diff options
mode: <>2014-06-17 08:54:03 +0000 <>2014-06-17 08:54:03 +0000
commitd6d5bffab60c9fc3413ded251aa8513346d252c4 (patch)
parente78505f9d86ba3d45bed447c52459770ab04b140 (diff)
Initial GN work for WebRTC
This CL makes it possible to build the 'webrtc_base' target using GN. The majority of our GYP stuff in webrtc/build/common.gypi has been translated into the configs of webrtc/ The webrtc/base/base.gyp file is translated into webrtc/base/ This CL depends on for the jsoncpp file and the ssl config. To build inside Chromium, needs to be landed first. BUG=webrtc:3441 TEST= Successful compilation of WebRTC as standalone: gn gen out/Default --args="build_with_chromium=false" && ninja -C out/Default gn gen out/Default --args="build_with_chromium=false is_clang=true" && ninja -C out/Default I also ran: gn gen out/Default --args="build_with_chromium=false have_dbus_glib=true" but it fails to compile: something is probably wrong with with pkg-config for that. For Chromium, I symlinked src/third_party/webrtc to the webrtc subfolder of the WebRTC checkout and applied the following patches: (for jsoncpp and ssl config) (enable building WebRTC) Then I built successfully using: gn gen out/Default && ninja -C out/Default webrtc_base Review URL: git-svn-id: 4adac7df-926f-26a2-2b94-8c16560cd09d
3 files changed, 954 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a86c8a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+# Contains the defines and includes in common.gypi that are duplicated both as
+# target_defaults and direct_dependent_settings.
+config("common_inherited_config") {
+ defines = []
+ if (build_with_mozilla) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_MOZILLA_BUILD" ]
+ }
+ if (build_with_chromium) {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ include_dirs = [
+ # overrides must be included first as that is the mechanism for
+ # selecting the override headers in Chromium.
+ "overrides",
+ # Allow includes to be prefixed with webrtc/ in case it is not an
+ # immediate subdirectory of the top-level.
+ "..",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_posix) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_POSIX" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ defines += [
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_LINUX" ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_MAC" ]
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_WIN" ]
+ }
+ if (is_android) {
+ defines += [
+ ]
+ if (enable_android_opensl) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_ANDROID_OPENSLES" ]
+ }
+ }
+pkg_config("dbus-glib") {
+ packages = [ "dbus-glib-1" ]
+config("common_config") {
+ if (restrict_webrtc_logging) {
+ }
+ if (have_dbus_glib) {
+ defines += [ "HAVE_DBUS_GLIB" ]
+ # TODO(kjellander): Investigate this, it seems like include <dbus/dbus.h>
+ # is still not found even if the execution of
+ # build/config/linux/ dbus-glib-1 returns correct include
+ # dirs on Linux.
+ all_dependent_configs = [ "dbus-glib" ]
+ }
+ if (enable_video) {
+ }
+ if (!build_with_chromium) {
+ if (is_posix) {
+ # -Wextra is currently disabled in Chromium"s common.gypi. Enable
+ # for targets that can handle it. For Android/arm64 right now
+ # there will be an "enumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional
+ # expression" warning in android_tools/ndk_experimental"s version
+ # of stlport.
+ # See:
+ if (cpu_arch != "arm64" || !is_android) {
+ cflags = [
+ "-Wextra",
+ # We need to repeat some flags from Chromium"s common.gypi
+ # here that get overridden by -Wextra.
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ "-Wno-strict-overflow",
+ ]
+ cflags_cc = [
+ "-Wnon-virtual-dtor",
+ # This is enabled for clang; enable for gcc as well.
+ "-Woverloaded-virtual",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags += [ "-Wthread-safety" ]
+ }
+ }
+ if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM" ]
+ if (arm_version == 7) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM_V7" ]
+ if (arm_use_neon) {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_ARCH_ARM_NEON" ]
+ } else {
+ defines += [ "WEBRTC_DETECT_ARM_NEON" ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cpu_arch == "mipsel") {
+ defines += [ "MIPS32_LE" ]
+ if (mips_fpu) {
+ defines += [ "MIPS_FPU_LE" ]
+ cflags += [ "-mhard-float" ]
+ } else {
+ cflags += [ "-msoft-float" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_arch_variant == "mips32r2") {
+ defines += [ "MIPS32_R2_LE" ]
+ cflags += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ cflags_cc += [ "-mips32r2" ]
+ }
+ if (mips_dsp_rev == 1) {
+ defines += [ "MIPS_DSP_R1_LE" ]
+ cflags += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ cflags_cc += [ "-mdsp" ]
+ } else if (mips_dsp_rev == 2) {
+ defines += [
+ ]
+ cflags += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ cflags_cc += [ "-mdspr2" ]
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO(kjellander): Handle warnings on Windows where WebRTC differ from the
+ # default warnings set in build/config/compiler/
+ if (is_android && is_clang) {
+ # The Android NDK doesn"t provide optimized versions of these
+ # functions. Ensure they are disabled for all compilers.
+ cflags += [
+ "-fno-builtin-cos",
+ "-fno-builtin-sin",
+ "-fno-builtin-cosf",
+ "-fno-builtin-sinf",
+ ]
+ }
+static_library("webrtc") {
+ deps = [
+ "base:webrtc_base",
+ ]
diff --git a/base/ b/base/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41180901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+config("webrtc_base_config") {
+ include_dirs = [
+ "//third_party/jsoncpp/overrides/include",
+ "//third_party/jsoncpp/source/include",
+ ]
+ defines = [
+ ]
+ # TODO(henrike): issue 3307, make webrtc_base build without disabling
+ # these flags.
+ cflags_cc = [ "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" ]
+config("webrtc_base_chromium_config") {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+config("openssl_config") {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+config("no_openssl_config") {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+config("android_config") {
+ defines = [ "HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H" ]
+config("no_android_config") {
+ defines = [
+ ]
+config("ios_config") {
+ ldflags = [
+ #"Foundation.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ "Security.framework",
+ "SystemConfiguration.framework",
+ #"UIKit.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ ]
+config("mac_config") {
+ ldflags = [
+ "Cocoa.framework",
+ #"Foundation.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ #"IOKit.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ #"Security.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ "SystemConfiguration.framework",
+ ]
+config("mac_x86_config") {
+ libs = [
+ #"Carbon.framework", # Already included in //build/config:default_libs.
+ ]
+config("linux_system_ssl_config") {
+ visibility = ":*" # Only targets in this file can depend on this.
+ # TODO(kjellander): Find out how to convert GYP include_dirs+ (i.e. insert
+ # first in the include path?).
+ include_dirs = [ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl" ]
+ configs = [ "//third_party/nss:system_nss_no_ssl_config" ]
+# Provides the same functionality as the build/linux/system.gyp:ssl GYP target.
+# This cannot be in build/linux/ since targets in build/ are not allowed
+# to depend on targets outside of it. This could be replaced by the Chromium
+# //crypto:platform target, but as WebRTC currently don't sync src/crypto from
+# Chromium, it is not possible today.
+config("linux_system_ssl") {
+ if (use_openssl) {
+ deps = [ "//third_party/openssl" ]
+ } else {
+ deps = [ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl:libssl" ]
+ direct_dependent_configs = [
+ ":linux_system_ssl_config",
+ ]
+ if (is_clang) {
+ cflags = [
+ # There is a broken header guard in /usr/include/nss/secmod.h:
+ #
+ "-Wno-header-guard",
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+static_library("webrtc_base") {
+ cflags = []
+ cflags_cc = []
+ configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:chromium_code" ]
+ configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_chromium_code" ]
+ configs += [
+ "..:common_inherited_config",
+ "..:common_config",
+ ":webrtc_base_config",
+ ]
+ direct_dependent_configs = [
+ "..:common_inherited_config",
+ ":webrtc_base_config",
+ ]
+ defines = [
+ "LOGGING=1",
+ ]
+ sources = [
+ "",
+ "asyncfile.h",
+ "",
+ "asynchttprequest.h",
+ "",
+ "asyncinvoker.h",
+ "asyncinvoker-inl.h",
+ "asyncpacketsocket.h",
+ "asyncresolverinterface.h",
+ "",
+ "asyncsocket.h",
+ "",
+ "asynctcpsocket.h",
+ "",
+ "asyncudpsocket.h",
+ "atomicops.h",
+ "",
+ "autodetectproxy.h",
+ "",
+ "bandwidthsmoother.h",
+ "",
+ "base64.h",
+ "basicdefs.h",
+ "basictypes.h",
+ "bind.h",
+ "bind.h.pump",
+ "buffer.h",
+ "",
+ "bytebuffer.h",
+ "byteorder.h",
+ "callback.h",
+ "callback.h.pump",
+ "",
+ "checks.h",
+ "",
+ "common.h",
+ "constructormagic.h",
+ "",
+ "cpumonitor.h",
+ "",
+ "crc32.h",
+ "criticalsection.h",
+ "cryptstring.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus.h",
+ "",
+ "diskcache.h",
+ "",
+ "event.h",
+ "",
+ "filelock.h",
+ "",
+ "fileutils.h",
+ "fileutils_mock.h",
+ "",
+ "firewallsocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "flags.h",
+ "genericslot.h",
+ "genericslot.h.pump",
+ "gunit_prod.h",
+ "",
+ "helpers.h",
+ "",
+ "httpbase.h",
+ "",
+ "httpclient.h",
+ "httpcommon-inl.h",
+ "",
+ "httpcommon.h",
+ "",
+ "httprequest.h",
+ "",
+ "httpserver.h",
+ "",
+ "ifaddrs-android.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "ipaddress.h",
+ "",
+ "json.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "latebindingsymboltable.h",
+ "latebindingsymboltable.h.def",
+ "",
+ "libdbusglibsymboltable.h",
+ "",
+ "linux.h",
+ "linuxfdwalk.c",
+ "linuxfdwalk.h",
+ "",
+ "linuxwindowpicker.h",
+ "linked_ptr.h",
+ "",
+ "logging.h",
+ "",
+ "macasyncsocket.h",
+ "maccocoasocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "maccocoathreadhelper.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "macconversion.h",
+ "",
+ "macsocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "macutils.h",
+ "",
+ "macwindowpicker.h",
+ "mathutils.h",
+ "",
+ "md5.h",
+ "md5digest.h",
+ "",
+ "messagedigest.h",
+ "",
+ "messagehandler.h",
+ "",
+ "messagequeue.h",
+ "",
+ "multipart.h",
+ "",
+ "natserver.h",
+ "",
+ "natsocketfactory.h",
+ "",
+ "nattypes.h",
+ "",
+ "nethelpers.h",
+ "",
+ "network.h",
+ "",
+ "nssidentity.h",
+ "",
+ "nssstreamadapter.h",
+ "nullsocketserver.h",
+ "openssl.h",
+ "",
+ "openssladapter.h",
+ "",
+ "openssldigest.h",
+ "",
+ "opensslidentity.h",
+ "",
+ "opensslstreamadapter.h",
+ "",
+ "optionsfile.h",
+ "",
+ "pathutils.h",
+ "",
+ "physicalsocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "posix.h",
+ "",
+ "profiler.h",
+ "",
+ "proxydetect.h",
+ "",
+ "proxyinfo.h",
+ "",
+ "proxyserver.h",
+ "",
+ "ratelimiter.h",
+ "",
+ "ratetracker.h",
+ "refcount.h",
+ "referencecountedsingletonfactory.h",
+ "rollingaccumulator.h",
+ "",
+ "schanneladapter.h",
+ "scoped_autorelease_pool.h",
+ "",
+ "scoped_ptr.h",
+ "scoped_ref_ptr.h",
+ "scopedptrcollection.h",
+ "sec_buffer.h",
+ "",
+ "sha1.h",
+ "sha1digest.h",
+ "",
+ "sharedexclusivelock.h",
+ "",
+ "signalthread.h",
+ "sigslot.h",
+ "sigslotrepeater.h",
+ "socket.h",
+ "",
+ "socketadapters.h",
+ "",
+ "socketaddress.h",
+ "",
+ "socketaddresspair.h",
+ "socketfactory.h",
+ "",
+ "socketpool.h",
+ "socketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "socketstream.h",
+ "",
+ "ssladapter.h",
+ "sslconfig.h",
+ "",
+ "sslfingerprint.h",
+ "",
+ "sslidentity.h",
+ "sslroots.h",
+ "",
+ "sslsocketfactory.h",
+ "",
+ "sslstreamadapter.h",
+ "",
+ "sslstreamadapterhelper.h",
+ "",
+ "stream.h",
+ "stringdigest.h",
+ "",
+ "stringencode.h",
+ "",
+ "stringutils.h",
+ "",
+ "systeminfo.h",
+ "",
+ "task.h",
+ "",
+ "taskparent.h",
+ "",
+ "taskrunner.h",
+ "",
+ "testclient.h",
+ "",
+ "thread.h",
+ "",
+ "timeutils.h",
+ "",
+ "timing.h",
+ "",
+ "transformadapter.h",
+ "",
+ "unixfilesystem.h",
+ "",
+ "urlencode.h",
+ "",
+ "versionparsing.h",
+ "",
+ "virtualsocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "win32.h",
+ "",
+ "win32filesystem.h",
+ "",
+ "win32regkey.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "win32socketinit.h",
+ "",
+ "win32socketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "win32window.h",
+ "",
+ "win32windowpicker.h",
+ "window.h",
+ "windowpicker.h",
+ "windowpickerfactory.h",
+ "",
+ "winfirewall.h",
+ "",
+ "winping.h",
+ "",
+ "worker.h",
+ ]
+ if (build_with_chromium) {
+ sources += [
+ "../overrides/webrtc/base/basictypes.h",
+ "../overrides/webrtc/base/constructormagic.h",
+ "../overrides/webrtc/base/",
+ "../overrides/webrtc/base/logging.h",
+ ]
+ if (is_win) {
+ sources += [ "../overrides/webrtc/base/" ]
+ }
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "asyncinvoker.h",
+ "asyncinvoker-inl.h",
+ "asyncresolverinterface.h",
+ "atomicops.h",
+ "",
+ "bandwidthsmoother.h",
+ "basictypes.h",
+ "bind.h",
+ "bind.h.pump",
+ "buffer.h",
+ "callback.h",
+ "callback.h.pump",
+ "constructormagic.h",
+ "",
+ "dbus.h",
+ "",
+ "filelock.h",
+ "fileutils_mock.h",
+ "genericslot.h",
+ "genericslot.h.pump",
+ "",
+ "httpserver.h",
+ "",
+ "json.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "latebindingsymboltable.h",
+ "latebindingsymboltable.h.def",
+ "",
+ "libdbusglibsymboltable.h",
+ "linuxfdwalk.c",
+ "linuxfdwalk.h",
+ "",
+ "linuxwindowpicker.h",
+ "",
+ "logging.h",
+ #"",
+ #"macasyncsocket.h",
+ #"maccocoasocketserver.h",
+ #"",
+ #"",
+ #"macsocketserver.h",
+ #"",
+ #"macwindowpicker.h",
+ "mathutils.h",
+ "",
+ "multipart.h",
+ "",
+ "natserver.h",
+ "",
+ "natsocketfactory.h",
+ "",
+ "nattypes.h",
+ "openssl.h",
+ "",
+ "optionsfile.h",
+ "",
+ "posix.h",
+ "",
+ "profiler.h",
+ "",
+ "proxyserver.h",
+ "refcount.h",
+ "referencecountedsingletonfactory.h",
+ "rollingaccumulator.h",
+ #"safe_conversions.h",
+ #"safe_conversions_impl.h",
+ "scopedptrcollection.h",
+ "scoped_ref_ptr.h",
+ "sec_buffer.h",
+ "",
+ "sharedexclusivelock.h",
+ "sslconfig.h",
+ "sslroots.h",
+ "stringdigest.h",
+ #"testbase64.h",
+ "",
+ "testclient.h",
+ #"testutils.h",
+ "",
+ "transformadapter.h",
+ "",
+ "versionparsing.h",
+ "",
+ "virtualsocketserver.h",
+ #"",
+ #"win32regkey.h",
+ #"",
+ #"win32socketinit.h",
+ #"",
+ #"win32socketserver.h",
+ #"win32toolhelp.h",
+ "window.h",
+ "windowpickerfactory.h",
+ "windowpicker.h",
+ ]
+ include_dirs = [
+ "../overrides",
+ "../../openssl/openssl/include",
+ ]
+ direct_dependent_configs += [ ":webrtc_base_chromium_config" ]
+ } else {
+ if (is_win) {
+ sources += [
+ "",
+ "diskcache_win32.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ deps = [ "//third_party/jsoncpp" ]
+ }
+ # TODO(henrike): issue 3307, make webrtc_base build without disabling
+ # these flags.
+ cflags += [
+ "-Wno-extra",
+ "-Wno-all",
+ ]
+ cflags_cc += [ "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor" ]
+ if (use_openssl) {
+ direct_dependent_configs += [ ":openssl_config" ]
+ deps = [ "//third_party/openssl" ]
+ } else {
+ direct_dependent_configs += [ ":no_openssl_config" ]
+ }
+ if (is_android) {
+ direct_dependent_configs += [ ":android_config" ]
+ libs = [
+ "log",
+ "GLESv2"
+ ]
+ } else {
+ direct_dependent_configs += [ ":no_android_config" ]
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "ifaddrs-android.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios) {
+ all_dependent_configs += [ ":ios_config" ]
+ deps = [ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl:libssl" ]
+ }
+ if (is_linux) {
+ libs = [
+ "crypto",
+ "dl",
+ "rt",
+ "Xext",
+ "X11",
+ "Xcomposite",
+ "Xrender",
+ ]
+ configs += [ "//third_party/nss:system_nss_no_ssl_config" ]
+ } else {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "dbus.h",
+ "",
+ "libdbusglibsymboltable.h",
+ "linuxfdwalk.c",
+ "linuxfdwalk.h",
+ "",
+ "linuxwindowpicker.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac) {
+ all_dependent_configs = [ ":mac_config" ]
+ libs = [
+ "crypto", # $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib
+ "ssl", # $(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/libssl.dylib
+ ]
+ if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
+ all_dependent_configs += [ ":mac_x86_config" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "macasyncsocket.h",
+ "maccocoasocketserver.h",
+ #"", # Seems to be excluded by default with GN.
+ "",
+ "macconversion.h",
+ "",
+ "macsocketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "macutils.h",
+ "",
+ "macwindowpicker.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_win) {
+ libs = [
+ "crypt32.lib",
+ "iphlpapi.lib",
+ "secur32.lib",
+ ]
+ cflags += [
+ # Suppress warnings about WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.
+ "/wd4005",
+ "/wd4703",
+ ]
+ defines += [ "_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE" ]
+ } else {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "schanneladapter.h",
+ "",
+ "winping.h",
+ "",
+ "winfirewall.h",
+ # The files below were covered by a regex exclude in GYP.
+ "",
+ "win32.h",
+ "",
+ "win32filesystem.h",
+ "",
+ "win32regkey.h",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "win32socketinit.h",
+ "",
+ "win32socketserver.h",
+ "",
+ "win32window.h",
+ "",
+ "win32windowpicker.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_posix) {
+ if (is_debug) {
+ defines += [ "_DEBUG" ]
+ }
+ } else {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "latebindingsymboltable.h",
+ "",
+ "posix.h",
+ "",
+ "unixfilesystem.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios || (is_mac && cpu_arch != "x86")) {
+ defines += [ "CARBON_DEPRECATED=YES" ]
+ }
+ if (is_ios || !is_posix) {
+ sources -= [
+ "openssl.h",
+ "",
+ "openssladapter.h",
+ "",
+ "openssldigest.h",
+ "",
+ "opensslidentity.h",
+ "",
+ "opensslstreamadapter.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (!is_linux && !is_android) {
+ sources -= [
+ "",
+ "linux.h",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_mac || is_ios || is_win) {
+ deps += [
+ "//net/third_party/nss/ssl:libssl",
+ "//third_party/nss:nspr",
+ "//third_party/nss:nss",
+ ]
+ }
+ if (is_posix && !is_mac && !is_ios && !is_android) {
+ configs += [ ":linux_system_ssl" ]
+ }
diff --git a/build/webrtc.gni b/build/webrtc.gni
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e269a262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/webrtc.gni
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+# tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+declare_args() {
+ # Assume Chromium build for now, since that's the priority case for getting GN
+ # up and running with WebRTC.
+ build_with_chromium = true
+ build_with_libjingle = true
+ if (build_with_libjingle) {
+ include_tests = false
+ restrict_webrtc_logging = true
+ } else {
+ include_tests = true
+ restrict_webrtc_logging = false
+ }
+ # Adds video support to dependencies shared by voice and video engine.
+ # This should normally be enabled; the intended use is to disable only
+ # when building voice engine exclusively.
+ enable_video = true
+ # Selects fixed-point code where possible.
+ prefer_fixed_point = false
+ build_libjpeg = true
+ # Enables the use of protocol buffers for debug recordings.
+ enable_protobuf = true
+ # Disable by default.
+ have_dbus_glib = false
+ # Enable to use the Mozilla internal settings.
+ build_with_mozilla = false
+ # Define MIPS architecture variant, MIPS DSP variant and MIPS FPU
+ # This may be subject to change in accordance to Chromium's MIPS flags
+ mips_arch_variant = "mips32r1"
+ mips_dsp_rev = 0
+ mips_fpu = true
+ enable_android_opensl = true
+ if (is_ios) {
+ build_libjpeg = false
+ enable_protobuf = false
+ }
+ if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
+ prefer_fixed_point = true
+ }