# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. { 'variables': { 'libvpx_build_vp9%': 1, 'libvpx_source%': 'source/libvpx', 'conditions': [ ['os_posix==1', { 'asm_obj_extension': 'o', }], ['OS=="win"', { 'asm_obj_extension': 'obj', }], ['(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==1', { 'target_arch_full': 'arm-neon', }, { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="android" and ((target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==0)', { 'target_arch_full': 'arm-neon-cpu-detect', }, { 'target_arch_full': '<(target_arch)', }], ], }], ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"', { 'OS_CATEGORY%': 'linux', }, { 'OS_CATEGORY%': '<(OS)', }], ], # Location of the intermediate output. 'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx', }, 'target_defaults': { 'target_conditions': [ ['<(libvpx_build_vp9)==0', { 'sources/': [ ['exclude', '(^|/)vp9/'], ], }], ], }, 'conditions': [ ['target_arch=="ia32"', { 'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_x86_intrinsics.gypi', ], }], ['target_arch=="x64"', { 'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_x86_64_intrinsics.gypi', ], }], [ '(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") and arm_neon==0 and OS=="android"', { # When building for targets which may not have NEON (but may!), include # support for neon and hide it behind Android cpu-features. 'includes': ['libvpx_srcs_arm_neon_cpu_detect_intrinsics.gypi', ], }], [ '(target_arch != "arm" and target_arch != "armv7") and target_arch != "mipsel"', { 'targets': [ { # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder. # Encoder is configured to be realtime only. 'target_name': 'libvpx', 'type': 'static_library', 'variables': { 'yasm_output_path': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx', 'OS_CATEGORY%': '<(OS_CATEGORY)', 'yasm_flags': [ '-D', 'CHROMIUM', '-I', 'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)', '-I', 'source/config', '-I', '<(libvpx_source)', '-I', '<(shared_generated_dir)', # Generated assembly offsets ], }, 'dependencies': [ 'gen_asm_offsets_vp8', ], 'includes': [ '../yasm/yasm_compile.gypi' ], 'include_dirs': [ 'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)', 'source/config', '<(libvpx_source)', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/common', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/decoder', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder', '<(shared_generated_dir)', # Provides vpx_rtcd.h. ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '<(libvpx_source)', ], }, # VS2010 does not correctly incrementally link obj files generated # from asm files. This flag disables UseLibraryDependencyInputs to # avoid this problem. 'msvs_2010_disable_uldi_when_referenced': 1, 'conditions': [ ['target_arch=="ia32"', { 'includes': [ 'libvpx_srcs_x86.gypi', ], 'dependencies': [ 'libvpx_intrinsics_mmx', 'libvpx_intrinsics_sse2', # Currently no sse3 intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse3', 'libvpx_intrinsics_ssse3', # Currently no sse4_1 intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse4_1', # Currently no avx intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx', # Add avx2 support when VS2013 lands: crbug.com/328981 #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx2', ], }], ['target_arch=="x64"', { 'includes': [ 'libvpx_srcs_x86_64.gypi', ], 'dependencies': [ 'libvpx_intrinsics_mmx', 'libvpx_intrinsics_sse2', # Currently no sse3 intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse3', 'libvpx_intrinsics_ssse3', # Currently no sse4_1 intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_sse4_1', # Currently no avx intrinsic functions #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx', # Add avx2 support when VS2013 lands: crbug.com/328981 #'libvpx_intrinsics_avx2', ], }], ['clang == 1', { 'xcode_settings': { 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [ # libvpx heavily relies on implicit enum casting. '-Wno-conversion', # libvpx does `if ((a == b))` in some places. '-Wno-parentheses-equality', ], }, 'cflags': [ '-Wno-conversion', '-Wno-parentheses-equality', ], }], ['chromeos == 1', { # ChromeOS needs these files for animated WebM avatars. 'sources': [ '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlIDs.h', '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.c', '<(libvpx_source)/third_party/libmkv/EbmlWriter.h', ], }], ], }, ], }, ], # 'libvpx' target for mips builds. [ 'target_arch=="mipsel" ', { 'targets': [ { # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder. # Encoder is configured to be realtime only. 'target_name': 'libvpx', 'type': 'static_library', 'variables': { 'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/libvpx', }, 'includes': [ 'libvpx_srcs_mips.gypi', ], 'include_dirs': [ 'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)', 'source/config', '<(libvpx_source)', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/common', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/decoder', '<(libvpx_source)/vp8/encoder', ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '<(libvpx_source)', ], }, 'sources': [ 'source/config/<(OS_CATEGORY)/<(target_arch_full)/vpx_config.c', ], }, ], }, ], # 'libvpx' target for ARM builds. [ '(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="armv7") ', { 'targets': [ { # This libvpx target contains both encoder and decoder. # Encoder is configured to be realtime only. 'target_name': 'libvpx', 'type': 'static_library', 'dependencies': [ 'gen_asm_offsets_vp8', 'gen_asm_offsets_vpx_scale', ], # Copy the script to the output folder so that we can use it with # absolute path. 'copies': [{ 'destination': '<(shared_generated_dir)', 'files': [ '<(ads2gas_script_path)', '<(ads2gas_script_include)', ], }], # Rule to convert .asm files to .S files. 'rules': [ { 'rule_name': 'convert_asm', 'extension': 'asm', 'inputs': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(ads2gas_script)', '<(shared_generated_dir)/thumb.pm', ], 'outputs': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).S', ], 'action': [ 'bash', '-c', 'cat <(RULE_INPUT_PATH) | perl <(shared_generated_dir)/<(ads2gas_script) -chromium > <(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).S', ], 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, 'message': 'Convert libvpx asm file for ARM <(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', }, ], 'variables': { 'variables': { 'conditions': [ ['OS=="ios"', { 'ads2gas_script%': 'ads2gas_apple.pl', }, { 'ads2gas_script%': 'ads2gas.pl', }], ], }, 'ads2gas_script%': '<(ads2gas_script)', # Location of the assembly conversion script. 'ads2gas_script_path': '<(libvpx_source)/build/make/<(ads2gas_script)', 'ads2gas_script_include': '<(libvpx_source)/build/make/thumb.pm', }, # We need to explicitly tell the assembler to look for # .include directive files from the place where they're # generated to. 'cflags': [ '-Wa,-I,