seelingstädt bei Gera
+4936621|Elsterberg bei Plauen
+4936623|Berga Elster
+4936644|Hirschberg Saale
+4936646|Tanna bei Schleiz
+4936647|Saalburg Thüringen
+4936648|Dittersdorf bei Schleiz
+4936649|Gefell bei Schleiz
+4936653|Lehesten Thüringer Wald
+4936691|Eisenberg Thüringen
+4936693|Crossen an der Elster
+4936694|Schkölen Thüringen
+4936705|Oberweißbach Thüringer Wald
+493671|Saalfeld Saale
+4936741|Bad Blankenburg
+493675|Sonneberg Thüringen
+4936762|Steinach Thüringen
+493677|Ilmenau Thüringen
+4936782|Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig
+4936783|Gehren Thüringen
+493679|Neuhaus am Rennweg
+4936842|Oberhof Thüringen
+4936844|Rohr Thüringen
+4936871|Bad Colberg-Heldburg
+4936874|Schönbrunn bei Hildburghaus
+493691|Eisenach Thüringen
+4936928|Neuenhof Thüringen
+4936943|Bettenhausen Thüringen
+4936946|Erbenhausen Thüringen
+493695|Bad Salzungen
+4936961|Bad Liebenstein
+4936963|Dorndorf Rhön
+4936964|Dermbach Rhön
+4936968|Rossdorf Rhön
+49371|Chemnitz Sachsen
+4937200|Wittgensdorf bei Chemnitz
+4937202|Claussnitz bei Chemnitz
+4937203|Gersdorf bei Chemnitz
+4937204|Lichtenstein Sachsen
+4937206|Frankenberg Sachsen
+4937207|Hainichen Sachsen
+4937209|Einsiedel bei Chemnitz
+4937293|Eppendorf Sachsen
+4937295|Lugau Erzgebirge
+4937296|Stollberg Erzgebirge
+4937297|Thum Sachsen
+4937298|Oelsnitz Erzgebirge
+493731|Freiberg Sachsen
+4937320|Mulda Sachsen
+4937321|Frankenstein Sachsen
+4937323|Lichtenberg Erzgebirge
+4937324|Reinsberg Sachsen
+4937326|Frauenstein Sachsen
+4937344|Crottendorf Sachsen
+4937347|Bärenstein Kreis Annaberg
+4937348|Oberwiesenthal Kurort
+493735|Marienberg Sachsen
+4937361|Neuhausen Erzgebirge
+4937362|Seiffen Erzgebirge
+4937364|Reitzenhain Erzgebirge
+4937367|Lengefeld Erzgebirge
+4937421|Oelsnitz Vogtland
+4937423|Adorf Vogtland
+4937431|Mehltheuer Vogtland
+4937432|Pausa Vogtland
+4937435|Reuth bei Plauen
+4937437|Bad Elster
+4937438|Bad Brambach
+493744|Auerbach Vogtland
+493745|Falkenstein Vogtland
+4937462|Rothenkirchen Vogtland
+4937463|Bergen Vogtland
+4937464|Schöneck Vogtland
+4937465|Tannenbergsthal Vogtland
+4937467|Klingenthal Sachsen
+4937468|Treuen Vogtland
+4937600|Neumark Sachsen
+4937601|Mülsen Skt Jacob
+4937602|Kirchberg Sachsen
+4937605|Hartenstein Sachsen
+4937606|Lengenfeld Vogtland
+4937607|Ebersbrunn Sachsen
+4937608|Waldenburg Sachsen
+4937609|Wolkenburg Mulde
+493761|Werdau Sachsen
+493765|Reichenbach Vogtland
+493771|Aue Sachsen
+493772|Schneeberg Erzgebirge
+4937755|Schönheide Erzgebirge
+4937756|Breitenbrunn Erzgebirge
+4938203|Bad Doberan
+4938205|Tessin bei Rostock
+4938206|Graal-Müritz Seeheilbad
+4938209|Sanitz bei Rostock
+4938220|Wustrow Ostseebad
+4938223|Saal Vorpom
+4938226|Dierhagen Ostseebad
+4938227|Lüdershagen bei Barth
+4938229|Bad Sülze
+4938232|Zingst Ostseebad
+4938233|Prerow Ostseebad
+4938234|Born Darß
+4938293|Kühlungsborn Ostseebad
+4938295|Satow bei Bad Doberan
+4938296|Rerik Ostseebad
+4938300|Insel Hiddensee
+4938303|Sellin Ostseebad
+4938304|Garz Rügen
+4938308|Göhren Rügen
+4938321|Martensdorf bei Stralsund
+4938327|Elmenhorst Vorpom
+4938331|Rakow Vorpom
+4938332|Gross Bisdorf
+4938333|Horst bei Grimmen
+4938352|Kemnitz bei Greifswald
+4938353|Gützkow bei Greifswald
+4938374|Lassan bei Wolgast
+4938378|Heringsdorf Seebad
+4938379|Benz Usedom
+493838|Bergen auf Rügen
+4938391|Altenkirchen Rügen
+4938393|Binz Ostseebad
+4938423|Bad Kleinen
+4938425|Kirchdorf Poel
+4938428|Hohenkirchen bei Wismar
+4938450|Tarnow bei Bützow
+4938451|Hoppenrade bei Güstrow
+4938456|Langhagen bei Güstrow
+4938457|Krakow am See
+493860|Raben Steinfeld
+4938725|Gross Godems
+4938732|Gallin bei Lübz
+4938735|Plau am See
+4938738|Karow bei Lübz
+4938752|Zierzow bei Ludwigslust
+4938754|Leussow bei Ludwigslust
+4938780|Lanz Brandenburg
+4938782|Reetz bei Perleberg
+4938784|Kleinow Kreis Prignitz
+4938785|Berge bei Perleberg
+4938788|Gross Warnow
+4938789|Wolfshagen bei Perleberg
+4938791|Bad Wilsnack
+4938792|Lenzen (Elbe)
+4938797|Karstädt Kreis Prignitz
+4938822|Diedrichshagen bei Grevesmühlen
+4938841|Neuhaus Elbe
+4938847|Boizenburg Elbe
+4938853|Drönnewitz bei Hagenow
+4938856|Pritzier bei Hagenow
+4938859|Alt Zachun
+4938871|Mühlen Eichsen
+4938875|Schlagsdorf bei Gadebusch
+4939004|Köckte bei Gardelegen
+493902|Diesdorf Altm
+4939032|Mahlsdorf bei Salzwedel
+4939052|Erxleben bei Haldensleben
+4939057|Rätzlingen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939080|Kalbe Milde
+4939081|Kakerbeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939087|Jerchel Altmark
+4939089|Bismark Altmark
+493909|Klötze Altmark
+4939202|Gross Ammensleben
+493921|Burg bei Magdeburg
+4939221|Möckern bei Magdeburg
+4939243|Nedlitz bei Zerbst
+4939246|Lindau Anh
+4939262|Güsten Anh
+493928|Schönebeck Elbe
+4939291|Calbe Saale
+4939294|Gross Rosenburg
+4939297|Eickendorf Kreis Schönebeck
+4939298|Barby Elbe
+4939323|Schönhausen Elbe
+4939324|Kläden bei Stendal
+4939349|Parey Elbe
+4939362|Grieben bei Tangerhütte
+4939365|Bellingen bei Stendal
+493937|Osterburg Altmark
+4939383|Sandau Elbe
+4939384|Arendsee Altmark
+4939386|Seehausen Altmark
+4939388|Goldbeck Altm
+4939392|Rönnebeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939393|Werben Elbe
+4939396|Neukirchen Altmark
+4939398|Gross Garz
+4939403|Gröningen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939407|Seehausen Börde
+4939424|Schwanebeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939425|Dingelstedt am Huy
+493944|Blankenburg Harz
+4939454|Elbingerode Harz
+4939457|Benneckenstein Harz
+4939481|Hedersleben bei Aschersleben
+4939485|Gernrode Harz
+4939489|Strassberg Harz
+493949|Oschersleben Bode
+4939603|Burg Stargard
+4939604|Wildberg bei Altentreptow
+4939605|Gross Nemerow
+493962|Penzlin bei Waren
+493964|Bredenfelde bei Strasburg
+493965|Burow bei Altentreptow
+493967|Oertzenhof bei Strasburg
+4939721|Liepen bei Anklam
+4939722|Sarnow bei Anklam
+4939724|Klein Bünzow
+4939728|Medow bei Anklam
+4939742|Brüssow bei Pasewalk
+4939745|Hetzdorf bei Strasburg
+4939749|Grambow bei Pasewalk
+4939752|Blumenhagen bei Strasburg
+4939754|Löcknitz Vorpom
+493976|Torgelow bei Ueckermünde
+4939775|Ahlbeck bei Torgelow
+4939778|Ferdinandshof bei Torgelow
+4939826|Blankensee bei Neustrelitz
+4939827|Schwarz bei Neustrelitz
+4939828|Wustrow Kreis Mecklenburg-Strelitz
+4939833|Mirow Kreis Neustrelitz
+4939851|Göritz bei Prenzlau
+4939852|Schönermark bei Prenzlau
+4939853|Holzendorf bei Prenzlau
+4939856|Beenz bei Prenzlau
+4939861|Gramzow bei Prenzlau
+4939862|Schmölln bei Prenzlau
+4939863|Seehausen bei Prenzlau
+4939881|Ringenwalde bei Templin
+4939883|Groß Dölln
+4939884|Hassleben bei Prenzlau
+493991|Waren Müritz
+4939922|Dambeck bei Röbel
+4939927|Nossentiner Hütte
+4939929|Jabel bei Waren
+4939931|Röbel Müritz
+4939932|Malchow bei Waren
+4939934|Groß Plasten
+4939954|Stavenhagen Reuterstadt
+4939976|Groß Bützin
+4939978|Gross Roge
+4939998|Loitz bei Demmin
+494104|Aumühle bei Hamburg
+494106|Quickborn Kreis Pinneberg
+494107|Siek Kreis Stormarn
+494108|Rosengarten Kreis Harburg
+494109|Tangstedt Bz Hamburg
+494126|Horst Holstein
+494133|Wittorf Kreis Lünebeburg
+494134|Embsen Kreis Lünebeburg
+494138|Betzendorf Kreis Lünebeburg
+494139|Hohnstorf Elbe
+494140|Estorf Kreis Stade
+494142|Steinkirchen Kreis Stade
+494153|Lauenburg Elbe
+494163|Horneburg Niederelbe
+494165|Hollenstedt Nordheide
+494168|Neu Wulmstorf-Elstorf
+494171|Winsen Luhe
+494174|Stelle Kreis Harburg
+494175|Egestorf Nordheide
+494177|Drage Elbe
+494181|Buchholz in der Nordheide
+494184|Hanstedt Nordheide
+494185|Marxen Auetal
+494188|Welle Nordheide
+494191|Kaltenkirchen Holstein
+494192|Bad Bramstedt
+494202|Achim bei Bremen
+494203|Weyhe bei Bremen
+494224|Gross Ippener
+494231|Verden Aller
+494232|Langwedel Kreis Verden
+494245|Neuenkirchen bei Bassum
+494253|Asendorf Kreis Diepholz
+494261|Rotenburg Wümme
+494264|Sottrum Kreis Rotenburg
+494273|Kirchdorf bei Sulingen
+494274|Varrel bei Sulingen
+494276|Borstel bei Sulingen
+494285|Rhade bei Zeven
+494288|Horstedt Kreis Rotenburg
+494294|Riede Kreis Verden
+494329|Langwedel Holstein
+494332|Hamdorf bei Rendsburg
+494334|Bredenbek bei Rendsburg
+494335|Hohn bei Rendsburg
+494338|Alt Duvenstedt
+494342|Preetz Kreis Plön
+494344|Schönberg Holstein
+494356|Gross Wittensee
+494357|Sehestedt Eider
+494358|Loose bei Eckernförde
+494361|Oldenburg in Holstein
+494364|Dahme Kreis Ostholstein
+494365|Heringsdorf Holstein
+494371|Burg auf Fehmarn
+494385|Hohenfelde bei Kiel
+494392|Nortorf bei Neumünster
+494401|Brake Unterweser
+494403|Bad Zwischenahn
+494408|Hude Oldenburg
+494422|Sande Kreis Friesl
+494442|Lohne Oldenburg
+494445|Visbek Kreis Vechta
+494446|Bakum Kreis Vechta
+494451|Varel Jadebusen
+494465|Friedeburg Ostfriesland
+494478|Cappeln Oldenburg
+494494|Bösel Oldenburg
+494501|Kastorf Holstein
+494503|Timmendorfer Strand
+494509|Groß Grönau
+494526|Ascheberg Holstein
+494528|Schönwalde am Bungsberg
+494531|Bad Oldesloe
+494533|Reinfeld Holstein
+494534|Steinburg Kreis Storman
+494536|Steinhorst Lauenburg
+494537|Sülfeld Holstein
+494542|Mölln Lauenburg
+494545|Seedorf Lauenburg
+494546|Mustin Lauenburg
+494547|Gudow Lauenburg
+494551|Bad Segeberg
+494555|Seedorf bei Bad Segeberg
+494561|Neustadt in Holstein
+494631|Glücksburg Ostsee
+494642|Kappeln Schlei
+494643|Gelting Angeln
+494664|Neukirchen bei Niebüll
+494681|Wyk auf Föhr
+494684|Langeneß Hallig
+494741|Nordholz bei Bremerhaven
+494743|Langen bei Bremerhaven
+494745|Bad Bederkesa
+494746|Hagen bei Bremerhaven
+494748|Stubben bei Bremerhaven
+494752|Neuhaus Oste
+494765|Ebersdorf bei Bremervörde
+494772|Oberndorf Oste
+494779|Freiburg Elbe
+49481|Heide Holstein
+494825|Burg Dithmarschen
+494835|Albersdorf Holstein
+494836|Hennstedt Dithmarschen
+494837|Neuenkirchen Dithmarschen
+494839|Wöhrden Dithmarschen
+494841|Husum Nordsee
+494845|Ostenfeld Husum
+494853|Sankt Michaelisdonn
+494858|Sankt Margarethen Holstein
+494863|Sankt Peter-Ording
+494876|Reher Holstein
+494877|Hennstedt bei Itzehoe
+494892|Schenefeld Mittelholstein
+49491|Leer Ostfriesland
+494921|Emden Stadt
+494929|Ihlow Kreis Aurich
+494933|Dornum Ostfriesland
+494964|Rhede Ems
+494975|Westerholt Ostfriesland
+494977|Blomberg Ostfriesland
+495021|Nienburg Weser
+495023|Liebenau Kreis Nieburg Weser
+495024|Rohrsen Kreis Nienburg Weser
+495025|Estorf Weser
+495032|Neustadt am Rübenberge
+495035|Gross Munzel
+495037|Bad Rehburg
+495041|Springe Deister
+495042|Bad Münder am Deister
+495051|Bergen Kreis Celle
+495062|Holle bei Hildesheim
+495063|Bad Salzdetfurth
+495064|Groß Düngen
+495068|Elze Leine
+495083|Hohne bei Celle
+495103|Wennigsen Deister
+495108|Gehrden Han
+495136|Burgdorf Kreis Hannover
+495143|Winsen Aller
+495148|Steinhorst Niedersachsen
+495152|Hessisch Oldendorf
+495165|Rethem Aller
+495181|Alfeld Leine
+495182|Gronau Leine
+495184|Freden Leine
+495195|Neuenkirchen bei Soltau
+495201|Halle Westfalen
+495203|Werther Westfalen
+495204|Steinhagen Westfalen
+495207|Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock
+495222|Bad Salzuflen
+495224|Enger Westfalen
+495226|Bruchmühlen Westfalen
+495232|Lage Lippe
+495233|Steinheim Westfalen
+495234|Horn-Bad Meinberg
+495235|Blomberg Lippe
+495248|Langenberg Kreis Gütersloh
+495250|Delbrück Westfalen
+495252|Bad Lippspringe
+495253|Bad Driburg
+495254|Paderborn-Schloss Neuhaus
+495259|Bad Driburg-Neuenheerse
+495272|Brakel Westfalen
+495281|Bad Pyrmont
+495285|Bad Pyrmont-Kleinenberg
+495286|Ottenstein Niedersachsen
+495295|Lichtenau Westfalen
+495322|Bad Harzburg
+495327|Bad Grund Harz
+495328|Altenau Harz
+495329|Schulenberg im Oberharz
+495334|Hornburg Kreis Wolfenbüttel
+495347|Burgdorf bei Salzgitter
+495353|Königslutter am Elm
+495373|Hillerse Kreis Gifhorn
+495375|Müden Aller
+495376|Wesendorf Kreis Gifhorn
+495382|Bad Gandersheim
+495383|Lutter am Barenberge
+495384|Seesen-Groß Rhüden
+495402|Bissendorf Kreis Osnabrück
+495403|Bad Iburg
+495405|Hasbergen Kreis Osnabrück
+495409|Hilter am Teutoburger Wald
+495421|Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
+495424|Bad Rothenfelde
+495434|Essen Oldenburg
+495435|Berge bei Quakenbrück
+495442|Barnstorf Kreis Diepholz
+495452|Mettingen Westfalen
+495461|Bramsche Hase
+495465|Neuenkirchen bei Bramsche
+495472|Bad Essen
+495481|Lengerich Westfalen
+495491|Damme Dümmer
+495492|Steinfeld Oldenburg
+495493|Neuenkirchen Kreis Vechta
+495494|Holdorf Niedersachsen
+495495|Vörden Kreis Vechta
+495504|Friedland Kreis Göttingen
+495509|Rosdorf Kreis Göttingen
+495521|Herzberg am Harz
+495522|Osterode am Harz
+495523|Bad Sachsa
+495524|Bad Lauterberg im Harz
+495534|Eschershausen an der Lenne
+495541|Hann. Münden
+495543|Staufenberg Niedersachsen
+495556|Lindau Harz
+495582|Sankt Andreasberg
+495584|Hattorf am Harz
+495602|Hessisch Lichtenau
+495605|Kaufungen Hessen
+495621|Bad Wildungen
+495624|Bad Emstal
+495625|Naumburg Hessen
+495626|Bad Zwesten
+495632|Willingen Upland
+495652|Bad Sooden-Allendorf
+495662|Felsberg Hessen
+495672|Bad Karlshafen
+495673|Immenhausen Hessen
+495676|Liebenau Hessen
+495681|Homberg Efze
+495682|Borken Hessen
+495683|Wabern Hessen
+495686|Schwarzenborn Knüll
+495691|Bad Arolsen
+495696|Bad Arolsen-Landau
+495706|Porta Westfalica
+495707|Petershagen Weser
+49571|Minden Westfalen
+495723|Bad Nenndorf
+495725|Lindhorst bei Stadthagen
+495731|Bad Oeynhausen
+495734|Bergkirchen Westfalen
+495742|Preussisch Oldendorf
+495771|Rahden Westfalen
+495776|Preussisch Ströhen
+495804|Rätzlingen Kreis Uelzen
+495806|Barum bei Bad Bevensen
+495821|Bad Bevensen
+495824|Bad Bodenteich
+495838|Gross Oesingen
+495841|Lüchow Wendland
+495843|Wustrow Wendland
+495845|Bergen Dumme
+495846|Gartow Niedersachsen
+495853|Neu Darchau
+495861|Dannenberg Elbe
+495862|Hitzacker Elbe
+495901|Fürstenau bei Bramsche
+495904|Lengerich Emsl
+49591|Lingen (Ems)
+495922|Bad Bentheim
+495924|Bad Bentheim-Gildehaus
+495932|Haren Ems
+495937|Geeste-Gross Hesepe
+495941|Neuenhaus Dinkel
+495947|Laar Vechte
+495957|Lindern Oldenburg
+495965|Klein Berssen
+495973|Neuenkirchen Kreis Steinfurt
+496003|Rosbach von der Höhe
+496022|Obernburg am Main
+496023|Alzenau in Unterfranken
+496027|Stockstadt am Main
+496028|Sulzbach am Main
+496031|Friedberg Hessen
+496032|Bad Nauheim
+496035|Reichelsheim Wetterau
+496042|Büdingen Hessen
+496044|Schotten Hessen
+496046|Ortenberg Hessen
+496047|Altenstadt Hessen
+496052|Bad Orb
+496056|Bad Soden-Salmünster
+496062|Erbach Odenwald
+496063|Bad König
+496073|Babenhausen Hessen
+496084|Schmitten Taunus
+496096|Wiesen Unterfranken
+496101|Bad Vilbel
+496103|Langen Hessen
+496108|Mühlheim am Main
+496123|Eltville am Rhein
+496124|Bad Schwalbach
+496127|Niedernhausen Taunus
+496130|Schwabenheim an der Selz
+496132|Ingelheim am Rhein
+496135|Bodenheim Rhein
+496144|Bischofsheim bei Rüsselsheim
+496145|Flörsheim am Main
+496146|Hochheim am Main
+496155|Griesheim Hessen
+496162|Reinheim Odenwald
+496163|Höchst im Odenwald
+496164|Reichelsheim Odenwald
+496171|Oberursel Taunus
+496172|Bad Homburg von der Höhe
+496173|Kronberg im Taunus
+496174|Königstein im Taunus
+496175|Friedrichsdorf Taunus
+496185|Hammersbach Hessen
+496188|Kahl am Main
+496190|Hattersheim am Main
+496192|Hofheim am Taunus
+496195|Kelkheim Taunus
+496196|Bad Soden am Taunus
+496201|Weinheim Bergstr
+496224|Sandhausen Baden
+496227|Walldorf Baden
+496228|Schönau Odenwald
+496233|Frankenthal Pfalz
+496236|Neuhofen Pfalz
+496244|Westhofen Rheinhessenen
+496246|Eich Rheinhessen
+496252|Heppenheim Bergstraße
+496253|Fürth Odenwald
+496254|Lautertal Odenwald
+496261|Mosbach Baden
+496265|Billigheim Baden
+496267|Fahrenbach Baden
+496269|Gundelsheim Württemberg
+496271|Eberbach Baden
+496272|Hirschhorn Neckar
+496274|Waldbrunn Odenwald
+496275|Rothenberg Odenwald
+496281|Buchen Odenwald
+496283|Hardheim Odenwald
+496287|Limbach Baden
+496294|Krautheim Jagst
+496295|Rosenberg Baden
+496296|Ahorn Baden
+496297|Ravenstein Baden
+496301|Otterbach Pfalz
+496304|Wolfstein Pfalz
+496321|Neustadt an der Weinstraße
+496322|Bad Dürkheim
+496325|Lambrecht Pfalz
+496329|Weidenthal Pfalz
+496338|Hornbach Pfalz
+496341|Landau in der Pfalz
+496343|Bad Bergzabern
+496346|Annweiler am Trifels
+496347|Hochstadt Pfalz
+496348|Offenbach an der Queich
+496351|Eisenberg Pfalz
+496355|Albisheim Pfrimm
+496356|Carlsberg Pfalz
+496364|Nußbach Pfalz
+496386|Altenkirchen Pfalz
+496387|Sankt Julian
+496392|Hauenstein Pfalz
+496393|Fischbach bei Dahn
+496395|Münchweiler an der Rodalb
+496397|Leimen Pfalz
+496401|Grünberg Hessen
+496403|Linden Hessen
+496404|Lich Hessen
+496405|Laubach Hessen
+496407|Rabenau Hessen
+496423|Wetter Hessen
+496425|Rauschenberg Hessen
+496429|Schweinsberg Hessen
+496431|Limburg an der Lahn
+496434|Bad Camberg
+496436|Dornburg Hessen
+496443|Ehringshausen Dill
+496451|Frankenberg Eder
+496452|Battenberg Eder
+496453|Gemünden Wohra
+496455|Frankenau Hessen
+496456|Haina Kloster
+496457|Burgwald Eder
+496458|Rosenthal Hessen
+496465|Breidenbach bei Biedenkopf
+496467|Hatzfeld Eder
+496479|Waldbrunn Westerwald
+496483|Selters Taunus
+496485|Nentershausen Westerwald
+496508|Hetzerath Mosel
+496533|Morbach Hunsrück
+496534|Mülheim Mosel
+496558|Büdesheim Eifel
+496564|Neuerburg Eifel
+496572|Manderscheid Eifel
+496584|Wellen Mosel
+496586|Beuren Hochwald
+496589|Kell am See
+496593|Hillesheim Eifel
+496599|Weidenbach bei Gerolstein
+496620|Philippsthal Werra
+496621|Bad Hersfeld
+496623|Rotenburg an der Fulda
+496624|Heringen Werra
+496627|Nentershausen Hessen
+496633|Homberg Ohm
+496634|Gemünden Felda
+496641|Lauterbach Hessen
+496648|Bad Salzschlirf
+496654|Gersfeld Rhön
+496655|Neuhof Kreis Fulda
+496658|Poppenhausen Wasserkuppe
+496663|Steinau an der Straße
+496670|Ludwigsau Hessen
+496674|Friedewald Hessen
+496675|Breitenbach am Herzberg
+496676|Hohenroda Hessen
+496677|Neuenstein Hessen
+496682|Tann Rhön
+496683|Ehrenberg Rhön
+496692|Neustadt Hessen
+496694|Neukirchen Knüll
+496701|Sprendlingen Rheinhessen
+496703|Wöllstein Rheinhessen
+496706|Wallhausen Nahe
+496708|Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg
+496709|Fürfeld Kreis Bad Kreuznach
+49671|Bad Kreuznach
+496721|Bingen am Rhein
+496722|Rüdesheim am Rhein
+496724|Stromberg Hunsrück
+496726|Lorch Rheingau
+496741|St Goar
+496751|Bad Sobernheim
+496752|Kirn Nahe
+496755|Odernheim am Glan
+496756|Winterbach Soonwald
+496757|Becherbach bei Kirn
+496761|Simmern Hunsrück
+496763|Kirchberg Hunsrück
+496765|Gemünden Hunsrück
+496771|St Goarshausen
+496775|Strüth Taunus
+496782|Birkenfeld Nahe
+496789|Heimbach Nahe
+496821|Neunkirchen Saar
+496825|Illingen Saar
+496841|Homburg Saar
+496851|St Wendel
+496854|Oberthal Saar
+496856|St Wendel-Niederkirchen
+496872|Losheim am See
+496876|Weiskirchen Saar
+496887|Schmelz Saar
+496894|St Ingbert
+496897|Sulzbach Saar
+4969|Frankfurt am Main
+497021|Kirchheim unter Teck
+497023|Weilheim an der Teck
+497024|Wendlingen am Neckar
+497033|Weil Der Stadt
+497042|Vaihingen an der Enz
+497052|Bad Liebenzell
+497053|Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
+497054|Wildberg Württemberg
+497055|Neuweiler Kreis Calw
+497062|Beilstein Württemberg
+497063|Bad Wimpfen
+497066|Bad Rappenau-Bonfeld
+497081|Bad Wildbad
+497082|Neuenbürg Württemberg
+497083|Bad Herrenalb
+497084|Schömberg bei Neuenbürg
+497122|St Johann Württemberg
+497123|Metzingen Württemberg
+497124|Trochtelfingen Hohenz
+497125|Bad Urach
+497129|Lichtenstein Württemberg
+497130|Löwenstein Württemberg
+497131|Heilbronn Neckar
+497133|Lauffen am Neckar
+497136|Bad Friedrichshall
+497139|Neuenstadt am Kocher
+497141|Ludwigsburg Württemberg
+497144|Marbach am Neckar
+497146|Remseck am Neckar
+497147|Sachsenheim Württemberg
+497152|Leonberg Württemberg
+497158|Neuhausen auf den Fildern
+497163|Ebersbach an der Fils
+497164|Boll Kreis Göppingen
+497171|Schwäbisch Gmünd
+497172|Lorch Württemberg
+497181|Schorndorf Württemberg
+497183|Rudersberg Württemberg
+497193|Sulzbach an der Murr
+497223|Bühl Baden
+497227|Lichtenau Baden
+497235|Unterreichenbach Kreis Calw
+497237|Neulingen Enzkreis
+497244|Weingarten Baden
+497246|Malsch Kreis Karlsruhe
+497253|Bad Schönborn
+497264|Bad Rappenau
+497268|Bad Rappenau-Obergimpern
+497269|Sulzfeld Baden
+497271|Wörth am Rhein
+497273|Hagenbach Pfalz
+497276|Herxheim bei Landau Pfalz
+497302|Pfaffenhofen an der Roth
+497304|Blaustein Württemberg
+497305|Erbach Donau
+497306|Vöhringen Iller
+497307|Senden Iller
+49731|Ulm Donau
+497321|Heidenheim an der Brenz
+497322|Giengen an der Brenz
+497325|Sontheim an der Brenz
+497329|Steinheim am Albuch
+497331|Geislingen an der Steige
+497337|Nellingen Alb
+497343|Buch bei Illertissen
+497345|Langenau Württemberg
+497351|Biberach an der Riß
+497355|Hochdorf Riß
+497365|Essingen Württemberg
+497371|Riedlingen Württemberg
+497387|Hohenstein Württemberg
+497391|Ehingen Donau
+497423|Oberndorf am Neckar
+497427|Schömberg bei Balingen
+497440|Bad Rippoldsau
+497451|Horb am Neckar
+497453|Altensteig Württemberg
+497454|Sulz am Neckar
+497463|Mühlheim an der Donau
+497464|Talheim Kreis Tuttlingen
+497467|Neuhausen ob Eck
+497472|Rottenburg am Neckar
+497477|Jungingen bei Hechingen
+497503|Wilhelmsdorf Württemberg
+497522|Wangen im Allgäu
+497524|Bad Waldsee
+497528|Neukirch bei Tettnang
+497529|Waldburg Württemberg
+497534|Reichenau Baden
+497543|Kressbronn am Bodensee
+497545|Immenstaad am Bodensee
+497551|Überlingen Bodensee
+497553|Salem Baden
+497554|Heiligenberg Baden
+497561|Leutkirch im Allgäu
+497562|Isny im Allgäu
+497564|Bad Wurzach
+497565|Aichstetten Kreis Ravensburg
+497568|Bad Wurzach-Hauerz
+497572|Mengen Württemberg
+497573|Stetten am kalten Markt
+497578|Wald Hohenz
+497579|Schwenningen Baden
+497582|Bad Buchau
+497583|Bad Schussenried
+497602|Oberried Breisgau
+49761|Freiburg im Breisgau
+497623|Rheinfelden Baden
+497625|Zell im Wiesental
+497627|Steinen Kreis Lörrach
+497629|Tegernau Baden
+497631|Müllheim Baden
+497633|Staufen im Breisgau
+497636|Münstertal Schwarzwald
+497642|Endingen Kaiserstuhl
+497643|Herbolzheim Breisgau
+497646|Weisweil Breisgau
+497657|Eisenbach Hochschwarzwald
+497660|St Peter Schwarzwald
+497662|Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl
+497665|March Breisgau
+497667|Breisach am Rhein
+497669|St Märgen
+497672|St Blasien
+497673|Schönau im Schwarzwald
+497675|Bernau Baden
+497676|Feldberg Schwarzwald
+497681|Waldkirch Breisgau
+497702|Blumberg Baden
+497703|Bonndorf im Schwarzwald
+497704|Geisingen Baden
+497705|Wolterdingen Schwarzw
+497720|Schwenningen am Neckar
+497721|Villingen im Schwarzwald
+497722|Triberg im Schwarzwald
+497723|Furtwangen im Schwarzwald
+497724|St Georgen im Schwarzwald
+497725|Königsfeld im Schwarzwald
+497726|Bad Dürrheim
+497731|Singen Hohentwiel
+497732|Radolfzell am Bodensee
+497733|Engen Hegau
+497741|Tiengen Hochrhein
+497748|Grafenhausen Hochschwarzwald
+497755|Weilheim Kreis Waldshut
+497761|Bad Säckingen
+497762|Wehr Baden
+497765|Rickenbach Hotzenwald
+497802|Oberkirch Baden
+497806|Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
+497807|Neuried Ortenaukreis
+497808|Hohberg bei Offenburg
+497821|Lahr Schwarzwald
+497823|Seelbach Schutter
+497832|Haslach im Kinzigtal
+497833|Hornberg Schwarzwaldbahn
+497835|Zell am Harmersbach
+497907|Schwäbisch Hall-Sulzdorf
+49791|Schwäbisch Hall
+497930|Boxberg Baden
+497931|Bad Mergentheim
+497932|Niederstetten Württemberg
+497938|Mulfingen Jagst
+497942|Neuenstein Württemberg
+497943|Schöntal Jagst
+497954|Kirchberg an der Jagst
+497955|Wallhausen Württemberg
+497958|Rot Am See-Brettheim
+497961|Ellwangen Jagst
+497972|Gschwend bei Gaildorf
+497977|Oberrot bei Gaildorf
+498029|Kreuth bei Tegernsee
+498031|Rosenheim Oberbayern
+498032|Rohrdorf Kreis Rosenheim
+498036|Stephanskirchen Simssee
+498039|Rott am Inn
+498041|Bad Tölz
+498046|Bad Heilbrunn
+498051|Prien am Chiemsee
+498052|Aschau im Chiemgau
+498053|Bad Endorf
+498054|Breitbrunn am Chiemsee
+498061|Bad Aibling
+498062|Bruckmühl Mangfall
+498064|Au bei Bad Aibling
+498066|Bad Feilnbach
+498071|Wasserburg am Inn
+498072|Haag in Oberbayern
+498073|Gars am Inn
+498081|Dorfen Stadt
+498084|Taufkirchen Vils
+498085|Sankt Wolfgang
+498086|Buchbach Oberbayern
+498092|Grafing bei München
+498093|Glonn Kreis Ebersberg
+498121|Markt Schwaben
+498124|Forstern Oberbayern
+498133|Haimhausen Oberbayern
+498136|Markt Indersdorf
+498138|Schwabhausen bei Dachau
+498143|Inning am Ammersee
+498152|Herrsching am Ammersee
+498165|Neufahrn bei Freising
+498166|Allershausen Oberbayern
+498176|Egling bei Wolfratshausen
+498177|Münsing Starnberger See
+498179|Eurasburg an der Loisach
+498191|Landsberg am Lech
+498192|Schondorf am Ammersee
+498195|Weil Kreis Landsberg am Lech
+498206|Egling an der Paar
+498208|Eurasburg bei Augsburg
+498222|Burgau Schwaben
+498224|Offingen Donau
+498231|Königsbrunn bei Augsburg
+498245|Türkheim Wertach
+498247|Bad Wörishofen
+498249|Ettringen Wertach
+498263|Breitenbrunn Schwaben
+498265|Pfaffenhausen Schwaben
+498266|Kirchheim in Schwaben
+498269|Unteregg bei Mindelheim
+498276|Baar Schwaben
+498281|Thannhausen Schwaben
+498282|Krumbach Schwaben
+498283|Neuburg an der Kammel
+498293|Welden bei Augsburg
+498295|Altenmünster Schwaben
+49831|Kempten Allgäu
+498323|Immenstadt im Allgäu
+498326|Fischen im Allgäu
+498333|Babenhausen Schwaben
+498334|Bad Grönenbach
+498337|Altenstadt Iller
+498344|Westendorf bei Kaufbeuren
+498349|Stötten am Auerberg
+498367|Roßhaupten Forggensee
+498376|Sulzberg Allgäu
+498378|Buchenberg bei Kempten
+498381|Lindenberg im Allgäu
+498382|Lindau Bodensee
+498383|Grünenbach Allgäu
+498384|Röthenbach Allgäu
+498392|Markt Rettenbach
+498395|Tannheim Württemberg
+498405|Stammham bei Ingolstadt
+49841|Ingolstadt Donau
+498421|Eichstätt Bayern
+498426|Walting Kreis Eichstätt
+498431|Neuburg an der Donau
+498441|Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
+498443|Hohenwart Paar
+498453|Reichertshofen Oberbayern
+498457|Vohburg an der Donau
+498464|Dietfurt an der Altmühl
+498466|Denkendorf Oberbayern
+498503|Neuhaus am Inn
+498506|Bad Höhenstadt
+498507|Neuburg am Inn
+498532|Griesbach im Rottal
+498537|Bad Füssing-Aigen
+498541|Vilshofen Niederbayern
+498544|Eging am See
+498545|Hofkirchen Bayern
+498552|Grafenau Niederbayern
+498554|Schönberg Niederbayern
+498558|Hohenau Niederbayern
+498561|Pfarrkirchen Niederbayern
+498563|Bad Birnbach Rottal
+498571|Simbach am Inn
+498572|Tann Niederbayern
+498581|Waldkirchen Niederbayern
+498584|Breitenberg Niederbayern
+498592|Wegscheid Niederbayern
+498628|Kienberg Oberbayern
+498631|Mühldorf am Inn
+498634|Garching an der Alz
+498639|Neumarkt-Sankt Veit
+498640|Reit Im Winkl
+498641|Grassau Kreis Traunstein
+498651|Bad Reichenhall
+498657|Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden
+498661|Grabenstätt Chiemsee
+498662|Siegsdorf Kreis Traunstein
+498670|Reischach Kreis Altötting
+498677|Burghausen Salzach
+498679|Burgkirchen an der Alz
+498681|Waging am See
+498682|Laufen Salzach
+498702|Wörth an der Isar
+498709|Eching Niederbayern
+498726|Schönau Niederbayern
+498727|Falkenberg Niederbayern
+498734|Reisbach Niederbayern
+498742|Velden Vils
+498752|Au in der Hallertau
+498753|Elsendorf Niederbayern
+498761|Moosburg an der Isar
+498762|Wartenberg Oberbayern
+498764|Mauern Kreis Freising
+498765|Bruckberg Niederbayern
+498773|Neufahrn in Niederbayern
+498774|Bayerbach bei Ergoldsbach
+498781|Rottenburg an der Laaber
+498783|Rohr in Niederbayern
+498806|Utting am Ammersee
+498807|Dießen am Ammersee
+49881|Weilheim in Oberbayern
+498824|Oberau Loisach
+498841|Murnau am Staffelsee
+498845|Bad Kohlgrub
+498846|Uffing am Staffelsee
+498851|Kochel am See
+498862|Steingaden Oberbayern
+498867|Rottenbuch Oberbayern
+499071|Dillingen an der Donau
+499072|Lauingen Donau
+499073|Gundelfingen an der Donau
+499074|Höchstädt an der Donau
+499080|Harburg Schwaben
+499082|Oettingen in Bayern
+499084|Bissingen Schwaben
+499090|Rain Lech
+499091|Monheim Schwaben
+499106|Markt Erlbach
+499123|Lauf an der Pegnitz
+499127|Rosstal Mittelfrankenanken
+499133|Baiersdorf Mittelfrankenanken
+499134|Neunkirchen am Brand
+499135|Heßdorf Mittelfrankenanken
+499141|Weißenburg in Bayern
+499143|Pappenheim Mittelfranken
+499146|Markt Berolzheim
+499152|Hartenstein Mittelfranken
+499156|Neuhaus an der Pegnitz
+499157|Alfeld Mittelfranken
+499158|Offenhausen Mittelfranken
+499161|Neustadt an der Aisch
+499164|Langenfeld Mittelfranken
+499171|Roth Mittelfranken
+499178|Abenberg Mittelfranken
+499181|Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
+499184|Deining Oberpfalz
+499185|Mühlhausen Oberpfalz
+499186|Lauterhofen Oberpfalz
+499187|Altdorf bei Nürnberg
+499189|Berg bei Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
+499191|Forchheim Oberfranken
+499193|Höchstadt an der Aisch
+499195|Adelsdorf Mittelfranken
+499198|Heiligenstadt in Oberfranken
+499207|Königsfeld Oberfranken
+499233|Arzberg Oberfranken
+499257|Zell Oberfranken
+499260|Wilhelmsthal Oberfranken
+499269|Tettau Kreis Kronach
+499273|Bad Berneck im Fichtelgebirge
+499280|Selbitz Oberfranken
+499281|Hof Saale
+499284|Schwarzenbach an der Saale
+499288|Bad Steben
+499289|Schwarzenbach am Wald
+499293|Berg Oberfranken
+499302|Rottendorf Unterfranken
+499326|Markt Einersheim
+499335|Aub Kreis Würzburg
+499338|Röttingen Unterfranken
+499345|Külsheim Baden
+499351|Gemünden am Main
+499352|Lohr am Main
+499357|Gräfendorf Bayern
+499363|Arnstein Unterfranken
+499366|Geroldshausen Unterfranken
+499372|Klingenberg am Main
+499375|Freudenberg Baden
+499392|Faulbach Unterfranken
+499393|Rothenfels Unterfranken
+499396|Urspringen bei Lohr
+499398|Birkenfeld bei Würzburg
+499405|Bad Abbach
+499420|Feldkirchen Niederbayern
+499422|Bogen Niederbayern
+499429|Rain Niederbayern
+499445|Neustadt an der Donau
+499448|Hausen Niederbayern
+499454|Aufhausen Oberpfalz
+499462|Falkenstein Oberpfalz
+499463|Wald Oberpfalz
+499468|Zell Oberpfalz
+499472|Hohenfels Oberpfalz
+499482|Wörth an der Donau
+499495|Breitenbrunn Oberpfalz
+499497|Seubersdorf in der Oberpfalz
+499503|Oberhaid Oberfranken
+499523|Hofheim in Unterfranken
+499524|Zeil am Main
+499525|Königsberg in Bayern
+499548|Mühlhausen Mittelfranken
+499553|Ebrach Oberfranken
+499554|Untersteinbach Unterfranken
+499560|Grub am Forst
+499564|Bad Rodach
+499568|Neustadt bei Coburg
+499571|Lichtenfels Bayern
+499573|Staffelstein Oberfranken
+499602|Neustadt an der Waldnaab
+499608|Kohlberg Oberpfalz
+49961|Weiden in der Oberpfalz
+499621|Amberg Oberpfalz
+499622|Hirschau Oberpfalz
+499624|Ensdorf Oberpfalz
+499625|Kastl bei Amberg
+499627|Freudenberg Oberpfalz
+499637|Falkenberg Oberpfalz
+499642|Kemnath Stadt
+499643|Auerbach in der Oberpfalz
+499645|Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz
+499648|Neustadt am Kulm
+499656|Moosbach bei Vohenstrauß
+499663|Neukirchen bei Sulzbach-Rosenberg
+499665|Königstein Oberpfalz
+499672|Neunburg vorm Wald
+499673|Tiefenbach Oberpfalz
+499675|Altendorf am Nabburg
+499701|Sandberg Unterfranken
+499708|Bad Bocklet
+49971|Bad Kissingen
+499725|Poppenhausen Unterfranken
+499728|Wülfershausen Unterfranken
+499741|Bad Brückenau
+499742|Kalbach Rhön
+499747|Geroda Bayern
+499749|Oberbach Unterfranken
+499761|Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld
+499762|Saal an der Saale
+499763|Sulzdorf an der Lederhecke
+499771|Bad Neustadt an der Saale
+499772|Bischofsheim an der Rhön
+499775|Schönau an der Brend
+499777|Ostheim von der Rhön
+499779|Nordheim von der Rhön
+499822|Bechhofen an der Heide
+499826|Weidenbach Mittelfranken
+499827|Lichtenau Mittelfranken
+499833|Heidenheim Mittelfranken
+499835|Ehingen Mittelfranken
+499841|Bad Windsheim
+499855|Dentlein am Forst
+499857|Schopfloch Mittelfranken
+499861|Rothenburg ob der Tauber
+499865|Adelshofen Mittelfranken
+499869|Wettringen Mittelfranken
+499876|Rohr Mittelfranken
+499901|Hengersberg Bayern
+499905|Bernried Niederbayern
+499925|Bayerisch Eisenstein
+499927|Kirchberg Wald
+499928|Kirchdorf im Wald
+499938|Moos Niederbayern
+499943|Lam Oberpfalz
+499946|Hohenwarth bei Kötzing
+499947|Neukirchen bei Hl Blut
+499951|Landau an der Isar
+499954|Simbach Niederbayern
+499962|Schwarzach Niederbayern
+499965|Sankt Englmar
+499973|Furth im Wald
+499978|Schönthal Oberpfalz
diff --git a/geocoding/el/30.txt b/geocoding/el/30.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49311ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/el/30.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+#Τηλεφωνικοί_κωδικοί_της_Ελλάδας [2667046]
+302235|Καμμένα Βούρλα
+302254|Άγιος Ευστράτιος/Μούδρος/Μύρινα
+302275|Άγιος Κήρυκος
+302293|Άγιος Σωτήρας
+302296|Μέγαρα/Νέα Πέραμος
+302324|Νέα Ζίχνη
+302327|Ροδόπολη Σερρών
+302373|Νέα Μουδανιά
+302377|Άγιον Όρος/Ιερισσός
+302423|Καλά Νερά
+302523|Κάτω Νευροκόπι
+302535|Νέα Καλλίστη
+302594|Νέα Πέραμος Καβάλας
+302624|Αρχαία Ολυμπία
+302647|Νέο Χαλκιόπουλο/Φυτείες
+302653|Καρυές Ασπραγγέλων
+302655|Κόνιτσα/Πέρδικα Δωδώνης
+302659|Καλέντζι Δωδώνης
+302693|Κάτω Αχαΐα
+302725|Κορώνη Πυλίας
+302792|Καστρί Κυνουρίας
+302834|Πέραμα Μυλοποτάμου
+302841|Άγιος Νικόλαος
+302892|Μοίρες, Ηράκλειο
+302893|Πύργος, Μονοφάτσι
+302894|Αγία Βαρβάρα, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
+302895|Άνω Βιάννος
+302897|Λιμένας Χερσονήσου
diff --git a/geocoding/en/1.txt b/geocoding/en/1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ebef41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31639 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistics data (2012-03-11) with later refinements.
+1201|New Jersey
+1201200|Jersey City, NJ
+1201209|Jersey City, NJ
+1201243|Bayonne, NJ
+1201309|Jersey City, NJ
+1201324|Jersey City, NJ
+1201332|Jersey City, NJ
+1201333|Jersey City, NJ
+1201336|Hackensack, NJ
+1201337|Oakland, NJ
+1201339|Bayonne, NJ
+1201342|Hackensack, NJ
+1201357|Teaneck, NJ
+1201395|Jersey City, NJ
+1201413|Jersey City, NJ
+1201432|Jersey City, NJ
+1201433|Jersey City, NJ
+1201434|Jersey City, NJ
+1201435|Jersey City, NJ
+1201436|Bayonne, NJ
+1201437|Bayonne, NJ
+1201451|Jersey City, NJ
+1201487|Hackensack, NJ
+1201498|Hackensack, NJ
+1201512|Mahwah, NJ
+1201529|Mahwah, NJ
+1201530|Teaneck, NJ
+1201536|Jersey City, NJ
+1201547|Jersey City, NJ
+1201626|Jersey City, NJ
+1201631|New York, NY
+1201646|Hackensack, NJ
+1201678|Hackensack, NJ
+1201683|Hoboken, NJ
+1201692|Teaneck, NJ
+1201763|Jersey City, NJ
+1201801|Teaneck, NJ
+1201823|Bayonne, NJ
+1201828|Mahwah, NJ
+1201830|Jersey City, NJ
+1201833|Teaneck, NJ
+1201836|Teaneck, NJ
+1201837|Teaneck, NJ
+1201858|Bayonne, NJ
+1201862|Teaneck, NJ
+1201915|Jersey City, NJ
+1201928|Teaneck, NJ
+1201938|Jersey City, NJ
+1201946|Jersey City, NJ
+1201985|Jersey City, NJ
+1201996|Hackensack, NJ
+1202|Washington D.C.
+1203221|Westport, CT
+1203222|Westport, CT
+1203225|Shelton, CT
+1203226|Westport, CT
+1203227|Westport, CT
+1203229|Norwalk, CT
+1203230|Hamden, CT
+1203234|North Haven, CT
+1203235|Meriden, CT
+1203237|Meriden, CT
+1203238|Meriden, CT
+1203239|North Haven, CT
+1203245|Madison, CT
+1203248|Hamden, CT
+1203250|Cheshire, CT
+1203262|Southbury, CT
+1203263|Woodbury, CT
+1203264|Southbury, CT
+1203265|Wallingford, CT
+1203269|Wallingford, CT
+1203270|Newtown, CT
+1203271|Cheshire, CT
+1203272|Cheshire, CT
+1203276|Stamford, CT
+1203281|Hamden, CT
+1203283|Milford, CT
+1203284|Wallingford, CT
+1203287|Hamden, CT
+1203288|Hamden, CT
+1203294|Wallingford, CT
+1203299|Norwalk, CT
+1203301|Milford, CT
+1203315|Branford, CT
+1203316|Stamford, CT
+1203318|Madison, CT
+1203321|Stamford, CT
+1203322|Stamford, CT
+1203323|Stamford, CT
+1203324|Stamford, CT
+1203325|Stamford, CT
+1203326|Stamford, CT
+1203327|Stamford, CT
+1203328|Stamford, CT
+1203329|Stamford, CT
+1203330|Bridgeport, CT
+1203333|Bridgeport, CT
+1203334|Bridgeport, CT
+1203335|Bridgeport, CT
+1203336|Bridgeport, CT
+1203338|Bridgeport, CT
+1203341|Westport, CT
+1203348|Stamford, CT
+1203351|Stamford, CT
+1203353|Stamford, CT
+1203354|Norwalk, CT
+1203356|Stamford, CT
+1203357|Stamford, CT
+1203358|Stamford, CT
+1203359|Stamford, CT
+1203363|Stamford, CT
+1203366|Bridgeport, CT
+1203367|Bridgeport, CT
+1203368|Bridgeport, CT
+1203375|Stratford, CT
+1203377|Stratford, CT
+1203378|Stratford, CT
+1203379|Meriden, CT
+1203381|Stratford, CT
+1203382|Bridgeport, CT
+1203384|Bridgeport, CT
+1203385|Stratford, CT
+1203388|Stamford, CT
+1203393|Bethany, CT
+1203402|Shelton, CT
+1203406|Stamford, CT
+1203419|Waterbury, CT
+1203421|Madison, CT
+1203422|Greenwich, CT
+1203425|Stamford, CT
+1203426|Newtown, CT
+1203431|Ridgefield, CT
+1203432|New Haven, CT
+1203438|Ridgefield, CT
+1203439|Cheshire, CT
+1203440|Meriden, CT
+1203453|Guilford, CT
+1203454|Westport, CT
+1203457|Guilford, CT
+1203458|Guilford, CT
+1203461|Stamford, CT
+1203462|Stamford, CT
+1203479|West Haven, CT
+1203481|Branford, CT
+1203483|Branford, CT
+1203488|Branford, CT
+1203495|New Haven, CT
+1203498|New Haven, CT
+1203503|New Haven, CT
+1203504|Stamford, CT
+1203531|Greenwich, CT
+1203532|Greenwich, CT
+1203551|Bridgeport, CT
+1203552|Greenwich, CT
+1203557|Westport, CT
+1203562|New Haven, CT
+1203563|Wilton, CT
+1203569|Stamford, CT
+1203573|Waterbury, CT
+1203574|Waterbury, CT
+1203575|Waterbury, CT
+1203576|Bridgeport, CT
+1203579|Bridgeport, CT
+1203581|Bridgeport, CT
+1203588|Stamford, CT
+1203591|Waterbury, CT
+1203594|New Canaan, CT
+1203595|Stamford, CT
+1203596|Waterbury, CT
+1203597|Waterbury, CT
+1203598|Middlebury, CT
+1203602|Stamford, CT
+1203622|Greenwich, CT
+1203624|New Haven, CT
+1203625|Greenwich, CT
+1203629|Greenwich, CT
+1203630|Meriden, CT
+1203634|Meriden, CT
+1203639|Meriden, CT
+1203642|Norwalk, CT
+1203655|Darien, CT
+1203656|Darien, CT
+1203661|Greenwich, CT
+1203662|Darien, CT
+1203679|Wallingford Center, CT
+1203686|Meriden, CT
+1203688|New Haven, CT
+1203697|Wallingford Center, CT
+1203699|Cheshire, CT
+1203709|Waterbury, CT
+1203720|Naugatuck, CT
+1203723|Naugatuck, CT
+1203729|Naugatuck, CT
+1203730|Danbury, CT
+1203737|New Haven, CT
+1203739|Danbury, CT
+1203740|Brookfield, CT
+1203743|Danbury, CT
+1203744|Danbury, CT
+1203746|New Fairfield, CT
+1203748|Danbury, CT
+1203750|Norwalk, CT
+1203753|Waterbury, CT
+1203754|Waterbury, CT
+1203755|Waterbury, CT
+1203756|Waterbury, CT
+1203757|Waterbury, CT
+1203759|Waterbury, CT
+1203761|Wilton, CT
+1203762|Wilton, CT
+1203772|New Haven, CT
+1203773|New Haven, CT
+1203775|Brookfield, CT
+1203776|New Haven, CT
+1203777|New Haven, CT
+1203781|New Haven, CT
+1203782|New Haven, CT
+1203783|Milford, CT
+1203785|New Haven, CT
+1203787|New Haven, CT
+1203789|New Haven, CT
+1203790|Danbury, CT
+1203791|Danbury, CT
+1203792|Danbury, CT
+1203795|Orange, CT
+1203797|Danbury, CT
+1203799|Orange, CT
+1203801|New Canaan, CT
+1203805|Waterbury, CT
+1203821|New Haven, CT
+1203831|Norwalk, CT
+1203834|Wilton, CT
+1203838|Norwalk, CT
+1203840|Norwalk, CT
+1203845|Norwalk, CT
+1203846|Norwalk, CT
+1203847|Norwalk, CT
+1203849|Norwalk, CT
+1203852|Norwalk, CT
+1203853|Norwalk, CT
+1203854|Norwalk, CT
+1203855|Norwalk, CT
+1203857|Norwalk, CT
+1203861|Greenwich, CT
+1203862|Greenwich, CT
+1203863|Greenwich, CT
+1203865|New Haven, CT
+1203866|Norwalk, CT
+1203869|Greenwich, CT
+1203874|Milford, CT
+1203876|Milford, CT
+1203877|Milford, CT
+1203878|Milford, CT
+1203879|Wolcott, CT
+1203881|Seymour, CT
+1203882|Milford, CT
+1203888|Seymour, CT
+1203894|Ridgefield, CT
+1203899|Norwalk, CT
+1203922|Shelton, CT
+1203924|Shelton, CT
+1203925|Shelton, CT
+1203926|Shelton, CT
+1203929|Shelton, CT
+1203931|West Haven, CT
+1203932|West Haven, CT
+1203933|West Haven, CT
+1203934|West Haven, CT
+1203937|West Haven, CT
+1203944|Shelton, CT
+1203946|New Haven, CT
+1203949|Wallingford, CT
+1203956|Norwalk, CT
+1203961|Stamford, CT
+1203964|Stamford, CT
+1203965|Stamford, CT
+1203966|New Canaan, CT
+1203967|Stamford, CT
+1203968|Stamford, CT
+1203969|Stamford, CT
+1203972|New Canaan, CT
+1203973|Stamford, CT
+1203974|New Haven, CT
+1203975|Stamford, CT
+1203977|Stamford, CT
+1203978|Stamford, CT
+1203985|North Haven, CT
+1204219|Winnipeg, MB
+1204221|Winnipeg, MB
+1204222|Winnipeg, MB
+1204224|Winnipeg, MB
+1204231|Winnipeg, MB
+1204233|Winnipeg, MB
+1204235|Winnipeg, MB
+1204237|Winnipeg, MB
+1204239|Portage La Prairie, MB
+1204242|Manitou, MB
+1204248|Notre Dame de Lourdes, MB
+1204253|Winnipeg, MB
+1204254|Winnipeg, MB
+1204255|Winnipeg, MB
+1204256|Winnipeg, MB
+1204257|Winnipeg, MB
+1204261|Winnipeg, MB
+1204268|Beausejour, MB
+1204269|Winnipeg, MB
+1204272|Winnipeg, MB
+1204275|Winnipeg, MB
+1204284|Winnipeg, MB
+1204287|Winnipeg, MB
+1204324|Altona, MB
+1204325|Winkler, MB
+1204328|Rivers, MB
+1204331|Winkler, MB
+1204334|Winnipeg, MB
+1204336|Winnipeg, MB
+1204338|Winnipeg, MB
+1204339|Winnipeg, MB
+1204345|Lac du Bonnet, MB
+1204347|Saint Malo, MB
+1204353|Elie, MB
+1204373|Emerson, MB
+1204376|Arborg, MB
+1204378|Riverton, MB
+1204385|Gladstone, MB
+1204414|Winnipeg, MB
+1204415|Winnipeg, MB
+1204424|La Broquerie, MB
+1204434|Grunthal, MB
+1204444|Oakbank, MB
+1204447|Ste. Rose du Lac, MB
+1204452|Winnipeg, MB
+1204453|Winnipeg, MB
+1204467|Stonewall, MB
+1204474|Winnipeg, MB
+1204475|Winnipeg, MB
+1204476|Neepawa, MB
+1204477|Winnipeg, MB
+1204478|Winnipeg, MB
+1204482|Selkirk, MB
+1204483|Souris, MB
+1204487|Winnipeg, MB
+1204488|Winnipeg, MB
+1204489|Winnipeg, MB
+1204522|Melita, MB
+1204523|Killarney, MB
+1204529|Cartwright, MB
+1204534|Boissevain, MB
+1204546|Grandview, MB
+1204548|Gilbert Plains, MB
+1204571|Brandon, MB
+1204582|Winnipeg, MB
+1204586|Winnipeg, MB
+1204589|Winnipeg, MB
+1204622|Dauphin, MB
+1204632|Winnipeg, MB
+1204633|Winnipeg, MB
+1204636|Erickson, MB
+1204638|Dauphin, MB
+1204642|Gimli, MB
+1204654|Winnipeg, MB
+1204656|Winnipegosis, MB
+1204661|Winnipeg, MB
+1204663|Winnipeg, MB
+1204667|Winnipeg, MB
+1204668|Winnipeg, MB
+1204669|Winnipeg, MB
+1204675|Churchill, MB
+1204677|Thompson, MB
+1204685|MacGregor, MB
+1204687|Flin Flon, MB
+1204694|Winnipeg, MB
+1204697|Winnipeg, MB
+1204723|Treherne, MB
+1204725|Brandon, MB
+1204726|Brandon, MB
+1204727|Brandon, MB
+1204728|Brandon, MB
+1204729|Brandon, MB
+1204734|Swan River, MB
+1204744|Somerset, MB
+1204745|Carman, MB
+1204747|Deloraine, MB
+1204748|Virden, MB
+1204753|Pinawa, MB
+1204757|Lockport, MB
+1204759|Shoal Lake, MB
+1204762|Lundar, MB
+1204764|Hamiota, MB
+1204768|Ashern, MB
+1204772|Winnipeg, MB
+1204773|Russell, MB
+1204774|Winnipeg, MB
+1204775|Winnipeg, MB
+1204777|Winnipeg, MB
+1204778|Thompson, MB
+1204779|Winnipeg, MB
+1204783|Winnipeg, MB
+1204784|Winnipeg, MB
+1204785|Selkirk, MB
+1204786|Winnipeg, MB
+1204788|Winnipeg, MB
+1204822|Morden, MB
+1204825|Pilot Mound, MB
+1204827|Glenboro, MB
+1204834|Carberry, MB
+1204837|Winnipeg, MB
+1204842|Birtle, MB
+1204855|Oak Lake, MB
+1204857|Portage La Prairie, MB
+1204859|Rossburn, MB
+1204867|Minnedosa, MB
+1204873|Crystal City, MB
+1204877|Reston, MB
+1204885|Winnipeg, MB
+1204886|Teulon, MB
+1204888|Winnipeg, MB
+1204896|Winnipeg, MB
+1204925|Winnipeg, MB
+1204926|Winnipeg, MB
+1204927|Winnipeg, MB
+1204934|Winnipeg, MB
+1204937|Roblin, MB
+1204940|Winnipeg, MB
+1204942|Winnipeg, MB
+1204943|Winnipeg, MB
+1204944|Winnipeg, MB
+1204945|Winnipeg, MB
+1204946|Winnipeg, MB
+1204947|Winnipeg, MB
+1204949|Winnipeg, MB
+1204953|Winnipeg, MB
+1204954|Winnipeg, MB
+1204955|Winnipeg, MB
+1204956|Winnipeg, MB
+1204957|Winnipeg, MB
+1204958|Winnipeg, MB
+1204975|Winnipeg, MB
+1204982|Winnipeg, MB
+1204985|Winnipeg, MB
+1204986|Winnipeg, MB
+1204987|Winnipeg, MB
+1204988|Winnipeg, MB
+1204989|Winnipeg, MB
+1204999|Winnipeg, MB
+1205202|Birmingham, AL
+1205206|Birmingham, AL
+1205221|Jasper, AL
+1205226|Birmingham, AL
+1205231|Birmingham, AL
+1205244|Birmingham, AL
+1205248|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205250|Birmingham, AL
+1205251|Birmingham, AL
+1205252|Birmingham, AL
+1205254|Birmingham, AL
+1205268|Birmingham, AL
+1205271|Birmingham, AL
+1205274|Oneonta, AL
+1205279|Birmingham, AL
+1205280|Clanton, AL
+1205295|Jasper, AL
+1205297|Birmingham, AL
+1205302|Jasper, AL
+1205320|Birmingham, AL
+1205321|Birmingham, AL
+1205322|Birmingham, AL
+1205323|Birmingham, AL
+1205324|Birmingham, AL
+1205325|Birmingham, AL
+1205326|Birmingham, AL
+1205327|Birmingham, AL
+1205328|Birmingham, AL
+1205329|Birmingham, AL
+1205330|Northport, AL
+1205333|Northport, AL
+1205338|Pell City, AL
+1205339|Northport, AL
+1205343|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205344|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205345|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205348|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205349|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205364|Gordo, AL
+1205366|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205367|Carrollton, AL
+1205371|Moundville, AL
+1205372|Eutaw, AL
+1205373|Aliceville, AL
+1205375|Reform, AL
+1205384|Jasper, AL
+1205387|Jasper, AL
+1205391|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205397|Birmingham, AL
+1205408|Birmingham, AL
+1205424|Bessemer, AL
+1205425|Bessemer, AL
+1205426|Bessemer, AL
+1205428|Bessemer, AL
+1205429|Blountsville, AL
+1205437|Birmingham, AL
+1205458|Birmingham, AL
+1205459|Butler, AL
+1205468|Guin, AL
+1205472|Ragland, AL
+1205481|Bessemer, AL
+1205485|Haleyville, AL
+1205486|Haleyville, AL
+1205487|Winfield, AL
+1205488|Birmingham, AL
+1205489|Double Springs, AL
+1205502|Birmingham, AL
+1205521|Birmingham, AL
+1205554|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205558|Birmingham, AL
+1205581|Birmingham, AL
+1205591|Birmingham, AL
+1205592|Birmingham, AL
+1205594|Ashville, AL
+1205595|Birmingham, AL
+1205599|Birmingham, AL
+1205622|Oakman, AL
+1205625|Oneonta, AL
+1205631|Gardendale, AL
+1205652|Livingston, AL
+1205665|Montevallo, AL
+1205668|Calera, AL
+1205688|Jemison, AL
+1205689|Berry, AL
+1205695|Vernon, AL
+1205698|Sulligent, AL
+1205699|Leeds, AL
+1205702|Leeds, AL
+1205714|Birmingham, AL
+1205715|Birmingham, AL
+1205716|Birmingham, AL
+1205726|Birmingham, AL
+1205731|Birmingham, AL
+1205750|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205752|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205755|Clanton, AL
+1205758|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205759|Tuscaloosa, AL
+1205763|Lincoln, AL
+1205781|Birmingham, AL
+1205783|Birmingham, AL
+1205791|Birmingham, AL
+1205798|Birmingham, AL
+1205801|Birmingham, AL
+1205814|Pell City, AL
+1205833|Birmingham, AL
+1205836|Birmingham, AL
+1205838|Birmingham, AL
+1205877|Birmingham, AL
+1205884|Pell City, AL
+1205918|Birmingham, AL
+1205921|Hamilton, AL
+1205925|Birmingham, AL
+1205930|Birmingham, AL
+1205932|Fayette, AL
+1205933|Birmingham, AL
+1205934|Birmingham, AL
+1205939|Birmingham, AL
+1205943|Birmingham, AL
+1205975|Birmingham, AL
+1205980|Birmingham, AL
+1205981|Birmingham, AL
+1205991|Birmingham, AL
+1205993|Phil Campbell, AL
+1205995|Birmingham, AL
+1205996|Birmingham, AL
+1206215|Seattle, WA
+1206216|Seattle, WA
+1206217|Seattle, WA
+1206223|Seattle, WA
+1206224|Seattle, WA
+1206232|Mercer Island, WA
+1206233|Seattle, WA
+1206236|Mercer Island, WA
+1206252|Seattle, WA
+1206254|Seattle, WA
+1206256|Seattle, WA
+1206257|Seattle, WA
+1206262|Seattle, WA
+1206264|Seattle, WA
+1206270|Seattle, WA
+1206275|Mercer Island, WA
+1206277|Seattle, WA
+1206281|Seattle, WA
+1206282|Seattle, WA
+1206283|Seattle, WA
+1206284|Seattle, WA
+1206285|Seattle, WA
+1206286|Seattle, WA
+1206287|Seattle, WA
+1206288|Seattle, WA
+1206292|Seattle, WA
+1206297|Seattle, WA
+1206301|Seattle, WA
+1206302|Seattle, WA
+1206320|Seattle, WA
+1206322|Seattle, WA
+1206323|Seattle, WA
+1206324|Seattle, WA
+1206325|Seattle, WA
+1206326|Seattle, WA
+1206328|Seattle, WA
+1206329|Seattle, WA
+1206340|Seattle, WA
+1206341|Seattle, WA
+1206343|Seattle, WA
+1206344|Seattle, WA
+1206352|Seattle, WA
+1206359|Seattle, WA
+1206368|Seattle, WA
+1206374|Seattle, WA
+1206378|Seattle, WA
+1206381|Seattle, WA
+1206382|Seattle, WA
+1206386|Seattle, WA
+1206389|Seattle, WA
+1206402|Seattle, WA
+1206405|Seattle, WA
+1206441|Seattle, WA
+1206443|Seattle, WA
+1206447|Seattle, WA
+1206448|Seattle, WA
+1206461|Seattle, WA
+1206463|Vashon, WA
+1206464|Seattle, WA
+1206467|Seattle, WA
+1206505|Seattle, WA
+1206515|Seattle, WA
+1206517|Seattle, WA
+1206521|Seattle, WA
+1206522|Seattle, WA
+1206523|Seattle, WA
+1206524|Seattle, WA
+1206525|Seattle, WA
+1206526|Seattle, WA
+1206527|Seattle, WA
+1206528|Seattle, WA
+1206543|Seattle, WA
+1206545|Seattle, WA
+1206547|Seattle, WA
+1206548|Seattle, WA
+1206553|Seattle, WA
+1206568|Seattle, WA
+1206570|Seattle, WA
+1206583|Seattle, WA
+1206587|Seattle, WA
+1206598|Seattle, WA
+1206616|Seattle, WA
+1206621|Seattle, WA
+1206622|Seattle, WA
+1206623|Seattle, WA
+1206624|Seattle, WA
+1206625|Seattle, WA
+1206628|Seattle, WA
+1206632|Seattle, WA
+1206633|Seattle, WA
+1206634|Seattle, WA
+1206652|Seattle, WA
+1206654|Seattle, WA
+1206667|Seattle, WA
+1206675|Seattle, WA
+1206676|Seattle, WA
+1206682|Seattle, WA
+1206684|Seattle, WA
+1206685|Seattle, WA
+1206695|Seattle, WA
+1206706|Seattle, WA
+1206708|Seattle, WA
+1206709|Seattle, WA
+1206720|Seattle, WA
+1206721|Seattle, WA
+1206722|Seattle, WA
+1206723|Seattle, WA
+1206725|Seattle, WA
+1206726|Seattle, WA
+1206728|Seattle, WA
+1206729|Seattle, WA
+1206731|Seattle, WA
+1206744|Seattle, WA
+1206749|Seattle, WA
+1206760|Seattle, WA
+1206762|Seattle, WA
+1206763|Seattle, WA
+1206764|Seattle, WA
+1206767|Seattle, WA
+1206768|Seattle, WA
+1206772|Seattle, WA
+1206781|Seattle, WA
+1206782|Seattle, WA
+1206783|Seattle, WA
+1206784|Seattle, WA
+1206789|Seattle, WA
+1206839|Seattle, WA
+1206860|Seattle, WA
+1206897|Seattle, WA
+1206903|Seattle, WA
+1206923|Seattle, WA
+1206932|Seattle, WA
+1206933|Seattle, WA
+1206935|Seattle, WA
+1206937|Seattle, WA
+1206938|Seattle, WA
+1206956|Seattle, WA
+1206971|Seattle, WA
+1206985|Seattle, WA
+1206987|Seattle, WA
+1207223|Winterport, ME
+1207225|Turner, ME
+1207230|Camden, ME
+1207236|Camden, ME
+1207255|Machias, ME
+1207262|Bangor, ME
+1207273|Warren, ME
+1207287|Augusta, ME
+1207288|Bar Harbor, ME
+1207338|Belfast, ME
+1207345|Mechanic Falls, ME
+1207348|Deer Isle, ME
+1207351|York, ME
+1207354|Thomaston, ME
+1207363|York, ME
+1207368|Newport, ME
+1207374|Blue Hill, ME
+1207377|Winthrop, ME
+1207384|South Berwick, ME
+1207426|Clinton, ME
+1207435|Ashland, ME
+1207443|Bath, ME
+1207445|South China, ME
+1207454|Calais, ME
+1207457|Lebanon, ME
+1207465|Oakland, ME
+1207469|Bucksport, ME
+1207472|Fort Fairfield, ME
+1207474|Skowhegan, ME
+1207487|Pittsfield, ME
+1207492|Caribou, ME
+1207493|Caribou, ME
+1207496|Caribou, ME
+1207498|Caribou, ME
+1207523|Portland, ME
+1207532|Houlton, ME
+1207539|Oxford, ME
+1207541|Portland, ME
+1207548|Searsport, ME
+1207553|Portland, ME
+1207564|Dover-Foxcroft, ME
+1207591|Westbrook, ME
+1207594|Rockland, ME
+1207596|Rockland, ME
+1207621|Augusta, ME
+1207622|Augusta, ME
+1207623|Augusta, ME
+1207624|Augusta, ME
+1207626|Augusta, ME
+1207627|Casco, ME
+1207633|Boothbay Harbor, ME
+1207642|Standish, ME
+1207645|Wilton, ME
+1207646|Ogunquit, ME
+1207647|Bridgton, ME
+1207657|Gray, ME
+1207662|Portland, ME
+1207664|Ellsworth, ME
+1207667|Ellsworth, ME
+1207668|Jackman, ME
+1207676|North Berwick, ME
+1207693|Naples, ME
+1207695|Greenville, ME
+1207698|Berwick, ME
+1207723|Millinocket, ME
+1207728|Madawaska, ME
+1207733|Lubec, ME
+1207737|Richmond, ME
+1207746|East Millinocket, ME
+1207762|Presque Isle, ME
+1207764|Presque Isle, ME
+1207768|Presque Isle, ME
+1207769|Presque Isle, ME
+1207771|Portland, ME
+1207772|Portland, ME
+1207773|Portland, ME
+1207774|Portland, ME
+1207775|Portland, ME
+1207778|Farmington, ME
+1207780|Portland, ME
+1207781|Falmouth, ME
+1207785|Union, ME
+1207791|Portland, ME
+1207794|Lincoln, ME
+1207795|Lewiston, ME
+1207824|Bethel, ME
+1207832|Waldoboro, ME
+1207834|Fort Kent, ME
+1207839|Gorham, ME
+1207845|Washington, ME
+1207846|Yarmouth, ME
+1207854|Westbrook, ME
+1207856|Westbrook, ME
+1207857|Westbrook, ME
+1207862|Hampden, ME
+1207863|Vinalhaven, ME
+1207864|Rangeley, ME
+1207865|Freeport, ME
+1207866|Orono, ME
+1207868|Van Buren, ME
+1207871|Portland, ME
+1207872|Waterville, ME
+1207874|Portland, ME
+1207876|Guilford, ME
+1207879|Portland, ME
+1207883|Scarborough, ME
+1207885|Scarborough, ME
+1207892|Windham, ME
+1207893|Windham, ME
+1207894|Windham, ME
+1207897|Livermore Falls, ME
+1207924|Dexter, ME
+1207926|New Gloucester, ME
+1207934|Old Orchard Beach, ME
+1207935|Fryeburg, ME
+1207938|Hartland, ME
+1207941|Bangor, ME
+1207942|Bangor, ME
+1207943|Milo, ME
+1207945|Bangor, ME
+1207946|Greene, ME
+1207947|Bangor, ME
+1207973|Bangor, ME
+1207985|Kennebunk, ME
+1207989|Brewer, ME
+1207990|Bangor, ME
+1207992|Bangor, ME
+1207998|Poland, ME
+1208226|American Falls, ID
+1208227|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208229|Boise, ID
+1208232|Pocatello, ID
+1208233|Pocatello, ID
+1208234|Pocatello, ID
+1208235|Pocatello, ID
+1208236|Pocatello, ID
+1208239|Pocatello, ID
+1208245|St. Maries, ID
+1208253|Council, ID
+1208257|Cambridge, ID
+1208262|Post Falls, ID
+1208266|Clark Fork, ID
+1208267|Bonners Ferry, ID
+1208278|New Plymouth, ID
+1208282|Pocatello, ID
+1208285|Genesee, ID
+1208289|Kendrick, ID
+1208292|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208298|Lewiston, ID
+1208321|Boise, ID
+1208322|Boise, ID
+1208323|Boise, ID
+1208324|Jerome, ID
+1208326|Filer, ID
+1208327|Boise, ID
+1208331|Boise, ID
+1208332|Boise, ID
+1208333|Boise, ID
+1208334|Boise, ID
+1208336|Boise, ID
+1208337|Homedale, ID
+1208338|Boise, ID
+1208342|Boise, ID
+1208343|Boise, ID
+1208344|Boise, ID
+1208345|Boise, ID
+1208347|New Meadows, ID
+1208354|Driggs, ID
+1208356|Rexburg, ID
+1208357|Shelley, ID
+1208359|Rexburg, ID
+1208362|Boise, ID
+1208365|Emmett, ID
+1208367|Boise, ID
+1208368|Boise, ID
+1208373|Boise, ID
+1208375|Boise, ID
+1208376|Boise, ID
+1208377|Boise, ID
+1208378|Boise, ID
+1208381|Boise, ID
+1208382|Cascade, ID
+1208384|Boise, ID
+1208385|Boise, ID
+1208386|Boise, ID
+1208387|Boise, ID
+1208388|Boise, ID
+1208389|Boise, ID
+1208395|Boise, ID
+1208397|Aberdeen, ID
+1208414|Weiser, ID
+1208422|Boise, ID
+1208424|Boise, ID
+1208425|Grace, ID
+1208426|Boise, ID
+1208429|Boise, ID
+1208433|Boise, ID
+1208436|Rupert, ID
+1208438|Paul, ID
+1208442|Nampa, ID
+1208448|Priest River, ID
+1208452|Fruitland, ID
+1208453|Caldwell, ID
+1208454|Caldwell, ID
+1208455|Caldwell, ID
+1208457|Post Falls, ID
+1208459|Caldwell, ID
+1208461|Nampa, ID
+1208462|Garden Valley, ID
+1208463|Nampa, ID
+1208465|Nampa, ID
+1208466|Nampa, ID
+1208467|Nampa, ID
+1208468|Nampa, ID
+1208472|Boise, ID
+1208476|Orofino, ID
+1208478|Pocatello, ID
+1208482|Wilder, ID
+1208522|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208523|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208524|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208525|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208527|Arco, ID
+1208528|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208529|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208535|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208536|Wendell, ID
+1208542|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208543|Buhl, ID
+1208547|Soda Springs, ID
+1208549|Weiser, ID
+1208552|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208558|Island Park, ID
+1208580|Mountain Home, ID
+1208585|Middleton, ID
+1208587|Mountain Home, ID
+1208588|Mackay, ID
+1208612|Idaho Falls, ID
+1208623|Spirit Lake, ID
+1208624|St. Anthony, ID
+1208628|Riggins, ID
+1208634|McCall, ID
+1208642|Payette, ID
+1208644|Jerome, ID
+1208652|Ashton, ID
+1208656|Rexburg, ID
+1208658|Boise, ID
+1208663|Terreton, ID
+1208664|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208665|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208666|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208667|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208672|Boise, ID
+1208676|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208677|Burley, ID
+1208678|Burley, ID
+1208683|Athol, ID
+1208684|Blackfoot, ID
+1208686|Plummer, ID
+1208687|Rathdrum, ID
+1208689|Harrison, ID
+1208722|Parma, ID
+1208726|Ketchum, ID
+1208732|Twin Falls, ID
+1208733|Twin Falls, ID
+1208734|Twin Falls, ID
+1208735|Twin Falls, ID
+1208736|Twin Falls, ID
+1208737|Twin Falls, ID
+1208743|Lewiston, ID
+1208745|Rigby, ID
+1208746|Lewiston, ID
+1208756|Salmon, ID
+1208764|Fairfield, ID
+1208765|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208766|Malad City, ID
+1208769|Coeur d'Alene, ID
+1208773|Post Falls, ID
+1208776|Lava Hot Springs, ID
+1208777|Post Falls, ID
+1208782|Blackfoot, ID
+1208783|Kellogg, ID
+1208784|Kellogg, ID
+1208785|Blackfoot, ID
+1208787|Victor, ID
+1208792|Lewiston, ID
+1208798|Lewiston, ID
+1208799|Lewiston, ID
+1208829|Hazelton, ID
+1208834|Grand View, ID
+1208835|Troy, ID
+1208837|Hagerman, ID
+1208846|Meridian, ID
+1208847|Montpelier, ID
+1208852|Preston, ID
+1208853|Boise, ID
+1208854|Boise, ID
+1208855|Meridian, ID
+1208862|Oakley, ID
+1208878|Burley, ID
+1208879|Challis, ID
+1208882|Moscow, ID
+1208883|Moscow, ID
+1208884|Meridian, ID
+1208885|Moscow, ID
+1208886|Shoshone, ID
+1208887|Meridian, ID
+1208888|Meridian, ID
+1208892|Moscow, ID
+1208895|Meridian, ID
+1208897|Downey, ID
+1208922|Kuna, ID
+1208934|Gooding, ID
+1208935|Kamiah, ID
+1208937|Nezperce, ID
+1208962|Cottonwood, ID
+1208983|Grangeville, ID
+1209216|Turlock, CA
+1209221|Tracy, CA
+1209223|Jackson, CA
+1209235|Stockton, CA
+1209238|Modesto, CA
+1209239|Manteca, CA
+1209245|Plymouth, CA
+1209257|Jackson, CA
+1209267|Sutter Creek, CA
+1209274|Ione, CA
+1209295|Pioneer, CA
+1209333|Lodi, CA
+1209334|Lodi, CA
+1209339|Lodi, CA
+1209341|Modesto, CA
+1209357|Atwater, CA
+1209358|Atwater, CA
+1209365|Lodi, CA
+1209366|Lodi, CA
+1209367|Lodi, CA
+1209368|Lodi, CA
+1209369|Lodi, CA
+1209381|Merced, CA
+1209383|Merced, CA
+1209384|Merced, CA
+1209385|Merced, CA
+1209388|Merced, CA
+1209392|Dos Palos, CA
+1209394|Livingston, CA
+1209451|Stockton, CA
+1209460|Stockton, CA
+1209461|Stockton, CA
+1209462|Stockton, CA
+1209463|Stockton, CA
+1209464|Stockton, CA
+1209465|Stockton, CA
+1209466|Stockton, CA
+1209467|Stockton, CA
+1209469|Stockton, CA
+1209472|Stockton, CA
+1209473|Stockton, CA
+1209474|Stockton, CA
+1209475|Stockton, CA
+1209476|Stockton, CA
+1209477|Stockton, CA
+1209478|Stockton, CA
+1209491|Modesto, CA
+1209492|Modesto, CA
+1209521|Modesto, CA
+1209522|Modesto, CA
+1209523|Modesto, CA
+1209524|Modesto, CA
+1209525|Modesto, CA
+1209526|Modesto, CA
+1209527|Modesto, CA
+1209529|Modesto, CA
+1209532|Sonora, CA
+1209533|Sonora, CA
+1209536|Sonora, CA
+1209544|Modesto, CA
+1209546|Stockton, CA
+1209547|Stockton, CA
+1209549|Modesto, CA
+1209550|Modesto, CA
+1209551|Modesto, CA
+1209557|Modesto, CA
+1209558|Modesto, CA
+1209567|Modesto, CA
+1209569|Modesto, CA
+1209571|Modesto, CA
+1209572|Modesto, CA
+1209574|Modesto, CA
+1209575|Modesto, CA
+1209576|Modesto, CA
+1209577|Modesto, CA
+1209578|Modesto, CA
+1209579|Modesto, CA
+1209588|Sonora, CA
+1209599|Ripon, CA
+1209634|Turlock, CA
+1209656|Turlock, CA
+1209664|Turlock, CA
+1209667|Turlock, CA
+1209668|Turlock, CA
+1209669|Turlock, CA
+1209722|Merced, CA
+1209723|Merced, CA
+1209724|Merced, CA
+1209725|Merced, CA
+1209726|Merced, CA
+1209727|Lockeford, CA
+1209728|Murphys, CA
+1209735|Modesto, CA
+1209736|Angels Camp, CA
+1209742|Mariposa, CA
+1209744|Galt, CA
+1209745|Galt, CA
+1209754|San Andreas, CA
+1209772|Valley Springs, CA
+1209785|Copperopolis, CA
+1209795|Arnold, CA
+1209823|Manteca, CA
+1209824|Manteca, CA
+1209825|Manteca, CA
+1209826|Los Banos, CA
+1209827|Los Banos, CA
+1209830|Tracy, CA
+1209831|Tracy, CA
+1209832|Tracy, CA
+1209833|Tracy, CA
+1209834|Tracy, CA
+1209835|Tracy, CA
+1209836|Tracy, CA
+1209838|Escalon, CA
+1209839|Tracy, CA
+1209845|Oakdale, CA
+1209846|Modesto, CA
+1209847|Oakdale, CA
+1209848|Oakdale, CA
+1209854|Gustine, CA
+1209858|Lathrop, CA
+1209862|Newman, CA
+1209863|Riverbank, CA
+1209869|Riverbank, CA
+1209878|Coulterville, CA
+1209883|Hughson, CA
+1209887|Linden, CA
+1209888|Stockton, CA
+1209892|Patterson, CA
+1209895|Patterson, CA
+1209928|Tuolumne, CA
+1209931|Stockton, CA
+1209932|Stockton, CA
+1209933|Stockton, CA
+1209937|Stockton, CA
+1209939|Stockton, CA
+1209941|Stockton, CA
+1209942|Stockton, CA
+1209943|Stockton, CA
+1209944|Stockton, CA
+1209946|Stockton, CA
+1209948|Stockton, CA
+1209951|Stockton, CA
+1209952|Stockton, CA
+1209954|Stockton, CA
+1209955|Stockton, CA
+1209956|Stockton, CA
+1209957|Stockton, CA
+1209962|Groveland, CA
+1209966|Mariposa, CA
+1209984|Jamestown, CA
+1210|San Antonio, TX
+1212|New York, NY
+1213|Los Angeles, CA
+1214200|Dallas, TX
+1214219|Dallas, TX
+1214220|Dallas, TX
+1214221|Dallas, TX
+1214252|Dallas, TX
+1214265|Dallas, TX
+1214267|Dallas, TX
+1214275|Dallas, TX
+1214303|Dallas, TX
+1214309|Dallas, TX
+1214319|Dallas, TX
+1214320|Dallas, TX
+1214321|Dallas, TX
+1214324|Dallas, TX
+1214327|Dallas, TX
+1214328|Dallas, TX
+1214330|Dallas, TX
+1214331|Dallas, TX
+1214333|Dallas, TX
+1214337|Dallas, TX
+1214339|Dallas, TX
+1214340|Dallas, TX
+1214341|Dallas, TX
+1214342|Dallas, TX
+1214345|Dallas, TX
+1214348|Dallas, TX
+1214349|Dallas, TX
+1214350|Dallas, TX
+1214351|Dallas, TX
+1214352|Dallas, TX
+1214353|Dallas, TX
+1214357|Dallas, TX
+1214358|Dallas, TX
+1214360|Dallas, TX
+1214361|Dallas, TX
+1214363|Dallas, TX
+1214365|Dallas, TX
+1214366|Dallas, TX
+1214368|Dallas, TX
+1214369|Dallas, TX
+1214370|Dallas, TX
+1214371|Dallas, TX
+1214372|Dallas, TX
+1214373|Dallas, TX
+1214374|Dallas, TX
+1214375|Dallas, TX
+1214376|Dallas, TX
+1214378|Dallas, TX
+1214381|Dallas, TX
+1214388|Dallas, TX
+1214391|Dallas, TX
+1214397|Dallas, TX
+1214398|Dallas, TX
+1214421|Dallas, TX
+1214426|Dallas, TX
+1214428|Dallas, TX
+1214441|Irving, TX
+1214443|Dallas, TX
+1214456|Dallas, TX
+1214467|Dallas, TX
+1214468|Dallas, TX
+1214488|Lewisville, TX
+1214503|Dallas, TX
+1214515|Dallas, TX
+1214520|Dallas, TX
+1214521|Dallas, TX
+1214522|Dallas, TX
+1214523|Dallas, TX
+1214525|Dallas, TX
+1214526|Dallas, TX
+1214528|Dallas, TX
+1214544|McKinney, TX
+1214553|Dallas, TX
+1214559|Dallas, TX
+1214565|Dallas, TX
+1214571|Dallas, TX
+1214573|Dallas, TX
+1214590|Dallas, TX
+1214596|Irving, TX
+1214599|Dallas, TX
+1214623|Dallas, TX
+1214630|Dallas, TX
+1214631|Dallas, TX
+1214634|Dallas, TX
+1214637|Dallas, TX
+1214638|Dallas, TX
+1214645|Dallas, TX
+1214648|Dallas, TX
+1214651|Dallas, TX
+1214653|Dallas, TX
+1214654|Dallas, TX
+1214655|Dallas, TX
+1214658|Dallas, TX
+1214659|Dallas, TX
+1214660|Dallas, TX
+1214661|Dallas, TX
+1214665|Dallas, TX
+1214670|Dallas, TX
+1214672|Dallas, TX
+1214678|Dallas, TX
+1214688|Dallas, TX
+1214691|Dallas, TX
+1214692|Dallas, TX
+1214696|Dallas, TX
+1214698|Dallas, TX
+1214703|Garland, TX
+1214706|Dallas, TX
+1214720|Dallas, TX
+1214739|Dallas, TX
+1214740|Dallas, TX
+1214741|Dallas, TX
+1214742|Dallas, TX
+1214743|Dallas, TX
+1214744|Dallas, TX
+1214745|Dallas, TX
+1214746|Dallas, TX
+1214747|Dallas, TX
+1214748|Dallas, TX
+1214749|Dallas, TX
+1214750|Dallas, TX
+1214752|Dallas, TX
+1214758|Dallas, TX
+1214760|Dallas, TX
+1214761|Dallas, TX
+1214768|Dallas, TX
+1214778|Plano, TX
+1214800|Dallas, TX
+1214818|Dallas, TX
+1214819|Dallas, TX
+1214820|Dallas, TX
+1214821|Dallas, TX
+1214823|Dallas, TX
+1214824|Dallas, TX
+1214826|Dallas, TX
+1214827|Dallas, TX
+1214828|Dallas, TX
+1214841|Dallas, TX
+1214855|Dallas, TX
+1214857|Dallas, TX
+1214871|Dallas, TX
+1214874|Dallas, TX
+1214879|Dallas, TX
+1214880|Dallas, TX
+1214887|Dallas, TX
+1214890|Dallas, TX
+1214891|Dallas, TX
+1214902|Dallas, TX
+1214904|Dallas, TX
+1214905|Dallas, TX
+1214915|Dallas, TX
+1214920|Dallas, TX
+1214922|Dallas, TX
+1214939|Dallas, TX
+1214941|Dallas, TX
+1214942|Dallas, TX
+1214943|Dallas, TX
+1214946|Dallas, TX
+1214948|Dallas, TX
+1214951|Dallas, TX
+1214953|Dallas, TX
+1214954|Dallas, TX
+1214956|Dallas, TX
+1214965|Dallas, TX
+1214969|Dallas, TX
+1214978|Dallas, TX
+1214979|Dallas, TX
+1214987|Dallas, TX
+1214989|Dallas, TX
+1214999|Dallas, TX
+1215203|Philadelphia, PA
+1215204|Philadelphia, PA
+1215214|Philadelphia, PA
+1215218|Philadelphia, PA
+1215221|Philadelphia, PA
+1215222|Philadelphia, PA
+1215223|Philadelphia, PA
+1215224|Philadelphia, PA
+1215225|Philadelphia, PA
+1215226|Philadelphia, PA
+1215227|Philadelphia, PA
+1215228|Philadelphia, PA
+1215229|Philadelphia, PA
+1215230|Doylestown, PA
+1215232|Philadelphia, PA
+1215235|Philadelphia, PA
+1215236|Philadelphia, PA
+1215238|Philadelphia, PA
+1215241|Philadelphia, PA
+1215242|Philadelphia, PA
+1215243|Philadelphia, PA
+1215245|Bensalem, PA
+1215246|Philadelphia, PA
+1215247|Philadelphia, PA
+1215248|Philadelphia, PA
+1215254|Philadelphia, PA
+1215256|Harleysville, PA
+1215268|Philadelphia, PA
+1215271|Philadelphia, PA
+1215276|Philadelphia, PA
+1215281|Philadelphia, PA
+1215282|Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA
+1215288|Philadelphia, PA
+1215289|Philadelphia, PA
+1215291|Philadelphia, PA
+1215305|Philadelphia, PA
+1215320|Philadelphia, PA
+1215324|Philadelphia, PA
+1215329|Philadelphia, PA
+1215331|Philadelphia, PA
+1215332|Philadelphia, PA
+1215333|Philadelphia, PA
+1215334|Philadelphia, PA
+1215335|Philadelphia, PA
+1215336|Philadelphia, PA
+1215338|Philadelphia, PA
+1215339|Philadelphia, PA
+1215340|Doylestown, PA
+1215342|Philadelphia, PA
+1215345|Doylestown, PA
+1215348|Doylestown, PA
+1215349|Philadelphia, PA
+1215351|Philadelphia, PA
+1215365|Philadelphia, PA
+1215382|Philadelphia, PA
+1215386|Philadelphia, PA
+1215387|Philadelphia, PA
+1215389|Philadelphia, PA
+1215413|Philadelphia, PA
+1215423|Philadelphia, PA
+1215424|Philadelphia, PA
+1215425|Philadelphia, PA
+1215426|Philadelphia, PA
+1215427|Philadelphia, PA
+1215430|Philadelphia, PA
+1215437|Philadelphia, PA
+1215438|Philadelphia, PA
+1215440|Philadelphia, PA
+1215452|Philadelphia, PA
+1215455|Philadelphia, PA
+1215456|Philadelphia, PA
+1215457|Philadelphia, PA
+1215462|Philadelphia, PA
+1215463|Philadelphia, PA
+1215464|Philadelphia, PA
+1215465|Philadelphia, PA
+1215467|Philadelphia, PA
+1215468|Philadelphia, PA
+1215471|Philadelphia, PA
+1215472|Philadelphia, PA
+1215473|Philadelphia, PA
+1215474|Philadelphia, PA
+1215476|Philadelphia, PA
+1215477|Philadelphia, PA
+1215481|Abington, PA
+1215482|Philadelphia, PA
+1215483|Philadelphia, PA
+1215487|Philadelphia, PA
+1215489|Doylestown, PA
+1215492|Philadelphia, PA
+1215496|Philadelphia, PA
+1215503|Philadelphia, PA
+1215508|Philadelphia, PA
+1215513|Harleysville, PA
+1215528|Philadelphia, PA
+1215529|Quakertown, PA
+1215533|Philadelphia, PA
+1215535|Philadelphia, PA
+1215536|Quakertown, PA
+1215537|Philadelphia, PA
+1215538|Quakertown, PA
+1215545|Philadelphia, PA
+1215546|Philadelphia, PA
+1215548|Philadelphia, PA
+1215549|Philadelphia, PA
+1215551|Philadelphia, PA
+1215557|Philadelphia, PA
+1215560|Philadelphia, PA
+1215561|Philadelphia, PA
+1215563|Philadelphia, PA
+1215564|Philadelphia, PA
+1215567|Philadelphia, PA
+1215569|Philadelphia, PA
+1215573|Philadelphia, PA
+1215574|Philadelphia, PA
+1215575|Philadelphia, PA
+1215581|Philadelphia, PA
+1215587|Philadelphia, PA
+1215590|Philadelphia, PA
+1215592|Philadelphia, PA
+1215597|Philadelphia, PA
+1215599|Philadelphia, PA
+1215606|Philadelphia, PA
+1215612|Philadelphia, PA
+1215613|Philadelphia, PA
+1215615|Philadelphia, PA
+1215624|Philadelphia, PA
+1215625|Philadelphia, PA
+1215627|Philadelphia, PA
+1215629|Philadelphia, PA
+1215632|Philadelphia, PA
+1215633|Bensalem, PA
+1215634|Philadelphia, PA
+1215636|Philadelphia, PA
+1215637|Philadelphia, PA
+1215638|Bensalem, PA
+1215639|Bensalem, PA
+1215640|Philadelphia, PA
+1215656|Philadelphia, PA
+1215658|Willow Grove, PA
+1215659|Willow Grove, PA
+1215662|Philadelphia, PA
+1215665|Philadelphia, PA
+1215671|Philadelphia, PA
+1215673|Philadelphia, PA
+1215676|Philadelphia, PA
+1215677|Philadelphia, PA
+1215684|Philadelphia, PA
+1215685|Philadelphia, PA
+1215686|Philadelphia, PA
+1215698|Philadelphia, PA
+1215707|Philadelphia, PA
+1215708|Philadelphia, PA
+1215710|Langhorne, PA
+1215717|Philadelphia, PA
+1215722|Philadelphia, PA
+1215724|Philadelphia, PA
+1215725|Philadelphia, PA
+1215726|Philadelphia, PA
+1215727|Philadelphia, PA
+1215728|Philadelphia, PA
+1215729|Philadelphia, PA
+1215731|Philadelphia, PA
+1215732|Philadelphia, PA
+1215733|Philadelphia, PA
+1215735|Philadelphia, PA
+1215739|Philadelphia, PA
+1215742|Philadelphia, PA
+1215743|Philadelphia, PA
+1215744|Philadelphia, PA
+1215745|Philadelphia, PA
+1215746|Philadelphia, PA
+1215747|Philadelphia, PA
+1215748|Philadelphia, PA
+1215751|Philadelphia, PA
+1215753|Philadelphia, PA
+1215755|Philadelphia, PA
+1215762|Philadelphia, PA
+1215763|Philadelphia, PA
+1215765|Philadelphia, PA
+1215769|Philadelphia, PA
+1215772|Philadelphia, PA
+1215787|Philadelphia, PA
+1215788|Bristol, PA
+1215790|Philadelphia, PA
+1215807|Philadelphia, PA
+1215823|Philadelphia, PA
+1215824|Philadelphia, PA
+1215827|Philadelphia, PA
+1215829|Philadelphia, PA
+1215831|Philadelphia, PA
+1215832|Philadelphia, PA
+1215842|Philadelphia, PA
+1215843|Philadelphia, PA
+1215844|Philadelphia, PA
+1215848|Philadelphia, PA
+1215849|Philadelphia, PA
+1215851|Philadelphia, PA
+1215854|Philadelphia, PA
+1215856|Philadelphia, PA
+1215861|Philadelphia, PA
+1215862|New Hope, PA
+1215863|Philadelphia, PA
+1215864|Philadelphia, PA
+1215871|Philadelphia, PA
+1215875|Philadelphia, PA
+1215877|Philadelphia, PA
+1215878|Philadelphia, PA
+1215879|Philadelphia, PA
+1215893|Philadelphia, PA
+1215898|Philadelphia, PA
+1215904|Philadelphia, PA
+1215921|Philadelphia, PA
+1215922|Philadelphia, PA
+1215923|Philadelphia, PA
+1215924|Philadelphia, PA
+1215925|Philadelphia, PA
+1215927|Philadelphia, PA
+1215928|Philadelphia, PA
+1215931|Philadelphia, PA
+1215934|Philadelphia, PA
+1215937|Philadelphia, PA
+1215940|Philadelphia, PA
+1215941|Philadelphia, PA
+1215951|Philadelphia, PA
+1215952|Philadelphia, PA
+1215955|Philadelphia, PA
+1215963|Philadelphia, PA
+1215969|Philadelphia, PA
+1215972|Philadelphia, PA
+1215978|Philadelphia, PA
+1215979|Philadelphia, PA
+1215981|Philadelphia, PA
+1215985|Philadelphia, PA
+1215988|Philadelphia, PA
+1215991|Philadelphia, PA
+1216229|Cleveland, OH
+1216231|Cleveland, OH
+1216241|Cleveland, OH
+1216249|Cleveland, OH
+1216251|Cleveland, OH
+1216252|Cleveland, OH
+1216267|Cleveland, OH
+1216268|Cleveland, OH
+1216271|Cleveland, OH
+1216274|Cleveland, OH
+1216281|Cleveland, OH
+1216298|Cleveland, OH
+1216341|Cleveland, OH
+1216344|Cleveland, OH
+1216348|Cleveland, OH
+1216351|Cleveland, OH
+1216357|Cleveland, OH
+1216361|Cleveland, OH
+1216363|Cleveland, OH
+1216368|Cleveland, OH
+1216370|Cleveland, OH
+1216383|Cleveland, OH
+1216391|Cleveland, OH
+1216398|Cleveland, OH
+1216420|Cleveland, OH
+1216421|Cleveland, OH
+1216426|Cleveland, OH
+1216429|Cleveland, OH
+1216431|Cleveland, OH
+1216432|Cleveland, OH
+1216433|Cleveland, OH
+1216441|Cleveland, OH
+1216443|Cleveland, OH
+1216444|Cleveland, OH
+1216445|Cleveland, OH
+1216451|Cleveland, OH
+1216458|Cleveland, OH
+1216459|Cleveland, OH
+1216475|Cleveland, OH
+1216476|Cleveland, OH
+1216479|Cleveland, OH
+1216481|Cleveland, OH
+1216486|Cleveland, OH
+1216522|Cleveland, OH
+1216523|Cleveland, OH
+1216531|Cleveland, OH
+1216541|Cleveland, OH
+1216566|Cleveland, OH
+1216574|Cleveland, OH
+1216575|Cleveland, OH
+1216579|Cleveland, OH
+1216583|Cleveland, OH
+1216586|Cleveland, OH
+1216589|Cleveland, OH
+1216619|Cleveland, OH
+1216621|Cleveland, OH
+1216622|Cleveland, OH
+1216623|Cleveland, OH
+1216631|Cleveland, OH
+1216641|Cleveland, OH
+1216651|Cleveland, OH
+1216658|Cleveland, OH
+1216661|Cleveland, OH
+1216663|Cleveland, OH
+1216664|Cleveland, OH
+1216671|Cleveland, OH
+1216681|Cleveland, OH
+1216687|Cleveland, OH
+1216688|Cleveland, OH
+1216696|Cleveland, OH
+1216707|Cleveland, OH
+1216721|Cleveland, OH
+1216741|Cleveland, OH
+1216749|Cleveland, OH
+1216761|Cleveland, OH
+1216771|Cleveland, OH
+1216778|Cleveland, OH
+1216781|Cleveland, OH
+1216787|Cleveland, OH
+1216791|Cleveland, OH
+1216830|Cleveland, OH
+1216844|Cleveland, OH
+1216851|Cleveland, OH
+1216861|Cleveland, OH
+1216875|Cleveland, OH
+1216881|Cleveland, OH
+1216883|Cleveland, OH
+1216889|Cleveland, OH
+1216921|Cleveland, OH
+1216928|Cleveland, OH
+1216939|Cleveland, OH
+1216941|Cleveland, OH
+1216957|Cleveland, OH
+1216961|Cleveland, OH
+1217221|Quincy, IL
+1217222|Quincy, IL
+1217223|Quincy, IL
+1217224|Quincy, IL
+1217226|Assumption, IL
+1217228|Quincy, IL
+1217233|Decatur, IL
+1217234|Mattoon, IL
+1217235|Mattoon, IL
+1217238|Mattoon, IL
+1217241|Springfield, IL
+1217243|Jacksonville, IL
+1217245|Jacksonville, IL
+1217253|Tuscola, IL
+1217256|Warsaw, IL
+1217258|Mattoon, IL
+1217267|Westville, IL
+1217268|Arcola, IL
+1217269|Chrisman, IL
+1217277|Quincy, IL
+1217283|Hoopeston, IL
+1217285|Pittsfield, IL
+1217287|Taylorville, IL
+1217322|Rushville, IL
+1217323|Beardstown, IL
+1217324|Litchfield, IL
+1217328|Urbana, IL
+1217330|Decatur, IL
+1217335|Barry, IL
+1217337|Urbana, IL
+1217342|Effingham, IL
+1217344|Urbana, IL
+1217345|Charleston, IL
+1217346|Oakland, IL
+1217347|Effingham, IL
+1217348|Charleston, IL
+1217351|Champaign, IL
+1217352|Champaign, IL
+1217355|Champaign, IL
+1217356|Champaign, IL
+1217357|Carthage, IL
+1217359|Champaign, IL
+1217362|Decatur, IL
+1217366|Champaign, IL
+1217367|Urbana, IL
+1217368|Greenfield, IL
+1217373|Champaign, IL
+1217374|White Hall, IL
+1217379|Paxton, IL
+1217382|Martinsville, IL
+1217383|Urbana, IL
+1217384|Urbana, IL
+1217392|Augusta, IL
+1217398|Champaign, IL
+1217403|Champaign, IL
+1217421|Decatur, IL
+1217422|Decatur, IL
+1217423|Decatur, IL
+1217424|Decatur, IL
+1217425|Decatur, IL
+1217428|Decatur, IL
+1217429|Decatur, IL
+1217431|Danville, IL
+1217435|Waverly, IL
+1217438|Auburn, IL
+1217442|Danville, IL
+1217443|Danville, IL
+1217446|Danville, IL
+1217452|Virginia, IL
+1217453|Nauvoo, IL
+1217459|Windsor, IL
+1217463|Paris, IL
+1217464|Decatur, IL
+1217465|Paris, IL
+1217466|Paris, IL
+1217479|Jacksonville, IL
+1217482|Mason City, IL
+1217483|Chatham, IL
+1217485|Tolono, IL
+1217488|New Berlin, IL
+1217489|Mansfield, IL
+1217492|Springfield, IL
+1217496|Sherman, IL
+1217498|Rochester, IL
+1217522|Springfield, IL
+1217523|Springfield, IL
+1217525|Springfield, IL
+1217528|Springfield, IL
+1217529|Springfield, IL
+1217532|Hillsboro, IL
+1217535|Springfield, IL
+1217543|Arthur, IL
+1217544|Springfield, IL
+1217545|Springfield, IL
+1217546|Springfield, IL
+1217547|Springfield, IL
+1217554|Danville, IL
+1217562|Pana, IL
+1217563|Nokomis, IL
+1217568|Gifford, IL
+1217585|Springfield, IL
+1217586|Mahomet, IL
+1217589|Roodhouse, IL
+1217593|Camp Point, IL
+1217625|Pawnee, IL
+1217626|Pleasant Plains, IL
+1217627|Girard, IL
+1217629|Riverton, IL
+1217632|Petersburg, IL
+1217648|Atlanta, IL
+1217659|La Harpe, IL
+1217662|Georgetown, IL
+1217665|Bethany, IL
+1217670|Springfield, IL
+1217678|Bement, IL
+1217679|Springfield, IL
+1217698|Springfield, IL
+1217707|Philadelphia, PA
+1217726|Springfield, IL
+1217728|Sullivan, IL
+1217732|Lincoln, IL
+1217735|Lincoln, IL
+1217742|Winchester, IL
+1217744|Springfield, IL
+1217753|Springfield, IL
+1217757|Springfield, IL
+1217762|Monticello, IL
+1217764|Macon, IL
+1217768|Moweaqua, IL
+1217773|Mount Sterling, IL
+1217774|Shelbyville, IL
+1217782|Springfield, IL
+1217784|Gibson City, IL
+1217785|Springfield, IL
+1217786|Springfield, IL
+1217787|Springfield, IL
+1217788|Springfield, IL
+1217789|Springfield, IL
+1217793|Springfield, IL
+1217794|Maroa, IL
+1217824|Taylorville, IL
+1217826|Marshall, IL
+1217832|Villa Grove, IL
+1217833|Griggsville, IL
+1217839|Gillespie, IL
+1217847|Hamilton, IL
+1217849|Toledo, IL
+1217854|Carlinville, IL
+1217857|Teutopolis, IL
+1217862|Springfield, IL
+1217875|Decatur, IL
+1217876|Decatur, IL
+1217877|Decatur, IL
+1217892|Rantoul, IL
+1217893|Rantoul, IL
+1217895|Neoga, IL
+1217923|Greenup, IL
+1217932|Casey, IL
+1217935|Clinton, IL
+1217936|Mendon, IL
+1217937|Clinton, IL
+1217942|Carrollton, IL
+1217965|Virden, IL
+1217999|Mount Olive, IL
+1218229|Aurora, MN
+1218233|Moorhead, MN
+1218236|Moorhead, MN
+1218237|Park Rapids, MN
+1218246|Deer River, MN
+1218249|Duluth, MN
+1218253|Red Lake Falls, MN
+1218254|Chisholm, MN
+1218262|Hibbing, MN
+1218263|Hibbing, MN
+1218278|Littlefork, MN
+1218281|Crookston, MN
+1218283|International Falls, MN
+1218284|Moorhead, MN
+1218299|Moorhead, MN
+1218326|Grand Rapids, MN
+1218327|Grand Rapids, MN
+1218333|Bemidji, MN
+1218334|Frazee, MN
+1218335|Cass Lake, MN
+1218338|Parkers Prairie, MN
+1218342|Vergas, MN
+1218346|Perham, MN
+1218352|Motley, MN
+1218354|Barnesville, MN
+1218362|Hibbing, MN
+1218363|Longville, MN
+1218365|Ely, MN
+1218367|Ottertail, MN
+1218384|Carlton, MN
+1218385|New York Mills, MN
+1218386|Warroad, MN
+1218387|Grand Marais, MN
+1218426|McGregor, MN
+1218435|Fosston, MN
+1218436|Karlstad, MN
+1218437|Argyle, MN
+1218444|Bemidji, MN
+1218456|Halstad, MN
+1218463|Roseau, MN
+1218464|Duluth, MN
+1218476|Floodwood, MN
+1218477|Moorhead, MN
+1218483|Hawley, MN
+1218485|Moose Lake, MN
+1218498|Glyndon, MN
+1218525|Duluth, MN
+1218528|Badger, MN
+1218546|Crosby, MN
+1218547|Walker, MN
+1218563|McIntosh, MN
+1218564|Menahga, MN
+1218566|Remer, MN
+1218568|Pequot Lakes, MN
+1218583|Henning, MN
+1218584|Twin Valley, MN
+1218587|Pine River, MN
+1218624|Duluth, MN
+1218625|Duluth, MN
+1218626|Duluth, MN
+1218628|Duluth, MN
+1218631|Wadena, MN
+1218632|Wadena, MN
+1218634|Baudette, MN
+1218643|Breckenridge, MN
+1218666|Cook, MN
+1218675|Hackensack, MN
+1218681|Thief River Falls, MN
+1218683|Thief River Falls, MN
+1218685|Elbow Lake, MN
+1218687|Erskine, MN
+1218692|Crosslake, MN
+1218694|Bagley, MN
+1218697|Hill City, MN
+1218720|Duluth, MN
+1218721|Duluth, MN
+1218722|Duluth, MN
+1218723|Duluth, MN
+1218724|Duluth, MN
+1218725|Duluth, MN
+1218726|Duluth, MN
+1218727|Duluth, MN
+1218728|Duluth, MN
+1218730|Duluth, MN
+1218732|Park Rapids, MN
+1218733|Duluth, MN
+1218736|Fergus Falls, MN
+1218739|Fergus Falls, MN
+1218740|Duluth, MN
+1218741|Virginia, MN
+1218743|Bigfork, MN
+1218744|Eveleth, MN
+1218745|Warren, MN
+1218749|Virginia, MN
+1218751|Bemidji, MN
+1218753|Tower, MN
+1218755|Bemidji, MN
+1218756|Clarissa, MN
+1218757|Orr, MN
+1218759|Bemidji, MN
+1218764|Brainerd, MN
+1218765|Merrifield, MN
+1218768|McGregor, MN
+1218773|East Grand Forks, MN
+1218776|Clearbrook, MN
+1218782|Greenbush, MN
+1218784|Ada, MN
+1218786|Duluth, MN
+1218826|Underwood, MN
+1218827|Babbitt, MN
+1218834|Two Harbors, MN
+1218835|Blackduck, MN
+1218837|Sebeka, MN
+1218843|Hallock, MN
+1218844|Detroit Lakes, MN
+1218846|Detroit Lakes, MN
+1218847|Detroit Lakes, MN
+1218863|Pelican Rapids, MN
+1218864|Battle Lake, MN
+1218867|Rothsay, MN
+1218874|Newfolden, MN
+1218878|Cloquet, MN
+1218879|Cloquet, MN
+1218885|Nashwauk, MN
+1218894|Staples, MN
+1218927|Aitkin, MN
+1218935|Mahnomen, MN
+1218945|Fertile, MN
+1218963|Nisswa, MN
+1218998|Fergus Falls, MN
+1218999|Grand Rapids, MN
+1219226|Crown Point, IN
+1219253|Monon, IN
+1219261|Remington, IN
+1219263|Valparaiso, IN
+1219275|Brook, IN
+1219279|Wolcott, IN
+1219285|Morocco, IN
+1219297|Goodland, IN
+1219324|La Porte, IN
+1219325|La Porte, IN
+1219326|La Porte, IN
+1219362|La Porte, IN
+1219374|Cedar Lake, IN
+1219391|East Chicago, IN
+1219392|East Chicago, IN
+1219395|Chesterton, IN
+1219397|East Chicago, IN
+1219398|East Chicago, IN
+1219462|Valparaiso, IN
+1219464|Valparaiso, IN
+1219465|Valparaiso, IN
+1219473|Whiting, IN
+1219474|Kentland, IN
+1219476|Valparaiso, IN
+1219477|Valparaiso, IN
+1219531|Valparaiso, IN
+1219548|Valparaiso, IN
+1219567|Francesville, IN
+1219659|Whiting, IN
+1219661|Crown Point, IN
+1219662|Crown Point, IN
+1219663|Crown Point, IN
+1219696|Lowell, IN
+1219736|Merrillville, IN
+1219738|Merrillville, IN
+1219756|Merrillville, IN
+1219762|Portage, IN
+1219763|Portage, IN
+1219764|Portage, IN
+1219766|Kouts, IN
+1219769|Merrillville, IN
+1219785|Westville, IN
+1219795|Merrillville, IN
+1219836|Munster, IN
+1219844|Hammond, IN
+1219845|Hammond, IN
+1219852|Hammond, IN
+1219853|Hammond, IN
+1219866|Rensselaer, IN
+1219872|Michigan City, IN
+1219873|Michigan City, IN
+1219874|Michigan City, IN
+1219877|Michigan City, IN
+1219878|Michigan City, IN
+1219879|Michigan City, IN
+1219880|Gary, IN
+1219881|Gary, IN
+1219882|Gary, IN
+1219883|Gary, IN
+1219885|Gary, IN
+1219886|Gary, IN
+1219921|Chesterton, IN
+1219926|Chesterton, IN
+1219931|Hammond, IN
+1219932|Hammond, IN
+1219933|Hammond, IN
+1219937|Hammond, IN
+1219938|Gary, IN
+1219939|Gary, IN
+1219942|Hobart, IN
+1219944|Gary, IN
+1219949|Gary, IN
+1219956|Wheatfield, IN
+1219977|Gary, IN
+1219987|De Motte, IN
+1219992|Lake Village, IN
+1219996|Hebron, IN
+1224610|North Chicago, IL
+1225201|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225215|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225216|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225218|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225219|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225222|Greensburg, LA
+1225231|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225243|Denham Springs, LA
+1225246|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225248|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225262|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225265|Vacherie, LA
+1225272|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225273|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225274|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225275|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225291|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225292|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225293|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225295|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225296|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225298|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225302|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225341|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225342|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225343|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225344|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225354|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225355|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225356|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225357|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225358|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225359|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225368|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225372|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225381|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225382|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225383|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225387|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225388|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225389|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225408|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225448|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225473|Donaldsonville, LA
+1225492|Batchelor, LA
+1225545|White Castle, LA
+1225562|Convent, LA
+1225578|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225615|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225621|Gonzales, LA
+1225625|Maringouin, LA
+1225634|Jackson, LA
+1225635|St. Francisville, LA
+1225638|New Roads, LA
+1225644|Gonzales, LA
+1225647|Gonzales, LA
+1225654|Zachary, LA
+1225658|Zachary, LA
+1225664|Denham Springs, LA
+1225665|Denham Springs, LA
+1225683|Clinton, LA
+1225686|Livingston, LA
+1225687|Plaquemine, LA
+1225706|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225751|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225752|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225753|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225754|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225755|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225756|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225757|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225761|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225763|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225765|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225766|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225767|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225768|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225769|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225810|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225819|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225922|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225923|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225924|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225925|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225926|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225927|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225928|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225929|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225930|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225932|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225952|Baton Rouge, LA
+1225987|Baton Rouge, LA
+1226663|London, ON
+1228206|Gulfport, MS
+1228328|Gulfport, MS
+1228374|Biloxi, MS
+1228376|Biloxi, MS
+1228377|Keesler Afb, MS
+1228385|Biloxi, MS
+1228388|Biloxi, MS
+1228432|Biloxi, MS
+1228435|Biloxi, MS
+1228436|Biloxi, MS
+1228452|Pass Christian, MS
+1228474|Moss Point, MS
+1228475|Moss Point, MS
+1228497|Gautier, MS
+1228522|Gautier, MS
+1228523|Biloxi, MS
+1228539|Gulfport, MS
+1228575|Gulfport, MS
+1228594|Biloxi, MS
+1228604|Gulfport, MS
+1228696|Pascagoula, MS
+1228762|Pascagoula, MS
+1228769|Pascagoula, MS
+1228809|Pascagoula, MS
+1228818|Ocean Springs, MS
+1228822|Gulfport, MS
+1228831|Gulfport, MS
+1228832|Gulfport, MS
+1228863|Gulfport, MS
+1228864|Gulfport, MS
+1228865|Gulfport, MS
+1228867|Gulfport, MS
+1228868|Gulfport, MS
+1228872|Ocean Springs, MS
+1228875|Ocean Springs, MS
+1228896|Gulfport, MS
+1228897|Gulfport, MS
+1228938|Pascagoula, MS
+1229219|Valdosta, GA
+1229225|Thomasville, GA
+1229226|Thomasville, GA
+1229227|Thomasville, GA
+1229228|Thomasville, GA
+1229238|Tifton, GA
+1229241|Valdosta, GA
+1229242|Valdosta, GA
+1229243|Bainbridge, GA
+1229244|Valdosta, GA
+1229245|Valdosta, GA
+1229246|Bainbridge, GA
+1229247|Valdosta, GA
+1229248|Bainbridge, GA
+1229249|Valdosta, GA
+1229253|Valdosta, GA
+1229259|Valdosta, GA
+1229263|Quitman, GA
+1229268|Vienna, GA
+1229271|Cordele, GA
+1229273|Cordele, GA
+1229276|Cordele, GA
+1229293|Valdosta, GA
+1229294|Pelham, GA
+1229312|Albany, GA
+1229317|Albany, GA
+1229333|Valdosta, GA
+1229334|Georgetown, GA
+1229336|Camilla, GA
+1229353|Tifton, GA
+1229365|Rochelle, GA
+1229377|Cairo, GA
+1229378|Cairo, GA
+1229382|Tifton, GA
+1229386|Tifton, GA
+1229387|Tifton, GA
+1229388|Tifton, GA
+1229391|Tifton, GA
+1229420|Albany, GA
+1229423|Fitzgerald, GA
+1229424|Fitzgerald, GA
+1229426|Fitzgerald, GA
+1229430|Albany, GA
+1229431|Albany, GA
+1229432|Albany, GA
+1229434|Albany, GA
+1229435|Albany, GA
+1229436|Albany, GA
+1229438|Albany, GA
+1229439|Albany, GA
+1229446|Albany, GA
+1229467|Abbeville, GA
+1229468|Ocilla, GA
+1229482|Lakeland, GA
+1229483|Albany, GA
+1229498|Boston, GA
+1229524|Donalsonville, GA
+1229551|Thomasville, GA
+1229567|Ashburn, GA
+1229616|Moultrie, GA
+1229639|Albany, GA
+1229649|Buena Vista, GA
+1229671|Valdosta, GA
+1229686|Nashville, GA
+1229723|Blakely, GA
+1229732|Cuthbert, GA
+1229758|Colquitt, GA
+1229759|Leesburg, GA
+1229762|Whigham, GA
+1229768|Fort Gaines, GA
+1229769|Norman Park, GA
+1229776|Sylvester, GA
+1229794|Hahira, GA
+1229824|Plains, GA
+1229835|Edison, GA
+1229868|McRae, GA
+1229878|Albany, GA
+1229883|Albany, GA
+1229887|Richland, GA
+1229888|Albany, GA
+1229889|Albany, GA
+1229890|Moultrie, GA
+1229891|Moultrie, GA
+1229896|Adel, GA
+1229924|Americus, GA
+1229928|Americus, GA
+1229931|Americus, GA
+1229937|Ellaville, GA
+1229985|Moultrie, GA
+1229995|Dawson, GA
+1231223|Traverse City, MI
+1231237|Charlevoix, MI
+1231238|Indian River, MI
+1231258|Kalkaska, MI
+1231263|Kingsley, MI
+1231267|Williamsburg, MI
+1231271|Suttons Bay, MI
+1231325|Honor, MI
+1231326|Empire, MI
+1231347|Petoskey, MI
+1231348|Petoskey, MI
+1231352|Frankfort, MI
+1231386|Northport, MI
+1231398|Manistee, MI
+1231421|Traverse City, MI
+1231436|Mackinaw City, MI
+1231448|Beaver Island, MI
+1231487|Petoskey, MI
+1231525|Wolverine, MI
+1231526|Harbor Springs, MI
+1231527|Big Rapids, MI
+1231533|Bellaire, MI
+1231536|East Jordan, MI
+1231539|Pellston, MI
+1231544|Central Lake, MI
+1231547|Charlevoix, MI
+1231548|Alanson, MI
+1231549|Boyne Falls, MI
+1231582|Boyne City, MI
+1231587|Mancelona, MI
+1231592|Big Rapids, MI
+1231597|Cheboygan, MI
+1231625|Cheboygan, MI
+1231627|Cheboygan, MI
+1231652|Newaygo, MI
+1231672|Muskegon, MI
+1231689|White Cloud, MI
+1231720|Muskegon, MI
+1231722|Muskegon, MI
+1231723|Manistee, MI
+1231724|Muskegon, MI
+1231725|Muskegon, MI
+1231726|Muskegon, MI
+1231727|Muskegon, MI
+1231728|Muskegon, MI
+1231734|Evart, MI
+1231743|Marion, MI
+1231744|Muskegon, MI
+1231745|Baldwin, MI
+1231755|Muskegon, MI
+1231759|Muskegon, MI
+1231766|Muskegon, MI
+1231767|Muskegon, MI
+1231768|Le Roy, MI
+1231773|Muskegon, MI
+1231775|Cadillac, MI
+1231777|Muskegon, MI
+1231779|Cadillac, MI
+1231788|Muskegon, MI
+1231796|Big Rapids, MI
+1231824|Manton, MI
+1231825|McBain, MI
+1231828|Twin Lake, MI
+1231832|Reed City, MI
+1231834|Grant, MI
+1231839|Lake City, MI
+1231843|Ludington, MI
+1231845|Ludington, MI
+1231848|Wellston, MI
+1231853|Ravenna, MI
+1231854|Hesperia, MI
+1231864|Bear Lake, MI
+1231869|Pentwater, MI
+1231876|Cadillac, MI
+1231879|Fife Lake, MI
+1231885|Mesick, MI
+1231922|Traverse City, MI
+1231924|Fremont, MI
+1231929|Traverse City, MI
+1231932|Traverse City, MI
+1231933|Traverse City, MI
+1231935|Traverse City, MI
+1231937|Howard City, MI
+1231941|Traverse City, MI
+1231943|Traverse City, MI
+1231946|Traverse City, MI
+1231947|Traverse City, MI
+1231995|Traverse City, MI
+1239213|Naples, FL
+1239225|Fort Myers, FL
+1239226|Fort Myers, FL
+1239234|Naples, FL
+1239242|Cape Coral, FL
+1239254|Naples, FL
+1239261|Naples, FL
+1239262|Naples, FL
+1239263|Naples, FL
+1239267|Fort Myers, FL
+1239272|Naples, FL
+1239274|Fort Myers, FL
+1239275|Fort Myers, FL
+1239277|Fort Myers, FL
+1239278|Fort Myers, FL
+1239303|Lehigh Acres, FL
+1239304|Naples, FL
+1239331|Naples, FL
+1239332|Fort Myers, FL
+1239334|Fort Myers, FL
+1239337|Fort Myers, FL
+1239338|Fort Myers, FL
+1239343|Fort Myers, FL
+1239348|Naples, FL
+1239352|Naples, FL
+1239353|Naples, FL
+1239354|Naples, FL
+1239368|Lehigh Acres, FL
+1239369|Lehigh Acres, FL
+1239389|Marco Island, FL
+1239393|Marco Island, FL
+1239394|Marco Island, FL
+1239395|Sanibel, FL
+1239403|Naples, FL
+1239415|Fort Myers, FL
+1239417|Naples, FL
+1239418|Fort Myers, FL
+1239430|Naples, FL
+1239431|Naples, FL
+1239432|Fort Myers, FL
+1239433|Fort Myers, FL
+1239434|Naples, FL
+1239435|Naples, FL
+1239436|Naples, FL
+1239437|Fort Myers, FL
+1239449|Naples, FL
+1239454|Fort Myers, FL
+1239455|Naples, FL
+1239458|Cape Coral, FL
+1239461|Fort Myers, FL
+1239463|Fort Myers Beach, FL
+1239466|Fort Myers, FL
+1239472|Sanibel, FL
+1239479|Fort Myers, FL
+1239481|Fort Myers, FL
+1239482|Fort Myers, FL
+1239489|Fort Myers, FL
+1239513|Naples, FL
+1239514|Naples, FL
+1239530|Naples, FL
+1239533|Fort Myers, FL
+1239540|Cape Coral, FL
+1239541|Cape Coral, FL
+1239542|Cape Coral, FL
+1239549|Cape Coral, FL
+1239561|Fort Myers, FL
+1239566|Naples, FL
+1239573|Cape Coral, FL
+1239574|Cape Coral, FL
+1239590|Fort Myers, FL
+1239591|Naples, FL
+1239592|Naples, FL
+1239593|Naples, FL
+1239594|Naples, FL
+1239596|Naples, FL
+1239597|Naples, FL
+1239598|Naples, FL
+1239642|Marco Island, FL
+1239643|Naples, FL
+1239649|Naples, FL
+1239657|Immokalee, FL
+1239658|Immokalee, FL
+1239659|Naples, FL
+1239673|Cape Coral, FL
+1239689|Fort Myers, FL
+1239690|Fort Myers, FL
+1239692|Naples, FL
+1239693|Fort Myers, FL
+1239694|Fort Myers, FL
+1239732|Naples, FL
+1239765|Fort Myers Beach, FL
+1239768|Fort Myers, FL
+1239772|Cape Coral, FL
+1239774|Naples, FL
+1239775|Naples, FL
+1239793|Naples, FL
+1239825|Naples, FL
+1239931|Fort Myers, FL
+1239936|Fort Myers, FL
+1239939|Fort Myers, FL
+1239945|Cape Coral, FL
+1239985|Fort Myers, FL
+1240313|Hagerstown, MD
+1240362|Cumberland, MD
+1240379|Frederick, MD
+1240420|Hagerstown, MD
+1240566|Frederick, MD
+1240826|Rockville, MD
+1240857|Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility, MD
+1240864|Rockville, MD
+1240964|Cumberland, MD
+1248208|Southfield, MI
+1248213|Southfield, MI
+1248223|Southfield, MI
+1248236|Oxford Charter Township, MI
+1248244|Troy, MI
+1248262|Southfield, MI
+1248267|Troy, MI
+1248269|Troy, MI
+1248273|Troy, MI
+1248293|Rochester Hills, MI
+1248312|Troy, MI
+1248324|Farmington Hills, MI
+1248328|Holly, MI
+1248350|Southfield, MI
+1248351|Southfield, MI
+1248352|Southfield, MI
+1248353|Southfield, MI
+1248354|Southfield, MI
+1248355|Southfield, MI
+1248356|Southfield, MI
+1248357|Southfield, MI
+1248358|Southfield, MI
+1248362|Troy, MI
+1248375|Rochester Hills, MI
+1248384|Village of Clarkston, MI
+1248394|Village of Clarkston, MI
+1248395|Southfield, MI
+1248424|Southfield, MI
+1248443|Southfield, MI
+1248457|Troy, MI
+1248483|Southfield, MI
+1248489|Farmington Hills, MI
+1248519|Troy, MI
+1248524|Troy, MI
+1248526|Troy, MI
+1248528|Troy, MI
+1248549|Royal Oak, MI
+1248551|Royal Oak, MI
+1248552|Southfield, MI
+1248553|Farmington Hills, MI
+1248557|Southfield, MI
+1248564|Farmington Hills, MI
+1248569|Southfield, MI
+1248614|Troy, MI
+1248618|Waterford Township, MI
+1248619|Troy, MI
+1248620|Clarkston, MI
+1248625|Clarkston, MI
+1248627|Ortonville, MI
+1248628|Oxford Charter Township, MI
+1248634|Holly, MI
+1248637|Troy, MI
+1248641|Troy, MI
+1248643|Troy, MI
+1248649|Troy, MI
+1248661|West Bloomfield Township, MI
+1248663|Southfield, MI
+1248666|Waterford Township, MI
+1248673|Waterford Township, MI
+1248674|Waterford Township, MI
+1248680|Troy, MI
+1248689|Troy, MI
+1248693|Lake Orion, MI
+1248698|White Lake, MI
+1248740|Troy, MI
+1248743|Troy, MI
+1248746|Southfield, MI
+1248784|Southfield, MI
+1248796|Southfield, MI
+1248799|Southfield, MI
+1248809|Southfield, MI
+1248813|Troy, MI
+1248814|Lake Orion, MI
+1248816|Troy, MI
+1248822|Troy, MI
+1248823|Troy, MI
+1248827|Southfield, MI
+1248828|Troy, MI
+1248848|Farmington Hills, MI
+1248849|Southfield, MI
+1248853|Rochester Hills, MI
+1248857|Pontiac, MI
+1248858|Pontiac, MI
+1248879|Troy, MI
+1248886|Waterford, MI
+1248898|Royal Oak, MI
+1248922|Clarkston, MI
+1248945|Southfield, MI
+1248948|Southfield, MI
+1248952|Troy, MI
+1248968|Oak Park, MI
+1248969|Oxford Charter Township, MI
+1250|British Columbia
+1250212|Kelowna, BC
+1250215|Kelowna, BC
+1250220|Victoria, BC
+1250242|Tumbler Ridge, BC
+1250245|Ladysmith, BC
+1250246|Chemainus, BC
+1250247|Gabriola, BC
+1250248|Parksville, BC
+1250256|Lillooet, BC
+1250260|Vernon, BC
+1250265|Nakusp, BC
+1250276|Penticton, BC
+1250286|Campbell River, BC
+1250287|Campbell River, BC
+1250295|Princeton, BC
+1250296|150 Mile House, BC
+1250298|Victoria, BC
+1250305|Williams Lake, BC
+1250314|Kamloops, BC
+1250317|Kelowna, BC
+1250334|Courtenay, BC
+1250336|Cumberland, BC
+1250338|Courtenay, BC
+1250339|Comox, BC
+1250342|Invermere, BC
+1250344|Golden, BC
+1250345|Fairmont Hot Springs, BC
+1250347|Radium Hot Springs, BC
+1250352|Nelson, BC
+1250353|Kaslo, BC
+1250354|Nelson, BC
+1250357|Salmo, BC
+1250360|Victoria, BC
+1250361|Victoria, BC
+1250362|Rossland, BC
+1250364|Trail, BC
+1250365|Castlegar, BC
+1250367|Fruitvale, BC
+1250368|Trail, BC
+1250370|Victoria, BC
+1250372|Kamloops, BC
+1250374|Kamloops, BC
+1250376|Kamloops, BC
+1250377|Kamloops, BC
+1250378|Merritt, BC
+1250380|Victoria, BC
+1250381|Victoria, BC
+1250382|Victoria, BC
+1250383|Victoria, BC
+1250384|Victoria, BC
+1250385|Victoria, BC
+1250386|Victoria, BC
+1250388|Victoria, BC
+1250389|Victoria, BC
+1250390|Nanaimo, BC
+1250391|Victoria, BC
+1250392|Williams Lake, BC
+1250395|100 Mile House, BC
+1250398|Williams Lake, BC
+1250405|Victoria, BC
+1250412|Victoria, BC
+1250417|Cranbrook, BC
+1250423|Fernie, BC
+1250425|Sparwood, BC
+1250426|Cranbrook, BC
+1250427|Kimberley, BC
+1250428|Creston, BC
+1250434|Kamloops, BC
+1250442|Grand Forks, BC
+1250448|Kelowna, BC
+1250453|Ashcroft, BC
+1250455|Lytton, BC
+1250457|Cache Creek, BC
+1250459|Clinton, BC
+1250468|Nanoose Bay, BC
+1250470|Kelowna, BC
+1250472|Victoria, BC
+1250474|Victoria, BC
+1250475|Victoria, BC
+1250477|Victoria, BC
+1250478|Victoria, BC
+1250479|Victoria, BC
+1250480|Victoria, BC
+1250487|Penticton, BC
+1250489|Cranbrook, BC
+1250490|Penticton, BC
+1250491|Kelowna, BC
+1250492|Penticton, BC
+1250493|Penticton, BC
+1250494|Summerland, BC
+1250495|Osoyoos, BC
+1250498|Oliver, BC
+1250499|Keremeos, BC
+1250503|Vernon, BC
+1250505|Nelson, BC
+1250523|Logan Lake, BC
+1250542|Vernon, BC
+1250545|Vernon, BC
+1250546|Armstrong, BC
+1250547|Lumby, BC
+1250549|Vernon, BC
+1250554|Kamloops, BC
+1250558|Vernon, BC
+1250561|Prince George, BC
+1250562|Prince George, BC
+1250563|Prince George, BC
+1250564|Prince George, BC
+1250565|Prince George, BC
+1250566|Valemount, BC
+1250567|Vanderhoof, BC
+1250569|McBride, BC
+1250571|Kamloops, BC
+1250573|Kamloops, BC
+1250574|Kamloops, BC
+1250579|Kamloops, BC
+1250585|Nanaimo, BC
+1250586|Parksville, BC
+1250590|Victoria, BC
+1250591|Nanaimo, BC
+1250592|Victoria, BC
+1250595|Victoria, BC
+1250596|Prince George, BC
+1250597|Duncan, BC
+1250598|Victoria, BC
+1250612|Prince George, BC
+1250614|Prince George, BC
+1250615|Terrace, BC
+1250618|Nanaimo, BC
+1250622|Prince Rupert, BC
+1250624|Prince Rupert, BC
+1250626|Masset, BC
+1250627|Prince Rupert, BC
+1250629|Pender Island, BC
+1250632|Kitimat, BC
+1250635|Terrace, BC
+1250638|Terrace, BC
+1250642|Sooke, BC
+1250651|Atlin, BC
+1250658|Victoria, BC
+1250672|Barrière, BC
+1250674|Clearwater, BC
+1250679|Chase, BC
+1250692|Burns Lake, BC
+1250699|Fraser Lake, BC
+1250701|Duncan, BC
+1250703|Courtenay, BC
+1250704|Victoria, BC
+1250712|Kelowna, BC
+1250714|Nanaimo, BC
+1250715|Duncan, BC
+1250716|Nanaimo, BC
+1250717|Kelowna, BC
+1250719|Dawson Creek, BC
+1250720|Port Alberni, BC
+1250721|Victoria, BC
+1250722|Nanaimo, BC
+1250723|Port Alberni, BC
+1250724|Port Alberni, BC
+1250725|Tofino, BC
+1250726|Ucluelet, BC
+1250727|Victoria, BC
+1250729|Nanaimo, BC
+1250741|Nanaimo, BC
+1250744|Victoria, BC
+1250746|Duncan, BC
+1250747|Quesnel, BC
+1250748|Duncan, BC
+1250749|Lake Cowichan, BC
+1250751|Nanaimo, BC
+1250752|Qualicum Beach, BC
+1250753|Nanaimo, BC
+1250754|Nanaimo, BC
+1250755|Nanaimo, BC
+1250756|Nanaimo, BC
+1250758|Nanaimo, BC
+1250762|Kelowna, BC
+1250763|Kelowna, BC
+1250764|Kelowna, BC
+1250765|Kelowna, BC
+1250767|Peachland, BC
+1250768|Westbank, BC
+1250769|Kelowna, BC
+1250770|Penticton, BC
+1250771|Dease Lake, BC
+1250774|Fort Nelson, BC
+1250782|Dawson Creek, BC
+1250784|Dawson Creek, BC
+1250785|Fort St. John, BC
+1250787|Fort St. John, BC
+1250788|Chetwynd, BC
+1250799|Bella Coola, BC
+1250804|Salmon Arm, BC
+1250807|Kelowna, BC
+1250825|Nelson, BC
+1250828|Kamloops, BC
+1250830|Campbell River, BC
+1250832|Salmon Arm, BC
+1250833|Salmon Arm, BC
+1250836|Sicamous, BC
+1250837|Revelstoke, BC
+1250838|Enderby, BC
+1250845|Houston, BC
+1250846|Telkwa, BC
+1250847|Smithers, BC
+1250851|Kamloops, BC
+1250860|Kelowna, BC
+1250861|Kelowna, BC
+1250862|Kelowna, BC
+1250865|Elkford, BC
+1250868|Kelowna, BC
+1250869|Kelowna, BC
+1250871|Courtenay, BC
+1250877|Smithers, BC
+1250881|Victoria, BC
+1250884|Victoria, BC
+1250897|Courtenay, BC
+1250920|Victoria, BC
+1250923|Campbell River, BC
+1250941|Comox, BC
+1250949|Port Hardy, BC
+1250953|Victoria, BC
+1250954|Parksville, BC
+1250956|Port McNeill, BC
+1250960|Prince George, BC
+1250961|Prince George, BC
+1250962|Prince George, BC
+1250963|Prince George, BC
+1250964|Prince George, BC
+1250974|Alert Bay, BC
+1250979|Kelowna, BC
+1250991|Quesnel, BC
+1250992|Quesnel, BC
+1250995|Victoria, BC
+1250996|Fort St James, BC
+1250997|Mackenzie, BC
+1251208|Mobile, AL
+1251246|Jackson, AL
+1251267|Frisco City, AL
+1251275|Grove Hill, AL
+1251287|Mobile, AL
+1251296|Flomaton, AL
+1251304|Mobile, AL
+1251316|Mobile, AL
+1251340|Mobile, AL
+1251341|Mobile, AL
+1251342|Mobile, AL
+1251343|Mobile, AL
+1251344|Mobile, AL
+1251345|Mobile, AL
+1251368|Atmore, AL
+1251378|Mobile, AL
+1251380|Mobile, AL
+1251405|Mobile, AL
+1251410|Mobile, AL
+1251414|Mobile, AL
+1251415|Mobile, AL
+1251431|Mobile, AL
+1251432|Mobile, AL
+1251433|Mobile, AL
+1251434|Mobile, AL
+1251435|Mobile, AL
+1251438|Mobile, AL
+1251441|Mobile, AL
+1251446|Atmore, AL
+1251450|Mobile, AL
+1251460|Mobile, AL
+1251461|Mobile, AL
+1251470|Mobile, AL
+1251471|Mobile, AL
+1251473|Mobile, AL
+1251476|Mobile, AL
+1251478|Mobile, AL
+1251479|Mobile, AL
+1251574|Mobile, AL
+1251575|Monroeville, AL
+1251578|Evergreen, AL
+1251580|Bay Minette, AL
+1251602|Mobile, AL
+1251607|Mobile, AL
+1251633|Mobile, AL
+1251634|Mobile, AL
+1251635|Mobile, AL
+1251639|Mobile, AL
+1251653|Theodore, AL
+1251660|Mobile, AL
+1251661|Mobile, AL
+1251662|Mobile, AL
+1251665|Mobile, AL
+1251666|Mobile, AL
+1251690|Mobile, AL
+1251694|Mobile, AL
+1251725|Mobile, AL
+1251743|Monroeville, AL
+1251776|Mobile, AL
+1251809|Brewton, AL
+1251824|Bayou La Batre, AL
+1251843|Gilbertown, AL
+1251847|Chatom, AL
+1251861|Dauphin Island, AL
+1251865|Grand Bay, AL
+1251866|Citronelle, AL
+1251867|Brewton, AL
+1251928|Fairhope, AL
+1251929|Fairhope, AL
+1251937|Bay Minette, AL
+1251943|Foley, AL
+1251947|Robertsdale, AL
+1251948|Gulf Shores, AL
+1251955|Foley, AL
+1251962|Lillian, AL
+1251964|Loxley, AL
+1251967|Gulf Shores, AL
+1251968|Gulf Shores, AL
+1251970|Foley, AL
+1251971|Foley, AL
+1251973|Theodore, AL
+1251974|Orange Beach, AL
+1251980|Orange Beach, AL
+1251981|Orange Beach, AL
+1251986|Elberta, AL
+1251989|Summerdale, AL
+1251990|Fairhope, AL
+1252|North Carolina
+1252206|Wilson, NC
+1252208|Kinston, NC
+1252209|Ahoskie, NC
+1252212|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252222|Morehead City, NC
+1252223|Newport, NC
+1252234|Wilson, NC
+1252236|Elm City, NC
+1252237|Wilson, NC
+1252238|Stantonsburg, NC
+1252239|Lucama, NC
+1252243|Wilson, NC
+1252244|Vanceboro, NC
+1252246|Wilson, NC
+1252249|Oriental, NC
+1252257|Warrenton, NC
+1252265|Wilson, NC
+1252291|Wilson, NC
+1252293|Wilson, NC
+1252317|Greenville, NC
+1252321|Greenville, NC
+1252328|Greenville, NC
+1252329|Greenville, NC
+1252330|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252331|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252332|Ahoskie, NC
+1252333|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252335|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252337|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252338|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252345|Aulander, NC
+1252353|Greenville, NC
+1252354|Emerald Isle, NC
+1252355|Greenville, NC
+1252364|Greenville, NC
+1252384|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252398|Murfreesboro, NC
+1252399|Wilson, NC
+1252407|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252413|Greenville, NC
+1252426|Hertford, NC
+1252430|Henderson, NC
+1252431|Henderson, NC
+1252433|Henderson, NC
+1252435|Moyock, NC
+1252436|Henderson, NC
+1252437|Whitakers, NC
+1252438|Henderson, NC
+1252439|Greenville, NC
+1252442|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252443|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252444|Havelock, NC
+1252445|Enfield, NC
+1252446|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252447|Havelock, NC
+1252448|Trenton, NC
+1252451|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252459|Nashville, NC
+1252482|Edenton, NC
+1252492|Henderson, NC
+1252504|Beaufort, NC
+1252514|New Bern, NC
+1252520|Kinston, NC
+1252522|Kinston, NC
+1252523|Kinston, NC
+1252524|Grifton, NC
+1252527|Kinston, NC
+1252534|Jackson, NC
+1252535|Roanoke Rapids, NC
+1252537|Roanoke Rapids, NC
+1252551|Greenville, NC
+1252559|Kinston, NC
+1252566|La Grange, NC
+1252633|New Bern, NC
+1252634|New Bern, NC
+1252635|New Bern, NC
+1252636|New Bern, NC
+1252637|New Bern, NC
+1252638|New Bern, NC
+1252641|Tarboro, NC
+1252672|New Bern, NC
+1252695|Greenville, NC
+1252726|Morehead City, NC
+1252727|Morehead City, NC
+1252728|Beaufort, NC
+1252744|Greenville, NC
+1252746|Ayden, NC
+1252747|Snow Hill, NC
+1252752|Greenville, NC
+1252753|Farmville, NC
+1252756|Greenville, NC
+1252757|Greenville, NC
+1252758|Greenville, NC
+1252771|Elizabeth City, NC
+1252792|Williamston, NC
+1252793|Plymouth, NC
+1252794|Windsor, NC
+1252795|Robersonville, NC
+1252796|Columbia, NC
+1252808|Morehead City, NC
+1252809|Williamston, NC
+1252823|Tarboro, NC
+1252824|Tarboro, NC
+1252825|Bethel, NC
+1252826|Scotland Neck, NC
+1252830|Greenville, NC
+1252847|Greenville, NC
+1252925|Engelhard, NC
+1252928|Ocracoke, NC
+1252937|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252939|Kinston, NC
+1252940|Washington, NC
+1252946|Washington, NC
+1252962|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252972|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252974|Washington, NC
+1252975|Washington, NC
+1252977|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252985|Rocky Mount, NC
+1252986|Hatteras, NC
+1252991|Wilson, NC
+1253265|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253272|Tacoma, WA
+1253274|Tacoma, WA
+1253286|Puyallup, WA
+1253288|Auburn, WA
+1253333|Auburn, WA
+1253351|Auburn, WA
+1253372|Kent, WA
+1253383|Tacoma, WA
+1253395|Kent, WA
+1253396|Tacoma, WA
+1253403|Tacoma, WA
+1253426|Tacoma, WA
+1253428|Tacoma, WA
+1253435|Puyallup, WA
+1253437|Kent, WA
+1253445|Puyallup, WA
+1253446|Puyallup, WA
+1253471|Tacoma, WA
+1253472|Tacoma, WA
+1253473|Tacoma, WA
+1253474|Tacoma, WA
+1253475|Tacoma, WA
+1253476|Tacoma, WA
+1253514|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253520|Kent, WA
+1253530|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253531|Tacoma, WA
+1253537|Tacoma, WA
+1253571|Tacoma, WA
+1253572|Tacoma, WA
+1253591|Tacoma, WA
+1253593|Tacoma, WA
+1253596|Tacoma, WA
+1253597|Tacoma, WA
+1253627|Tacoma, WA
+1253661|Federal Way, WA
+1253671|Tacoma, WA
+1253697|Puyallup, WA
+1253735|Auburn, WA
+1253752|Tacoma, WA
+1253756|Tacoma, WA
+1253759|Tacoma, WA
+1253770|Puyallup, WA
+1253798|Tacoma, WA
+1253804|Auburn, WA
+1253813|Kent, WA
+1253815|Federal Way, WA
+1253830|Tacoma, WA
+1253833|Auburn, WA
+1253835|Federal Way, WA
+1253838|Federal Way, WA
+1253840|Puyallup, WA
+1253841|Puyallup, WA
+1253843|Roy, WA
+1253845|Puyallup, WA
+1253848|Puyallup, WA
+1253850|Kent, WA
+1253851|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253852|Kent, WA
+1253853|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253854|Kent, WA
+1253856|Kent, WA
+1253858|Gig Harbor, WA
+1253859|Kent, WA
+1253864|Puyallup, WA
+1253872|Kent, WA
+1253874|Federal Way, WA
+1253876|Auburn, WA
+1253879|Tacoma, WA
+1253887|Auburn, WA
+1253931|Auburn, WA
+1253939|Auburn, WA
+1253944|Federal Way, WA
+1254200|Killeen, TX
+1254202|Waco, TX
+1254215|Temple, TX
+1254235|Waco, TX
+1254248|Gatesville, TX
+1254286|Fort Hood, TX
+1254288|Fort Hood, TX
+1254296|Waco, TX
+1254297|Waco, TX
+1254298|Temple, TX
+1254386|Hamilton, TX
+1254399|Waco, TX
+1254435|Meridian, TX
+1254442|Cisco, TX
+1254445|Dublin, TX
+1254472|Mexia, TX
+1254501|Killeen, TX
+1254518|Copperas Cove, TX
+1254519|Killeen, TX
+1254526|Killeen, TX
+1254527|Bartlett, TX
+1254532|Fort Hood, TX
+1254542|Copperas Cove, TX
+1254547|Copperas Cove, TX
+1254554|Killeen, TX
+1254559|Breckenridge, TX
+1254562|Mexia, TX
+1254576|Hubbard, TX
+1254580|Hillsboro, TX
+1254582|Hillsboro, TX
+1254583|Rosebud, TX
+1254616|Killeen, TX
+1254628|Killeen, TX
+1254629|Eastland, TX
+1254634|Killeen, TX
+1254642|Rogers, TX
+1254643|Rising Star, TX
+1254646|Lipan, TX
+1254647|Ranger, TX
+1254657|Holland, TX
+1254675|Clifton, TX
+1254687|Itasca, TX
+1254694|Whitney, TX
+1254697|Cameron, TX
+1254710|Waco, TX
+1254714|Waco, TX
+1254724|Temple, TX
+1254725|Cross Plains, TX
+1254729|Groesbeck, TX
+1254734|Gorman, TX
+1254739|Teague, TX
+1254741|Waco, TX
+1254742|Temple, TX
+1254743|Temple, TX
+1254746|Bremond, TX
+1254750|Waco, TX
+1254751|Waco, TX
+1254752|Waco, TX
+1254753|Waco, TX
+1254754|Waco, TX
+1254755|Waco, TX
+1254756|Waco, TX
+1254757|Waco, TX
+1254759|Waco, TX
+1254770|Temple, TX
+1254771|Temple, TX
+1254772|Waco, TX
+1254773|Temple, TX
+1254774|Temple, TX
+1254776|Waco, TX
+1254778|Temple, TX
+1254791|Temple, TX
+1254793|Florence, TX
+1254796|Hico, TX
+1254799|Waco, TX
+1254803|Marlin, TX
+1254826|West, TX
+1254835|Tolar, TX
+1254836|Waco, TX
+1254840|McGregor, TX
+1254853|Moody, TX
+1254857|Lorena, TX
+1254865|Gatesville, TX
+1254867|Waco, TX
+1254876|Mart, TX
+1254879|Comanche, TX
+1254883|Marlin, TX
+1254893|De Leon, TX
+1254896|Riesel, TX
+1254897|Glen Rose, TX
+1254898|Glen Rose, TX
+1254899|Temple, TX
+1254918|Stephenville, TX
+1254932|Valley Mills, TX
+1254933|Belton, TX
+1254938|Troy, TX
+1254939|Belton, TX
+1254947|Salado, TX
+1254965|Stephenville, TX
+1254968|Stephenville, TX
+1256207|Sylacauga, AL
+1256208|Sylacauga, AL
+1256215|Alexander City, AL
+1256216|Athens, AL
+1256218|Scottsboro, AL
+1256230|Athens, AL
+1256231|Anniston, AL
+1256232|Athens, AL
+1256233|Athens, AL
+1256234|Alexander City, AL
+1256235|Anniston, AL
+1256236|Anniston, AL
+1256237|Anniston, AL
+1256238|Anniston, AL
+1256240|Anniston, AL
+1256245|Sylacauga, AL
+1256246|Florence, AL
+1256247|Rogersville, AL
+1256249|Sylacauga, AL
+1256259|Scottsboro, AL
+1256265|Huntsville, AL
+1256268|Talladega, AL
+1256270|Huntsville, AL
+1256288|Huntsville, AL
+1256301|Decatur, AL
+1256306|Decatur, AL
+1256308|Decatur, AL
+1256315|Talladega, AL
+1256325|Madison, AL
+1256327|Huntsville, AL
+1256329|Alexander City, AL
+1256331|Russellville, AL
+1256332|Russellville, AL
+1256340|Decatur, AL
+1256341|Decatur, AL
+1256350|Decatur, AL
+1256351|Decatur, AL
+1256352|Hanceville, AL
+1256353|Decatur, AL
+1256354|Ashland, AL
+1256355|Decatur, AL
+1256356|Red Bay, AL
+1256357|Wedowee, AL
+1256358|Munford, AL
+1256359|Cherokee, AL
+1256362|Talladega, AL
+1256378|Childersburg, AL
+1256379|New Market, AL
+1256382|Huntsville, AL
+1256396|Lineville, AL
+1256427|Huntsville, AL
+1256428|Huntsville, AL
+1256435|Jacksonville, AL
+1256437|Stevenson, AL
+1256439|Gadsden, AL
+1256447|Piedmont, AL
+1256449|Woodland, AL
+1256451|Pisgah, AL
+1256461|Madison, AL
+1256463|Heflin, AL
+1256467|Gadsden, AL
+1256489|Huntsville, AL
+1256494|Gadsden, AL
+1256495|Bridgeport, AL
+1256517|Huntsville, AL
+1256518|Huntsville, AL
+1256519|Huntsville, AL
+1256524|Collinsville, AL
+1256526|Leesburg, AL
+1256528|Crossville, AL
+1256532|Huntsville, AL
+1256533|Huntsville, AL
+1256534|Huntsville, AL
+1256535|Huntsville, AL
+1256536|Huntsville, AL
+1256538|Attalla, AL
+1256539|Huntsville, AL
+1256543|Gadsden, AL
+1256546|Gadsden, AL
+1256547|Gadsden, AL
+1256549|Gadsden, AL
+1256551|Huntsville, AL
+1256552|Decatur, AL
+1256560|Decatur, AL
+1256564|Huntsville, AL
+1256568|Ranburne, AL
+1256571|Guntersville, AL
+1256574|Scottsboro, AL
+1256582|Guntersville, AL
+1256584|Decatur, AL
+1256586|Arab, AL
+1256593|Boaz, AL
+1256634|Mentone, AL
+1256650|Huntsville, AL
+1256685|Town Creek, AL
+1256686|Decatur, AL
+1256704|Huntsville, AL
+1256713|Huntsville, AL
+1256715|Huntsville, AL
+1256718|Florence, AL
+1256723|New Hope, AL
+1256728|Grant, AL
+1256729|Athens, AL
+1256732|Elkmont, AL
+1256734|Cullman, AL
+1256736|Cullman, AL
+1256737|Cullman, AL
+1256739|Cullman, AL
+1256740|Florence, AL
+1256751|Hartselle, AL
+1256760|Florence, AL
+1256761|Talladega, AL
+1256764|Florence, AL
+1256765|Florence, AL
+1256766|Florence, AL
+1256767|Florence, AL
+1256768|Florence, AL
+1256771|Athens, AL
+1256772|Madison, AL
+1256773|Hartselle, AL
+1256775|Cullman, AL
+1256779|Cedar Bluff, AL
+1256782|Jacksonville, AL
+1256825|Dadeville, AL
+1256840|Boaz, AL
+1256844|Fort Payne, AL
+1256845|Fort Payne, AL
+1256851|Huntsville, AL
+1256852|Huntsville, AL
+1256858|Huntsville, AL
+1256859|Huntsville, AL
+1256878|Albertville, AL
+1256880|Huntsville, AL
+1256881|Huntsville, AL
+1256882|Huntsville, AL
+1256883|Huntsville, AL
+1256885|Huntsville, AL
+1256891|Albertville, AL
+1256894|Albertville, AL
+1256896|Camp Hill, AL
+1256922|Huntsville, AL
+1256927|Centre, AL
+1256931|Arab, AL
+1256974|Moulton, AL
+1256997|Fort Payne, AL
+1260244|Columbia City, IN
+1260248|Columbia City, IN
+1260343|Kendallville, IN
+1260347|Kendallville, IN
+1260349|Kendallville, IN
+1260355|Huntington, IN
+1260356|Huntington, IN
+1260357|Garrett, IN
+1260358|Huntington, IN
+1260359|Huntington, IN
+1260368|Geneva, IN
+1260373|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260375|Warren, IN
+1260387|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260416|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260420|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260422|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260423|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260424|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260425|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260426|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260427|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260432|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260434|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260435|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260436|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260441|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260444|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260447|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260449|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260456|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260459|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260460|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260463|LaGrange, IN
+1260467|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260469|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260471|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260478|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260480|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260481|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260482|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260483|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260484|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260485|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260486|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260488|Hamilton, IN
+1260489|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260490|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260492|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260495|Fremont, IN
+1260496|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260497|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260562|Howe, IN
+1260563|Wabash, IN
+1260569|Wabash, IN
+1260589|Berne, IN
+1260593|Topeka, IN
+1260622|Ossian, IN
+1260623|Monroeville, IN
+1260624|Angola, IN
+1260625|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260632|Woodburn, IN
+1260636|Albion, IN
+1260665|Angola, IN
+1260668|Angola, IN
+1260691|Columbia City, IN
+1260693|Churubusco, IN
+1260723|South Whitley, IN
+1260724|Decatur, IN
+1260726|Portland, IN
+1260728|Decatur, IN
+1260744|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260745|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260747|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260755|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260768|Shipshewana, IN
+1260824|Bluffton, IN
+1260829|Orland, IN
+1260837|Waterloo, IN, IN
+1260868|Butler, IN
+1260894|Ligonier, IN
+1260897|Avilla, IN
+1260920|Auburn, IN
+1260925|Auburn, IN
+1260927|Auburn, IN
+1260969|Fort Wayne, IN
+1260982|North Manchester, IN
+1262240|Mequon, WI
+1262241|Mequon, WI
+1262243|Mequon, WI
+1262246|Sussex, WI
+1262248|Lake Geneva, WI
+1262249|Lake Geneva, WI
+1262252|Menomonee Falls, WI
+1262279|Genoa City, WI
+1262285|Belgium, WI
+1262306|West Bend, WI
+1262334|West Bend, WI
+1262335|West Bend, WI
+1262338|West Bend, WI
+1262348|Lake Geneva, WI
+1262363|Mukwonago, WI
+1262367|Hartland, WI
+1262369|Hartland, WI
+1262446|Waukesha, WI
+1262472|Whitewater, WI
+1262473|Whitewater, WI
+1262521|Waukesha, WI
+1262524|Waukesha, WI
+1262537|Burlington, WI
+1262539|Burlington, WI
+1262542|Waukesha, WI
+1262544|Waukesha, WI
+1262547|Waukesha, WI
+1262548|Waukesha, WI
+1262549|Waukesha, WI
+1262551|Kenosha, WI
+1262554|Racine, WI
+1262560|Oconomowoc, WI
+1262567|Oconomowoc, WI
+1262569|Oconomowoc, WI
+1262574|Waukesha, WI
+1262594|Eagle, WI
+1262605|Kenosha, WI
+1262619|Racine, WI
+1262626|Kewaskum, WI
+1262631|Racine, WI
+1262632|Racine, WI
+1262633|Racine, WI
+1262634|Racine, WI
+1262635|Racine, WI
+1262636|Racine, WI
+1262637|Racine, WI
+1262638|Racine, WI
+1262639|Racine, WI
+1262642|East Troy, WI
+1262644|Slinger, WI
+1262646|Delafield, WI
+1262650|Waukesha, WI
+1262652|Kenosha, WI
+1262653|Kenosha, WI
+1262654|Kenosha, WI
+1262656|Kenosha, WI
+1262657|Kenosha, WI
+1262658|Kenosha, WI
+1262670|Hartford, WI
+1262673|Hartford, WI
+1262681|Racine, WI
+1262687|Racine, WI
+1262691|Pewaukee, WI
+1262694|Kenosha, WI
+1262695|Pewaukee, WI
+1262723|Elkhorn, WI
+1262728|Delavan, WI
+1262740|Delavan, WI
+1262741|Elkhorn, WI
+1262742|Elkhorn, WI
+1262743|Elkhorn, WI
+1262752|Racine, WI
+1262763|Burlington, WI
+1262767|Burlington, WI
+1262792|Brookfield, WI
+1262798|Waukesha, WI
+1262820|Sussex, WI
+1262843|Salem, WI
+1262877|Twin Lakes, WI
+1262889|Silver Lake, WI
+1262896|Waukesha, WI
+1262925|Kenosha, WI
+1262942|Kenosha, WI
+1262947|Pleasant Prairie, WI
+1262948|Kenosha, WI
+1262965|Dousman, WI
+1262970|Waukesha, WI
+1267292|Philadelphia, PA
+1267297|Philadelphia, PA
+1267299|Philadelphia, PA
+1267324|Philadelphia, PA
+1267331|Philadelphia, PA
+1267335|Philadelphia, PA
+1267343|Philadelphia, PA
+1267350|Philadelphia, PA
+1267385|Philadelphia, PA
+1267426|Philadelphia, PA
+1267519|Philadelphia, PA
+1267639|Philadelphia, PA
+1267687|Philadelphia, PA
+1267765|Philadelphia, PA
+1267773|Philadelphia, PA
+1267880|Doylestown, PA
+1267909|Philadelphia, PA
+1269273|Three Rivers, MI
+1269278|Three Rivers, MI
+1269279|Three Rivers, MI
+1269321|Portage, MI
+1269323|Portage, MI
+1269324|Portage, MI
+1269327|Portage, MI
+1269329|Portage, MI
+1269337|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269341|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269353|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269372|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269375|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269384|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269387|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269422|Baroda, MI
+1269423|Decatur, MI
+1269427|Bangor, MI
+1269432|Colon, MI
+1269435|Constantine, MI
+1269441|Battle Creek, MI
+1269445|Cassopolis, MI
+1269461|Eau Claire, MI
+1269463|Watervliet, MI
+1269465|Bridgman, MI
+1269467|Centreville, MI
+1269468|Coloma, MI
+1269471|Berrien Springs, MI
+1269473|Berrien Springs, MI
+1269483|White Pigeon, MI
+1269489|Burr Oak, MI
+1269496|Mendon, MI
+1269543|Fennville, MI
+1269544|Kalamazoo, MI
+1269545|Galien, MI
+1269561|Fennville, MI
+1269565|Battle Creek, MI
+1269621|Hartford, MI
+1269623|Delton, MI
+1269624|Lawton, MI
+1269628|Gobles, MI
+1269629|Richland, MI
+1269637|South Haven, MI
+1269639|South Haven, MI
+1269646|Marcellus, MI
+1269649|Vicksburg, MI
+1269651|Sturgis, MI
+1269655|Paw Paw, MI
+1269657|Paw Paw, MI
+1269659|Sturgis, MI
+1269660|Battle Creek, MI
+1269663|Edwardsburg, MI
+1269665|Galesburg, MI
+1269668|Mattawan, MI
+1269673|Allegan, MI
+1269674|Lawrence, MI
+1269679|Schoolcraft, MI
+1269683|Niles, MI
+1269684|Niles, MI
+1269685|Plainwell, MI
+1269686|Allegan, MI
+1269687|Niles, MI
+1269692|Otsego, MI
+1269694|Otsego, MI
+1269695|Buchanan, MI
+1269731|Augusta, MI
+1269749|Olivet, MI
+1269756|Three Oaks, MI
+1269763|Bellevue, MI
+1269764|Covert, MI
+1269781|Marshall, MI
+1269782|Dowagiac, MI
+1269789|Marshall, MI
+1269792|Wayland, MI
+1269795|Middleville, MI
+1269925|Benton Harbor, MI
+1269926|Benton Harbor, MI
+1269927|Benton Harbor, MI
+1269934|Benton Harbor, MI
+1269945|Hastings, MI
+1269948|Hastings, MI
+1269962|Battle Creek, MI
+1269963|Battle Creek, MI
+1269964|Battle Creek, MI
+1269965|Battle Creek, MI
+1269966|Battle Creek, MI
+1269968|Battle Creek, MI
+1269969|Battle Creek, MI
+1269979|Battle Creek, MI
+1269982|St. Joseph, MI
+1269983|St. Joseph, MI
+1269985|St. Joseph, MI
+1270230|Leitchfield, KY
+1270234|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270236|Hickman, KY
+1270237|Scottsville, KY
+1270239|Scottsville, KY
+1270247|Mayfield, KY
+1270251|Mayfield, KY
+1270259|Leitchfield, KY
+1270265|Elkton, KY
+1270273|Calhoun, KY
+1270274|Beaver Dam, KY
+1270282|Bowling Green, KY
+1270295|Lewisport, KY
+1270298|Hartford, KY
+1270326|Madisonville, KY
+1270333|Sturgis, KY
+1270335|Wickliffe, KY
+1270338|Greenville, KY
+1270343|Jamestown, KY
+1270351|Radcliff, KY
+1270352|Radcliff, KY
+1270358|Hodgenville, KY
+1270360|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270362|Grand Rivers, KY
+1270365|Princeton, KY
+1270384|Columbia, KY
+1270385|Columbia, KY
+1270389|Morganfield, KY
+1270393|Bowling Green, KY
+1270395|Calvert City, KY
+1270415|Paducah, KY
+1270422|Brandenburg, KY
+1270432|Edmonton, KY
+1270433|Burkesville, KY
+1270441|Paducah, KY
+1270442|Paducah, KY
+1270443|Paducah, KY
+1270444|Paducah, KY
+1270462|Kevil, KY
+1270465|Campbellsville, KY
+1270469|Campbellsville, KY
+1270472|Fulton, KY
+1270483|Guthrie, KY
+1270487|Tompkinsville, KY
+1270492|Hazel, KY
+1270522|Cadiz, KY
+1270524|Munfordville, KY
+1270526|Morgantown, KY
+1270527|Benton, KY
+1270534|Paducah, KY
+1270538|Paducah, KY
+1270539|Adairville, KY
+1270542|Auburn, KY
+1270554|Paducah, KY
+1270563|Smiths Grove, KY
+1270575|Paducah, KY
+1270586|Franklin, KY
+1270597|Brownsville, KY
+1270598|Franklin, KY
+1270622|Scottsville, KY
+1270628|Bardwell, KY
+1270629|Glasgow, KY
+1270639|Dixon, KY
+1270651|Glasgow, KY
+1270653|Clinton, KY
+1270659|Glasgow, KY
+1270664|Clay, KY
+1270667|Providence, KY
+1270678|Glasgow, KY
+1270683|Owensboro, KY
+1270684|Owensboro, KY
+1270685|Owensboro, KY
+1270686|Owensboro, KY
+1270687|Owensboro, KY
+1270688|Owensboro, KY
+1270689|Owensboro, KY
+1270691|Owensboro, KY
+1270692|Lebanon, KY
+1270699|Lebanon, KY
+1270706|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270725|Russellville, KY
+1270726|Russellville, KY
+1270735|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270737|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270745|Bowling Green, KY
+1270746|Bowling Green, KY
+1270753|Murray, KY
+1270754|Central City, KY
+1270756|Hardinsburg, KY
+1270757|Central City, KY
+1270759|Murray, KY
+1270761|Murray, KY
+1270762|Murray, KY
+1270763|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270765|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270766|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270767|Murray, KY
+1270769|Elizabethtown, KY
+1270773|Cave City, KY
+1270780|Bowling Green, KY
+1270781|Bowling Green, KY
+1270782|Bowling Green, KY
+1270783|Bowling Green, KY
+1270786|Horse Cave, KY
+1270788|Cloverport, KY
+1270789|Campbellsville, KY
+1270793|Bowling Green, KY
+1270796|Bowling Green, KY
+1270797|Dawson Springs, KY
+1270798|Fort Campbell, KY
+1270821|Madisonville, KY
+1270824|Madisonville, KY
+1270825|Madisonville, KY
+1270826|Henderson, KY
+1270827|Henderson, KY
+1270830|Henderson, KY
+1270831|Henderson, KY
+1270835|Sebree, KY
+1270842|Bowling Green, KY
+1270843|Bowling Green, KY
+1270846|Bowling Green, KY
+1270852|Owensboro, KY
+1270858|Russell Springs, KY
+1270864|Burkesville, KY
+1270866|Russell Springs, KY
+1270869|Henderson, KY
+1270877|Vine Grove, KY
+1270881|Hopkinsville, KY
+1270885|Hopkinsville, KY
+1270886|Hopkinsville, KY
+1270887|Hopkinsville, KY
+1270889|Hopkinsville, KY
+1270904|Bowling Green, KY
+1270926|Owensboro, KY
+1270927|Hawesville, KY
+1270928|Smithland, KY
+1270932|Greensburg, KY
+1270965|Marion, KY
+1270982|Elizabethtown, KY
+1276223|Wytheville, VA
+1276228|Wytheville, VA
+1276236|Galax, VA
+1276238|Galax, VA
+1276322|Bluefield, VA
+1276326|Bluefield, VA
+1276328|Wise, VA
+1276346|Jonesville, VA
+1276395|Coeburn, VA
+1276403|Martinsville, VA
+1276429|Glade Spring, VA
+1276431|Duffield, VA
+1276466|Bristol, VA
+1276475|Damascus, VA
+1276496|Saltville, VA
+1276523|Big Stone Gap, VA
+1276546|Pennington Gap, VA
+1276591|Bristol, VA
+1276619|Abingdon, VA
+1276623|Abingdon, VA
+1276628|Abingdon, VA
+1276629|Bassett, VA
+1276632|Martinsville, VA
+1276634|Martinsville, VA
+1276637|Max Meadows, VA
+1276638|Martinsville, VA
+1276642|Bristol, VA
+1276644|Bristol, VA
+1276645|Bristol, VA
+1276646|Chilhowie, VA
+1276647|Collinsville, VA
+1276650|Axton, VA
+1276656|Martinsville, VA
+1276666|Martinsville, VA
+1276669|Bristol, VA
+1276676|Abingdon, VA
+1276679|Norton, VA
+1276686|Rural Retreat, VA
+1276694|Stuart, VA
+1276730|Hillsville, VA
+1276739|Abingdon, VA
+1276755|Cana, VA
+1276773|Independence, VA
+1276782|Marion, VA
+1276783|Marion, VA
+1276796|Pound, VA
+1276889|Lebanon, VA
+1276926|Clintwood, VA
+1276935|Grundy, VA
+1276956|Ridgeway, VA
+1281204|Houston, TX
+1281209|Houston, TX
+1281219|Houston, TX
+1281227|Houston, TX
+1281242|Sugar Land, TX
+1281248|Houston, TX
+1281255|Tomball, TX
+1281256|Cypress, TX
+1281259|Magnolia, TX
+1281260|Houston, TX
+1281265|Sugar Land, TX
+1281272|Houston, TX
+1281283|Houston, TX
+1281288|Spring, TX
+1281293|Houston, TX
+1281304|Cypress, TX
+1281319|Humble, TX
+1281325|Sugar Land, TX
+1281328|Crosby, TX
+1281331|Alvin, TX
+1281333|Houston, TX
+1281337|Dickinson, TX
+1281345|Houston, TX
+1281347|Katy, TX
+1281350|Spring, TX
+1281351|Tomball, TX
+1281353|Spring, TX
+1281355|Spring, TX
+1281356|Magnolia, TX
+1281357|Tomball, TX
+1281359|Humble, TX
+1281371|Katy, TX
+1281372|Houston, TX
+1281373|Cypress, TX
+1281375|Brookshire, TX
+1281388|Alvin, TX
+1281391|Katy, TX
+1281392|Katy, TX
+1281395|Katy, TX
+1281397|Houston, TX
+1281405|Houston, TX
+1281412|Pearland, TX
+1281420|Baytown, TX
+1281421|Baytown, TX
+1281422|Baytown, TX
+1281424|Baytown, TX
+1281425|Baytown, TX
+1281426|Highlands, TX
+1281427|Baytown, TX
+1281428|Baytown, TX
+1281432|Cleveland, TX
+1281440|Houston, TX
+1281441|Humble, TX
+1281442|Houston, TX
+1281444|Houston, TX
+1281445|Houston, TX
+1281446|Humble, TX
+1281447|Houston, TX
+1281448|Houston, TX
+1281449|Houston, TX
+1281452|Channelview, TX
+1281456|Houston, TX
+1281458|Houston, TX
+1281459|Houston, TX
+1281462|Crosby, TX
+1281463|Houston, TX
+1281464|Houston, TX
+1281469|Houston, TX
+1281470|La Porte, TX
+1281471|La Porte, TX
+1281477|Houston, TX
+1281481|Houston, TX
+1281483|Houston, TX
+1281484|Houston, TX
+1281485|Pearland, TX
+1281487|Pasadena, TX
+1281493|Houston, TX
+1281495|Houston, TX
+1281496|Houston, TX
+1281497|Houston, TX
+1281498|Houston, TX
+1281501|Houston, TX
+1281517|Houston, TX
+1281528|Spring, TX
+1281530|Houston, TX
+1281531|Houston, TX
+1281537|Houston, TX
+1281540|Humble, TX
+1281548|Humble, TX
+1281550|Houston, TX
+1281556|Houston, TX
+1281558|Houston, TX
+1281561|Houston, TX
+1281564|Houston, TX
+1281565|Sugar Land, TX
+1281568|Houston, TX
+1281574|Katy, TX
+1281575|Houston, TX
+1281580|Houston, TX
+1281583|Houston, TX
+1281584|Houston, TX
+1281585|Alvin, TX
+1281586|Houston, TX
+1281587|Houston, TX
+1281589|Houston, TX
+1281590|Houston, TX
+1281591|Houston, TX
+1281592|Cleveland, TX
+1281593|Cleveland, TX
+1281596|Houston, TX
+1281597|Houston, TX
+1281631|Houston, TX
+1281641|Humble, TX
+1281644|Katy, TX
+1281651|Spring, TX
+1281659|Cleveland, TX
+1281661|Houston, TX
+1281679|Houston, TX
+1281693|Katy, TX
+1281752|Houston, TX
+1281756|Alvin, TX
+1281758|Cypress, TX
+1281759|Houston, TX
+1281781|Houston, TX
+1281784|Houston, TX
+1281807|Houston, TX
+1281812|Humble, TX
+1281820|Houston, TX
+1281822|Houston, TX
+1281824|Alvin, TX
+1281837|Baytown, TX
+1281838|Baytown, TX
+1281839|Baytown, TX
+1281842|La Porte, TX
+1281847|Houston, TX
+1281852|Humble, TX
+1281855|Houston, TX
+1281856|Houston, TX
+1281858|Houston, TX
+1281859|Houston, TX
+1281866|Houston, TX
+1281867|La Porte, TX
+1281870|Houston, TX
+1281872|Houston, TX
+1281873|Houston, TX
+1281874|Houston, TX
+1281875|Houston, TX
+1281876|Houston, TX
+1281877|Houston, TX
+1281878|Houston, TX
+1281879|Houston, TX
+1281880|Houston, TX
+1281888|Houston, TX
+1281890|Houston, TX
+1281893|Houston, TX
+1281894|Houston, TX
+1281895|Houston, TX
+1281897|Houston, TX
+1281907|Spring, TX
+1281920|Houston, TX
+1281922|Houston, TX
+1281931|Houston, TX
+1281933|Houston, TX
+1281934|Brookshire, TX
+1281955|Houston, TX
+1281970|Houston, TX
+1281974|Houston, TX
+1281980|Sugar Land, TX
+1281983|Houston, TX
+1281985|Houston, TX
+1281987|Houston, TX
+1281988|Houston, TX
+1281991|Pasadena, TX
+1281997|Pearland, TX
+1281998|Pasadena, TX
+1281999|Houston, TX
+1289232|Mississauga, ON
+1289288|Burlington, ON
+1289291|Oakville, ON
+1289296|Niagara Falls, ON
+1289337|Burlington, ON
+1289362|St. Catharines, ON
+1289389|Hamilton, ON
+1289396|Hamilton, ON
+1289521|Mississauga, ON
+1289752|Brampton, ON
+1289878|Milton, ON
+1289997|Mississauga, ON
+1301214|Bethesda, MD
+1301217|Rockville, MD
+1301223|Williamsport, MD
+1301228|Frederick, MD
+1301229|Bethesda, MD
+1301231|Rockville, MD
+1301248|Fort Washington, MD
+1301262|Bowie, MD
+1301265|Fort Washington, MD
+1301271|Thurmont, MD
+1301279|Rockville, MD
+1301295|Bethesda, MD
+1301299|Potomac, MD
+1301309|Rockville, MD
+1301315|Rockville, MD
+1301334|Oakland, MD
+1301342|Patuxent River, MD
+1301360|Frederick, MD
+1301365|Bethesda, MD
+1301374|Waldorf, MD
+1301384|Silver Spring, MD
+1301392|La Plata, MD
+1301393|Hagerstown, MD
+1301396|Waldorf, MD
+1301402|Bethesda, MD
+1301447|Emmitsburg, MD
+1301464|Bowie, MD
+1301468|Rockville, MD
+1301469|Bethesda, MD
+1301475|Leonardtown, MD
+1301495|Silver Spring, MD
+1301496|Bethesda, MD
+1301533|Oakland, MD
+1301545|Rockville, MD
+1301559|Hyattsville, MD
+1301565|Silver Spring, MD
+1301571|Bethesda, MD
+1301574|Upper Marlboro, MD
+1301585|Silver Spring, MD
+1301587|Silver Spring, MD
+1301588|Silver Spring, MD
+1301589|Silver Spring, MD
+1301592|Silver Spring, MD
+1301593|Silver Spring, MD
+1301595|Beltsville, MD
+1301598|Silver Spring, MD
+1301600|Frederick, MD
+1301608|Silver Spring, MD
+1301609|La Plata, MD
+1301610|Rockville, MD
+1301620|Frederick, MD
+1301622|Silver Spring, MD
+1301624|Frederick, MD
+1301625|Silver Spring, MD
+1301627|Upper Marlboro, MD
+1301631|Frederick, MD
+1301632|Waldorf, MD
+1301638|Waldorf, MD
+1301645|Waldorf, MD
+1301649|Silver Spring, MD
+1301662|Frederick, MD
+1301663|Frederick, MD
+1301665|Hagerstown, MD
+1301668|Frederick, MD
+1301678|Hancock, MD
+1301680|Silver Spring, MD
+1301681|Silver Spring, MD
+1301682|Frederick, MD
+1301689|Frostburg, MD
+1301694|Frederick, MD
+1301695|Frederick, MD
+1301696|Frederick, MD
+1301698|Frederick, MD
+1301705|Waldorf, MD
+1301714|Hagerstown, MD
+1301722|Cumberland, MD
+1301723|Cumberland, MD
+1301724|Cumberland, MD
+1301725|Laurel, MD
+1301729|Cumberland, MD
+1301733|Hagerstown, MD
+1301738|Rockville, MD
+1301739|Hagerstown, MD
+1301745|Hagerstown, MD
+1301754|Silver Spring, MD
+1301759|Cumberland, MD
+1301766|Hagerstown, MD
+1301770|Rockville, MD
+1301776|Laurel, MD
+1301777|Cumberland, MD
+1301780|Upper Marlboro, MD
+1301782|Brandywine, MD
+1301790|Hagerstown, MD
+1301791|Hagerstown, MD
+1301797|Hagerstown, MD
+1301805|Bowie, MD
+1301809|Bowie, MD
+1301816|Rockville, MD
+1301824|Smithsburg, MD
+1301827|Rockville, MD
+1301829|Mount Airy, MD
+1301838|Rockville, MD
+1301839|Oxon Hill, MD
+1301843|Waldorf, MD
+1301846|Frederick, MD
+1301853|Hyattsville, MD
+1301856|Clinton, MD
+1301868|Clinton, MD
+1301877|Clinton, MD
+1301879|Silver Spring, MD
+1301881|Rockville, MD
+1301885|Waldorf, MD
+1301891|Takoma Park, MD
+1301894|Temple Hills, MD
+1301895|Grantsville, MD
+1301896|Bethesda, MD
+1301931|Beltsville, MD
+1301937|Beltsville, MD
+1301952|Upper Marlboro, MD
+1301978|Gaithersburg, MD
+1301981|Joint Base Andrews Naval Air Facility, MD
+1301983|Potomac, MD
+1301997|Leonardtown, MD
+1302224|Newark, DE
+1302226|Rehoboth Beach, DE
+1302227|Rehoboth Beach, DE
+1302266|Newark, DE
+1302283|Newark, DE
+1302284|Felton, DE
+1302292|Newark, DE
+1302322|New Castle, DE
+1302323|New Castle, DE
+1302324|New Castle, DE
+1302325|New Castle, DE
+1302326|New Castle, DE
+1302328|New Castle, DE
+1302337|Bridgeville, DE
+1302346|Dover, DE
+1302349|Greenwood, DE
+1302366|Newark, DE
+1302368|Newark, DE
+1302369|Newark, DE
+1302376|Middletown, DE
+1302398|Harrington, DE
+1302421|Wilmington, DE
+1302422|Milford, DE
+1302424|Milford, DE
+1302425|Wilmington, DE
+1302427|Wilmington, DE
+1302428|Wilmington, DE
+1302429|Wilmington, DE
+1302436|Selbyville, DE
+1302453|Newark, DE
+1302454|Newark, DE
+1302455|Newark, DE
+1302456|Newark, DE
+1302467|Wilmington, DE
+1302472|Wilmington, DE
+1302475|Wilmington, DE
+1302477|Wilmington, DE
+1302478|Wilmington, DE
+1302479|Wilmington, DE
+1302529|Wilmington, DE
+1302533|Newark, DE
+1302543|Wilmington, DE
+1302571|Wilmington, DE
+1302573|Wilmington, DE
+1302575|Wilmington, DE
+1302576|Wilmington, DE
+1302622|Wilmington, DE
+1302628|Seaford, DE
+1302629|Seaford, DE
+1302651|Wilmington, DE
+1302652|Wilmington, DE
+1302653|Smyrna, DE
+1302654|Wilmington, DE
+1302655|Wilmington, DE
+1302656|Wilmington, DE
+1302657|Wilmington, DE
+1302658|Wilmington, DE
+1302659|Smyrna, DE
+1302661|Wilmington, DE
+1302672|Dover, DE
+1302674|Dover, DE
+1302677|Dover, DE
+1302678|Dover, DE
+1302684|Milton, DE
+1302691|Wilmington, DE
+1302730|Dover, DE
+1302731|Newark, DE
+1302733|Newark, DE
+1302734|Dover, DE
+1302735|Dover, DE
+1302736|Dover, DE
+1302737|Newark, DE
+1302738|Newark, DE
+1302739|Dover, DE
+1302741|Dover, DE
+1302744|Dover, DE
+1302761|Wilmington, DE
+1302762|Wilmington, DE
+1302764|Wilmington, DE
+1302765|Wilmington, DE
+1302777|Wilmington, DE
+1302778|Wilmington, DE
+1302831|Newark, DE
+1302846|Delmar, DE
+1302854|Georgetown, DE
+1302855|Georgetown, DE
+1302856|Georgetown, DE
+1302875|Laurel, DE
+1302888|Wilmington, DE
+1302894|Newark, DE
+1302934|Millsboro, DE
+1302984|Wilmington, DE
+1302992|Wilmington, DE
+1302994|Wilmington, DE
+1302995|Wilmington, DE
+1302998|Wilmington, DE
+1302999|Wilmington, DE
+1303270|Denver, CO
+1303282|Denver, CO
+1303291|Denver, CO
+1303292|Denver, CO
+1303293|Denver, CO
+1303294|Denver, CO
+1303295|Denver, CO
+1303296|Denver, CO
+1303297|Denver, CO
+1303299|Denver, CO
+1303308|Denver, CO
+1303315|Denver, CO
+1303316|Denver, CO
+1303318|Denver, CO
+1303320|Denver, CO
+1303321|Denver, CO
+1303322|Denver, CO
+1303326|Aurora, CO
+1303329|Denver, CO
+1303331|Denver, CO
+1303333|Denver, CO
+1303340|Aurora, CO
+1303341|Aurora, CO
+1303342|Denver, CO
+1303343|Aurora, CO
+1303355|Denver, CO
+1303360|Aurora, CO
+1303363|Aurora, CO
+1303364|Aurora, CO
+1303366|Aurora, CO
+1303367|Aurora, CO
+1303371|Denver, CO
+1303372|Denver, CO
+1303377|Denver, CO
+1303388|Denver, CO
+1303393|Denver, CO
+1303394|Denver, CO
+1303399|Denver, CO
+1303402|Boulder, CO
+1303413|Boulder, CO
+1303415|Boulder, CO
+1303433|Denver, CO
+1303436|Denver, CO
+1303440|Boulder, CO
+1303441|Boulder, CO
+1303442|Boulder, CO
+1303443|Boulder, CO
+1303444|Boulder, CO
+1303446|Denver, CO
+1303447|Boulder, CO
+1303449|Boulder, CO
+1303455|Denver, CO
+1303458|Denver, CO
+1303477|Denver, CO
+1303480|Denver, CO
+1303485|Longmont, CO
+1303492|Boulder, CO
+1303497|Boulder, CO
+1303498|Brighton, CO
+1303499|Boulder, CO
+1303504|Denver, CO
+1303534|Denver, CO
+1303541|Boulder, CO
+1303544|Boulder, CO
+1303545|Boulder, CO
+1303546|Boulder, CO
+1303556|Denver, CO
+1303567|Idaho Springs, CO
+1303571|Denver, CO
+1303572|Denver, CO
+1303573|Denver, CO
+1303576|Denver, CO
+1303592|Denver, CO
+1303595|Denver, CO
+1303602|Denver, CO
+1303607|Denver, CO
+1303622|Strasburg, CO
+1303623|Denver, CO
+1303626|Denver, CO
+1303628|Denver, CO
+1303629|Denver, CO
+1303634|Denver, CO
+1303637|Brighton, CO
+1303644|Bennett, CO
+1303646|Elizabeth, CO
+1303651|Longmont, CO
+1303654|Brighton, CO
+1303655|Brighton, CO
+1303659|Brighton, CO
+1303670|Evergreen, CO
+1303674|Evergreen, CO
+1303678|Longmont, CO
+1303679|Evergreen, CO
+1303682|Longmont, CO
+1303684|Longmont, CO
+1303685|Denver, CO
+1303691|Denver, CO
+1303692|Denver, CO
+1303698|Denver, CO
+1303702|Longmont, CO
+1303715|Denver, CO
+1303722|Denver, CO
+1303724|Aurora, CO
+1303732|Keenesburg, CO
+1303733|Denver, CO
+1303739|Aurora, CO
+1303756|Denver, CO
+1303757|Denver, CO
+1303758|Denver, CO
+1303764|Denver, CO
+1303765|Denver, CO
+1303769|Deer Trail, CO
+1303772|Longmont, CO
+1303774|Longmont, CO
+1303776|Longmont, CO
+1303777|Denver, CO
+1303778|Denver, CO
+1303786|Boulder, CO
+1303805|Parker, CO
+1303820|Denver, CO
+1303822|Byers, CO
+1303823|Lyons, CO
+1303825|Denver, CO
+1303830|Denver, CO
+1303831|Denver, CO
+1303832|Denver, CO
+1303837|Denver, CO
+1303838|Aspen Park, CO
+1303839|Denver, CO
+1303840|Parker, CO
+1303841|Parker, CO
+1303844|Denver, CO
+1303857|Fort Lupton, CO
+1303861|Denver, CO
+1303863|Denver, CO
+1303866|Denver, CO
+1303871|Denver, CO
+1303892|Denver, CO
+1303893|Denver, CO
+1303938|Boulder, CO
+1303948|Littleton, CO
+1303964|Denver, CO
+1303972|Littleton, CO
+1303973|Littleton, CO
+1303978|Littleton, CO
+1303979|Littleton, CO
+1304|West Virginia
+1304225|Morgantown, WV
+1304230|Wheeling, WV
+1304232|Wheeling, WV
+1304233|Wheeling, WV
+1304234|Wheeling, WV
+1304235|Williamson, WV
+1304241|Morgantown, WV
+1304242|Wheeling, WV
+1304243|Wheeling, WV
+1304252|Beckley, WV
+1304253|Beckley, WV
+1304254|Beckley, WV
+1304255|Beckley, WV
+1304256|Beckley, WV
+1304257|Petersburg, WV
+1304258|Berkeley Springs, WV
+1304260|Martinsburg, WV
+1304262|Martinsburg, WV
+1304263|Martinsburg, WV
+1304264|Martinsburg, WV
+1304265|Grafton, WV
+1304267|Martinsburg, WV
+1304269|Weston, WV
+1304272|Wayne, WV
+1304273|Ravenswood, WV
+1304275|Elizabeth, WV
+1304277|Wheeling, WV
+1304284|Morgantown, WV
+1304285|Morgantown, WV
+1304291|Morgantown, WV
+1304292|Morgantown, WV
+1304293|Morgantown, WV
+1304294|Mullens, WV
+1304295|Vienna, WV
+1304296|Morgantown, WV
+1304323|Bluefield, WV
+1304324|Bluefield, WV
+1304325|Bluefield, WV
+1304326|Clarksburg, WV
+1304327|Bluefield, WV
+1304329|Kingwood, WV
+1304333|Fairmont, WV
+1304337|Paden City, WV
+1304340|Charleston, WV
+1304341|Charleston, WV
+1304342|Charleston, WV
+1304343|Charleston, WV
+1304344|Charleston, WV
+1304345|Charleston, WV
+1304346|Charleston, WV
+1304347|Charleston, WV
+1304348|Charleston, WV
+1304353|Charleston, WV
+1304354|Grantsville, WV
+1304357|Charleston, WV
+1304358|Franklin, WV
+1304363|Fairmont, WV
+1304364|Gassaway, WV
+1304366|Fairmont, WV
+1304367|Fairmont, WV
+1304368|Fairmont, WV
+1304372|Ripley, WV
+1304375|Williamstown, WV
+1304379|Bruceton Mills, WV
+1304388|Charleston, WV
+1304399|Huntington, WV
+1304420|Parkersburg, WV
+1304422|Parkersburg, WV
+1304424|Parkersburg, WV
+1304425|Princeton, WV
+1304428|Parkersburg, WV
+1304429|Huntington, WV
+1304431|Princeton, WV
+1304436|Welch, WV
+1304438|Rainelle, WV
+1304455|New Martinsville, WV
+1304457|Philippi, WV
+1304462|Glenville, WV
+1304465|Oak Hill, WV
+1304466|Hinton, WV
+1304469|Oak Hill, WV
+1304472|Buckhannon, WV
+1304473|Buckhannon, WV
+1304478|Parsons, WV
+1304485|Parkersburg, WV
+1304487|Princeton, WV
+1304522|Huntington, WV
+1304523|Huntington, WV
+1304525|Huntington, WV
+1304526|Huntington, WV
+1304527|Follansbee, WV
+1304528|Huntington, WV
+1304529|Huntington, WV
+1304530|Moorefield, WV
+1304534|Fairmont, WV
+1304535|Harpers Ferry, WV
+1304538|Moorefield, WV
+1304548|Clendenin, WV
+1304558|Charleston, WV
+1304562|Hurricane, WV
+1304564|New Cumberland, WV
+1304574|Fayetteville, WV
+1304587|Clay, WV
+1304592|Shinnston, WV
+1304594|Morgantown, WV
+1304596|Martinsburg, WV
+1304597|Keyser, WV
+1304598|Morgantown, WV
+1304599|Morgantown, WV
+1304622|Clarksburg, WV
+1304623|Clarksburg, WV
+1304626|Clarksburg, WV
+1304636|Elkins, WV
+1304637|Elkins, WV
+1304643|Harrisville, WV
+1304645|Lewisburg, WV
+1304652|Sistersville, WV
+1304659|Pennsboro, WV
+1304675|Point Pleasant, WV
+1304684|St. Marys, WV
+1304686|Cameron, WV
+1304691|Huntington, WV
+1304696|Huntington, WV
+1304697|Huntington, WV
+1304720|Charleston, WV
+1304723|Weirton, WV
+1304727|St. Albans, WV
+1304732|Pineville, WV
+1304737|Wellsburg, WV
+1304742|Craigsville, WV
+1304748|Weirton, WV
+1304753|Peterstown, WV
+1304754|Hedgesville, WV
+1304758|Middlebourne, WV
+1304760|Hurricane, WV
+1304765|Sutton, WV
+1304781|Huntington, WV
+1304782|Salem, WV
+1304788|Keyser, WV
+1304789|Terra Alta, WV
+1304792|Logan, WV
+1304797|Weirton, WV
+1304799|Marlinton, WV
+1304822|Romney, WV
+1304823|Belington, WV
+1304831|Logan, WV
+1304842|Bridgeport, WV
+1304843|Moundsville, WV
+1304845|Moundsville, WV
+1304847|Webster Springs, WV
+1304848|Bridgeport, WV
+1304865|Parkersburg, WV
+1304872|Summersville, WV
+1304873|West Union, WV
+1304874|Wardensville, WV
+1304876|Shepherdstown, WV
+1304877|Mount Hope, WV
+1304884|Jane Lew, WV
+1304925|Charleston, WV
+1304926|Charleston, WV
+1304927|Spencer, WV
+1304929|Beckley, WV
+1304933|Bridgeport, WV
+1304983|Morgantown, WV
+1304984|Charleston, WV
+1304986|Mannington, WV
+1305207|Miami, FL
+1305220|Miami, FL
+1305221|Miami, FL
+1305222|Miami, FL
+1305223|Miami, FL
+1305225|Miami, FL
+1305226|Miami, FL
+1305227|Miami, FL
+1305228|Miami, FL
+1305229|Miami, FL
+1305231|Hialeah, FL
+1305232|Miami, FL
+1305234|Miami, FL
+1305243|Miami, FL
+1305245|Homestead, FL
+1305246|Homestead, FL
+1305247|Homestead, FL
+1305248|Homestead, FL
+1305256|Miami, FL
+1305260|Miami, FL
+1305261|Miami, FL
+1305262|Miami, FL
+1305263|Miami, FL
+1305264|Miami, FL
+1305265|Miami, FL
+1305266|Miami, FL
+1305267|Miami, FL
+1305269|Miami, FL
+1305270|Miami, FL
+1305271|Miami, FL
+1305273|Miami, FL
+1305274|Miami, FL
+1305275|Miami, FL
+1305279|Miami, FL
+1305285|Miami, FL
+1305289|Marathon, FL
+1305292|Key West, FL
+1305293|Key West, FL
+1305294|Key West, FL
+1305295|Key West, FL
+1305296|Key West, FL
+1305324|Miami, FL
+1305325|Miami, FL
+1305326|Miami, FL
+1305347|Miami, FL
+1305348|Miami, FL
+1305349|Miami, FL
+1305355|Miami, FL
+1305358|Miami, FL
+1305361|Key Biscayne, FL
+1305362|Hialeah, FL
+1305365|Key Biscayne, FL
+1305367|Key Largo, FL
+1305371|Miami, FL
+1305372|Miami, FL
+1305373|Miami, FL
+1305374|Miami, FL
+1305375|Miami, FL
+1305376|Miami, FL
+1305377|Miami, FL
+1305379|Miami, FL
+1305380|Miami, FL
+1305381|Miami, FL
+1305382|Miami, FL
+1305383|Miami, FL
+1305385|Miami, FL
+1305386|Miami, FL
+1305387|Miami, FL
+1305388|Miami, FL
+1305408|Miami, FL
+1305412|Miami, FL
+1305416|Miami, FL
+1305438|Miami, FL
+1305451|Key Largo, FL
+1305453|Key Largo, FL
+1305480|Miami, FL
+1305485|Miami, FL
+1305512|Hialeah, FL
+1305530|Miami, FL
+1305531|Miami Beach, FL
+1305532|Miami Beach, FL
+1305535|Miami Beach, FL
+1305536|Miami, FL
+1305539|Miami, FL
+1305541|Miami, FL
+1305545|Miami, FL
+1305547|Miami, FL
+1305548|Miami, FL
+1305549|Miami, FL
+1305551|Miami, FL
+1305552|Miami, FL
+1305553|Miami, FL
+1305554|Miami, FL
+1305556|Hialeah, FL
+1305557|Hialeah, FL
+1305558|Hialeah, FL
+1305559|Miami, FL
+1305571|Miami, FL
+1305572|Miami, FL
+1305573|Miami, FL
+1305575|Miami, FL
+1305576|Miami, FL
+1305577|Miami, FL
+1305579|Miami, FL
+1305585|Miami, FL
+1305595|Miami, FL
+1305596|Miami, FL
+1305598|Miami, FL
+1305604|Miami Beach, FL
+1305630|Miami, FL
+1305631|Miami, FL
+1305633|Miami, FL
+1305634|Miami, FL
+1305635|Miami, FL
+1305636|Miami, FL
+1305637|Miami, FL
+1305638|Miami, FL
+1305642|Miami, FL
+1305643|Miami, FL
+1305644|Miami, FL
+1305649|Miami, FL
+1305664|Islamorada, FL
+1305670|Miami, FL
+1305672|Miami Beach, FL
+1305673|Miami Beach, FL
+1305689|Miami, FL
+1305694|Miami, FL
+1305695|Miami Beach, FL
+1305698|Hialeah, FL
+1305743|Marathon, FL
+1305752|Miami, FL
+1305755|Miami, FL
+1305759|Miami, FL
+1305789|Miami, FL
+1305808|Miami, FL
+1305810|Miami, FL
+1305817|Hialeah, FL
+1305818|Hialeah, FL
+1305819|Hialeah, FL
+1305820|Hialeah, FL
+1305821|Hialeah, FL
+1305822|Hialeah, FL
+1305823|Hialeah, FL
+1305824|Hialeah, FL
+1305825|Hialeah, FL
+1305826|Hialeah, FL
+1305828|Hialeah, FL
+1305856|Miami, FL
+1305857|Miami, FL
+1305858|Miami, FL
+1305860|Miami, FL
+1305872|Big Pine Key, FL
+1305971|Miami, FL
+1306205|Regina, SK
+1306225|Hague, SK
+1306228|Unity, SK
+1306232|Rosthern, SK
+1306233|Wakaw, SK
+1306235|Buffalo Narrows, SK
+1306236|Meadow Lake, SK
+1306242|Saskatoon, SK
+1306244|Saskatoon, SK
+1306249|Saskatoon, SK
+1306256|Cudworth, SK
+1306272|Foam Lake, SK
+1306295|Eastend, SK
+1306297|Shaunavon, SK
+1306327|Kelvington, SK
+1306332|Fort Qu'Appelle, SK
+1306334|Balcarres, SK
+1306338|Wadena, SK
+1306343|Saskatoon, SK
+1306344|Paradise Hill, SK
+1306347|Regina, SK
+1306352|Regina, SK
+1306359|Regina, SK
+1306365|Lanigan, SK
+1306372|Luseland, SK
+1306373|Saskatoon, SK
+1306374|Saskatoon, SK
+1306378|Elrose, SK
+1306382|Saskatoon, SK
+1306384|Saskatoon, SK
+1306397|Edam, SK
+1306398|Cut Knife, SK
+1306425|La Ronge, SK
+1306435|Moosomin, SK
+1306445|North Battleford, SK
+1306446|North Battleford, SK
+1306452|Redvers, SK
+1306453|Carlyle, SK
+1306463|Kindersley, SK
+1306466|Leask, SK
+1306467|Duck Lake, SK
+1306468|Canwood, SK
+1306469|Big River, SK
+1306477|Saskatoon, SK
+1306482|Carnduff, SK
+1306483|Oxbow, SK
+1306487|Lampman, SK
+1306522|Regina, SK
+1306525|Regina, SK
+1306542|Kamsack, SK
+1306543|Regina, SK
+1306545|Regina, SK
+1306546|Regina, SK
+1306547|Preeceville, SK
+1306554|Wynyard, SK
+1306563|Canora, SK
+1306565|Regina, SK
+1306567|Davidson, SK
+1306569|Regina, SK
+1306584|Regina, SK
+1306585|Regina, SK
+1306586|Regina, SK
+1306625|Ponteix, SK
+1306628|Leader, SK
+1306634|Estevan, SK
+1306637|Estevan, SK
+1306642|Assiniboia, SK
+1306645|Rocanville, SK
+1306648|Gravelbourg, SK
+1306651|Saskatoon, SK
+1306652|Saskatoon, SK
+1306653|Saskatoon, SK
+1306655|Saskatoon, SK
+1306662|Maple Creek, SK
+1306664|Saskatoon, SK
+1306665|Saskatoon, SK
+1306668|Saskatoon, SK
+1306672|Gull Lake, SK
+1306682|Humboldt, SK
+1306683|Saskatoon, SK
+1306688|Creighton, SK
+1306691|Moose Jaw, SK
+1306692|Moose Jaw, SK
+1306693|Moose Jaw, SK
+1306694|Moose Jaw, SK
+1306695|Indian Head, SK
+1306696|Broadview, SK
+1306697|Grenfell, SK
+1306721|Regina, SK
+1306726|Southey, SK
+1306728|Melville, SK
+1306731|Lumsden, SK
+1306735|Whitewood, SK
+1306736|Kipling, SK
+1306739|Wawota, SK
+1306743|Langenburg, SK
+1306745|Esterhazy, SK
+1306746|Raymore, SK
+1306747|Shellbrook, SK
+1306749|Birch Hills, SK
+1306751|Regina, SK
+1306752|Melfort, SK
+1306753|Macklin, SK
+1306757|Regina, SK
+1306761|Regina, SK
+1306763|Prince Albert, SK
+1306764|Prince Albert, SK
+1306765|Prince Albert, SK
+1306768|Carrot River, SK
+1306773|Swift Current, SK
+1306775|Regina, SK
+1306778|Swift Current, SK
+1306780|Regina, SK
+1306782|Yorkton, SK
+1306783|Yorkton, SK
+1306786|Yorkton, SK
+1306789|Regina, SK
+1306790|Regina, SK
+1306791|Regina, SK
+1306795|Ituna, SK
+1306823|Neilburg, SK
+1306825|Lloydminster, SK
+1306834|Kerrobert, SK
+1306837|Loon Lake, SK
+1306839|Pierceland, SK
+1306842|Weyburn, SK
+1306843|Wilkie, SK
+1306845|Turtleford, SK
+1306848|Weyburn, SK
+1306862|Nipawin, SK
+1306864|Kinistino, SK
+1306865|Hudson Bay, SK
+1306867|Outlook, SK
+1306869|Radville, SK
+1306873|Tisdale, SK
+1306882|Rosetown, SK
+1306883|Spiritwood, SK
+1306893|Maidstone, SK
+1306922|Prince Albert, SK
+1306924|Regina, SK
+1306931|Saskatoon, SK
+1306933|Saskatoon, SK
+1306934|Saskatoon, SK
+1306945|Waldheim, SK
+1306946|Watrous, SK
+1306948|Biggar, SK
+1306949|Regina, SK
+1306953|Prince Albert, SK
+1306955|Saskatoon, SK
+1306956|Saskatoon, SK
+1306962|Eston, SK
+1306966|Saskatoon, SK
+1306975|Saskatoon, SK
+1306978|Saskatoon, SK
+1306979|Saskatoon, SK
+1306982|Christopher Lake, SK
+1307232|Casper, WY
+1307233|Casper, WY
+1307234|Casper, WY
+1307235|Casper, WY
+1307237|Casper, WY
+1307245|Pine Bluffs, WY
+1307261|Casper, WY
+1307265|Casper, WY
+1307266|Casper, WY
+1307276|Big Piney, WY
+1307279|Cokeville, WY
+1307283|Sundance, WY
+1307315|Casper, WY
+1307322|Wheatland, WY
+1307324|Rawlins, WY
+1307326|Saratoga, WY
+1307328|Rawlins, WY
+1307332|Lander, WY
+1307334|Lusk, WY
+1307335|Lander, WY
+1307347|Worland, WY
+1307352|Rock Springs, WY
+1307358|Douglas, WY
+1307362|Rock Springs, WY
+1307366|Ten Sleep, WY
+1307367|Pinedale, WY
+1307382|Rock Springs, WY
+1307386|La Barge, WY
+1307426|Cheyenne, WY
+1307432|Cheyenne, WY
+1307433|Cheyenne, WY
+1307436|Glenrock, WY
+1307444|Evanston, WY
+1307455|Dubois, WY
+1307468|Upton, WY
+1307472|Casper, WY
+1307473|Casper, WY
+1307527|Cody, WY
+1307532|Torrington, WY
+1307548|Lovell, WY
+1307568|Basin, WY
+1307577|Casper, WY
+1307587|Cody, WY
+1307632|Cheyenne, WY
+1307633|Cheyenne, WY
+1307634|Cheyenne, WY
+1307635|Cheyenne, WY
+1307637|Cheyenne, WY
+1307638|Cheyenne, WY
+1307654|Alpine, WY
+1307672|Sheridan, WY
+1307673|Sheridan, WY
+1307674|Sheridan, WY
+1307675|Sheridan, WY
+1307682|Gillette, WY
+1307684|Buffalo, WY
+1307685|Gillette, WY
+1307686|Gillette, WY
+1307687|Gillette, WY
+1307688|Gillette, WY
+1307721|Laramie, WY
+1307732|Jackson, WY
+1307733|Jackson, WY
+1307734|Jackson, WY
+1307738|Kaycee, WY
+1307739|Jackson, WY
+1307742|Laramie, WY
+1307745|Laramie, WY
+1307746|Newcastle, WY
+1307754|Powell, WY
+1307755|Laramie, WY
+1307765|Greybull, WY
+1307766|Laramie, WY
+1307772|Cheyenne, WY
+1307777|Cheyenne, WY
+1307778|Cheyenne, WY
+1307783|Evanston, WY
+1307787|Lyman, WY
+1307789|Evanston, WY
+1307856|Riverton, WY
+1307857|Riverton, WY
+1307864|Thermopolis, WY
+1307868|Meeteetse, WY
+1307872|Green River, WY
+1307875|Green River, WY
+1307876|Shoshoni, WY
+1307877|Kemmerer, WY
+1307885|Afton, WY
+1307886|Afton, WY
+1308233|Kearney, NE
+1308234|Kearney, NE
+1308235|Kimball, NE
+1308236|Kearney, NE
+1308237|Kearney, NE
+1308239|Paxton, NE
+1308254|Sidney, NE
+1308262|Bridgeport, NE
+1308268|Beaver City, NE
+1308282|Gordon, NE
+1308284|Ogallala, NE
+1308324|Lexington, NE
+1308327|Rushville, NE
+1308334|Trenton, NE
+1308338|Kearney, NE
+1308344|McCook, NE
+1308345|McCook, NE
+1308346|Burwell, NE
+1308352|Grant, NE
+1308367|Curtis, NE
+1308368|Hershey, NE
+1308381|Grand Island, NE
+1308382|Grand Island, NE
+1308384|Grand Island, NE
+1308385|Grand Island, NE
+1308386|Sutherland, NE
+1308387|Wallace, NE
+1308389|Grand Island, NE
+1308394|Wauneta, NE
+1308395|Grand Island, NE
+1308398|Grand Island, NE
+1308423|Benkelman, NE
+1308425|Franklin, NE
+1308432|Chadron, NE
+1308436|Gering, NE
+1308452|Ravenna, NE
+1308458|Hyannis, NE
+1308468|Gibbon, NE
+1308472|Bertrand, NE
+1308485|Cairo, NE
+1308486|Eustis, NE
+1308487|Hemingford, NE
+1308497|Spalding, NE
+1308527|Sargent, NE
+1308532|North Platte, NE
+1308534|North Platte, NE
+1308535|North Platte, NE
+1308536|Fullerton, NE
+1308537|Gothenburg, NE
+1308546|Mullen, NE
+1308583|Wood River, NE
+1308586|Bayard, NE
+1308623|Mitchell, NE
+1308630|Scottsbluff, NE
+1308632|Scottsbluff, NE
+1308633|Scottsbluff, NE
+1308635|Scottsbluff, NE
+1308638|Hay Springs, NE
+1308645|Thedford, NE
+1308647|Shelton, NE
+1308665|Crawford, NE
+1308696|North Platte, NE
+1308697|Cambridge, NE
+1308698|Kearney, NE
+1308728|Ord, NE
+1308745|Loup City, NE
+1308754|St. Paul, NE
+1308762|Alliance, NE
+1308772|Oshkosh, NE
+1308784|Cozad, NE
+1308785|Elwood, NE
+1308824|Oxford, NE
+1308832|Minden, NE
+1308836|Callaway, NE
+1308856|Elm Creek, NE
+1308865|Kearney, NE
+1308872|Broken Bow, NE
+1308874|Chappell, NE
+1308882|Imperial, NE
+1308928|Alma, NE
+1308946|Central City, NE
+1308962|Arapahoe, NE
+1308995|Holdrege, NE
+1309244|Delavan, IL
+1309245|Farmington, IL
+1309246|Lacon, IL
+1309263|Morton, IL
+1309266|Morton, IL
+1309268|Normal, IL
+1309274|Chillicothe, IL
+1309286|Toulon, IL
+1309289|Knoxville, IL
+1309298|Macomb, IL
+1309329|Astoria, IL
+1309341|Galesburg, IL
+1309342|Galesburg, IL
+1309343|Galesburg, IL
+1309344|Galesburg, IL
+1309345|Galesburg, IL
+1309346|Pekin, IL
+1309347|Pekin, IL
+1309353|Pekin, IL
+1309359|Mackinaw, IL
+1309364|Henry, IL
+1309365|Lexington, IL
+1309367|Metamora, IL
+1309385|Princeville, IL
+1309389|Glasford, IL
+1309426|Roseville, IL
+1309432|Minonk, IL
+1309444|Washington, IL
+1309451|Normal, IL
+1309452|Normal, IL
+1309454|Normal, IL
+1309462|Abingdon, IL
+1309467|Eureka, IL
+1309473|Heyworth, IL
+1309477|Pekin, IL
+1309482|Alexis, IL
+1309483|Oneida, IL
+1309494|Peoria, IL
+1309495|Peoria, IL
+1309497|Peoria, IL
+1309523|Port Byron, IL
+1309526|Orion, IL
+1309527|El Paso, IL
+1309543|Havana, IL
+1309547|Lewistown, IL
+1309582|Aledo, IL
+1309589|Peoria, IL
+1309593|Sherrard, IL
+1309596|Viola, IL
+1309624|Peoria, IL
+1309637|Peoria, IL
+1309647|Canton, IL
+1309652|Blandinsville, IL
+1309654|Cordova, IL
+1309655|Peoria, IL
+1309658|Hillsdale, IL
+1309659|Erie, IL
+1309661|Bloomington, IL
+1309662|Bloomington, IL
+1309663|Bloomington, IL
+1309664|Bloomington, IL
+1309665|Bloomington, IL
+1309671|Peoria, IL
+1309672|Peoria, IL
+1309673|Peoria, IL
+1309674|Peoria, IL
+1309676|Peoria, IL
+1309677|Peoria, IL
+1309680|Peoria, IL
+1309681|Peoria, IL
+1309682|Peoria, IL
+1309683|Peoria, IL
+1309685|Peoria, IL
+1309686|Peoria, IL
+1309687|Peoria, IL
+1309688|Peoria, IL
+1309689|Peoria, IL
+1309690|Peoria, IL
+1309691|Peoria, IL
+1309692|Peoria, IL
+1309693|Peoria, IL
+1309694|East Peoria, IL
+1309695|Wyoming, IL
+1309698|East Peoria, IL
+1309732|Rock Island, IL
+1309734|Monmouth, IL
+1309736|Moline, IL
+1309743|Moline, IL
+1309745|Washington, IL
+1309752|East Moline, IL
+1309755|East Moline, IL
+1309757|Moline, IL
+1309762|Moline, IL
+1309764|Moline, IL
+1309772|Bushnell, IL
+1309785|Cuba, IL
+1309786|Rock Island, IL
+1309787|Milan, IL
+1309788|Rock Island, IL
+1309793|Rock Island, IL
+1309794|Rock Island, IL
+1309797|Moline, IL
+1309799|Coal Valley, IL
+1309820|Bloomington, IL
+1309821|Bloomington, IL
+1309827|Bloomington, IL
+1309828|Bloomington, IL
+1309829|Bloomington, IL
+1309833|Macomb, IL
+1309836|Macomb, IL
+1309837|Macomb, IL
+1309852|Kewanee, IL
+1309853|Kewanee, IL
+1309856|Kewanee, IL
+1309862|Normal, IL
+1309867|Oquawka, IL
+1309874|McLean, IL
+1309886|Washington, IL
+1309897|Bradford, IL
+1309923|Roanoke, IL
+1309924|Stronghurst, IL
+1309925|Tremont, IL
+1309928|Farmer City, IL
+1309932|Galva, IL
+1309935|Annawan, IL
+1309936|Atkinson, IL
+1309937|Cambridge, IL
+1309944|Geneseo, IL
+1309945|Geneseo, IL
+1309962|Le Roy, IL
+1309968|Manito, IL
+1310206|Los Angeles, CA
+1310207|Los Angeles, CA
+1310208|Los Angeles, CA
+1310209|Los Angeles, CA
+1310212|Torrance, CA
+1310222|Torrance, CA
+1310229|Los Angeles, CA
+1310231|Los Angeles, CA
+1310234|Los Angeles, CA
+1310235|Los Angeles, CA
+1310242|Los Angeles, CA
+1310253|Culver City, CA
+1310260|Santa Monica, CA
+1310264|Santa Monica, CA
+1310268|Los Angeles, CA
+1310312|Los Angeles, CA
+1310317|Malibu, CA
+1310320|Torrance, CA
+1310322|El Segundo, CA
+1310328|Torrance, CA
+1310330|Inglewood, CA
+1310392|Santa Monica, CA
+1310393|Santa Monica, CA
+1310394|Santa Monica, CA
+1310395|Santa Monica, CA
+1310412|Inglewood, CA
+1310419|Inglewood, CA
+1310426|El Segundo, CA
+1310440|Los Angeles, CA
+1310441|Los Angeles, CA
+1310442|Los Angeles, CA
+1310443|Los Angeles, CA
+1310444|Los Angeles, CA
+1310445|Los Angeles, CA
+1310446|Los Angeles, CA
+1310449|Santa Monica, CA
+1310451|Santa Monica, CA
+1310455|Topanga Canyon, CA
+1310456|Malibu, CA
+1310457|Malibu, CA
+1310458|Santa Monica, CA
+1310470|Los Angeles, CA
+1310471|Los Angeles, CA
+1310472|Los Angeles, CA
+1310473|Los Angeles, CA
+1310474|Los Angeles, CA
+1310475|Los Angeles, CA
+1310476|Los Angeles, CA
+1310477|Los Angeles, CA
+1310478|Los Angeles, CA
+1310479|Los Angeles, CA
+1310481|Los Angeles, CA
+1310510|Avalon, CA
+1310524|El Segundo, CA
+1310533|Torrance, CA
+1310545|Manhattan Beach, CA
+1310546|Manhattan Beach, CA
+1310553|Los Angeles, CA
+1310575|Los Angeles, CA
+1310576|Santa Monica, CA
+1310589|Malibu, CA
+1310607|El Segundo, CA
+1310615|El Segundo, CA
+1310618|Torrance, CA
+1310640|El Segundo, CA
+1310646|Los Angeles, CA
+1310647|El Segundo, CA
+1310656|Santa Monica, CA
+1310668|Los Angeles, CA
+1310671|Inglewood, CA
+1310672|Inglewood, CA
+1310673|Inglewood, CA
+1310674|Inglewood, CA
+1310677|Inglewood, CA
+1310680|Inglewood, CA
+1310712|Los Angeles, CA
+1310781|Torrance, CA
+1310782|Torrance, CA
+1310783|Torrance, CA
+1310785|Los Angeles, CA
+1310787|Torrance, CA
+1310794|Los Angeles, CA
+1310820|Los Angeles, CA
+1310824|Los Angeles, CA
+1310825|Los Angeles, CA
+1310826|Los Angeles, CA
+1310828|Santa Monica, CA
+1310829|Santa Monica, CA
+1310832|San Pedro, CA
+1310860|Beverly Hills, CA
+1310899|Santa Monica, CA
+1310966|Los Angeles, CA
+1310979|Los Angeles, CA
+1310998|Santa Monica, CA
+1312|Chicago, IL
+1313223|Detroit, MI
+1313224|Detroit, MI
+1313225|Detroit, MI
+1313226|Detroit, MI
+1313237|Detroit, MI
+1313259|Detroit, MI
+1313270|Detroit, MI
+1313272|Detroit, MI
+1313273|Detroit, MI
+1313285|Detroit, MI
+1313291|Taylor, MI
+1313295|Taylor, MI
+1313309|Detroit, MI
+1313331|Detroit, MI
+1313340|Detroit, MI
+1313341|Detroit, MI
+1313342|Detroit, MI
+1313345|Detroit, MI
+1313366|Detroit, MI
+1313368|Detroit, MI
+1313369|Detroit, MI
+1313371|Detroit, MI
+1313372|Detroit, MI
+1313393|Detroit, MI
+1313397|Detroit, MI
+1313416|Detroit, MI
+1313423|Detroit, MI
+1313436|Dearborn, MI
+1313446|Detroit, MI
+1313450|Redford, MI
+1313465|Detroit, MI
+1313469|Detroit, MI
+1313491|Detroit, MI
+1313493|Detroit, MI
+1313494|Detroit, MI
+1313496|Detroit, MI
+1313499|Detroit, MI
+1313521|Detroit, MI
+1313526|Detroit, MI
+1313527|Detroit, MI
+1313554|Detroit, MI
+1313567|Detroit, MI
+1313568|Detroit, MI
+1313571|Detroit, MI
+1313576|Detroit, MI
+1313577|Detroit, MI
+1313579|Detroit, MI
+1313593|Dearborn, MI
+1313596|Detroit, MI
+1313646|Detroit, MI
+1313653|Detroit, MI
+1313659|Detroit, MI
+1313745|Detroit, MI
+1313822|Detroit, MI
+1313831|Detroit, MI
+1313832|Detroit, MI
+1313833|Detroit, MI
+1313834|Detroit, MI
+1313835|Detroit, MI
+1313836|Detroit, MI
+1313837|Detroit, MI
+1313838|Detroit, MI
+1313839|Detroit, MI
+1313841|Detroit, MI
+1313843|Detroit, MI
+1313849|Detroit, MI
+1313861|Detroit, MI
+1313862|Detroit, MI
+1313863|Detroit, MI
+1313864|Detroit, MI
+1313866|Detroit, MI
+1313892|Detroit, MI
+1313894|Detroit, MI
+1313895|Detroit, MI
+1313896|Detroit, MI
+1313897|Detroit, MI
+1313898|Detroit, MI
+1313899|Detroit, MI
+1313916|Detroit, MI
+1313921|Detroit, MI
+1313922|Detroit, MI
+1313923|Detroit, MI
+1313924|Detroit, MI
+1313925|Detroit, MI
+1313931|Detroit, MI
+1313933|Detroit, MI
+1313934|Detroit, MI
+1313937|Redford Charter Township, MI
+1313961|Detroit, MI
+1313962|Detroit, MI
+1313963|Detroit, MI
+1313964|Detroit, MI
+1313965|Detroit, MI
+1313966|Detroit, MI
+1313967|Detroit, MI
+1313974|Detroit, MI
+1313983|Detroit, MI
+1313993|Detroit, MI
+1314231|St. Louis, MO
+1314241|St. Louis, MO
+1314244|Saint Louis, MO
+1314251|St. Louis, MO
+1314256|St. Louis, MO
+1314261|St. Louis, MO
+1314268|Saint Louis, MO
+1314289|St. Louis, MO
+1314290|St. Louis, MO
+1314340|Saint Louis, MO
+1314345|St. Louis, MO
+1314351|St. Louis, MO
+1314352|St. Louis, MO
+1314353|St. Louis, MO
+1314361|St. Louis, MO
+1314362|St. Louis, MO
+1314367|St. Louis, MO
+1314371|St. Louis, MO
+1314381|St. Louis, MO
+1314382|St. Louis, MO
+1314383|St. Louis, MO
+1314385|St. Louis, MO
+1314388|St. Louis, MO
+1314389|St. Louis, MO
+1314416|St. Louis, MO
+1314421|St. Louis, MO
+1314432|St. Louis, MO
+1314436|St. Louis, MO
+1314444|Saint Louis, MO
+1314454|Saint Louis, MO
+1314467|Saint Louis, MO
+1314480|Saint Louis, MO
+1314481|St. Louis, MO
+1314487|St. Louis, MO
+1314516|Saint Louis, MO
+1314525|St. Louis, MO
+1314531|St. Louis, MO
+1314533|St. Louis, MO
+1314534|St. Louis, MO
+1314535|St. Louis, MO
+1314539|Saint Louis, MO
+1314544|St. Louis, MO
+1314552|St. Louis, MO
+1314563|St. Louis, MO
+1314577|St. Louis, MO
+1314588|St. Louis, MO
+1314601|Saint Louis, MO
+1314615|St. Louis, MO
+1314621|St. Louis, MO
+1314622|Saint Louis, MO
+1314631|St. Louis, MO
+1314633|Saint Louis, MO
+1314638|St. Louis, MO
+1314644|St. Louis, MO
+1314645|St. Louis, MO
+1314646|St. Louis, MO
+1314647|St. Louis, MO
+1314652|St. Louis, MO
+1314653|St. Louis, MO
+1314664|St. Louis, MO
+1314679|Saint Louis, MO
+1314692|St. Louis, MO
+1314721|St. Louis, MO
+1314725|St. Louis, MO
+1314726|St. Louis, MO
+1314727|St. Louis, MO
+1314747|St. Louis, MO
+1314752|St. Louis, MO
+1314768|St. Louis, MO
+1314771|St. Louis, MO
+1314772|St. Louis, MO
+1314773|St. Louis, MO
+1314776|St. Louis, MO
+1314781|St. Louis, MO
+1314802|Saint Louis, MO
+1314830|Florissant, MO
+1314831|Florissant, MO
+1314832|St. Louis, MO
+1314837|Florissant, MO
+1314838|Florissant, MO
+1314839|Florissant, MO
+1314845|St. Louis, MO
+1314846|St. Louis, MO
+1314854|Saint Louis, MO
+1314863|St. Louis, MO
+1314865|St. Louis, MO
+1314867|St. Louis, MO
+1314868|St. Louis, MO
+1314869|St. Louis, MO
+1314877|St. Louis, MO
+1314886|Saint Louis, MO
+1314889|Saint Louis, MO
+1314892|St. Louis, MO
+1314894|St. Louis, MO
+1314895|Hazelwood, MO
+1314921|Florissant, MO
+1314932|St. Louis, MO
+1314935|Saint Louis, MO
+1314972|Florissant, MO
+1314977|St. Louis, MO
+1314983|Saint Louis, MO
+1314989|St. Louis, MO
+1314991|St. Louis, MO
+1314993|St. Louis, MO
+1314995|St. Louis, MO
+1314996|St. Louis, MO
+1314997|St. Louis, MO
+1315|New York
+1315228|Hamilton, NY
+1315232|Adams, NY
+1315245|Camden, NY
+1315252|Auburn, NY
+1315253|Auburn, NY
+1315255|Auburn, NY
+1315258|Auburn, NY
+1315265|Potsdam, NY
+1315268|Potsdam, NY
+1315282|Auburn, NY
+1315287|Gouverneur, NY
+1315298|Pulaski, NY
+1315324|Hammond, NY
+1315329|Fayetteville, NY
+1315331|Newark, NY
+1315332|Newark, NY
+1315334|Rome, NY
+1315336|Rome, NY
+1315337|Rome, NY
+1315338|Rome, NY
+1315339|Rome, NY
+1315342|Oswego, NY
+1315343|Oswego, NY
+1315349|Oswego, NY
+1315353|Norwood, NY
+1315364|Aurora, NY
+1315376|Lowville, NY
+1315379|Canton, NY
+1315384|Norfolk, NY
+1315386|Canton, NY
+1315388|Waddington, NY
+1315393|Ogdensburg, NY
+1315394|Ogdensburg, NY
+1315422|Syracuse, NY
+1315423|Syracuse, NY
+1315424|Syracuse, NY
+1315425|Syracuse, NY
+1315426|Syracuse, NY
+1315428|Syracuse, NY
+1315429|Dolgeville, NY
+1315435|Syracuse, NY
+1315442|Syracuse, NY
+1315443|Syracuse, NY
+1315448|Syracuse, NY
+1315453|Liverpool, NY
+1315457|Liverpool, NY
+1315462|Clifton Springs, NY
+1315464|Syracuse, NY
+1315466|Syracuse, NY
+1315470|Syracuse, NY
+1315471|Syracuse, NY
+1315472|Syracuse, NY
+1315473|Syracuse, NY
+1315474|Syracuse, NY
+1315475|Syracuse, NY
+1315476|Syracuse, NY
+1315477|Syracuse, NY
+1315478|Syracuse, NY
+1315479|Syracuse, NY
+1315492|Syracuse, NY
+1315493|Carthage, NY
+1315495|Munnsville, NY
+1315497|Moravia, NY
+1315524|Ontario, NY
+1315531|Penn Yan, NY
+1315533|Rome, NY
+1315536|Penn Yan, NY
+1315539|Waterloo, NY
+1315541|Ogdensburg, NY
+1315543|Harrisville, NY
+1315548|Phelps, NY
+1315568|Seneca Falls, NY
+1315583|Adams Center, NY
+1315589|Williamson, NY
+1315592|Fulton, NY
+1315593|Fulton, NY
+1315594|Wolcott, NY
+1315597|Palmyra, NY
+1315598|Fulton, NY
+1315623|Constantia, NY
+1315625|Parish, NY
+1315626|Cato, NY
+1315628|Theresa, NY
+1315629|Evans Mills, NY
+1315635|Baldwinsville, NY
+1315637|Fayetteville, NY
+1315638|Baldwinsville, NY
+1315639|Dexter, NY
+1315642|Philadelphia, NY
+1315646|Sackets Harbor, NY
+1315649|Chaumont, NY
+1315654|Cape Vincent, NY
+1315655|Cazenovia, NY
+1315658|La Fargeville, NY
+1315672|Camillus, NY
+1315673|Marcellus, NY
+1315677|LaFayette, NY
+1315682|Manlius, NY
+1315684|Morrisville, NY
+1315685|Skaneateles, NY
+1315686|Clayton, NY
+1315687|Chittenango, NY
+1315695|Phoenix, NY
+1315696|Tully, NY
+1315697|Canastota, NY
+1315698|Cicero, NY
+1315705|Massena, NY
+1315738|Utica, NY
+1315754|Red Creek, NY
+1315764|Massena, NY
+1315769|Massena, NY
+1315772|Fort Drum, NY
+1315776|Port Byron, NY
+1315779|Watertown, NY
+1315781|Geneva, NY
+1315782|Watertown, NY
+1315785|Watertown, NY
+1315786|Watertown, NY
+1315787|Geneva, NY
+1315788|Watertown, NY
+1315789|Geneva, NY
+1315792|Utica, NY
+1315823|Little Falls, NY
+1315824|Hamilton, NY
+1315834|Weedsport, NY
+1315845|Newport, NY
+1315852|DeRuyter, NY
+1315853|Clinton, NY
+1315859|Clinton, NY
+1315867|Herkimer, NY
+1315893|Madison, NY
+1315896|Barneveld, NY
+1315923|Clyde, NY
+1315926|Marion, NY
+1315942|Boonville, NY
+1315946|Lyons, NY
+1315963|Mexico, NY
+1315986|Macedon, NY
+1316201|Wichita, KS
+1316219|Wichita, KS
+1316260|Wichita, KS
+1316262|Wichita, KS
+1316263|Wichita, KS
+1316264|Wichita, KS
+1316265|Wichita, KS
+1316266|Wichita, KS
+1316267|Wichita, KS
+1316269|Wichita, KS
+1316282|Newton, KS
+1316283|Newton, KS
+1316284|Newton, KS
+1316291|Wichita, KS
+1316293|Wichita, KS
+1316295|Wichita, KS
+1316303|Wichita, KS
+1316315|Wichita, KS
+1316320|El Dorado, KS
+1316321|El Dorado, KS
+1316322|El Dorado, KS
+1316337|Wichita, KS
+1316383|Wichita, KS
+1316425|Wichita, KS
+1316440|Wichita, KS
+1316448|Wichita, KS
+1316462|Wichita, KS
+1316540|Cheney, KS
+1316542|Cheney, KS
+1316558|Wichita, KS
+1316609|Wichita, KS
+1316612|Wichita, KS
+1316613|Wichita, KS
+1316616|Wichita, KS
+1316618|Wichita, KS
+1316630|Wichita, KS
+1316631|Wichita, KS
+1316634|Wichita, KS
+1316636|Wichita, KS
+1316651|Wichita, KS
+1316652|Wichita, KS
+1316660|Wichita, KS
+1316665|Wichita, KS
+1316681|Wichita, KS
+1316682|Wichita, KS
+1316683|Wichita, KS
+1316684|Wichita, KS
+1316685|Wichita, KS
+1316686|Wichita, KS
+1316687|Wichita, KS
+1316688|Wichita, KS
+1316689|Wichita, KS
+1316691|Wichita, KS
+1316721|Wichita, KS
+1316722|Wichita, KS
+1316729|Wichita, KS
+1316755|Valley Center, KS
+1316773|Wichita, KS
+1316775|Augusta, KS
+1316776|Rose Hill, KS
+1316777|Mulvane, KS
+1316788|Derby, KS
+1316794|Goddard, KS
+1316821|Wichita, KS
+1316831|Wichita, KS
+1316832|Wichita, KS
+1316835|Halstead, KS
+1316838|Wichita, KS
+1316858|Wichita, KS
+1316866|Wichita, KS
+1316941|Wichita, KS
+1316942|Wichita, KS
+1316943|Wichita, KS
+1316944|Wichita, KS
+1316945|Wichita, KS
+1316946|Wichita, KS
+1316962|Wichita, KS
+1316973|Wichita, KS
+1316978|Wichita, KS
+1317202|Indianapolis, IN
+1317205|Indianapolis, IN
+1317216|Indianapolis, IN
+1317221|Indianapolis, IN
+1317226|Indianapolis, IN
+1317227|Indianapolis, IN
+1317231|Indianapolis, IN
+1317232|Indianapolis, IN
+1317236|Indianapolis, IN
+1317237|Indianapolis, IN
+1317238|Indianapolis, IN
+1317240|Indianapolis, IN
+1317241|Indianapolis, IN
+1317243|Indianapolis, IN
+1317244|Indianapolis, IN
+1317247|Indianapolis, IN
+1317248|Indianapolis, IN
+1317251|Indianapolis, IN
+1317252|Indianapolis, IN
+1317253|Indianapolis, IN
+1317254|Indianapolis, IN
+1317255|Indianapolis, IN
+1317257|Indianapolis, IN
+1317259|Indianapolis, IN
+1317261|Indianapolis, IN
+1317262|Indianapolis, IN
+1317264|Indianapolis, IN
+1317266|Indianapolis, IN
+1317269|Indianapolis, IN
+1317272|Avon, IN
+1317274|Indianapolis, IN
+1317278|Indianapolis, IN
+1317280|Indianapolis, IN
+1317283|Indianapolis, IN
+1317290|Indianapolis, IN
+1317291|Indianapolis, IN
+1317293|Indianapolis, IN
+1317295|Indianapolis, IN
+1317297|Indianapolis, IN
+1317298|Indianapolis, IN
+1317299|Indianapolis, IN
+1317322|Indianapolis, IN
+1317327|Indianapolis, IN
+1317328|Indianapolis, IN
+1317329|Indianapolis, IN
+1317334|Indianapolis, IN
+1317335|McCordsville, IN
+1317337|Indianapolis, IN
+1317338|Indianapolis, IN
+1317346|Franklin, IN
+1317347|Indianapolis, IN
+1317351|Indianapolis, IN
+1317352|Indianapolis, IN
+1317353|Indianapolis, IN
+1317354|Indianapolis, IN
+1317355|Indianapolis, IN
+1317356|Indianapolis, IN
+1317357|Indianapolis, IN
+1317359|Indianapolis, IN
+1317375|Indianapolis, IN
+1317377|Indianapolis, IN
+1317381|Indianapolis, IN
+1317387|Indianapolis, IN
+1317388|Indianapolis, IN
+1317390|Indianapolis, IN
+1317392|Shelbyville, IN
+1317398|Shelbyville, IN
+1317405|Indianapolis, IN
+1317421|Shelbyville, IN
+1317423|Indianapolis, IN
+1317462|Greenfield, IN
+1317464|Indianapolis, IN
+1317466|Indianapolis, IN
+1317467|Greenfield, IN
+1317468|Greenfield, IN
+1317469|Indianapolis, IN
+1317471|Indianapolis, IN
+1317472|Indianapolis, IN
+1317475|Indianapolis, IN
+1317477|Greenfield, IN
+1317481|Indianapolis, IN
+1317484|Indianapolis, IN
+1317487|Indianapolis, IN
+1317488|Indianapolis, IN
+1317491|Indianapolis, IN
+1317532|Indianapolis, IN
+1317536|Indianapolis, IN
+1317541|Indianapolis, IN
+1317542|Indianapolis, IN
+1317543|Indianapolis, IN
+1317545|Indianapolis, IN
+1317546|Indianapolis, IN
+1317547|Indianapolis, IN
+1317549|Indianapolis, IN
+1317554|Indianapolis, IN
+1317558|Indianapolis, IN
+1317583|Indianapolis, IN
+1317588|Indianapolis, IN
+1317591|Indianapolis, IN
+1317602|Indianapolis, IN
+1317624|Indianapolis, IN
+1317630|Indianapolis, IN
+1317631|Indianapolis, IN
+1317632|Indianapolis, IN
+1317633|Indianapolis, IN
+1317634|Indianapolis, IN
+1317635|Indianapolis, IN
+1317636|Indianapolis, IN
+1317637|Indianapolis, IN
+1317638|Indianapolis, IN
+1317639|Indianapolis, IN
+1317656|Indianapolis, IN
+1317682|Indianapolis, IN
+1317685|Indianapolis, IN
+1317686|Indianapolis, IN
+1317687|Indianapolis, IN
+1317688|Carmel, IN
+1317692|Indianapolis, IN
+1317722|Indianapolis, IN
+1317726|Indianapolis, IN
+1317736|Franklin, IN
+1317738|Franklin, IN
+1317745|Danville, IN
+1317758|Sheridan, IN
+1317770|Noblesville, IN
+1317773|Noblesville, IN
+1317774|Noblesville, IN
+1317776|Noblesville, IN
+1317780|Indianapolis, IN
+1317781|Indianapolis, IN
+1317782|Indianapolis, IN
+1317784|Indianapolis, IN
+1317786|Indianapolis, IN
+1317788|Indianapolis, IN
+1317789|Indianapolis, IN
+1317791|Indianapolis, IN
+1317802|Indianapolis, IN
+1317808|Indianapolis, IN
+1317814|Carmel, IN
+1317822|Indianapolis, IN
+1317823|Indianapolis, IN
+1317826|Indianapolis, IN
+1317831|Mooresville, IN
+1317834|Mooresville, IN
+1317837|Plainfield, IN
+1317838|Plainfield, IN
+1317839|Plainfield, IN
+1317852|Brownsburg, IN
+1317858|Brownsburg, IN
+1317861|New Palestine, IN
+1317862|Indianapolis, IN
+1317867|Westfield, IN
+1317870|Indianapolis, IN
+1317871|Indianapolis, IN
+1317872|Indianapolis, IN
+1317873|Zionsville, IN
+1317875|Indianapolis, IN
+1317878|Trafalgar, IN
+1317879|Indianapolis, IN
+1317890|Indianapolis, IN
+1317892|Pittsboro, IN
+1317895|Indianapolis, IN
+1317896|Westfield, IN
+1317897|Indianapolis, IN
+1317898|Indianapolis, IN
+1317899|Indianapolis, IN
+1317916|Indianapolis, IN
+1317917|Indianapolis, IN
+1317920|Indianapolis, IN
+1317923|Indianapolis, IN
+1317924|Indianapolis, IN
+1317925|Indianapolis, IN
+1317926|Indianapolis, IN
+1317927|Indianapolis, IN
+1317931|Indianapolis, IN
+1317944|Indianapolis, IN
+1317951|Indianapolis, IN
+1317955|Indianapolis, IN
+1317962|Indianapolis, IN
+1317963|Indianapolis, IN
+1317964|Indianapolis, IN
+1317972|Indianapolis, IN
+1317974|Indianapolis, IN
+1317988|Indianapolis, IN
+1317994|Lizton, IN
+1318214|Natchitoches, LA
+1318219|Shreveport, LA
+1318220|Shreveport, LA
+1318221|Shreveport, LA
+1318222|Shreveport, LA
+1318226|Shreveport, LA
+1318227|Shreveport, LA
+1318238|Natchitoches, LA
+1318240|Marksville, LA
+1318251|Ruston, LA
+1318253|Marksville, LA
+1318254|Ruston, LA
+1318255|Ruston, LA
+1318256|Many, LA
+1318257|Ruston, LA
+1318259|Jonesboro, LA
+1318263|Arcadia, LA
+1318274|Grambling, LA
+1318281|Bastrop, LA
+1318283|Bastrop, LA
+1318285|Bernice, LA
+1318292|Marion, LA
+1318326|Plain Dealing, LA
+1318327|Monroe, LA
+1318330|Monroe, LA
+1318335|Oakdale, LA
+1318336|Vidalia, LA
+1318339|Jonesville, LA
+1318342|Monroe, LA
+1318343|Monroe, LA
+1318345|Monroe, LA
+1318346|Bunkie, LA
+1318352|Natchitoches, LA
+1318354|Natchitoches, LA
+1318356|Natchitoches, LA
+1318357|Natchitoches, LA
+1318362|Monroe, LA
+1318368|Farmerville, LA
+1318371|Minden, LA
+1318375|Vivian, LA
+1318377|Minden, LA
+1318382|Minden, LA
+1318396|West Monroe, LA
+1318397|West Monroe, LA
+1318424|Shreveport, LA
+1318425|Shreveport, LA
+1318428|Oak Grove, LA
+1318429|Shreveport, LA
+1318435|Winnsboro, LA
+1318441|Alexandria, LA
+1318442|Alexandria, LA
+1318443|Alexandria, LA
+1318445|Alexandria, LA
+1318448|Alexandria, LA
+1318449|Alexandria, LA
+1318459|Shreveport, LA
+1318467|Newellton, LA
+1318476|Campti, LA
+1318487|Alexandria, LA
+1318495|Olla, LA
+1318513|Ruston, LA
+1318524|Shreveport, LA
+1318539|Springhill, LA
+1318549|Bossier City, LA
+1318556|Bastrop, LA
+1318559|Lake Providence, LA
+1318561|Alexandria, LA
+1318574|Tallulah, LA
+1318590|Many, LA
+1318603|Shreveport, LA
+1318621|Shreveport, LA
+1318624|Haynesville, LA
+1318627|Colfax, LA
+1318628|Winnfield, LA
+1318631|Shreveport, LA
+1318632|Shreveport, LA
+1318635|Shreveport, LA
+1318636|Shreveport, LA
+1318644|Calhoun, LA
+1318645|Zwolle, LA
+1318647|Mer Rouge, LA
+1318648|Winnfield, LA
+1318649|Columbia, LA
+1318665|Sterlington, LA
+1318670|Shreveport, LA
+1318671|Shreveport, LA
+1318673|Shreveport, LA
+1318674|Shreveport, LA
+1318675|Shreveport, LA
+1318676|Shreveport, LA
+1318677|Shreveport, LA
+1318681|Shreveport, LA
+1318683|Shreveport, LA
+1318686|Shreveport, LA
+1318687|Shreveport, LA
+1318688|Shreveport, LA
+1318697|Logansport, LA
+1318724|Wisner, LA
+1318728|Rayville, LA
+1318741|Bossier City, LA
+1318742|Bossier City, LA
+1318746|Bossier City, LA
+1318747|Bossier City, LA
+1318752|Bossier City, LA
+1318757|Ferriday, LA
+1318765|Pollock, LA
+1318766|St. Joseph, LA
+1318769|Alexandria, LA
+1318777|Dubach, LA
+1318795|Shreveport, LA
+1318797|Shreveport, LA
+1318798|Shreveport, LA
+1318813|Shreveport, LA
+1318828|Shreveport, LA
+1318832|Cotton Valley, LA
+1318861|Shreveport, LA
+1318865|Shreveport, LA
+1318868|Shreveport, LA
+1318869|Shreveport, LA
+1318871|Mansfield, LA
+1318872|Mansfield, LA
+1318876|Cottonport, LA
+1318878|Delhi, LA
+1318894|Ringgold, LA
+1318927|Homer, LA
+1318929|Shreveport, LA
+1318932|Coushatta, LA
+1318941|Simmesport, LA
+1318949|Haughton, LA
+1318964|Mansura, LA
+1318965|Benton, LA
+1318966|Monroe, LA
+1318982|Downsville, LA
+1318985|Moreauville, LA
+1318992|Jena, LA
+1318995|Oil City, LA
+1319221|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319226|Waterloo, IA
+1319228|Van Horne, IA
+1319232|Waterloo, IA
+1319233|Waterloo, IA
+1319234|Waterloo, IA
+1319235|Waterloo, IA
+1319236|Waterloo, IA
+1319247|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319256|Wayland, IA
+1319257|Winfield, IA
+1319266|Cedar Falls, IA
+1319267|Allison, IA
+1319268|Cedar Falls, IA
+1319272|Waterloo, IA
+1319273|Cedar Falls, IA
+1319274|Waterloo, IA
+1319277|Cedar Falls, IA
+1319278|Clarksville, IA
+1319283|Oelwein, IA
+1319286|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319287|Waterloo, IA
+1319291|Waterloo, IA
+1319293|Keosauqua, IA
+1319298|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319332|Independence, IA
+1319334|Independence, IA
+1319335|Iowa City, IA
+1319337|Iowa City, IA
+1319342|La Porte City, IA
+1319345|Reinbeck, IA
+1319346|Parkersburg, IA
+1319347|Aplington, IA
+1319352|Waverly, IA
+1319353|Iowa City, IA
+1319356|Iowa City, IA
+1319358|Iowa City, IA
+1319362|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319363|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319364|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319365|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319366|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319367|New London, IA
+1319368|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319369|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319372|Fort Madison, IA
+1319376|Fort Madison, IA
+1319377|Marion, IA
+1319384|Iowa City, IA
+1319385|Mount Pleasant, IA
+1319390|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319394|Mediapolis, IA
+1319395|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319396|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319398|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319399|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319433|Waterloo, IA
+1319438|Central City, IA
+1319442|Keystone, IA
+1319444|Belle Plaine, IA
+1319454|Blairstown, IA
+1319455|Lisbon, IA
+1319462|Anamosa, IA
+1319465|Monticello, IA
+1319472|Vinton, IA
+1319476|Dysart, IA
+1319478|Traer, IA
+1319484|Olin, IA
+1319523|Wapello, IA
+1319524|Keokuk, IA
+1319624|Solon, IA
+1319625|Coralville, IA
+1319626|North Liberty, IA
+1319627|West Liberty, IA
+1319629|Lone Tree, IA
+1319635|Fairbank, IA
+1319636|Hazleton, IA
+1319642|Marengo, IA
+1319643|West Branch, IA
+1319646|Wellman, IA
+1319647|Victor, IA
+1319648|Riverside, IA
+1319653|Washington, IA
+1319654|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319656|Kalona, IA
+1319664|North English, IA
+1319665|North Liberty, IA
+1319668|Williamsburg, IA
+1319753|Burlington, IA
+1319768|West Burlington, IA
+1319822|Dunkerton, IA
+1319824|Grundy Center, IA
+1319825|Grundy Center, IA
+1319827|Jesup, IA
+1319833|Waterloo, IA
+1319835|Donnellson, IA
+1319849|Center Point, IA
+1319851|Palo, IA
+1319857|Swisher, IA
+1319862|Cedar Rapids, IA
+1319868|Morning Sun, IA
+1319878|Farmington, IA
+1319882|Tripoli, IA
+1319885|Shell Rock, IA
+1319887|Iowa City, IA
+1319895|Mount Vernon, IA
+1319935|Winthrop, IA
+1319984|Denver, IA
+1319986|Mount Pleasant, IA
+1319988|Hudson, IA
+1320214|Willmar, MN
+1320222|Willmar, MN
+1320229|St. Cloud, MN
+1320231|Willmar, MN
+1320234|Hutchinson, MN
+1320235|Willmar, MN
+1320236|South Haven, MN
+1320239|Starbuck, MN
+1320243|Paynesville, MN
+1320245|Sandstone, MN
+1320254|Belgrade, MN
+1320255|St. Cloud, MN
+1320256|Melrose, MN
+1320269|Montevideo, MN
+1320272|Ogilvie, MN
+1320274|Annandale, MN
+1320275|Dassel, MN
+1320286|Cokato, MN
+1320289|Appleton, MN
+1320308|St. Cloud, MN
+1320327|Silver Lake, MN
+1320329|Renville, MN
+1320346|Brooten, MN
+1320351|Sauk Centre, MN
+1320352|Sauk Centre, MN
+1320354|New London, MN
+1320356|Avon, MN
+1320358|Rush City, MN
+1320363|St. Joseph, MN
+1320365|Bird Island, MN
+1320384|Hinckley, MN
+1320393|Rice, MN
+1320395|Lester Prairie, MN
+1320398|Kimball, MN
+1320468|Pierz, MN
+1320485|Winsted, MN
+1320523|Olivia, MN
+1320529|St. Cloud, MN
+1320532|Onamia, MN
+1320543|Howard Lake, MN
+1320547|Swanville, MN
+1320558|Clearwater, MN
+1320563|Wheaton, MN
+1320564|Granite Falls, MN
+1320585|Morris, MN
+1320587|Hutchinson, MN
+1320589|Morris, MN
+1320593|Litchfield, MN
+1320594|Browerville, MN
+1320597|Richmond, MN
+1320598|Madison, MN
+1320616|Little Falls, MN
+1320629|Pine City, MN
+1320632|Little Falls, MN
+1320634|Glenwood, MN
+1320669|Clarkfield, MN
+1320676|Isle, MN
+1320677|Herman, MN
+1320679|Mora, MN
+1320685|Cold Spring, MN
+1320693|Litchfield, MN
+1320695|Browns Valley, MN
+1320732|Long Prairie, MN
+1320743|Clear Lake, MN
+1320748|Graceville, MN
+1320759|Alexandria, MN
+1320762|Alexandria, MN
+1320763|Alexandria, MN
+1320764|Watkins, MN
+1320765|Sacred Heart, MN
+1320769|Dawson, MN
+1320796|Spicer, MN
+1320833|Buffalo Lake, MN
+1320839|Ortonville, MN
+1320842|Benson, MN
+1320843|Benson, MN
+1320845|Albany, MN
+1320846|Alexandria, MN
+1320847|Clara City, MN
+1320848|Hector, MN
+1320857|Grove City, MN
+1320859|Osakis, MN
+1320864|Glencoe, MN
+1320963|Maple Lake, MN
+1320965|Kensington, MN
+1320968|Foley, MN
+1320974|Atwater, MN
+1320982|Milaca, MN
+1320983|Milaca, MN
+1321235|Orlando, FL
+1321242|Melbourne, FL
+1321253|Melbourne, FL
+1321254|Melbourne, FL
+1321255|Melbourne, FL
+1321259|Melbourne, FL
+1321264|Titusville, FL
+1321267|Titusville, FL
+1321268|Titusville, FL
+1321269|Titusville, FL
+1321383|Titusville, FL
+1321385|Titusville, FL
+1321449|Merritt Island, FL
+1321452|Merritt Island, FL
+1321453|Merritt Island, FL
+1321454|Merritt Island, FL
+1321459|Merritt Island, FL
+1321494|Patrick Air Force Base, FL
+1321751|Melbourne, FL
+1321752|Melbourne, FL
+1321757|Melbourne, FL
+1321841|Orlando, FL
+1323221|Los Angeles, CA
+1323222|Los Angeles, CA
+1323223|Los Angeles, CA
+1323224|Los Angeles, CA
+1323225|Los Angeles, CA
+1323226|Los Angeles, CA
+1323227|Los Angeles, CA
+1323231|Los Angeles, CA
+1323232|Los Angeles, CA
+1323233|Los Angeles, CA
+1323234|Los Angeles, CA
+1323235|Los Angeles, CA
+1323238|Los Angeles, CA
+1323242|Los Angeles, CA
+1323254|Los Angeles, CA
+1323255|Los Angeles, CA
+1323256|Los Angeles, CA
+1323257|Los Angeles, CA
+1323258|Los Angeles, CA
+1323259|Los Angeles, CA
+1323260|Los Angeles, CA
+1323261|Los Angeles, CA
+1323262|Los Angeles, CA
+1323263|Los Angeles, CA
+1323264|Los Angeles, CA
+1323265|Los Angeles, CA
+1323266|Los Angeles, CA
+1323267|Los Angeles, CA
+1323268|Los Angeles, CA
+1323269|Los Angeles, CA
+1323276|Los Angeles, CA
+1323290|Los Angeles, CA
+1323291|Los Angeles, CA
+1323292|Los Angeles, CA
+1323293|Los Angeles, CA
+1323294|Los Angeles, CA
+1323295|Los Angeles, CA
+1323296|Los Angeles, CA
+1323298|Los Angeles, CA
+1323299|Los Angeles, CA
+1323317|Los Angeles, CA
+1323342|Los Angeles, CA
+1323343|Los Angeles, CA
+1323344|Los Angeles, CA
+1323361|Los Angeles, CA
+1323373|Los Angeles, CA
+1323409|Los Angeles, CA
+1323441|Los Angeles, CA
+1323442|Los Angeles, CA
+1323460|Los Angeles, CA
+1323461|Los Angeles, CA
+1323462|Los Angeles, CA
+1323463|Los Angeles, CA
+1323464|Los Angeles, CA
+1323465|Los Angeles, CA
+1323466|Los Angeles, CA
+1323467|Los Angeles, CA
+1323468|Los Angeles, CA
+1323469|Los Angeles, CA
+1323478|Los Angeles, CA
+1323525|Los Angeles, CA
+1323526|Los Angeles, CA
+1323541|Los Angeles, CA
+1323543|Los Angeles, CA
+1323549|Los Angeles, CA
+1323550|Los Angeles, CA
+1323565|Los Angeles, CA
+1323634|Los Angeles, CA
+1323644|Los Angeles, CA
+1323651|Los Angeles, CA
+1323653|Los Angeles, CA
+1323658|Los Angeles, CA
+1323660|Los Angeles, CA
+1323661|Los Angeles, CA
+1323662|Los Angeles, CA
+1323663|Los Angeles, CA
+1323664|Los Angeles, CA
+1323665|Los Angeles, CA
+1323666|Los Angeles, CA
+1323667|Los Angeles, CA
+1323668|Los Angeles, CA
+1323669|Los Angeles, CA
+1323692|Los Angeles, CA
+1323730|Los Angeles, CA
+1323731|Los Angeles, CA
+1323732|Los Angeles, CA
+1323733|Los Angeles, CA
+1323734|Los Angeles, CA
+1323735|Los Angeles, CA
+1323737|Los Angeles, CA
+1323750|Los Angeles, CA
+1323751|Los Angeles, CA
+1323752|Los Angeles, CA
+1323753|Los Angeles, CA
+1323754|Los Angeles, CA
+1323755|Los Angeles, CA
+1323756|Los Angeles, CA
+1323757|Los Angeles, CA
+1323758|Los Angeles, CA
+1323759|Los Angeles, CA
+1323766|Los Angeles, CA
+1323769|Los Angeles, CA
+1323777|Los Angeles, CA
+1323778|Los Angeles, CA
+1323779|Los Angeles, CA
+1323780|Los Angeles, CA
+1323782|Los Angeles, CA
+1323783|Los Angeles, CA
+1323789|Los Angeles, CA
+1323846|Los Angeles, CA
+1323851|Los Angeles, CA
+1323856|Los Angeles, CA
+1323857|Los Angeles, CA
+1323860|Los Angeles, CA
+1323871|Los Angeles, CA
+1323876|Los Angeles, CA
+1323881|Los Angeles, CA
+1323906|Los Angeles, CA
+1323913|Los Angeles, CA
+1323928|Los Angeles, CA
+1323930|Los Angeles, CA
+1323931|Los Angeles, CA
+1323932|Los Angeles, CA
+1323933|Los Angeles, CA
+1323934|Los Angeles, CA
+1323935|Los Angeles, CA
+1323936|Los Angeles, CA
+1323937|Los Angeles, CA
+1323938|Los Angeles, CA
+1323939|Los Angeles, CA
+1323951|Los Angeles, CA
+1323953|Los Angeles, CA
+1323954|Los Angeles, CA
+1323957|Los Angeles, CA
+1323960|Los Angeles, CA
+1323962|Los Angeles, CA
+1323964|Los Angeles, CA
+1323965|Los Angeles, CA
+1323971|Los Angeles, CA
+1323982|Los Angeles, CA
+1323993|Los Angeles, CA
+1325223|San Angelo, TX
+1325224|San Angelo, TX
+1325227|San Angelo, TX
+1325232|Abilene, TX
+1325235|Sweetwater, TX
+1325236|Sweetwater, TX
+1325247|Llano, TX
+1325347|Mason, TX
+1325356|Comanche, TX
+1325365|Ballinger, TX
+1325372|San Saba, TX
+1325378|Sterling City, TX
+1325387|Sonora, TX
+1325388|Kingsland, TX
+1325392|Ozona, TX
+1325396|Menard, TX
+1325437|Abilene, TX
+1325446|Junction, TX
+1325453|Robert Lee, TX
+1325473|Bronte, TX
+1325480|Abilene, TX
+1325481|San Angelo, TX
+1325482|San Angelo, TX
+1325486|San Angelo, TX
+1325537|Hawley, TX
+1325573|Snyder, TX
+1325574|Snyder, TX
+1325576|Hamlin, TX
+1325597|Brady, TX
+1325617|San Angelo, TX
+1325625|Coleman, TX
+1325641|Brownwood, TX
+1325643|Brownwood, TX
+1325646|Brownwood, TX
+1325648|Goldthwaite, TX
+1325649|Brownwood, TX
+1325651|San Angelo, TX
+1325653|San Angelo, TX
+1325655|San Angelo, TX
+1325657|San Angelo, TX
+1325658|San Angelo, TX
+1325659|San Angelo, TX
+1325670|Abilene, TX
+1325672|Abilene, TX
+1325673|Abilene, TX
+1325674|Abilene, TX
+1325675|Abilene, TX
+1325676|Abilene, TX
+1325677|Abilene, TX
+1325690|Abilene, TX
+1325691|Abilene, TX
+1325692|Abilene, TX
+1325695|Abilene, TX
+1325696|Abilene, TX
+1325698|Abilene, TX
+1325728|Colorado City, TX
+1325735|Rotan, TX
+1325754|Winters, TX
+1325762|Albany, TX
+1325766|Roscoe, TX
+1325773|Stamford, TX
+1325784|Brownwood, TX
+1325793|Abilene, TX
+1325794|Abilene, TX
+1325795|Abilene, TX
+1325823|Anson, TX
+1325853|Eldorado, TX
+1325854|Baird, TX
+1325869|Eden, TX
+1325884|Big Lake, TX
+1325893|Clyde, TX
+1325928|Merkel, TX
+1325942|San Angelo, TX
+1325944|San Angelo, TX
+1325947|San Angelo, TX
+1325949|San Angelo, TX
+1330202|Wooster, OH
+1330220|Brunswick, OH
+1330225|Brunswick, OH
+1330245|Akron, OH
+1330247|Akron, OH
+1330252|Akron, OH
+1330253|Akron, OH
+1330262|Wooster, OH
+1330263|Wooster, OH
+1330264|Wooster, OH
+1330273|Brunswick, OH
+1330274|Mantua, OH
+1330276|Killbuck, OH
+1330279|Holmesville, OH
+1330282|Cortland, OH
+1330287|Wooster, OH
+1330296|Ravenna, OH
+1330297|Ravenna, OH
+1330308|New Philadelphia, OH
+1330326|Windham, OH
+1330332|Salem, OH
+1330334|Wadsworth, OH
+1330335|Wadsworth, OH
+1330336|Wadsworth, OH
+1330337|Salem, OH
+1330339|New Philadelphia, OH
+1330342|Hudson, OH
+1330344|Akron, OH
+1330345|Wooster, OH
+1330363|Canton, OH
+1330369|Warren, OH
+1330372|Warren, OH
+1330373|Warren, OH
+1330374|Akron, OH
+1330375|Akron, OH
+1330376|Akron, OH
+1330379|Akron, OH
+1330384|Akron, OH
+1330385|East Liverpool, OH
+1330386|East Liverpool, OH
+1330392|Warren, OH
+1330393|Warren, OH
+1330394|Warren, OH
+1330395|Warren, OH
+1330399|Warren, OH
+1330405|Twinsburg, OH
+1330420|Lisbon, OH
+1330422|Streetsboro, OH
+1330424|Lisbon, OH
+1330425|Twinsburg, OH
+1330426|East Palestine, OH
+1330427|Leetonia, OH
+1330430|Canton, OH
+1330434|Akron, OH
+1330435|Creston, OH
+1330438|Canton, OH
+1330451|Canton, OH
+1330452|Canton, OH
+1330453|Canton, OH
+1330454|Canton, OH
+1330455|Canton, OH
+1330456|Canton, OH
+1330458|Canton, OH
+1330469|Warren, OH
+1330477|Canton, OH
+1330478|Canton, OH
+1330479|Canton, OH
+1330480|Youngstown, OH
+1330482|Columbiana, OH
+1330483|Valley City, OH
+1330484|Canton, OH
+1330487|Twinsburg, OH
+1330489|Canton, OH
+1330491|Canton, OH
+1330492|Canton, OH
+1330498|North Canton, OH
+1330527|Garrettsville, OH
+1330532|Wellsville, OH
+1330533|Canfield, OH
+1330534|Hubbard, OH
+1330535|Akron, OH
+1330536|Lowellville, OH
+1330538|North Jackson, OH
+1330543|Akron, OH
+1330545|Girard, OH
+1330562|Aurora, OH
+1330567|Shreve, OH
+1330569|Hiram, OH
+1330580|Canton, OH
+1330588|Canton, OH
+1330601|Wooster, OH
+1330609|Warren, OH
+1330626|Streetsboro, OH
+1330627|Carrollton, OH
+1330637|Cortland, OH
+1330638|Cortland, OH
+1330644|Akron, OH
+1330645|Akron, OH
+1330649|Canton, OH
+1330652|Niles, OH
+1330653|Hudson, OH
+1330656|Hudson, OH
+1330657|Peninsula, OH
+1330658|Doylestown, OH
+1330659|Richfield, OH
+1330669|Smithville, OH
+1330673|Kent, OH
+1330674|Millersburg, OH
+1330675|Warren, OH
+1330676|Kent, OH
+1330677|Kent, OH
+1330678|Kent, OH
+1330679|Salineville, OH
+1330682|Orrville, OH
+1330683|Orrville, OH
+1330698|Apple Creek, OH
+1330699|Uniontown, OH
+1330702|Canfield, OH
+1330721|Medina, OH
+1330722|Medina, OH
+1330723|Medina, OH
+1330724|Akron, OH
+1330725|Medina, OH
+1330733|Akron, OH
+1330740|Youngstown, OH
+1330742|Youngstown, OH
+1330743|Youngstown, OH
+1330744|Youngstown, OH
+1330746|Youngstown, OH
+1330747|Youngstown, OH
+1330761|Akron, OH
+1330762|Akron, OH
+1330764|Medina, OH
+1330769|Seville, OH
+1330773|Akron, OH
+1330781|Youngstown, OH
+1330782|Youngstown, OH
+1330783|Youngstown, OH
+1330784|Akron, OH
+1330785|Akron, OH
+1330788|Youngstown, OH
+1330792|Youngstown, OH
+1330793|Youngstown, OH
+1330794|Akron, OH
+1330798|Akron, OH
+1330799|Youngstown, OH
+1330821|Alliance, OH
+1330823|Alliance, OH
+1330824|Warren, OH
+1330828|Dalton, OH
+1330829|Alliance, OH
+1330830|Massillon, OH
+1330832|Massillon, OH
+1330833|Massillon, OH
+1330834|Massillon, OH
+1330837|Massillon, OH
+1330841|Warren, OH
+1330847|Warren, OH
+1330852|Sugarcreek, OH
+1330854|Canal Fulton, OH
+1330856|Warren, OH
+1330863|Malvern, OH
+1330868|Minerva, OH
+1330872|Newton Falls, OH
+1330874|Bolivar, OH
+1330875|Louisville, OH
+1330876|Kinsman, OH
+1330877|Hartville, OH
+1330878|Strasburg, OH
+1330879|Navarre, OH
+1330884|Youngstown, OH
+1330925|Rittman, OH
+1330927|Rittman, OH
+1330938|Sebring, OH
+1330941|Youngstown, OH
+1330952|Medina, OH
+1330953|Youngstown, OH
+1330963|Twinsburg, OH
+1330971|Cuyahoga Falls, OH
+1330972|Akron, OH
+1330995|Aurora, OH
+1330996|Akron, OH
+1334206|Montgomery, AL
+1334213|Montgomery, AL
+1334215|Montgomery, AL
+1334222|Andalusia, AL
+1334223|Montgomery, AL
+1334227|Fort Deposit, AL
+1334239|Montgomery, AL
+1334240|Montgomery, AL
+1334241|Montgomery, AL
+1334242|Montgomery, AL
+1334244|Montgomery, AL
+1334252|Tallassee, AL
+1334260|Montgomery, AL
+1334261|Montgomery, AL
+1334262|Montgomery, AL
+1334263|Montgomery, AL
+1334264|Montgomery, AL
+1334265|Montgomery, AL
+1334269|Montgomery, AL
+1334270|Montgomery, AL
+1334271|Montgomery, AL
+1334272|Montgomery, AL
+1334273|Montgomery, AL
+1334274|Montgomery, AL
+1334277|Montgomery, AL
+1334279|Montgomery, AL
+1334280|Montgomery, AL
+1334281|Montgomery, AL
+1334283|Tallassee, AL
+1334284|Montgomery, AL
+1334286|Montgomery, AL
+1334288|Montgomery, AL
+1334289|Demopolis, AL
+1334291|Phenix City, AL
+1334293|Montgomery, AL
+1334295|Linden, AL
+1334297|Phenix City, AL
+1334298|Phenix City, AL
+1334308|Enterprise, AL
+1334323|Montgomery, AL
+1334335|Luverne, AL
+1334347|Enterprise, AL
+1334356|Montgomery, AL
+1334358|Prattville, AL
+1334361|Prattville, AL
+1334364|Opelika, AL
+1334365|Prattville, AL
+1334371|Greenville, AL
+1334376|Georgiana, AL
+1334382|Greenville, AL
+1334383|Greenville, AL
+1334387|Montgomery, AL
+1334393|Enterprise, AL
+1334395|Montgomery, AL
+1334396|Montgomery, AL
+1334409|Montgomery, AL
+1334427|Andalusia, AL
+1334445|Ozark, AL
+1334448|Phenix City, AL
+1334466|Auburn, AL
+1334480|Phenix City, AL
+1334491|Prattville, AL
+1334493|Opp, AL
+1334501|Auburn, AL
+1334502|Auburn, AL
+1334514|Wetumpka, AL
+1334527|Brantley, AL
+1334528|Opelika, AL
+1334541|Eclectic, AL
+1334548|Hayneville, AL
+1334566|Troy, AL
+1334567|Wetumpka, AL
+1334576|Lanett, AL
+1334585|Abbeville, AL
+1334588|Hartford, AL
+1334593|Montgomery, AL
+1334598|Daleville, AL
+1334613|Montgomery, AL
+1334615|Dothan, AL
+1334616|Eufaula, AL
+1334624|Greensboro, AL
+1334636|Thomasville, AL
+1334642|Lanett, AL
+1334644|Lanett, AL
+1334649|Montgomery, AL
+1334670|Troy, AL
+1334671|Dothan, AL
+1334673|Dothan, AL
+1334677|Dothan, AL
+1334678|Dothan, AL
+1334682|Camden, AL
+1334683|Marion, AL
+1334684|Geneva, AL
+1334687|Eufaula, AL
+1334693|Headland, AL
+1334696|Columbia, AL
+1334699|Dothan, AL
+1334702|Dothan, AL
+1334705|Opelika, AL
+1334712|Dothan, AL
+1334725|Tuskegee, AL
+1334727|Tuskegee, AL
+1334735|Brundidge, AL
+1334737|Opelika, AL
+1334738|Union Springs, AL
+1334741|Opelika, AL
+1334742|Opelika, AL
+1334745|Opelika, AL
+1334749|Opelika, AL
+1334756|Valley, AL
+1334768|Valley, AL
+1334774|Ozark, AL
+1334775|Clayton, AL
+1334792|Dothan, AL
+1334793|Dothan, AL
+1334794|Dothan, AL
+1334807|Troy, AL
+1334808|Troy, AL
+1334819|Montgomery, AL
+1334821|Auburn, AL
+1334826|Auburn, AL
+1334832|Montgomery, AL
+1334834|Montgomery, AL
+1334836|Dothan, AL
+1334844|Auburn, AL
+1334858|Florala, AL
+1334863|Roanoke, AL
+1334864|La Fayette, AL
+1334872|Selma, AL
+1334874|Selma, AL
+1334875|Selma, AL
+1334877|Selma, AL
+1334886|Slocomb, AL
+1334887|Auburn, AL
+1334894|New Brockton, AL
+1334897|Elba, AL
+1334898|Samson, AL
+1334899|Ashford, AL
+1336|North Carolina
+1336218|Greensboro, NC
+1336222|Burlington, NC
+1336224|Lexington, NC
+1336226|Burlington, NC
+1336227|Burlington, NC
+1336228|Burlington, NC
+1336229|Burlington, NC
+1336230|Greensboro, NC
+1336235|Greensboro, NC
+1336236|Lexington, NC
+1336238|Lexington, NC
+1336242|Lexington, NC
+1336243|Lexington, NC
+1336245|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336248|Lexington, NC
+1336249|Lexington, NC
+1336268|Greensboro, NC
+1336271|Greensboro, NC
+1336272|Greensboro, NC
+1336273|Greensboro, NC
+1336274|Greensboro, NC
+1336275|Greensboro, NC
+1336277|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336279|Greensboro, NC
+1336282|Greensboro, NC
+1336285|Greensboro, NC
+1336286|Greensboro, NC
+1336288|Greensboro, NC
+1336292|Greensboro, NC
+1336293|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336294|Greensboro, NC
+1336297|Greensboro, NC
+1336299|Greensboro, NC
+1336315|Greensboro, NC
+1336316|Greensboro, NC
+1336318|Asheboro, NC
+1336320|Mount Airy, NC
+1336322|Roxboro, NC
+1336323|Greensboro, NC
+1336333|Greensboro, NC
+1336334|Greensboro, NC
+1336342|Reidsville, NC
+1336346|Greensboro, NC
+1336349|Reidsville, NC
+1336356|Dobson, NC
+1336357|Lexington, NC
+1336361|Reidsville, NC
+1336367|Boonville, NC
+1336368|Pilot Mountain, NC
+1336369|Greensboro, NC
+1336370|Greensboro, NC
+1336372|Sparta, NC
+1336373|Greensboro, NC
+1336375|Greensboro, NC
+1336377|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336378|Greensboro, NC
+1336379|Greensboro, NC
+1336381|Asheboro, NC
+1336384|Lansing, NC
+1336386|Dobson, NC
+1336389|Greensboro, NC
+1336393|Greensboro, NC
+1336412|Greensboro, NC
+1336433|Greensboro, NC
+1336463|Yadkinville, NC
+1336472|Thomasville, NC
+1336474|Thomasville, NC
+1336475|Thomasville, NC
+1336476|Thomasville, NC
+1336478|Greensboro, NC
+1336492|Mocksville, NC
+1336495|Randleman, NC
+1336498|Randleman, NC
+1336503|Roxboro, NC
+1336538|Burlington, NC
+1336540|Greensboro, NC
+1336544|Greensboro, NC
+1336545|Greensboro, NC
+1336547|Greensboro, NC
+1336573|Stoneville, NC
+1336574|Greensboro, NC
+1336585|Burlington, NC
+1336586|Burlington, NC
+1336591|Walnut Cove, NC
+1336597|Roxboro, NC
+1336598|Roxboro, NC
+1336599|Roxboro, NC
+1336605|Greensboro, NC
+1336607|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336616|Reidsville, NC
+1336617|Greensboro, NC
+1336621|Greensboro, NC
+1336622|Liberty, NC
+1336623|Eden, NC
+1336625|Asheboro, NC
+1336626|Asheboro, NC
+1336627|Eden, NC
+1336629|Asheboro, NC
+1336631|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336632|Greensboro, NC
+1336633|Asheboro, NC
+1336634|Reidsville, NC
+1336635|Eden, NC
+1336641|Greensboro, NC
+1336650|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336659|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336661|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336665|Greensboro, NC
+1336668|Greensboro, NC
+1336670|North Wilkesboro, NC
+1336672|Asheboro, NC
+1336677|Yadkinville, NC
+1336679|Yadkinville, NC
+1336683|Asheboro, NC
+1336691|Greensboro, NC
+1336694|Yanceyville, NC
+1336699|East Bend, NC
+1336703|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336712|Clemmons, NC
+1336714|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336716|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336718|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336719|Mount Airy, NC
+1336721|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336722|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336723|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336724|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336725|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336727|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336731|Lexington, NC
+1336744|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336746|Lexington, NC
+1336748|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336750|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336751|Mocksville, NC
+1336753|Mocksville, NC
+1336758|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336759|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336760|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336761|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336765|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336766|Clemmons, NC
+1336767|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336768|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336769|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336771|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336773|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336774|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336776|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336777|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336778|Clemmons, NC
+1336783|Mount Airy, NC
+1336784|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336785|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336786|Mount Airy, NC
+1336787|Lexington, NC
+1336788|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336789|Mount Airy, NC
+1336794|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336798|Lexington, NC
+1336802|High Point, NC
+1336808|Greensboro, NC
+1336812|High Point, NC
+1336832|Greensboro, NC
+1336834|Greensboro, NC
+1336841|High Point, NC
+1336851|Greensboro, NC
+1336852|Greensboro, NC
+1336854|Greensboro, NC
+1336855|Greensboro, NC
+1336856|Greensboro, NC
+1336859|Denton, NC
+1336869|High Point, NC
+1336878|High Point, NC
+1336882|High Point, NC
+1336883|High Point, NC
+1336884|High Point, NC
+1336885|High Point, NC
+1336886|High Point, NC
+1336887|High Point, NC
+1336889|High Point, NC
+1336896|Winston-Salem, NC
+1336931|Greensboro, NC
+1336956|Lexington, NC
+1336969|Rural Hall, NC
+1336983|King, NC
+1336985|King, NC
+1336992|Kernersville, NC
+1336993|Kernersville, NC
+1336996|Kernersville, NC
+1337216|Lafayette, LA
+1337217|Lake Charles, LA
+1337231|Lafayette, LA
+1337232|Lafayette, LA
+1337233|Lafayette, LA
+1337234|Lafayette, LA
+1337235|Lafayette, LA
+1337236|Lafayette, LA
+1337237|Lafayette, LA
+1337238|Leesville, LA
+1337239|Leesville, LA
+1337261|Lafayette, LA
+1337262|Lafayette, LA
+1337264|Lafayette, LA
+1337266|Lafayette, LA
+1337267|Lafayette, LA
+1337269|Lafayette, LA
+1337276|Jeanerette, LA
+1337289|Lafayette, LA
+1337291|Lafayette, LA
+1337310|Lake Charles, LA
+1337332|Breaux Bridge, LA
+1337334|Rayne, LA
+1337363|Ville Platte, LA
+1337364|New Iberia, LA
+1337365|New Iberia, LA
+1337367|New Iberia, LA
+1337369|New Iberia, LA
+1337373|New Iberia, LA
+1337392|Leesville, LA
+1337394|St. Martinville, LA
+1337406|Lafayette, LA
+1337407|Opelousas, LA
+1337433|Lake Charles, LA
+1337436|Lake Charles, LA
+1337437|Lake Charles, LA
+1337439|Lake Charles, LA
+1337456|Lafayette, LA
+1337457|Eunice, LA
+1337460|DeRidder, LA
+1337462|DeRidder, LA
+1337463|DeRidder, LA
+1337468|Mamou, LA
+1337474|Lake Charles, LA
+1337475|Lake Charles, LA
+1337477|Lake Charles, LA
+1337478|Lake Charles, LA
+1337479|Lake Charles, LA
+1337480|Lake Charles, LA
+1337482|Lafayette, LA
+1337491|Lake Charles, LA
+1337493|Lake Charles, LA
+1337494|Lake Charles, LA
+1337497|Lake Charles, LA
+1337504|Lafayette, LA
+1337507|Breaux Bridge, LA
+1337521|Lafayette, LA
+1337527|Sulphur, LA
+1337528|Sulphur, LA
+1337531|Fort Polk, LA
+1337534|Lafayette, LA
+1337536|Gueydan, LA
+1337537|Leesville, LA
+1337546|Eunice, LA
+1337550|Eunice, LA
+1337560|New Iberia, LA
+1337562|Lake Charles, LA
+1337564|Lake Charles, LA
+1337566|Krotz Springs, LA
+1337582|Iowa, LA
+1337583|Sulphur, LA
+1337585|Port Barre, LA
+1337589|Vinton, LA
+1337593|Lafayette, LA
+1337594|Opelousas, LA
+1337616|Jennings, LA
+1337625|Sulphur, LA
+1337626|Sulphur, LA
+1337639|Oberlin, LA
+1337643|Kaplan, LA
+1337684|Church Point, LA
+1337706|Lafayette, LA
+1337721|Lake Charles, LA
+1337734|Welsh, LA
+1337738|Kinder, LA
+1337754|Arnaudville, LA
+1337762|Hackberry, LA
+1337774|Lake Arthur, LA
+1337775|Cameron, LA
+1337779|Iota, LA
+1337783|Crowley, LA
+1337785|Crowley, LA
+1337786|DeQuincy, LA
+1337788|Crowley, LA
+1337824|Jennings, LA
+1337825|Merryville, LA
+1337828|Franklin, LA
+1337837|Broussard, LA
+1337839|Broussard, LA
+1337855|Lake Charles, LA
+1337893|Abbeville, LA
+1337898|Abbeville, LA
+1337937|Erath, LA
+1337942|Opelousas, LA
+1337948|Opelousas, LA
+1337981|Lafayette, LA
+1337983|Lafayette, LA
+1337984|Lafayette, LA
+1337988|Lafayette, LA
+1337989|Lafayette, LA
+1337991|Lafayette, LA
+1337993|Lafayette, LA
+1347|New York
+1347221|Brooklyn, NY
+1347240|Brooklyn, NY
+1347270|Bronx, NY
+1347271|Bronx, NY
+1347289|New York, NY
+1347295|Brooklyn, NY
+1347346|Bronx, NY
+1347406|Brooklyn, NY
+1347425|Brooklyn, NY
+1347462|Brooklyn, NY
+1347533|Brooklyn, NY
+1347577|Bronx, NY
+1347587|Brooklyn, NY
+1347590|Bronx, NY
+1347607|Bronx, NY
+1347627|Brooklyn, NY
+1347663|Brooklyn, NY
+1347702|Brooklyn, NY
+1347787|Brooklyn, NY
+1347789|Brooklyn, NY
+1347810|Bronx, NY
+1347843|Bronx, NY
+1347862|Bronx, NY
+1352237|Ocala, FL
+1352241|Clermont, FL
+1352242|Clermont, FL
+1352243|Clermont, FL
+1352253|Tavares, FL
+1352264|Gainesville, FL
+1352265|Gainesville, FL
+1352271|Gainesville, FL
+1352273|Gainesville, FL
+1352291|Ocala, FL
+1352304|Ocala, FL
+1352314|Leesburg, FL
+1352315|Leesburg, FL
+1352323|Leesburg, FL
+1352326|Leesburg, FL
+1352331|Gainesville, FL
+1352332|Gainesville, FL
+1352333|Gainesville, FL
+1352334|Gainesville, FL
+1352335|Gainesville, FL
+1352336|Gainesville, FL
+1352337|Gainesville, FL
+1352338|Gainesville, FL
+1352343|Tavares, FL
+1352351|Ocala, FL
+1352357|Eustis, FL
+1352365|Leesburg, FL
+1352367|Gainesville, FL
+1352368|Ocala, FL
+1352369|Ocala, FL
+1352371|Gainesville, FL
+1352372|Gainesville, FL
+1352373|Gainesville, FL
+1352374|Gainesville, FL
+1352375|Gainesville, FL
+1352376|Gainesville, FL
+1352377|Gainesville, FL
+1352378|Gainesville, FL
+1352379|Gainesville, FL
+1352380|Gainesville, FL
+1352381|Gainesville, FL
+1352382|Homosassa, FL
+1352383|Mount Dora, FL
+1352384|Gainesville, FL
+1352385|Mount Dora, FL
+1352392|Gainesville, FL
+1352394|Clermont, FL
+1352401|Ocala, FL
+1352402|Ocala, FL
+1352404|Clermont, FL
+1352433|Ocala, FL
+1352435|Leesburg, FL
+1352466|Micanopy, FL
+1352472|Newberry, FL
+1352473|Keystone Heights, FL
+1352475|Melrose, FL
+1352481|Hawthorne, FL
+1352483|Eustis, FL
+1352489|Dunnellon, FL
+1352490|Chiefland, FL
+1352493|Chiefland, FL
+1352505|Gainesville, FL
+1352518|Dade City, FL
+1352521|Dade City, FL
+1352523|Dade City, FL
+1352528|Williston, FL
+1352529|Williston, FL
+1352536|Clermont, FL
+1352540|Brooksville, FL
+1352542|Old Town, FL
+1352543|Cedar Key, FL
+1352544|Brooksville, FL
+1352563|Crystal River, FL
+1352564|Crystal River, FL
+1352567|Dade City, FL
+1352589|Eustis, FL
+1352595|Citra, FL
+1352620|Ocala, FL
+1352621|Homosassa, FL
+1352622|Ocala, FL
+1352624|Ocala, FL
+1352625|Silver Springs, FL
+1352628|Homosassa, FL
+1352629|Ocala, FL
+1352666|Spring Hill, FL
+1352671|Ocala, FL
+1352672|Gainesville, FL
+1352680|Ocala, FL
+1352683|Spring Hill, FL
+1352684|Spring Hill, FL
+1352686|Spring Hill, FL
+1352687|Ocala, FL
+1352688|Spring Hill, FL
+1352690|Ocala, FL
+1352692|Gainesville, FL
+1352694|Ocala, FL
+1352726|Inverness, FL
+1352728|Leesburg, FL
+1352732|Ocala, FL
+1352733|Gainesville, FL
+1352735|Mount Dora, FL
+1352742|Tavares, FL
+1352753|Lady Lake, FL
+1352754|Brooksville, FL
+1352759|Astor, FL
+1352787|Leesburg, FL
+1352794|Crystal River, FL
+1352795|Crystal River, FL
+1352796|Brooksville, FL
+1352799|Brooksville, FL
+1352840|Ocala, FL
+1352854|Ocala, FL
+1352860|Inverness, FL
+1352861|Ocala, FL
+1352867|Ocala, FL
+1352872|Gainesville, FL
+1352873|Ocala, FL
+1352955|Gainesville, FL
+1360213|Vancouver, WA
+1360221|Langley, WA
+1360225|Woodland, WA
+1360240|Oak Harbor, WA
+1360249|Montesano, WA
+1360253|Vancouver, WA
+1360254|Vancouver, WA
+1360256|Vancouver, WA
+1360257|Oak Harbor, WA
+1360258|Vancouver, WA
+1360260|Vancouver, WA
+1360264|Tenino, WA
+1360268|Westport, WA
+1360274|Castle Rock, WA
+1360279|Oak Harbor, WA
+1360289|Ocean Shores, WA
+1360293|Anacortes, WA
+1360297|Kingston, WA
+1360299|Anacortes, WA
+1360307|Silverdale, WA
+1360313|Vancouver, WA
+1360314|Vancouver, WA
+1360330|Centralia, WA
+1360331|Freeland, WA
+1360332|Blaine, WA
+1360335|Washougal, WA
+1360336|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360341|Clinton, WA
+1360352|Olympia, WA
+1360354|Lynden, WA
+1360370|Friday Harbor, WA
+1360371|Blaine, WA
+1360373|Bremerton, WA
+1360374|Forks, WA
+1360377|Bremerton, WA
+1360378|Friday Harbor, WA
+1360379|Port Townsend, WA
+1360380|Ferndale, WA
+1360384|Ferndale, WA
+1360385|Port Townsend, WA
+1360387|Camano Island, WA
+1360392|Bellingham, WA
+1360394|Poulsbo, WA
+1360397|Vancouver, WA
+1360400|Yelm, WA
+1360403|Arlington, WA
+1360414|Longview, WA
+1360416|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360417|Port Angeles, WA
+1360418|Vancouver, WA
+1360419|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360422|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360423|Longview, WA
+1360424|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360425|Longview, WA
+1360426|Shelton, WA
+1360427|Shelton, WA
+1360428|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360432|Shelton, WA
+1360433|Vancouver, WA
+1360435|Arlington, WA
+1360436|Darrington, WA
+1360437|Port Ludlow, WA
+1360446|Rainier, WA
+1360448|Vancouver, WA
+1360449|Vancouver, WA
+1360452|Port Angeles, WA
+1360457|Port Angeles, WA
+1360458|Yelm, WA
+1360462|Shelton, WA
+1360466|La Conner, WA
+1360468|Lopez Island, WA
+1360475|Bremerton, WA
+1360479|Bremerton, WA
+1360482|Elma, WA
+1360487|Vancouver, WA
+1360495|McCleary, WA
+1360496|Morton, WA
+1360514|Vancouver, WA
+1360527|Bellingham, WA
+1360537|Aberdeen, WA
+1360546|Vancouver, WA
+1360563|Snohomish, WA
+1360565|Port Angeles, WA
+1360566|Vancouver, WA
+1360567|Vancouver, WA
+1360568|Snohomish, WA
+1360571|Vancouver, WA
+1360573|Vancouver, WA
+1360574|Vancouver, WA
+1360576|Vancouver, WA
+1360579|Clinton, WA
+1360582|Sequim, WA
+1360586|Olympia, WA
+1360588|Anacortes, WA
+1360597|Vancouver, WA
+1360604|Vancouver, WA
+1360629|Stanwood, WA
+1360647|Bellingham, WA
+1360650|Bellingham, WA
+1360659|Marysville, WA
+1360665|Ocean Park, WA
+1360666|Battle Ground, WA
+1360668|Snohomish, WA
+1360671|Bellingham, WA
+1360673|Kalama, WA
+1360675|Oak Harbor, WA
+1360676|Bellingham, WA
+1360678|Coupeville, WA
+1360679|Oak Harbor, WA
+1360681|Sequim, WA
+1360683|Sequim, WA
+1360686|Yacolt, WA
+1360687|Battle Ground, WA
+1360693|Vancouver, WA
+1360694|Vancouver, WA
+1360695|Vancouver, WA
+1360696|Vancouver, WA
+1360697|Poulsbo, WA
+1360699|Vancouver, WA
+1360707|Burlington, WA
+1360714|Bellingham, WA
+1360715|Bellingham, WA
+1360718|Vancouver, WA
+1360733|Bellingham, WA
+1360734|Bellingham, WA
+1360735|Vancouver, WA
+1360736|Centralia, WA
+1360737|Vancouver, WA
+1360738|Bellingham, WA
+1360740|Chehalis, WA
+1360748|Chehalis, WA
+1360750|Vancouver, WA
+1360752|Bellingham, WA
+1360753|Olympia, WA
+1360755|Burlington, WA
+1360756|Bellingham, WA
+1360757|Burlington, WA
+1360758|Bellingham, WA
+1360765|Quilcene, WA
+1360766|Bow, WA
+1360769|Port Orchard, WA
+1360779|Poulsbo, WA
+1360785|Winlock, WA
+1360788|Bellingham, WA
+1360792|Bremerton, WA
+1360794|Monroe, WA
+1360795|Cathlamet, WA
+1360796|Brinnon, WA
+1360802|Enumclaw, WA
+1360805|Monroe, WA
+1360807|Centralia, WA
+1360823|Vancouver, WA
+1360825|Enumclaw, WA
+1360828|Vancouver, WA
+1360829|Buckley, WA
+1360832|Eatonville, WA
+1360833|Camas, WA
+1360834|Camas, WA
+1360835|Washougal, WA
+1360837|Washougal, WA
+1360848|Mount Vernon, WA
+1360853|Concrete, WA
+1360854|Sedro-Woolley, WA
+1360855|Sedro-Woolley, WA
+1360856|Sedro-Woolley, WA
+1360862|Snohomish, WA
+1360864|Toledo, WA
+1360866|Olympia, WA
+1360867|Olympia, WA
+1360871|Port Orchard, WA
+1360874|Port Orchard, WA
+1360875|South Bend, WA
+1360876|Port Orchard, WA
+1360882|Vancouver, WA
+1360883|Vancouver, WA
+1360885|Vancouver, WA
+1360887|Ridgefield, WA
+1360891|Vancouver, WA
+1360892|Vancouver, WA
+1360894|Yelm, WA
+1360895|Port Orchard, WA
+1360896|Vancouver, WA
+1360898|Union, WA
+1360905|Vancouver, WA
+1360906|Vancouver, WA
+1360928|Port Angeles, WA
+1360942|Raymond, WA
+1360943|Olympia, WA
+1360944|Vancouver, WA
+1360945|Point Roberts, WA
+1360956|Olympia, WA
+1360966|Everson, WA
+1360988|Sumas, WA
+1360992|Vancouver, WA
+1360993|Vancouver, WA
+1361221|Kingsville, TX
+1361225|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361241|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361242|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361275|Cuero, TX
+1361277|Cuero, TX
+1361279|San Diego, TX
+1361288|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361289|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361293|Yoakum, TX
+1361299|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361325|Falfurrias, TX
+1361334|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361348|Premont, TX
+1361354|Beeville, TX
+1361358|Beeville, TX
+1361362|Beeville, TX
+1361364|Sinton, TX
+1361384|Orange Grove, TX
+1361394|Freer, TX
+1361396|Alice, TX
+1361449|George West, TX
+1361452|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361485|Victoria, TX
+1361516|Kingsville, TX
+1361526|Refugio, TX
+1361527|Hebbronville, TX
+1361528|Taft, TX
+1361543|Woodsboro, TX
+1361547|Mathis, TX
+1361552|Port Lavaca, TX
+1361553|Port Lavaca, TX
+1361561|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361564|Yorktown, TX
+1361570|Victoria, TX
+1361572|Victoria, TX
+1361573|Victoria, TX
+1361574|Victoria, TX
+1361575|Victoria, TX
+1361576|Victoria, TX
+1361578|Victoria, TX
+1361579|Victoria, TX
+1361580|Victoria, TX
+1361582|Victoria, TX
+1361584|Bishop, TX
+1361592|Kingsville, TX
+1361594|Shiner, TX
+1361595|Kingsville, TX
+1361643|Portland, TX
+1361645|Goliad, TX
+1361653|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361654|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361661|Alice, TX
+1361664|Alice, TX
+1361668|Alice, TX
+1361694|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361696|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361698|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361723|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361727|Rockport, TX
+1361729|Rockport, TX
+1361749|Port Aransas, TX
+1361758|Aransas Pass, TX
+1361771|Ganado, TX
+1361776|Ingleside, TX
+1361777|Portland, TX
+1361782|Edna, TX
+1361785|Seadrift, TX
+1361786|Three Rivers, TX
+1361788|Victoria, TX
+1361790|Rockport, TX
+1361798|Hallettsville, TX
+1361806|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361808|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361814|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361826|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361850|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361851|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361852|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361853|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361854|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361855|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361857|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361865|Flatonia, TX
+1361878|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361880|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361881|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361882|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361883|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361884|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361885|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361886|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361887|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361888|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361902|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361906|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361937|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361939|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361949|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361961|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361972|Palacios, TX
+1361980|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361985|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361986|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361991|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361992|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361993|Corpus Christi, TX
+1361994|Corpus Christi, TX
+1386226|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386238|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386239|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386246|Palm Coast, FL
+1386248|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386252|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386253|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386254|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386255|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386257|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386258|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386274|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386294|Mayo, FL
+1386323|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386325|Palatka, FL
+1386326|Palatka, FL
+1386328|Palatka, FL
+1386329|Palatka, FL
+1386330|Live Oak, FL
+1386362|Live Oak, FL
+1386364|Live Oak, FL
+1386397|White Springs, FL
+1386418|Alachua, FL
+1386425|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386438|Lake City, FL
+1386439|Flagler Beach, FL
+1386441|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386445|Palm Coast, FL
+1386446|Palm Coast, FL
+1386447|Palm Coast, FL
+1386454|High Springs, FL
+1386462|Alachua, FL
+1386496|Lake Butler, FL
+1386497|Fort White, FL
+1386532|Deltona, FL
+1386574|Deltona, FL
+1386597|Palm Coast, FL
+1386615|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386668|De Bary, FL
+1386672|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386673|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386676|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386677|Ormond Beach, FL
+1386684|Interlachen, FL
+1386698|Crescent City, FL
+1386719|Lake City, FL
+1386734|DeLand, FL
+1386736|DeLand, FL
+1386738|DeLand, FL
+1386740|DeLand, FL
+1386752|Lake City, FL
+1386754|Lake City, FL
+1386755|Lake City, FL
+1386758|Lake City, FL
+1386774|Orange City, FL
+1386775|Orange City, FL
+1386789|Deltona, FL
+1386792|Jasper, FL
+1386822|DeLand, FL
+1386860|Deltona, FL
+1386873|DeLand, FL
+1386943|DeLand, FL
+1386947|Daytona Beach, FL
+1386961|Lake City, FL
+1386986|Palm Coast, FL
+1401|Rhode Island
+1401222|Providence, RI
+1401235|Woonsocket, RI
+1401246|Barrington, RI
+1401247|Barrington, RI
+1401253|Bristol, RI
+1401254|Bristol, RI
+1401272|Providence, RI
+1401273|Providence, RI
+1401274|Providence, RI
+1401276|Providence, RI
+1401277|Providence, RI
+1401315|Westerly, RI
+1401322|Westerly, RI
+1401331|Providence, RI
+1401333|Lincoln, RI
+1401334|Lincoln, RI
+1401348|Westerly, RI
+1401351|Providence, RI
+1401353|North Providence, RI
+1401356|Woonsocket, RI
+1401364|Charlestown, RI
+1401396|Bristol, RI
+1401398|East Greenwich, RI
+1401421|Providence, RI
+1401423|Jamestown, RI
+1401434|East Providence, RI
+1401444|Providence, RI
+1401453|Providence, RI
+1401454|Providence, RI
+1401455|Providence, RI
+1401456|Providence, RI
+1401457|Providence, RI
+1401459|Providence, RI
+1401466|Block Island, RI
+1401521|Providence, RI
+1401533|Providence, RI
+1401596|Westerly, RI
+1401621|Providence, RI
+1401624|Tiverton, RI
+1401625|Tiverton, RI
+1401635|Little Compton, RI
+1401658|Cumberland, RI
+1401681|Warwick, RI
+1401683|Portsmouth, RI
+1401729|Pawtucket, RI
+1401732|Warwick, RI
+1401734|Warwick, RI
+1401736|Warwick, RI
+1401737|Warwick, RI
+1401738|Warwick, RI
+1401739|Warwick, RI
+1401751|Providence, RI
+1401762|Woonsocket, RI
+1401765|Woonsocket, RI
+1401766|Woonsocket, RI
+1401767|Woonsocket, RI
+1401769|Woonsocket, RI
+1401793|Providence, RI
+1401816|Tiverton, RI
+1401831|Providence, RI
+1401861|Providence, RI
+1401863|Providence, RI
+1401921|Warwick, RI
+1402219|Lincoln, NE
+1402223|Beatrice, NE
+1402225|Nelson, NE
+1402228|Beatrice, NE
+1402234|Louisville, NE
+1402245|Falls City, NE
+1402253|Springfield, NE
+1402254|Hartington, NE
+1402256|Laurel, NE
+1402261|Lincoln, NE
+1402267|Weeping Water, NE
+1402269|Syracuse, NE
+1402274|Auburn, NE
+1402280|Omaha, NE
+1402283|Coleridge, NE
+1402287|Wakefield, NE
+1402291|Bellevue, NE
+1402292|Bellevue, NE
+1402293|Bellevue, NE
+1402294|Offutt AFB, NE
+1402296|Plattsmouth, NE
+1402323|Lincoln, NE
+1402325|Lincoln, NE
+1402327|Lincoln, NE
+1402328|Lincoln, NE
+1402329|Pierce, NE
+1402330|Omaha, NE
+1402332|Gretna, NE
+1402333|Omaha, NE
+1402334|Omaha, NE
+1402335|Tecumseh, NE
+1402336|O'Neill, NE
+1402337|Randolph, NE
+1402341|Omaha, NE
+1402342|Omaha, NE
+1402343|Omaha, NE
+1402344|Omaha, NE
+1402345|Omaha, NE
+1402346|Omaha, NE
+1402348|Omaha, NE
+1402352|Schuyler, NE
+1402354|Omaha, NE
+1402358|Creighton, NE
+1402362|York, NE
+1402363|York, NE
+1402365|Deshler, NE
+1402367|David City, NE
+1402368|Tilden, NE
+1402370|Norfolk, NE
+1402371|Norfolk, NE
+1402372|West Point, NE
+1402373|Bloomfield, NE
+1402374|Tekamah, NE
+1402375|Wayne, NE
+1402376|Valentine, NE
+1402379|Norfolk, NE
+1402384|Omaha, NE
+1402385|Pender, NE
+1402387|Ainsworth, NE
+1402388|Crofton, NE
+1402390|Omaha, NE
+1402391|Omaha, NE
+1402392|Omaha, NE
+1402393|Omaha, NE
+1402395|Albion, NE
+1402397|Omaha, NE
+1402398|Omaha, NE
+1402399|Omaha, NE
+1402412|South Sioux City, NE
+1402420|Lincoln, NE
+1402421|Lincoln, NE
+1402423|Lincoln, NE
+1402426|Blair, NE
+1402430|Lincoln, NE
+1402431|Omaha, NE
+1402432|Lincoln, NE
+1402434|Lincoln, NE
+1402435|Lincoln, NE
+1402436|Lincoln, NE
+1402437|Lincoln, NE
+1402438|Lincoln, NE
+1402439|Stanton, NE
+1402441|Lincoln, NE
+1402443|Wahoo, NE
+1402444|Omaha, NE
+1402445|Omaha, NE
+1402447|Newman Grove, NE
+1402449|Omaha, NE
+1402451|Omaha, NE
+1402453|Omaha, NE
+1402454|Madison, NE
+1402455|Omaha, NE
+1402457|Omaha, NE
+1402461|Hastings, NE
+1402462|Hastings, NE
+1402463|Hastings, NE
+1402464|Lincoln, NE
+1402465|Lincoln, NE
+1402466|Lincoln, NE
+1402467|Lincoln, NE
+1402470|Lincoln, NE
+1402471|Lincoln, NE
+1402472|Lincoln, NE
+1402473|Lincoln, NE
+1402474|Lincoln, NE
+1402475|Lincoln, NE
+1402476|Lincoln, NE
+1402477|Lincoln, NE
+1402479|Lincoln, NE
+1402481|Lincoln, NE
+1402483|Lincoln, NE
+1402484|Lincoln, NE
+1402486|Lincoln, NE
+1402487|Leigh, NE
+1402488|Lincoln, NE
+1402489|Lincoln, NE
+1402491|Omaha, NE
+1402492|Omaha, NE
+1402493|Omaha, NE
+1402494|South Sioux City, NE
+1402496|Omaha, NE
+1402498|Omaha, NE
+1402502|Omaha, NE
+1402504|Omaha, NE
+1402505|Omaha, NE
+1402529|Wisner, NE
+1402533|Blair, NE
+1402534|Utica, NE
+1402551|Omaha, NE
+1402552|Omaha, NE
+1402553|Omaha, NE
+1402554|Omaha, NE
+1402556|Omaha, NE
+1402557|Omaha, NE
+1402558|Omaha, NE
+1402559|Omaha, NE
+1402561|Omaha, NE
+1402562|Columbus, NE
+1402563|Columbus, NE
+1402564|Columbus, NE
+1402571|Omaha, NE
+1402572|Omaha, NE
+1402573|Omaha, NE
+1402581|Lincoln, NE
+1402582|Plainview, NE
+1402586|Wausa, NE
+1402589|Spencer, NE
+1402601|Lincoln, NE
+1402626|Ewing, NE
+1402637|Omaha, NE
+1402643|Seward, NE
+1402644|Norfolk, NE
+1402645|Wymore, NE
+1402648|Bancroft, NE
+1402652|North Bend, NE
+1402664|Scribner, NE
+1402668|Verdigre, NE
+1402675|Battle Creek, NE
+1402684|Bassett, NE
+1402685|Oakland, NE
+1402687|Lyons, NE
+1402691|Omaha, NE
+1402693|Dodge, NE
+1402694|Aurora, NE
+1402697|Omaha, NE
+1402715|Omaha, NE
+1402717|Omaha, NE
+1402721|Fremont, NE
+1402723|Henderson, NE
+1402725|Hampton, NE
+1402727|Fremont, NE
+1402729|Fairbury, NE
+1402730|Lincoln, NE
+1402731|Omaha, NE
+1402734|Omaha, NE
+1402742|Lincoln, NE
+1402746|Red Cloud, NE
+1402747|Osceola, NE
+1402748|Osmond, NE
+1402753|Fremont, NE
+1402755|Ponca, NE
+1402758|Omaha, NE
+1402759|Geneva, NE
+1402761|Milford, NE
+1402762|Clay Center, NE
+1402764|Stromsburg, NE
+1402768|Hebron, NE
+1402773|Sutton, NE
+1402775|Butte, NE
+1402778|Omaha, NE
+1402782|Bennet, NE
+1402786|Waverly, NE
+1402821|Wilber, NE
+1402826|Crete, NE
+1402843|Elgin, NE
+1402844|Norfolk, NE
+1402845|Doniphan, NE
+1402846|Walthill, NE
+1402852|Pawnee City, NE
+1402858|Lincoln, NE
+1402861|Omaha, NE
+1402862|Humboldt, NE
+1402873|Nebraska City, NE
+1402879|Superior, NE
+1402884|Omaha, NE
+1402887|Neligh, NE
+1402891|Omaha, NE
+1402892|Clarkson, NE
+1402894|Omaha, NE
+1402895|Omaha, NE
+1402896|Omaha, NE
+1402923|Humphrey, NE
+1402924|Stuart, NE
+1402925|Atkinson, NE
+1402926|Omaha, NE
+1402932|Omaha, NE
+1402933|Omaha, NE
+1402934|Omaha, NE
+1402944|Ashland, NE
+1402947|Friend, NE
+1402952|Omaha, NE
+1402955|Omaha, NE
+1402963|Omaha, NE
+1402964|Omaha, NE
+1402965|Omaha, NE
+1402977|Omaha, NE
+1402978|Omaha, NE
+1402988|Adams, NE
+1402991|Omaha, NE
+1402993|Genoa, NE
+1402994|Elmwood, NE
+1402995|Omaha, NE
+1403201|Calgary, AB
+1403202|Calgary, AB
+1403203|Calgary, AB
+1403204|Calgary, AB
+1403206|Calgary, AB
+1403207|Calgary, AB
+1403208|Calgary, AB
+1403209|Calgary, AB
+1403210|Calgary, AB
+1403212|Calgary, AB
+1403214|Calgary, AB
+1403215|Calgary, AB
+1403216|Calgary, AB
+1403217|Calgary, AB
+1403218|Calgary, AB
+1403219|Calgary, AB
+1403220|Calgary, AB
+1403221|Calgary, AB
+1403223|Taber, AB
+1403224|Bowden, AB
+1403225|Calgary, AB
+1403226|Calgary, AB
+1403227|Innisfail, AB
+1403228|Calgary, AB
+1403229|Calgary, AB
+1403230|Calgary, AB
+1403231|Calgary, AB
+1403232|Calgary, AB
+1403233|Calgary, AB
+1403234|Calgary, AB
+1403235|Calgary, AB
+1403236|Calgary, AB
+1403237|Calgary, AB
+1403238|Calgary, AB
+1403239|Calgary, AB
+1403240|Calgary, AB
+1403241|Calgary, AB
+1403242|Calgary, AB
+1403243|Calgary, AB
+1403244|Calgary, AB
+1403245|Calgary, AB
+1403246|Calgary, AB
+1403247|Calgary, AB
+1403248|Calgary, AB
+1403249|Calgary, AB
+1403250|Calgary, AB
+1403251|Calgary, AB
+1403252|Calgary, AB
+1403253|Calgary, AB
+1403254|Calgary, AB
+1403255|Calgary, AB
+1403256|Calgary, AB
+1403257|Calgary, AB
+1403258|Calgary, AB
+1403259|Calgary, AB
+1403260|Calgary, AB
+1403261|Calgary, AB
+1403262|Calgary, AB
+1403263|Calgary, AB
+1403264|Calgary, AB
+1403265|Calgary, AB
+1403266|Calgary, AB
+1403267|Calgary, AB
+1403269|Calgary, AB
+1403270|Calgary, AB
+1403271|Calgary, AB
+1403272|Calgary, AB
+1403273|Calgary, AB
+1403274|Calgary, AB
+1403275|Calgary, AB
+1403276|Calgary, AB
+1403277|Calgary, AB
+1403278|Calgary, AB
+1403279|Calgary, AB
+1403280|Calgary, AB
+1403281|Calgary, AB
+1403282|Calgary, AB
+1403283|Calgary, AB
+1403284|Calgary, AB
+1403285|Calgary, AB
+1403286|Calgary, AB
+1403287|Calgary, AB
+1403288|Calgary, AB
+1403289|Calgary, AB
+1403290|Calgary, AB
+1403291|Calgary, AB
+1403292|Calgary, AB
+1403293|Calgary, AB
+1403294|Calgary, AB
+1403295|Calgary, AB
+1403296|Calgary, AB
+1403297|Calgary, AB
+1403298|Calgary, AB
+1403299|Calgary, AB
+1403301|Calgary, AB
+1403303|Calgary, AB
+1403309|Red Deer, AB
+1403313|Calgary, AB
+1403314|Red Deer, AB
+1403317|Lethbridge, AB
+1403320|Lethbridge, AB
+1403327|Lethbridge, AB
+1403328|Lethbridge, AB
+1403329|Lethbridge, AB
+1403331|Lethbridge, AB
+1403335|Didsbury, AB
+1403337|Carstairs, AB
+1403340|Red Deer, AB
+1403341|Red Deer, AB
+1403342|Red Deer, AB
+1403343|Red Deer, AB
+1403345|Coaldale, AB
+1403346|Red Deer, AB
+1403347|Red Deer, AB
+1403348|Red Deer, AB
+1403358|Red Deer, AB
+1403362|Brooks, AB
+1403374|Calgary, AB
+1403380|Lethbridge, AB
+1403381|Lethbridge, AB
+1403382|Lethbridge, AB
+1403383|Calgary, AB
+1403394|Lethbridge, AB
+1403398|Calgary, AB
+1403441|Calgary, AB
+1403442|Trochu, AB
+1403443|Three Hills, AB
+1403444|Calgary, AB
+1403451|Calgary, AB
+1403452|Calgary, AB
+1403453|Calgary, AB
+1403455|Calgary, AB
+1403457|Calgary, AB
+1403475|Calgary, AB
+1403485|Vulcan, AB
+1403500|Calgary, AB
+1403501|Brooks, AB
+1403502|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403503|Calgary, AB
+1403504|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403508|Calgary, AB
+1403509|Calgary, AB
+1403516|Calgary, AB
+1403517|Calgary, AB
+1403520|Calgary, AB
+1403524|Lethbridge, AB
+1403525|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403526|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403527|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403528|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403529|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403531|Calgary, AB
+1403532|Calgary, AB
+1403537|Calgary, AB
+1403538|Calgary, AB
+1403539|Calgary, AB
+1403543|Calgary, AB
+1403545|Bow Island, AB
+1403547|Calgary, AB
+1403553|Fort MacLeod, AB
+1403556|Olds, AB
+1403560|Calgary, AB
+1403567|Calgary, AB
+1403568|Calgary, AB
+1403569|Calgary, AB
+1403571|Calgary, AB
+1403577|Consort, AB
+1403578|Coronation, AB
+1403580|Medicine Hat, AB
+1403590|Calgary, AB
+1403601|High River, AB
+1403609|Canmore, AB
+1403625|Claresholm, AB
+1403627|Pincher Creek, AB
+1403630|Calgary, AB
+1403638|Sundre, AB
+1403640|Calgary, AB
+1403641|Bassano, AB
+1403646|Nanton, AB
+1403647|Milk River, AB
+1403652|High River, AB
+1403653|Cardston, AB
+1403654|Vauxhall, AB
+1403663|Calgary, AB
+1403664|Oyen, AB
+1403667|Calgary, AB
+1403675|Canmore, AB
+1403678|Canmore, AB
+1403680|Calgary, AB
+1403685|Calgary, AB
+1403686|Calgary, AB
+1403692|Calgary, AB
+1403698|Calgary, AB
+1403703|Calgary, AB
+1403705|Calgary, AB
+1403717|Calgary, AB
+1403718|Calgary, AB
+1403720|Calgary, AB
+1403723|Calgary, AB
+1403724|Calgary, AB
+1403730|Calgary, AB
+1403732|Picture Butte, AB
+1403735|Calgary, AB
+1403742|Stettler, AB
+1403746|Eckville, AB
+1403747|Alix, AB
+1403750|Calgary, AB
+1403752|Raymond, AB
+1403758|Magrath, AB
+1403760|Banff, AB
+1403762|Banff, AB
+1403769|Calgary, AB
+1403770|Calgary, AB
+1403777|Calgary, AB
+1403782|Lacombe, AB
+1403783|Ponoka, AB
+1403793|Brooks, AB
+1403802|Calgary, AB
+1403806|Calgary, AB
+1403823|Drumheller, AB
+1403830|Calgary, AB
+1403843|Rimbey, AB
+1403844|Rocky Mountain House, AB
+1403845|Rocky Mountain House, AB
+1403851|Cochrane, AB
+1403854|Hanna, AB
+1403867|Foremost, AB
+1403870|Calgary, AB
+1403873|Calgary, AB
+1403882|Castor, AB
+1403885|Blackfalds, AB
+1403887|Sylvan Lake, AB
+1403891|Calgary, AB
+1403901|Strathmore, AB
+1403912|Airdrie, AB
+1403932|Cochrane, AB
+1403934|Strathmore, AB
+1403936|Langdon, AB
+1403938|Okotoks, AB
+1403942|Lethbridge, AB
+1403943|Calgary, AB
+1403944|Calgary, AB
+1403945|Airdrie, AB
+1403946|Crossfield, AB
+1403947|Beiseker, AB
+1403948|Airdrie, AB
+1403949|Bragg Creek, AB
+1403955|Calgary, AB
+1403974|Calgary, AB
+1403980|Airdrie, AB
+1403984|Calgary, AB
+1403986|Red Deer, AB
+1403995|Okotoks, AB
+1404215|Atlanta, GA
+1404220|Atlanta, GA
+1404221|Atlanta, GA
+1404222|Atlanta, GA
+1404223|Atlanta, GA
+1404230|Atlanta, GA
+1404231|Atlanta, GA
+1404233|Atlanta, GA
+1404237|Atlanta, GA
+1404239|Atlanta, GA
+1404240|Atlanta, GA
+1404249|Atlanta, GA
+1404250|Atlanta, GA
+1404253|Atlanta, GA
+1404257|Atlanta, GA
+1404261|Atlanta, GA
+1404262|Atlanta, GA
+1404264|Atlanta, GA
+1404265|Atlanta, GA
+1404266|Atlanta, GA
+1404284|Decatur, GA
+1404286|Decatur, GA
+1404288|Decatur, GA
+1404289|Decatur, GA
+1404330|Atlanta, GA
+1404331|Atlanta, GA
+1404344|Atlanta, GA
+1404346|Atlanta, GA
+1404347|Atlanta, GA
+1404349|Atlanta, GA
+1404350|Atlanta, GA
+1404351|Atlanta, GA
+1404352|Atlanta, GA
+1404355|Atlanta, GA
+1404442|Atlanta, GA
+1404443|Atlanta, GA
+1404464|Atlanta, GA
+1404467|Atlanta, GA
+1404472|Atlanta, GA
+1404504|Atlanta, GA
+1404505|Atlanta, GA
+1404521|Atlanta, GA
+1404522|Atlanta, GA
+1404523|Atlanta, GA
+1404524|Atlanta, GA
+1404525|Atlanta, GA
+1404526|Atlanta, GA
+1404527|Atlanta, GA
+1404531|Atlanta, GA
+1404534|Decatur, GA
+1404541|Atlanta, GA
+1404572|Atlanta, GA
+1404575|Atlanta, GA
+1404577|Atlanta, GA
+1404584|Atlanta, GA
+1404586|Atlanta, GA
+1404588|Atlanta, GA
+1404589|Atlanta, GA
+1404605|Atlanta, GA
+1404607|Atlanta, GA
+1404609|Atlanta, GA
+1404612|Atlanta, GA
+1404614|Atlanta, GA
+1404616|Atlanta, GA
+1404622|Atlanta, GA
+1404624|Atlanta, GA
+1404627|Atlanta, GA
+1404629|Atlanta, GA
+1404639|Atlanta, GA
+1404653|Atlanta, GA
+1404656|Atlanta, GA
+1404658|Atlanta, GA
+1404659|Atlanta, GA
+1404681|Atlanta, GA
+1404685|Atlanta, GA
+1404686|Atlanta, GA
+1404688|Atlanta, GA
+1404691|Atlanta, GA
+1404696|Atlanta, GA
+1404699|Atlanta, GA
+1404705|Atlanta, GA
+1404712|Atlanta, GA
+1404724|Atlanta, GA
+1404727|Atlanta, GA
+1404730|Atlanta, GA
+1404733|Atlanta, GA
+1404739|Atlanta, GA
+1404745|Atlanta, GA
+1404752|Atlanta, GA
+1404753|Atlanta, GA
+1404755|Atlanta, GA
+1404756|Atlanta, GA
+1404758|Atlanta, GA
+1404760|Atlanta, GA
+1404778|Atlanta, GA
+1404785|Atlanta, GA
+1404799|Atlanta, GA
+1404802|Atlanta, GA
+1404812|Atlanta, GA
+1404814|Atlanta, GA
+1404815|Atlanta, GA
+1404816|Atlanta, GA
+1404817|Atlanta, GA
+1404841|Atlanta, GA
+1404842|Atlanta, GA
+1404843|Atlanta, GA
+1404845|Atlanta, GA
+1404846|Atlanta, GA
+1404847|Atlanta, GA
+1404848|Atlanta, GA
+1404851|Atlanta, GA
+1404853|Atlanta, GA
+1404869|Atlanta, GA
+1404870|Atlanta, GA
+1404872|Atlanta, GA
+1404873|Atlanta, GA
+1404874|Atlanta, GA
+1404875|Atlanta, GA
+1404876|Atlanta, GA
+1404879|Atlanta, GA
+1404880|Atlanta, GA
+1404881|Atlanta, GA
+1404885|Atlanta, GA
+1404888|Atlanta, GA
+1404892|Atlanta, GA
+1404893|Atlanta, GA
+1404894|Atlanta, GA
+1404897|Atlanta, GA
+1404898|Atlanta, GA
+1404926|Atlanta, GA
+1404942|Atlanta, GA
+1404949|Atlanta, GA
+1404962|Atlanta, GA
+1404965|Atlanta, GA
+1404995|Atlanta, GA
+1405207|Pauls Valley, OK
+1405214|Shawnee, OK
+1405216|Edmond, OK
+1405222|Chickasha, OK
+1405224|Chickasha, OK
+1405228|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405231|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405232|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405235|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405236|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405238|Pauls Valley, OK
+1405239|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405247|Anadarko, OK
+1405254|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405257|Wewoka, OK
+1405258|Chandler, OK
+1405260|Guthrie, OK
+1405262|El Reno, OK
+1405263|Okarche, OK
+1405265|Yukon, OK
+1405270|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405271|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405272|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405273|Shawnee, OK
+1405275|Shawnee, OK
+1405277|Luther, OK
+1405280|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405282|Guthrie, OK
+1405285|Edmond, OK
+1405290|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405292|Norman, OK
+1405295|El Reno, OK
+1405297|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405302|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405303|Seminole, OK
+1405307|Norman, OK
+1405310|Norman, OK
+1405321|Norman, OK
+1405324|Yukon, OK
+1405325|Norman, OK
+1405329|Norman, OK
+1405330|Edmond, OK
+1405340|Edmond, OK
+1405341|Edmond, OK
+1405348|Edmond, OK
+1405350|Yukon, OK
+1405352|Minco, OK
+1405354|Yukon, OK
+1405359|Edmond, OK
+1405360|Norman, OK
+1405364|Norman, OK
+1405366|Norman, OK
+1405372|Stillwater, OK
+1405375|Kingfisher, OK
+1405376|Mustang, OK
+1405377|Stillwater, OK
+1405378|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405379|Holdenville, OK
+1405381|Tuttle, OK
+1405382|Seminole, OK
+1405387|Newcastle, OK
+1405390|Choctaw, OK
+1405395|Shawnee, OK
+1405399|Jones, OK
+1405418|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405422|El Reno, OK
+1405424|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405427|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405447|Norman, OK
+1405452|Wetumka, OK
+1405454|Harrah, OK
+1405456|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405471|Edmond, OK
+1405485|Blanchard, OK
+1405513|Edmond, OK
+1405521|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405522|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405524|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405525|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405527|Purcell, OK
+1405528|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405533|Stillwater, OK
+1405542|Hinton, OK
+1405547|Perkins, OK
+1405552|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405553|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405557|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405567|Prague, OK
+1405573|Norman, OK
+1405577|Yukon, OK
+1405579|Norman, OK
+1405598|Tecumseh, OK
+1405601|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405602|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405604|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405605|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405606|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405607|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405608|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405609|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405616|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405619|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405621|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405624|Stillwater, OK
+1405631|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405632|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405634|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405635|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405636|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405644|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405663|Hydro, OK
+1405665|Wynnewood, OK
+1405670|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405671|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405672|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405677|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405680|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405681|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405682|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405684|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405685|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405686|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405688|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405691|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405692|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405701|Norman, OK
+1405702|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405707|Stillwater, OK
+1405713|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405715|Edmond, OK
+1405720|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405721|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405722|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405728|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405742|Stillwater, OK
+1405743|Stillwater, OK
+1405744|Stillwater, OK
+1405748|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405749|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405751|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405752|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405753|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405755|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405756|Lindsay, OK
+1405767|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405773|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405778|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405782|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405793|Moore, OK
+1405794|Moore, OK
+1405801|Norman, OK
+1405810|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405840|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405842|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405843|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405844|Edmond, OK
+1405848|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405853|Hennessey, OK
+1405858|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405867|Maysville, OK
+1405872|Noble, OK
+1405878|Shawnee, OK
+1405879|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405917|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405928|Norman, OK
+1405936|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405942|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405943|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405945|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405946|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405947|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405948|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405949|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405951|Oklahoma City, OK
+1405964|McLoud, OK
+1405969|Crescent, OK
+1406208|Billings, MT
+1406216|Great Falls, MT
+1406222|Livingston, MT
+1406225|Boulder, MT
+1406228|Glasgow, MT
+1406232|Miles City, MT
+1406233|Miles City, MT
+1406234|Miles City, MT
+1406237|Billings, MT
+1406238|Billings, MT
+1406240|Missoula, MT
+1406243|Missoula, MT
+1406245|Billings, MT
+1406247|Billings, MT
+1406248|Billings, MT
+1406251|Missoula, MT
+1406252|Billings, MT
+1406254|Billings, MT
+1406255|Billings, MT
+1406256|Billings, MT
+1406257|Kalispell, MT
+1406258|Missoula, MT
+1406259|Billings, MT
+1406262|Havre, MT
+1406265|Havre, MT
+1406266|Townsend, MT
+1406268|Great Falls, MT
+1406271|Conrad, MT
+1406277|Belt, MT
+1406278|Conrad, MT
+1406279|Valier, MT
+1406281|Billings, MT
+1406282|Manhattan, MT
+1406284|Manhattan, MT
+1406285|Three Forks, MT
+1406287|Whitehall, MT
+1406293|Libby, MT
+1406294|Billings, MT
+1406295|Troy, MT
+1406297|Eureka, MT
+1406322|Columbus, MT
+1406323|Roundup, MT
+1406327|Missoula, MT
+1406328|Absarokee, MT
+1406329|Missoula, MT
+1406336|Cut Bank, MT
+1406338|Browning, MT
+1406345|Glendive, MT
+1406346|Forsyth, MT
+1406348|Huntley, MT
+1406357|Chinook, MT
+1406362|Lincoln, MT
+1406363|Hamilton, MT
+1406365|Glendive, MT
+1406375|Hamilton, MT
+1406377|Glendive, MT
+1406388|Belgrade, MT
+1406424|Shelby, MT
+1406433|Sidney, MT
+1406434|Shelby, MT
+1406436|Broadus, MT
+1406441|Helena, MT
+1406442|Helena, MT
+1406443|Helena, MT
+1406444|Helena, MT
+1406446|Red Lodge, MT
+1406447|Helena, MT
+1406449|Helena, MT
+1406452|Great Falls, MT
+1406453|Great Falls, MT
+1406454|Great Falls, MT
+1406455|Great Falls, MT
+1406457|Helena, MT
+1406458|Helena, MT
+1406466|Choteau, MT
+1406467|Fairfield, MT
+1406468|Cascade, MT
+1406482|Sidney, MT
+1406485|Circle, MT
+1406487|Scobey, MT
+1406488|Sidney, MT
+1406494|Butte, MT
+1406495|Helena, MT
+1406496|Butte, MT
+1406497|Butte, MT
+1406522|Bozeman, MT
+1406523|Missoula, MT
+1406532|Missoula, MT
+1406534|Billings, MT
+1406535|Lewistown, MT
+1406538|Lewistown, MT
+1406541|Missoula, MT
+1406542|Missoula, MT
+1406543|Missoula, MT
+1406549|Missoula, MT
+1406551|Bozeman, MT
+1406556|Bozeman, MT
+1406563|Anaconda, MT
+1406566|Stanford, MT
+1406582|Bozeman, MT
+1406585|Bozeman, MT
+1406586|Bozeman, MT
+1406587|Bozeman, MT
+1406591|Billings, MT
+1406622|Fort Benton, MT
+1406628|Laurel, MT
+1406632|Harlowton, MT
+1406633|Park City, MT
+1406635|Terry, MT
+1406642|Victor, MT
+1406646|West Yellowstone, MT
+1406651|Billings, MT
+1406652|Billings, MT
+1406653|Wolf Point, MT
+1406654|Malta, MT
+1406655|Billings, MT
+1406656|Billings, MT
+1406657|Billings, MT
+1406665|Hardin, MT
+1406670|Billings, MT
+1406676|Ronan, MT
+1406677|Seeley Lake, MT
+1406682|Ennis, MT
+1406683|Dillon, MT
+1406684|Twin Bridges, MT
+1406698|Billings, MT
+1406721|Missoula, MT
+1406723|Butte, MT
+1406727|Great Falls, MT
+1406728|Missoula, MT
+1406741|Hot Springs, MT
+1406745|St. Ignatius, MT
+1406748|Colstrip, MT
+1406751|Kalispell, MT
+1406752|Kalispell, MT
+1406755|Kalispell, MT
+1406756|Kalispell, MT
+1406758|Kalispell, MT
+1406759|Chester, MT
+1406761|Great Falls, MT
+1406765|Plentywood, MT
+1406768|Poplar, MT
+1406771|Great Falls, MT
+1406777|Stevensville, MT
+1406778|Baker, MT
+1406782|Butte, MT
+1406787|Culbertson, MT
+1406796|Wibaux, MT
+1406821|Darby, MT
+1406822|Superior, MT
+1406825|Clinton, MT
+1406826|Plains, MT
+1406827|Thompson Falls, MT
+1406829|Missoula, MT
+1406830|Missoula, MT
+1406837|Bigfork, MT
+1406839|Billings, MT
+1406842|Sheridan, MT
+1406843|Virginia City, MT
+1406844|Lakeside, MT
+1406846|Deer Lodge, MT
+1406848|Gardiner, MT
+1406855|Billings, MT
+1406859|Philipsburg, MT
+1406860|Billings, MT
+1406861|Billings, MT
+1406862|Whitefish, MT
+1406863|Whitefish, MT
+1406869|Billings, MT
+1406873|Cut Bank, MT
+1406874|Miles City, MT
+1406883|Polson, MT
+1406892|Columbia Falls, MT
+1406896|Billings, MT
+1406922|Bozeman, MT
+1406932|Big Timber, MT
+1406962|Joliet, MT
+1406994|Bozeman, MT
+1406995|Big Sky, MT
+1407201|Kissimmee, FL
+1407206|Orlando, FL
+1407207|Orlando, FL
+1407208|Orlando, FL
+1407210|Orlando, FL
+1407224|Orlando, FL
+1407226|Orlando, FL
+1407228|Orlando, FL
+1407237|Orlando, FL
+1407238|Orlando, FL
+1407240|Orlando, FL
+1407245|Orlando, FL
+1407246|Orlando, FL
+1407248|Orlando, FL
+1407249|Orlando, FL
+1407251|Orlando, FL
+1407253|Orlando, FL
+1407254|Orlando, FL
+1407264|Orlando, FL
+1407273|Orlando, FL
+1407275|Orlando, FL
+1407277|Orlando, FL
+1407281|Orlando, FL
+1407282|Orlando, FL
+1407286|Orlando, FL
+1407290|Orlando, FL
+1407291|Orlando, FL
+1407292|Orlando, FL
+1407293|Orlando, FL
+1407294|Orlando, FL
+1407295|Orlando, FL
+1407297|Orlando, FL
+1407298|Orlando, FL
+1407299|Orlando, FL
+1407306|Orlando, FL
+1407317|Orlando, FL
+1407327|Winter Springs, FL
+1407343|Kissimmee, FL
+1407344|Kissimmee, FL
+1407345|Orlando, FL
+1407348|Kissimmee, FL
+1407349|Geneva, FL
+1407350|Kissimmee, FL
+1407351|Orlando, FL
+1407352|Orlando, FL
+1407354|Orlando, FL
+1407355|Orlando, FL
+1407363|Orlando, FL
+1407366|Oviedo, FL
+1407370|Orlando, FL
+1407373|Orlando, FL
+1407380|Orlando, FL
+1407381|Orlando, FL
+1407382|Orlando, FL
+1407384|Orlando, FL
+1407390|Kissimmee, FL
+1407396|Kissimmee, FL
+1407397|Kissimmee, FL
+1407412|Orlando, FL
+1407418|Orlando, FL
+1407420|Orlando, FL
+1407422|Orlando, FL
+1407423|Orlando, FL
+1407425|Orlando, FL
+1407426|Orlando, FL
+1407428|Orlando, FL
+1407438|Orlando, FL
+1407440|Orlando, FL
+1407445|Orlando, FL
+1407447|Orlando, FL
+1407465|Orlando, FL
+1407469|Montverde, FL
+1407472|Orlando, FL
+1407480|Orlando, FL
+1407481|Orlando, FL
+1407482|Orlando, FL
+1407483|Kissimmee, FL
+1407514|Orlando, FL
+1407515|Orlando, FL
+1407518|Kissimmee, FL
+1407523|Orlando, FL
+1407532|Orlando, FL
+1407540|Orlando, FL
+1407541|Orlando, FL
+1407568|Orlando, FL
+1407581|Orlando, FL
+1407582|Orlando, FL
+1407601|Orlando, FL
+1407646|Winter Park, FL
+1407648|Orlando, FL
+1407649|Orlando, FL
+1407650|Orlando, FL
+1407658|Orlando, FL
+1407665|Sanford, FL
+1407704|Orlando, FL
+1407730|Orlando, FL
+1407736|Orlando, FL
+1407737|Orlando, FL
+1407770|Orlando, FL
+1407787|Kissimmee, FL
+1407812|Orlando, FL
+1407814|Apopka, FL
+1407816|Orlando, FL
+1407823|Orlando, FL
+1407825|Orlando, FL
+1407826|Orlando, FL
+1407835|Orlando, FL
+1407836|Orlando, FL
+1407839|Orlando, FL
+1407841|Orlando, FL
+1407843|Orlando, FL
+1407846|Kissimmee, FL
+1407847|Kissimmee, FL
+1407849|Orlando, FL
+1407850|Orlando, FL
+1407851|Orlando, FL
+1407852|Orlando, FL
+1407854|Orlando, FL
+1407855|Orlando, FL
+1407856|Orlando, FL
+1407857|Orlando, FL
+1407858|Orlando, FL
+1407859|Orlando, FL
+1407870|Kissimmee, FL
+1407872|Orlando, FL
+1407880|Apopka, FL
+1407884|Apopka, FL
+1407886|Apopka, FL
+1407888|Orlando, FL
+1407889|Apopka, FL
+1407893|Orlando, FL
+1407894|Orlando, FL
+1407895|Orlando, FL
+1407896|Orlando, FL
+1407897|Orlando, FL
+1407898|Orlando, FL
+1407903|Orlando, FL
+1407926|Orlando, FL
+1407931|Kissimmee, FL
+1407932|Kissimmee, FL
+1407933|Kissimmee, FL
+1407935|Kissimmee, FL
+1407939|Lake Buena Vista, FL
+1407944|Kissimmee, FL
+1407971|Oviedo, FL
+1407996|Orlando, FL
+1407998|Longwood, FL
+1407999|Orlando, FL
+1408223|San Jose, CA
+1408224|San Jose, CA
+1408225|San Jose, CA
+1408226|San Jose, CA
+1408227|San Jose, CA
+1408229|San Jose, CA
+1408236|Santa Clara, CA
+1408238|San Jose, CA
+1408245|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408251|San Jose, CA
+1408254|San Jose, CA
+1408258|San Jose, CA
+1408259|San Jose, CA
+1408262|Milpitas, CA
+1408263|Milpitas, CA
+1408264|San Jose, CA
+1408265|San Jose, CA
+1408266|San Jose, CA
+1408267|San Jose, CA
+1408268|San Jose, CA
+1408269|San Jose, CA
+1408270|San Jose, CA
+1408271|San Jose, CA
+1408272|San Jose, CA
+1408274|San Jose, CA
+1408275|San Jose, CA
+1408277|San Jose, CA
+1408278|San Jose, CA
+1408279|San Jose, CA
+1408280|San Jose, CA
+1408281|San Jose, CA
+1408283|San Jose, CA
+1408284|San Jose, CA
+1408286|San Jose, CA
+1408287|San Jose, CA
+1408288|San Jose, CA
+1408289|San Jose, CA
+1408291|San Jose, CA
+1408292|San Jose, CA
+1408293|San Jose, CA
+1408294|San Jose, CA
+1408295|San Jose, CA
+1408297|San Jose, CA
+1408298|San Jose, CA
+1408299|San Jose, CA
+1408323|San Jose, CA
+1408330|Santa Clara, CA
+1408347|San Jose, CA
+1408353|Los Gatos, CA
+1408354|Los Gatos, CA
+1408360|San Jose, CA
+1408362|San Jose, CA
+1408363|San Jose, CA
+1408365|San Jose, CA
+1408392|San Jose, CA
+1408395|Los Gatos, CA
+1408399|Los Gatos, CA
+1408432|San Jose, CA
+1408433|San Jose, CA
+1408435|San Jose, CA
+1408436|San Jose, CA
+1408437|San Jose, CA
+1408441|San Jose, CA
+1408445|San Jose, CA
+1408448|San Jose, CA
+1408451|San Jose, CA
+1408452|San Jose, CA
+1408453|San Jose, CA
+1408467|San Jose, CA
+1408492|Santa Clara, CA
+1408496|Santa Clara, CA
+1408528|San Jose, CA
+1408530|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408531|San Jose, CA
+1408532|San Jose, CA
+1408535|San Jose, CA
+1408562|Santa Clara, CA
+1408567|Santa Clara, CA
+1408573|San Jose, CA
+1408578|San Jose, CA
+1408586|Milpitas, CA
+1408629|San Jose, CA
+1408654|Santa Clara, CA
+1408683|San Martin, CA
+1408720|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408723|San Jose, CA
+1408727|Santa Clara, CA
+1408729|San Jose, CA
+1408730|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408732|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408733|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408734|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408735|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408736|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408737|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408738|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408739|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408741|Saratoga, CA
+1408744|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408745|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408746|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408748|Santa Clara, CA
+1408749|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408752|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408773|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408774|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408776|Morgan Hill, CA
+1408778|Morgan Hill, CA
+1408779|Morgan Hill, CA
+1408782|Morgan Hill, CA
+1408842|Gilroy, CA
+1408846|Gilroy, CA
+1408847|Gilroy, CA
+1408848|Gilroy, CA
+1408851|Santa Clara, CA
+1408867|Saratoga, CA
+1408885|San Jose, CA
+1408918|San Jose, CA
+1408920|San Jose, CA
+1408923|San Jose, CA
+1408924|San Jose, CA
+1408926|San Jose, CA
+1408927|San Jose, CA
+1408928|San Jose, CA
+1408929|San Jose, CA
+1408934|Milpitas, CA
+1408935|Milpitas, CA
+1408937|San Jose, CA
+1408938|San Jose, CA
+1408942|Milpitas, CA
+1408943|San Jose, CA
+1408944|San Jose, CA
+1408945|Milpitas, CA
+1408946|Milpitas, CA
+1408947|San Jose, CA
+1408956|Milpitas, CA
+1408969|Santa Clara, CA
+1408970|Santa Clara, CA
+1408971|San Jose, CA
+1408972|San Jose, CA
+1408975|San Jose, CA
+1408977|San Jose, CA
+1408978|San Jose, CA
+1408979|San Jose, CA
+1408980|Santa Clara, CA
+1408986|Santa Clara, CA
+1408988|Santa Clara, CA
+1408992|Sunnyvale, CA
+1408993|San Jose, CA
+1408995|San Jose, CA
+1408997|San Jose, CA
+1408998|San Jose, CA
+1409212|Beaumont, TX
+1409246|Kountze, TX
+1409267|Anahuac, TX
+1409283|Woodville, TX
+1409287|Sour Lake, TX
+1409296|Winnie, TX
+1409331|Woodville, TX
+1409347|Beaumont, TX
+1409379|Newton, TX
+1409383|Jasper, TX
+1409384|Jasper, TX
+1409385|Silsbee, TX
+1409386|Silsbee, TX
+1409423|Kirbyville, TX
+1409489|Jasper, TX
+1409617|Beaumont, TX
+1409621|Galveston, TX
+1409643|Texas City, TX
+1409654|Beaumont, TX
+1409670|Orange, TX
+1409691|College Station, TX
+1409735|Bridge City, TX
+1409736|Port Arthur, TX
+1409737|Galveston, TX
+1409740|Galveston, TX
+1409741|Galveston, TX
+1409744|Galveston, TX
+1409747|Galveston, TX
+1409751|Lumberton, TX
+1409755|Lumberton, TX
+1409762|Galveston, TX
+1409763|Galveston, TX
+1409765|Galveston, TX
+1409766|Galveston, TX
+1409769|Vidor, TX
+1409770|Galveston, TX
+1409783|Vidor, TX
+1409786|Vidor, TX
+1409787|Hemphill, TX
+1409788|Conroe, TX
+1409794|Beaumont, TX
+1409813|Beaumont, TX
+1409832|Beaumont, TX
+1409833|Beaumont, TX
+1409835|Beaumont, TX
+1409838|Beaumont, TX
+1409839|Beaumont, TX
+1409840|Beaumont, TX
+1409842|Beaumont, TX
+1409860|Beaumont, TX
+1409861|Beaumont, TX
+1409866|Beaumont, TX
+1409880|Beaumont, TX
+1409882|Orange, TX
+1409883|Orange, TX
+1409886|Orange, TX
+1409892|Beaumont, TX
+1409896|Beaumont, TX
+1409898|Beaumont, TX
+1409899|Beaumont, TX
+1409924|Beaumont, TX
+1409925|Santa Fe, TX
+1409927|Santa Fe, TX
+1409942|Texas City, TX
+1409943|Texas City, TX
+1409945|Texas City, TX
+1409948|Texas City, TX
+1409949|Texas City, TX
+1409981|Beaumont, TX
+1409982|Port Arthur, TX
+1409983|Port Arthur, TX
+1409985|Port Arthur, TX
+1409994|Buna, TX
+1410203|Ellicott City, MD
+1410208|Berlin, MD
+1410213|Ocean City, MD
+1410216|Annapolis, MD
+1410219|Salisbury, MD
+1410221|Cambridge, MD
+1410223|Baltimore, MD
+1410224|Annapolis, MD
+1410225|Baltimore, MD
+1410226|Oxford, MD
+1410228|Cambridge, MD
+1410230|Baltimore, MD
+1410233|Baltimore, MD
+1410234|Baltimore, MD
+1410235|Baltimore, MD
+1410243|Baltimore, MD
+1410244|Baltimore, MD
+1410246|Baltimore, MD
+1410250|Ocean City, MD
+1410252|Lutherville-Timonium, MD
+1410254|Baltimore, MD
+1410255|Pasadena, MD
+1410260|Annapolis, MD
+1410261|Baltimore, MD
+1410263|Annapolis, MD
+1410266|Annapolis, MD
+1410267|Annapolis, MD
+1410268|Annapolis, MD
+1410269|Annapolis, MD
+1410276|Baltimore, MD
+1410280|Annapolis, MD
+1410287|North East, MD
+1410289|Ocean City, MD
+1410290|Columbia, MD
+1410293|Annapolis, MD
+1410295|Annapolis, MD
+1410309|Columbia, MD
+1410312|Columbia, MD
+1410318|Baltimore, MD
+1410319|Baltimore, MD
+1410323|Baltimore, MD
+1410325|Baltimore, MD
+1410327|Baltimore, MD
+1410328|Baltimore, MD
+1410332|Baltimore, MD
+1410333|Baltimore, MD
+1410334|Salisbury, MD
+1410338|Baltimore, MD
+1410341|Salisbury, MD
+1410342|Baltimore, MD
+1410347|Baltimore, MD
+1410350|Baltimore, MD
+1410354|Baltimore, MD
+1410355|Baltimore, MD
+1410358|Baltimore, MD
+1410360|Pasadena, MD
+1410362|Baltimore, MD
+1410363|Owings Mills, MD
+1410366|Baltimore, MD
+1410367|Baltimore, MD
+1410368|Baltimore, MD
+1410377|Baltimore, MD
+1410381|Columbia, MD
+1410383|Baltimore, MD
+1410385|Baltimore, MD
+1410386|Westminster, MD
+1410392|Elkton, MD
+1410396|Baltimore, MD
+1410398|Elkton, MD
+1410400|Baltimore, MD
+1410420|Bel Air, MD
+1410426|Baltimore, MD
+1410433|Baltimore, MD
+1410435|Baltimore, MD
+1410437|Pasadena, MD
+1410444|Baltimore, MD
+1410448|Baltimore, MD
+1410461|Ellicott City, MD
+1410462|Baltimore, MD
+1410464|Baltimore, MD
+1410465|Ellicott City, MD
+1410466|Baltimore, MD
+1410467|Baltimore, MD
+1410479|Denton, MD
+1410480|Ellicott City, MD
+1410483|Baltimore, MD
+1410485|Baltimore, MD
+1410488|Baltimore, MD
+1410502|Baltimore, MD
+1410516|Baltimore, MD
+1410517|Reisterstown, MD
+1410522|Baltimore, MD
+1410523|Baltimore, MD
+1410524|Ocean City, MD
+1410525|Baltimore, MD
+1410526|Reisterstown, MD
+1410527|Cockeysville, MD
+1410528|Baltimore, MD
+1410532|Baltimore, MD
+1410534|Baltimore, MD
+1410539|Baltimore, MD
+1410542|Baltimore, MD
+1410543|Salisbury, MD
+1410545|Baltimore, MD
+1410546|Salisbury, MD
+1410547|Baltimore, MD
+1410548|Salisbury, MD
+1410550|Baltimore, MD
+1410554|Baltimore, MD
+1410558|Baltimore, MD
+1410563|Baltimore, MD
+1410566|Baltimore, MD
+1410571|Annapolis, MD
+1410573|Annapolis, MD
+1410576|Baltimore, MD
+1410578|Baltimore, MD
+1410581|Owings Mills, MD
+1410584|Cockeysville, MD
+1410585|Baltimore, MD
+1410605|Baltimore, MD
+1410614|Baltimore, MD
+1410620|Elkton, MD
+1410625|Baltimore, MD
+1410626|Annapolis, MD
+1410629|Berlin, MD
+1410631|Baltimore, MD
+1410632|Snow Hill, MD
+1410633|Baltimore, MD
+1410634|Ridgely, MD
+1410637|Baltimore, MD
+1410639|Rock Hall, MD
+1410641|Berlin, MD
+1410642|Perryville, MD
+1410644|Baltimore, MD
+1410646|Baltimore, MD
+1410649|Baltimore, MD
+1410650|Dundalk, MD
+1410651|Princess Anne, MD
+1410654|Owings Mills, MD
+1410659|Baltimore, MD
+1410662|Baltimore, MD
+1410664|Baltimore, MD
+1410669|Baltimore, MD
+1410673|Preston, MD
+1410675|Baltimore, MD
+1410685|Baltimore, MD
+1410706|Baltimore, MD
+1410715|Columbia, MD
+1410723|Ocean City, MD
+1410727|Baltimore, MD
+1410728|Baltimore, MD
+1410730|Columbia, MD
+1410732|Baltimore, MD
+1410740|Columbia, MD
+1410742|Salisbury, MD
+1410749|Salisbury, MD
+1410750|Ellicott City, MD
+1410752|Baltimore, MD
+1410754|Federalsburg, MD
+1410756|Taneytown, MD
+1410758|Centreville, MD
+1410760|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410761|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410763|Easton, MD
+1410764|Baltimore, MD
+1410766|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410767|Baltimore, MD
+1410768|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410770|Easton, MD
+1410778|Chestertown, MD
+1410783|Baltimore, MD
+1410787|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410810|Chestertown, MD
+1410814|Baltimore, MD
+1410819|Easton, MD
+1410820|Easton, MD
+1410822|Easton, MD
+1410833|Reisterstown, MD
+1410837|Baltimore, MD
+1410838|Bel Air, MD
+1410840|Westminster, MD
+1410841|Annapolis, MD
+1410843|Baltimore, MD
+1410848|Westminster, MD
+1410857|Westminster, MD
+1410860|Salisbury, MD
+1410863|Glen Burnie, MD
+1410871|Westminster, MD
+1410872|Columbia, MD
+1410874|Odenton, MD
+1410876|Westminster, MD
+1410885|Chesapeake City, MD
+1410889|Baltimore, MD
+1410896|Delmar, MD
+1410897|Annapolis, MD
+1410901|Cambridge, MD
+1410902|Owings Mills, MD
+1410910|Columbia, MD
+1410939|Havre de Grace, MD
+1410945|Baltimore, MD
+1410947|Baltimore, MD
+1410955|Baltimore, MD
+1410957|Pocomoke City, MD
+1410962|Baltimore, MD
+1410968|Crisfield, MD
+1410990|Annapolis, MD
+1410995|Columbia, MD
+1410996|Elkton, MD
+1410997|Columbia, MD
+1410998|Owings Mills, MD
+1412201|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412207|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412209|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412224|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412227|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412231|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412232|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412233|Clairton, PA
+1412237|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412242|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412244|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412246|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412255|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412258|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412261|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412262|Coraopolis, PA
+1412263|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412264|Coraopolis, PA
+1412268|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412269|Coraopolis, PA
+1412281|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412288|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412299|Coraopolis, PA
+1412318|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412321|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412322|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412323|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412325|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412330|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412338|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412341|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412342|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412343|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412344|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412350|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412355|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412359|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412361|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412362|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412363|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412364|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412365|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412366|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412367|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412369|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412371|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412381|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412383|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412390|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412391|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412392|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412394|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412395|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412421|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412422|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412431|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412432|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412434|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412441|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412471|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412481|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412488|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412521|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412531|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412553|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412561|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412562|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412563|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412565|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412566|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412571|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412572|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412577|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412578|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412586|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412594|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412605|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412621|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412622|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412623|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412624|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412630|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412641|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412642|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412644|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412647|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412648|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412661|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412665|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412666|Monroeville, PA
+1412667|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412675|McKeesport, PA
+1412681|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412682|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412683|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412687|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412688|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412690|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412692|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412697|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412741|Sewickley, PA
+1412749|Sewickley, PA
+1412765|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412802|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412803|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412847|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412856|Monroeville, PA
+1412858|Monroeville, PA
+1412881|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412882|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412884|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412885|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412886|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412904|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412918|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412920|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412921|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412922|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412928|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412931|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412939|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412942|Pittsburgh, PA
+1412963|Pittsburgh, PA
+1413229|Sheffield, MA
+1413236|Pittsfield, MA
+1413243|Lee, MA
+1413247|Hatfield, MA
+1413253|Amherst, MA
+1413256|Amherst, MA
+1413259|Amherst, MA
+1413267|Monson, MA
+1413284|Palmer, MA
+1413298|Stockbridge, MA
+1413322|Holyoke, MA
+1413323|Belchertown, MA
+1413395|Pittsfield, MA
+1413420|Holyoke, MA
+1413442|Pittsfield, MA
+1413443|Pittsfield, MA
+1413445|Pittsfield, MA
+1413447|Pittsfield, MA
+1413448|Pittsfield, MA
+1413452|Springfield, MA
+1413458|Williamstown, MA
+1413467|Granby, MA
+1413498|Northfield, MA
+1413499|Pittsfield, MA
+1413525|East Longmeadow, MA
+1413528|Great Barrington, MA
+1413529|Easthampton, MA
+1413540|Holyoke, MA
+1413545|Amherst, MA
+1413547|Ludlow, MA
+1413549|Amherst, MA
+1413562|Westfield, MA
+1413564|Westfield, MA
+1413565|Longmeadow, MA
+1413566|Hampden, MA
+1413567|Longmeadow, MA
+1413568|Westfield, MA
+1413569|Southwick, MA
+1413572|Westfield, MA
+1413577|Amherst, MA
+1413583|Ludlow, MA
+1413589|Ludlow, MA
+1413592|Chicopee, MA
+1413593|Chicopee, MA
+1413594|Chicopee, MA
+1413596|Wilbraham, MA
+1413598|Chicopee, MA
+1413599|Wilbraham, MA
+1413623|Becket, MA
+1413625|Shelburne Falls, MA
+1413637|Lenox, MA
+1413644|Great Barrington, MA
+1413662|North Adams, MA
+1413663|North Adams, MA
+1413664|North Adams, MA
+1413665|South Deerfield, MA
+1413667|Huntington, MA
+1413684|Dalton, MA
+1413743|Adams, MA
+1413748|Springfield, MA
+1413772|Greenfield, MA
+1413773|Greenfield, MA
+1413774|Greenfield, MA
+1413782|Springfield, MA
+1413783|Springfield, MA
+1413784|Springfield, MA
+1413786|Agawam, MA
+1413787|Springfield, MA
+1413794|Springfield, MA
+1413796|Springfield, MA
+1413821|Agawam, MA
+1413863|Turners Falls, MA
+1413967|Ware, MA
+1413997|Pittsfield, MA
+1414219|Milwaukee, WI
+1414220|Milwaukee, WI
+1414223|Milwaukee, WI
+1414224|Milwaukee, WI
+1414225|Milwaukee, WI
+1414226|Milwaukee, WI
+1414228|Milwaukee, WI
+1414229|Milwaukee, WI
+1414247|Milwaukee, WI
+1414259|Milwaukee, WI
+1414263|Milwaukee, WI
+1414264|Milwaukee, WI
+1414265|Milwaukee, WI
+1414266|Milwaukee, WI
+1414267|Milwaukee, WI
+1414270|Milwaukee, WI
+1414271|Milwaukee, WI
+1414272|Milwaukee, WI
+1414273|Milwaukee, WI
+1414274|Milwaukee, WI
+1414276|Milwaukee, WI
+1414277|Milwaukee, WI
+1414278|Milwaukee, WI
+1414283|Milwaukee, WI
+1414286|Milwaukee, WI
+1414287|Milwaukee, WI
+1414288|Milwaukee, WI
+1414289|Milwaukee, WI
+1414291|Milwaukee, WI
+1414297|Milwaukee, WI
+1414306|West Bend, WI
+1414319|Milwaukee, WI
+1414337|Milwaukee, WI
+1414342|Milwaukee, WI
+1414344|Milwaukee, WI
+1414347|Milwaukee, WI
+1414352|Milwaukee, WI
+1414353|Milwaukee, WI
+1414354|Milwaukee, WI
+1414355|Milwaukee, WI
+1414357|Milwaukee, WI
+1414358|Milwaukee, WI
+1414362|Milwaukee, WI
+1414365|Milwaukee, WI
+1414371|Milwaukee, WI
+1414372|Milwaukee, WI
+1414374|Milwaukee, WI
+1414383|Milwaukee, WI
+1414384|Milwaukee, WI
+1414385|Milwaukee, WI
+1414389|Milwaukee, WI
+1414390|Milwaukee, WI
+1414393|Milwaukee, WI
+1414422|Muskego, WI
+1414438|Milwaukee, WI
+1414442|Milwaukee, WI
+1414444|Milwaukee, WI
+1414445|Milwaukee, WI
+1414447|Milwaukee, WI
+1414449|Milwaukee, WI
+1414456|Milwaukee, WI
+1414461|Milwaukee, WI
+1414462|Milwaukee, WI
+1414463|Milwaukee, WI
+1414464|Milwaukee, WI
+1414466|Milwaukee, WI
+1414527|Milwaukee, WI
+1414535|Milwaukee, WI
+1414536|Milwaukee, WI
+1414562|Milwaukee, WI
+1414574|Waukesha, WI
+1414577|Milwaukee, WI
+1414578|Milwaukee, WI
+1414616|Milwaukee, WI
+1414643|Milwaukee, WI
+1414645|Milwaukee, WI
+1414647|Milwaukee, WI
+1414649|Milwaukee, WI
+1414671|Milwaukee, WI
+1414672|Milwaukee, WI
+1414760|Milwaukee, WI
+1414763|Milwaukee, WI
+1414765|Milwaukee, WI
+1414805|Milwaukee, WI
+1414871|Milwaukee, WI
+1414873|Milwaukee, WI
+1414874|Milwaukee, WI
+1414875|Milwaukee, WI
+1414902|Milwaukee, WI
+1414908|Milwaukee, WI
+1414931|Milwaukee, WI
+1414933|Milwaukee, WI
+1414934|Milwaukee, WI
+1414935|Milwaukee, WI
+1414955|Milwaukee, WI
+1414961|Milwaukee, WI
+1414964|Milwaukee, WI
+1414978|Milwaukee, WI
+1415202|San Francisco, CA
+1415206|San Francisco, CA
+1415209|Novato, CA
+1415217|San Francisco, CA
+1415221|San Francisco, CA
+1415222|San Francisco, CA
+1415227|San Francisco, CA
+1415239|San Francisco, CA
+1415241|San Francisco, CA
+1415242|San Francisco, CA
+1415243|San Francisco, CA
+1415247|San Francisco, CA
+1415248|San Francisco, CA
+1415249|San Francisco, CA
+1415252|San Francisco, CA
+1415255|San Francisco, CA
+1415263|San Francisco, CA
+1415267|San Francisco, CA
+1415268|San Francisco, CA
+1415277|San Francisco, CA
+1415278|San Francisco, CA
+1415281|San Francisco, CA
+1415282|San Francisco, CA
+1415283|San Francisco, CA
+1415284|San Francisco, CA
+1415285|San Francisco, CA
+1415288|San Francisco, CA
+1415291|San Francisco, CA
+1415292|San Francisco, CA
+1415293|San Francisco, CA
+1415294|San Francisco, CA
+1415296|San Francisco, CA
+1415318|San Francisco, CA
+1415321|San Francisco, CA
+1415331|Sausalito, CA
+1415332|Sausalito, CA
+1415333|San Francisco, CA
+1415334|San Francisco, CA
+1415337|San Francisco, CA
+1415338|San Francisco, CA
+1415344|San Francisco, CA
+1415345|San Francisco, CA
+1415346|San Francisco, CA
+1415348|San Francisco, CA
+1415351|San Francisco, CA
+1415353|San Francisco, CA
+1415355|San Francisco, CA
+1415356|San Francisco, CA
+1415357|San Francisco, CA
+1415359|San Francisco, CA
+1415362|San Francisco, CA
+1415369|San Francisco, CA
+1415371|San Francisco, CA
+1415374|San Francisco, CA
+1415379|San Francisco, CA
+1415380|Mill Valley, CA
+1415381|Mill Valley, CA
+1415382|Novato, CA
+1415383|Mill Valley, CA
+1415386|San Francisco, CA
+1415387|San Francisco, CA
+1415388|Mill Valley, CA
+1415389|Mill Valley, CA
+1415391|San Francisco, CA
+1415392|San Francisco, CA
+1415393|San Francisco, CA
+1415394|San Francisco, CA
+1415395|San Francisco, CA
+1415397|San Francisco, CA
+1415398|San Francisco, CA
+1415399|San Francisco, CA
+1415401|San Francisco, CA
+1415409|San Francisco, CA
+1415421|San Francisco, CA
+1415422|San Francisco, CA
+1415431|San Francisco, CA
+1415433|San Francisco, CA
+1415434|San Francisco, CA
+1415436|San Francisco, CA
+1415437|San Francisco, CA
+1415438|San Francisco, CA
+1415439|San Francisco, CA
+1415440|San Francisco, CA
+1415441|San Francisco, CA
+1415442|San Francisco, CA
+1415444|San Rafael, CA
+1415447|San Francisco, CA
+1415452|San Francisco, CA
+1415469|San Francisco, CA
+1415472|San Rafael, CA
+1415474|San Francisco, CA
+1415476|San Francisco, CA
+1415479|San Rafael, CA
+1415487|San Francisco, CA
+1415489|San Francisco, CA
+1415491|San Rafael, CA
+1415492|San Rafael, CA
+1415495|San Francisco, CA
+1415499|San Rafael, CA
+1415502|San Francisco, CA
+1415503|San Francisco, CA
+1415504|San Francisco, CA
+1415507|San Rafael, CA
+1415512|San Francisco, CA
+1415522|San Francisco, CA
+1415525|San Francisco, CA
+1415541|San Francisco, CA
+1415543|San Francisco, CA
+1415544|San Francisco, CA
+1415546|San Francisco, CA
+1415550|San Francisco, CA
+1415551|San Francisco, CA
+1415552|San Francisco, CA
+1415553|San Francisco, CA
+1415554|San Francisco, CA
+1415558|San Francisco, CA
+1415561|San Francisco, CA
+1415563|San Francisco, CA
+1415564|San Francisco, CA
+1415565|San Francisco, CA
+1415566|San Francisco, CA
+1415567|San Francisco, CA
+1415575|San Francisco, CA
+1415576|San Francisco, CA
+1415584|San Francisco, CA
+1415585|San Francisco, CA
+1415586|San Francisco, CA
+1415587|San Francisco, CA
+1415591|San Francisco, CA
+1415593|San Francisco, CA
+1415600|San Francisco, CA
+1415614|San Francisco, CA
+1415615|San Francisco, CA
+1415616|San Francisco, CA
+1415621|San Francisco, CA
+1415625|San Francisco, CA
+1415626|San Francisco, CA
+1415641|San Francisco, CA
+1415642|San Francisco, CA
+1415643|San Francisco, CA
+1415647|San Francisco, CA
+1415648|San Francisco, CA
+1415655|San Francisco, CA
+1415658|San Francisco, CA
+1415659|San Francisco, CA
+1415661|San Francisco, CA
+1415664|San Francisco, CA
+1415665|San Francisco, CA
+1415666|San Francisco, CA
+1415668|San Francisco, CA
+1415671|San Francisco, CA
+1415673|San Francisco, CA
+1415674|San Francisco, CA
+1415675|San Francisco, CA
+1415677|San Francisco, CA
+1415681|San Francisco, CA
+1415682|San Francisco, CA
+1415693|San Francisco, CA
+1415695|San Francisco, CA
+1415701|San Francisco, CA
+1415731|San Francisco, CA
+1415743|San Francisco, CA
+1415749|San Francisco, CA
+1415750|San Francisco, CA
+1415751|San Francisco, CA
+1415752|San Francisco, CA
+1415753|San Francisco, CA
+1415759|San Francisco, CA
+1415765|San Francisco, CA
+1415771|San Francisco, CA
+1415772|San Francisco, CA
+1415773|San Francisco, CA
+1415775|San Francisco, CA
+1415776|San Francisco, CA
+1415777|San Francisco, CA
+1415778|San Francisco, CA
+1415781|San Francisco, CA
+1415788|San Francisco, CA
+1415808|San Francisco, CA
+1415814|San Francisco, CA
+1415821|San Francisco, CA
+1415822|San Francisco, CA
+1415824|San Francisco, CA
+1415826|San Francisco, CA
+1415829|San Francisco, CA
+1415831|San Francisco, CA
+1415833|San Francisco, CA
+1415834|San Francisco, CA
+1415835|San Francisco, CA
+1415836|San Francisco, CA
+1415837|San Francisco, CA
+1415848|San Francisco, CA
+1415856|San Francisco, CA
+1415861|San Francisco, CA
+1415863|San Francisco, CA
+1415864|San Francisco, CA
+1415865|San Francisco, CA
+1415874|San Francisco, CA
+1415875|San Francisco, CA
+1415876|San Francisco, CA
+1415878|Novato, CA
+1415882|San Francisco, CA
+1415883|Novato, CA
+1415884|Novato, CA
+1415885|San Francisco, CA
+1415892|Novato, CA
+1415893|Novato, CA
+1415896|San Francisco, CA
+1415897|Novato, CA
+1415898|Novato, CA
+1415899|Novato, CA
+1415901|San Francisco, CA
+1415904|San Francisco, CA
+1415905|San Francisco, CA
+1415920|San Francisco, CA
+1415921|San Francisco, CA
+1415922|San Francisco, CA
+1415923|San Francisco, CA
+1415928|San Francisco, CA
+1415929|San Francisco, CA
+1415931|San Francisco, CA
+1415933|San Francisco, CA
+1415934|San Francisco, CA
+1415947|San Francisco, CA
+1415951|San Francisco, CA
+1415954|San Francisco, CA
+1415956|San Francisco, CA
+1415957|San Francisco, CA
+1415970|San Francisco, CA
+1415972|San Francisco, CA
+1415974|San Francisco, CA
+1415975|San Francisco, CA
+1415977|San Francisco, CA
+1415978|San Francisco, CA
+1415979|San Francisco, CA
+1415981|San Francisco, CA
+1415982|San Francisco, CA
+1415983|San Francisco, CA
+1415984|San Francisco, CA
+1415986|San Francisco, CA
+1415989|San Francisco, CA
+1416203|Toronto, ON
+1416204|Toronto, ON
+1416214|Toronto, ON
+1416216|Toronto, ON
+1416237|Etobicoke, ON
+1416255|Etobicoke, ON
+1416259|Etobicoke, ON
+1416260|Toronto, ON
+1416261|Scarborough, ON
+1416264|Scarborough, ON
+1416265|Scarborough, ON
+1416266|Scarborough, ON
+1416267|Scarborough, ON
+1416281|Scarborough, ON
+1416282|Scarborough, ON
+1416299|Scarborough, ON
+1416304|Toronto, ON
+1416306|Toronto, ON
+1416314|Toronto, ON
+1416323|Toronto, ON
+1416324|Toronto, ON
+1416340|Toronto, ON
+1416360|Toronto, ON
+1416361|Toronto, ON
+1416362|Toronto, ON
+1416363|Toronto, ON
+1416364|Toronto, ON
+1416365|Toronto, ON
+1416366|Toronto, ON
+1416367|Toronto, ON
+1416368|Toronto, ON
+1416369|Toronto, ON
+1416392|Toronto, ON
+1416393|Toronto, ON
+1416394|Toronto, ON
+1416395|Toronto, ON
+1416396|Toronto, ON
+1416406|Toronto, ON
+1416408|Toronto, ON
+1416413|Toronto, ON
+1416431|Scarborough, ON
+1416461|Toronto, ON
+1416462|Toronto, ON
+1416463|Toronto, ON
+1416465|Toronto, ON
+1416466|Toronto, ON
+1416469|Toronto, ON
+1416481|Toronto, ON
+1416484|Toronto, ON
+1416485|Toronto, ON
+1416489|Toronto, ON
+1416503|Etobicoke, ON
+1416504|Toronto, ON
+1416506|Toronto, ON
+1416515|Toronto, ON
+1416516|Toronto, ON
+1416519|Toronto, ON
+1416530|Toronto, ON
+1416531|Toronto, ON
+1416532|Toronto, ON
+1416533|Toronto, ON
+1416534|Toronto, ON
+1416535|Toronto, ON
+1416536|Toronto, ON
+1416537|Toronto, ON
+1416538|Toronto, ON
+1416539|Toronto, ON
+1416585|Toronto, ON
+1416588|Toronto, ON
+1416591|Toronto, ON
+1416593|Toronto, ON
+1416594|Toronto, ON
+1416595|Toronto, ON
+1416596|Toronto, ON
+1416597|Toronto, ON
+1416598|Toronto, ON
+1416599|Toronto, ON
+1416601|Toronto, ON
+1416603|Toronto, ON
+1416626|Etobicoke, ON
+1416631|North York, ON
+1416636|North York, ON
+1416638|North York, ON
+1416703|Toronto, ON
+1416766|Toronto, ON
+1416778|Toronto, ON
+1416815|Toronto, ON
+1416860|Toronto, ON
+1416861|Toronto, ON
+1416862|Toronto, ON
+1416863|Toronto, ON
+1416864|Toronto, ON
+1416865|Toronto, ON
+1416866|Toronto, ON
+1416867|Toronto, ON
+1416868|Toronto, ON
+1416869|Toronto, ON
+1416920|Toronto, ON
+1416921|Toronto, ON
+1416922|Toronto, ON
+1416923|Toronto, ON
+1416924|Toronto, ON
+1416925|Toronto, ON
+1416926|Toronto, ON
+1416927|Toronto, ON
+1416928|Toronto, ON
+1416929|Toronto, ON
+1416932|Toronto, ON
+1416934|Toronto, ON
+1416941|Toronto, ON
+1416944|Toronto, ON
+1416947|Toronto, ON
+1416955|Toronto, ON
+1416960|Toronto, ON
+1416961|Toronto, ON
+1416962|Toronto, ON
+1416963|Toronto, ON
+1416964|Toronto, ON
+1416966|Toronto, ON
+1416968|Toronto, ON
+1416971|Toronto, ON
+1416972|Toronto, ON
+1416974|Toronto, ON
+1416975|Toronto, ON
+1416977|Toronto, ON
+1416979|Toronto, ON
+1417206|Joplin, MO
+1417223|Pineville, MO
+1417235|Monett, MO
+1417237|Carthage, MO
+1417239|Branson, MO
+1417255|West Plains, MO
+1417256|West Plains, MO
+1417257|West Plains, MO
+1417258|Marionville, MO
+1417264|Thayer, MO
+1417268|Springfield, MO
+1417269|Springfield, MO
+1417276|Stockton, MO
+1417326|Bolivar, MO
+1417328|Bolivar, MO
+1417334|Branson, MO
+1417335|Branson, MO
+1417336|Branson, MO
+1417337|Branson, MO
+1417345|Buffalo, MO
+1417347|Joplin, MO
+1417354|Monett, MO
+1417357|Galena, MO
+1417358|Carthage, MO
+1417359|Carthage, MO
+1417364|Goodman, MO
+1417395|Rich Hill, MO
+1417429|Springfield, MO
+1417447|Springfield, MO
+1417448|Nevada, MO
+1417451|Neosho, MO
+1417452|Miller, MO
+1417455|Neosho, MO
+1417461|Mount Vernon, MO
+1417463|Marionville, MO
+1417466|Mount Vernon, MO
+1417468|Marshfield, MO
+1417469|Willow Springs, MO
+1417472|Granby, MO
+1417475|Noel, MO
+1417476|Pierce City, MO
+1417485|Ozark, MO
+1417523|Springfield, MO
+1417532|Lebanon, MO
+1417533|Lebanon, MO
+1417546|Forsyth, MO
+1417548|Sarcoxie, MO
+1417581|Ozark, MO
+1417582|Ozark, MO
+1417588|Lebanon, MO
+1417623|Joplin, MO
+1417624|Joplin, MO
+1417625|Joplin, MO
+1417626|Joplin, MO
+1417627|Joplin, MO
+1417637|Greenfield, MO
+1417646|Osceola, MO
+1417649|Carl Junction, MO
+1417659|Joplin, MO
+1417667|Nevada, MO
+1417678|Aurora, MO
+1417679|Gainesville, MO
+1417681|Lamar, MO
+1417682|Lamar, MO
+1417683|Ava, MO
+1417723|Crane, MO
+1417724|Nixa, MO
+1417725|Nixa, MO
+1417732|Republic, MO
+1417736|Strafford, MO
+1417741|Hartville, MO
+1417742|Willard, MO
+1417744|Billings, MO
+1417745|Hermitage, MO
+1417751|Ash Grove, MO
+1417753|Rogersville, MO
+1417754|Humansville, MO
+1417759|Fair Grove, MO
+1417776|Seneca, MO
+1417777|Bolivar, MO
+1417778|Alton, MO
+1417781|Joplin, MO
+1417782|Joplin, MO
+1417799|Springfield, MO
+1417820|Springfield, MO
+1417823|Springfield, MO
+1417831|Springfield, MO
+1417832|Springfield, MO
+1417833|Springfield, MO
+1417836|Springfield, MO
+1417837|Springfield, MO
+1417843|Liberal, MO
+1417845|Anderson, MO
+1417846|Cassville, MO
+1417847|Cassville, MO
+1417858|Shell Knob, MO
+1417859|Marshfield, MO
+1417862|Springfield, MO
+1417863|Springfield, MO
+1417864|Springfield, MO
+1417865|Springfield, MO
+1417866|Springfield, MO
+1417868|Springfield, MO
+1417869|Springfield, MO
+1417873|Springfield, MO
+1417875|Springfield, MO
+1417876|El Dorado Springs, MO
+1417877|Springfield, MO
+1417881|Springfield, MO
+1417882|Springfield, MO
+1417883|Springfield, MO
+1417885|Springfield, MO
+1417886|Springfield, MO
+1417887|Springfield, MO
+1417888|Springfield, MO
+1417889|Springfield, MO
+1417890|Springfield, MO
+1417895|Springfield, MO
+1417924|Mansfield, MO
+1417926|Mountain Grove, MO
+1417932|Summersville, MO
+1417934|Mountain View, MO
+1417935|Seymour, MO
+1417962|Cabool, MO
+1417967|Houston, MO
+1418204|Québec, QC
+1418227|Saint-Georges, QC
+1418228|Saint-Georges, QC
+1418233|Les Escoumins, QC
+1418235|Tadoussac, QC
+1418240|Baie-Saint-Paul, QC
+1418246|Cap-Saint-Ignace, QC
+1418248|Montmagny, QC
+1418251|Saint-Prime, QC
+1418253|Vallée-Jonction, QC
+1418266|Québec, QC
+1418269|Gaspé, QC
+1418274|Normandin, QC
+1418275|Roberval, QC
+1418276|Dolbeau-Mistassini, QC
+1418287|Fermont, QC
+1418294|Baie-Comeau, QC
+1418295|Baie-Comeau, QC
+1418296|Baie-Comeau, QC
+1418325|Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, QC
+1418332|Thetford Mines, QC
+1418335|Thetford Mines, QC
+1418337|Saint-Raymond, QC
+1418338|Thetford Mines, QC
+1418342|Chambord, QC
+1418344|Hébertville, QC
+1418356|Saint-Pamphile, QC
+1418365|Saint-Tite, QC
+1418368|Gaspé, QC
+1418383|Sainte-Justine, QC
+1418385|Grande-Rivière, QC
+1418388|Caplan, QC
+1418392|New Richmond, QC
+1418397|Saint-Joseph-de-Beauce, QC
+1418407|Québec, QC
+1418422|Adstock, QC
+1418428|Saint-Ferdinand, QC
+1418435|Baie-Saint-Paul, QC
+1418449|Disraeli, QC
+1418459|La Guadeloupe, QC
+1418480|Alma, QC
+1418483|Courcelles, QC
+1418484|Saint-Éphrem-de-Beauce, QC
+1418486|Lambton, QC
+1418512|Jonquière, QC
+1418521|Québec, QC
+1418522|Quebec City, QC
+1418523|Quebec City, QC
+1418524|Quebec City, QC
+1418525|Quebec City, QC
+1418527|Québec, QC
+1418529|Quebec City, QC
+1418536|Sayabec, QC
+1418538|Havre-Saint-Pierre, QC
+1418542|Jonquière, QC
+1418543|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418544|La Baie, QC
+1418545|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418547|Jonquière, QC
+1418548|Jonquière, QC
+1418549|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418562|Matane, QC
+1418566|Matane, QC
+1418587|Forestville, QC
+1418588|Saint-Victor, QC
+1418589|Baie-Comeau, QC
+1418602|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418614|Québec, QC
+1418621|Québec, QC
+1418622|Québec, QC
+1418623|Québec, QC
+1418624|Québec, QC
+1418625|Lac-Etchemin, QC
+1418626|Québec, QC
+1418627|Québec, QC
+1418628|Québec, QC
+1418629|Amqui, QC
+1418634|Québec, QC
+1418638|Saint-Siméon, QC
+1418640|Québec, QC
+1418641|Quebec City, QC
+1418643|Quebec City, QC
+1418647|Quebec City, QC
+1418648|Quebec City, QC
+1418649|Quebec City, QC
+1418650|Québec, QC
+1418651|Québec, QC
+1418652|Québec, QC
+1418653|Québec, QC
+1418654|Québec, QC
+1418656|Québec, QC
+1418657|Québec, QC
+1418658|Québec, QC
+1418659|Québec, QC
+1418660|Québec, QC
+1418661|Québec, QC
+1418662|Alma, QC
+1418663|Québec, QC
+1418664|Québec, QC
+1418665|La Malbaie, QC
+1418666|Québec, QC
+1418667|Québec, QC
+1418668|Alma, QC
+1418669|Alma, QC
+1418678|Laterrière, QC
+1418681|Québec, QC
+1418682|Québec, QC
+1418683|Québec, QC
+1418684|Québec, QC
+1418685|Saint-Côme-Linière, QC
+1418686|Québec, QC
+1418687|Quebec City, QC
+1418688|Québec, QC
+1418690|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418692|Quebec City, QC
+1418693|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418694|Quebec City, QC
+1418695|Jonquière, QC
+1418696|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418697|La Baie, QC
+1418698|Chicoutimi, QC
+1418699|Jonquière, QC
+1418704|Québec, QC
+1418721|Rimouski, QC
+1418722|Rimouski, QC
+1418723|Rimouski, QC
+1418724|Rimouski, QC
+1418725|Rimouski, QC
+1418727|Rimouski, QC
+1418736|Le Bic, QC
+1418748|Chibougamau, QC
+1418750|Rimouski, QC
+1418756|Causapscal, QC
+1418759|Maria, QC
+1418763|Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, QC
+1418766|Port-Cartier, QC
+1418774|Beauceville, QC
+1418780|Québec, QC
+1418781|Québec, QC
+1418782|Percé, QC
+1418786|Cap-Chat, QC
+1418794|Nouvelle, QC
+1418821|Québec, QC
+1418824|Château-Richer, QC
+1418832|Charny, QC
+1418833|Lévis, QC
+1418835|Lévis, QC
+1418837|Lévis, QC
+1418838|Lévis, QC
+1418841|Québec, QC
+1418849|Québec, QC
+1418851|Trois-Pistoles, QC
+1418853|Dégelis, QC
+1418854|Cabano, QC
+1418856|La Pocatière, QC
+1418859|Pohénégamook, QC
+1418863|Rivière-du-Loup, QC
+1418867|Rivière-du-Loup, QC
+1418873|Pont-Rouge, QC
+1418876|Neuville, QC
+1418878|Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures, QC
+1418881|Saint-Apollinaire, QC
+1418882|Saint-Isidore, QC
+1418885|St-Anselme, QC
+1418889|Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon, QC
+1418960|Sept-Îles, QC
+1418961|Sept-Îles, QC
+1418962|Sept-Îles, QC
+1418968|Sept-Îles, QC
+1418977|Québec, QC
+1419207|Ashland, OH
+1419209|Upper Sandusky, OH
+1419213|Toledo, OH
+1419221|Lima, OH
+1419222|Lima, OH
+1419223|Lima, OH
+1419224|Lima, OH
+1419225|Lima, OH
+1419226|Lima, OH
+1419227|Lima, OH
+1419228|Lima, OH
+1419229|Lima, OH
+1419232|Van Wert, OH
+1419237|Fayette, OH
+1419238|Van Wert, OH
+1419241|Toledo, OH
+1419242|Toledo, OH
+1419243|Toledo, OH
+1419244|Toledo, OH
+1419245|Toledo, OH
+1419246|Toledo, OH
+1419247|Toledo, OH
+1419248|Toledo, OH
+1419249|Toledo, OH
+1419251|Toledo, OH
+1419253|Marengo, OH
+1419255|Toledo, OH
+1419257|North Baltimore, OH
+1419258|Antwerp, OH
+1419259|Toledo, OH
+1419263|Payne, OH
+1419264|Holgate, OH
+1419268|Celina, OH
+1419269|Toledo, OH
+1419272|Edon, OH
+1419273|Forest, OH
+1419278|Deshler, OH
+1419281|Ashland, OH
+1419282|Ashland, OH
+1419285|Put-in-Bay, OH
+1419287|Pemberville, OH
+1419289|Ashland, OH
+1419291|Toledo, OH
+1419292|Toledo, OH
+1419293|McComb, OH
+1419294|Upper Sandusky, OH
+1419298|Edgerton, OH
+1419321|Toledo, OH
+1419330|Wauseon, OH
+1419331|Lima, OH
+1419332|Fremont, OH
+1419333|Fremont, OH
+1419334|Fremont, OH
+1419335|Wauseon, OH
+1419337|Wauseon, OH
+1419342|Shelby, OH
+1419347|Shelby, OH
+1419352|Bowling Green, OH
+1419353|Bowling Green, OH
+1419354|Bowling Green, OH
+1419355|Fremont, OH
+1419358|Bluffton, OH
+1419375|Fort Recovery, OH
+1419380|Toledo, OH
+1419381|Toledo, OH
+1419382|Toledo, OH
+1419383|Toledo, OH
+1419384|Pandora, OH
+1419385|Toledo, OH
+1419389|Toledo, OH
+1419395|Defiance, OH
+1419396|Carey, OH
+1419399|Paulding, OH
+1419407|Toledo, OH
+1419420|Findlay, OH
+1419422|Findlay, OH
+1419423|Findlay, OH
+1419424|Findlay, OH
+1419425|Findlay, OH
+1419426|Attica, OH
+1419427|Findlay, OH
+1419429|Findlay, OH
+1419433|Huron, OH
+1419435|Fostoria, OH
+1419436|Fostoria, OH
+1419443|Tiffin, OH
+1419445|Archbold, OH
+1419446|Archbold, OH
+1419447|Tiffin, OH
+1419448|Tiffin, OH
+1419462|Galion, OH
+1419465|Monroeville, OH
+1419468|Galion, OH
+1419470|Toledo, OH
+1419471|Toledo, OH
+1419472|Toledo, OH
+1419473|Toledo, OH
+1419474|Toledo, OH
+1419475|Toledo, OH
+1419476|Toledo, OH
+1419478|Toledo, OH
+1419479|Toledo, OH
+1419480|Toledo, OH
+1419483|Bellevue, OH
+1419484|Bellevue, OH
+1419485|Montpelier, OH
+1419499|Milan, OH
+1419502|Sandusky, OH
+1419522|Mansfield, OH
+1419523|Ottawa, OH
+1419524|Mansfield, OH
+1419525|Mansfield, OH
+1419526|Mansfield, OH
+1419530|Toledo, OH
+1419531|Toledo, OH
+1419533|Liberty Center, OH
+1419534|Toledo, OH
+1419535|Toledo, OH
+1419536|Toledo, OH
+1419537|Toledo, OH
+1419539|Toledo, OH
+1419542|Hicksville, OH
+1419547|Clyde, OH
+1419562|Bucyrus, OH
+1419578|Toledo, OH
+1419584|Celina, OH
+1419586|Celina, OH
+1419588|Berlin Heights, OH
+1419589|Mansfield, OH
+1419592|Napoleon, OH
+1419596|Continental, OH
+1419599|Napoleon, OH
+1419609|Sandusky, OH
+1419621|Sandusky, OH
+1419624|Sandusky, OH
+1419625|Sandusky, OH
+1419626|Sandusky, OH
+1419627|Sandusky, OH
+1419628|Minster, OH
+1419629|New Bremen, OH
+1419633|Bryan, OH
+1419634|Ada, OH
+1419636|Bryan, OH
+1419637|Gibsonburg, OH
+1419647|Spencerville, OH
+1419659|Columbus Grove, OH
+1419660|Norwalk, OH
+1419663|Norwalk, OH
+1419668|Norwalk, OH
+1419671|Toledo, OH
+1419673|Kenton, OH
+1419674|Kenton, OH
+1419675|Kenton, OH
+1419682|Stryker, OH
+1419683|Crestline, OH
+1419687|Plymouth, OH
+1419692|Delphos, OH
+1419695|Delphos, OH
+1419696|Oregon, OH
+1419720|Toledo, OH
+1419724|Toledo, OH
+1419725|Toledo, OH
+1419726|Toledo, OH
+1419727|Toledo, OH
+1419729|Toledo, OH
+1419732|Port Clinton, OH
+1419734|Port Clinton, OH
+1419737|Pioneer, OH
+1419738|Wapakoneta, OH
+1419739|Wapakoneta, OH
+1419746|Kelleys Island, OH
+1419749|Convoy, OH
+1419755|Mansfield, OH
+1419756|Mansfield, OH
+1419774|Mansfield, OH
+1419775|Mansfield, OH
+1419782|Defiance, OH
+1419783|Defiance, OH
+1419784|Defiance, OH
+1419794|Maumee, OH
+1419797|Port Clinton, OH
+1419822|Delta, OH
+1419825|Swanton, OH
+1419826|Swanton, OH
+1419832|Grand Rapids, OH
+1419841|Toledo, OH
+1419843|Toledo, OH
+1419849|Woodville, OH
+1419853|West Salem, OH
+1419855|Genoa, OH
+1419864|Cardington, OH
+1419872|Perrysburg, OH
+1419873|Perrysburg, OH
+1419874|Perrysburg, OH
+1419877|Whitehouse, OH
+1419883|Butler, OH
+1419886|Bellville, OH
+1419887|Maumee, OH
+1419891|Maumee, OH
+1419893|Maumee, OH
+1419897|Maumee, OH
+1419898|Oak Harbor, OH
+1419924|West Unity, OH
+1419927|Sycamore, OH
+1419929|New London, OH
+1419931|Perrysburg, OH
+1419933|Willard, OH
+1419935|Willard, OH
+1419943|Leipsic, OH
+1419946|Mount Gilead, OH
+1419947|Mount Gilead, OH
+1419991|Lima, OH
+1419994|Loudonville, OH
+1419996|Lima, OH
+1419998|Lima, OH
+1419999|Lima, OH
+1423209|Chattanooga, TN
+1423224|Kingsport, TN
+1423229|Kingsport, TN
+1423230|Kingsport, TN
+1423232|Johnson City, TN
+1423238|Ooltewah, TN
+1423239|Kingsport, TN
+1423245|Kingsport, TN
+1423246|Kingsport, TN
+1423247|Kingsport, TN
+1423253|Tellico Plains, TN
+1423263|Etowah, TN
+1423265|Chattanooga, TN
+1423266|Chattanooga, TN
+1423267|Chattanooga, TN
+1423272|Rogersville, TN
+1423274|Bristol, TN
+1423278|Greeneville, TN
+1423282|Johnson City, TN
+1423283|Johnson City, TN
+1423286|Oneida, TN
+1423288|Kingsport, TN
+1423296|Chattanooga, TN
+1423307|Morristown, TN
+1423317|Morristown, TN
+1423318|Morristown, TN
+1423323|Blountville, TN
+1423332|Soddy-Daisy, TN
+1423334|Decatur, TN
+1423337|Sweetwater, TN
+1423339|Cleveland, TN
+1423343|Kingsport, TN
+1423346|Wartburg, TN
+1423349|Kingsport, TN
+1423365|Spring City, TN
+1423378|Kingsport, TN
+1423392|Kingsport, TN
+1423420|Madisonville, TN
+1423422|Mosheim, TN
+1423425|Chattanooga, TN
+1423431|Johnson City, TN
+1423434|Johnson City, TN
+1423439|Johnson City, TN
+1423442|Madisonville, TN
+1423447|Pikeville, TN
+1423461|Johnson City, TN
+1423468|Chattanooga, TN
+1423472|Cleveland, TN
+1423473|Cleveland, TN
+1423474|Elizabethton, TN
+1423476|Cleveland, TN
+1423478|Cleveland, TN
+1423479|Cleveland, TN
+1423485|Chattanooga, TN
+1423487|Cosby, TN
+1423490|Chattanooga, TN
+1423493|Chattanooga, TN
+1423495|Chattanooga, TN
+1423499|Chattanooga, TN
+1423507|Athens, TN
+1423510|Chattanooga, TN
+1423542|Elizabethton, TN
+1423543|Elizabethton, TN
+1423547|Elizabethton, TN
+1423553|Chattanooga, TN
+1423559|Cleveland, TN
+1423568|Niota, TN
+1423569|Oneida, TN
+1423570|Dayton, TN
+1423578|Kingsport, TN
+1423581|Morristown, TN
+1423585|Morristown, TN
+1423586|Morristown, TN
+1423587|Morristown, TN
+1423610|Johnson City, TN
+1423613|Newport, TN
+1423614|Cleveland, TN
+1423622|Chattanooga, TN
+1423623|Newport, TN
+1423624|Chattanooga, TN
+1423625|Newport, TN
+1423629|Chattanooga, TN
+1423634|Chattanooga, TN
+1423636|Greeneville, TN
+1423638|Greeneville, TN
+1423639|Greeneville, TN
+1423643|Chattanooga, TN
+1423652|Bristol, TN
+1423658|Whitwell, TN
+1423697|Chattanooga, TN
+1423698|Chattanooga, TN
+1423702|Chattanooga, TN
+1423722|Johnson City, TN
+1423723|Kingsport, TN
+1423727|Mountain City, TN
+1423728|Cleveland, TN
+1423733|Sneedville, TN
+1423743|Erwin, TN
+1423744|Athens, TN
+1423745|Athens, TN
+1423746|Athens, TN
+1423752|Chattanooga, TN
+1423753|Jonesborough, TN
+1423755|Chattanooga, TN
+1423756|Chattanooga, TN
+1423757|Chattanooga, TN
+1423764|Bristol, TN
+1423765|Kingsport, TN
+1423768|Butler, TN
+1423772|Roan Mountain, TN
+1423775|Dayton, TN
+1423778|Chattanooga, TN
+1423785|Chattanooga, TN
+1423787|Greeneville, TN
+1423790|Cleveland, TN
+1423793|Bristol, TN
+1423794|Johnson City, TN
+1423798|Greeneville, TN
+1423821|Chattanooga, TN
+1423825|Chattanooga, TN
+1423844|Bristol, TN
+1423854|Johnson City, TN
+1423855|Chattanooga, TN
+1423857|Kingsport, TN
+1423867|Chattanooga, TN
+1423878|Bristol, TN
+1423884|Vonore, TN
+1423886|Signal Mountain, TN
+1423892|Chattanooga, TN
+1423893|Chattanooga, TN
+1423894|Chattanooga, TN
+1423899|Chattanooga, TN
+1423915|Johnson City, TN
+1423921|Rogersville, TN
+1423926|Johnson City, TN
+1423928|Johnson City, TN
+1423929|Johnson City, TN
+1423942|Jasper, TN
+1423949|Dunlap, TN
+1423952|Johnson City, TN
+1423954|Chattanooga, TN
+1423968|Bristol, TN
+1423975|Johnson City, TN
+1423979|Johnson City, TN
+1423989|Bristol, TN
+1423990|Bristol, TN
+1424208|Los Angeles, CA
+1424238|Santa Monica, CA
+1425207|Renton, WA
+1425226|Renton, WA
+1425227|Renton, WA
+1425228|Renton, WA
+1425235|Renton, WA
+1425252|Everett, WA
+1425255|Renton, WA
+1425257|Everett, WA
+1425258|Everett, WA
+1425259|Everett, WA
+1425261|Everett, WA
+1425271|Renton, WA
+1425277|Renton, WA
+1425282|Renton, WA
+1425303|Everett, WA
+1425304|Everett, WA
+1425317|Everett, WA
+1425333|Carnation, WA
+1425339|Everett, WA
+1425369|Issaquah, WA
+1425388|Everett, WA
+1425392|Issaquah, WA
+1425396|Snoqualmie, WA
+1425401|Bellevue, WA
+1425413|Maple Valley, WA
+1425430|Renton, WA
+1425432|Maple Valley, WA
+1425452|Bellevue, WA
+1425453|Bellevue, WA
+1425454|Bellevue, WA
+1425455|Bellevue, WA
+1425462|Bellevue, WA
+1425467|Bellevue, WA
+1425557|Issaquah, WA
+1425562|Bellevue, WA
+1425564|Bellevue, WA
+1425635|Bellevue, WA
+1425637|Bellevue, WA
+1425641|Bellevue, WA
+1425643|Bellevue, WA
+1425646|Bellevue, WA
+1425649|Bellevue, WA
+1425653|Bellevue, WA
+1425687|Renton, WA
+1425688|Bellevue, WA
+1425709|Bellevue, WA
+1425739|Kirkland, WA
+1425746|Bellevue, WA
+1425747|Bellevue, WA
+1425793|Renton, WA
+1425820|Kirkland, WA
+1425821|Kirkland, WA
+1425822|Kirkland, WA
+1425823|Kirkland, WA
+1425825|Kirkland, WA
+1425828|Kirkland, WA
+1425883|Redmond, WA
+1425899|Kirkland, WA
+1425957|Bellevue, WA
+1425990|Bellevue, WA
+1432218|Midland, TX
+1432229|Presidio, TX
+1432262|Midland, TX
+1432263|Big Spring, TX
+1432264|Big Spring, TX
+1432267|Big Spring, TX
+1432268|Big Spring, TX
+1432272|Odessa, TX
+1432283|Van Horn, TX
+1432332|Odessa, TX
+1432333|Odessa, TX
+1432334|Odessa, TX
+1432335|Odessa, TX
+1432336|Fort Stockton, TX
+1432337|Odessa, TX
+1432362|Odessa, TX
+1432363|Odessa, TX
+1432366|Odessa, TX
+1432367|Odessa, TX
+1432368|Odessa, TX
+1432381|Odessa, TX
+1432385|Odessa, TX
+1432394|Coahoma, TX
+1432426|Fort Davis, TX
+1432445|Pecos, TX
+1432447|Pecos, TX
+1432520|Midland, TX
+1432522|Midland, TX
+1432523|Andrews, TX
+1432524|Andrews, TX
+1432530|Odessa, TX
+1432550|Odessa, TX
+1432552|Odessa, TX
+1432558|Crane, TX
+1432570|Midland, TX
+1432580|Odessa, TX
+1432582|Odessa, TX
+1432586|Kermit, TX
+1432618|Midland, TX
+1432620|Midland, TX
+1432639|Iraan, TX
+1432640|Odessa, TX
+1432652|McCamey, TX
+1432682|Midland, TX
+1432683|Midland, TX
+1432684|Midland, TX
+1432685|Midland, TX
+1432686|Midland, TX
+1432687|Midland, TX
+1432688|Midland, TX
+1432689|Midland, TX
+1432694|Midland, TX
+1432697|Midland, TX
+1432699|Midland, TX
+1432714|Big Spring, TX
+1432729|Marfa, TX
+1432756|Stanton, TX
+1432758|Seminole, TX
+1432837|Alpine, TX
+1432943|Monahans, TX
+1434200|Lynchburg, VA
+1434202|Charlottesville, VA
+1434220|Charlottesville, VA
+1434237|Lynchburg, VA
+1434239|Lynchburg, VA
+1434243|Charlottesville, VA
+1434244|Charlottesville, VA
+1434245|Charlottesville, VA
+1434286|Scottsville, VA
+1434292|Blackstone, VA
+1434293|Charlottesville, VA
+1434295|Charlottesville, VA
+1434296|Charlottesville, VA
+1434309|Altavista, VA
+1434315|Farmville, VA
+1434324|Hurt, VA
+1434332|Rustburg, VA
+1434336|Emporia, VA
+1434348|Emporia, VA
+1434352|Appomattox, VA
+1434369|Altavista, VA
+1434372|Chase City, VA
+1434374|Clarksville, VA
+1434376|Brookneal, VA
+1434384|Lynchburg, VA
+1434391|Farmville, VA
+1434392|Farmville, VA
+1434432|Chatham, VA
+1434447|South Hill, VA
+1434455|Lynchburg, VA
+1434476|Halifax, VA
+1434485|Lynchburg, VA
+1434517|South Boston, VA
+1434528|Lynchburg, VA
+1434572|South Boston, VA
+1434575|South Boston, VA
+1434582|Lynchburg, VA
+1434634|Emporia, VA
+1434645|Crewe, VA
+1434656|Gretna, VA
+1434676|Kenbridge, VA
+1434685|Danville, VA
+1434696|Victoria, VA
+1434736|Keysville, VA
+1434738|Boydton, VA
+1434757|La Crosse, VA
+1434773|Danville, VA
+1434791|Danville, VA
+1434792|Danville, VA
+1434793|Danville, VA
+1434797|Danville, VA
+1434799|Danville, VA
+1434817|Charlottesville, VA
+1434832|Lynchburg, VA
+1434836|Danville, VA
+1434845|Lynchburg, VA
+1434846|Lynchburg, VA
+1434847|Lynchburg, VA
+1434848|Lawrenceville, VA
+1434872|Charlottesville, VA
+1434923|Charlottesville, VA
+1434924|Charlottesville, VA
+1434946|Amherst, VA
+1434947|Lynchburg, VA
+1434951|Charlottesville, VA
+1434963|Charlottesville, VA
+1434964|Charlottesville, VA
+1434970|Charlottesville, VA
+1434971|Charlottesville, VA
+1434972|Charlottesville, VA
+1434973|Charlottesville, VA
+1434974|Charlottesville, VA
+1434975|Charlottesville, VA
+1434977|Charlottesville, VA
+1434978|Charlottesville, VA
+1434979|Charlottesville, VA
+1434982|Charlottesville, VA
+1434983|Dillwyn, VA
+1434984|Charlottesville, VA
+1435251|St. George, UT
+1435257|Tremonton, UT
+1435259|Moab, UT
+1435283|Ephraim, UT
+1435336|Coalville, UT
+1435381|Castle Dale, UT
+1435387|Milford, UT
+1435438|Beaver, UT
+1435462|Mount Pleasant, UT
+1435472|Helper, UT
+1435477|Parowan, UT
+1435529|Salina, UT
+1435564|Green River, UT
+1435565|Park City, UT
+1435566|Tooele, UT
+1435586|Cedar City, UT
+1435587|Monticello, UT
+1435613|Price, UT
+1435615|Park City, UT
+1435623|Nephi, UT
+1435628|St. George, UT
+1435634|St. George, UT
+1435636|Price, UT
+1435637|Price, UT
+1435644|Kanab, UT
+1435645|Park City, UT
+1435647|Park City, UT
+1435649|Park City, UT
+1435654|Heber, UT
+1435655|Park City, UT
+1435656|St. George, UT
+1435657|Heber, UT
+1435658|Park City, UT
+1435665|Wendover, UT
+1435673|St. George, UT
+1435674|St. George, UT
+1435676|Panguitch, UT
+1435678|Blanding, UT
+1435687|Huntington, UT
+1435688|St. George, UT
+1435716|Logan, UT
+1435722|Roosevelt, UT
+1435723|Brigham City, UT
+1435725|Roosevelt, UT
+1435734|Brigham City, UT
+1435738|Duchesne, UT
+1435743|Fillmore, UT
+1435750|Logan, UT
+1435752|Logan, UT
+1435753|Logan, UT
+1435755|Logan, UT
+1435772|Springdale, UT
+1435781|Vernal, UT
+1435784|Manila, UT
+1435787|Logan, UT
+1435789|Vernal, UT
+1435792|Logan, UT
+1435797|Logan, UT
+1435826|Escalante, UT
+1435828|Vernal, UT
+1435833|Tooele, UT
+1435835|Manti, UT
+1435843|Tooele, UT
+1435864|Delta, UT
+1435865|Cedar City, UT
+1435867|Cedar City, UT
+1435868|Cedar City, UT
+1435882|Tooele, UT
+1435884|Grantsville, UT
+1435893|Richfield, UT
+1435896|Richfield, UT
+1435946|Garden City, UT
+1440204|Lorain, OH
+1440205|Mentor, OH
+1440233|Lorain, OH
+1440236|Columbia Station, OH
+1440240|Lorain, OH
+1440244|Lorain, OH
+1440245|Lorain, OH
+1440246|Lorain, OH
+1440247|Chagrin Falls, OH
+1440255|Mentor, OH
+1440259|Perry, OH
+1440266|Mentor, OH
+1440275|Austinburg, OH
+1440277|Lorain, OH
+1440279|Chardon, OH
+1440282|Lorain, OH
+1440284|Elyria, OH
+1440285|Chardon, OH
+1440286|Chardon, OH
+1440288|Lorain, OH
+1440293|Andover, OH
+1440312|Cleveland, OH
+1440322|Elyria, OH
+1440323|Elyria, OH
+1440324|Elyria, OH
+1440326|Elyria, OH
+1440327|North Ridgeville, OH
+1440329|Elyria, OH
+1440353|North Ridgeville, OH
+1440355|LaGrange, OH
+1440365|Elyria, OH
+1440366|Elyria, OH
+1440417|Madison, OH
+1440428|Madison, OH
+1440437|Orwell, OH
+1440466|Geneva, OH
+1440473|Cleveland, OH
+1440543|Chagrin Falls, OH
+1440564|Newbury, OH
+1440576|Jefferson, OH
+1440593|Conneaut, OH
+1440599|Conneaut, OH
+1440632|Middlefield, OH
+1440647|Wellington, OH
+1440708|Chagrin Falls, OH
+1440729|Chesterland, OH
+1440774|Oberlin, OH
+1440775|Oberlin, OH
+1440777|North Olmsted, OH
+1440779|North Olmsted, OH
+1440887|Cleveland, OH
+1440893|Chagrin Falls, OH
+1440926|Grafton, OH
+1440930|Avon Lake, OH
+1440933|Avon Lake, OH
+1440937|Avon, OH
+1440960|Lorain, OH
+1440963|Vermilion, OH
+1440964|Ashtabula, OH
+1440967|Vermilion, OH
+1440968|Montville, OH
+1440974|Mentor, OH
+1440984|Amherst, OH
+1440985|Amherst, OH
+1440988|Amherst, OH
+1440992|Ashtabula, OH
+1440993|Ashtabula, OH
+1440997|Ashtabula, OH
+1440998|Ashtabula, OH
+1443259|Columbia, MD
+1443287|Baltimore, MD
+1443394|Owings Mills, MD
+1443438|Baltimore, MD
+1443444|Baltimore, MD
+1443481|Annapolis, MD
+1443524|Baltimore, MD
+1443546|Columbia, MD
+1443643|Bel Air, MD
+1443664|Ocean City, MD
+1443708|Baltimore, MD
+1443729|Hanover, MD
+1443759|Baltimore, MD
+1443849|Towson, MD
+1443869|Baltimore, MD
+1443872|Baltimore, MD
+1443919|Baltimore, MD
+1443923|Baltimore, MD
+1450218|Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
+1450222|Saint-Calixte, QC
+1450229|Sainte-Adèle, QC
+1450245|Napierville, QC
+1450246|Lacolle, QC
+1450247|Hemmingford, QC
+1450250|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450252|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450253|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450258|Mirabel, QC
+1450261|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450263|Cowansville, QC
+1450295|Dunham, QC
+1450298|Frelighsburg, QC
+1450299|Henryville, QC
+1450314|Laval, QC
+1450332|Longueuil, QC
+1450346|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450348|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450349|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450359|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450361|Granby, QC
+1450370|Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
+1450371|Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
+1450372|Granby, QC
+1450373|Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
+1450375|Granby, QC
+1450377|Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
+1450378|Granby, QC
+1450379|Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford, QC
+1450416|Terrebonne, QC
+1450424|Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
+1450427|Sainte-Martine, QC
+1450431|Saint-Jérôme, QC
+1450432|Saint-Jérôme, QC
+1450438|Saint-Jérôme, QC
+1450439|Saint-Lin-Laurentides, QC
+1450442|Longueuil, QC
+1450448|Longueuil, QC
+1450449|Boucherville, QC
+1450451|Rigaud, QC
+1450452|Les Cèdres, QC
+1450455|Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
+1450460|Marieville, QC
+1450463|Longueuil, QC
+1450468|Longueuil, QC
+1450471|Terrebonne, QC
+1450474|Mascouche, QC
+1450475|Mirabel, QC
+1450479|Oka, QC
+1450492|Terrebonne, QC
+1450505|Laval, QC
+1450510|Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC
+1450515|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450534|Bromont, QC
+1450538|Sutton, QC
+1450545|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450546|Acton Vale, QC
+1450548|Roxton Falls, QC
+1450562|Lachute, QC
+1450563|Saint-Hippolyte, QC
+1450575|Laval, QC
+1450582|Repentigny, QC
+1450583|Verchères, QC
+1450585|Repentigny, QC
+1450586|Lavaltrie, QC
+1450587|Contrecœur, QC
+1450589|L'Assomption, QC
+1450592|Saint-Jérôme, QC
+1450616|Longueuil, QC
+1450622|Laval, QC
+1450624|Laval, QC
+1450625|Laval, QC
+1450627|Laval, QC
+1450628|Laval, QC
+1450629|Laval, QC
+1450641|Boucherville, QC
+1450646|Longueuil, QC
+1450647|Longueuil, QC
+1450649|Sainte-Julie, QC
+1450651|Longueuil, QC
+1450652|Varennes, QC
+1450655|Boucherville, QC
+1450661|Laval, QC
+1450662|Laval, QC
+1450663|Laval, QC
+1450664|Laval, QC
+1450665|Laval, QC
+1450666|Laval, QC
+1450667|Laval, QC
+1450668|Laval, QC
+1450669|Laval, QC
+1450670|Longueuil, QC
+1450674|Longueuil, QC
+1450677|Longueuil, QC
+1450679|Longueuil, QC
+1450680|Laval, QC
+1450681|Laval, QC
+1450682|Laval, QC
+1450686|Laval, QC
+1450687|Laval, QC
+1450688|Laval, QC
+1450689|Laval, QC
+1450691|Châteauguay, QC
+1450692|Châteauguay, QC
+1450699|Châteauguay, QC
+1450741|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450742|Sorel-Tracy, QC
+1450743|Sorel-Tracy, QC
+1450746|Sorel-Tracy, QC
+1450747|Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC
+1450748|Longueuil, QC
+1450763|Coteau-du-Lac, QC
+1450771|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450772|Saint-Pie, QC
+1450773|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450774|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450776|Granby, QC
+1450777|Granby, QC
+1450778|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450780|Sorel-Tracy, QC
+1450793|Saint-Liboire, QC
+1450795|Sainte-Madeleine, QC
+1450797|Saint-Damase, QC
+1450799|Saint-Hyacinthe, QC
+1450829|Ormstown, QC
+1450831|Sainte-Julienne, QC
+1450833|St-Michel-des-Saints, QC
+1450834|Rawdon, QC
+1450836|Berthierville, QC
+1450867|Joliette, QC
+1450882|Chertsey, QC
+1450886|Saint-Jean-de-Matha, QC
+1450887|Lanoraie, QC
+1450895|Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC
+1450902|Laval, QC
+1450922|Sainte-Julie, QC
+1450928|Longueuil, QC
+1450929|Varennes, QC
+1450932|Repentigny, QC
+1450933|Laval, QC
+1450934|Laval, QC
+1450936|Laval, QC
+1450937|Laval, QC
+1450961|Terrebonne, QC
+1450962|Laval, QC
+1450963|Laval, QC
+1450964|Terrebonne, QC
+1450966|Mascouche, QC
+1450967|Laval, QC
+1450969|Laval, QC
+1450973|Laval, QC
+1450975|Laval, QC
+1450978|Laval, QC
+1450991|Granby, QC
+1469227|Dallas, TX
+1469229|Plano, TX
+1469241|Plano, TX
+1469272|Cedar Hill, TX
+1469366|Plano, TX
+1469467|Plano, TX
+1469698|Rockwall, TX
+1469742|McKinney, TX
+1469752|Plano, TX
+1469814|Plano, TX
+1478224|Perry, GA
+1478225|Warner Robins, GA
+1478237|Swainsboro, GA
+1478238|Macon, GA
+1478252|Wadley, GA
+1478254|Macon, GA
+1478272|Dublin, GA
+1478274|Dublin, GA
+1478275|Dublin, GA
+1478277|Dublin, GA
+1478289|Swainsboro, GA
+1478293|Warner Robins, GA
+1478296|Dublin, GA
+1478301|Macon, GA
+1478314|Macon, GA
+1478322|Warner Robins, GA
+1478328|Warner Robins, GA
+1478329|Warner Robins, GA
+1478330|Macon, GA
+1478374|Eastman, GA
+1478405|Macon, GA
+1478414|Milledgeville, GA
+1478445|Milledgeville, GA
+1478451|Milledgeville, GA
+1478452|Milledgeville, GA
+1478453|Milledgeville, GA
+1478454|Milledgeville, GA
+1478457|Milledgeville, GA
+1478464|Macon, GA
+1478471|Macon, GA
+1478474|Macon, GA
+1478475|Macon, GA
+1478476|Macon, GA
+1478477|Macon, GA
+1478552|Sandersville, GA
+1478553|Sandersville, GA
+1478589|Midville, GA
+1478621|Macon, GA
+1478625|Louisville, GA
+1478627|Unadilla, GA
+1478628|Gordon, GA
+1478633|Macon, GA
+1478738|Macon, GA
+1478741|Macon, GA
+1478742|Macon, GA
+1478743|Macon, GA
+1478744|Macon, GA
+1478745|Macon, GA
+1478746|Macon, GA
+1478749|Macon, GA
+1478750|Macon, GA
+1478751|Macon, GA
+1478752|Macon, GA
+1478755|Macon, GA
+1478757|Macon, GA
+1478763|Twin City, GA
+1478765|Macon, GA
+1478779|Macon, GA
+1478781|Macon, GA
+1478783|Hawkinsville, GA
+1478784|Macon, GA
+1478785|Macon, GA
+1478788|Macon, GA
+1478825|Fort Valley, GA
+1478827|Fort Valley, GA
+1478836|Roberta, GA
+1478847|Reynolds, GA
+1478862|Butler, GA
+1478864|Wrightsville, GA
+1478892|Hawkinsville, GA
+1478922|Warner Robins, GA
+1478923|Warner Robins, GA
+1478929|Warner Robins, GA
+1478934|Cochran, GA
+1478935|Lizella, GA
+1478945|Jeffersonville, GA
+1478956|Byron, GA
+1478971|Warner Robins, GA
+1478982|Millen, GA
+1478986|Gray, GA
+1478987|Perry, GA
+1478994|Forsyth, GA
+1479229|Dardanelle, AR
+1479238|Siloam Springs, AR
+1479242|Fort Smith, AR
+1479243|Mena, AR
+1479246|Rogers, AR
+1479251|Fayetteville, AR
+1479253|Eureka Springs, AR
+1479254|Bentonville, AR
+1479262|Van Buren, AR
+1479267|Farmington, AR
+1479271|Bentonville, AR
+1479273|Bentonville, AR
+1479274|Fort Smith, AR
+1479306|Springdale, AR
+1479331|Dover, AR
+1479338|Rogers, AR
+1479359|Garfield, AR
+1479361|Springdale, AR
+1479394|Mena, AR
+1479419|Springdale, AR
+1479424|Fort Smith, AR
+1479434|Fort Smith, AR
+1479437|Mena, AR
+1479441|Fort Smith, AR
+1479442|Fayetteville, AR
+1479443|Fayetteville, AR
+1479444|Fayetteville, AR
+1479451|Pea Ridge, AR
+1479452|Fort Smith, AR
+1479463|Fayetteville, AR
+1479471|Van Buren, AR
+1479474|Van Buren, AR
+1479478|Fort Smith, AR
+1479484|Fort Smith, AR
+1479494|Fort Smith, AR
+1479495|Danville, AR
+1479498|Russellville, AR
+1479521|Fayetteville, AR
+1479524|Siloam Springs, AR
+1479527|Fayetteville, AR
+1479549|Siloam Springs, AR
+1479553|Bentonville, AR
+1479571|Fayetteville, AR
+1479573|Fort Smith, AR
+1479575|Fayetteville, AR
+1479582|Fayetteville, AR
+1479587|Fayetteville, AR
+1479621|Rogers, AR
+1479631|Rogers, AR
+1479632|Alma, AR
+1479633|Rogers, AR
+1479636|Rogers, AR
+1479637|Waldron, AR
+1479641|Atkins, AR
+1479646|Fort Smith, AR
+1479648|Fort Smith, AR
+1479649|Fort Smith, AR
+1479667|Ozark, AR
+1479674|Lavaca, AR
+1479675|Booneville, AR
+1479695|Fayetteville, AR
+1479705|Clarksville, AR
+1479709|Fort Smith, AR
+1479736|Gentry, AR
+1479738|Huntsville, AR
+1479750|Springdale, AR
+1479751|Springdale, AR
+1479752|Decatur, AR
+1479754|Clarksville, AR
+1479756|Springdale, AR
+1479757|Springdale, AR
+1479770|Lowell, AR
+1479782|Fort Smith, AR
+1479783|Fort Smith, AR
+1479784|Fort Smith, AR
+1479785|Fort Smith, AR
+1479787|Gravette, AR
+1479824|Lincoln, AR
+1479839|West Fork, AR
+1479846|Prairie Grove, AR
+1479855|Bella Vista, AR
+1479872|Springdale, AR
+1479880|Russellville, AR
+1479890|Russellville, AR
+1479925|Rogers, AR
+1479927|Springdale, AR
+1479936|Rogers, AR
+1479963|Paris, AR
+1479964|Russellville, AR
+1479965|Charleston, AR
+1479967|Russellville, AR
+1479968|Russellville, AR
+1479969|Magazine, AR
+1479986|Rogers, AR
+1479996|Greenwood, AR
+1479997|Mulberry, AR
+1480312|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480314|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480325|Mesa, AZ
+1480348|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480362|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480367|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480368|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480391|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480396|Mesa, AZ
+1480423|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480451|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480464|Mesa, AZ
+1480472|Mesa, AZ
+1480481|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480484|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480512|Mesa, AZ
+1480596|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480610|Mesa, AZ
+1480614|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480641|Mesa, AZ
+1480644|Mesa, AZ
+1480649|Mesa, AZ
+1480654|Mesa, AZ
+1480661|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480767|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480778|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480816|Fountain Hills, AZ
+1480827|Mesa, AZ
+1480832|Mesa, AZ
+1480833|Mesa, AZ
+1480834|Mesa, AZ
+1480836|Fountain Hills, AZ
+1480837|Fountain Hills, AZ
+1480844|Mesa, AZ
+1480854|Mesa, AZ
+1480860|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480874|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480894|Tempe, AZ
+1480924|Mesa, AZ
+1480941|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480946|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480947|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480948|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480949|Scottsdale, AZ
+1480962|Mesa, AZ
+1480963|Chandler, AZ
+1480964|Mesa, AZ
+1480965|Tempe, AZ
+1480966|Tempe, AZ
+1480967|Tempe, AZ
+1480968|Tempe, AZ
+1480969|Mesa, AZ
+1480981|Mesa, AZ
+1480982|Apache Junction, AZ
+1480985|Mesa, AZ
+1480986|Mesa, AZ
+1480998|Scottsdale, AZ
+1484223|Allentown, PA
+1484224|Allentown, PA
+1484381|Philadelphia, PA
+1484427|Newtown Square, PA
+1484565|Paoli, PA
+1484765|Allentown, PA
+1484821|Bethlehem, PA
+1484875|Exton, PA
+1484884|Bethlehem, PA
+1501217|Little Rock, AR
+1501219|Little Rock, AR
+1501221|Little Rock, AR
+1501223|Little Rock, AR
+1501224|Little Rock, AR
+1501225|Little Rock, AR
+1501227|Little Rock, AR
+1501228|Little Rock, AR
+1501244|Little Rock, AR
+1501262|Hot Springs, AR
+1501268|Searcy, AR
+1501278|Searcy, AR
+1501279|Searcy, AR
+1501280|Little Rock, AR
+1501296|Little Rock, AR
+1501305|Searcy, AR
+1501312|Little Rock, AR
+1501315|Benton, AR
+1501316|Benton, AR
+1501318|Hot Springs, AR
+1501321|Hot Springs, AR
+1501324|Little Rock, AR
+1501327|Conway, AR
+1501328|Conway, AR
+1501329|Conway, AR
+1501332|Malvern, AR
+1501335|Damascus, AR
+1501336|Conway, AR
+1501337|Malvern, AR
+1501340|Little Rock, AR
+1501344|Bradford, AR
+1501345|Pleasant Plains, AR
+1501354|Morrilton, AR
+1501362|Heber Springs, AR
+1501364|Little Rock, AR
+1501368|Searcy, AR
+1501370|Little Rock, AR
+1501371|Little Rock, AR
+1501372|Little Rock, AR
+1501374|Little Rock, AR
+1501375|Little Rock, AR
+1501376|Little Rock, AR
+1501377|Little Rock, AR
+1501378|Little Rock, AR
+1501447|Little Rock, AR
+1501450|Conway, AR
+1501490|Little Rock, AR
+1501505|Conway, AR
+1501513|Conway, AR
+1501520|Hot Springs, AR
+1501525|Hot Springs, AR
+1501526|Little Rock, AR
+1501537|Little Rock, AR
+1501548|Conway, AR
+1501552|Little Rock, AR
+1501562|Little Rock, AR
+1501565|Little Rock, AR
+1501568|Little Rock, AR
+1501569|Little Rock, AR
+1501570|Little Rock, AR
+1501589|Quitman, AR
+1501603|Little Rock, AR
+1501604|Little Rock, AR
+1501605|Cabot, AR
+1501614|Little Rock, AR
+1501620|Hot Springs, AR
+1501623|Hot Springs, AR
+1501624|Hot Springs, AR
+1501660|Little Rock, AR
+1501661|Little Rock, AR
+1501663|Little Rock, AR
+1501664|Little Rock, AR
+1501666|Little Rock, AR
+1501676|Lonoke, AR
+1501679|Greenbrier, AR
+1501682|Little Rock, AR
+1501683|Little Rock, AR
+1501686|Little Rock, AR
+1501688|Little Rock, AR
+1501716|Little Rock, AR
+1501724|Bald Knob, AR
+1501729|Judsonia, AR
+1501730|Conway, AR
+1501745|Clinton, AR
+1501760|Hot Springs, AR
+1501764|Conway, AR
+1501776|Benton, AR
+1501778|Benton, AR
+1501794|Benton, AR
+1501821|Little Rock, AR
+1501842|England, AR
+1501843|Cabot, AR
+1501847|Bryant, AR
+1501859|Little Rock, AR
+1501860|Benton, AR
+1501865|Bismarck, AR
+1501868|Little Rock, AR
+1501882|Beebe, AR
+1501884|Fairfield Bay, AR
+1501889|Perryville, AR
+1501897|Little Rock, AR
+1501907|Little Rock, AR
+1501918|Little Rock, AR
+1501932|Conway, AR
+1501941|Cabot, AR
+1501945|N Little Rock, AR
+1501954|Little Rock, AR
+1501975|Little Rock, AR
+1501977|Morrilton, AR
+1501982|Jacksonville, AR
+1501985|Jacksonville, AR
+1501987|Jacksonville, AR
+1502222|La Grange, KY
+1502223|Frankfort, KY
+1502225|La Grange, KY
+1502226|Frankfort, KY
+1502227|Frankfort, KY
+1502231|Louisville, KY
+1502238|Louisville, KY
+1502239|Louisville, KY
+1502244|Louisville, KY
+1502245|Louisville, KY
+1502252|Bloomfield, KY
+1502253|Louisville, KY
+1502254|Louisville, KY
+1502255|Bedford, KY
+1502259|Louisville, KY
+1502261|Louisville, KY
+1502268|Milton, KY
+1502271|Louisville, KY
+1502287|Louisville, KY
+1502290|Louisville, KY
+1502326|Louisville, KY
+1502327|Louisville, KY
+1502331|Bardstown, KY
+1502333|Louisville, KY
+1502339|Louisville, KY
+1502348|Bardstown, KY
+1502349|Bardstown, KY
+1502350|Bardstown, KY
+1502352|Frankfort, KY
+1502361|Louisville, KY
+1502363|Louisville, KY
+1502364|Louisville, KY
+1502365|Louisville, KY
+1502366|Louisville, KY
+1502367|Louisville, KY
+1502368|Louisville, KY
+1502371|Louisville, KY
+1502375|Louisville, KY
+1502380|Louisville, KY
+1502384|Louisville, KY
+1502394|Louisville, KY
+1502409|Louisville, KY
+1502410|Louisville, KY
+1502412|Louisville, KY
+1502423|Louisville, KY
+1502425|Louisville, KY
+1502426|Louisville, KY
+1502429|Louisville, KY
+1502451|Louisville, KY
+1502452|Louisville, KY
+1502454|Louisville, KY
+1502456|Louisville, KY
+1502458|Louisville, KY
+1502459|Louisville, KY
+1502473|Louisville, KY
+1502477|Taylorsville, KY
+1502479|Louisville, KY
+1502484|Owenton, KY
+1502485|Louisville, KY
+1502489|Louisville, KY
+1502491|Louisville, KY
+1502493|Louisville, KY
+1502495|Louisville, KY
+1502499|Louisville, KY
+1502515|Louisville, KY
+1502538|Mount Washington, KY
+1502540|Louisville, KY
+1502543|Shepherdsville, KY
+1502560|Louisville, KY
+1502561|Louisville, KY
+1502562|Louisville, KY
+1502564|Frankfort, KY
+1502566|Louisville, KY
+1502568|Louisville, KY
+1502569|Louisville, KY
+1502570|Georgetown, KY
+1502574|Louisville, KY
+1502581|Louisville, KY
+1502582|Louisville, KY
+1502583|Louisville, KY
+1502584|Louisville, KY
+1502585|Louisville, KY
+1502587|Louisville, KY
+1502589|Louisville, KY
+1502595|Louisville, KY
+1502618|Louisville, KY
+1502624|Fort Knox, KY
+1502625|Louisville, KY
+1502627|Louisville, KY
+1502629|Louisville, KY
+1502632|Louisville, KY
+1502633|Shelbyville, KY
+1502634|Louisville, KY
+1502635|Louisville, KY
+1502636|Louisville, KY
+1502637|Louisville, KY
+1502638|Louisville, KY
+1502647|Shelbyville, KY
+1502657|Louisville, KY
+1502671|Louisville, KY
+1502681|Louisville, KY
+1502690|Louisville, KY
+1502695|Frankfort, KY
+1502708|Louisville, KY
+1502719|Louisville, KY
+1502721|Louisville, KY
+1502722|Simpsonville, KY
+1502732|Carrollton, KY
+1502736|Louisville, KY
+1502742|Louisville, KY
+1502749|Louisville, KY
+1502753|Louisville, KY
+1502762|Louisville, KY
+1502772|Louisville, KY
+1502774|Louisville, KY
+1502775|Louisville, KY
+1502776|Louisville, KY
+1502778|Louisville, KY
+1502779|Louisville, KY
+1502810|Louisville, KY
+1502813|Louisville, KY
+1502839|Lawrenceburg, KY
+1502848|Frankfort, KY
+1502852|Louisville, KY
+1502859|Lawrenceburg, KY
+1502863|Georgetown, KY
+1502867|Georgetown, KY
+1502868|Georgetown, KY
+1502875|Frankfort, KY
+1502894|Louisville, KY
+1502921|Shepherdsville, KY
+1502933|Louisville, KY
+1502935|Louisville, KY
+1502937|Louisville, KY
+1502961|Louisville, KY
+1502962|Louisville, KY
+1502964|Louisville, KY
+1502966|Louisville, KY
+1502968|Louisville, KY
+1502969|Louisville, KY
+1502992|Louisville, KY
+1502995|Louisville, KY
+1503203|Portland, OR
+1503206|Portland, OR
+1503208|Portland, OR
+1503220|Portland, OR
+1503221|Portland, OR
+1503222|Portland, OR
+1503223|Portland, OR
+1503224|Portland, OR
+1503225|Portland, OR
+1503226|Portland, OR
+1503227|Portland, OR
+1503228|Portland, OR
+1503229|Portland, OR
+1503230|Portland, OR
+1503231|Portland, OR
+1503232|Portland, OR
+1503233|Portland, OR
+1503234|Portland, OR
+1503235|Portland, OR
+1503236|Portland, OR
+1503238|Portland, OR
+1503239|Portland, OR
+1503240|Portland, OR
+1503241|Portland, OR
+1503242|Portland, OR
+1503243|Portland, OR
+1503244|Portland, OR
+1503245|Portland, OR
+1503246|Portland, OR
+1503247|Portland, OR
+1503248|Portland, OR
+1503249|Portland, OR
+1503251|Portland, OR
+1503252|Portland, OR
+1503253|Portland, OR
+1503254|Portland, OR
+1503255|Portland, OR
+1503256|Portland, OR
+1503257|Portland, OR
+1503261|Portland, OR
+1503262|Portland, OR
+1503263|Canby, OR
+1503266|Canby, OR
+1503273|Portland, OR
+1503274|Portland, OR
+1503279|Portland, OR
+1503280|Portland, OR
+1503281|Portland, OR
+1503282|Portland, OR
+1503283|Portland, OR
+1503284|Portland, OR
+1503285|Portland, OR
+1503286|Portland, OR
+1503287|Portland, OR
+1503288|Portland, OR
+1503289|Portland, OR
+1503292|Portland, OR
+1503293|Portland, OR
+1503294|Portland, OR
+1503295|Portland, OR
+1503296|Portland, OR
+1503297|Portland, OR
+1503299|Portland, OR
+1503315|Salem, OR
+1503316|Salem, OR
+1503324|Banks, OR
+1503325|Astoria, OR
+1503331|Portland, OR
+1503335|Portland, OR
+1503338|Astoria, OR
+1503355|Rockaway Beach, OR
+1503361|Salem, OR
+1503362|Salem, OR
+1503363|Salem, OR
+1503364|Salem, OR
+1503365|Salem, OR
+1503366|St. Helens, OR
+1503370|Salem, OR
+1503371|Salem, OR
+1503373|Salem, OR
+1503375|Salem, OR
+1503378|Salem, OR
+1503384|Portland, OR
+1503391|Salem, OR
+1503394|Scio, OR
+1503397|St. Helens, OR
+1503399|Salem, OR
+1503408|Portland, OR
+1503413|Portland, OR
+1503417|Portland, OR
+1503418|Portland, OR
+1503429|Vernonia, OR
+1503434|McMinnville, OR
+1503435|McMinnville, OR
+1503436|Cannon Beach, OR
+1503445|Portland, OR
+1503452|Portland, OR
+1503458|Astoria, OR
+1503460|Portland, OR
+1503467|Portland, OR
+1503471|Portland, OR
+1503472|McMinnville, OR
+1503474|McMinnville, OR
+1503477|Portland, OR
+1503480|Salem, OR
+1503485|Salem, OR
+1503493|Portland, OR
+1503494|Portland, OR
+1503499|Portland, OR
+1503517|Portland, OR
+1503520|Beaverton, OR
+1503525|Portland, OR
+1503526|Beaverton, OR
+1503528|Portland, OR
+1503534|Lake Oswego, OR
+1503535|Portland, OR
+1503537|Newberg, OR
+1503538|Newberg, OR
+1503540|Salem, OR
+1503543|Scappoose, OR
+1503546|Portland, OR
+1503548|Portland, OR
+1503554|Newberg, OR
+1503556|Rainier, OR
+1503561|Salem, OR
+1503566|Salem, OR
+1503570|Wilsonville, OR
+1503571|Clackamas, OR
+1503581|Salem, OR
+1503582|Wilsonville, OR
+1503584|Salem, OR
+1503585|Salem, OR
+1503587|Salem, OR
+1503588|Salem, OR
+1503589|Salem, OR
+1503595|Portland, OR
+1503612|Tualatin, OR
+1503615|Hillsboro, OR
+1503621|Portland, OR
+1503623|Dallas, OR
+1503625|Sherwood, OR
+1503630|Estacada, OR
+1503631|Oregon City, OR
+1503633|St. Paul, OR
+1503636|Lake Oswego, OR
+1503640|Hillsboro, OR
+1503643|Beaverton, OR
+1503648|Hillsboro, OR
+1503668|Sandy, OR
+1503678|Aurora, OR
+1503681|Hillsboro, OR
+1503682|Wilsonville, OR
+1503691|Tualatin, OR
+1503692|Tualatin, OR
+1503693|Hillsboro, OR
+1503719|Portland, OR
+1503721|Portland, OR
+1503725|Portland, OR
+1503727|Portland, OR
+1503728|Clatskanie, OR
+1503731|Portland, OR
+1503735|Portland, OR
+1503736|Portland, OR
+1503738|Seaside, OR
+1503743|Turner, OR
+1503749|Aumsville, OR
+1503760|Portland, OR
+1503761|Portland, OR
+1503762|Portland, OR
+1503763|Salem, OR
+1503768|Portland, OR
+1503771|Portland, OR
+1503772|Portland, OR
+1503774|Portland, OR
+1503775|Portland, OR
+1503777|Portland, OR
+1503778|Portland, OR
+1503788|Portland, OR
+1503796|Portland, OR
+1503802|Portland, OR
+1503808|Portland, OR
+1503813|Portland, OR
+1503815|Tillamook, OR
+1503823|Portland, OR
+1503824|Colton, OR
+1503829|Molalla, OR
+1503831|Dallas, OR
+1503842|Tillamook, OR
+1503843|Sheridan, OR
+1503844|Hillsboro, OR
+1503845|Mount Angel, OR
+1503846|Hillsboro, OR
+1503852|Carlton, OR
+1503861|Warrenton, OR
+1503872|Portland, OR
+1503873|Silverton, OR
+1503874|Silverton, OR
+1503876|Willamina, OR
+1503879|Grand Ronde, OR
+1503885|Tualatin, OR
+1503892|Portland, OR
+1503894|Portland, OR
+1503916|Portland, OR
+1503925|Sherwood, OR
+1503935|Portland, OR
+1503945|Salem, OR
+1503947|Salem, OR
+1503954|Portland, OR
+1503963|Portland, OR
+1503977|Portland, OR
+1503978|Portland, OR
+1503981|Woodburn, OR
+1503982|Woodburn, OR
+1503986|Salem, OR
+1503988|Portland, OR
+1503990|Salem, OR
+1504240|New Orleans, LA
+1504241|New Orleans, LA
+1504242|New Orleans, LA
+1504243|New Orleans, LA
+1504244|New Orleans, LA
+1504245|New Orleans, LA
+1504246|New Orleans, LA
+1504248|New Orleans, LA
+1504254|New Orleans, LA
+1504269|New Orleans, LA
+1504271|Chalmette, LA
+1504282|New Orleans, LA
+1504283|New Orleans, LA
+1504286|New Orleans, LA
+1504288|New Orleans, LA
+1504299|New Orleans, LA
+1504310|New Orleans, LA
+1504410|New Orleans, LA
+1504412|New Orleans, LA
+1504443|Kenner, LA
+1504454|Metairie, LA
+1504455|Metairie, LA
+1504456|Metairie, LA
+1504457|Metairie, LA
+1504461|Kenner, LA
+1504464|Kenner, LA
+1504466|Kenner, LA
+1504467|Kenner, LA
+1504468|Kenner, LA
+1504469|Kenner, LA
+1504471|Kenner, LA
+1504482|New Orleans, LA
+1504483|New Orleans, LA
+1504486|New Orleans, LA
+1504488|New Orleans, LA
+1504522|New Orleans, LA
+1504523|New Orleans, LA
+1504524|New Orleans, LA
+1504525|New Orleans, LA
+1504527|New Orleans, LA
+1504528|New Orleans, LA
+1504529|New Orleans, LA
+1504544|New Orleans, LA
+1504552|New Orleans, LA
+1504556|New Orleans, LA
+1504558|New Orleans, LA
+1504561|New Orleans, LA
+1504566|New Orleans, LA
+1504568|New Orleans, LA
+1504569|New Orleans, LA
+1504571|New Orleans, LA
+1504581|New Orleans, LA
+1504582|New Orleans, LA
+1504584|New Orleans, LA
+1504585|New Orleans, LA
+1504586|New Orleans, LA
+1504587|New Orleans, LA
+1504588|New Orleans, LA
+1504589|New Orleans, LA
+1504592|New Orleans, LA
+1504593|New Orleans, LA
+1504596|New Orleans, LA
+1504598|New Orleans, LA
+1504599|New Orleans, LA
+1504619|New Orleans, LA
+1504657|Buras-Triumph, LA
+1504658|New Orleans, LA
+1504779|Metairie, LA
+1504780|Metairie, LA
+1504821|New Orleans, LA
+1504822|New Orleans, LA
+1504827|New Orleans, LA
+1504830|Metairie, LA
+1504831|Metairie, LA
+1504832|Metairie, LA
+1504834|Metairie, LA
+1504835|Metairie, LA
+1504836|Metairie, LA
+1504837|Metairie, LA
+1504861|New Orleans, LA
+1504862|New Orleans, LA
+1504864|New Orleans, LA
+1504865|New Orleans, LA
+1504866|New Orleans, LA
+1504883|Metairie, LA
+1504885|Metairie, LA
+1504887|Metairie, LA
+1504888|Metairie, LA
+1504889|Metairie, LA
+1504891|New Orleans, LA
+1504894|New Orleans, LA
+1504895|New Orleans, LA
+1504896|New Orleans, LA
+1504897|New Orleans, LA
+1504899|New Orleans, LA
+1504903|New Orleans, LA
+1504941|New Orleans, LA
+1504942|New Orleans, LA
+1504943|New Orleans, LA
+1504944|New Orleans, LA
+1504945|New Orleans, LA
+1504947|New Orleans, LA
+1504948|New Orleans, LA
+1504949|New Orleans, LA
+1504988|New Orleans, LA
+1505|New Mexico
+1505203|Albuquerque, NM
+1505217|Albuquerque, NM
+1505222|Albuquerque, NM
+1505224|Albuquerque, NM
+1505227|Albuquerque, NM
+1505228|Albuquerque, NM
+1505232|Albuquerque, NM
+1505235|Albuquerque, NM
+1505237|Albuquerque, NM
+1505242|Albuquerque, NM
+1505243|Albuquerque, NM
+1505244|Albuquerque, NM
+1505246|Albuquerque, NM
+1505247|Albuquerque, NM
+1505248|Albuquerque, NM
+1505254|Albuquerque, NM
+1505255|Albuquerque, NM
+1505256|Albuquerque, NM
+1505257|Ruidoso, NM
+1505259|Albuquerque, NM
+1505260|Albuquerque, NM
+1505261|Albuquerque, NM
+1505262|Albuquerque, NM
+1505263|Albuquerque, NM
+1505265|Albuquerque, NM
+1505266|Albuquerque, NM
+1505268|Albuquerque, NM
+1505269|Albuquerque, NM
+1505271|Albuquerque, NM
+1505272|Albuquerque, NM
+1505275|Albuquerque, NM
+1505280|Albuquerque, NM
+1505285|Grants, NM
+1505287|Grants, NM
+1505291|Albuquerque, NM
+1505292|Albuquerque, NM
+1505293|Albuquerque, NM
+1505294|Albuquerque, NM
+1505296|Albuquerque, NM
+1505298|Albuquerque, NM
+1505299|Albuquerque, NM
+1505304|Albuquerque, NM
+1505314|Albuquerque, NM
+1505315|Albuquerque, NM
+1505319|Albuquerque, NM
+1505321|Albuquerque, NM
+1505323|Albuquerque, NM
+1505324|Farmington, NM
+1505325|Farmington, NM
+1505326|Farmington, NM
+1505327|Farmington, NM
+1505331|Albuquerque, NM
+1505332|Albuquerque, NM
+1505334|Aztec, NM
+1505341|Albuquerque, NM
+1505342|Albuquerque, NM
+1505343|Albuquerque, NM
+1505344|Albuquerque, NM
+1505345|Albuquerque, NM
+1505346|Albuquerque, NM
+1505352|Albuquerque, NM
+1505362|Albuquerque, NM
+1505363|Albuquerque, NM
+1505368|Shiprock, NM
+1505369|Albuquerque, NM
+1505379|Albuquerque, NM
+1505388|Silver City, NM
+1505392|Hobbs, NM
+1505393|Hobbs, NM
+1505400|Albuquerque, NM
+1505401|Albuquerque, NM
+1505424|Santa Fe, NM
+1505425|Las Vegas, NM
+1505426|Las Vegas, NM
+1505428|Santa Fe, NM
+1505437|Alamogordo, NM
+1505438|Santa Fe, NM
+1505445|Raton, NM
+1505452|Albuquerque, NM
+1505454|Las Vegas, NM
+1505455|Santa Fe, NM
+1505461|Tucumcari, NM
+1505463|Albuquerque, NM
+1505466|Santa Fe, NM
+1505467|Santa Fe, NM
+1505470|Santa Fe, NM
+1505471|Santa Fe, NM
+1505473|Santa Fe, NM
+1505474|Santa Fe, NM
+1505476|Santa Fe, NM
+1505480|Albuquerque, NM
+1505489|Albuquerque, NM
+1505503|Albuquerque, NM
+1505508|Albuquerque, NM
+1505521|Las Cruces, NM
+1505522|Las Cruces, NM
+1505523|Las Cruces, NM
+1505524|Las Cruces, NM
+1505527|Las Cruces, NM
+1505532|Las Cruces, NM
+1505534|Silver City, NM
+1505538|Silver City, NM
+1505546|Deming, NM
+1505550|Albuquerque, NM
+1505554|Albuquerque, NM
+1505556|Las Cruces, NM
+1505559|Albuquerque, NM
+1505563|Albuquerque, NM
+1505564|Farmington, NM
+1505565|Los Lunas, NM
+1505566|Farmington, NM
+1505577|Santa Fe, NM
+1505599|Farmington, NM
+1505609|Farmington, NM
+1505622|Roswell, NM
+1505624|Roswell, NM
+1505632|Bloomfield, NM
+1505660|Santa Fe, NM
+1505661|Los Alamos, NM
+1505662|Los Alamos, NM
+1505670|Santa Fe, NM
+1505672|Los Alamos, NM
+1505690|Santa Fe, NM
+1505699|Santa Fe, NM
+1505717|Albuquerque, NM
+1505720|Albuquerque, NM
+1505721|Gallup, NM
+1505722|Gallup, NM
+1505724|Albuquerque, NM
+1505726|Gallup, NM
+1505727|Albuquerque, NM
+1505747|Espanola, NM
+1505751|Taos, NM
+1505753|Espanola, NM
+1505757|Pecos, NM
+1505761|Albuquerque, NM
+1505762|Clovis, NM
+1505764|Albuquerque, NM
+1505765|Albuquerque, NM
+1505766|Albuquerque, NM
+1505767|Albuquerque, NM
+1505768|Albuquerque, NM
+1505769|Clovis, NM
+1505786|Crownpoint, NM
+1505792|Albuquerque, NM
+1505795|Santa Fe, NM
+1505796|Albuquerque, NM
+1505797|Albuquerque, NM
+1505798|Albuquerque, NM
+1505804|Albuquerque, NM
+1505820|Santa Fe, NM
+1505821|Albuquerque, NM
+1505822|Albuquerque, NM
+1505823|Albuquerque, NM
+1505827|Santa Fe, NM
+1505828|Albuquerque, NM
+1505830|Albuquerque, NM
+1505831|Albuquerque, NM
+1505832|Moriarty, NM
+1505833|Albuquerque, NM
+1505836|Albuquerque, NM
+1505837|Albuquerque, NM
+1505839|Albuquerque, NM
+1505841|Albuquerque, NM
+1505842|Albuquerque, NM
+1505843|Albuquerque, NM
+1505847|Mountainair, NM
+1505848|Albuquerque, NM
+1505855|Albuquerque, NM
+1505856|Albuquerque, NM
+1505857|Albuquerque, NM
+1505858|Albuquerque, NM
+1505861|Belen, NM
+1505863|Gallup, NM
+1505864|Belen, NM
+1505865|Los Lunas, NM
+1505866|Los Lunas, NM
+1505872|Albuquerque, NM
+1505873|Albuquerque, NM
+1505875|Albuquerque, NM
+1505877|Albuquerque, NM
+1505878|Albuquerque, NM
+1505880|Albuquerque, NM
+1505881|Albuquerque, NM
+1505883|Albuquerque, NM
+1505884|Albuquerque, NM
+1505885|Carlsbad, NM
+1505888|Albuquerque, NM
+1505889|Albuquerque, NM
+1505890|Albuquerque, NM
+1505891|Rio Rancho, NM
+1505892|Rio Rancho, NM
+1505896|Rio Rancho, NM
+1505897|Albuquerque, NM
+1505899|Albuquerque, NM
+1505913|Santa Fe, NM
+1505920|Santa Fe, NM
+1505922|Albuquerque, NM
+1505923|Albuquerque, NM
+1505924|Albuquerque, NM
+1505944|Albuquerque, NM
+1505946|Santa Fe, NM
+1505954|Santa Fe, NM
+1505955|Santa Fe, NM
+1505966|Belen, NM
+1505982|Santa Fe, NM
+1505983|Santa Fe, NM
+1505984|Santa Fe, NM
+1505986|Santa Fe, NM
+1505988|Santa Fe, NM
+1505989|Santa Fe, NM
+1505992|Santa Fe, NM
+1505994|Rio Rancho, NM
+1505995|Santa Fe, NM
+1505998|Albuquerque, NM
+1506|New Brunswick
+1506214|Saint John, NB
+1506235|Saint-Quentin, NB
+1506273|Perth-Andover, NB
+1506284|Kedgwick, NB
+1506325|Woodstock, NB
+1506327|Minto, NB
+1506328|Woodstock, NB
+1506336|Shippagan, NB
+1506344|Lamèque, NB
+1506357|Oromocto, NB
+1506364|Sackville, NB
+1506365|Doaktown, NB
+1506372|Salisbury, NB
+1506384|Moncton, NB
+1506423|Saint Leonard, NB
+1506432|Sussex, NB
+1506433|Sussex, NB
+1506444|Fredericton, NB
+1506446|Oromocto, NB
+1506450|Fredericton, NB
+1506451|Fredericton, NB
+1506452|Fredericton, NB
+1506453|Fredericton, NB
+1506454|Fredericton, NB
+1506455|Fredericton, NB
+1506457|Fredericton, NB
+1506458|Fredericton, NB
+1506459|Fredericton, NB
+1506460|Fredericton, NB
+1506462|Fredericton, NB
+1506466|Saint Stephen, NB
+1506472|Fredericton, NB
+1506473|Grand Falls, NB
+1506474|Fredericton, NB
+1506523|Richibucto, NB
+1506529|Saint Andrews, NB
+1506532|Shediac, NB
+1506536|Sackville, NB
+1506546|Bathurst, NB
+1506548|Bathurst, NB
+1506576|Cocagne, NB
+1506577|Cap-Pele, NB
+1506632|Saint John, NB
+1506633|Saint John, NB
+1506634|Saint John, NB
+1506635|Saint John, NB
+1506636|Saint John, NB
+1506642|Saint John, NB
+1506648|Saint John, NB
+1506652|Saint John, NB
+1506657|Saint John, NB
+1506658|Saint John, NB
+1506662|Grand Manan, NB
+1506672|Saint John, NB
+1506674|Saint John, NB
+1506684|Dalhousie, NB
+1506693|Saint John, NB
+1506696|Saint John, NB
+1506727|Caraquet, NB
+1506735|Edmundston, NB
+1506736|Edmundston, NB
+1506737|Edmundston, NB
+1506739|Edmundston, NB
+1506743|Bouctouche, NB
+1506753|Campbellton, NB
+1506756|Petitcodiac, NB
+1506758|Memramcook, NB
+1506759|Campbellton, NB
+1506775|Rogersville, NB
+1506776|Neguac, NB
+1506789|Campbellton, NB
+1506832|Hampton, NB
+1506852|Moncton, NB
+1506853|Moncton, NB
+1506856|Moncton, NB
+1506857|Moncton, NB
+1506858|Moncton, NB
+1506866|Moncton, NB
+1506876|Saint-Louis de Kent, NB
+1507206|Rochester, MN
+1507212|Tracy, MN
+1507214|Owatonna, MN
+1507223|Canby, MN
+1507233|New Ulm, MN
+1507234|Janesville, MN
+1507235|Fairmont, MN
+1507237|Gaylord, MN
+1507238|Fairmont, MN
+1507247|Tyler, MN
+1507248|Henderson, MN
+1507249|Morgan, MN
+1507252|Rochester, MN
+1507255|Rochester, MN
+1507257|Eagle Lake, MN
+1507263|Cannon Falls, MN
+1507274|Westbrook, MN
+1507275|Hendricks, MN
+1507280|Rochester, MN
+1507281|Rochester, MN
+1507282|Rochester, MN
+1507283|Luverne, MN
+1507284|Rochester, MN
+1507285|Rochester, MN
+1507286|Rochester, MN
+1507287|Rochester, MN
+1507288|Rochester, MN
+1507289|Rochester, MN
+1507292|Rochester, MN
+1507324|Le Roy, MN
+1507328|Rochester, MN
+1507331|Faribault, MN
+1507332|Faribault, MN
+1507333|Faribault, MN
+1507334|Faribault, MN
+1507337|Marshall, MN
+1507344|Mankato, MN
+1507345|Mankato, MN
+1507346|Spring Valley, MN
+1507354|New Ulm, MN
+1507356|Pine Island, MN
+1507357|Le Center, MN
+1507359|New Ulm, MN
+1507362|Waterville, MN
+1507364|Montgomery, MN
+1507368|Lake Benton, MN
+1507372|Worthington, MN
+1507373|Albert Lea, MN
+1507374|Dodge Center, MN
+1507376|Worthington, MN
+1507377|Albert Lea, MN
+1507379|Albert Lea, MN
+1507385|Mankato, MN
+1507386|Mankato, MN
+1507387|Mankato, MN
+1507388|Mankato, MN
+1507389|Mankato, MN
+1507423|Cottonwood, MN
+1507424|Rochester, MN
+1507426|Fairfax, MN
+1507427|Mountain Lake, MN
+1507433|Austin, MN
+1507434|Austin, MN
+1507437|Austin, MN
+1507442|Edgerton, MN
+1507444|Owatonna, MN
+1507446|Owatonna, MN
+1507449|Luverne, MN
+1507451|Owatonna, MN
+1507452|Winona, MN
+1507453|Winona, MN
+1507454|Winona, MN
+1507455|Owatonna, MN
+1507457|Winona, MN
+1507462|Minnesota Lake, MN
+1507465|New Richland, MN
+1507467|Lanesboro, MN
+1507474|Winona, MN
+1507483|Adrian, MN
+1507493|Mabel, MN
+1507498|Spring Grove, MN
+1507523|Lewiston, MN
+1507524|Mapleton, MN
+1507526|Blue Earth, MN
+1507529|Rochester, MN
+1507532|Marshall, MN
+1507533|Stewartville, MN
+1507534|Plainview, MN
+1507536|Rochester, MN
+1507537|Marshall, MN
+1507538|Rochester, MN
+1507545|Eyota, MN
+1507553|Wells, MN
+1507562|Pipestone, MN
+1507582|Adams, MN
+1507583|Blooming Prairie, MN
+1507625|Mankato, MN
+1507627|Redwood Falls, MN
+1507629|Tracy, MN
+1507634|Kasson, MN
+1507635|Mantorville, MN
+1507637|Redwood Falls, MN
+1507642|Madelia, MN
+1507644|Redwood Falls, MN
+1507645|Northfield, MN
+1507646|Northfield, MN
+1507647|Winthrop, MN
+1507662|Lakefield, MN
+1507663|Northfield, MN
+1507665|Le Sueur, MN
+1507674|Amboy, MN
+1507694|Ivanhoe, MN
+1507723|Springfield, MN
+1507724|Caledonia, MN
+1507725|Caledonia, MN
+1507726|Lake Crystal, MN
+1507728|Welcome, MN
+1507732|Zumbrota, MN
+1507734|Balaton, MN
+1507744|Lonsdale, MN
+1507754|Grand Meadow, MN
+1507764|Sherburn, MN
+1507765|Preston, MN
+1507775|Byron, MN
+1507776|Truman, MN
+1507789|Kenyon, MN
+1507793|Heron Lake, MN
+1507794|Sleepy Eye, MN
+1507825|Pipestone, MN
+1507831|Windom, MN
+1507833|Waseca, MN
+1507834|Gibbon, MN
+1507835|Waseca, MN
+1507836|Slayton, MN
+1507837|Waseca, MN
+1507847|Jackson, MN
+1507859|Walnut Grove, MN
+1507864|Rushford, MN
+1507867|Chatfield, MN
+1507872|Minneota, MN
+1507874|Alden, MN
+1507886|Harmony, MN
+1507893|Winnebago, MN
+1507895|La Crescent, MN
+1507896|Houston, MN
+1507929|Marshall, MN
+1507934|St. Peter, MN
+1507964|Arlington, MN
+1508222|Attleboro, MA
+1508223|Attleboro, MA
+1508224|Plymouth, MA
+1508226|Attleboro, MA
+1508228|Nantucket, MA
+1508229|Marlboro, MA
+1508235|Fall River, MA
+1508248|Charlton, MA
+1508252|Rehoboth, MA
+1508261|Mansfield, MA
+1508270|Framingham, MA
+1508278|Uxbridge, MA
+1508279|Bridgewater, MA
+1508285|Norton, MA
+1508303|Marlborough, MA
+1508325|Nantucket, MA
+1508334|Worcester, MA
+1508336|Seekonk, MA
+1508337|Mansfield, MA
+1508339|Mansfield, MA
+1508349|Wellfleet, MA
+1508351|Northborough, MA
+1508358|Wayland, MA
+1508359|Medfield, MA
+1508363|Worcester, MA
+1508366|Westborough, MA
+1508368|Worcester, MA
+1508370|Framingham, MA
+1508376|Millis, MA
+1508378|East Bridgewater, MA
+1508379|Swansea, MA
+1508383|Framingham, MA
+1508384|Wrentham, MA
+1508393|Northborough, MA
+1508405|Framingham, MA
+1508421|Worcester, MA
+1508427|Brockton, MA
+1508429|Holliston, MA
+1508431|Attleboro, MA
+1508435|Hopkinton, MA
+1508438|Worcester, MA
+1508459|Worcester, MA
+1508460|Marlboro, MA
+1508477|Mashpee, MA
+1508480|Marlborough, MA
+1508481|Marlboro, MA
+1508485|Marlborough, MA
+1508487|Provincetown, MA
+1508497|Hopkinton, MA
+1508520|Franklin, MA
+1508528|Franklin, MA
+1508529|Upton, MA
+1508532|Framingham, MA
+1508533|Medway, MA
+1508539|Mashpee, MA
+1508541|Franklin, MA
+1508543|Foxboro, MA
+1508553|Franklin, MA
+1508559|Brockton, MA
+1508565|Brockton, MA
+1508580|Brockton, MA
+1508583|Brockton, MA
+1508584|Brockton, MA
+1508586|Brockton, MA
+1508587|Brockton, MA
+1508588|Brockton, MA
+1508595|Worcester, MA
+1508616|Westborough, MA
+1508620|Framingham, MA
+1508624|Marlborough, MA
+1508626|Framingham, MA
+1508627|Edgartown, MA
+1508628|Framingham, MA
+1508636|Westport, MA
+1508644|Assonet, MA
+1508647|Natick, MA
+1508650|Natick, MA
+1508651|Natick, MA
+1508653|Natick, MA
+1508655|Natick, MA
+1508660|Walpole, MA
+1508665|Framingham, MA
+1508668|Walpole, MA
+1508669|Dighton, MA
+1508675|Fall River, MA
+1508679|Fall River, MA
+1508697|Bridgewater, MA
+1508698|Foxboro, MA
+1508721|Auburn, MA
+1508732|Plymouth, MA
+1508746|Plymouth, MA
+1508747|Plymouth, MA
+1508748|Marion, MA
+1508752|Worcester, MA
+1508753|Worcester, MA
+1508754|Worcester, MA
+1508755|Worcester, MA
+1508756|Worcester, MA
+1508757|Worcester, MA
+1508758|Mattapoisett, MA
+1508764|Southbridge, MA
+1508765|Southbridge, MA
+1508767|Worcester, MA
+1508770|Worcester, MA
+1508785|Dover, MA
+1508786|Marlboro, MA
+1508788|Framingham, MA
+1508791|Worcester, MA
+1508792|Worcester, MA
+1508793|Worcester, MA
+1508795|Worcester, MA
+1508797|Worcester, MA
+1508798|Worcester, MA
+1508799|Worcester, MA
+1508820|Framingham, MA
+1508825|Nantucket, MA
+1508829|Holden, MA
+1508830|Plymouth, MA
+1508831|Worcester, MA
+1508832|Auburn, MA
+1508835|West Boylston, MA
+1508836|Westborough, MA
+1508841|Shrewsbury, MA
+1508842|Shrewsbury, MA
+1508845|Shrewsbury, MA
+1508852|Worcester, MA
+1508853|Worcester, MA
+1508854|Worcester, MA
+1508856|Worcester, MA
+1508860|Worcester, MA
+1508862|Hyannis, MA
+1508866|Carver, MA
+1508869|Boylston, MA
+1508870|Westborough, MA
+1508871|Westborough, MA
+1508872|Framingham, MA
+1508875|Framingham, MA
+1508877|Framingham, MA
+1508879|Framingham, MA
+1508881|Ashland, MA
+1508882|Oakham, MA
+1508883|Bellingham, MA
+1508885|Spencer, MA
+1508886|Rutland, MA
+1508896|Brewster, MA
+1508897|Brockton, MA
+1508898|Westborough, MA
+1508923|Middleboro, MA
+1508926|Worcester, MA
+1508929|Worcester, MA
+1508941|Brockton, MA
+1508943|Webster, MA
+1508945|Chatham, MA
+1508946|Middleboro, MA
+1508947|Middleboro, MA
+1508949|Webster, MA
+1508961|New Bedford, MA
+1508966|Bellingham, MA
+1508987|Oxford, MA
+1508995|New Bedford, MA
+1508998|New Bedford, MA
+1509216|Spokane, WA
+1509218|Spokane, WA
+1509225|Yakima, WA
+1509232|Spokane, WA
+1509234|Connell, WA
+1509235|Cheney, WA
+1509246|Soap Lake, WA
+1509248|Yakima, WA
+1509249|Yakima, WA
+1509252|Spokane, WA
+1509255|Liberty Lake, WA
+1509276|Deer Park, WA
+1509284|Tekoa, WA
+1509290|Spokane, WA
+1509299|Medical Lake, WA
+1509301|Walla Walla, WA
+1509313|Spokane, WA
+1509315|Spokane, WA
+1509323|Spokane, WA
+1509324|Spokane, WA
+1509325|Spokane, WA
+1509326|Spokane, WA
+1509327|Spokane, WA
+1509328|Spokane, WA
+1509332|Pullman, WA
+1509334|Pullman, WA
+1509338|Pullman, WA
+1509342|Spokane, WA
+1509344|Spokane, WA
+1509346|Royal City, WA
+1509349|Warden, WA
+1509353|Spokane, WA
+1509354|Spokane, WA
+1509371|Richland, WA
+1509374|Kennewick, WA
+1509375|Richland, WA
+1509382|Dayton, WA
+1509396|Kennewick, WA
+1509397|Colfax, WA
+1509422|Okanogan, WA
+1509434|Spokane, WA
+1509442|Ione, WA
+1509443|Spokane, WA
+1509444|Spokane, WA
+1509447|Newport, WA
+1509448|Spokane, WA
+1509452|Yakima, WA
+1509453|Yakima, WA
+1509454|Yakima, WA
+1509455|Spokane, WA
+1509456|Spokane, WA
+1509457|Yakima, WA
+1509458|Spokane, WA
+1509459|Spokane, WA
+1509462|Spokane, WA
+1509464|Spokane, WA
+1509465|Spokane, WA
+1509466|Spokane, WA
+1509467|Spokane, WA
+1509468|Spokane, WA
+1509469|Yakima, WA
+1509473|Spokane, WA
+1509474|Spokane, WA
+1509476|Oroville, WA
+1509477|Spokane, WA
+1509482|Spokane, WA
+1509483|Spokane, WA
+1509484|Spokane, WA
+1509486|Tonasket, WA
+1509487|Spokane, WA
+1509488|Othello, WA
+1509489|Spokane, WA
+1509494|Yakima, WA
+1509522|Walla Walla, WA
+1509523|Rosalia, WA
+1509524|Walla Walla, WA
+1509525|Walla Walla, WA
+1509526|Walla Walla, WA
+1509527|Walla Walla, WA
+1509529|Walla Walla, WA
+1509532|Spokane, WA
+1509533|Spokane, WA
+1509534|Spokane, WA
+1509535|Spokane, WA
+1509536|Spokane, WA
+1509542|Pasco, WA
+1509543|Pasco, WA
+1509544|Pasco, WA
+1509545|Pasco, WA
+1509546|Pasco, WA
+1509547|Pasco, WA
+1509548|Leavenworth, WA
+1509559|Cheney, WA
+1509562|Fremont, CA
+1509573|Yakima, WA
+1509574|Yakima, WA
+1509575|Yakima, WA
+1509576|Yakima, WA
+1509582|Kennewick, WA
+1509585|Kennewick, WA
+1509586|Kennewick, WA
+1509588|Benton City, WA
+1509590|Spokane, WA
+1509623|Spokane, WA
+1509624|Spokane, WA
+1509625|Spokane, WA
+1509626|Spokane, WA
+1509632|Coulee City, WA
+1509647|Wilbur, WA
+1509648|St. John, WA
+1509653|Naches, WA
+1509659|Ritzville, WA
+1509662|Wenatchee, WA
+1509663|Wenatchee, WA
+1509664|Wenatchee, WA
+1509665|Wenatchee, WA
+1509667|Wenatchee, WA
+1509674|Cle Elum, WA
+1509682|Chelan, WA
+1509684|Colville, WA
+1509685|Colville, WA
+1509689|Brewster, WA
+1509697|Selah, WA
+1509698|Selah, WA
+1509725|Davenport, WA
+1509734|Kennewick, WA
+1509735|Kennewick, WA
+1509736|Kennewick, WA
+1509737|Kennewick, WA
+1509738|Kettle Falls, WA
+1509744|Spokane, WA
+1509745|Waterville, WA
+1509747|Spokane, WA
+1509751|Clarkston, WA
+1509754|Ephrata, WA
+1509758|Clarkston, WA
+1509762|Moses Lake, WA
+1509763|Leavenworth, WA
+1509764|Moses Lake, WA
+1509765|Moses Lake, WA
+1509766|Moses Lake, WA
+1509773|Goldendale, WA
+1509775|Republic, WA
+1509777|Spokane, WA
+1509782|Cashmere, WA
+1509783|Kennewick, WA
+1509784|Entiat, WA
+1509786|Prosser, WA
+1509787|Quincy, WA
+1509826|Omak, WA
+1509829|Zillah, WA
+1509835|Spokane, WA
+1509836|Sunnyside, WA
+1509837|Sunnyside, WA
+1509838|Spokane, WA
+1509839|Sunnyside, WA
+1509843|Pomeroy, WA
+1509853|Yakima, WA
+1509865|Toppenish, WA
+1509877|Wapato, WA
+1509878|Palouse, WA
+1509882|Grandview, WA
+1509884|East Wenatchee, WA
+1509886|East Wenatchee, WA
+1509925|Ellensburg, WA
+1509932|Mattawa, WA
+1509933|Ellensburg, WA
+1509935|Chewelah, WA
+1509937|Valley, WA
+1509943|Richland, WA
+1509946|Richland, WA
+1509962|Ellensburg, WA
+1509965|Yakima, WA
+1509966|Yakima, WA
+1509972|Yakima, WA
+1509982|Odessa, WA
+1509996|Winthrop, WA
+1509997|Twisp, WA
+1510208|Oakland, CA
+1510226|Fremont, CA
+1510238|Oakland, CA
+1510248|Fremont, CA
+1510249|Fremont, CA
+1510251|Oakland, CA
+1510252|Fremont, CA
+1510259|Hayward, CA
+1510261|Oakland, CA
+1510264|Hayward, CA
+1510265|Hayward, CA
+1510266|Hayward, CA
+1510267|Oakland, CA
+1510268|Oakland, CA
+1510271|Oakland, CA
+1510272|Oakland, CA
+1510286|Oakland, CA
+1510293|Hayward, CA
+1510307|Richmond, CA
+1510336|Oakland, CA
+1510337|Alameda, CA
+1510339|Oakland, CA
+1510346|San Leandro, CA
+1510347|San Leandro, CA
+1510351|San Leandro, CA
+1510352|San Leandro, CA
+1510353|Fremont, CA
+1510357|San Leandro, CA
+1510419|Oakland, CA
+1510428|Oakland, CA
+1510434|Oakland, CA
+1510436|Oakland, CA
+1510437|Oakland, CA
+1510438|Fremont, CA
+1510440|Fremont, CA
+1510441|Union City, CA
+1510444|Oakland, CA
+1510445|Fremont, CA
+1510451|Oakland, CA
+1510452|Oakland, CA
+1510465|Oakland, CA
+1510479|Oakland, CA
+1510482|Oakland, CA
+1510483|San Leandro, CA
+1510486|Berkeley, CA
+1510489|Union City, CA
+1510490|Fremont, CA
+1510498|Fremont, CA
+1510521|Alameda, CA
+1510522|Alameda, CA
+1510523|Alameda, CA
+1510530|Oakland, CA
+1510531|Oakland, CA
+1510532|Oakland, CA
+1510533|Oakland, CA
+1510534|Oakland, CA
+1510535|Oakland, CA
+1510536|Oakland, CA
+1510540|Berkeley, CA
+1510548|Berkeley, CA
+1510549|Berkeley, CA
+1510563|Oakland, CA
+1510568|Oakland, CA
+1510614|San Leandro, CA
+1510618|San Leandro, CA
+1510622|Oakland, CA
+1510623|Fremont, CA
+1510625|Oakland, CA
+1510628|Oakland, CA
+1510632|Oakland, CA
+1510636|Oakland, CA
+1510639|Oakland, CA
+1510642|Berkeley, CA
+1510644|Berkeley, CA
+1510645|Oakland, CA
+1510649|Berkeley, CA
+1510651|Fremont, CA
+1510656|Fremont, CA
+1510657|Fremont, CA
+1510659|Fremont, CA
+1510661|Fremont, CA
+1510663|Oakland, CA
+1510665|Berkeley, CA
+1510667|San Leandro, CA
+1510668|Fremont, CA
+1510670|Hayward, CA
+1510675|Union City, CA
+1510683|Fremont, CA
+1510687|Fremont, CA
+1510704|Berkeley, CA
+1510723|Hayward, CA
+1510732|Hayward, CA
+1510748|Alameda, CA
+1510749|Alameda, CA
+1510752|Oakland, CA
+1510763|Oakland, CA
+1510769|Alameda, CA
+1510770|Fremont, CA
+1510777|Oakland, CA
+1510780|Hayward, CA
+1510781|Hayward, CA
+1510782|Hayward, CA
+1510783|Hayward, CA
+1510784|Hayward, CA
+1510785|Hayward, CA
+1510786|Hayward, CA
+1510787|Crockett, CA
+1510814|Alameda, CA
+1510832|Oakland, CA
+1510834|Oakland, CA
+1510835|Oakland, CA
+1510836|Oakland, CA
+1510839|Oakland, CA
+1510841|Berkeley, CA
+1510843|Berkeley, CA
+1510845|Berkeley, CA
+1510848|Berkeley, CA
+1510849|Berkeley, CA
+1510864|Alameda, CA
+1510865|Alameda, CA
+1510869|Oakland, CA
+1510874|Oakland, CA
+1510879|Oakland, CA
+1510883|Berkeley, CA
+1510887|Hayward, CA
+1510891|Oakland, CA
+1510893|Oakland, CA
+1510895|San Leandro, CA
+1510922|Oakland, CA
+1510979|Fremont, CA
+1510981|Berkeley, CA
+1510986|Oakland, CA
+1510987|Oakland, CA
+1512206|Austin, TX
+1512220|Austin, TX
+1512223|Austin, TX
+1512225|Austin, TX
+1512231|Austin, TX
+1512232|Austin, TX
+1512236|Austin, TX
+1512237|Smithville, TX
+1512241|Austin, TX
+1512266|Austin, TX
+1512268|Kyle, TX
+1512280|Austin, TX
+1512281|Elgin, TX
+1512285|Elgin, TX
+1512288|Austin, TX
+1512291|Austin, TX
+1512292|Austin, TX
+1512295|Buda, TX
+1512301|Austin, TX
+1512302|Austin, TX
+1512303|Bastrop, TX
+1512305|Austin, TX
+1512312|Buda, TX
+1512320|Austin, TX
+1512321|Bastrop, TX
+1512322|Austin, TX
+1512323|Austin, TX
+1512324|Austin, TX
+1512326|Austin, TX
+1512332|Bastrop, TX
+1512338|Austin, TX
+1512339|Austin, TX
+1512340|Austin, TX
+1512342|Austin, TX
+1512343|Austin, TX
+1512345|Austin, TX
+1512346|Austin, TX
+1512349|Austin, TX
+1512352|Taylor, TX
+1512353|San Marcos, TX
+1512355|Bertram, TX
+1512360|Smithville, TX
+1512365|Taylor, TX
+1512370|Austin, TX
+1512371|Austin, TX
+1512372|Austin, TX
+1512374|Austin, TX
+1512376|Lockhart, TX
+1512380|Austin, TX
+1512382|Austin, TX
+1512383|Austin, TX
+1512385|Austin, TX
+1512386|Austin, TX
+1512389|Austin, TX
+1512391|Austin, TX
+1512392|San Marcos, TX
+1512393|San Marcos, TX
+1512396|San Marcos, TX
+1512398|Lockhart, TX
+1512404|Austin, TX
+1512407|Austin, TX
+1512414|Austin, TX
+1512416|Austin, TX
+1512418|Austin, TX
+1512419|Austin, TX
+1512420|Austin, TX
+1512425|Austin, TX
+1512440|Austin, TX
+1512441|Austin, TX
+1512442|Austin, TX
+1512443|Austin, TX
+1512444|Austin, TX
+1512445|Austin, TX
+1512446|Rockdale, TX
+1512447|Austin, TX
+1512448|Austin, TX
+1512450|Austin, TX
+1512451|Austin, TX
+1512452|Austin, TX
+1512453|Austin, TX
+1512454|Austin, TX
+1512457|Austin, TX
+1512458|Austin, TX
+1512459|Austin, TX
+1512460|Austin, TX
+1512462|Austin, TX
+1512463|Austin, TX
+1512465|Austin, TX
+1512467|Austin, TX
+1512469|Austin, TX
+1512471|Austin, TX
+1512472|Austin, TX
+1512473|Austin, TX
+1512474|Austin, TX
+1512475|Austin, TX
+1512476|Austin, TX
+1512477|Austin, TX
+1512478|Austin, TX
+1512479|Austin, TX
+1512480|Austin, TX
+1512482|Austin, TX
+1512485|Austin, TX
+1512490|Austin, TX
+1512491|Austin, TX
+1512493|Austin, TX
+1512494|Austin, TX
+1512495|Austin, TX
+1512499|Austin, TX
+1512502|Austin, TX
+1512509|Round Rock, TX
+1512515|Liberty Hill, TX
+1512524|Austin, TX
+1512527|Austin, TX
+1512530|Austin, TX
+1512533|Austin, TX
+1512542|Austin, TX
+1512556|Lampasas, TX
+1512581|Bastrop, TX
+1512610|Austin, TX
+1512691|Austin, TX
+1512693|Austin, TX
+1512703|Austin, TX
+1512707|Austin, TX
+1512708|Austin, TX
+1512715|Burnet, TX
+1512719|Austin, TX
+1512744|Austin, TX
+1512746|Jarrell, TX
+1512752|Lometa, TX
+1512754|San Marcos, TX
+1512756|Burnet, TX
+1512759|Hutto, TX
+1512778|Liberty Hill, TX
+1512794|Austin, TX
+1512804|Austin, TX
+1512805|San Marcos, TX
+1512819|Georgetown, TX
+1512821|Austin, TX
+1512832|Austin, TX
+1512833|Austin, TX
+1512834|Austin, TX
+1512835|Austin, TX
+1512836|Austin, TX
+1512837|Austin, TX
+1512846|Hutto, TX
+1512847|Wimberley, TX
+1512851|Austin, TX
+1512854|Austin, TX
+1512858|Dripping Springs, TX
+1512863|Georgetown, TX
+1512864|Georgetown, TX
+1512867|Austin, TX
+1512868|Georgetown, TX
+1512869|Georgetown, TX
+1512873|Austin, TX
+1512878|San Marcos, TX
+1512891|Austin, TX
+1512892|Austin, TX
+1512894|Dripping Springs, TX
+1512899|Austin, TX
+1512901|Austin, TX
+1512912|Austin, TX
+1512916|Austin, TX
+1512926|Austin, TX
+1512927|Austin, TX
+1512928|Austin, TX
+1512929|Austin, TX
+1512930|Georgetown, TX
+1512933|Austin, TX
+1512943|Georgetown, TX
+1512973|Austin, TX
+1512974|Austin, TX
+1512977|Austin, TX
+1513202|Harrison, OH
+1513204|Mason, OH
+1513217|Middletown, OH
+1513221|Cincinnati, OH
+1513228|Lebanon, OH
+1513229|Mason, OH
+1513231|Cincinnati, OH
+1513232|Cincinnati, OH
+1513233|Cincinnati, OH
+1513241|Cincinnati, OH
+1513242|Cincinnati, OH
+1513244|Cincinnati, OH
+1513245|Cincinnati, OH
+1513247|Cincinnati, OH
+1513248|Milford, OH
+1513251|Cincinnati, OH
+1513261|Lebanon, OH
+1513271|Cincinnati, OH
+1513272|Cincinnati, OH
+1513281|Cincinnati, OH
+1513321|Cincinnati, OH
+1513322|Cincinnati, OH
+1513333|Cincinnati, OH
+1513336|Mason, OH
+1513345|Cincinnati, OH
+1513347|Cincinnati, OH
+1513351|Cincinnati, OH
+1513352|Cincinnati, OH
+1513354|Cincinnati, OH
+1513357|Cincinnati, OH
+1513361|Cincinnati, OH
+1513363|Cincinnati, OH
+1513366|Cincinnati, OH
+1513367|Harrison, OH
+1513369|Cincinnati, OH
+1513381|Cincinnati, OH
+1513385|Cincinnati, OH
+1513386|Cincinnati, OH
+1513388|Cincinnati, OH
+1513389|Cincinnati, OH
+1513398|Mason, OH
+1513418|Cincinnati, OH
+1513420|Middletown, OH
+1513421|Cincinnati, OH
+1513422|Middletown, OH
+1513423|Middletown, OH
+1513424|Middletown, OH
+1513425|Middletown, OH
+1513429|Cincinnati, OH
+1513451|Cincinnati, OH
+1513458|Cincinnati, OH
+1513469|Cincinnati, OH
+1513471|Cincinnati, OH
+1513474|Cincinnati, OH
+1513481|Cincinnati, OH
+1513521|Cincinnati, OH
+1513522|Cincinnati, OH
+1513523|Oxford, OH
+1513524|Oxford, OH
+1513527|Cincinnati, OH
+1513528|Cincinnati, OH
+1513529|Oxford, OH
+1513530|Cincinnati, OH
+1513531|Cincinnati, OH
+1513533|Cincinnati, OH
+1513539|Monroe, OH
+1513541|Cincinnati, OH
+1513542|Cincinnati, OH
+1513553|New Richmond, OH
+1513554|Cincinnati, OH
+1513558|Cincinnati, OH
+1513559|Cincinnati, OH
+1513561|Cincinnati, OH
+1513563|Cincinnati, OH
+1513564|Cincinnati, OH
+1513569|Cincinnati, OH
+1513574|Cincinnati, OH
+1513579|Cincinnati, OH
+1513584|Cincinnati, OH
+1513585|Cincinnati, OH
+1513588|Cincinnati, OH
+1513591|Cincinnati, OH
+1513598|Cincinnati, OH
+1513618|Cincinnati, OH
+1513621|Cincinnati, OH
+1513624|Cincinnati, OH
+1513629|Cincinnati, OH
+1513631|Cincinnati, OH
+1513632|Cincinnati, OH
+1513636|Cincinnati, OH
+1513641|Cincinnati, OH
+1513648|Cincinnati, OH
+1513651|Cincinnati, OH
+1513661|Cincinnati, OH
+1513662|Cincinnati, OH
+1513665|Cincinnati, OH
+1513671|Cincinnati, OH
+1513679|Cincinnati, OH
+1513681|Cincinnati, OH
+1513684|Cincinnati, OH
+1513686|Cincinnati, OH
+1513688|Cincinnati, OH
+1513695|Lebanon, OH
+1513719|Cincinnati, OH
+1513721|Cincinnati, OH
+1513723|Cincinnati, OH
+1513727|Middletown, OH
+1513728|Cincinnati, OH
+1513729|Cincinnati, OH
+1513731|Cincinnati, OH
+1513732|Batavia, OH
+1513734|Bethel, OH
+1513735|Batavia, OH
+1513737|Hamilton, OH
+1513741|Cincinnati, OH
+1513742|Cincinnati, OH
+1513745|Cincinnati, OH
+1513751|Cincinnati, OH
+1513754|Mason, OH
+1513761|Cincinnati, OH
+1513762|Cincinnati, OH
+1513770|Mason, OH
+1513771|Cincinnati, OH
+1513772|Cincinnati, OH
+1513784|Cincinnati, OH
+1513785|Hamilton, OH
+1513792|Cincinnati, OH
+1513797|Amelia, OH
+1513821|Cincinnati, OH
+1513824|Cincinnati, OH
+1513825|Cincinnati, OH
+1513829|Fairfield, OH
+1513834|Cincinnati, OH
+1513841|Cincinnati, OH
+1513844|Hamilton, OH
+1513851|Cincinnati, OH
+1513852|Cincinnati, OH
+1513853|Cincinnati, OH
+1513856|Hamilton, OH
+1513858|Fairfield, OH
+1513861|Cincinnati, OH
+1513862|Cincinnati, OH
+1513863|Hamilton, OH
+1513865|Cincinnati, OH
+1513868|Hamilton, OH
+1513871|Cincinnati, OH
+1513872|Cincinnati, OH
+1513875|Fayetteville, OH
+1513887|Hamilton, OH
+1513891|Cincinnati, OH
+1513892|Hamilton, OH
+1513893|Hamilton, OH
+1513894|Hamilton, OH
+1513895|Hamilton, OH
+1513896|Hamilton, OH
+1513897|Waynesville, OH
+1513899|Morrow, OH
+1513921|Cincinnati, OH
+1513922|Cincinnati, OH
+1513923|Cincinnati, OH
+1513925|Lebanon, OH
+1513929|Cincinnati, OH
+1513931|Cincinnati, OH
+1513932|Lebanon, OH
+1513933|Lebanon, OH
+1513934|Lebanon, OH
+1513946|Cincinnati, OH
+1513948|Cincinnati, OH
+1513956|Cincinnati, OH
+1513961|Cincinnati, OH
+1513988|Trenton, OH
+1514270|Montreal, QC
+1514271|Montreal, QC
+1514272|Montreal, QC
+1514273|Montreal, QC
+1514274|Montreal, QC
+1514276|Montreal, QC
+1514277|Montreal, QC
+1514278|Montreal, QC
+1514279|Montreal, QC
+1514281|Montreal, QC
+1514282|Montreal, QC
+1514284|Montreal, QC
+1514285|Montreal, QC
+1514286|Montreal, QC
+1514287|Montreal, QC
+1514288|Montreal, QC
+1514289|Montreal, QC
+1514303|Montreal, QC
+1514363|LaSalle, QC
+1514365|LaSalle, QC
+1514366|LaSalle, QC
+1514368|LaSalle, QC
+1514381|Montreal, QC
+1514382|Montreal, QC
+1514383|Montreal, QC
+1514384|Montreal, QC
+1514385|Montreal, QC
+1514387|Montreal, QC
+1514388|Montreal, QC
+1514389|Montreal, QC
+1514390|Montréal, QC
+1514392|Montreal, QC
+1514393|Montreal, QC
+1514397|Montreal, QC
+1514398|Montreal, QC
+1514495|Montreal, QC
+1514498|Pointe-aux-Trembles, QC
+1514499|Montreal, QC
+1514507|Montreal, QC
+1514510|Montreal, QC
+1514521|Montreal, QC
+1514522|Montreal, QC
+1514523|Montreal, QC
+1514524|Montreal, QC
+1514525|Montreal, QC
+1514526|Montreal, QC
+1514527|Montreal, QC
+1514528|Montreal, QC
+1514529|Montreal, QC
+1514596|Montreal, QC
+1514597|Montréal, QC
+1514598|Montreal, QC
+1514634|Lachine, QC
+1514637|Lachine, QC
+1514639|Lachine, QC
+1514658|Montreal, QC
+1514728|Montreal, QC
+1514729|Montreal, QC
+1514750|Montreal, QC
+1514840|Montreal, QC
+1514842|Montreal, QC
+1514843|Montreal, QC
+1514844|Montreal, QC
+1514845|Montreal, QC
+1514847|Montreal, QC
+1514848|Montreal, QC
+1514849|Montreal, QC
+1514858|Montreal, QC
+1514861|Montreal, QC
+1514866|Montreal, QC
+1514868|Montreal, QC
+1514871|Montreal, QC
+1514872|Montreal, QC
+1514874|Montreal, QC
+1514875|Montreal, QC
+1514876|Montreal, QC
+1514878|Montreal, QC
+1514879|Montreal, QC
+1514904|Montreal, QC
+1514940|Montreal, QC
+1514948|Montreal, QC
+1514954|Montreal, QC
+1514982|Montreal, QC
+1514985|Montreal, QC
+1514987|Montreal, QC
+1514989|Montreal, QC
+1515232|Ames, IA
+1515233|Ames, IA
+1515235|Des Moines, IA
+1515239|Ames, IA
+1515242|Des Moines, IA
+1515243|Des Moines, IA
+1515244|Des Moines, IA
+1515245|Des Moines, IA
+1515246|Des Moines, IA
+1515247|Des Moines, IA
+1515248|Des Moines, IA
+1515262|Des Moines, IA
+1515263|Des Moines, IA
+1515264|Des Moines, IA
+1515265|Des Moines, IA
+1515266|Des Moines, IA
+1515268|Ames, IA
+1515271|Des Moines, IA
+1515272|Swea City, IA
+1515275|Ogden, IA
+1515280|Des Moines, IA
+1515281|Des Moines, IA
+1515282|Des Moines, IA
+1515283|Des Moines, IA
+1515284|Des Moines, IA
+1515285|Des Moines, IA
+1515286|Des Moines, IA
+1515287|Des Moines, IA
+1515288|Des Moines, IA
+1515292|Ames, IA
+1515294|Ames, IA
+1515295|Algona, IA
+1515296|Ames, IA
+1515332|Humboldt, IA
+1515352|Gowrie, IA
+1515382|Nevada, IA
+1515386|Jefferson, IA
+1515387|Maxwell, IA
+1515395|Algona, IA
+1515432|Boone, IA
+1515433|Boone, IA
+1515438|Woodward, IA
+1515448|Eagle Grove, IA
+1515462|Winterset, IA
+1515465|Perry, IA
+1515523|Stuart, IA
+1515532|Clarion, IA
+1515547|Dayton, IA
+1515573|Fort Dodge, IA
+1515574|Fort Dodge, IA
+1515576|Fort Dodge, IA
+1515597|Huxley, IA
+1515663|Ames, IA
+1515674|Colfax, IA
+1515699|Des Moines, IA
+1515733|Story City, IA
+1515758|Earlham, IA
+1515795|Madrid, IA
+1515832|Webster City, IA
+1515836|Ellsworth, IA
+1515838|Stratford, IA
+1515848|Pleasantville, IA
+1515859|Alden, IA
+1515884|Whittemore, IA
+1515885|Bancroft, IA
+1515887|West Bend, IA
+1515899|Radcliffe, IA
+1515928|Titonka, IA
+1515953|Des Moines, IA
+1515955|Fort Dodge, IA
+1515956|Ames, IA
+1515961|Indianola, IA
+1515962|Indianola, IA
+1515963|Ankeny, IA
+1515964|Ankeny, IA
+1515965|Ankeny, IA
+1515984|Polk City, IA
+1515986|Grimes, IA
+1515989|Carlisle, IA
+1515992|Dallas Center, IA
+1515993|Adel, IA
+1515994|Prairie City, IA
+1516|New York
+1516229|Uniondale, NY
+1516296|East Meadow, NY
+1516334|Westbury, NY
+1516466|Great Neck, NY
+1516482|Great Neck, NY
+1516487|Great Neck, NY
+1516498|Great Neck, NY
+1516504|Great Neck, NY
+1516522|Uniondale, NY
+1516562|Manhasset, NY
+1516572|East Meadow, NY
+1516628|Bayville, NY
+1516663|Mineola, NY
+1516734|New Hyde Park, NY
+1516767|Port Washington, NY
+1516773|Great Neck, NY
+1516825|Valley Stream, NY
+1516829|Great Neck, NY
+1516883|Port Washington, NY
+1516944|Port Washington, NY
+1517223|Fowlerville, MI
+1517244|Mason, MI
+1517263|Adrian, MI
+1517264|Adrian, MI
+1517265|Adrian, MI
+1517266|Adrian, MI
+1517272|Lansing, MI
+1517278|Coldwater, MI
+1517279|Coldwater, MI
+1517283|Reading, MI
+1517286|Waldron, MI
+1517321|Lansing, MI
+1517322|Lansing, MI
+1517323|Lansing, MI
+1517327|Lansing, MI
+1517332|East Lansing, MI
+1517335|Lansing, MI
+1517337|East Lansing, MI
+1517346|Lansing, MI
+1517347|Okemos, MI
+1517349|Okemos, MI
+1517353|East Lansing, MI
+1517355|East Lansing, MI
+1517364|Lansing, MI
+1517369|Bronson, MI
+1517371|Lansing, MI
+1517372|Lansing, MI
+1517373|Lansing, MI
+1517374|Lansing, MI
+1517377|Lansing, MI
+1517381|Okemos, MI
+1517393|Lansing, MI
+1517394|Lansing, MI
+1517423|Tecumseh, MI
+1517424|Tecumseh, MI
+1517432|East Lansing, MI
+1517437|Hillsdale, MI
+1517439|Hillsdale, MI
+1517448|Hudson, MI
+1517456|Clinton, MI
+1517458|Morenci, MI
+1517482|Lansing, MI
+1517483|Lansing, MI
+1517486|Blissfield, MI
+1517487|Lansing, MI
+1517521|Webberville, MI
+1517524|Concord, MI
+1517529|Clarklake, MI
+1517531|Parma, MI
+1517540|Howell, MI
+1517541|Charlotte, MI
+1517542|Litchfield, MI
+1517543|Charlotte, MI
+1517545|Howell, MI
+1517546|Howell, MI
+1517548|Howell, MI
+1517552|Howell, MI
+1517568|Homer, MI
+1517589|Leslie, MI
+1517592|Brooklyn, MI
+1517596|Munith, MI
+1517623|Dansville, MI
+1517627|Grand Ledge, MI
+1517629|Albion, MI
+1517639|Quincy, MI
+1517641|Bath Township, MI
+1517645|Potterville, MI
+1517646|Dimondale, MI
+1517647|Portland, MI
+1517651|Laingsburg, MI
+1517655|Williamston, MI
+1517663|Eaton Rapids, MI
+1517669|DeWitt, MI
+1517676|Mason, MI
+1517694|Holt, MI
+1517702|Lansing, MI
+1517703|Lansing, MI
+1517726|Vermontville, MI
+1517741|Union City, MI
+1517755|Lansing, MI
+1517767|Tekonsha, MI
+1517768|Jackson, MI
+1517780|Jackson, MI
+1517782|Jackson, MI
+1517783|Jackson, MI
+1517784|Jackson, MI
+1517787|Jackson, MI
+1517788|Jackson, MI
+1517789|Jackson, MI
+1517796|Jackson, MI
+1517817|Jackson, MI
+1517841|Jackson, MI
+1517849|Jonesville, MI
+1517851|Stockbridge, MI
+1517852|Nashville, MI
+1517882|Lansing, MI
+1517884|East Lansing, MI
+1517886|Lansing, MI
+1517887|Lansing, MI
+1517975|Lansing, MI
+1517990|Jackson, MI
+1518|New York
+1518218|Albany, NY
+1518220|Latham, NY
+1518226|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518234|Cobleskill, NY
+1518243|Schenectady, NY
+1518251|North Creek, NY
+1518254|Cobleskill, NY
+1518262|Albany, NY
+1518263|Hunter, NY
+1518268|Troy, NY
+1518270|Troy, NY
+1518271|Troy, NY
+1518272|Troy, NY
+1518274|Troy, NY
+1518276|Troy, NY
+1518279|Troy, NY
+1518284|Sharon Springs, NY
+1518292|Albany, NY
+1518294|Richmondville, NY
+1518295|Schoharie, NY
+1518297|Rouses Point, NY
+1518298|Champlain, NY
+1518306|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518324|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518325|Hillsdale, NY
+1518346|Schenectady, NY
+1518348|Clifton Park, NY
+1518355|Schenectady, NY
+1518356|Schenectady, NY
+1518357|Schenectady, NY
+1518359|Tupper Lake, NY
+1518370|Schenectady, NY
+1518371|Clifton Park, NY
+1518372|Schenectady, NY
+1518373|Clifton Park, NY
+1518374|Schenectady, NY
+1518377|Schenectady, NY
+1518381|Schenectady, NY
+1518382|Schenectady, NY
+1518383|Clifton Park, NY
+1518388|Schenectady, NY
+1518393|Schenectady, NY
+1518398|Pine Plains, NY
+1518426|Albany, NY
+1518427|Albany, NY
+1518433|Albany, NY
+1518434|Albany, NY
+1518435|Albany, NY
+1518436|Albany, NY
+1518437|Albany, NY
+1518438|Albany, NY
+1518446|Albany, NY
+1518447|Albany, NY
+1518452|Albany, NY
+1518453|Albany, NY
+1518457|Albany, NY
+1518458|Albany, NY
+1518459|Albany, NY
+1518462|Albany, NY
+1518463|Albany, NY
+1518464|Albany, NY
+1518465|Albany, NY
+1518471|Albany, NY
+1518474|Albany, NY
+1518481|Malone, NY
+1518482|Albany, NY
+1518483|Malone, NY
+1518487|Albany, NY
+1518489|Albany, NY
+1518497|Chateaugay, NY
+1518499|Whitehall, NY
+1518523|Lake Placid, NY
+1518525|Albany, NY
+1518532|Schroon Lake, NY
+1518537|Germantown, NY
+1518546|Port Henry, NY
+1518561|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518562|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518563|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518564|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518566|Plattsburgh, NY
+1518580|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518582|Newcomb, NY
+1518583|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518584|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518585|Ticonderoga, NY
+1518587|Saratoga Springs, NY
+1518597|Crown Point, NY
+1518623|Warrensburg, NY
+1518626|Albany, NY
+1518638|Argyle, NY
+1518641|Albany, NY
+1518642|Granville, NY
+1518643|Peru, NY
+1518644|Bolton Landing, NY
+1518647|Au Sable Forks, NY
+1518648|Indian Lake, NY
+1518654|Corinth, NY
+1518661|Mayfield, NY
+1518668|Lake George, NY
+1518677|Cambridge, NY
+1518686|Hoosick Falls, NY
+1518692|Greenwich, NY
+1518694|Albany, NY
+1518719|Catskill, NY
+1518725|Gloversville, NY
+1518734|Windham, NY
+1518736|Johnstown, NY
+1518762|Johnstown, NY
+1518765|Voorheesville, NY
+1518773|Gloversville, NY
+1518775|Gloversville, NY
+1518782|Latham, NY
+1518783|Latham, NY
+1518789|Millerton, NY
+1518822|Hudson, NY
+1518827|Middleburgh, NY
+1518828|Hudson, NY
+1518833|Troy, NY
+1518834|Keeseville, NY
+1518841|Amsterdam, NY
+1518842|Amsterdam, NY
+1518843|Amsterdam, NY
+1518846|Chazy, NY
+1518851|Hudson, NY
+1518854|Salem, NY
+1518861|Altamont, NY
+1518862|Albany, NY
+1518863|Northville, NY
+1518869|Albany, NY
+1518873|Elizabethtown, NY
+1518884|Ballston Spa, NY
+1518885|Ballston Spa, NY
+1518891|Saranac Lake, NY
+1518926|Glens Falls, NY
+1518943|Catskill, NY
+1518946|Wilmington, NY
+1518962|Westport, NY
+1518966|Greenville, NY
+1518993|Fort Plain, NY
+1519204|London, ON
+1519227|Lucan, ON
+1519235|Exeter, ON
+1519236|Zurich, ON
+1519237|Dashwood, ON
+1519238|Grand Bend, ON
+1519245|Strathroy, ON
+1519246|Strathroy, ON
+1519250|Windsor, ON
+1519251|Windsor, ON
+1519252|Windsor, ON
+1519253|Windsor, ON
+1519254|Windsor, ON
+1519255|Windsor, ON
+1519256|Windsor, ON
+1519258|Windsor, ON
+1519262|Hensall, ON
+1519264|Mount Brydges, ON
+1519265|Guelph, ON
+1519267|Cambridge, ON
+1519268|Dorchester, ON
+1519271|Stratford, ON
+1519272|Stratford, ON
+1519273|Stratford, ON
+1519275|Stratford, ON
+1519284|St. Marys, ON
+1519285|Thamesford, ON
+1519287|Glencoe, ON
+1519291|Listowel, ON
+1519293|Ailsa Craig, ON
+1519294|Parkhill, ON
+1519296|Thedford, ON
+1519304|Brantford, ON
+1519322|Leamington, ON
+1519323|Mount Forest, ON
+1519326|Leamington, ON
+1519332|Sarnia, ON
+1519336|Sarnia, ON
+1519337|Sarnia, ON
+1519338|Harriston, ON
+1519341|Guelph, ON
+1519343|Palmerston, ON
+1519344|Sarnia, ON
+1519348|Mitchell, ON
+1519351|Chatham, ON
+1519352|Chatham, ON
+1519353|Paisley, ON
+1519354|Chatham, ON
+1519357|Wingham, ON
+1519358|Chatham, ON
+1519363|Chesley, ON
+1519364|Hanover, ON
+1519367|Mildmay, ON
+1519368|Tiverton, ON
+1519369|Durham, ON
+1519370|Owen Sound, ON
+1519371|Owen Sound, ON
+1519372|Owen Sound, ON
+1519376|Owen Sound, ON
+1519383|Sarnia, ON
+1519389|Port Elgin, ON
+1519396|Kincardine, ON
+1519397|Chatham, ON
+1519419|Windsor, ON
+1519421|Woodstock, ON
+1519422|Sauble Beach, ON
+1519425|Ingersoll, ON
+1519426|Simcoe, ON
+1519428|Simcoe, ON
+1519432|London, ON
+1519433|London, ON
+1519434|London, ON
+1519436|Chatham, ON
+1519438|London, ON
+1519439|London, ON
+1519442|Paris, ON
+1519443|Waterford, ON
+1519445|Ohsweken, ON
+1519449|Burford, ON
+1519451|London, ON
+1519452|London, ON
+1519453|London, ON
+1519455|London, ON
+1519457|London, ON
+1519461|Thorndale, ON
+1519468|Norwich, ON
+1519471|London, ON
+1519472|London, ON
+1519473|London, ON
+1519474|London, ON
+1519475|Embro, ON
+1519482|Clinton, ON
+1519485|Ingersoll, ON
+1519508|Stratford, ON
+1519509|Mount Forest, ON
+1519515|Guelph, ON
+1519524|Goderich, ON
+1519527|Seaforth, ON
+1519528|Lucknow, ON
+1519533|Woodstock, ON
+1519534|Wiarton, ON
+1519537|Woodstock, ON
+1519538|Meaford, ON
+1519539|Woodstock, ON
+1519541|Sarnia, ON
+1519542|Sarnia, ON
+1519565|Bayfield, ON
+1519569|Kitchener, ON
+1519570|Kitchener, ON
+1519571|Kitchener, ON
+1519576|Kitchener, ON
+1519578|Kitchener, ON
+1519579|Kitchener, ON
+1519582|Delhi, ON
+1519583|Port Dover, ON
+1519584|Kitchener, ON
+1519585|Kitchener, ON
+1519587|Jarvis, ON
+1519596|Tobermory, ON
+1519599|Thornbury, ON
+1519601|London, ON
+1519620|Cambridge, ON
+1519621|Cambridge, ON
+1519622|Cambridge, ON
+1519623|Cambridge, ON
+1519624|Cambridge, ON
+1519627|Wallaceburg, ON
+1519631|St. Thomas, ON
+1519632|Ayr, ON
+1519633|St. Thomas, ON
+1519637|St. Thomas, ON
+1519641|London, ON
+1519642|London, ON
+1519644|Belmont, ON
+1519645|London, ON
+1519646|London, ON
+1519648|Breslau, ON
+1519649|London, ON
+1519655|Tavistock, ON
+1519656|Wellesley, ON
+1519657|London, ON
+1519659|London, ON
+1519660|London, ON
+1519661|London, ON
+1519662|New Hamburg, ON
+1519663|London, ON
+1519667|London, ON
+1519668|London, ON
+1519669|Elmira, ON
+1519672|London, ON
+1519673|London, ON
+1519674|Ridgetown, ON
+1519675|London, ON
+1519676|Blenheim, ON
+1519679|London, ON
+1519680|London, ON
+1519681|London, ON
+1519682|Tilbury, ON
+1519683|Dresden, ON
+1519685|London, ON
+1519686|London, ON
+1519687|Comber, ON
+1519688|Tillsonburg, ON
+1519690|London, ON
+1519692|Thamesville, ON
+1519695|Bothwell, ON
+1519720|Brantford, ON
+1519725|Waterloo, ON
+1519728|Belle River, ON
+1519733|Kingsville, ON
+1519736|Amherstburg, ON
+1519738|Harrow, ON
+1519740|Cambridge, ON
+1519741|Kitchener, ON
+1519742|Kitchener, ON
+1519743|Kitchener, ON
+1519744|Kitchener, ON
+1519745|Kitchener, ON
+1519746|Waterloo, ON
+1519748|Kitchener, ON
+1519749|Kitchener, ON
+1519750|Brantford, ON
+1519751|Brantford, ON
+1519752|Brantford, ON
+1519753|Brantford, ON
+1519754|Brantford, ON
+1519755|Brantford, ON
+1519756|Brantford, ON
+1519757|Brantford, ON
+1519758|Brantford, ON
+1519759|Brantford, ON
+1519762|Dutton, ON
+1519763|Guelph, ON
+1519766|Guelph, ON
+1519767|Guelph, ON
+1519768|West Lorne, ON
+1519770|Brantford, ON
+1519773|Aylmer, ON
+1519776|Essex, ON
+1519780|Guelph, ON
+1519782|Port Stanley, ON
+1519785|Rodney, ON
+1519786|Forest, ON
+1519787|Fergus, ON
+1519793|Lion's Head, ON
+1519797|Southampton, ON
+1519821|Guelph, ON
+1519822|Guelph, ON
+1519823|Guelph, ON
+1519824|Guelph, ON
+1519825|Wheatley, ON
+1519826|Guelph, ON
+1519827|Guelph, ON
+1519829|Guelph, ON
+1519832|Port Elgin, ON
+1519833|Erin, ON
+1519836|Guelph, ON
+1519837|Guelph, ON
+1519842|Tillsonburg, ON
+1519843|Fergus, ON
+1519845|Wyoming, ON
+1519846|Elora, ON
+1519848|Arthur, ON
+1519849|Watford, ON
+1519850|London, ON
+1519853|Acton, ON
+1519855|Hillsburgh, ON
+1519856|Rockwood, ON
+1519858|London, ON
+1519862|Corunna, ON
+1519863|Norwich, ON
+1519875|Langton, ON
+1519876|Watford, ON
+1519879|Otterville, ON
+1519881|Walkerton, ON
+1519882|Petrolia, ON
+1519883|Waterloo, ON
+1519884|Waterloo, ON
+1519885|Waterloo, ON
+1519886|Waterloo, ON
+1519887|Brussels, ON
+1519888|Waterloo, ON
+1519893|Kitchener, ON
+1519894|Kitchener, ON
+1519895|Kitchener, ON
+1519896|Kitchener, ON
+1519915|Windsor, ON
+1519923|Dundalk, ON
+1519924|Flesherton, ON
+1519925|Shelburne, ON
+1519928|Grand Valley, ON
+1519934|Tara, ON
+1519936|London, ON
+1519938|Orangeville, ON
+1519940|Orangeville, ON
+1519941|Orangeville, ON
+1519942|Orangeville, ON
+1519943|Orangeville, ON
+1519944|Windsor, ON
+1519945|Windsor, ON
+1519946|Windsor, ON
+1519948|Windsor, ON
+1519951|London, ON
+1519963|London, ON
+1519966|Windsor, ON
+1519967|Windsor, ON
+1519969|Windsor, ON
+1519971|Windsor, ON
+1519972|Windsor, ON
+1519973|Windsor, ON
+1519974|Windsor, ON
+1519977|Windsor, ON
+1519986|Markdale, ON
+1519988|Windsor, ON
+1520202|Tucson, AZ
+1520206|Tucson, AZ
+1520209|Tucson, AZ
+1520225|Tucson, AZ
+1520229|Tucson, AZ
+1520232|Tucson, AZ
+1520243|Tucson, AZ
+1520272|Tucson, AZ
+1520281|Nogales, AZ
+1520285|Nogales, AZ
+1520287|Nogales, AZ
+1520290|Tucson, AZ
+1520292|Tucson, AZ
+1520293|Tucson, AZ
+1520294|Tucson, AZ
+1520295|Tucson, AZ
+1520296|Tucson, AZ
+1520297|Tucson, AZ
+1520298|Tucson, AZ
+1520299|Tucson, AZ
+1520300|Tucson, AZ
+1520304|Tucson, AZ
+1520312|Tucson, AZ
+1520318|Tucson, AZ
+1520319|Tucson, AZ
+1520320|Tucson, AZ
+1520321|Tucson, AZ
+1520322|Tucson, AZ
+1520323|Tucson, AZ
+1520324|Tucson, AZ
+1520325|Tucson, AZ
+1520326|Tucson, AZ
+1520327|Tucson, AZ
+1520335|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520351|Tucson, AZ
+1520358|Tucson, AZ
+1520363|Kearny, AZ
+1520364|Douglas, AZ
+1520377|Nogales, AZ
+1520381|Casa Grande, AZ
+1520384|Willcox, AZ
+1520385|San Manuel, AZ
+1520387|Ajo, AZ
+1520388|Tucson, AZ
+1520394|Patagonia, AZ
+1520400|Tucson, AZ
+1520405|Tucson, AZ
+1520408|Tucson, AZ
+1520421|Casa Grande, AZ
+1520426|Casa Grande, AZ
+1520432|Bisbee, AZ
+1520434|Tucson, AZ
+1520439|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520440|Tucson, AZ
+1520444|Tucson, AZ
+1520445|Tucson, AZ
+1520452|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520456|Huachuca City, AZ
+1520457|Tombstone, AZ
+1520458|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520459|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520469|Tucson, AZ
+1520495|Tucson, AZ
+1520498|Tucson, AZ
+1520512|Tucson, AZ
+1520514|Tucson, AZ
+1520515|Sierra Vista, AZ
+1520519|Tucson, AZ
+1520529|Tucson, AZ
+1520531|Tucson, AZ
+1520544|Tucson, AZ
+1520545|Tucson, AZ
+1520546|Tucson, AZ
+1520547|Tucson, AZ
+1520562|Sacaton, AZ
+1520568|Maricopa, AZ
+1520571|Tucson, AZ
+1520572|Tucson, AZ
+1520573|Tucson, AZ
+1520574|Tucson, AZ
+1520575|Tucson, AZ
+1520577|Tucson, AZ
+1520578|Tucson, AZ
+1520579|Tucson, AZ
+1520584|Tucson, AZ
+1520586|Benson, AZ
+1520615|Tucson, AZ
+1520618|Tucson, AZ
+1520620|Tucson, AZ
+1520621|Tucson, AZ
+1520622|Tucson, AZ
+1520623|Tucson, AZ
+1520624|Tucson, AZ
+1520626|Tucson, AZ
+1520628|Tucson, AZ
+1520663|Tucson, AZ
+1520664|Tucson, AZ
+1520670|Tucson, AZ
+1520689|Superior, AZ
+1520690|Tucson, AZ
+1520694|Tucson, AZ
+1520696|Tucson, AZ
+1520721|Tucson, AZ
+1520722|Tucson, AZ
+1520723|Coolidge, AZ
+1520731|Tucson, AZ
+1520733|Tucson, AZ
+1520740|Tucson, AZ
+1520741|Tucson, AZ
+1520742|Tucson, AZ
+1520743|Tucson, AZ
+1520744|Tucson, AZ
+1520745|Tucson, AZ
+1520746|Tucson, AZ
+1520747|Tucson, AZ
+1520748|Tucson, AZ
+1520749|Tucson, AZ
+1520750|Tucson, AZ
+1520751|Tucson, AZ
+1520760|Tucson, AZ
+1520761|Nogales, AZ
+1520770|Tucson, AZ
+1520777|Tucson, AZ
+1520784|Tucson, AZ
+1520790|Tucson, AZ
+1520791|Tucson, AZ
+1520795|Tucson, AZ
+1520797|Tucson, AZ
+1520798|Tucson, AZ
+1520805|Douglas, AZ
+1520806|Tucson, AZ
+1520807|Tucson, AZ
+1520808|Tucson, AZ
+1520818|Tucson, AZ
+1520822|Tucson, AZ
+1520826|Pearce, AZ
+1520829|Tucson, AZ
+1520836|Casa Grande, AZ
+1520838|Tucson, AZ
+1520868|Florence, AZ
+1520872|Tucson, AZ
+1520873|Tucson, AZ
+1520874|Tucson, AZ
+1520876|Casa Grande, AZ
+1520881|Tucson, AZ
+1520882|Tucson, AZ
+1520883|Tucson, AZ
+1520884|Tucson, AZ
+1520885|Tucson, AZ
+1520886|Tucson, AZ
+1520887|Tucson, AZ
+1520888|Tucson, AZ
+1520889|Tucson, AZ
+1520896|Oracle, AZ
+1520903|Tucson, AZ
+1520908|Tucson, AZ
+1520909|Tucson, AZ
+1520917|Tucson, AZ
+1520977|Tucson, AZ
+1530221|Redding, CA
+1530222|Redding, CA
+1530223|Redding, CA
+1530224|Redding, CA
+1530225|Redding, CA
+1530226|Redding, CA
+1530229|Redding, CA
+1530233|Alturas, CA
+1530235|Dunsmuir, CA
+1530241|Redding, CA
+1530242|Redding, CA
+1530243|Redding, CA
+1530244|Redding, CA
+1530245|Redding, CA
+1530246|Redding, CA
+1530247|Redding, CA
+1530251|Susanville, CA
+1530252|Susanville, CA
+1530257|Susanville, CA
+1530258|Chester, CA
+1530265|Nevada City, CA
+1530269|Auburn, CA
+1530271|Grass Valley, CA
+1530272|Grass Valley, CA
+1530273|Grass Valley, CA
+1530274|Grass Valley, CA
+1530279|Cedarville, CA
+1530283|Quincy, CA
+1530297|Davis, CA
+1530332|Chico, CA
+1530335|Burney, CA
+1530342|Chico, CA
+1530343|Chico, CA
+1530345|Chico, CA
+1530346|Colfax, CA
+1530347|Cottonwood, CA
+1530357|Anderson, CA
+1530365|Anderson, CA
+1530367|Foresthill, CA
+1530378|Anderson, CA
+1530384|Los Molinos, CA
+1530397|Dorris, CA
+1530406|Woodland, CA
+1530458|Colusa, CA
+1530459|Montague, CA
+1530467|Etna, CA
+1530468|Fort Jones, CA
+1530470|Nevada City, CA
+1530473|Williams, CA
+1530474|Shingletown, CA
+1530476|Arbuckle, CA
+1530477|Grass Valley, CA
+1530478|Nevada City, CA
+1530493|Happy Camp, CA
+1530527|Red Bluff, CA
+1530528|Red Bluff, CA
+1530529|Red Bluff, CA
+1530532|Oroville, CA
+1530533|Oroville, CA
+1530534|Oroville, CA
+1530538|Oroville, CA
+1530541|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530542|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530543|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530544|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530547|Palo Cedro, CA
+1530550|Truckee, CA
+1530562|Truckee, CA
+1530566|Chico, CA
+1530573|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530577|South Lake Tahoe, CA
+1530582|Truckee, CA
+1530583|Sunnyside-Tahoe City, CA
+1530587|Truckee, CA
+1530589|Oroville, CA
+1530596|Westwood, CA
+1530605|Redding, CA
+1530622|Placerville, CA
+1530623|Weaverville, CA
+1530625|Hoopa, CA
+1530628|Hayfork, CA
+1530629|Willow Creek, CA
+1530633|Wheatland, CA
+1530637|Colfax, CA
+1530661|Woodland, CA
+1530662|Woodland, CA
+1530666|Woodland, CA
+1530667|Tulelake, CA
+1530668|Woodland, CA
+1530669|Woodland, CA
+1530671|Yuba City, CA
+1530673|Yuba City, CA
+1530674|Yuba City, CA
+1530694|Markleeville, CA
+1530695|Live Oak, CA
+1530722|Redding, CA
+1530742|Marysville, CA
+1530747|Davis, CA
+1530750|Davis, CA
+1530751|Yuba City, CA
+1530752|Davis, CA
+1530753|Davis, CA
+1530755|Yuba City, CA
+1530756|Davis, CA
+1530757|Davis, CA
+1530758|Davis, CA
+1530759|Davis, CA
+1530778|Lewiston, CA
+1530790|Yuba City, CA
+1530795|Winters, CA
+1530809|Chico, CA
+1530821|Yuba City, CA
+1530822|Yuba City, CA
+1530823|Auburn, CA
+1530824|Corning, CA
+1530832|Portola, CA
+1530841|Yreka, CA
+1530842|Yreka, CA
+1530846|Gridley, CA
+1530865|Orland, CA
+1530872|Paradise, CA
+1530873|Magalia, CA
+1530876|Paradise, CA
+1530877|Paradise, CA
+1530879|Chico, CA
+1530885|Auburn, CA
+1530886|Auburn, CA
+1530887|Auburn, CA
+1530888|Auburn, CA
+1530889|Auburn, CA
+1530891|Chico, CA
+1530892|Chico, CA
+1530893|Chico, CA
+1530894|Chico, CA
+1530895|Chico, CA
+1530896|Chico, CA
+1530897|Chico, CA
+1530898|Chico, CA
+1530899|Chico, CA
+1530926|Mount Shasta, CA
+1530934|Willows, CA
+1530938|Weed, CA
+1530964|McCloud, CA
+1540206|Roanoke, VA
+1540224|Roanoke, VA
+1540231|Blacksburg, VA
+1540249|Grottoes, VA
+1540253|The Plains, VA
+1540254|Buchanan, VA
+1540261|Buena Vista, VA
+1540265|Roanoke, VA
+1540266|Roanoke, VA
+1540286|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540288|Stafford, VA
+1540298|Elkton, VA
+1540310|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540316|Warrenton, VA
+1540341|Warrenton, VA
+1540342|Roanoke, VA
+1540343|Roanoke, VA
+1540344|Roanoke, VA
+1540345|Roanoke, VA
+1540347|Warrenton, VA
+1540349|Warrenton, VA
+1540351|Warrenton, VA
+1540361|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540362|Roanoke, VA
+1540365|Ferrum, VA
+1540366|Roanoke, VA
+1540368|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540370|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540371|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540372|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540373|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540374|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540375|Salem, VA
+1540380|Salem, VA
+1540381|Christiansburg, VA
+1540382|Christiansburg, VA
+1540387|Salem, VA
+1540389|Salem, VA
+1540400|Roanoke, VA
+1540427|Roanoke, VA
+1540428|Warrenton, VA
+1540432|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540433|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540434|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540436|Toms Brook, VA
+1540437|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540438|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540442|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540443|Blacksburg, VA
+1540444|Salem, VA
+1540450|Winchester, VA
+1540459|Woodstock, VA
+1540463|Lexington, VA
+1540464|Lexington, VA
+1540465|Strasburg, VA
+1540468|Monterey, VA
+1540473|Fincastle, VA
+1540477|Mount Jackson, VA
+1540479|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540483|Rocky Mount, VA
+1540484|Rocky Mount, VA
+1540489|Rocky Mount, VA
+1540510|Roanoke, VA
+1540535|Winchester, VA
+1540536|Winchester, VA
+1540542|Winchester, VA
+1540545|Winchester, VA
+1540547|Culpeper, VA
+1540548|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540552|Blacksburg, VA
+1540561|Roanoke, VA
+1540562|Roanoke, VA
+1540563|Roanoke, VA
+1540564|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540574|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540581|Roanoke, VA
+1540582|Spotsylvania, VA
+1540586|Bedford, VA
+1540587|Bedford, VA
+1540622|Front Royal, VA
+1540623|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540631|Front Royal, VA
+1540635|Front Royal, VA
+1540636|Front Royal, VA
+1540644|King George, VA
+1540652|Shenandoah, VA
+1540654|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540656|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540657|Stafford, VA
+1540658|Stafford, VA
+1540659|Stafford, VA
+1540661|Orange, VA
+1540662|Winchester, VA
+1540663|King George, VA
+1540665|Winchester, VA
+1540667|Winchester, VA
+1540672|Orange, VA
+1540674|Dublin, VA
+1540675|Washington, VA
+1540678|Winchester, VA
+1540687|Middleburg, VA
+1540710|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540720|Stafford, VA
+1540722|Winchester, VA
+1540723|Winchester, VA
+1540725|Roanoke, VA
+1540727|Culpeper, VA
+1540740|New Market, VA
+1540741|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540743|Luray, VA
+1540745|Floyd, VA
+1540767|Roanoke, VA
+1540769|Roanoke, VA
+1540774|Roanoke, VA
+1540775|King George, VA
+1540777|Roanoke, VA
+1540778|Stanley, VA
+1540785|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540786|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540801|Harrisonburg, VA
+1540822|Lovettsville, VA
+1540825|Culpeper, VA
+1540828|Bridgewater, VA
+1540829|Culpeper, VA
+1540834|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540843|Luray, VA
+1540853|Roanoke, VA
+1540857|Roanoke, VA
+1540864|New Castle, VA
+1540877|Winchester, VA
+1540879|Dayton, VA
+1540885|Staunton, VA
+1540886|Staunton, VA
+1540887|Staunton, VA
+1540891|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540894|Mineral, VA
+1540898|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540899|Fredericksburg, VA
+1540904|Roanoke, VA
+1540921|Pearisburg, VA
+1540942|Waynesboro, VA
+1540943|Waynesboro, VA
+1540946|Waynesboro, VA
+1540948|Madison, VA
+1540949|Waynesboro, VA
+1540951|Blacksburg, VA
+1540953|Blacksburg, VA
+1540955|Berryville, VA
+1540961|Blacksburg, VA
+1540962|Covington, VA
+1540965|Covington, VA
+1540967|Louisa, VA
+1540980|Pulaski, VA
+1540981|Roanoke, VA
+1540984|Edinburg, VA
+1540985|Roanoke, VA
+1540989|Roanoke, VA
+1540994|Pulaski, VA
+1541201|Ashland, OR
+1541205|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541229|Roseburg, OR
+1541244|Grants Pass, OR
+1541245|Medford, OR
+1541247|Gold Beach, OR
+1541258|Lebanon, OR
+1541259|Lebanon, OR
+1541265|Newport, OR
+1541266|Coos Bay, OR
+1541267|Coos Bay, OR
+1541269|Coos Bay, OR
+1541271|Reedsport, OR
+1541273|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541274|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541276|Pendleton, OR
+1541278|Pendleton, OR
+1541282|Medford, OR
+1541284|Eugene, OR
+1541289|Hermiston, OR
+1541296|The Dalles, OR
+1541298|The Dalles, OR
+1541302|Eugene, OR
+1541306|Bend, OR
+1541312|Bend, OR
+1541317|Bend, OR
+1541318|Bend, OR
+1541322|Bend, OR
+1541323|Bend, OR
+1541327|Jefferson, OR
+1541330|Bend, OR
+1541332|Port Orford, OR
+1541336|Toledo, OR
+1541338|Eugene, OR
+1541342|Eugene, OR
+1541343|Eugene, OR
+1541344|Eugene, OR
+1541345|Eugene, OR
+1541346|Eugene, OR
+1541347|Bandon, OR
+1541349|Eugene, OR
+1541352|Mt Hood Parkdale, OR
+1541354|Hood River, OR
+1541357|Eugene, OR
+1541359|Eugene, OR
+1541367|Sweet Home, OR
+1541369|Halsey, OR
+1541372|Nyssa, OR
+1541374|Cascade Locks, OR
+1541382|Bend, OR
+1541383|Bend, OR
+1541384|Condon, OR
+1541385|Bend, OR
+1541386|Hood River, OR
+1541387|Hood River, OR
+1541388|Bend, OR
+1541389|Bend, OR
+1541395|Maupin, OR
+1541396|Coquille, OR
+1541412|Brookings, OR
+1541416|Prineville, OR
+1541426|Enterprise, OR
+1541431|Eugene, OR
+1541432|Joseph, OR
+1541434|Eugene, OR
+1541440|Roseburg, OR
+1541447|Prineville, OR
+1541451|Lebanon, OR
+1541461|Eugene, OR
+1541463|Eugene, OR
+1541464|Roseburg, OR
+1541465|Eugene, OR
+1541466|Brownsville, OR
+1541469|Brookings, OR
+1541471|Grants Pass, OR
+1541472|Grants Pass, OR
+1541473|Vale, OR
+1541474|Grants Pass, OR
+1541475|Madras, OR
+1541476|Grants Pass, OR
+1541479|Grants Pass, OR
+1541481|Boardman, OR
+1541482|Ashland, OR
+1541484|Eugene, OR
+1541485|Eugene, OR
+1541488|Ashland, OR
+1541504|Redmond, OR
+1541506|The Dalles, OR
+1541523|Baker City, OR
+1541524|Baker City, OR
+1541526|Redmond, OR
+1541536|La Pine, OR
+1541545|Bonanza, OR
+1541547|Yachats, OR
+1541548|Redmond, OR
+1541549|Sisters, OR
+1541552|Ashland, OR
+1541553|Warm Springs, OR
+1541562|Union, OR
+1541563|Waldport, OR
+1541564|Hermiston, OR
+1541565|Moro, OR
+1541567|Hermiston, OR
+1541572|Myrtle Point, OR
+1541573|Burns, OR
+1541574|Newport, OR
+1541575|John Day, OR
+1541582|Rogue River, OR
+1541585|Bend, OR
+1541592|Cave Junction, OR
+1541593|Bend, OR
+1541597|Selma, OR
+1541607|Eugene, OR
+1541608|Medford, OR
+1541617|Bend, OR
+1541618|Medford, OR
+1541636|Eugene, OR
+1541647|Bend, OR
+1541659|Grants Pass, OR
+1541660|Grants Pass, OR
+1541663|La Grande, OR
+1541664|Central Point, OR
+1541665|Central Point, OR
+1541667|Hermiston, OR
+1541672|Roseburg, OR
+1541673|Roseburg, OR
+1541676|Heppner, OR
+1541677|Roseburg, OR
+1541682|Eugene, OR
+1541683|Eugene, OR
+1541684|Eugene, OR
+1541685|Eugene, OR
+1541686|Eugene, OR
+1541687|Eugene, OR
+1541688|Eugene, OR
+1541689|Eugene, OR
+1541704|Albany, OR
+1541706|Bend, OR
+1541723|Malin, OR
+1541726|Springfield, OR
+1541728|Bend, OR
+1541732|Medford, OR
+1541734|Medford, OR
+1541736|Springfield, OR
+1541737|Corvallis, OR
+1541738|Corvallis, OR
+1541741|Springfield, OR
+1541742|Halfway, OR
+1541743|Eugene, OR
+1541744|Springfield, OR
+1541745|Corvallis, OR
+1541746|Springfield, OR
+1541747|Springfield, OR
+1541749|Bend, OR
+1541751|North Bend, OR
+1541752|Corvallis, OR
+1541753|Corvallis, OR
+1541754|Corvallis, OR
+1541756|North Bend, OR
+1541757|Corvallis, OR
+1541758|Corvallis, OR
+1541763|Fossil, OR
+1541765|Depoe Bay, OR
+1541766|Corvallis, OR
+1541767|Cottage Grove, OR
+1541768|Corvallis, OR
+1541770|Medford, OR
+1541772|Medford, OR
+1541773|Medford, OR
+1541774|Medford, OR
+1541776|Medford, OR
+1541779|Medford, OR
+1541782|Oakridge, OR
+1541783|Chiloquin, OR
+1541789|Medford, OR
+1541790|Eugene, OR
+1541791|Albany, OR
+1541812|Albany, OR
+1541820|Prairie City, OR
+1541832|Glendale, OR
+1541836|Drain, OR
+1541839|Canyonville, OR
+1541842|Medford, OR
+1541850|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541851|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541855|Gold Hill, OR
+1541857|Medford, OR
+1541858|Medford, OR
+1541862|Grants Pass, OR
+1541863|Myrtle Creek, OR
+1541867|Newport, OR
+1541874|Riddle, OR
+1541880|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541881|Ontario, OR
+1541882|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541883|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541884|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541885|Klamath Falls, OR
+1541886|Wallowa, OR
+1541888|Coos Bay, OR
+1541889|Ontario, OR
+1541895|Creswell, OR
+1541899|Jacksonville, OR
+1541902|Florence, OR
+1541917|Albany, OR
+1541923|Redmond, OR
+1541924|Albany, OR
+1541926|Albany, OR
+1541928|Albany, OR
+1541929|Philomath, OR
+1541938|Milton-Freewater, OR
+1541942|Cottage Grove, OR
+1541947|Lakeview, OR
+1541955|Grants Pass, OR
+1541956|Grants Pass, OR
+1541957|Roseburg, OR
+1541962|La Grande, OR
+1541963|La Grande, OR
+1541966|Pendleton, OR
+1541967|Albany, OR
+1541988|Springfield, OR
+1541994|Lincoln City, OR
+1541995|Harrisburg, OR
+1541996|Lincoln City, OR
+1541997|Florence, OR
+1541998|Junction City, OR
+1551|New Jersey
+1559213|Fresno, CA
+1559221|Fresno, CA
+1559222|Fresno, CA
+1559224|Fresno, CA
+1559225|Fresno, CA
+1559226|Fresno, CA
+1559227|Fresno, CA
+1559228|Fresno, CA
+1559229|Fresno, CA
+1559230|Fresno, CA
+1559233|Fresno, CA
+1559237|Fresno, CA
+1559241|Fresno, CA
+1559243|Fresno, CA
+1559244|Fresno, CA
+1559248|Fresno, CA
+1559251|Fresno, CA
+1559252|Fresno, CA
+1559253|Fresno, CA
+1559255|Fresno, CA
+1559256|Fresno, CA
+1559261|Fresno, CA
+1559264|Fresno, CA
+1559266|Fresno, CA
+1559268|Fresno, CA
+1559271|Fresno, CA
+1559274|Fresno, CA
+1559275|Fresno, CA
+1559276|Fresno, CA
+1559277|Fresno, CA
+1559278|Fresno, CA
+1559297|Clovis, CA
+1559299|Clovis, CA
+1559320|Fresno, CA
+1559324|Clovis, CA
+1559353|Madera, CA
+1559386|Avenal, CA
+1559412|Fresno, CA
+1559431|Fresno, CA
+1559432|Fresno, CA
+1559433|Fresno, CA
+1559434|Fresno, CA
+1559435|Fresno, CA
+1559436|Fresno, CA
+1559437|Fresno, CA
+1559438|Fresno, CA
+1559439|Fresno, CA
+1559440|Fresno, CA
+1559441|Fresno, CA
+1559442|Fresno, CA
+1559443|Fresno, CA
+1559445|Fresno, CA
+1559446|Fresno, CA
+1559447|Fresno, CA
+1559448|Fresno, CA
+1559449|Fresno, CA
+1559450|Fresno, CA
+1559452|Fresno, CA
+1559453|Fresno, CA
+1559454|Fresno, CA
+1559455|Fresno, CA
+1559456|Fresno, CA
+1559457|Fresno, CA
+1559458|Fresno, CA
+1559459|Fresno, CA
+1559478|Fresno, CA
+1559485|Fresno, CA
+1559486|Fresno, CA
+1559487|Fresno, CA
+1559488|Fresno, CA
+1559490|Fresno, CA
+1559495|Fresno, CA
+1559497|Fresno, CA
+1559498|Fresno, CA
+1559499|Fresno, CA
+1559535|Terra Bella, CA
+1559539|Springville, CA
+1559561|Three Rivers, CA
+1559562|Lindsay, CA
+1559564|Woodlake, CA
+1559582|Hanford, CA
+1559583|Hanford, CA
+1559584|Hanford, CA
+1559585|Hanford, CA
+1559587|Hanford, CA
+1559589|Hanford, CA
+1559591|Dinuba, CA
+1559592|Exeter, CA
+1559595|Dinuba, CA
+1559621|Fresno, CA
+1559622|Visalia, CA
+1559624|Visalia, CA
+1559625|Visalia, CA
+1559626|Orange Cove, CA
+1559627|Visalia, CA
+1559635|Visalia, CA
+1559636|Visalia, CA
+1559637|Reedley, CA
+1559638|Reedley, CA
+1559643|Reedley, CA
+1559645|Madera, CA
+1559646|Parlier, CA
+1559651|Visalia, CA
+1559655|Mendota, CA
+1559659|Firebaugh, CA
+1559661|Madera, CA
+1559662|Madera, CA
+1559664|Madera, CA
+1559665|Chowchilla, CA
+1559673|Madera, CA
+1559674|Madera, CA
+1559675|Madera, CA
+1559683|Oakhurst, CA
+1559684|Tulare, CA
+1559685|Tulare, CA
+1559686|Tulare, CA
+1559687|Tulare, CA
+1559688|Tulare, CA
+1559693|San Joaquin, CA
+1559713|Visalia, CA
+1559730|Visalia, CA
+1559732|Visalia, CA
+1559733|Visalia, CA
+1559734|Visalia, CA
+1559735|Visalia, CA
+1559738|Visalia, CA
+1559739|Visalia, CA
+1559741|Visalia, CA
+1559747|Farmersville, CA
+1559752|Tipton, CA
+1559757|Pixley, CA
+1559781|Porterville, CA
+1559782|Porterville, CA
+1559783|Porterville, CA
+1559784|Porterville, CA
+1559787|Sanger, CA
+1559788|Porterville, CA
+1559789|Porterville, CA
+1559791|Porterville, CA
+1559793|Porterville, CA
+1559840|Fresno, CA
+1559841|Shaver Lake, CA
+1559842|Kerman, CA
+1559846|Kerman, CA
+1559855|Auberry, CA
+1559864|Caruthers, CA
+1559867|Riverdale, CA
+1559875|Sanger, CA
+1559876|Sanger, CA
+1559877|North Fork, CA
+1559891|Selma, CA
+1559896|Selma, CA
+1559897|Kingsburg, CA
+1559898|Selma, CA
+1559924|Lemoore, CA
+1559925|Lemoore, CA
+1559934|Coalinga, CA
+1559935|Coalinga, CA
+1559945|Huron, CA
+1559992|Corcoran, CA
+1559998|Lemoore, CA
+1561218|Boca Raton, FL
+1561241|Boca Raton, FL
+1561242|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561243|Delray Beach, FL
+1561245|Boca Raton, FL
+1561265|Delray Beach, FL
+1561266|Delray Beach, FL
+1561272|Delray Beach, FL
+1561274|Delray Beach, FL
+1561276|Delray Beach, FL
+1561278|Delray Beach, FL
+1561279|Delray Beach, FL
+1561297|Boca Raton, FL
+1561330|Delray Beach, FL
+1561338|Boca Raton, FL
+1561347|Boca Raton, FL
+1561353|Boca Raton, FL
+1561361|Boca Raton, FL
+1561362|Boca Raton, FL
+1561364|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561367|Boca Raton, FL
+1561368|Boca Raton, FL
+1561369|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561381|Delray Beach, FL
+1561391|Boca Raton, FL
+1561392|Boca Raton, FL
+1561393|Boca Raton, FL
+1561394|Boca Raton, FL
+1561395|Boca Raton, FL
+1561416|Boca Raton, FL
+1561417|Boca Raton, FL
+1561424|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561443|Boca Raton, FL
+1561447|Boca Raton, FL
+1561450|Delray Beach, FL
+1561451|Boca Raton, FL
+1561455|Delray Beach, FL
+1561470|Boca Raton, FL
+1561471|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561477|Boca Raton, FL
+1561478|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561479|Boca Raton, FL
+1561482|Boca Raton, FL
+1561483|Boca Raton, FL
+1561487|Boca Raton, FL
+1561488|Boca Raton, FL
+1561495|Delray Beach, FL
+1561496|Delray Beach, FL
+1561498|Delray Beach, FL
+1561499|Delray Beach, FL
+1561509|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561544|Boca Raton, FL
+1561575|Jupiter, FL
+1561615|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561616|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561620|Boca Raton, FL
+1561637|Delray Beach, FL
+1561638|Delray Beach, FL
+1561640|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561681|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561682|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561683|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561684|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561686|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561687|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561688|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561689|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561697|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561712|West Palm Beach, FL
+1561731|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561732|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561733|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561734|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561735|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561736|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561737|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561738|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561740|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561742|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561743|Jupiter, FL
+1561744|Jupiter, FL
+1561747|Jupiter, FL
+1561748|Jupiter, FL
+1561750|Boca Raton, FL
+1561752|Boynton Beach, FL
+1561826|Boca Raton, FL
+1561852|Boca Raton, FL
+1561865|Delray Beach, FL
+1561883|Boca Raton, FL
+1561893|Boca Raton, FL
+1561910|Boca Raton, FL
+1561912|Boca Raton, FL
+1561924|Pahokee, FL
+1561955|Boca Raton, FL
+1561961|Boca Raton, FL
+1561981|Boca Raton, FL
+1561982|Boca Raton, FL
+1561988|Boca Raton, FL
+1561989|Boca Raton, FL
+1561992|Belle Glade, FL
+1561994|Boca Raton, FL
+1561995|Boca Raton, FL
+1561996|Belle Glade, FL
+1561997|Boca Raton, FL
+1561998|Boca Raton, FL
+1561999|Boca Raton, FL
+1562218|Long Beach, CA
+1562401|Downey, CA
+1562422|Long Beach, CA
+1562423|Long Beach, CA
+1562428|Long Beach, CA
+1562432|Long Beach, CA
+1562433|Long Beach, CA
+1562434|Long Beach, CA
+1562435|Long Beach, CA
+1562436|Long Beach, CA
+1562437|Long Beach, CA
+1562438|Long Beach, CA
+1562439|Long Beach, CA
+1562461|Bellflower, CA
+1562491|Long Beach, CA
+1562494|Long Beach, CA
+1562495|Long Beach, CA
+1562498|Long Beach, CA
+1562499|Long Beach, CA
+1562570|Long Beach, CA
+1562590|Long Beach, CA
+1562591|Long Beach, CA
+1562592|Huntington Beach, CA
+1562597|Long Beach, CA
+1562599|Long Beach, CA
+1562612|Long Beach, CA
+1562622|Downey, CA
+1562624|Long Beach, CA
+1562628|Long Beach, CA
+1562651|Norwalk, CA
+1562658|Downey, CA
+1562690|La Habra, CA
+1562691|La Habra, CA
+1562693|Whittier, CA
+1562694|La Habra, CA
+1562696|Whittier, CA
+1562697|La Habra, CA
+1562698|Whittier, CA
+1562728|Long Beach, CA
+1562801|Pico Rivera, CA
+1562803|Downey, CA
+1562826|Long Beach, CA
+1562856|Long Beach, CA
+1562861|Downey, CA
+1562862|Downey, CA
+1562863|Norwalk, CA
+1562864|Norwalk, CA
+1562868|Norwalk, CA
+1562869|Downey, CA
+1562901|Long Beach, CA
+1562904|Downey, CA
+1562905|La Habra, CA
+1562907|Whittier, CA
+1562912|Long Beach, CA
+1562923|Downey, CA
+1562929|Norwalk, CA
+1562933|Long Beach, CA
+1562940|Downey, CA
+1562945|Whittier, CA
+1562948|Pico Rivera, CA
+1562949|Pico Rivera, CA
+1562951|Long Beach, CA
+1562961|Long Beach, CA
+1562983|Long Beach, CA
+1562984|Long Beach, CA
+1562985|Long Beach, CA
+1562986|Long Beach, CA
+1562987|Long Beach, CA
+1562997|Long Beach, CA
+1563237|Fredericksburg, IA
+1563241|Clinton, IA
+1563242|Clinton, IA
+1563243|Clinton, IA
+1563244|Clinton, IA
+1563245|Elkader, IA
+1563252|Guttenberg, IA
+1563259|Camanche, IA
+1563262|Muscatine, IA
+1563263|Muscatine, IA
+1563264|Muscatine, IA
+1563284|Walcott, IA
+1563285|Eldridge, IA
+1563288|Muscatine, IA
+1563289|Le Claire, IA
+1563322|Davenport, IA
+1563323|Davenport, IA
+1563324|Davenport, IA
+1563326|Davenport, IA
+1563332|Bettendorf, IA
+1563336|Davenport, IA
+1563382|Decorah, IA
+1563383|Davenport, IA
+1563386|Davenport, IA
+1563387|Decorah, IA
+1563388|Davenport, IA
+1563391|Davenport, IA
+1563421|Davenport, IA
+1563422|West Union, IA
+1563425|Fayette, IA
+1563426|Elgin, IA
+1563432|Mechanicsville, IA
+1563445|Davenport, IA
+1563452|Clarence, IA
+1563488|Wyoming, IA
+1563532|Ossian, IA
+1563534|Fort Atkinson, IA
+1563538|Lansing, IA
+1563539|Monona, IA
+1563544|New Albin, IA
+1563547|Cresco, IA
+1563556|Dubuque, IA
+1563557|Dubuque, IA
+1563566|Lime Springs, IA
+1563568|Waukon, IA
+1563578|Sumner, IA
+1563582|Dubuque, IA
+1563583|Dubuque, IA
+1563584|Dubuque, IA
+1563585|Dubuque, IA
+1563588|Dubuque, IA
+1563589|Dubuque, IA
+1563652|Maquoketa, IA
+1563659|De Witt, IA
+1563689|Preston, IA
+1563690|Dubuque, IA
+1563732|Wilton, IA
+1563735|Decorah, IA
+1563737|Ridgeway, IA
+1563744|Farley, IA
+1563785|Durant, IA
+1563852|Cascade, IA
+1563864|Postville, IA
+1563872|Bellevue, IA
+1563873|McGregor, IA
+1563875|Dyersville, IA
+1563876|Epworth, IA
+1563884|Davenport, IA
+1563886|Tipton, IA
+1563926|Hopkinton, IA
+1563927|Manchester, IA
+1563928|Edgewood, IA
+1563933|Strawberry Point, IA
+1563941|Lowden, IA
+1570208|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570223|East Stroudsburg, PA
+1570247|Rome, PA
+1570251|Honesdale, PA
+1570253|Honesdale, PA
+1570265|Towanda, PA
+1570268|Towanda, PA
+1570271|Danville, PA
+1570275|Danville, PA
+1570278|Montrose, PA
+1570282|Carbondale, PA
+1570283|Kingston, PA
+1570286|Sunbury, PA
+1570296|Milford, PA
+1570297|Troy, PA
+1570320|Williamsport, PA
+1570321|Williamsport, PA
+1570322|Williamsport, PA
+1570323|Williamsport, PA
+1570325|Jim Thorpe, PA
+1570326|Williamsport, PA
+1570327|Williamsport, PA
+1570329|Williamsport, PA
+1570339|Mount Carmel, PA
+1570342|Scranton, PA
+1570343|Scranton, PA
+1570345|Pine Grove, PA
+1570347|Scranton, PA
+1570348|Scranton, PA
+1570366|Orwigsburg, PA
+1570368|Montoursville, PA
+1570372|Selinsgrove, PA
+1570373|Kulpmont, PA
+1570374|Selinsgrove, PA
+1570387|Bloomsburg, PA
+1570389|Bloomsburg, PA
+1570398|Jersey Shore, PA
+1570403|Mountain Top, PA
+1570409|Milford, PA
+1570427|Weatherly, PA
+1570443|White Haven, PA
+1570458|Millville, PA
+1570462|Shenandoah, PA
+1570465|New Milford, PA
+1570473|Northumberland, PA
+1570474|Mountain Top, PA
+1570488|Waymart, PA
+1570491|Matamoras, PA
+1570496|Moosic, PA
+1570517|Stroudsburg, PA
+1570522|Lewisburg, PA
+1570523|Lewisburg, PA
+1570524|Lewisburg, PA
+1570538|Watsontown, PA
+1570546|Muncy, PA
+1570547|Montgomery, PA
+1570562|Taylor, PA
+1570584|Hughesville, PA
+1570601|Williamsport, PA
+1570621|Pottsville, PA
+1570622|Pottsville, PA
+1570628|Pottsville, PA
+1570636|Freeland, PA
+1570638|Blossburg, PA
+1570644|Shamokin, PA
+1570648|Shamokin, PA
+1570662|Mansfield, PA
+1570668|Tamaqua, PA
+1570669|Nesquehoning, PA
+1570672|Elysburg, PA
+1570673|Canton, PA
+1570674|Dallas, PA
+1570675|Dallas, PA
+1570693|Wyoming, PA
+1570698|Lake Ariel, PA
+1570723|Wellsboro, PA
+1570724|Wellsboro, PA
+1570725|Loganton, PA
+1570726|Mill Hall, PA
+1570735|Nanticoke, PA
+1570742|Milton, PA
+1570746|Wyalusing, PA
+1570748|Lock Haven, PA
+1570752|Berwick, PA
+1570759|Berwick, PA
+1570773|Mahanoy City, PA
+1570779|Plymouth, PA
+1570784|Bloomsburg, PA
+1570785|Forest City, PA
+1570808|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570819|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570820|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570823|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570825|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570826|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570828|Dingmans Ferry, PA
+1570829|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570835|Tioga, PA
+1570836|Tunkhannock, PA
+1570837|Middleburg, PA
+1570853|Susquehanna Depot, PA
+1570874|Frackville, PA
+1570875|Ashland, PA
+1570882|Sayre, PA
+1570889|Ringtown, PA
+1570893|Lock Haven, PA
+1570894|Tobyhanna, PA
+1570923|Renovo, PA
+1570925|Benton, PA
+1570928|Dushore, PA
+1570929|McAdoo, PA
+1570941|Scranton, PA
+1570942|Nicholson, PA
+1570961|Scranton, PA
+1570963|Scranton, PA
+1570966|Mifflinburg, PA
+1570969|Scranton, PA
+1570970|Wilkes-Barre, PA
+1570988|Sunbury, PA
+1571434|Sterling, VA
+1573204|Jackson, MO
+1573214|Columbia, MO
+1573218|Farmington, MO
+1573221|Hannibal, MO
+1573222|Puxico, MO
+1573223|Piedmont, MO
+1573226|Eminence, MO
+1573231|Hannibal, MO
+1573234|Columbia, MO
+1573237|New Haven, MO
+1573238|Marble Hill, MO
+1573242|Clarksville, MO
+1573243|Jackson, MO
+1573246|Campbell, MO
+1573248|Hannibal, MO
+1573256|Columbia, MO
+1573264|Scott City, MO
+1573276|Malden, MO
+1573288|Canton, MO
+1573293|Bernie, MO
+1573302|Osage Beach, MO
+1573323|Van Buren, MO
+1573324|Bowling Green, MO
+1573329|Fort Leonard Wood, MO
+1573331|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573332|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573333|Caruthersville, MO
+1573334|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573335|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573339|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573341|Rolla, MO
+1573346|Camdenton, MO
+1573348|Osage Beach, MO
+1573358|Bonne Terre, MO
+1573359|Hayti, MO
+1573363|Macks Creek, MO
+1573364|Rolla, MO
+1573365|Lake Ozark, MO
+1573368|Rolla, MO
+1573377|Stover, MO
+1573378|Versailles, MO
+1573379|Portageville, MO
+1573392|Eldon, MO
+1573395|Jefferson City, MO
+1573406|Hannibal, MO
+1573422|Vienna, MO
+1573426|Rolla, MO
+1573436|Potosi, MO
+1573437|Owensville, MO
+1573438|Potosi, MO
+1573441|Columbia, MO
+1573442|Columbia, MO
+1573443|Columbia, MO
+1573445|Columbia, MO
+1573446|Columbia, MO
+1573447|Columbia, MO
+1573449|Columbia, MO
+1573458|Rolla, MO
+1573468|Sullivan, MO
+1573471|Sikeston, MO
+1573472|Sikeston, MO
+1573474|Columbia, MO
+1573475|Sikeston, MO
+1573481|Sikeston, MO
+1573486|Hermann, MO
+1573491|New Bloomfield, MO
+1573496|Jefferson City, MO
+1573499|Columbia, MO
+1573545|Benton, MO
+1573547|Perryville, MO
+1573556|Jefferson City, MO
+1573564|Montgomery City, MO
+1573568|Bloomfield, MO
+1573581|Mexico, MO
+1573582|Mexico, MO
+1573588|Shelbina, MO
+1573592|Fulton, MO
+1573594|Vandalia, MO
+1573596|Fort Leonard Wood, MO
+1573614|Dexter, MO
+1573624|Dexter, MO
+1573632|Jefferson City, MO
+1573633|Shelbyville, MO
+1573634|Jefferson City, MO
+1573635|Jefferson City, MO
+1573636|Jefferson City, MO
+1573638|Jefferson City, MO
+1573642|Fulton, MO
+1573649|East Prairie, MO
+1573651|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573655|La Grange, MO
+1573657|Ashland, MO
+1573659|Jefferson City, MO
+1573663|Ellington, MO
+1573674|Licking, MO
+1573682|Centralia, MO
+1573683|Charleston, MO
+1573684|Wellsville, MO
+1573686|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573695|Steele, MO
+1573696|Hallsville, MO
+1573701|Farmington, MO
+1573717|Kennett, MO
+1573722|Advance, MO
+1573727|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573729|Salem, MO
+1573732|Bourbon, MO
+1573735|Monroe City, MO
+1573736|Crocker, MO
+1573738|Senath, MO
+1573747|Farmington, MO
+1573748|New Madrid, MO
+1573751|Jefferson City, MO
+1573754|Louisiana, MO
+1573756|Farmington, MO
+1573759|Dixon, MO
+1573760|Farmington, MO
+1573761|Jefferson City, MO
+1573764|Gerald, MO
+1573765|Richland, MO
+1573769|Palmyra, MO
+1573774|Waynesville, MO
+1573775|Steelville, MO
+1573776|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573777|Columbia, MO
+1573778|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573783|Fredericktown, MO
+1573785|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573793|Iberia, MO
+1573796|California, MO
+1573814|Columbia, MO
+1573815|Columbia, MO
+1573817|Columbia, MO
+1573840|Poplar Bluff, MO
+1573859|Belle, MO
+1573860|Sullivan, MO
+1573873|Camdenton, MO
+1573874|Columbia, MO
+1573875|Columbia, MO
+1573876|Columbia, MO
+1573882|Columbia, MO
+1573883|Ste. Genevieve, MO
+1573884|Columbia, MO
+1573885|Cuba, MO
+1573886|Columbia, MO
+1573887|Chaffee, MO
+1573888|Kennett, MO
+1573893|Jefferson City, MO
+1573896|Holts Summit, MO
+1573897|Linn, MO
+1573898|Elsberry, MO
+1573964|Lake Ozark, MO
+1573985|New London, MO
+1573986|Cape Girardeau, MO
+1573989|Neelyville, MO
+1573996|Doniphan, MO
+1574206|Elkhart, IN
+1574223|Rochester, IN
+1574231|South Bend, IN
+1574232|South Bend, IN
+1574233|South Bend, IN
+1574234|South Bend, IN
+1574235|South Bend, IN
+1574236|South Bend, IN
+1574237|South Bend, IN
+1574239|South Bend, IN
+1574245|South Bend, IN
+1574246|South Bend, IN
+1574251|South Bend, IN
+1574252|Mishawaka, IN
+1574254|Mishawaka, IN
+1574255|Mishawaka, IN
+1574256|Mishawaka, IN
+1574257|Mishawaka, IN
+1574258|Mishawaka, IN
+1574259|Mishawaka, IN
+1574262|Elkhart, IN
+1574264|Elkhart, IN
+1574266|Elkhart, IN
+1574267|Warsaw, IN
+1574268|Warsaw, IN
+1574269|Warsaw, IN
+1574282|South Bend, IN
+1574283|South Bend, IN
+1574287|South Bend, IN
+1574288|South Bend, IN
+1574289|South Bend, IN
+1574291|South Bend, IN
+1574293|Elkhart, IN
+1574294|Elkhart, IN
+1574295|Elkhart, IN
+1574296|Elkhart, IN
+1574299|South Bend, IN
+1574342|Bourbon, IN
+1574371|Warsaw, IN
+1574372|Warsaw, IN
+1574389|Elkhart, IN
+1574457|Syracuse, IN
+1574472|South Bend, IN
+1574522|Elkhart, IN
+1574523|Elkhart, IN
+1574533|Goshen, IN
+1574534|Goshen, IN
+1574535|Goshen, IN
+1574537|Goshen, IN
+1574546|Bremen, IN
+1574583|Monticello, IN
+1574586|Walkerton, IN
+1574594|Pierceton, IN
+1574647|South Bend, IN
+1574654|New Carlisle, IN
+1574658|Milford, IN
+1574722|Logansport, IN
+1574732|Logansport, IN
+1574735|Logansport, IN
+1574739|Logansport, IN
+1574753|Logansport, IN
+1574772|Knox, IN
+1574773|Nappanee, IN
+1574825|Middlebury, IN
+1574842|Culver, IN
+1574848|Bristol, IN
+1574892|Argos, IN
+1574896|North Judson, IN
+1574935|Plymouth, IN
+1574936|Plymouth, IN
+1574941|Plymouth, IN
+1574946|Winamac, IN
+1574967|Flora, IN
+1574970|Elkhart, IN
+1575|New Mexico
+1575234|Carlsbad, NM
+1575257|Ruidoso, NM
+1575258|Ruidoso, NM
+1575289|Cuba, NM
+1575355|Fort Sumner, NM
+1575356|Portales, NM
+1575359|Portales, NM
+1575373|Las Cruces, NM
+1575374|Clayton, NM
+1575376|Cimarron, NM
+1575377|Angel Fire, NM
+1575382|Las Cruces, NM
+1575388|Silver City, NM
+1575391|Hobbs, NM
+1575392|Hobbs, NM
+1575393|Hobbs, NM
+1575394|Eunice, NM
+1575395|Jal, NM
+1575396|Lovington, NM
+1575397|Hobbs, NM
+1575434|Alamogordo, NM
+1575437|Alamogordo, NM
+1575439|Alamogordo, NM
+1575443|Alamogordo, NM
+1575445|Raton, NM
+1575461|Tucumcari, NM
+1575472|Santa Rosa, NM
+1575483|Springer, NM
+1575492|Hobbs, NM
+1575521|Las Cruces, NM
+1575522|Las Cruces, NM
+1575523|Las Cruces, NM
+1575524|Las Cruces, NM
+1575525|Las Cruces, NM
+1575526|Las Cruces, NM
+1575527|Las Cruces, NM
+1575528|Las Cruces, NM
+1575532|Las Cruces, NM
+1575534|Silver City, NM
+1575538|Silver City, NM
+1575541|Las Cruces, NM
+1575542|Lordsburg, NM
+1575544|Deming, NM
+1575546|Deming, NM
+1575556|Las Cruces, NM
+1575572|Holloman AFB, NM
+1575585|Tularosa, NM
+1575586|Questa, NM
+1575622|Roswell, NM
+1575623|Roswell, NM
+1575624|Roswell, NM
+1575625|Roswell, NM
+1575627|Roswell, NM
+1575628|Carlsbad, NM
+1575647|Las Cruces, NM
+1575648|Carrizozo, NM
+1575650|Las Cruces, NM
+1575682|Cloudcroft, NM
+1575734|Dexter, NM
+1575737|Taos, NM
+1575742|Clovis, NM
+1575746|Artesia, NM
+1575748|Artesia, NM
+1575751|Taos, NM
+1575754|Red River, NM
+1575756|Chama, NM
+1575758|Taos, NM
+1575762|Clovis, NM
+1575763|Clovis, NM
+1575769|Clovis, NM
+1575784|Cannon AFB, NM
+1575824|Chaparral, NM
+1575829|Jemez Springs, NM
+1575835|Socorro, NM
+1575838|Socorro, NM
+1575854|Magdalena, NM
+1575885|Carlsbad, NM
+1575887|Carlsbad, NM
+1575894|Truth or Consequences, NM
+1575935|Clovis, NM
+1580208|Idabel, OK
+1580220|Ardmore, OK
+1580223|Ardmore, OK
+1580224|Ardmore, OK
+1580225|Elk City, OK
+1580226|Ardmore, OK
+1580227|Fairview, OK
+1580228|Waurika, OK
+1580229|Healdton, OK
+1580233|Enid, OK
+1580234|Enid, OK
+1580237|Enid, OK
+1580242|Enid, OK
+1580243|Elk City, OK
+1580248|Lawton, OK
+1580250|Lawton, OK
+1580251|Duncan, OK
+1580252|Duncan, OK
+1580254|Woodward, OK
+1580255|Duncan, OK
+1580256|Woodward, OK
+1580272|Ada, OK
+1580276|Marietta, OK
+1580286|Idabel, OK
+1580296|Colbert, OK
+1580298|Antlers, OK
+1580310|Ada, OK
+1580323|Clinton, OK
+1580326|Hugo, OK
+1580327|Alva, OK
+1580332|Ada, OK
+1580335|Frederick, OK
+1580336|Perry, OK
+1580338|Guymon, OK
+1580342|Temple, OK
+1580347|Mountain View, OK
+1580351|Lawton, OK
+1580353|Lawton, OK
+1580354|Lawton, OK
+1580355|Lawton, OK
+1580357|Lawton, OK
+1580362|Newkirk, OK
+1580363|Blackwell, OK
+1580367|Caddo, OK
+1580369|Davis, OK
+1580371|Tishomingo, OK
+1580379|Altus, OK
+1580393|Sentinel, OK
+1580395|Medford, OK
+1580421|Ada, OK
+1580429|Cache, OK
+1580436|Ada, OK
+1580439|Comanche, OK
+1580444|Velma, OK
+1580464|Cyril, OK
+1580468|Guymon, OK
+1580470|Duncan, OK
+1580475|Duncan, OK
+1580476|Rush Springs, OK
+1580477|Altus, OK
+1580479|Grandfield, OK
+1580480|Altus, OK
+1580481|Altus, OK
+1580482|Altus, OK
+1580488|Leedey, OK
+1580490|Ardmore, OK
+1580492|Elgin, OK
+1580497|Cheyenne, OK
+1580510|Lawton, OK
+1580526|Erick, OK
+1580531|Lawton, OK
+1580532|Pond Creek, OK
+1580536|Lawton, OK
+1580544|Boise City, OK
+1580548|Enid, OK
+1580549|Fletcher, OK
+1580564|Kingston, OK
+1580581|Lawton, OK
+1580584|Broken Bow, OK
+1580585|Lawton, OK
+1580588|Apache, OK
+1580595|Lawton, OK
+1580596|Cherokee, OK
+1580622|Sulphur, OK
+1580623|Watonga, OK
+1580625|Beaver, OK
+1580628|Tonkawa, OK
+1580652|Hooker, OK
+1580654|Carnegie, OK
+1580658|Marlow, OK
+1580661|Thomas, OK
+1580668|Wilson, OK
+1580688|Hollis, OK
+1580699|Lawton, OK
+1580718|Ponca City, OK
+1580726|Hobart, OK
+1580735|Buffalo, OK
+1580745|Durant, OK
+1580759|Stratford, OK
+1580762|Ponca City, OK
+1580765|Ponca City, OK
+1580767|Ponca City, OK
+1580772|Weatherford, OK
+1580774|Weatherford, OK
+1580782|Mangum, OK
+1580788|Elmore City, OK
+1580795|Madill, OK
+1580822|Okeene, OK
+1580824|Waynoka, OK
+1580832|Cordell, OK
+1580857|Allen, OK
+1580863|Garber, OK
+1580875|Walters, OK
+1580883|Ringwood, OK
+1580885|Arnett, OK
+1580886|Canton, OK
+1580889|Atoka, OK
+1580920|Durant, OK
+1580921|Laverne, OK
+1580922|Seiling, OK
+1580924|Durant, OK
+1580925|Konawa, OK
+1580927|Coalgate, OK
+1580928|Sayre, OK
+1580931|Durant, OK
+1580933|Valliant, OK
+1580938|Shattuck, OK
+1580994|Mooreland, OK
+1580995|Vici, OK
+1585|New York
+1585224|Rochester, NY
+1585225|Rochester, NY
+1585226|Avon, NY
+1585227|Rochester, NY
+1585232|Rochester, NY
+1585234|Rochester, NY
+1585235|Rochester, NY
+1585237|Perry, NY
+1585241|Rochester, NY
+1585242|Rochester, NY
+1585244|Rochester, NY
+1585245|Geneseo, NY
+1585247|Rochester, NY
+1585254|Rochester, NY
+1585256|Rochester, NY
+1585258|Rochester, NY
+1585262|Rochester, NY
+1585263|Rochester, NY
+1585265|Webster, NY
+1585266|Rochester, NY
+1585268|Belmont, NY
+1585271|Rochester, NY
+1585272|Rochester, NY
+1585273|Rochester, NY
+1585275|Rochester, NY
+1585276|Rochester, NY
+1585279|Rochester, NY
+1585288|Rochester, NY
+1585292|Rochester, NY
+1585293|Churchville, NY
+1585295|Rochester, NY
+1585321|Rochester, NY
+1585324|Rochester, NY
+1585325|Rochester, NY
+1585328|Rochester, NY
+1585334|Rochester, NY
+1585335|Dansville, NY
+1585336|Rochester, NY
+1585338|Rochester, NY
+1585340|Rochester, NY
+1585341|Rochester, NY
+1585342|Rochester, NY
+1585343|Batavia, NY
+1585344|Batavia, NY
+1585345|Batavia, NY
+1585349|Spencerport, NY
+1585352|Spencerport, NY
+1585359|Rochester, NY
+1585365|Belfast, NY
+1585368|Rochester, NY
+1585374|Naples, NY
+1585384|Cohocton, NY
+1585392|Hilton, NY
+1585393|Canandaigua, NY
+1585394|Canandaigua, NY
+1585395|Brockport, NY
+1585396|Canandaigua, NY
+1585413|Rochester, NY
+1585423|Rochester, NY
+1585424|Rochester, NY
+1585426|Rochester, NY
+1585427|Rochester, NY
+1585428|Rochester, NY
+1585429|Rochester, NY
+1585436|Rochester, NY
+1585442|Rochester, NY
+1585454|Rochester, NY
+1585458|Rochester, NY
+1585461|Rochester, NY
+1585463|Rochester, NY
+1585467|Rochester, NY
+1585468|Nunda, NY
+1585473|Rochester, NY
+1585475|Rochester, NY
+1585482|Rochester, NY
+1585492|Arcade, NY
+1585494|Bergen, NY
+1585527|Rochester, NY
+1585529|Rochester, NY
+1585530|Rochester, NY
+1585544|Rochester, NY
+1585546|Rochester, NY
+1585563|Rochester, NY
+1585581|Rochester, NY
+1585589|Albion, NY
+1585591|Attica, NY
+1585593|Wellsville, NY
+1585596|Wellsville, NY
+1585599|Corfu, NY
+1585621|Rochester, NY
+1585637|Brockport, NY
+1585638|Holley, NY
+1585647|Rochester, NY
+1585654|Rochester, NY
+1585657|Bloomfield, NY
+1585658|Mount Morris, NY
+1585663|Rochester, NY
+1585670|Webster, NY
+1585671|Webster, NY
+1585697|Rochester, NY
+1585719|Rochester, NY
+1585720|Rochester, NY
+1585723|Rochester, NY
+1585728|Wayland, NY
+1585730|Rochester, NY
+1585742|Victor, NY
+1585753|Rochester, NY
+1585756|Rochester, NY
+1585757|Elba, NY
+1585760|Rochester, NY
+1585765|Lyndonville, NY
+1585768|Le Roy, NY
+1585784|Rochester, NY
+1585786|Warsaw, NY
+1585787|Webster, NY
+1585798|Medina, NY
+1585865|Rochester, NY
+1585872|Webster, NY
+1585922|Rochester, NY
+1585924|Victor, NY
+1585964|Hamlin, NY
+1585968|Cuba, NY
+1586268|Sterling Heights, MI
+1586393|Warren, MI
+1586427|Warren, MI
+1586446|Sterling Heights, MI
+1586558|Warren, MI
+1586573|Warren, MI
+1586574|Warren, MI
+1586575|Warren, MI
+1586576|Warren, MI
+1586582|Warren, MI
+1586751|Warren, MI
+1586754|Warren, MI
+1586755|Warren, MI
+1586756|Warren, MI
+1586757|Warren, MI
+1586758|Warren, MI
+1586759|Warren, MI
+1586784|Armada, MI
+1586793|Mount Clemens, MI
+1586795|Sterling Heights, MI
+1586806|Warren, MI
+1586949|Chesterfield, MI
+1586977|Sterling Heights, MI
+1586978|Sterling Heights, MI
+1601200|Jackson, MS
+1601225|Gloster, MS
+1601249|McComb, MS
+1601250|McComb, MS
+1601253|Walnut Grove, MS
+1601261|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601264|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601267|Carthage, MS
+1601268|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601271|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601276|Summit, MS
+1601288|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601296|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601298|Carthage, MS
+1601304|Natchez, MS
+1601321|Jackson, MS
+1601336|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601352|Jackson, MS
+1601353|Jackson, MS
+1601354|Jackson, MS
+1601355|Jackson, MS
+1601359|Jackson, MS
+1601362|Jackson, MS
+1601364|Jackson, MS
+1601366|Jackson, MS
+1601368|Jackson, MS
+1601376|Jackson, MS
+1601389|Philadelphia, MS
+1601394|Leakesville, MS
+1601399|Laurel, MS
+1601425|Laurel, MS
+1601426|Laurel, MS
+1601428|Laurel, MS
+1601437|Port Gibson, MS
+1601442|Natchez, MS
+1601445|Natchez, MS
+1601446|Natchez, MS
+1601450|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601469|Forest, MS
+1601477|Ellisville, MS
+1601482|Meridian, MS
+1601483|Meridian, MS
+1601484|Meridian, MS
+1601485|Meridian, MS
+1601544|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601545|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601553|Meridian, MS
+1601579|Hattiesburg, MS
+1601581|Meridian, MS
+1601587|Monticello, MS
+1601591|Brandon, MS
+1601619|Vicksburg, MS
+1601626|Collinsville, MS
+1601629|Vicksburg, MS
+1601630|Vicksburg, MS
+1601631|Vicksburg, MS
+1601634|Vicksburg, MS
+1601635|Decatur, MS
+1601636|Vicksburg, MS
+1601638|Vicksburg, MS
+1601643|Wesson, MS
+1601645|Centreville, MS
+1601649|Laurel, MS
+1601650|Philadelphia, MS
+1601656|Philadelphia, MS
+1601657|Liberty, MS
+1601661|Vicksburg, MS
+1601671|Waynesboro, MS
+1601679|Meridian, MS
+1601683|Newton, MS
+1601684|McComb, MS
+1601693|Meridian, MS
+1601696|Meridian, MS
+1601703|Meridian, MS
+1601713|Jackson, MS
+1601722|Seminary, MS
+1601731|Columbia, MS
+1601732|Morton, MS
+1601735|Waynesboro, MS
+1601736|Columbia, MS
+1601743|De Kalb, MS
+1601749|Picayune, MS
+1601758|Sumrall, MS
+1601764|Bay Springs, MS
+1601765|Collins, MS
+1601766|Lucedale, MS
+1601774|Union, MS
+1601776|Quitman, MS
+1601782|Raleigh, MS
+1601783|Magnolia, MS
+1601785|Taylorsville, MS
+1601786|Fayette, MS
+1601787|Heidelberg, MS
+1601788|Richton, MS
+1601792|Prentiss, MS
+1601794|Purvis, MS
+1601795|Poplarville, MS
+1601796|Lumberton, MS
+1601798|Picayune, MS
+1601799|Picayune, MS
+1601815|Jackson, MS
+1601823|Brookhaven, MS
+1601824|Brandon, MS
+1601825|Brandon, MS
+1601829|Brandon, MS
+1601833|Brookhaven, MS
+1601835|Brookhaven, MS
+1601845|Florence, MS
+1601847|Mendenhall, MS
+1601849|Magee, MS
+1601854|Pelahatchie, MS
+1601855|Canton, MS
+1601857|Raymond, MS
+1601859|Canton, MS
+1601876|Tylertown, MS
+1601878|Terry, MS
+1601879|Flora, MS
+1601883|Vicksburg, MS
+1601885|Utica, MS
+1601888|Woodville, MS
+1601892|Crystal Springs, MS
+1601894|Hazlehurst, MS
+1601922|Jackson, MS
+1601923|Jackson, MS
+1601924|Clinton, MS
+1601925|Clinton, MS
+1601926|Clinton, MS
+1601928|Wiggins, MS
+1601944|Jackson, MS
+1601947|Lucedale, MS
+1601948|Jackson, MS
+1601949|Jackson, MS
+1601960|Jackson, MS
+1601961|Jackson, MS
+1601965|Jackson, MS
+1601968|Jackson, MS
+1601969|Jackson, MS
+1601981|Jackson, MS
+1601982|Jackson, MS
+1601984|Jackson, MS
+1601987|Jackson, MS
+1601989|Richton, MS
+1602200|Phoenix, AZ
+1602216|Phoenix, AZ
+1602220|Phoenix, AZ
+1602224|Phoenix, AZ
+1602225|Phoenix, AZ
+1602229|Phoenix, AZ
+1602230|Phoenix, AZ
+1602231|Phoenix, AZ
+1602232|Phoenix, AZ
+1602233|Phoenix, AZ
+1602234|Phoenix, AZ
+1602239|Phoenix, AZ
+1602240|Phoenix, AZ
+1602241|Phoenix, AZ
+1602242|Phoenix, AZ
+1602243|Phoenix, AZ
+1602244|Phoenix, AZ
+1602246|Phoenix, AZ
+1602248|Phoenix, AZ
+1602249|Phoenix, AZ
+1602252|Phoenix, AZ
+1602253|Phoenix, AZ
+1602254|Phoenix, AZ
+1602255|Phoenix, AZ
+1602256|Phoenix, AZ
+1602257|Phoenix, AZ
+1602258|Phoenix, AZ
+1602261|Phoenix, AZ
+1602263|Phoenix, AZ
+1602264|Phoenix, AZ
+1602265|Phoenix, AZ
+1602266|Phoenix, AZ
+1602267|Phoenix, AZ
+1602268|Phoenix, AZ
+1602269|Phoenix, AZ
+1602271|Phoenix, AZ
+1602272|Phoenix, AZ
+1602274|Phoenix, AZ
+1602275|Phoenix, AZ
+1602276|Phoenix, AZ
+1602277|Phoenix, AZ
+1602278|Phoenix, AZ
+1602279|Phoenix, AZ
+1602280|Phoenix, AZ
+1602285|Phoenix, AZ
+1602304|Phoenix, AZ
+1602305|Phoenix, AZ
+1602307|Phoenix, AZ
+1602322|Phoenix, AZ
+1602323|Phoenix, AZ
+1602331|Phoenix, AZ
+1602340|Phoenix, AZ
+1602344|Phoenix, AZ
+1602347|Phoenix, AZ
+1602351|Phoenix, AZ
+1602352|Phoenix, AZ
+1602353|Phoenix, AZ
+1602364|Phoenix, AZ
+1602368|Phoenix, AZ
+1602371|Phoenix, AZ
+1602381|Phoenix, AZ
+1602382|Phoenix, AZ
+1602387|Phoenix, AZ
+1602393|Phoenix, AZ
+1602395|Phoenix, AZ
+1602404|Phoenix, AZ
+1602406|Phoenix, AZ
+1602415|Phoenix, AZ
+1602420|Phoenix, AZ
+1602433|Phoenix, AZ
+1602437|Phoenix, AZ
+1602441|Phoenix, AZ
+1602442|Phoenix, AZ
+1602455|Phoenix, AZ
+1602462|Phoenix, AZ
+1602466|Phoenix, AZ
+1602468|Phoenix, AZ
+1602470|Phoenix, AZ
+1602482|Phoenix, AZ
+1602484|Phoenix, AZ
+1602485|Phoenix, AZ
+1602493|Phoenix, AZ
+1602495|Phoenix, AZ
+1602506|Phoenix, AZ
+1602508|Phoenix, AZ
+1602522|Phoenix, AZ
+1602530|Phoenix, AZ
+1602542|Phoenix, AZ
+1602546|Phoenix, AZ
+1602553|Phoenix, AZ
+1602569|Phoenix, AZ
+1602604|Phoenix, AZ
+1602640|Phoenix, AZ
+1602643|Phoenix, AZ
+1602650|Phoenix, AZ
+1602651|Phoenix, AZ
+1602664|Phoenix, AZ
+1602667|Phoenix, AZ
+1602674|Phoenix, AZ
+1602678|Phoenix, AZ
+1602707|Phoenix, AZ
+1602712|Phoenix, AZ
+1602734|Phoenix, AZ
+1602744|Phoenix, AZ
+1602749|Phoenix, AZ
+1602764|Phoenix, AZ
+1602787|Phoenix, AZ
+1602788|Phoenix, AZ
+1602789|Phoenix, AZ
+1602795|Phoenix, AZ
+1602801|Phoenix, AZ
+1602808|Phoenix, AZ
+1602839|Phoenix, AZ
+1602840|Phoenix, AZ
+1602841|Phoenix, AZ
+1602852|Phoenix, AZ
+1602861|Phoenix, AZ
+1602864|Phoenix, AZ
+1602865|Glendale, AZ
+1602867|Phoenix, AZ
+1602870|Phoenix, AZ
+1602906|Phoenix, AZ
+1602912|Phoenix, AZ
+1602916|Phoenix, AZ
+1602923|Phoenix, AZ
+1602926|Phoenix, AZ
+1602943|Phoenix, AZ
+1602944|Phoenix, AZ
+1602952|Phoenix, AZ
+1602954|Phoenix, AZ
+1602955|Phoenix, AZ
+1602956|Phoenix, AZ
+1602957|Phoenix, AZ
+1602971|Phoenix, AZ
+1602973|Phoenix, AZ
+1602992|Phoenix, AZ
+1602995|Phoenix, AZ
+1602997|Phoenix, AZ
+1603|New Hampshire
+1603223|Concord, NH
+1603224|Concord, NH
+1603225|Concord, NH
+1603226|Concord, NH
+1603227|Concord, NH
+1603228|Concord, NH
+1603229|Concord, NH
+1603237|Colebrook, NH
+1603239|Winchester, NH
+1603242|Troy, NH
+1603271|Concord, NH
+1603279|Meredith, NH
+1603293|Gilford, NH
+1603298|West Lebanon, NH
+1603329|Hampstead, NH
+1603330|Rochester, NH
+1603332|Rochester, NH
+1603335|Rochester, NH
+1603336|Hinsdale, NH
+1603352|Keene, NH
+1603354|Keene, NH
+1603355|Keene, NH
+1603357|Keene, NH
+1603358|Keene, NH
+1603362|Atkinson, NH
+1603366|Laconia, NH
+1603415|Concord, NH
+1603423|Merrimack, NH
+1603424|Merrimack, NH
+1603427|Portsmouth, NH
+1603428|Henniker, NH
+1603429|Merrimack, NH
+1603436|Portsmouth, NH
+1603444|Littleton, NH
+1603448|Lebanon, NH
+1603456|Warner, NH
+1603463|Deerfield, NH
+1603464|Hillsborough, NH
+1603465|Hollis, NH
+1603466|Gorham, NH
+1603471|Bedford, NH
+1603472|Bedford, NH
+1603474|Seabrook, NH
+1603476|Moultonborough, NH
+1603487|New Boston, NH
+1603497|Goffstown, NH
+1603516|Dover, NH
+1603526|New London, NH
+1603529|Weare, NH
+1603532|Jaffrey, NH
+1603536|Plymouth, NH
+1603542|Claremont, NH
+1603543|Claremont, NH
+1603559|Portsmouth, NH
+1603569|Wolfeboro, NH
+1603577|Nashua, NH
+1603580|Exeter, NH
+1603588|Antrim, NH
+1603589|Nashua, NH
+1603624|Manchester, NH
+1603628|Manchester, NH
+1603629|Manchester, NH
+1603634|Manchester, NH
+1603635|Pelham, NH
+1603642|Kingston, NH
+1603645|Manchester, NH
+1603646|Hanover, NH
+1603650|Lebanon, NH
+1603653|Lebanon, NH
+1603658|Exeter, NH
+1603663|Manchester, NH
+1603664|Barrington, NH
+1603668|Manchester, NH
+1603669|Manchester, NH
+1603679|Epping, NH
+1603692|Somersworth, NH
+1603695|Manchester, NH
+1603735|Andover, NH
+1603736|Epsom, NH
+1603740|Dover, NH
+1603742|Dover, NH
+1603743|Dover, NH
+1603752|Berlin, NH
+1603753|Concord, NH
+1603755|Farmington, NH
+1603756|Walpole, NH
+1603766|Portsmouth, NH
+1603772|Exeter, NH
+1603773|Exeter, NH
+1603774|Dunbarton, NH
+1603775|Exeter, NH
+1603778|Exeter, NH
+1603787|North Haverhill, NH
+1603788|Lancaster, NH
+1603823|Franconia, NH
+1603826|Charlestown, NH
+1603837|Whitefield, NH
+1603838|Lisbon, NH
+1603869|Bethlehem, NH
+1603870|Salem, NH
+1603876|Marlborough, NH
+1603888|Nashua, NH
+1603890|Salem, NH
+1603891|Nashua, NH
+1603893|Salem, NH
+1603894|Salem, NH
+1603895|Raymond, NH
+1603898|Salem, NH
+1603899|Rindge, NH
+1603924|Peterborough, NH
+1603926|Hampton, NH
+1603929|Hampton, NH
+1603934|Franklin, NH
+1603938|Bradford, NH
+1603942|Northwood, NH
+1603952|Salem, NH
+1604|British Columbia
+1604207|Richmond, BC
+1604214|Richmond, BC
+1604215|Vancouver, BC
+1604221|Vancouver, BC
+1604222|Vancouver, BC
+1604224|Vancouver, BC
+1604228|Vancouver, BC
+1604231|Richmond, BC
+1604232|Richmond, BC
+1604233|Richmond, BC
+1604241|Richmond, BC
+1604244|Richmond, BC
+1604247|Richmond, BC
+1604251|Vancouver, BC
+1604253|Vancouver, BC
+1604254|Vancouver, BC
+1604255|Vancouver, BC
+1604261|Vancouver, BC
+1604263|Vancouver, BC
+1604264|Vancouver, BC
+1604266|Vancouver, BC
+1604267|Vancouver, BC
+1604270|Richmond, BC
+1604271|Richmond, BC
+1604272|Richmond, BC
+1604273|Richmond, BC
+1604274|Richmond, BC
+1604275|Richmond, BC
+1604276|Richmond, BC
+1604277|Richmond, BC
+1604278|Richmond, BC
+1604279|Richmond, BC
+1604284|Richmond, BC
+1604291|Burnaby, BC
+1604295|Richmond, BC
+1604298|Burnaby, BC
+1604299|Burnaby, BC
+1604303|Richmond, BC
+1604304|Richmond, BC
+1604316|Chilliwack, BC
+1604321|Vancouver, BC
+1604322|Vancouver, BC
+1604323|Vancouver, BC
+1604324|Vancouver, BC
+1604325|Vancouver, BC
+1604327|Vancouver, BC
+1604331|Vancouver, BC
+1604392|Chilliwack, BC
+1604408|Vancouver, BC
+1604415|Burnaby, BC
+1604420|Burnaby, BC
+1604421|Burnaby, BC
+1604443|Vancouver, BC
+1604444|Burnaby, BC
+1604462|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604463|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604466|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604467|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604476|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604477|Maple Ridge, BC
+1604483|Powell River, BC
+1604484|Vancouver, BC
+1604485|Powell River, BC
+1604488|Vancouver, BC
+1604502|Surrey, BC
+1604504|Abbotsford, BC
+1604507|Surrey, BC
+1604514|Langley, BC
+1604530|Langley, BC
+1604532|Langley, BC
+1604533|Langley, BC
+1604534|Langley, BC
+1604539|Langley, BC
+1604543|Surrey, BC
+1604556|Abbotsford, BC
+1604557|Abbotsford, BC
+1604558|Vancouver, BC
+1604566|Vancouver, BC
+1604568|Vancouver, BC
+1604569|Vancouver, BC
+1604572|Surrey, BC
+1604574|Surrey, BC
+1604575|Surrey, BC
+1604576|Surrey, BC
+1604580|Surrey, BC
+1604581|Surrey, BC
+1604582|Surrey, BC
+1604583|Surrey, BC
+1604584|Surrey, BC
+1604585|Surrey, BC
+1604588|Surrey, BC
+1604589|Surrey, BC
+1604592|Surrey, BC
+1604593|Surrey, BC
+1604596|Surrey, BC
+1604597|Surrey, BC
+1604598|Surrey, BC
+1604599|Surrey, BC
+1604601|Vancouver, BC
+1604602|Vancouver, BC
+1604605|Vancouver, BC
+1604608|Vancouver, BC
+1604609|Vancouver, BC
+1604631|Vancouver, BC
+1604632|Vancouver, BC
+1604633|Vancouver, BC
+1604640|Vancouver, BC
+1604641|Vancouver, BC
+1604643|Vancouver, BC
+1604647|Vancouver, BC
+1604660|Vancouver, BC
+1604661|Vancouver, BC
+1604662|Vancouver, BC
+1604665|Vancouver, BC
+1604669|Vancouver, BC
+1604677|Vancouver, BC
+1604681|Vancouver, BC
+1604682|Vancouver, BC
+1604683|Vancouver, BC
+1604684|Vancouver, BC
+1604685|Vancouver, BC
+1604687|Vancouver, BC
+1604688|Vancouver, BC
+1604689|Vancouver, BC
+1604691|Vancouver, BC
+1604696|Vancouver, BC
+1604701|Chilliwack, BC
+1604702|Chilliwack, BC
+1604703|Chilliwack, BC
+1604708|Vancouver, BC
+1604709|Vancouver, BC
+1604713|Vancouver, BC
+1604714|Vancouver, BC
+1604730|Vancouver, BC
+1604731|Vancouver, BC
+1604732|Vancouver, BC
+1604733|Vancouver, BC
+1604734|Vancouver, BC
+1604736|Vancouver, BC
+1604737|Vancouver, BC
+1604738|Vancouver, BC
+1604739|Vancouver, BC
+1604742|Vancouver, BC
+1604746|Abbotsford, BC
+1604792|Chilliwack, BC
+1604793|Chilliwack, BC
+1604795|Chilliwack, BC
+1604801|Vancouver, BC
+1604806|Vancouver, BC
+1604814|Mission, BC
+1604815|Squamish, BC
+1604820|Mission, BC
+1604821|Richmond, BC
+1604822|Vancouver, BC
+1604823|Chilliwack, BC
+1604824|Chilliwack, BC
+1604826|Mission, BC
+1604846|Chilliwack, BC
+1604847|Chilliwack, BC
+1604850|Abbotsford, BC
+1604852|Abbotsford, BC
+1604853|Abbotsford, BC
+1604854|Abbotsford, BC
+1604855|Abbotsford, BC
+1604858|Chilliwack, BC
+1604859|Abbotsford, BC
+1604860|Hope, BC
+1604864|Abbotsford, BC
+1604867|Boston Bar, BC
+1604869|Hope, BC
+1604870|Abbotsford, BC
+1604871|Vancouver, BC
+1604872|Vancouver, BC
+1604873|Vancouver, BC
+1604874|Vancouver, BC
+1604875|Vancouver, BC
+1604876|Vancouver, BC
+1604879|Vancouver, BC
+1604886|Gibsons, BC
+1604891|Vancouver, BC
+1604892|Squamish, BC
+1604894|Pemberton, BC
+1604895|Vancouver, BC
+1604899|Vancouver, BC
+1604903|North Vancouver, BC
+1604904|North Vancouver, BC
+1604913|West Vancouver, BC
+1604921|West Vancouver, BC
+1604922|West Vancouver, BC
+1604924|North Vancouver, BC
+1604925|West Vancouver, BC
+1604926|West Vancouver, BC
+1604929|North Vancouver, BC
+1604930|Surrey, BC
+1604932|Whistler, BC
+1604935|Whistler, BC
+1604938|Whistler, BC
+1604947|Bowen Island, BC
+1604951|Surrey, BC
+1604973|North Vancouver, BC
+1604980|North Vancouver, BC
+1604981|North Vancouver, BC
+1604983|North Vancouver, BC
+1604984|North Vancouver, BC
+1604985|North Vancouver, BC
+1604986|North Vancouver, BC
+1604987|North Vancouver, BC
+1604988|North Vancouver, BC
+1604990|North Vancouver, BC
+1605|South Dakota
+1605223|Fort Pierre, SD
+1605224|Pierre, SD
+1605225|Aberdeen, SD
+1605226|Aberdeen, SD
+1605229|Aberdeen, SD
+1605232|North Sioux City, SD
+1605234|Chamberlain, SD
+1605239|Alexandria, SD
+1605244|Bison, SD
+1605256|Madison, SD
+1605258|Onida, SD
+1605260|Yankton, SD
+1605262|Aberdeen, SD
+1605271|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605274|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605275|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605279|Wall, SD
+1605284|Eureka, SD
+1605285|Bowdle, SD
+1605286|Avon, SD
+1605287|Roscoe, SD
+1605296|Canistota, SD
+1605297|Parker, SD
+1605312|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605323|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605326|Viborg, SD
+1605328|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605330|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605331|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605332|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605333|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605334|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605335|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605336|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605337|Platte, SD
+1605338|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605339|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605341|Rapid City, SD
+1605342|Rapid City, SD
+1605343|Rapid City, SD
+1605345|Webster, SD
+1605347|Sturgis, SD
+1605348|Rapid City, SD
+1605352|Huron, SD
+1605353|Huron, SD
+1605355|Rapid City, SD
+1605356|Elk Point, SD
+1605357|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605361|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605362|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605367|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605369|Springfield, SD
+1605371|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605373|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605374|Lemmon, SD
+1605375|Buffalo, SD
+1605384|Wagner, SD
+1605388|Rapid City, SD
+1605393|Rapid City, SD
+1605394|Rapid City, SD
+1605397|Groton, SD
+1605399|Rapid City, SD
+1605425|Salem, SD
+1605426|Ipswich, SD
+1605428|Dell Rapids, SD
+1605432|Milbank, SD
+1605437|Herreid, SD
+1605448|Britton, SD
+1605456|Newell, SD
+1605472|Redfield, SD
+1605528|Hartford, SD
+1605529|Baltic, SD
+1605532|Clark, SD
+1605539|Wessington Spgs, SD
+1605542|Elkton, SD
+1605574|Hill City, SD
+1605575|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605578|Deadwood, SD
+1605582|Brandon, SD
+1605583|Scotland, SD
+1605584|Lead, SD
+1605589|Tyndall, SD
+1605594|Garretson, SD
+1605598|Faulkton, SD
+1605622|Aberdeen, SD
+1605624|Vermillion, SD
+1605626|Aberdeen, SD
+1605642|Spearfish, SD
+1605644|Spearfish, SD
+1605647|Lennox, SD
+1605648|Marion, SD
+1605649|Selby, SD
+1605662|Edgemont, SD
+1605664|Yankton, SD
+1605665|Yankton, SD
+1605666|Keystone, SD
+1605668|Yankton, SD
+1605673|Custer, SD
+1605677|Vermillion, SD
+1605685|Martin, SD
+1605688|Brookings, SD
+1605692|Brookings, SD
+1605696|Brookings, SD
+1605697|Brookings, SD
+1605698|Sisseton, SD
+1605716|Rapid City, SD
+1605718|Rapid City, SD
+1605719|Rapid City, SD
+1605720|Sturgis, SD
+1605721|Rapid City, SD
+1605724|Armour, SD
+1605725|Aberdeen, SD
+1605729|Bridgewater, SD
+1605732|Stickney, SD
+1605734|Chamberlain, SD
+1605745|Hot Springs, SD
+1605753|Watertown, SD
+1605763|Beresford, SD
+1605764|Canton, SD
+1605765|Gettysburg, SD
+1605772|Howard, SD
+1605773|Pierre, SD
+1605775|Burke, SD
+1605778|Kimball, SD
+1605782|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605791|Rapid City, SD
+1605793|Castlewood, SD
+1605796|Woonsocket, SD
+1605823|McLaughlin, SD
+1605835|Gregory, SD
+1605837|Kadoka, SD
+1605842|Winner, SD
+1605845|Mobridge, SD
+1605847|Lake Preston, SD
+1605852|Highmore, SD
+1605853|Miller, SD
+1605854|De Smet, SD
+1605856|Mission, SD
+1605859|Philip, SD
+1605865|Timber Lake, SD
+1605867|Pine Ridge, SD
+1605869|Kennebec, SD
+1605873|Estelline, SD
+1605874|Clear Lake, SD
+1605878|Watertown, SD
+1605882|Watertown, SD
+1605884|Watertown, SD
+1605886|Watertown, SD
+1605892|Belle Fourche, SD
+1605895|Presho, SD
+1605923|Box Elder, SD
+1605925|Freeman, SD
+1605928|Parkston, SD
+1605934|Alcester, SD
+1605942|Plankinton, SD
+1605945|Pierre, SD
+1605946|Corsica, SD
+1605948|Hoven, SD
+1605964|Eagle Butte, SD
+1605967|Faith, SD
+1605977|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605987|Canton, SD
+1605988|Sioux Falls, SD
+1605990|Mitchell, SD
+1605995|Mitchell, SD
+1605996|Mitchell, SD
+1605997|Flandreau, SD
+1606218|Pikeville, KY
+1606242|Middlesborough, KY
+1606248|Middlesborough, KY
+1606256|Mount Vernon, KY
+1606258|Corbin, KY
+1606274|Somerset, KY
+1606285|Martin, KY
+1606286|Olive Hill, KY
+1606287|McKee, KY
+1606298|Inez, KY
+1606324|Ashland, KY
+1606325|Ashland, KY
+1606326|Ashland, KY
+1606327|Ashland, KY
+1606329|Ashland, KY
+1606330|London, KY
+1606337|Pineville, KY
+1606340|Monticello, KY
+1606348|Monticello, KY
+1606349|Salyersville, KY
+1606365|Stanford, KY
+1606387|Albany, KY
+1606408|Ashland, KY
+1606432|Pikeville, KY
+1606433|Pikeville, KY
+1606435|Hazard, KY
+1606436|Hazard, KY
+1606437|Pikeville, KY
+1606439|Hazard, KY
+1606451|Somerset, KY
+1606456|Phelps, KY
+1606464|Beattyville, KY
+1606473|Greenup, KY
+1606474|Grayson, KY
+1606475|Grayson, KY
+1606487|Hazard, KY
+1606523|Corbin, KY
+1606526|Corbin, KY
+1606528|Corbin, KY
+1606539|Williamsburg, KY
+1606545|Barbourville, KY
+1606546|Barbourville, KY
+1606549|Williamsburg, KY
+1606564|Maysville, KY
+1606589|Cumberland, KY
+1606593|Booneville, KY
+1606598|Manchester, KY
+1606633|Whitesburg, KY
+1606636|Nancy, KY
+1606638|Louisa, KY
+1606666|Jackson, KY
+1606668|Campton, KY
+1606672|Hyden, KY
+1606674|Owingsville, KY
+1606676|Somerset, KY
+1606677|Somerset, KY
+1606678|Somerset, KY
+1606679|Somerset, KY
+1606683|Salt Lick, KY
+1606693|Jackson, KY
+1606723|Irvine, KY
+1606735|Brooksville, KY
+1606738|Sandy Hook, KY
+1606739|Catlettsburg, KY
+1606743|West Liberty, KY
+1606756|Augusta, KY
+1606758|Brodhead, KY
+1606759|Maysville, KY
+1606768|Frenchburg, KY
+1606780|Morehead, KY
+1606783|Morehead, KY
+1606784|Morehead, KY
+1606787|Liberty, KY
+1606788|Paintsville, KY
+1606789|Paintsville, KY
+1606796|Vanceburg, KY
+1606837|Evarts, KY
+1606845|Flemingsburg, KY
+1606849|Flemingsburg, KY
+1606862|London, KY
+1606864|London, KY
+1606877|London, KY
+1606878|London, KY
+1606886|Prestonsburg, KY
+1606889|Prestonsburg, KY
+1606920|Ashland, KY
+1606928|Ashland, KY
+1606932|South Shore, KY
+1607|New York
+1607243|Dundee, NY
+1607255|Ithaca, NY
+1607256|Ithaca, NY
+1607257|Ithaca, NY
+1607264|Cherry Valley, NY
+1607266|Ithaca, NY
+1607272|Ithaca, NY
+1607273|Ithaca, NY
+1607274|Ithaca, NY
+1607275|Ithaca, NY
+1607277|Ithaca, NY
+1607295|Arkport, NY
+1607319|Ithaca, NY
+1607324|Hornell, NY
+1607326|Roxbury, NY
+1607334|Norwich, NY
+1607336|Norwich, NY
+1607337|Norwich, NY
+1607359|Addison, NY
+1607369|Unadilla, NY
+1607387|Trumansburg, NY
+1607428|Cortland, NY
+1607431|Oneonta, NY
+1607432|Oneonta, NY
+1607433|Oneonta, NY
+1607467|Deposit, NY
+1607478|Andover, NY
+1607498|Roscoe, NY
+1607533|Lansing, NY
+1607547|Cooperstown, NY
+1607563|Sidney, NY
+1607565|Waverly, NY
+1607566|Avoca, NY
+1607569|Hammondsport, NY
+1607625|Apalachin, NY
+1607637|Hancock, NY
+1607639|Afton, NY
+1607642|Newark Valley, NY
+1607655|Windsor, NY
+1607656|Greene, NY
+1607659|Candor, NY
+1607664|Bath, NY
+1607674|Sherburne, NY
+1607687|Owego, NY
+1607698|Canisteo, NY
+1607722|Binghamton, NY
+1607723|Binghamton, NY
+1607724|Binghamton, NY
+1607732|Elmira, NY
+1607733|Elmira, NY
+1607734|Elmira, NY
+1607737|Elmira, NY
+1607746|Delhi, NY
+1607749|Homer, NY
+1607753|Cortland, NY
+1607756|Cortland, NY
+1607758|Cortland, NY
+1607762|Binghamton, NY
+1607767|Elmira, NY
+1607771|Binghamton, NY
+1607772|Binghamton, NY
+1607773|Binghamton, NY
+1607776|Bath, NY
+1607778|Binghamton, NY
+1607795|Horseheads, NY
+1607843|Oxford, NY
+1607847|New Berlin, NY
+1607865|Walton, NY
+1607869|Ovid, NY
+1607898|Groton, NY
+1607967|Bainbridge, NY
+1608204|Madison, WI
+1608230|Madison, WI
+1608231|Madison, WI
+1608232|Madison, WI
+1608233|Madison, WI
+1608236|Madison, WI
+1608238|Madison, WI
+1608240|Madison, WI
+1608241|Madison, WI
+1608242|Madison, WI
+1608243|Madison, WI
+1608244|Madison, WI
+1608245|Madison, WI
+1608246|Madison, WI
+1608249|Madison, WI
+1608250|Madison, WI
+1608251|Madison, WI
+1608252|Madison, WI
+1608253|Wisconsin Dells, WI
+1608254|Wisconsin Dells, WI
+1608255|Madison, WI
+1608256|Madison, WI
+1608257|Madison, WI
+1608258|Madison, WI
+1608259|Madison, WI
+1608260|Madison, WI
+1608261|Madison, WI
+1608262|Madison, WI
+1608263|Madison, WI
+1608264|Madison, WI
+1608265|Madison, WI
+1608266|Madison, WI
+1608267|Madison, WI
+1608269|Sparta, WI
+1608280|Madison, WI
+1608282|Madison, WI
+1608283|Madison, WI
+1608284|Madison, WI
+1608287|Madison, WI
+1608294|Madison, WI
+1608296|Westfield, WI
+1608297|Montello, WI
+1608301|Madison, WI
+1608310|Madison, WI
+1608314|Janesville, WI
+1608323|Arcadia, WI
+1608324|Monroe, WI
+1608325|Monroe, WI
+1608326|Prairie du Chien, WI
+1608328|Monroe, WI
+1608329|Monroe, WI
+1608338|Madison, WI
+1608348|Platteville, WI
+1608355|Baraboo, WI
+1608356|Baraboo, WI
+1608361|Beloit, WI
+1608362|Beloit, WI
+1608363|Beloit, WI
+1608364|Beloit, WI
+1608365|Beloit, WI
+1608368|Beloit, WI
+1608372|Tomah, WI
+1608373|Janesville, WI
+1608374|Tomah, WI
+1608375|Boscobel, WI
+1608378|Warrens, WI
+1608417|Madison, WI
+1608423|Cambridge, WI
+1608424|Belleville, WI
+1608429|Pardeeville, WI
+1608437|Mount Horeb, WI
+1608441|Madison, WI
+1608443|Madison, WI
+1608452|Coon Valley, WI
+1608457|Stoddard, WI
+1608462|Elroy, WI
+1608463|Kendall, WI
+1608464|Wonewoc, WI
+1608467|Madison, WI
+1608488|Melrose, WI
+1608489|Hillsboro, WI
+1608523|Blanchardville, WI
+1608524|Reedsburg, WI
+1608526|Holmen, WI
+1608527|New Glarus, WI
+1608534|Trempealeau, WI
+1608537|Blue River, WI
+1608543|Argyle, WI
+1608562|New Lisbon, WI
+1608563|Janesville, WI
+1608565|Necedah, WI
+1608582|Galesville, WI
+1608586|Oxford, WI
+1608587|Endeavor, WI
+1608588|Spring Green, WI
+1608592|Lodi, WI
+1608625|La Farge, WI
+1608634|Westby, WI
+1608637|Viroqua, WI
+1608647|Richland Center, WI
+1608654|Cashton, WI
+1608655|Marshall, WI
+1608666|Lyndon Station, WI
+1608676|Clinton, WI
+1608685|Alma, WI
+1608687|Fountain City, WI
+1608723|Lancaster, WI
+1608739|Muscoda, WI
+1608741|Janesville, WI
+1608742|Portage, WI
+1608743|Janesville, WI
+1608744|Cuba City, WI
+1608745|Portage, WI
+1608752|Janesville, WI
+1608753|Arena, WI
+1608754|Janesville, WI
+1608755|Janesville, WI
+1608756|Janesville, WI
+1608757|Janesville, WI
+1608758|Janesville, WI
+1608763|Potosi, WI
+1608764|Deerfield, WI
+1608768|Reedsburg, WI
+1608776|Darlington, WI
+1608782|La Crosse, WI
+1608784|La Crosse, WI
+1608785|La Crosse, WI
+1608786|West Salem, WI
+1608787|La Crosse, WI
+1608788|La Crosse, WI
+1608789|La Crosse, WI
+1608791|La Crosse, WI
+1608795|Mazomanie, WI
+1608798|Cross Plains, WI
+1608822|Fennimore, WI
+1608823|Norwalk, WI
+1608825|Sun Prairie, WI
+1608828|Madison, WI
+1608834|Sun Prairie, WI
+1608835|Oregon, WI
+1608837|Sun Prairie, WI
+1608838|McFarland, WI
+1608839|Cottage Grove, WI
+1608845|Verona, WI
+1608847|Mauston, WI
+1608849|Waunakee, WI
+1608850|Waunakee, WI
+1608854|Hazel Green, WI
+1608868|Milton, WI
+1608873|Stoughton, WI
+1608877|Stoughton, WI
+1608882|Evansville, WI
+1608884|Edgerton, WI
+1608897|Brodhead, WI
+1608929|Highland, WI
+1608930|Dodgeville, WI
+1608935|Dodgeville, WI
+1608938|Monticello, WI
+1608965|Shullsburg, WI
+1608985|La Valle, WI
+1608987|Mineral Point, WI
+1608989|Blair, WI
+1608994|Bloomington, WI
+1609|New Jersey
+1609258|Princeton, NJ
+1609263|Sea Isle City, NJ
+1609264|Brigantine, NJ
+1609266|Brigantine, NJ
+1609278|Trenton, NJ
+1609292|Trenton, NJ
+1609340|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609343|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609344|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609345|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609347|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609348|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609391|Ocean City, NJ
+1609392|Trenton, NJ
+1609393|Trenton, NJ
+1609394|Trenton, NJ
+1609396|Trenton, NJ
+1609398|Ocean City, NJ
+1609399|Ocean City, NJ
+1609419|Princeton, NJ
+1609430|Princeton, NJ
+1609441|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609449|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609452|Princeton Township, NJ
+1609497|Princeton, NJ
+1609514|Princeton Township, NJ
+1609520|Princeton Township, NJ
+1609525|Ocean City, NJ
+1609561|Hammonton, NJ
+1609562|Fort Dix, NJ
+1609567|Hammonton, NJ
+1609572|Atlantic City, NJ
+1609581|Trenton, NJ
+1609584|Trenton, NJ
+1609585|Trenton, NJ
+1609586|Trenton, NJ
+1609588|Trenton, NJ
+1609599|Trenton, NJ
+1609625|Mays Landing, NJ
+1609654|Medford, NJ
+1609656|Trenton, NJ
+1609683|Princeton, NJ
+1609689|Trenton, NJ
+1609695|Trenton, NJ
+1609698|Barnegat Township, NJ
+1609704|Hammonton, NJ
+1609714|Medford, NJ
+1609734|Princeton, NJ
+1609735|Browns Mills, NJ
+1609737|Pennington, NJ
+1609777|Trenton, NJ
+1609815|Trenton, NJ
+1609818|Pennington, NJ
+1609838|Trenton, NJ
+1609859|Southampton Township, NJ
+1609861|Woodbine, NJ
+1609884|Cape May, NJ
+1609888|Trenton, NJ
+1609893|Browns Mills, NJ
+1609894|Pemberton, NJ
+1609898|Cape May, NJ
+1609909|Mays Landing, NJ
+1609924|Princeton, NJ
+1609953|Medford, NJ
+1609967|Avalon, NJ
+1609984|Trenton, NJ
+1609989|Trenton, NJ
+1610205|King of Prussia, PA
+1610250|Easton, PA
+1610252|Easton, PA
+1610253|Easton, PA
+1610258|Easton, PA
+1610265|King of Prussia, PA
+1610269|Downingtown, PA
+1610273|Honey Brook, PA
+1610280|Exton, PA
+1610282|Coopersburg, PA
+1610289|Allentown, PA
+1610298|New Tripoli, PA
+1610317|Bethlehem, PA
+1610323|Pottstown, PA
+1610326|Pottstown, PA
+1610327|Pottstown, PA
+1610330|Easton, PA
+1610337|King of Prussia, PA
+1610344|West Chester, PA
+1610351|Allentown, PA
+1610352|Upper Darby, PA
+1610354|King of Prussia, PA
+1610363|Exton, PA
+1610370|Reading, PA
+1610371|Reading, PA
+1610377|Lehighton, PA
+1610383|Coatesville, PA
+1610384|Coatesville, PA
+1610385|Douglassville, PA
+1610399|West Chester, PA
+1610402|Allentown, PA
+1610415|Phoenixville, PA
+1610419|Bethlehem, PA
+1610429|West Chester, PA
+1610430|West Chester, PA
+1610431|West Chester, PA
+1610432|Allentown, PA
+1610433|Allentown, PA
+1610434|Allentown, PA
+1610435|Allentown, PA
+1610436|West Chester, PA
+1610437|Allentown, PA
+1610438|Easton, PA
+1610439|Allentown, PA
+1610444|Kennett Square, PA
+1610447|Chester, PA
+1610466|Coatesville, PA
+1610478|Reading, PA
+1610491|King of Prussia, PA
+1610515|Easton, PA
+1610518|Downingtown, PA
+1610524|Exton, PA
+1610526|Bryn Mawr, PA
+1610559|Easton, PA
+1610565|Media, PA
+1610566|Media, PA
+1610581|Bryn Mawr, PA
+1610582|Birdsboro, PA
+1610588|Bangor, PA
+1610594|Exton, PA
+1610599|Bangor, PA
+1610625|Bethlehem, PA
+1610627|Media, PA
+1610655|Reading, PA
+1610683|Kutztown, PA
+1610691|Bethlehem, PA
+1610692|West Chester, PA
+1610693|Robesonia, PA
+1610694|Bethlehem, PA
+1610696|West Chester, PA
+1610701|West Chester, PA
+1610705|Pottstown, PA
+1610718|Pottstown, PA
+1610719|West Chester, PA
+1610734|Upper Darby, PA
+1610738|West Chester, PA
+1610740|Allentown, PA
+1610744|Media, PA
+1610749|Riegelsville, PA
+1610758|Bethlehem, PA
+1610768|King of Prussia, PA
+1610770|Allentown, PA
+1610774|Allentown, PA
+1610776|Allentown, PA
+1610779|Reading, PA
+1610782|Allentown, PA
+1610791|Allentown, PA
+1610793|West Chester, PA
+1610797|Allentown, PA
+1610807|Bethlehem, PA
+1610814|Bethlehem, PA
+1610820|Allentown, PA
+1610821|Allentown, PA
+1610824|Palmerton, PA
+1610826|Palmerton, PA
+1610838|Hellertown, PA
+1610841|Allentown, PA
+1610847|Ottsville, PA
+1610856|Mohnton, PA
+1610861|Bethlehem, PA
+1610865|Bethlehem, PA
+1610866|Bethlehem, PA
+1610867|Bethlehem, PA
+1610868|Bethlehem, PA
+1610873|Downingtown, PA
+1610878|King of Prussia, PA
+1610882|Bethlehem, PA
+1610891|Media, PA
+1610892|Media, PA
+1610918|West Chester, PA
+1610923|Easton, PA
+1610925|Kennett Square, PA
+1610932|Oxford, PA
+1610933|Phoenixville, PA
+1610935|Phoenixville, PA
+1610944|Fleetwood, PA
+1610954|Bethlehem, PA
+1610962|King of Prussia, PA
+1610969|Allentown, PA
+1610970|Pottstown, PA
+1610983|Phoenixville, PA
+1610992|King of Prussia, PA
+1610997|Bethlehem, PA
+1610998|Oxford, PA
+1612215|Minneapolis, MN
+1612225|Minneapolis, MN
+1612252|Minneapolis, MN
+1612273|Minneapolis, MN
+1612302|Minneapolis, MN
+1612305|Minneapolis, MN
+1612330|Minneapolis, MN
+1612331|Minneapolis, MN
+1612332|Minneapolis, MN
+1612333|Minneapolis, MN
+1612334|Minneapolis, MN
+1612335|Minneapolis, MN
+1612336|Minneapolis, MN
+1612337|Minneapolis, MN
+1612338|Minneapolis, MN
+1612339|Minneapolis, MN
+1612340|Minneapolis, MN
+1612341|Minneapolis, MN
+1612342|Minneapolis, MN
+1612343|Minneapolis, MN
+1612344|Minneapolis, MN
+1612347|Minneapolis, MN
+1612348|Minneapolis, MN
+1612349|Minneapolis, MN
+1612353|Minneapolis, MN
+1612354|Minneapolis, MN
+1612359|Minneapolis, MN
+1612362|Minneapolis, MN
+1612370|Minneapolis, MN
+1612371|Minneapolis, MN
+1612373|Minneapolis, MN
+1612374|Minneapolis, MN
+1612375|Minneapolis, MN
+1612376|Minneapolis, MN
+1612377|Minneapolis, MN
+1612378|Minneapolis, MN
+1612379|Minneapolis, MN
+1612381|Minneapolis, MN
+1612436|Minneapolis, MN
+1612455|Minneapolis, MN
+1612467|Minneapolis, MN
+1612492|Minneapolis, MN
+1612521|Minneapolis, MN
+1612522|Minneapolis, MN
+1612529|Minneapolis, MN
+1612573|Minneapolis, MN
+1612588|Minneapolis, MN
+1612607|Minneapolis, MN
+1612617|Minneapolis, MN
+1612623|Minneapolis, MN
+1612624|Minneapolis, MN
+1612625|Minneapolis, MN
+1612626|Minneapolis, MN
+1612632|Minneapolis, MN
+1612664|Minneapolis, MN
+1612668|Minneapolis, MN
+1612672|Minneapolis, MN
+1612673|Minneapolis, MN
+1612682|Buffalo, MN
+1612721|Minneapolis, MN
+1612722|Minneapolis, MN
+1612724|Minneapolis, MN
+1612725|Minneapolis, MN
+1612728|Minneapolis, MN
+1612729|Minneapolis, MN
+1612746|Minneapolis, MN
+1612766|Minneapolis, MN
+1612767|Minneapolis, MN
+1612781|Minneapolis, MN
+1612788|Minneapolis, MN
+1612789|Minneapolis, MN
+1612821|Minneapolis, MN
+1612822|Minneapolis, MN
+1612823|Minneapolis, MN
+1612824|Minneapolis, MN
+1612825|Minneapolis, MN
+1612827|Minneapolis, MN
+1612863|Minneapolis, MN
+1612870|Minneapolis, MN
+1612872|Minneapolis, MN
+1612873|Minneapolis, MN
+1612874|Minneapolis, MN
+1612886|Minneapolis, MN
+1612904|Minneapolis, MN
+1612920|Minneapolis, MN
+1612922|Minneapolis, MN
+1612925|Minneapolis, MN
+1612926|Minneapolis, MN
+1612927|Minneapolis, MN
+1612929|Minneapolis, MN
+1612977|Minneapolis, MN
+1613216|Ottawa, ON
+1613230|Ottawa, ON
+1613231|Ottawa, ON
+1613232|Ottawa, ON
+1613233|Ottawa, ON
+1613234|Ottawa, ON
+1613235|Ottawa, ON
+1613236|Ottawa, ON
+1613237|Ottawa, ON
+1613238|Ottawa, ON
+1613241|Ottawa, ON
+1613244|Ottawa, ON
+1613247|Ottawa, ON
+1613253|Carleton Place, ON
+1613256|Almonte, ON
+1613257|Carleton Place, ON
+1613258|Kemptville, ON
+1613260|Ottawa, ON
+1613264|Perth, ON
+1613267|Perth, ON
+1613269|Merrickville, ON
+1613273|Westport, ON
+1613283|Smiths Falls, ON
+1613284|Smiths Falls, ON
+1613332|Bancroft, ON
+1613341|Brockville, ON
+1613342|Brockville, ON
+1613345|Brockville, ON
+1613352|Bath, ON
+1613354|Greater Napanee, ON
+1613359|Elgin, ON
+1613382|Gananoque, ON
+1613384|Kingston, ON
+1613389|Kingston, ON
+1613392|Trenton, ON
+1613393|Bloomfield, ON
+1613394|Trenton, ON
+1613395|Stirling, ON
+1613396|Deseronto, ON
+1613398|Frankford, ON
+1613432|Renfrew, ON
+1613433|Renfrew, ON
+1613445|Russell, ON
+1613446|Rockland, ON
+1613448|Chesterville, ON
+1613472|Marmora, ON
+1613473|Madoc, ON
+1613475|Brighton, ON
+1613476|Picton, ON
+1613478|Tweed, ON
+1613498|Brockville, ON
+1613507|Kingston, ON
+1613523|Ottawa, ON
+1613524|Saint Isidore, ON
+1613525|Alexandria, ON
+1613526|Ottawa, ON
+1613530|Kingston, ON
+1613531|Kingston, ON
+1613537|Ingleside, ON
+1613538|Moose Creek, ON
+1613541|Kingston, ON
+1613542|Kingston, ON
+1613543|Morrisburg, ON
+1613544|Kingston, ON
+1613545|Kingston, ON
+1613546|Kingston, ON
+1613547|Kingston, ON
+1613548|Kingston, ON
+1613549|Kingston, ON
+1613562|Ottawa, ON
+1613563|Ottawa, ON
+1613564|Ottawa, ON
+1613565|Ottawa, ON
+1613566|Ottawa, ON
+1613567|Ottawa, ON
+1613569|Ottawa, ON
+1613584|Deep River, ON
+1613591|Kanata, ON
+1613592|Kanata, ON
+1613594|Ottawa, ON
+1613622|Arnprior, ON
+1613623|Arnprior, ON
+1613624|Pakenham, ON
+1613627|Ottawa, ON
+1613628|Eganville, ON
+1613632|Hawkesbury, ON
+1613634|Kingston, ON
+1613635|Pembroke, ON
+1613636|Hawkesbury, ON
+1613646|Cobden, ON
+1613652|Iroquois, ON
+1613657|Cardinal, ON
+1613659|Lansdowne, ON
+1613675|L'Orignal, ON
+1613678|Vankleek Hill, ON
+1613679|Alfred, ON
+1613687|Petawawa, ON
+1613722|Ottawa, ON
+1613725|Ottawa, ON
+1613728|Ottawa, ON
+1613729|Ottawa, ON
+1613730|Ottawa, ON
+1613731|Ottawa, ON
+1613732|Pembroke, ON
+1613733|Ottawa, ON
+1613735|Pembroke, ON
+1613738|Ottawa, ON
+1613739|Ottawa, ON
+1613757|Killaloe, ON
+1613761|Ottawa, ON
+1613764|Casselman, ON
+1613766|Kingston, ON
+1613771|Belleville, ON
+1613774|Winchester, ON
+1613779|Belleville, ON
+1613782|Ottawa, ON
+1613789|Ottawa, ON
+1613798|Ottawa, ON
+1613925|Prescott, ON
+1613930|Cornwall, ON
+1613932|Cornwall, ON
+1613933|Cornwall, ON
+1613935|Cornwall, ON
+1613936|Cornwall, ON
+1613937|Cornwall, ON
+1613938|Cornwall, ON
+1613961|Belleville, ON
+1613962|Belleville, ON
+1613966|Belleville, ON
+1613967|Belleville, ON
+1613968|Belleville, ON
+1613969|Belleville, ON
+1614220|Columbus, OH
+1614221|Columbus, OH
+1614222|Columbus, OH
+1614223|Columbus, OH
+1614224|Columbus, OH
+1614225|Columbus, OH
+1614227|Columbus, OH
+1614228|Columbus, OH
+1614229|Columbus, OH
+1614231|Columbus, OH
+1614234|Columbus, OH
+1614235|Columbus, OH
+1614236|Columbus, OH
+1614237|Columbus, OH
+1614238|Columbus, OH
+1614239|Columbus, OH
+1614246|Columbus, OH
+1614251|Columbus, OH
+1614252|Columbus, OH
+1614253|Columbus, OH
+1614257|Columbus, OH
+1614258|Columbus, OH
+1614261|Columbus, OH
+1614262|Columbus, OH
+1614263|Columbus, OH
+1614265|Columbus, OH
+1614267|Columbus, OH
+1614268|Columbus, OH
+1614272|Columbus, OH
+1614274|Columbus, OH
+1614275|Columbus, OH
+1614276|Columbus, OH
+1614277|Grove City, OH
+1614278|Columbus, OH
+1614279|Columbus, OH
+1614280|Columbus, OH
+1614291|Columbus, OH
+1614292|Columbus, OH
+1614293|Columbus, OH
+1614294|Columbus, OH
+1614297|Columbus, OH
+1614298|Columbus, OH
+1614299|Columbus, OH
+1614308|Columbus, OH
+1614326|Columbus, OH
+1614338|Columbus, OH
+1614351|Columbus, OH
+1614355|Columbus, OH
+1614365|Columbus, OH
+1614421|Columbus, OH
+1614442|Columbus, OH
+1614443|Columbus, OH
+1614444|Columbus, OH
+1614445|Columbus, OH
+1614447|Columbus, OH
+1614449|Columbus, OH
+1614451|Columbus, OH
+1614457|Columbus, OH
+1614459|Columbus, OH
+1614460|Columbus, OH
+1614461|Columbus, OH
+1614462|Columbus, OH
+1614463|Columbus, OH
+1614464|Columbus, OH
+1614466|Columbus, OH
+1614469|Columbus, OH
+1614481|Columbus, OH
+1614485|Columbus, OH
+1614486|Columbus, OH
+1614487|Columbus, OH
+1614488|Columbus, OH
+1614525|Columbus, OH
+1614538|Columbus, OH
+1614539|Grove City, OH
+1614542|Columbus, OH
+1614544|Columbus, OH
+1614545|Columbus, OH
+1614566|Columbus, OH
+1614583|Columbus, OH
+1614586|Columbus, OH
+1614621|Columbus, OH
+1614628|Columbus, OH
+1614645|Columbus, OH
+1614688|Columbus, OH
+1614717|Dublin, OH
+1614722|Columbus, OH
+1614725|Columbus, OH
+1614752|Columbus, OH
+1614784|Columbus, OH
+1614801|Grove City, OH
+1614824|Columbus, OH
+1614836|Groveport, OH
+1614851|Columbus, OH
+1614853|Columbus, OH
+1614871|Grove City, OH
+1614873|Plain City, OH
+1614875|Grove City, OH
+1614878|Columbus, OH
+1614879|West Jefferson, OH
+1614884|Columbus, OH
+1614934|Columbus, OH
+1614947|Columbus, OH
+1615206|Gallatin, TN
+1615213|La Vergne, TN
+1615215|Smithville, TN
+1615217|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615220|Smyrna, TN
+1615222|Nashville, TN
+1615223|Smyrna, TN
+1615225|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615226|Nashville, TN
+1615227|Nashville, TN
+1615228|Nashville, TN
+1615230|Gallatin, TN
+1615231|Nashville, TN
+1615237|Watertown, TN
+1615242|Nashville, TN
+1615244|Nashville, TN
+1615248|Nashville, TN
+1615250|Nashville, TN
+1615251|Nashville, TN
+1615252|Nashville, TN
+1615254|Nashville, TN
+1615255|Nashville, TN
+1615256|Nashville, TN
+1615258|Nashville, TN
+1615259|Nashville, TN
+1615262|Nashville, TN
+1615264|Hendersonville, TN
+1615269|Nashville, TN
+1615279|Nashville, TN
+1615284|Nashville, TN
+1615287|La Vergne, TN
+1615291|Nashville, TN
+1615292|Nashville, TN
+1615297|Nashville, TN
+1615298|Nashville, TN
+1615302|Spring Hill, TN
+1615309|Brentwood, TN
+1615313|Nashville, TN
+1615315|Nashville, TN
+1615320|Nashville, TN
+1615321|Nashville, TN
+1615322|Nashville, TN
+1615323|Portland, TN
+1615325|Portland, TN
+1615327|Nashville, TN
+1615329|Nashville, TN
+1615331|Nashville, TN
+1615332|Nashville, TN
+1615333|Nashville, TN
+1615340|Nashville, TN
+1615341|Nashville, TN
+1615342|Nashville, TN
+1615343|Nashville, TN
+1615350|Nashville, TN
+1615352|Nashville, TN
+1615353|Nashville, TN
+1615354|Nashville, TN
+1615355|Smyrna, TN
+1615356|Nashville, TN
+1615360|Nashville, TN
+1615361|Nashville, TN
+1615365|Nashville, TN
+1615366|Nashville, TN
+1615367|Nashville, TN
+1615374|Hartsville, TN
+1615382|Springfield, TN
+1615383|Nashville, TN
+1615384|Springfield, TN
+1615385|Nashville, TN
+1615386|Nashville, TN
+1615391|Nashville, TN
+1615396|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615399|Nashville, TN
+1615401|Nashville, TN
+1615410|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615431|Hendersonville, TN
+1615435|Franklin, TN
+1615441|Dickson, TN
+1615443|Lebanon, TN
+1615444|Lebanon, TN
+1615445|Nashville, TN
+1615446|Dickson, TN
+1615447|Hendersonville, TN
+1615449|Lebanon, TN
+1615451|Gallatin, TN
+1615452|Gallatin, TN
+1615453|Lebanon, TN
+1615459|Smyrna, TN
+1615460|Nashville, TN
+1615463|Nashville, TN
+1615494|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615503|Franklin, TN
+1615514|Nashville, TN
+1615532|Nashville, TN
+1615547|Lebanon, TN
+1615550|Franklin, TN
+1615563|Woodbury, TN
+1615567|Franklin, TN
+1615590|Hendersonville, TN
+1615591|Franklin, TN
+1615595|Franklin, TN
+1615597|Smithville, TN
+1615599|Franklin, TN
+1615624|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615643|Greenbrier, TN
+1615644|Westmoreland, TN
+1615646|Nashville, TN
+1615650|Nashville, TN
+1615662|Nashville, TN
+1615665|Nashville, TN
+1615666|Lafayette, TN
+1615672|White House, TN
+1615683|Gordonsville, TN
+1615688|Lafayette, TN
+1615699|Red Boiling Spgs, TN
+1615726|Nashville, TN
+1615731|Antioch, TN
+1615733|Nashville, TN
+1615735|Carthage, TN
+1615736|Nashville, TN
+1615740|Dickson, TN
+1615741|Nashville, TN
+1615742|Nashville, TN
+1615744|Nashville, TN
+1615754|Mount Juliet, TN
+1615758|Mount Juliet, TN
+1615770|Nashville, TN
+1615771|Franklin, TN
+1615773|Mount Juliet, TN
+1615781|Nashville, TN
+1615782|Nashville, TN
+1615783|Nashville, TN
+1615789|Charlotte, TN
+1615790|Franklin, TN
+1615791|Franklin, TN
+1615792|Ashland City, TN
+1615793|La Vergne, TN
+1615794|Franklin, TN
+1615797|White Bluff, TN
+1615799|Fairview, TN
+1615822|Hendersonville, TN
+1615824|Hendersonville, TN
+1615826|Hendersonville, TN
+1615831|Nashville, TN
+1615832|Nashville, TN
+1615833|Nashville, TN
+1615834|Nashville, TN
+1615837|Nashville, TN
+1615847|Old Hickory, TN
+1615848|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615849|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615850|Nashville, TN
+1615851|Goodlettsville, TN
+1615859|Goodlettsville, TN
+1615862|Nashville, TN
+1615867|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615871|Nashville, TN
+1615880|Nashville, TN
+1615883|Nashville, TN
+1615884|Nashville, TN
+1615889|Nashville, TN
+1615890|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615893|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615895|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615896|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615898|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615902|Nashville, TN
+1615904|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615907|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615936|Nashville, TN
+1615952|Kingston Springs, TN
+1615962|Murfreesboro, TN
+1615963|Nashville, TN
+1616225|Greenville, MI
+1616233|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616235|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616242|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616243|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616245|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616248|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616285|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616335|Holland, MI
+1616336|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616355|Holland, MI
+1616356|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616361|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616363|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616364|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616365|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616374|Lake Odessa, MI
+1616391|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616392|Holland, MI
+1616393|Holland, MI
+1616394|Holland, MI
+1616395|Holland, MI
+1616396|Holland, MI
+1616399|Holland, MI
+1616447|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616451|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616453|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616454|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616456|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616457|Jenison, MI
+1616458|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616459|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616464|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616493|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616494|Holland, MI
+1616522|Ionia, MI
+1616523|Ionia, MI
+1616527|Ionia, MI
+1616574|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616575|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616583|Byron Center, MI
+1616632|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616642|Saranac, MI
+1616667|Jenison, MI
+1616676|Ada, MI
+1616678|Kent City, MI
+1616681|Dorr, MI
+1616682|Ada, MI
+1616696|Cedar Springs, MI
+1616732|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616735|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616738|Holland, MI
+1616742|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616748|Zeeland, MI
+1616752|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616754|Greenville, MI
+1616772|Zeeland, MI
+1616774|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616776|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616786|Holland, MI
+1616791|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616794|Belding, MI
+1616796|Holland, MI
+1616819|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616820|Holland, MI
+1616863|Rockford, MI
+1616866|Rockford, MI
+1616874|Rockford, MI
+1616878|Byron Center, MI
+1616887|Sparta, MI
+1616891|Caledonia, MI
+1616897|Lowell, MI
+1616940|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616954|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616956|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616957|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616975|Grand Rapids, MI
+1616987|Lowell, MI
+1616994|Holland, MI
+1616997|Coopersville, MI
+1617204|Boston, MA
+1617217|Boston, MA
+1617225|Cambridge, MA
+1617227|Boston, MA
+1617236|Boston, MA
+1617239|Boston, MA
+1617241|Charlestown, MA
+1617242|Charlestown, MA
+1617243|Newton, MA
+1617247|Boston, MA
+1617248|Boston, MA
+1617253|Cambridge, MA
+1617258|Cambridge, MA
+1617261|Boston, MA
+1617262|Boston, MA
+1617263|Boston, MA
+1617266|Boston, MA
+1617267|Boston, MA
+1617269|Boston, MA
+1617289|Boston, MA
+1617292|Boston, MA
+1617305|Boston, MA
+1617310|Boston, MA
+1617316|Boston, MA
+1617328|Quincy, MA
+1617330|Boston, MA
+1617338|Boston, MA
+1617342|Boston, MA
+1617345|Boston, MA
+1617348|Boston, MA
+1617349|Cambridge, MA
+1617350|Boston, MA
+1617353|Boston, MA
+1617354|Cambridge, MA
+1617355|Boston, MA
+1617357|Boston, MA
+1617361|Hyde Park, MA
+1617364|Hyde Park, MA
+1617367|Boston, MA
+1617369|Boston, MA
+1617371|Boston, MA
+1617373|Boston, MA
+1617375|Boston, MA
+1617376|Quincy, MA
+1617381|Everett, MA
+1617387|Everett, MA
+1617389|Everett, MA
+1617394|Everett, MA
+1617414|Boston, MA
+1617421|Boston, MA
+1617422|Boston, MA
+1617423|Boston, MA
+1617424|Boston, MA
+1617425|Boston, MA
+1617426|Boston, MA
+1617432|Boston, MA
+1617437|Boston, MA
+1617439|Boston, MA
+1617441|Cambridge, MA
+1617443|Boston, MA
+1617450|Boston, MA
+1617451|Boston, MA
+1617452|Cambridge, MA
+1617454|Newton, MA
+1617457|Boston, MA
+1617464|Boston, MA
+1617471|Quincy, MA
+1617472|Quincy, MA
+1617478|Boston, MA
+1617479|Quincy, MA
+1617482|Boston, MA
+1617484|Belmont, MA
+1617489|Belmont, MA
+1617491|Cambridge, MA
+1617492|Cambridge, MA
+1617494|Cambridge, MA
+1617496|Cambridge, MA
+1617497|Cambridge, MA
+1617499|Cambridge, MA
+1617509|Boston, MA
+1617520|Cambridge, MA
+1617521|Boston, MA
+1617523|Boston, MA
+1617525|Boston, MA
+1617526|Boston, MA
+1617535|Boston, MA
+1617536|Boston, MA
+1617539|Winthrop, MA
+1617542|Boston, MA
+1617547|Cambridge, MA
+1617556|Boston, MA
+1617557|Boston, MA
+1617565|Boston, MA
+1617568|Boston, MA
+1617570|Boston, MA
+1617573|Boston, MA
+1617574|Boston, MA
+1617576|Cambridge, MA
+1617577|Cambridge, MA
+1617582|San Francisco, CA
+1617585|Boston, MA
+1617591|Somerville, MA
+1617621|Cambridge, MA
+1617623|Somerville, MA
+1617624|Boston, MA
+1617625|Somerville, MA
+1617628|Somerville, MA
+1617629|Somerville, MA
+1617632|Boston, MA
+1617635|Boston, MA
+1617636|Boston, MA
+1617638|Boston, MA
+1617643|Boston, MA
+1617646|Boston, MA
+1617661|Cambridge, MA
+1617665|Cambridge, MA
+1617666|Somerville, MA
+1617667|Boston, MA
+1617670|Boston, MA
+1617695|Boston, MA
+1617696|Milton, MA
+1617698|Milton, MA
+1617720|Boston, MA
+1617722|Boston, MA
+1617723|Boston, MA
+1617724|Boston, MA
+1617726|Boston, MA
+1617727|Boston, MA
+1617728|Boston, MA
+1617732|Boston, MA
+1617737|Boston, MA
+1617742|Boston, MA
+1617748|Boston, MA
+1617769|Quincy, MA
+1617770|Quincy, MA
+1617773|Quincy, MA
+1617774|Quincy, MA
+1617776|Somerville, MA
+1617778|Boston, MA
+1617786|Quincy, MA
+1617790|Boston, MA
+1617832|Boston, MA
+1617846|Winthrop, MA
+1617847|Quincy, MA
+1617854|Boston, MA
+1617855|Belmont, MA
+1617856|Boston, MA
+1617859|Boston, MA
+1617864|Cambridge, MA
+1617868|Cambridge, MA
+1617876|Cambridge, MA
+1617878|Boston, MA
+1617880|Boston, MA
+1617884|Chelsea, MA
+1617887|Chelsea, MA
+1617889|Chelsea, MA
+1617898|Milton, MA
+1617923|Watertown, MA
+1617924|Watertown, MA
+1617926|Watertown, MA
+1617927|Boston, MA
+1617946|Boston, MA
+1617948|Boston, MA
+1617951|Boston, MA
+1617956|Boston, MA
+1617972|Watertown, MA
+1617973|Boston, MA
+1617984|Quincy, MA
+1617988|Boston, MA
+1618224|Trenton, IL
+1618228|Aviston, IL
+1618234|Belleville, IL
+1618241|Mount Vernon, IL
+1618242|Mount Vernon, IL
+1618243|Okawville, IL
+1618244|Mount Vernon, IL
+1618246|Mount Vernon, IL
+1618247|Sandoval, IL
+1618252|Harrisburg, IL
+1618253|Harrisburg, IL
+1618256|Scott AFB, IL
+1618262|Mount Carmel, IL
+1618263|Mount Carmel, IL
+1618269|Shawneetown, IL
+1618271|East St. Louis, IL
+1618273|Eldorado, IL
+1618274|East St. Louis, IL
+1618281|Columbia, IL
+1618282|Red Bud, IL
+1618283|Vandalia, IL
+1618286|Dupo, IL
+1618295|Marissa, IL
+1618327|Nashville, IL
+1618343|Collinsville, IL
+1618344|Collinsville, IL
+1618345|Collinsville, IL
+1618346|Collinsville, IL
+1618351|Carbondale, IL
+1618357|Pinckneyville, IL
+1618372|Brighton, IL
+1618375|Grayville, IL
+1618377|Bethalto, IL
+1618378|Norris City, IL
+1618382|Carmi, IL
+1618392|Olney, IL
+1618393|Olney, IL
+1618395|Olney, IL
+1618435|Benton, IL
+1618436|Centralia, IL
+1618438|Benton, IL
+1618439|Benton, IL
+1618443|Sparta, IL
+1618445|Albion, IL
+1618451|Granite City, IL
+1618453|Carbondale, IL
+1618457|Carbondale, IL
+1618462|Alton, IL
+1618463|Alton, IL
+1618465|Alton, IL
+1618474|Alton, IL
+1618475|New Athens, IL
+1618476|Millstadt, IL
+1618482|East St. Louis, IL
+1618483|Altamont, IL
+1618488|Alhambra, IL
+1618498|Jerseyville, IL
+1618524|Metropolis, IL
+1618526|Breese, IL
+1618529|Carbondale, IL
+1618532|Centralia, IL
+1618533|Centralia, IL
+1618536|Carbondale, IL
+1618537|Lebanon, IL
+1618539|Freeburg, IL
+1618542|Du Quoin, IL
+1618544|Robinson, IL
+1618545|Centralia, IL
+1618546|Robinson, IL
+1618548|Salem, IL
+1618549|Carbondale, IL
+1618566|Mascoutah, IL
+1618576|Hardin, IL
+1618585|Bunker Hill, IL
+1618588|New Baden, IL
+1618592|Oblong, IL
+1618594|Carlyle, IL
+1618625|Sesser, IL
+1618635|Staunton, IL
+1618639|Jerseyville, IL
+1618641|Belleville, IL
+1618643|McLeansboro, IL
+1618651|Highland, IL
+1618654|Highland, IL
+1618655|Edwardsville, IL
+1618656|Edwardsville, IL
+1618658|Vienna, IL
+1618659|Edwardsville, IL
+1618662|Flora, IL
+1618664|Greenville, IL
+1618665|Louisville, IL
+1618667|Troy, IL
+1618669|Pocahontas, IL
+1618676|Clay City, IL
+1618684|Murphysboro, IL
+1618687|Murphysboro, IL
+1618692|Edwardsville, IL
+1618723|Noble, IL
+1618734|Cairo, IL
+1618745|Mounds, IL
+1618758|Coulterville, IL
+1618775|Odin, IL
+1618783|Newton, IL
+1618786|Grafton, IL
+1618797|Granite City, IL
+1618826|Chester, IL
+1618829|St. Elmo, IL
+1618842|Fairfield, IL
+1618847|Fairfield, IL
+1618874|East St. Louis, IL
+1618875|East St. Louis, IL
+1618877|Granite City, IL
+1618931|Granite City, IL
+1618932|West Frankfort, IL
+1618936|Sumner, IL
+1618937|West Frankfort, IL
+1618939|Waterloo, IL
+1618942|Herrin, IL
+1618943|Lawrenceville, IL
+1618945|Bridgeport, IL
+1618965|Steeleville, IL
+1618966|Crossville, IL
+1618983|Johnston City, IL
+1618985|Carterville, IL
+1618988|Herrin, IL
+1618993|Marion, IL
+1618995|Goreville, IL
+1618996|Creal Springs, IL
+1618997|Marion, IL
+1618998|Marion, IL
+1619209|San Diego, CA
+1619216|Chula Vista, CA
+1619220|San Diego, CA
+1619221|San Diego, CA
+1619222|San Diego, CA
+1619223|San Diego, CA
+1619224|San Diego, CA
+1619225|San Diego, CA
+1619226|San Diego, CA
+1619229|San Diego, CA
+1619230|San Diego, CA
+1619231|San Diego, CA
+1619232|San Diego, CA
+1619233|San Diego, CA
+1619234|San Diego, CA
+1619235|San Diego, CA
+1619236|San Diego, CA
+1619237|San Diego, CA
+1619238|San Diego, CA
+1619239|San Diego, CA
+1619255|San Diego, CA
+1619260|San Diego, CA
+1619262|San Diego, CA
+1619263|San Diego, CA
+1619264|San Diego, CA
+1619265|San Diego, CA
+1619266|San Diego, CA
+1619269|San Diego, CA
+1619275|San Diego, CA
+1619276|San Diego, CA
+1619278|San Diego, CA
+1619280|San Diego, CA
+1619281|San Diego, CA
+1619282|San Diego, CA
+1619283|San Diego, CA
+1619284|San Diego, CA
+1619285|San Diego, CA
+1619286|San Diego, CA
+1619287|San Diego, CA
+1619291|San Diego, CA
+1619293|San Diego, CA
+1619294|San Diego, CA
+1619295|San Diego, CA
+1619296|San Diego, CA
+1619297|San Diego, CA
+1619298|San Diego, CA
+1619299|San Diego, CA
+1619321|San Diego, CA
+1619325|San Diego, CA
+1619336|National City, CA
+1619338|San Diego, CA
+1619388|San Diego, CA
+1619397|Chula Vista, CA
+1619398|San Diego, CA
+1619400|San Diego, CA
+1619401|El Cajon, CA
+1619420|Chula Vista, CA
+1619421|Chula Vista, CA
+1619422|Chula Vista, CA
+1619425|Chula Vista, CA
+1619426|Chula Vista, CA
+1619427|Chula Vista, CA
+1619428|San Diego, CA
+1619435|Coronado, CA
+1619440|El Cajon, CA
+1619441|El Cajon, CA
+1619442|El Cajon, CA
+1619444|El Cajon, CA
+1619446|San Diego, CA
+1619447|El Cajon, CA
+1619473|Pine Valley, CA
+1619474|National City, CA
+1619476|Chula Vista, CA
+1619477|National City, CA
+1619482|Chula Vista, CA
+1619491|San Diego, CA
+1619497|San Diego, CA
+1619498|Chula Vista, CA
+1619501|San Diego, CA
+1619515|San Diego, CA
+1619516|San Diego, CA
+1619521|San Diego, CA
+1619522|Coronado, CA
+1619523|San Diego, CA
+1619525|San Diego, CA
+1619527|San Diego, CA
+1619528|San Diego, CA
+1619531|San Diego, CA
+1619532|San Diego, CA
+1619533|San Diego, CA
+1619542|San Diego, CA
+1619543|San Diego, CA
+1619544|San Diego, CA
+1619546|San Diego, CA
+1619557|San Diego, CA
+1619563|San Diego, CA
+1619574|San Diego, CA
+1619579|El Cajon, CA
+1619582|San Diego, CA
+1619583|San Diego, CA
+1619584|San Diego, CA
+1619585|Chula Vista, CA
+1619588|El Cajon, CA
+1619590|El Cajon, CA
+1619591|Chula Vista, CA
+1619593|El Cajon, CA
+1619594|San Diego, CA
+1619595|San Diego, CA
+1619615|San Diego, CA
+1619624|San Diego, CA
+1619640|San Diego, CA
+1619641|San Diego, CA
+1619645|San Diego, CA
+1619656|Chula Vista, CA
+1619659|Alpine, CA
+1619661|San Diego, CA
+1619662|San Diego, CA
+1619669|Jamul, CA
+1619671|San Diego, CA
+1619677|San Diego, CA
+1619683|San Diego, CA
+1619685|San Diego, CA
+1619686|San Diego, CA
+1619687|San Diego, CA
+1619688|San Diego, CA
+1619690|San Diego, CA
+1619691|Chula Vista, CA
+1619692|San Diego, CA
+1619696|San Diego, CA
+1619699|San Diego, CA
+1619702|San Diego, CA
+1619710|San Diego, CA
+1619718|San Diego, CA
+1619725|San Diego, CA
+1619740|La Mesa, CA
+1619758|San Diego, CA
+1619794|San Diego, CA
+1619795|San Diego, CA
+1619814|San Diego, CA
+1619858|San Diego, CA
+1620221|Winfield, KS
+1620223|Fort Scott, KS
+1620225|Dodge City, KS
+1620227|Dodge City, KS
+1620229|Winfield, KS
+1620230|Pittsburg, KS
+1620231|Pittsburg, KS
+1620232|Pittsburg, KS
+1620234|Stafford, KS
+1620235|Pittsburg, KS
+1620236|Chetopa, KS
+1620241|McPherson, KS
+1620244|Erie, KS
+1620245|McPherson, KS
+1620251|Coffeyville, KS
+1620252|Coffeyville, KS
+1620254|Attica, KS
+1620256|Lebo, KS
+1620257|Lyons, KS
+1620259|Hutchinson, KS
+1620271|Garden City, KS
+1620272|Garden City, KS
+1620275|Garden City, KS
+1620276|Garden City, KS
+1620278|Sterling, KS
+1620285|Larned, KS
+1620298|Cunningham, KS
+1620325|Neodesha, KS
+1620326|Wellington, KS
+1620327|Hesston, KS
+1620331|Independence, KS
+1620332|Independence, KS
+1620336|Cherryvale, KS
+1620338|Dodge City, KS
+1620340|Emporia, KS
+1620341|Emporia, KS
+1620342|Emporia, KS
+1620343|Emporia, KS
+1620345|Moundridge, KS
+1620355|Lakin, KS
+1620356|Ulysses, KS
+1620357|Jetmore, KS
+1620364|Burlington, KS
+1620365|Iola, KS
+1620374|Howard, KS
+1620375|Leoti, KS
+1620376|Tribune, KS
+1620378|Fredonia, KS
+1620382|Marion, KS
+1620384|Syracuse, KS
+1620397|Dighton, KS
+1620421|Parsons, KS
+1620422|Nickerson, KS
+1620424|Ulysses, KS
+1620429|Columbus, KS
+1620431|Chanute, KS
+1620432|Chanute, KS
+1620435|Argonia, KS
+1620437|Madison, KS
+1620441|Arkansas City, KS
+1620442|Arkansas City, KS
+1620449|St. Paul, KS
+1620455|Oxford, KS
+1620456|Conway Springs, KS
+1620459|Pretty Prairie, KS
+1620463|Burrton, KS
+1620465|Haven, KS
+1620473|Humboldt, KS
+1620488|Belle Plaine, KS
+1620492|Johnson, KS
+1620532|Kingman, KS
+1620544|Hugoton, KS
+1620549|St. John, KS
+1620564|Ellinwood, KS
+1620582|Coldwater, KS
+1620583|Eureka, KS
+1620584|Clearwater, KS
+1620585|Inman, KS
+1620587|Claflin, KS
+1620624|Liberal, KS
+1620625|Yates Center, KS
+1620626|Liberal, KS
+1620628|Canton, KS
+1620635|Ashland, KS
+1620646|Fowler, KS
+1620649|Satanta, KS
+1620653|Hoisington, KS
+1620659|Kinsley, KS
+1620662|Hutchinson, KS
+1620663|Hutchinson, KS
+1620664|Hutchinson, KS
+1620665|Hutchinson, KS
+1620668|Copeland, KS
+1620669|Hutchinson, KS
+1620672|Pratt, KS
+1620675|Sublette, KS
+1620694|Hutchinson, KS
+1620697|Elkhart, KS
+1620723|Greensburg, KS
+1620724|Girard, KS
+1620725|Sedan, KS
+1620728|Hutchinson, KS
+1620767|Council Grove, KS
+1620782|Udall, KS
+1620783|Galena, KS
+1620784|Altamont, KS
+1620786|Great Bend, KS
+1620792|Great Bend, KS
+1620793|Great Bend, KS
+1620795|Oswego, KS
+1620805|Garden City, KS
+1620820|Parsons, KS
+1620825|Kiowa, KS
+1620826|Bucklin, KS
+1620842|Anthony, KS
+1620845|Caldwell, KS
+1620846|Montezuma, KS
+1620855|Cimarron, KS
+1620856|Baxter Springs, KS
+1620872|Scott City, KS
+1620873|Meade, KS
+1620879|Caney, KS
+1620886|Medicine Lodge, KS
+1620896|Harper, KS
+1620897|Little River, KS
+1620947|Hillsboro, KS
+1620983|Peabody, KS
+1623245|Phoenix, AZ
+1623463|Glendale, AZ
+1623551|Phoenix, AZ
+1623842|Glendale, AZ
+1623847|Glendale, AZ
+1623849|Phoenix, AZ
+1623856|Glendale, AZ
+1623879|Phoenix, AZ
+1623930|Glendale, AZ
+1623934|Glendale, AZ
+1623937|Glendale, AZ
+1623939|Glendale, AZ
+1626229|Pasadena, CA
+1626254|Arcadia, CA
+1626294|Arcadia, CA
+1626304|Pasadena, CA
+1626334|Azusa, CA
+1626335|Glendora, CA
+1626351|Pasadena, CA
+1626355|Sierra Madre, CA
+1626356|Pasadena, CA
+1626396|Pasadena, CA
+1626397|Pasadena, CA
+1626405|Pasadena, CA
+1626432|Pasadena, CA
+1626440|Pasadena, CA
+1626445|Arcadia, CA
+1626446|Arcadia, CA
+1626447|Arcadia, CA
+1626449|Pasadena, CA
+1626462|Arcadia, CA
+1626535|Pasadena, CA
+1626564|Pasadena, CA
+1626568|Pasadena, CA
+1626574|Arcadia, CA
+1626577|Pasadena, CA
+1626578|Pasadena, CA
+1626583|Pasadena, CA
+1626584|Pasadena, CA
+1626585|Pasadena, CA
+1626683|Pasadena, CA
+1626744|Pasadena, CA
+1626792|Pasadena, CA
+1626793|Pasadena, CA
+1626795|Pasadena, CA
+1626796|Pasadena, CA
+1626812|Azusa, CA
+1626815|Azusa, CA
+1626821|Arcadia, CA
+1626836|Sierra Madre, CA
+1626844|Pasadena, CA
+1626852|Glendora, CA
+1626857|Glendora, CA
+1626859|Covina, CA
+1626914|Glendora, CA
+1626963|Glendora, CA
+1626969|Azusa, CA
+1630208|Geneva, IL
+1630226|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630231|West Chicago, IL
+1630232|Geneva, IL
+1630243|Lemont, IL
+1630250|Itasca, IL
+1630257|Lemont, IL
+1630262|Geneva, IL
+1630275|Downers Grove, IL
+1630285|Itasca, IL
+1630293|West Chicago, IL
+1630305|Naperville, IL
+1630312|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630355|Naperville, IL
+1630357|Naperville, IL
+1630368|Oak Brook, IL
+1630369|Naperville, IL
+1630378|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630393|Warrenville, IL
+1630397|Geneva, IL
+1630406|Batavia, IL
+1630416|Naperville, IL
+1630420|Naperville, IL
+1630428|Naperville, IL
+1630458|Addison, IL
+1630466|Sugar Grove, IL
+1630469|Glen Ellyn, IL
+1630482|Batavia, IL
+1630499|Aurora, IL
+1630527|Naperville, IL
+1630543|Addison, IL
+1630548|Naperville, IL
+1630551|Oswego, IL
+1630552|Plano, IL
+1630553|Yorkville, IL
+1630554|Oswego, IL
+1630562|West Chicago, IL
+1630571|Oak Brook, IL
+1630572|Oak Brook, IL
+1630574|Oak Brook, IL
+1630575|Oak Brook, IL
+1630579|Naperville, IL
+1630585|Aurora, IL
+1630628|Addison, IL
+1630637|Naperville, IL
+1630679|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630692|Aurora, IL
+1630718|Naperville, IL
+1630759|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630761|Batavia, IL
+1630771|Bolingbrook, IL
+1630773|Itasca, IL
+1630778|Naperville, IL
+1630820|Aurora, IL
+1630836|Warrenville, IL
+1630845|Geneva, IL
+1630848|Naperville, IL
+1630851|Aurora, IL
+1630856|Hinsdale, IL
+1630858|Glen Ellyn, IL
+1630876|West Chicago, IL
+1630879|Batavia, IL
+1630882|Yorkville, IL
+1630898|Aurora, IL
+1630904|Naperville, IL
+1630922|Naperville, IL
+1630961|Naperville, IL
+1630978|Aurora, IL
+1630983|Naperville, IL
+1630990|Oak Brook, IL
+1631|New York
+1631206|Bay Shore, NY
+1631208|Riverhead, NY
+1631226|Lindenhurst, NY
+1631264|Amityville, NY
+1631269|Kings Park, NY
+1631283|Southampton, NY
+1631287|Southampton, NY
+1631298|Mattituck, NY
+1631324|East Hampton, NY
+1631328|Bay Shore, NY
+1631329|East Hampton, NY
+1631368|East Northport, NY
+1631369|Riverhead, NY
+1631376|West Islip, NY
+1631465|Melville, NY
+1631477|Greenport, NY
+1631548|Riverhead, NY
+1631584|St. James, NY
+1631598|Amityville, NY
+1631647|Bay Shore, NY
+1631665|Bay Shore, NY
+1631666|Bay Shore, NY
+1631668|Montauk, NY
+1631691|Amityville, NY
+1631723|Hampton Bays, NY
+1631725|Sag Harbor, NY
+1631727|Riverhead, NY
+1631728|Hampton Bays, NY
+1631734|Cutchogue, NY
+1631765|Southold, NY
+1631907|East Hampton, NY
+1631929|Wading River, NY
+1631957|Lindenhurst, NY
+1631968|Bay Shore, NY
+1631969|Bay Shore, NY
+1631991|Lindenhurst, NY
+1636239|Washington, MO
+1636240|O Fallon, MO
+1636250|St. Charles, MO
+1636255|St. Charles, MO
+1636257|Pacific, MO
+1636271|Pacific, MO
+1636272|O Fallon, MO
+1636278|St. Peters, MO
+1636279|St. Peters, MO
+1636281|O Fallon, MO
+1636282|Arnold, MO
+1636287|Arnold, MO
+1636296|Arnold, MO
+1636305|Fenton, MO
+1636326|Fenton, MO
+1636327|Wentzville, MO
+1636332|Wentzville, MO
+1636337|De Soto, MO
+1636343|Fenton, MO
+1636349|Fenton, MO
+1636356|Moscow Mills, MO
+1636376|High Ridge, MO
+1636379|O Fallon, MO
+1636390|Washington, MO
+1636397|St. Peters, MO
+1636456|Warrenton, MO
+1636462|Troy, MO
+1636488|Jonesburg, MO
+1636493|St. Charles, MO
+1636519|Chesterfield, MO
+1636528|Troy, MO
+1636530|Chesterfield, MO
+1636532|Chesterfield, MO
+1636536|Chesterfield, MO
+1636537|Chesterfield, MO
+1636583|Union, MO
+1636584|Union, MO
+1636586|De Soto, MO
+1636587|Eureka, MO
+1636629|St. Clair, MO
+1636639|Wentzville, MO
+1636671|House Springs, MO
+1636677|High Ridge, MO
+1636717|Fenton, MO
+1636723|St. Charles, MO
+1636724|St. Charles, MO
+1636745|Wright City, MO
+1636789|Hillsboro, MO
+1636797|Hillsboro, MO
+1636812|Chesterfield, MO
+1636925|St. Charles, MO
+1636938|Eureka, MO
+1636940|St. Charles, MO
+1636946|St. Charles, MO
+1636947|St. Charles, MO
+1636949|St. Charles, MO
+1636970|St. Peters, MO
+1636978|O Fallon, MO
+1636980|O'Fallon, MO
+1641209|Fairfield, IA
+1641227|Baxter, IA
+1641228|Charles City, IA
+1641236|Grinnell, IA
+1641241|Mason City, IA
+1641257|Charles City, IA
+1641259|Monroe, IA
+1641322|Corning, IA
+1641324|Northwood, IA
+1641332|Guthrie Center, IA
+1641333|Lenox, IA
+1641342|Osceola, IA
+1641357|Clear Lake, IA
+1641377|Colo, IA
+1641394|New Hampton, IA
+1641421|Mason City, IA
+1641422|Mason City, IA
+1641423|Mason City, IA
+1641424|Mason City, IA
+1641435|Nashua, IA
+1641437|Centerville, IA
+1641444|Belmond, IA
+1641446|Leon, IA
+1641454|Manly, IA
+1641456|Hampton, IA
+1641464|Mount Ayr, IA
+1641469|Fairfield, IA
+1641472|Fairfield, IA
+1641483|State Center, IA
+1641487|Zearing, IA
+1641494|Mason City, IA
+1641522|Brooklyn, IA
+1641526|Kellogg, IA
+1641562|Buffalo Center, IA
+1641581|Forest City, IA
+1641585|Forest City, IA
+1641592|Lake Mills, IA
+1641594|Sully, IA
+1641620|Pella, IA
+1641621|Pella, IA
+1641622|Sigourney, IA
+1641623|Montezuma, IA
+1641628|Pella, IA
+1641636|Keota, IA
+1641637|New Sharon, IA
+1641648|Iowa Falls, IA
+1641664|Bloomfield, IA
+1641672|Oskaloosa, IA
+1641673|Oskaloosa, IA
+1641676|Oskaloosa, IA
+1641682|Ottumwa, IA
+1641683|Ottumwa, IA
+1641684|Ottumwa, IA
+1641713|St. Ansgar, IA
+1641724|Moravia, IA
+1641732|Osage, IA
+1641742|Adair, IA
+1641743|Greenfield, IA
+1641746|Casey, IA
+1641747|Guthrie Center, IA
+1641749|Nora Springs, IA
+1641752|Marshalltown, IA
+1641753|Marshalltown, IA
+1641754|Marshalltown, IA
+1641755|Panora, IA
+1641756|Rockford, IA
+1641762|Kanawha, IA
+1641774|Chariton, IA
+1641782|Creston, IA
+1641784|Lamoni, IA
+1641787|Newton, IA
+1641791|Newton, IA
+1641792|Newton, IA
+1641816|Greene, IA
+1641822|Rockwell, IA
+1641823|Greene, IA
+1641828|Knoxville, IA
+1641842|Knoxville, IA
+1641843|Britt, IA
+1641847|Ackley, IA
+1641856|Centerville, IA
+1641858|Eldora, IA
+1641864|Hubbard, IA
+1641869|Wellsburg, IA
+1641872|Corydon, IA
+1641892|Sheffield, IA
+1641923|Garner, IA
+1641932|Albia, IA
+1641939|Eldora, IA
+1641969|Eddyville, IA
+1641985|Riceville, IA
+1646|New York
+1646237|New York, NY
+1646289|New York, NY
+1646307|New York, NY
+1646341|New York, NY
+1646375|New York, NY
+1646398|New York, NY
+1646432|New York, NY
+1646434|New York, NY
+1646448|New York, NY
+1646461|New York, NY
+1646484|New York, NY
+1646486|New York, NY
+1646495|New York, NY
+1646613|New York, NY
+1646638|New York, NY
+1646756|New York, NY
+1646792|New York, NY
+1646822|New York, NY
+1646829|New York, NY
+1646861|New York, NY
+1646862|New York, NY
+1646963|New York, NY
+1650214|Mountain View, CA
+1650216|Redwood City, CA
+1650253|Mountain View, CA
+1650261|Redwood City, CA
+1650298|Redwood City, CA
+1650299|Redwood City, CA
+1650301|Daly City, CA
+1650355|Pacifica, CA
+1650359|Pacifica, CA
+1650364|Redwood City, CA
+1650365|Redwood City, CA
+1650366|Redwood City, CA
+1650367|Redwood City, CA
+1650368|Redwood City, CA
+1650369|Redwood City, CA
+1650424|Palo Alto, CA
+1650493|Palo Alto, CA
+1650494|Palo Alto, CA
+1650497|Palo Alto, CA
+1650522|San Mateo, CA
+1650556|Redwood City, CA
+1650557|Pacifica, CA
+1650568|Redwood City, CA
+1650573|San Mateo, CA
+1650625|Mountain View, CA
+1650712|Half Moon Bay, CA
+1650726|Half Moon Bay, CA
+1650738|Pacifica, CA
+1650756|Daly City, CA
+1650758|Daly City, CA
+1650812|Palo Alto, CA
+1650813|Palo Alto, CA
+1650839|Redwood City, CA
+1650843|Palo Alto, CA
+1650852|Palo Alto, CA
+1650856|Palo Alto, CA
+1650857|Palo Alto, CA
+1650858|Palo Alto, CA
+1650879|Pescadero, CA
+1650903|Mountain View, CA
+1650934|Mountain View, CA
+1650938|Mountain View, CA
+1650940|Mountain View, CA
+1650945|Milpitas, CA
+1650962|Mountain View, CA
+1650965|Mountain View, CA
+1650967|Mountain View, CA
+1650968|Mountain View, CA
+1650969|Mountain View, CA
+1650991|Daly City, CA
+1650992|Daly City, CA
+1650994|Daly City, CA
+1651220|Saint Paul, MN
+1651221|Saint Paul, MN
+1651222|Saint Paul, MN
+1651223|Saint Paul, MN
+1651224|Saint Paul, MN
+1651225|Saint Paul, MN
+1651227|Saint Paul, MN
+1651228|Saint Paul, MN
+1651229|Saint Paul, MN
+1651254|Saint Paul, MN
+1651266|Saint Paul, MN
+1651267|Red Wing, MN
+1651277|North Branch, MN
+1651290|Saint Paul, MN
+1651291|Saint Paul, MN
+1651292|Saint Paul, MN
+1651293|Saint Paul, MN
+1651296|Saint Paul, MN
+1651297|Saint Paul, MN
+1651298|Saint Paul, MN
+1651310|Saint Paul, MN
+1651322|Rosemount, MN
+1651325|Saint Paul, MN
+1651345|Lake City, MN
+1651351|Stillwater, MN
+1651385|Red Wing, MN
+1651388|Red Wing, MN
+1651406|Eagan, MN
+1651423|Rosemount, MN
+1651430|Stillwater, MN
+1651437|Hastings, MN
+1651438|Hastings, MN
+1651439|Stillwater, MN
+1651460|Farmington, MN
+1651463|Farmington, MN
+1651464|Forest Lake, MN
+1651480|Hastings, MN
+1651487|Saint Paul, MN
+1651488|Saint Paul, MN
+1651489|Saint Paul, MN
+1651565|Wabasha, MN
+1651602|Saint Paul, MN
+1651603|Saint Paul, MN
+1651641|Saint Paul, MN
+1651642|Saint Paul, MN
+1651644|Saint Paul, MN
+1651645|Saint Paul, MN
+1651646|Saint Paul, MN
+1651647|Saint Paul, MN
+1651674|North Branch, MN
+1651690|Saint Paul, MN
+1651695|Saint Paul, MN
+1651696|Saint Paul, MN
+1651698|Saint Paul, MN
+1651699|Saint Paul, MN
+1651771|Saint Paul, MN
+1651772|Saint Paul, MN
+1651774|Saint Paul, MN
+1651776|Saint Paul, MN
+1651793|Saint Paul, MN
+1651917|Saint Paul, MN
+1651923|Goodhue, MN
+1660200|Butler, MO
+1660248|Fayette, MO
+1660258|Brookfield, MO
+1660259|Lexington, MO
+1660263|Moberly, MO
+1660265|Milan, MO
+1660269|Moberly, MO
+1660277|Huntsville, MO
+1660288|Keytesville, MO
+1660327|Paris, MO
+1660332|La Plata, MO
+1660338|Glasgow, MO
+1660359|Trenton, MO
+1660376|Marceline, MO
+1660385|Macon, MO
+1660388|Salisbury, MO
+1660395|Macon, MO
+1660397|Edina, MO
+1660425|Bethany, MO
+1660429|Warrensburg, MO
+1660433|Tipton, MO
+1660438|Warsaw, MO
+1660442|Mound City, MO
+1660446|Oregon, MO
+1660463|Concordia, MO
+1660465|Memphis, MO
+1660476|Appleton City, MO
+1660477|Clinton, MO
+1660529|Slater, MO
+1660535|King City, MO
+1660542|Carrollton, MO
+1660543|Warrensburg, MO
+1660547|Lincoln, MO
+1660548|Brunswick, MO
+1660562|Maryville, MO
+1660563|Knob Noster, MO
+1660564|Grant City, MO
+1660582|Maryville, MO
+1660584|Higginsville, MO
+1660626|Kirksville, MO
+1660627|Kirksville, MO
+1660638|Urich, MO
+1660645|Braymer, MO
+1660646|Chillicothe, MO
+1660647|Windsor, MO
+1660663|Gallatin, MO
+1660665|Kirksville, MO
+1660668|Cole Camp, MO
+1660679|Butler, MO
+1660684|Jamesport, MO
+1660686|Fairfax, MO
+1660699|Clarence, MO
+1660707|Chillicothe, MO
+1660726|Albany, MO
+1660727|Kahoka, MO
+1660736|Tarkio, MO
+1660744|Rock Port, MO
+1660747|Warrensburg, MO
+1660748|Princeton, MO
+1660783|Stanberry, MO
+1660785|Kirksville, MO
+1660826|Sedalia, MO
+1660827|Sedalia, MO
+1660829|Sedalia, MO
+1660831|Marshall, MO
+1660834|Pilot Grove, MO
+1660882|Boonville, MO
+1660885|Clinton, MO
+1660886|Marshall, MO
+1660890|Clinton, MO
+1660947|Unionville, MO
+1661213|Bakersfield, CA
+1661224|Palmdale, CA
+1661245|Frazier Park, CA
+1661248|Lebec, CA
+1661256|Rosamond, CA
+1661265|Palmdale, CA
+1661266|Palmdale, CA
+1661267|Palmdale, CA
+1661269|Acton, CA
+1661272|Palmdale, CA
+1661273|Palmdale, CA
+1661274|Palmdale, CA
+1661285|Palmdale, CA
+1661296|Santa Clarita, CA
+1661297|Santa Clarita, CA
+1661321|Bakersfield, CA
+1661322|Bakersfield, CA
+1661323|Bakersfield, CA
+1661324|Bakersfield, CA
+1661325|Bakersfield, CA
+1661326|Bakersfield, CA
+1661327|Bakersfield, CA
+1661328|Bakersfield, CA
+1661334|Bakersfield, CA
+1661336|Bakersfield, CA
+1661363|Bakersfield, CA
+1661366|Bakersfield, CA
+1661377|Bakersfield, CA
+1661387|Bakersfield, CA
+1661391|Bakersfield, CA
+1661392|Bakersfield, CA
+1661393|Bakersfield, CA
+1661395|Bakersfield, CA
+1661396|Bakersfield, CA
+1661397|Bakersfield, CA
+1661398|Bakersfield, CA
+1661399|Bakersfield, CA
+1661410|Bakersfield, CA
+1661477|Bakersfield, CA
+1661533|Palmdale, CA
+1661538|Palmdale, CA
+1661587|Bakersfield, CA
+1661588|Bakersfield, CA
+1661589|Bakersfield, CA
+1661615|Bakersfield, CA
+1661616|Bakersfield, CA
+1661631|Bakersfield, CA
+1661632|Bakersfield, CA
+1661633|Bakersfield, CA
+1661634|Bakersfield, CA
+1661635|Bakersfield, CA
+1661636|Bakersfield, CA
+1661637|Bakersfield, CA
+1661638|Bakersfield, CA
+1661654|Bakersfield, CA
+1661663|Bakersfield, CA
+1661664|Bakersfield, CA
+1661665|Bakersfield, CA
+1661716|Bakersfield, CA
+1661721|Delano, CA
+1661723|Lancaster, CA
+1661725|Delano, CA
+1661726|Lancaster, CA
+1661727|Lancaster, CA
+1661728|Lancaster, CA
+1661729|Lancaster, CA
+1661746|Shafter, CA
+1661758|Wasco, CA
+1661763|Taft, CA
+1661764|Buttonwillow, CA
+1661765|Taft, CA
+1661792|McFarland, CA
+1661821|Tehachapi, CA
+1661822|Tehachapi, CA
+1661823|Tehachapi, CA
+1661824|Mojave, CA
+1661827|Bakersfield, CA
+1661829|Bakersfield, CA
+1661831|Bakersfield, CA
+1661832|Bakersfield, CA
+1661833|Bakersfield, CA
+1661834|Bakersfield, CA
+1661835|Bakersfield, CA
+1661836|Bakersfield, CA
+1661837|Bakersfield, CA
+1661847|Bakersfield, CA
+1661852|Bakersfield, CA
+1661854|Arvin, CA
+1661859|Bakersfield, CA
+1661861|Bakersfield, CA
+1661862|Bakersfield, CA
+1661864|Bakersfield, CA
+1661868|Bakersfield, CA
+1661869|Bakersfield, CA
+1661871|Bakersfield, CA
+1661872|Bakersfield, CA
+1661873|Bakersfield, CA
+1661940|Lancaster, CA
+1661942|Lancaster, CA
+1661945|Lancaster, CA
+1661946|Lancaster, CA
+1661947|Palmdale, CA
+1661948|Lancaster, CA
+1661949|Lancaster, CA
+1661951|Lancaster, CA
+1661974|Lancaster, CA
+1662223|Walnut, MS
+1662224|Ashland, MS
+1662226|Grenada, MS
+1662227|Grenada, MS
+1662229|Grenada, MS
+1662232|Oxford, MS
+1662234|Oxford, MS
+1662236|Oxford, MS
+1662238|Oxford, MS
+1662240|Columbus, MS
+1662241|Columbus, MS
+1662243|Columbus, MS
+1662244|Columbus, MS
+1662245|Columbus, MS
+1662247|Belzoni, MS
+1662252|Holly Springs, MS
+1662254|Itta Bena, MS
+1662256|Amory, MS
+1662257|Amory, MS
+1662258|Eupora, MS
+1662265|Inverness, MS
+1662281|Oxford, MS
+1662282|Mantachie, MS
+1662283|Winona, MS
+1662284|Corinth, MS
+1662285|Ackerman, MS
+1662286|Corinth, MS
+1662287|Corinth, MS
+1662289|Kosciusko, MS
+1662293|Corinth, MS
+1662294|Grenada, MS
+1662301|Senatobia, MS
+1662320|Starkville, MS
+1662323|Starkville, MS
+1662324|Starkville, MS
+1662325|Starkville, MS
+1662326|Marks, MS
+1662327|Columbus, MS
+1662328|Columbus, MS
+1662329|Columbus, MS
+1662332|Greenville, MS
+1662334|Greenville, MS
+1662335|Greenville, MS
+1662338|Starkville, MS
+1662343|Hamilton, MS
+1662348|Guntown, MS
+1662349|Southaven, MS
+1662356|Caledonia, MS
+1662365|Baldwyn, MS
+1662369|Aberdeen, MS
+1662377|Tupelo, MS
+1662378|Greenville, MS
+1662398|Shelby, MS
+1662407|Tupelo, MS
+1662423|Iuka, MS
+1662424|Iuka, MS
+1662429|Hernando, MS
+1662434|Columbus, MS
+1662438|Tishomingo, MS
+1662447|Okolona, MS
+1662449|Hernando, MS
+1662451|Greenwood, MS
+1662453|Greenwood, MS
+1662455|Greenwood, MS
+1662456|Houston, MS
+1662459|Greenwood, MS
+1662464|Vaiden, MS
+1662468|Pickens, MS
+1662473|Water Valley, MS
+1662487|Sardis, MS
+1662488|Pontotoc, MS
+1662489|Pontotoc, MS
+1662492|West Point, MS
+1662494|West Point, MS
+1662495|West Point, MS
+1662512|Ripley, MS
+1662513|Oxford, MS
+1662526|Como, MS
+1662534|New Albany, MS
+1662536|Southaven, MS
+1662538|New Albany, MS
+1662561|Batesville, MS
+1662562|Senatobia, MS
+1662563|Batesville, MS
+1662569|Sunflower, MS
+1662578|Batesville, MS
+1662615|Starkville, MS
+1662620|Tupelo, MS
+1662621|Clarksdale, MS
+1662622|Coldwater, MS
+1662624|Clarksdale, MS
+1662627|Clarksdale, MS
+1662628|Calhoun City, MS
+1662647|Charleston, MS
+1662651|Smithville, MS
+1662653|Durant, MS
+1662665|Corinth, MS
+1662675|Coffeeville, MS
+1662680|Tupelo, MS
+1662682|Vardaman, MS
+1662686|Leland, MS
+1662690|Tupelo, MS
+1662716|Yazoo City, MS
+1662720|Booneville, MS
+1662726|Macon, MS
+1662728|Booneville, MS
+1662741|Mound Bayou, MS
+1662745|Drew, MS
+1662746|Yazoo City, MS
+1662754|Shaw, MS
+1662756|Ruleville, MS
+1662767|Shannon, MS
+1662773|Louisville, MS
+1662779|Louisville, MS
+1662827|Hollandale, MS
+1662834|Lexington, MS
+1662837|Ripley, MS
+1662838|Byhalia, MS
+1662840|Tupelo, MS
+1662841|Tupelo, MS
+1662842|Tupelo, MS
+1662843|Cleveland, MS
+1662844|Tupelo, MS
+1662846|Cleveland, MS
+1662862|Fulton, MS
+1662869|Saltillo, MS
+1662887|Indianola, MS
+1662890|Olive Branch, MS
+1662893|Olive Branch, MS
+1662895|Olive Branch, MS
+1662963|Nettleton, MS
+1662983|Bruce, MS
+1662993|Ripley, MS
+1678289|Stockbridge, GA
+1678297|Alpharetta, GA
+1678312|Lawrenceville, GA
+1678339|Alpharetta, GA
+1678342|Covington, GA
+1678363|Dallas, GA
+1678413|Conyers, GA
+1678423|Newnan, GA
+1678442|Lawrenceville, GA
+1678450|Gainesville, GA
+1678476|Stone Mountain, GA
+1678493|Canton, GA
+1678526|Lithonia, GA
+1678560|Marietta, GA
+1678566|Alpharetta, GA
+1678583|McDonough, GA
+1678625|Covington, GA
+1678688|Griffin, GA
+1678715|Douglasville, GA
+1678721|Cartersville, GA
+1678817|Fayetteville, GA
+1678840|Villa Rica, GA
+1678843|Atlanta, GA
+1678847|Lawrenceville, GA
+1678867|Alpharetta, GA
+1678880|Canton, GA
+1678964|Conyers, GA
+1682518|Mansfield, TX
+1682867|Arlington, TX
+1682885|Fort Worth, TX
+1701|North Dakota
+1701221|Bismarck, ND
+1701222|Bismarck, ND
+1701223|Bismarck, ND
+1701224|Bismarck, ND
+1701225|Dickinson, ND
+1701227|Dickinson, ND
+1701228|Bottineau, ND
+1701232|Fargo, ND
+1701234|Fargo, ND
+1701235|Fargo, ND
+1701237|Fargo, ND
+1701239|Fargo, ND
+1701241|Fargo, ND
+1701242|Hankinson, ND
+1701245|Westhope, ND
+1701246|Rolette, ND
+1701247|Lakota, ND
+1701250|Bismarck, ND
+1701251|Jamestown, ND
+1701252|Jamestown, ND
+1701253|Jamestown, ND
+1701254|Linton, ND
+1701255|Bismarck, ND
+1701256|Langdon, ND
+1701258|Bismarck, ND
+1701265|Cavalier, ND
+1701271|Fargo, ND
+1701280|Fargo, ND
+1701284|Park River, ND
+1701288|Ashley, ND
+1701293|Fargo, ND
+1701297|Fargo, ND
+1701298|Fargo, ND
+1701322|McVille, ND
+1701323|Bismarck, ND
+1701324|Harvey, ND
+1701328|Bismarck, ND
+1701338|Velva, ND
+1701343|Larimore, ND
+1701347|Casselton, ND
+1701348|Glen Ullin, ND
+1701349|Ellendale, ND
+1701352|Grafton, ND
+1701355|Bismarck, ND
+1701363|McClusky, ND
+1701364|Fargo, ND
+1701365|Fargo, ND
+1701377|Bowbells, ND
+1701385|Kenmare, ND
+1701427|Milnor, ND
+1701437|Enderlin, ND
+1701438|Maddock, ND
+1701442|Underwood, ND
+1701444|Watford City, ND
+1701446|Fargo, ND
+1701448|Turtle Lake, ND
+1701452|Wishek, ND
+1701453|Berthold, ND
+1701454|Drayton, ND
+1701456|Dickinson, ND
+1701461|Fargo, ND
+1701462|Washburn, ND
+1701463|Garrison, ND
+1701475|Steele, ND
+1701476|Fargo, ND
+1701478|Fargo, ND
+1701483|Dickinson, ND
+1701486|Medina, ND
+1701493|Edgeley, ND
+1701523|Bowman, ND
+1701530|Bismarck, ND
+1701537|Towner, ND
+1701538|Lidgerwood, ND
+1701543|Hatton, ND
+1701547|Fessenden, ND
+1701549|Walhalla, ND
+1701567|Hettinger, ND
+1701568|Ray, ND
+1701572|Williston, ND
+1701575|Belfield, ND
+1701577|Williston, ND
+1701579|New England, ND
+1701584|Elgin, ND
+1701587|Northwood, ND
+1701623|Medora, ND
+1701627|New Town, ND
+1701628|Stanley, ND
+1701636|Hillsboro, ND
+1701642|Wahpeton, ND
+1701652|Carrington, ND
+1701662|Devils Lake, ND
+1701663|Mandan, ND
+1701664|Tioga, ND
+1701665|Devils Lake, ND
+1701667|Mandan, ND
+1701671|Wahpeton, ND
+1701676|Binford, ND
+1701678|Gwinner, ND
+1701683|Lisbon, ND
+1701723|Minot AFB, ND
+1701738|Grand Forks, ND
+1701742|Oakes, ND
+1701746|Grand Forks, ND
+1701748|Hazen, ND
+1701751|Bismarck, ND
+1701754|Napoleon, ND
+1701756|Mohall, ND
+1701757|Grand Forks, ND
+1701772|Grand Forks, ND
+1701774|Williston, ND
+1701775|Grand Forks, ND
+1701776|Rugby, ND
+1701777|Grand Forks, ND
+1701780|Grand Forks, ND
+1701786|Mayville, ND
+1701787|Grand Forks, ND
+1701788|Mayville, ND
+1701794|Center, ND
+1701795|Grand Forks, ND
+1701797|Cooperstown, ND
+1701824|Mott, ND
+1701825|Pembina, ND
+1701833|Minot, ND
+1701837|Minot, ND
+1701838|Minot, ND
+1701839|Minot, ND
+1701842|Watford City, ND
+1701843|New Salem, ND
+1701845|Valley City, ND
+1701852|Minot, ND
+1701854|Fort Yates, ND
+1701857|Minot, ND
+1701858|Minot, ND
+1701862|Parshall, ND
+1701872|Beach, ND
+1701873|Beulah, ND
+1701878|Hebron, ND
+1701883|LaMoure, ND
+1701894|Hoople, ND
+1701947|New Rockford, ND
+1701952|Jamestown, ND
+1701965|Crosby, ND
+1701968|Cando, ND
+1702207|Las Vegas, NV
+1702212|Las Vegas, NV
+1702214|Las Vegas, NV
+1702215|Las Vegas, NV
+1702220|Las Vegas, NV
+1702221|Las Vegas, NV
+1702222|Las Vegas, NV
+1702227|Las Vegas, NV
+1702228|Las Vegas, NV
+1702229|Las Vegas, NV
+1702233|Las Vegas, NV
+1702240|Las Vegas, NV
+1702242|Las Vegas, NV
+1702243|Las Vegas, NV
+1702247|Las Vegas, NV
+1702248|Las Vegas, NV
+1702251|Las Vegas, NV
+1702252|Las Vegas, NV
+1702253|Las Vegas, NV
+1702254|Las Vegas, NV
+1702255|Las Vegas, NV
+1702256|Las Vegas, NV
+1702257|Las Vegas, NV
+1702258|Las Vegas, NV
+1702259|Las Vegas, NV
+1702261|Las Vegas, NV
+1702262|Las Vegas, NV
+1702267|Henderson, NV
+1702284|Las Vegas, NV
+1702293|Boulder City, NV
+1702298|Laughlin, NV
+1702304|Las Vegas, NV
+1702307|Las Vegas, NV
+1702309|Las Vegas, NV
+1702310|Las Vegas, NV
+1702312|Las Vegas, NV
+1702313|Las Vegas, NV
+1702315|Las Vegas, NV
+1702320|Las Vegas, NV
+1702333|Las Vegas, NV
+1702341|Las Vegas, NV
+1702345|Mesquite, NV
+1702346|Mesquite, NV
+1702360|Las Vegas, NV
+1702362|Las Vegas, NV
+1702363|Las Vegas, NV
+1702364|Las Vegas, NV
+1702365|Las Vegas, NV
+1702366|Las Vegas, NV
+1702367|Las Vegas, NV
+1702368|Las Vegas, NV
+1702369|Las Vegas, NV
+1702380|Las Vegas, NV
+1702382|Las Vegas, NV
+1702383|Las Vegas, NV
+1702384|Las Vegas, NV
+1702385|Las Vegas, NV
+1702386|Las Vegas, NV
+1702387|Las Vegas, NV
+1702388|Las Vegas, NV
+1702395|Las Vegas, NV
+1702396|Las Vegas, NV
+1702397|Overton, NV
+1702413|Las Vegas, NV
+1702414|Las Vegas, NV
+1702431|Las Vegas, NV
+1702432|Las Vegas, NV
+1702437|Las Vegas, NV
+1702438|Las Vegas, NV
+1702444|Las Vegas, NV
+1702452|Las Vegas, NV
+1702453|Las Vegas, NV
+1702455|Las Vegas, NV
+1702457|Las Vegas, NV
+1702459|Las Vegas, NV
+1702462|Las Vegas, NV
+1702471|Las Vegas, NV
+1702472|Las Vegas, NV
+1702474|Las Vegas, NV
+1702485|Las Vegas, NV
+1702486|Las Vegas, NV
+1702515|Las Vegas, NV
+1702531|Las Vegas, NV
+1702558|Henderson, NV
+1702562|Las Vegas, NV
+1702564|Henderson, NV
+1702565|Henderson, NV
+1702566|Henderson, NV
+1702568|Henderson, NV
+1702570|Las Vegas, NV
+1702579|Las Vegas, NV
+1702597|Las Vegas, NV
+1702598|Las Vegas, NV
+1702632|Las Vegas, NV
+1702641|Las Vegas, NV
+1702645|Las Vegas, NV
+1702650|Las Vegas, NV
+1702655|Las Vegas, NV
+1702656|Las Vegas, NV
+1702658|Las Vegas, NV
+1702669|Las Vegas, NV
+1702671|Las Vegas, NV
+1702678|Las Vegas, NV
+1702693|Las Vegas, NV
+1702696|Las Vegas, NV
+1702697|Las Vegas, NV
+1702699|Las Vegas, NV
+1702730|Las Vegas, NV
+1702731|Las Vegas, NV
+1702732|Las Vegas, NV
+1702733|Las Vegas, NV
+1702734|Las Vegas, NV
+1702735|Las Vegas, NV
+1702736|Las Vegas, NV
+1702737|Las Vegas, NV
+1702739|Las Vegas, NV
+1702740|Las Vegas, NV
+1702770|Las Vegas, NV
+1702774|Las Vegas, NV
+1702784|Las Vegas, NV
+1702785|Las Vegas, NV
+1702791|Las Vegas, NV
+1702792|Las Vegas, NV
+1702794|Las Vegas, NV
+1702795|Las Vegas, NV
+1702796|Las Vegas, NV
+1702798|Las Vegas, NV
+1702804|Las Vegas, NV
+1702821|Las Vegas, NV
+1702822|Las Vegas, NV
+1702836|Las Vegas, NV
+1702838|Las Vegas, NV
+1702839|Las Vegas, NV
+1702851|Las Vegas, NV
+1702862|Las Vegas, NV
+1702866|Las Vegas, NV
+1702868|Las Vegas, NV
+1702869|Las Vegas, NV
+1702870|Las Vegas, NV
+1702871|Las Vegas, NV
+1702873|Las Vegas, NV
+1702876|Las Vegas, NV
+1702877|Las Vegas, NV
+1702878|Las Vegas, NV
+1702880|Las Vegas, NV
+1702889|Las Vegas, NV
+1702891|Las Vegas, NV
+1702892|Las Vegas, NV
+1702893|Las Vegas, NV
+1702894|Las Vegas, NV
+1702895|Las Vegas, NV
+1702921|Las Vegas, NV
+1702938|Las Vegas, NV
+1702939|Las Vegas, NV
+1702940|Las Vegas, NV
+1702942|Las Vegas, NV
+1702948|Las Vegas, NV
+1702949|Las Vegas, NV
+1702951|Las Vegas, NV
+1702966|Las Vegas, NV
+1702967|Las Vegas, NV
+1703212|Alexandria, VA
+1703218|Fairfax, VA
+1703228|Arlington, VA
+1703237|Falls Church, VA
+1703243|Arlington, VA
+1703246|Fairfax, VA
+1703247|Arlington, VA
+1703257|Manassas, VA
+1703267|Fairfax, VA
+1703271|Arlington, VA
+1703273|Fairfax, VA
+1703276|Arlington, VA
+1703277|Fairfax, VA
+1703278|Fairfax, VA
+1703279|Fairfax, VA
+1703293|Fairfax, VA
+1703294|Arlington, VA
+1703299|Alexandria, VA
+1703312|Arlington, VA
+1703317|Alexandria, VA
+1703319|Vienna, VA
+1703324|Fairfax, VA
+1703329|Alexandria, VA
+1703330|Manassas, VA
+1703331|Manassas, VA
+1703335|Manassas, VA
+1703339|Lorton, VA
+1703351|Arlington, VA
+1703352|Fairfax, VA
+1703358|Arlington, VA
+1703359|Fairfax, VA
+1703360|Alexandria, VA
+1703361|Manassas, VA
+1703365|Manassas, VA
+1703366|Manassas, VA
+1703367|Manassas, VA
+1703368|Manassas, VA
+1703369|Manassas, VA
+1703370|Alexandria, VA
+1703383|Fairfax, VA
+1703385|Fairfax, VA
+1703392|Manassas, VA
+1703393|Manassas, VA
+1703412|Arlington, VA
+1703414|Arlington, VA
+1703415|Arlington, VA
+1703416|Arlington, VA
+1703418|Arlington, VA
+1703421|Sterling, VA
+1703430|Sterling, VA
+1703443|Leesburg, VA
+1703451|Springfield, VA
+1703461|Alexandria, VA
+1703465|Arlington, VA
+1703486|Arlington, VA
+1703490|Woodbridge, VA
+1703491|Woodbridge, VA
+1703492|Woodbridge, VA
+1703494|Woodbridge, VA
+1703497|Woodbridge, VA
+1703504|Alexandria, VA
+1703516|Arlington, VA
+1703518|Alexandria, VA
+1703519|Alexandria, VA
+1703521|Arlington, VA
+1703522|Arlington, VA
+1703524|Arlington, VA
+1703525|Arlington, VA
+1703527|Arlington, VA
+1703528|Arlington, VA
+1703530|Manassas, VA
+1703535|Alexandria, VA
+1703548|Alexandria, VA
+1703549|Alexandria, VA
+1703553|Arlington, VA
+1703558|Arlington, VA
+1703567|Alexandria, VA
+1703569|Springfield, VA
+1703576|Woodbridge, VA
+1703591|Fairfax, VA
+1703619|Alexandria, VA
+1703630|Quantico, VA
+1703644|Springfield, VA
+1703660|Alexandria, VA
+1703664|Alexandria, VA
+1703669|Leesburg, VA
+1703683|Alexandria, VA
+1703684|Alexandria, VA
+1703691|Fairfax, VA
+1703704|Alexandria, VA
+1703706|Alexandria, VA
+1703712|McLean, VA
+1703713|Herndon, VA
+1703721|Alexandria, VA
+1703730|Woodbridge, VA
+1703737|Leesburg, VA
+1703739|Alexandria, VA
+1703751|Alexandria, VA
+1703765|Alexandria, VA
+1703768|Alexandria, VA
+1703771|Leesburg, VA
+1703776|Falls Church, VA
+1703777|Leesburg, VA
+1703779|Leesburg, VA
+1703780|Alexandria, VA
+1703784|Quantico, VA
+1703791|Manassas, VA
+1703793|Herndon, VA
+1703799|Alexandria, VA
+1703807|Arlington, VA
+1703812|Arlington, VA
+1703816|Arlington, VA
+1703817|Chantilly, VA
+1703823|Alexandria, VA
+1703836|Alexandria, VA
+1703837|Alexandria, VA
+1703838|Alexandria, VA
+1703841|Arlington, VA
+1703866|Springfield, VA
+1703875|Arlington, VA
+1703878|Woodbridge, VA
+1703892|Arlington, VA
+1703913|Springfield, VA
+1703920|Arlington, VA
+1703923|Springfield, VA
+1703934|Fairfax, VA
+1703938|Vienna, VA
+1703960|Alexandria, VA
+1703979|Arlington, VA
+1703993|Fairfax, VA
+1704|North Carolina
+1704210|Salisbury, NC
+1704216|Salisbury, NC
+1704225|Monroe, NC
+1704226|Monroe, NC
+1704227|Charlotte, NC
+1704233|Wingate, NC
+1704238|Monroe, NC
+1704243|Waxhaw, NC
+1704262|Concord, NC
+1704263|Stanley, NC
+1704276|Vale, NC
+1704282|Monroe, NC
+1704283|Monroe, NC
+1704289|Monroe, NC
+1704291|Monroe, NC
+1704292|Monroe, NC
+1704295|Charlotte, NC
+1704296|Monroe, NC
+1704304|Charlotte, NC
+1704319|Charlotte, NC
+1704329|Charlotte, NC
+1704331|Charlotte, NC
+1704332|Charlotte, NC
+1704333|Charlotte, NC
+1704334|Charlotte, NC
+1704335|Charlotte, NC
+1704336|Charlotte, NC
+1704338|Charlotte, NC
+1704339|Charlotte, NC
+1704341|Charlotte, NC
+1704342|Charlotte, NC
+1704343|Charlotte, NC
+1704344|Charlotte, NC
+1704347|Charlotte, NC
+1704348|Charlotte, NC
+1704355|Charlotte, NC
+1704357|Charlotte, NC
+1704358|Charlotte, NC
+1704359|Charlotte, NC
+1704362|Charlotte, NC
+1704364|Charlotte, NC
+1704365|Charlotte, NC
+1704366|Charlotte, NC
+1704367|Charlotte, NC
+1704370|Charlotte, NC
+1704371|Charlotte, NC
+1704372|Charlotte, NC
+1704373|Charlotte, NC
+1704374|Charlotte, NC
+1704375|Charlotte, NC
+1704376|Charlotte, NC
+1704377|Charlotte, NC
+1704378|Charlotte, NC
+1704379|Charlotte, NC
+1704381|Charlotte, NC
+1704391|Charlotte, NC
+1704392|Charlotte, NC
+1704393|Charlotte, NC
+1704394|Charlotte, NC
+1704395|Charlotte, NC
+1704398|Charlotte, NC
+1704399|Charlotte, NC
+1704403|Concord, NC
+1704405|Charlotte, NC
+1704423|Charlotte, NC
+1704424|Charlotte, NC
+1704432|Charlotte, NC
+1704435|Cherryville, NC
+1704436|Mount Pleasant, NC
+1704442|Charlotte, NC
+1704444|Charlotte, NC
+1704446|Charlotte, NC
+1704471|Shelby, NC
+1704474|Norwood, NC
+1704480|Shelby, NC
+1704481|Shelby, NC
+1704482|Shelby, NC
+1704484|Shelby, NC
+1704485|Oakboro, NC
+1704487|Shelby, NC
+1704494|Charlotte, NC
+1704503|Charlotte, NC
+1704504|Charlotte, NC
+1704509|Charlotte, NC
+1704510|Charlotte, NC
+1704521|Charlotte, NC
+1704522|Charlotte, NC
+1704523|Charlotte, NC
+1704525|Charlotte, NC
+1704527|Charlotte, NC
+1704529|Charlotte, NC
+1704531|Charlotte, NC
+1704532|Charlotte, NC
+1704535|Charlotte, NC
+1704536|Charlotte, NC
+1704537|Charlotte, NC
+1704541|Charlotte, NC
+1704542|Charlotte, NC
+1704544|Charlotte, NC
+1704546|Harmony, NC
+1704547|Charlotte, NC
+1704548|Charlotte, NC
+1704549|Charlotte, NC
+1704551|Charlotte, NC
+1704552|Charlotte, NC
+1704553|Charlotte, NC
+1704554|Charlotte, NC
+1704556|Charlotte, NC
+1704557|Charlotte, NC
+1704561|Charlotte, NC
+1704563|Charlotte, NC
+1704566|Charlotte, NC
+1704567|Charlotte, NC
+1704568|Charlotte, NC
+1704569|Charlotte, NC
+1704583|Charlotte, NC
+1704587|Charlotte, NC
+1704588|Charlotte, NC
+1704593|Charlotte, NC
+1704594|Charlotte, NC
+1704595|Charlotte, NC
+1704596|Charlotte, NC
+1704597|Charlotte, NC
+1704598|Charlotte, NC
+1704599|Charlotte, NC
+1704624|Marshville, NC
+1704629|Bessemer City, NC
+1704630|Salisbury, NC
+1704632|Charlotte, NC
+1704633|Salisbury, NC
+1704636|Salisbury, NC
+1704637|Salisbury, NC
+1704638|Salisbury, NC
+1704639|Salisbury, NC
+1704642|Salisbury, NC
+1704643|Charlotte, NC
+1704647|Salisbury, NC
+1704658|Mooresville, NC
+1704660|Mooresville, NC
+1704662|Mooresville, NC
+1704663|Mooresville, NC
+1704664|Mooresville, NC
+1704671|Gastonia, NC
+1704676|Charlotte, NC
+1704679|Charlotte, NC
+1704687|Charlotte, NC
+1704688|Charlotte, NC
+1704694|Wadesboro, NC
+1704695|Wadesboro, NC
+1704696|Mooresville, NC
+1704714|Charlotte, NC
+1704716|Charlotte, NC
+1704717|Charlotte, NC
+1704720|Concord, NC
+1704721|Concord, NC
+1704723|Concord, NC
+1704730|Kings Mountain, NC
+1704731|Charlotte, NC
+1704732|Lincolnton, NC
+1704734|Kings Mountain, NC
+1704735|Lincolnton, NC
+1704736|Lincolnton, NC
+1704739|Kings Mountain, NC
+1704748|Lincolnton, NC
+1704749|Charlotte, NC
+1704752|Charlotte, NC
+1704759|Charlotte, NC
+1704764|Monroe, NC
+1704782|Concord, NC
+1704783|Concord, NC
+1704784|Concord, NC
+1704785|Concord, NC
+1704786|Concord, NC
+1704788|Concord, NC
+1704790|Charlotte, NC
+1704792|Concord, NC
+1704793|Concord, NC
+1704795|Concord, NC
+1704797|Salisbury, NC
+1704799|Mooresville, NC
+1704810|Gastonia, NC
+1704817|Charlotte, NC
+1704825|Belmont, NC
+1704829|Belmont, NC
+1704834|Gastonia, NC
+1704838|Statesville, NC
+1704843|Waxhaw, NC
+1704852|Gastonia, NC
+1704853|Gastonia, NC
+1704854|Gastonia, NC
+1704861|Gastonia, NC
+1704862|Gastonia, NC
+1704864|Gastonia, NC
+1704865|Gastonia, NC
+1704866|Gastonia, NC
+1704867|Gastonia, NC
+1704868|Gastonia, NC
+1704869|Gastonia, NC
+1704871|Statesville, NC
+1704872|Statesville, NC
+1704873|Statesville, NC
+1704875|Huntersville, NC
+1704876|Statesville, NC
+1704878|Statesville, NC
+1704883|Statesville, NC
+1704884|Gastonia, NC
+1704887|Charlotte, NC
+1704889|Pineville, NC
+1704910|Charlotte, NC
+1704921|Charlotte, NC
+1704922|Dallas, NC
+1704924|Statesville, NC
+1704926|Charlotte, NC
+1704927|Charlotte, NC
+1704932|Kannapolis, NC
+1704933|Kannapolis, NC
+1704938|Kannapolis, NC
+1704940|Charlotte, NC
+1704943|Charlotte, NC
+1704944|Charlotte, NC
+1704945|Charlotte, NC
+1704971|Charlotte, NC
+1704978|Statesville, NC
+1704979|Concord, NC
+1704982|Albemarle, NC
+1704983|Albemarle, NC
+1704984|Albemarle, NC
+1704986|Albemarle, NC
+1704988|Charlotte, NC
+1704992|Huntersville, NC
+1704994|Wadesboro, NC
+1705222|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705232|Iroquois Falls, ON
+1705248|Echo Bay, ON
+1705252|Barrie, ON
+1705253|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705254|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705256|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705258|Iroquois Falls, ON
+1705264|Timmins, ON
+1705267|Timmins, ON
+1705268|Timmins, ON
+1705272|Cochrane, ON
+1705273|Matheson, ON
+1705282|Gore Bay, ON
+1705286|Minden, ON
+1705295|Keene, ON
+1705322|Elmvale, ON
+1705323|Orillia, ON
+1705324|Lindsay, ON
+1705325|Orillia, ON
+1705326|Orillia, ON
+1705327|Orillia, ON
+1705328|Lindsay, ON
+1705329|Orillia, ON
+1705335|Kapuskasing, ON
+1705336|Moosonee, ON
+1705337|Kapuskasing, ON
+1705340|Lindsay, ON
+1705356|Blind River, ON
+1705357|Sunderland, ON
+1705360|Timmins, ON
+1705362|Hearst, ON
+1705368|Little Current, ON
+1705375|MacTier, ON
+1705377|Mindemoya, ON
+1705378|Parry Sound, ON
+1705382|Burk's Falls, ON
+1705384|Sundridge, ON
+1705386|South River, ON
+1705422|Wasaga Beach, ON
+1705426|Beaverton, ON
+1705428|Stayner, ON
+1705429|Wasaga Beach, ON
+1705432|Cannington, ON
+1705434|Alliston, ON
+1705435|Alliston, ON
+1705437|Pefferlaw, ON
+1705439|Woodville, ON
+1705444|Collingwood, ON
+1705445|Collingwood, ON
+1705446|Collingwood, ON
+1705457|Haliburton, ON
+1705461|Elliot Lake, ON
+1705466|Creemore, ON
+1705472|North Bay, ON
+1705474|North Bay, ON
+1705475|North Bay, ON
+1705476|North Bay, ON
+1705478|North Bay, ON
+1705484|Brechin, ON
+1705488|Kinmount, ON
+1705494|North Bay, ON
+1705495|North Bay, ON
+1705497|North Bay, ON
+1705521|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705522|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705523|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705524|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705525|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705526|Midland, ON
+1705527|Midland, ON
+1705528|Midland, ON
+1705541|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705544|Englehart, ON
+1705549|Penetanguishene, ON
+1705560|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705563|Earlton, ON
+1705566|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705567|Kirkland Lake, ON
+1705569|Temagami, ON
+1705575|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705586|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705632|Campbellford, ON
+1705639|Norwood, ON
+1705645|Bracebridge, ON
+1705646|Bracebridge, ON
+1705647|New Liskeard, ON
+1705649|Goulais River, ON
+1705652|Lakefield, ON
+1705653|Campbellford, ON
+1705656|Apsley, ON
+1705670|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705671|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705672|Haileybury, ON
+1705673|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705674|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705675|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705684|Gravenhurst, ON
+1705686|Coldwater, ON
+1705687|Gravenhurst, ON
+1705688|Greater Sudbury, ON
+1705692|Lively, ON
+1705696|Hastings, ON
+1705719|Barrie, ON
+1705720|Barrie, ON
+1705721|Barrie, ON
+1705722|Barrie, ON
+1705724|Powassan, ON
+1705725|Barrie, ON
+1705726|Barrie, ON
+1705727|Barrie, ON
+1705728|Barrie, ON
+1705730|Barrie, ON
+1705733|Barrie, ON
+1705734|Barrie, ON
+1705735|Barrie, ON
+1705737|Barrie, ON
+1705738|Bobcaygeon, ON
+1705739|Barrie, ON
+1705740|Peterborough, ON
+1705741|Peterborough, ON
+1705742|Peterborough, ON
+1705743|Peterborough, ON
+1705744|Mattawa, ON
+1705745|Peterborough, ON
+1705746|Parry Sound, ON
+1705748|Peterborough, ON
+1705749|Peterborough, ON
+1705750|Peterborough, ON
+1705759|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705762|Bala, ON
+1705765|Port Carling, ON
+1705774|Parry Sound, ON
+1705775|Peterborough, ON
+1705778|Havelock, ON
+1705786|Little Britain, ON
+1705787|Huntsville, ON
+1705788|Huntsville, ON
+1705789|Huntsville, ON
+1705792|Barrie, ON
+1705797|Barrie, ON
+1705840|North Bay, ON
+1705848|Elliot Lake, ON
+1705855|Chelmsford, ON
+1705856|Wawa, ON
+1705858|Capreol, ON
+1705859|Manitowaning, ON
+1705864|Chapleau, ON
+1705865|Massey, ON
+1705869|Espanola, ON
+1705874|Peterborough, ON
+1705876|Peterborough, ON
+1705878|Lindsay, ON
+1705887|Fenelon Falls, ON
+1705924|Warkworth, ON
+1705932|Millbrook, ON
+1705942|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705945|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705946|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705949|Sault Ste. Marie, ON
+1705969|Hanmer, ON
+1705983|Rayside-Balfour, ON
+1706208|Athens, GA
+1706213|Elberton, GA
+1706216|Dawsonville, GA
+1706217|Dalton, GA
+1706219|Cleveland, GA
+1706221|Columbus, GA
+1706226|Dalton, GA
+1706227|Athens, GA
+1706232|Rome, GA
+1706233|Rome, GA
+1706234|Rome, GA
+1706235|Rome, GA
+1706236|Rome, GA
+1706238|Rome, GA
+1706243|Columbus, GA
+1706253|Jasper, GA
+1706256|Columbus, GA
+1706258|Blue Ridge, GA
+1706259|Dalton, GA
+1706265|Dawsonville, GA
+1706270|Dalton, GA
+1706272|Dalton, GA
+1706273|Ellijay, GA
+1706275|Dalton, GA
+1706276|Ellijay, GA
+1706277|Dalton, GA
+1706278|Dalton, GA
+1706279|Dalton, GA
+1706281|Dalton, GA
+1706282|Toccoa, GA
+1706283|Elberton, GA
+1706290|Rome, GA
+1706291|Rome, GA
+1706295|Rome, GA
+1706298|LaGrange, GA
+1706317|Columbus, GA
+1706320|Columbus, GA
+1706321|Columbus, GA
+1706322|Columbus, GA
+1706323|Columbus, GA
+1706324|Columbus, GA
+1706327|Columbus, GA
+1706335|Commerce, GA
+1706336|Commerce, GA
+1706342|Madison, GA
+1706348|Cleveland, GA
+1706353|Athens, GA
+1706354|Athens, GA
+1706355|Athens, GA
+1706356|Lavonia, GA
+1706359|Lincolnton, GA
+1706367|Jefferson, GA
+1706368|Rome, GA
+1706369|Athens, GA
+1706370|Dalton, GA
+1706376|Hartwell, GA
+1706377|Hartwell, GA
+1706378|Rome, GA
+1706379|Young Harris, GA
+1706384|Carnesville, GA
+1706387|Jefferson, GA
+1706389|Athens, GA
+1706423|Commerce, GA
+1706428|Dalton, GA
+1706432|Augusta-Richmond County, GA
+1706437|Waynesboro, GA
+1706444|Sparta, GA
+1706453|Greensboro, GA
+1706454|Greensboro, GA
+1706465|Warrenton, GA
+1706468|Monticello, GA
+1706475|Athens, GA
+1706481|Augusta, GA
+1706484|Eatonton, GA
+1706485|Eatonton, GA
+1706494|Columbus, GA
+1706507|Columbus, GA
+1706509|Rome, GA
+1706517|Chatsworth, GA
+1706529|Dalton, GA
+1706542|Athens, GA
+1706543|Athens, GA
+1706546|Athens, GA
+1706548|Athens, GA
+1706549|Athens, GA
+1706552|Athens, GA
+1706553|Woodbury, GA
+1706554|Waynesboro, GA
+1706561|Columbus, GA
+1706562|Columbus, GA
+1706563|Columbus, GA
+1706565|Columbus, GA
+1706568|Columbus, GA
+1706569|Columbus, GA
+1706571|Columbus, GA
+1706576|Columbus, GA
+1706592|Hephzibah, GA
+1706595|Thomson, GA
+1706596|Columbus, GA
+1706597|Thomson, GA
+1706602|Calhoun, GA
+1706613|Athens, GA
+1706624|Calhoun, GA
+1706625|Calhoun, GA
+1706628|Hamilton, GA
+1706629|Calhoun, GA
+1706632|Blue Ridge, GA
+1706635|Ellijay, GA
+1706636|Ellijay, GA
+1706637|Hogansville, GA
+1706638|LaFayette, GA
+1706643|West Point, GA
+1706645|West Point, GA
+1706646|Thomaston, GA
+1706647|Thomaston, GA
+1706648|Thomaston, GA
+1706649|Columbus, GA
+1706652|Maysville, GA
+1706653|Columbus, GA
+1706655|Warm Springs, GA
+1706657|Trenton, GA
+1706660|Columbus, GA
+1706663|Pine Mountain, GA
+1706665|Talbotton, GA
+1706667|Augusta, GA
+1706672|Greenville, GA
+1706675|Franklin, GA
+1706678|Washington, GA
+1706682|Columbus, GA
+1706683|Columbus, GA
+1706685|Columbus, GA
+1706687|Columbus, GA
+1706689|Columbus, GA
+1706692|Jasper, GA
+1706695|Chatsworth, GA
+1706698|Ellijay, GA
+1706721|Augusta, GA
+1706722|Augusta, GA
+1706724|Augusta, GA
+1706729|Augusta-Richmond County, GA
+1706731|Augusta, GA
+1706733|Augusta, GA
+1706734|Trion, GA
+1706736|Augusta, GA
+1706737|Augusta, GA
+1706738|Augusta, GA
+1706739|Augusta-Richmond County, GA
+1706742|Winterville, GA
+1706745|Blairsville, GA
+1706748|Columbus, GA
+1706769|Watkinsville, GA
+1706771|Augusta, GA
+1706774|Augusta, GA
+1706777|Cave Spring, GA
+1706781|Blairsville, GA
+1706782|Clayton, GA
+1706783|Comer, GA
+1706788|Colbert, GA
+1706792|Augusta, GA
+1706795|Danielsville, GA
+1706796|Augusta, GA
+1706798|Augusta, GA
+1706802|Rome, GA
+1706812|LaGrange, GA
+1706821|Augusta, GA
+1706823|Augusta, GA
+1706828|Augusta, GA
+1706835|Blairsville, GA
+1706845|LaGrange, GA
+1706846|Manchester, GA
+1706850|Athens, GA
+1706856|Hartwell, GA
+1706857|Summerville, GA
+1706864|Dahlonega, GA
+1706865|Cleveland, GA
+1706867|Dahlonega, GA
+1706878|Helen, GA
+1706882|LaGrange, GA
+1706883|LaGrange, GA
+1706884|LaGrange, GA
+1706885|LaGrange, GA
+1706886|Toccoa, GA
+1706896|Hiawassee, GA
+1706923|Eatonton, GA
+1706935|Ringgold, GA
+1706937|Ringgold, GA
+1706946|Blue Ridge, GA
+1706947|Clarkesville, GA
+1706965|Ringgold, GA
+1706989|Cusseta, GA
+1707224|Napa, CA
+1707226|Napa, CA
+1707251|Napa, CA
+1707252|Napa, CA
+1707253|Napa, CA
+1707254|Napa, CA
+1707255|Napa, CA
+1707256|Napa, CA
+1707257|Napa, CA
+1707258|Napa, CA
+1707259|Napa, CA
+1707262|Lakeport, CA
+1707263|Lakeport, CA
+1707265|Napa, CA
+1707268|Eureka, CA
+1707269|Eureka, CA
+1707275|Upper Lake, CA
+1707277|Kelseyville, CA
+1707279|Kelseyville, CA
+1707284|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707374|Rio Vista, CA
+1707393|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707399|Fairfield, CA
+1707422|Fairfield, CA
+1707425|Fairfield, CA
+1707426|Fairfield, CA
+1707428|Fairfield, CA
+1707429|Fairfield, CA
+1707431|Healdsburg, CA
+1707432|Fairfield, CA
+1707433|Healdsburg, CA
+1707434|Fairfield, CA
+1707435|Fairfield, CA
+1707437|Fairfield, CA
+1707441|Eureka, CA
+1707442|Eureka, CA
+1707443|Eureka, CA
+1707444|Eureka, CA
+1707445|Eureka, CA
+1707446|Vacaville, CA
+1707447|Vacaville, CA
+1707448|Vacaville, CA
+1707449|Vacaville, CA
+1707451|Vacaville, CA
+1707452|Vacaville, CA
+1707453|Vacaville, CA
+1707454|Vacaville, CA
+1707455|Vacaville, CA
+1707456|Willits, CA
+1707459|Willits, CA
+1707462|Ukiah, CA
+1707463|Ukiah, CA
+1707464|Crescent City, CA
+1707465|Crescent City, CA
+1707467|Ukiah, CA
+1707468|Ukiah, CA
+1707469|Vacaville, CA
+1707472|Ukiah, CA
+1707473|Healdsburg, CA
+1707475|Athens, GA
+1707476|Eureka, CA
+1707482|Klamath, CA
+1707485|Ukiah, CA
+1707521|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707522|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707523|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707524|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707525|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707526|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707527|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707528|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707537|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707538|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707539|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707541|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707542|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707543|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707544|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707545|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707546|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707547|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707552|Vallejo, CA
+1707553|Vallejo, CA
+1707554|Vallejo, CA
+1707556|Vallejo, CA
+1707557|Vallejo, CA
+1707558|Vallejo, CA
+1707559|Petaluma, CA
+1707565|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707566|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707568|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707569|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707570|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707571|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707573|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707575|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707576|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707577|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707578|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707579|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707591|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707642|Vallejo, CA
+1707643|Vallejo, CA
+1707644|Vallejo, CA
+1707645|Vallejo, CA
+1707646|Fairfield, CA
+1707647|Vallejo, CA
+1707648|Vallejo, CA
+1707649|Vallejo, CA
+1707651|Vallejo, CA
+1707677|Trinidad, CA
+1707678|Dixon, CA
+1707693|Dixon, CA
+1707725|Fortuna, CA
+1707743|Potter Valley, CA
+1707744|Hopland, CA
+1707745|Benicia, CA
+1707746|Benicia, CA
+1707747|Benicia, CA
+1707748|Benicia, CA
+1707751|Benicia, CA
+1707762|Petaluma, CA
+1707763|Petaluma, CA
+1707764|Rio Dell, CA
+1707765|Petaluma, CA
+1707766|Petaluma, CA
+1707769|Petaluma, CA
+1707773|Petaluma, CA
+1707778|Petaluma, CA
+1707781|Petaluma, CA
+1707782|Petaluma, CA
+1707784|Fairfield, CA
+1707786|Ferndale, CA
+1707789|Petaluma, CA
+1707822|Arcata, CA
+1707823|Sebastopol, CA
+1707824|Sebastopol, CA
+1707825|Arcata, CA
+1707826|Arcata, CA
+1707829|Sebastopol, CA
+1707836|Windsor, CA
+1707837|Windsor, CA
+1707838|Windsor, CA
+1707839|McKinleyville, CA
+1707843|Santa Rosa, CA
+1707863|Fairfield, CA
+1707864|Fairfield, CA
+1707869|Guerneville, CA
+1707875|Bodega Bay, CA
+1707882|Point Arena, CA
+1707884|Gualala, CA
+1707887|Forestville, CA
+1707894|Cloverdale, CA
+1707895|Boonville, CA
+1707933|Sonoma, CA
+1707935|Sonoma, CA
+1707937|Mendocino, CA
+1707938|Sonoma, CA
+1707939|Sonoma, CA
+1707942|Calistoga, CA
+1707961|Fort Bragg, CA
+1707962|Fort Bragg, CA
+1707963|St. Helena, CA
+1707964|Fort Bragg, CA
+1707967|St. Helena, CA
+1707968|St. Helena, CA
+1707983|Covelo, CA
+1707984|Laytonville, CA
+1707995|Clearlake, CA
+1707996|Sonoma, CA
+1707998|Clearlake Oaks, CA
+1708216|Maywood, IL
+1708222|Cicero, IL
+1708245|La Grange, IL
+1708258|Peotone, IL
+1708301|Homer Glen, IL
+1708327|Maywood, IL
+1708335|Hazel Crest, IL
+1708349|Orland Park, IL
+1708358|Oak Park, IL
+1708364|Orland Park, IL
+1708367|Crete, IL
+1708383|Oak Park, IL
+1708386|Oak Park, IL
+1708403|Orland Park, IL
+1708418|Lansing, IL
+1708429|Tinley Park, IL
+1708444|Tinley Park, IL
+1708445|Oak Park, IL
+1708457|Norridge, IL
+1708460|Orland Park, IL
+1708474|Lansing, IL
+1708479|Mokena, IL
+1708484|Berwyn, IL
+1708485|Brookfield, IL
+1708524|Oak Park, IL
+1708532|Tinley Park, IL
+1708535|Oak Forest, IL
+1708614|Tinley Park, IL
+1708652|Cicero, IL
+1708656|Cicero, IL
+1708672|Crete, IL
+1708684|Oak Lawn, IL
+1708687|Oak Forest, IL
+1708720|Matteson, IL
+1708730|Calumet City, IL
+1708749|Berwyn, IL
+1708756|Chicago Heights, IL
+1708763|Oak Park, IL
+1708780|Cicero, IL
+1708788|Berwyn, IL
+1708795|Berwyn, IL
+1708832|Calumet City, IL
+1708839|Willow Springs, IL
+1708848|Oak Park, IL
+1708862|Calumet City, IL
+1708863|Cicero, IL
+1708867|Harwood Heights, IL
+1708868|Calumet City, IL
+1708873|Orland Park, IL
+1708877|Thornton, IL
+1708891|Calumet City, IL
+1708895|Lansing, IL
+1708946|Beecher, IL
+1708974|Palos Hills, IL
+1709|Newfoundland and Labrador
+1709237|St. John's, NL
+1709256|Gander, NL
+1709257|Botwood, NL
+1709258|Bishop's Falls, NL
+1709279|Marystown, NL
+1709466|Clarenville, NL
+1709468|Bonavista, NL
+1709489|Grand Falls-Windsor, NL
+1709532|Baie Verte, NL
+1709535|Lewisporte, NL
+1709576|St. John's, NL
+1709579|St. John's, NL
+1709596|Carbonear, NL
+1709632|Corner Brook, NL
+1709634|Corner Brook, NL
+1709635|Deer Lake, NL
+1709639|Corner Brook, NL
+1709643|Stephenville, NL
+1709651|Gander, NL
+1709673|Springdale, NL
+1709686|Pasadena, NL
+1709695|Channel-Port aux Basques, NL
+1709722|St. John's, NL
+1709726|St. John's, NL
+1709738|St. John's, NL
+1709739|St. John's, NL
+1709753|St. John's, NL
+1709754|St. John's, NL
+1709786|Bay Roberts, NL
+1709884|Twillingate, NL
+1709896|Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL
+1709944|Labrador City, NL
+1712200|Alta, IA
+1712213|Storm Lake, IA
+1712224|Sioux City, IA
+1712225|Cherokee, IA
+1712226|Sioux City, IA
+1712233|Sioux City, IA
+1712234|Sioux City, IA
+1712235|Harlan, IA
+1712239|Sioux City, IA
+1712243|Atlantic, IA
+1712246|Shenandoah, IA
+1712252|Sioux City, IA
+1712255|Sioux City, IA
+1712256|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712258|Sioux City, IA
+1712262|Spencer, IA
+1712263|Denison, IA
+1712264|Spencer, IA
+1712268|Exira, IA
+1712274|Sioux City, IA
+1712275|Schaller, IA
+1712276|Sioux City, IA
+1712277|Sioux City, IA
+1712279|Sioux City, IA
+1712283|Sioux Rapids, IA
+1712293|Sioux City, IA
+1712294|Sioux City, IA
+1712297|Rockwell City, IA
+1712322|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712323|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712324|Sheldon, IA
+1712325|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712328|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712335|Pocahontas, IA
+1712336|Spirit Lake, IA
+1712338|Milford, IA
+1712343|Avoca, IA
+1712347|Carter Lake, IA
+1712352|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712362|Estherville, IA
+1712364|Ida Grove, IA
+1712365|Battle Creek, IA
+1712366|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712368|Holstein, IA
+1712372|Correctionville, IA
+1712373|Anthon, IA
+1712374|Sidney, IA
+1712376|Marcus, IA
+1712378|Kingsley, IA
+1712379|Essex, IA
+1712382|Hamburg, IA
+1712388|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712396|Council Bluffs, IA
+1712423|Onawa, IA
+1712433|Onawa, IA
+1712434|Aurelia, IA
+1712439|Hull, IA
+1712448|Paullina, IA
+1712464|Lake City, IA
+1712469|Manson, IA
+1712472|Rock Rapids, IA
+1712475|George, IA
+1712476|Rock Valley, IA
+1712477|Larchwood, IA
+1712482|Oakland, IA
+1712485|Neola, IA
+1712487|Treynor, IA
+1712523|Bedford, IA
+1712527|Glenwood, IA
+1712542|Clarinda, IA
+1712546|Le Mars, IA
+1712548|Le Mars, IA
+1712551|Hawarden, IA
+1712563|Audubon, IA
+1712568|Akron, IA
+1712580|Spencer, IA
+1712623|Red Oak, IA
+1712642|Missouri Valley, IA
+1712643|Dunlap, IA
+1712644|Logan, IA
+1712647|Woodbine, IA
+1712654|Manilla, IA
+1712655|Manning, IA
+1712659|Glidden, IA
+1712662|Sac City, IA
+1712664|Wall Lake, IA
+1712668|Odebolt, IA
+1712707|Orange City, IA
+1712722|Sioux Center, IA
+1712725|Boyden, IA
+1712726|Doon, IA
+1712728|Hartley, IA
+1712729|Sanborn, IA
+1712732|Storm Lake, IA
+1712737|Orange City, IA
+1712747|Earling, IA
+1712749|Storm Lake, IA
+1712753|Inwood, IA
+1712754|Sibley, IA
+1712755|Harlan, IA
+1712756|Alton, IA
+1712764|Elk Horn, IA
+1712778|Griswold, IA
+1712779|Massena, IA
+1712784|Walnut, IA
+1712786|Remsen, IA
+1712792|Carroll, IA
+1712826|Villisca, IA
+1712829|Stanton, IA
+1712832|Lake Park, IA
+1712837|Ruthven, IA
+1712841|Laurens, IA
+1712843|Albert City, IA
+1712852|Emmetsburg, IA
+1712859|Graettinger, IA
+1712873|Moville, IA
+1712881|Mapleton, IA
+1712882|Mapleton, IA
+1712928|Hartley, IA
+1712943|Sergeant Bluff, IA
+1712944|Lawton, IA
+1712947|Hinton, IA
+1712949|Paullina, IA
+1712957|Primghar, IA
+1712999|Coon Rapids, IA
+1713220|Houston, TX
+1713221|Houston, TX
+1713222|Houston, TX
+1713223|Houston, TX
+1713224|Houston, TX
+1713225|Houston, TX
+1713226|Houston, TX
+1713227|Houston, TX
+1713228|Houston, TX
+1713229|Houston, TX
+1713236|Houston, TX
+1713237|Houston, TX
+1713238|Houston, TX
+1713242|Houston, TX
+1713243|Houston, TX
+1713244|Houston, TX
+1713247|Houston, TX
+1713255|Houston, TX
+1713260|Houston, TX
+1713263|Houston, TX
+1713264|Houston, TX
+1713266|Houston, TX
+1713267|Houston, TX
+1713268|Houston, TX
+1713270|Houston, TX
+1713271|Houston, TX
+1713272|Houston, TX
+1713276|Houston, TX
+1713278|Houston, TX
+1713283|Houston, TX
+1713290|Houston, TX
+1713297|Houston, TX
+1713300|Houston, TX
+1713316|Houston, TX
+1713329|Houston, TX
+1713330|Houston, TX
+1713333|Houston, TX
+1713334|Houston, TX
+1713337|Houston, TX
+1713339|Houston, TX
+1713343|Houston, TX
+1713348|Houston, TX
+1713349|Houston, TX
+1713355|Houston, TX
+1713357|Houston, TX
+1713365|Houston, TX
+1713374|Houston, TX
+1713383|Houston, TX
+1713393|Houston, TX
+1713394|Houston, TX
+1713395|Houston, TX
+1713403|Houston, TX
+1713407|Houston, TX
+1713413|Houston, TX
+1713425|Houston, TX
+1713426|Houston, TX
+1713432|Houston, TX
+1713433|Houston, TX
+1713434|Houston, TX
+1713436|Pearland, TX
+1713439|Houston, TX
+1713440|Houston, TX
+1713441|Houston, TX
+1713450|Houston, TX
+1713451|Houston, TX
+1713453|Houston, TX
+1713454|Houston, TX
+1713455|Houston, TX
+1713456|Houston, TX
+1713457|Houston, TX
+1713458|Houston, TX
+1713460|Houston, TX
+1713461|Houston, TX
+1713462|Houston, TX
+1713463|Houston, TX
+1713464|Houston, TX
+1713465|Houston, TX
+1713466|Houston, TX
+1713467|Houston, TX
+1713468|Houston, TX
+1713472|Pasadena, TX
+1713473|Pasadena, TX
+1713475|Pasadena, TX
+1713476|Houston, TX
+1713477|Pasadena, TX
+1713484|Houston, TX
+1713486|Houston, TX
+1713490|Houston, TX
+1713491|Houston, TX
+1713492|Houston, TX
+1713495|Houston, TX
+1713500|Houston, TX
+1713512|Houston, TX
+1713513|Houston, TX
+1713514|Houston, TX
+1713520|Houston, TX
+1713521|Houston, TX
+1713522|Houston, TX
+1713523|Houston, TX
+1713524|Houston, TX
+1713525|Houston, TX
+1713526|Houston, TX
+1713527|Houston, TX
+1713528|Houston, TX
+1713529|Houston, TX
+1713532|Houston, TX
+1713533|Houston, TX
+1713541|Houston, TX
+1713547|Houston, TX
+1713551|Houston, TX
+1713552|Houston, TX
+1713563|Houston, TX
+1713566|Houston, TX
+1713571|Houston, TX
+1713586|Houston, TX
+1713587|Houston, TX
+1713590|Houston, TX
+1713592|Houston, TX
+1713599|Houston, TX
+1713600|Houston, TX
+1713613|Houston, TX
+1713621|Houston, TX
+1713622|Houston, TX
+1713623|Houston, TX
+1713625|Houston, TX
+1713626|Houston, TX
+1713627|Houston, TX
+1713629|Houston, TX
+1713630|Houston, TX
+1713631|Houston, TX
+1713633|Houston, TX
+1713634|Houston, TX
+1713635|Houston, TX
+1713636|Houston, TX
+1713637|Houston, TX
+1713640|Houston, TX
+1713641|Houston, TX
+1713643|Houston, TX
+1713644|Houston, TX
+1713645|Houston, TX
+1713647|Houston, TX
+1713649|Houston, TX
+1713650|Houston, TX
+1713651|Houston, TX
+1713652|Houston, TX
+1713653|Houston, TX
+1713654|Houston, TX
+1713655|Houston, TX
+1713658|Houston, TX
+1713659|Houston, TX
+1713667|Houston, TX
+1713668|Houston, TX
+1713670|Houston, TX
+1713671|Houston, TX
+1713672|Houston, TX
+1713673|Houston, TX
+1713674|Houston, TX
+1713675|Houston, TX
+1713676|Houston, TX
+1713678|Houston, TX
+1713680|Houston, TX
+1713681|Houston, TX
+1713682|Houston, TX
+1713683|Houston, TX
+1713686|Houston, TX
+1713688|Houston, TX
+1713690|Houston, TX
+1713691|Houston, TX
+1713692|Houston, TX
+1713694|Houston, TX
+1713695|Houston, TX
+1713696|Houston, TX
+1713697|Houston, TX
+1713699|Houston, TX
+1713704|Houston, TX
+1713706|Houston, TX
+1713718|Houston, TX
+1713721|Houston, TX
+1713722|Houston, TX
+1713723|Houston, TX
+1713726|Houston, TX
+1713728|Houston, TX
+1713729|Houston, TX
+1713730|Houston, TX
+1713731|Houston, TX
+1713732|Houston, TX
+1713733|Houston, TX
+1713734|Houston, TX
+1713738|Houston, TX
+1713739|Houston, TX
+1713741|Houston, TX
+1713742|Houston, TX
+1713743|Houston, TX
+1713745|Houston, TX
+1713747|Houston, TX
+1713748|Houston, TX
+1713750|Houston, TX
+1713751|Houston, TX
+1713752|Houston, TX
+1713755|Houston, TX
+1713756|Houston, TX
+1713757|Houston, TX
+1713758|Houston, TX
+1713759|Houston, TX
+1713771|Houston, TX
+1713772|Houston, TX
+1713773|Houston, TX
+1713774|Houston, TX
+1713776|Houston, TX
+1713777|Houston, TX
+1713778|Houston, TX
+1713779|Houston, TX
+1713780|Houston, TX
+1713781|Houston, TX
+1713782|Houston, TX
+1713783|Houston, TX
+1713784|Houston, TX
+1713785|Houston, TX
+1713787|Houston, TX
+1713789|Houston, TX
+1713790|Houston, TX
+1713791|Houston, TX
+1713792|Houston, TX
+1713794|Houston, TX
+1713795|Houston, TX
+1713796|Houston, TX
+1713797|Houston, TX
+1713798|Houston, TX
+1713799|Houston, TX
+1713800|Houston, TX
+1713802|Houston, TX
+1713807|Houston, TX
+1713808|Houston, TX
+1713812|Houston, TX
+1713821|Houston, TX
+1713827|Houston, TX
+1713830|Houston, TX
+1713831|Houston, TX
+1713840|Houston, TX
+1713842|Houston, TX
+1713845|Houston, TX
+1713847|Houston, TX
+1713849|Houston, TX
+1713850|Houston, TX
+1713856|Houston, TX
+1713860|Houston, TX
+1713861|Houston, TX
+1713862|Houston, TX
+1713863|Houston, TX
+1713864|Houston, TX
+1713867|Houston, TX
+1713868|Houston, TX
+1713869|Houston, TX
+1713871|Houston, TX
+1713873|Houston, TX
+1713874|Houston, TX
+1713877|Houston, TX
+1713880|Houston, TX
+1713881|Houston, TX
+1713884|Houston, TX
+1713888|Houston, TX
+1713892|Houston, TX
+1713895|Houston, TX
+1713896|Houston, TX
+1713914|Houston, TX
+1713917|Houston, TX
+1713920|Pasadena, TX
+1713921|Houston, TX
+1713923|Houston, TX
+1713924|Houston, TX
+1713926|Houston, TX
+1713928|Houston, TX
+1713932|Houston, TX
+1713934|Houston, TX
+1713937|Houston, TX
+1713939|Houston, TX
+1713942|Houston, TX
+1713951|Houston, TX
+1713952|Houston, TX
+1713953|Houston, TX
+1713954|Houston, TX
+1713956|Houston, TX
+1713957|Houston, TX
+1713960|Houston, TX
+1713961|Houston, TX
+1713963|Houston, TX
+1713964|Houston, TX
+1713965|Houston, TX
+1713966|Houston, TX
+1713968|Houston, TX
+1713970|Houston, TX
+1713972|Houston, TX
+1713973|Houston, TX
+1713974|Houston, TX
+1713975|Houston, TX
+1713977|Houston, TX
+1713978|Houston, TX
+1713979|Houston, TX
+1713981|Houston, TX
+1713983|Houston, TX
+1713984|Houston, TX
+1713986|Houston, TX
+1713987|Houston, TX
+1713988|Houston, TX
+1713991|Houston, TX
+1713993|Houston, TX
+1713995|Houston, TX
+1713996|Houston, TX
+1714245|Santa Ana, CA
+1714255|Brea, CA
+1714256|Brea, CA
+1714278|Fullerton, CA
+1714281|Anaheim, CA
+1714288|Orange, CA
+1714289|Orange, CA
+1714347|Santa Ana, CA
+1714374|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714375|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714377|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714441|Fullerton, CA
+1714446|Fullerton, CA
+1714447|Fullerton, CA
+1714449|Fullerton, CA
+1714456|Orange, CA
+1714491|Anaheim, CA
+1714502|Anaheim, CA
+1714516|Orange, CA
+1714517|Anaheim, CA
+1714520|Anaheim, CA
+1714525|Fullerton, CA
+1714526|Fullerton, CA
+1714529|Brea, CA
+1714530|Garden Grove, CA
+1714532|Orange, CA
+1714533|Anaheim, CA
+1714534|Garden Grove, CA
+1714535|Anaheim, CA
+1714536|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714537|Garden Grove, CA
+1714538|Orange, CA
+1714539|Garden Grove, CA
+1714541|Santa Ana, CA
+1714542|Santa Ana, CA
+1714543|Santa Ana, CA
+1714547|Santa Ana, CA
+1714550|Santa Ana, CA
+1714558|Santa Ana, CA
+1714563|Anaheim, CA
+1714564|Santa Ana, CA
+1714568|Santa Ana, CA
+1714569|Santa Ana, CA
+1714590|Garden Grove, CA
+1714596|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714626|Fullerton, CA
+1714628|Orange, CA
+1714630|Anaheim, CA
+1714632|Anaheim, CA
+1714633|Orange, CA
+1714635|Anaheim, CA
+1714636|Garden Grove, CA
+1714638|Garden Grove, CA
+1714639|Orange, CA
+1714647|Santa Ana, CA
+1714666|Anaheim, CA
+1714667|Santa Ana, CA
+1714671|Brea, CA
+1714672|Brea, CA
+1714680|Fullerton, CA
+1714687|Anaheim, CA
+1714692|Yorba Linda, CA
+1714738|Fullerton, CA
+1714741|Garden Grove, CA
+1714744|Orange, CA
+1714758|Anaheim, CA
+1714765|Anaheim, CA
+1714769|Orange, CA
+1714771|Orange, CA
+1714772|Anaheim, CA
+1714773|Fullerton, CA
+1714774|Anaheim, CA
+1714776|Anaheim, CA
+1714778|Anaheim, CA
+1714780|Anaheim, CA
+1714781|Anaheim, CA
+1714808|Anaheim, CA
+1714817|Anaheim, CA
+1714834|Santa Ana, CA
+1714835|Santa Ana, CA
+1714836|Santa Ana, CA
+1714840|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714841|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714842|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714843|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714846|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714847|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714848|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714870|Fullerton, CA
+1714871|Fullerton, CA
+1714879|Fullerton, CA
+1714953|Santa Ana, CA
+1714956|Anaheim, CA
+1714960|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714967|Santa Ana, CA
+1714969|Huntington Beach, CA
+1714972|Santa Ana, CA
+1714973|Santa Ana, CA
+1714990|Brea, CA
+1714991|Anaheim, CA
+1714992|Fullerton, CA
+1714997|Orange, CA
+1714999|Anaheim, CA
+1715231|Menomonie, WI
+1715232|Menomonie, WI
+1715233|Menomonie, WI
+1715234|Rice Lake, WI
+1715235|Menomonie, WI
+1715236|Rice Lake, WI
+1715239|Cornell, WI
+1715243|New Richmond, WI
+1715246|New Richmond, WI
+1715247|Somerset, WI
+1715249|Hancock, WI
+1715251|Niagara, WI
+1715253|Wittenberg, WI
+1715255|Loyal, WI
+1715256|Waupaca, WI
+1715257|Athens, WI
+1715258|Waupaca, WI
+1715261|Wausau, WI
+1715262|Prescott, WI
+1715263|Clear Lake, WI
+1715267|Greenwood, WI
+1715268|Amery, WI
+1715273|Ellsworth, WI
+1715277|Lake Tomahawk, WI
+1715284|Black River Falls, WI
+1715286|Augusta, WI
+1715289|Cadott, WI
+1715294|Osceola, WI
+1715327|Frederic, WI
+1715335|Plainfield, WI
+1715339|Phillips, WI
+1715342|Stevens Point, WI
+1715343|Stevens Point, WI
+1715344|Stevens Point, WI
+1715346|Stevens Point, WI
+1715349|Siren, WI
+1715352|Edgar, WI
+1715354|Birchwood, WI
+1715361|Rhinelander, WI
+1715362|Rhinelander, WI
+1715365|Rhinelander, WI
+1715366|Almond, WI
+1715369|Rhinelander, WI
+1715373|Washburn, WI
+1715377|Hudson, WI
+1715378|Solon Springs, WI
+1715381|Hudson, WI
+1715384|Marshfield, WI
+1715385|Boulder Junction, WI
+1715386|Hudson, WI
+1715387|Marshfield, WI
+1715389|Marshfield, WI
+1715392|Superior, WI
+1715394|Superior, WI
+1715395|Superior, WI
+1715398|Superior, WI
+1715421|Wisconsin Rapids, WI
+1715422|Wisconsin Rapids, WI
+1715423|Wisconsin Rapids, WI
+1715424|Wisconsin Rapids, WI
+1715425|River Falls, WI
+1715426|River Falls, WI
+1715427|Rib Lake, WI
+1715428|Prentice, WI
+1715443|Marathon, WI
+1715445|Iola, WI
+1715449|Birnamwood, WI
+1715453|Tomahawk, WI
+1715458|Cameron, WI
+1715462|Hayward, WI
+1715463|Grantsburg, WI
+1715466|Minong, WI
+1715468|Shell Lake, WI
+1715472|Luck, WI
+1715473|Wabeno, WI
+1715476|Mercer, WI
+1715477|Eagle River, WI
+1715478|Crandon, WI
+1715479|Eagle River, WI
+1715485|Balsam Lake, WI
+1715486|Marshfield, WI
+1715514|Eau Claire, WI
+1715524|Shawano, WI
+1715526|Shawano, WI
+1715528|Florence, WI
+1715531|Hudson, WI
+1715532|Ladysmith, WI
+1715535|Tigerton, WI
+1715536|Merrill, WI
+1715537|Barron, WI
+1715538|Whitehall, WI
+1715539|Merrill, WI
+1715546|Three Lakes, WI
+1715547|Land O' Lakes, WI
+1715552|Eau Claire, WI
+1715561|Hurley, WI
+1715568|Bloomer, WI
+1715582|Peshtigo, WI
+1715588|Lac du Flambeau, WI
+1715595|Holcombe, WI
+1715597|Osseo, WI
+1715623|Antigo, WI
+1715627|Antigo, WI
+1715634|Hayward, WI
+1715635|Spooner, WI
+1715637|Barron, WI
+1715639|Elmwood, WI
+1715644|Stanley, WI
+1715646|Centuria, WI
+1715654|Dorchester, WI
+1715656|Danbury, WI
+1715659|Spencer, WI
+1715669|Thorp, WI
+1715672|Durand, WI
+1715675|Wausau, WI
+1715676|Marshfield, WI
+1715677|Rosholt, WI
+1715682|Ashland, WI
+1715684|Baldwin, WI
+1715685|Ashland, WI
+1715687|Stratford, WI
+1715693|Mosinee, WI
+1715695|Strum, WI
+1715698|Woodville, WI
+1715720|Chippewa Falls, WI
+1715723|Chippewa Falls, WI
+1715726|Chippewa Falls, WI
+1715732|Marinette, WI
+1715735|Marinette, WI
+1715736|Rice Lake, WI
+1715743|Neillsville, WI
+1715748|Medford, WI
+1715749|Roberts, WI
+1715754|Marion, WI
+1715758|Bonduel, WI
+1715762|Park Falls, WI
+1715778|Spring Valley, WI
+1715779|Bayfield, WI
+1715796|Hammond, WI
+1715798|Cable, WI
+1715799|Keshena, WI
+1715822|Cumberland, WI
+1715823|Clintonville, WI
+1715830|Eau Claire, WI
+1715831|Eau Claire, WI
+1715832|Eau Claire, WI
+1715833|Eau Claire, WI
+1715834|Eau Claire, WI
+1715835|Eau Claire, WI
+1715836|Eau Claire, WI
+1715838|Eau Claire, WI
+1715839|Eau Claire, WI
+1715842|Wausau, WI
+1715843|Wausau, WI
+1715845|Wausau, WI
+1715848|Wausau, WI
+1715849|Wausau, WI
+1715854|Crivitz, WI
+1715855|Eau Claire, WI
+1715856|Wausaukee, WI
+1715858|Eau Claire, WI
+1715866|Webster, WI
+1715868|Bruce, WI
+1715877|Fall Creek, WI
+1715879|Elk Mound, WI
+1715884|Pittsville, WI
+1715886|Nekoosa, WI
+1715924|Chetek, WI
+1715926|Mondovi, WI
+1715934|Hayward, WI
+1715962|Colfax, WI
+1715963|Hixton, WI
+1715967|New Auburn, WI
+1715985|Independence, WI
+1715986|Turtle Lake, WI
+1716|New York
+1716205|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716236|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716276|Buffalo, NY
+1716278|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716282|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716283|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716284|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716285|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716297|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716298|Niagara Falls, NY
+1716326|Westfield, NY
+1716337|North Collins, NY
+1716355|Clymer, NY
+1716358|Randolph, NY
+1716363|Dunkirk, NY
+1716366|Dunkirk, NY
+1716372|Olean, NY
+1716373|Olean, NY
+1716375|Olean, NY
+1716376|Olean, NY
+1716386|Bemus Point, NY
+1716433|Lockport, NY
+1716434|Lockport, NY
+1716438|Lockport, NY
+1716439|Lockport, NY
+1716483|Jamestown, NY
+1716484|Jamestown, NY
+1716487|Jamestown, NY
+1716488|Jamestown, NY
+1716537|Holland, NY
+1716542|Akron, NY
+1716569|Frewsburg, NY
+1716592|Springville, NY
+1716595|Cassadaga, NY
+1716646|Hamburg, NY
+1716648|Hamburg, NY
+1716649|Hamburg, NY
+1716661|Jamestown, NY
+1716662|Orchard Park, NY
+1716664|Jamestown, NY
+1716667|Orchard Park, NY
+1716672|Fredonia, NY
+1716673|Fredonia, NY
+1716676|Franklinville, NY
+1716679|Fredonia, NY
+1716690|North Tonawanda, NY
+1716699|Ellicottville, NY
+1716735|Middleport, NY
+1716736|Ripley, NY
+1716741|Clarence Center, NY
+1716745|Youngstown, NY
+1716751|Wilson, NY
+1716753|Mayville, NY
+1716754|Lewiston, NY
+1716759|Clarence, NY
+1716761|Sherman, NY
+1716763|Lakewood, NY
+1716772|Gasport, NY
+1716773|Grand Island, NY
+1716774|Grand Island, NY
+1716775|Grand Island, NY
+1716791|Ransomville, NY
+1716816|Buffalo, NY
+1716829|Buffalo, NY
+1716842|Buffalo, NY
+1716843|Buffalo, NY
+1716847|Buffalo, NY
+1716848|Buffalo, NY
+1716849|Buffalo, NY
+1716851|Buffalo, NY
+1716852|Buffalo, NY
+1716853|Buffalo, NY
+1716854|Buffalo, NY
+1716855|Buffalo, NY
+1716856|Buffalo, NY
+1716858|Buffalo, NY
+1716859|Buffalo, NY
+1716862|Buffalo, NY
+1716875|Buffalo, NY
+1716878|Buffalo, NY
+1716881|Buffalo, NY
+1716882|Buffalo, NY
+1716883|Buffalo, NY
+1716884|Buffalo, NY
+1716885|Buffalo, NY
+1716886|Buffalo, NY
+1716887|Buffalo, NY
+1716888|Buffalo, NY
+1716892|Buffalo, NY
+1716893|Buffalo, NY
+1716896|Buffalo, NY
+1716897|Buffalo, NY
+1716898|Buffalo, NY
+1716933|Portville, NY
+1716937|Alden, NY
+1716938|Little Valley, NY
+1716945|Salamanca, NY
+1716947|Derby, NY
+1716961|Buffalo, NY
+1716962|Sinclairville, NY
+1716965|Forestville, NY
+1716972|Orchard Park, NY
+1716988|South Dayton, NY
+1716992|Eden, NY
+1717207|Lancaster, PA
+1717213|Harrisburg, PA
+1717217|Chambersburg, PA
+1717218|Carlisle, PA
+1717221|Harrisburg, PA
+1717225|Spring Grove, PA
+1717228|Lebanon, PA
+1717230|Harrisburg, PA
+1717231|Harrisburg, PA
+1717232|Harrisburg, PA
+1717233|Harrisburg, PA
+1717234|Harrisburg, PA
+1717236|Harrisburg, PA
+1717237|Harrisburg, PA
+1717238|Harrisburg, PA
+1717239|Lancaster, PA
+1717240|Carlisle, PA
+1717241|Carlisle, PA
+1717242|Lewistown, PA
+1717243|Carlisle, PA
+1717245|Carlisle, PA
+1717248|Lewistown, PA
+1717249|Carlisle, PA
+1717255|Harrisburg, PA
+1717260|Harrisburg, PA
+1717261|Chambersburg, PA
+1717262|Chambersburg, PA
+1717263|Chambersburg, PA
+1717264|Chambersburg, PA
+1717267|Chambersburg, PA
+1717270|Lebanon, PA
+1717272|Lebanon, PA
+1717273|Lebanon, PA
+1717274|Lebanon, PA
+1717277|Lebanon, PA
+1717290|Lancaster, PA
+1717291|Lancaster, PA
+1717292|Dover, PA
+1717293|Lancaster, PA
+1717295|Lancaster, PA
+1717299|Lancaster, PA
+1717328|Mercersburg, PA
+1717334|Gettysburg, PA
+1717337|Gettysburg, PA
+1717338|Gettysburg, PA
+1717339|Gettysburg, PA
+1717352|Fayetteville, PA
+1717358|Lancaster, PA
+1717359|Littlestown, PA
+1717361|Elizabethtown, PA
+1717367|Elizabethtown, PA
+1717375|Chambersburg, PA
+1717390|Lancaster, PA
+1717391|Lancaster, PA
+1717392|Lancaster, PA
+1717393|Lancaster, PA
+1717394|Lancaster, PA
+1717396|Lancaster, PA
+1717397|Lancaster, PA
+1717399|Lancaster, PA
+1717432|Dillsburg, PA
+1717436|Mifflintown, PA
+1717441|Harrisburg, PA
+1717444|Liverpool, PA
+1717453|Lykens, PA
+1717456|Delta, PA
+1717481|Lancaster, PA
+1717485|McConnellsburg, PA
+1717502|Dillsburg, PA
+1717509|Lancaster, PA
+1717517|Lancaster, PA
+1717520|Hershey, PA
+1717526|Harrisburg, PA
+1717527|Port Royal, PA
+1717530|Shippensburg, PA
+1717531|Hershey, PA
+1717532|Shippensburg, PA
+1717533|Hershey, PA
+1717534|Hershey, PA
+1717540|Harrisburg, PA
+1717541|Harrisburg, PA
+1717544|Lancaster, PA
+1717545|Harrisburg, PA
+1717558|Harrisburg, PA
+1717561|Harrisburg, PA
+1717564|Harrisburg, PA
+1717566|Hummelstown, PA
+1717567|Newport, PA
+1717589|Millerstown, PA
+1717591|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717593|Greencastle, PA
+1717597|Greencastle, PA
+1717600|York, PA
+1717624|New Oxford, PA
+1717625|Lititz, PA
+1717626|Lititz, PA
+1717627|Lititz, PA
+1717630|Hanover, PA
+1717632|Hanover, PA
+1717633|Hanover, PA
+1717637|Hanover, PA
+1717642|Fairfield, PA
+1717646|Hanover, PA
+1717650|York, PA
+1717651|Harrisburg, PA
+1717652|Harrisburg, PA
+1717653|Mount Joy, PA
+1717657|Harrisburg, PA
+1717664|Manheim, PA
+1717665|Manheim, PA
+1717671|Harrisburg, PA
+1717684|Columbia, PA
+1717691|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717692|Millersburg, PA
+1717697|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717699|York, PA
+1717709|Chambersburg, PA
+1717718|York, PA
+1717721|Ephrata, PA
+1717733|Ephrata, PA
+1717735|Lancaster, PA
+1717738|Ephrata, PA
+1717741|York, PA
+1717747|York, PA
+1717751|York, PA
+1717755|York, PA
+1717757|York, PA
+1717762|Waynesboro, PA
+1717764|York, PA
+1717765|Waynesboro, PA
+1717766|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717767|York, PA
+1717771|York, PA
+1717774|New Cumberland, PA
+1717776|Newville, PA
+1717780|Harrisburg, PA
+1717782|Harrisburg, PA
+1717783|Harrisburg, PA
+1717787|Harrisburg, PA
+1717790|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717791|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717792|York, PA
+1717795|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717796|Mechanicsburg, PA
+1717812|York, PA
+1717832|Palmyra, PA
+1717834|Duncannon, PA
+1717838|Palmyra, PA
+1717840|York, PA
+1717843|York, PA
+1717845|York, PA
+1717846|York, PA
+1717848|York, PA
+1717849|York, PA
+1717851|York, PA
+1717852|York, PA
+1717854|York, PA
+1717866|Myerstown, PA
+1717867|Annville, PA
+1717896|Halifax, PA
+1717899|McVeytown, PA
+1717921|Dauphin, PA
+1717935|Belleville, PA
+1717944|Middletown, PA
+1717948|Middletown, PA
+1717957|Marysville, PA
+1717960|Carlisle, PA
+1717993|Stewartstown, PA
+1718|New York
+1718206|Jamaica, NY
+1718218|Brooklyn, NY
+1718220|Bronx, NY
+1718222|Brooklyn, NY
+1718226|Staten Island, NY
+1718231|Bronx, NY
+1718232|Brooklyn, NY
+1718235|Brooklyn, NY
+1718236|Brooklyn, NY
+1718237|Brooklyn, NY
+1718239|Bronx, NY
+1718244|Jamaica, NY
+1718252|Brooklyn, NY
+1718256|Brooklyn, NY
+1718257|Brooklyn, NY
+1718258|Brooklyn, NY
+1718262|Jamaica, NY
+1718272|Brooklyn, NY
+1718273|Staten Island, NY
+1718277|Brooklyn, NY
+1718282|Brooklyn, NY
+1718284|Brooklyn, NY
+1718287|Brooklyn, NY
+1718291|Jamaica, NY
+1718292|Bronx, NY
+1718293|Bronx, NY
+1718294|Bronx, NY
+1718295|Bronx, NY
+1718297|Jamaica, NY
+1718298|Jamaica, NY
+1718299|Bronx, NY
+1718302|Brooklyn, NY
+1718317|Staten Island, NY
+1718321|Flushing, NY
+1718324|Bronx, NY
+1718325|Bronx, NY
+1718327|Far Rockaway, NY
+1718328|Bronx, NY
+1718329|Bronx, NY
+1718331|Brooklyn, NY
+1718334|Elmhurst, NY
+1718338|Brooklyn, NY
+1718342|Brooklyn, NY
+1718346|Brooklyn, NY
+1718348|Brooklyn, NY
+1718353|Flushing, NY
+1718356|Staten Island, NY
+1718358|Flushing, NY
+1718359|Flushing, NY
+1718363|Brooklyn, NY
+1718364|Bronx, NY
+1718365|Bronx, NY
+1718367|Bronx, NY
+1718369|Brooklyn, NY
+1718373|Brooklyn, NY
+1718377|Brooklyn, NY
+1718378|Bronx, NY
+1718379|Bronx, NY
+1718384|Brooklyn, NY
+1718385|Brooklyn, NY
+1718387|Brooklyn, NY
+1718388|Brooklyn, NY
+1718398|Brooklyn, NY
+1718401|Bronx, NY
+1718402|Bronx, NY
+1718403|Brooklyn, NY
+1718409|Bronx, NY
+1718421|Brooklyn, NY
+1718432|Bronx, NY
+1718434|Brooklyn, NY
+1718435|Brooklyn, NY
+1718436|Brooklyn, NY
+1718437|Brooklyn, NY
+1718438|Brooklyn, NY
+1718439|Brooklyn, NY
+1718442|Staten Island, NY
+1718443|Brooklyn, NY
+1718445|Flushing, NY
+1718447|Staten Island, NY
+1718448|Staten Island, NY
+1718449|Brooklyn, NY
+1718450|Bronx, NY
+1718451|Brooklyn, NY
+1718452|Brooklyn, NY
+1718453|Brooklyn, NY
+1718455|Brooklyn, NY
+1718460|Flushing, NY
+1718461|Flushing, NY
+1718462|Brooklyn, NY
+1718463|Flushing, NY
+1718466|Bronx, NY
+1718467|Brooklyn, NY
+1718469|Brooklyn, NY
+1718471|Far Rockaway, NY
+1718484|Brooklyn, NY
+1718485|Brooklyn, NY
+1718486|Brooklyn, NY
+1718492|Brooklyn, NY
+1718493|Brooklyn, NY
+1718495|Brooklyn, NY
+1718498|Brooklyn, NY
+1718515|Bronx, NY
+1718519|Bronx, NY
+1718522|Brooklyn, NY
+1718523|Jamaica, NY
+1718526|Jamaica, NY
+1718531|Brooklyn, NY
+1718537|Bronx, NY
+1718538|Bronx, NY
+1718539|Flushing, NY
+1718542|Bronx, NY
+1718543|Bronx, NY
+1718547|Bronx, NY
+1718553|Jamaica, NY
+1718556|Staten Island, NY
+1718561|Bronx, NY
+1718562|Bronx, NY
+1718563|Bronx, NY
+1718573|Brooklyn, NY
+1718583|Bronx, NY
+1718585|Bronx, NY
+1718588|Bronx, NY
+1718589|Bronx, NY
+1718590|Bronx, NY
+1718596|Brooklyn, NY
+1718599|Brooklyn, NY
+1718601|Bronx, NY
+1718617|Bronx, NY
+1718618|Bronx, NY
+1718620|Bronx, NY
+1718621|Brooklyn, NY
+1718623|Brooklyn, NY
+1718624|Brooklyn, NY
+1718625|Brooklyn, NY
+1718629|Brooklyn, NY
+1718633|Brooklyn, NY
+1718643|Brooklyn, NY
+1718646|Brooklyn, NY
+1718647|Brooklyn, NY
+1718648|Brooklyn, NY
+1718649|Brooklyn, NY
+1718652|Bronx, NY
+1718653|Bronx, NY
+1718654|Bronx, NY
+1718655|Bronx, NY
+1718656|Jamaica, NY
+1718657|Jamaica, NY
+1718658|Jamaica, NY
+1718661|Flushing, NY
+1718665|Bronx, NY
+1718670|Flushing, NY
+1718681|Bronx, NY
+1718684|Bronx, NY
+1718686|Brooklyn, NY
+1718692|Brooklyn, NY
+1718693|Brooklyn, NY
+1718703|Brooklyn, NY
+1718720|Staten Island, NY
+1718727|Staten Island, NY
+1718731|Bronx, NY
+1718733|Bronx, NY
+1718739|Jamaica, NY
+1718742|Bronx, NY
+1718745|Brooklyn, NY
+1718756|Brooklyn, NY
+1718758|Brooklyn, NY
+1718762|Flushing, NY
+1718771|Brooklyn, NY
+1718773|Brooklyn, NY
+1718774|Brooklyn, NY
+1718778|Brooklyn, NY
+1718782|Brooklyn, NY
+1718783|Brooklyn, NY
+1718788|Brooklyn, NY
+1718792|Bronx, NY
+1718794|Bronx, NY
+1718797|Brooklyn, NY
+1718798|Bronx, NY
+1718802|Brooklyn, NY
+1718815|Staten Island, NY
+1718816|Staten Island, NY
+1718822|Bronx, NY
+1718823|Bronx, NY
+1718824|Bronx, NY
+1718826|Brooklyn, NY
+1718827|Brooklyn, NY
+1718828|Bronx, NY
+1718832|Brooklyn, NY
+1718834|Brooklyn, NY
+1718837|Brooklyn, NY
+1718842|Bronx, NY
+1718851|Brooklyn, NY
+1718852|Brooklyn, NY
+1718853|Brooklyn, NY
+1718854|Brooklyn, NY
+1718856|Brooklyn, NY
+1718859|Brooklyn, NY
+1718860|Bronx, NY
+1718861|Bronx, NY
+1718863|Bronx, NY
+1718868|Far Rockaway, NY
+1718869|Far Rockaway, NY
+1718871|Brooklyn, NY
+1718875|Brooklyn, NY
+1718876|Staten Island, NY
+1718881|Bronx, NY
+1718882|Bronx, NY
+1718883|Jamaica, NY
+1718884|Bronx, NY
+1718886|Flushing, NY
+1718888|Flushing, NY
+1718892|Bronx, NY
+1718893|Bronx, NY
+1718919|Brooklyn, NY
+1718922|Brooklyn, NY
+1718927|Brooklyn, NY
+1718933|Bronx, NY
+1718934|Brooklyn, NY
+1718939|Flushing, NY
+1718940|Brooklyn, NY
+1718941|Brooklyn, NY
+1718948|Staten Island, NY
+1718953|Brooklyn, NY
+1718961|Flushing, NY
+1718965|Brooklyn, NY
+1718968|Brooklyn, NY
+1718972|Brooklyn, NY
+1718981|Staten Island, NY
+1718990|Jamaica, NY
+1718991|Bronx, NY
+1718992|Bronx, NY
+1718993|Bronx, NY
+1718994|Bronx, NY
+1718995|Jamaica, NY
+1718998|Brooklyn, NY
+1719213|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719219|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719226|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719227|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719228|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719234|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719254|Rocky Ford, CO
+1719256|Crestone, CO
+1719260|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719262|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719263|Fowler, CO
+1719264|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719265|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719266|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719267|Ordway, CO
+1719268|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719269|Cañon City, CO
+1719272|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719274|La Jara, CO
+1719275|Cañon City, CO
+1719276|Cañon City, CO
+1719277|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719278|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719282|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719296|Pueblo, CO
+1719302|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719314|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719324|Walsh, CO
+1719328|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719329|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719333|Air Force Academy, CO
+1719336|Lamar, CO
+1719344|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719346|Burlington, CO
+1719347|Calhan, CO
+1719348|Stratton, CO
+1719358|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719365|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719372|Penrose, CO
+1719375|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719376|Antonito, CO
+1719380|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719382|Fountain, CO
+1719383|La Junta, CO
+1719384|La Junta, CO
+1719385|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719388|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719389|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719390|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719391|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719392|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719395|Buena Vista, CO
+1719434|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719438|Eads, CO
+1719442|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719444|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719447|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719448|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719456|Las Animas, CO
+1719457|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719465|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719471|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719473|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719475|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719477|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719486|Leadville, CO
+1719489|Rye, CO
+1719495|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719520|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719522|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719523|Springfield, CO
+1719524|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719527|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719528|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719530|Salida, CO
+1719531|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719532|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719533|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719534|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719535|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719536|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719538|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719539|Salida, CO
+1719540|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719542|Pueblo, CO
+1719543|Pueblo, CO
+1719544|Pueblo, CO
+1719545|Pueblo, CO
+1719546|Pueblo, CO
+1719548|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719549|Pueblo, CO
+1719550|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719553|Pueblo, CO
+1719556|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719557|Pueblo, CO
+1719560|Pueblo, CO
+1719561|Pueblo, CO
+1719562|Pueblo, CO
+1719564|Pueblo, CO
+1719565|Pueblo, CO
+1719566|Pueblo, CO
+1719570|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719572|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719573|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719574|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719575|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719576|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719577|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719578|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719579|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719583|Pueblo, CO
+1719584|Pueblo, CO
+1719587|Alamosa, CO
+1719589|Alamosa, CO
+1719590|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719591|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719592|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719593|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719594|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719595|Pueblo, CO
+1719596|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719597|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719598|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719599|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719622|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719623|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719630|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719632|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719633|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719634|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719635|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719636|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719637|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719638|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719657|Del Norte, CO
+1719658|Creede, CO
+1719660|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719667|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719672|San Luis, CO
+1719685|Manitou Springs, CO
+1719687|Woodland Park, CO
+1719738|Walsenburg, CO
+1719742|La Veta, CO
+1719749|Peyton, CO
+1719754|Center, CO
+1719765|Flagler, CO
+1719767|Cheyenne Wells, CO
+1719775|Limon, CO
+1719776|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719783|Westcliffe, CO
+1719784|Florence, CO
+1719785|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719845|Trinidad, CO
+1719846|Trinidad, CO
+1719852|Monte Vista, CO
+1719867|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719873|South Fork, CO
+1719884|Colorado Springs, CO
+1719948|Pueblo, CO
+1719955|Colorado Springs, CO
+1720406|Boulder, CO
+1720423|Denver, CO
+1720424|Denver, CO
+1720494|Longmont, CO
+1720564|Boulder, CO
+1720565|Boulder, CO
+1720570|Denver, CO
+1720685|Brighton, CO
+1720777|Aurora, CO
+1720848|Aurora, CO
+1720851|Parker, CO
+1720855|Denver, CO
+1720865|Denver, CO
+1720904|Denver, CO
+1720913|Denver, CO
+1720922|Littleton, CO
+1720932|Denver, CO
+1720941|Denver, CO
+1720981|Littleton, CO
+1724219|Greensburg, PA
+1724222|Washington, PA
+1724223|Washington, PA
+1724225|Washington, PA
+1724228|Washington, PA
+1724229|Washington, PA
+1724235|New Florence, PA
+1724238|Ligonier, PA
+1724250|Washington, PA
+1724258|Monongahela, PA
+1724266|Ambridge, PA
+1724282|Butler, PA
+1724283|Butler, PA
+1724284|Butler, PA
+1724285|Butler, PA
+1724287|Butler, PA
+1724297|Worthington, PA
+1724324|Mount Morris, PA
+1724348|Finleyville, PA
+1724349|Indiana, PA
+1724353|Sarver, PA
+1724357|Indiana, PA
+1724375|Aliquippa, PA
+1724378|Aliquippa, PA
+1724425|Uniontown, PA
+1724430|Uniontown, PA
+1724431|Butler, PA
+1724434|Uniontown, PA
+1724437|Uniontown, PA
+1724438|Uniontown, PA
+1724439|Uniontown, PA
+1724445|Chicora, PA
+1724450|Grove City, PA
+1724457|Coraopolis, PA
+1724458|Grove City, PA
+1724459|Blairsville, PA
+1724463|Indiana, PA
+1724465|Indiana, PA
+1724477|Butler, PA
+1724482|Butler, PA
+1724483|Charleroi, PA
+1724489|Charleroi, PA
+1724523|Jeannette, PA
+1724527|Jeannette, PA
+1724528|West Middlesex, PA
+1724532|Latrobe, PA
+1724533|Volant, PA
+1724537|Latrobe, PA
+1724539|Latrobe, PA
+1724542|Mount Pleasant, PA
+1724543|Kittanning, PA
+1724545|Kittanning, PA
+1724547|Mount Pleasant, PA
+1724548|Kittanning, PA
+1724552|Greensburg, PA
+1724567|Vandergrift, PA
+1724568|Vandergrift, PA
+1724569|Smithfield, PA
+1724583|Masontown, PA
+1724586|Butler, PA
+1724588|Greenville, PA
+1724589|Greenville, PA
+1724592|Rices Landing, PA
+1724598|New Castle, PA
+1724626|Connellsville, PA
+1724627|Waynesburg, PA
+1724628|Connellsville, PA
+1724639|Saltsburg, PA
+1724652|New Castle, PA
+1724654|New Castle, PA
+1724656|New Castle, PA
+1724657|New Castle, PA
+1724658|New Castle, PA
+1724662|Mercer, PA
+1724663|Claysville, PA
+1724668|New Alexandria, PA
+1724684|Monessen, PA
+1724693|Oakdale, PA
+1724725|Point Marion, PA
+1724727|Apollo, PA
+1724736|Perryopolis, PA
+1724738|Slippery Rock, PA
+1724752|Ellwood City, PA
+1724758|Ellwood City, PA
+1724763|Ford City, PA
+1724785|Brownsville, PA
+1724794|Slippery Rock, PA
+1724827|Darlington, PA
+1724830|Greensburg, PA
+1724832|Greensburg, PA
+1724834|Greensburg, PA
+1724836|Greensburg, PA
+1724837|Greensburg, PA
+1724838|Greensburg, PA
+1724842|Leechburg, PA
+1724845|Leechburg, PA
+1724850|Greensburg, PA
+1724852|Waynesburg, PA
+1724853|Greensburg, PA
+1724861|Irwin, PA
+1724863|Irwin, PA
+1724864|Irwin, PA
+1724867|Emlenton, PA
+1724898|Valencia, PA
+1724924|New Castle, PA
+1724926|McDonald, PA
+1724929|Belle Vernon, PA
+1724930|Belle Vernon, PA
+1724932|Jamestown, PA
+1724943|Greensboro, PA
+1724946|New Wilmington, PA
+1724947|Burgettstown, PA
+1724966|Carmichaels, PA
+1726828|Buffalo, NY
+1727321|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727322|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727323|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727327|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727328|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727343|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727345|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727381|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727441|Clearwater, FL
+1727442|Clearwater, FL
+1727443|Clearwater, FL
+1727445|Clearwater, FL
+1727446|Clearwater, FL
+1727447|Clearwater, FL
+1727449|Clearwater, FL
+1727461|Clearwater, FL
+1727462|Clearwater, FL
+1727464|Clearwater, FL
+1727467|Clearwater, FL
+1727502|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727521|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727522|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727525|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727526|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727527|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727528|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727553|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727567|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727573|Clearwater, FL
+1727576|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727577|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727578|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727579|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727581|Largo, FL
+1727723|Clearwater, FL
+1727733|Dunedin, FL
+1727734|Dunedin, FL
+1727736|Dunedin, FL
+1727767|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727789|Palm Harbor, FL
+1727791|Clearwater, FL
+1727796|Clearwater, FL
+1727797|Clearwater, FL
+1727799|Clearwater, FL
+1727820|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727821|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727822|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727823|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727824|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727825|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727864|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727865|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727866|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727867|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727892|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727893|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727894|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727895|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727896|St. Petersburg, FL
+1727898|St. Petersburg, FL
+1730780|Alexandria, VA
+1731221|Ripley, TN
+1731235|Greenfield, TN
+1731247|Puryear, TN
+1731253|Tiptonville, TN
+1731254|Whiteville, TN
+1731256|Jackson, TN
+1731264|Ridgely, TN
+1731265|Jackson, TN
+1731285|Dyersburg, TN
+1731286|Dyersburg, TN
+1731287|Dyersburg, TN
+1731288|Dyersburg, TN
+1731352|McKenzie, TN
+1731364|Dresden, TN
+1731376|Middleton, TN
+1731410|Jackson, TN
+1731421|Jackson, TN
+1731422|Jackson, TN
+1731423|Jackson, TN
+1731424|Jackson, TN
+1731425|Jackson, TN
+1731426|Jackson, TN
+1731427|Jackson, TN
+1731456|Sharon, TN
+1731479|South Fulton, TN
+1731512|Jackson, TN
+1731541|Jackson, TN
+1731554|Jackson, TN
+1731584|Camden, TN
+1731587|Martin, TN
+1731588|Martin, TN
+1731593|Big Sandy, TN
+1731627|Newbern, TN
+1731635|Ripley, TN
+1731641|Paris, TN
+1731642|Paris, TN
+1731644|Paris, TN
+1731645|Selmer, TN
+1731648|Gleason, TN
+1731658|Bolivar, TN
+1731660|Jackson, TN
+1731661|Jackson, TN
+1731663|Bells, TN
+1731664|Jackson, TN
+1731665|Rutherford, TN
+1731668|Jackson, TN
+1731686|Milan, TN
+1731692|Dyer, TN
+1731696|Alamo, TN
+1731723|Milan, TN
+1731736|Jackson, TN
+1731738|Henning, TN
+1731742|Bradford, TN
+1731749|Kenton, TN
+1731772|Brownsville, TN
+1731779|Brownsville, TN
+1731783|Medina, TN
+1731784|Humboldt, TN
+1731836|Halls, TN
+1731847|Parsons, TN
+1731852|Decaturville, TN
+1731855|Trenton, TN
+1731868|Jackson, TN
+1731881|Selmer, TN
+1731884|Union City, TN
+1731885|Union City, TN
+1731886|Union City, TN
+1731925|Savannah, TN
+1731926|Savannah, TN
+1731935|Jackson, TN
+1731967|Lexington, TN
+1731968|Lexington, TN
+1731984|Jackson, TN
+1731986|Huntingdon, TN
+1731989|Henderson, TN
+1732|New Jersey
+1732223|Manasquan, NJ
+1732225|Edison, NJ
+1732235|New Brunswick, NJ
+1732240|Toms River, NJ
+1732244|Toms River, NJ
+1732248|Edison, NJ
+1732255|Toms River, NJ
+1732262|Brick, NJ
+1732269|Bayville, NJ
+1732270|Toms River, NJ
+1732281|Toms River, NJ
+1732286|Toms River, NJ
+1732287|Edison, NJ
+1732288|Toms River, NJ
+1732293|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732294|Freehold, NJ
+1732324|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732341|Toms River, NJ
+1732346|Edison, NJ
+1732349|Toms River, NJ
+1732363|Lakewood, NJ
+1732364|Lakewood, NJ
+1732376|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732417|Edison, NJ
+1732442|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732445|Piscataway Township, NJ
+1732458|Brick, NJ
+1732463|Piscataway Township, NJ
+1732473|Toms River, NJ
+1732477|Brick, NJ
+1732505|Toms River, NJ
+1732506|Toms River, NJ
+1732534|Lakewood, NJ
+1732541|Carteret, NJ
+1732557|Toms River, NJ
+1732562|Piscataway Township, NJ
+1732607|Old Bridge, NJ
+1732650|Edison, NJ
+1732671|Middletown, NJ
+1732697|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732736|Toms River, NJ
+1732802|Carteret, NJ
+1732818|Toms River, NJ
+1732826|Perth Amboy, NJ
+1732833|Jackson, NJ
+1732836|Brick, NJ
+1732840|Brick, NJ
+1732873|Somerset, NJ
+1732905|Lakewood, NJ
+1732914|Toms River, NJ
+1732920|Brick, NJ
+1732923|Long Branch, NJ
+1732928|Jackson, NJ
+1732929|Toms River, NJ
+1732932|New Brunswick, NJ
+1732969|Carteret, NJ
+1732981|Piscataway Township, NJ
+1732987|Lakewood, NJ
+1734213|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734214|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734222|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734240|Monroe, MI
+1734241|Monroe, MI
+1734242|Monroe, MI
+1734243|Monroe, MI
+1734279|Petersburg, MI
+1734287|Taylor, MI
+1734289|Monroe, MI
+1734302|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734327|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734332|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734369|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734374|Taylor, MI
+1734384|Monroe, MI
+1734394|Canton, MI
+1734397|Canton, MI
+1734398|Canton, MI
+1734426|Dexter, MI
+1734428|Manchester, MI
+1734429|Saline, MI
+1734432|Livonia, MI
+1734433|Chelsea, MI
+1734439|Milan, MI
+1734449|Whitmore Lake, MI
+1734457|Monroe, MI
+1734462|Livonia, MI
+1734464|Livonia, MI
+1734475|Chelsea, MI
+1734477|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734481|Ypsilanti, MI
+1734495|Canton, MI
+1734523|Livonia, MI
+1734529|Dundee, MI
+1734542|Livonia, MI
+1734544|Ypsilanti, MI
+1734586|Newport, MI
+1734591|Livonia, MI
+1734615|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734622|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734623|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734632|Livonia, MI
+1734647|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734654|Carleton, MI
+1734655|Livonia, MI
+1734662|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734663|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734665|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734668|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734697|Belleville, MI
+1734699|Belleville, MI
+1734712|Ypsilanti, MI
+1734714|Ypsilanti, MI
+1734741|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734747|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734753|New Boston, MI
+1734761|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734763|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734764|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734769|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734779|Livonia, MI
+1734785|Southgate, MI
+1734827|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734844|Canton, MI
+1734845|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734847|Temperance, MI
+1734848|Erie, MI
+1734855|Livonia, MI
+1734878|Pinckney, MI
+1734913|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734929|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734930|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734936|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734944|Saline, MI
+1734953|Livonia, MI
+1734971|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734973|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734981|Canton, MI
+1734994|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734996|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734997|Ann Arbor, MI
+1734998|Ann Arbor, MI
+1740223|Marion, OH
+1740246|Thornville, OH
+1740259|Lucasville, OH
+1740282|Steubenville, OH
+1740283|Steubenville, OH
+1740284|Steubenville, OH
+1740286|Jackson, OH
+1740288|Jackson, OH
+1740289|Piketon, OH
+1740295|Coshocton, OH
+1740297|Zanesville, OH
+1740332|Laurelville, OH
+1740333|Washington Court House, OH
+1740335|Washington Court House, OH
+1740342|New Lexington, OH
+1740344|Newark, OH
+1740345|Newark, OH
+1740348|Newark, OH
+1740349|Newark, OH
+1740351|Portsmouth, OH
+1740353|Portsmouth, OH
+1740354|Portsmouth, OH
+1740355|Portsmouth, OH
+1740356|Portsmouth, OH
+1740362|Delaware, OH
+1740363|Delaware, OH
+1740364|Newark, OH
+1740366|Newark, OH
+1740368|Delaware, OH
+1740369|Delaware, OH
+1740373|Marietta, OH
+1740374|Marietta, OH
+1740375|Marion, OH
+1740376|Marietta, OH
+1740377|South Point, OH
+1740380|Logan, OH
+1740382|Marion, OH
+1740383|Marion, OH
+1740384|Wellston, OH
+1740385|Logan, OH
+1740386|Marion, OH
+1740387|Marion, OH
+1740389|Marion, OH
+1740392|Mount Vernon, OH
+1740393|Mount Vernon, OH
+1740395|Jackson, OH
+1740397|Mount Vernon, OH
+1740401|Belpre, OH
+1740420|Circleville, OH
+1740423|Belpre, OH
+1740425|Barnesville, OH
+1740426|Jeffersonville, OH
+1740432|Cambridge, OH
+1740435|Cambridge, OH
+1740439|Cambridge, OH
+1740441|Gallipolis, OH
+1740446|Gallipolis, OH
+1740450|Zanesville, OH
+1740452|Zanesville, OH
+1740453|Zanesville, OH
+1740454|Zanesville, OH
+1740455|Zanesville, OH
+1740467|Millersport, OH
+1740472|Woodsfield, OH
+1740474|Circleville, OH
+1740477|Circleville, OH
+1740482|Nevada, OH
+1740494|Prospect, OH
+1740498|Newcomerstown, OH
+1740526|St. Clairsville, OH
+1740532|Ironton, OH
+1740533|Ironton, OH
+1740534|Ironton, OH
+1740535|Mingo Junction, OH
+1740537|Toronto, OH
+1740566|Athens, OH
+1740568|Marietta, OH
+1740574|Wheelersburg, OH
+1740587|Granville, OH
+1740588|Zanesville, OH
+1740589|Athens, OH
+1740592|Athens, OH
+1740593|Athens, OH
+1740594|Athens, OH
+1740596|McArthur, OH
+1740622|Coshocton, OH
+1740623|Coshocton, OH
+1740625|Centerburg, OH
+1740633|Martins Ferry, OH
+1740634|Bainbridge, OH
+1740652|Lancaster, OH
+1740653|Lancaster, OH
+1740654|Lancaster, OH
+1740663|Chillicothe, OH
+1740667|Coolville, OH
+1740670|Newark, OH
+1740681|Lancaster, OH
+1740682|Oak Hill, OH
+1740687|Lancaster, OH
+1740689|Lancaster, OH
+1740694|Fredericktown, OH
+1740695|St. Clairsville, OH
+1740697|Roseville, OH
+1740698|Albany, OH
+1740699|St. Clairsville, OH
+1740702|Chillicothe, OH
+1740732|Caldwell, OH
+1740743|Somerset, OH
+1740753|Nelsonville, OH
+1740754|Dresden, OH
+1740756|Carroll, OH
+1740763|Newark, OH
+1740767|Glouster, OH
+1740768|Bergholz, OH
+1740772|Chillicothe, OH
+1740773|Chillicothe, OH
+1740774|Chillicothe, OH
+1740775|Chillicothe, OH
+1740779|Chillicothe, OH
+1740795|Powhatan Point, OH
+1740824|Warsaw, OH
+1740826|New Concord, OH
+1740833|Delaware, OH
+1740845|London, OH
+1740852|London, OH
+1740858|West Portsmouth, OH
+1740862|Baltimore, OH
+1740865|Matamoras, OH
+1740867|Chesapeake, OH
+1740869|Mount Sterling, OH
+1740886|Proctorville, OH
+1740892|Utica, OH
+1740894|South Point, OH
+1740941|Waverly City, OH
+1740942|Cadiz, OH
+1740943|Richwood, OH
+1740947|Waverly City, OH
+1740948|Jeffersonville, OH
+1740967|Johnstown, OH
+1740982|Crooksville, OH
+1740983|Ashville, OH
+1740998|Frankfort, OH
+1757220|Williamsburg, VA
+1757221|Williamsburg, VA
+1757224|Hampton, VA
+1757229|Williamsburg, VA
+1757242|Windsor, VA
+1757244|Newport News, VA
+1757247|Newport News, VA
+1757249|Newport News, VA
+1757253|Williamsburg, VA
+1757258|Williamsburg, VA
+1757259|Williamsburg, VA
+1757261|Norfolk, VA
+1757262|Hampton, VA
+1757294|Surry, VA
+1757301|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757306|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757312|Chesapeake, VA
+1757318|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757331|Cape Charles, VA
+1757336|Chincoteague Island, VA
+1757340|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757345|Williamsburg, VA
+1757356|Smithfield, VA
+1757357|Smithfield, VA
+1757363|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757365|Smithfield, VA
+1757368|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757380|Newport News, VA
+1757382|Chesapeake, VA
+1757385|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757388|Norfolk, VA
+1757391|Portsmouth, VA
+1757393|Portsmouth, VA
+1757395|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757397|Portsmouth, VA
+1757398|Portsmouth, VA
+1757399|Portsmouth, VA
+1757410|Chesapeake, VA
+1757412|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757417|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757421|Chesapeake, VA
+1757422|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757423|Norfolk, VA
+1757425|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757426|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757427|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757428|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757430|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757431|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757432|Chesapeake, VA
+1757434|Portsmouth, VA
+1757436|Chesapeake, VA
+1757437|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757440|Norfolk, VA
+1757441|Norfolk, VA
+1757446|Norfolk, VA
+1757451|Norfolk, VA
+1757455|Norfolk, VA
+1757456|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757460|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757461|Norfolk, VA
+1757463|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757464|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757466|Norfolk, VA
+1757468|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757471|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757473|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757474|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757479|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757480|Norfolk, VA
+1757481|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757482|Chesapeake, VA
+1757486|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757489|Norfolk, VA
+1757490|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757491|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757493|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757494|Chesapeake, VA
+1757495|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757496|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757497|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757498|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757499|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757507|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757514|Suffolk, VA
+1757516|Franklin, VA
+1757518|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757533|Norfolk, VA
+1757534|Newport News, VA
+1757538|Suffolk, VA
+1757539|Suffolk, VA
+1757543|Chesapeake, VA
+1757545|Chesapeake, VA
+1757546|Chesapeake, VA
+1757547|Chesapeake, VA
+1757548|Chesapeake, VA
+1757549|Chesapeake, VA
+1757557|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757558|Chesapeake, VA
+1757562|Franklin, VA
+1757563|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757564|Williamsburg, VA
+1757565|Williamsburg, VA
+1757569|Franklin, VA
+1757583|Norfolk, VA
+1757587|Norfolk, VA
+1757588|Norfolk, VA
+1757591|Newport News, VA
+1757594|Newport News, VA
+1757595|Newport News, VA
+1757596|Newport News, VA
+1757599|Newport News, VA
+1757622|Norfolk, VA
+1757623|Norfolk, VA
+1757624|Norfolk, VA
+1757625|Norfolk, VA
+1757626|Norfolk, VA
+1757627|Norfolk, VA
+1757631|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757640|Norfolk, VA
+1757643|Newport News, VA
+1757645|Williamsburg, VA
+1757653|Courtland, VA
+1757657|Suffolk, VA
+1757664|Norfolk, VA
+1757671|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757683|Norfolk, VA
+1757689|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757721|Virginia Beach, VA
+1757722|Hampton, VA
+1757723|Hampton, VA
+1757727|Hampton, VA
+1757728|Hampton, VA
+1757764|Hampton, VA
+1757788|Hampton, VA
+1757825|Hampton, VA
+1757826|Hampton, VA
+1757827|Hampton, VA
+1757838|Hampton, VA
+1757850|Hampton, VA
+1757851|Hampton, VA
+1757852|Norfolk, VA
+1757853|Norfolk, VA
+1757855|Norfolk, VA
+1757857|Norfolk, VA
+1757858|Norfolk, VA
+1757868|Poquoson, VA
+1757873|Newport News, VA
+1757874|Newport News, VA
+1757875|Newport News, VA
+1757881|Newport News, VA
+1757886|Newport News, VA
+1757889|Norfolk, VA
+1757896|Hampton, VA
+1757903|Williamsburg, VA
+1757923|Suffolk, VA
+1757925|Suffolk, VA
+1757926|Newport News, VA
+1757928|Newport News, VA
+1757930|Newport News, VA
+1757934|Suffolk, VA
+1757953|Portsmouth, VA
+1757984|Williamsburg, VA
+1760228|Yucca Valley, CA
+1760231|Oceanside, CA
+1760233|Escondido, CA
+1760240|Apple Valley, CA
+1760241|Victorville, CA
+1760242|Apple Valley, CA
+1760243|Victorville, CA
+1760244|Hesperia, CA
+1760245|Victorville, CA
+1760246|Adelanto, CA
+1760247|Apple Valley, CA
+1760248|Lucerne Valley, CA
+1760249|Wrightwood, CA
+1760252|Barstow, CA
+1760253|Barstow, CA
+1760255|Barstow, CA
+1760256|Barstow, CA
+1760257|Newberry Springs, CA
+1760268|Carlsbad, CA
+1760291|Escondido, CA
+1760294|Escondido, CA
+1760320|Palm Springs, CA
+1760322|Palm Springs, CA
+1760323|Palm Springs, CA
+1760325|Palm Springs, CA
+1760326|Needles, CA
+1760327|Palm Springs, CA
+1760336|El Centro, CA
+1760337|El Centro, CA
+1760339|El Centro, CA
+1760342|Indio, CA
+1760343|Thousand Palms, CA
+1760344|Brawley, CA
+1760347|Indio, CA
+1760348|Calipatria, CA
+1760351|Brawley, CA
+1760352|El Centro, CA
+1760353|El Centro, CA
+1760355|Imperial, CA
+1760356|Holtville, CA
+1760357|Calexico, CA
+1760361|Twentynine Palms, CA
+1760363|Morongo Valley, CA
+1760365|Yucca Valley, CA
+1760366|Joshua Tree, CA
+1760367|Twentynine Palms, CA
+1760369|Yucca Valley, CA
+1760370|El Centro, CA
+1760371|Ridgecrest, CA
+1760373|California City, CA
+1760375|Ridgecrest, CA
+1760379|Lake Isabella, CA
+1760384|Ridgecrest, CA
+1760397|Thermal, CA
+1760398|Coachella, CA
+1760416|Palm Springs, CA
+1760431|Carlsbad, CA
+1760432|Escondido, CA
+1760433|Oceanside, CA
+1760434|Carlsbad, CA
+1760435|Oceanside, CA
+1760438|Carlsbad, CA
+1760439|Oceanside, CA
+1760446|Ridgecrest, CA
+1760451|Fallbrook, CA
+1760471|San Marcos, CA
+1760476|Carlsbad, CA
+1760480|Escondido, CA
+1760482|El Centro, CA
+1760489|Escondido, CA
+1760499|Ridgecrest, CA
+1760510|San Marcos, CA
+1760530|Adelanto, CA
+1760564|La Quinta, CA
+1760572|Winterhaven, CA
+1760591|San Marcos, CA
+1760596|Victorville, CA
+1760598|Vista, CA
+1760602|Carlsbad, CA
+1760603|Carlsbad, CA
+1760720|Carlsbad, CA
+1760721|Oceanside, CA
+1760722|Oceanside, CA
+1760723|Fallbrook, CA
+1760725|Camp Pendleton North, CA
+1760728|Fallbrook, CA
+1760729|Carlsbad, CA
+1760731|Fallbrook, CA
+1760735|Escondido, CA
+1760736|San Marcos, CA
+1760737|Escondido, CA
+1760738|Escondido, CA
+1760739|Escondido, CA
+1760740|Escondido, CA
+1760741|Escondido, CA
+1760743|Escondido, CA
+1760744|San Marcos, CA
+1760745|Escondido, CA
+1760746|Escondido, CA
+1760747|Escondido, CA
+1760752|San Marcos, CA
+1760753|Encinitas, CA
+1760754|Oceanside, CA
+1760757|Oceanside, CA
+1760761|San Marcos, CA
+1760762|Boron, CA
+1760765|Julian, CA
+1760767|Borrego Springs, CA
+1760768|Calexico, CA
+1760771|La Quinta, CA
+1760775|Indio, CA
+1760777|La Quinta, CA
+1760778|Palm Springs, CA
+1760781|Escondido, CA
+1760787|Ramona, CA
+1760788|Ramona, CA
+1760789|Ramona, CA
+1760798|San Marcos, CA
+1760804|Carlsbad, CA
+1760827|Carlsbad, CA
+1760839|Escondido, CA
+1760843|Victorville, CA
+1760863|Indio, CA
+1760864|Palm Springs, CA
+1760872|Bishop, CA
+1760873|Bishop, CA
+1760876|Lone Pine, CA
+1760878|Independence, CA
+1760918|Carlsbad, CA
+1760921|Blythe, CA
+1760922|Blythe, CA
+1760924|Mammoth Lakes, CA
+1760929|Carlsbad, CA
+1760930|Carlsbad, CA
+1760932|Bridgeport, CA
+1760934|Mammoth Lakes, CA
+1760946|Apple Valley, CA
+1760947|Hesperia, CA
+1760948|Hesperia, CA
+1760949|Hesperia, CA
+1760951|Victorville, CA
+1760952|Victorville, CA
+1760955|Victorville, CA
+1760956|Hesperia, CA
+1760961|Apple Valley, CA
+1760966|Oceanside, CA
+1760967|Oceanside, CA
+1763241|Elk River, MN
+1763261|Becker, MN
+1763263|Big Lake, MN
+1763271|Monticello, MN
+1763295|Monticello, MN
+1763389|Princeton, MN
+1763441|Elk River, MN
+1763444|Isanti, MN
+1763525|Minneapolis, MN
+1763552|Cambridge, MN
+1763631|Princeton, MN
+1763675|Montrose, MN
+1763682|Buffalo, MN
+1763684|Buffalo, MN
+1763689|Cambridge, MN
+1763856|Zimmerman, MN
+1763898|Maple Grove, MN
+1763972|Delano, MN
+1765236|Kokomo, IN
+1765254|Muncie, IN
+1765281|Muncie, IN
+1765282|Muncie, IN
+1765284|Muncie, IN
+1765285|Muncie, IN
+1765286|Muncie, IN
+1765287|Muncie, IN
+1765288|Muncie, IN
+1765289|Muncie, IN
+1765294|Veedersburg, IN
+1765298|Anderson, IN
+1765342|Martinsville, IN
+1765345|Knightstown, IN
+1765348|Hartford City, IN
+1765349|Martinsville, IN
+1765352|Martinsville, IN
+1765354|Middletown, IN
+1765359|Crawfordsville, IN
+1765361|Crawfordsville, IN
+1765362|Crawfordsville, IN
+1765364|Crawfordsville, IN
+1765379|Rossville, IN
+1765386|Coatesville, IN
+1765396|Eaton, IN
+1765420|Lafayette, IN
+1765423|Lafayette, IN
+1765428|Lafayette, IN
+1765429|Lafayette, IN
+1765436|Thorntown, IN
+1765446|Lafayette, IN
+1765447|Lafayette, IN
+1765448|Lafayette, IN
+1765449|Lafayette, IN
+1765450|Kokomo, IN
+1765452|Kokomo, IN
+1765453|Kokomo, IN
+1765454|Kokomo, IN
+1765455|Kokomo, IN
+1765456|Kokomo, IN
+1765457|Kokomo, IN
+1765458|Liberty, IN
+1765459|Kokomo, IN
+1765463|West Lafayette, IN
+1765464|West Lafayette, IN
+1765471|Lafayette, IN
+1765472|Peru, IN
+1765473|Peru, IN
+1765474|Lafayette, IN
+1765475|Peru, IN
+1765477|Lafayette, IN
+1765478|Cambridge City, IN
+1765482|Lebanon, IN
+1765483|Lebanon, IN
+1765485|Lebanon, IN
+1765489|Hagerstown, IN
+1765494|West Lafayette, IN
+1765497|West Lafayette, IN
+1765521|New Castle, IN
+1765529|New Castle, IN
+1765552|Elwood, IN
+1765563|Brookston, IN
+1765564|Delphi, IN
+1765569|Rockville, IN
+1765584|Winchester, IN
+1765593|New Castle, IN
+1765599|New Castle, IN
+1765622|Anderson, IN
+1765628|Greentown, IN
+1765640|Anderson, IN
+1765641|Anderson, IN
+1765642|Anderson, IN
+1765643|Anderson, IN
+1765644|Anderson, IN
+1765646|Anderson, IN
+1765647|Brookville, IN
+1765648|Anderson, IN
+1765649|Anderson, IN
+1765651|Marion, IN
+1765653|Greencastle, IN
+1765654|Frankfort, IN
+1765656|Frankfort, IN
+1765658|Greencastle, IN
+1765659|Frankfort, IN
+1765662|Marion, IN
+1765664|Marion, IN
+1765668|Marion, IN
+1765671|Marion, IN
+1765675|Tipton, IN
+1765683|Anderson, IN
+1765724|Alexandria, IN
+1765728|Montpelier, IN
+1765741|Muncie, IN
+1765742|Lafayette, IN
+1765743|West Lafayette, IN
+1765746|West Lafayette, IN
+1765747|Muncie, IN
+1765751|Muncie, IN
+1765759|Yorktown, IN
+1765763|Morristown, IN
+1765768|Dunkirk, IN
+1765778|Pendleton, IN
+1765789|Albany, IN
+1765793|Covington, IN
+1765795|Cloverdale, IN
+1765825|Connersville, IN
+1765827|Connersville, IN
+1765832|Clinton, IN
+1765838|Lafayette, IN
+1765854|Kokomo, IN
+1765855|Centerville, IN
+1765864|Kokomo, IN
+1765865|Kokomo, IN
+1765868|Kokomo, IN
+1765874|Lynn, IN
+1765883|Russiaville, IN
+1765884|Fowler, IN
+1765932|Rushville, IN
+1765935|Richmond, IN
+1765938|Rushville, IN
+1765939|Richmond, IN
+1765948|Fairmount, IN
+1765962|Richmond, IN
+1765964|Union City, IN
+1765965|Richmond, IN
+1765966|Richmond, IN
+1765973|Richmond, IN
+1765983|Richmond, IN
+1770207|Monroe, GA
+1770214|Carrollton, GA
+1770219|Gainesville, GA
+1770227|Griffin, GA
+1770228|Griffin, GA
+1770229|Griffin, GA
+1770233|Griffin, GA
+1770251|Newnan, GA
+1770252|Newnan, GA
+1770253|Newnan, GA
+1770254|Newnan, GA
+1770258|Bowdon, GA
+1770266|Monroe, GA
+1770267|Monroe, GA
+1770287|Gainesville, GA
+1770288|McDonough, GA
+1770297|Gainesville, GA
+1770304|Newnan, GA
+1770321|Marietta, GA
+1770345|Canton, GA
+1770346|Alpharetta, GA
+1770358|Barnesville, GA
+1770382|Cartersville, GA
+1770383|Cartersville, GA
+1770385|Covington, GA
+1770386|Cartersville, GA
+1770387|Cartersville, GA
+1770388|Conyers, GA
+1770389|Stockbridge, GA
+1770412|Griffin, GA
+1770413|Stone Mountain, GA
+1770443|Dallas, GA
+1770445|Dallas, GA
+1770456|Villa Rica, GA
+1770459|Villa Rica, GA
+1770460|Fayetteville, GA
+1770461|Fayetteville, GA
+1770464|Social Circle, GA
+1770465|Stone Mountain, GA
+1770466|Loganville, GA
+1770467|Griffin, GA
+1770469|Stone Mountain, GA
+1770474|Stockbridge, GA
+1770476|Duluth, GA
+1770477|Jonesboro, GA
+1770479|Canton, GA
+1770482|Lithonia, GA
+1770483|Conyers, GA
+1770484|Lithonia, GA
+1770488|Atlanta, GA
+1770489|Douglasville, GA
+1770498|Stone Mountain, GA
+1770502|Newnan, GA
+1770503|Gainesville, GA
+1770504|Jackson, GA
+1770505|Dallas, GA
+1770506|Stockbridge, GA
+1770509|Marietta, GA
+1770521|Alpharetta, GA
+1770531|Gainesville, GA
+1770532|Gainesville, GA
+1770533|Gainesville, GA
+1770534|Gainesville, GA
+1770535|Gainesville, GA
+1770536|Gainesville, GA
+1770537|Bremen, GA
+1770538|Gainesville, GA
+1770554|Loganville, GA
+1770562|Temple, GA
+1770565|Marietta, GA
+1770567|Zebulon, GA
+1770574|Tallapoosa, GA
+1770577|Douglasville, GA
+1770578|Marietta, GA
+1770579|Marietta, GA
+1770602|Conyers, GA
+1770606|Cartersville, GA
+1770607|Cartersville, GA
+1770631|Peachtree City, GA
+1770646|Buchanan, GA
+1770677|Atlanta, GA
+1770679|Conyers, GA
+1770683|Newnan, GA
+1770684|Rockmart, GA
+1770704|Canton, GA
+1770707|Hampton, GA
+1770716|Fayetteville, GA
+1770718|Gainesville, GA
+1770719|Fayetteville, GA
+1770720|Canton, GA
+1770748|Cedartown, GA
+1770749|Cedartown, GA
+1770752|Alpharetta, GA
+1770760|Conyers, GA
+1770761|Conyers, GA
+1770773|Adairsville, GA
+1770775|Jackson, GA
+1770781|Cumming, GA
+1770784|Covington, GA
+1770785|Conyers, GA
+1770786|Covington, GA
+1770787|Covington, GA
+1770788|Covington, GA
+1770793|Marietta, GA
+1770830|Carrollton, GA
+1770832|Carrollton, GA
+1770834|Carrollton, GA
+1770836|Carrollton, GA
+1770838|Carrollton, GA
+1770844|Cumming, GA
+1770860|Conyers, GA
+1770867|Winder, GA
+1770879|Stone Mountain, GA
+1770887|Cumming, GA
+1770889|Cumming, GA
+1770898|McDonough, GA
+1770918|Conyers, GA
+1770920|Douglasville, GA
+1770922|Conyers, GA
+1770929|Conyers, GA
+1770942|Douglasville, GA
+1770946|Hampton, GA
+1770947|Douglasville, GA
+1770949|Douglasville, GA
+1770954|McDonough, GA
+1770957|McDonough, GA
+1770962|Lawrenceville, GA
+1770963|Lawrenceville, GA
+1770971|Marietta, GA
+1770973|Marietta, GA
+1770977|Marietta, GA
+1772224|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772226|Vero Beach, FL
+1772229|Jensen Beach, FL
+1772231|Vero Beach, FL
+1772234|Vero Beach, FL
+1772237|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772257|Vero Beach, FL
+1772283|Stuart, FL
+1772286|Stuart, FL
+1772287|Stuart, FL
+1772288|Stuart, FL
+1772299|Vero Beach, FL
+1772334|Jensen Beach, FL
+1772335|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772336|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772337|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772340|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772343|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772344|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772345|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772380|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772388|Sebastian, FL
+1772398|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772460|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772461|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772462|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772463|Stuart, FL
+1772464|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772465|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772466|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772467|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772468|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772489|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772492|Vero Beach, FL
+1772545|Hobe Sound, FL
+1772546|Hobe Sound, FL
+1772559|Vero Beach, FL
+1772562|Vero Beach, FL
+1772563|Vero Beach, FL
+1772564|Vero Beach, FL
+1772567|Vero Beach, FL
+1772569|Vero Beach, FL
+1772571|Fellsmere, FL
+1772581|Sebastian, FL
+1772584|Vero Beach, FL
+1772589|Sebastian, FL
+1772595|Fort Pierce, FL
+1772597|Indiantown, FL
+1772600|Stuart, FL
+1772621|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772626|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772770|Vero Beach, FL
+1772778|Vero Beach, FL
+1772785|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772794|Vero Beach, FL
+1772807|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772871|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772873|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772878|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772879|Port St. Lucie, FL
+1772978|Vero Beach, FL
+1773|Chicago, IL
+1774208|Plymouth, MA
+1774826|Brockton, MA
+1775265|Gardnerville, NV
+1775273|Lovelock, NV
+1775283|Carson City, NV
+1775289|Ely, NV
+1775322|Reno, NV
+1775323|Reno, NV
+1775324|Reno, NV
+1775327|Reno, NV
+1775328|Reno, NV
+1775329|Reno, NV
+1775331|Sparks, NV
+1775333|Reno, NV
+1775334|Reno, NV
+1775335|Reno, NV
+1775337|Reno, NV
+1775348|Reno, NV
+1775353|Sparks, NV
+1775358|Sparks, NV
+1775359|Sparks, NV
+1775423|Fallon, NV
+1775425|Sparks, NV
+1775428|Fallon, NV
+1775463|Yerington, NV
+1775482|Tonopah, NV
+1775537|Pahrump, NV
+1775575|Fernley, NV
+1775577|Silver Springs, NV
+1775623|Winnemucca, NV
+1775625|Winnemucca, NV
+1775626|Sparks, NV
+1775635|Battle Mountain, NV
+1775677|Reno, NV
+1775684|Carson City, NV
+1775686|Reno, NV
+1775687|Carson City, NV
+1775689|Reno, NV
+1775727|Pahrump, NV
+1775738|Elko, NV
+1775746|Reno, NV
+1775747|Reno, NV
+1775751|Pahrump, NV
+1775752|Wells, NV
+1775753|Elko, NV
+1775754|Carlin, NV
+1775770|Reno, NV
+1775777|Elko, NV
+1775778|Elko, NV
+1775784|Reno, NV
+1775786|Reno, NV
+1775787|Reno, NV
+1775788|Reno, NV
+1775789|Reno, NV
+1775796|Silver Spring, MD
+1775823|Reno, NV
+1775824|Reno, NV
+1775825|Reno, NV
+1775826|Reno, NV
+1775827|Reno, NV
+1775828|Reno, NV
+1775829|Reno, NV
+1775831|Incline Village, NV
+1775832|Incline Village, NV
+1775841|Carson City, NV
+1775850|Reno, NV
+1775851|Reno, NV
+1775852|Reno, NV
+1775853|Reno, NV
+1775856|Reno, NV
+1775857|Reno, NV
+1775867|Fallon, NV
+1775882|Carson City, NV
+1775883|Carson City, NV
+1775884|Carson City, NV
+1775885|Carson City, NV
+1775886|Carson City, NV
+1775887|Carson City, NV
+1775888|Carson City, NV
+1775945|Hawthorne, NV
+1775971|Reno, NV
+1775972|Reno, NV
+1775982|Reno, NV
+1778|British Columbia
+1778218|Surrey, BC
+1778278|Langley, BC
+1778297|Richmond, BC
+1778340|North Vancouver, BC
+1778371|Vancouver, BC
+1778395|Surrey, BC
+1778430|Victoria, BC
+1778471|Kamloops, BC
+1778475|Vernon, BC
+1778476|Penticton, BC
+1778478|Kelowna, BC
+1778565|Surrey, BC
+1778571|Surrey, BC
+1778574|Surrey, BC
+1778753|Kelowna, BC
+1780324|McLennan, AB
+1780328|Edmonton, AB
+1780332|Grimshaw, AB
+1780333|Swan Hills, AB
+1780336|Viking, AB
+1780349|Westlock, AB
+1780352|Wetaskiwin, AB
+1780354|Beaverlodge, AB
+1780361|Wetaskiwin, AB
+1780372|Bashaw, AB
+1780374|Daysland, AB
+1780384|Sedgewick, AB
+1780385|Killam, AB
+1780387|Millet, AB
+1780398|Thorhild, AB
+1780402|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780406|Edmonton, AB
+1780407|Edmonton, AB
+1780408|Edmonton, AB
+1780409|Edmonton, AB
+1780410|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780412|Edmonton, AB
+1780413|Edmonton, AB
+1780414|Edmonton, AB
+1780416|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780417|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780418|St. Albert, AB
+1780419|St. Albert, AB
+1780420|Edmonton, AB
+1780421|Edmonton, AB
+1780422|Edmonton, AB
+1780423|Edmonton, AB
+1780424|Edmonton, AB
+1780425|Edmonton, AB
+1780426|Edmonton, AB
+1780428|Edmonton, AB
+1780429|Edmonton, AB
+1780430|Edmonton, AB
+1780431|Edmonton, AB
+1780432|Edmonton, AB
+1780433|Edmonton, AB
+1780434|Edmonton, AB
+1780435|Edmonton, AB
+1780436|Edmonton, AB
+1780437|Edmonton, AB
+1780438|Edmonton, AB
+1780439|Edmonton, AB
+1780440|Edmonton, AB
+1780441|Edmonton, AB
+1780442|Edmonton, AB
+1780443|Edmonton, AB
+1780444|Edmonton, AB
+1780447|Edmonton, AB
+1780448|Edmonton, AB
+1780449|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780450|Edmonton, AB
+1780451|Edmonton, AB
+1780452|Edmonton, AB
+1780453|Edmonton, AB
+1780454|Edmonton, AB
+1780455|Edmonton, AB
+1780456|Edmonton, AB
+1780457|Edmonton, AB
+1780458|St. Albert, AB
+1780459|St. Albert, AB
+1780460|St. Albert, AB
+1780461|Edmonton, AB
+1780462|Edmonton, AB
+1780463|Edmonton, AB
+1780464|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780465|Edmonton, AB
+1780466|Edmonton, AB
+1780467|Sherwood Park, AB
+1780468|Edmonton, AB
+1780469|Edmonton, AB
+1780471|Edmonton, AB
+1780472|Edmonton, AB
+1780473|Edmonton, AB
+1780474|Edmonton, AB
+1780475|Edmonton, AB
+1780476|Edmonton, AB
+1780477|Edmonton, AB
+1780478|Edmonton, AB
+1780479|Edmonton, AB
+1780481|Edmonton, AB
+1780482|Edmonton, AB
+1780483|Edmonton, AB
+1780484|Edmonton, AB
+1780485|Edmonton, AB
+1780486|Edmonton, AB
+1780487|Edmonton, AB
+1780488|Edmonton, AB
+1780489|Edmonton, AB
+1780490|Edmonton, AB
+1780492|Edmonton, AB
+1780495|Edmonton, AB
+1780496|Edmonton, AB
+1780497|Edmonton, AB
+1780499|Edmonton, AB
+1780513|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780523|High Prairie, AB
+1780524|Valleyview, AB
+1780532|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780538|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780539|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780542|Drayton Valley, AB
+1780568|Sexsmith, AB
+1780582|Forestburg, AB
+1780585|Hobbema, AB
+1780594|Cold Lake, AB
+1780608|Camrose, AB
+1780621|Drayton Valley, AB
+1780622|Fox Creek, AB
+1780623|Lac La Biche, AB
+1780624|Peace River, AB
+1780632|Vegreville, AB
+1780639|Cold Lake, AB
+1780645|Saint Paul, AB
+1780656|Smoky Lake, AB
+1780657|Two Hills, AB
+1780662|Tofield, AB
+1780672|Camrose, AB
+1780674|Barrhead, AB
+1780675|Athabasca, AB
+1780679|Camrose, AB
+1780689|Boyle, AB
+1780696|Breton, AB
+1780701|Edmonton, AB
+1780702|Edmonton, AB
+1780706|Whitecourt, AB
+1780712|Edson, AB
+1780713|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780714|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780715|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780723|Edson, AB
+1780724|Elk Point, AB
+1780727|Evansburg, AB
+1780732|Edmonton, AB
+1780735|Edmonton, AB
+1780743|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780747|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780748|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780750|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780753|Provost, AB
+1780756|Edmonton, AB
+1780757|Edmonton, AB
+1780758|Edmonton, AB
+1780760|Edmonton, AB
+1780761|Edmonton, AB
+1780763|Mannville, AB
+1780764|Mundare, AB
+1780765|Rycroft, AB
+1780778|Whitecourt, AB
+1780786|Mayerthorpe, AB
+1780789|Thorsby, AB
+1780790|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780791|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780792|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780799|Fort McMurray, AB
+1780800|Edmonton, AB
+1780808|Lloydminster, AB
+1780814|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780817|Hinton, AB
+1780826|Bonnyville, AB
+1780827|Grande Cache, AB
+1780830|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780831|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780835|Fairview, AB
+1780836|Manning, AB
+1780837|Falher, AB
+1780842|Wainwright, AB
+1780848|Warburg, AB
+1780849|Slave Lake, AB
+1780852|Jasper, AB
+1780853|Vermilion, AB
+1780864|Spirit River, AB
+1780865|Hinton, AB
+1780871|Lloydminster, AB
+1780872|Lloydminster, AB
+1780875|Lloydminster, AB
+1780882|Grande Prairie, AB
+1780888|Hardisty, AB
+1780895|Lamont, AB
+1780923|Gibbons, AB
+1780926|High Level, AB
+1780927|Fort Vermilion, AB
+1780928|La Crête, AB
+1780929|Beaumont, AB
+1780930|Edmonton, AB
+1780939|Morinville, AB
+1780942|Redwater, AB
+1780944|Edmonton, AB
+1780955|Nisku, AB
+1780956|Rainbow Lake, AB
+1780960|Spruce Grove, AB
+1780961|Legal, AB
+1780962|Spruce Grove, AB
+1780963|Stony Plain, AB
+1780967|Onoway, AB
+1780968|Stony Plain, AB
+1780979|Nisku, AB
+1780980|Leduc, AB
+1780985|Calmar, AB
+1780986|Leduc, AB
+1780987|Devon, AB
+1780988|Edmonton, AB
+1780989|Edmonton, AB
+1780990|Edmonton, AB
+1780992|Fort Saskatchewan, AB
+1780997|Fort Saskatchewan, AB
+1780998|Fort Saskatchewan, AB
+1781209|Waltham, MA
+1781216|Waltham, MA
+1781221|Burlington, MA
+1781229|Burlington, MA
+1781231|Saugus, MA
+1781233|Saugus, MA
+1781238|Burlington, MA
+1781245|Wakefield, MA
+1781246|Wakefield, MA
+1781255|Norwood, MA
+1781259|Lincoln, MA
+1781270|Burlington, MA
+1781272|Burlington, MA
+1781273|Burlington, MA
+1781275|Bedford, MA
+1781278|Norwood, MA
+1781279|Stoneham, MA
+1781284|Revere, MA
+1781286|Revere, MA
+1781289|Revere, MA
+1781293|Hanson, MA
+1781294|Hanson, MA
+1781297|Stoughton, MA
+1781306|Medford, MA
+1781314|Waltham, MA
+1781316|Arlington, MA
+1781321|Malden, MA
+1781322|Malden, MA
+1781324|Malden, MA
+1781334|Lynnfield, MA
+1781341|Stoughton, MA
+1781344|Stoughton, MA
+1781348|Braintree, MA
+1781352|Norwood, MA
+1781356|Braintree, MA
+1781372|Lexington, MA
+1781376|Woburn, MA
+1781380|Braintree, MA
+1781383|Cohasset, MA
+1781388|Malden, MA
+1781391|Medford, MA
+1781393|Medford, MA
+1781395|Medford, MA
+1781396|Medford, MA
+1781397|Malden, MA
+1781438|Stoneham, MA
+1781444|Needham, MA
+1781447|Whitman, MA
+1781449|Needham, MA
+1781453|Needham, MA
+1781455|Needham, MA
+1781477|Lynn, MA
+1781485|Revere, MA
+1781544|Scituate, MA
+1781545|Scituate, MA
+1781547|Waltham, MA
+1781551|Norwood, MA
+1781575|Canton, MA
+1781582|Kingston, MA
+1781592|Lynn, MA
+1781593|Lynn, MA
+1781631|Marblehead, MA
+1781639|Marblehead, MA
+1781641|Arlington, MA
+1781642|Waltham, MA
+1781643|Arlington, MA
+1781646|Arlington, MA
+1781647|Waltham, MA
+1781648|Arlington, MA
+1781659|Norwell, MA
+1781662|Melrose, MA
+1781665|Melrose, MA
+1781674|Lexington, MA
+1781684|Waltham, MA
+1781687|Bedford, MA
+1781721|Winchester, MA
+1781729|Winchester, MA
+1781736|Waltham, MA
+1781740|Hingham, MA
+1781741|Hingham, MA
+1781744|Burlington, MA
+1781749|Hingham, MA
+1781762|Norwood, MA
+1781767|Holbrook, MA
+1781769|Norwood, MA
+1781782|Woburn, MA
+1781784|Sharon, MA
+1781788|Waltham, MA
+1781794|Braintree, MA
+1781821|Canton, MA
+1781828|Canton, MA
+1781829|Hanover, MA
+1781830|Canton, MA
+1781834|Marshfield, MA
+1781837|Marshfield, MA
+1781843|Braintree, MA
+1781848|Braintree, MA
+1781849|Braintree, MA
+1781860|Lexington, MA
+1781861|Lexington, MA
+1781862|Lexington, MA
+1781863|Lexington, MA
+1781890|Waltham, MA
+1781891|Waltham, MA
+1781893|Waltham, MA
+1781894|Waltham, MA
+1781895|Waltham, MA
+1781899|Waltham, MA
+1781925|Hull, MA
+1781932|Woburn, MA
+1781933|Woburn, MA
+1781934|Duxbury, MA
+1781935|Woburn, MA
+1781937|Woburn, MA
+1781938|Woburn, MA
+1781939|Woburn, MA
+1781942|Reading, MA
+1781944|Reading, MA
+1781961|Randolph, MA
+1781963|Randolph, MA
+1781979|Melrose, MA
+1781986|Randolph, MA
+1781996|Waltham, MA
+1785215|Topeka, KS
+1785222|La Crosse, KS
+1785223|Junction City, KS
+1785227|Lindsborg, KS
+1785228|Topeka, KS
+1785229|Ottawa, KS
+1785232|Topeka, KS
+1785233|Topeka, KS
+1785234|Topeka, KS
+1785235|Topeka, KS
+1785238|Junction City, KS
+1785242|Ottawa, KS
+1785243|Concordia, KS
+1785246|Topeka, KS
+1785258|Herington, KS
+1785263|Abilene, KS
+1785266|Topeka, KS
+1785267|Topeka, KS
+1785270|Topeka, KS
+1785271|Topeka, KS
+1785272|Topeka, KS
+1785273|Topeka, KS
+1785282|Smith Center, KS
+1785284|Sabetha, KS
+1785286|Topeka, KS
+1785291|Topeka, KS
+1785292|Frankfort, KS
+1785295|Topeka, KS
+1785296|Topeka, KS
+1785309|Salina, KS
+1785312|Lawrence, KS
+1785320|Manhattan, KS
+1785325|Washington, KS
+1785331|Lawrence, KS
+1785332|St. Francis, KS
+1785336|Seneca, KS
+1785346|Osborne, KS
+1785348|Linn, KS
+1785350|Topeka, KS
+1785354|Topeka, KS
+1785357|Topeka, KS
+1785364|Holton, KS
+1785366|Hope, KS
+1785368|Topeka, KS
+1785378|Mankato, KS
+1785392|Minneapolis, KS
+1785404|Salina, KS
+1785421|Hill City, KS
+1785425|Stockton, KS
+1785434|Plainville, KS
+1785437|St. Marys, KS
+1785442|Highland, KS
+1785446|Clyde, KS
+1785448|Garnett, KS
+1785452|Salina, KS
+1785454|Downs, KS
+1785455|Clifton, KS
+1785456|Wamego, KS
+1785457|Westmoreland, KS
+1785460|Colby, KS
+1785461|Wakefield, KS
+1785462|Colby, KS
+1785472|Ellsworth, KS
+1785475|Oberlin, KS
+1785476|Kensington, KS
+1785478|Topeka, KS
+1785483|Russell, KS
+1785484|Meriden, KS
+1785486|Horton, KS
+1785493|Salina, KS
+1785524|Lincoln, KS
+1785525|Lucas, KS
+1785527|Belleville, KS
+1785528|Osage City, KS
+1785532|Manhattan, KS
+1785537|Manhattan, KS
+1785539|Manhattan, KS
+1785542|Eudora, KS
+1785543|Phillipsburg, KS
+1785562|Marysville, KS
+1785565|Manhattan, KS
+1785582|Silver Lake, KS
+1785584|Rossville, KS
+1785587|Manhattan, KS
+1785594|Baldwin City, KS
+1785597|Perry, KS
+1785621|Hays, KS
+1785623|Hays, KS
+1785625|Hays, KS
+1785626|Atwood, KS
+1785628|Hays, KS
+1785632|Clay Center, KS
+1785650|Hays, KS
+1785654|Burlingame, KS
+1785658|Wilson, KS
+1785671|Oakley, KS
+1785672|Oakley, KS
+1785675|Hoxie, KS
+1785689|Logan, KS
+1785726|Ellis, KS
+1785731|Ransom, KS
+1785733|Waverly, KS
+1785738|Beloit, KS
+1785742|Hiawatha, KS
+1785743|WaKeeney, KS
+1785749|Lawrence, KS
+1785754|Quinter, KS
+1785762|Junction City, KS
+1785765|Alma, KS
+1785776|Manhattan, KS
+1785781|Cawker City, KS
+1785783|Topeka, KS
+1785798|Ness City, KS
+1785820|Salina, KS
+1785822|Salina, KS
+1785823|Salina, KS
+1785825|Salina, KS
+1785826|Salina, KS
+1785827|Salina, KS
+1785828|Lyndon, KS
+1785830|Lawrence, KS
+1785832|Lawrence, KS
+1785836|Carbondale, KS
+1785838|Lawrence, KS
+1785841|Lawrence, KS
+1785842|Lawrence, KS
+1785843|Lawrence, KS
+1785852|Sharon Springs, KS
+1785856|Lawrence, KS
+1785862|Topeka, KS
+1785863|Oskaloosa, KS
+1785864|Lawrence, KS
+1785865|Lawrence, KS
+1785877|Norton, KS
+1785883|Wellsville, KS
+1785885|Natoma, KS
+1785889|Onaga, KS
+1785890|Goodland, KS
+1785899|Goodland, KS
+1785922|Chapman, KS
+1785945|Valley Falls, KS
+1785966|Mayetta, KS
+1785985|Troy, KS
+1785989|Wathena, KS
+1786243|Homestead, FL
+1786388|Miami, FL
+1786425|Miami, FL
+1786573|Miami, FL
+1786596|Miami, FL
+1786639|Hialeah, FL
+1786662|South Miami, FL
+1801221|Orem, UT
+1801222|Orem, UT
+1801224|Orem, UT
+1801225|Orem, UT
+1801226|Orem, UT
+1801238|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801257|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801282|West Jordan, UT
+1801320|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801321|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801322|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801323|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801328|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801331|Lehi, UT
+1801334|Ogden, UT
+1801344|Provo, UT
+1801350|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801355|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801356|Provo, UT
+1801357|Provo, UT
+1801359|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801363|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801364|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801366|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801370|Provo, UT
+1801373|Provo, UT
+1801374|Provo, UT
+1801375|Provo, UT
+1801377|Provo, UT
+1801387|Ogden, UT
+1801392|Ogden, UT
+1801393|Ogden, UT
+1801394|Ogden, UT
+1801399|Ogden, UT
+1801434|Orem, UT
+1801447|Farmington, UT
+1801451|Farmington, UT
+1801456|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801463|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801464|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801465|Payson, UT
+1801466|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801467|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801468|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801476|Ogden, UT
+1801479|Ogden, UT
+1801483|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801484|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801485|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801486|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801487|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801489|Springville, UT
+1801491|Springville, UT
+1801519|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801521|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801524|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801530|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801531|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801532|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801533|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801534|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801535|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801536|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801537|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801538|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801539|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801555|Orem, UT
+1801575|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801578|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801581|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801582|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801583|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801584|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801585|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801587|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801595|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801596|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801621|Ogden, UT
+1801625|Ogden, UT
+1801626|Ogden, UT
+1801627|Ogden, UT
+1801629|Ogden, UT
+1801656|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801662|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801714|Orem, UT
+1801746|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801754|Santaquin, UT
+1801765|Orem, UT
+1801768|Lehi, UT
+1801771|Layton, UT
+1801777|Hill Air Force Base, UT
+1801789|Eagle Mountain, UT
+1801794|Spanish Fork, UT
+1801798|Spanish Fork, UT
+1801799|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801802|Orem, UT
+1801829|Morgan, UT
+1801852|Provo, UT
+1801886|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801887|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801908|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801936|North Salt Lake, UT
+1801953|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801961|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801973|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801977|Salt Lake City, UT
+1801978|Salt Lake City, UT
+1802222|Bradford, VT
+1802228|Ludlow, VT
+1802229|Montpelier, VT
+1802234|Bethel, VT
+1802241|Waterbury, VT
+1802247|Brandon, VT
+1802251|Brattleboro, VT
+1802253|Stowe, VT
+1802254|Brattleboro, VT
+1802257|Brattleboro, VT
+1802258|Brattleboro, VT
+1802263|Perkinsville, VT
+1802265|Fair Haven, VT
+1802287|Poultney, VT
+1802288|Essex Junction, VT
+1802295|White River Junction, VT
+1802296|White River Junction, VT
+1802334|Newport, VT
+1802365|Newfane, VT
+1802372|South Hero, VT
+1802387|Putney, VT
+1802388|Middlebury, VT
+1802422|Killington, VT
+1802438|West Rutland, VT
+1802442|Bennington, VT
+1802446|Wallingford, VT
+1802447|Bennington, VT
+1802454|Plainfield, VT
+1802457|Woodstock, VT
+1802463|Bellows Falls, VT
+1802472|Hardwick, VT
+1802476|Barre, VT
+1802479|Barre, VT
+1802482|Hinesburg, VT
+1802485|Northfield, VT
+1802488|Burlington, VT
+1802635|Johnson, VT
+1802649|Norwich, VT
+1802655|Winooski, VT
+1802656|Burlington, VT
+1802674|Windsor, VT
+1802728|Randolph, VT
+1802747|Rutland, VT
+1802748|St. Johnsbury, VT
+1802757|Wells River, VT
+1802766|Derby, VT
+1802770|Rutland, VT
+1802773|Rutland, VT
+1802775|Rutland, VT
+1802786|Rutland, VT
+1802796|Alburgh, VT
+1802828|Montpelier, VT
+1802848|Richford, VT
+1802849|Fairfax, VT
+1802867|Dorset, VT
+1802868|Swanton, VT
+1802872|Essex Junction, VT
+1802875|Chester, VT
+1802877|Vergennes, VT
+1802878|Essex Junction, VT
+1802879|Essex Junction, VT
+1802885|Springfield, VT
+1802886|Springfield, VT
+1802893|Milton, VT
+1802899|Jericho, VT
+1802985|Shelburne, VT
+1803|South Carolina
+1803202|North Augusta, SC
+1803212|Columbia, SC
+1803216|Columbia, SC
+1803222|Clover, SC
+1803226|Aiken, SC
+1803231|Columbia, SC
+1803245|Bamberg, SC
+1803251|Columbia, SC
+1803252|Columbia, SC
+1803253|Columbia, SC
+1803254|Columbia, SC
+1803255|Columbia, SC
+1803256|Columbia, SC
+1803259|Barnwell, SC
+1803266|Williston, SC
+1803273|Heath Springs, SC
+1803274|Branchville, SC
+1803275|Johnston, SC
+1803276|Newberry, SC
+1803278|North Augusta, SC
+1803279|North Augusta, SC
+1803283|Lancaster, SC
+1803284|Blackville, SC
+1803285|Lancaster, SC
+1803286|Lancaster, SC
+1803289|Lancaster, SC
+1803313|Lancaster, SC
+1803321|Newberry, SC
+1803323|Rock Hill, SC
+1803324|Rock Hill, SC
+1803325|Rock Hill, SC
+1803326|Rock Hill, SC
+1803327|Rock Hill, SC
+1803328|Rock Hill, SC
+1803329|Rock Hill, SC
+1803337|Ridgeway, SC
+1803343|Columbia, SC
+1803345|Chapin, SC
+1803353|Eastover, SC
+1803356|Lexington, SC
+1803358|Lexington, SC
+1803359|Lexington, SC
+1803364|Prosperity, SC
+1803366|Rock Hill, SC
+1803376|Columbia, SC
+1803377|Chester, SC
+1803385|Chester, SC
+1803395|Orangeburg, SC
+1803396|Fort Mill, SC
+1803405|Newberry, SC
+1803416|Lancaster, SC
+1803418|Sumter, SC
+1803419|Columbia, SC
+1803424|Camden, SC
+1803425|Camden, SC
+1803426|North Augusta, SC
+1803428|Bishopville, SC
+1803432|Camden, SC
+1803433|Manning, SC
+1803434|Columbia, SC
+1803435|Manning, SC
+1803436|Sumter, SC
+1803437|Lynchburg, SC
+1803441|North Augusta, SC
+1803442|North Augusta, SC
+1803462|Columbia, SC
+1803469|Sumter, SC
+1803471|Jackson, SC
+1803475|Kershaw, SC
+1803481|Sumter, SC
+1803482|Great Falls, SC
+1803484|Bishopville, SC
+1803492|Eutawville, SC
+1803494|Sumter, SC
+1803496|Holly Hill, SC
+1803502|Aiken, SC
+1803506|Sumter, SC
+1803516|Orangeburg, SC
+1803520|Lexington, SC
+1803531|Orangeburg, SC
+1803533|Orangeburg, SC
+1803534|Orangeburg, SC
+1803535|Orangeburg, SC
+1803536|Orangeburg, SC
+1803539|Orangeburg, SC
+1803541|Barnwell, SC
+1803545|Columbia, SC
+1803547|Fort Mill, SC
+1803548|Fort Mill, SC
+1803551|Columbia, SC
+1803561|Columbia, SC
+1803564|Wagener, SC
+1803568|Swansea, SC
+1803576|Columbia, SC
+1803581|Chester, SC
+1803584|Allendale, SC
+1803613|North Augusta, SC
+1803628|York, SC
+1803632|Fairfax, SC
+1803635|Winnsboro, SC
+1803637|Edgefield, SC
+1803641|Aiken, SC
+1803642|Aiken, SC
+1803643|Aiken, SC
+1803644|Aiken, SC
+1803648|Aiken, SC
+1803649|Aiken, SC
+1803655|St. Matthews, SC
+1803684|York, SC
+1803694|Whitmire, SC
+1803695|Columbia, SC
+1803699|Columbia, SC
+1803731|Columbia, SC
+1803733|Columbia, SC
+1803734|Columbia, SC
+1803736|Columbia, SC
+1803737|Columbia, SC
+1803738|Columbia, SC
+1803741|Columbia, SC
+1803743|Columbia, SC
+1803748|Columbia, SC
+1803750|Columbia, SC
+1803751|Columbia, SC
+1803758|Columbia, SC
+1803765|Columbia, SC
+1803771|Columbia, SC
+1803772|Columbia, SC
+1803773|Sumter, SC
+1803774|Sumter, SC
+1803775|Sumter, SC
+1803776|Columbia, SC
+1803777|Columbia, SC
+1803778|Sumter, SC
+1803779|Columbia, SC
+1803782|Columbia, SC
+1803783|Columbia, SC
+1803786|Columbia, SC
+1803787|Columbia, SC
+1803788|Columbia, SC
+1803790|Columbia, SC
+1803793|Denmark, SC
+1803798|Columbia, SC
+1803799|Columbia, SC
+1803802|Fort Mill, SC
+1803808|Lexington, SC
+1803817|Rock Hill, SC
+1803822|West Columbia, SC
+1803854|Santee, SC
+1803865|Columbia, SC
+1803872|Fort Lawn, SC
+1803874|St. Matthews, SC
+1803892|Gilbert, SC
+1803894|Pelion, SC
+1803896|Columbia, SC
+1803897|Elloree, SC
+1803898|Columbia, SC
+1803905|Sumter, SC
+1803909|Rock Hill, SC
+1803929|Columbia, SC
+1803932|Chapin, SC
+1803934|Sumter, SC
+1803935|Columbia, SC
+1803938|Sumter, SC
+1803951|Lexington, SC
+1803957|Lexington, SC
+1803980|Rock Hill, SC
+1803981|Rock Hill, SC
+1803985|Rock Hill, SC
+1803996|Lexington, SC
+1804200|Richmond, VA
+1804204|Richmond, VA
+1804213|Richmond, VA
+1804222|Richmond, VA
+1804224|Colonial Beach, VA
+1804225|Richmond, VA
+1804226|Richmond, VA
+1804228|Richmond, VA
+1804230|Richmond, VA
+1804231|Richmond, VA
+1804232|Richmond, VA
+1804233|Richmond, VA
+1804236|Richmond, VA
+1804254|Richmond, VA
+1804257|Richmond, VA
+1804264|Richmond, VA
+1804267|Richmond, VA
+1804271|Richmond, VA
+1804272|Richmond, VA
+1804275|Richmond, VA
+1804276|Richmond, VA
+1804278|Richmond, VA
+1804279|Richmond, VA
+1804281|Richmond, VA
+1804282|Richmond, VA
+1804285|Richmond, VA
+1804287|Richmond, VA
+1804288|Richmond, VA
+1804289|Richmond, VA
+1804320|Richmond, VA
+1804321|Richmond, VA
+1804323|Richmond, VA
+1804327|Richmond, VA
+1804329|Richmond, VA
+1804330|Richmond, VA
+1804333|Warsaw, VA
+1804340|Richmond, VA
+1804343|Richmond, VA
+1804344|Richmond, VA
+1804353|Richmond, VA
+1804354|Richmond, VA
+1804355|Richmond, VA
+1804358|Richmond, VA
+1804359|Richmond, VA
+1804367|Richmond, VA
+1804371|Richmond, VA
+1804420|Richmond, VA
+1804421|Richmond, VA
+1804427|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804438|Irvington, VA
+1804443|Tappahannock, VA
+1804445|Tappahannock, VA
+1804448|Ruther Glen, VA
+1804452|Hopewell, VA
+1804458|Hopewell, VA
+1804492|Cumberland, VA
+1804493|Montross, VA
+1804526|Colonial Heights, VA
+1804530|Chester, VA
+1804537|Hanover, VA
+1804541|Hopewell, VA
+1804559|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804560|Richmond, VA
+1804569|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804580|Heathsville, VA
+1804598|Powhatan, VA
+1804628|Richmond, VA
+1804643|Richmond, VA
+1804644|Richmond, VA
+1804646|Richmond, VA
+1804648|Richmond, VA
+1804649|Richmond, VA
+1804673|Richmond, VA
+1804674|Richmond, VA
+1804675|Richmond, VA
+1804693|Gloucester, VA
+1804694|Gloucester, VA
+1804695|Gloucester, VA
+1804697|Richmond, VA
+1804698|Richmond, VA
+1804714|Richmond, VA
+1804722|Petersburg, VA
+1804730|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804732|Petersburg, VA
+1804733|Petersburg, VA
+1804734|Fort Lee, VA
+1804740|Richmond, VA
+1804741|Richmond, VA
+1804743|Richmond, VA
+1804744|Midlothian, VA
+1804745|Richmond, VA
+1804746|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804752|Ashland, VA
+1804754|Richmond, VA
+1804763|Midlothian, VA
+1804764|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804771|Richmond, VA
+1804775|Richmond, VA
+1804779|Mechanicsville, VA
+1804780|Richmond, VA
+1804782|Richmond, VA
+1804783|Richmond, VA
+1804786|Richmond, VA
+1804788|Richmond, VA
+1804795|Richmond, VA
+1804798|Ashland, VA
+1804819|Richmond, VA
+1804827|Richmond, VA
+1804828|Richmond, VA
+1804829|Charles City, VA
+1804834|Waverly, VA
+1804843|West Point, VA
+1804855|Richmond, VA
+1804861|Petersburg, VA
+1804862|Petersburg, VA
+1804863|Petersburg, VA
+1804883|Montpelier, VA
+1804916|Richmond, VA
+1804932|Quinton, VA
+1805226|Paso Robles, CA
+1805227|Paso Robles, CA
+1805237|Paso Robles, CA
+1805238|Paso Robles, CA
+1805239|Paso Robles, CA
+1805240|Oxnard, CA
+1805241|Thousand Oaks, CA
+1805247|Oxnard, CA
+1805269|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805278|Oxnard, CA
+1805289|Ventura, CA
+1805306|Simi Valley, CA
+1805339|Ventura, CA
+1805346|Santa Maria, CA
+1805347|Santa Maria, CA
+1805348|Santa Maria, CA
+1805349|Santa Maria, CA
+1805361|Santa Maria, CA
+1805383|Camarillo, CA
+1805384|Camarillo, CA
+1805385|Oxnard, CA
+1805386|Somis, CA
+1805388|Camarillo, CA
+1805389|Camarillo, CA
+1805434|Templeton, CA
+1805439|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805445|Camarillo, CA
+1805460|Atascadero, CA
+1805461|Atascadero, CA
+1805462|Atascadero, CA
+1805466|Atascadero, CA
+1805467|San Miguel, CA
+1805468|Atascadero, CA
+1805477|Ventura, CA
+1805482|Camarillo, CA
+1805483|Oxnard, CA
+1805484|Camarillo, CA
+1805485|Oxnard, CA
+1805486|Oxnard, CA
+1805487|Oxnard, CA
+1805492|Thousand Oaks, CA
+1805493|Thousand Oaks, CA
+1805520|Simi Valley, CA
+1805522|Simi Valley, CA
+1805523|Moorpark, CA
+1805524|Fillmore, CA
+1805525|Santa Paula, CA
+1805526|Simi Valley, CA
+1805527|Simi Valley, CA
+1805528|Los Osos, CA
+1805529|Moorpark, CA
+1805531|Moorpark, CA
+1805532|Moorpark, CA
+1805541|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805542|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805543|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805544|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805545|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805546|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805547|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805548|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805549|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805560|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805562|Goleta, CA
+1805563|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805564|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805566|Carpinteria, CA
+1805568|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805569|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805577|Simi Valley, CA
+1805578|Simi Valley, CA
+1805579|Simi Valley, CA
+1805581|Simi Valley, CA
+1805582|Simi Valley, CA
+1805583|Simi Valley, CA
+1805584|Simi Valley, CA
+1805594|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805604|Oxnard, CA
+1805614|Santa Maria, CA
+1805639|Ventura, CA
+1805640|Ojai, CA
+1805641|Ventura, CA
+1805642|Ventura, CA
+1805643|Ventura, CA
+1805644|Ventura, CA
+1805646|Ojai, CA
+1805647|Ventura, CA
+1805648|Ventura, CA
+1805650|Ventura, CA
+1805652|Ventura, CA
+1805653|Ventura, CA
+1805654|Ventura, CA
+1805656|Ventura, CA
+1805658|Ventura, CA
+1805659|Ventura, CA
+1805667|Ventura, CA
+1805672|Ventura, CA
+1805676|Ventura, CA
+1805681|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805682|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805684|Carpinteria, CA
+1805685|Goleta, CA
+1805687|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805730|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805733|Lompoc, CA
+1805735|Lompoc, CA
+1805736|Lompoc, CA
+1805737|Lompoc, CA
+1805739|Santa Maria, CA
+1805740|Lompoc, CA
+1805756|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805771|Morro Bay, CA
+1805772|Morro Bay, CA
+1805773|Pismo Beach, CA
+1805781|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805782|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805783|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805784|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805786|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805788|San Luis Obispo, CA
+1805845|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805882|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805884|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805892|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805897|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805898|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805899|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805914|Camarillo, CA
+1805922|Santa Maria, CA
+1805925|Santa Maria, CA
+1805927|Cambria, CA
+1805928|Santa Maria, CA
+1805929|Nipomo, CA
+1805933|Santa Paula, CA
+1805934|Santa Maria, CA
+1805937|Santa Maria, CA
+1805938|Santa Maria, CA
+1805955|Simi Valley, CA
+1805957|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805962|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805963|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805965|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805966|Santa Barbara, CA
+1805981|Oxnard, CA
+1805983|Oxnard, CA
+1805987|Camarillo, CA
+1805988|Oxnard, CA
+1805995|Cayucos, CA
+1806212|Amarillo, TX
+1806220|Amarillo, TX
+1806226|Claude, TX
+1806236|Amarillo, TX
+1806237|Jayton, TX
+1806242|Amarillo, TX
+1806244|Dalhart, TX
+1806249|Dalhart, TX
+1806250|Friona, TX
+1806253|Ralls, TX
+1806256|Shamrock, TX
+1806259|Memphis, TX
+1806266|Morton, TX
+1806267|Vega, TX
+1806271|Spur, TX
+1806272|Muleshoe, TX
+1806273|Borger, TX
+1806274|Borger, TX
+1806281|Lubbock, TX
+1806285|Olton, TX
+1806288|Plainview, TX
+1806291|Plainview, TX
+1806293|Plainview, TX
+1806296|Plainview, TX
+1806298|Abernathy, TX
+1806322|Amarillo, TX
+1806323|Canadian, TX
+1806326|Amarillo, TX
+1806331|Amarillo, TX
+1806335|Amarillo, TX
+1806337|Amarillo, TX
+1806342|Amarillo, TX
+1806345|Amarillo, TX
+1806347|Matador, TX
+1806350|Amarillo, TX
+1806351|Amarillo, TX
+1806352|Amarillo, TX
+1806353|Amarillo, TX
+1806354|Amarillo, TX
+1806355|Amarillo, TX
+1806356|Amarillo, TX
+1806358|Amarillo, TX
+1806359|Amarillo, TX
+1806362|Texline, TX
+1806363|Hereford, TX
+1806364|Hereford, TX
+1806366|Stratford, TX
+1806367|Amarillo, TX
+1806368|Lubbock, TX
+1806371|Amarillo, TX
+1806372|Amarillo, TX
+1806373|Amarillo, TX
+1806374|Amarillo, TX
+1806376|Amarillo, TX
+1806378|Amarillo, TX
+1806379|Amarillo, TX
+1806381|Amarillo, TX
+1806383|Amarillo, TX
+1806384|Dalhart, TX
+1806385|Littlefield, TX
+1806396|Stratford, TX
+1806418|Amarillo, TX
+1806434|Perryton, TX
+1806435|Perryton, TX
+1806445|Lubbock, TX
+1806447|Wellington, TX
+1806456|Plains, TX
+1806457|Amarillo, TX
+1806463|Amarillo, TX
+1806467|Amarillo, TX
+1806468|Amarillo, TX
+1806472|Lubbock, TX
+1806481|Farwell, TX
+1806492|Paducah, TX
+1806495|Post, TX
+1806537|Panhandle, TX
+1806553|Amarillo, TX
+1806561|Tahoka, TX
+1806576|Amarillo, TX
+1806589|Lubbock, TX
+1806592|Denver City, TX
+1806622|Amarillo, TX
+1806637|Brownfield, TX
+1806647|Dimmitt, TX
+1806648|Perryton, TX
+1806653|Follett, TX
+1806655|Canyon, TX
+1806658|Booker, TX
+1806659|Spearman, TX
+1806665|Pampa, TX
+1806669|Pampa, TX
+1806674|Amarillo, TX
+1806675|Crosbyton, TX
+1806676|Amarillo, TX
+1806677|Amarillo, TX
+1806687|Lubbock, TX
+1806688|Pampa, TX
+1806698|Lubbock, TX
+1806722|Lubbock, TX
+1806723|Lubbock, TX
+1806725|Lubbock, TX
+1806740|Lubbock, TX
+1806741|Lubbock, TX
+1806742|Lubbock, TX
+1806743|Lubbock, TX
+1806744|Lubbock, TX
+1806745|Lubbock, TX
+1806747|Lubbock, TX
+1806748|Lubbock, TX
+1806749|Lubbock, TX
+1806762|Lubbock, TX
+1806763|Lubbock, TX
+1806765|Lubbock, TX
+1806766|Lubbock, TX
+1806767|Lubbock, TX
+1806771|Lubbock, TX
+1806775|Lubbock, TX
+1806777|Lubbock, TX
+1806779|McLean, TX
+1806780|Lubbock, TX
+1806783|Lubbock, TX
+1806784|Lubbock, TX
+1806785|Lubbock, TX
+1806788|Lubbock, TX
+1806791|Lubbock, TX
+1806792|Lubbock, TX
+1806793|Lubbock, TX
+1806794|Lubbock, TX
+1806795|Lubbock, TX
+1806796|Lubbock, TX
+1806797|Lubbock, TX
+1806798|Lubbock, TX
+1806799|Lubbock, TX
+1806823|Silverton, TX
+1806826|Wheeler, TX
+1806828|Slaton, TX
+1806832|Shallowater, TX
+1806857|Fritch, TX
+1806863|Lubbock, TX
+1806868|Miami, TX
+1806872|Lamesa, TX
+1806874|Clarendon, TX
+1806892|Idalou, TX
+1806894|Levelland, TX
+1806897|Levelland, TX
+1806934|Dumas, TX
+1806935|Dumas, TX
+1806938|Hart, TX
+1806948|Sunray, TX
+1806983|Floydada, TX
+1806995|Tulia, TX
+1807222|Ear Falls, ON
+1807223|Dryden, ON
+1807226|Sioux Narrows, ON
+1807227|Vermilion Bay, ON
+1807229|Marathon, ON
+1807274|Fort Frances, ON
+1807285|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807343|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807344|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807345|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807346|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807467|Kenora, ON
+1807468|Kenora, ON
+1807473|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807474|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807475|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807482|Emo, ON
+1807484|Nestor Falls, ON
+1807537|Big Trout Lake, ON
+1807548|Kenora, ON
+1807577|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807582|Hudson, ON
+1807597|Atikokan, ON
+1807622|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807623|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807624|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807625|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807626|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807628|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807683|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807727|Red Lake, ON
+1807737|Sioux Lookout, ON
+1807767|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807768|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807822|White River, ON
+1807825|Terrace Bay, ON
+1807826|Manitouwadge, ON
+1807852|Rainy River, ON
+1807854|Geraldton, ON
+1807868|Hornepayne, ON
+1807876|Longlac, ON
+1807887|Nipigon, ON
+1807928|Pickle Lake, ON
+1807934|Ignace, ON
+1807937|Oxdrift, ON
+1807939|Thunder Bay, ON
+1807983|Thunder Bay, ON
+1808233|Kaneohe, HI
+1808234|Kaneohe, HI
+1808235|Kaneohe, HI
+1808236|Kaneohe, HI
+1808239|Kaneohe, HI
+1808241|Lihue, HI
+1808242|Wailuku, HI
+1808243|Wailuku, HI
+1808244|Wailuku, HI
+1808245|Lihue, HI
+1808246|Lihue, HI
+1808247|Kaneohe, HI
+1808248|Hana, HI
+1808249|Wailuku, HI
+1808254|Kailua, HI
+1808259|Waimanalo, HI
+1808261|Kailua, HI
+1808262|Kailua, HI
+1808263|Kailua, HI
+1808266|Kailua, HI
+1808274|Lihue, HI
+1808325|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808326|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808327|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808329|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808331|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808334|Kailua-Kona, HI
+1808338|Waimea, HI
+1808373|Honolulu, HI
+1808377|Honolulu, HI
+1808394|Honolulu, HI
+1808395|Honolulu, HI
+1808396|Honolulu, HI
+1808421|Honolulu, HI
+1808422|Honolulu, HI
+1808432|Honolulu, HI
+1808433|Honolulu, HI
+1808453|Pearl City, HI
+1808455|Pearl City, HI
+1808456|Pearl City, HI
+1808483|Aiea, HI
+1808484|Aiea, HI
+1808486|Aiea, HI
+1808488|Aiea, HI
+1808521|Honolulu, HI
+1808522|Honolulu, HI
+1808523|Honolulu, HI
+1808524|Honolulu, HI
+1808525|Honolulu, HI
+1808526|Honolulu, HI
+1808527|Honolulu, HI
+1808528|Honolulu, HI
+1808529|Honolulu, HI
+1808531|Honolulu, HI
+1808532|Honolulu, HI
+1808533|Honolulu, HI
+1808535|Honolulu, HI
+1808536|Honolulu, HI
+1808537|Honolulu, HI
+1808538|Honolulu, HI
+1808539|Honolulu, HI
+1808541|Honolulu, HI
+1808543|Honolulu, HI
+1808544|Honolulu, HI
+1808545|Honolulu, HI
+1808547|Honolulu, HI
+1808548|Honolulu, HI
+1808550|Honolulu, HI
+1808553|Kaunakakai, HI
+1808565|Lanai City, HI
+1808566|Honolulu, HI
+1808572|Makawao, HI
+1808579|Paia, HI
+1808585|Honolulu, HI
+1808586|Honolulu, HI
+1808587|Honolulu, HI
+1808589|Honolulu, HI
+1808591|Honolulu, HI
+1808592|Honolulu, HI
+1808593|Honolulu, HI
+1808595|Honolulu, HI
+1808596|Honolulu, HI
+1808597|Honolulu, HI
+1808599|Honolulu, HI
+1808621|Wahiawa, HI
+1808622|Wahiawa, HI
+1808623|Mililani, HI
+1808625|Mililani, HI
+1808632|Lihue, HI
+1808638|Haleiwa, HI
+1808661|Lahaina, HI
+1808662|Lahaina, HI
+1808667|Lahaina, HI
+1808668|Waianae, HI
+1808669|Lahaina, HI
+1808671|Waipahu, HI
+1808674|Kapolei, HI
+1808676|Waipahu, HI
+1808677|Waipahu, HI
+1808678|Waipahu, HI
+1808681|Ewa Beach, HI
+1808682|Kapolei, HI
+1808689|Ewa Beach, HI
+1808696|Waianae, HI
+1808697|Waianae, HI
+1808732|Honolulu, HI
+1808733|Honolulu, HI
+1808734|Honolulu, HI
+1808735|Honolulu, HI
+1808737|Honolulu, HI
+1808738|Honolulu, HI
+1808739|Honolulu, HI
+1808742|Koloa, HI
+1808775|Honokaa, HI
+1808791|Honolulu, HI
+1808821|Kapaa, HI
+1808822|Kapaa, HI
+1808823|Kapaa, HI
+1808828|Kilauea, HI
+1808831|Honolulu, HI
+1808832|Honolulu, HI
+1808833|Honolulu, HI
+1808834|Honolulu, HI
+1808836|Honolulu, HI
+1808839|Honolulu, HI
+1808841|Honolulu, HI
+1808842|Honolulu, HI
+1808843|Honolulu, HI
+1808845|Honolulu, HI
+1808847|Honolulu, HI
+1808848|Honolulu, HI
+1808871|Kahului, HI
+1808873|Kahului, HI
+1808874|Kihei, HI
+1808875|Kihei, HI
+1808877|Kahului, HI
+1808878|Kula, HI
+1808879|Kihei, HI
+1808883|Waikoloa, HI
+1808885|Kamuela, HI
+1808891|Kihei, HI
+1808921|Honolulu, HI
+1808922|Honolulu, HI
+1808923|Honolulu, HI
+1808924|Honolulu, HI
+1808926|Honolulu, HI
+1808931|Honolulu, HI
+1808933|Hilo, HI
+1808934|Hilo, HI
+1808935|Hilo, HI
+1808941|Honolulu, HI
+1808942|Honolulu, HI
+1808943|Honolulu, HI
+1808944|Honolulu, HI
+1808945|Honolulu, HI
+1808946|Honolulu, HI
+1808947|Honolulu, HI
+1808949|Honolulu, HI
+1808951|Honolulu, HI
+1808952|Honolulu, HI
+1808955|Honolulu, HI
+1808956|Honolulu, HI
+1808959|Hilo, HI
+1808961|Hilo, HI
+1808965|Pāhoa, HI
+1808966|Keaau, HI
+1808969|Hilo, HI
+1808971|Honolulu, HI
+1808973|Honolulu, HI
+1808974|Hilo, HI
+1808981|Hilo, HI
+1808982|Keaau, HI
+1808983|Honolulu, HI
+1808986|Wailuku, HI
+1808988|Honolulu, HI
+1810220|Brighton, MI
+1810225|Brighton, MI
+1810227|Brighton, MI
+1810229|Brighton, MI
+1810230|Flint Township, MI
+1810232|Flint, MI
+1810233|Flint, MI
+1810234|Flint, MI
+1810235|Flint, MI
+1810237|Flint, MI
+1810239|Flint, MI
+1810245|Lapeer, MI
+1810257|Flint, MI
+1810266|Byron, MI
+1810341|Flint, MI
+1810342|Flint, MI
+1810346|Brown City, MI
+1810359|Lexington, MI
+1810376|Deckerville, MI
+1810487|Flushing, MI
+1810494|Brighton, MI
+1810579|Grand Blanc, MI
+1810603|Grand Blanc, MI
+1810606|Grand Blanc Township, MI
+1810629|Fenton, MI
+1810631|Otisville, MI
+1810635|Swartz Creek, MI
+1810636|Goodrich, MI
+1810648|Sandusky, MI
+1810653|Davison, MI
+1810654|Davison, MI
+1810658|Davison, MI
+1810659|Flushing, MI
+1810664|Lapeer, MI
+1810667|Lapeer, MI
+1810678|Metamora, MI
+1810679|Croswell, MI
+1810688|North Branch, MI
+1810695|Grand Blanc, MI
+1810714|Fenton, MI
+1810720|Flint Township, MI
+1810724|Imlay City, MI
+1810732|Flint Township, MI
+1810733|Flint Township, MI
+1810735|Linden, MI
+1810736|Flint, MI
+1810750|Fenton, MI
+1810753|Madison Heights, MI
+1810760|Flint, MI
+1810762|Flint, MI
+1810766|Flint, MI
+1810767|Flint, MI
+1810785|Flint, MI
+1810787|Flint, MI
+1810789|Flint, MI
+1810794|Algonac, MI
+1810796|Dryden, MI
+1810798|Almont, MI
+1810844|Brighton, MI
+1810982|Port Huron, MI
+1810984|Port Huron, MI
+1810985|Port Huron, MI
+1810987|Port Huron, MI
+1810989|Port Huron, MI
+1812222|Greensburg, IN
+1812231|Terre Haute, IN
+1812232|Terre Haute, IN
+1812234|Terre Haute, IN
+1812235|Terre Haute, IN
+1812237|Terre Haute, IN
+1812238|Terre Haute, IN
+1812242|Terre Haute, IN
+1812246|Sellersburg, IN
+1812247|Shoals, IN
+1812254|Washington, IN
+1812256|Charlestown, IN
+1812257|Washington, IN
+1812265|Madison, IN
+1812268|Sullivan, IN
+1812273|Madison, IN
+1812275|Bedford, IN
+1812276|Bedford, IN
+1812277|Bedford, IN
+1812278|Bedford, IN
+1812279|Bedford, IN
+1812295|Loogootee, IN
+1812298|Terre Haute, IN
+1812299|Terre Haute, IN
+1812314|Columbus, IN
+1812323|Bloomington, IN
+1812330|Bloomington, IN
+1812331|Bloomington, IN
+1812332|Bloomington, IN
+1812333|Bloomington, IN
+1812334|Bloomington, IN
+1812335|Bloomington, IN
+1812336|Bloomington, IN
+1812337|Bloomington, IN
+1812339|Bloomington, IN
+1812342|Columbus, IN
+1812346|North Vernon, IN
+1812349|Bloomington, IN
+1812352|North Vernon, IN
+1812353|Bloomington, IN
+1812354|Petersburg, IN
+1812355|Bloomington, IN
+1812358|Brownstown, IN
+1812365|Marengo, IN
+1812367|Ferdinand, IN
+1812372|Columbus, IN
+1812373|Columbus, IN
+1812375|Columbus, IN
+1812376|Columbus, IN
+1812378|Columbus, IN
+1812379|Columbus, IN
+1812384|Bloomfield, IN
+1812385|Princeton, IN
+1812386|Princeton, IN
+1812398|Carlisle, IN
+1812401|Evansville, IN
+1812402|Evansville, IN
+1812421|Evansville, IN
+1812422|Evansville, IN
+1812423|Evansville, IN
+1812424|Evansville, IN
+1812425|Evansville, IN
+1812426|Evansville, IN
+1812427|Vevay, IN
+1812428|Evansville, IN
+1812429|Evansville, IN
+1812432|Dillsboro, IN
+1812434|Evansville, IN
+1812435|Evansville, IN
+1812436|Evansville, IN
+1812437|Evansville, IN
+1812438|Rising Sun, IN
+1812442|Brazil, IN
+1812443|Brazil, IN
+1812446|Brazil, IN
+1812448|Brazil, IN
+1812450|Evansville, IN
+1812460|Terre Haute, IN
+1812462|Terre Haute, IN
+1812463|Evansville, IN
+1812464|Evansville, IN
+1812465|Evansville, IN
+1812466|Terre Haute, IN
+1812471|Evansville, IN
+1812473|Evansville, IN
+1812474|Evansville, IN
+1812475|Evansville, IN
+1812476|Evansville, IN
+1812477|Evansville, IN
+1812478|Terre Haute, IN
+1812479|Evansville, IN
+1812481|Jasper, IN
+1812482|Jasper, IN
+1812485|Evansville, IN
+1812490|Newburgh, IN
+1812491|Evansville, IN
+1812522|Seymour, IN
+1812523|Seymour, IN
+1812524|Seymour, IN
+1812526|Edinburgh, IN
+1812533|West Terre Haute, IN
+1812537|Lawrenceburg, IN
+1812539|Lawrenceburg, IN
+1812542|New Albany, IN
+1812546|Hope, IN
+1812547|Tell City, IN
+1812597|Morgantown, IN
+1812623|Sunman, IN
+1812634|Jasper, IN
+1812636|Odon, IN
+1812649|Rockport, IN
+1812654|Milan, IN
+1812662|Greensburg, IN
+1812663|Greensburg, IN
+1812665|Jasonville, IN
+1812683|Huntingburg, IN
+1812723|Paoli, IN
+1812734|Corydon, IN
+1812735|Bicknell, IN
+1812738|Corydon, IN
+1812749|Oakland City, IN
+1812752|Scottsburg, IN
+1812753|Fort Branch, IN
+1812759|Evansville, IN
+1812768|Haubstadt, IN
+1812789|Winslow, IN
+1812793|Crothersville, IN
+1812794|Austin, IN
+1812822|Bloomington, IN
+1812824|Bloomington, IN
+1812829|Spencer, IN
+1812838|Mount Vernon, IN
+1812842|Newburgh, IN
+1812847|Linton, IN
+1812849|Mitchell, IN
+1812853|Newburgh, IN
+1812855|Bloomington, IN
+1812858|Newburgh, IN
+1812865|Orleans, IN
+1812867|Evansville, IN
+1812868|Evansville, IN
+1812874|Poseyville, IN
+1812875|Worthington, IN
+1812877|Terre Haute, IN
+1812882|Vincennes, IN
+1812883|Salem, IN
+1812885|Vincennes, IN
+1812886|Vincennes, IN
+1812895|Vincennes, IN
+1812897|Boonville, IN
+1812925|Chandler, IN
+1812926|Aurora, IN
+1812932|Batesville, IN
+1812933|Batesville, IN
+1812934|Batesville, IN
+1812936|French Lick, IN
+1812939|Clay City, IN
+1812941|New Albany, IN
+1812944|New Albany, IN
+1812945|New Albany, IN
+1812948|New Albany, IN
+1812949|New Albany, IN
+1812951|Georgetown, IN
+1812961|Bloomington, IN
+1812962|Evansville, IN
+1812963|Evansville, IN
+1812966|Medora, IN
+1812969|Elizabeth, IN
+1812983|Elberfeld, IN
+1812988|Nashville, IN
+1813207|Tampa, FL
+1813209|Tampa, FL
+1813221|Tampa, FL
+1813222|Tampa, FL
+1813223|Tampa, FL
+1813224|Tampa, FL
+1813225|Tampa, FL
+1813226|Tampa, FL
+1813227|Tampa, FL
+1813228|Tampa, FL
+1813229|Tampa, FL
+1813231|Tampa, FL
+1813232|Tampa, FL
+1813233|Tampa, FL
+1813236|Tampa, FL
+1813237|Tampa, FL
+1813238|Tampa, FL
+1813239|Tampa, FL
+1813241|Tampa, FL
+1813242|Tampa, FL
+1813243|Tampa, FL
+1813246|Tampa, FL
+1813247|Tampa, FL
+1813248|Tampa, FL
+1813249|Tampa, FL
+1813250|Tampa, FL
+1813251|Tampa, FL
+1813253|Tampa, FL
+1813254|Tampa, FL
+1813258|Tampa, FL
+1813259|Tampa, FL
+1813261|Tampa, FL
+1813264|Tampa, FL
+1813265|Tampa, FL
+1813269|Tampa, FL
+1813272|Tampa, FL
+1813274|Tampa, FL
+1813276|Tampa, FL
+1813281|Tampa, FL
+1813282|Tampa, FL
+1813286|Tampa, FL
+1813287|Tampa, FL
+1813288|Tampa, FL
+1813289|Tampa, FL
+1813301|Tampa, FL
+1813307|Tampa, FL
+1813314|Tampa, FL
+1813348|Tampa, FL
+1813350|Tampa, FL
+1813353|Tampa, FL
+1813354|Tampa, FL
+1813374|Tampa, FL
+1813396|Tampa, FL
+1813414|Tampa, FL
+1813443|Tampa, FL
+1813472|Tampa, FL
+1813514|Tampa, FL
+1813554|Tampa, FL
+1813558|Tampa, FL
+1813615|Tampa, FL
+1813620|Tampa, FL
+1813621|Tampa, FL
+1813622|Tampa, FL
+1813623|Tampa, FL
+1813626|Tampa, FL
+1813627|Tampa, FL
+1813628|Tampa, FL
+1813630|Tampa, FL
+1813631|Tampa, FL
+1813632|Tampa, FL
+1813635|Tampa, FL
+1813636|Tampa, FL
+1813637|Tampa, FL
+1813639|Tampa, FL
+1813664|Tampa, FL
+1813707|Plant City, FL
+1813715|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813719|Plant City, FL
+1813740|Tampa, FL
+1813745|Tampa, FL
+1813752|Plant City, FL
+1813754|Plant City, FL
+1813757|Plant City, FL
+1813759|Plant City, FL
+1813769|Tampa, FL
+1813779|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813780|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813782|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813783|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813788|Zephyrhills, FL
+1813805|Tampa, FL
+1813806|Tampa, FL
+1813828|Tampa, FL
+1813831|Tampa, FL
+1813832|Tampa, FL
+1813835|Tampa, FL
+1813837|Tampa, FL
+1813839|Tampa, FL
+1813840|Tampa, FL
+1813844|Tampa, FL
+1813864|Tampa, FL
+1813866|Tampa, FL
+1813870|Tampa, FL
+1813871|Tampa, FL
+1813872|Tampa, FL
+1813873|Tampa, FL
+1813874|Tampa, FL
+1813875|Tampa, FL
+1813876|Tampa, FL
+1813877|Tampa, FL
+1813878|Tampa, FL
+1813879|Tampa, FL
+1813880|Tampa, FL
+1813881|Tampa, FL
+1813882|Tampa, FL
+1813884|Tampa, FL
+1813885|Tampa, FL
+1813886|Tampa, FL
+1813887|Tampa, FL
+1813888|Tampa, FL
+1813889|Tampa, FL
+1813890|Tampa, FL
+1813901|Tampa, FL
+1813902|Tampa, FL
+1813908|Tampa, FL
+1813910|Tampa, FL
+1813915|Tampa, FL
+1813930|Tampa, FL
+1813931|Tampa, FL
+1813932|Tampa, FL
+1813933|Tampa, FL
+1813935|Tampa, FL
+1813936|Tampa, FL
+1813949|Lutz, FL
+1813960|Tampa, FL
+1813961|Tampa, FL
+1813962|Tampa, FL
+1813963|Tampa, FL
+1813964|Tampa, FL
+1813968|Tampa, FL
+1813969|Tampa, FL
+1813971|Tampa, FL
+1813972|Tampa, FL
+1813974|Tampa, FL
+1813975|Tampa, FL
+1813977|Tampa, FL
+1813979|Tampa, FL
+1813995|Land O' Lakes, FL
+1813996|Land O' Lakes, FL
+1814201|Altoona, PA
+1814224|Roaring Spring, PA
+1814225|Eldred, PA
+1814231|State College, PA
+1814234|State College, PA
+1814235|State College, PA
+1814237|State College, PA
+1814238|State College, PA
+1814239|Claysburg, PA
+1814247|Hastings, PA
+1814254|Johnstown, PA
+1814255|Johnstown, PA
+1814262|Johnstown, PA
+1814265|Brockway, PA
+1814266|Johnstown, PA
+1814267|Berlin, PA
+1814269|Johnstown, PA
+1814272|State College, PA
+1814274|Coudersport, PA
+1814275|New Bethlehem, PA
+1814277|Mahaffey, PA
+1814278|State College, PA
+1814288|Johnstown, PA
+1814308|State College, PA
+1814322|Johnstown, PA
+1814332|Meadville, PA
+1814333|Meadville, PA
+1814336|Meadville, PA
+1814337|Meadville, PA
+1814342|Philipsburg, PA
+1814344|Carrolltown, PA
+1814355|Bellefonte, PA
+1814362|Bradford, PA
+1814364|Centre Hall, PA
+1814367|Westfield, PA
+1814368|Bradford, PA
+1814371|DuBois, PA
+1814375|DuBois, PA
+1814382|Conneaut Lake, PA
+1814422|Spring Mills, PA
+1814425|Cochranton, PA
+1814432|Franklin, PA
+1814437|Franklin, PA
+1814438|Union City, PA
+1814443|Somerset, PA
+1814444|Somerset, PA
+1814445|Somerset, PA
+1814451|Erie, PA
+1814452|Erie, PA
+1814453|Erie, PA
+1814454|Erie, PA
+1814455|Erie, PA
+1814456|Erie, PA
+1814459|Erie, PA
+1814461|Erie, PA
+1814464|Erie, PA
+1814467|Windber, PA
+1814471|Ebensburg, PA
+1814472|Ebensburg, PA
+1814473|Rimersburg, PA
+1814474|Fairview, PA
+1814476|McKean, PA
+1814480|Erie, PA
+1814484|Tidioute, PA
+1814486|Emporium, PA
+1814533|Johnstown, PA
+1814534|Johnstown, PA
+1814535|Johnstown, PA
+1814536|Johnstown, PA
+1814539|Johnstown, PA
+1814589|Pleasantville, PA
+1814623|Bedford, PA
+1814634|Meyersdale, PA
+1814641|Huntingdon, PA
+1814642|Port Allegany, PA
+1814643|Huntingdon, PA
+1814644|Huntingdon, PA
+1814652|Everett, PA
+1814653|Reynoldsville, PA
+1814663|Corry, PA
+1814664|Corry, PA
+1814665|Corry, PA
+1814674|Patton, PA
+1814683|Linesville, PA
+1814684|Tyrone, PA
+1814692|Port Matilda, PA
+1814697|Shinglehouse, PA
+1814723|Warren, PA
+1814724|Meadville, PA
+1814725|North East, PA
+1814726|Warren, PA
+1814734|Edinboro, PA
+1814736|Portage, PA
+1814755|Tionesta, PA
+1814756|Albion, PA
+1814757|Russell, PA
+1814763|Saegertown, PA
+1814765|Clearfield, PA
+1814768|Clearfield, PA
+1814772|Ridgway, PA
+1814773|Ridgway, PA
+1814776|Ridgway, PA
+1814781|St. Marys, PA
+1814793|Martinsburg, PA
+1814796|Waterford, PA
+1814797|Knox, PA
+1814824|Erie, PA
+1814825|Erie, PA
+1814827|Titusville, PA
+1814832|Williamsburg, PA
+1814833|Erie, PA
+1814834|St. Marys, PA
+1814835|Erie, PA
+1814836|Erie, PA
+1814837|Kane, PA
+1814838|Erie, PA
+1814842|Hyndman, PA
+1814849|Brookville, PA
+1814860|Erie, PA
+1814861|State College, PA
+1814863|State College, PA
+1814864|Erie, PA
+1814865|State College, PA
+1814866|Erie, PA
+1814867|State College, PA
+1814868|Erie, PA
+1814870|Erie, PA
+1814871|Erie, PA
+1814874|Erie, PA
+1814877|Erie, PA
+1814887|Smethport, PA
+1814889|Altoona, PA
+1814897|Erie, PA
+1814898|Erie, PA
+1814899|Erie, PA
+1814926|Rockwood, PA
+1814938|Punxsutawney, PA
+1814940|Altoona, PA
+1814941|Altoona, PA
+1814942|Altoona, PA
+1814943|Altoona, PA
+1814944|Altoona, PA
+1814946|Altoona, PA
+1814949|Altoona, PA
+1814965|Johnsonburg, PA
+1814968|Sheffield, PA
+1815206|Woodstock, IL
+1815225|Milledgeville, IL
+1815226|Rockford, IL
+1815227|Rockford, IL
+1815229|Rockford, IL
+1815232|Freeport, IL
+1815233|Freeport, IL
+1815234|Byron, IL
+1815235|Freeport, IL
+1815239|Pecatonica, IL
+1815244|Mount Carroll, IL
+1815246|Earlville, IL
+1815259|Thomson, IL
+1815264|Waterman, IL
+1815265|Gilman, IL
+1815268|Onarga, IL
+1815273|Savanna, IL
+1815284|Dixon, IL
+1815285|Dixon, IL
+1815286|Hinckley, IL
+1815288|Dixon, IL
+1815293|Romeoville, IL
+1815297|Freeport, IL
+1815334|Woodstock, IL
+1815335|Winnebago, IL
+1815337|Woodstock, IL
+1815338|Woodstock, IL
+1815344|McHenry, IL
+1815356|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815357|Seneca, IL
+1815363|McHenry, IL
+1815369|Lena, IL
+1815372|Romeoville, IL
+1815379|Walnut, IL
+1815381|Rockford, IL
+1815385|McHenry, IL
+1815387|Rockford, IL
+1815389|South Beloit, IL
+1815391|Rockford, IL
+1815394|Rockford, IL
+1815395|Rockford, IL
+1815397|Rockford, IL
+1815398|Rockford, IL
+1815399|Rockford, IL
+1815416|Morris, IL
+1815426|Herscher, IL
+1815431|Ottawa, IL
+1815432|Watseka, IL
+1815433|Ottawa, IL
+1815434|Ottawa, IL
+1815443|Pearl City, IL
+1815444|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815448|Mazon, IL
+1815452|Toluca, IL
+1815453|Ashton, IL
+1815454|Sheffield, IL
+1815455|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815456|Franklin Grove, IL
+1815457|Cissna Park, IL
+1815459|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815462|New Lenox, IL
+1815463|New Lenox, IL
+1815465|Grant Park, IL
+1815468|Manteno, IL
+1815469|Frankfort, IL
+1815472|Momence, IL
+1815476|Wilmington, IL
+1815477|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815478|Manhattan, IL
+1815479|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815484|Rockford, IL
+1815485|New Lenox, IL
+1815489|Rockford, IL
+1815490|Rockford, IL
+1815493|Lanark, IL
+1815496|Sheridan, IL
+1815522|Kirkland, IL
+1815537|Prophetstown, IL
+1815538|Mendota, IL
+1815539|Mendota, IL
+1815544|Belvidere, IL
+1815547|Belvidere, IL
+1815561|Rochelle, IL
+1815562|Rochelle, IL
+1815568|Marengo, IL
+1815578|McHenry, IL
+1815584|Dwight, IL
+1815589|Fulton, IL
+1815591|Hanover, IL
+1815599|Freeport, IL
+1815623|Roscoe, IL
+1815634|Coal City, IL
+1815635|Chatsworth, IL
+1815646|Tiskilwa, IL
+1815657|Forrest, IL
+1815663|Spring Valley, IL
+1815664|Spring Valley, IL
+1815667|North Utica, IL
+1815672|Streator, IL
+1815673|Streator, IL
+1815675|Spring Grove, IL
+1815678|Richmond, IL
+1815689|Cullom, IL
+1815692|Fairbury, IL
+1815694|Clifton, IL
+1815697|Chebanse, IL
+1815708|Rockford, IL
+1815722|Joliet, IL
+1815723|Joliet, IL
+1815724|Joliet, IL
+1815726|Joliet, IL
+1815727|Joliet, IL
+1815732|Oregon, IL
+1815734|Mount Morris, IL
+1815740|Joliet, IL
+1815745|Warren, IL
+1815747|East Dubuque, IL
+1815748|DeKalb, IL
+1815756|DeKalb, IL
+1815758|DeKalb, IL
+1815765|Poplar Grove, IL
+1815772|Morrison, IL
+1815774|Joliet, IL
+1815776|Galena, IL
+1815777|Galena, IL
+1815784|Genoa, IL
+1815786|Sandwich, IL
+1815787|DeKalb, IL
+1815788|Crystal Lake, IL
+1815795|Marseilles, IL
+1815796|Flanagan, IL
+1815827|Maple Park, IL
+1815834|Lockport, IL
+1815838|Lockport, IL
+1815842|Pontiac, IL
+1815844|Pontiac, IL
+1815853|Wenona, IL
+1815857|Amboy, IL
+1815858|Elizabeth, IL
+1815872|Princeton, IL
+1815873|Rockford, IL
+1815874|Rockford, IL
+1815875|Princeton, IL
+1815879|Princeton, IL
+1815883|Oglesby, IL
+1815886|Romeoville, IL
+1815889|Milford, IL
+1815895|Sycamore, IL
+1815899|Sycamore, IL
+1815925|Hennepin, IL
+1815938|Forreston, IL
+1815941|Morris, IL
+1815942|Morris, IL
+1815943|Harvard, IL
+1815945|Chenoa, IL
+1815946|Polo, IL
+1815947|Stockton, IL
+1815961|Rockford, IL
+1815962|Rockford, IL
+1815963|Rockford, IL
+1815964|Rockford, IL
+1815965|Rockford, IL
+1815966|Rockford, IL
+1815967|Rockford, IL
+1815968|Rockford, IL
+1815969|Rockford, IL
+1815971|Rockford, IL
+1815972|Rockford, IL
+1815987|Rockford, IL
+1815991|Sycamore, IL
+1816220|Blue Springs, MO
+1816221|Kansas City, MO
+1816224|Blue Springs, MO
+1816228|Blue Springs, MO
+1816229|Blue Springs, MO
+1816230|Odessa, MO
+1816231|Kansas City, MO
+1816232|St. Joseph, MO
+1816233|St. Joseph, MO
+1816234|Kansas City, MO
+1816235|Kansas City, MO
+1816236|St. Joseph, MO
+1816237|Kansas City, MO
+1816238|St. Joseph, MO
+1816241|Kansas City, MO
+1816243|Kansas City, MO
+1816252|Independence, MO
+1816254|Independence, MO
+1816257|Independence, MO
+1816271|St. Joseph, MO
+1816274|Kansas City, MO
+1816276|Kansas City, MO
+1816279|St. Joseph, MO
+1816283|Kansas City, MO
+1816292|Kansas City, MO
+1816293|Archie, MO
+1816297|Adrian, MO
+1816324|Savannah, MO
+1816333|Kansas City, MO
+1816347|Lee's Summit, MO
+1816361|Kansas City, MO
+1816363|Kansas City, MO
+1816364|St. Joseph, MO
+1816374|Kansas City, MO
+1816380|Harrisonville, MO
+1816386|Weston, MO
+1816387|St. Joseph, MO
+1816404|Kansas City, MO
+1816413|Kansas City, MO
+1816418|Kansas City, MO
+1816420|Kansas City, MO
+1816421|Kansas City, MO
+1816424|Gower, MO
+1816426|Kansas City, MO
+1816431|Platte City, MO
+1816436|Kansas City, MO
+1816444|Kansas City, MO
+1816448|Kansas City, MO
+1816449|Maysville, MO
+1816452|Kansas City, MO
+1816453|Kansas City, MO
+1816454|Kansas City, MO
+1816460|Kansas City, MO
+1816461|Independence, MO
+1816468|Kansas City, MO
+1816471|Kansas City, MO
+1816472|Kansas City, MO
+1816474|Kansas City, MO
+1816483|Kansas City, MO
+1816512|Kansas City, MO
+1816513|Kansas City, MO
+1816523|Kansas City, MO
+1816524|Lee's Summit, MO
+1816525|Lee's Summit, MO
+1816528|Lathrop, MO
+1816531|Kansas City, MO
+1816532|Smithville, MO
+1816539|Plattsburg, MO
+1816540|Pleasant Hill, MO
+1816561|Kansas City, MO
+1816569|Kansas City, MO
+1816580|Lawson, MO
+1816583|Hamilton, MO
+1816625|Oak Grove, MO
+1816628|Kearney, MO
+1816632|Cameron, MO
+1816633|Odessa, MO
+1816640|Weston, MO
+1816657|Drexel, MO
+1816671|St. Joseph, MO
+1816676|St. Joseph, MO
+1816690|Oak Grove, MO
+1816698|Independence, MO
+1816701|Kansas City, MO
+1816732|Holden, MO
+1816734|Kansas City, MO
+1816749|St. Joseph, MO
+1816753|Kansas City, MO
+1816756|Kansas City, MO
+1816776|Richmond, MO
+1816779|Peculiar, MO
+1816781|Liberty, MO
+1816796|Independence, MO
+1816822|Kansas City, MO
+1816833|Independence, MO
+1816836|Independence, MO
+1816842|Kansas City, MO
+1816847|Grain Valley, MO
+1816858|Platte City, MO
+1816861|Kansas City, MO
+1816862|Garden City, MO
+1816880|Kansas City, MO
+1816884|Harrisonville, MO
+1816887|Harrisonville, MO
+1816889|Kansas City, MO
+1816891|Kansas City, MO
+1816903|Kearney, MO
+1816920|Kansas City, MO
+1816921|Kansas City, MO
+1816922|Kansas City, MO
+1816923|Kansas City, MO
+1816924|Kansas City, MO
+1816926|Kansas City, MO
+1816931|Kansas City, MO
+1816932|Kansas City, MO
+1816941|Kansas City, MO
+1816942|Kansas City, MO
+1816943|Kansas City, MO
+1816960|Kansas City, MO
+1816983|Kansas City, MO
+1816987|Pleasant Hill, MO
+1817207|Fort Worth, TX
+1817220|Springtown, TX
+1817226|Arlington, TX
+1817236|Fort Worth, TX
+1817244|Fort Worth, TX
+1817249|Benbrook, TX
+1817250|Fort Worth, TX
+1817257|Fort Worth, TX
+1817261|Arlington, TX
+1817263|Fort Worth, TX
+1817265|Arlington, TX
+1817270|Azle, TX
+1817274|Arlington, TX
+1817275|Arlington, TX
+1817277|Arlington, TX
+1817279|Granbury, TX
+1817292|Fort Worth, TX
+1817294|Fort Worth, TX
+1817295|Burleson, TX
+1817297|Crowley, TX
+1817303|Arlington, TX
+1817321|Fort Worth, TX
+1817326|Granbury, TX
+1817332|Fort Worth, TX
+1817334|Fort Worth, TX
+1817335|Fort Worth, TX
+1817336|Fort Worth, TX
+1817338|Fort Worth, TX
+1817339|Fort Worth, TX
+1817341|Weatherford, TX
+1817346|Fort Worth, TX
+1817347|Fort Worth, TX
+1817348|Fort Worth, TX
+1817361|Fort Worth, TX
+1817370|Fort Worth, TX
+1817375|Arlington, TX
+1817377|Fort Worth, TX
+1817378|Fort Worth, TX
+1817386|Fort Worth, TX
+1817389|Godley, TX
+1817390|Fort Worth, TX
+1817392|Fort Worth, TX
+1817396|Cresson, TX
+1817408|Granbury, TX
+1817413|Fort Worth, TX
+1817417|Arlington, TX
+1817419|Arlington, TX
+1817423|Fort Worth, TX
+1817426|Burleson, TX
+1817433|Fort Worth, TX
+1817444|Azle, TX
+1817446|Fort Worth, TX
+1817447|Burleson, TX
+1817451|Fort Worth, TX
+1817453|Mansfield, TX
+1817457|Fort Worth, TX
+1817459|Arlington, TX
+1817460|Arlington, TX
+1817461|Arlington, TX
+1817465|Arlington, TX
+1817466|Arlington, TX
+1817467|Arlington, TX
+1817468|Arlington, TX
+1817469|Arlington, TX
+1817472|Arlington, TX
+1817473|Mansfield, TX
+1817492|Fort Worth, TX
+1817523|Springtown, TX
+1817529|Fort Worth, TX
+1817531|Fort Worth, TX
+1817534|Fort Worth, TX
+1817535|Fort Worth, TX
+1817536|Fort Worth, TX
+1817548|Arlington, TX
+1817556|Cleburne, TX
+1817557|Arlington, TX
+1817560|Fort Worth, TX
+1817569|Fort Worth, TX
+1817570|Fort Worth, TX
+1817573|Granbury, TX
+1817578|Granbury, TX
+1817579|Granbury, TX
+1817594|Weatherford, TX
+1817596|Weatherford, TX
+1817598|Weatherford, TX
+1817599|Weatherford, TX
+1817613|Weatherford, TX
+1817624|Fort Worth, TX
+1817625|Fort Worth, TX
+1817626|Fort Worth, TX
+1817633|Arlington, TX
+1817635|Arlington, TX
+1817640|Arlington, TX
+1817641|Cleburne, TX
+1817645|Cleburne, TX
+1817649|Arlington, TX
+1817652|Arlington, TX
+1817695|Arlington, TX
+1817698|Fort Worth, TX
+1817731|Fort Worth, TX
+1817732|Fort Worth, TX
+1817735|Fort Worth, TX
+1817737|Fort Worth, TX
+1817738|Fort Worth, TX
+1817740|Fort Worth, TX
+1817750|Fort Worth, TX
+1817763|Fort Worth, TX
+1817783|Alvarado, TX
+1817784|Arlington, TX
+1817790|Alvarado, TX
+1817792|Arlington, TX
+1817795|Arlington, TX
+1817801|Arlington, TX
+1817810|Fort Worth, TX
+1817814|Fort Worth, TX
+1817815|Fort Worth, TX
+1817820|Fort Worth, TX
+1817848|Bedford, TX
+1817860|Arlington, TX
+1817861|Arlington, TX
+1817866|Grandview, TX
+1817870|Fort Worth, TX
+1817871|Fort Worth, TX
+1817877|Fort Worth, TX
+1817878|Fort Worth, TX
+1817882|Fort Worth, TX
+1817884|Fort Worth, TX
+1817910|Granbury, TX
+1817920|Fort Worth, TX
+1817921|Fort Worth, TX
+1817922|Fort Worth, TX
+1817923|Fort Worth, TX
+1817924|Fort Worth, TX
+1817926|Fort Worth, TX
+1817927|Fort Worth, TX
+1817989|Fort Worth, TX
+1818238|Burbank, CA
+1818240|Glendale, CA
+1818241|Glendale, CA
+1818242|Glendale, CA
+1818243|Glendale, CA
+1818244|Glendale, CA
+1818246|Glendale, CA
+1818247|Glendale, CA
+1818260|Burbank, CA
+1818265|Glendale, CA
+1818291|Glendale, CA
+1818295|Burbank, CA
+1818333|Burbank, CA
+1818361|San Fernando, CA
+1818362|Sylmar, CA
+1818364|Sylmar, CA
+1818367|Sylmar, CA
+1818375|Panorama City, CA
+1818409|Glendale, CA
+1818484|Glendale, CA
+1818500|Glendale, CA
+1818502|Glendale, CA
+1818507|Glendale, CA
+1818526|Burbank, CA
+1818543|Glendale, CA
+1818545|Glendale, CA
+1818546|Glendale, CA
+1818547|Glendale, CA
+1818548|Glendale, CA
+1818549|Glendale, CA
+1818550|Glendale, CA
+1818551|Glendale, CA
+1818552|Glendale, CA
+1818553|Glendale, CA
+1818556|Burbank, CA
+1818557|Burbank, CA
+1818558|Burbank, CA
+1818559|Burbank, CA
+1818562|Burbank, CA
+1818563|Burbank, CA
+1818565|Burbank, CA
+1818566|Burbank, CA
+1818567|Burbank, CA
+1818637|Glendale, CA
+1818662|Glendale, CA
+1818719|Woodland Hills, CA
+1818729|Burbank, CA
+1818779|Van Nuys, CA
+1818833|Sylmar, CA
+1818837|San Fernando, CA
+1818838|San Fernando, CA
+1818840|Burbank, CA
+1818841|Burbank, CA
+1818842|Burbank, CA
+1818843|Burbank, CA
+1818845|Burbank, CA
+1818846|Burbank, CA
+1818847|Burbank, CA
+1818848|Burbank, CA
+1818902|Van Nuys, CA
+1818953|Burbank, CA
+1818954|Burbank, CA
+1818955|Burbank, CA
+1818956|Glendale, CA
+1818972|Burbank, CA
+1818973|Burbank, CA
+1819205|Gatineau, QC
+1819228|Louiseville, QC
+1819233|Bécancour, QC
+1819243|Gatineau, QC
+1819246|Gatineau, QC
+1819275|Rivière-Rouge, QC
+1819293|Nicolet, QC
+1819294|Bécancour, QC
+1819296|Yamachiche, QC
+1819333|La Sarre, QC
+1819339|La Sarre, QC
+1819346|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819347|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819348|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819357|Victoriaville, QC
+1819358|Warwick, QC
+1819362|Plessisville, QC
+1819363|Kingsey Falls, QC
+1819364|Princeville, QC
+1819365|Laurierville, QC
+1819370|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819371|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819372|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819373|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819374|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819375|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819376|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819377|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819378|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819379|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819389|Lyster, QC
+1819423|Montebello, QC
+1819425|Mont-Tremblant, QC
+1819427|Papineauville, QC
+1819440|Mont-Laurier, QC
+1819463|Gracefield, QC
+1819472|Drummondville, QC
+1819474|Drummondville, QC
+1819475|Drummondville, QC
+1819477|Drummondville, QC
+1819478|Drummondville, QC
+1819479|Drummondville, QC
+1819483|Gatineau, QC
+1819523|La Tuque, QC
+1819539|Shawinigan, QC
+1819561|Gatineau, QC
+1819562|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819563|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819564|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819565|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819566|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819568|Gatineau, QC
+1819569|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819573|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819575|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819583|Lac-Mégantic, QC
+1819587|Ferme-Neuve, QC
+1819595|Gatineau, QC
+1819604|Victoriaville, QC
+1819621|Plessisville, QC
+1819623|Mont-Laurier, QC
+1819625|Lorrainville, QC
+1819627|Témiscaming, QC
+1819638|Radisson, QC
+1819643|Gatineau, QC
+1819663|Gatineau, QC
+1819669|Gatineau, QC
+1819671|Val-des-Monts, QC
+1819681|Mont-Tremblant, QC
+1819683|Fort-Coulonge, QC
+1819685|Gatineau, QC
+1819691|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819693|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819694|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819697|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819723|Notre-Dame-du-Nord, QC
+1819727|Amos, QC
+1819732|Amos, QC
+1819734|Barraute, QC
+1819737|Senneterre, QC
+1819739|Matagami, QC
+1819751|Victoriaville, QC
+1819752|Victoriaville, QC
+1819755|Lebel-sur-Quévillon, QC
+1819757|Malartic, QC
+1819758|Victoriaville, QC
+1819762|Rouyn-Noranda, QC
+1819763|Rouyn-Noranda, QC
+1819764|Rouyn-Noranda, QC
+1819767|Notre-Dame-du-Laus, QC
+1819770|Gatineau, QC
+1819771|Gatineau, QC
+1819777|Gatineau, QC
+1819791|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819795|Victoriaville, QC
+1819797|Rouyn-Noranda, QC
+1819820|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819821|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819822|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819823|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819824|Val-d'Or, QC
+1819825|Val-d'Or, QC
+1819829|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819832|East Angus, QC
+1819839|Danville, QC
+1819840|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819843|Magog, QC
+1819845|Windsor, QC
+1819847|Magog, QC
+1819849|Coaticook, QC
+1819850|Drummondville, QC
+1819864|Sherbrooke, QC
+1819868|Magog, QC
+1819874|Val-d'Or, QC
+1819876|Stanstead, QC
+1819877|Weedon, QC
+1819879|Asbestos, QC
+1819893|Gatineau, QC
+1819909|Trois-Rivières, QC
+1819985|Thurso, QC
+1828|North Carolina
+1828210|Asheville, NC
+1828213|Asheville, NC
+1828225|Asheville, NC
+1828232|Asheville, NC
+1828235|Canton, NC
+1828236|Asheville, NC
+1828245|Forest City, NC
+1828247|Forest City, NC
+1828248|Forest City, NC
+1828250|Asheville, NC
+1828251|Asheville, NC
+1828252|Asheville, NC
+1828253|Asheville, NC
+1828254|Asheville, NC
+1828255|Asheville, NC
+1828257|Asheville, NC
+1828258|Asheville, NC
+1828259|Asheville, NC
+1828261|Hickory, NC
+1828262|Boone, NC
+1828263|Boone, NC
+1828264|Boone, NC
+1828265|Boone, NC
+1828267|Hickory, NC
+1828268|Boone, NC
+1828274|Asheville, NC
+1828277|Asheville, NC
+1828281|Asheville, NC
+1828285|Asheville, NC
+1828293|Cullowhee, NC
+1828294|Hickory, NC
+1828295|Blowing Rock, NC
+1828298|Asheville, NC
+1828299|Asheville, NC
+1828304|Hickory, NC
+1828321|Andrews, NC
+1828322|Hickory, NC
+1828323|Hickory, NC
+1828324|Hickory, NC
+1828325|Hickory, NC
+1828326|Hickory, NC
+1828327|Hickory, NC
+1828328|Hickory, NC
+1828345|Hickory, NC
+1828349|Franklin, NC
+1828350|Asheville, NC
+1828355|Boone, NC
+1828369|Franklin, NC
+1828389|Hayesville, NC
+1828428|Maiden, NC
+1828430|Morganton, NC
+1828431|Hickory, NC
+1828432|Morganton, NC
+1828433|Morganton, NC
+1828437|Morganton, NC
+1828438|Morganton, NC
+1828439|Morganton, NC
+1828452|Waynesville, NC
+1828454|Waynesville, NC
+1828456|Waynesville, NC
+1828478|Sherrills Ford, NC
+1828479|Robbinsville, NC
+1828485|Hickory, NC
+1828488|Bryson City, NC
+1828495|Hickory, NC
+1828505|Asheville, NC
+1828524|Franklin, NC
+1828526|Highlands, NC
+1828580|Morganton, NC
+1828584|Morganton, NC
+1828586|Sylva, NC
+1828622|Hot Springs, NC
+1828627|Clyde, NC
+1828631|Sylva, NC
+1828632|Taylorsville, NC
+1828635|Taylorsville, NC
+1828644|Murphy, NC
+1828646|Canton, NC
+1828648|Canton, NC
+1828649|Marshall, NC
+1828652|Marion, NC
+1828659|Marion, NC
+1828664|Black Mountain, NC
+1828668|Old Fort, NC
+1828669|Black Mountain, NC
+1828675|Burnsville, NC
+1828682|Burnsville, NC
+1828685|Hendersonville, NC
+1828686|Swannanoa, NC
+1828688|Bakersville, NC
+1828689|Mars Hill, NC
+1828692|Hendersonville, NC
+1828693|Hendersonville, NC
+1828696|Hendersonville, NC
+1828697|Hendersonville, NC
+1828698|Hendersonville, NC
+1828724|Marion, NC
+1828738|Marion, NC
+1828749|Saluda, NC
+1828754|Lenoir, NC
+1828756|Marion, NC
+1828757|Lenoir, NC
+1828758|Lenoir, NC
+1828765|Spruce Pine, NC
+1828766|Spruce Pine, NC
+1828771|Asheville, NC
+1828835|Murphy, NC
+1828837|Murphy, NC
+1828855|Hickory, NC
+1828859|Tryon, NC
+1828883|Brevard, NC
+1828884|Brevard, NC
+1828894|Columbus, NC
+1828898|Banner Elk, NC
+1830216|Floresville, TX
+1830238|Hunt, TX
+1830248|Boerne, TX
+1830249|Boerne, TX
+1830257|Kerrville, TX
+1830258|Kerrville, TX
+1830276|Poteet, TX
+1830278|Uvalde, TX
+1830281|Pleasanton, TX
+1830303|Seguin, TX
+1830331|Boerne, TX
+1830334|Pearsall, TX
+1830372|Seguin, TX
+1830374|Crystal City, TX
+1830379|Seguin, TX
+1830393|Floresville, TX
+1830401|Seguin, TX
+1830426|Hondo, TX
+1830460|Bandera, TX
+1830537|Boerne, TX
+1830538|Castroville, TX
+1830563|Brackettville, TX
+1830569|Pleasanton, TX
+1830582|Nixon, TX
+1830583|Kenedy, TX
+1830591|Uvalde, TX
+1830606|New Braunfels, TX
+1830608|New Braunfels, TX
+1830609|New Braunfels, TX
+1830620|New Braunfels, TX
+1830624|New Braunfels, TX
+1830625|New Braunfels, TX
+1830626|New Braunfels, TX
+1830627|New Braunfels, TX
+1830629|New Braunfels, TX
+1830632|New Braunfels, TX
+1830634|Center Point, TX
+1830643|New Braunfels, TX
+1830663|Devine, TX
+1830665|Devine, TX
+1830672|Gonzales, TX
+1830683|Rocksprings, TX
+1830693|Marble Falls, TX
+1830703|Del Rio, TX
+1830709|Lytle, TX
+1830741|Hondo, TX
+1830742|Poteet, TX
+1830752|Eagle Pass, TX
+1830757|Eagle Pass, TX
+1830758|Eagle Pass, TX
+1830768|Del Rio, TX
+1830769|Jourdanton, TX
+1830772|Lytle, TX
+1830773|Eagle Pass, TX
+1830774|Del Rio, TX
+1830775|Del Rio, TX
+1830778|Del Rio, TX
+1830779|La Vernia, TX
+1830780|Karnes City, TX
+1830792|Kerrville, TX
+1830796|Bandera, TX
+1830798|Marble Falls, TX
+1830816|Boerne, TX
+1830833|Blanco, TX
+1830864|Harper, TX
+1830868|Johnson City, TX
+1830875|Luling, TX
+1830876|Carrizo Springs, TX
+1830879|Cotulla, TX
+1830895|Kerrville, TX
+1830896|Kerrville, TX
+1830899|Canyon Lake, TX
+1830931|Castroville, TX
+1830935|Canyon Lake, TX
+1830965|Dilley, TX
+1830966|Utopia, TX
+1830988|Sabinal, TX
+1830990|Fredericksburg, TX
+1830992|Fredericksburg, TX
+1830995|Comfort, TX
+1830996|Stockdale, TX
+1830997|Fredericksburg, TX
+1831335|Felton, CA
+1831336|Ben Lomond, CA
+1831338|Boulder Creek, CA
+1831384|Marina, CA
+1831385|King City, CA
+1831386|King City, CA
+1831420|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831421|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831422|Salinas, CA
+1831423|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831424|Salinas, CA
+1831425|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831426|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831427|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831429|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831438|Scotts Valley, CA
+1831439|Scotts Valley, CA
+1831440|Scotts Valley, CA
+1831442|Salinas, CA
+1831443|Salinas, CA
+1831444|Salinas, CA
+1831449|Salinas, CA
+1831454|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831455|Salinas, CA
+1831457|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831458|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831459|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831466|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831469|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831471|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831484|Salinas, CA
+1831597|San Diego, CA
+1831600|Santa Cruz, CA
+1831620|Carmel, CA
+1831624|Carmel, CA
+1831626|Carmel, CA
+1831630|Hollister, CA
+1831634|Hollister, CA
+1831635|Hollister, CA
+1831636|Hollister, CA
+1831637|Hollister, CA
+1831638|Hollister, CA
+1831646|Monterey, CA
+1831656|Monterey, CA
+1831659|Carmel Valley, CA
+1831662|Aptos, CA
+1831663|Salinas, CA
+1831674|Greenfield, CA
+1831675|Gonzales, CA
+1831678|Soledad, CA
+1831685|Aptos, CA
+1831688|Aptos, CA
+1831722|Watsonville, CA
+1831724|Watsonville, CA
+1831728|Watsonville, CA
+1831751|Salinas, CA
+1831753|Salinas, CA
+1831754|Salinas, CA
+1831755|Salinas, CA
+1831757|Salinas, CA
+1831758|Salinas, CA
+1831759|Salinas, CA
+1831761|Watsonville, CA
+1831763|Watsonville, CA
+1831768|Watsonville, CA
+1831769|Salinas, CA
+1831770|Salinas, CA
+1831771|Salinas, CA
+1831772|Salinas, CA
+1831775|Salinas, CA
+1831783|Salinas, CA
+1831796|Salinas, CA
+1831884|Marina, CA
+1831899|Seaside, CA
+1832203|Houston, TX
+1832237|Houston, TX
+1832239|Houston, TX
+1832242|Houston, TX
+1832249|Houston, TX
+1832251|Houston, TX
+1832252|Houston, TX
+1832300|Houston, TX
+1832325|Houston, TX
+1832327|Houston, TX
+1832328|Houston, TX
+1832355|Houston, TX
+1832358|Houston, TX
+1832379|Houston, TX
+1832384|Houston, TX
+1832393|Houston, TX
+1832397|Houston, TX
+1832437|Katy, TX
+1832467|Houston, TX
+1832476|Houston, TX
+1832487|Houston, TX
+1832556|Baytown, TX
+1832582|Houston, TX
+1832767|Houston, TX
+1832778|Houston, TX
+1832822|Houston, TX
+1832824|Houston, TX
+1832825|Houston, TX
+1832912|Houston, TX
+1838433|Morganton, NC
+1843|South Carolina
+1843208|Hardeeville, SC
+1843213|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843221|Andrews, SC
+1843228|Beaufort, SC
+1843234|Conway, SC
+1843235|Pawleys Island, SC
+1843236|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843237|Pawleys Island, SC
+1843248|Conway, SC
+1843255|Beaufort, SC
+1843261|Summerville, SC
+1843264|Andrews, SC
+1843292|Florence, SC
+1843293|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843294|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843317|Florence, SC
+1843326|Lamar, SC
+1843332|Hartsville, SC
+1843334|Bethune, SC
+1843339|Hartsville, SC
+1843342|Hilton Head Island, SC
+1843346|Timmonsville, SC
+1843347|Conway, SC
+1843354|Kingstree, SC
+1843355|Kingstree, SC
+1843357|Murrells Inlet, SC
+1843358|Aynor, SC
+1843365|Conway, SC
+1843369|Conway, SC
+1843374|Lake City, SC
+1843378|Society Hill, SC
+1843383|Hartsville, SC
+1843386|Johnsonville, SC
+1843388|Mount Pleasant, SC
+1843392|Nichols, SC
+1843393|Darlington, SC
+1843394|Lake City, SC
+1843395|Darlington, SC
+1843396|Olanta, SC
+1843397|Conway, SC
+1843398|Darlington, SC
+1843402|Charleston, SC
+1843406|Charleston, SC
+1843407|Florence, SC
+1843413|Florence, SC
+1843416|Mount Pleasant, SC
+1843423|Marion, SC
+1843444|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843445|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843448|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843449|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843454|Bennettsville, SC
+1843464|Mullins, SC
+1843470|Beaufort, SC
+1843479|Bennettsville, SC
+1843488|Conway, SC
+1843493|Pamplico, SC
+1843497|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843520|Georgetown, SC
+1843521|Beaufort, SC
+1843522|Beaufort, SC
+1843523|McColl, SC
+1843524|Beaufort, SC
+1843525|Beaufort, SC
+1843527|Georgetown, SC
+1843537|Cheraw, SC
+1843538|Walterboro, SC
+1843539|Walterboro, SC
+1843542|Walterboro, SC
+1843545|Georgetown, SC
+1843546|Georgetown, SC
+1843549|Walterboro, SC
+1843556|Charleston, SC
+1843558|Hemingway, SC
+1843563|St. George, SC
+1843567|St. Stephen, SC
+1843571|Charleston, SC
+1843573|Charleston, SC
+1843577|Charleston, SC
+1843579|Charleston, SC
+1843586|Clio, SC
+1843588|Folly Beach, SC
+1843589|Yemassee, SC
+1843623|Chesterfield, SC
+1843626|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843629|Florence, SC
+1843645|Ridgeland, SC
+1843651|Murrells Inlet, SC
+1843652|Murrells Inlet, SC
+1843656|Florence, SC
+1843658|Jefferson, SC
+1843661|Florence, SC
+1843662|Florence, SC
+1843664|Florence, SC
+1843665|Florence, SC
+1843667|Florence, SC
+1843669|Florence, SC
+1843671|Hilton Head Island, SC
+1843672|Pageland, SC
+1843673|Florence, SC
+1843676|Florence, SC
+1843678|Florence, SC
+1843679|Florence, SC
+1843686|Hilton Head Island, SC
+1843692|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843706|Bluffton, SC
+1843712|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843716|Loris, SC
+1843719|Moncks Corner, SC
+1843720|Charleston, SC
+1843722|Charleston, SC
+1843723|Charleston, SC
+1843724|Charleston, SC
+1843726|Ridgeland, SC
+1843727|Charleston, SC
+1843752|Latta, SC
+1843756|Loris, SC
+1843757|Bluffton, SC
+1843759|Lake View, SC
+1843761|Moncks Corner, SC
+1843762|Charleston, SC
+1843763|Charleston, SC
+1843766|Charleston, SC
+1843769|Charleston, SC
+1843771|Summerville, SC
+1843774|Dillon, SC
+1843777|Florence, SC
+1843782|Walterboro, SC
+1843784|Hardeeville, SC
+1843792|Charleston, SC
+1843795|Charleston, SC
+1843815|Bluffton, SC
+1843821|Summerville, SC
+1843832|Summerville, SC
+1843838|Saint Helena Island, SC
+1843839|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843841|Dillon, SC
+1843842|Hilton Head Island, SC
+1843849|Mount Pleasant, SC
+1843851|Summerville, SC
+1843852|Charleston, SC
+1843853|Charleston, SC
+1843857|Hartsville, SC
+1843869|Edisto Island, SC
+1843871|Summerville, SC
+1843873|Summerville, SC
+1843875|Summerville, SC
+1843881|Mount Pleasant, SC
+1843884|Mount Pleasant, SC
+1843886|Isle of Palms, SC
+1843887|McClellanville, SC
+1843899|Moncks Corner, SC
+1843903|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843916|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843918|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1843921|Cheraw, SC
+1843928|Awendaw, SC
+1843937|Charleston, SC
+1843946|Myrtle Beach, SC
+1845|New York
+1845225|Carmel, NY
+1845228|Carmel, NY
+1845229|Hyde Park, NY
+1845236|Marlboro, NY
+1845246|Saugerties, NY
+1845247|Saugerties, NY
+1845252|Narrowsburg, NY
+1845255|New Paltz, NY
+1845256|New Paltz, NY
+1845265|Cold Spring, NY
+1845278|Brewster, NY
+1845279|Brewster, NY
+1845291|Goshen, NY
+1845294|Goshen, NY
+1845331|Kingston, NY
+1845334|Kingston, NY
+1845338|Kingston, NY
+1845339|Kingston, NY
+1845340|Kingston, NY
+1845341|Middletown, NY
+1845342|Middletown, NY
+1845343|Middletown, NY
+1845344|Middletown, NY
+1845346|Middletown, NY
+1845357|Suffern, NY
+1845368|Suffern, NY
+1845373|Amenia, NY
+1845374|New Hampton, NY
+1845424|Garrison, NY
+1845431|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845439|Livingston Manor, NY
+1845451|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845452|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845454|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845457|Montgomery, NY
+1845462|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845469|Chester, NY
+1845471|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845473|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845477|Greenwood Lake, NY
+1845483|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845485|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845486|Poughkeepsie, NY
+1845566|Newburgh, NY
+1845615|Goshen, NY
+1845621|Mahopac, NY
+1845628|Mahopac, NY
+1845632|Wappingers Falls, NY
+1845634|New City, NY
+1845635|Pleasant Valley, NY
+1845638|New City, NY
+1845639|New City, NY
+1845676|Andes, NY
+1845677|Millbrook, NY
+1845691|Highland, NY
+1845692|Middletown, NY
+1845695|Middletown, NY
+1845703|Middletown, NY
+1845708|New City, NY
+1845733|Bloomingburg, NY
+1845735|Pearl River, NY
+1845744|Pine Bush, NY
+1845757|Tivoli, NY
+1845758|Red Hook, NY
+1845774|Monroe, NY
+1845778|Walden, NY
+1845782|Monroe, NY
+1845783|Monroe, NY
+1845791|Monticello, NY
+1845795|Milton, NY
+1845834|Highland, NY
+1845855|Pawling, NY
+1845856|Port Jervis, NY
+1845858|Port Jervis, NY
+1845871|Rhinebeck, NY
+1845876|Rhinebeck, NY
+1845888|Wurtsboro, NY
+1845889|Staatsburg, NY
+1845895|Wallkill, NY
+1845896|Fishkill, NY
+1845897|Fishkill, NY
+1845938|West Point, NY
+1845986|Warwick, NY
+1845987|Warwick, NY
+1845988|Warwick, NY
+1847205|Northbrook, IL
+1847240|Schaumburg, IL
+1847251|Wilmette, IL
+1847256|Wilmette, IL
+1847266|Highland Park, IL
+1847272|Northbrook, IL
+1847288|Franklin Park, IL
+1847291|Northbrook, IL
+1847301|Schaumburg, IL
+1847316|Evanston, IL
+1847328|Evanston, IL
+1847330|Schaumburg, IL
+1847332|Evanston, IL
+1847352|Schaumburg, IL
+1847358|Palatine, IL
+1847359|Palatine, IL
+1847377|Waukegan, IL
+1847395|Antioch, IL
+1847412|Northbrook, IL
+1847413|Schaumburg, IL
+1847424|Evanston, IL
+1847432|Highland Park, IL
+1847451|Franklin Park, IL
+1847455|Franklin Park, IL
+1847468|Elgin, IL
+1847475|Evanston, IL
+1847486|Glenview, IL
+1847491|Evanston, IL
+1847492|Evanston, IL
+1847498|Northbrook, IL
+1847509|Northbrook, IL
+1847517|Schaumburg, IL
+1847534|Schaumburg, IL
+1847548|Grayslake, IL
+1847559|Northbrook, IL
+1847562|Northbrook, IL
+1847564|Northbrook, IL
+1847566|Mundelein, IL
+1847570|Evanston, IL
+1847579|Highland Park, IL
+1847588|Niles, IL
+1847605|Schaumburg, IL
+1847618|Arlington Heights, IL
+1847619|Schaumburg, IL
+1847647|Niles, IL
+1847657|Glenview, IL
+1847669|Huntley, IL
+1847683|Hampshire, IL
+1847706|Schaumburg, IL
+1847723|Park Ridge, IL
+1847724|Glenview, IL
+1847729|Glenview, IL
+1847733|Evanston, IL
+1847741|Elgin, IL
+1847742|Elgin, IL
+1847823|Park Ridge, IL
+1847825|Park Ridge, IL
+1847831|Highland Park, IL
+1847832|Glenview, IL
+1847835|Glencoe, IL
+1847837|Mundelein, IL
+1847838|Antioch, IL
+1847855|Gurnee, IL
+1847856|Gurnee, IL
+1847864|Evanston, IL
+1847866|Evanston, IL
+1847869|Evanston, IL
+1847891|Schaumburg, IL
+1847901|Glenview, IL
+1847904|Glenview, IL
+1847923|Schaumburg, IL
+1847931|Elgin, IL
+1847949|Mundelein, IL
+1847969|Schaumburg, IL
+1847985|Schaumburg, IL
+1847995|Schaumburg, IL
+1847998|Glenview, IL
+1848|New Jersey
+1850201|Tallahassee, FL
+1850205|Tallahassee, FL
+1850215|Panama City, FL
+1850216|Tallahassee, FL
+1850219|Tallahassee, FL
+1850222|Tallahassee, FL
+1850223|Perry, FL
+1850224|Tallahassee, FL
+1850227|Port St. Joe, FL
+1850229|Port St. Joe, FL
+1850239|Danville, KY
+1850245|Tallahassee, FL
+1850256|Century, FL
+1850263|Graceville, FL
+1850279|Niceville, FL
+1850297|Tallahassee, FL
+1850309|Tallahassee, FL
+1850325|Tallahassee, FL
+1850332|Pensacola, FL
+1850383|Tallahassee, FL
+1850385|Tallahassee, FL
+1850386|Tallahassee, FL
+1850391|Tallahassee, FL
+1850398|Crestview, FL
+1850402|Tallahassee, FL
+1850412|Tallahassee, FL
+1850415|Chipley, FL
+1850416|Pensacola, FL
+1850422|Tallahassee, FL
+1850423|Crestview, FL
+1850425|Tallahassee, FL
+1850429|Pensacola, FL
+1850431|Tallahassee, FL
+1850432|Pensacola, FL
+1850433|Pensacola, FL
+1850434|Pensacola, FL
+1850435|Pensacola, FL
+1850436|Pensacola, FL
+1850437|Pensacola, FL
+1850438|Pensacola, FL
+1850439|Pensacola, FL
+1850444|Pensacola, FL
+1850453|Pensacola, FL
+1850455|Pensacola, FL
+1850456|Pensacola, FL
+1850457|Pensacola, FL
+1850458|Pensacola, FL
+1850466|Pensacola, FL
+1850469|Pensacola, FL
+1850470|Pensacola, FL
+1850471|Pensacola, FL
+1850473|Pensacola, FL
+1850474|Pensacola, FL
+1850475|Pensacola, FL
+1850476|Pensacola, FL
+1850477|Pensacola, FL
+1850478|Pensacola, FL
+1850479|Pensacola, FL
+1850482|Marianna, FL
+1850484|Pensacola, FL
+1850487|Tallahassee, FL
+1850488|Tallahassee, FL
+1850492|Pensacola, FL
+1850494|Pensacola, FL
+1850497|Pensacola, FL
+1850505|Pensacola, FL
+1850513|Tallahassee, FL
+1850514|Tallahassee, FL
+1850521|Tallahassee, FL
+1850522|Panama City, FL
+1850523|Tallahassee, FL
+1850526|Marianna, FL
+1850537|Holt, FL
+1850539|Havana, FL
+1850545|Tallahassee, FL
+1850547|Bonifay, FL
+1850549|Pensacola, FL
+1850561|Tallahassee, FL
+1850562|Tallahassee, FL
+1850574|Tallahassee, FL
+1850575|Tallahassee, FL
+1850576|Tallahassee, FL
+1850577|Tallahassee, FL
+1850580|Tallahassee, FL
+1850584|Perry, FL
+1850587|Molino, FL
+1850593|Sneads, FL
+1850595|Pensacola, FL
+1850606|Tallahassee, FL
+1850607|Pensacola, FL
+1850623|Milton, FL
+1850626|Milton, FL
+1850627|Quincy, FL
+1850638|Chipley, FL
+1850639|Wewahitchka, FL
+1850640|Panama City, FL
+1850643|Bristol, FL
+1850644|Tallahassee, FL
+1850650|Destin, FL
+1850652|Laurel Hill, FL
+1850653|Apalachicola, FL
+1850654|Destin, FL
+1850656|Tallahassee, FL
+1850663|Chattahoochee, FL
+1850668|Tallahassee, FL
+1850670|Eastpoint, FL
+1850671|Tallahassee, FL
+1850674|Blountstown, FL
+1850675|Jay, FL
+1850678|Niceville, FL
+1850681|Tallahassee, FL
+1850682|Crestview, FL
+1850683|Crestview, FL
+1850689|Crestview, FL
+1850697|Carrabelle, FL
+1850718|Marianna, FL
+1850727|Tallahassee, FL
+1850729|Niceville, FL
+1850747|Panama City, FL
+1850762|Altha, FL
+1850763|Panama City, FL
+1850767|Panama City, FL
+1850769|Panama City, FL
+1850770|Panama City, FL
+1850784|Panama City, FL
+1850785|Panama City, FL
+1850835|Freeport, FL
+1850836|Ponce de Leon, FL
+1850837|Destin, FL
+1850838|Perry, FL
+1850857|Pensacola, FL
+1850871|Panama City, FL
+1850872|Panama City, FL
+1850873|Panama City, FL
+1850874|Panama City, FL
+1850875|Quincy, FL
+1850877|Tallahassee, FL
+1850878|Tallahassee, FL
+1850883|Eglin AFB, FL
+1850891|Tallahassee, FL
+1850892|DeFuniak Springs, FL
+1850893|Tallahassee, FL
+1850894|Tallahassee, FL
+1850897|Niceville, FL
+1850906|Tallahassee, FL
+1850907|Tallahassee, FL
+1850912|Pensacola, FL
+1850913|Panama City, FL
+1850914|Panama City, FL
+1850916|Gulf Breeze, FL
+1850921|Tallahassee, FL
+1850922|Tallahassee, FL
+1850926|Crawfordville, FL
+1850927|Eastpoint, FL
+1850932|Gulf Breeze, FL
+1850934|Gulf Breeze, FL
+1850936|Navarre, FL
+1850939|Navarre, FL
+1850941|Pensacola, FL
+1850942|Tallahassee, FL
+1850944|Pensacola, FL
+1850948|Greenville, FL
+1850951|DeFuniak Springs, FL
+1850968|Cantonment, FL
+1850969|Pensacola, FL
+1850973|Madison, FL
+1850981|Milton, FL
+1850983|Milton, FL
+1850997|Monticello, FL
+1851788|Riverside, CA
+1856|New Jersey
+1856205|Vineland, NJ
+1856223|Mullica Hill, NJ
+1856225|Camden, NJ
+1856234|Moorestown, NJ
+1856235|Moorestown, NJ
+1856237|Sicklerville, NJ
+1856241|Swedesboro, NJ
+1856270|Sewell, NJ
+1856322|Berlin, NJ
+1856325|Voorhees, NJ
+1856327|Millville, NJ
+1856338|Camden, NJ
+1856342|Camden, NJ
+1856355|Marlton, NJ
+1856358|Elmer, NJ
+1856365|Camden, NJ
+1856396|Marlton, NJ
+1856405|Vineland, NJ
+1856439|Moorestown, NJ
+1856451|Bridgeton, NJ
+1856453|Bridgeton, NJ
+1856455|Bridgeton, NJ
+1856459|Bridgeton, NJ
+1856467|Swedesboro, NJ
+1856478|Mullica Hill, NJ
+1856507|Vineland, NJ
+1856541|Camden, NJ
+1856575|Bridgeton, NJ
+1856596|Marlton, NJ
+1856608|Moorestown, NJ
+1856635|Camden, NJ
+1856641|Vineland, NJ
+1856678|Pennsville Township, NJ
+1856690|Vineland, NJ
+1856691|Vineland, NJ
+1856692|Vineland, NJ
+1856696|Vineland, NJ
+1856722|Moorestown, NJ
+1856757|Camden, NJ
+1856765|Millville, NJ
+1856770|Voorhees, NJ
+1856772|Voorhees, NJ
+1856794|Vineland, NJ
+1856797|Marlton, NJ
+1856810|Marlton, NJ
+1856825|Millville, NJ
+1856914|Moorestown, NJ
+1856935|Salem, NJ
+1856963|Camden, NJ
+1856964|Camden, NJ
+1856966|Camden, NJ
+1856968|Camden, NJ
+1856983|Marlton, NJ
+1856985|Marlton, NJ
+1856988|Marlton, NJ
+1857364|Boston, MA
+1857654|Boston, MA
+1858200|San Diego, CA
+1858202|San Diego, CA
+1858268|San Diego, CA
+1858270|San Diego, CA
+1858271|San Diego, CA
+1858272|San Diego, CA
+1858273|San Diego, CA
+1858274|San Diego, CA
+1858277|San Diego, CA
+1858278|San Diego, CA
+1858279|San Diego, CA
+1858292|San Diego, CA
+1858300|San Diego, CA
+1858309|San Diego, CA
+1858320|San Diego, CA
+1858362|San Diego, CA
+1858385|San Diego, CA
+1858412|San Diego, CA
+1858444|San Diego, CA
+1858450|San Diego, CA
+1858452|San Diego, CA
+1858453|San Diego, CA
+1858455|San Diego, CA
+1858456|La Jolla, CA
+1858457|San Diego, CA
+1858458|San Diego, CA
+1858459|La Jolla, CA
+1858467|San Diego, CA
+1858483|San Diego, CA
+1858484|San Diego, CA
+1858486|Poway, CA
+1858487|San Diego, CA
+1858488|San Diego, CA
+1858490|San Diego, CA
+1858492|San Diego, CA
+1858495|San Diego, CA
+1858496|San Diego, CA
+1858503|San Diego, CA
+1858505|San Diego, CA
+1858513|Poway, CA
+1858514|San Diego, CA
+1858521|San Diego, CA
+1858527|San Diego, CA
+1858530|San Diego, CA
+1858535|San Diego, CA
+1858536|San Diego, CA
+1858537|San Diego, CA
+1858538|San Diego, CA
+1858541|San Diego, CA
+1858547|San Diego, CA
+1858549|San Diego, CA
+1858550|San Diego, CA
+1858552|San Diego, CA
+1858554|San Diego, CA
+1858558|San Diego, CA
+1858560|San Diego, CA
+1858564|San Diego, CA
+1858565|San Diego, CA
+1858566|San Diego, CA
+1858569|San Diego, CA
+1858571|San Diego, CA
+1858573|San Diego, CA
+1858576|San Diego, CA
+1858577|San Diego, CA
+1858578|San Diego, CA
+1858581|San Diego, CA
+1858586|San Diego, CA
+1858587|San Diego, CA
+1858597|San Diego, CA
+1858613|San Diego, CA
+1858618|San Diego, CA
+1858621|San Diego, CA
+1858622|San Diego, CA
+1858623|San Diego, CA
+1858625|San Diego, CA
+1858627|San Diego, CA
+1858635|San Diego, CA
+1858638|San Diego, CA
+1858642|San Diego, CA
+1858653|San Diego, CA
+1858657|San Diego, CA
+1858658|San Diego, CA
+1858672|San Diego, CA
+1858673|San Diego, CA
+1858674|San Diego, CA
+1858676|San Diego, CA
+1858677|San Diego, CA
+1858678|San Diego, CA
+1858679|Poway, CA
+1858689|San Diego, CA
+1858693|San Diego, CA
+1858694|San Diego, CA
+1858695|San Diego, CA
+1858715|San Diego, CA
+1858748|Poway, CA
+1858750|San Diego, CA
+1858751|San Diego, CA
+1858780|San Diego, CA
+1858812|San Diego, CA
+1858866|San Diego, CA
+1858874|San Diego, CA
+1858875|San Diego, CA
+1858909|San Diego, CA
+1858939|San Diego, CA
+1858966|San Diego, CA
+1858974|San Diego, CA
+1859212|Florence, KY
+1859223|Lexington, KY
+1859224|Lexington, KY
+1859225|Lexington, KY
+1859226|Lexington, KY
+1859228|Berea, KY
+1859231|Lexington, KY
+1859233|Lexington, KY
+1859234|Cynthiana, KY
+1859236|Danville, KY
+1859238|Danville, KY
+1859239|Danville, KY
+1859243|Lexington, KY
+1859244|Lexington, KY
+1859245|Lexington, KY
+1859246|Lexington, KY
+1859252|Lexington, KY
+1859254|Lexington, KY
+1859255|Lexington, KY
+1859257|Lexington, KY
+1859258|Lexington, KY
+1859259|Lexington, KY
+1859260|Lexington, KY
+1859263|Lexington, KY
+1859264|Lexington, KY
+1859266|Lexington, KY
+1859268|Lexington, KY
+1859269|Lexington, KY
+1859271|Lexington, KY
+1859272|Lexington, KY
+1859273|Lexington, KY
+1859275|Lexington, KY
+1859276|Lexington, KY
+1859277|Lexington, KY
+1859278|Lexington, KY
+1859281|Lexington, KY
+1859283|Florence, KY
+1859288|Lexington, KY
+1859289|Carlisle, KY
+1859293|Lexington, KY
+1859294|Lexington, KY
+1859296|Lexington, KY
+1859299|Lexington, KY
+1859309|Lexington, KY
+1859313|Lexington, KY
+1859317|Lexington, KY
+1859323|Lexington, KY
+1859336|Springfield, KY
+1859367|Lexington, KY
+1859368|Lexington, KY
+1859371|Florence, KY
+1859373|Lexington, KY
+1859381|Lexington, KY
+1859389|Lexington, KY
+1859422|Lexington, KY
+1859425|Lexington, KY
+1859455|Lexington, KY
+1859485|Walton, KY
+1859497|Mount Sterling, KY
+1859498|Mount Sterling, KY
+1859499|Mount Sterling, KY
+1859514|Lexington, KY
+1859523|Lexington, KY
+1859525|Florence, KY
+1859543|Lexington, KY
+1859567|Warsaw, KY
+1859622|Richmond, KY
+1859623|Richmond, KY
+1859624|Richmond, KY
+1859625|Richmond, KY
+1859626|Richmond, KY
+1859635|Alexandria, KY
+1859654|Falmouth, KY
+1859685|Lexington, KY
+1859733|Harrodsburg, KY
+1859734|Harrodsburg, KY
+1859737|Winchester, KY
+1859744|Winchester, KY
+1859745|Winchester, KY
+1859792|Lancaster, KY
+1859846|Midway, KY
+1859858|Wilmore, KY
+1859873|Versailles, KY
+1859879|Versailles, KY
+1859881|Nicholasville, KY
+1859885|Nicholasville, KY
+1859887|Nicholasville, KY
+1859936|Danville, KY
+1859967|Lexington, KY
+1859971|Lexington, KY
+1859977|Lexington, KY
+1859985|Berea, KY
+1859986|Berea, KY
+1859987|Paris, KY
+1859988|Paris, KY
+1860210|New Milford, CT
+1860223|New Britain, CT
+1860224|New Britain, CT
+1860225|New Britain, CT
+1860229|New Britain, CT
+1860240|Hartford, CT
+1860241|Hartford, CT
+1860242|Bloomfield, CT
+1860243|Bloomfield, CT
+1860244|Hartford, CT
+1860247|Hartford, CT
+1860249|Hartford, CT
+1860251|Hartford, CT
+1860253|Enfield, CT
+1860274|Watertown, CT
+1860275|Hartford, CT
+1860276|Southington, CT
+1860278|Hartford, CT
+1860283|Thomaston, CT
+1860284|Farmington, CT
+1860285|Windsor, CT
+1860293|Hartford, CT
+1860295|Marlborough, CT
+1860296|Hartford, CT
+1860297|Hartford, CT
+1860298|Windsor, CT
+1860314|Bristol, CT
+1860342|Portland, CT
+1860343|Middletown, CT
+1860344|Middletown, CT
+1860346|Middletown, CT
+1860347|Middletown, CT
+1860348|New Britain, CT
+1860350|New Milford, CT
+1860355|New Milford, CT
+1860358|Middletown, CT
+1860364|Sharon, CT
+1860376|Jewett City, CT
+1860388|Old Saybrook, CT
+1860395|Old Saybrook, CT
+1860399|Westbrook, CT
+1860405|Groton, CT
+1860409|Farmington, CT
+1860426|Plantsville, CT
+1860430|Glastonbury, CT
+1860434|Old Lyme, CT
+1860437|New London, CT
+1860439|New London, CT
+1860442|New London, CT
+1860443|New London, CT
+1860444|New London, CT
+1860445|Groton, CT
+1860446|Groton, CT
+1860447|New London, CT
+1860448|Groton, CT
+1860449|Groton, CT
+1860471|Hartford, CT
+1860482|Torrington, CT
+1860485|Harwinton, CT
+1860487|Storrs, CT
+1860489|Torrington, CT
+1860491|Goshen, CT
+1860493|Hartford, CT
+1860496|Torrington, CT
+1860510|Old Saybrook, CT
+1860521|West Hartford, CT
+1860522|Hartford, CT
+1860524|Hartford, CT
+1860525|Hartford, CT
+1860526|Deep River Center, CT
+1860527|Hartford, CT
+1860537|Colchester, CT
+1860542|Norfolk, CT
+1860545|Hartford, CT
+1860546|Canterbury, CT
+1860547|Hartford, CT
+1860548|Hartford, CT
+1860549|Hartford, CT
+1860550|Hartford, CT
+1860560|Hartford, CT
+1860568|East Hartford, CT
+1860569|East Hartford, CT
+1860582|Bristol, CT
+1860583|Bristol, CT
+1860584|Bristol, CT
+1860585|Bristol, CT
+1860589|Bristol, CT
+1860612|New Britain, CT
+1860613|Middletown, CT
+1860618|Torrington, CT
+1860621|Southington, CT
+1860626|Torrington, CT
+1860628|Plantsville, CT
+1860632|Middletown, CT
+1860633|Glastonbury, CT
+1860635|Cromwell, CT
+1860638|Middletown, CT
+1860643|Manchester, CT
+1860645|Manchester, CT
+1860646|Manchester, CT
+1860647|Manchester, CT
+1860649|Manchester, CT
+1860652|Glastonbury, CT
+1860657|Glastonbury, CT
+1860659|Glastonbury, CT
+1860663|Killingworth, CT
+1860664|Clinton, CT
+1860665|Newington, CT
+1860666|Newington, CT
+1860667|Newington, CT
+1860668|Suffield, CT
+1860669|Clinton, CT
+1860674|Farmington, CT
+1860676|Farmington, CT
+1860677|Farmington, CT
+1860678|Farmington, CT
+1860679|Farmington, CT
+1860683|Windsor, CT
+1860684|Stafford Springs, CT
+1860685|Middletown, CT
+1860687|Windsor, CT
+1860688|Windsor, CT
+1860693|Collinsville, CT
+1860695|Hartford, CT
+1860701|New London, CT
+1860704|Middletown, CT
+1860714|Hartford, CT
+1860722|Hartford, CT
+1860724|Hartford, CT
+1860727|Hartford, CT
+1860728|Hartford, CT
+1860741|Enfield, CT
+1860742|Coventry, CT
+1860745|Enfield, CT
+1860747|Plainville, CT
+1860749|Somers, CT
+1860763|Somers, CT
+1860793|Plainville, CT
+1860823|Norwich, CT
+1860824|Canaan, CT
+1860826|New Britain, CT
+1860827|New Britain, CT
+1860832|New Britain, CT
+1860886|Norwich, CT
+1860889|Norwich, CT
+1860892|Norwich, CT
+1860927|Kent, CT
+1860945|Watertown, CT
+1860951|Hartford, CT
+1860963|Putnam, CT
+1862|New Jersey
+1863248|Lakeland, FL
+1863284|Lakeland, FL
+1863285|Fort Meade, FL
+1863291|Winter Haven, FL
+1863293|Winter Haven, FL
+1863294|Winter Haven, FL
+1863297|Winter Haven, FL
+1863298|Winter Haven, FL
+1863299|Winter Haven, FL
+1863314|Sebring, FL
+1863318|Winter Haven, FL
+1863324|Winter Haven, FL
+1863326|Winter Haven, FL
+1863357|Okeechobee, FL
+1863375|Bowling Green, FL
+1863382|Sebring, FL
+1863385|Sebring, FL
+1863386|Sebring, FL
+1863401|Winter Haven, FL
+1863402|Sebring, FL
+1863413|Lakeland, FL
+1863420|Davenport, FL
+1863422|Haines City, FL
+1863424|Davenport, FL
+1863425|Mulberry, FL
+1863452|Avon Park, FL
+1863453|Avon Park, FL
+1863462|Okeechobee, FL
+1863465|Lake Placid, FL
+1863467|Okeechobee, FL
+1863471|Sebring, FL
+1863491|Arcadia, FL
+1863494|Arcadia, FL
+1863499|Lakeland, FL
+1863510|Lakeland, FL
+1863519|Bartow, FL
+1863533|Bartow, FL
+1863534|Bartow, FL
+1863577|Lakeland, FL
+1863603|Lakeland, FL
+1863607|Lakeland, FL
+1863612|LaBelle, FL
+1863616|Lakeland, FL
+1863619|Lakeland, FL
+1863634|Okeechobee, FL
+1863635|Frostproof, FL
+1863644|Lakeland, FL
+1863646|Lakeland, FL
+1863647|Lakeland, FL
+1863648|Lakeland, FL
+1863655|Sebring, FL
+1863665|Lakeland, FL
+1863666|Lakeland, FL
+1863667|Lakeland, FL
+1863668|Lakeland, FL
+1863674|LaBelle, FL
+1863675|LaBelle, FL
+1863676|Lake Wales, FL
+1863678|Lake Wales, FL
+1863679|Lake Wales, FL
+1863680|Lakeland, FL
+1863682|Lakeland, FL
+1863683|Lakeland, FL
+1863686|Lakeland, FL
+1863687|Lakeland, FL
+1863688|Lakeland, FL
+1863696|Lake Wales, FL
+1863699|Lake Placid, FL
+1863701|Lakeland, FL
+1863709|Lakeland, FL
+1863763|Okeechobee, FL
+1863767|Wauchula, FL
+1863773|Wauchula, FL
+1863802|Lakeland, FL
+1863815|Lakeland, FL
+1863816|Lakeland, FL
+1863824|Okeechobee, FL
+1863834|Lakeland, FL
+1863853|Lakeland, FL
+1863858|Lakeland, FL
+1863859|Lakeland, FL
+1863937|Lakeland, FL
+1863946|Moore Haven, FL
+1863983|Clewiston, FL
+1863993|Arcadia, FL
+1864|South Carolina
+1864213|Greenville, SC
+1864222|Anderson, SC
+1864223|Greenwood, SC
+1864224|Anderson, SC
+1864225|Anderson, SC
+1864226|Anderson, SC
+1864227|Greenwood, SC
+1864228|Simpsonville, SC
+1864229|Greenwood, SC
+1864231|Anderson, SC
+1864232|Greenville, SC
+1864233|Greenville, SC
+1864234|Greenville, SC
+1864235|Greenville, SC
+1864239|Greenville, SC
+1864240|Greenville, SC
+1864241|Greenville, SC
+1864242|Greenville, SC
+1864246|Greenville, SC
+1864250|Greenville, SC
+1864253|Spartanburg, SC
+1864255|Greenville, SC
+1864260|Anderson, SC
+1864261|Anderson, SC
+1864271|Greenville, SC
+1864281|Greenville, SC
+1864282|Greenville, SC
+1864284|Greenville, SC
+1864286|Greenville, SC
+1864287|Anderson, SC
+1864294|Greenville, SC
+1864296|Anderson, SC
+1864298|Greenville, SC
+1864306|Easley, SC
+1864327|Spartanburg, SC
+1864331|Greenville, SC
+1864338|Belton, SC
+1864342|Spartanburg, SC
+1864348|Iva, SC
+1864366|Abbeville, SC
+1864369|Honea Path, SC
+1864370|Greenville, SC
+1864374|Hodges, SC
+1864375|Anderson, SC
+1864388|Greenwood, SC
+1864427|Union, SC
+1864429|Union, SC
+1864442|Easley, SC
+1864445|Saluda, SC
+1864446|Abbeville, SC
+1864455|Greenville, SC
+1864457|Landrum, SC
+1864459|Abbeville, SC
+1864461|Chesnee, SC
+1864463|Cowpens, SC
+1864465|McCormick, SC
+1864467|Greenville, SC
+1864469|Greer, SC
+1864472|Inman, SC
+1864474|Pacolet, SC
+1864476|Woodruff, SC
+1864486|Duncan, SC
+1864487|Gaffney, SC
+1864488|Gaffney, SC
+1864489|Gaffney, SC
+1864503|Spartanburg, SC
+1864512|Anderson, SC
+1864515|Spartanburg, SC
+1864527|Greenville, SC
+1864542|Spartanburg, SC
+1864543|Ninety Six, SC
+1864560|Spartanburg, SC
+1864562|Spartanburg, SC
+1864573|Spartanburg, SC
+1864574|Spartanburg, SC
+1864577|Spartanburg, SC
+1864579|Spartanburg, SC
+1864582|Spartanburg, SC
+1864583|Spartanburg, SC
+1864585|Spartanburg, SC
+1864591|Spartanburg, SC
+1864594|Spartanburg, SC
+1864595|Spartanburg, SC
+1864596|Spartanburg, SC
+1864597|Spartanburg, SC
+1864598|Spartanburg, SC
+1864627|Greenville, SC
+1864639|Central, SC
+1864646|Pendleton, SC
+1864647|Westminster, SC
+1864654|Clemson, SC
+1864672|Greenville, SC
+1864676|Greenville, SC
+1864681|Laurens, SC
+1864682|Laurens, SC
+1864716|Anderson, SC
+1864725|Greenwood, SC
+1864751|Greenville, SC
+1864757|Simpsonville, SC
+1864801|Greer, SC
+1864804|Spartanburg, SC
+1864833|Clinton, SC
+1864834|Travelers Rest, SC
+1864839|Blacksburg, SC
+1864843|Liberty, SC
+1864845|Piedmont, SC
+1864847|Williamston, SC
+1864848|Greer, SC
+1864849|Greer, SC
+1864850|Easley, SC
+1864852|McCormick, SC
+1864855|Easley, SC
+1864859|Easley, SC
+1864862|Fountain Inn, SC
+1864877|Greer, SC
+1864878|Pickens, SC
+1864879|Greer, SC
+1864882|Seneca, SC
+1864885|Seneca, SC
+1864886|Seneca, SC
+1864888|Seneca, SC
+1864898|Pickens, SC
+1864902|Gaffney, SC
+1864938|Clinton, SC
+1864942|Greenwood, SC
+1864943|Greenwood, SC
+1864944|Salem, SC
+1864947|Pelzer, SC
+1864948|Spartanburg, SC
+1864953|Greenwood, SC
+1864962|Simpsonville, SC
+1864963|Simpsonville, SC
+1864964|Anderson, SC
+1864967|Simpsonville, SC
+1864968|Greer, SC
+1864984|Laurens, SC
+1864985|Seneca, SC
+1864987|Greenville, SC
+1865212|Knoxville, TN
+1865213|Sweetwater, TN
+1865215|Knoxville, TN
+1865218|Knoxville, TN
+1865219|Knoxville, TN
+1865220|Oak Ridge, TN
+1865247|Knoxville, TN
+1865249|Knoxville, TN
+1865251|Knoxville, TN
+1865273|Maryville, TN
+1865277|Gatlinburg, TN
+1865281|Knoxville, TN
+1865288|Knoxville, TN
+1865292|Knoxville, TN
+1865305|Knoxville, TN
+1865329|Knoxville, TN
+1865330|Knoxville, TN
+1865354|Rockwood, TN
+1865357|Knoxville, TN
+1865373|Knoxville, TN
+1865376|Kingston, TN
+1865397|Dandridge, TN
+1865425|Oak Ridge, TN
+1865430|Gatlinburg, TN
+1865435|Oliver Springs, TN
+1865436|Gatlinburg, TN
+1865448|Townsend, TN
+1865450|Knoxville, TN
+1865457|Clinton, TN
+1865458|Loudon, TN
+1865463|Clinton, TN
+1865470|Knoxville, TN
+1865471|Jefferson City, TN
+1865474|Knoxville, TN
+1865475|Jefferson City, TN
+1865481|Oak Ridge, TN
+1865482|Oak Ridge, TN
+1865483|Oak Ridge, TN
+1865521|Knoxville, TN
+1865522|Knoxville, TN
+1865523|Knoxville, TN
+1865524|Knoxville, TN
+1865525|Knoxville, TN
+1865531|Knoxville, TN
+1865539|Knoxville, TN
+1865540|Knoxville, TN
+1865541|Knoxville, TN
+1865544|Knoxville, TN
+1865545|Knoxville, TN
+1865546|Knoxville, TN
+1865549|Knoxville, TN
+1865558|Knoxville, TN
+1865560|Knoxville, TN
+1865583|Knoxville, TN
+1865584|Knoxville, TN
+1865588|Knoxville, TN
+1865594|Knoxville, TN
+1865595|Knoxville, TN
+1865602|Knoxville, TN
+1865622|Knoxville, TN
+1865632|Knoxville, TN
+1865633|Knoxville, TN
+1865637|Knoxville, TN
+1865670|Knoxville, TN
+1865671|Knoxville, TN
+1865673|Knoxville, TN
+1865674|White Pine, TN
+1865675|Knoxville, TN
+1865686|Knoxville, TN
+1865687|Knoxville, TN
+1865688|Knoxville, TN
+1865689|Knoxville, TN
+1865690|Knoxville, TN
+1865691|Knoxville, TN
+1865692|Knoxville, TN
+1865693|Knoxville, TN
+1865694|Knoxville, TN
+1865766|Knoxville, TN
+1865769|Knoxville, TN
+1865777|Knoxville, TN
+1865824|Knoxville, TN
+1865828|Rutledge, TN
+1865851|Knoxville, TN
+1865862|Knoxville, TN
+1865882|Harriman, TN
+1865909|Knoxville, TN
+1865922|Knoxville, TN
+1865925|Knoxville, TN
+1865947|Knoxville, TN
+1865951|Knoxville, TN
+1865966|Knoxville, TN
+1865971|Knoxville, TN
+1865974|Knoxville, TN
+1865986|Lenoir City, TN
+1865988|Lenoir City, TN
+1865992|Maynardville, TN
+1865993|Bean Station, TN
+1865995|Friendsville, TN
+1867334|Whitehorse, YT
+1867393|Whitehorse, YT
+1867456|Whitehorse, YT
+1867536|Watson Lake, YT
+1867587|Norman Wells, NT
+1867633|Whitehorse, YT
+1867645|Rankin Inlet, NU
+1867667|Whitehorse, YT
+1867668|Whitehorse, YT
+1867669|Yellowknife, NT
+1867695|Fort Simpson, NT
+1867766|Yellowknife, NT
+1867777|Inuvik, NT
+1867793|Baker Lake, NU
+1867872|Fort Smith, NT
+1867873|Yellowknife, NT
+1867874|Hay River, NT
+1867920|Yellowknife, NT
+1867979|Iqaluit, NU
+1867993|Dawson, YT
+1867996|Mayo, YT
+1870208|Wynne, AR
+1870215|Paragould, AR
+1870216|Texarkana, AR
+1870222|McGehee, AR
+1870226|Warren, AR
+1870230|Arkadelphia, AR
+1870231|Camden, AR
+1870234|Magnolia, AR
+1870235|Magnolia, AR
+1870236|Paragould, AR
+1870237|Lake City, AR
+1870238|Wynne, AR
+1870239|Paragould, AR
+1870240|Paragould, AR
+1870245|Arkadelphia, AR
+1870246|Arkadelphia, AR
+1870247|White Hall, AR
+1870248|Pocahontas, AR
+1870251|Batesville, AR
+1870255|Hazen, AR
+1870256|Des Arc, AR
+1870257|Cherokee Village, AR
+1870261|Forrest City, AR
+1870262|Batesville, AR
+1870265|Lake Village, AR
+1870268|Jonesboro, AR
+1870269|Mountain View, AR
+1870283|Cave City, AR
+1870285|Murfreesboro, AR
+1870286|Dierks, AR
+1870289|Lockesburg, AR
+1870295|Marianna, AR
+1870297|Calico Rock, AR
+1870304|Crossett, AR
+1870325|Rison, AR
+1870335|Paragould, AR
+1870336|Jonesboro, AR
+1870338|Helena, AR
+1870339|Hughes, AR
+1870342|Amity, AR
+1870347|Augusta, AR
+1870349|Tuckerman, AR
+1870352|Fordyce, AR
+1870353|Gurdon, AR
+1870355|Eudora, AR
+1870356|Glenwood, AR
+1870358|Marked Tree, AR
+1870364|Crossett, AR
+1870365|Harrison, AR
+1870367|Monticello, AR
+1870368|Melbourne, AR
+1870382|Dumas, AR
+1870391|Harrison, AR
+1870423|Berryville, AR
+1870424|Mountain Home, AR
+1870425|Mountain Home, AR
+1870426|Omaha, AR
+1870438|Green Forest, AR
+1870445|Bull Shoals, AR
+1870446|Jasper, AR
+1870448|Marshall, AR
+1870449|Yellville, AR
+1870453|Flippin, AR
+1870460|Monticello, AR
+1870475|Lepanto, AR
+1870482|Caraway, AR
+1870483|Trumann, AR
+1870492|Mountain Home, AR
+1870508|Mountain Home, AR
+1870523|Newport, AR
+1870532|Blytheville, AR
+1870533|Stamps, AR
+1870534|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870535|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870536|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870538|Dermott, AR
+1870539|Leachville, AR
+1870541|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870542|Foreman, AR
+1870543|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870552|Carlisle, AR
+1870561|Manila, AR
+1870563|Osceola, AR
+1870574|Camden, AR
+1870578|Harrisburg, AR
+1870584|De Queen, AR
+1870595|Rector, AR
+1870598|Piggott, AR
+1870612|Batesville, AR
+1870625|Mammoth Spring, AR
+1870628|Star City, AR
+1870630|Forrest City, AR
+1870633|Forrest City, AR
+1870642|De Queen, AR
+1870670|Horseshoe Bend, AR
+1870672|Stuttgart, AR
+1870673|Stuttgart, AR
+1870684|Weiner, AR
+1870687|Bearden, AR
+1870698|Batesville, AR
+1870702|West Memphis, AR
+1870722|Hope, AR
+1870725|Smackover, AR
+1870731|McCrory, AR
+1870732|West Memphis, AR
+1870733|West Memphis, AR
+1870734|Brinkley, AR
+1870735|West Memphis, AR
+1870739|Marion, AR
+1870741|Harrison, AR
+1870743|Harrison, AR
+1870747|Clarendon, AR
+1870762|Blytheville, AR
+1870763|Blytheville, AR
+1870772|Texarkana, AR
+1870773|Texarkana, AR
+1870774|Texarkana, AR
+1870777|Hope, AR
+1870779|Texarkana, AR
+1870780|Blytheville, AR
+1870786|Stephens, AR
+1870792|Earle, AR
+1870793|Batesville, AR
+1870797|Strong, AR
+1870798|Hampton, AR
+1870802|Jonesboro, AR
+1870827|Elaine, AR
+1870829|Marvell, AR
+1870836|Camden, AR
+1870837|Camden, AR
+1870838|Blytheville, AR
+1870845|Nashville, AR
+1870850|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870853|Hamburg, AR
+1870857|Corning, AR
+1870862|El Dorado, AR
+1870863|El Dorado, AR
+1870864|El Dorado, AR
+1870867|Mount Ida, AR
+1870875|El Dorado, AR
+1870879|Pine Bluff, AR
+1870881|El Dorado, AR
+1870887|Prescott, AR
+1870892|Pocahontas, AR
+1870895|Salem, AR
+1870898|Ashdown, AR
+1870910|Jonesboro, AR
+1870921|Lewisville, AR
+1870930|Jonesboro, AR
+1870931|Jonesboro, AR
+1870932|Jonesboro, AR
+1870933|Jonesboro, AR
+1870934|Jonesboro, AR
+1870935|Jonesboro, AR
+1870942|Sheridan, AR
+1870946|DeWitt, AR
+1870972|Jonesboro, AR
+1870974|Jonesboro, AR
+1870994|Ash Flat, AR
+1872|Chicago, IL
+1888988|Anaheim, CA
+1901226|Memphis, TN
+1901248|Memphis, TN
+1901251|Memphis, TN
+1901259|Memphis, TN
+1901260|Memphis, TN
+1901261|Memphis, TN
+1901272|Memphis, TN
+1901273|Memphis, TN
+1901274|Memphis, TN
+1901276|Memphis, TN
+1901278|Memphis, TN
+1901287|Memphis, TN
+1901320|Memphis, TN
+1901322|Memphis, TN
+1901323|Memphis, TN
+1901324|Memphis, TN
+1901327|Memphis, TN
+1901332|Memphis, TN
+1901344|Memphis, TN
+1901345|Memphis, TN
+1901346|Memphis, TN
+1901348|Memphis, TN
+1901353|Memphis, TN
+1901357|Memphis, TN
+1901358|Memphis, TN
+1901360|Memphis, TN
+1901362|Memphis, TN
+1901363|Memphis, TN
+1901365|Memphis, TN
+1901366|Memphis, TN
+1901367|Memphis, TN
+1901368|Memphis, TN
+1901369|Memphis, TN
+1901374|Memphis, TN
+1901375|Memphis, TN
+1901396|Memphis, TN
+1901398|Memphis, TN
+1901416|Memphis, TN
+1901433|Memphis, TN
+1901452|Memphis, TN
+1901454|Memphis, TN
+1901458|Memphis, TN
+1901462|Memphis, TN
+1901475|Covington, TN
+1901476|Covington, TN
+1901495|Memphis, TN
+1901515|Memphis, TN
+1901516|Memphis, TN
+1901522|Memphis, TN
+1901523|Memphis, TN
+1901524|Memphis, TN
+1901525|Memphis, TN
+1901526|Memphis, TN
+1901527|Memphis, TN
+1901528|Memphis, TN
+1901529|Memphis, TN
+1901537|Memphis, TN
+1901542|Memphis, TN
+1901543|Memphis, TN
+1901544|Memphis, TN
+1901545|Memphis, TN
+1901546|Memphis, TN
+1901547|Memphis, TN
+1901552|Memphis, TN
+1901565|Memphis, TN
+1901566|Memphis, TN
+1901575|Memphis, TN
+1901576|Memphis, TN
+1901577|Memphis, TN
+1901578|Memphis, TN
+1901590|Memphis, TN
+1901595|Memphis, TN
+1901672|Memphis, TN
+1901680|Memphis, TN
+1901681|Memphis, TN
+1901682|Memphis, TN
+1901683|Memphis, TN
+1901684|Memphis, TN
+1901685|Memphis, TN
+1901722|Memphis, TN
+1901725|Memphis, TN
+1901726|Memphis, TN
+1901728|Memphis, TN
+1901729|Memphis, TN
+1901743|Memphis, TN
+1901744|Memphis, TN
+1901746|Memphis, TN
+1901748|Memphis, TN
+1901761|Memphis, TN
+1901762|Memphis, TN
+1901763|Memphis, TN
+1901765|Memphis, TN
+1901766|Memphis, TN
+1901767|Memphis, TN
+1901774|Memphis, TN
+1901775|Memphis, TN
+1901785|Memphis, TN
+1901789|Memphis, TN
+1901791|Memphis, TN
+1901794|Memphis, TN
+1901795|Memphis, TN
+1901797|Memphis, TN
+1901820|Memphis, TN
+1901821|Memphis, TN
+1901843|Memphis, TN
+1901844|Memphis, TN
+1901850|Collierville, TN
+1901853|Collierville, TN
+1901854|Collierville, TN
+1901861|Collierville, TN
+1901872|Millington, TN
+1901873|Millington, TN
+1901877|Moscow, TN
+1901942|Memphis, TN
+1901946|Memphis, TN
+1901947|Memphis, TN
+1901948|Memphis, TN
+1902|Nova Scotia
+1902224|Chéticamp, NS
+1902243|Pugwash, NS
+1902245|Digby, NS
+1902254|Parrsboro, NS
+1902258|Inverness, NS
+1902270|Sydney, NS
+1902275|Chester, NS
+1902295|Baddeck, NS
+1902354|Liverpool, NS
+1902366|Canso, NS
+1902367|Charlottetown, PE
+1902368|Charlottetown, PE
+1902420|Halifax, NS
+1902421|Halifax, NS
+1902422|Halifax, NS
+1902423|Halifax, NS
+1902425|Halifax, NS
+1902429|Halifax, NS
+1902431|Halifax, NS
+1902436|Summerside, PE
+1902443|Halifax, NS
+1902445|Halifax, NS
+1902446|Halifax, NS
+1902447|Oxford, NS
+1902450|Halifax, NS
+1902453|Halifax, NS
+1902454|Halifax, NS
+1902455|Halifax, NS
+1902456|Halifax, NS
+1902457|Halifax, NS
+1902477|Halifax, NS
+1902479|Halifax, NS
+1902485|Pictou, NS
+1902492|Halifax, NS
+1902527|Bridgewater, NS
+1902530|Bridgewater, NS
+1902532|Annapolis Royal, NS
+1902533|Guysborough, NS
+1902535|St. Peter's, NS
+1902538|Berwick, NS
+1902539|Sydney, NS
+1902542|Wolfville, NS
+1902543|Bridgewater, NS
+1902562|Sydney, NS
+1902563|Sydney, NS
+1902564|Sydney, NS
+1902566|Charlottetown, PE
+1902567|Sydney, NS
+1902582|Canning, NS
+1902583|Cardigan, PE
+1902597|Springhill, NS
+1902624|Mahone Bay, NS
+1902625|Port Hawkesbury, NS
+1902626|Charlottetown, PE
+1902628|Charlottetown, PE
+1902629|Charlottetown, PE
+1902634|Lunenburg, NS
+1902637|Barrington, NS
+1902639|Stewiacke, NS
+1902648|Tusket, NS
+1902656|Lockeport, NS
+1902657|Tatamagouche, NS
+1902660|Amherst, NS
+1902661|Amherst, NS
+1902662|Debert, NS
+1902665|Bridgetown, NS
+1902667|Amherst, NS
+1902678|Kentville, NS
+1902681|Kentville, NS
+1902684|Hantsport, NS
+1902687|Souris, PE
+1902695|New Glasgow, NS
+1902724|Summerside, PE
+1902733|Louisbourg, NS
+1902735|Antigonish, NS
+1902742|Yarmouth, NS
+1902745|Clark's Harbour, NS
+1902749|Yarmouth, NS
+1902752|New Glasgow, NS
+1902755|New Glasgow, NS
+1902756|Whycocomagh, NS
+1902758|Shubenacadie, NS
+1902762|Pubnico, NS
+1902765|Kingston, NS
+1902769|Saulnierville, NS
+1902787|Port Hood, NS
+1902792|Windsor, NS
+1902794|North Sydney, NS
+1902798|Windsor, NS
+1902825|Middleton, NS
+1902837|Weymouth, NS
+1902838|Montague, PE
+1902842|Glace Bay, NS
+1902843|Truro, NS
+1902847|Aylesford, NS
+1902849|Glace Bay, NS
+1902853|Alberton, PE
+1902857|Hubbards, NS
+1902859|O'Leary, PE
+1902862|New Waterford, NS
+1902863|Antigonish, NS
+1902866|Mount Uniacke, NS
+1902867|Antigonish, NS
+1902875|Shelburne, NS
+1902882|Tignish, PE
+1902888|Summerside, PE
+1902889|Musquodoboit Harbour, NS
+1902892|Charlottetown, PE
+1902893|Truro, NS
+1902894|Charlottetown, PE
+1902895|Truro, NS
+1902896|Truro, NS
+1902897|Truro, NS
+1902945|Mabou, NS
+1903223|Texarkana, TX
+1903232|Longview, TX
+1903234|Longview, TX
+1903236|Longview, TX
+1903237|Longview, TX
+1903238|Longview, TX
+1903255|Texarkana, TX
+1903262|Tyler, TX
+1903291|Longview, TX
+1903295|Longview, TX
+1903297|Longview, TX
+1903315|Longview, TX
+1903322|Buffalo, TX
+1903334|Texarkana, TX
+1903342|Winnsboro, TX
+1903356|Quinlan, TX
+1903364|Whitewright, TX
+1903378|Honey Grove, TX
+1903383|Yantis, TX
+1903389|Fairfield, TX
+1903395|Cooper, TX
+1903396|Kerens, TX
+1903408|Greenville, TX
+1903416|Denison, TX
+1903427|Clarksville, TX
+1903433|Gunter, TX
+1903438|Sulphur Springs, TX
+1903439|Sulphur Springs, TX
+1903450|Greenville, TX
+1903451|Mabank, TX
+1903453|Greenville, TX
+1903454|Greenville, TX
+1903455|Greenville, TX
+1903457|Greenville, TX
+1903463|Denison, TX
+1903464|Denison, TX
+1903465|Denison, TX
+1903473|Emory, TX
+1903482|Van Alstyne, TX
+1903489|Malakoff, TX
+1903496|Wolfe City, TX
+1903498|Kemp, TX
+1903509|Tyler, TX
+1903510|Tyler, TX
+1903525|Tyler, TX
+1903526|Tyler, TX
+1903527|Caddo Mills, TX
+1903531|Tyler, TX
+1903533|Tyler, TX
+1903534|Tyler, TX
+1903535|Tyler, TX
+1903536|Centerville, TX
+1903537|Mount Vernon, TX
+1903541|Jacksonville, TX
+1903547|Hooks, TX
+1903553|Longview, TX
+1903560|Wills Point, TX
+1903561|Tyler, TX
+1903564|Whitesboro, TX
+1903565|Tyler, TX
+1903566|Tyler, TX
+1903567|Canton, TX
+1903568|Celeste, TX
+1903569|Mineola, TX
+1903572|Mount Pleasant, TX
+1903575|Mount Pleasant, TX
+1903577|Mount Pleasant, TX
+1903581|Tyler, TX
+1903583|Bonham, TX
+1903586|Jacksonville, TX
+1903587|Leonard, TX
+1903589|Jacksonville, TX
+1903592|Tyler, TX
+1903593|Tyler, TX
+1903595|Tyler, TX
+1903596|Tyler, TX
+1903597|Tyler, TX
+1903614|Texarkana, TX
+1903626|Jewett, TX
+1903628|New Boston, TX
+1903636|Big Sandy, TX
+1903639|Hughes Springs, TX
+1903640|Bonham, TX
+1903643|Longview, TX
+1903645|Daingerfield, TX
+1903654|Corsicana, TX
+1903655|Henderson, TX
+1903656|Lone Star, TX
+1903657|Henderson, TX
+1903663|Longview, TX
+1903665|Jefferson, TX
+1903667|De Kalb, TX
+1903668|Hallsville, TX
+1903670|Athens, TX
+1903675|Athens, TX
+1903677|Athens, TX
+1903680|Gilmer, TX
+1903683|Rusk, TX
+1903687|Waskom, TX
+1903690|Carthage, TX
+1903693|Carthage, TX
+1903694|Carthage, TX
+1903723|Palestine, TX
+1903729|Palestine, TX
+1903731|Palestine, TX
+1903737|Paris, TX
+1903739|Paris, TX
+1903753|Longview, TX
+1903756|Linden, TX
+1903757|Longview, TX
+1903758|Longview, TX
+1903759|Longview, TX
+1903763|Quitman, TX
+1903769|Hawkins, TX
+1903778|Trinidad, TX
+1903782|Paris, TX
+1903783|Paris, TX
+1903784|Paris, TX
+1903785|Paris, TX
+1903786|Pottsboro, TX
+1903791|Texarkana, TX
+1903792|Texarkana, TX
+1903793|Texarkana, TX
+1903794|Texarkana, TX
+1903796|Atlanta, TX
+1903797|Gilmer, TX
+1903798|Texarkana, TX
+1903799|Atlanta, TX
+1903813|Sherman, TX
+1903825|Bullard, TX
+1903831|Texarkana, TX
+1903832|Texarkana, TX
+1903834|Overton, TX
+1903838|Texarkana, TX
+1903839|Whitehouse, TX
+1903842|Troup, TX
+1903843|Gilmer, TX
+1903845|Gladewater, TX
+1903849|Chandler, TX
+1903855|Pittsburg, TX
+1903856|Pittsburg, TX
+1903868|Sherman, TX
+1903870|Sherman, TX
+1903872|Corsicana, TX
+1903873|Wills Point, TX
+1903874|Corsicana, TX
+1903875|Corsicana, TX
+1903876|Frankston, TX
+1903877|Tyler, TX
+1903881|Lindale, TX
+1903882|Lindale, TX
+1903885|Sulphur Springs, TX
+1903886|Commerce, TX
+1903891|Sherman, TX
+1903892|Sherman, TX
+1903893|Sherman, TX
+1903896|Edgewood, TX
+1903897|Naples, TX
+1903923|Marshall, TX
+1903927|Marshall, TX
+1903934|Marshall, TX
+1903935|Marshall, TX
+1903938|Marshall, TX
+1903939|Tyler, TX
+1903947|Tatum, TX
+1903957|Sherman, TX
+1903962|Grand Saline, TX
+1903963|Van, TX
+1903968|Ore City, TX
+1903982|Blossom, TX
+1903983|Kilgore, TX
+1903984|Kilgore, TX
+1903986|Kilgore, TX
+1903988|Kilgore, TX
+1903989|Trenton, TX
+1904202|Jacksonville, FL
+1904209|St. Augustine, FL
+1904220|Jacksonville, FL
+1904221|Jacksonville, FL
+1904223|Jacksonville, FL
+1904224|Jacksonville, FL
+1904225|Yulee, FL
+1904232|Jacksonville, FL
+1904240|Jacksonville, FL
+1904244|Jacksonville, FL
+1904251|Jacksonville, FL
+1904253|Jacksonville, FL
+1904256|Jacksonville, FL
+1904259|Macclenny, FL
+1904260|Jacksonville, FL
+1904261|Fernandina Beach, FL
+1904262|Jacksonville, FL
+1904264|Orange Park, FL
+1904265|Jacksonville, FL
+1904268|Jacksonville, FL
+1904269|Orange Park, FL
+1904272|Orange Park, FL
+1904276|Orange Park, FL
+1904277|Fernandina Beach, FL
+1904278|Orange Park, FL
+1904279|Jacksonville, FL
+1904281|Jacksonville, FL
+1904282|Middleburg, FL
+1904288|Jacksonville, FL
+1904289|Jacksonville, FL
+1904291|Middleburg, FL
+1904292|Jacksonville, FL
+1904296|Jacksonville, FL
+1904301|Jacksonville, FL
+1904306|Jacksonville, FL
+1904308|Jacksonville, FL
+1904309|Jacksonville, FL
+1904317|Jacksonville, FL
+1904321|Fernandina Beach, FL
+1904329|Jacksonville, FL
+1904332|Jacksonville, FL
+1904338|Jacksonville, FL
+1904346|Jacksonville, FL
+1904348|Jacksonville, FL
+1904350|Jacksonville, FL
+1904353|Jacksonville, FL
+1904354|Jacksonville, FL
+1904355|Jacksonville, FL
+1904356|Jacksonville, FL
+1904358|Jacksonville, FL
+1904359|Jacksonville, FL
+1904363|Jacksonville, FL
+1904366|Jacksonville, FL
+1904367|Jacksonville, FL
+1904368|Starke, FL
+1904374|Jacksonville, FL
+1904378|Jacksonville, FL
+1904379|Jacksonville, FL
+1904381|Jacksonville, FL
+1904383|Jacksonville, FL
+1904384|Jacksonville, FL
+1904387|Jacksonville, FL
+1904388|Jacksonville, FL
+1904389|Jacksonville, FL
+1904390|Jacksonville, FL
+1904391|Jacksonville, FL
+1904393|Jacksonville, FL
+1904394|Jacksonville, FL
+1904396|Jacksonville, FL
+1904398|Jacksonville, FL
+1904419|Jacksonville, FL
+1904421|Jacksonville, FL
+1904425|Jacksonville, FL
+1904443|Jacksonville, FL
+1904446|Jacksonville, FL
+1904448|Jacksonville, FL
+1904460|St. Augustine, FL
+1904461|St. Augustine, FL
+1904471|St. Augustine, FL
+1904475|Jacksonville, FL
+1904482|Jacksonville, FL
+1904483|Jacksonville, FL
+1904491|Fernandina Beach, FL
+1904493|Jacksonville, FL
+1904519|Jacksonville, FL
+1904524|Jacksonville, FL
+1904527|Jacksonville, FL
+1904538|Jacksonville, FL
+1904542|Jacksonville, FL
+1904551|Jacksonville, FL
+1904564|Jacksonville, FL
+1904565|Jacksonville, FL
+1904573|Jacksonville, FL
+1904598|Jacksonville, FL
+1904619|Jacksonville, FL
+1904620|Jacksonville, FL
+1904630|Jacksonville, FL
+1904632|Jacksonville, FL
+1904634|Jacksonville, FL
+1904636|Jacksonville, FL
+1904641|Jacksonville, FL
+1904642|Jacksonville, FL
+1904645|Jacksonville, FL
+1904646|Jacksonville, FL
+1904647|Jacksonville, FL
+1904652|Jacksonville, FL
+1904669|St. Augustine, FL
+1904674|Jacksonville, FL
+1904683|Jacksonville, FL
+1904692|Hastings, FL
+1904693|Jacksonville, FL
+1904695|Jacksonville, FL
+1904696|Jacksonville, FL
+1904697|Jacksonville, FL
+1904713|Jacksonville, FL
+1904714|Jacksonville, FL
+1904720|Jacksonville, FL
+1904721|Jacksonville, FL
+1904722|Jacksonville, FL
+1904723|Jacksonville, FL
+1904724|Jacksonville, FL
+1904725|Jacksonville, FL
+1904726|Jacksonville, FL
+1904727|Jacksonville, FL
+1904730|Jacksonville, FL
+1904731|Jacksonville, FL
+1904732|Jacksonville, FL
+1904733|Jacksonville, FL
+1904737|Jacksonville, FL
+1904738|Jacksonville, FL
+1904739|Jacksonville, FL
+1904741|Jacksonville, FL
+1904743|Jacksonville, FL
+1904744|Jacksonville, FL
+1904745|Jacksonville, FL
+1904751|Jacksonville, FL
+1904757|Jacksonville, FL
+1904762|Jacksonville, FL
+1904764|Jacksonville, FL
+1904765|Jacksonville, FL
+1904766|Jacksonville, FL
+1904768|Jacksonville, FL
+1904771|Jacksonville, FL
+1904772|Jacksonville, FL
+1904777|Jacksonville, FL
+1904778|Jacksonville, FL
+1904779|Jacksonville, FL
+1904781|Jacksonville, FL
+1904782|Lawtey, FL
+1904783|Jacksonville, FL
+1904786|Jacksonville, FL
+1904791|Jacksonville, FL
+1904794|St. Augustine, FL
+1904797|St. Augustine, FL
+1904798|Jacksonville, FL
+1904808|St. Augustine, FL
+1904810|St. Augustine, FL
+1904819|St. Augustine, FL
+1904821|Jacksonville, FL
+1904823|St. Augustine, FL
+1904824|St. Augustine, FL
+1904825|St. Augustine, FL
+1904826|St. Augustine, FL
+1904827|St. Augustine, FL
+1904829|St. Augustine, FL
+1904845|Hilliard, FL
+1904854|Jacksonville, FL
+1904855|Jacksonville, FL
+1904858|Jacksonville, FL
+1904879|Callahan, FL
+1904880|Jacksonville, FL
+1904886|Jacksonville, FL
+1904899|Jacksonville, FL
+1904908|Jacksonville, FL
+1904924|Jacksonville, FL
+1904928|Jacksonville, FL
+1904940|St. Augustine, FL
+1904953|Jacksonville, FL
+1904964|Starke, FL
+1904981|Jacksonville, FL
+1904992|Jacksonville, FL
+1904996|Jacksonville, FL
+1904997|Jacksonville, FL
+1904998|Jacksonville, FL
+1905201|Markham, ON
+1905206|Mississauga, ON
+1905209|Markham, ON
+1905212|Mississauga, ON
+1905216|Brampton, ON
+1905230|Brampton, ON
+1905232|Mississauga, ON
+1905235|Newmarket, ON
+1905237|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905238|Mississauga, ON
+1905250|Pickering, ON
+1905257|Oakville, ON
+1905258|Markham, ON
+1905264|Woodbridge, ON
+1905265|Woodbridge, ON
+1905267|Mississauga, ON
+1905268|Mississauga, ON
+1905270|Mississauga, ON
+1905271|Mississauga, ON
+1905272|Mississauga, ON
+1905273|Mississauga, ON
+1905274|Mississauga, ON
+1905275|Mississauga, ON
+1905276|Mississauga, ON
+1905277|Mississauga, ON
+1905278|Mississauga, ON
+1905279|Mississauga, ON
+1905281|Mississauga, ON
+1905282|Mississauga, ON
+1905286|Mississauga, ON
+1905290|Mississauga, ON
+1905294|Markham, ON
+1905295|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905296|Hamilton, ON
+1905297|Hamilton, ON
+1905304|Ancaster, ON
+1905305|Markham, ON
+1905306|Mississauga, ON
+1905307|Markham, ON
+1905308|Hamilton, ON
+1905309|Grimsby, ON
+1905312|Hamilton, ON
+1905315|Burlington, ON
+1905318|Hamilton, ON
+1905319|Burlington, ON
+1905331|Burlington, ON
+1905332|Burlington, ON
+1905333|Burlington, ON
+1905335|Burlington, ON
+1905336|Burlington, ON
+1905337|Oakville, ON
+1905338|Oakville, ON
+1905339|Oakville, ON
+1905340|Burlington, ON
+1905352|Roseneath, ON
+1905353|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905354|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905355|Colborne, ON
+1905356|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905357|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905358|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905361|Mississauga, ON
+1905362|Mississauga, ON
+1905363|Mississauga, ON
+1905364|Mississauga, ON
+1905369|Mississauga, ON
+1905371|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905372|Cobourg, ON
+1905373|Cobourg, ON
+1905374|Niagara Falls, ON
+1905377|Cobourg, ON
+1905383|Hamilton, ON
+1905385|Hamilton, ON
+1905387|Hamilton, ON
+1905388|Hamilton, ON
+1905389|Hamilton, ON
+1905397|St. Catharines, ON
+1905403|Mississauga, ON
+1905405|Mississauga, ON
+1905415|Markham, ON
+1905420|Pickering, ON
+1905421|Pickering, ON
+1905430|Whitby, ON
+1905444|Whitby, ON
+1905450|Brampton, ON
+1905451|Brampton, ON
+1905452|Brampton, ON
+1905453|Brampton, ON
+1905454|Brampton, ON
+1905455|Brampton, ON
+1905456|Brampton, ON
+1905457|Brampton, ON
+1905458|Brampton, ON
+1905459|Brampton, ON
+1905460|Brampton, ON
+1905461|Mississauga, ON
+1905463|Brampton, ON
+1905465|Oakville, ON
+1905468|Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
+1905469|Oakville, ON
+1905470|Markham, ON
+1905471|Markham, ON
+1905472|Markham, ON
+1905473|Mount Albert, ON
+1905474|Markham, ON
+1905475|Markham, ON
+1905476|Keswick, ON
+1905477|Markham, ON
+1905480|Markham, ON
+1905486|Mississauga, ON
+1905488|Brampton, ON
+1905492|Pickering, ON
+1905494|Brampton, ON
+1905495|Brampton, ON
+1905497|Brampton, ON
+1905501|Mississauga, ON
+1905502|Mississauga, ON
+1905503|Aurora, ON
+1905507|Mississauga, ON
+1905508|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905513|Markham, ON
+1905521|Hamilton, ON
+1905522|Hamilton, ON
+1905523|Hamilton, ON
+1905524|Hamilton, ON
+1905525|Hamilton, ON
+1905526|Hamilton, ON
+1905527|Hamilton, ON
+1905528|Hamilton, ON
+1905529|Hamilton, ON
+1905538|Hamilton, ON
+1905540|Hamilton, ON
+1905542|Mississauga, ON
+1905543|Hamilton, ON
+1905544|Hamilton, ON
+1905545|Hamilton, ON
+1905546|Hamilton, ON
+1905547|Hamilton, ON
+1905548|Hamilton, ON
+1905549|Hamilton, ON
+1905554|Markham, ON
+1905563|Beamsville, ON
+1905564|Mississauga, ON
+1905565|Mississauga, ON
+1905566|Mississauga, ON
+1905567|Mississauga, ON
+1905568|Mississauga, ON
+1905569|Mississauga, ON
+1905571|Oshawa, ON
+1905572|Hamilton, ON
+1905574|Hamilton, ON
+1905575|Hamilton, ON
+1905576|Oshawa, ON
+1905577|Hamilton, ON
+1905579|Oshawa, ON
+1905582|Oakville, ON
+1905592|Burlington, ON
+1905593|Mississauga, ON
+1905595|Brampton, ON
+1905602|Mississauga, ON
+1905604|Markham, ON
+1905607|Mississauga, ON
+1905608|Mississauga, ON
+1905612|Mississauga, ON
+1905614|Mississauga, ON
+1905615|Mississauga, ON
+1905618|Oakville, ON
+1905619|Ajax, ON
+1905623|Bowmanville, ON
+1905624|Mississauga, ON
+1905625|Mississauga, ON
+1905627|Dundas, ON
+1905628|Dundas, ON
+1905629|Mississauga, ON
+1905631|Burlington, ON
+1905632|Burlington, ON
+1905633|Burlington, ON
+1905634|Burlington, ON
+1905635|Burlington, ON
+1905637|Burlington, ON
+1905639|Burlington, ON
+1905640|Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON
+1905641|St. Catharines, ON
+1905642|Whitchurch-Stouffville, ON
+1905646|St. Catharines, ON
+1905648|Ancaster, ON
+1905654|Brampton, ON
+1905662|Stoney Creek, ON
+1905664|Stoney Creek, ON
+1905665|Whitby, ON
+1905666|Whitby, ON
+1905667|Hamilton, ON
+1905668|Whitby, ON
+1905670|Mississauga, ON
+1905671|Mississauga, ON
+1905672|Mississauga, ON
+1905673|Mississauga, ON
+1905676|Mississauga, ON
+1905677|Mississauga, ON
+1905678|Mississauga, ON
+1905679|Mount Hope, ON
+1905681|Burlington, ON
+1905682|St. Catharines, ON
+1905683|Ajax, ON
+1905684|St. Catharines, ON
+1905685|St. Catharines, ON
+1905687|St. Catharines, ON
+1905688|St. Catharines, ON
+1905693|Milton, ON
+1905696|Mississauga, ON
+1905697|Bowmanville, ON
+1905701|Dunnville, ON
+1905702|Georgetown, ON
+1905704|St. Catharines, ON
+1905712|Mississauga, ON
+1905713|Aurora, ON
+1905714|Welland, ON
+1905715|Newmarket, ON
+1905720|Oshawa, ON
+1905721|Oshawa, ON
+1905723|Oshawa, ON
+1905725|Oshawa, ON
+1905726|Aurora, ON
+1905727|Aurora, ON
+1905728|Oshawa, ON
+1905732|Welland, ON
+1905734|Welland, ON
+1905735|Welland, ON
+1905737|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905752|Markham, ON
+1905755|Mississauga, ON
+1905765|Caledonia, ON
+1905768|Hagersville, ON
+1905770|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905772|Cayuga, ON
+1905774|Dunnville, ON
+1905775|Bradford, ON
+1905777|Hamilton, ON
+1905778|Bradford, ON
+1905780|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905787|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905788|Welland, ON
+1905789|Brampton, ON
+1905790|Brampton, ON
+1905791|Brampton, ON
+1905792|Brampton, ON
+1905793|Brampton, ON
+1905795|Mississauga, ON
+1905796|Brampton, ON
+1905799|Brampton, ON
+1905803|Mississauga, ON
+1905804|Mississauga, ON
+1905812|Mississauga, ON
+1905813|Mississauga, ON
+1905814|Mississauga, ON
+1905815|Oakville, ON
+1905816|Mississauga, ON
+1905817|Mississauga, ON
+1905819|Mississauga, ON
+1905820|Mississauga, ON
+1905821|Mississauga, ON
+1905822|Mississauga, ON
+1905823|Mississauga, ON
+1905824|Mississauga, ON
+1905825|Oakville, ON
+1905826|Mississauga, ON
+1905827|Oakville, ON
+1905828|Mississauga, ON
+1905829|Oakville, ON
+1905830|Newmarket, ON
+1905831|Pickering, ON
+1905833|King City, ON
+1905834|Port Colborne, ON
+1905835|Port Colborne, ON
+1905836|Newmarket, ON
+1905837|Pickering, ON
+1905839|Pickering, ON
+1905840|Brampton, ON
+1905841|Aurora, ON
+1905842|Oakville, ON
+1905844|Oakville, ON
+1905845|Oakville, ON
+1905846|Brampton, ON
+1905847|Oakville, ON
+1905848|Mississauga, ON
+1905849|Oakville, ON
+1905850|Woodbridge, ON
+1905851|Woodbridge, ON
+1905852|Uxbridge, ON
+1905853|Newmarket, ON
+1905854|Campbellville, ON
+1905855|Mississauga, ON
+1905856|Woodbridge, ON
+1905857|Bolton, ON
+1905858|Mississauga, ON
+1905859|Nobleton, ON
+1905862|Uxbridge, ON
+1905864|Milton, ON
+1905866|Brampton, ON
+1905868|Newmarket, ON
+1905871|Fort Erie, ON
+1905873|Georgetown, ON
+1905874|Brampton, ON
+1905875|Milton, ON
+1905876|Milton, ON
+1905877|Georgetown, ON
+1905878|Milton, ON
+1905883|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905884|Richmond Hill, ON
+1905885|Port Hope, ON
+1905890|Mississauga, ON
+1905891|Mississauga, ON
+1905893|Kleinburg, ON
+1905895|Newmarket, ON
+1905896|Mississauga, ON
+1905897|Mississauga, ON
+1905898|Newmarket, ON
+1905899|Wainfleet, ON
+1905908|Mississauga, ON
+1905934|St. Catharines, ON
+1905935|St. Catharines, ON
+1905936|Tottenham, ON
+1905937|St. Catharines, ON
+1905938|St. Catharines, ON
+1905939|Schomberg, ON
+1905940|Markham, ON
+1905943|Markham, ON
+1905944|Markham, ON
+1905945|Grimsby, ON
+1905946|Markham, ON
+1905947|Markham, ON
+1905948|Markham, ON
+1905949|Mississauga, ON
+1905951|Bolton, ON
+1905952|Newmarket, ON
+1905953|Newmarket, ON
+1905954|Newmarket, ON
+1905956|Mississauga, ON
+1905967|Newmarket, ON
+1905970|Brampton, ON
+1905982|Port Perry, ON
+1905983|Orono, ON
+1905984|St. Catharines, ON
+1905985|Port Perry, ON
+1905987|Newcastle, ON
+1905988|St. Catharines, ON
+1905989|Keswick, ON
+1905990|Mississauga, ON
+1905991|Fort Erie, ON
+1905994|Fort Erie, ON
+1905997|Mississauga, ON
+1906224|Wakefield, MI
+1906225|Marquette Township, MI
+1906226|Marquette Township, MI
+1906227|Marquette Township, MI
+1906228|Marquette Township, MI
+1906229|Wakefield, MI
+1906248|Brimley, MI
+1906253|Sault Ste. Marie, MI
+1906265|Iron River, MI
+1906293|Newberry, MI
+1906296|Lake Linden, MI
+1906297|De Tour Village, MI
+1906341|Manistique, MI
+1906346|Gwinn, MI
+1906353|Baraga, MI
+1906387|Munising, MI
+1906428|Gladstone, MI
+1906475|Negaunee, MI
+1906478|Rudyard, MI
+1906484|Cedarville, MI
+1906485|Ishpeming, MI
+1906486|Ishpeming, MI
+1906493|Drummond, MI
+1906524|L'Anse, MI
+1906563|Norway, MI
+1906632|Sault Ste. Marie, MI
+1906635|Sault Ste. Marie, MI
+1906643|St. Ignace, MI
+1906663|Bessemer, MI
+1906667|Bessemer, MI
+1906776|Iron Mountain, MI
+1906786|Escanaba, MI
+1906789|Escanaba, MI
+1906847|Mackinac Island, MI
+1906863|Menominee, MI
+1906864|Menominee, MI
+1906875|Crystal Falls, MI
+1906884|Ontonagon, MI
+1906932|Ironwood, MI
+1906942|Skandia, MI
+1907212|Anchorage, AK
+1907222|Anchorage, AK
+1907224|Seward, AK
+1907225|Ketchikan, AK
+1907228|Ketchikan, AK
+1907235|Homer, AK
+1907243|Anchorage, AK
+1907245|Anchorage, AK
+1907247|Ketchikan, AK
+1907248|Anchorage, AK
+1907257|Anchorage, AK
+1907258|Anchorage, AK
+1907260|Soldotna, AK
+1907262|Soldotna, AK
+1907263|Anchorage, AK
+1907264|Anchorage, AK
+1907271|Anchorage, AK
+1907272|Anchorage, AK
+1907273|Anchorage, AK
+1907274|Anchorage, AK
+1907276|Anchorage, AK
+1907277|Anchorage, AK
+1907278|Anchorage, AK
+1907279|Anchorage, AK
+1907283|Kenai, AK
+1907317|Anchorage, AK
+1907332|Anchorage, AK
+1907333|Anchorage, AK
+1907334|Anchorage, AK
+1907335|Kenai, AK
+1907336|Anchorage, AK
+1907337|Anchorage, AK
+1907338|Anchorage, AK
+1907339|Anchorage, AK
+1907343|Anchorage, AK
+1907344|Anchorage, AK
+1907345|Anchorage, AK
+1907346|Anchorage, AK
+1907348|Anchorage, AK
+1907349|Anchorage, AK
+1907352|Wasilla, AK
+1907357|Wasilla, AK
+1907364|Juneau, AK
+1907373|Wasilla, AK
+1907374|Fairbanks, AK
+1907375|Anchorage, AK
+1907376|Wasilla, AK
+1907424|Cordova, AK
+1907442|Kotzebue, AK
+1907443|Nome, AK
+1907451|Fairbanks, AK
+1907452|Fairbanks, AK
+1907455|Fairbanks, AK
+1907456|Fairbanks, AK
+1907457|Fairbanks, AK
+1907458|Fairbanks, AK
+1907459|Fairbanks, AK
+1907463|Juneau, AK
+1907465|Juneau, AK
+1907474|Fairbanks, AK
+1907479|Fairbanks, AK
+1907481|Kodiak, AK
+1907486|Kodiak, AK
+1907487|Kodiak, AK
+1907490|North Pole, AK
+1907495|Willow, AK
+1907522|Anchorage, AK
+1907523|Juneau, AK
+1907543|Bethel, AK
+1907550|Anchorage, AK
+1907561|Anchorage, AK
+1907562|Anchorage, AK
+1907563|Anchorage, AK
+1907565|Anchorage, AK
+1907566|Anchorage, AK
+1907567|Ninilchik, AK
+1907569|Anchorage, AK
+1907581|Unalaska, AK
+1907586|Juneau, AK
+1907622|Eagle River, AK
+1907644|Anchorage, AK
+1907646|Anchorage, AK
+1907659|Prudhoe Bay, AK
+1907677|Anchorage, AK
+1907688|Chugiak, AK
+1907694|Eagle River, AK
+1907696|Eagle River, AK
+1907714|Soldotna, AK
+1907727|Anchorage, AK
+1907729|Anchorage, AK
+1907733|Talkeetna, AK
+1907742|Anchorage, AK
+1907743|Anchorage, AK
+1907745|Palmer, AK
+1907746|Palmer, AK
+1907747|Sitka, AK
+1907762|Anchorage, AK
+1907766|Haines, AK
+1907770|Anchorage, AK
+1907771|Anchorage, AK
+1907772|Petersburg, AK
+1907780|Juneau, AK
+1907786|Anchorage, AK
+1907789|Juneau, AK
+1907790|Juneau, AK
+1907796|Juneau, AK
+1907826|Craig, AK
+1907835|Valdez, AK
+1907842|Dillingham, AK
+1907852|Barrow, AK
+1907861|Palmer, AK
+1907868|Anchorage, AK
+1907874|Wrangell, AK
+1907883|Tok, AK
+1907895|Delta Junction, AK
+1907929|Anchorage, AK
+1907966|Sitka, AK
+1907983|Skagway, AK
+1908|New Jersey
+1908213|Phillipsburg, NJ
+1908217|Newark, NJ
+1908236|Lebanon, NJ
+1908237|Flemington, NJ
+1908277|Summit, NJ
+1908281|Hillsborough, NJ
+1908282|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908284|Flemington, NJ
+1908289|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908351|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908352|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908353|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908354|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908355|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908359|Hillsborough, NJ
+1908362|Blairstown, NJ
+1908387|Phillipsburg, NJ
+1908431|Hillsborough, NJ
+1908436|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908454|Phillipsburg, NJ
+1908469|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908474|Linden, NJ
+1908475|Belvidere, NJ
+1908486|Linden, NJ
+1908496|Columbia, NJ
+1908522|Summit, NJ
+1908523|Linden, NJ
+1908527|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908558|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908587|Linden, NJ
+1908598|Summit, NJ
+1908608|Summit, NJ
+1908629|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908659|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908662|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908687|Union Township, NJ
+1908688|Union Township, NJ
+1908689|Washington, NJ
+1908709|Cranford, NJ
+1908782|Flemington, NJ
+1908788|Flemington, NJ
+1908806|Flemington, NJ
+1908813|Hackettstown, NJ
+1908820|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908835|Washington, NJ
+1908851|Union Township, NJ
+1908852|Hackettstown, NJ
+1908859|Phillipsburg, NJ
+1908862|Linden, NJ
+1908874|Hillsborough, NJ
+1908876|Long Valley, NJ
+1908879|Chester, NJ
+1908904|Hillsborough, NJ
+1908925|Linden, NJ
+1908953|Bernardsville, NJ
+1908964|Union Township, NJ
+1908965|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908991|Chicago, IL
+1908994|Elizabeth, NJ
+1908995|Milford, NJ
+1909307|Redlands, CA
+1909335|Redlands, CA
+1909338|Crestline, CA
+1909349|Fontana, CA
+1909350|Fontana, CA
+1909355|Fontana, CA
+1909356|Fontana, CA
+1909357|Fontana, CA
+1909370|Colton, CA
+1909381|San Bernardino, CA
+1909382|San Bernardino, CA
+1909383|San Bernardino, CA
+1909384|San Bernardino, CA
+1909386|San Bernardino, CA
+1909387|San Bernardino, CA
+1909388|San Bernardino, CA
+1909390|Ontario, CA
+1909391|Ontario, CA
+1909395|Ontario, CA
+1909396|Diamond Bar, CA
+1909397|Pomona, CA
+1909427|Fontana, CA
+1909428|Fontana, CA
+1909429|Fontana, CA
+1909434|Fontana, CA
+1909460|Ontario, CA
+1909467|Ontario, CA
+1909469|Pomona, CA
+1909473|San Bernardino, CA
+1909475|San Bernardino, CA
+1909477|Rancho Cucamonga, CA
+1909558|Loma Linda, CA
+1909574|Fontana, CA
+1909580|Colton, CA
+1909585|Big Bear City, CA
+1909592|San Dimas, CA
+1909599|San Dimas, CA
+1909605|Ontario, CA
+1909608|Upland, CA
+1909612|Diamond Bar, CA
+1909620|Pomona, CA
+1909622|Pomona, CA
+1909623|Pomona, CA
+1909629|Pomona, CA
+1909673|Ontario, CA
+1909748|Redlands, CA
+1909790|Yucaipa, CA
+1909792|Redlands, CA
+1909793|Redlands, CA
+1909797|Yucaipa, CA
+1909798|Redlands, CA
+1909820|Rialto, CA
+1909822|Fontana, CA
+1909823|Fontana, CA
+1909829|Fontana, CA
+1909854|Fontana, CA
+1909860|Diamond Bar, CA
+1909861|Diamond Bar, CA
+1909862|Highland, CA
+1909863|Highland, CA
+1909864|Highland, CA
+1909865|Pomona, CA
+1909866|Big Bear Lake, CA
+1909867|Running Springs, CA
+1909868|Pomona, CA
+1909874|Rialto, CA
+1909875|Rialto, CA
+1909878|Big Bear Lake, CA
+1909880|San Bernardino, CA
+1909881|San Bernardino, CA
+1909882|San Bernardino, CA
+1909883|San Bernardino, CA
+1909884|San Bernardino, CA
+1909885|San Bernardino, CA
+1909886|San Bernardino, CA
+1909887|San Bernardino, CA
+1909888|San Bernardino, CA
+1909889|San Bernardino, CA
+1909890|San Bernardino, CA
+1909891|San Bernardino, CA
+1909920|Upland, CA
+1909923|Ontario, CA
+1909930|Ontario, CA
+1909931|Upland, CA
+1909933|Ontario, CA
+1909937|Ontario, CA
+1909946|Upland, CA
+1909947|Ontario, CA
+1909948|Rancho Cucamonga, CA
+1909949|Upland, CA
+1909974|Ontario, CA
+1909981|Upland, CA
+1909982|Upland, CA
+1909983|Ontario, CA
+1909984|Ontario, CA
+1909985|Upland, CA
+1909986|Ontario, CA
+1909988|Ontario, CA
+1910|North Carolina
+1910219|Jacksonville, NC
+1910222|Fayetteville, NC
+1910223|Fayetteville, NC
+1910235|Pinehurst, NC
+1910246|Southern Pines, NC
+1910251|Wilmington, NC
+1910254|Wilmington, NC
+1910256|Wilmington, NC
+1910259|Burgaw, NC
+1910264|Wilmington, NC
+1910266|Laurinburg, NC
+1910267|Faison, NC
+1910270|Hampstead, NC
+1910272|Lumberton, NC
+1910276|Laurinburg, NC
+1910277|Laurinburg, NC
+1910278|Oak Island, NC
+1910285|Wallace, NC
+1910291|Laurinburg, NC
+1910293|Warsaw, NC
+1910295|Pinehurst, NC
+1910296|Kenansville, NC
+1910298|Beulaville, NC
+1910299|Clinton, NC
+1910313|Wilmington, NC
+1910321|Fayetteville, NC
+1910323|Fayetteville, NC
+1910327|Sneads Ferry, NC
+1910332|Wilmington, NC
+1910339|Fayetteville, NC
+1910341|Wilmington, NC
+1910342|Wilmington, NC
+1910343|Wilmington, NC
+1910346|Jacksonville, NC
+1910347|Jacksonville, NC
+1910350|Wilmington, NC
+1910353|Jacksonville, NC
+1910355|Jacksonville, NC
+1910362|Wilmington, NC
+1910371|Leland, NC
+1910383|Leland, NC
+1910392|Wilmington, NC
+1910395|Wilmington, NC
+1910396|Fort Bragg, NC
+1910397|Wilmington, NC
+1910399|Wilmington, NC
+1910417|Rockingham, NC
+1910422|Rowland, NC
+1910433|Fayetteville, NC
+1910438|Fayetteville, NC
+1910439|Mount Gilead, NC
+1910442|Wilmington, NC
+1910451|Camp Lejeune, NC
+1910452|Wilmington, NC
+1910454|Southport, NC
+1910455|Jacksonville, NC
+1910457|Southport, NC
+1910458|Carolina Beach, NC
+1910462|Laurel Hill, NC
+1910478|Jacksonville, NC
+1910480|Fayetteville, NC
+1910482|Fayetteville, NC
+1910483|Fayetteville, NC
+1910484|Fayetteville, NC
+1910485|Fayetteville, NC
+1910486|Fayetteville, NC
+1910487|Fayetteville, NC
+1910488|Fayetteville, NC
+1910497|Spring Lake, NC
+1910509|Wilmington, NC
+1910521|Pembroke, NC
+1910522|Pembroke, NC
+1910571|Troy, NC
+1910572|Troy, NC
+1910576|Troy, NC
+1910577|Jacksonville, NC
+1910582|Hamlet, NC
+1910590|Clinton, NC
+1910592|Clinton, NC
+1910594|Newton Grove, NC
+1910596|Clinton, NC
+1910609|Fayetteville, NC
+1910610|Laurinburg, NC
+1910615|Fayetteville, NC
+1910618|Lumberton, NC
+1910628|Fairmont, NC
+1910630|Fayetteville, NC
+1910640|Whiteville, NC
+1910641|Whiteville, NC
+1910642|Whiteville, NC
+1910646|Lake Waccamaw, NC
+1910649|Fair Bluff, NC
+1910652|Ellerbe, NC
+1910653|Tabor City, NC
+1910654|Chadbourn, NC
+1910671|Lumberton, NC
+1910672|Fayetteville, NC
+1910675|Castle Hayne, NC
+1910678|Fayetteville, NC
+1910681|Wilmington, NC
+1910686|Wilmington, NC
+1910692|Southern Pines, NC
+1910693|Southern Pines, NC
+1910715|Pinehurst, NC
+1910735|Lumberton, NC
+1910738|Lumberton, NC
+1910739|Lumberton, NC
+1910743|Maysville, NC
+1910762|Wilmington, NC
+1910763|Wilmington, NC
+1910764|Fayetteville, NC
+1910772|Wilmington, NC
+1910790|Wilmington, NC
+1910791|Wilmington, NC
+1910792|Wilmington, NC
+1910793|Wilmington, NC
+1910794|Wilmington, NC
+1910796|Wilmington, NC
+1910798|Wilmington, NC
+1910799|Wilmington, NC
+1910814|Lillington, NC
+1910815|Wilmington, NC
+1910822|Fayetteville, NC
+1910826|Fayetteville, NC
+1910844|Maxton, NC
+1910845|Southport, NC
+1910848|Raeford, NC
+1910860|Fayetteville, NC
+1910862|Elizabethtown, NC
+1910863|Bladenboro, NC
+1910864|Fayetteville, NC
+1910867|Fayetteville, NC
+1910868|Fayetteville, NC
+1910875|Raeford, NC
+1910891|Dunn, NC
+1910892|Dunn, NC
+1910893|Lillington, NC
+1910895|Rockingham, NC
+1910904|Raeford, NC
+1910937|Jacksonville, NC
+1910938|Jacksonville, NC
+1910944|Aberdeen, NC
+1910947|Carthage, NC
+1910948|Robbins, NC
+1910962|Wilmington, NC
+1910974|Candor, NC
+1910989|Jacksonville, NC
+1910997|Rockingham, NC
+1912201|Savannah, GA
+1912231|Savannah, GA
+1912232|Savannah, GA
+1912233|Savannah, GA
+1912234|Savannah, GA
+1912235|Savannah, GA
+1912236|Savannah, GA
+1912238|Savannah, GA
+1912260|Douglas, GA
+1912261|Brunswick, GA
+1912262|Brunswick, GA
+1912264|Brunswick, GA
+1912265|Brunswick, GA
+1912267|Brunswick, GA
+1912275|Brunswick, GA
+1912280|Brunswick, GA
+1912283|Waycross, GA
+1912284|Waycross, GA
+1912285|Waycross, GA
+1912287|Waycross, GA
+1912303|Savannah, GA
+1912335|Savannah, GA
+1912338|Waycross, GA
+1912342|Brunswick, GA
+1912345|Nicholls, GA
+1912349|Savannah, GA
+1912350|Savannah, GA
+1912351|Savannah, GA
+1912352|Savannah, GA
+1912353|Savannah, GA
+1912354|Savannah, GA
+1912355|Savannah, GA
+1912356|Savannah, GA
+1912366|Baxley, GA
+1912367|Baxley, GA
+1912368|Hinesville, GA
+1912369|Hinesville, GA
+1912375|Hazlehurst, GA
+1912379|Hazlehurst, GA
+1912383|Douglas, GA
+1912384|Douglas, GA
+1912389|Douglas, GA
+1912393|Douglas, GA
+1912422|Pearson, GA
+1912427|Jesup, GA
+1912435|Fort Stewart, GA
+1912437|Darien, GA
+1912443|Savannah, GA
+1912447|Savannah, GA
+1912449|Blackshear, GA
+1912450|Pooler, GA
+1912459|Richmond Hill, GA
+1912462|Nahunta, GA
+1912466|Brunswick, GA
+1912486|Statesboro, GA
+1912487|Homerville, GA
+1912489|Statesboro, GA
+1912495|Savannah, GA
+1912496|Folkston, GA
+1912523|Glenwood, GA
+1912525|Savannah, GA
+1912526|Lyons, GA
+1912527|Savannah, GA
+1912529|Soperton, GA
+1912530|Jesup, GA
+1912534|Willacoochee, GA
+1912537|Vidalia, GA
+1912538|Vidalia, GA
+1912545|Ludowici, GA
+1912554|Brunswick, GA
+1912557|Reidsville, GA
+1912564|Sylvania, GA
+1912579|Screven, GA
+1912583|Mount Vernon, GA
+1912587|Statesboro, GA
+1912588|Jesup, GA
+1912598|Savannah, GA
+1912632|Alma, GA
+1912638|St. Simons, GA
+1912644|Savannah, GA
+1912647|Patterson, GA
+1912651|Savannah, GA
+1912652|Savannah, GA
+1912653|Pembroke, GA
+1912654|Glennville, GA
+1912681|Statesboro, GA
+1912685|Metter, GA
+1912691|Savannah, GA
+1912692|Savannah, GA
+1912727|Richmond Hill, GA
+1912739|Claxton, GA
+1912754|Springfield, GA
+1912756|Richmond Hill, GA
+1912764|Statesboro, GA
+1912772|Guyton, GA
+1912786|Tybee Island, GA
+1912790|Savannah, GA
+1912819|Savannah, GA
+1912826|Rincon, GA
+1912829|Sylvania, GA
+1912863|Sylvania, GA
+1912871|Statesboro, GA
+1912876|Hinesville, GA
+1912877|Hinesville, GA
+1912884|Midway, GA
+1912897|Savannah, GA
+1912898|Savannah, GA
+1912920|Savannah, GA
+1912921|Savannah, GA
+1912925|Savannah, GA
+1912927|Savannah, GA
+1912944|Savannah, GA
+1912961|Savannah, GA
+1913233|Kansas City, KS
+1913254|Olathe, KS
+1913281|Kansas City, KS
+1913287|Kansas City, KS
+1913294|Paola, KS
+1913299|Kansas City, KS
+1913321|Kansas City, KS
+1913328|Kansas City, KS
+1913334|Kansas City, KS
+1913342|Kansas City, KS
+1913352|Pleasanton, KS
+1913367|Atchison, KS
+1913371|Kansas City, KS
+1913390|Olathe, KS
+1913393|Olathe, KS
+1913397|Olathe, KS
+1913535|Mission, KS
+1913557|Paola, KS
+1913573|Kansas City, KS
+1913583|De Soto, KS
+1913585|De Soto, KS
+1913588|Kansas City, KS
+1913592|Spring Hill, KS
+1913596|Kansas City, KS
+1913621|Kansas City, KS
+1913627|Kansas City, KS
+1913651|Leavenworth, KS
+1913680|Leavenworth, KS
+1913682|Leavenworth, KS
+1913684|Leavenworth, KS
+1913724|Basehor, KS
+1913755|Osawatomie, KS
+1913757|LaCygne, KS
+1913764|Olathe, KS
+1913768|Olathe, KS
+1913774|Winchester, KS
+1913780|Olathe, KS
+1913782|Olathe, KS
+1913788|Kansas City, KS
+1913795|Mound City, KS
+1913829|Olathe, KS
+1913833|Effingham, KS
+1913837|Louisburg, KS
+1913845|Tonganoxie, KS
+1913856|Gardner, KS
+1913884|Gardner, KS
+1913971|Olathe, KS
+1913993|Shawnee Mission, KS
+1914|New York
+1914207|Yonkers, NY
+1914234|Bedford, NY
+1914235|New Rochelle, NY
+1914237|Yonkers, NY
+1914238|Chappaqua, NY
+1914243|Yorktown Heights, NY
+1914271|Croton-on-Hudson, NY
+1914273|Armonk, NY
+1914287|White Plains, NY
+1914304|White Plains, NY
+1914323|Rye, NY
+1914375|Yonkers, NY
+1914376|Yonkers, NY
+1914377|Yonkers, NY
+1914378|Yonkers, NY
+1914422|White Plains, NY
+1914423|Yonkers, NY
+1914457|Yonkers, NY
+1914472|Scarsdale, NY
+1914476|Yonkers, NY
+1914493|Valhalla, NY
+1914533|South Salem, NY
+1914576|New Rochelle, NY
+1914591|Irvington, NY
+1914594|Valhalla, NY
+1914597|White Plains, NY
+1914613|Yonkers, NY
+1914632|New Rochelle, NY
+1914633|New Rochelle, NY
+1914636|New Rochelle, NY
+1914637|New Rochelle, NY
+1914654|New Rochelle, NY
+1914663|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914664|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914665|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914667|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914668|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914682|White Plains, NY
+1914686|White Plains, NY
+1914698|Mamaroneck, NY
+1914699|Mount Vernon, NY
+1914709|Yonkers, NY
+1914722|Scarsdale, NY
+1914723|Scarsdale, NY
+1914725|Scarsdale, NY
+1914738|Pelham, NY
+1914740|New Rochelle, NY
+1914751|Yonkers, NY
+1914764|Pound Ridge, NY
+1914776|Yonkers, NY
+1914833|Larchmont, NY
+1914834|Larchmont, NY
+1914848|Rye, NY
+1914921|Rye, NY
+1914934|Port Chester, NY
+1914935|Port Chester, NY
+1914937|Port Chester, NY
+1914939|Port Chester, NY
+1914948|White Plains, NY
+1914949|White Plains, NY
+1914962|Yorktown Heights, NY
+1914963|Yonkers, NY
+1914964|Yonkers, NY
+1914965|Yonkers, NY
+1914966|Yonkers, NY
+1914967|Rye, NY
+1914968|Yonkers, NY
+1914969|Yonkers, NY
+1914989|White Plains, NY
+1914993|White Plains, NY
+1914995|White Plains, NY
+1914997|White Plains, NY
+1915219|El Paso, TX
+1915225|El Paso, TX
+1915231|El Paso, TX
+1915274|El Paso, TX
+1915298|El Paso, TX
+1915307|El Paso, TX
+1915313|El Paso, TX
+1915351|El Paso, TX
+1915434|El Paso, TX
+1915472|El Paso, TX
+1915503|El Paso, TX
+1915521|El Paso, TX
+1915532|El Paso, TX
+1915533|El Paso, TX
+1915534|El Paso, TX
+1915541|El Paso, TX
+1915542|El Paso, TX
+1915543|El Paso, TX
+1915544|El Paso, TX
+1915545|El Paso, TX
+1915546|El Paso, TX
+1915562|El Paso, TX
+1915564|El Paso, TX
+1915565|El Paso, TX
+1915566|El Paso, TX
+1915569|El Paso, TX
+1915577|El Paso, TX
+1915581|El Paso, TX
+1915584|El Paso, TX
+1915585|El Paso, TX
+1915587|El Paso, TX
+1915588|El Paso, TX
+1915590|El Paso, TX
+1915591|El Paso, TX
+1915592|El Paso, TX
+1915593|El Paso, TX
+1915594|El Paso, TX
+1915595|El Paso, TX
+1915598|El Paso, TX
+1915599|El Paso, TX
+1915613|El Paso, TX
+1915629|El Paso, TX
+1915633|El Paso, TX
+1915747|El Paso, TX
+1915751|El Paso, TX
+1915755|El Paso, TX
+1915757|El Paso, TX
+1915759|El Paso, TX
+1915760|El Paso, TX
+1915764|Fabens, TX
+1915771|El Paso, TX
+1915772|El Paso, TX
+1915774|El Paso, TX
+1915775|El Paso, TX
+1915778|El Paso, TX
+1915779|El Paso, TX
+1915781|El Paso, TX
+1915783|El Paso, TX
+1915821|El Paso, TX
+1915822|El Paso, TX
+1915832|El Paso, TX
+1915833|El Paso, TX
+1915834|El Paso, TX
+1915838|El Paso, TX
+1915842|El Paso, TX
+1915843|El Paso, TX
+1915845|El Paso, TX
+1915849|El Paso, TX
+1915855|El Paso, TX
+1915856|El Paso, TX
+1915857|El Paso, TX
+1915858|El Paso, TX
+1915859|El Paso, TX
+1915860|El Paso, TX
+1915875|El Paso, TX
+1915881|El Paso, TX
+1915887|El Paso, TX
+1915921|El Paso, TX
+1916263|Sacramento, CA
+1916277|Sacramento, CA
+1916278|Sacramento, CA
+1916285|Sacramento, CA
+1916315|Rocklin, CA
+1916321|Sacramento, CA
+1916325|Sacramento, CA
+1916329|Sacramento, CA
+1916341|Sacramento, CA
+1916354|Rancho Murieta, CA
+1916355|Folsom, CA
+1916359|Sacramento, CA
+1916361|Sacramento, CA
+1916362|Sacramento, CA
+1916369|Sacramento, CA
+1916371|West Sacramento, CA
+1916372|West Sacramento, CA
+1916375|West Sacramento, CA
+1916379|Sacramento, CA
+1916381|Sacramento, CA
+1916383|Sacramento, CA
+1916386|Sacramento, CA
+1916387|Sacramento, CA
+1916388|Sacramento, CA
+1916391|Sacramento, CA
+1916392|Sacramento, CA
+1916393|Sacramento, CA
+1916394|Sacramento, CA
+1916395|Sacramento, CA
+1916399|Sacramento, CA
+1916419|Sacramento, CA
+1916421|Sacramento, CA
+1916422|Sacramento, CA
+1916423|Sacramento, CA
+1916424|Sacramento, CA
+1916427|Sacramento, CA
+1916428|Sacramento, CA
+1916429|Sacramento, CA
+1916433|Sacramento, CA
+1916434|Lincoln, CA
+1916435|Rocklin, CA
+1916437|Sacramento, CA
+1916440|Sacramento, CA
+1916441|Sacramento, CA
+1916442|Sacramento, CA
+1916443|Sacramento, CA
+1916444|Sacramento, CA
+1916445|Sacramento, CA
+1916446|Sacramento, CA
+1916447|Sacramento, CA
+1916448|Sacramento, CA
+1916449|Sacramento, CA
+1916451|Sacramento, CA
+1916452|Sacramento, CA
+1916453|Sacramento, CA
+1916454|Sacramento, CA
+1916455|Sacramento, CA
+1916456|Sacramento, CA
+1916457|Sacramento, CA
+1916476|Sacramento, CA
+1916478|Elk Grove, CA
+1916492|Sacramento, CA
+1916497|Sacramento, CA
+1916498|Sacramento, CA
+1916515|Sacramento, CA
+1916537|Carmichael, CA
+1916551|Sacramento, CA
+1916552|Sacramento, CA
+1916554|Sacramento, CA
+1916558|Sacramento, CA
+1916563|Sacramento, CA
+1916564|Sacramento, CA
+1916565|Sacramento, CA
+1916567|Sacramento, CA
+1916568|Sacramento, CA
+1916574|Sacramento, CA
+1916608|Folsom, CA
+1916614|Sacramento, CA
+1916624|Rocklin, CA
+1916625|Rocklin, CA
+1916630|Rocklin, CA
+1916632|Rocklin, CA
+1916641|Sacramento, CA
+1916643|Sacramento, CA
+1916645|Lincoln, CA
+1916648|Sacramento, CA
+1916649|Sacramento, CA
+1916652|Loomis, CA
+1916683|Elk Grove, CA
+1916684|Elk Grove, CA
+1916685|Elk Grove, CA
+1916686|Elk Grove, CA
+1916688|Sacramento, CA
+1916689|Sacramento, CA
+1916703|Sacramento, CA
+1916706|Sacramento, CA
+1916714|Elk Grove, CA
+1916722|Citrus Heights, CA
+1916723|Citrus Heights, CA
+1916725|Citrus Heights, CA
+1916726|Citrus Heights, CA
+1916731|Sacramento, CA
+1916733|Sacramento, CA
+1916734|Sacramento, CA
+1916736|Sacramento, CA
+1916737|Sacramento, CA
+1916739|Sacramento, CA
+1916746|Roseville, CA
+1916771|Roseville, CA
+1916772|Roseville, CA
+1916773|Roseville, CA
+1916774|Roseville, CA
+1916776|Walnut Grove, CA
+1916777|Isleton, CA
+1916781|Roseville, CA
+1916782|Roseville, CA
+1916783|Roseville, CA
+1916784|Roseville, CA
+1916786|Roseville, CA
+1916808|Sacramento, CA
+1916817|Folsom, CA
+1916854|Sacramento, CA
+1916874|Sacramento, CA
+1916875|Sacramento, CA
+1916920|Sacramento, CA
+1916921|Sacramento, CA
+1916922|Sacramento, CA
+1916923|Sacramento, CA
+1916924|Sacramento, CA
+1916925|Sacramento, CA
+1916927|Sacramento, CA
+1916928|Sacramento, CA
+1916929|Sacramento, CA
+1916930|Sacramento, CA
+1916939|El Dorado Hills, CA
+1916941|El Dorado Hills, CA
+1916944|Carmichael, CA
+1916973|Sacramento, CA
+1916978|Sacramento, CA
+1916983|Folsom, CA
+1916984|Folsom, CA
+1916985|Folsom, CA
+1917|New York
+1917210|New York, NY
+1917289|New York, NY
+1917322|New York, NY
+1917351|New York, NY
+1917368|New York, NY
+1917507|New York, NY
+1917595|New York, NY
+1917628|New York, NY
+1917828|New York, NY
+1918207|Tahlequah, OK
+1918224|Sapulpa, OK
+1918225|Cushing, OK
+1918227|Sapulpa, OK
+1918234|Tulsa, OK
+1918241|Sand Springs, OK
+1918245|Sand Springs, OK
+1918246|Sand Springs, OK
+1918249|Tulsa, OK
+1918250|Tulsa, OK
+1918251|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918253|Jay, OK
+1918254|Tulsa, OK
+1918256|Vinita, OK
+1918257|Afton, OK
+1918258|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918259|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918267|Beggs, OK
+1918270|Tulsa, OK
+1918272|Owasso, OK
+1918273|Nowata, OK
+1918274|Owasso, OK
+1918279|Coweta, OK
+1918280|Tulsa, OK
+1918283|Claremore, OK
+1918287|Pawhuska, OK
+1918293|Tulsa, OK
+1918295|Tulsa, OK
+1918297|Hartshorne, OK
+1918307|Tulsa, OK
+1918331|Bartlesville, OK
+1918333|Bartlesville, OK
+1918335|Bartlesville, OK
+1918336|Bartlesville, OK
+1918337|Bartlesville, OK
+1918338|Bartlesville, OK
+1918341|Claremore, OK
+1918342|Claremore, OK
+1918343|Claremore, OK
+1918352|Drumright, OK
+1918355|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918357|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918358|Cleveland, OK
+1918366|Bixby, OK
+1918367|Bristow, OK
+1918376|Owasso, OK
+1918377|Davenport, OK
+1918382|Tulsa, OK
+1918387|Yale, OK
+1918392|Tulsa, OK
+1918396|Skiatook, OK
+1918398|Tulsa, OK
+1918420|McAlester, OK
+1918421|McAlester, OK
+1918423|McAlester, OK
+1918425|Tulsa, OK
+1918426|McAlester, OK
+1918428|Tulsa, OK
+1918429|McAlester, OK
+1918431|Tahlequah, OK
+1918434|Salina, OK
+1918436|Pocola, OK
+1918437|Tulsa, OK
+1918438|Tulsa, OK
+1918439|Tulsa, OK
+1918445|Tulsa, OK
+1918446|Tulsa, OK
+1918447|Tulsa, OK
+1918449|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918451|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918453|Tahlequah, OK
+1918455|Broken Arrow, OK
+1918456|Tahlequah, OK
+1918458|Tahlequah, OK
+1918459|Tulsa, OK
+1918461|Tulsa, OK
+1918465|Wilburton, OK
+1918469|Quinton, OK
+1918473|Checotah, OK
+1918476|Chouteau, OK
+1918477|Tulsa, OK
+1918478|Fort Gibson, OK
+1918479|Locust Grove, OK
+1918481|Tulsa, OK
+1918482|Haskell, OK
+1918485|Wagoner, OK
+1918486|Coweta, OK
+1918488|Tulsa, OK
+1918489|Gore, OK
+1918491|Tulsa, OK
+1918492|Tulsa, OK
+1918493|Tulsa, OK
+1918494|Tulsa, OK
+1918495|Tulsa, OK
+1918496|Tulsa, OK
+1918497|Tulsa, OK
+1918499|Tulsa, OK
+1918502|Tulsa, OK
+1918523|Tulsa, OK
+1918524|Tulsa, OK
+1918534|Dewey, OK
+1918540|Miami, OK
+1918541|Miami, OK
+1918542|Miami, OK
+1918543|Inola, OK
+1918551|Tulsa, OK
+1918567|Talihina, OK
+1918569|Clayton, OK
+1918574|Tulsa, OK
+1918579|Tulsa, OK
+1918581|Tulsa, OK
+1918582|Tulsa, OK
+1918583|Tulsa, OK
+1918584|Tulsa, OK
+1918585|Tulsa, OK
+1918586|Tulsa, OK
+1918587|Tulsa, OK
+1918588|Tulsa, OK
+1918591|Tulsa, OK
+1918592|Tulsa, OK
+1918594|Tulsa, OK
+1918595|Tulsa, OK
+1918596|Tulsa, OK
+1918599|Tulsa, OK
+1918609|Owasso, OK
+1918610|Tulsa, OK
+1918618|Eufaula, OK
+1918619|Tulsa, OK
+1918621|Tulsa, OK
+1918622|Tulsa, OK
+1918623|Okemah, OK
+1918627|Tulsa, OK
+1918628|Tulsa, OK
+1918641|Tulsa, OK
+1918642|Fairfax, OK
+1918647|Poteau, OK
+1918649|Poteau, OK
+1918652|Henryetta, OK
+1918653|Heavener, OK
+1918660|Tulsa, OK
+1918663|Tulsa, OK
+1918664|Tulsa, OK
+1918665|Tulsa, OK
+1918675|Commerce, OK
+1918676|Fairland, OK
+1918680|Muskogee, OK
+1918681|Muskogee, OK
+1918682|Muskogee, OK
+1918683|Muskogee, OK
+1918684|Muskogee, OK
+1918686|Muskogee, OK
+1918687|Muskogee, OK
+1918689|Eufaula, OK
+1918696|Stilwell, OK
+1918712|Tulsa, OK
+1918728|Tulsa, OK
+1918742|Tulsa, OK
+1918743|Tulsa, OK
+1918744|Tulsa, OK
+1918745|Tulsa, OK
+1918746|Tulsa, OK
+1918747|Tulsa, OK
+1918748|Tulsa, OK
+1918749|Tulsa, OK
+1918752|Okmulgee, OK
+1918756|Okmulgee, OK
+1918758|Okmulgee, OK
+1918762|Pawnee, OK
+1918764|Tulsa, OK
+1918773|Vian, OK
+1918775|Sallisaw, OK
+1918776|Sallisaw, OK
+1918779|Tulsa, OK
+1918781|Muskogee, OK
+1918786|Grove, OK
+1918787|Grove, OK
+1918788|Welch, OK
+1918789|Chelsea, OK
+1918793|Shidler, OK
+1918794|Tulsa, OK
+1918824|Pryor, OK
+1918825|Pryor, OK
+1918827|Mounds, OK
+1918828|Tulsa, OK
+1918832|Tulsa, OK
+1918833|Tulsa, OK
+1918834|Tulsa, OK
+1918835|Tulsa, OK
+1918836|Tulsa, OK
+1918838|Tulsa, OK
+1918847|Barnsdall, OK
+1918858|Tulsa, OK
+1918865|Mannford, OK
+1918877|Tulsa, OK
+1918885|Hominy, OK
+1918895|Tulsa, OK
+1918925|Tulsa, OK
+1918933|Tulsa, OK
+1918949|Tulsa, OK
+1918962|Spiro, OK
+1918967|Stigler, OK
+1918968|Stroud, OK
+1919|North Carolina
+1919207|Benson, NC
+1919212|Raleigh, NC
+1919220|Durham, NC
+1919231|Raleigh, NC
+1919232|Raleigh, NC
+1919245|Hillsborough, NC
+1919250|Raleigh, NC
+1919251|Durham, NC
+1919255|Raleigh, NC
+1919256|Raleigh, NC
+1919269|Zebulon, NC
+1919284|Kenly, NC
+1919286|Durham, NC
+1919301|Raleigh, NC
+1919304|Mebane, NC
+1919309|Durham, NC
+1919317|Durham, NC
+1919319|Cary, NC
+1919350|Raleigh, NC
+1919359|Clayton, NC
+1919365|Wendell, NC
+1919366|Wendell, NC
+1919381|Durham, NC
+1919382|Durham, NC
+1919383|Durham, NC
+1919384|Durham, NC
+1919402|Durham, NC
+1919404|Zebulon, NC
+1919416|Durham, NC
+1919419|Durham, NC
+1919420|Raleigh, NC
+1919431|Raleigh, NC
+1919467|Cary, NC
+1919469|Cary, NC
+1919470|Durham, NC
+1919471|Durham, NC
+1919477|Durham, NC
+1919479|Durham, NC
+1919489|Durham, NC
+1919493|Durham, NC
+1919494|Franklinton, NC
+1919496|Louisburg, NC
+1919497|Louisburg, NC
+1919510|Raleigh, NC
+1919518|Raleigh, NC
+1919530|Durham, NC
+1919542|Pittsboro, NC
+1919544|Durham, NC
+1919545|Pittsboro, NC
+1919546|Raleigh, NC
+1919547|Durham, NC
+1919550|Clayton, NC
+1919553|Clayton, NC
+1919560|Durham, NC
+1919563|Mebane, NC
+1919571|Raleigh, NC
+1919572|Durham, NC
+1919575|Butner, NC
+1919580|Goldsboro, NC
+1919582|Raleigh, NC
+1919583|Goldsboro, NC
+1919596|Durham, NC
+1919598|Durham, NC
+1919603|Oxford, NC
+1919620|Durham, NC
+1919639|Angier, NC
+1919643|Hillsborough, NC
+1919644|Hillsborough, NC
+1919658|Mount Olive, NC
+1919660|Durham, NC
+1919663|Siler City, NC
+1919664|Raleigh, NC
+1919668|Durham, NC
+1919676|Raleigh, NC
+1919677|Cary, NC
+1919680|Durham, NC
+1919681|Durham, NC
+1919682|Durham, NC
+1919683|Durham, NC
+1919684|Durham, NC
+1919687|Durham, NC
+1919688|Durham, NC
+1919690|Oxford, NC
+1919693|Oxford, NC
+1919708|Sanford, NC
+1919713|Raleigh, NC
+1919715|Raleigh, NC
+1919716|Raleigh, NC
+1919718|Sanford, NC
+1919722|Goldsboro, NC
+1919731|Goldsboro, NC
+1919732|Hillsborough, NC
+1919733|Raleigh, NC
+1919734|Goldsboro, NC
+1919735|Goldsboro, NC
+1919736|Goldsboro, NC
+1919739|Goldsboro, NC
+1919742|Siler City, NC
+1919743|Raleigh, NC
+1919751|Goldsboro, NC
+1919754|Raleigh, NC
+1919755|Raleigh, NC
+1919759|Goldsboro, NC
+1919774|Sanford, NC
+1919775|Sanford, NC
+1919776|Sanford, NC
+1919777|Sanford, NC
+1919778|Goldsboro, NC
+1919781|Raleigh, NC
+1919782|Raleigh, NC
+1919783|Raleigh, NC
+1919784|Raleigh, NC
+1919785|Raleigh, NC
+1919786|Raleigh, NC
+1919787|Raleigh, NC
+1919788|Raleigh, NC
+1919789|Raleigh, NC
+1919790|Raleigh, NC
+1919791|Raleigh, NC
+1919792|Raleigh, NC
+1919803|Raleigh, NC
+1919807|Raleigh, NC
+1919821|Raleigh, NC
+1919828|Raleigh, NC
+1919829|Raleigh, NC
+1919831|Raleigh, NC
+1919832|Raleigh, NC
+1919833|Raleigh, NC
+1919834|Raleigh, NC
+1919835|Raleigh, NC
+1919836|Raleigh, NC
+1919838|Raleigh, NC
+1919841|Raleigh, NC
+1919843|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919844|Raleigh, NC
+1919845|Raleigh, NC
+1919846|Raleigh, NC
+1919847|Raleigh, NC
+1919848|Raleigh, NC
+1919850|Raleigh, NC
+1919855|Raleigh, NC
+1919856|Raleigh, NC
+1919862|Raleigh, NC
+1919870|Raleigh, NC
+1919871|Raleigh, NC
+1919872|Raleigh, NC
+1919873|Raleigh, NC
+1919874|Raleigh, NC
+1919875|Raleigh, NC
+1919876|Raleigh, NC
+1919877|Raleigh, NC
+1919878|Raleigh, NC
+1919881|Raleigh, NC
+1919894|Benson, NC
+1919913|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919929|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919934|Smithfield, NC
+1919936|Princeton, NC
+1919938|Smithfield, NC
+1919942|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919954|Raleigh, NC
+1919956|Durham, NC
+1919962|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919963|Four Oaks, NC
+1919965|Selma, NC
+1919966|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919968|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919969|Chapel Hill, NC
+1919981|Raleigh, NC
+1919989|Smithfield, NC
+1920206|Watertown, WI
+1920208|Sheboygan, WI
+1920223|Oshkosh, WI
+1920225|Appleton, WI
+1920230|Oshkosh, WI
+1920231|Oshkosh, WI
+1920232|Oshkosh, WI
+1920233|Oshkosh, WI
+1920235|Oshkosh, WI
+1920236|Oshkosh, WI
+1920261|Watertown, WI
+1920262|Watertown, WI
+1920269|Lomira, WI
+1920288|Green Bay, WI
+1920293|Neshkoro, WI
+1920294|Green Lake, WI
+1920295|Princeton, WI
+1920303|Oshkosh, WI
+1920320|Manitowoc, WI
+1920322|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920324|Waupun, WI
+1920326|Randolph, WI
+1920327|Green Bay, WI
+1920330|De Pere, WI
+1920356|Beaver Dam, WI
+1920358|Appleton, WI
+1920361|Berlin, WI
+1920380|Appleton, WI
+1920385|Oshkosh, WI
+1920386|Juneau, WI
+1920387|Mayville, WI
+1920388|Kewaunee, WI
+1920391|Green Bay, WI
+1920398|Markesan, WI
+1920405|Green Bay, WI
+1920406|Green Bay, WI
+1920424|Oshkosh, WI
+1920426|Oshkosh, WI
+1920429|Green Bay, WI
+1920430|Green Bay, WI
+1920431|Green Bay, WI
+1920432|Green Bay, WI
+1920433|Green Bay, WI
+1920435|Green Bay, WI
+1920436|Green Bay, WI
+1920437|Green Bay, WI
+1920438|Green Bay, WI
+1920446|Fremont, WI
+1920448|Green Bay, WI
+1920451|Sheboygan, WI
+1920452|Sheboygan, WI
+1920457|Sheboygan, WI
+1920458|Sheboygan, WI
+1920459|Sheboygan, WI
+1920465|Green Bay, WI
+1920467|Sheboygan Falls, WI
+1920468|Green Bay, WI
+1920469|Green Bay, WI
+1920478|Waterloo, WI
+1920484|Fall River, WI
+1920485|Horicon, WI
+1920487|Algoma, WI
+1920490|Green Bay, WI
+1920491|Green Bay, WI
+1920492|Green Bay, WI
+1920494|Green Bay, WI
+1920496|Green Bay, WI
+1920497|Green Bay, WI
+1920498|Green Bay, WI
+1920499|Green Bay, WI
+1920533|Campbellsport, WI
+1920553|Two Rivers, WI
+1920563|Fort Atkinson, WI
+1920564|Oostburg, WI
+1920568|Fort Atkinson, WI
+1920582|Winneconne, WI
+1920596|Manawa, WI
+1920622|Wild Rose, WI
+1920623|Columbus, WI
+1920648|Lake Mills, WI
+1920651|Oshkosh, WI
+1920652|Manitowoc, WI
+1920661|Green Bay, WI
+1920668|Cedar Grove, WI
+1920674|Jefferson, WI
+1920682|Manitowoc, WI
+1920683|Manitowoc, WI
+1920684|Manitowoc, WI
+1920685|Omro, WI
+1920686|Manitowoc, WI
+1920699|Johnson Creek, WI
+1920729|Neenah, WI
+1920730|Appleton, WI
+1920731|Appleton, WI
+1920733|Appleton, WI
+1920734|Appleton, WI
+1920735|Appleton, WI
+1920738|Appleton, WI
+1920739|Appleton, WI
+1920743|Sturgeon Bay, WI
+1920745|Ripon, WI
+1920746|Sturgeon Bay, WI
+1920748|Ripon, WI
+1920749|Appleton, WI
+1920751|Neenah, WI
+1920753|Mount Calvary, WI
+1920754|Reedsville, WI
+1920756|Brillion, WI
+1920759|Kaukauna, WI
+1920766|Kaukauna, WI
+1920779|Hortonville, WI
+1920787|Wautoma, WI
+1920793|Two Rivers, WI
+1920794|Two Rivers, WI
+1920803|Sheboygan, WI
+1920822|Pulaski, WI
+1920830|Appleton, WI
+1920831|Appleton, WI
+1920832|Appleton, WI
+1920833|Seymour, WI
+1920834|Oconto, WI
+1920835|Oconto, WI
+1920839|Baileys Harbor, WI
+1920842|Suring, WI
+1920845|Luxemburg, WI
+1920846|Oconto Falls, WI
+1920848|Oconto Falls, WI
+1920849|Chilton, WI
+1920855|Gillett, WI
+1920867|Weyauwega, WI
+1920876|Elkhart Lake, WI
+1920882|Appleton, WI
+1920884|Green Bay, WI
+1920885|Beaver Dam, WI
+1920887|Beaver Dam, WI
+1920892|Plymouth, WI
+1920893|Plymouth, WI
+1920894|Kiel, WI
+1920898|New Holstein, WI
+1920906|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920907|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920921|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920922|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920923|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920924|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920926|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920928|Fox Lake, WI
+1920929|Fond du Lac, WI
+1920954|Appleton, WI
+1920955|Appleton, WI
+1920965|Green Bay, WI
+1920968|Appleton, WI
+1920969|Neenah, WI
+1920982|New London, WI
+1920984|Black Creek, WI
+1920991|Appleton, WI
+1920992|Rio, WI
+1920993|Appleton, WI
+1920996|Appleton, WI
+1920997|Appleton, WI
+1925227|Pleasanton, CA
+1925228|Martinez, CA
+1925229|Martinez, CA
+1925240|Brentwood, CA
+1925242|San Ramon, CA
+1925243|Livermore, CA
+1925244|San Ramon, CA
+1925245|Livermore, CA
+1925249|Pleasanton, CA
+1925251|Pleasanton, CA
+1925252|Pittsburg, CA
+1925253|Orinda, CA
+1925254|Orinda, CA
+1925258|Orinda, CA
+1925275|San Ramon, CA
+1925283|Lafayette, CA
+1925284|Lafayette, CA
+1925292|Livermore, CA
+1925294|Livermore, CA
+1925295|Walnut Creek, CA
+1925299|Lafayette, CA
+1925313|Martinez, CA
+1925327|San Ramon, CA
+1925328|San Ramon, CA
+1925335|Martinez, CA
+1925355|San Ramon, CA
+1925370|Martinez, CA
+1925371|Livermore, CA
+1925372|Martinez, CA
+1925373|Livermore, CA
+1925376|Moraga, CA
+1925377|Moraga, CA
+1925416|Pleasanton, CA
+1925417|Pleasanton, CA
+1925426|Pleasanton, CA
+1925427|Pittsburg, CA
+1925432|Pittsburg, CA
+1925439|Pittsburg, CA
+1925443|Livermore, CA
+1925447|Livermore, CA
+1925449|Livermore, CA
+1925454|Livermore, CA
+1925455|Livermore, CA
+1925456|Livermore, CA
+1925460|Pleasanton, CA
+1925461|Pleasanton, CA
+1925462|Pleasanton, CA
+1925463|Pleasanton, CA
+1925468|Pleasanton, CA
+1925469|Pleasanton, CA
+1925473|Pittsburg, CA
+1925479|Dublin, CA
+1925484|Pleasanton, CA
+1925485|Pleasanton, CA
+1925513|Brentwood, CA
+1925516|Brentwood, CA
+1925522|Antioch, CA
+1925600|Pleasanton, CA
+1925603|Concord, CA
+1925606|Livermore, CA
+1925625|Oakley, CA
+1925631|Moraga, CA
+1925648|Danville, CA
+1925671|Concord, CA
+1925679|Oakley, CA
+1925680|Concord, CA
+1925682|Concord, CA
+1925689|Concord, CA
+1925706|Antioch, CA
+1925734|Pleasanton, CA
+1925735|San Ramon, CA
+1925736|Danville, CA
+1925753|Antioch, CA
+1925754|Antioch, CA
+1925755|Antioch, CA
+1925756|Antioch, CA
+1925757|Antioch, CA
+1925776|Antioch, CA
+1925777|Antioch, CA
+1925778|Antioch, CA
+1925779|Antioch, CA
+1925813|Antioch, CA
+1925830|San Ramon, CA
+1925846|Pleasanton, CA
+1925847|Pleasanton, CA
+1925866|San Ramon, CA
+1925867|San Ramon, CA
+1925875|Dublin, CA
+1925901|San Ramon, CA
+1925906|Walnut Creek, CA
+1925931|Pleasanton, CA
+1925937|Walnut Creek, CA
+1925943|Walnut Creek, CA
+1925957|Martinez, CA
+1925960|Livermore, CA
+1925961|Livermore, CA
+1925962|Lafayette, CA
+1925973|San Ramon, CA
+1925975|Walnut Creek, CA
+1925978|Antioch, CA
+1925988|Walnut Creek, CA
+1928203|Sedona, AZ
+1928204|Sedona, AZ
+1928213|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928214|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928226|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928276|Yuma, AZ
+1928282|Sedona, AZ
+1928283|Tuba City, AZ
+1928284|Sedona, AZ
+1928289|Winslow, AZ
+1928305|Yuma, AZ
+1928314|Yuma, AZ
+1928317|Yuma, AZ
+1928329|Yuma, AZ
+1928337|St. Johns, AZ
+1928338|Whiteriver, AZ
+1928341|Yuma, AZ
+1928342|Yuma, AZ
+1928343|Yuma, AZ
+1928344|Yuma, AZ
+1928345|Yuma, AZ
+1928346|Mohave Valley, AZ
+1928348|Safford, AZ
+1928359|Duncan, AZ
+1928368|Lakeside, AZ
+1928373|Yuma, AZ
+1928425|Globe, AZ
+1928428|Safford, AZ
+1928443|Prescott, AZ
+1928445|Prescott, AZ
+1928453|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928468|Payson, AZ
+1928472|Payson, AZ
+1928474|Payson, AZ
+1928475|San Carlos, AZ
+1928476|Pine, AZ
+1928486|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928502|Yuma, AZ
+1928505|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928522|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928524|Holbrook, AZ
+1928525|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928526|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928527|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928532|Show Low, AZ
+1928537|Show Low, AZ
+1928539|Yuma, AZ
+1928541|Prescott, AZ
+1928556|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928565|Golden Valley, AZ
+1928567|Camp Verde, AZ
+1928633|Bagdad, AZ
+1928635|Williams, AZ
+1928636|Chino Valley, AZ
+1928643|Fredonia, AZ
+1928645|Page, AZ
+1928646|Cottonwood, AZ
+1928667|Parker, AZ
+1928669|Parker, AZ
+1928674|Chinle, AZ
+1928680|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928681|Kingman, AZ
+1928683|Gila Bend, AZ
+1928684|Wickenburg, AZ
+1928692|Kingman, AZ
+1928697|Kayenta, AZ
+1928699|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928704|Bullhead City, AZ
+1928708|Prescott, AZ
+1928714|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928717|Prescott, AZ
+1928718|Kingman, AZ
+1928726|Yuma, AZ
+1928729|Fort Defiance, AZ
+1928753|Kingman, AZ
+1928754|Bullhead City, AZ
+1928757|Kingman, AZ
+1928758|Bullhead City, AZ
+1928759|Prescott Valley, AZ
+1928763|Bullhead City, AZ
+1928764|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928767|Dolan Springs, AZ
+1928771|Prescott, AZ
+1928772|Prescott Valley, AZ
+1928773|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928774|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928775|Prescott Valley, AZ
+1928776|Prescott, AZ
+1928777|Prescott, AZ
+1928778|Prescott, AZ
+1928779|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928782|Yuma, AZ
+1928783|Yuma, AZ
+1928853|Flagstaff, AZ
+1928854|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928855|Lake Havasu City, AZ
+1928871|Window Rock, AZ
+1928875|Colorado City, AZ
+1928927|Quartzsite, AZ
+1931221|Clarksville, TN
+1931232|Dover, TN
+1931243|Celina, TN
+1931245|Clarksville, TN
+1931268|Gainesboro, TN
+1931270|Lewisburg, TN
+1931289|Erin, TN
+1931293|Cornersville, TN
+1931296|Waverly, TN
+1931320|Clarksville, TN
+1931358|Clarksville, TN
+1931359|Lewisburg, TN
+1931363|Pulaski, TN
+1931364|Chapel Hill, TN
+1931368|Clarksville, TN
+1931372|Cookeville, TN
+1931379|Mount Pleasant, TN
+1931380|Columbia, TN
+1931381|Columbia, TN
+1931388|Columbia, TN
+1931393|Tullahoma, TN
+1931403|Livingston, TN
+1931424|Pulaski, TN
+1931427|Ardmore, TN
+1931431|Clarksville, TN
+1931432|Cookeville, TN
+1931433|Fayetteville, TN
+1931438|Fayetteville, TN
+1931454|Tullahoma, TN
+1931455|Tullahoma, TN
+1931456|Crossville, TN
+1931461|Tullahoma, TN
+1931469|Huntland, TN
+1931473|McMinnville, TN
+1931474|McMinnville, TN
+1931484|Crossville, TN
+1931486|Spring Hill, TN
+1931490|Columbia, TN
+1931502|Clarksville, TN
+1931503|Clarksville, TN
+1931507|McMinnville, TN
+1931520|Cookeville, TN
+1931525|Cookeville, TN
+1931526|Cookeville, TN
+1931527|Lynnville, TN
+1931528|Cookeville, TN
+1931535|New Johnsonville, TN
+1931537|Cookeville, TN
+1931540|Columbia, TN
+1931542|Clarksville, TN
+1931551|Clarksville, TN
+1931552|Clarksville, TN
+1931553|Clarksville, TN
+1931560|Columbia, TN
+1931572|Clarksville, TN
+1931582|McEwen, TN
+1931589|Linden, TN
+1931592|Tracy City, TN
+1931598|Sewanee, TN
+1931645|Clarksville, TN
+1931646|Cookeville, TN
+1931647|Clarksville, TN
+1931648|Clarksville, TN
+1931649|Estill Springs, TN
+1931668|McMinnville, TN
+1931676|Clifton, TN
+1931680|Shelbyville, TN
+1931684|Shelbyville, TN
+1931685|Shelbyville, TN
+1931686|Rock Island, TN
+1931707|Crossville, TN
+1931722|Waynesboro, TN
+1931723|Manchester, TN
+1931728|Manchester, TN
+1931729|Centerville, TN
+1931738|Sparta, TN
+1931739|Sparta, TN
+1931752|Jamestown, TN
+1931759|Lynchburg, TN
+1931761|Sparta, TN
+1931762|Lawrenceburg, TN
+1931766|Lawrenceburg, TN
+1931787|Crossville, TN
+1931788|Crossville, TN
+1931796|Hohenwald, TN
+1931801|Clarksville, TN
+1931802|Clarksville, TN
+1931823|Livingston, TN
+1931836|Sparta, TN
+1931837|Sparta, TN
+1931839|Monterey, TN
+1931840|Columbia, TN
+1931852|Leoma, TN
+1931853|Loretto, TN
+1931864|Byrdstown, TN
+1931879|Jamestown, TN
+1931905|Clarksville, TN
+1931906|Clarksville, TN
+1931920|Clarksville, TN
+1931924|Monteagle, TN
+1931935|Sparta, TN
+1931946|Spencer, TN
+1931952|Manchester, TN
+1931954|Manchester, TN
+1936231|Conroe, TX
+1936254|Timpson, TX
+1936257|Dayton, TX
+1936258|Dayton, TX
+1936264|Conroe, TX
+1936269|Joaquin, TX
+1936275|San Augustine, TX
+1936291|Huntsville, TX
+1936293|Huntsville, TX
+1936294|Huntsville, TX
+1936295|Huntsville, TX
+1936327|Livingston, TX
+1936328|Livingston, TX
+1936329|Livingston, TX
+1936334|Liberty, TX
+1936336|Liberty, TX
+1936347|Garrison, TX
+1936348|Madisonville, TX
+1936372|Waller, TX
+1936396|Normangee, TX
+1936398|Corrigan, TX
+1936422|Huntington, TX
+1936435|Huntsville, TX
+1936436|Huntsville, TX
+1936439|Huntsville, TX
+1936441|Conroe, TX
+1936462|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936494|Conroe, TX
+1936522|Conroe, TX
+1936525|Conroe, TX
+1936539|Conroe, TX
+1936544|Crockett, TX
+1936545|Crockett, TX
+1936546|Crockett, TX
+1936552|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936559|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936560|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936564|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936568|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936569|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936582|Montgomery, TX
+1936590|Center, TX
+1936591|Center, TX
+1936594|Trinity, TX
+1936597|Montgomery, TX
+1936598|Center, TX
+1936628|Shepherd, TX
+1936632|Lufkin, TX
+1936633|Lufkin, TX
+1936634|Lufkin, TX
+1936637|Lufkin, TX
+1936639|Lufkin, TX
+1936642|Groveton, TX
+1936646|Onalaska, TX
+1936653|Coldspring, TX
+1936687|Grapeland, TX
+1936699|Lufkin, TX
+1936715|Nacogdoches, TX
+1936756|Conroe, TX
+1936760|Conroe, TX
+1936788|Conroe, TX
+1936824|Lufkin, TX
+1936825|Navasota, TX
+1936829|Diboll, TX
+1936856|Willis, TX
+1936858|Alto, TX
+1936870|Navasota, TX
+1936875|Lufkin, TX
+1936876|Huntington, TX
+1936890|Willis, TX
+1936897|Zavalla, TX
+1936967|Livingston, TX
+1937220|Dayton, OH
+1937222|Dayton, OH
+1937223|Dayton, OH
+1937224|Dayton, OH
+1937225|Dayton, OH
+1937226|Dayton, OH
+1937227|Dayton, OH
+1937228|Dayton, OH
+1937229|Dayton, OH
+1937252|Dayton, OH
+1937253|Dayton, OH
+1937254|Dayton, OH
+1937256|Dayton, OH
+1937258|Dayton, OH
+1937262|Dayton, OH
+1937263|Dayton, OH
+1937267|Dayton, OH
+1937268|Dayton, OH
+1937274|Dayton, OH
+1937275|Dayton, OH
+1937276|Dayton, OH
+1937277|Dayton, OH
+1937278|Dayton, OH
+1937279|Dayton, OH
+1937292|Bellefontaine, OH
+1937295|Fort Loramie, OH
+1937322|Springfield, OH
+1937323|Springfield, OH
+1937324|Springfield, OH
+1937325|Springfield, OH
+1937327|Springfield, OH
+1937328|Springfield, OH
+1937332|Troy, OH
+1937333|Dayton, OH
+1937335|Troy, OH
+1937339|Troy, OH
+1937342|Springfield, OH
+1937352|Xenia, OH
+1937354|Mount Victory, OH
+1937372|Xenia, OH
+1937374|Xenia, OH
+1937376|Xenia, OH
+1937378|Georgetown, OH
+1937382|Wilmington, OH
+1937383|Wilmington, OH
+1937386|Seaman, OH
+1937390|Springfield, OH
+1937392|Ripley, OH
+1937393|Hillsboro, OH
+1937394|Anna, OH
+1937399|Springfield, OH
+1937437|New Paris, OH
+1937440|Troy, OH
+1937444|Mount Orab, OH
+1937446|Sardinia, OH
+1937448|Bradford, OH
+1937449|Dayton, OH
+1937452|Camden, OH
+1937456|Eaton, OH
+1937461|Dayton, OH
+1937462|South Charleston, OH
+1937465|West Liberty, OH
+1937472|Eaton, OH
+1937473|Covington, OH
+1937484|Urbana, OH
+1937492|Sidney, OH
+1937495|Dayton, OH
+1937497|Sidney, OH
+1937498|Sidney, OH
+1937521|Springfield, OH
+1937525|Springfield, OH
+1937526|Versailles, OH
+1937542|Dayton, OH
+1937544|West Union, OH
+1937547|Greenville, OH
+1937548|Greenville, OH
+1937549|Manchester, OH
+1937562|Xenia, OH
+1937578|Marysville, OH
+1937584|Sabina, OH
+1937586|Dayton, OH
+1937587|Peebles, OH
+1937592|Bellefontaine, OH
+1937593|Bellefontaine, OH
+1937596|Jackson Center, OH
+1937599|Bellefontaine, OH
+1937615|Piqua, OH
+1937641|Dayton, OH
+1937642|Marysville, OH
+1937644|Marysville, OH
+1937645|Marysville, OH
+1937652|Urbana, OH
+1937653|Urbana, OH
+1937655|Wilmington, OH
+1937656|Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
+1937663|St. Paris, OH
+1937667|Tipp City, OH
+1937669|Tipp City, OH
+1937675|Jamestown, OH
+1937676|Pleasant Hill, OH
+1937687|New Lebanon, OH
+1937692|Arcanum, OH
+1937723|Dayton, OH
+1937748|Springboro, OH
+1937754|Fairborn, OH
+1937766|Cedarville, OH
+1937767|Yellow Springs, OH
+1937773|Piqua, OH
+1937778|Piqua, OH
+1937780|Leesburg, OH
+1937783|Blanchester, OH
+1937795|Aberdeen, OH
+1937833|Brookville, OH
+1937834|Mechanicsburg, OH
+1937839|West Alexandria, OH
+1937840|Hillsboro, OH
+1937845|New Carlisle, OH
+1937849|New Carlisle, OH
+1937855|Germantown, OH
+1937878|Fairborn, OH
+1937879|Fairborn, OH
+1937962|Lewisburg, OH
+1937968|Union City, OH
+1937981|Greenfield, OH
+1937987|New Vienna, OH
+1940235|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940243|Denton, TX
+1940264|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940320|Denton, TX
+1940322|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940323|Denton, TX
+1940325|Mineral Wells, TX
+1940328|Mineral Wells, TX
+1940349|Denton, TX
+1940369|Denton, TX
+1940380|Denton, TX
+1940381|Denton, TX
+1940382|Denton, TX
+1940383|Denton, TX
+1940384|Denton, TX
+1940387|Denton, TX
+1940397|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940422|Munday, TX
+1940423|Windthorst, TX
+1940427|Alvord, TX
+1940437|Tioga, TX
+1940442|Denton, TX
+1940458|Sanger, TX
+1940464|Argyle, TX
+1940479|Ponder, TX
+1940482|Krum, TX
+1940483|Denton, TX
+1940484|Denton, TX
+1940495|Electra, TX
+1940521|Graham, TX
+1940538|Henrietta, TX
+1940549|Graham, TX
+1940552|Vernon, TX
+1940553|Vernon, TX
+1940564|Olney, TX
+1940565|Denton, TX
+1940566|Denton, TX
+1940567|Jacksboro, TX
+1940569|Burkburnett, TX
+1940574|Archer City, TX
+1940586|Holliday, TX
+1940591|Denton, TX
+1940592|Iowa Park, TX
+1940612|Gainesville, TX
+1940626|Decatur, TX
+1940627|Decatur, TX
+1940644|Chico, TX
+1940648|Justin, TX
+1940657|Knox City, TX
+1940658|Knox City, TX
+1940663|Quanah, TX
+1940665|Gainesville, TX
+1940668|Gainesville, TX
+1940683|Bridgeport, TX
+1940684|Crowell, TX
+1940686|Pilot Point, TX
+1940687|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940689|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940691|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940692|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940696|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940716|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940720|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940723|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940759|Muenster, TX
+1940761|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940763|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940764|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940766|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940767|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940779|Graford, TX
+1940825|Nocona, TX
+1940849|Throckmorton, TX
+1940851|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940855|Wichita Falls, TX
+1940864|Haskell, TX
+1940872|Bowie, TX
+1940888|Seymour, TX
+1940889|Seymour, TX
+1940891|Denton, TX
+1940898|Denton, TX
+1940937|Childress, TX
+1941205|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941235|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941240|North Port, FL
+1941255|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941308|Sarasota, FL
+1941312|Sarasota, FL
+1941316|Sarasota, FL
+1941330|Sarasota, FL
+1941341|Sarasota, FL
+1941342|Sarasota, FL
+1941343|Sarasota, FL
+1941346|Sarasota, FL
+1941349|Sarasota, FL
+1941351|Sarasota, FL
+1941355|Sarasota, FL
+1941358|Sarasota, FL
+1941359|Sarasota, FL
+1941361|Sarasota, FL
+1941362|Sarasota, FL
+1941363|Sarasota, FL
+1941364|Sarasota, FL
+1941365|Sarasota, FL
+1941366|Sarasota, FL
+1941371|Sarasota, FL
+1941377|Sarasota, FL
+1941378|Sarasota, FL
+1941379|Sarasota, FL
+1941383|Longboat Key, FL
+1941387|Longboat Key, FL
+1941388|Sarasota, FL
+1941408|Venice, FL
+1941423|North Port, FL
+1941426|North Port, FL
+1941429|North Port, FL
+1941460|Englewood, FL
+1941473|Englewood, FL
+1941474|Englewood, FL
+1941475|Englewood, FL
+1941483|Venice, FL
+1941484|Venice, FL
+1941485|Venice, FL
+1941486|Venice, FL
+1941487|Sarasota, FL
+1941488|Venice, FL
+1941492|Venice, FL
+1941493|Venice, FL
+1941496|Venice, FL
+1941497|Venice, FL
+1941505|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941552|Sarasota, FL
+1941554|Sarasota, FL
+1941556|Sarasota, FL
+1941567|Bradenton, FL
+1941575|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941613|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941624|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941625|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941627|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941629|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941637|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941639|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941706|Sarasota, FL
+1941708|Bradenton, FL
+1941714|Bradenton, FL
+1941727|Bradenton, FL
+1941739|Bradenton, FL
+1941741|Bradenton, FL
+1941743|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941744|Bradenton, FL
+1941745|Bradenton, FL
+1941746|Bradenton, FL
+1941747|Bradenton, FL
+1941748|Bradenton, FL
+1941749|Bradenton, FL
+1941750|Bradenton, FL
+1941751|Bradenton, FL
+1941752|Bradenton, FL
+1941753|Bradenton, FL
+1941755|Bradenton, FL
+1941756|Bradenton, FL
+1941758|Bradenton, FL
+1941761|Bradenton, FL
+1941764|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941766|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941776|Parrish, FL
+1941782|Bradenton, FL
+1941792|Bradenton, FL
+1941794|Bradenton, FL
+1941795|Bradenton, FL
+1941798|Bradenton, FL
+1941833|Punta Gorda, FL
+1941883|Port Charlotte, FL
+1941896|Bradenton, FL
+1941906|Sarasota, FL
+1941917|Sarasota, FL
+1941921|Sarasota, FL
+1941922|Sarasota, FL
+1941923|Sarasota, FL
+1941924|Sarasota, FL
+1941925|Sarasota, FL
+1941926|Sarasota, FL
+1941927|Sarasota, FL
+1941928|Sarasota, FL
+1941929|Sarasota, FL
+1941951|Sarasota, FL
+1941952|Sarasota, FL
+1941953|Sarasota, FL
+1941954|Sarasota, FL
+1941955|Sarasota, FL
+1941957|Sarasota, FL
+1941964|Boca Grande, FL
+1947318|Park Ridge, IL
+1949249|Laguna Niguel, CA
+1949258|Newport Beach, CA
+1949262|Irvine, CA
+1949341|Irvine, CA
+1949361|San Clemente, CA
+1949363|Laguna Niguel, CA
+1949366|San Clemente, CA
+1949369|San Clemente, CA
+1949376|Laguna Beach, CA
+1949387|Irvine, CA
+1949450|Irvine, CA
+1949453|Irvine, CA
+1949492|San Clemente, CA
+1949494|Laguna Beach, CA
+1949495|Laguna Niguel, CA
+1949497|Laguna Beach, CA
+1949498|San Clemente, CA
+1949499|Laguna Beach, CA
+1949502|Irvine, CA
+1949509|Irvine, CA
+1949551|Irvine, CA
+1949552|Irvine, CA
+1949559|Irvine, CA
+1949651|Irvine, CA
+1949653|Irvine, CA
+1949654|Irvine, CA
+1949673|Newport Beach, CA
+1949679|Irvine, CA
+1949717|Newport Beach, CA
+1949719|Newport Beach, CA
+1949726|Irvine, CA
+1949727|Irvine, CA
+1949733|Irvine, CA
+1949753|Irvine, CA
+1949754|Irvine, CA
+1949786|Irvine, CA
+1949788|Irvine, CA
+1949824|Irvine, CA
+1949856|Irvine, CA
+1949857|Irvine, CA
+1949936|Irvine, CA
+1951222|Riverside, CA
+1951242|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951243|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951245|Lake Elsinore, CA
+1951247|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951248|Riverside, CA
+1951272|Corona, CA
+1951274|Riverside, CA
+1951275|Riverside, CA
+1951276|Riverside, CA
+1951277|Corona, CA
+1951278|Corona, CA
+1951296|Temecula, CA
+1951302|Temecula, CA
+1951303|Temecula, CA
+1951304|Murrieta, CA
+1951308|Temecula, CA
+1951328|Riverside, CA
+1951340|Corona, CA
+1951341|Riverside, CA
+1951343|Riverside, CA
+1951351|Riverside, CA
+1951352|Riverside, CA
+1951353|Riverside, CA
+1951354|Riverside, CA
+1951358|Riverside, CA
+1951359|Riverside, CA
+1951367|Riverside, CA
+1951369|Riverside, CA
+1951372|Corona, CA
+1951443|Perris, CA
+1951461|Murrieta, CA
+1951471|Lake Elsinore, CA
+1951485|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951486|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951487|San Jacinto, CA
+1951488|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951493|Corona, CA
+1951506|Temecula, CA
+1951509|Riverside, CA
+1951571|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951587|Temecula, CA
+1951601|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951637|Riverside, CA
+1951652|Hemet, CA
+1951654|San Jacinto, CA
+1951657|Perris, CA
+1951658|Hemet, CA
+1951659|Idyllwild-Pine Cove, CA
+1951674|Lake Elsinore, CA
+1951676|Temecula, CA
+1951677|Murrieta, CA
+1951680|Riverside, CA
+1951682|Riverside, CA
+1951683|Riverside, CA
+1951684|Riverside, CA
+1951686|Riverside, CA
+1951687|Riverside, CA
+1951688|Riverside, CA
+1951689|Riverside, CA
+1951693|Temecula, CA
+1951694|Temecula, CA
+1951695|Temecula, CA
+1951696|Murrieta, CA
+1951698|Murrieta, CA
+1951699|Temecula, CA
+1951719|Temecula, CA
+1951738|Corona, CA
+1951765|Hemet, CA
+1951766|Hemet, CA
+1951774|Riverside, CA
+1951776|Riverside, CA
+1951778|Riverside, CA
+1951779|Riverside, CA
+1951780|Riverside, CA
+1951781|Riverside, CA
+1951782|Riverside, CA
+1951784|Riverside, CA
+1951785|Riverside, CA
+1951786|Riverside, CA
+1951787|Riverside, CA
+1951788|Riverside, CA
+1951789|Riverside, CA
+1951791|Hemet, CA
+1951826|Riverside, CA
+1951894|Murrieta, CA
+1951924|Moreno Valley, CA
+1951925|Hemet, CA
+1951927|Hemet, CA
+1951929|Hemet, CA
+1951940|Perris, CA
+1951943|Perris, CA
+1951955|Riverside, CA
+1951977|Riverside, CA
+1952445|Shakopee, MN
+1952447|Prior Lake, MN
+1952448|Chaska, MN
+1952469|Lakeville, MN
+1952472|Mound, MN
+1952492|Jordan, MN
+1952496|Shakopee, MN
+1952758|New Prague, MN
+1952873|Belle Plaine, MN
+1954262|Davie, FL
+1954340|Coral Springs, FL
+1954344|Coral Springs, FL
+1954345|Coral Springs, FL
+1954346|Coral Springs, FL
+1954349|Weston, FL
+1954355|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954359|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954360|Deerfield Beach, FL
+1954389|Weston, FL
+1954454|Hallandale Beach, FL
+1954456|Hallandale Beach, FL
+1954457|Hallandale Beach, FL
+1954458|Hallandale Beach, FL
+1954462|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954463|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954467|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954468|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954480|Deerfield Beach, FL
+1954492|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954522|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954523|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954524|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954525|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954527|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954575|Coral Springs, FL
+1954659|Weston, FL
+1954712|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954728|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954752|Coral Springs, FL
+1954753|Coral Springs, FL
+1954755|Coral Springs, FL
+1954760|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954761|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954763|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954764|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954766|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954767|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954779|Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1954781|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954782|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954783|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954784|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954785|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954786|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954788|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954796|Coral Springs, FL
+1954838|Sunrise, FL
+1954845|Sunrise, FL
+1954846|Sunrise, FL
+1954858|Sunrise, FL
+1954941|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954942|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954943|Pompano Beach, FL
+1954946|Pompano Beach, FL
+1956230|Harlingen, TX
+1956233|Los Fresnos, TX
+1956276|San Benito, TX
+1956287|Edinburg, TX
+1956289|Edinburg, TX
+1956316|Edinburg, TX
+1956318|Edinburg, TX
+1956323|Mission, TX
+1956350|Brownsville, TX
+1956361|San Benito, TX
+1956364|Harlingen, TX
+1956365|Harlingen, TX
+1956366|Harlingen, TX
+1956380|Edinburg, TX
+1956381|Edinburg, TX
+1956383|Edinburg, TX
+1956386|Edinburg, TX
+1956389|Harlingen, TX
+1956399|San Benito, TX
+1956412|Harlingen, TX
+1956421|Harlingen, TX
+1956423|Harlingen, TX
+1956424|Mission, TX
+1956425|Harlingen, TX
+1956427|Harlingen, TX
+1956428|Harlingen, TX
+1956440|Harlingen, TX
+1956447|Weslaco, TX
+1956461|Donna, TX
+1956464|Donna, TX
+1956473|Laredo, TX
+1956487|Rio Grande City, TX
+1956488|Rio Grande City, TX
+1956504|Brownsville, TX
+1956514|Mercedes, TX
+1956519|Mission, TX
+1956523|Laredo, TX
+1956541|Brownsville, TX
+1956542|Brownsville, TX
+1956544|Brownsville, TX
+1956546|Brownsville, TX
+1956547|Brownsville, TX
+1956548|Brownsville, TX
+1956550|Brownsville, TX
+1956554|Brownsville, TX
+1956565|Mercedes, TX
+1956568|Laredo, TX
+1956574|Brownsville, TX
+1956580|Mission, TX
+1956581|Mission, TX
+1956583|Mission, TX
+1956584|Mission, TX
+1956585|Mission, TX
+1956618|McAllen, TX
+1956621|Brownsville, TX
+1956627|McAllen, TX
+1956630|McAllen, TX
+1956631|McAllen, TX
+1956632|McAllen, TX
+1956661|McAllen, TX
+1956664|McAllen, TX
+1956668|McAllen, TX
+1956682|McAllen, TX
+1956683|McAllen, TX
+1956686|McAllen, TX
+1956687|McAllen, TX
+1956688|McAllen, TX
+1956689|Raymondville, TX
+1956712|Laredo, TX
+1956716|Rio Grande City, TX
+1956717|Laredo, TX
+1956718|Laredo, TX
+1956721|Laredo, TX
+1956722|Laredo, TX
+1956723|Laredo, TX
+1956724|Laredo, TX
+1956725|Laredo, TX
+1956726|Laredo, TX
+1956727|Laredo, TX
+1956728|Laredo, TX
+1956729|Laredo, TX
+1956748|Rio Hondo, TX
+1956753|Laredo, TX
+1956761|South Padre Island, TX
+1956765|Zapata, TX
+1956791|Laredo, TX
+1956794|Laredo, TX
+1956795|Laredo, TX
+1956796|Laredo, TX
+1956797|La Feria, TX
+1956831|Brownsville, TX
+1956832|Brownsville, TX
+1956838|Brownsville, TX
+1956843|Hidalgo, TX
+1956849|Roma, TX
+1956882|Brownsville, TX
+1956928|McAllen, TX
+1956943|Port Isabel, TX
+1956968|Weslaco, TX
+1956969|Weslaco, TX
+1956971|McAllen, TX
+1956972|McAllen, TX
+1956973|Weslaco, TX
+1956982|Brownsville, TX
+1956986|Brownsville, TX
+1956992|McAllen, TX
+1956994|McAllen, TX
+1970203|Loveland, CO
+1970204|Fort Collins, CO
+1970206|Fort Collins, CO
+1970207|Fort Collins, CO
+1970221|Fort Collins, CO
+1970223|Fort Collins, CO
+1970224|Fort Collins, CO
+1970225|Fort Collins, CO
+1970226|Fort Collins, CO
+1970229|Fort Collins, CO
+1970240|Montrose, CO
+1970241|Grand Junction, CO
+1970242|Grand Junction, CO
+1970243|Grand Junction, CO
+1970244|Grand Junction, CO
+1970245|Grand Junction, CO
+1970247|Durango, CO
+1970248|Grand Junction, CO
+1970249|Montrose, CO
+1970252|Montrose, CO
+1970254|Grand Junction, CO
+1970255|Grand Junction, CO
+1970256|Grand Junction, CO
+1970257|Grand Junction, CO
+1970259|Durango, CO
+1970263|Grand Junction, CO
+1970264|Pagosa Springs, CO
+1970266|Fort Collins, CO
+1970267|Fort Collins, CO
+1970276|Hayden, CO
+1970278|Loveland, CO
+1970282|Fort Collins, CO
+1970283|De Beque, CO
+1970284|La Salle, CO
+1970285|Parachute, CO
+1970297|Fort Collins, CO
+1970298|Grand Junction, CO
+1970304|Greeley, CO
+1970313|Greeley, CO
+1970323|Olathe, CO
+1970325|Ouray, CO
+1970327|Norwood, CO
+1970328|Eagle, CO
+1970330|Greeley, CO
+1970332|Wray, CO
+1970336|Greeley, CO
+1970345|Akron, CO
+1970346|Greeley, CO
+1970347|Greeley, CO
+1970348|Greeley, CO
+1970349|Crested Butte, CO
+1970350|Greeley, CO
+1970351|Greeley, CO
+1970352|Greeley, CO
+1970353|Greeley, CO
+1970356|Greeley, CO
+1970375|Durango, CO
+1970377|Fort Collins, CO
+1970378|Greeley, CO
+1970382|Durango, CO
+1970384|Glenwood Springs, CO
+1970385|Durango, CO
+1970387|Silverton, CO
+1970392|Greeley, CO
+1970395|Greeley, CO
+1970403|Durango, CO
+1970407|Fort Collins, CO
+1970416|Fort Collins, CO
+1970419|Fort Collins, CO
+1970424|Grand Junction, CO
+1970429|Aspen, CO
+1970453|Breckenridge, CO
+1970454|Eaton, CO
+1970461|Loveland, CO
+1970464|Palisade, CO
+1970472|Fort Collins, CO
+1970474|Julesburg, CO
+1970476|Vail, CO
+1970479|Vail, CO
+1970482|Fort Collins, CO
+1970483|Wiggins, CO
+1970484|Fort Collins, CO
+1970487|Collbran, CO
+1970490|Fort Collins, CO
+1970491|Fort Collins, CO
+1970493|Fort Collins, CO
+1970494|Fort Collins, CO
+1970495|Fort Collins, CO
+1970498|Fort Collins, CO
+1970521|Sterling, CO
+1970522|Sterling, CO
+1970524|Gypsum, CO
+1970526|Sterling, CO
+1970527|Paonia, CO
+1970532|Berthoud, CO
+1970533|Mancos, CO
+1970542|Fort Morgan, CO
+1970544|Aspen, CO
+1970547|Breckenridge, CO
+1970563|Ignacio, CO
+1970564|Cortez, CO
+1970565|Cortez, CO
+1970569|Edwards, CO
+1970577|Estes Park, CO
+1970586|Estes Park, CO
+1970593|Loveland, CO
+1970612|Loveland, CO
+1970613|Loveland, CO
+1970622|Loveland, CO
+1970625|Rifle, CO
+1970626|Ridgway, CO
+1970627|Grand Lake, CO
+1970635|Loveland, CO
+1970641|Gunnison, CO
+1970663|Loveland, CO
+1970667|Loveland, CO
+1970668|Frisco, CO
+1970669|Loveland, CO
+1970674|Windsor, CO
+1970675|Rangely, CO
+1970683|Grand Junction, CO
+1970686|Windsor, CO
+1970704|Carbondale, CO
+1970723|Walden, CO
+1970724|Kremmling, CO
+1970728|Telluride, CO
+1970731|Pagosa Springs, CO
+1970736|Oak Creek, CO
+1970748|Avon, CO
+1970764|Durango, CO
+1970769|Durango, CO
+1970774|Haxtun, CO
+1970776|Loveland, CO
+1970785|Platteville, CO
+1970824|Craig, CO
+1970826|Craig, CO
+1970827|Minturn, CO
+1970842|Brush, CO
+1970845|Avon, CO
+1970848|Yuma, CO
+1970854|Holyoke, CO
+1970856|Cedaredge, CO
+1970858|Fruita, CO
+1970864|Nucla, CO
+1970867|Fort Morgan, CO
+1970870|Steamboat Spgs, CO
+1970872|Hotchkiss, CO
+1970874|Delta, CO
+1970876|Silt, CO
+1970878|Meeker, CO
+1970884|Bayfield, CO
+1970887|Granby, CO
+1970920|Aspen, CO
+1970921|Crawford, CO
+1970925|Aspen, CO
+1970926|Edwards, CO
+1970927|Basalt, CO
+1970928|Glenwood Springs, CO
+1970944|Lake City, CO
+1970945|Glenwood Springs, CO
+1970947|Glenwood Springs, CO
+1970949|Avon, CO
+1970962|Loveland, CO
+1970963|Carbondale, CO
+1970984|New Castle, CO
+1970986|Grand Junction, CO
+1971983|Woodburn, OR
+1972202|Plano, TX
+1972205|Garland, TX
+1972206|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972208|Plano, TX
+1972216|Mesquite, TX
+1972218|Lancaster, TX
+1972219|Lewisville, TX
+1972221|Lewisville, TX
+1972222|Mesquite, TX
+1972227|Lancaster, TX
+1972237|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972240|Garland, TX
+1972242|Carrollton, TX
+1972245|Carrollton, TX
+1972252|Irving, TX
+1972253|Irving, TX
+1972254|Irving, TX
+1972255|Irving, TX
+1972257|Irving, TX
+1972258|Irving, TX
+1972259|Irving, TX
+1972262|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972263|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972264|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972266|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972271|Garland, TX
+1972272|Garland, TX
+1972276|Garland, TX
+1972278|Garland, TX
+1972285|Mesquite, TX
+1972287|Seagoville, TX
+1972288|Mesquite, TX
+1972289|Mesquite, TX
+1972291|Cedar Hill, TX
+1972293|Cedar Hill, TX
+1972303|Garland, TX
+1972304|Coppell, TX
+1972312|Plano, TX
+1972313|Irving, TX
+1972315|Lewisville, TX
+1972323|Carrollton, TX
+1972335|Frisco, TX
+1972353|Lewisville, TX
+1972361|Dallas, TX
+1972378|Plano, TX
+1972382|Celina, TX
+1972387|Dallas, TX
+1972390|Allen, TX
+1972393|Coppell, TX
+1972394|Carrollton, TX
+1972396|Allen, TX
+1972398|Plano, TX
+1972403|Plano, TX
+1972404|Dallas, TX
+1972412|Rowlett, TX
+1972414|Garland, TX
+1972416|Carrollton, TX
+1972417|Carrollton, TX
+1972418|Carrollton, TX
+1972419|Dallas, TX
+1972422|Plano, TX
+1972423|Plano, TX
+1972427|Crandall, TX
+1972436|Lewisville, TX
+1972438|Irving, TX
+1972442|Wylie, TX
+1972446|Carrollton, TX
+1972449|Palmer, TX
+1972459|Lewisville, TX
+1972462|Coppell, TX
+1972463|Rowlett, TX
+1972466|Carrollton, TX
+1972473|Plano, TX
+1972475|Rowlett, TX
+1972485|Garland, TX
+1972487|Garland, TX
+1972491|Plano, TX
+1972492|Carrollton, TX
+1972494|Garland, TX
+1972496|Garland, TX
+1972501|Irving, TX
+1972502|Dallas, TX
+1972509|Plano, TX
+1972512|Carrollton, TX
+1972517|Plano, TX
+1972518|Irving, TX
+1972519|Plano, TX
+1972522|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972524|Terrell, TX
+1972527|Plano, TX
+1972529|McKinney, TX
+1972530|Garland, TX
+1972540|McKinney, TX
+1972542|McKinney, TX
+1972547|McKinney, TX
+1972548|McKinney, TX
+1972550|Irving, TX
+1972551|Terrell, TX
+1972552|Forney, TX
+1972554|Irving, TX
+1972562|McKinney, TX
+1972563|Terrell, TX
+1972564|Forney, TX
+1972566|Dallas, TX
+1972569|McKinney, TX
+1972570|Irving, TX
+1972574|Dallas, TX
+1972576|Red Oak, TX
+1972578|Plano, TX
+1972579|Irving, TX
+1972580|Irving, TX
+1972594|Irving, TX
+1972596|Plano, TX
+1972599|Plano, TX
+1972600|Irving, TX
+1972602|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972606|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972612|Plano, TX
+1972618|Plano, TX
+1972623|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972628|Dallas, TX
+1972633|Plano, TX
+1972635|Royse City, TX
+1972641|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972642|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972647|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972650|Irving, TX
+1972659|Irving, TX
+1972660|Grand Prairie, TX
+1972701|Dallas, TX
+1972717|Irving, TX
+1972719|Irving, TX
+1972721|Irving, TX
+1972722|Rockwall, TX
+1972723|Midlothian, TX
+1972727|Allen, TX
+1972734|Princeton, TX
+1972736|Princeton, TX
+1972745|Coppell, TX
+1972749|Dallas, TX
+1972756|Irving, TX
+1972769|Plano, TX
+1972770|Dallas, TX
+1972771|Rockwall, TX
+1972772|Rockwall, TX
+1972774|Dallas, TX
+1972775|Midlothian, TX
+1972781|Plano, TX
+1972782|Farmersville, TX
+1972784|Farmersville, TX
+1972790|Irving, TX
+1972794|Dallas, TX
+1972812|Irving, TX
+1972830|Irving, TX
+1972840|Garland, TX
+1972842|Ferris, TX
+1972855|Dallas, TX
+1972864|Garland, TX
+1972870|Irving, TX
+1972871|Irving, TX
+1972875|Ennis, TX
+1972878|Ennis, TX
+1972881|Plano, TX
+1972918|Richardson, TX
+1972923|Waxahachie, TX
+1972924|Anna, TX
+1972925|Dallas, TX
+1972926|Garland, TX
+1972929|Irving, TX
+1972932|Kaufman, TX
+1972935|Waxahachie, TX
+1972937|Waxahachie, TX
+1972938|Waxahachie, TX
+1972943|Plano, TX
+1972962|Kaufman, TX
+1972963|Frisco, TX
+1972964|Plano, TX
+1972969|Irving, TX
+1972981|Plano, TX
+1972985|Plano, TX
+1972986|Irving, TX
+1972988|Grand Prairie, TX
+1973|New Jersey
+1973230|Newark, NJ
+1973235|Nutley, NJ
+1973242|Newark, NJ
+1973243|West Orange, NJ
+1973247|Paterson, NJ
+1973259|Bloomfield, NJ
+1973273|Newark, NJ
+1973278|Paterson, NJ
+1973279|Paterson, NJ
+1973284|Nutley, NJ
+1973286|Newark, NJ
+1973290|Morristown, NJ
+1973293|Montague, NJ
+1973297|Newark, NJ
+1973321|Paterson, NJ
+1973322|Livingston, NJ
+1973324|West Orange, NJ
+1973325|West Orange, NJ
+1973338|Bloomfield, NJ
+1973344|Newark, NJ
+1973345|Paterson, NJ
+1973350|Newark, NJ
+1973353|Newark, NJ
+1973357|Paterson, NJ
+1973383|Newton, NJ
+1973424|Newark, NJ
+1973425|Morristown, NJ
+1973450|Belleville, NJ
+1973451|Morristown, NJ
+1973465|Newark, NJ
+1973466|Newark, NJ
+1973482|Newark, NJ
+1973483|Newark, NJ
+1973485|Newark, NJ
+1973491|Newark, NJ
+1973504|Newark, NJ
+1973509|Montclair, NJ
+1973522|Newark, NJ
+1973523|Paterson, NJ
+1973533|Livingston, NJ
+1973543|Mendham, NJ
+1973549|Florham Park, NJ
+1973578|Newark, NJ
+1973587|Denville, NJ
+1973589|Newark, NJ
+1973596|Newark, NJ
+1973621|Newark, NJ
+1973622|Newark, NJ
+1973623|Newark, NJ
+1973624|Newark, NJ
+1973631|Morristown, NJ
+1973635|Chatham, NJ
+1973642|Newark, NJ
+1973643|Newark, NJ
+1973645|Newark, NJ
+1973648|Newark, NJ
+1973655|Montclair, NJ
+1973656|Morristown, NJ
+1973661|Nutley, NJ
+1973667|Nutley, NJ
+1973669|West Orange, NJ
+1973676|East Orange, NJ
+1973680|Bloomfield, NJ
+1973684|Paterson, NJ
+1973693|Newark, NJ
+1973695|Morristown, NJ
+1973701|Chatham, NJ
+1973702|Sussex, NJ
+1973726|Sparta, NJ
+1973729|Sparta, NJ
+1973731|West Orange, NJ
+1973732|Newark, NJ
+1973733|Newark, NJ
+1973736|West Orange, NJ
+1973740|Livingston, NJ
+1973742|Paterson, NJ
+1973743|Bloomfield, NJ
+1973744|Montclair, NJ
+1973746|Montclair, NJ
+1973748|Bloomfield, NJ
+1973751|Belleville, NJ
+1973754|Paterson, NJ
+1973758|Livingston, NJ
+1973759|Belleville, NJ
+1973783|Montclair, NJ
+1973792|Newark, NJ
+1973799|Newark, NJ
+1973817|Newark, NJ
+1973824|Newark, NJ
+1973844|Belleville, NJ
+1973853|Hewitt, NJ
+1973872|Wayne, NJ
+1973875|Sussex, NJ
+1973877|Newark, NJ
+1973881|Paterson, NJ
+1973925|Paterson, NJ
+1973926|Newark, NJ
+1973962|Ringwood, NJ
+1973971|Morristown, NJ
+1973972|Newark, NJ
+1973977|Paterson, NJ
+1973991|Newark, NJ
+1973994|Livingston, NJ
+1978232|Beverly, MA
+1978244|Chelmsford, MA
+1978249|Athol, MA
+1978250|Chelmsford, MA
+1978251|North Chelmsford, MA
+1978256|Chelmsford, MA
+1978263|Acton, MA
+1978264|Acton, MA
+1978266|Acton, MA
+1978276|North Reading, MA
+1978281|Gloucester, MA
+1978282|Gloucester, MA
+1978283|Gloucester, MA
+1978287|Concord, MA
+1978297|Winchendon, MA
+1978318|Concord, MA
+1978323|Lowell, MA
+1978338|Beverly, MA
+1978341|Concord, MA
+1978342|Fitchburg, MA
+1978343|Fitchburg, MA
+1978345|Fitchburg, MA
+1978346|Merrimac, MA
+1978348|Fitchburg, MA
+1978352|Georgetown, MA
+1978354|Salem, MA
+1978355|Barre, MA
+1978356|Ipswich, MA
+1978363|West Newbury, MA
+1978365|Clinton, MA
+1978368|Clinton, MA
+1978369|Concord, MA
+1978371|Concord, MA
+1978372|Haverhill, MA
+1978373|Haverhill, MA
+1978374|Haverhill, MA
+1978386|Ashby, MA
+1978388|Amesbury, MA
+1978392|Westford, MA
+1978422|Sterling, MA
+1978425|Shirley, MA
+1978433|Pepperell, MA
+1978440|Sudbury, MA
+1978441|Lowell, MA
+1978443|Sudbury, MA
+1978446|Lowell, MA
+1978448|Groton, MA
+1978452|Lowell, MA
+1978453|Lowell, MA
+1978454|Lowell, MA
+1978456|Harvard, MA
+1978458|Lowell, MA
+1978459|Lowell, MA
+1978464|Princeton, MA
+1978466|Leominster, MA
+1978470|Andover, MA
+1978474|Andover, MA
+1978475|Andover, MA
+1978486|Littleton, MA
+1978521|Haverhill, MA
+1978524|Beverly, MA
+1978525|Gloucester, MA
+1978526|Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA
+1978531|Peabody, MA
+1978532|Peabody, MA
+1978534|Leominster, MA
+1978535|Peabody, MA
+1978536|Peabody, MA
+1978537|Leominster, MA
+1978538|Peabody, MA
+1978546|Rockport, MA
+1978562|Hudson, MA
+1978567|Hudson, MA
+1978568|Hudson, MA
+1978579|Sudbury, MA
+1978582|Lunenburg, MA
+1978589|Westford, MA
+1978597|Townsend, MA
+1978620|Lawrence, MA
+1978623|Andover, MA
+1978630|Gardner, MA
+1978632|Gardner, MA
+1978635|Acton, MA
+1978640|Tewksbury, MA
+1978646|Danvers, MA
+1978649|Tyngsboro, MA
+1978654|Lowell, MA
+1978657|Wilmington, MA
+1978658|Wilmington, MA
+1978664|North Reading, MA
+1978665|Fitchburg, MA
+1978692|Westford, MA
+1978694|Wilmington, MA
+1978739|Danvers, MA
+1978740|Salem, MA
+1978741|Salem, MA
+1978743|Salem, MA
+1978744|Salem, MA
+1978745|Salem, MA
+1978749|Andover, MA
+1978750|Danvers, MA
+1978762|Danvers, MA
+1978768|Essex, MA
+1978777|Danvers, MA
+1978779|Bolton, MA
+1978784|Ayer, MA
+1978825|Salem, MA
+1978827|Ashburnham, MA
+1978834|Amesbury, MA
+1978838|Berlin, MA
+1978840|Leominster, MA
+1978851|Tewksbury, MA
+1978858|Tewksbury, MA
+1978874|Westminster, MA
+1978878|Fitchburg, MA
+1978921|Beverly, MA
+1978922|Beverly, MA
+1978927|Beverly, MA
+1978928|Hubbardston, MA
+1978934|Lowell, MA
+1978937|Lowell, MA
+1978946|Lawrence, MA
+1978948|Rowley, MA
+1978952|Littleton, MA
+1978957|Dracut, MA
+1978970|Lowell, MA
+1978977|Peabody, MA
+1978988|Wilmington, MA
+1979209|Bryan, TX
+1979233|Freeport, TX
+1979234|Eagle Lake, TX
+1979239|Freeport, TX
+1979244|Bay City, TX
+1979245|Bay City, TX
+1979251|Brenham, TX
+1979265|Clute, TX
+1979277|Brenham, TX
+1979279|Hearne, TX
+1979282|Wharton, TX
+1979285|Lake Jackson, TX
+1979292|Lake Jackson, TX
+1979297|Lake Jackson, TX
+1979299|Lake Jackson, TX
+1979323|Bay City, TX
+1979335|East Bernard, TX
+1979345|West Columbia, TX
+1979361|Bryan, TX
+1979364|Calvert, TX
+1979421|Brenham, TX
+1979458|College Station, TX
+1979531|Wharton, TX
+1979532|Wharton, TX
+1979541|El Campo, TX
+1979542|Giddings, TX
+1979543|El Campo, TX
+1979548|Sweeny, TX
+1979549|Angleton, TX
+1979567|Caldwell, TX
+1979578|El Campo, TX
+1979596|Somerville, TX
+1979627|Sealy, TX
+1979648|Louise, TX
+1979680|College Station, TX
+1979690|College Station, TX
+1979691|College Station, TX
+1979693|College Station, TX
+1979694|College Station, TX
+1979695|College Station, TX
+1979696|College Station, TX
+1979725|Weimar, TX
+1979731|Bryan, TX
+1979732|Columbus, TX
+1979733|Columbus, TX
+1979743|Schulenburg, TX
+1979764|College Station, TX
+1979773|Lexington, TX
+1979775|Bryan, TX
+1979776|Bryan, TX
+1979778|Bryan, TX
+1979779|Bryan, TX
+1979793|Needville, TX
+1979798|Brazoria, TX
+1979822|Bryan, TX
+1979823|Bryan, TX
+1979826|Hempstead, TX
+1979828|Franklin, TX
+1979830|Brenham, TX
+1979836|Brenham, TX
+1979845|College Station, TX
+1979848|Angleton, TX
+1979849|Angleton, TX
+1979862|College Station, TX
+1979864|Angleton, TX
+1979865|Bellville, TX
+1979877|Sealy, TX
+1979885|Sealy, TX
+1979968|La Grange, TX
+1980|North Carolina
+1980207|Charlotte, NC
+1980343|Charlotte, NC
+1984|North Carolina
+1985223|Houma, LA
+1985229|Kentwood, LA
+1985230|Hammond, LA
+1985252|Pierre Part, LA
+1985262|Houma, LA
+1985288|Slidell, LA
+1985340|Hammond, LA
+1985345|Hammond, LA
+1985359|LaPlace, LA
+1985370|Ponchatoula, LA
+1985380|Morgan City, LA
+1985384|Morgan City, LA
+1985385|Morgan City, LA
+1985386|Ponchatoula, LA
+1985396|Golden Meadow, LA
+1985419|Hammond, LA
+1985429|Hammond, LA
+1985446|Thibodaux, LA
+1985447|Thibodaux, LA
+1985448|Thibodaux, LA
+1985449|Thibodaux, LA
+1985497|Edgard, LA
+1985536|Reserve, LA
+1985537|Raceland, LA
+1985542|Hammond, LA
+1985543|Hammond, LA
+1985549|Hammond, LA
+1985580|Houma, LA
+1985624|Mandeville, LA
+1985626|Mandeville, LA
+1985633|Thibodaux, LA
+1985639|Slidell, LA
+1985641|Slidell, LA
+1985643|Slidell, LA
+1985645|Slidell, LA
+1985646|Slidell, LA
+1985649|Slidell, LA
+1985651|LaPlace, LA
+1985652|LaPlace, LA
+1985661|Slidell, LA
+1985662|Hammond, LA
+1985674|Mandeville, LA
+1985690|Slidell, LA
+1985693|Larose, LA
+1985726|Slidell, LA
+1985727|Mandeville, LA
+1985730|Bogalusa, LA
+1985732|Bogalusa, LA
+1985735|Bogalusa, LA
+1985747|Amite, LA
+1985748|Amite, LA
+1985781|Slidell, LA
+1985783|Hahnville, LA
+1985787|Grand Isle, LA
+1985795|Franklinton, LA
+1985796|Folsom, LA
+1985809|Covington, LA
+1985839|Franklinton, LA
+1985847|Slidell, LA
+1985851|Houma, LA
+1985853|Houma, LA
+1985857|Houma, LA
+1985863|Pearl River, LA
+1985867|Covington, LA
+1985868|Houma, LA
+1985872|Houma, LA
+1985873|Houma, LA
+1985876|Houma, LA
+1985879|Houma, LA
+1985882|Lacombe, LA
+1985892|Covington, LA
+1985893|Covington, LA
+1985898|Covington, LA
+1989224|St. Johns, MI
+1989227|St. Johns, MI
+1989246|Gladwin, MI
+1989249|Saginaw, MI
+1989268|Vestaburg, MI
+1989269|Bad Axe, MI
+1989275|Roscommon, MI
+1989288|Durand, MI
+1989291|Sheridan, MI
+1989317|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989321|Saginaw, MI
+1989343|West Branch, MI
+1989344|Grayling, MI
+1989345|West Branch, MI
+1989348|Grayling, MI
+1989352|Lakeview, MI
+1989354|Alpena, MI
+1989356|Alpena, MI
+1989358|Alpena, MI
+1989382|Barryton, MI
+1989386|Clare, MI
+1989389|Saint Helen, MI
+1989399|Saginaw, MI
+1989401|Saginaw, MI
+1989422|Houghton Lake, MI
+1989426|Gladwin, MI
+1989427|Edmore, MI
+1989428|Port Hope, MI
+1989435|Beaverton, MI
+1989453|Pigeon, MI
+1989463|Alma, MI
+1989465|Coleman, MI
+1989466|Alma, MI
+1989479|Harbor Beach, MI
+1989486|Midland, MI
+1989496|Midland, MI
+1989497|Saginaw, MI
+1989539|Harrison, MI
+1989583|Saginaw, MI
+1989584|Carson City, MI
+1989588|Farwell, MI
+1989624|Birch Run, MI
+1989631|Midland, MI
+1989633|Midland, MI
+1989635|Marlette, MI
+1989642|Hemlock, MI
+1989643|Merrill, MI
+1989652|Frankenmuth, MI
+1989654|Sterling, MI
+1989658|Ubly, MI
+1989662|Auburn, MI
+1989667|Bay City, MI
+1989671|Bay City, MI
+1989672|Caro, MI
+1989673|Caro, MI
+1989674|Unionville, MI
+1989681|St. Louis, MI
+1989684|Bay City, MI
+1989685|Rose City, MI
+1989686|Bay City, MI
+1989687|Sanford, MI
+1989693|Fairgrove, MI
+1989695|Freeland, MI
+1989697|Linwood, MI
+1989705|Gaylord, MI
+1989723|Owosso, MI
+1989724|Harrisville, MI
+1989725|Owosso, MI
+1989728|Hale, MI
+1989729|Owosso, MI
+1989731|Gaylord, MI
+1989732|Gaylord, MI
+1989733|Onaway, MI
+1989734|Rogers City, MI
+1989735|Glennie, MI
+1989738|Port Austin, MI
+1989739|Oscoda, MI
+1989742|Hillman, MI
+1989743|Corunna, MI
+1989752|Saginaw, MI
+1989753|Saginaw, MI
+1989754|Saginaw, MI
+1989755|Saginaw, MI
+1989758|Saginaw, MI
+1989759|Saginaw, MI
+1989771|Saginaw, MI
+1989772|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989773|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989775|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989779|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989781|Saginaw Charter Township, MI
+1989785|Atlanta, MI
+1989786|Lewiston, MI
+1989790|Saginaw, MI
+1989791|Saginaw, MI
+1989792|Saginaw, MI
+1989793|Saginaw, MI
+1989797|Saginaw, MI
+1989799|Saginaw, MI
+1989802|Clare, MI
+1989821|Roscommon, MI
+1989823|Vassar, MI
+1989826|Mio, MI
+1989828|Shepherd, MI
+1989831|Stanton, MI
+1989832|Midland, MI
+1989834|Ovid, MI
+1989835|Midland, MI
+1989837|Midland, MI
+1989839|Midland, MI
+1989843|Mayville, MI
+1989845|Chesaning, MI
+1989846|Standish, MI
+1989856|Caseville, MI
+1989868|Reese, MI
+1989871|Millington, MI
+1989872|Cass City, MI
+1989873|Prescott, MI
+1989875|Ithaca, MI
+1989876|Au Gres, MI
+1989879|Pinconning, MI
+1989883|Sebewaing, MI
+1989891|Bay City, MI
+1989892|Bay City, MI
+1989893|Bay City, MI
+1989894|Bay City, MI
+1989921|Saginaw, MI
+1989923|Midland, MI
+1989953|Mount Pleasant, MI
+1989983|Vanderbilt, MI
diff --git a/geocoding/en/20.txt b/geocoding/en/20.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f7250d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/20.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [439782121]
+# with spelling changes for Qunea -> Qena and Damiette -> Damietta.
+2015|10th of Ramadan
+2046|Marsa Matruh
+2047|Kafr El-Sheikh
+2065|Red Sea
+2066|Port Said
+2082|Beni Suef
+2092|Wadi El-Gedid
diff --git a/geocoding/en/212.txt b/geocoding/en/212.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f843b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/212.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-09-22]
+# [407497373]
+212521|Casablanca/Central Morocco
+2125233|El Jedida/Mohammedia
+2125235|Oued Zem
+2125242|El Kelaa des Sraghna
+2125246|El Youssoufia/Safi
+212525|Southern Morocco
+2125282|Agadir/Ait Meloul/Inezgane
+2125285|Oulad Teima/Taroudant
+2125287|Guelmim/Tan Tan
+21252980|Marrakech area
+21252990|Agadir area
+212531|Tangier/Al Hoceima/Larache/Tètouan
+2125379|Souk Larbaa
+2125380|Rabat area
+21253880|Tangier area
+21253890|Fès/Meknès areas
+2125398|Al Hoceima/Chefchaouen
+2125399|Al Hoceima/Larache/Tangier
diff --git a/geocoding/en/213.txt b/geocoding/en/213.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c43041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/213.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [406778085]
+21332|El Oued
+21335|Bordj Bou Arreridj
diff --git a/geocoding/en/216.txt b/geocoding/en/216.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..463aacf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/216.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [434776168]
+21670|Ben Arous
+21671|Ariana/Ben Arous/Carthage/Tunis
+21676|Gafsa/Sidi Bouzid/Tozeur
+21678|Beja/Jendouba/Kef/La Kef/Siliana/Tabarka
diff --git a/geocoding/en/220.txt b/geocoding/en/220.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d0edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/220.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [414318078]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/221.txt b/geocoding/en/221.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be6e6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/221.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [373996724]
+2219|Outside Dakar
diff --git a/geocoding/en/222.txt b/geocoding/en/222.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7556f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/222.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/222.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/224.txt b/geocoding/en/224.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947660d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/224.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [373997051]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/225.txt b/geocoding/en/225.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf4966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/225.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/225.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+22534|San Pedro
diff --git a/geocoding/en/226.txt b/geocoding/en/226.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ec48c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/226.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [374115628]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/228.txt b/geocoding/en/228.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f941e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/228.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-05-12]
+# [444252687]
+22823|Maritime region
+22824|Plateaux region
+22825|Central region
+22826|Kara region
+22827|Savannah region
diff --git a/geocoding/en/229.txt b/geocoding/en/229.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94bb815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/229.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/229.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+2292029|Ouémé/Plateau departments
+2292139|Littoral/Atlantique departments
+2292249|Mono/Kouffo/Zou/Collines departments
+2292259|Mono/Kouffo/Zou/Collines departments
diff --git a/geocoding/en/230.txt b/geocoding/en/230.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9e32c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/230.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-06-05]
+# [444843696]
+# [2010-11-12]
+2302|North Region
+2304|Central Region
+2306|South Region
diff --git a/geocoding/en/232.txt b/geocoding/en/232.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdd0841
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/232.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [440895667]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/233.txt b/geocoding/en/233.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c4c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/233.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [396210576]
+# [2012-03-19]
+# The latter for the shorter Airtel region prefixes.
+233307|Greater Accra Region
+233317|Western Region
+2333222|Ashanti Mampong
+233327|Ashanti Region
+2333321|Cape Coast
+233337|Central Region
+2333427|Akuapim Mampong
+23334292|Akim Oda
+233347|Eastern Region
+2333523|Dormaa Ahenkro
+233357|Brong-Ahafo Region
+233367|Volta Region
+233377|Northern Region
+233387|Upper East Region
+233397|Upper West Region
diff --git a/geocoding/en/238.txt b/geocoding/en/238.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be2d1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/238.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/238.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+238221|Ribeira Grande, Santo Antão
+238222|Porto Novo, Santo Antão
+238223|Paúl, Santo Antão
+238224|Cocoli, Santo Antão
+238225|Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão
+238226|Chã da Igreja, Santo Antão
+238227|Ribeira das Patas, Santo Antão
+238230|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238231|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238232|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238235|Ribeira Brava, São Nicolau
+238236|Tarrafal de São Nicolau, São Nicolau
+238237|Fajã, São Nicolau
+238238|Praia Branca, São Nicolau
+238241|Espargos, Sal
+238242|Santa Maria, Sal
+238251|Sal Rei, Boa Vista
+238252|Funda das Figueiras, Boa Vista
+238255|Vila do Maio, Maio
+238256|Calheta, Maio
+238260|Praia, Santiago
+238261|Praia, Santiago
+238262|Praia, Santiago
+238263|Praia, Santiago
+238264|Praia, Santiago
+238265|Santa Catarina, Santiago
+238266|Tarrafal, Santiago
+238267|Cidade Velha, Santiago
+238268|São Domingos, Santiago
+238269|Pedra Badejo, Santiago
+238271|São Lourenço dos Órgãos/São Jorge, Santiago
+238272|Picos, Santiago
+238273|Calheta de São Miguel, Santiago
+238281|São Filipe, Fogo
+238282|Cova Figueira, Fogo
+238283|Mosteiros, Fogo
+238284|São Jorge, Fogo
+238285|Nova Sintra, Brava
diff --git a/geocoding/en/239.txt b/geocoding/en/239.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f76a4f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/239.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/239.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+2392220|Santo Amaro
+2392221|Água Grande
+2392222|Água Grande
+2392223|Água Grande
+2392224|Água Grande
+2392225|Água Grande
+2392226|Água Grande
+2392227|Água Grande
+2392228|Água Grande
+2392233|Neves, Santa Catarina
+239224|Água Grande
+2392251|Autonomous Region of Príncipe
+2392261|Angolares, Porto Alegre
+2392265|Santana, Ribeira Afonso
+239228|Água Grande
+239229|Água Grande
diff --git a/geocoding/en/242.txt b/geocoding/en/242.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3429119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/242.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/242.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/243.txt b/geocoding/en/243.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c62696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/243.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/243.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+2435|Oriental Province (Kisanga/Mbandaka)
+2436|North Kivu/South Kivu/Maniema
diff --git a/geocoding/en/244.txt b/geocoding/en/244.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ab2f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/244.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/244.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+24435|Cuanza Norte
+24436|Cuanza Sul
+244364|Porto Amboim
+24449|Cuando Cubango
+24453|Lunda Sul
+244652|St. Clara/Cunene
+244726|Bela Vista
+244728|Baia Farta
+244777|Dama Universal
diff --git a/geocoding/en/245.txt b/geocoding/en/245.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40b6064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/245.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/245.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+24522|S. Luzia
+24593|S. Domingos
diff --git a/geocoding/en/247.txt b/geocoding/en/247.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce3243f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/247.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2000-09-01]
+# [444401019]
+2472|U.S. Base
+2473|Travellers Hill
+2474|Two Boats
diff --git a/geocoding/en/249.txt b/geocoding/en/249.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bb2dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/249.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [439493782]
+24931|Port Sudan
diff --git a/geocoding/en/251.txt b/geocoding/en/251.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae59a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/251.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2005-09-12]
+# [441952823]
+25111111|Arada I, Addis Ababa
+25111112|Arada II, Addis Ababa
+25111114|French Legasion, Addis Ababa
+25111122|Sidist Kilo I, Addis Ababa
+25111123|Sidist Kilo II, Addis Ababa
+25111124|Sidist Kilo III, Addis Ababa
+25111125|Sidist Kilo Rss I, Addis Ababa
+25111127|Addisu Gebeya, Addis Ababa
+25111131|Kuyu, Addis Ababa
+251111320|Alem Ketema, Addis Ababa
+251111330|Deber Tsige, Addis Ababa
+251111340|Muke Turi, Addis Ababa
+25111135|Fitche, Addis Ababa
+25111155|Arada III, Addis Ababa
+25111156|Arada IV, Addis Ababa
+25111157|Arada V, Addis Ababa
+25111158|Arada VI, Addis Ababa
+251111860|Sululta, Addis Ababa
+25111187|Goha Tsion, Addis Ababa
+25111188|Chancho, Addis Ababa
+25111213|Addis Ketema I, Addis Ababa
+25111236|Hagere Hiwot, Addis Ababa
+25111237|Holeta Gent, Addis Ababa
+25111238|Jeldu, Addis Ababa
+251112580|Ginchi, Addis Ababa
+25111259|Shegole, Addis Ababa
+25111270|Asko, Addis Ababa
+25111275|Addis Ketema II, Addis Ababa
+25111276|Addis Ketema III, Addis Ababa
+25111277|Addis Ketema IV, Addis Ababa
+25111278|Addis Ketema VI, Addis Ababa
+25111279|Kolfe, Addis Ababa
+251112820|Guder, Addis Ababa
+25111283|Addis Alem, Addis Ababa
+25111284|Burayu, Addis Ababa
+251112850|Wolenkomi, Addis Ababa
+251112860|Enchini, Addis Ababa
+25111320|Old Airport I, Addis Ababa
+25111321|Mekanisa, Addis Ababa
+25111330|Wolkite, Addis Ababa
+251113310|Endibir, Addis Ababa
+251113320|Gunchire, Addis Ababa
+251113380|Sebeta, Addis Ababa
+251113390|Teji, Addis Ababa
+25111341|Ghion, Addis Ababa
+251113420|Tullu Bollo, Addis Ababa
+25111348|Jimmaber (Ayer Tena), Addis Ababa
+25111349|Keranyo, Addis Ababa
+25111371|Old Airport II, Addis Ababa
+25111372|Old Airport III, Addis Ababa
+25111373|Old Airport IV, Addis Ababa
+25111374|Old Airport V, Addis Ababa
+251113870|Alem Gena, Addis Ababa
+25111416|Keira I, Addis Ababa
+25111419|Hana Mariam, Addis Ababa
+25111432|Dukem, Addis Ababa
+25111433|Debre Zeit, Addis Ababa
+25111434|Akaki, Addis Ababa
+25111439|Kaliti, Addis Ababa
+25111440|Nifas Silk III, Addis Ababa
+25111442|Nifas Silk I, Addis Ababa
+25111443|Nifas Silk II, Addis Ababa
+25111465|Keria II, Addis Ababa
+25111466|Keria III, Addis Ababa
+25111467|Keira IV, Addis Ababa
+25111468|Keria V, Addis Ababa
+25111515|Filwoha II, Addis Ababa
+25111517|Sheraton/DID, Addis Ababa
+25111544|ECA, Addis Ababa
+25111550|Filwoha IV, Addis Ababa
+25111551|Filwoha III, Addis Ababa
+25111552|Filwha VI, Addis Ababa
+25111553|Filwha V, Addis Ababa
+25111554|Filwha VII, Addis Ababa
+25111618|Bole I, Addis Ababa
+25111626|Bole Michael, Addis Ababa
+25111629|Gerji, Addis Ababa
+25111645|Yeka I, Addis Ababa
+25111646|Yeka II, Addis Ababa
+25111647|Yeka Rss III, Addis Ababa
+25111651|East Addis Ababa Zone
+25111652|South Addis Ababa Zone
+25111653|South-West Addis Ababa Zone
+25111654|West Addis Ababa Zone
+25111655|Central & North Addis Ababa Zones
+25111660|Kotebe, Addis Ababa
+25111661|Bole II, Addis Ababa
+25111662|Bole III, Addis Ababa
+25111663|Bole IV, Addis Ababa
+251116640|Bole V, Addis Ababa
+251116650|Civil Aviation, Addis Ababa
+25111669|Bole VI, Addis Ababa
+25111680|Debre Sina, Addis Ababa
+25111681|Debre Birehan, Addis Ababa
+25111685|Mehal Meda, Addis Ababa
+251116860|Sendafa, Addis Ababa
+251116870|Sheno, Addis Ababa
+251116880|Enwari, Addis Ababa
+25122111|Nazreth I, South-East Region
+25122112|Nazreth II, South-East Region
+25122113|Wolenchiti, South-East Region
+25122114|Melkawarer, South-East Region
+25122115|Alem Tena, South-East Region
+25122116|Modjo, South-East Region
+25122118|Meki, South-East Region
+25122119|Nazreth, South-East Region
+25122220|Wonji, South-East Region
+25122221|Shoa, South-East Region
+25122223|Arerti, South-East Region
+25122224|Awash, South-East Region
+25122225|Melkasa, South-East Region
+25122226|Metehara, South-East Region
+25122227|Agarfa, South-East Region
+25122330|Sire, South-East Region
+25122331|Asela, South-East Region
+25122332|Bokoji, South-East Region
+25122333|Dera, South-East Region
+25122334|Huruta, South-East Region
+25122335|Iteya, South-East Region
+25122336|Assasa, South-East Region
+25122337|Kersa, South-East Region
+25122338|Sagure, South-East Region
+25122339|Diksis, South-East Region
+25122441|Abomsa, South-East Region
+25122444|Ticho, South-East Region
+25122446|Gobesa, South-East Region
+25122447|Goro, South-East Region
+25122661|Bale Goba, South-East Region
+25122662|Gessera, South-East Region
+25122663|Adaba, South-East Region
+25122664|Ghinir, South-East Region
+25122665|Robe, South-East Region
+25122666|Dodolla, South-East Region
+25122668|Dolomena, South-East Region
+25133110|Kabe, North-East Region
+25133111|Dessie I, North-East Region
+25133112|Dessie II, North-East Region
+25133113|Kobo Robit, North-East Region
+25133114|Akesta, North-East Region
+25133116|Wore-Ilu, North-East Region
+25133117|Tenta, North-East Region
+25133118|Senbete, North-East Region
+25133220|Mekana Selam, North-East Region
+25133221|Bistima, North-East Region
+25133222|Hayk, North-East Region
+25133223|Mille, North-East Region
+25133224|Wuchale, North-East Region
+25133225|Elidar, North-East Region
+25133226|Jama, North-East Region
+25133330|Sirinka, North-East Region
+25133331|Woldia, North-East Region
+25133333|Mersa, North-East Region
+25133334|Kobo, North-East Region
+25133336|Lalibela, North-East Region
+25133338|Bure, North-East Region
+25133339|Manda, North-East Region
+25133440|Sekota, North-East Region
+25133444|Ansokia, North-East Region
+25133550|Logia, North-East Region
+25133551|Kombolcha, North-East Region
+25133552|Harbu, North-East Region
+25133553|Bati, North-East Region
+25133554|Kemise, North-East Region
+25133555|Assayta, North-East Region
+25133556|Dupti, North-East Region
+25133660|Majate, North-East Region
+25133661|Epheson, North-East Region
+25133664|Shoa Robit, North-East Region
+25133666|Semera, North-East Region
+25133667|Decheotto, North-East Region
+25134440|Mekele I, North Region
+25134441|Mekele II, North Region
+25134442|Quiha, North Region
+25134443|Wukro, North Region
+25134444|Shire Endasselassie, North Region
+25134445|Adigrat, North Region
+25134446|Abi Adi, North Region
+25134447|Senkata, North Region
+25134448|Humera, North Region
+25134550|Shiraro, North Region
+25134551|Korem, North Region
+25134552|Betemariam, North Region
+25134554|A. Selam, North Region
+25134555|Rama, North Region
+25134556|Adi Daero, North Region
+25134559|Mekele, North Region
+25134660|Adi Gudem, North Region
+25134661|Endabaguna, North Region
+25134662|Mai-Tebri, North Region
+25134663|Waja, North Region
+25134771|Adwa, North Region
+25134772|Inticho, North Region
+25134773|Edaga-Hamus, North Region
+25134774|Alemata, North Region
+25134775|Axum, North Region
+25125111|Dire Dawa I, East Region
+25125112|Dire Dawa II, East Region
+25125114|Shinile, East Region
+25125115|Artshek, East Region
+25125116|Melka Jeldu, East Region
+25125332|Bedeno, East Region
+25125333|Deder, East Region
+25125334|Grawa, East Region
+25125335|Chelenko, East Region
+25125336|Kersa, East Region
+25125337|Kobo, East Region
+25125338|Kombolocha, East Region
+25125441|Hirna, East Region
+25125444|Miesso, East Region
+25125446|Erer, East Region
+25125447|Hurso, East Region
+25125551|Asebe Teferi, East Region
+25125554|Assebot, East Region
+25125661|Alemaya, East Region
+25125662|Aweday, East Region
+25125665|Babile, East Region
+25125666|Harar I, East Region
+25125667|Harar II, East Region
+25125669|Kebribeyah, East Region
+25125771|Degahabur, East Region
+25125772|Gursum, East Region
+25125774|Kabri Dehar, East Region
+25125775|Jigiga, East Region
+25125776|Godie, East Region
+25125777|Teferi Ber, East Region
+25125779|Chinagson, East Region
+25125880|Kelafo, East Region
+25146110|Shashamane I, South Region
+25146111|Shashamane II, South Region
+25146112|Kofele, South Region
+25146114|Wondo Kela, South Region
+25146115|Butajira, South Region
+25146116|Arsi Negele, South Region
+25146117|Adame Tulu, South Region
+25146118|Kuyera, South Region
+25146119|Shasemene, South Region
+25146220|Awassa I, South Region
+25146221|Awassa II, South Region
+25146222|Wonda Basha, South Region
+25146224|Aleta Wondo, South Region
+25146225|Yirgalem, South Region
+25146226|Leku, South Region
+25146227|Chuko, South Region
+25146331|Dilla, South Region
+25146332|Yirga-Chefe, South Region
+25146333|Wonago, South Region
+25146334|Shakiso, South Region
+25146335|Kibre-Mengist, South Region
+25146441|Ziway, South Region
+25146443|Hagere Mariam, South Region
+25146444|Moyale, South Region
+25146445|Negele Borena, South Region
+25146446|Yabello, South Region
+25146449|Dolo Odo, South Region
+25146551|Wollayta, South Region
+25146554|Durame, South Region
+25146555|Hossena, South Region
+25146556|Alaba Kulito, South Region
+25146558|Enseno, South Region
+25146559|Boditi, South Region
+25146660|Kebado, South Region
+25146771|Werabe, South Region
+25146774|Gidole, South Region
+25146777|Sawla, South Region
+25146881|Arba Minch, South Region
+25146882|Kibet, South Region
+25146883|Buii, South Region
+25146884|Arbaminch, South Region
+25147111|Jimma I, South-West Region
+25147112|Jimma II, South-West Region
+25147113|Serbo, South-West Region
+25147114|Assendabo, South-West Region
+25147115|Omonada, South-West Region
+25147116|Seka, South-West Region
+25147117|Sekoru, South-West Region
+25147118|Shebe, South-West Region
+25147119|Jimma, South-West Region
+25147221|Agaro, South-West Region
+25147222|Ghembo, South-West Region
+25147223|Dedo, South-West Region
+25147224|Limmu Genet, South-West Region
+25147225|Haro, South-West Region
+25147226|Yebu, South-West Region
+25147228|Atnago, South-West Region
+25147229|Ghembe, South-West Region
+25147331|Bonga, South-West Region
+25147333|Yayo, South-West Region
+25147334|Maji, South-West Region
+25147335|Mizan Teferi, South-West Region
+25147336|Aman, South-West Region
+25147337|Chora, South-West Region
+25147441|Metu, South-West Region
+25147443|Dembi, South-West Region
+25147444|Darimu, South-West Region
+25147445|Bedele, South-West Region
+25147446|Hurumu, South-West Region
+25147551|Gambela, South-West Region
+25147552|Itang, South-West Region
+25147553|Jikawo, South-West Region
+25147554|Gore, South-West Region
+25147556|Tepi, South-West Region
+25147558|Macha, South-West Region
+25147559|Abebo, South-West Region
+25157227|Ghedo, West Region
+25157550|Ejaji, West Region
+25157555|Dembidolo, West Region
+25157661|Nekemte, West Region
+25157664|Fincha, West Region
+25157665|Backo, West Region
+25157666|Shambu, West Region
+25157667|Arjo, West Region
+25157668|Sire, West Region
+25157771|Ghimbi, West Region
+25157774|Nedjo, West Region
+25157775|Assosa, West Region
+25157776|Mendi, West Region
+25157777|Billa, West Region
+25157778|Guliso, West Region
+25158111|Gonder, North-West Region
+25158114|Azezo, North-West Region
+25158119|Gilgel Beles, North-West Region
+25158220|Bahir-Dar I, North-West Region
+25158221|Dangla, North-West Region
+25158223|Durbette/Abcheklite, North-West Region
+25158224|Gimjabetmariam, North-West Region
+25158225|Chagni/Metekel, North-West Region
+25158226|Bahirdar II, North-West Region
+25158227|Enjibara Kosober, North-West Region
+25158229|Tilili, North-West Region
+25158330|Merawi, North-West Region
+25158331|Metema, North-West Region
+25158332|Maksegnit, North-West Region
+25158333|Chilga, North-West Region
+25158334|Chewahit, North-West Region
+25158335|Kola-Deba, North-West Region
+25158336|Delgi, North-West Region
+25158338|Adet, North-West Region
+25158440|Ebinat, North-West Region
+25158441|Debre-Tabour, North-West Region
+25158443|Hamusit, North-West Region
+25158444|Addis Zemen, North-West Region
+25158445|Nefas Mewcha, North-West Region
+25158446|Worota, North-West Region
+25158447|Mekane-Eyesus, North-West Region
+25158448|Teda, North-West Region
+25158550|Pawe, North-West Region
+25158661|Motta, North-West Region
+25158662|Keraniyo, North-West Region
+25158663|Debre-work, North-West Region
+25158664|Gunde-woin, North-West Region
+25158665|Bichena, North-West Region
+25158770|Mankusa, North-West Region
+25158771|Debre-Markos I, North-West Region
+25158772|Lumame, North-West Region
+25158773|Denbecha, North-West Region
+25158774|Bure, North-West Region
+25158775|Finote-Selam, North-West Region
+25158776|Dejen, North-West Region
+25158777|Amanuel, North-West Region
+25158778|Debre Markos II, North-West Region
+25158779|Jiga, North-West Region
+251911|Addis Ababa Region
+251914|North Region
+251915|East Region
+251916|South Region
+251917|West Region
+251918|North-West Region
diff --git a/geocoding/en/252.txt b/geocoding/en/252.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ad848
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/252.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-04-14]
+# [446581236]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/254.txt b/geocoding/en/254.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ac4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/254.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [437338852]
+25459|Homa Bay
diff --git a/geocoding/en/256.txt b/geocoding/en/256.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df559b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/256.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [440826634]
+256483|Fort Portal
diff --git a/geocoding/en/258.txt b/geocoding/en/258.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad034d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/258.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/258.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/260.txt b/geocoding/en/260.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b4401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/260.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [445722990]
+# Choolwe Nalubamba, ZICTA, Lusaka [2011-08-20]
+260211|Lusaka Province
+260212|Ndola/Copperbelt and Luapula Provinces
+260213|Livingstone/Southern Province
+260214|Kasama/Northern Province
+260215|Kabwe/Central Province
+260216|Chipata/Eastern Province
+260217|Solwezi/Western Province
+260218|Mongu/North-Western Province
diff --git a/geocoding/en/261.txt b/geocoding/en/261.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec8df35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/261.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-11-25]
+# [440212565]
+2612048|Mid-West Madagascar
+2612057|Maroantsetra/Sainte Marie
+2612086|Nosy Be
diff --git a/geocoding/en/263.txt b/geocoding/en/263.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..335528c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/263.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [410798684]
+26313|Victoria Falls
+26316|West Nicholson
+26339|Masvingo (Ft. Victoria)
+26376|Mount Darwin
+26385|Turk Mine
diff --git a/geocoding/en/264.txt b/geocoding/en/264.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee8f7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/264.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [429639059]
+264626|Windhoek International Airport
+26464|Swakopmund, Walvis Bay
diff --git a/geocoding/en/266.txt b/geocoding/en/266.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a6fbe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/266.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [374747753]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/267.txt b/geocoding/en/267.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ff981c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/267.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [374748013]
+26731|Gaborone (outer)
diff --git a/geocoding/en/268.txt b/geocoding/en/268.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dff0ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/268.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-09-30]
+# [451219164]
+2682207|Nhlangano, Shiselweni district
+2682217|Hlathikulu, Shiselweni district
+2682227|Hluthi, Shiselweni district
+2682237|Mahamba, Shiselweni district
+2682303|Nsoko, Lubombo district
+2682312|Mhlume, Lubombo district
+2682313|Mhlume, Lubombo district
+2682322|Tshaneni, Lubombo district
+2682323|Tshaneni, Lubombo district
+2682333|Mpaka, Lubombo district
+2682343|Siteki, Lubombo district
+2682344|Siphofaneni, Lubombo district
+2682363|Big Bend, Lubombo district
+2682364|Big Bend, Lubombo district
+2682373|Maphiveni, Lubombo district
+2682382|Simunye, Lubombo district
+2682383|Simunye, Lubombo district
+2682404|Mbabane, Hhohho district
+2682405|Mbabane, Hhohho district
+2682406|Mbabane, Hhohho district
+2682416|Lobamba, Hhohho district
+2682422|Sidwashini, Hhohho district
+2682437|Pigg's Peak, Hhohho district
+2682442|Ngwenya, Hhohho district
+2682452|Bhunya, Hhohho district
+2682453|Bhunya, Hhohho district
+2682467|Mhlambanyatsi, Hhohho district
+2682472|Mahwalala, Hhohho district
+2682482|Siphocosini, Hhohho district
+2682517|Matsapha, Manzini district
+2682518|Matsapha, Manzini district
+2682528|Malkerns, Manzini district
+2682538|Mankayane, Manzini district
+2682548|Ludzeludze, Manzini district
diff --git a/geocoding/en/269.txt b/geocoding/en/269.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79550f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/269.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/269.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/27.txt b/geocoding/en/27.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3825fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/27.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2011-08-05).
+2721|Cape Town
+2724|Cape Town
+2735|Richards Bay
+2739|Port Shepstone
+2741|Port Elizabeth
+2742|Jeffrey's Bay
+2743|East London
diff --git a/geocoding/en/290.txt b/geocoding/en/290.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc85fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/290.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-03-17]
+# [439804774]
+2903|St. Helena
+2904|St. Helena
+2906|St. Helena
+2907|St. Helena
+2908|Tristan da Cunha
diff --git a/geocoding/en/299.txt b/geocoding/en/299.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db57c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/299.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-07-22]
+# [444395959]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/30.txt b/geocoding/en/30.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9460426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/30.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from el/30.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+302275|Agios Kirykos
+302281|Ano Syros
+302392|Peraia, Thessaloniki
+302425|Feres, Magnesia
+302523|Kato Nevrokopi
+302555|Feres, Evros
+302674|Sami, Cephalonia
+302693|Kato Achaia
+302841|Agios Nikolaos
+302892|Moires, Heraklion
+302893|Pyrgos, Tinos
diff --git a/geocoding/en/31.txt b/geocoding/en/31.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf58fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/31.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from nl/31.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+31164|Bergen op Zoom
+31172|Alphen aan den Rijn
+31222|Den Burg
+31223|Den Helder
+3170|The Hague
diff --git a/geocoding/en/33.txt b/geocoding/en/33.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6610f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/33.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6452 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/33.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+3313022|Les Mureaux
+3313082|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313099|Les Mureaux
+3313408|L'Isle Adam
+3313469|L'Isle Adam
+3313474|Les Mureaux
+3313484|Le Perray en Yvelines
+3313492|Les Mureaux
+3313918|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313923|Le Chesnay
+3313943|Le Chesnay
+3313954|Le Chesnay
+3313955|Le Chesnay
+3313963|Le Chesnay
+3313969|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313976|Le Vésinet
+3314158|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314173|Rungis Complexe
+3314180|Rungis Complexe
+3314287|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314311|La Courneuve
+3314324|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314381|Le Raincy
+3314512|Rungis Complexe
+3314560|Rungis Complexe
+3314591|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314601|Le Plessis-Robinson
+3314675|Rungis Complexe
+3314686|Rungis Complexe
+3314687|Rungis Complexe
+3314818|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314835|La Courneuve
+3314836|La Courneuve
+3314837|Le Bourget
+3314838|La Courneuve
+3314851|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314857|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314858|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314859|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314865|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314867|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314870|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314871|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314872|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314934|La Courneuve
+3314978|Rungis Complexe
+3314988|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3315586|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3315630|Rungis Complexe
+3315670|Rungis Complexe
+3316022|La Ferté sous Jouarre
+3316486|Les Ulis
+3316491|Limours en Hurepoix
+3316918|Les Ulis
+3323211|Le Grand Quevilly
+3323229|Breteuil sur Iton
+3323254|Les Andelys
+3323274|Le Havre
+3323519|Le Havre
+3323521|Le Havre
+3323522|Le Havre
+3323524|Le Havre
+3323525|Le Havre
+3323526|Le Havre
+3323541|Le Havre
+3323542|Le Havre
+3323543|Le Havre
+3323544|Le Havre
+3323545|Le Havre
+3323546|Le Havre
+3323547|Le Havre
+3323548|Le Havre
+3323549|Le Havre
+3323551|Le Havre
+3323553|Le Havre
+3323554|Le Havre
+3323569|Le Grand Quevilly
+3323781|La Loupe
+3324011|La Baule Escoublac
+3324042|Le Pouliguen
+3324060|La Baule Escoublac
+3324307|Château Gontier Bazouges
+3324309|Château Gontier Bazouges
+3324314|Le Mans
+3324316|Le Mans
+3324323|Le Mans
+3324324|Le Mans
+3324328|Le Mans
+3324339|Le Mans
+3324341|Le Mans
+3324343|Le Mans
+3324348|La Flèche
+3324350|Le Mans
+3324351|Le Mans
+3324352|Le Mans
+3324354|Le Mans
+3324360|La Ferté Bernard
+3324371|La Ferté Bernard
+3324372|Le Mans
+3324375|Le Mans
+3324376|Le Mans
+3324377|Le Mans
+3324378|Le Mans
+3324381|Le Mans
+3324382|Le Mans
+3324384|Le Mans
+3324385|Le Mans
+3324386|Le Mans
+3324394|La Flèche
+3325105|La Roche sur Yon
+3325108|La Roche sur Yon
+3325112|La Chapelle sur Erdre
+3325121|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325123|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325124|La Roche sur Yon
+3325130|La Tranche sur Mer
+3325132|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325136|La Roche sur Yon
+3325137|La Roche sur Yon
+3325144|La Roche sur Yon
+3325147|La Roche sur Yon
+3325162|La Roche sur Yon
+3325164|Les Herbiers
+3325166|Les Herbiers
+3325167|Les Herbiers
+3325191|Les Herbiers
+3325195|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325428|Le Blanc
+3325437|Le Blanc
+3325448|La Châtre
+3326227|Le Tampon
+3326242|Le Port
+3326243|Le Port
+3326257|Le Tampon
+3326259|Le Tampon
+3326271|Le Port
+3329731|Le Palais
+3329828|Le Relecq Kerhuon
+3332029|La Bassée
+3332105|Le Touquet Paris Plage
+3332109|Berck sur Mer
+3332184|Berck sur Mer
+3332189|Berck sur Mer
+3332227|Le Crotoy
+3332356|La Fère
+3332784|Le Cateau Cambrésis
+3332925|La Bresse
+3332930|Le Val-d'Ajol
+3338460|Les Rousses
+3338528|La Clayette
+3338555|Le Creusot
+3338556|Le Creusot
+3338573|Le Creusot
+3338577|Le Creusot
+3338580|Le Creusot
+3338670|La Charité sur Loire
+3344202|Les Pennes Mirabeau
+3344208|La Ciotat
+3344271|La Ciotat
+3344283|La Ciotat
+3344298|La Ciotat
+3345003|La Roche sur Foron
+3345054|Les Houches
+3346634|La Grand Combe
+3346651|Le Grau du Roi
+3346726|Le Cap d'Agde
+3346756|La Grande Motte
+3346781|Le Vigan
+3346883|Le Boulou
+3346886|Le Barcarès
+3347102|Le Puy en Velay
+3347104|Le Puy en Velay
+3347105|Le Puy en Velay
+3347106|Le Puy en Velay
+3347107|Le Puy-en-Velay
+3347109|Le Puy en Velay
+3347222|Lyon Saint Exupéry Aéroport
+3347339|Les Martres-de-Veyre
+3347365|Le Mont Dore
+3347381|La Bourboule
+3347420|La Côte Saint André
+3347427|L'Isle d'Abeau
+3347433|Les Avenières
+3347497|La Tour du Pin
+3347529|Le Cheylard
+3347549|Le Teil
+3347611|L'Alpe d'Huez
+3347637|Le Pont de Beauvoisin
+3347679|Les Deux Alpes
+3347680|L'Alpe d'Huez
+3347681|La Mure d'Isère
+3347901|Courchevel Saint Bon
+3347908|Courchevel Saint Bon
+3347924|Moutiers Tarentaise
+3347925|La Motte Servolex
+3349003|Le Pontet
+3349007|La Tour d'Aigues
+3349020|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349021|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349031|Le Pontet
+3349032|Le Pontet
+3349033|Le Thor
+3349038|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349211|La Gaude
+3349218|Le Cannet
+3349219|La Roquette sur Siagne
+3349223|L'Argentière la Bessée
+3349285|La Bréole
+3349290|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349291|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349293|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349332|La Colle sur Loup
+3349333|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349334|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349345|Le Cannet
+3349346|Le Cannet
+3349361|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349363|Le Golfe Juan
+3349367|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349369|Le Cannet
+3349374|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349395|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349406|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349408|La Garde
+3349410|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349411|La Seyne-sur-Mer
+3349421|La Garde
+3349430|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349460|Le Luc
+3349466|La Crau
+3349475|La Garde
+3349487|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349494|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349498|Le Beausset
+3349721|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349723|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3351649|La Rochelle
+3351685|La Rochelle
+3354563|La Rochefoucauld
+3354567|La Couronne
+3354600|La Rochelle
+3354627|La Rochelle
+3354628|La Rochelle
+3354631|La Rochelle
+3354634|La Rochelle
+3354636|La Tremblade
+3354641|La Rochelle
+3354642|La Rochelle
+3354643|La Rochelle
+3354644|La Rochelle
+3354645|La Rochelle
+3354650|La Rochelle
+3354652|La Rochelle
+3354667|La Rochelle
+3355563|La Souterraine
+3355654|La Teste de Buch
+3355715|La Teste de Buch
+3355752|La Teste de Buch
+3356207|L'Isle Jourdain
+3359020|Les Abymes
+3359023|Le Moule
+3359025|Baie Mahault
+3359026|Baie Mahault
+3359027|Saint Barthélémy
+3359028|Sainte Rose
+3359029|Saint Barthélémy
+3359032|Baie Mahault
+3359038|Baie Mahault
+3359041|Baie Mahault
+3359048|Les Abymes
+3359051|Saint Barthélémy
+3359052|Saint Barthélémy
+3359060|Baie Mahault
+3359068|Sainte Rose
+3359081|Basse Terre
+3359084|Le Gosier
+3359086|Capesterre Belle Eau
+3359087|Saint Barthélémy
+3359089|Les Abymes
+3359091|Les Abymes
+3359094|Petit Bourg
+3359095|Petit Bourg
+3359098|Vieux Habitants
+3359099|Basse Terre
+3359638|Le Robert
+3359639|Fort de France
+3359642|Fort de France
+3359650|Fort de France
+3359651|Fort de France
+3359653|Le Lorrain
+3359654|Le François
+3359655|Le Morne Vert
+3359658|Fort de France
+3359660|Fort de France
+3359663|Fort de France
+3359664|Fort de France
+3359665|Le Robert
+3359670|Fort de France
+3359671|Fort de France
+3359672|Fort de France
+3359673|Fort de France
+3359674|Le Vauclin
+3359675|Fort de France
+3359679|Fort de France
diff --git a/geocoding/en/34.txt b/geocoding/en/34.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd5e27d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/34.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from es/34.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+34881|La Coruña
+34926|Ciudad Real
+34928|Las Palmas
+34941|La Rioja
+34971|Balearic Islands
diff --git a/geocoding/en/351.txt b/geocoding/en/351.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d8d8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/351.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/351.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+351233|Figueira da Foz
+351242|Ponte de Sôr
+351249|Torres Novas
+351252|V. N. de Famalicão
+351254|Peso da Régua
+351256|S. João da Madeira
+351258|Viana do Castelo
+351259|Vila Real
+351261|Torres Vedras
+351262|Caldas da Rainha
+351263|Vila Franca de Xira
+351269|Santiago do Cacém
+351272|Castelo Branco
+351286|Castro Verde
+351295|Angra do Heroísmo
+351296|Ponta Delgada
diff --git a/geocoding/en/352.txt b/geocoding/en/352.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6785b3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/352.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from fr/352.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/354.txt b/geocoding/en/354.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75be54b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/354.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [400511251]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/355.txt b/geocoding/en/355.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b317f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/355.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [428338576]
+355213|Bajram Curri
+355361|Ura Vajgurore
diff --git a/geocoding/en/358.txt b/geocoding/en/358.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9699485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/358.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [437010438]
+35813|North Karelia
+35814|Central Finland
+35818|Åland Islands
diff --git a/geocoding/en/36.txt b/geocoding/en/36.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95c562a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/36.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from hu/36.txt using Freebase.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/370.txt b/geocoding/en/370.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50a7c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/370.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [374911910]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/371.txt b/geocoding/en/371.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfffaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/371.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [436140555]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/372.txt b/geocoding/en/372.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e4911b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/372.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [428435162]
+3726|Tallinn/Harju County
diff --git a/geocoding/en/373.txt b/geocoding/en/373.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b42bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/373.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-03-04]
+# [440907675]
+373242|Stefan Voda
+373265|Anenii Noi
+373291|Ceadir Lunga
diff --git a/geocoding/en/374.txt b/geocoding/en/374.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2378f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/374.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Originally generated from:
+# [440755811]
+# (2011-07-28)
+# (2011-07-28)
+# with some translation for a small number of entries.
+374222|Abovyan/Akunk/Byureghavan/Nor Gyugh/Verin Ptghni
+374224|Kanakeravan/Nor Geghi/Nor Hajn/Yeghvard
+374236|Ayntap/Masis/Nor Kharberd/Norabats
+37424297|Ani Kayaran
+37424496|Mets Mantash
+374285|Davit Bek/Kajaran/Kapan
diff --git a/geocoding/en/381.txt b/geocoding/en/381.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc780d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/381.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from sr/381.txt using Wikipedia and Freebase.
+38120|Novi Pazar
+38121|Novi Sad
+38122|Sremska Mitrovica
+38128|Kosovska Mitrovica
diff --git a/geocoding/en/39.txt b/geocoding/en/39.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b424c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/39.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [426029162]
+390165|Aosta Valley
+390166|Aosta Valley
+390187|La Spezia
+390522|Reggio Emilia
+390549|San Marino
+390735|Ascoli Piceno
+390883|Andria Barletta Trani
+390934|Caltanissetta and Enna
+390963|Vibo Valentia
+390965|Reggio Calabria
diff --git a/geocoding/en/41.txt b/geocoding/en/41.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07d84f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/41.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-11-06]
+4134|Burgdorf/Langnau i.E.
+4171|St. Gallen
diff --git a/geocoding/en/420.txt b/geocoding/en/420.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01033ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/420.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [438484241]
+42031|Central Bohemian Region
+42032|Central Bohemian Region
+42035|Karlovy Vary Region
+42037|Plzeň Region
+42038|South Bohemian Region
+42039|South Bohemian Region
+42041|Ústí nad Labem Region
+42046|Pardubice Region
+42047|Ústí nad Labem Region
+42048|Liberec Region
+42049|Hradec Králové Region
+42051|South Moravian Region
+42053|South Moravian Region
+42054|South Moravian Region
+42055|Moravian-Silesian Region
+42056|Vysočina Region
+42057|Zlín Region
+42058|Olomouc Region
+42059|Moravian-Silesian Region
diff --git a/geocoding/en/421.txt b/geocoding/en/421.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcb8361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/421.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [433624401]
+42131|Dunajská Streda
+42135|Nové Zámky
+42142|Považská Bystrica
+42144|Liptovský Mikuláš
+42148|Banská Bystrica
+42153|Spišská Nová Ves
diff --git a/geocoding/en/43.txt b/geocoding/en/43.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ef426d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/43.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from de/43.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+432144|Deutsch Jahrndorf
+432162|Bruck an der Leitha
+432165|Hainburg a.d. Donau
+432167|Neusiedl am See
+432168|Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge
+432169|Trautmannsdorf an der Leitha
+432174|Wallern im Burgenland
+432177|Podersdorf am See
+432212|Orth an der Donau
+432216|Leopoldsdorf im Marchfelde
+432239|Breitenfurt bei Wien
+432242|St. Andrä-Wördern
+432245|Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel
+432246|Gerasdorf bei Wien
+432255|Deutsch Brodersdorf
+432264|Rückersdorf, Harmannsdorf
+432271|Ried am Riederberg
+432272|Tulln an der Donau
+432279|Kirchberg am Wagram
+432283|Angern an der March
+432287|Strasshof an der Nordbahn
+432522|Laa an der Thaya
+432523|Kirchstetten, Neudorf bei Staatz
+432533|Neusiedl an der Zaya
+432535|Hohenau an der March
+432577|Asparn an der Zaya
+432611|Mannersdorf an der Rabnitz
+432618|Markt St. Martin
+432622|Wiener Neustadt
+432625|Bad Sauerbrunn
+432629|Warth, Lower Austria
+432633|Markt Piesting
+432636|Puchberg am Schneeberg
+432637|Grünbach am Schneeberg
+432639|Bad Fischau
+432641|Kirchberg am Wechsel
+432642|Aspangberg-St. Peter
+432646|Kirchschlag in der Buckligen Welt
+432647|Krumbach, Lower Austria
+432665|Prein an der Rax
+432667|Schwarzau im Gebirge
+432673|Altenmarkt an der Triesting
+432674|Weissenbach an der Triesting
+432680|St. Margarethen im Burgenland
+432683|Purbach am Neusiedler See
+432684|Schützen am Gebirge
+432715|Weissenkirchen in der Wachau
+432718|Lichtenau im Waldviertel
+432722|Kirchberg an der Pielach
+432723|Rabenstein an der Pielach
+432724|Schwarzenbach an der Pielach
+432732|Krems an der Donau
+432733|Schönberg am Kamp
+432735|Hadersdorf am Kamp
+432738|Fels am Wagram
+432742|St. Pölten
+432744|Kasten bei Böheimkirchen
+432756|St. Leonhard am Forst
+432763|St. Veit an der Gölsen
+432768|St. Aegyd am Neuwalde
+432812|Gross Gerungs
+432822|Zwettl, Lower Austria
+432825|Göpfritz an der Wild
+432842|Waidhofen an der Thaya
+432846|Raabs an der Thaya
+432848|Pfaffenschlag bei Waidhofen
+432854|Kirchberg am Walde
+432857|Bad Grosspertholz
+432858|Moorbad Harbach
+432916|Riegersburg, Hardegg
+432959|Sitzendorf an der Schmida
+432985|Gars am Kamp
+432987|St. Leonhard am Hornerwald
+432989|Brunn an der Wild
+433113|Pischelsdorf in der Steiermark
+433114|Markt Hartmannsdorf
+433116|Kirchbach in Steiermark
+433117|Eggersdorf bei Graz
+433119|St. Marein bei Graz
+433123|St. Oswald bei Plankenwarth
+433134|Heiligenkreuz am Waasen
+433135|Kalsdorf bei Graz
+433140|St. Martin am Wöllmissberg
+433148|Kainach bei Voitsberg
+433158|St. Anna am Aigen
+433159|Bad Gleichenberg
+433177|Puch bei Weiz
+433178|St. Ruprecht an der Raab
+433183|St. Georgen an der Stiefing
+433184|Wolfsberg im Schwarzautal
+433325|Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitztal
+433327|St. Michael im Burgenland
+433331|St. Lorenzen am Wechsel
+433356|Markt Allhau
+433365|Deutsch Schützen-Eisenberg
+433464|Gross St. Florian
+433468|St. Oswald ob Eibiswald
+433469|St. Oswald im Freiland
+433474|Deutsch Goritz
+433476|Bad Radkersburg
+433477|St. Peter am Ottersbach
+433515|St. Lorenzen bei Knittelfeld
+433534|Stadl an der Mur
+433536|St. Peter am Kammersberg
+433537|St. Georgen ob Murau
+433575|St. Johann am Tauern
+433584|Neumarkt in Steiermark
+433585|St. Lambrecht
+433588|Katsch an der Mur
+433617|Gaishorn am See
+433622|Bad Aussee
+433623|Bad Mitterndorf
+433632|St. Gallen
+433637|Gams bei Hieflau
+433684|St. Martin am Grimming
+433689|St. Nikolai im Sölktal
+433832|Kraubath an der Mur
+433834|Wald am Schoberpass
+433843|St. Michael in Obersteiermark
+433844|Kammern im Liesingtal
+433845|Mautern in Steiermark
+433853|Spital am Semmering
+433857|Neuberg an der Mürz
+433858|Mitterdorf im Mürztal
+433862|Bruck an der Mur
+433864|St. Marein im Mürztal
+433866|Breitenau am Hochlantsch
+433867|Pernegg an der Mur
+433869|St. Katharein an der Laming
+434212|St. Veit an der Glan
+434223|Maria Saal
+434226|St. Margareten im Rosental
+434228|Feistritz im Rosental
+434229|Krumpendorf am Wörther See
+434239|St. Kanzian am Klopeiner See
+434240|Bad Kleinkirchheim
+434244|Bad Bleiberg
+434245|Feistritz an der Drau
+434253|St. Jakob im Rosental
+434254|Faak am See
+434256|Nötsch im Gailtal
+434264|Klein St. Paul
+434265|Weitensfeld im Gurktal
+434272|Pörtschach am Wörther See
+434274|Velden am Wörther See
+434275|Ebene Reichenau
+434276|Feldkirchen in Kärnten
+434283|St. Stefan im Gailtal
+434350|Bad St. Leonhard im Lavanttal
+434357|St. Paul im Lavanttal
+434358|St. Andrä
+434714|Dellach im Drautal
+434732|Gmünd in Kärnten
+434762|Spittal an der Drau
+434823|Tresdorf, Rangersdorf
+434873|St. Jakob in Defereggen
+434875|Matrei in Osttirol
+434876|Kals am Grossglockner
+434877|Prägraten am Grossvenediger
+434879|St. Veit in Defereggen
+435212|Seefeld in Tirol
+435223|Hall in Tirol
+435226|Neustift im Stubaital
+435232|Kematen in Tirol
+435236|Gries im Sellrain
+435248|Steinberg am Rofan
+435272|Steinach am Brenner
+435273|Matrei am Brenner
+435274|Gries am Brenner
+435279|St. Jodok am Brenner
+435282|Zell am Ziller
+435335|Hopfgarten im Brixental
+435352|St. Johann in Tirol
+435357|Kirchberg in Tirol
+435413|St. Leonhard im Pitztal
+435446|St. Anton am Arlberg
+435448|Pettneu am Arlberg
+435557|St. Gallenkirch
+435575|Langen bei Bregenz
+435678|Weissenbach am Lech
+436132|Bad Ischl
+436135|Bad Goisern
+436138|St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut
+436212|Seekirchen am Wallersee
+436213|Oberhofen am Irrsee
+436214|Henndorf am Wallersee
+436216|Neumarkt am Wallersee
+436219|Obertrum am See
+436226|Fuschl am See
+436227|St. Gilgen
+436229|Hof bei Salzburg
+436234|Zell am Moos
+436241|St. Koloman
+436242|Russbach am Pass Gschütt
+436244|Golling an der Salzach
+436272|Oberndorf bei Salzburg
+436276|Nussdorf am Haunsberg
+436277|St. Pantaleon
+436412|St. Johann im Pongau
+436415|Schwarzach im Pongau
+436432|Bad Hofgastein
+436434|Bad Gastein
+436461|Dienten am Hochkönig
+436467|Mühlbach am Hochkönig
+436476|St. Margarethen im Lungau
+436477|St. Michael im Lungau
+436542|Zell am See
+436545|Bruck an der Grossglocknerstrasse
+436546|Fusch an der Grossglocknerstrasse
+436565|Neukirchen am Grossvenediger
+436566|Bramberg am Wildkogel
+436582|Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer
+436584|Maria Alm am Steinernen Meer
+437211|Reichenau im Mühlkreis
+437212|Zwettl an der Rodl
+437213|Bad Leonfelden
+437217|St. Veit im Mühlkreis
+437224|St. Florian
+437227|Neuhofen an der Krems
+437228|Kematen an der Krems
+437230|Altenberg bei Linz
+437232|St. Martin im Mühlkreis
+437233|Feldkirchen an der Donau
+437237|St. Georgen an der Gusen
+437241|Steinerkirchen an der Traun
+437247|Kematen am Innbach
+437249|Bad Schallerbach
+437250|Maria Neustift
+437258|Bad Hall
+437261|Schönau im Mühlkreis
+437263|Bad Zell
+437264|Windhaag bei Perg
+437266|Bad Kreuzen
+437273|Aschach an der Donau
+437278|Neukirchen am Walde
+437279|Haibach ob der Donau
+437280|Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald
+437281|Aigen im Mühlkreis
+437285|Hofkirchen im Mühlkreis
+437286|Lembach im Mühlkreis
+437287|Peilstein im Mühlviertel
+437289|Rohrbach in Oberösterreich
+437412|Ybbs an der Donau
+437413|Marbach an der Donau
+437415|Altenmarkt, Yspertal
+437435|St. Valentin
+437442|Waidhofen an der Ybbs
+437445|Hollenstein an der Ybbs
+437448|Kematen an der Ybbs
+437471|Neustadtl an der Donau
+437475|Hausmening, Neuhofen an der Ybbs
+437477|St. Peter in der Au
+437480|Langau, Gaming
+437483|Oberndorf an der Melk
+437484|Göstling an der Ybbs
+437486|Lunz am See
+437488|Steinakirchen am Forst
+437489|Purgstall an der Erlauf
+437563|Spital am Pyhrn
+437565|St. Pankraz
+437566|Rosenau am Hengstpass
+437582|Kirchdorf an der Krems
+437585|Klaus an der Pyhrnbahn
+437587|Wartberg an der Krems
+437588|Ried im Traunkreis
+437616|Grünau im Almtal
+437618|Neukirchen, Altmünster
+437662|Seewalchen am Attersee
+437663|Steinbach am Attersee
+437664|Weyregg am Attersee
+437665|Unterach am Attersee
+437667|St. Georgen im Attergau
+437675|Ampflwang im Hausruckwald
+437676|Ottnang am Hausruck
+437683|Frankenburg am Hausruck
+437717|St. Aegidi
+437718|Waldkirchen am Wesen
+437719|Taufkirchen an der Pram
+437722|Braunau am Inn
+437728|Schwand im Innkreis
+437729|Neukirchen an der Enknach
+437732|Haag am Hausruck
+437733|Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis
+437734|Hofkirchen an der Trattnach
+437743|Maria Schmolln
+437747|Kirchberg bei Mattighofen
+437751|St. Martin im Innkreis
+437752|Ried im Innkreis
+437758|Obernberg am Inn
+437763|Kopfing im Innkreis
+437941|Neumarkt im Mühlkreis
+437943|Windhaag bei Freistadt
+437945|St. Oswald bei Freistadt
+437948|Hirschbach im Mühlkreis
+437949|Rainbach im Mühlkreis
+437954|St. Georgen am Walde
diff --git a/geocoding/en/44.txt b/geocoding/en/44.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0258e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/44.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Originally generated from:
+# [2011-01-22]
+# with multiple corrections and fixes applied (see previous commits).
+441233|Ashford (Kent)
+441248|Bangor (Gwynedd)
+441279|Bishops Stortford
+441284|Bury St Edmunds
+441300|Cerne Abbas
+441320|Fort Augustus
+441333|Peat Inn (Leven (Fife))
+441334|St Andrews
+441340|Craigellachie (Aberlour)
+441342|East Grinstead
+441355|East Kilbride
+441366|Downham Market
+441371|Great Dunmow
+441375|Grays Thurrock
+4413880|Bishop Auckland/Stanhope (Eastgate)
+4413881|Bishop Auckland/Stanhope (Eastgate)
+4413882|Stanhope (Eastgate)
+4413883|Bishop Auckland
+4413884|Bishop Auckland
+4413885|Stanhope (Eastgate)
+4413886|Bishop Auckland
+4413887|Bishop Auckland
+4413888|Bishop Auckland
+4413889|Bishop Auckland
+441395|Budleigh Salterton
+441397|Fort William
+4414300|North Cave/Market Weighton
+4414301|North Cave/Market Weighton
+4414302|North Cave
+4414303|North Cave
+4414304|North Cave
+4414305|North Cave
+4414306|Market Weighton
+4414307|Market Weighton
+4414308|Market Weighton
+4414309|Market Weighton
+4414370|Haverfordwest/Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+4414371|Haverfordwest/Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+4414372|Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+4414373|Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+4414374|Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+4414375|Clynderwen (Clunderwen)
+441442|Hemel Hempstead
+441444|Haywards Heath
+441454|Chipping Sodbury
+441470|Isle of Skye - Edinbane
+441471|Isle of Skye - Broadford
+441477|Holmes Chapel
+441478|Isle of Skye - Portree
+441489|Bishops Waltham
+441492|Colwyn Bay
+441493|Great Yarmouth
+441494|High Wycombe
+441496|Port Ellen
+4415070|Louth/Alford (Lincs)/Spilsby (Horncastle)
+4415071|Louth/Alford (Lincs)/Spilsby (Horncastle)
+4415072|Spilsby (Horncastle)
+4415074|Alford (Lincs)
+4415075|Spilsby (Horncastle)
+4415078|Alford (Lincs)
+4415079|Alford (Lincs)
+441525|Leighton Buzzard
+441553|Kings Lynn
+441556|Castle Douglas
+441581|New Luce
+441588|Bishops Castle
+441591|Llanwrtyd Wells
+441595|Lerwick, Foula & Fair Isle
+441597|Llandrindod Wells
+441608|Chipping Norton
+441620|North Berwick
+441624|Isle of Man
+441626|Newton Abbot
+441630|Market Drayton
+441644|New Galloway
+441646|Milford Haven
+441650|Cemmaes Road
+441663|New Mills
+441664|Melton Mowbray
+441671|Newton Stewart
+441673|Market Rasen
+441680|Isle of Mull - Craignure
+441681|Isle of Mull - Fionnphort
+441685|Merthyr Tydfil
+441688|Isle of Mull - Tobermory
+441692|North Walsham
+441694|Church Stretton
+4416974|Raughton Head
+441707|Welwyn Garden City
+441720|Isles of Scilly
+441726|St Austell
+441727|St Albans
+441744|St Helens
+441749|Shepton Mallet
+441761|Temple Cloud
+4417684|Pooley Bridge
+441769|South Molton
+441770|Isle of Arran
+441799|Saffron Walden
+441828|Coupar Angus
+441833|Barnard Castle
+441835|St Boswells
+441841|Newquay (Padstow)
+4418510|Great Bernera/Stornoway
+4418511|Great Bernera/Stornoway
+4418514|Great Bernera
+4418516|Great Bernera
+4418519|Great Bernera
+441858|Market Harborough
+441864|Abington (Crawford)
+441870|Isle of Benbecula
+441882|Kinloch Rannoch
+441886|Bromyard (Knightwick/Leigh Sinton)
+441892|Tunbridge Wells
+441908|Milton Keynes
+441944|West Heslerton
+441957|Mid Yell
+4419750|Alford (Aberdeen)/Strathdon
+4419751|Alford (Aberdeen)/Strathdon
+4419752|Alford (Aberdeen)
+4419754|Alford (Aberdeen)
+4419755|Alford (Aberdeen)
+4419759|Alford (Aberdeen)
+441982|Builth Wells
+441983|Isle of Wight
+441984|Watchet (Williton)
+441992|Lea Valley
+441994|St Clears
+44281|Northern Ireland
+442843|Newcastle (Co. Down)
+442891|Bangor (Co. Down)
diff --git a/geocoding/en/46.txt b/geocoding/en/46.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d7935f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/46.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from sv/46.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
diff --git a/geocoding/en/48.txt b/geocoding/en/48.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b222aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/48.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pl/48.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+4818|Nowy Sącz
+4844|Piotrków Trybunalski
+4868|Zielona Góra
+4875|Jelenia Góra
+4883|Biala Podlaska
+4895|Gorzów Wielkopolski
diff --git a/geocoding/en/49.txt b/geocoding/en/49.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..522421d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/49.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5218 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from de/49.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+49208|Oberhausen Rheinland
+492129|Haan Rheinland
+492158|Grefrath bei Krefeld
+492163|Schwalmtal Niederrhein
+492173|Langenfeld Rheinland
+492174|Burscheid Rheinland
+492175|Leichlingen Rheinland
+492202|Bergisch Gladbach
+492222|Bornheim Rheinland
+492224|Bad Honnef
+492225|Meckenheim Rheinland
+492232|Brühl Rheinland
+492233|Hürth Rheinland
+492236|Wesseling Rheinland
+492237|Kerpen Rheinland-Türnich
+492242|Hennef Sieg
+492246|Lohmar Rheinland
+492253|Bad Münstereifel
+492271|Bergheim Erft
+492272|Bedburg Erft
+492274|Elsdorf Rheinland
+492292|Windeck Sieg
+492294|Morsbach Sieg
+492324|Hattingen Ruhr
+492331|Hagen Westfalen
+492335|Wetter Ruhr
+492352|Altena Westfalen
+492357|Herscheid Westfalen
+492364|Haltern Westfalen
+492366|Herten Westfalen
+492373|Menden Sauerland
+492377|Wickede Ruhr
+492381|Hamm Westfalen
+492382|Ahlen Westfalen
+492402|Stolberg Rheinland
+492403|Eschweiler Rheinland
+492404|Alsdorf Rheinland
+492445|Schleiden Eifel
+492446|Heimbach Eifel
+492447|Dahlem bei Kall
+492449|Blankenheim Ahr
+492452|Heinsberg Rheinland
+492464|Aldenhoven bei Jülich
+492471|Roetgen Eifel
+492505|Altenberge Westfalen
+492543|Billerbeck Westfalen
+492554|Laer Kreis Steinfurt
+492557|Wettringen Kreis Steinfurt
+492562|Gronau Westfalen
+492571|Greven Westfalen
+492593|Ascheberg Westfalen
+492597|Senden Westfalen
+492603|Bad Ems
+492604|Nassau Lahn
+492606|Winningen Mosel
+49261|Koblenz am Rhein
+492620|Neuhäusel Westerwald
+492622|Bendorf am Rhein
+492626|Selters Westferwald
+492639|Anhausen Kreis Neuwied
+492641|Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler
+492644|Linz am Rhein
+492646|Königsfeld Eifel
+492661|Bad Marienberg Westerwald
+492663|Westerburg Westerwald
+492666|Freilingen Westerwald
+492674|Bad Bertrich
+492678|Büchel bei Cochem
+492681|Altenkirchen Westerwald
+492682|Hamm Sieg
+492683|Asbach Westerwald
+492684|Puderbach Westerwald
+492687|Horhausen Westerwald
+492696|Nohn Eifel
+492734|Freudenberg Westfalen
+492735|Neunkirchen Siegerl
+492736|Burbach Siegerl
+492745|Brachbach Sieg
+492751|Bad Berleburg
+492752|Bad Laasphe
+492754|Bad Laasphe-Feudingen
+492755|Bad Berleburg-Schwarzenau
+492758|Bad Berleburg-Girkhausen
+492759|Bad Berleburg-Aue
+492761|Olpe Biggesee
+492762|Wenden Südsauerland
+492764|Welschen Ennest
+492772|Herborn Hessen
+492776|Bad Endbach-Hartenrod
+492777|Breitscheid Hessen
+492821|Kleve Niederrhein
+492826|Kranenburg Niederrhein
+492855|Voerde Niederrhein
+492861|Borken Westfalen
+492867|Heiden Kreis Borken
+492872|Rhede Westfalen
+492933|Sundern Sauerland
+492973|Eslohe Sauerland
+492981|Winterberg Westfalen
+4933053|Zehlendorf Kreis Oberhavel
+4933056|Mühlenbeck Kreis Oberhavel
+4933080|Marienthal Kreis Oberhavel
+4933082|Menz Kreis Oberhavel
+4933083|Schulzendorf Kreis Oberhavel
+4933086|Grieben Kreis Oberhavel
+4933093|Fürstenberg Havel
+4933201|Gross Glienicke
+4933204|Beelitz Mark
+4933207|Gross Kreutz
+493321|Nauen Brandenburg
+4933230|Börnicke Kreis Havelland
+4933239|Gross Behnitz
+493327|Werder Havel
+4933332|Gartz Oder
+4933335|Pinnow Kreis Uckermark
+4933336|Passow Kreis Uckermark
+4933362|Liepe Kreis Barnim
+4933363|Altenhof Kreis Barnim
+4933364|Gross Ziethen Kreis Barnim
+4933365|Lüdersdorf Kreis Barnim
+4933367|Friedrichswalde Brandenburg
+493337|Biesenthal Brandenburg
+493338|Bernau Brandenburg
+4933393|Gross Schönebeck Kreis Barnim
+4933394|Blumberg Kreis Barnim
+493342|Neuenhagen bei Berlin
+4933433|Buckow Märkische Schweiz
+4933434|Herzfelde bei Strausberg
+4933437|Reichenberg bei Strausberg
+493344|Bad Freienwalde
+4933458|Falkenberg Mark
+4933472|Golzow bei Seelow
+4933477|Trebnitz bei Müncheberg
+4933478|Gross Neuendorf
+49335|Frankfurt (Oder)
+4933602|Alt Zeschdorf
+4933603|Falkenhagen bei Seelow
+4933607|Briesen Mark
+4933608|Jacobsdorf Mark
+493361|Fürstenwalde Spree
+4933631|Bad Saarow-Pieskow
+4933634|Berkenbrück Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933635|Arensdorf Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933636|Steinhöfel Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933638|Rüdersdorf bei Berlin
+4933655|Grunow Kreis Oder-Spree
+4933657|Steinsdorf Brandenburg
+4933672|Pfaffendorfb Beeskow
+4933676|Friedland bei Beeskow
+4933677|Glienicke bei Beeskow
+4933678|Storkow Mark
+4933679|Wendisch Rietz
+4933704|Baruth Mark
+4933732|Hennickendorf bei Luckenwalde
+4933742|Oehna Brandenburg
+4933746|Werbig bei Jüterbog
+493375|Königs Wusterhausen
+4933760|Münchehofe Kreis Dahme-Spreewald
+4933764|Mittenwalde Mark
+4933765|Märkisch Buchholz
+4933767|Friedersdorf bei Berlin
+493377|Zossen Brandenburg
+493381|Brandenburg an der Havel
+4933833|Wollin bei Brandenburg
+4933835|Golzow bei Brandenburg
+4933836|Butzow bei Brandenburg
+4933844|Brück Brandenburg
+4933849|Wiesenburg Mark
+4933870|Zollchow bei Rathenow
+4933874|Stechow Brandenburg
+4933920|Walsleben bei Neuruppin
+4933923|Flecken Zechlin
+4933926|Herzberg Mark
+4933928|Wildberg Brandenburg
+4933931|Rheinsberg Mark
+4933933|Lindow Mark
+493394|Wittstock Dosse
+4933963|Wulfersdorf bei Wittstock
+4933965|Herzsprung bei Wittstock
+4933968|Meyenburg Kreis Prignitz
+4933970|Neustadt Dosse
+4933971|Kyritz Brandenburg
+4933973|Zernitz bei Neustadt Dosse
+4933975|Dannenwalde Kreis Prignitz
+4933979|Wusterhausen Dosse
+4933982|Hoppenrade Kreis Prignitz
+4933983|Gross Pankow Kreis Prignitz
+4933984|Blumenthal bei Pritzwalk
+4933986|Falkenhagen Kreis Prignitz
+49340|Dessau Anh
+4934208|Löbnitz bei Delitzsch
+4934221|Schildau Gneisenaustadt
+4934222|Arzberg bei Torgau
+4934224|Belgern Sachsen
+4934243|Bad Düben
+4934261|Kühren bei Wurzen
+4934262|Falkenhain bei Wurzen
+4934292|Brandis bei Wurzen
+4934293|Naunhof bei Grimma
+4934296|Groitzsch bei Pegau
+4934298|Taucha bei Leipzig
+4934324|Ostrau Sachsen
+4934327|Waldheim Sachsen
+4934328|Hartha bei Döbeln
+493433|Borna Stadt
+4934345|Bad Lausick
+4934347|Oelzschau bei Borna
+4934361|Dahlen Sachsen
+4934362|Mügeln bei Oschatz
+4934383|Trebsen Mulde
+4934386|Dürrweitzschen bei Grimma
+4934424|Reuden bei Zeitz
+493443|Weissenfels Sachsen-Anhalt
+493445|Naumburg Saale
+4934461|Nebra Unstrut
+4934462|Laucha Unstrut
+4934463|Bad Kösen
+4934464|Freyburg Unstrut
+4934465|Bad Bibra
+493447|Altenburg Thüringen
+493448|Meuselwitz Thüringen
+4934491|Schmölln Thüringen
+4934493|Gössnitz Thüringen
+49345|Halle Saale
+4934600|Ostrau Saalkreis
+4934602|Landsberg Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934603|Nauendorf Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934606|Teicha Sachsen-Anhalt
+493461|Merseburg Saale
+493462|Bad Dürrenberg
+4934632|Mücheln Geiseltal
+4934635|Bad Lauchstädt
+4934639|Wallendorf Luppe
+4934654|Stolberg Harz
+4934656|Wallhausen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934658|Hayn Harz
+4934659|Blankenheim bei Sangerhausen
+493466|Artern Unstrut
+4934671|Bad Frankenhausen Kyffhäuser
+4934692|Alsleben Saale
+493471|Bernburg Saale
+4934721|Nienburg Saale
+493473|Aschersleben Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934745|Winningen Sachsen-Anhalt
+493475|Lutherstadt Eisleben
+493476|Hettstedt Sachsen-Anhalt
+4934774|Röblingen am See
+4934782|Mansfeld Südharz
+4934901|Rosslau Elbe
+4934903|Coswig Anhalt
+4934909|Aken Elbe
+493491|Lutherstadt Wittenberg
+4934925|Bad Schmiedeberg
+4934926|Pretzsch Elbe
+4934954|Roitzsch bei Bitterfeld
+493496|Köthen Anhalt
+4934975|Görzig Kreis Köthen
+4934978|Radegast Kreis Köthen
+4934979|Wulfen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4935021|Königstein Sächsische Schweiz
+4935022|Bad Schandau
+4935023|Bad Gottleuba
+4935024|Stadt Wehlen
+4935033|Rosenthal Sächsische Schweiz
+4935052|Kipsdorf Kurort
+4935053|Glashütte Sachsen
+4935054|Lauenstein Sachsen
+4935055|Höckendorf bei Dippoldiswalde
+4935056|Altenberg Sachsen
+4935057|Hermsdorf Erzgebirge
+4935200|Arnsdorf bei Dresden
+4935202|Klingenberg Sachsen
+4935206|Kreischa bei Dresden
+493522|Grossenhain Sachsen
+493523|Coswig bei Dresden
+4935240|Tauscha bei Grossenhain
+4935246|Ziegenhain Sachsen
+4935247|Zehren Sachsen
+4935248|Schönfeld bei Grossenhain
+4935263|Gröditz bei Riesa
+4935266|Heyda bei Riesa
+493529|Heidenau Sachsen
+4935325|Rückersdorf bei Finsterwalde
+4935326|Schönborn Kreis Elbe-Elster
+4935341|Bad Liebenwerda
+4935342|Mühlberg Elbe
+4935343|Hirschfeld bei Elsterwerda
+493535|Herzberg Elster
+4935362|Schönewalde bei Herzberg
+4935365|Falkenberg Elster
+493537|Jessen Elster
+4935383|Elster Elbe
+4935384|Steinsdorf bei Jessen
+4935389|Holzdorf Elster
+493542|Lübbenau Spreewald
+4935435|Gollmitz bei Calau
+4935436|Laasow bei Calau
+493544|Luckau Brandenburg
+4935451|Dahme Brandenburg
+493546|Lübben Spreewald
+4935473|Neu Lübbenau
+4935474|Schönwalde bei Lübben
+4935600|Döbern NL
+4935603|Burg Spreewald
+4935606|Briesen bei Cottbus
+4935608|Gross Ossnig
+493562|Forst Lausitz
+493564|Schwarze Pumpe
+4935691|Bärenklau NL
+4935694|Gosda bei Klinge
+4935722|Lauta bei Hoyerswerda
+4935723|Bernsdorf OL
+4935726|Gross Särchen
+4935728|Uhyst Spree
+4935771|Bad Muskau
+4935774|Boxberg Sachsen
+4935826|Königshain bei Görlitz
+4935828|Reichenbach OL
+4935829|Gersdorf bei Görlitz
+4935841|Grossschönau Sachsen
+4935843|Hirschfelde bei Zittau
+4935844|Oybin Kurort
+493586|Neugersdorf Sachsen
+4935874|Bernstadt an der Eigen
+4935875|Obercunnersdorf bei Löbau
+4935876|Weissenberg Sachsen
+4935891|Rothenburg OL
+4935892|Horka OL
+4935936|Sohland Spree
+4935938|Grosspostwitz OL
+4935951|Neukirch Lausitz
+4935952|Grossröhrsdorf OL
+493596|Neustadt in Sachsen
+493601|Mühlhausen Thüringen
+4936024|Diedorf bei Mühlhausen
+4936026|Struth bei Mühlhausen
+4936027|Lengenfeld Unterm Stein
+4936028|Kammerforst Thüringen
+493603|Bad Langensalza
+4936041|Bad Tennstedt
+493606|Heiligenstadt Heilbad
+4936075|Dingelstädt Eichsfeld
+4936200|Elxleben bei Arnstadt
+4936207|Plaue Thüringen
+493621|Gotha Thüringen
+493622|Waltershausen Thüringen
+4936253|Georgenthal Thüringer Wald
+4936255|Goldbach bei Gotha
+4936257|Luisenthal Thüringen
+4936259|Tabarz Thüringer Wald
+493631|Nordhausen Thüringen
+4936333|Heringen Helme
+4936422|Reinstädt Thüringen
+4936424|Kahla Thüringen
+4936426|Ottendorf bei Stadtroda
+4936427|Dornburg Saale
+493643|Weimar Thüringen
+4936458|Bad Berka
+4936459|Blankenhain Thüringen
+4936461|Bad Sulza
+4936465|Oberndorf bei Apolda
+4936481|Neustadt an der Orla
+4936484|Knau bei Pössneck
+4936601|Hermsdorf Thüringen
+4936602|Ronneburg Thüringen
+4936605|Bad Köstritz
+4936608|Seelingstädt bei Gera
+4936621|Elsterberg bei Plauen
+4936623|Berga Elster
+4936644|Hirschberg Saale
+4936646|Tanna bei Schleiz
+4936647|Saalburg Thüringen
+4936648|Dittersdorf bei Schleiz
+4936649|Gefell bei Schleiz
+4936653|Lehesten Thüringer Wald
+4936691|Eisenberg Thüringen
+4936693|Crossen an der Elster
+4936694|Schkölen Thüringen
+4936705|Oberweissbach Thüringer Wald
+493671|Saalfeld Saale
+4936741|Bad Blankenburg
+493675|Sonneberg Thüringen
+4936762|Steinach Thüringen
+493677|Ilmenau Thüringen
+4936782|Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig
+4936783|Gehren Thüringen
+493679|Neuhaus am Rennweg
+4936842|Oberhof Thüringen
+4936844|Rohr Thüringen
+4936871|Bad Colberg-Heldburg
+4936874|Schönbrunn bei Hildburghaus
+493691|Eisenach Thüringen
+4936928|Neuenhof Thüringen
+4936943|Bettenhausen Thüringen
+4936946|Erbenhausen Thüringen
+493695|Bad Salzungen
+4936961|Bad Liebenstein
+4936963|Dorndorf Rhön
+4936964|Dermbach Rhön
+4936968|Rossdorf Rhön
+49371|Chemnitz Sachsen
+4937200|Wittgensdorf bei Chemnitz
+4937202|Claussnitz bei Chemnitz
+4937203|Gersdorf bei Chemnitz
+4937204|Lichtenstein Sachsen
+4937206|Frankenberg Sachsen
+4937207|Hainichen Sachsen
+4937209|Einsiedel bei Chemnitz
+4937293|Eppendorf Sachsen
+4937295|Lugau Erzgebirge
+4937296|Stollberg Erzgebirge
+4937297|Thum Sachsen
+4937298|Oelsnitz Erzgebirge
+493731|Freiberg Sachsen
+4937320|Mulda Sachsen
+4937321|Frankenstein Sachsen
+4937323|Lichtenberg Erzgebirge
+4937324|Reinsberg Sachsen
+4937326|Frauenstein Sachsen
+4937344|Crottendorf Sachsen
+4937347|Bärenstein Kreis Annaberg
+4937348|Oberwiesenthal Kurort
+493735|Marienberg Sachsen
+4937361|Neuhausen Erzgebirge
+4937362|Seiffen Erzgebirge
+4937364|Reitzenhain Erzgebirge
+4937367|Lengefeld Erzgebirge
+4937421|Oelsnitz Vogtland
+4937423|Adorf Vogtland
+4937431|Mehltheuer Vogtland
+4937432|Pausa Vogtland
+4937435|Reuth bei Plauen
+4937437|Bad Elster
+4937438|Bad Brambach
+493744|Auerbach Vogtland
+493745|Falkenstein Vogtland
+4937462|Rothenkirchen Vogtland
+4937463|Bergen Vogtland
+4937464|Schöneck Vogtland
+4937465|Tannenbergsthal Vogtland
+4937467|Klingenthal Sachsen
+4937468|Treuen Vogtland
+4937600|Neumark Sachsen
+4937601|Mülsen Skt Jacob
+4937602|Kirchberg Sachsen
+4937605|Hartenstein Sachsen
+4937606|Lengenfeld Vogtland
+4937607|Ebersbrunn Sachsen
+4937608|Waldenburg Sachsen
+4937609|Wolkenburg Mulde
+493761|Werdau Sachsen
+493765|Reichenbach Vogtland
+493771|Aue Sachsen
+493772|Schneeberg Erzgebirge
+4937755|Schönheide Erzgebirge
+4937756|Breitenbrunn Erzgebirge
+4938203|Bad Doberan
+4938205|Tessin bei Rostock
+4938206|Graal-Müritz Seeheilbad
+4938209|Sanitz bei Rostock
+4938220|Wustrow Ostseebad
+4938223|Saal Vorpom
+4938226|Dierhagen Ostseebad
+4938227|Lüdershagen bei Barth
+4938229|Bad Sülze
+4938232|Zingst Ostseebad
+4938233|Prerow Ostseebad
+4938234|Born Darss
+4938293|Kühlungsborn Ostseebad
+4938295|Satow bei Bad Doberan
+4938296|Rerik Ostseebad
+4938300|Insel Hiddensee
+4938303|Sellin Ostseebad
+4938304|Garz Rügen
+4938308|Göhren Rügen
+4938321|Martensdorf bei Stralsund
+4938327|Elmenhorst Vorpom
+4938331|Rakow Vorpom
+4938332|Gross Bisdorf
+4938333|Horst bei Grimmen
+4938352|Kemnitz bei Greifswald
+4938353|Gützkow bei Greifswald
+4938374|Lassan bei Wolgast
+4938378|Heringsdorf Seebad
+4938379|Benz Usedom
+493838|Bergen auf Rügen
+4938391|Altenkirchen Rügen
+4938393|Binz Ostseebad
+4938423|Bad Kleinen
+4938425|Kirchdorf Poel
+4938428|Hohenkirchen bei Wismar
+4938450|Tarnow bei Bützow
+4938451|Hoppenrade bei Güstrow
+4938456|Langhagen bei Güstrow
+4938457|Krakow am See
+493860|Raben Steinfeld
+4938725|Gross Godems
+4938732|Gallin bei Lübz
+4938735|Plau am See
+4938738|Karow bei Lübz
+4938752|Zierzow bei Ludwigslust
+4938754|Leussow bei Ludwigslust
+4938780|Lanz Brandenburg
+4938782|Reetz bei Perleberg
+4938784|Kleinow Kreis Prignitz
+4938785|Berge bei Perleberg
+4938788|Gross Warnow
+4938789|Wolfshagen bei Perleberg
+4938791|Bad Wilsnack
+4938792|Lenzen (Elbe)
+4938797|Karstädt Kreis Prignitz
+4938822|Diedrichshagen bei Grevesmühlen
+4938841|Neuhaus Elbe
+4938847|Boizenburg Elbe
+4938853|Drönnewitz bei Hagenow
+4938856|Pritzier bei Hagenow
+4938859|Alt Zachun
+4938871|Mühlen Eichsen
+4938875|Schlagsdorf bei Gadebusch
+4939004|Köckte bei Gardelegen
+493902|Diesdorf Altm
+4939032|Mahlsdorf bei Salzwedel
+4939052|Erxleben bei Haldensleben
+4939057|Rätzlingen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939080|Kalbe Milde
+4939081|Kakerbeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939087|Jerchel Altmark
+4939089|Bismark Altmark
+493909|Klötze Altmark
+4939202|Gross Ammensleben
+493921|Burg bei Magdeburg
+4939221|Möckern bei Magdeburg
+4939243|Nedlitz bei Zerbst
+4939246|Lindau Anh
+4939262|Güsten Anh
+493928|Schönebeck Elbe
+4939291|Calbe Saale
+4939294|Gross Rosenburg
+4939297|Eickendorf Kreis Schönebeck
+4939298|Barby Elbe
+4939323|Schönhausen Elbe
+4939324|Kläden bei Stendal
+4939349|Parey Elbe
+4939362|Grieben bei Tangerhütte
+4939365|Bellingen bei Stendal
+493937|Osterburg Altmark
+4939383|Sandau Elbe
+4939384|Arendsee Altmark
+4939386|Seehausen Altmark
+4939388|Goldbeck Altm
+4939392|Rönnebeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939393|Werben Elbe
+4939396|Neukirchen Altmark
+4939398|Gross Garz
+4939403|Gröningen Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939407|Seehausen Börde
+4939424|Schwanebeck Sachsen-Anhalt
+4939425|Dingelstedt am Huy
+493944|Blankenburg Harz
+4939454|Elbingerode Harz
+4939457|Benneckenstein Harz
+4939481|Hedersleben bei Aschersleben
+4939485|Gernrode Harz
+4939489|Strassberg Harz
+493949|Oschersleben Bode
+4939603|Burg Stargard
+4939604|Wildberg bei Altentreptow
+4939605|Gross Nemerow
+493962|Penzlin bei Waren
+493964|Bredenfelde bei Strasburg
+493965|Burow bei Altentreptow
+493967|Oertzenhof bei Strasburg
+4939721|Liepen bei Anklam
+4939722|Sarnow bei Anklam
+4939724|Klein Bünzow
+4939728|Medow bei Anklam
+4939742|Brüssow bei Pasewalk
+4939745|Hetzdorf bei Strasburg
+4939749|Grambow bei Pasewalk
+4939752|Blumenhagen bei Strasburg
+4939754|Löcknitz Vorpom
+493976|Torgelow bei Ueckermünde
+4939775|Ahlbeck bei Torgelow
+4939778|Ferdinandshof bei Torgelow
+4939826|Blankensee bei Neustrelitz
+4939827|Schwarz bei Neustrelitz
+4939828|Wustrow Kreis Mecklenburg-Strelitz
+4939833|Mirow Kreis Neustrelitz
+4939851|Göritz bei Prenzlau
+4939852|Schönermark bei Prenzlau
+4939853|Holzendorf bei Prenzlau
+4939856|Beenz bei Prenzlau
+4939861|Gramzow bei Prenzlau
+4939862|Schmölln bei Prenzlau
+4939863|Seehausen bei Prenzlau
+4939881|Ringenwalde bei Templin
+4939883|Gross Dölln
+4939884|Hassleben bei Prenzlau
+493991|Waren Müritz
+4939922|Dambeck bei Röbel
+4939927|Nossentiner Hütte
+4939929|Jabel bei Waren
+4939931|Röbel Müritz
+4939932|Malchow bei Waren
+4939934|Gross Plasten
+4939954|Stavenhagen Reuterstadt
+4939976|Gross Bützin
+4939978|Gross Roge
+4939998|Loitz bei Demmin
+494104|Aumühle bei Hamburg
+494106|Quickborn Kreis Pinneberg
+494107|Siek Kreis Stormarn
+494108|Rosengarten Kreis Harburg
+494109|Tangstedt Bz Hamburg
+494126|Horst Holstein
+494133|Wittorf Kreis Lünebeburg
+494134|Embsen Kreis Lünebeburg
+494138|Betzendorf Kreis Lünebeburg
+494139|Hohnstorf Elbe
+494140|Estorf Kreis Stade
+494142|Steinkirchen Kreis Stade
+494153|Lauenburg Elbe
+494163|Horneburg Niederelbe
+494165|Hollenstedt Nordheide
+494168|Neu Wulmstorf-Elstorf
+494171|Winsen Luhe
+494174|Stelle Kreis Harburg
+494175|Egestorf Nordheide
+494177|Drage Elbe
+494181|Buchholz in der Nordheide
+494184|Hanstedt Nordheide
+494185|Marxen Auetal
+494188|Welle Nordheide
+494191|Kaltenkirchen Holstein
+494192|Bad Bramstedt
+494202|Achim bei Bremen
+494203|Weyhe bei Bremen
+494224|Gross Ippener
+494231|Verden Aller
+494232|Langwedel Kreis Verden
+494245|Neuenkirchen bei Bassum
+494253|Asendorf Kreis Diepholz
+494261|Rotenburg Wümme
+494264|Sottrum Kreis Rotenburg
+494273|Kirchdorf bei Sulingen
+494274|Varrel bei Sulingen
+494276|Borstel bei Sulingen
+494285|Rhade bei Zeven
+494288|Horstedt Kreis Rotenburg
+494294|Riede Kreis Verden
+494329|Langwedel Holstein
+494332|Hamdorf bei Rendsburg
+494334|Bredenbek bei Rendsburg
+494335|Hohn bei Rendsburg
+494338|Alt Duvenstedt
+494342|Preetz Kreis Plön
+494344|Schönberg Holstein
+494356|Gross Wittensee
+494357|Sehestedt Eider
+494358|Loose bei Eckernförde
+494361|Oldenburg in Holstein
+494364|Dahme Kreis Ostholstein
+494365|Heringsdorf Holstein
+494371|Burg auf Fehmarn
+494385|Hohenfelde bei Kiel
+494392|Nortorf bei Neumünster
+494401|Brake Unterweser
+494403|Bad Zwischenahn
+494408|Hude Oldenburg
+494422|Sande Kreis Friesl
+494442|Lohne Oldenburg
+494445|Visbek Kreis Vechta
+494446|Bakum Kreis Vechta
+494451|Varel Jadebusen
+494465|Friedeburg Ostfriesland
+494478|Cappeln Oldenburg
+494494|Bösel Oldenburg
+494501|Kastorf Holstein
+494503|Timmendorfer Strand
+494509|Gross Grönau
+494526|Ascheberg Holstein
+494528|Schönwalde am Bungsberg
+494531|Bad Oldesloe
+494533|Reinfeld Holstein
+494534|Steinburg Kreis Storman
+494536|Steinhorst Lauenburg
+494537|Sülfeld Holstein
+494542|Mölln Lauenburg
+494545|Seedorf Lauenburg
+494546|Mustin Lauenburg
+494547|Gudow Lauenburg
+494551|Bad Segeberg
+494555|Seedorf bei Bad Segeberg
+494561|Neustadt in Holstein
+494631|Glücksburg Ostsee
+494642|Kappeln Schlei
+494643|Gelting Angeln
+494664|Neukirchen bei Niebüll
+494681|Wyk auf Föhr
+494684|Langeness Hallig
+494741|Nordholz bei Bremerhaven
+494743|Langen bei Bremerhaven
+494745|Bad Bederkesa
+494746|Hagen bei Bremerhaven
+494748|Stubben bei Bremerhaven
+494752|Neuhaus Oste
+494765|Ebersdorf bei Bremervörde
+494772|Oberndorf Oste
+494779|Freiburg Elbe
+49481|Heide Holstein
+494825|Burg Dithmarschen
+494835|Albersdorf Holstein
+494836|Hennstedt Dithmarschen
+494837|Neuenkirchen Dithmarschen
+494839|Wöhrden Dithmarschen
+494841|Husum Nordsee
+494845|Ostenfeld Husum
+494853|Sankt Michaelisdonn
+494858|Sankt Margarethen Holstein
+494863|Sankt Peter-Ording
+494876|Reher Holstein
+494877|Hennstedt bei Itzehoe
+494892|Schenefeld Mittelholstein
+49491|Leer Ostfriesland
+494921|Emden Stadt
+494929|Ihlow Kreis Aurich
+494933|Dornum Ostfriesland
+494964|Rhede Ems
+494975|Westerholt Ostfriesland
+494977|Blomberg Ostfriesland
+495021|Nienburg Weser
+495023|Liebenau Kreis Nieburg Weser
+495024|Rohrsen Kreis Nienburg Weser
+495025|Estorf Weser
+495032|Neustadt am Rübenberge
+495035|Gross Munzel
+495037|Bad Rehburg
+495041|Springe Deister
+495042|Bad Münder am Deister
+495051|Bergen Kreis Celle
+495062|Holle bei Hildesheim
+495063|Bad Salzdetfurth
+495064|Gross Düngen
+495068|Elze Leine
+495083|Hohne bei Celle
+495103|Wennigsen Deister
+495108|Gehrden Han
+495136|Burgdorf Kreis Hannover
+495143|Winsen Aller
+495148|Steinhorst Niedersachsen
+495152|Hessisch Oldendorf
+495165|Rethem Aller
+495181|Alfeld Leine
+495182|Gronau Leine
+495184|Freden Leine
+495195|Neuenkirchen bei Soltau
+495201|Halle Westfalen
+495203|Werther Westfalen
+495204|Steinhagen Westfalen
+495207|Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock
+495222|Bad Salzuflen
+495224|Enger Westfalen
+495226|Bruchmühlen Westfalen
+495232|Lage Lippe
+495233|Steinheim Westfalen
+495234|Horn-Bad Meinberg
+495235|Blomberg Lippe
+495248|Langenberg Kreis Gütersloh
+495250|Delbrück Westfalen
+495252|Bad Lippspringe
+495253|Bad Driburg
+495254|Paderborn-Schloss Neuhaus
+495259|Bad Driburg-Neuenheerse
+495272|Brakel Westfalen
+495281|Bad Pyrmont
+495285|Bad Pyrmont-Kleinenberg
+495286|Ottenstein Niedersachsen
+495295|Lichtenau Westfalen
+495322|Bad Harzburg
+495327|Bad Grund Harz
+495328|Altenau Harz
+495329|Schulenberg im Oberharz
+495334|Hornburg Kreis Wolfenbüttel
+495347|Burgdorf bei Salzgitter
+495353|Königslutter am Elm
+495373|Hillerse Kreis Gifhorn
+495375|Müden Aller
+495376|Wesendorf Kreis Gifhorn
+495382|Bad Gandersheim
+495383|Lutter am Barenberge
+495384|Seesen-Gross Rhüden
+495402|Bissendorf Kreis Osnabrück
+495403|Bad Iburg
+495405|Hasbergen Kreis Osnabrück
+495409|Hilter am Teutoburger Wald
+495421|Dissen am Teutoburger Wald
+495424|Bad Rothenfelde
+495434|Essen Oldenburg
+495435|Berge bei Quakenbrück
+495442|Barnstorf Kreis Diepholz
+495452|Mettingen Westfalen
+495461|Bramsche Hase
+495465|Neuenkirchen bei Bramsche
+495472|Bad Essen
+495481|Lengerich Westfalen
+495491|Damme Dümmer
+495492|Steinfeld Oldenburg
+495493|Neuenkirchen Kreis Vechta
+495494|Holdorf Niedersachsen
+495495|Vörden Kreis Vechta
+495504|Friedland Kreis Göttingen
+495509|Rosdorf Kreis Göttingen
+495521|Herzberg am Harz
+495522|Osterode am Harz
+495523|Bad Sachsa
+495524|Bad Lauterberg im Harz
+495534|Eschershausen an der Lenne
+495541|Hann. Münden
+495543|Staufenberg Niedersachsen
+495556|Lindau Harz
+495582|Sankt Andreasberg
+495584|Hattorf am Harz
+495602|Hessisch Lichtenau
+495605|Kaufungen Hessen
+495621|Bad Wildungen
+495624|Bad Emstal
+495625|Naumburg Hessen
+495626|Bad Zwesten
+495632|Willingen Upland
+495652|Bad Sooden-Allendorf
+495662|Felsberg Hessen
+495672|Bad Karlshafen
+495673|Immenhausen Hessen
+495676|Liebenau Hessen
+495681|Homberg Efze
+495682|Borken Hessen
+495683|Wabern Hessen
+495686|Schwarzenborn Knüll
+495691|Bad Arolsen
+495696|Bad Arolsen-Landau
+495706|Porta Westfalica
+495707|Petershagen Weser
+49571|Minden Westfalen
+495723|Bad Nenndorf
+495725|Lindhorst bei Stadthagen
+495731|Bad Oeynhausen
+495734|Bergkirchen Westfalen
+495742|Preussisch Oldendorf
+495771|Rahden Westfalen
+495776|Preussisch Ströhen
+495804|Rätzlingen Kreis Uelzen
+495806|Barum bei Bad Bevensen
+495821|Bad Bevensen
+495824|Bad Bodenteich
+495838|Gross Oesingen
+495841|Lüchow Wendland
+495843|Wustrow Wendland
+495845|Bergen Dumme
+495846|Gartow Niedersachsen
+495853|Neu Darchau
+495861|Dannenberg Elbe
+495862|Hitzacker Elbe
+495901|Fürstenau bei Bramsche
+495904|Lengerich Emsl
+49591|Lingen (Ems)
+495922|Bad Bentheim
+495924|Bad Bentheim-Gildehaus
+495932|Haren Ems
+495937|Geeste-Gross Hesepe
+495941|Neuenhaus Dinkel
+495947|Laar Vechte
+495957|Lindern Oldenburg
+495965|Klein Berssen
+495973|Neuenkirchen Kreis Steinfurt
+496003|Rosbach von der Höhe
+496022|Obernburg am Main
+496023|Alzenau in Unterfranken
+496027|Stockstadt am Main
+496028|Sulzbach am Main
+496031|Friedberg Hessen
+496032|Bad Nauheim
+496035|Reichelsheim Wetterau
+496042|Büdingen Hessen
+496044|Schotten Hessen
+496046|Ortenberg Hessen
+496047|Altenstadt Hessen
+496052|Bad Orb
+496056|Bad Soden-Salmünster
+496062|Erbach Odenwald
+496063|Bad König
+496073|Babenhausen Hessen
+496084|Schmitten Taunus
+496096|Wiesen Unterfranken
+496101|Bad Vilbel
+496103|Langen Hessen
+496108|Mühlheim am Main
+496123|Eltville am Rhein
+496124|Bad Schwalbach
+496127|Niedernhausen Taunus
+496130|Schwabenheim an der Selz
+496132|Ingelheim am Rhein
+496135|Bodenheim Rhein
+496144|Bischofsheim bei Rüsselsheim
+496145|Flörsheim am Main
+496146|Hochheim am Main
+496155|Griesheim Hessen
+496162|Reinheim Odenwald
+496163|Höchst im Odenwald
+496164|Reichelsheim Odenwald
+496171|Oberursel Taunus
+496172|Bad Homburg von der Höhe
+496173|Kronberg im Taunus
+496174|Königstein im Taunus
+496175|Friedrichsdorf Taunus
+496185|Hammersbach Hessen
+496188|Kahl am Main
+496190|Hattersheim am Main
+496192|Hofheim am Taunus
+496195|Kelkheim Taunus
+496196|Bad Soden am Taunus
+496201|Weinheim Bergstr
+496224|Sandhausen Baden
+496227|Walldorf Baden
+496228|Schönau Odenwald
+496233|Frankenthal Pfalz
+496236|Neuhofen Pfalz
+496244|Westhofen Rheinhessenen
+496246|Eich Rheinhessen
+496252|Heppenheim Bergstrasse
+496253|Fürth Odenwald
+496254|Lautertal Odenwald
+496261|Mosbach Baden
+496265|Billigheim Baden
+496267|Fahrenbach Baden
+496269|Gundelsheim Württemberg
+496271|Eberbach Baden
+496272|Hirschhorn Neckar
+496274|Waldbrunn Odenwald
+496275|Rothenberg Odenwald
+496281|Buchen Odenwald
+496283|Hardheim Odenwald
+496287|Limbach Baden
+496294|Krautheim Jagst
+496295|Rosenberg Baden
+496296|Ahorn Baden
+496297|Ravenstein Baden
+496301|Otterbach Pfalz
+496304|Wolfstein Pfalz
+496321|Neustadt an der Weinstrasse
+496322|Bad Dürkheim
+496325|Lambrecht Pfalz
+496329|Weidenthal Pfalz
+496338|Hornbach Pfalz
+496341|Landau in der Pfalz
+496343|Bad Bergzabern
+496346|Annweiler am Trifels
+496347|Hochstadt Pfalz
+496348|Offenbach an der Queich
+496351|Eisenberg Pfalz
+496355|Albisheim Pfrimm
+496356|Carlsberg Pfalz
+496364|Nussbach Pfalz
+496386|Altenkirchen Pfalz
+496387|Sankt Julian
+496392|Hauenstein Pfalz
+496393|Fischbach bei Dahn
+496395|Münchweiler an der Rodalb
+496397|Leimen Pfalz
+496401|Grünberg Hessen
+496403|Linden Hessen
+496404|Lich Hessen
+496405|Laubach Hessen
+496407|Rabenau Hessen
+496423|Wetter Hessen
+496425|Rauschenberg Hessen
+496429|Schweinsberg Hessen
+496431|Limburg an der Lahn
+496434|Bad Camberg
+496436|Dornburg Hessen
+496443|Ehringshausen Dill
+496451|Frankenberg Eder
+496452|Battenberg Eder
+496453|Gemünden Wohra
+496455|Frankenau Hessen
+496456|Haina Kloster
+496457|Burgwald Eder
+496458|Rosenthal Hessen
+496465|Breidenbach bei Biedenkopf
+496467|Hatzfeld Eder
+496479|Waldbrunn Westerwald
+496483|Selters Taunus
+496485|Nentershausen Westerwald
+496508|Hetzerath Mosel
+496533|Morbach Hunsrück
+496534|Mülheim Mosel
+496558|Büdesheim Eifel
+496564|Neuerburg Eifel
+496572|Manderscheid Eifel
+496584|Wellen Mosel
+496586|Beuren Hochwald
+496589|Kell am See
+496593|Hillesheim Eifel
+496599|Weidenbach bei Gerolstein
+496620|Philippsthal Werra
+496621|Bad Hersfeld
+496623|Rotenburg an der Fulda
+496624|Heringen Werra
+496627|Nentershausen Hessen
+496633|Homberg Ohm
+496634|Gemünden Felda
+496641|Lauterbach Hessen
+496648|Bad Salzschlirf
+496654|Gersfeld Rhön
+496655|Neuhof Kreis Fulda
+496658|Poppenhausen Wasserkuppe
+496663|Steinau an der Strasse
+496670|Ludwigsau Hessen
+496674|Friedewald Hessen
+496675|Breitenbach am Herzberg
+496676|Hohenroda Hessen
+496677|Neuenstein Hessen
+496682|Tann Rhön
+496683|Ehrenberg Rhön
+496692|Neustadt Hessen
+496694|Neukirchen Knüll
+496701|Sprendlingen Rheinhessen
+496703|Wöllstein Rheinhessen
+496706|Wallhausen Nahe
+496708|Bad Münster am Stein-Ebernburg
+496709|Fürfeld Kreis Bad Kreuznach
+49671|Bad Kreuznach
+496721|Bingen am Rhein
+496722|Rüdesheim am Rhein
+496724|Stromberg Hunsrück
+496726|Lorch Rheingau
+496741|St Goar
+496751|Bad Sobernheim
+496752|Kirn Nahe
+496755|Odernheim am Glan
+496756|Winterbach Soonwald
+496757|Becherbach bei Kirn
+496761|Simmern Hunsrück
+496763|Kirchberg Hunsrück
+496765|Gemünden Hunsrück
+496771|St Goarshausen
+496775|Strüth Taunus
+496782|Birkenfeld Nahe
+496789|Heimbach Nahe
+496821|Neunkirchen Saar
+496825|Illingen Saar
+496841|Homburg Saar
+496851|St Wendel
+496854|Oberthal Saar
+496856|St Wendel-Niederkirchen
+496872|Losheim am See
+496876|Weiskirchen Saar
+496887|Schmelz Saar
+496894|St Ingbert
+496897|Sulzbach Saar
+4969|Frankfurt am Main
+497021|Kirchheim unter Teck
+497023|Weilheim an der Teck
+497024|Wendlingen am Neckar
+497033|Weil Der Stadt
+497042|Vaihingen an der Enz
+497052|Bad Liebenzell
+497053|Bad Teinach-Zavelstein
+497054|Wildberg Württemberg
+497055|Neuweiler Kreis Calw
+497062|Beilstein Württemberg
+497063|Bad Wimpfen
+497066|Bad Rappenau-Bonfeld
+497081|Bad Wildbad
+497082|Neuenbürg Württemberg
+497083|Bad Herrenalb
+497084|Schömberg bei Neuenbürg
+497122|St Johann Württemberg
+497123|Metzingen Württemberg
+497124|Trochtelfingen Hohenz
+497125|Bad Urach
+497129|Lichtenstein Württemberg
+497130|Löwenstein Württemberg
+497131|Heilbronn Neckar
+497133|Lauffen am Neckar
+497136|Bad Friedrichshall
+497139|Neuenstadt am Kocher
+497141|Ludwigsburg Württemberg
+497144|Marbach am Neckar
+497146|Remseck am Neckar
+497147|Sachsenheim Württemberg
+497152|Leonberg Württemberg
+497158|Neuhausen auf den Fildern
+497163|Ebersbach an der Fils
+497164|Boll Kreis Göppingen
+497171|Schwäbisch Gmünd
+497172|Lorch Württemberg
+497181|Schorndorf Württemberg
+497183|Rudersberg Württemberg
+497193|Sulzbach an der Murr
+497223|Bühl Baden
+497227|Lichtenau Baden
+497235|Unterreichenbach Kreis Calw
+497237|Neulingen Enzkreis
+497244|Weingarten Baden
+497246|Malsch Kreis Karlsruhe
+497253|Bad Schönborn
+497264|Bad Rappenau
+497268|Bad Rappenau-Obergimpern
+497269|Sulzfeld Baden
+497271|Wörth am Rhein
+497273|Hagenbach Pfalz
+497276|Herxheim bei Landau Pfalz
+497302|Pfaffenhofen an der Roth
+497304|Blaustein Württemberg
+497305|Erbach Donau
+497306|Vöhringen Iller
+497307|Senden Iller
+49731|Ulm Donau
+497321|Heidenheim an der Brenz
+497322|Giengen an der Brenz
+497325|Sontheim an der Brenz
+497329|Steinheim am Albuch
+497331|Geislingen an der Steige
+497337|Nellingen Alb
+497343|Buch bei Illertissen
+497345|Langenau Württemberg
+497351|Biberach an der Riss
+497355|Hochdorf Riss
+497365|Essingen Württemberg
+497371|Riedlingen Württemberg
+497387|Hohenstein Württemberg
+497391|Ehingen Donau
+497423|Oberndorf am Neckar
+497427|Schömberg bei Balingen
+497440|Bad Rippoldsau
+497451|Horb am Neckar
+497453|Altensteig Württemberg
+497454|Sulz am Neckar
+497463|Mühlheim an der Donau
+497464|Talheim Kreis Tuttlingen
+497467|Neuhausen ob Eck
+497472|Rottenburg am Neckar
+497477|Jungingen bei Hechingen
+497503|Wilhelmsdorf Württemberg
+497522|Wangen im Allgäu
+497524|Bad Waldsee
+497528|Neukirch bei Tettnang
+497529|Waldburg Württemberg
+497534|Reichenau Baden
+497543|Kressbronn am Bodensee
+497545|Immenstaad am Bodensee
+497551|Überlingen Bodensee
+497553|Salem Baden
+497554|Heiligenberg Baden
+497561|Leutkirch im Allgäu
+497562|Isny im Allgäu
+497564|Bad Wurzach
+497565|Aichstetten Kreis Ravensburg
+497568|Bad Wurzach-Hauerz
+497572|Mengen Württemberg
+497573|Stetten am kalten Markt
+497578|Wald Hohenz
+497579|Schwenningen Baden
+497582|Bad Buchau
+497583|Bad Schussenried
+497602|Oberried Breisgau
+49761|Freiburg im Breisgau
+497623|Rheinfelden Baden
+497625|Zell im Wiesental
+497627|Steinen Kreis Lörrach
+497629|Tegernau Baden
+497631|Müllheim Baden
+497633|Staufen im Breisgau
+497636|Münstertal Schwarzwald
+497642|Endingen Kaiserstuhl
+497643|Herbolzheim Breisgau
+497646|Weisweil Breisgau
+497657|Eisenbach Hochschwarzwald
+497660|St Peter Schwarzwald
+497662|Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl
+497665|March Breisgau
+497667|Breisach am Rhein
+497669|St Märgen
+497672|St Blasien
+497673|Schönau im Schwarzwald
+497675|Bernau Baden
+497676|Feldberg Schwarzwald
+497681|Waldkirch Breisgau
+497702|Blumberg Baden
+497703|Bonndorf im Schwarzwald
+497704|Geisingen Baden
+497705|Wolterdingen Schwarzw
+497720|Schwenningen am Neckar
+497721|Villingen im Schwarzwald
+497722|Triberg im Schwarzwald
+497723|Furtwangen im Schwarzwald
+497724|St Georgen im Schwarzwald
+497725|Königsfeld im Schwarzwald
+497726|Bad Dürrheim
+497731|Singen Hohentwiel
+497732|Radolfzell am Bodensee
+497733|Engen Hegau
+497741|Tiengen Hochrhein
+497748|Grafenhausen Hochschwarzwald
+497755|Weilheim Kreis Waldshut
+497761|Bad Säckingen
+497762|Wehr Baden
+497765|Rickenbach Hotzenwald
+497802|Oberkirch Baden
+497806|Bad Peterstal-Griesbach
+497807|Neuried Ortenaukreis
+497808|Hohberg bei Offenburg
+497821|Lahr Schwarzwald
+497823|Seelbach Schutter
+497832|Haslach im Kinzigtal
+497833|Hornberg Schwarzwaldbahn
+497835|Zell am Harmersbach
+497907|Schwäbisch Hall-Sulzdorf
+49791|Schwäbisch Hall
+497930|Boxberg Baden
+497931|Bad Mergentheim
+497932|Niederstetten Württemberg
+497938|Mulfingen Jagst
+497942|Neuenstein Württemberg
+497943|Schöntal Jagst
+497954|Kirchberg an der Jagst
+497955|Wallhausen Württemberg
+497958|Rot Am See-Brettheim
+497961|Ellwangen Jagst
+497972|Gschwend bei Gaildorf
+497977|Oberrot bei Gaildorf
+498029|Kreuth bei Tegernsee
+498031|Rosenheim Oberbayern
+498032|Rohrdorf Kreis Rosenheim
+498036|Stephanskirchen Simssee
+498039|Rott am Inn
+498041|Bad Tölz
+498046|Bad Heilbrunn
+498051|Prien am Chiemsee
+498052|Aschau im Chiemgau
+498053|Bad Endorf
+498054|Breitbrunn am Chiemsee
+498061|Bad Aibling
+498062|Bruckmühl Mangfall
+498064|Au bei Bad Aibling
+498066|Bad Feilnbach
+498071|Wasserburg am Inn
+498072|Haag in Oberbayern
+498073|Gars am Inn
+498081|Dorfen Stadt
+498084|Taufkirchen Vils
+498085|Sankt Wolfgang
+498086|Buchbach Oberbayern
+498092|Grafing bei München
+498093|Glonn Kreis Ebersberg
+498121|Markt Schwaben
+498124|Forstern Oberbayern
+498133|Haimhausen Oberbayern
+498136|Markt Indersdorf
+498138|Schwabhausen bei Dachau
+498143|Inning am Ammersee
+498152|Herrsching am Ammersee
+498165|Neufahrn bei Freising
+498166|Allershausen Oberbayern
+498176|Egling bei Wolfratshausen
+498177|Münsing Starnberger See
+498179|Eurasburg an der Loisach
+498191|Landsberg am Lech
+498192|Schondorf am Ammersee
+498195|Weil Kreis Landsberg am Lech
+498206|Egling an der Paar
+498208|Eurasburg bei Augsburg
+498222|Burgau Schwaben
+498224|Offingen Donau
+498231|Königsbrunn bei Augsburg
+498245|Türkheim Wertach
+498247|Bad Wörishofen
+498249|Ettringen Wertach
+498263|Breitenbrunn Schwaben
+498265|Pfaffenhausen Schwaben
+498266|Kirchheim in Schwaben
+498269|Unteregg bei Mindelheim
+498276|Baar Schwaben
+498281|Thannhausen Schwaben
+498282|Krumbach Schwaben
+498283|Neuburg an der Kammel
+498293|Welden bei Augsburg
+498295|Altenmünster Schwaben
+49831|Kempten Allgäu
+498323|Immenstadt im Allgäu
+498326|Fischen im Allgäu
+498333|Babenhausen Schwaben
+498334|Bad Grönenbach
+498337|Altenstadt Iller
+498344|Westendorf bei Kaufbeuren
+498349|Stötten am Auerberg
+498367|Rosshaupten Forggensee
+498376|Sulzberg Allgäu
+498378|Buchenberg bei Kempten
+498381|Lindenberg im Allgäu
+498382|Lindau Bodensee
+498383|Grünenbach Allgäu
+498384|Röthenbach Allgäu
+498392|Markt Rettenbach
+498395|Tannheim Württemberg
+498405|Stammham bei Ingolstadt
+49841|Ingolstadt Donau
+498421|Eichstätt Bayern
+498426|Walting Kreis Eichstätt
+498431|Neuburg an der Donau
+498441|Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm
+498443|Hohenwart Paar
+498453|Reichertshofen Oberbayern
+498457|Vohburg an der Donau
+498464|Dietfurt an der Altmühl
+498466|Denkendorf Oberbayern
+498503|Neuhaus am Inn
+498506|Bad Höhenstadt
+498507|Neuburg am Inn
+498532|Griesbach im Rottal
+498537|Bad Füssing-Aigen
+498541|Vilshofen Niederbayern
+498544|Eging am See
+498545|Hofkirchen Bayern
+498552|Grafenau Niederbayern
+498554|Schönberg Niederbayern
+498558|Hohenau Niederbayern
+498561|Pfarrkirchen Niederbayern
+498563|Bad Birnbach Rottal
+498571|Simbach am Inn
+498572|Tann Niederbayern
+498581|Waldkirchen Niederbayern
+498584|Breitenberg Niederbayern
+498592|Wegscheid Niederbayern
+498628|Kienberg Oberbayern
+498631|Mühldorf am Inn
+498634|Garching an der Alz
+498639|Neumarkt-Sankt Veit
+498640|Reit Im Winkl
+498641|Grassau Kreis Traunstein
+498651|Bad Reichenhall
+498657|Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden
+498661|Grabenstätt Chiemsee
+498662|Siegsdorf Kreis Traunstein
+498670|Reischach Kreis Altötting
+498677|Burghausen Salzach
+498679|Burgkirchen an der Alz
+498681|Waging am See
+498682|Laufen Salzach
+498702|Wörth an der Isar
+498709|Eching Niederbayern
+498726|Schönau Niederbayern
+498727|Falkenberg Niederbayern
+498734|Reisbach Niederbayern
+498742|Velden Vils
+498752|Au in der Hallertau
+498753|Elsendorf Niederbayern
+498761|Moosburg an der Isar
+498762|Wartenberg Oberbayern
+498764|Mauern Kreis Freising
+498765|Bruckberg Niederbayern
+498773|Neufahrn in Niederbayern
+498774|Bayerbach bei Ergoldsbach
+498781|Rottenburg an der Laaber
+498783|Rohr in Niederbayern
+498806|Utting am Ammersee
+498807|Diessen am Ammersee
+49881|Weilheim in Oberbayern
+498824|Oberau Loisach
+498841|Murnau am Staffelsee
+498845|Bad Kohlgrub
+498846|Uffing am Staffelsee
+498851|Kochel am See
+498862|Steingaden Oberbayern
+498867|Rottenbuch Oberbayern
+499071|Dillingen an der Donau
+499072|Lauingen Donau
+499073|Gundelfingen an der Donau
+499074|Höchstädt an der Donau
+499080|Harburg Schwaben
+499082|Oettingen in Bayern
+499084|Bissingen Schwaben
+499090|Rain Lech
+499091|Monheim Schwaben
+499106|Markt Erlbach
+499123|Lauf an der Pegnitz
+499127|Rosstal Mittelfrankenanken
+499133|Baiersdorf Mittelfrankenanken
+499134|Neunkirchen am Brand
+499135|Hessdorf Mittelfrankenanken
+499141|Weissenburg in Bayern
+499143|Pappenheim Mittelfranken
+499146|Markt Berolzheim
+499152|Hartenstein Mittelfranken
+499156|Neuhaus an der Pegnitz
+499157|Alfeld Mittelfranken
+499158|Offenhausen Mittelfranken
+499161|Neustadt an der Aisch
+499164|Langenfeld Mittelfranken
+499171|Roth Mittelfranken
+499178|Abenberg Mittelfranken
+499181|Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
+499184|Deining Oberpfalz
+499185|Mühlhausen Oberpfalz
+499186|Lauterhofen Oberpfalz
+499187|Altdorf bei Nürnberg
+499189|Berg bei Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz
+499191|Forchheim Oberfranken
+499193|Höchstadt an der Aisch
+499195|Adelsdorf Mittelfranken
+499198|Heiligenstadt in Oberfranken
+499207|Königsfeld Oberfranken
+499233|Arzberg Oberfranken
+499257|Zell Oberfranken
+499260|Wilhelmsthal Oberfranken
+499269|Tettau Kreis Kronach
+499273|Bad Berneck im Fichtelgebirge
+499280|Selbitz Oberfranken
+499281|Hof Saale
+499284|Schwarzenbach an der Saale
+499288|Bad Steben
+499289|Schwarzenbach am Wald
+499293|Berg Oberfranken
+499302|Rottendorf Unterfranken
+499326|Markt Einersheim
+499335|Aub Kreis Würzburg
+499338|Röttingen Unterfranken
+499345|Külsheim Baden
+499351|Gemünden am Main
+499352|Lohr am Main
+499357|Gräfendorf Bayern
+499363|Arnstein Unterfranken
+499366|Geroldshausen Unterfranken
+499372|Klingenberg am Main
+499375|Freudenberg Baden
+499392|Faulbach Unterfranken
+499393|Rothenfels Unterfranken
+499396|Urspringen bei Lohr
+499398|Birkenfeld bei Würzburg
+499405|Bad Abbach
+499420|Feldkirchen Niederbayern
+499422|Bogen Niederbayern
+499429|Rain Niederbayern
+499445|Neustadt an der Donau
+499448|Hausen Niederbayern
+499454|Aufhausen Oberpfalz
+499462|Falkenstein Oberpfalz
+499463|Wald Oberpfalz
+499468|Zell Oberpfalz
+499472|Hohenfels Oberpfalz
+499482|Wörth an der Donau
+499495|Breitenbrunn Oberpfalz
+499497|Seubersdorf in der Oberpfalz
+499503|Oberhaid Oberfranken
+499523|Hofheim in Unterfranken
+499524|Zeil am Main
+499525|Königsberg in Bayern
+499548|Mühlhausen Mittelfranken
+499553|Ebrach Oberfranken
+499554|Untersteinbach Unterfranken
+499560|Grub am Forst
+499564|Bad Rodach
+499568|Neustadt bei Coburg
+499571|Lichtenfels Bayern
+499573|Staffelstein Oberfranken
+499602|Neustadt an der Waldnaab
+499608|Kohlberg Oberpfalz
+49961|Weiden in der Oberpfalz
+499621|Amberg Oberpfalz
+499622|Hirschau Oberpfalz
+499624|Ensdorf Oberpfalz
+499625|Kastl bei Amberg
+499627|Freudenberg Oberpfalz
+499637|Falkenberg Oberpfalz
+499642|Kemnath Stadt
+499643|Auerbach in der Oberpfalz
+499645|Eschenbach in der Oberpfalz
+499648|Neustadt am Kulm
+499656|Moosbach bei Vohenstrauss
+499663|Neukirchen bei Sulzbach-Rosenberg
+499665|Königstein Oberpfalz
+499672|Neunburg vorm Wald
+499673|Tiefenbach Oberpfalz
+499675|Altendorf am Nabburg
+499701|Sandberg Unterfranken
+499708|Bad Bocklet
+49971|Bad Kissingen
+499725|Poppenhausen Unterfranken
+499728|Wülfershausen Unterfranken
+499741|Bad Brückenau
+499742|Kalbach Rhön
+499747|Geroda Bayern
+499749|Oberbach Unterfranken
+499761|Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld
+499762|Saal an der Saale
+499763|Sulzdorf an der Lederhecke
+499771|Bad Neustadt an der Saale
+499772|Bischofsheim an der Rhön
+499775|Schönau an der Brend
+499777|Ostheim von der Rhön
+499779|Nordheim von der Rhön
+499822|Bechhofen an der Heide
+499826|Weidenbach Mittelfranken
+499827|Lichtenau Mittelfranken
+499833|Heidenheim Mittelfranken
+499835|Ehingen Mittelfranken
+499841|Bad Windsheim
+499855|Dentlein am Forst
+499857|Schopfloch Mittelfranken
+499861|Rothenburg ob der Tauber
+499865|Adelshofen Mittelfranken
+499869|Wettringen Mittelfranken
+499876|Rohr Mittelfranken
+499901|Hengersberg Bayern
+499905|Bernried Niederbayern
+499925|Bayerisch Eisenstein
+499927|Kirchberg Wald
+499928|Kirchdorf im Wald
+499938|Moos Niederbayern
+499943|Lam Oberpfalz
+499946|Hohenwarth bei Kötzing
+499947|Neukirchen bei Hl Blut
+499951|Landau an der Isar
+499954|Simbach Niederbayern
+499962|Schwarzach Niederbayern
+499965|Sankt Englmar
+499973|Furth im Wald
+499978|Schönthal Oberpfalz
diff --git a/geocoding/en/51.txt b/geocoding/en/51.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26cb1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/51.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2003-01-27]
+# [428258284] (identical)
+5142|San Martín
+5144|La Libertad
+5182|Madre de Dios
diff --git a/geocoding/en/53.txt b/geocoding/en/53.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e9dc0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/53.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2007-06-11]
+# [438962205]
+5321|Guantánamo Province
+5322|Santiago de Cuba Province
+5323|Granma Province
+5324|Holguín Province
+5331|Las Tunas Province
+5332|Camagüey Province
+5333|Ciego de Ávila Province
+5341|Sancti Spíritus Province
+5342|Villa Clara Province
+5343|Cienfuegos Province
+5345|Matanzas Province
+5346|Isle of Youth
+5347|Havana Province
+5348|Pinar del Río Province
+537|Havana City
diff --git a/geocoding/en/54.txt b/geocoding/en/54.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5f8c63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/54.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from es/54.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+5411|Buenos Aires
+54221|La Plata
+542221|Verónica, Buenos Aires
+542223|Coronel Brandsen
+542224|Buenos Aires Province
+542225|San Vicente, Buenos Aires
+542229|Buenos Aires Province
+54223|Mar del Plata, General Pueyrredón
+542241|Buenos Aires Province
+542243|General Belgrano, Buenos Aires
+542244|Las Flores
+542245|Dolores, Buenos Aires
+542246|Santa Teresita, La Costa
+542252|San Clemente del Tuyú, La Costa
+542254|Pinamar, Buenos Aires
+542255|Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires
+542257|Mar de Ajo, La Costa
+542261|Lobería, Buenos Aires
+542265|Coronel Vidal, Buenos Aires
+542266|Buenos Aires Province
+542267|General Juan Madariaga
+542268|Maipú, Buenos Aires
+542271|San Miguel del Monte, Buenos Aires
+542272|Navarro, Buenos Aires
+542281|La Matanza
+542283|Buenos Aires Province
+542284|Olavarría, Buenos Aires
+542285|Laprida, Buenos Aires
+542286|General Lamadrid, Buenos Aires
+542291|Miramar, Buenos Aires
+542292|Buenos Aires Province
+542293|Tandil, Buenos Aires
+542296|Ayacucho, Buenos Aires
+542297|Buenos Aires Province
+54230|Pilar, Buenos Aires
+542302|General Pico, La Pampa
+542314|Bolívar, Buenos Aires
+542316|Daireaux, Buenos Aires
+542317|9 de Julio, Buenos Aires
+542320|José C. Paz
+542322|Pilar, Buenos Aires
+542325|San Andrés de Giles/Azcuénaga
+542326|San Antonio de Areco
+542331|Realicó, La Pampa
+542333|Quemú Quemú
+542334|Eduardo Castex, La Pampa
+542335|Ingeniero Luiggi, La Pampa
+542337|Buenos Aires Province
+542344|Buenos Aires Province
+542345|General Pueyrredón
+542353|General Arenales, Buenos Aires
+542354|Buenos Aires Province
+542355|Lincoln, Buenos Aires
+542356|General Pinto, Buenos Aires
+542358|Buenos Aires Province
+54236|Junín, Buenos Aires
+542392|Buenos Aires/Trenque Lauquen
+542394|Salliqueló, Buenos Aires
+542395|La Matanza
+542396|Pehuajó, Buenos Aires
+542473|Colón, Buenos Aires
+542474|Buenos Aires Province
+542475|Rojas, Buenos Aires
+542478|Arrecifes, Buenos Aires
+54249|Tandil, Buenos Aires
+54260|San Rafael
+54261|Mendoza, Capital
+542622|Tunuyán, Mendoza
+542623|San Martin
+542625|General Alvear, Mendoza
+542627|San Rafael
+54263|San Martin
+54264|San Juan, Capital
+542646|Valle Fértil
+542656|Merlo, San Luis
+542657|Villa Mercedes, General Pedernera
+54266|San Luis, La Capital
+54280|Trelew, Rawson
+542902|El Calafate, Lago Argentino
+54291|Bahía Blanca
+542920|Viedma, Adolfo Alsina
+542921|Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires
+542922|Coronel Pringles, Buenos Aires
+542923|Pigüé, Buenos Aires
+542924|Darregueira, Buenos Aires
+542926|Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires
+542927|Buenos Aires Province
+542928|Pedro Luro, Buenos Aires
+542931|Río Colorado, Río Negro
+542932|Punta Alta, Buenos Aires
+542934|San Antonio Oeste, Río Negro
+542936|Buenos Aires Province
+54294|San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro
+542940|Ingeniero Jacobacci, Río Negro
+542944|San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro
+542945|Esquel, Futaleufú
+542946|Choele Choel, Río Negro
+542948|Chos Malal, Neuquén
+542952|General Acha, La Pampa
+542953|Macachín, La Pampa
+542954|Santa Rosa, La Pampa
+542962|Puerto San Julián, Santa Cruz
+542964|Río Grande
+542966|Río Gallegos, Ger Aike
+54297|Comodoro Rivadavia, Escalante
+542972|San Martín de los Andes
+54298|General Roca, Río Negro
+542983|Tres Arroyos
+54299|Neuquén, Confluencia
+543327|López Camelo, Buenos Aires
+543329|Buenos Aires Province
+54336|San Nicolás, Buenos Aires
+543382|Rufino, Santa Fe
+543385|Laboulaye, Córdoba
+543388|General Villegas, Buenos Aires
+543400|Villa Constitución, Santa Fe
+543401|El Trebol, Santa Fe
+543402|Santa Fe
+543405|San Javier, Santa Fe
+543406|San Jorge, Santa Fe
+543408|San Cristóbal, Santa Fe
+54342|Santa Fe, La Capital
+543442|Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos
+543444|Gualeguay, Entre Ríos
+543445|Rosario del Tala, Entre Ríos
+54345|Concordia, Entre Ríos
+543460|Santa Teresa, Santa Fe
+543461|San Nicolás, Buenos Aires
+543462|Venado Tuerto, General López
+543463|Canals, Córdoba
+543464|Casilda, Santa Fe
+543465|Firmat, Santa Fe
+543467|San José de La Esquina, Santa Fe
+543469|Acebal, Santa Fe
+543471|Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fe
+543472|Marcos Juárez
+543476|San Lorenzo, Santa Fe
+54348|Escobar, Buenos Aires
+543482|Reconquista, Santa Fe
+543491|Ceres, Santa Fe
+543492|Rafaela, Santa Fe
+543493|Sunchales, Santa Fe
+543496|Esperanza, Santa Fe
+543498|San Justo, Santa Fe
+54351|Córdoba, Capital
+543525|Jesús María, Córdoba
+54353|Villa María, General San Martin
+543541|Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba
+543543|Córdoba, Capital
+543544|Villa Dolores, Córdoba
+543546|Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba
+543547|Alta Gracia, Córdoba
+543548|La Falda, Córdoba
+543562|Morteros, Córdoba
+543571|Río Tercero, Córdoba
+543573|Villa del Rosario, Córdoba
+54358|Río Cuarto
+54362|Resistencia, San Fernando
+54364|Presidencia Roque Sáenz Pena, Chaco
+543718|Clorinda, Formosa
+543722|Resistencia, San Fernando
+543731|Charata, Chacabuco
+543732|Presidencia Roque Sáenz Pena, Chaco
+543734|Machagai, Chaco
+543735|Villa Angela, Mayor Luis Fonta
+543743|Puerto Rico, Misiones
+543751|El Dorado, Misiones
+543754|Leandro N. Alem, Misiones
+543755|Oberá, Misiones
+543756|Santo Tomé, Corrientes
+543757|Puerto Iguazú, Misiones
+543758|Apóstoles, Misiones
+54376|Posadas, Capital
+543772|Paso de Los Libres, Corrientes/Resistencia
+543773|Mercedes, Corrientes
+543774|Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes
+543775|Monte Caseros, Corrientes
+543777|Goya, Corrientes
+543783|Corrientes, Capital
+54379|Corrientes, Capital
+54380|La Rioja
+54381|San Miguel de Tucumán, Capital
+543822|La Rioja
+543825|Chilecito, La Rioja
+543833|San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Catamarca
+543835|Andalgalá, Catamarca
+543844|Añatuya, Santiago del Estero
+54385|Santiago del Estero, Capital
+543863|Monteros, Tucumán
+543865|Concepción, Tucumán
+543868|Cafayate, Salta
+54387|Salta, Capital
+54388|San Salvador de Jujuy, Doctor Manuel Belgrano
diff --git a/geocoding/en/55.txt b/geocoding/en/55.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d2deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/55.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from pt/55.txt using Freebase and Wikipedia.
+5511|São Paulo - SP
+5512|São José dos Campos - SP
+5513|Santos - SP
+5514|Bauru - SP
+5515|Sorocaba - SP
+5516|Ribeirão Preto - SP
+5517|São José do Rio Preto - SP
+5518|Araçatuba - SP
+5519|Campinas - SP
+5521|Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+5522|Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
+5524|Petrópolis - RJ
+5527|Vitória - ES
+5528|Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES
+5531|Belo Horizonte - MG
+5532|Juiz de Fora - MG
+5533|Governador Valadares - MG
+5534|Araguari - MG
+5537|Divinópolis - MG
+5538|Montes Claros - MG
+5541|Curitiba - PR
+5542|Ponta Grossa - PR
+5543|Londrina - PR
+5544|Maringá - PR
+5545|Cascavel - PR
+5546|Pato Branco - PR
+5547|Joinville - SC
+5548|Florianópolis - SC
+5549|Chapecó - SC
+5551|Porto Alegre - RS
+5553|Pelotas - RS
+5554|Caxias do Sul - RS
+5561|Brasília - DF
+5562|Goiânia - GO
+5563|Palmas - TO
+5565|Cuiabá - MT
+5566|Rondonópolis - MT
+5567|Campo Grande - MS
+5568|Rio Branco - AC
+5569|Porto Velho - RO
+5571|Salvador - BA
+5573|Itabuna - BA
+5574|Juazeiro - BA
+5575|Feira de Santana - BA
+5577|Vitória da Conquista - BA
+5579|Aracaju - SE
+5581|Recife - PE
+5582|Maceió - AL
+5583|João Pessoa - PB
+5584|Natal - RN
+5585|Fortaleza - CE
+5586|Teresina - PI
+5587|Petrolina - PE
+5588|Juazeiro do Norte - CE
+5589|Picos - PI
+5591|Belém - PA
+5592|Manaus - AM
+5593|Santarém - PA
+5594|Marabá - PA
+5595|Boa Vista - RR
+5596|Macapá - AP
+5598|São Luís - MA
+5599|Imperatriz - MA
diff --git a/geocoding/en/56.txt b/geocoding/en/56.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..299f64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/56.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from es/56.txt with Freebase and Wikipedia.
+562|Santiago, Metropolitan Region
+5633|Quillota, Valparaíso
+5634|San Felipe, Valparaíso
+5635|San Antonio, Valparaíso
+5641|Concepción, Biobío
+5642|Chillán, Biobío
+5643|Los Angeles, Biobío
+5645|Temuco, Araucanía
+5651|La Serena, Coquimbo
+5652|Copiapó, Atacama
+5653|Ovalle, Coquimbo
+5657|Iquique, Tarapacá
+5658|Arica, Arica and Parinacota
+5661|Punta Arenas, Magallanes and Antártica Chilena
+5663|Valdivia, Los Ríos
+5664|Osorno, Los Lagos
+5665|Puerto Montt, Los Lagos
+5667|Coyhaique, Aisén
+5671|Talca, Maule
+5672|Rancagua, O'Higgins
+5673|Linares, Maule
+5675|Curicó, Maule
diff --git a/geocoding/en/58.txt b/geocoding/en/58.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8119149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/58.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [405462796]
+# (area codes 212 and 237 translated)
+58237|Federal Dependencies
+58287|Delta Amacuro/Monagas
+58295|Nueva Esparta
diff --git a/geocoding/en/7.txt b/geocoding/en/7.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ba073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/7.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-05-25]
+7301|Republic of Buryatia
+7341|Udmurtian Republic
+7347|Republic of Bashkortostan
+7349|Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District
+7385|Altai Territory
+7388|Republic of Altai
+7390|Republic of Khakassia
+7391|Krasnoyarsk Territory
+7394|Republic of Tuva
+7411|Republic of Sakha
+7415|Kamchatka Region
+7416|Amur Region
+7421|Khabarovsk Territory
+7423|Primorie territory
+7424|Sakhalin Region
+7426|Jewish Autonomous Region
+7427|Chukotka Autonomous District
+7812|St Petersburg
+7813|Leningrad region
+7814|Republic of Karelia
+7816|Veliky Novgorod
+7821|Komi Republic
+7831|Nizhni Novgorod
+7834|Republic of Mordovia
+7835|Chuvashi Republic
+7836|Republic of Marij El
+7843|Republic of Tatarstan
+7847|Republic of Kalmykia
+7855|Naberezhnye Chelny
+7861|Krasnodar Territory
+7865|Stavropol territory
+7866|Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
+7867|Republic of North Ossetia
+7871|Chechen Republic
+7872|Republic of Daghestan
+7873|Ingushi Republic
+7877|Republic of Adygeya
+7878|Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic
+7879|Mineranye Vody
diff --git a/geocoding/en/81.txt b/geocoding/en/81.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e57cd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/81.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1546 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# ja/81.txt and translated with Freebase.
+8111|Sapporo, Hokkaido
+811232|Chitose, Hokkaido
+811233|Chitose, Hokkaido
+811234|Chitose, Hokkaido
+811235|Yubari, Hokkaido
+811236|Chitose, Hokkaido
+811237|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+811238|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+8112390|Yubari, Hokkaido
+8112391|Yubari, Hokkaido
+8112392|Yubari, Hokkaido
+8112393|Yubari, Hokkaido
+8112394|Yubari, Hokkaido
+8112395|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+8112396|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+8112397|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+8112398|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+8112399|Kuriyama, Hokkaido
+81124|Ashibetsu, Hokkaido
+81125|Takikawa, Hokkaido
+81126|Iwamizawa, Hokkaido
+811332|Tobetsu, Hokkaido
+811333|Tobetsu, Hokkaido
+811336|Ishikari, Hokkaido
+811337|Ishikari, Hokkaido
+81134|Otaru, Hokkaido
+811352|Yoichi, Hokkaido
+811353|Yoichi, Hokkaido
+811354|Yoichi, Hokkaido
+811356|Iwanai, Hokkaido
+811357|Iwanai, Hokkaido
+811362|Kutchan, Hokkaido
+811363|Kutchan, Hokkaido
+811364|Kutchan, Hokkaido
+811365|Kutchan, Hokkaido
+811366|Rusutsu, Hokkaido
+811367|Rusutsu, Hokkaido
+811372|Shikabe, Hokkaido
+811374|Aomori, Aomori
+811375|Yakumo, Hokkaido
+811376|Yakumo, Hokkaido
+811377|Yakumo, Hokkaido
+811378|Imakane, Hokkaido
+81138|Hakodate, Hokkaido
+811392|Kikonai, Hokkaido
+811393|Matsumae, Hokkaido
+811394|Matsumae, Hokkaido
+811395|Esashi, Hokkaido
+811396|Esashi, Hokkaido
+811397|Okushiri, Hokkaido
+811398|Kumaishi, Hokkaido
+81142|Date, Hokkaido
+81143|Muroran, Hokkaido
+81144|Tomakomai, Hokkaido
+811452|Hayakita, Hokkaido
+811453|Hayakita, Hokkaido
+811454|Mukawa, Hokkaido
+811455|Mukawa, Hokkaido
+811462|Urakawa, Hokkaido
+811463|Urakawa, Hokkaido
+811464|Shizunai, Hokkaido
+811465|Shizunai, Hokkaido
+811466|Erimo, Hokkaido
+811522|Shari, Hokkaido
+811523|Shari, Hokkaido
+811524|Abashiri, Hokkaido
+811525|Abashiri, Hokkaido
+811526|Abashiri, Hokkaido
+811527|Bihoro, Hokkaido
+811528|Bihoro, Hokkaido
+811532|Nemuro, Hokkaido
+811533|Nemuro, Hokkaido
+811534|Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido
+811535|Akkeshi, Hokkaido
+811536|Akkeshi, Hokkaido
+811537|Nakashibetsu, Hokkaido
+811541|Teshikaga, Hokkaido
+811542|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811543|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811544|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811545|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811546|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811547|Shiranuka, Hokkaido
+811548|Teshikaga, Hokkaido
+811549|Kushiro, Hokkaido
+811552|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811553|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811554|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811555|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811556|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811558|Hiroo, Hokkaido
+811559|Obihiro, Hokkaido
+811562|Honbetsu, Hokkaido
+811563|Honbetsu, Hokkaido
+811564|Kamishihoro, Hokkaido
+81157|Kitami, Hokkaido
+811582|Monbetsu, Hokkaido
+811583|Monbetsu, Hokkaido
+811584|Engaru, Hokkaido
+811585|Engaru, Hokkaido
+811588|Okoppe, Hokkaido
+811589|Okoppe, Hokkaido
+81162|Wakkanai, Hokkaido
+811632|Teshio, Hokkaido
+811634|Hamatonbetsu, Hokkaido
+811635|Hamatonbetsu, Hokkaido
+811644|Rumoi, Hokkaido
+811645|Rumoi, Hokkaido
+811646|Haboro, Hokkaido
+811647|Haboro, Hokkaido
+811652|Shibetsu, Hokkaido
+811653|Shibetsu, Hokkaido
+811654|Nayoro, Hokkaido
+811655|Nayoro, Hokkaido
+811656|Bifuka, Hokkaido
+811658|Kamikawa, Hokkaido
+81166|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+81167|Furano, Hokkaido
+81172|Hirosaki, Aomori
+811732|Goshogawara, Aomori
+811733|Goshogawara, Aomori
+811734|Goshogawara, Aomori
+811735|Goshogawara, Aomori
+811736|Goshogawara, Aomori
+81174|Kanita, Aomori
+811752|Mutsu, Aomori
+811753|Mutsu, Aomori
+811754|Mutsu, Aomori
+811756|Noheji, Aomori
+811757|Noheji, Aomori
+81176|Towada, Aomori
+81177|Aomori, Aomori
+81178|Hachinohe, Aomori
+81179|Sannohe, Aomori
+81182|Yokote, Akita
+81183|Yuzawa, Akita
+81184|Honjo, Akita
+811852|Oga, Akita
+811853|Oga, Akita
+811854|Oga, Akita
+811855|Noshiro, Akita
+811856|Noshiro, Akita
+811857|Noshiro, Akita
+811858|Noshiro, Akita
+811862|Kazuno, Akita
+811863|Kazuno, Akita
+811864|Odate, Akita
+811865|Odate, Akita
+811866|Takanosu, Akita
+811867|Takanosu, Akita
+811868|Takanosu, Akita
+811869|Odate, Akita
+811873|Kakunodate, Akita
+811874|Kakunodate, Akita
+811875|Kakunodate, Akita
+811876|Omagari, Akita
+811877|Omagari, Akita
+811878|Omagari, Akita
+81188|Akita, Akita
+81191|Ichinoseki, Iwate
+81192|Ofunato, Iwate
+811932|Kamaishi, Iwate
+811933|Kamaishi, Iwate
+811934|Kamaishi, Iwate
+811935|Kamaishi, Iwate
+811936|Miyako, Iwate
+811937|Miyako, Iwate
+811938|Miyako, Iwate
+811939|Miyako, Iwate
+811942|Iwaizumi, Iwate
+811943|Iwaizumi, Iwate
+811944|Iwaizumi, Iwate
+811945|Kuji, Iwate
+811946|Kuji, Iwate
+811947|Kuji, Iwate
+811952|Ninohe, Iwate
+811953|Ninohe, Iwate
+811954|Ninohe, Iwate
+811955|Ninohe, Iwate
+811956|Iwate, Iwate
+811957|Iwate, Iwate
+811958|Iwate, Iwate
+81196|Morioka, Iwate
+811972|Mizusawa, Iwate
+811973|Mizusawa, Iwate
+811974|Mizusawa, Iwate
+811975|Mizusawa, Iwate
+811976|Kitakami, Iwate
+811977|Kitakami, Iwate
+811978|Kitakami, Iwate
+811982|Hanamaki, Iwate
+811983|Hanamaki, Iwate
+811984|Hanamaki, Iwate
+811986|Tono, Iwate
+811987|Tono, Iwate
+81199|Morioka, Iwate
+81220|Ohasama, Iwate
+81222|Sendai, Miyagi
+812230|Sendai, Miyagi
+812232|Iwanuma, Miyagi
+812233|Iwanuma, Miyagi
+812234|Sendai, Miyagi
+812235|Sendai, Miyagi
+812236|Sendai, Miyagi
+812237|Sendai, Miyagi
+812238|Sendai, Miyagi
+812239|Sendai, Miyagi
+812242|Shiroishi, Saga
+812243|Shiroishi, Saga
+812244|Shiroishi, Saga
+812245|Ogawara, Miyagi
+812246|Ogawara, Miyagi
+812247|Ogawara, Miyagi
+812248|Ogawara, Miyagi
+81225|Ishinomaki, Miyagi
+81226|Kesennuma, Miyagi
+81227|Sendai, Miyagi
+81229|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+81233|Shinjo, Yamagata
+81234|Sakata, Yamagata
+81235|Tsuruoka, Yamagata
+81236|Yamagata, Yamagata
+812372|Yamate, Okayama
+812373|Yamate, Okayama
+812374|Yamate, Okayama
+812375|Yamate, Okayama
+812376|Sagae, Yamagata
+812377|Sagae, Yamagata
+812378|Sagae, Yamagata
+812382|Yonezawa, Yamagata
+812383|Yonezawa, Yamagata
+812384|Yonezawa, Yamagata
+812385|Yonezawa, Yamagata
+812386|Nagai, Yamagata
+812387|Nagai, Yamagata
+812388|Nagai, Yamagata
+812389|Yonezawa, Yamagata
+812412|Kitakata, Fukushima
+812413|Kitakata, Fukushima
+812414|Yanaizu, Fukushima
+812415|Yanaizu, Fukushima
+812416|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124190|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124191|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124192|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124193|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124194|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124195|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124196|Yanaizu, Fukushima
+8124197|Yanaizu, Fukushima
+8124198|Etajima, Hiroshima
+8124199|Etajima, Hiroshima
+81242|Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima
+81243|Nihonmatsu, Fukushima
+81244|Nishihara, Okinawa
+81245|Fukushima, Fukushima
+81246|Iwaki, Fukushima
+812472|Ishikawa, Fukushima
+812473|Ishikawa, Fukushima
+812474|Ishikawa, Fukushima
+812475|Ishikawa, Fukushima
+812476|Miharu, Fukushima
+812477|Miharu, Fukushima
+812478|Miharu, Fukushima
+812482|Shirakawa, Fukushima
+812483|Shirakawa, Fukushima
+812484|Shirakawa, Fukushima
+812485|Shirakawa, Fukushima
+812486|Sukagawa, Fukushima
+812487|Sukagawa, Fukushima
+812488|Sukagawa, Fukushima
+812489|Sukagawa, Fukushima
+81249|Koriyama, Fukushima
+81250|Niitsu, Niigata
+81252|Niigata, Niigata
+81253|Niigata, Niigata
+812542|Shibata, Niigata
+812543|Shibata, Niigata
+812544|Shibata, Niigata
+812545|Ueno, Gunma
+812546|Ueno, Gunma
+812547|Ueno, Gunma
+8125480|Ueno, Gunma
+8125481|Ueno, Gunma
+8125482|Ueno, Gunma
+8125483|Ueno, Gunma
+8125484|Ueno, Gunma
+8125485|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+8125486|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+8125487|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+8125488|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+8125489|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+812549|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+812550|Yasuzuka, Niigata
+812551|Joetsu, Niigata
+812552|Joetsu, Niigata
+812553|Joetsu, Niigata
+812554|Joetsu, Niigata
+812555|Itoigawa, Niigata
+812556|Itoigawa, Niigata
+812559|Yasuzuka, Niigata
+812560|Itoigawa, Niigata
+812562|Sanjo, Niigata
+812563|Sanjo, Niigata
+812564|Sanjo, Niigata
+812565|Sanjo, Niigata
+812566|Sanjo, Niigata
+812567|Ishinomaki, Miyagi
+812568|Ishinomaki, Miyagi
+812569|Ishinomaki, Miyagi
+812571|Muika, Niigata
+812572|Kashiwazaki, Niigata
+812573|Kashiwazaki, Niigata
+812574|Kashiwazaki, Niigata
+812575|Tokamachi, Niigata
+812576|Tokamachi, Niigata
+812577|Muika, Niigata
+812578|Muika, Niigata
+812580|Tokamachi, Niigata
+812582|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812583|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812584|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812585|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812586|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812587|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812588|Nagaoka, Niigata
+812589|Nagaoka, Niigata
+81259|Sado, Niigata
+81260|Anan, Nagano
+812612|Daisen, Tottori
+812613|Daisen, Tottori
+812614|Daisen, Tottori
+812615|Daisen, Tottori
+812616|Daisen, Tottori
+8126170|Daisen, Tottori
+8126171|Daisen, Tottori
+8126172|Daisen, Tottori
+8126173|Daisen, Tottori
+8126174|Daisen, Tottori
+8126175|Daisen, Tottori
+8126176|Daisen, Tottori
+8126177|Nagano, Nagano
+8126178|Daisen, Tottori
+8126179|Daisen, Tottori
+812618|Daisen, Tottori
+812619|Daisen, Tottori
+81262|Nagano, Nagano
+81263|Matsumoto, Nagano
+812640|Nagano, Nagano
+812646|Nagano, Nagano
+812647|Nagano, Nagano
+812648|Nagano, Nagano
+812649|Nagano, Nagano
+812652|Iida, Nagano
+812653|Iida, Nagano
+812654|Iida, Nagano
+812655|Iida, Nagano
+812656|Ina, Nagano
+812657|Ina, Nagano
+812658|Ina, Nagano
+812659|Ina, Nagano
+81266|Suwa, Nagano
+812672|Komoro, Nagano
+812673|Komoro, Nagano
+812674|Komoro, Nagano
+812675|Saku, Nagano
+812676|Saku, Nagano
+812677|Saku, Nagano
+812678|Saku, Nagano
+812679|Saku, Nagano
+81268|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+812692|Nakano, Tokyo
+812693|Nakano, Tokyo
+812694|Nakano, Tokyo
+812695|Nakano, Tokyo
+812696|Iiyama, Nagano
+812697|Iiyama, Nagano
+812698|Iiyama, Nagano
+81270|Isesaki, Gunma
+81272|Maebashi, Gunma
+81273|Takasaki, Gunma
+812742|Fujioka, Gunma
+812743|Fujioka, Gunma
+812744|Fujioka, Gunma
+812745|Fujioka, Gunma
+812746|Tomioka, Fukushima
+812747|Tomioka, Fukushima
+812748|Tomioka, Fukushima
+81276|Ota, Gunma
+81277|Kiryu, Gunma
+812780|Maebashi, Gunma
+812782|Numata, Hokkaido
+812783|Numata, Hokkaido
+812784|Numata, Hokkaido
+812785|Numata, Hokkaido
+812786|Numata, Hokkaido
+812787|Numata, Hokkaido
+812788|Maebashi, Gunma
+812789|Maebashi, Gunma
+812792|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812793|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812794|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812795|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812796|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812797|Shibukawa, Gunma
+812798|Naganohara, Gunma
+812799|Naganohara, Gunma
+81280|Koga, Ibaraki
+81281|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+81282|Tochigi, Tochigi
+812830|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812832|Sano, Tochigi
+812833|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812834|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812835|Sano, Tochigi
+812836|Sano, Tochigi
+812837|Sano, Tochigi
+812838|Sano, Tochigi
+812839|Sano, Tochigi
+81284|Ashikaga, Tochigi
+812852|Oyama, Shizuoka
+812853|Oyama, Shizuoka
+812854|Oyama, Shizuoka
+812855|Oyama, Shizuoka
+812856|Mooka, Tochigi
+812857|Mooka, Tochigi
+812858|Mooka, Tochigi
+812859|Oyama, Shizuoka
+81286|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812872|Otawara, Tochigi
+812873|Otawara, Tochigi
+812874|Otawara, Tochigi
+812875|Otawara, Tochigi
+812876|Kuroiso, Tochigi
+812877|Kuroiso, Tochigi
+8128798|Otawara, Tochigi
+81288|Imabari, Ehime
+812890|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812892|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812893|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812894|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812895|Utsunomiya, Tochigi
+812896|Kanuma, Tochigi
+812897|Kanuma, Tochigi
+812898|Kanuma, Tochigi
+812899|Kanuma, Tochigi
+812911|Hokota, Ibaraki
+812913|Hokota, Ibaraki
+812914|Hokota, Ibaraki
+812917|Mito, Ibaraki
+81292|Mito, Ibaraki
+812930|Mito, Ibaraki
+812932|Takahagi, Ibaraki
+812933|Takahagi, Ibaraki
+812934|Takahagi, Ibaraki
+812935|Mito, Ibaraki
+812936|Mito, Ibaraki
+812937|Mito, Ibaraki
+812938|Mito, Ibaraki
+812939|Mito, Ibaraki
+81294|Hitachiota, Ibaraki
+812955|Hitachi-Omiya, Ibaraki
+812956|Hitachi-Omiya, Ibaraki
+812957|Daigo, Ibaraki
+812962|Shimodate, Ibaraki
+812963|Shimodate, Ibaraki
+812964|Shimodate, Ibaraki
+812965|Shimodate, Ibaraki
+812967|Kasama, Ibaraki
+812968|Kasama, Ibaraki
+812972|Shimizu, Hokkaido
+812973|Shimizu, Hokkaido
+812974|Shimizu, Hokkaido
+812975|Shimizu, Hokkaido
+81298|Tsuchiura, Ibaraki
+812992|Ishioka, Ibaraki
+812993|Ishioka, Ibaraki
+812994|Ishioka, Ibaraki
+812995|Ishioka, Ibaraki
+812996|Itako, Ibaraki
+812997|Itako, Ibaraki
+812998|Itako, Ibaraki
+812999|Itako, Ibaraki
+81420|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814220|Kokubunji, Tokyo
+81423|Kokubunji, Tokyo
+814240|Kokubunji, Tokyo
+81425|Tachikawa, Tokyo
+81426|Hachioji, Tokyo
+81427|Sagamihara, Kanagawa
+814280|Tachikawa, Tokyo
+814281|Sagamihara, Kanagawa
+814282|Ome, Tokyo
+814283|Ome, Tokyo
+814284|Tachikawa, Tokyo
+814285|Sagamihara, Kanagawa
+814286|Sagamihara, Kanagawa
+814287|Ome, Tokyo
+814288|Ome, Tokyo
+814289|Ome, Tokyo
+814290|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814291|Hanno, Saitama
+814292|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814293|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814294|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814295|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814296|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+814297|Hanno, Saitama
+814298|Hanno, Saitama
+814299|Tokorozawa, Saitama
+81432|Chiba, Chiba
+81433|Chiba, Chiba
+81434|Chiba, Chiba
+81436|Odawara, Kanagawa
+81438|Kisarazu, Chiba
+81439|Kisarazu, Chiba
+8144|Kawasaki, Kanagawa
+8145|Yokohama, Kanagawa
+81460|Odawara, Kanagawa
+81462|Atsugi, Kanagawa
+81463|Hiratsuka, Kanagawa
+81464|Atsugi, Kanagawa
+81465|Odawara, Kanagawa
+81466|Fujisawa, Kanagawa
+81467|Fujisawa, Kanagawa
+81468|Yokosuka, Kanagawa
+814700|Kamogawa, Chiba
+814701|Kamogawa, Chiba
+814702|Tateyama, Chiba
+814703|Tateyama, Chiba
+814704|Tateyama, Chiba
+814705|Tateyama, Chiba
+814706|Ogawara, Miyagi
+814707|Ogawara, Miyagi
+814708|Ogawara, Miyagi
+814709|Kamogawa, Chiba
+81471|Kashiwa, Chiba
+81473|Kyoto, Kyoto
+81474|Funabashi, Chiba
+814752|Mobara, Chiba
+814753|Mobara, Chiba
+814754|Mobara, Chiba
+814755|Togane, Chiba
+814756|Togane, Chiba
+814757|Togane, Chiba
+814758|Togane, Chiba
+81476|Narita, Chiba
+814770|Kyoto, Kyoto
+814771|Kyoto, Kyoto
+814772|Kyoto, Kyoto
+814775|Funabashi, Chiba
+814776|Funabashi, Chiba
+814777|Funabashi, Chiba
+81478|Sawara, Chiba
+814792|Choshi, Chiba
+814793|Choshi, Chiba
+814794|Choshi, Chiba
+8147950|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+8147951|Choshi, Chiba
+8147952|Choshi, Chiba
+8147953|Choshi, Chiba
+8147954|Choshi, Chiba
+8147955|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+8147956|Choshi, Chiba
+8147957|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+8147958|Choshi, Chiba
+8147959|Choshi, Chiba
+814796|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+814797|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+814798|Yokaichiba, Chiba
+81480|Kuki, Saitama
+81482|Kawaguchi, Niigata
+81484|Kawaguchi, Niigata
+81485|Kumagaya, Saitama
+81486|Urawa, Saitama
+81487|Urawa, Saitama
+81488|Urawa, Saitama
+81489|Soka, Saitama
+81492|Kawagoe, Mie
+81494|Chichibu, Saitama
+81495|Honjo, Saitama
+814998|Ogasawara, Tokyo
+8152|Nagoya, Aichi
+81531|Odawara, Kanagawa
+81532|Toyohashi, Aichi
+81533|Toyohashi, Aichi
+81534|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+81535|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815362|Shinshiro, Aichi
+815363|Shinshiro, Aichi
+815366|Shitara, Aichi
+815367|Shitara, Aichi
+815368|Shitara, Aichi
+81537|Kakegawa, Shizuoka
+81538|Iwata, Shizuoka
+815392|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815393|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815394|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815395|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153960|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153961|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153962|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153963|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153964|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153965|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153966|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153967|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153968|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153969|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153970|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153971|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153972|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153973|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153974|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153975|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153976|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153977|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+8153978|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+8153979|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815398|Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
+815399|Tenryu Ward, Hamamatsu
+81542|Mori, Shizuoka
+81543|Mori, Shizuoka
+81544|Fujinomiya, Shizuoka
+81545|Fuji, Shizuoka
+81546|Mori, Shizuoka
+81547|Etajima, Hiroshima
+81548|Haibara, Shizuoka
+81549|Mori, Shizuoka
+81550|Gotenba, Shizuoka
+81551|Nirasaki, Yamanashi
+81552|Kofu, Yamanashi
+81553|Nanbu, Yamanashi
+81554|Otsuki, Kochi
+81555|Fujiyoshida, Yamanashi
+815566|Minobu, Yamanashi
+81557|Ito, Shizuoka
+815582|Shimoda, Aomori
+815583|Shimoda, Aomori
+815584|Shimoda, Aomori
+815585|Shimoda, Aomori
+815586|Shimoda, Aomori
+81559|Numazu, Shizuoka
+81561|Seto, Aichi
+81563|Nishio, Aichi
+81564|Okazaki, Aichi
+81565|Toyota, Aichi
+81566|Kariya, Aichi
+81567|Tsushima, Aichi
+81568|Kasugai, Aichi
+81569|Handa, Aichi
+81572|Tajimi, Gifu
+815732|Ena, Gifu
+815733|Ena, Gifu
+815734|Ena, Gifu
+815735|Ena, Gifu
+815736|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+815737|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+815738|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+815742|Minokamo, Gifu
+815743|Minokamo, Gifu
+815744|Minokamo, Gifu
+815745|Minokamo, Gifu
+815746|Minokamo, Gifu
+815752|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+815753|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+815754|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+815755|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+815762|Gero, Gifu
+815763|Gero, Gifu
+815764|Gero, Gifu
+815765|Gero, Gifu
+815766|Gero, Gifu
+815767|Gero, Gifu
+815768|Gero, Gifu
+815769|Shokawa, Gifu
+81577|Takayama, Gifu
+81578|Kamioka, Akita
+81582|Gifu, Gifu
+81583|Gifu, Gifu
+81584|Ogaki, Gifu
+81585|Ibigawa, Gifu
+81586|Ichinomiya, Chiba
+81587|Ichinomiya, Chiba
+81593|Yokkaichi, Mie
+81594|Kuwana, Mie
+815952|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815953|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815954|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815955|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815956|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815957|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+815958|Kameyama, Mie
+815959|Kameyama, Mie
+81596|Ise, Mie
+815972|Owase, Mie
+815973|Owase, Mie
+815974|Owase, Mie
+815977|Kumano, Hiroshima
+815978|Kumano, Hiroshima
+815979|Kumano, Hiroshima
+815982|Matsusaka, Mie
+815983|Matsusaka, Mie
+815984|Matsusaka, Mie
+815985|Matsusaka, Mie
+815986|Matsusaka, Mie
+815992|Toba, Mie
+815993|Toba, Mie
+815994|Ago, Mie
+815995|Ago, Mie
+815996|Ago, Mie
+815997|Ago, Mie
+815998|Ago, Mie
+816|Osaka, Osaka
+81721|Tondabayashi, Osaka
+81722|Sakai, Osaka
+817230|Neyagawa, Osaka
+817231|Sakai, Osaka
+817232|Sakai, Osaka
+817233|Sakai, Osaka
+817234|Sakai, Osaka
+817235|Sakai, Osaka
+817236|Sakai, Osaka
+817237|Sakai, Osaka
+817238|Neyagawa, Osaka
+817239|Neyagawa, Osaka
+81725|Izumi, Osaka
+81726|Ibaraki, Osaka
+81727|Ikeda, Osaka
+81728|Neyagawa, Osaka
+81729|Yao, Osaka
+81734|Misato, Wakayama
+817352|Shingu, Fukuoka
+817353|Shingu, Fukuoka
+817354|Shingu, Fukuoka
+817355|Shingu, Fukuoka
+817356|Kushimoto, Wakayama
+817357|Kushimoto, Wakayama
+817366|Iwade, Wakayama
+817367|Iwade, Wakayama
+817368|Iwade, Wakayama
+81737|Yuasa, Wakayama
+81738|Gobo, Wakayama
+81739|Tanabe, Wakayama
+81740|Imazu, Shiga
+81742|Nara, Nara
+81743|Nara, Nara
+81744|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817452|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817453|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817454|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817455|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817456|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817457|Yamatotakada, Nara
+817463|Yoshino, Nara
+817464|Yoshino, Nara
+817465|Yoshino, Nara
+817466|Totsukawa, Nara
+817468|Kamikitayama, Nara
+817475|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+817476|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+817482|Yokaichi, Shiga
+817483|Yokaichi, Shiga
+817484|Yokaichi, Shiga
+817485|Yokaichi, Shiga
+817486|Minakuchi, Shiga
+817487|Minakuchi, Shiga
+817488|Minakuchi, Shiga
+817492|Hikone, Shiga
+817493|Hikone, Shiga
+817494|Hikone, Shiga
+817495|Nagahama, Shiga
+817496|Nagahama, Shiga
+817497|Nagahama, Shiga
+817498|Nagahama, Shiga
+817612|Komatsu, Ishikawa
+817613|Komatsu, Ishikawa
+817614|Komatsu, Ishikawa
+817615|Komatsu, Ishikawa
+817616|Komatsu, Ishikawa
+817617|Kaga, Ishikawa
+817618|Kaga, Ishikawa
+81762|Kanazawa, Ishikawa
+81763|Fukuno, Toyama
+81764|Toyama, Toyama
+81765|Uozu, Toyama
+81766|Takaoka, Toyama
+817672|Hakui, Ishikawa
+817673|Hakui, Ishikawa
+817674|Hakui, Ishikawa
+817675|Nanao, Ishikawa
+817676|Nanao, Ishikawa
+817677|Nanao, Ishikawa
+817678|Nanao, Ishikawa
+817682|Wajima, Ishikawa
+817683|Wajima, Ishikawa
+817684|Wajima, Ishikawa
+817685|Wajima, Ishikawa
+817686|Noto, Ishikawa
+817687|Noto, Ishikawa
+817688|Noto, Ishikawa
+817702|Tsuruga, Fukui
+817703|Tsuruga, Fukui
+817704|Tsuruga, Fukui
+817705|Obama, Fukui
+817706|Obama, Fukui
+817707|Obama, Fukui
+817712|Kameoka, Kyoto
+817713|Kameoka, Kyoto
+817714|Kameoka, Kyoto
+817715|Kameoka, Kyoto
+817716|Sonobe, Kyoto
+817717|Sonobe, Kyoto
+817718|Sonobe, Kyoto
+817722|Miyazu, Kyoto
+817723|Miyazu, Kyoto
+817724|Miyazu, Kyoto
+817725|Miyazu, Kyoto
+817732|Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
+817733|Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
+817734|Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
+817735|Fukuchiyama, Kyoto
+817736|Maizuru, Kyoto
+817737|Maizuru, Kyoto
+817738|Maizuru, Kyoto
+81774|Uji, Kyoto
+81775|Otsu, Shiga
+81776|Fukui, Fukui
+81778|Takefu, Fukui
+81779|Ono, Fukui
+8178|Kobe, Hyogo
+817902|Kawasaki, Fukuoka
+817903|Kawasaki, Fukuoka
+817904|Kawasaki, Fukuoka
+817905|Kawasaki, Fukuoka
+817912|Aioi, Hyogo
+817914|Aioi, Hyogo
+817915|Aioi, Hyogo
+81792|Himeji, Hyogo
+81793|Himeji, Hyogo
+817940|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817942|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817943|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817944|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817945|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817946|Miki, Kagawa
+817947|Miki, Kagawa
+817948|Miki, Kagawa
+817949|Kakogawa, Hyogo
+817950|Omuta, Fukuoka
+817952|Nishiwaki, Hyogo
+817953|Nishiwaki, Hyogo
+817954|Nishiwaki, Hyogo
+817955|Omuta, Fukuoka
+817956|Omuta, Fukuoka
+817959|Omuta, Fukuoka
+817962|Toyooka, Hyogo
+817963|Toyooka, Hyogo
+817964|Toyooka, Hyogo
+817965|Toyooka, Hyogo
+817968|Hamasaka, Hyogo
+817969|Hamasaka, Hyogo
+81797|Nishinomiya, Hyogo
+81798|Nishinomiya, Hyogo
+817992|Sumoto, Hyogo
+817993|Sumoto, Hyogo
+817994|Sumoto, Hyogo
+817995|Sumoto, Hyogo
+817996|Tsuna, Hyogo
+817997|Tsuna, Hyogo
+817998|Tsuna, Hyogo
+818202|Yanai, Yamaguchi
+818203|Yanai, Yamaguchi
+818204|Yanai, Yamaguchi
+818205|Yanai, Yamaguchi
+818206|Yanai, Yamaguchi
+81822|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+81823|Kure, Hiroshima
+818240|Higashi-ku, Hiroshima
+818242|Higashi-ku, Hiroshima
+818243|Higashi-ku, Hiroshima
+818244|Miyoshi, Hiroshima
+818245|Miyoshi, Hiroshima
+818246|Miyoshi, Hiroshima
+818247|Shobara, Hiroshima
+818248|Shobara, Hiroshima
+818249|Higashi-ku, Hiroshima
+81825|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+818262|Kake, Hiroshima
+818263|Kake, Hiroshima
+818266|Chiyoda, Tokyo
+818267|Chiyoda, Tokyo
+818268|Chiyoda, Tokyo
+81827|Iwakuni, Yamaguchi
+81828|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+818290|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182920|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182921|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182922|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182923|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182924|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182925|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182926|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182927|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182928|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182929|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+818293|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182940|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182941|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182942|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182943|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+8182944|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182945|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182946|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182947|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182948|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+8182949|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+818295|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+818296|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+818297|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+818298|Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
+818299|Hiroshima, Hiroshima
+81832|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+81833|Kudamatsu, Yamaguchi
+81834|Tokuyama, Yamaguchi
+81835|Hofu, Yamaguchi
+818360|Ogori, Yamaguchi
+818362|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818363|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818364|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818365|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818366|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818367|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818368|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818369|Ube, Yamaguchi
+818372|Nagato, Yamaguchi
+818373|Nagato, Yamaguchi
+818374|Nagato, Yamaguchi
+818375|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183760|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183761|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183762|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183763|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183764|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183765|Mine, Yamaguchi
+8183766|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+8183767|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+8183768|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+8183769|Mine, Yamaguchi
+818377|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+818378|Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi
+818382|Hagi, Yamaguchi
+818383|Hagi, Yamaguchi
+818384|Hagi, Yamaguchi
+818385|Hagi, Yamaguchi
+818387|Tamagawa, Yamaguchi
+818388|Tamagawa, Yamaguchi
+818390|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818391|Ogori, Yamaguchi
+818392|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818393|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818394|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818395|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818396|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+818397|Ogori, Yamaguchi
+818398|Ogori, Yamaguchi
+818399|Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi
+81845|Innoshima, Hiroshima
+818462|Takehara, Hiroshima
+818463|Takehara, Hiroshima
+818464|Takehara, Hiroshima
+818466|Mima, Tokushima
+818467|Mima, Tokushima
+818474|Fuchu, Hiroshima
+818475|Fuchu, Hiroshima
+818476|Fuchu, Hiroshima
+818477|Tojo, Hiroshima
+818478|Tojo, Hiroshima
+818479|Tojo, Hiroshima
+81848|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+818490|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+818491|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818492|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+8184930|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184931|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+8184932|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+8184933|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184934|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184935|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184936|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184937|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184938|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+8184939|Onomichi, Hiroshima
+818494|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818495|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818496|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818497|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818498|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818499|Fukuyama, Hiroshima
+818512|Nishigo, Fukushima
+818514|Ama, Shimane
+81852|Matsue, Shimane
+81853|Izumo, Shimane
+818542|Yasugi, Shimane
+818543|Yasugi, Shimane
+818544|Kisuki, Shimane
+818545|Kisuki, Shimane
+818546|Kakeya, Shimane
+818547|Kakeya, Shimane
+818552|Hamada, Shimane
+818553|Hamada, Shimane
+818554|Hamada, Shimane
+818555|Gotsu, Shimane
+818556|Gotsu, Shimane
+818557|Kawamoto, Shimane
+818558|Kawamoto, Shimane
+818559|Kawamoto, Shimane
+818562|Masuda, Shimane
+818563|Masuda, Shimane
+818564|Masuda, Shimane
+818565|Masuda, Shimane
+818567|Tsuwano, Shimane
+818568|Tsuwano, Shimane
+81857|Tottori, Tottori
+818582|Kurayoshi, Tottori
+818583|Kurayoshi, Tottori
+818584|Kurayoshi, Tottori
+818585|Kurayoshi, Tottori
+818586|Kurayoshi, Tottori
+818587|Koge, Tottori
+818588|Koge, Tottori
+818592|Yonago, Tottori
+818593|Yonago, Tottori
+818594|Yonago, Tottori
+818595|Yonago, Tottori
+818596|Yonago, Tottori
+81862|Okayama, Okayama
+81863|Tamano, Okayama
+81864|Kurashiki, Okayama
+818652|Kurashiki, Okayama
+818654|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186550|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186551|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186552|Kurashiki, Okayama
+8186553|Kurashiki, Okayama
+8186554|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186555|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186556|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186557|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186558|Kamogata, Okayama
+8186559|Kamogata, Okayama
+818656|Kasaoka, Okayama
+818657|Kasaoka, Okayama
+818660|Seto, Okayama
+818662|Takahashi, Okayama
+818663|Soja, Okayama
+818664|Takahashi, Okayama
+818665|Takahashi, Okayama
+818666|Ibara, Okayama
+818667|Ibara, Okayama
+818668|Ibara, Okayama
+8186690|Soja, Okayama
+8186691|Kurashiki, Okayama
+8186692|Soja, Okayama
+8186693|Soja, Okayama
+8186694|Soja, Okayama
+8186695|Soja, Okayama
+8186696|Soja, Okayama
+8186697|Kurashiki, Okayama
+8186698|Kurashiki, Okayama
+8186699|Soja, Okayama
+818674|Kuse, Okayama
+818675|Kuse, Okayama
+818676|Kuse, Okayama
+818677|Niimi, Okayama
+818678|Niimi, Okayama
+818679|Niimi, Okayama
+818680|Okayama, Okayama
+818682|Tsuyama, Okayama
+818683|Tsuyama, Okayama
+818684|Tsuyama, Okayama
+818685|Tsuyama, Okayama
+818686|Tsuyama, Okayama
+818687|Mimasaka, Okayama
+818688|Mimasaka, Okayama
+818689|Okayama, Okayama
+818690|Okayama, Okayama
+818692|Oku, Okayama
+818693|Oku, Okayama
+818694|Okayama, Okayama
+818695|Seto, Okayama
+818696|Bizen, Okayama
+818697|Bizen, Okayama
+818698|Bizen, Okayama
+8186992|Bizen, Okayama
+8186993|Bizen, Okayama
+8186994|Seto, Okayama
+8186995|Seto, Okayama
+8186996|Seto, Okayama
+8186997|Seto, Okayama
+8186998|Seto, Okayama
+8186999|Seto, Okayama
+81875|Kan'onji, Kagawa
+81877|Marugame, Kagawa
+81878|Takamatsu, Kagawa
+818796|Tonosho, Kagawa
+818797|Tonosho, Kagawa
+818798|Tonosho, Kagawa
+818806|Sukumo, Kochi
+818807|Sukumo, Kochi
+818808|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+8188095|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+8188096|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+8188097|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+8188098|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+8188099|Tosashimizu, Kochi
+818832|Kamojima, Tokushima
+818833|Kamojima, Tokushima
+818834|Kamojima, Tokushima
+818835|Mima, Tokushima
+818836|Mima, Tokushima
+818842|Anan, Nagano
+818843|Anan, Nagano
+818844|Anan, Nagano
+81885|Komatsushima, Tokushima
+81886|Tokushima, Tokushima
+818872|Muroto, Kochi
+818873|Aki, Kochi
+818874|Aki, Kochi
+818879|Muroto, Kochi
+81888|Kochi, Kochi
+818892|Sakawa, Kochi
+818893|Sakawa, Kochi
+818894|Susaki, Kochi
+818895|Susaki, Kochi
+818896|Susaki, Kochi
+81892|Kumakogen, Ehime
+81893|Ozu, Ehime
+818942|Yawatahama, Ehime
+818943|Yawatahama, Ehime
+818944|Yawatahama, Ehime
+818945|Yawatahama, Ehime
+818946|Uwajima, Ehime
+818947|Uwajima, Ehime
+818948|Uwajima, Ehime
+818949|Uwajima, Ehime
+818952|Uwajima, Ehime
+818953|Uwajima, Ehime
+818954|Uwajima, Ehime
+818955|Uwajima, Ehime
+818956|Uwajima, Ehime
+818957|Misho, Ehime
+818958|Misho, Ehime
+81896|Iyomishima, Ehime
+818972|Niihama, Ehime
+818973|Niihama, Ehime
+818974|Niihama, Ehime
+818975|Niihama, Ehime
+818976|Niihama, Ehime
+818977|Hakata, Ehime
+818978|Hakata, Ehime
+81898|Imabari, Ehime
+81899|Matsuyama, Ehime
+81922|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819230|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819231|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819232|Maebaru, Fukuoka
+819233|Maebaru, Fukuoka
+819234|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819235|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819236|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819237|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819238|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+819239|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81924|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81925|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81926|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81927|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81928|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81929|Fukuoka, Fukuoka
+81930|Yukuhashi, Fukuoka
+81932|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81933|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81934|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81935|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81936|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81937|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81938|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81939|Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
+81940|Munakata, Fukuoka
+81942|Kurume, Fukuoka
+819432|Yame, Fukuoka
+819433|Yame, Fukuoka
+819434|Yame, Fukuoka
+819435|Yame, Fukuoka
+819437|Tanushimaru, Fukuoka
+819438|Tanushimaru, Fukuoka
+81944|Setaka, Fukuoka
+81946|Amagi, Fukuoka
+81947|Asahikawa, Hokkaido
+81948|Iizuka, Fukuoka
+81949|Nogata, Fukuoka
+81950|Hirado, Nagasaki
+81952|Saga, Saga
+819542|Takeo, Saga
+819543|Takeo, Saga
+819544|Takeo, Saga
+819546|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+819547|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+819552|Imari, Saga
+819553|Imari, Saga
+819554|Imari, Saga
+819555|Karatsu, Saga
+819556|Karatsu, Saga
+819557|Karatsu, Saga
+819558|Karatsu, Saga
+81956|Sasebo, Japan
+819572|Isahaya, Nagasaki
+819573|Isahaya, Nagasaki
+819574|Isahaya, Nagasaki
+819575|Isahaya, Nagasaki
+819576|Shimabara, Nagasaki
+819577|Shimabara, Nagasaki
+819578|Shimabara, Nagasaki
+81958|Nagasaki, Nagasaki
+819592|Oseto, Nagasaki
+819593|Oseto, Nagasaki
+819594|Aridagawa, Wakayama
+819595|Aridagawa, Wakayama
+819596|Fukue, Nagasaki
+819597|Fukue, Nagasaki
+819598|Fukue, Nagasaki
+819599|Oseto, Nagasaki
+81962|Kumamoto, Kumamoto
+81963|Kumamoto, Kumamoto
+81965|Yatsushiro, Kumamoto
+819662|Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto
+819663|Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto
+819664|Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto
+819665|Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto
+819666|Minamata, Kumamoto
+819667|Minamata, Kumamoto
+819668|Minamata, Kumamoto
+819676|Takamori, Kumamoto
+819677|Oyabe, Toyama
+819678|Oyabe, Toyama
+819679|Takamori, Kumamoto
+819682|Yamaga, Kumamoto
+819683|Yamaga, Kumamoto
+819684|Yamaga, Kumamoto
+819685|Tamana, Kumamoto
+819686|Tamana, Kumamoto
+819687|Tamana, Kumamoto
+819688|Tamana, Kumamoto
+81969|Amakusa, Kumamoto
+819722|Saiki, Oita
+819723|Saiki, Oita
+819724|Saiki, Oita
+819725|Saiki, Oita
+819726|Usuki, Oita
+819727|Usuki, Oita
+819728|Usuki, Oita
+819732|Hita, Oita
+819733|Hita, Oita
+819734|Hita, Oita
+819735|Hita, Oita
+819737|Kusu, Oita
+819738|Kusu, Oita
+819742|Mie, Oita
+819743|Mie, Oita
+819744|Mie, Oita
+819746|Taketa, Oita
+819747|Taketa, Oita
+81975|Oita, Oita
+81977|Beppu, Oita
+819782|Bungotakada, Oita
+819783|Bungotakada, Oita
+819784|Bungotakada, Oita
+819785|Bungotakada, Oita
+819786|Kitsuki, Oita
+819787|Kunisaki, Oita
+819788|Kunisaki, Oita
+819789|Kitsuki, Oita
+81979|Nakatsugawa, Gifu
+819802|Minamidaito, Okinawa
+819803|Nago, Okinawa
+819804|Nago, Okinawa
+819805|Nago, Okinawa
+819808|Yaeyama District, Okinawa
+819809|Yaeyama District, Okinawa
+819822|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+819823|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+819824|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+819825|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+819826|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+819827|Takachiho, Miyazaki
+819828|Takachiho, Miyazaki
+8198290|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+8198291|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+8198292|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+8198293|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+8198294|Nobeoka, Miyazaki
+8198295|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+8198296|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+8198297|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+8198298|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+8198299|Hyuga, Miyazaki
+81983|Takanabe, Miyazaki
+81984|Kobayashi, Miyazaki
+81985|Miyazaki, Miyazaki
+81986|Miyakonojo, Miyazaki
+81987|Nichinan, Tottori
+81988|Naha, Okinawa
+81989|Naha, Okinawa
+81992|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+819932|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199330|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199331|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+8199332|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199333|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199334|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199335|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199336|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199337|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199338|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199339|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199340|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199341|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199342|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199343|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+8199344|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199345|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+8199346|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199347|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
+8199348|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+8199349|Ibusuki, Kagoshima
+819935|Kaseda, Kagoshima
+819936|Kaseda, Kagoshima
+819937|Kaseda, Kagoshima
+819938|Kaseda, Kagoshima
+819940|Shibushi, Kagoshima
+819943|Kanoya, Kagoshima
+819944|Kanoya, Kagoshima
+819945|Kanoya, Kagoshima
+819946|Kanoya, Kagoshima
+819947|Shibushi, Kagoshima
+819948|Shibushi, Kagoshima
+819952|Okuchi, Kagoshima
+819953|Okuchi, Kagoshima
+819954|Kajiki, Kagoshima
+819955|Kajiki, Kagoshima
+819956|Kajiki, Kagoshima
+819957|Kajiki, Kagoshima
+819962|Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
+819963|Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
+819964|Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
+819965|Satsumasendai, Kagoshima
+819966|Izumi, Kagoshima
+819967|Izumi, Kagoshima
+819968|Izumi, Kagoshima
+819974|Yakushima, Kagoshima
+819975|Naze, Kagoshima
+819976|Naze, Kagoshima
+819977|Setouchi, Kagoshima
+819978|Tokunoshima, Kagoshima
+819979|Tokunoshima, Kagoshima
+81998|Kagoshima, Kagoshima
diff --git a/geocoding/en/82.txt b/geocoding/en/82.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d50509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2004-03-01]
+# [390794641]
diff --git a/geocoding/en/84.txt b/geocoding/en/84.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c2f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/84.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [429974200]
+8420|Lao Cai province
+84210|Phu Tho province
+84211|Vinh Phuc province
+84218|Hoa Binh province
+84219|Ha Giang province
+8422|Son La province
+84230|Dien Bien province
+84231|Lai Chau province
+84240|Bac Giang province
+84241|Bac Ninh province
+8425|Lang Son province
+8426|Cao Bang province
+8427|Tuyen Quang province
+84280|Thai Nguyen province
+84281|Bac Kan province
+8429|Yen Bai province
+8430|Ninh Binh province
+8431|Hai Phong
+84320|Hai Duong province
+84321|Hung Yen province
+8433|Quang Ninh province
+84350|Nam Dinh province
+84351|Ha Nam province
+8436|Thai Binh province
+8437|Thanh Hoa province
+8438|Nghe An province
+8439|Ha Tinh province
+84500|Dak Lak province
+84501|Dak Nong province
+84510|Quang Nam province
+84511|Da Nang
+8452|Quang Binh province
+8453|Quang Tri province
+8454|Thua Thien-Hue province
+8455|Quang Ngai province
+8456|Binh Dinh province
+8457|Phu Yen province
+8458|Khanh Hoa province
+8459|Gia Lai province
+8460|Kon Tum province
+8461|Dong Nai province
+8462|Binh Thuan province
+8463|Lam Dong province
+8464|Ba Ria-Vung Tau province
+84650|Binh Duong province
+84651|Binh Phuoc province
+8466|Tay Ninh province
+8467|Dong Thap province
+8468|Ninh Thuan province
+8470|Vinh Long province
+84710|Can Tho
+84711|Hau Giang province
+8472|Long An province
+8473|Tien Giang province
+8474|Tra Vinh province
+8475|Ben Tre province
+8476|An Giang province
+8477|Kien Giang province
+84780|Ca Mau province
+84781|Bac Lieu province
+8479|Soc Trang province
+848|Ho Chi Minh City
diff --git a/geocoding/en/86.txt b/geocoding/en/86.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bce1603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/86.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Translated from zh/86.txt using:
+# and
+8620|Guangzhou, Guangdong
+8624|Shenyang, Liaoning
+8625|Nanjing, Jiangsu
+8627|Wuhan, Hubei
+8628|Chengdu, Sichuan
+8629|Xi'an, Shaanxi
+86310|Handan, Hebei
+86311|Shijiazhuang, Hebei
+86312|Baoding, Hebei
+86313|Zhangjiakou, Hebei
+86314|Chengde, Hebei
+86315|Tangshan, Hebei
+86316|Langfang, Hebei
+86317|Cangzhou, Hebei
+86318|Hengshui, Hebei
+86319|Xingtai, Hebei
+86335|Qinhuangdao, Hebei
+86349|Shuozhou, Shanxi
+86350|Xinzhou, Shanxi
+86351|Taiyuan, Shanxi
+86352|Datong, Shanxi
+86353|Yangquan, Shanxi
+86354|Yuci, Shanxi
+86355|Changzhi, Shanxi
+86356|Jincheng, Shanxi
+86357|Linfen, Shanxi
+86358|Lishi, Shanxi
+86359|Yuncheng, Shanxi
+86370|Shangqiu, Henan
+86371|Zhengzhou, Henan
+86372|Anyang, Henan
+86373|Xinxiang, Henan
+86374|Xuchang, Henan
+86375|Pingdingshan, Henan
+86376|Xinyang, Henan
+86377|Nanyang, Henan
+86378|Kaifeng, Henan
+86379|Luoyang, Henan
+86391|Jiaozuo, Henan
+86392|Hebi, Henan
+86393|Puyang, Henan
+86394|Zhoukou, Henan
+86395|Luohe, Henan
+86396|Zhumadian, Henan
+86398|Sanmenxia, Henan
+86410|Tieling, Liaoning
+86411|Dalian, Liaoning
+86412|Anshan, Liaoning
+86413|Fushun, Liaoning
+86414|Benxi, Liaoning
+86415|Dandong, Liaoning
+86416|Jinzhou, Liaoning
+86417|Yingkou, Liaoning
+86418|Fuxin, Liaoning
+86419|Liaoyang, Liaoning
+86421|Chaoyang, Liaoning
+86427|Panjin, Liaoning
+86429|Huludao, Liaoning
+86431|Changchun, Jilin
+86432|Jilin, Jilin
+86433|Yanbian Zhou, Jilin
+86434|Siping, Jilin
+86435|Tonghua, Jilin
+86436|Baicheng, Jilin
+86437|Liaoyuan, Jilin
+86438|Songyuan, Jilin
+86451|Harbin, Heilongjiang
+86452|Qiqihar, Heilongjiang
+86453|Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang
+86454|Jiamusi, Heilongjiang
+86455|Suihua, Heilongjiang
+86456|Heihe, Heilongjiang
+86457|Jiagedaqi, Heilongjiang
+86458|Yichun, Heilongjiang
+86459|Daqing, Heilongjiang
+86464|Qitaihe, Heilongjiang
+86467|Jixi, Heilongjiang
+86468|Hegang, Heilongjiang
+86469|Shuangyashan, Heilongjiang
+86470|Hailaer, Inner Mongolia
+86471|Huhehaote, Inner Mongolia
+86472|Baotou, Inner Mongolia
+86473|Wuhai, Inner Mongolia
+86474|Jining, Inner Mongolia
+86475|Tongliao, Inner Mongolia
+86476|Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
+86477|Dongsheng, Inner Mongolia
+86478|Linhe, Inner Mongolia
+86479|Xilinhaote, Inner Mongolia
+86482|Wulanhaote, Inner Mongolia
+86483|Alashanzuoqi, Inner Mongolia
+86510|Wuxi, Jiangsu
+86511|Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
+86512|Suzhou, Jiangsu
+86513|Nantong, Jiangsu
+86514|Yangzhou, Jiangsu
+86515|Yancheng, Jiangsu
+86516|Xuzhou, Jiangsu
+86517|Huaian, Jiangsu
+86518|Lianyungang, Jiangsu
+86519|Changzhou, Jiangsu
+86523|Taizhou, Jiangsu
+86527|Suqian, Jiangsu
+86530|Heze, Shandong
+86531|Jinan, Shandong
+86532|Qingdao, Shandong
+86533|Zibo, Shandong
+86534|Dezhou, Shandong
+86535|Yantai, Shandong
+86536|Weifang, Shandong
+86537|Jining, Shandong
+86538|TaiAn, Shandong
+86539|Linyi, Shandong
+86543|Binzhou, Shandong
+86546|Dongying, Shandong
+86550|Chuzhou, Anhui
+86551|Hefei, Anhui
+86552|Bengbu, Anhui
+86553|Wuhu, Anhui
+86554|Huainan, Anhui
+86555|MaAnshan, Anhui
+86556|Anqing, Anhui
+86557|Suzhou, Anhui
+86558|Fuyang, Anhui
+86559|Huangshan, Anhui
+86561|Huaibei, Anhui
+86562|Tongling, Anhui
+86563|Xuancheng, Anhui
+86564|LiuAn, Anhui
+86565|Chaohu, Anhui
+86566|Chizhou, Anhui
+86570|Quzhou, Zhejiang
+86571|Hangzhou, Zhejiang
+86572|Huzhou, Zhejiang
+86573|Jiaxing, Zhejiang
+86574|Ningbo, Zhejiang
+86575|Shaoxing, Zhejiang
+86576|Taizhou, Zhejiang
+86577|Wenzhou, Zhejiang
+86578|Lishui, Zhejiang
+86579|Jinhua, Zhejiang
+86580|Zhoushan, Zhejiang
+86591|Fuzhou, Fujian
+86592|Xiamen, Fujian
+86593|Ningde, Fujian
+86594|Putian, Fujian
+86595|Quanzhou, Fujian
+86596|Zhangzhou, Fujian
+86597|Longyan, Fujian
+86598|Sanming, Fujian
+86599|Nanping, Fujian
+86631|Weihai, Shandong
+86632|Zaozhuang, Shandong
+86633|Rizhao, Shandong
+86634|Laiwu, Shandong
+86635|Liaocheng, Shandong
+86660|Shanwei, Guangdong
+86662|Yangjiang, Guangdong
+86663|Jieyang, Guangdong
+86668|Maoming, Guangdong
+86691|Jinghong, Yunnan
+86692|Luxi, Yunnan
+86701|Yingtan, Jiangxi
+86710|Xiangfan, Hubei
+86711|Ezhou, Hubei
+86712|Xiaogan, Hubei
+86713|Huanggang, Hubei
+86714|Huangshi, Hubei
+86715|Xianning, Hubei
+86716|Jingzhou, Hubei
+86717|Yichang, Hubei
+86718|Enshi, Hubei
+86719|Shiyan, Hubei
+86722|Suizhou, Hubei
+86724|Jingmen, Hubei
+86728|Xiantao, Hubei
+86730|Yueyang, Hunan
+86731|Zhuzhou, Hunan
+86734|Hengyang, Hunan
+86735|Chenzhou, Hunan
+86736|Changde, Hunan
+86737|Yiyang, Hunan
+86738|Loudi, Hunan
+86739|Shaoyang, Hunan
+86743|Jishou, Hunan
+86744|Zhangjiajie, Hunan
+86745|Huaihua, Hunan
+86746|Yongzhou, Hunan
+86750|Jiangmen, Guangdong
+86751|Shaoguan, Guangdong
+86752|Huizhou, Guangdong
+86753|Meizhou, Guangdong
+86754|Shantou, Guangdong
+86755|Shenzhen, Guangdong
+86756|Zhuhai, Guangdong
+86757|Shunde, Guangdong
+86758|Zhaoqing, Guangdong
+86759|Zhanjiang, Guangdong
+86760|Zhongshan, Guangdong
+86762|Heyuan, Guangdong
+86763|Qingyuan, Guangdong
+86766|Yunfu, Guangdong
+86768|Chaozhou, Guangdong
+86769|Dongguan, Guangdong
+86770|Fangchenggang, Guangxi
+86771|Nanning, Guangxi
+86772|Liuzhou, Guangxi
+86773|Guilin, Guangxi
+86774|Wuzhou, Guangxi
+86775|Yulin, Guangxi
+86776|Baise, Guangxi
+86777|Qinzhou, Guangxi
+86778|Hechi, Guangxi
+86779|Beihai, Guangxi
+86790|Xinyu, Jiangxi
+86791|Nanchang, Jiangxi
+86792|Jiujiang, Jiangxi
+86793|Shangrao, Jiangxi
+86794|Fuzhou, Jiangxi
+86795|Yichun, Jiangxi
+86796|JiAn, Jiangxi
+86797|Ganzhou, Jiangxi
+86798|Jingdezhen, Jiangxi
+86799|Pingxiang, Jiangxi
+86812|Panzhihua, Sichuan
+86813|Zigong, Sichuan
+86816|Mianyang, Sichuan
+86817|Nanchong, Sichuan
+86818|Dazhou, Sichuan
+86825|Suining, Sichuan
+86826|GuangAn, Sichuan
+86827|Bazhong, Sichuan
+86830|Luzhou, Sichuan
+86831|Yibin, Sichuan
+86832|Ziyang, Sichuan
+86833|Leshan, Sichuan
+86834|Xichang, Sichuan
+86835|YaAn, Sichuan
+86836|Kangding, Sichuan
+86837|MaErkang, Sichuan
+86838|Deyang, Sichuan
+86839|Guangyuan, Sichuan
+86851|Guiyang, Guizhou
+86852|Zunyi, Guizhou
+86853|Anshun, Guizhou
+86854|Duyun, Guizhou
+86855|Kaili, Guizhou
+86856|Tongren, Guizhou
+86857|Bijie, Guizhou
+86858|Liupanshui, Guizhou
+86859|Xingyi, Guizhou
+86870|Zhaotong, Yunnan
+86871|Kunming, Yunnan
+86872|Dali, Yunnan
+86873|Gejiu, Yunnan
+86874|Qujing, Yunnan
+86875|Baoshan, Yunnan
+86876|Wenshan, Yunnan
+86877|Yuxi, Yunnan
+86878|Chuxiong, Yunnan
+86879|Simao, Yunnan
+86883|Lincang, Yunnan
+86886|Liuku, Yunnan
+86887|Zhongdian, Yunnan
+86888|Lijiang, Yunnan
+86891|Lhasa, Tibet
+86892|Rikaze, Tibet
+86893|Naidong, Tibet
+86894|Linzhi, Tibet
+86895|Changdu, Tibet
+86896|Naqu, Tibet
+86897|GeEr, Tibet
+86898|Haikou, Hainan
+86901|Tacheng, Xinjiang
+86902|Hami, Xinjiang
+86903|Hetian, Xinjiang
+86906|Aletai, Xinjiang
+86908|Atushi, Xinjiang
+86909|Bole, Xinjiang
+86911|YanAn, Shaanxi
+86912|Yulin, Shaanxi
+86913|Weinan, Shaanxi
+86914|Shangzhou, Shaanxi
+86915|Ankang, Shaanxi
+86916|Hanzhong, Shaanxi
+86917|Baoji, Shaanxi
+86919|Tongchuan, Shaanxi
+86930|Linxia, Gansu
+86931|Lanzhou, Gansu
+86932|Dingxi, Gansu
+86933|Pingliang, Gansu
+86934|Xifeng, Gansu
+86935|Jinchang, Gansu
+86936|Zhangye, Gansu
+86937|Jiuquan, Gansu
+86938|Tianshui, Gansu
+86939|Wudu, Gansu
+86941|Hezuo, Gansu
+86943|Baiyin, Gansu
+86951|Yinchuan, Ningxia
+86952|Shizuishan, Ningxia
+86953|Wuzhong, Ningxia
+86954|Guyuan, Ningxia
+86955|Zhongwei, Ningxia
+86970|Haiyan, Qinghai
+86971|Xining, Qinghai
+86972|PingAn, Qinghai
+86973|Tongren, Qinghai
+86974|Gonghe, Qinghai
+86975|Maqin, Qinghai
+86976|Yushu, Qinghai
+86977|Delingha, Qinghai
+86979|GeErmu, Qinghai
+86990|Kalamayi, Xinjiang
+86991|Urumchi, Xinjiang
+86992|Kuitun, Xinjiang
+86993|Shihezi, Xinjiang
+86994|Changji, Xinjiang
+86995|Tulufan, Xinjiang
+86996|KuErle, Xinjiang
+86997|Akesu, Xinjiang
+86998|Kashi, Xinjiang
+86999|Yining, Xinjiang
diff --git a/geocoding/en/886.txt b/geocoding/en/886.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0c4824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/886.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [436021308]
+8863|Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Yilan, Hualien
+8864|Taichung, Changhua
+8865|Chiayi, Yunlin
+8866|Tainan, Penghu
diff --git a/geocoding/en/90.txt b/geocoding/en/90.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8712b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/90.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-07-07]
+# [428576481]
+90212|Istanbul (Europe)
+90213|Istanbul (Europe)
+90216|Istanbul (Anatolia)
+90217|Istanbul (Anatolia)
+90344|K. Maras
+90345|K. Maras
diff --git a/geocoding/en/94.txt b/geocoding/en/94.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7030f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/en/94.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [437344950]
+9431|Negombo, Gampaha
+9432|Chilaw, Puttalam
+9436|Avissawella, Colombo
+9438|Panadura, Kalutara
+9451|Hatton, Nuwara Eliya
+9452|Nuwara Eliya
+9454|Nawalapitiya, Kandy
+9457|Bandarawela, Badulla
+9467|Kalmunai, Ampara
diff --git a/geocoding/es/228.txt b/geocoding/es/228.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8ee40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/228.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-05-12]
+22823|Región Marítima
+22824|Región Plateaux
+22825|Región Central
+22826|Región de Kara
+22827|Región de Savannah
diff --git a/geocoding/es/230.txt b/geocoding/es/230.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23c9c03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/230.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-06-05]
+2302|Región Norte
+2304|Región Central
+2306|Región Sur
diff --git a/geocoding/es/34.txt b/geocoding/es/34.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0adb96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/34.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-11-18]
+34881|La Coruña
+34926|Ciudad Real
+34928|Las Palmas
+34941|La Rioja
diff --git a/geocoding/es/54.txt b/geocoding/es/54.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a3818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/54.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# (2011-07-11)
+# [431727225]
+5411|Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
+54221|La Plata
+542221|Verónica, Buenos Aires
+542223|Coronel Brandsen
+542224|Buenos Aires
+542225|San Vicente, Buenos Aires
+542229|Buenos Aires
+54223|Mar del Plata, General Pueyrredón
+542241|Buenos Aires
+542243|General Belgrano, Buenos Aires
+542244|Las Flores
+542245|Dolores, Buenos Aires
+542246|Santa Teresita, La Costa
+542252|San Clemente del Tuyú, La Costa
+542254|Pinamar, Buenos Aires
+542255|Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires
+542257|Mar de Ajo, La Costa
+542261|Lobería, Buenos Aires
+542265|Coronel Vidal, Buenos Aires
+542266|Buenos Aires
+542267|General Juan Madariaga
+542268|Maipú, Buenos Aires
+542271|San Miguel del Monte, Buenos Aires
+542272|Navarro, Buenos Aires
+542281|La Matanza
+542283|Buenos Aires
+542284|Olavarría, Buenos Aires
+542285|Laprida, Buenos Aires
+542286|General Lamadrid, Buenos Aires
+542291|Miramar, Buenos Aires
+542292|Buenos Aires
+542293|Tandil, Buenos Aires
+542296|Ayacucho, Buenos Aires
+542297|Buenos Aires
+54230|Pilar, Buenos Aires
+542302|General Pico, La Pampa
+542314|Bolívar, Buenos Aires
+542316|Daireaux, Buenos Aires
+542317|9 de Julio, Buenos Aires
+542320|José C. Paz
+542322|Pilar, Buenos Aires
+542325|San Andrés de Giles/Azcuénaga
+542326|San Antonio de Areco
+542331|Realicó, La Pampa
+542333|Quemú Quemú
+542334|Eduardo Castex, La Pampa
+542335|Ingeniero Luiggi, La Pampa
+542337|Buenos Aires
+542344|Buenos Aires
+542345|General Pueyrredón
+542353|General Arenales, Buenos Aires
+542354|Buenos Aires
+542355|Lincoln, Buenos Aires
+542356|General Pinto, Buenos Aires
+542358|Buenos Aires
+54236|Junín, Buenos Aires
+542392|Buenos Aires/Trenque Lauquen
+542394|Salliqueló, Buenos Aires
+542395|La Matanza
+542396|Pehuajó, Buenos Aires
+542473|Colón, Buenos Aires
+542474|Buenos Aires
+542475|Rojas, Buenos Aires
+542478|Arrecifes, Buenos Aires
+54249|Tandil, Buenos Aires
+54260|San Rafael
+54261|Mendoza, Capital
+542622|Tunuyán, Mendoza
+542623|San Martin
+542625|General Alvear, Mendoza
+542627|San Rafael
+54263|San Martin
+54264|San Juan, Capital
+542646|Valle Fértil
+542656|Merlo, San Luis
+542657|Villa Mercedes, General Pedernera
+54266|San Luis, La Capital
+54280|Trelew, Rawson
+542902|El Calafate, Lago Argentino
+54291|Bahía Blanca
+542920|Viedma, Adolfo Alsina
+542921|Coronel Dorrego, Buenos Aires
+542922|Coronel Pringles, Buenos Aires
+542923|Pigüé, Buenos Aires
+542924|Darregueira, Buenos Aires
+542926|Coronel Suárez, Buenos Aires
+542927|Buenos Aires
+542928|Pedro Luro, Buenos Aires
+542931|Río Colorado, Río Negro
+542932|Punta Alta, Buenos Aires
+542934|San Antonio Oeste, Río Negro
+542936|Buenos Aires
+54294|San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro
+542940|Ingeniero Jacobacci, Río Negro
+542944|San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro
+542945|Esquel, Futaleufú
+542946|Choele Choel, Río Negro
+542948|Chos Malal, Neuquén
+542952|General Acha, La Pampa
+542953|Macachín, La Pampa
+542954|Santa Rosa, La Pampa
+542962|Puerto San Julián, Santa Cruz
+542964|Río Grande
+542966|Río Gallegos, Ger Aike
+54297|Comodoro Rivadavia, Escalante
+542972|San Martín de los Andes
+54298|General Roca, Río Negro
+542983|Tres Arroyos
+54299|Neuquén, Confluencia
+543327|López Camelo, Buenos Aires
+543329|Buenos Aires
+54336|San Nicolás, Buenos Aires
+543382|Rufino, Santa Fe
+543385|Laboulaye, Córdoba
+543388|General Villegas, Buenos Aires
+543400|Villa Constitución, Santa Fe
+543401|El Trebol, Santa Fe
+543402|Santa Fe
+543405|San Javier, Santa Fe
+543406|San Jorge, Santa Fe
+543408|San Cristóbal, Santa Fe
+54342|Santa Fe, La Capital
+543442|Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos
+543444|Gualeguay, Entre Ríos
+543445|Rosario del Tala, Entre Ríos
+54345|Concordia, Entre Ríos
+543460|Santa Teresa, Santa Fe
+543461|San Nicolás de Los Arroyos, San Nicolás
+543462|Venado Tuerto, General López
+543463|Canals, Córdoba
+543464|Casilda, Santa Fe
+543465|Firmat, Santa Fe
+543467|San José de La Esquina, Santa Fe
+543469|Acebal, Santa Fe
+543471|Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fe
+543472|Marcos Juárez
+543476|San Lorenzo, Santa Fe
+54348|Escobar, Buenos Aires
+543482|Reconquista, Santa Fe
+543491|Ceres, Santa Fe
+543492|Rafaela, Santa Fe
+543493|Sunchales, Santa Fe
+543496|Esperanza, Santa Fe
+543498|San Justo, Santa Fe
+54351|Córdoba, Capital
+543525|Jesús María, Córdoba
+54353|Villa María, General San Martin
+543541|Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba
+543543|Córdoba, Capital
+543544|Villa Dolores, Córdoba
+543546|Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba
+543547|Alta Gracia, Córdoba
+543548|La Falda, Córdoba
+543562|Morteros, Córdoba
+543571|Río Tercero, Córdoba
+543573|Villa del Rosario, Córdoba
+54358|Río Cuarto
+54362|Resistencia, San Fernando
+54364|Presidencia Roque Sáenz Pena, Chaco
+543718|Clorinda, Formosa
+543722|Resistencia, San Fernando
+543731|Charata, Chacabuco
+543732|Presidencia Roque Sáenz Pena, Chaco
+543734|Machagai, Chaco
+543735|Villa Angela, Mayor Luis Fonta
+543743|Puerto Rico, Misiones
+543751|El Dorado, Misiones
+543754|Leandro N. Alem, Misiones
+543755|Oberá, Misiones
+543756|Santo Tomé, Corrientes
+543757|Puerto Iguazú, Misiones
+543758|Apóstoles, Misiones
+54376|Posadas, Capital
+543772|Paso de Los Libres, Corrientes/Resistencia
+543773|Mercedes, Corrientes
+543774|Curuzú Cuatiá, Corrientes
+543775|Monte Caseros, Corrientes
+543777|Goya, Corrientes
+543783|Corrientes, Capital
+54379|Corrientes, Capital
+54380|La Rioja
+54381|San Miguel de Tucumán, Capital
+543822|La Rioja
+543825|Chilecito, La Rioja
+543833|San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Catamarca
+543835|Andalgalá, Catamarca
+543844|Añatuya, Santiago del Estero
+54385|Santiago del Estero, Capital
+543863|Monteros, Tucumán
+543865|Concepción, Tucumán
+543868|Cafayate, Salta
+54387|Salta, Capital
+54388|San Salvador de Jujuy, Doctor Manuel Belgrano
diff --git a/geocoding/es/56.txt b/geocoding/es/56.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a517dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/56.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2012-04-03).
+562|Santiago, Región Metropolitana
+5633|Quillota, Valparaíso
+5634|San Felipe, Valparaíso
+5635|San Antonio, Valparaíso
+5641|Concepción, Biobío
+5642|Chillán, Biobío
+5643|Los Angeles, Biobío
+5645|Temuco, Araucanía
+5651|La Serena, Coquimbo
+5652|Copiapó, Atacama
+5653|Ovalle, Coquimbo
+5657|Iquique, Tarapacá
+5658|Arica, Arica y Parinacota
+5661|Punta Arenas, Magallanes
+5663|Valdivia, Los Ríos
+5664|Osorno, Los Lagos
+5665|Puerto Montt, Los Lagos
+5667|Coihaique, Aysén
+5671|Talca, Maule
+5672|Rancagua, O'Higgins
+5673|Linares, Maule
+5675|Curicó, Maule
diff --git a/geocoding/es/58.txt b/geocoding/es/58.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9459e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/es/58.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [405462796]
+58212|Distrito Capital/Miranda/Vargas
+58237|Dependencias Federales
+58287|Delta Amacuro/Monagas
+58295|Nueva Esparta
diff --git a/geocoding/fi/358.txt b/geocoding/fi/358.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74f56e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fi/358.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-10-01]
+# [437010438]
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/212.txt b/geocoding/fr/212.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..481f307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/212.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-09-22]
+212521|Casablanca/Maroc Central
+2125233|Mohammedia/El Jadida
+2125235|Oued Zem
+2125242|El Kelaa des Sraghna
+2125246|Safi/El Youssoufia
+212525|Maroc Sud
+2125282|Agadir/Inezgane/Ait Melou
+2125285|Taroudannt/Oulad Teima
+2125287|Guelmim/Tan Tan
+21252980|Marrakech et alentours
+21252990|Agadir et alentours
+212531|Tanger/Tétouan/Larache/Al Hoceima/Cherfchaouen
+2125379|Souk Larbaa
+2125380|Rabat et alentours
+21253880|Tanger et alentours
+21253890|Fès/Maknès et alentours
+2125398|Al Hoceima/Chefchaouen
+2125399|Tanger/Larache/Al Hoceima
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/222.txt b/geocoding/fr/222.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..035f4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/222.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [440545542]
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/225.txt b/geocoding/fr/225.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..275bb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/225.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-02-17]
+# [451649778]
+22534|San Pedro
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/228.txt b/geocoding/fr/228.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc8f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/228.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-05-12]
+# (2011-08-11)
+22823|Région Maritime
+22824|Région des Plateaux
+22825|Région Centrale
+22826|Région de la Kara
+22827|Région des Savanes
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/229.txt b/geocoding/fr/229.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf588c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/229.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2005-06-23]
+# [451546921]
+# Manual English -> French translations for cases like "... regions".
+2292029|Départements Ouémé/Plateau
+2292139|Départements Littoral/Atlantique
+2292249|Départements Mono/Couffo/Zou/Collines
+2292259|Départements Mono/Couffo/Zou/Collines
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/230.txt b/geocoding/fr/230.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06835f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/230.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-06-05]
+2302|Région Nord
+2304|Région Centrale
+2306|Région Sud
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/242.txt b/geocoding/fr/242.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67ca411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/242.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-11-01]
+# [451637896]
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/243.txt b/geocoding/fr/243.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..189e413
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/243.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2003-03-07]
+# [441661409]
+2435|Province Orientale (Kisanga/Mbandaka)
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/269.txt b/geocoding/fr/269.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da0e8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/269.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2008-04-30]
+# [444350726]
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/290.txt b/geocoding/fr/290.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..312cb32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/290.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-03-17]
+#élène,_Ascension_et_Tristan_da_Cunha [439804774]
+2908|Tristan da Cunha
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/33.txt b/geocoding/fr/33.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7236c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/33.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6453 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2012-03-29) merged with the older data.
+3313022|Les Mureaux
+3313082|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313099|Les Mureaux
+3313408|L'Isle Adam
+3313469|L'Isle Adam
+3313474|Les Mureaux
+3313484|Le Perray en Yvelines
+3313492|Les Mureaux
+3313918|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313923|Le Chesnay
+3313943|Le Chesnay
+3313954|Le Chesnay
+3313955|Le Chesnay
+3313963|Le Chesnay
+3313969|La Celle Saint Cloud
+3313976|Le Vésinet
+3314158|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314173|Rungis Complexe
+3314180|Rungis Complexe
+3314287|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314311|La Courneuve
+3314324|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314381|Le Raincy
+3314512|Rungis Complexe
+3314560|Rungis Complexe
+3314591|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314601|Le Plessis-Robinson
+3314675|Rungis Complexe
+3314686|Rungis Complexe
+3314687|Rungis Complexe
+3314818|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314835|La Courneuve
+3314836|La Courneuve
+3314837|Le Bourget
+3314838|La Courneuve
+3314851|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314857|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314858|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314859|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314865|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314867|Le Blanc Mesnil
+3314870|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3314871|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314872|Le Perreux sur Marne
+3314934|La Courneuve
+3314978|Rungis Complexe
+3314988|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3315586|Montreuil Sous Bois
+3315630|Rungis Complexe
+3315670|Rungis Complexe
+3316022|La Ferté sous Jouarre
+3316486|Les Ulis
+3316491|Limours en Hurepoix
+3316918|Les Ulis
+3323211|Le Grand Quevilly
+3323229|Breteuil sur Iton
+3323254|Les Andelys
+3323274|Le Havre
+3323519|Le Havre
+3323521|Le Havre
+3323522|Le Havre
+3323524|Le Havre
+3323525|Le Havre
+3323526|Le Havre
+3323541|Le Havre
+3323542|Le Havre
+3323543|Le Havre
+3323544|Le Havre
+3323545|Le Havre
+3323546|Le Havre
+3323547|Le Havre
+3323548|Le Havre
+3323549|Le Havre
+3323551|Le Havre
+3323553|Le Havre
+3323554|Le Havre
+3323569|Le Grand Quevilly
+3323781|La Loupe
+3324011|La Baule Escoublac
+3324042|Le Pouliguen
+3324060|La Baule Escoublac
+3324307|Château Gontier Bazouges
+3324309|Château Gontier Bazouges
+3324314|Le Mans
+3324316|Le Mans
+3324323|Le Mans
+3324324|Le Mans
+3324328|Le Mans
+3324339|Le Mans
+3324341|Le Mans
+3324343|Le Mans
+3324348|La Flèche
+3324350|Le Mans
+3324351|Le Mans
+3324352|Le Mans
+3324354|Le Mans
+3324360|La Ferté Bernard
+3324371|La Ferté Bernard
+3324372|Le Mans
+3324375|Le Mans
+3324376|Le Mans
+3324377|Le Mans
+3324378|Le Mans
+3324381|Le Mans
+3324382|Le Mans
+3324384|Le Mans
+3324385|Le Mans
+3324386|Le Mans
+3324394|La Flèche
+3325105|La Roche sur Yon
+3325108|La Roche sur Yon
+3325112|La Chapelle sur Erdre
+3325121|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325123|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325124|La Roche sur Yon
+3325130|La Tranche sur Mer
+3325132|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325136|La Roche sur Yon
+3325137|La Roche sur Yon
+3325144|La Roche sur Yon
+3325147|La Roche sur Yon
+3325162|La Roche sur Yon
+3325164|Les Herbiers
+3325166|Les Herbiers
+3325167|Les Herbiers
+3325191|Les Herbiers
+3325195|Les Sables d'Olonne
+3325428|Le Blanc
+3325437|Le Blanc
+3325448|La Châtre
+3326227|Le Tampon
+3326242|Le Port
+3326243|Le Port
+3326257|Le Tampon
+3326259|Le Tampon
+3326271|Le Port
+3329731|Le Palais
+3329828|Le Relecq Kerhuon
+3332029|La Bassée
+3332105|Le Touquet Paris Plage
+3332109|Berck sur Mer
+3332184|Berck sur Mer
+3332189|Berck sur Mer
+3332227|Le Crotoy
+3332356|La Fère
+3332784|Le Cateau Cambrésis
+3332925|La Bresse
+3332930|Le Val-d'Ajol
+3338460|Les Rousses
+3338528|La Clayette
+3338555|Le Creusot
+3338556|Le Creusot
+3338573|Le Creusot
+3338577|Le Creusot
+3338580|Le Creusot
+3338670|La Charité sur Loire
+3344202|Les Pennes Mirabeau
+3344208|La Ciotat
+3344271|La Ciotat
+3344283|La Ciotat
+3344298|La Ciotat
+3345003|La Roche sur Foron
+3345054|Les Houches
+3346634|La Grand Combe
+3346651|Le Grau du Roi
+3346726|Le Cap d'Agde
+3346756|La Grande Motte
+3346781|Le Vigan
+3346883|Le Boulou
+3346886|Le Barcarès
+3347102|Le Puy en Velay
+3347104|Le Puy en Velay
+3347105|Le Puy en Velay
+3347106|Le Puy en Velay
+3347107|Le Puy-en-Velay
+3347109|Le Puy en Velay
+3347222|Lyon Saint Exupéry Aéroport
+3347339|Les Martres-de-Veyre
+3347365|Le Mont Dore
+3347381|La Bourboule
+3347420|La Côte Saint André
+3347427|L'Isle d'Abeau
+3347433|Les Avenières
+3347497|La Tour du Pin
+3347529|Le Cheylard
+3347549|Le Teil
+3347611|L'Alpe d'Huez
+3347637|Le Pont de Beauvoisin
+3347679|Les Deux Alpes
+3347680|L'Alpe d'Huez
+3347681|La Mure d'Isère
+3347901|Courchevel Saint Bon
+3347908|Courchevel Saint Bon
+3347924|Moutiers Tarentaise
+3347925|La Motte Servolex
+3349003|Le Pontet
+3349007|La Tour d'Aigues
+3349020|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349021|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349031|Le Pontet
+3349032|Le Pontet
+3349033|Le Thor
+3349038|L'Isle sur la Sorgue
+3349211|La Gaude
+3349218|Le Cannet
+3349219|La Roquette sur Siagne
+3349223|L'Argentière la Bessée
+3349285|La Bréole
+3349290|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349291|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349293|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349332|La Colle sur Loup
+3349333|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349334|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349345|Le Cannet
+3349346|Le Cannet
+3349361|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349363|Le Golfe Juan
+3349367|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349369|Le Cannet
+3349374|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349395|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349406|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349408|La Garde
+3349410|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349411|La Seyne-sur-Mer
+3349421|La Garde
+3349430|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349460|Le Luc
+3349466|La Crau
+3349475|La Garde
+3349487|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349494|La Seyne sur Mer
+3349498|Le Beausset
+3349721|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3349723|Antibes Juan les Pins
+3351649|La Rochelle
+3351685|La Rochelle
+3354563|La Rochefoucauld
+3354567|La Couronne
+3354600|La Rochelle
+3354627|La Rochelle
+3354628|La Rochelle
+3354631|La Rochelle
+3354634|La Rochelle
+3354636|La Tremblade
+3354641|La Rochelle
+3354642|La Rochelle
+3354643|La Rochelle
+3354644|La Rochelle
+3354645|La Rochelle
+3354650|La Rochelle
+3354652|La Rochelle
+3354667|La Rochelle
+3355563|La Souterraine
+3355654|La Teste de Buch
+3355715|La Teste de Buch
+3355752|La Teste de Buch
+3356207|L'Isle Jourdain
+3359020|Les Abymes
+3359023|Le Moule
+3359025|Baie Mahault
+3359026|Baie Mahault
+3359027|Saint Barthélémy
+3359028|Sainte Rose
+3359029|Saint Barthélémy
+3359032|Baie Mahault
+3359038|Baie Mahault
+3359041|Baie Mahault
+3359048|Les Abymes
+3359051|Saint Barthélémy
+3359052|Saint Barthélémy
+3359060|Baie Mahault
+3359068|Sainte Rose
+3359081|Basse Terre
+3359084|Le Gosier
+3359086|Capesterre Belle Eau
+3359087|Saint Barthélémy
+3359089|Les Abymes
+3359091|Les Abymes
+3359094|Petit Bourg
+3359095|Petit Bourg
+3359098|Vieux Habitants
+3359099|Basse Terre
+3359638|Le Robert
+3359639|Fort de France
+3359642|Fort de France
+3359650|Fort de France
+3359651|Fort de France
+3359653|Le Lorrain
+3359654|Le François
+3359655|Le Morne Vert
+3359658|Fort de France
+3359660|Fort de France
+3359663|Fort de France
+3359664|Fort de France
+3359665|Le Robert
+3359670|Fort de France
+3359671|Fort de France
+3359672|Fort de France
+3359673|Fort de France
+3359674|Le Vauclin
+3359675|Fort de France
+3359679|Fort de France
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/352.txt b/geocoding/fr/352.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbc8f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/352.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2012-04-04).
diff --git a/geocoding/fr/41.txt b/geocoding/fr/41.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a50d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/fr/41.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-11-06]
+4134|Burgdorf/Langnau i.E.
+4171|St. Gall
diff --git a/geocoding/hu/36.txt b/geocoding/hu/36.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a37045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/hu/36.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [426160815]
diff --git a/geocoding/it/39.txt b/geocoding/it/39.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3092970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/it/39.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [41442199]
+390123|Lanzo Torinese
+390124|Rivarolo Canavese
+390142|Casale Monferrato
+390143|Novi Ligure
+390144|Acqui Terme
+390187|La Spezia
+390331|Busto Arsizio
+390345|San Pellegrino Terme
+390421|San Donà di Piave
+390424|Bassano del Grappa
+390431|Cervignano del Friuli
+390435|Pieve di Cadore
+390436|Cortina d'Ampezzo
+390465|Tione di Trento
+390522|Reggio nell'Emilia
+390525|Fornovo di Taro
+390534|Porretta Terme
+390549|Repubblica di San Marino
+390572|Montecatini Terme
+390578|Chianciano Terme
+390735|San Benedetto del Tronto
+390736|Ascoli Piceno
+390765|Poggio Mirteto
+390827|Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi
+390882|San Severo
+390963|Vibo Valentia
+390965|Reggio di Calabria
+390968|Lamezia Terme
+390974|Vallo della Lucania
+390975|Sala Consilina
+390976|Muro Lucano
diff --git a/geocoding/it/41.txt b/geocoding/it/41.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba2652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/it/41.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-11-06]
+4134|Burgdorf/Langnau i.E.
+4171|San Gallo
diff --git a/geocoding/ja/81.txt b/geocoding/ja/81.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc13eed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/ja/81.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1546 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-07-05]
diff --git a/geocoding/ko/82.txt b/geocoding/ko/82.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27a73f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/ko/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from: translation of
+# [2004-03-01]
+# [390794641]
diff --git a/geocoding/nl/31.txt b/geocoding/nl/31.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd11a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/nl/31.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2012-03-29).
+31164|Bergen op Zoom
+31172|Alphen aan den Rijn
+31222|Den Burg
+31223|Den Helder
+3170|Den Haag
diff --git a/geocoding/pl/48.txt b/geocoding/pl/48.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6459813
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pl/48.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [424864144]
+4818|Nowy Sącz
+4844|Piotrków Trybunalski
+4868|Zielona Góra
+4875|Jelenia Góra
+4883|Biała Podlaska
+4895|Gorzów Wielkopolski
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/238.txt b/geocoding/pt/238.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94da001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/238.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2004-06-17]
+# [408792965]
+# When a range is split between two islands, one takes 2x0 through 2x4,
+# while the other takes 2x5 through 2x9
+238221|Ribeira Grande, Santo Antão
+238222|Porto Novo, Santo Antão
+238223|Paúl, Santo Antão
+238224|Cocoli, Santo Antão
+238225|Ponta do Sol, Santo Antão
+238226|Chã da Igreja, Santo Antão
+238227|Ribeira das Patas, Santo Antão
+238230|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238231|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238232|Mindelo, São Vicente
+238235|Ribeira Brava, São Nicolau
+238236|Tarrafal de São Nicolau, São Nicolau
+238237|Fajã, São Nicolau
+238238|Praia Branca, São Nicolau
+238241|Espargos, Sal
+238242|Santa Maria, Sal
+238251|Sal Rei, Boa Vista
+238252|Funda das Figueiras, Boa Vista
+238255|Vila do Maio, Maio
+238256|Calheta, Maio
+238260|Praia, Santiago
+238261|Praia, Santiago
+238262|Praia, Santiago
+238263|Praia, Santiago
+238264|Praia, Santiago
+238265|Santa Catarina, Santiago
+238266|Tarrafal, Santiago
+238267|Cidade Velha, Santiago
+238268|São Domingos, Santiago
+238269|Pedra Badejo, Santiago
+238271|São Lourenço dos Órgãos/São Jorge, Santiago
+238272|Picos, Santiago
+238273|Calheta de São Miguel, Santiago
+238281|São Filipe, Fogo
+238282|Cova Figueira, Fogo
+238283|Mosteiros, Fogo
+238284|São Jorge, Fogo
+238285|Nova Sintra, Brava
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/239.txt b/geocoding/pt/239.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3052a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/239.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-12-28]
+# [444852139]
+2392220|Santo Amaro
+2392221|Água Grande
+2392222|Água Grande
+2392223|Água Grande
+2392224|Água Grande
+2392225|Água Grande
+2392226|Água Grande
+2392227|Água Grande
+2392228|Água Grande
+2392233|Neves, Santa Catarina
+239224|Água Grande
+2392251|Região Autonoma do Príncipe
+2392261|Angolares, Porto Alegre
+2392265|Santana, Ribeira Afonso
+239228|Água Grande
+239229|Água Grande
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/244.txt b/geocoding/pt/244.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6a2524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/244.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# (2011-07-22)
+# [440874733]
+24435|Kuanza Norte
+24436|Kuanza Sul
+244364|Porto Amboim
+24449|Kuando Kubango
+24453|Lunda Sul
+244652|St. Clara/Cunene
+244726|Bela Vista
+244728|Baia Farta
+244777|Dama Universal
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/245.txt b/geocoding/pt/245.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa9ebed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/245.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [374256913]
+24522|S. Luzia
+24593|S. Domingos
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/258.txt b/geocoding/pt/258.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..506efc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/258.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-04-03]
+# [445742248]
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/351.txt b/geocoding/pt/351.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce77693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/351.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2008-08-27]
+# [416739453]
+351233|Figueira da Foz
+351242|Ponte de Sôr
+351249|Torres Novas
+351252|V. N. de Famalicão
+351254|Peso da Régua
+351256|S. João da Madeira
+351258|Viana do Castelo
+351259|Vila Real
+351261|Torres Vedras
+351262|Caldas da Rainha
+351263|Vila Franca de Xira
+351269|Santiago do Cacém
+351272|Castelo Branco
+351286|Castro Verde
+351295|Angra do Heroísmo
+351296|Ponta Delgada
diff --git a/geocoding/pt/55.txt b/geocoding/pt/55.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1191dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/pt/55.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2011-06-01)
+5511|São Paulo - SP
+5512|São José dos Campos - SP
+5513|Santos - SP
+5514|Bauru - SP
+5515|Sorocaba - SP
+5516|Ribeirão Preto - SP
+5517|São José do Rio Preto - SP
+5518|Araçatuba - SP
+5519|Campinas - SP
+5521|Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+5522|Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
+5524|Petrópolis - RJ
+5527|Vitória - ES
+5528|Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES
+5531|Belo Horizonte - MG
+5532|Juiz de Fora - MG
+5533|Governador Valadares - MG
+5534|Araguari - MG
+5537|Divinópolis - MG
+5538|Montes Claros - MG
+5541|Curitiba - PR
+5542|Ponta Grossa - PR
+5543|Londrina - PR
+5544|Maringá - PR
+5545|Cascavel - PR
+5546|Pato Branco - PR
+5547|Joinville - SC
+5548|Florianópolis - SC
+5549|Chapecó - SC
+5551|Porto Alegre - RS
+5553|Pelotas - RS
+5554|Caxias do Sul - RS
+5561|Brasília - DF
+5562|Goiânia - GO
+5563|Palmas - TO
+5565|Cuiabá - MT
+5566|Rondonópolis - MT
+5567|Campo Grande - MS
+5568|Rio Branco - AC
+5569|Porto Velho - RO
+5571|Salvador - BA
+5573|Itabuna - BA
+5574|Juazeiro - BA
+5575|Feira de Santana - BA
+5577|Vitória da Conquista - BA
+5579|Aracaju - SE
+5581|Recife - PE
+5582|Maceió - AL
+5583|João Pessoa - PB
+5584|Natal - RN
+5585|Fortaleza - CE
+5586|Teresina - PI
+5587|Petrolina - PE
+5588|Juazeiro do Norte - CE
+5589|Picos - PI
+5591|Belém - PA
+5592|Manaus - AM
+5593|Santarém - PA
+5594|Marabá - PA
+5595|Boa Vista - RR
+5596|Macapá - AP
+5598|São Luís - MA
+5599|Imperatriz - MA
diff --git a/geocoding/ro/373.txt b/geocoding/ro/373.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1e1d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/ro/373.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-03-04]
+373242|Ştefan Vodă
+373265|Anenii Noi
+373291|Ceadîr Lunga
diff --git a/geocoding/ru/373.txt b/geocoding/ru/373.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953bafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/ru/373.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2010-03-04]
+373242|Штефан Водэ
+373265|Анений Ной
diff --git a/geocoding/se/358.txt b/geocoding/se/358.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc88a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/se/358.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [437010438]
+35813|Norra Karelen
+35814|Mellersta Finland
+35815|St Michel
diff --git a/geocoding/sr/381.txt b/geocoding/sr/381.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c756c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/sr/381.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-07-04]
+38120|Novi Pazar
+38121|Novi Sad
+38122|Sremska Mitrovica
+38128|Kosovska Mitrovica
diff --git a/geocoding/sv/46.txt b/geocoding/sv/46.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24de926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/sv/46.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2011-02-25]
diff --git a/geocoding/tr/90.txt b/geocoding/tr/90.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfaf8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/tr/90.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# [2009-07-07]
+# [428576481]
+90212|Istanbul (Avrupa)
+90213|Istanbul (Avrupa)
+90216|Istanbul (Anatolia)
+90217|Istanbul (Anatolia)
+90262|Kocaeli (İzmit)
+90263|Kocaeli (İzmit)
+90264|Sakarya (Adapazarı)
+90265|Sakarya (Adapazarı)
diff --git a/geocoding/vi/84.txt b/geocoding/vi/84.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7206118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/vi/84.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+#ã_điện_thoại_Việt_Nam [4627778]
+8420|Lào Cai
+84210|Phú Thọ
+84211|Vĩnh Phúc
+84218|Hòa Bình
+84219|Hà Giang
+8422|Sơn La
+84230|Điện Biên
+84231|Lai Châu
+84240|Bắc Giang
+84241|Bắc Ninh
+8425|Lạng Sơn
+8426|Cao Bằng
+8427|Tuyên Quang
+84280|Thái Nguyên
+84281|Bắc Kạn
+8429|Yên Bái
+8430|Ninh Bình
+8431|TP Hải Phòng
+84320|Hải Dương
+84321|Hưng Yên
+8433|Quảng Ninh
+84350|Nam Định
+84351|Hà Nam
+8436|Thái Bình
+8437|Thanh Hóa
+8438|Nghệ An
+8439|Hà Tĩnh
+844|Thủ đô Hà Nội
+84500|Đăk Lăk
+84501|Đăk Nông
+84510|Quảng Nam
+84511|TP Đà Nẵng
+8452|Quảng Bình
+8453|Quảng Trị
+8454|Thừa Thiên-Huế
+8455|Quảng Ngãi
+8456|Bình Định
+8457|Phú Yên
+8458|Khánh Hòa
+8459|Gia Lai
+8460|Kon Tum
+8461|Đồng Nai
+8462|Bình Thuận
+8463|Lâm Đồng
+8464|Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu
+84650|Bình Dương
+84651|Bình Phước
+8466|Tây Ninh
+8467|Đồng Tháp
+8468|Ninh Thuận
+8470|Vĩnh Long
+84710|TP Cần Thơ
+84711|Hậu Giang
+8472|Long An
+8473|Tiền Giang
+8474|Trà Vinh
+8475|Bến Tre
+8476|An Giang
+8477|Kiên Giang
+84780|Cà Mau
+84781|Bạc Liêu
+8479|Sóc Trăng
+848|Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
diff --git a/geocoding/zh/82.txt b/geocoding/zh/82.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2719511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/zh/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from: translation of
+# [2004-03-01]
+# [390794641]
diff --git a/geocoding/zh/86.txt b/geocoding/zh/86.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cf450a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/zh/86.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+# Internal statistical data (2011-06-01)
diff --git a/geocoding/zh/886.txt b/geocoding/zh/886.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c7db1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/zh/886.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+#中華民國長途電話區號表 [16772295]
diff --git a/geocoding/zh_Hant/82.txt b/geocoding/zh_Hant/82.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf315a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/zh_Hant/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from: translation of
+# [2004-03-01]
+# [390794641]
diff --git a/geocoding/zh_Hant/886.txt b/geocoding/zh_Hant/886.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd5bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geocoding/zh_Hant/886.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Generated from:
+#中華民國長途電話區號表 [16772295]
diff --git a/phonemetadata.proto b/phonemetadata.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f113344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phonemetadata.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Definition of protocol buffer for holding metadata for international
+// telephone numbers. The fields here correspond exactly to those in
+// resources/PhoneNumberMetaData.xml.
+// @author Shaopeng Jia
+syntax = "proto2";
+option java_package = "";
+option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
+package i18n.phonenumbers;
+message NumberFormat {
+ // pattern is a regex that is used to match the national (significant)
+ // number. For example, the pattern "(20)(\d{4})(\d{4})" will match number
+ // "2070313000", which is the national (significant) number for Google London.
+ // Note the presence of the parentheses, which are capturing groups what
+ // specifies the grouping of numbers.
+ required string pattern = 1;
+ // format specifies how the national (significant) number matched by
+ // pattern should be formatted.
+ // Using the same example as above, format could contain "$1 $2 $3",
+ // meaning that the number should be formatted as "20 7031 3000".
+ // Each $x are replaced by the numbers captured by group x in the
+ // regex specified by pattern.
+ required string format = 2;
+ // This field is a regex that is used to match a certain number of digits
+ // at the beginning of the national (significant) number. When the match is
+ // successful, the accompanying pattern and format should be used to format
+ // this number. For example, if leading_digits="[1-3]|44", then all the
+ // national numbers starting with 1, 2, 3 or 44 should be formatted using the
+ // accompanying pattern and format.
+ //
+ // The first leadingDigitsPattern matches up to the first three digits of the
+ // national (significant) number; the next one matches the first four digits,
+ // then the first five and so on, until the leadingDigitsPattern can uniquely
+ // identify one pattern and format to be used to format the number.
+ //
+ // In the case when only one formatting pattern exists, no
+ // leading_digits_pattern is needed.
+ repeated string leading_digits_pattern = 3;
+ // This field specifies how the national prefix ($NP) together with the first
+ // group ($FG) in the national significant number should be formatted in
+ // the NATIONAL format when a national prefix exists for a certain country.
+ // For example, when this field contains "($NP$FG)", a number from Beijing,
+ // China (whose $NP = 0), which would by default be formatted without
+ // national prefix as 10 1234 5678 in NATIONAL format, will instead be
+ // formatted as (010) 1234 5678; to format it as (0)10 1234 5678, the field
+ // would contain "($NP)$FG". Note $FG should always be present in this field,
+ // but $NP can be omitted. For example, having "$FG" could indicate the
+ // number should be formatted in NATIONAL format without the national prefix.
+ // This is commonly used to override the rule specified for the territory in
+ // the XML file.
+ //
+ // When this field is missing, a number will be formatted without national
+ // prefix in NATIONAL format. This field does not affect how a number
+ // is formatted in other formats, such as INTERNATIONAL.
+ optional string national_prefix_formatting_rule = 4;
+ // This field specifies whether the $NP can be omitted when formatting a
+ // number in national format, even though it usually wouldn't be. For example,
+ // a UK number would be formatted by our library as 020 XXXX XXXX. If we have
+ // commonly seen this number written by people without the leading 0, for
+ // example as (20) XXXX XXXX, this field would be set to true. This will be
+ // inherited from the value set for the territory in the XML file, unless a
+ // national_prefix_formatting_rule is defined specifically for this
+ // NumberFormat.
+ optional bool national_prefix_optional_when_formatting = 6;
+ // This field specifies how any carrier code ($CC) together with the first
+ // group ($FG) in the national significant number should be formatted
+ // when formatWithCarrierCode is called, if carrier codes are used for a
+ // certain country.
+ optional string domestic_carrier_code_formatting_rule = 5;
+message PhoneNumberDesc {
+ // The national_number_pattern is the pattern that a valid national
+ // significant number would match. This specifies information such as its
+ // total length and leading digits.
+ optional string national_number_pattern = 2;
+ // The possible_number_pattern represents what a potentially valid phone
+ // number for this region may be written as. This is a superset of the
+ // national_number_pattern above and includes numbers that have the area code
+ // omitted. Typically the only restrictions here are in the number of digits.
+ // This could be used to highlight tokens in a text that may be a phone
+ // number, or to quickly prune numbers that could not possibly be a phone
+ // number for this locale.
+ optional string possible_number_pattern = 3;
+ // An example national significant number for the specific type. It should
+ // not contain any formatting information.
+ optional string example_number = 6;
+message PhoneMetadata {
+ // The general_desc contains information which is a superset of descriptions
+ // for all types of phone numbers. If any element is missing in the
+ // description of a specific type in the XML file, the element will inherit
+ // from its counterpart in the general_desc. Every locale is assumed to have
+ // fixed line and mobile numbers - if these types are missing in the XML
+ // file, they will inherit all fields from the general_desc. For all other
+ // types, if the whole type is missing in the xml file, it will be given a
+ // national_number_pattern of "NA" and a possible_number_pattern of "NA".
+ required PhoneNumberDesc general_desc = 1;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc fixed_line = 2;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc mobile = 3;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc toll_free = 4;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc premium_rate = 5;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc shared_cost = 6;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc personal_number = 7;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc voip = 8;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc pager = 21;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc uan = 25;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc emergency = 27;
+ required PhoneNumberDesc voicemail = 28;
+ // The rules here distinguish the numbers that are only able to be dialled
+ // nationally.
+ required PhoneNumberDesc no_international_dialling = 24;
+ // The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 representation of a country/region
+ required string id = 9;
+ // The country calling code that one would dial from overseas when trying to
+ // dial a phone number in this country. For example, this would be "64" for
+ // New Zealand.
+ required int32 country_code = 10;
+ // The international_prefix of country A is the number that needs to be
+ // dialled from country A to another country (country B). This is followed
+ // by the country code for country B. Note that some countries may have more
+ // than one international prefix, and for those cases, a regular expression
+ // matching the international prefixes will be stored in this field.
+ required string international_prefix = 11;
+ // If more than one international prefix is present, a preferred prefix can
+ // be specified here for out-of-country formatting purposes. If this field is
+ // not present, and multiple international prefixes are present, then "+"
+ // will be used instead.
+ optional string preferred_international_prefix = 17;
+ // The national prefix of country A is the number that needs to be dialled
+ // before the national significant number when dialling internally. This
+ // would not be dialled when dialling internationally. For example, in New
+ // Zealand, the number that would be locally dialled as 09 345 3456 would be
+ // dialled from overseas as +64 9 345 3456. In this case, 0 is the national
+ // prefix.
+ optional string national_prefix = 12;
+ // The preferred prefix when specifying an extension in this country. This is
+ // used for formatting only, and if this is not specified, a suitable default
+ // should be used instead. For example, if you wanted extensions to be
+ // formatted in the following way:
+ // 1 (365) 345 445 ext. 2345
+ // " ext. " should be the preferred extension prefix.
+ optional string preferred_extn_prefix = 13;
+ // This field is used for cases where the national prefix of a country
+ // contains a carrier selection code, and is written in the form of a
+ // regular expression. For example, to dial the number 2222-2222 in
+ // Fortaleza, Brazil (area code 85) using the long distance carrier Oi
+ // (selection code 31), one would dial 0 31 85 2222 2222. Assuming the
+ // only other possible carrier selection code is 32, the field will
+ // contain "03[12]".
+ //
+ // When it is missing from the XML file, this field inherits the value of
+ // national_prefix, if that is present.
+ optional string national_prefix_for_parsing = 15;
+ // This field is only populated and used under very rare situations.
+ // For example, mobile numbers in Argentina are written in two completely
+ // different ways when dialed in-country and out-of-country
+ // (e.g. 0343 15 555 1212 is exactly the same number as +54 9 343 555 1212).
+ // This field is used together with national_prefix_for_parsing to transform
+ // the number into a particular representation for storing in the phonenumber
+ // proto buffer in those rare cases.
+ optional string national_prefix_transform_rule = 16;
+ // Specifies whether the mobile and fixed-line patterns are the same or not.
+ // This is used to speed up determining phone number type in countries where
+ // these two types of phone numbers can never be distinguished.
+ optional bool same_mobile_and_fixed_line_pattern = 18 [default=false];
+ // Note that the number format here is used for formatting only, not parsing.
+ // Hence all the varied ways a user *may* write a number need not be recorded
+ // - just the ideal way we would like to format it for them. When this element
+ // is absent, the national significant number will be formatted as a whole
+ // without any formatting applied.
+ repeated NumberFormat number_format = 19;
+ // This field is populated only when the national significant number is
+ // formatted differently when it forms part of the INTERNATIONAL format
+ // and NATIONAL format. A case in point is mobile numbers in Argentina:
+ // The number, which would be written in INTERNATIONAL format as
+ // +54 9 343 555 1212, will be written as 0343 15 555 1212 for NATIONAL
+ // format. In this case, the prefix 9 is inserted when dialling from
+ // overseas, but otherwise the prefix 0 and the carrier selection code
+ // 15 (inserted after the area code of 343) is used.
+ // Note: this field is populated by setting a value for <intlFormat> inside
+ // the <numberFormat> tag in the XML file. If <intlFormat> is not set then it
+ // defaults to the same value as the <format> tag.
+ //
+ // Examples:
+ // To set the <intlFormat> to a different value than the <format>:
+ // <numberFormat pattern=....>
+ // <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ // <intlFormat>$1-$2-$3</intlFormat>
+ // </numberFormat>
+ //
+ // To have a format only used for national formatting, set <intlFormat> to
+ // "NA":
+ // <numberFormat pattern=....>
+ // <format>$1 $2 $3</format>
+ // <intlFormat>NA</intlFormat>
+ // </numberFormat>
+ repeated NumberFormat intl_number_format = 20;
+ // This field is set when this country is considered to be the main country
+ // for a calling code. It may not be set by more than one country with the
+ // same calling code, and it should not be set by countries with a unique
+ // calling code. This can be used to indicate that "GB" is the main country
+ // for the calling code "44" for example, rather than Jersey or the Isle of
+ // Man.
+ optional bool main_country_for_code = 22 [default=false];
+ // This field is populated only for countries or regions that share a country
+ // calling code. If a number matches this pattern, it could belong to this
+ // region. This is not intended as a replacement for IsValidForRegion, and
+ // does not mean the number must come from this region (for example, 800
+ // numbers are valid for all NANPA countries.) This field should be a regular
+ // expression of the expected prefix match.
+ optional string leading_digits = 23;
+ // The leading zero in a phone number is meaningful in some countries (e.g.
+ // Italy). This means they cannot be dropped from the national number when
+ // converting into international format. If leading zeros are possible for
+ // valid international numbers for this region/country then set this to true.
+ // This only needs to be set for the region that is the main_country_for_code
+ // and all regions associated with that calling code will use the same
+ // setting.
+ optional bool leading_zero_possible = 26 [default=false];
+message PhoneMetadataCollection {
+ repeated PhoneMetadata metadata = 1;
diff --git a/phonenumber.proto b/phonenumber.proto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f01591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phonenumber.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Libphonenumber Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Definition of protocol buffer for representing international telephone numbers.
+// @author Shaopeng Jia
+syntax = "proto2";
+option java_package = "";
+option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
+package i18n.phonenumbers;
+message PhoneNumber {
+// The country calling code for this number, as defined by the International Telecommunication Union
+// (ITU). Fox example, this would be 1 for NANPA countries, and 33 for France.
+ required int32 country_code = 1;
+// National (significant) Number is defined in International Telecommunication Union Recommendation
+// E.164. It is a language/country-neutral representation of a phone number at a country level. For
+// countries which have the concept of Area Code, the National (significant) Number contains the
+// area code. It contains a maximum number of digits which equal to 15 - n, where n is the number of
+// digits of the country code. Take note that National (significant) Number does not contain
+// National(trunk) prefix. Obviously, as a uint64, it will never contain any formatting (hypens,
+// spaces, parentheses), nor any alphanumeric spellings.
+ required uint64 national_number = 2;
+// Extension is not standardized in ITU recommendations, except for being defined as a series of
+// numbers with a maximum length of 40 digits. It is defined as a string here to accommodate for the
+// possible use of a leading zero in the extension (organizations have complete freedom to do so,
+// as there is no standard defined). However, only ASCII digits should be stored here.
+ optional string extension = 3;
+// In some countries, the national (significant) number starts with a "0" without this being a
+// national prefix or trunk code of some kind. For example, the leading zero in the national
+// (significant) number of an Italian phone number indicates the number is a fixed-line number.
+// There have been plans to migrate fixed-line numbers to start with the digit two since December
+// 2000, but it has not happened yet. See for more details.
+// This field can be safely ignored (there is no need to set it) for most countries. Some limited
+// amount of countries behave like Italy - for these cases, if the leading zero of a number would be
+// retained even when dialling internationally, set this flag to true.
+// Clients who use the parsing functionality of the i18n phone number libraries
+// will have this field set if necessary automatically.
+ optional bool italian_leading_zero = 4;
+// The next few fields are non-essential fields for a phone number. They retain extra information
+// about the form the phone number was in when it was provided to us to parse. They can be safely
+// ignored by most clients.
+// This field is used to store the raw input string containing phone numbers before it was
+// canonicalized by the library. For example, it could be used to store alphanumerical numbers
+// such as "1-800-GOOG-411".
+ optional string raw_input = 5;
+// The source from which the country_code is derived. This is not set in the general parsing method,
+// but in the method that parses and keeps raw_input. New fields could be added upon request.
+ enum CountryCodeSource {
+ // The country_code is derived based on a phone number with a leading "+", e.g. the French
+ // number "+33 (0)1 42 68 53 00".
+ // The country_code is derived based on a phone number with a leading IDD, e.g. the French
+ // number "011 33 (0)1 42 68 53 00", as it is dialled from US.
+ // The country_code is derived based on a phone number without a leading "+", e.g. the French
+ // number "33 (0)1 42 68 53 00" when defaultCountry is supplied as France.
+ // The country_code is derived NOT based on the phone number itself, but from the defaultCountry
+ // parameter provided in the parsing function by the clients. This happens mostly for numbers
+ // written in the national format (without country code). For example, this would be set when
+ // parsing the French number "(0)1 42 68 53 00", when defaultCountry is supplied as France.
+ }
+// The source from which the country_code is derived.
+ optional CountryCodeSource country_code_source = 6;
+// The carrier selection code that is preferred when calling this phone number domestically. This
+// also includes codes that need to be dialed in some countries when calling from landlines to
+// mobiles or vice versa. For example, in Columbia, a "3" needs to be dialed before the phone number
+// itself when calling from a mobile phone to a domestic landline phone and vice versa.
+// Note this is the "preferred" code, which means other codes may work as well.
+ optional string preferred_domestic_carrier_code = 7;
+// Examples
+// Google MTV, +1 650-253-0000, (650) 253-0000
+// country_code: 1
+// national_number: 6502530000
+// Google Paris, +33 (0)1 42 68 53 00, 01 42 68 53 00
+// country_code: 33
+// national_number: 142685300
+// Google Beijing, +86-10-62503000, (010) 62503000
+// country_code: 86
+// national_number: 1062503000
+// Google Italy, +39 02-36618 300, 02-36618 300
+// country_code: 39
+// national_number: 236618300
+// italian_leading_zero: true
diff --git a/test/geocoding/de/1.txt b/test/geocoding/de/1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd0d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/geocoding/de/1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+1201|New Jersey
diff --git a/test/geocoding/en/1.txt b/test/geocoding/en/1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5776f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/geocoding/en/1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+1212812|New York, NY
+1617423|Boston, MA
+1650960|Mountain View, CA
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index 0000000..e452e45
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+++ b/test/geocoding/en/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/test/geocoding/ko/82.txt b/test/geocoding/ko/82.txt
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index 0000000..8154768
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+++ b/test/geocoding/ko/82.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 The Libphonenumber Authors
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.