path: root/KeysetTest.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'KeysetTest.h')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/KeysetTest.h b/KeysetTest.h
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index 0000000..dce54d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KeysetTest.h
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+// Keyset tests generate various sorts of difficult-to-hash keysets and compare
+// the distribution and collision frequency of the hash results against an
+// ideal random distribution
+// The sanity checks are also in this cpp/h
+#pragma once
+#include "Types.h"
+#include "Stats.h"
+#include "Random.h" // for rand_p
+#include <algorithm> // for std::swap
+#include <assert.h>
+// Sanity tests
+bool VerificationTest ( pfHash hash, const int hashbits, uint32_t expected, bool verbose );
+bool SanityTest ( pfHash hash, const int hashbits );
+void AppendedZeroesTest ( pfHash hash, const int hashbits );
+// Keyset 'Combination' - all possible combinations of input blocks
+template< typename hashtype >
+void CombinationKeygenRecurse ( uint32_t * key, int len, int maxlen,
+ uint32_t * blocks, int blockcount,
+ pfHash hash, std::vector<hashtype> & hashes )
+ if(len == maxlen) return;
+ for(int i = 0; i < blockcount; i++)
+ {
+ key[len] = blocks[i];
+ //if(len == maxlen-1)
+ {
+ hashtype h;
+ hash(key,(len+1) * sizeof(uint32_t),0,&h);
+ hashes.push_back(h);
+ }
+ //else
+ {
+ CombinationKeygenRecurse(key,len+1,maxlen,blocks,blockcount,hash,hashes);
+ }
+ }
+template< typename hashtype >
+bool CombinationKeyTest ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, int maxlen, uint32_t * blocks, int blockcount, bool testColl, bool testDist, bool drawDiagram )
+ printf("Keyset 'Combination' - up to %d blocks from a set of %d - ",maxlen,blockcount);
+ //----------
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ uint32_t * key = new uint32_t[maxlen];
+ CombinationKeygenRecurse<hashtype>(key,0,maxlen,blocks,blockcount,hash,hashes);
+ delete [] key;
+ printf("%d keys\n",(int)hashes.size());
+ //----------
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList<hashtype>(hashes,testColl,testDist,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Permutation' - given a set of 32-bit blocks, generate keys
+// consisting of all possible permutations of those blocks
+template< typename hashtype >
+void PermutationKeygenRecurse ( pfHash hash, uint32_t * blocks, int blockcount, int k, std::vector<hashtype> & hashes )
+ if(k == blockcount-1)
+ {
+ hashtype h;
+ hash(blocks,blockcount * sizeof(uint32_t),0,&h);
+ hashes.push_back(h);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(int i = k; i < blockcount; i++)
+ {
+ std::swap(blocks[k],blocks[i]);
+ PermutationKeygenRecurse(hash,blocks,blockcount,k+1,hashes);
+ std::swap(blocks[k],blocks[i]);
+ }
+template< typename hashtype >
+bool PermutationKeyTest ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, uint32_t * blocks, int blockcount, bool testColl, bool testDist, bool drawDiagram )
+ printf("Keyset 'Permutation' - %d blocks - ",blockcount);
+ //----------
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ PermutationKeygenRecurse<hashtype>(hash,blocks,blockcount,0,hashes);
+ printf("%d keys\n",(int)hashes.size());
+ //----------
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList<hashtype>(hashes,testColl,testDist,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Sparse' - generate all possible N-bit keys with up to K bits set
+template < typename keytype, typename hashtype >
+void SparseKeygenRecurse ( pfHash hash, int start, int bitsleft, bool inclusive, keytype & k, std::vector<hashtype> & hashes )
+ const int nbytes = sizeof(keytype);
+ const int nbits = nbytes * 8;
+ hashtype h;
+ for(int i = start; i < nbits; i++)
+ {
+ flipbit(&k,nbytes,i);
+ if(inclusive || (bitsleft == 1))
+ {
+ hash(&k,sizeof(keytype),0,&h);
+ hashes.push_back(h);
+ }
+ if(bitsleft > 1)
+ {
+ SparseKeygenRecurse(hash,i+1,bitsleft-1,inclusive,k,hashes);
+ }
+ flipbit(&k,nbytes,i);
+ }
+template < int keybits, typename hashtype >
+bool SparseKeyTest ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, const int setbits, bool inclusive, bool testColl, bool testDist, bool drawDiagram )
+ printf("Keyset 'Sparse' - %d-bit keys with %s %d bits set - ",keybits, inclusive ? "up to" : "exactly", setbits);
+ typedef Blob<keybits> keytype;
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ keytype k;
+ memset(&k,0,sizeof(k));
+ if(inclusive)
+ {
+ hashtype h;
+ hash(&k,sizeof(keytype),0,&h);
+ hashes.push_back(h);
+ }
+ SparseKeygenRecurse(hash,0,setbits,inclusive,k,hashes);
+ printf("%d keys\n",(int)hashes.size());
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList<hashtype>(hashes,testColl,testDist,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Windows' - for all possible N-bit windows of a K-bit key, generate
+// all possible keys with bits set in that window
+template < typename keytype, typename hashtype >
+bool WindowedKeyTest ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, const int windowbits, bool testCollision, bool testDistribution, bool drawDiagram )
+ const int keybits = sizeof(keytype) * 8;
+ const int keycount = 1 << windowbits;
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ hashes.resize(keycount);
+ bool result = true;
+ int testcount = keybits;
+ printf("Keyset 'Windowed' - %3d-bit key, %3d-bit window - %d tests, %d keys per test\n",keybits,windowbits,testcount,keycount);
+ for(int j = 0; j <= testcount; j++)
+ {
+ int minbit = j;
+ keytype key;
+ for(int i = 0; i < keycount; i++)
+ {
+ key = i;
+ //key = key << minbit;
+ lrot(&key,sizeof(keytype),minbit);
+ hash(&key,sizeof(keytype),0,&hashes[i]);
+ }
+ printf("Window at %3d - ",j);
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,testCollision,testDistribution,drawDiagram);
+ //printf("\n");
+ }
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Cyclic' - generate keys that consist solely of N repetitions of M
+// bytes.
+// (This keyset type is designed to make MurmurHash2 fail)
+template < typename hashtype >
+bool CyclicKeyTest ( pfHash hash, int cycleLen, int cycleReps, const int keycount, bool drawDiagram )
+ printf("Keyset 'Cyclic' - %d cycles of %d bytes - %d keys\n",cycleReps,cycleLen,keycount);
+ Rand r(483723);
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ hashes.resize(keycount);
+ int keyLen = cycleLen * cycleReps;
+ uint8_t * cycle = new uint8_t[cycleLen + 16];
+ uint8_t * key = new uint8_t[keyLen];
+ //----------
+ for(int i = 0; i < keycount; i++)
+ {
+ r.rand_p(cycle,cycleLen);
+ *(uint32_t*)cycle = f3mix(i ^ 0x746a94f1);
+ for(int j = 0; j < keyLen; j++)
+ {
+ key[j] = cycle[j % cycleLen];
+ }
+ hash(key,keyLen,0,&hashes[i]);
+ }
+ //----------
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,true,true,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ delete [] cycle;
+ delete [] key;
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'TwoBytes' - generate all keys up to length N with two non-zero bytes
+void TwoBytesKeygen ( int maxlen, KeyCallback & c );
+template < typename hashtype >
+bool TwoBytesTest2 ( pfHash hash, int maxlen, bool drawDiagram )
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ HashCallback<hashtype> c(hash,hashes);
+ TwoBytesKeygen(maxlen,c);
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,true,true,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Text' - generate all keys of the form "prefix"+"core"+"suffix",
+// where "core" consists of all possible combinations of the given character
+// set of length N.
+template < typename hashtype >
+bool TextKeyTest ( hashfunc<hashtype> hash, const char * prefix, const char * coreset, const int corelen, const char * suffix, bool drawDiagram )
+ const int prefixlen = (int)strlen(prefix);
+ const int suffixlen = (int)strlen(suffix);
+ const int corecount = (int)strlen(coreset);
+ const int keybytes = prefixlen + corelen + suffixlen;
+ const int keycount = (int)pow(double(corecount),double(corelen));
+ printf("Keyset 'Text' - keys of form \"%s[",prefix);
+ for(int i = 0; i < corelen; i++) printf("X");
+ printf("]%s\" - %d keys\n",suffix,keycount);
+ uint8_t * key = new uint8_t[keybytes+1];
+ key[keybytes] = 0;
+ memcpy(key,prefix,prefixlen);
+ memcpy(key+prefixlen+corelen,suffix,suffixlen);
+ //----------
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ hashes.resize(keycount);
+ for(int i = 0; i < keycount; i++)
+ {
+ int t = i;
+ for(int j = 0; j < corelen; j++)
+ {
+ key[prefixlen+j] = coreset[t % corecount]; t /= corecount;
+ }
+ hash(key,keybytes,0,&hashes[i]);
+ }
+ //----------
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,true,true,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ delete [] key;
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Zeroes' - keys consisting of all zeroes, differing only in length
+// We reuse one block of empty bytes, otherwise the RAM cost is enormous.
+template < typename hashtype >
+bool ZeroKeyTest ( pfHash hash, bool drawDiagram )
+ int keycount = 64*1024;
+ printf("Keyset 'Zeroes' - %d keys\n",keycount);
+ unsigned char * nullblock = new unsigned char[keycount];
+ memset(nullblock,0,keycount);
+ //----------
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ hashes.resize(keycount);
+ for(int i = 0; i < keycount; i++)
+ {
+ hash(nullblock,i,0,&hashes[i]);
+ }
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,true,true,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ delete [] nullblock;
+ return result;
+// Keyset 'Seed' - hash "the quick brown fox..." using different seeds
+template < typename hashtype >
+bool SeedTest ( pfHash hash, int keycount, bool drawDiagram )
+ printf("Keyset 'Seed' - %d keys\n",keycount);
+ const char * text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
+ const int len = (int)strlen(text);
+ //----------
+ std::vector<hashtype> hashes;
+ hashes.resize(keycount);
+ for(int i = 0; i < keycount; i++)
+ {
+ hash(text,len,i,&hashes[i]);
+ }
+ bool result = true;
+ result &= TestHashList(hashes,true,true,drawDiagram);
+ printf("\n");
+ return result;