path: root/modules/audio_device/ios/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/audio_device/ios/')
1 files changed, 1919 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/audio_device/ios/ b/modules/audio_device/ios/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19dcfdfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/audio_device/ios/
@@ -0,0 +1,1919 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#include "webrtc/modules/audio_device/ios/audio_device_ios.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/thread_wrapper.h"
+#include "webrtc/system_wrappers/interface/trace.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+AudioDeviceIOS::AudioDeviceIOS(const int32_t id)
+ :
+ _ptrAudioBuffer(NULL),
+ _critSect(*CriticalSectionWrapper::CreateCriticalSection()),
+ _captureWorkerThread(NULL),
+ _captureWorkerThreadId(0),
+ _id(id),
+ _auVoiceProcessing(NULL),
+ _audioInterruptionObserver(NULL),
+ _initialized(false),
+ _isShutDown(false),
+ _recording(false),
+ _playing(false),
+ _recIsInitialized(false),
+ _playIsInitialized(false),
+ _recordingDeviceIsSpecified(false),
+ _playoutDeviceIsSpecified(false),
+ _micIsInitialized(false),
+ _speakerIsInitialized(false),
+ _AGC(false),
+ _adbSampFreq(0),
+ _recordingDelay(0),
+ _playoutDelay(0),
+ _playoutDelayMeasurementCounter(9999),
+ _recordingDelayHWAndOS(0),
+ _recordingDelayMeasurementCounter(9999),
+ _playWarning(0),
+ _playError(0),
+ _recWarning(0),
+ _recError(0),
+ _playoutBufferUsed(0),
+ _recordingCurrentSeq(0),
+ _recordingBufferTotalSize(0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceMemory, kTraceAudioDevice, id,
+ "%s created", __FUNCTION__);
+ memset(_playoutBuffer, 0, sizeof(_playoutBuffer));
+ memset(_recordingBuffer, 0, sizeof(_recordingBuffer));
+ memset(_recordingLength, 0, sizeof(_recordingLength));
+ memset(_recordingSeqNumber, 0, sizeof(_recordingSeqNumber));
+AudioDeviceIOS::~AudioDeviceIOS() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceMemory, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s destroyed", __FUNCTION__);
+ Terminate();
+ delete &_critSect;
+// ============================================================================
+// API
+// ============================================================================
+void AudioDeviceIOS::AttachAudioBuffer(AudioDeviceBuffer* audioBuffer) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ _ptrAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
+ // inform the AudioBuffer about default settings for this implementation
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetRecordingSampleRate(ENGINE_REC_BUF_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES);
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetPlayoutSampleRate(ENGINE_PLAY_BUF_SIZE_IN_SAMPLES);
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetRecordingChannels(N_REC_CHANNELS);
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetPlayoutChannels(N_PLAY_CHANNELS);
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::ActiveAudioLayer(
+ AudioDeviceModule::AudioLayer& audioLayer) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ audioLayer = AudioDeviceModule::kPlatformDefaultAudio;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::Init() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (_initialized) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _isShutDown = false;
+ // Create and start capture thread
+ if (_captureWorkerThread == NULL) {
+ _captureWorkerThread
+ = ThreadWrapper::CreateThread(RunCapture, this, kRealtimePriority,
+ "CaptureWorkerThread");
+ if (_captureWorkerThread == NULL) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceCritical, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, "CreateThread() error");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ unsigned int threadID(0);
+ bool res = _captureWorkerThread->Start(threadID);
+ _captureWorkerThreadId = static_cast<uint32_t>(threadID);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, "CaptureWorkerThread started (res=%d)", res);
+ } else {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, "Thread already created");
+ }
+ _playWarning = 0;
+ _playError = 0;
+ _recWarning = 0;
+ _recError = 0;
+ _initialized = true;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::Terminate() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ if (!_initialized) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Stop capture thread
+ if (_captureWorkerThread != NULL) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, "Stopping CaptureWorkerThread");
+ bool res = _captureWorkerThread->Stop();
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, "CaptureWorkerThread stopped (res=%d)", res);
+ delete _captureWorkerThread;
+ _captureWorkerThread = NULL;
+ }
+ // Shut down Audio Unit
+ ShutdownPlayOrRecord();
+ _isShutDown = true;
+ _initialized = false;
+ _speakerIsInitialized = false;
+ _micIsInitialized = false;
+ _playoutDeviceIsSpecified = false;
+ _recordingDeviceIsSpecified = false;
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::Initialized() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (_initialized);
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::InitSpeaker() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_initialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_playing) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Cannot init speaker when playing");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!_playoutDeviceIsSpecified) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Playout device is not specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Do nothing
+ _speakerIsInitialized = true;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::InitMicrophone() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_initialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_recording) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Cannot init mic when recording");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!_recordingDeviceIsSpecified) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id, " Recording device is not specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Do nothing
+ _micIsInitialized = true;
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerIsInitialized() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return _speakerIsInitialized;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneIsInitialized() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return _micIsInitialized;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Speaker volume not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetSpeakerVolume(volume=%u)", volume);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerVolume(uint32_t& volume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::SetWaveOutVolume(uint16_t volumeLeft,
+ uint16_t volumeRight) {
+ kTraceModuleCall,
+ kTraceAudioDevice,
+ _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetWaveOutVolume(volumeLeft=%u, volumeRight=%u)",
+ volumeLeft, volumeRight);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+AudioDeviceIOS::WaveOutVolume(uint16_t& /*volumeLeft*/,
+ uint16_t& /*volumeRight*/) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t& maxVolume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MinSpeakerVolume(
+ uint32_t& minVolume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerVolumeStepSize(uint16_t& stepSize) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Speaker mute not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetSpeakerMute(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SpeakerMute(bool& enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Mic mute not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneMute(bool& enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneBoostIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Mic boost not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetMicrophoneBoost(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetMicrophoneBoost(enable=%u)", enable);
+ if (!_micIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Microphone not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " SetMicrophoneBoost cannot be enabled on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneBoost(bool& enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ if (!_micIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Microphone not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ enabled = false;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StereoRecordingIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Stereo recording not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetStereoRecording(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetStereoRecording(enable=%u)", enable);
+ if (enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Stereo recording is not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StereoRecording(bool& enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ enabled = false;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Stereo playout not supported on iOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetStereoPlayout(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetStereoPlayout(enable=%u)", enable);
+ if (enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Stereo playout is not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StereoPlayout(bool& enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ enabled = false;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetAGC(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetAGC(enable=%d)", enable);
+ _AGC = enable;
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::AGC() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return _AGC;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false; // Mic volume not supported on IOS
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetMicrophoneVolume(volume=%u)", volume);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& volume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& maxVolume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t& minVolume) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::MicrophoneVolumeStepSize(
+ uint16_t& stepSize) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+int16_t AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutDevices() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (int16_t)1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetPlayoutDevice(index=%u)", index);
+ if (_playIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout already initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (index !=0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " SetPlayoutDevice invalid index");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ _playoutDeviceIsSpecified = true;
+ return 0;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::SetPlayoutDevice(AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "WindowsDeviceType not supported");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutDeviceName(uint16_t index,
+ char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
+ char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutDeviceName(index=%u)", index);
+ if (index != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // return empty strings
+ memset(name, 0, kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize);
+ if (guid != NULL) {
+ memset(guid, 0, kAdmMaxGuidSize);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingDeviceName(uint16_t index,
+ char name[kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize],
+ char guid[kAdmMaxGuidSize]) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingDeviceName(index=%u)", index);
+ if (index != 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // return empty strings
+ memset(name, 0, kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize);
+ if (guid != NULL) {
+ memset(guid, 0, kAdmMaxGuidSize);
+ }
+ return 0;
+int16_t AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingDevices() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (int16_t)1;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetRecordingDevice(uint16_t index) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetRecordingDevice(index=%u)", index);
+ if (_recIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording already initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (index !=0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " SetRecordingDevice invalid index");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ _recordingDeviceIsSpecified = true;
+ return 0;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::SetRecordingDevice(
+ AudioDeviceModule::WindowsDeviceType) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "WindowsDeviceType not supported");
+ return -1;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// SetLoudspeakerStatus
+// Change the default receiver playout route to speaker.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::SetLoudspeakerStatus(bool enable) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetLoudspeakerStatus(enable=%d)", enable);
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ NSString* category = session.category;
+ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions options = session.categoryOptions;
+ // Respect old category options if category is
+ // AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord. Otherwise reset it since old options
+ // might not be valid for this category.
+ if ([category isEqualToString:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord]) {
+ if (enable) {
+ options |= AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker;
+ } else {
+ options &= ~AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker;
+ }
+ } else {
+ options = AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker;
+ }
+ NSError* error = nil;
+ [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
+ withOptions:options
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Error changing default output route ");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::GetLoudspeakerStatus(bool &enabled) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetLoudspeakerStatus(enabled=?)");
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions options = session.categoryOptions;
+ enabled = options & AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false;
+ // Try to initialize the playout side
+ int32_t res = InitPlayout();
+ // Cancel effect of initialization
+ StopPlayout();
+ if (res != -1) {
+ available = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingIsAvailable(bool& available) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ available = false;
+ // Try to initialize the recording side
+ int32_t res = InitRecording();
+ // Cancel effect of initialization
+ StopRecording();
+ if (res != -1) {
+ available = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::InitPlayout() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_initialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, " Not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_playing) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout already started");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_playIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout already initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!_playoutDeviceIsSpecified) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout device is not specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Initialize the speaker
+ if (InitSpeaker() == -1) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " InitSpeaker() failed");
+ }
+ _playIsInitialized = true;
+ if (!_recIsInitialized) {
+ // Audio init
+ if (InitPlayOrRecord() == -1) {
+ // todo: Handle error
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " InitPlayOrRecord() failed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording already initialized - InitPlayOrRecord() not called");
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutIsInitialized() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (_playIsInitialized);
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::InitRecording() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_initialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_recording) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording already started");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_recIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording already initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!_recordingDeviceIsSpecified) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording device is not specified");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Initialize the microphone
+ if (InitMicrophone() == -1) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " InitMicrophone() failed");
+ }
+ _recIsInitialized = true;
+ if (!_playIsInitialized) {
+ // Audio init
+ if (InitPlayOrRecord() == -1) {
+ // todo: Handle error
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " InitPlayOrRecord() failed");
+ }
+ } else {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout already initialized - InitPlayOrRecord() " \
+ "not called");
+ }
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingIsInitialized() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (_recIsInitialized);
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StartRecording() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_recIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_recording) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording already started");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Reset recording buffer
+ memset(_recordingBuffer, 0, sizeof(_recordingBuffer));
+ memset(_recordingLength, 0, sizeof(_recordingLength));
+ memset(_recordingSeqNumber, 0, sizeof(_recordingSeqNumber));
+ _recordingCurrentSeq = 0;
+ _recordingBufferTotalSize = 0;
+ _recordingDelay = 0;
+ _recordingDelayHWAndOS = 0;
+ // Make sure first call to update delay function will update delay
+ _recordingDelayMeasurementCounter = 9999;
+ _recWarning = 0;
+ _recError = 0;
+ if (!_playing) {
+ // Start Audio Unit
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Starting Audio Unit");
+ OSStatus result = AudioOutputUnitStart(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceCritical, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Error starting Audio Unit (result=%d)", result);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ _recording = true;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StopRecording() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_recIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Recording is not initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _recording = false;
+ if (!_playing) {
+ // Both playout and recording has stopped, shutdown the device
+ ShutdownPlayOrRecord();
+ }
+ _recIsInitialized = false;
+ _micIsInitialized = false;
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::Recording() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (_recording);
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StartPlayout() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ // This lock is (among other things) needed to avoid concurrency issues
+ // with capture thread
+ // shutting down Audio Unit
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_playIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout not initialized");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (_playing) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playing already started");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Reset playout buffer
+ memset(_playoutBuffer, 0, sizeof(_playoutBuffer));
+ _playoutBufferUsed = 0;
+ _playoutDelay = 0;
+ // Make sure first call to update delay function will update delay
+ _playoutDelayMeasurementCounter = 9999;
+ _playWarning = 0;
+ _playError = 0;
+ if (!_recording) {
+ // Start Audio Unit
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Starting Audio Unit");
+ OSStatus result = AudioOutputUnitStart(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceCritical, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Error starting Audio Unit (result=%d)", result);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ _playing = true;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::StopPlayout() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_playIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout is not initialized");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ _playing = false;
+ if (!_recording) {
+ // Both playout and recording has stopped, signal shutdown the device
+ ShutdownPlayOrRecord();
+ }
+ _playIsInitialized = false;
+ _speakerIsInitialized = false;
+ return 0;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::Playing() const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return (_playing);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ResetAudioDevice
+// Disable playout and recording, signal to capture thread to shutdown,
+// and set enable states after shutdown to same as current.
+// In capture thread audio device will be shutdown, then started again.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::ResetAudioDevice() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ CriticalSectionScoped lock(&_critSect);
+ if (!_playIsInitialized && !_recIsInitialized) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Playout or recording not initialized, doing nothing");
+ return 0; // Nothing to reset
+ }
+ // Store the states we have before stopping to restart below
+ bool initPlay = _playIsInitialized;
+ bool play = _playing;
+ bool initRec = _recIsInitialized;
+ bool rec = _recording;
+ int res(0);
+ // Stop playout and recording
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Stopping playout and recording");
+ res += StopPlayout();
+ res += StopRecording();
+ // Restart
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Restarting playout and recording (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
+ initPlay, play, initRec, rec);
+ if (initPlay) res += InitPlayout();
+ if (initRec) res += InitRecording();
+ if (play) res += StartPlayout();
+ if (rec) res += StartRecording();
+ if (0 != res) {
+ // Logging is done in init/start/stop calls above
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutDelay(uint16_t& delayMS) const {
+ delayMS = _playoutDelay;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingDelay(uint16_t& delayMS) const {
+ delayMS = _recordingDelay;
+ return 0;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::SetPlayoutBuffer(const AudioDeviceModule::BufferType type,
+ uint16_t sizeMS) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "AudioDeviceIOS::SetPlayoutBuffer(type=%u, sizeMS=%u)",
+ type, sizeMS);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutBuffer(AudioDeviceModule::BufferType& type,
+ uint16_t& sizeMS) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ type = AudioDeviceModule::kAdaptiveBufferSize;
+ sizeMS = _playoutDelay;
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::CPULoad(uint16_t& /*load*/) const {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " API call not supported on this platform");
+ return -1;
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutWarning() const {
+ return (_playWarning > 0);
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutError() const {
+ return (_playError > 0);
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingWarning() const {
+ return (_recWarning > 0);
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::RecordingError() const {
+ return (_recError > 0);
+void AudioDeviceIOS::ClearPlayoutWarning() {
+ _playWarning = 0;
+void AudioDeviceIOS::ClearPlayoutError() {
+ _playError = 0;
+void AudioDeviceIOS::ClearRecordingWarning() {
+ _recWarning = 0;
+void AudioDeviceIOS::ClearRecordingError() {
+ _recError = 0;
+// ============================================================================
+// Private Methods
+// ============================================================================
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::InitPlayOrRecord() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceModuleCall, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ OSStatus result = -1;
+ // Check if already initialized
+ if (NULL != _auVoiceProcessing) {
+ // We already have initialized before and created any of the audio unit,
+ // check that all exist
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Already initialized");
+ // todo: Call AudioUnitReset() here and empty all buffers?
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Create Voice Processing Audio Unit
+ AudioComponentDescription desc;
+ AudioComponent comp;
+ desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
+ desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_VoiceProcessingIO;
+ desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
+ desc.componentFlags = 0;
+ desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
+ comp = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc);
+ if (NULL == comp) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not find audio component for Audio Unit");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ result = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not create Audio Unit instance (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // Set preferred hardware sample rate to 16 kHz
+ NSError* error = nil;
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ Float64 preferredSampleRate(16000.0);
+ [session setPreferredSampleRate:preferredSampleRate
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ const char* errorString = [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String];
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Could not set preferred sample rate: %s", errorString);
+ }
+ error = nil;
+ [session setMode:AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ const char* errorString = [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String];
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Could not set mode: %s", errorString);
+ }
+ error = nil;
+ [session setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ const char* errorString = [[error localizedDescription] UTF8String];
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Could not set category: %s", errorString);
+ }
+ //////////////////////
+ // Setup Voice Processing Audio Unit
+ // Note: For Signal Processing AU element 0 is output bus, element 1 is
+ // input bus for global scope element is irrelevant (always use
+ // element 0)
+ // Enable IO on both elements
+ // todo: Below we just log and continue upon error. We might want
+ // to close AU and return error for some cases.
+ // todo: Log info about setup.
+ UInt32 enableIO = 1;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Input,
+ 1, // input bus
+ &enableIO,
+ sizeof(enableIO));
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not enable IO on input (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Output,
+ 0, // output bus
+ &enableIO,
+ sizeof(enableIO));
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not enable IO on output (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ // Disable AU buffer allocation for the recorder, we allocate our own
+ UInt32 flag = 0;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(
+ _auVoiceProcessing, kAudioUnitProperty_ShouldAllocateBuffer,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &flag, sizeof(flag));
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not disable AU buffer allocation (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ // Should work anyway
+ }
+ // Set recording callback
+ AURenderCallbackStruct auCbS;
+ memset(&auCbS, 0, sizeof(auCbS));
+ auCbS.inputProc = RecordProcess;
+ auCbS.inputProcRefCon = this;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioOutputUnitProperty_SetInputCallback,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 1,
+ &auCbS, sizeof(auCbS));
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set record callback for Audio Unit (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ // Set playout callback
+ memset(&auCbS, 0, sizeof(auCbS));
+ auCbS.inputProc = PlayoutProcess;
+ auCbS.inputProcRefCon = this;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,
+ &auCbS, sizeof(auCbS));
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set play callback for Audio Unit (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ // Get stream format for out/0
+ AudioStreamBasicDescription playoutDesc;
+ UInt32 size = sizeof(playoutDesc);
+ result = AudioUnitGetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &playoutDesc,
+ &size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not get stream format Audio Unit out/0 (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Audio Unit playout opened in sampling rate %f",
+ playoutDesc.mSampleRate);
+ playoutDesc.mSampleRate = preferredSampleRate;
+ // Store the sampling frequency to use towards the Audio Device Buffer
+ // todo: Add 48 kHz (increase buffer sizes). Other fs?
+ if ((playoutDesc.mSampleRate > 44090.0)
+ && (playoutDesc.mSampleRate < 44110.0)) {
+ _adbSampFreq = 44100;
+ } else if ((playoutDesc.mSampleRate > 15990.0)
+ && (playoutDesc.mSampleRate < 16010.0)) {
+ _adbSampFreq = 16000;
+ } else if ((playoutDesc.mSampleRate > 7990.0)
+ && (playoutDesc.mSampleRate < 8010.0)) {
+ _adbSampFreq = 8000;
+ } else {
+ _adbSampFreq = 0;
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Audio Unit out/0 opened in unknown sampling rate (%f)",
+ playoutDesc.mSampleRate);
+ // todo: We should bail out here.
+ }
+ // Set the audio device buffer sampling rate,
+ // we assume we get the same for play and record
+ if (_ptrAudioBuffer->SetRecordingSampleRate(_adbSampFreq) < 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set audio device buffer recording sampling rate (%d)",
+ _adbSampFreq);
+ }
+ if (_ptrAudioBuffer->SetPlayoutSampleRate(_adbSampFreq) < 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set audio device buffer playout sampling rate (%d)",
+ _adbSampFreq);
+ }
+ // Set stream format for in/0 (use same sampling frequency as for out/0)
+ playoutDesc.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger
+ | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked
+ | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved;
+ playoutDesc.mBytesPerPacket = 2;
+ playoutDesc.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
+ playoutDesc.mBytesPerFrame = 2;
+ playoutDesc.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
+ playoutDesc.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &playoutDesc, size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set stream format Audio Unit in/0 (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ // Get stream format for in/1
+ AudioStreamBasicDescription recordingDesc;
+ size = sizeof(recordingDesc);
+ result = AudioUnitGetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Input, 1, &recordingDesc,
+ &size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not get stream format Audio Unit in/1 (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Audio Unit recording opened in sampling rate %f",
+ recordingDesc.mSampleRate);
+ recordingDesc.mSampleRate = preferredSampleRate;
+ // Set stream format for out/1 (use same sampling frequency as for in/1)
+ recordingDesc.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger
+ | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked
+ | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved;
+ recordingDesc.mBytesPerPacket = 2;
+ recordingDesc.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
+ recordingDesc.mBytesPerFrame = 2;
+ recordingDesc.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
+ recordingDesc.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
+ result = AudioUnitSetProperty(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Output, 1, &recordingDesc,
+ size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not set stream format Audio Unit out/1 (result=%d)",
+ result);
+ }
+ // Initialize here already to be able to get/set stream properties.
+ result = AudioUnitInitialize(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not init Audio Unit (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ // Get hardware sample rate for logging (see if we get what we asked for)
+ double sampleRate = session.sampleRate;
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceDebug, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Current HW sample rate is %f, ADB sample rate is %d",
+ sampleRate, _adbSampFreq);
+ // Listen to audio interruptions.
+ NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ id observer =
+ [center addObserverForName:AVAudioSessionInterruptionNotification
+ object:nil
+ queue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
+ usingBlock:^(NSNotification* notification) {
+ NSNumber* typeNumber =
+ [notification userInfo][AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey];
+ AVAudioSessionInterruptionType type =
+ (AVAudioSessionInterruptionType)[typeNumber unsignedIntegerValue];
+ switch (type) {
+ case AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeBegan:
+ // At this point our audio session has been deactivated and the
+ // audio unit render callbacks no longer occur. Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ case AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeEnded: {
+ NSError* error = nil;
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ [session setActive:YES
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Error activating audio session");
+ }
+ // Post interruption the audio unit render callbacks don't
+ // automatically continue, so we restart the unit manually here.
+ AudioOutputUnitStop(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ AudioOutputUnitStart(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ // Increment refcount on observer using ARC bridge. Instance variable is a
+ // void* instead of an id because header is included in other pure C++
+ // files.
+ _audioInterruptionObserver = (__bridge_retained void*)observer;
+ // Activate audio session.
+ error = nil;
+ [session setActive:YES
+ error:&error];
+ if (error != nil) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "Error activating audio session");
+ }
+ return 0;
+int32_t AudioDeviceIOS::ShutdownPlayOrRecord() {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceInfo, kTraceAudioDevice, _id, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ if (_audioInterruptionObserver != NULL) {
+ NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
+ // Transfer ownership of observer back to ARC, which will dealloc the
+ // observer once it exits this scope.
+ id observer = (__bridge_transfer id)_audioInterruptionObserver;
+ [center removeObserver:observer];
+ _audioInterruptionObserver = NULL;
+ }
+ // Close and delete AU
+ OSStatus result = -1;
+ if (NULL != _auVoiceProcessing) {
+ result = AudioOutputUnitStop(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Error stopping Audio Unit (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ result = AudioComponentInstanceDispose(_auVoiceProcessing);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Error disposing Audio Unit (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ _auVoiceProcessing = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// ============================================================================
+// Thread Methods
+// ============================================================================
+ AudioDeviceIOS::RecordProcess(void *inRefCon,
+ AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
+ const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
+ UInt32 inBusNumber,
+ UInt32 inNumberFrames,
+ AudioBufferList *ioData) {
+ AudioDeviceIOS* ptrThis = static_cast<AudioDeviceIOS*>(inRefCon);
+ return ptrThis->RecordProcessImpl(ioActionFlags,
+ inTimeStamp,
+ inBusNumber,
+ inNumberFrames);
+ AudioDeviceIOS::RecordProcessImpl(AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
+ const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
+ uint32_t inBusNumber,
+ uint32_t inNumberFrames) {
+ // Setup some basic stuff
+ // Use temp buffer not to lock up recording buffer more than necessary
+ // todo: Make dataTmp a member variable with static size that holds
+ // max possible frames?
+ int16_t* dataTmp = new int16_t[inNumberFrames];
+ memset(dataTmp, 0, 2*inNumberFrames);
+ AudioBufferList abList;
+ abList.mNumberBuffers = 1;
+ abList.mBuffers[0].mData = dataTmp;
+ abList.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = 2*inNumberFrames; // 2 bytes/sample
+ abList.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 1;
+ // Get data from mic
+ OSStatus res = AudioUnitRender(_auVoiceProcessing,
+ ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp,
+ inBusNumber, inNumberFrames, &abList);
+ if (res != 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Error getting rec data, error = %d", res);
+ if (_recWarning > 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Pending rec warning exists");
+ }
+ _recWarning = 1;
+ delete [] dataTmp;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (_recording) {
+ // Insert all data in temp buffer into recording buffers
+ // There is zero or one buffer partially full at any given time,
+ // all others are full or empty
+ // Full means filled with noSamp10ms samples.
+ const unsigned int noSamp10ms = _adbSampFreq / 100;
+ unsigned int dataPos = 0;
+ uint16_t bufPos = 0;
+ int16_t insertPos = -1;
+ unsigned int nCopy = 0; // Number of samples to copy
+ while (dataPos < inNumberFrames) {
+ // Loop over all recording buffers or
+ // until we find the partially full buffer
+ // First choice is to insert into partially full buffer,
+ // second choice is to insert into empty buffer
+ bufPos = 0;
+ insertPos = -1;
+ nCopy = 0;
+ while (bufPos < N_REC_BUFFERS) {
+ if ((_recordingLength[bufPos] > 0)
+ && (_recordingLength[bufPos] < noSamp10ms)) {
+ // Found the partially full buffer
+ insertPos = static_cast<int16_t>(bufPos);
+ // Don't need to search more, quit loop
+ bufPos = N_REC_BUFFERS;
+ } else if ((-1 == insertPos)
+ && (0 == _recordingLength[bufPos])) {
+ // Found an empty buffer
+ insertPos = static_cast<int16_t>(bufPos);
+ }
+ ++bufPos;
+ }
+ // Insert data into buffer
+ if (insertPos > -1) {
+ // We found a non-full buffer, copy data to it
+ unsigned int dataToCopy = inNumberFrames - dataPos;
+ unsigned int currentRecLen = _recordingLength[insertPos];
+ unsigned int roomInBuffer = noSamp10ms - currentRecLen;
+ nCopy = (dataToCopy < roomInBuffer ? dataToCopy : roomInBuffer);
+ memcpy(&_recordingBuffer[insertPos][currentRecLen],
+ &dataTmp[dataPos], nCopy*sizeof(int16_t));
+ if (0 == currentRecLen) {
+ _recordingSeqNumber[insertPos] = _recordingCurrentSeq;
+ ++_recordingCurrentSeq;
+ }
+ _recordingBufferTotalSize += nCopy;
+ // Has to be done last to avoid interrupt problems
+ // between threads
+ _recordingLength[insertPos] += nCopy;
+ dataPos += nCopy;
+ } else {
+ // Didn't find a non-full buffer
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Could not insert into recording buffer");
+ if (_recWarning > 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Pending rec warning exists");
+ }
+ _recWarning = 1;
+ dataPos = inNumberFrames; // Don't try to insert more
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete [] dataTmp;
+ return 0;
+ AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutProcess(void *inRefCon,
+ AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
+ const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
+ UInt32 inBusNumber,
+ UInt32 inNumberFrames,
+ AudioBufferList *ioData) {
+ AudioDeviceIOS* ptrThis = static_cast<AudioDeviceIOS*>(inRefCon);
+ return ptrThis->PlayoutProcessImpl(inNumberFrames, ioData);
+ AudioDeviceIOS::PlayoutProcessImpl(uint32_t inNumberFrames,
+ AudioBufferList *ioData) {
+ // Setup some basic stuff
+// assert(sizeof(short) == 2); // Assumption for implementation
+ int16_t* data =
+ static_cast<int16_t*>(ioData->mBuffers[0].mData);
+ unsigned int dataSizeBytes = ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize;
+ unsigned int dataSize = dataSizeBytes/2; // Number of samples
+ if (dataSize != inNumberFrames) { // Should always be the same
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "dataSize (%u) != inNumberFrames (%u)",
+ dataSize, (unsigned int)inNumberFrames);
+ if (_playWarning > 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Pending play warning exists");
+ }
+ _playWarning = 1;
+ }
+ memset(data, 0, dataSizeBytes); // Start with empty buffer
+ // Get playout data from Audio Device Buffer
+ if (_playing) {
+ unsigned int noSamp10ms = _adbSampFreq / 100;
+ // todo: Member variable and allocate when samp freq is determined
+ int16_t* dataTmp = new int16_t[noSamp10ms];
+ memset(dataTmp, 0, 2*noSamp10ms);
+ unsigned int dataPos = 0;
+ int noSamplesOut = 0;
+ unsigned int nCopy = 0;
+ // First insert data from playout buffer if any
+ if (_playoutBufferUsed > 0) {
+ nCopy = (dataSize < _playoutBufferUsed) ?
+ dataSize : _playoutBufferUsed;
+ if (nCopy != _playoutBufferUsed) {
+ // todo: If dataSize < _playoutBufferUsed
+ // (should normally never be)
+ // we must move the remaining data
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "nCopy (%u) != _playoutBufferUsed (%u)",
+ nCopy, _playoutBufferUsed);
+ if (_playWarning > 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Pending play warning exists");
+ }
+ _playWarning = 1;
+ }
+ memcpy(data, _playoutBuffer, 2*nCopy);
+ dataPos = nCopy;
+ memset(_playoutBuffer, 0, sizeof(_playoutBuffer));
+ _playoutBufferUsed = 0;
+ }
+ // Now get the rest from Audio Device Buffer
+ while (dataPos < dataSize) {
+ // Update playout delay
+ UpdatePlayoutDelay();
+ // Ask for new PCM data to be played out using the AudioDeviceBuffer
+ noSamplesOut = _ptrAudioBuffer->RequestPlayoutData(noSamp10ms);
+ // Get data from Audio Device Buffer
+ noSamplesOut =
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->GetPlayoutData(
+ reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(dataTmp));
+ // Cast OK since only equality comparison
+ if (noSamp10ms != (unsigned int)noSamplesOut) {
+ // Should never happen
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "noSamp10ms (%u) != noSamplesOut (%d)",
+ noSamp10ms, noSamplesOut);
+ if (_playWarning > 0) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceWarning, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ " Pending play warning exists");
+ }
+ _playWarning = 1;
+ }
+ // Insert as much as fits in data buffer
+ nCopy = (dataSize-dataPos) > noSamp10ms ?
+ noSamp10ms : (dataSize-dataPos);
+ memcpy(&data[dataPos], dataTmp, 2*nCopy);
+ // Save rest in playout buffer if any
+ if (nCopy < noSamp10ms) {
+ memcpy(_playoutBuffer, &dataTmp[nCopy], 2*(noSamp10ms-nCopy));
+ _playoutBufferUsed = noSamp10ms - nCopy;
+ }
+ // Update loop/index counter, if we copied less than noSamp10ms
+ // samples we shall quit loop anyway
+ dataPos += noSamp10ms;
+ }
+ delete [] dataTmp;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void AudioDeviceIOS::UpdatePlayoutDelay() {
+ ++_playoutDelayMeasurementCounter;
+ if (_playoutDelayMeasurementCounter >= 100) {
+ // Update HW and OS delay every second, unlikely to change
+ // Since this is eventually rounded to integral ms, add 0.5ms
+ // here to get round-to-nearest-int behavior instead of
+ // truncation.
+ double totalDelaySeconds = 0.0005;
+ // HW output latency
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ double latency = session.outputLatency;
+ assert(latency >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += latency;
+ // HW buffer duration
+ double ioBufferDuration = session.IOBufferDuration;
+ assert(ioBufferDuration >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += ioBufferDuration;
+ // AU latency
+ Float64 f64(0);
+ UInt32 size = sizeof(f64);
+ OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty(
+ _auVoiceProcessing, kAudioUnitProperty_Latency,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &f64, &size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "error AU latency (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ assert(f64 >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += f64;
+ // To ms
+ _playoutDelay = static_cast<uint32_t>(totalDelaySeconds / 1000);
+ // Reset counter
+ _playoutDelayMeasurementCounter = 0;
+ }
+ // todo: Add playout buffer?
+void AudioDeviceIOS::UpdateRecordingDelay() {
+ ++_recordingDelayMeasurementCounter;
+ if (_recordingDelayMeasurementCounter >= 100) {
+ // Update HW and OS delay every second, unlikely to change
+ // Since this is eventually rounded to integral ms, add 0.5ms
+ // here to get round-to-nearest-int behavior instead of
+ // truncation.
+ double totalDelaySeconds = 0.0005;
+ // HW input latency
+ AVAudioSession* session = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
+ double latency = session.inputLatency;
+ assert(latency >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += latency;
+ // HW buffer duration
+ double ioBufferDuration = session.IOBufferDuration;
+ assert(ioBufferDuration >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += ioBufferDuration;
+ // AU latency
+ Float64 f64(0);
+ UInt32 size = sizeof(f64);
+ OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty(
+ _auVoiceProcessing, kAudioUnitProperty_Latency,
+ kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &f64, &size);
+ if (0 != result) {
+ WEBRTC_TRACE(kTraceError, kTraceAudioDevice, _id,
+ "error AU latency (result=%d)", result);
+ }
+ assert(f64 >= 0);
+ totalDelaySeconds += f64;
+ // To ms
+ _recordingDelayHWAndOS =
+ static_cast<uint32_t>(totalDelaySeconds / 1000);
+ // Reset counter
+ _recordingDelayMeasurementCounter = 0;
+ }
+ _recordingDelay = _recordingDelayHWAndOS;
+ // ADB recording buffer size, update every time
+ // Don't count the one next 10 ms to be sent, then convert samples => ms
+ const uint32_t noSamp10ms = _adbSampFreq / 100;
+ if (_recordingBufferTotalSize > noSamp10ms) {
+ _recordingDelay +=
+ (_recordingBufferTotalSize - noSamp10ms) / (_adbSampFreq / 1000);
+ }
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::RunCapture(void* ptrThis) {
+ return static_cast<AudioDeviceIOS*>(ptrThis)->CaptureWorkerThread();
+bool AudioDeviceIOS::CaptureWorkerThread() {
+ if (_recording) {
+ int bufPos = 0;
+ unsigned int lowestSeq = 0;
+ int lowestSeqBufPos = 0;
+ bool foundBuf = true;
+ const unsigned int noSamp10ms = _adbSampFreq / 100;
+ while (foundBuf) {
+ // Check if we have any buffer with data to insert
+ // into the Audio Device Buffer,
+ // and find the one with the lowest seq number
+ foundBuf = false;
+ for (bufPos = 0; bufPos < N_REC_BUFFERS; ++bufPos) {
+ if (noSamp10ms == _recordingLength[bufPos]) {
+ if (!foundBuf) {
+ lowestSeq = _recordingSeqNumber[bufPos];
+ lowestSeqBufPos = bufPos;
+ foundBuf = true;
+ } else if (_recordingSeqNumber[bufPos] < lowestSeq) {
+ lowestSeq = _recordingSeqNumber[bufPos];
+ lowestSeqBufPos = bufPos;
+ }
+ }
+ } // for
+ // Insert data into the Audio Device Buffer if found any
+ if (foundBuf) {
+ // Update recording delay
+ UpdateRecordingDelay();
+ // Set the recorded buffer
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetRecordedBuffer(
+ reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(
+ _recordingBuffer[lowestSeqBufPos]),
+ _recordingLength[lowestSeqBufPos]);
+ // Don't need to set the current mic level in ADB since we only
+ // support digital AGC,
+ // and besides we cannot get or set the IOS mic level anyway.
+ // Set VQE info, use clockdrift == 0
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->SetVQEData(_playoutDelay, _recordingDelay, 0);
+ // Deliver recorded samples at specified sample rate, mic level
+ // etc. to the observer using callback
+ _ptrAudioBuffer->DeliverRecordedData();
+ // Make buffer available
+ _recordingSeqNumber[lowestSeqBufPos] = 0;
+ _recordingBufferTotalSize -= _recordingLength[lowestSeqBufPos];
+ // Must be done last to avoid interrupt problems between threads
+ _recordingLength[lowestSeqBufPos] = 0;
+ }
+ } // while (foundBuf)
+ } // if (_recording)
+ {
+ // Normal case
+ // Sleep thread (5ms) to let other threads get to work
+ // todo: Is 5 ms optimal? Sleep shorter if inserted into the Audio
+ // Device Buffer?
+ timespec t;
+ t.tv_sec = 0;
+ t.tv_nsec = 5*1000*1000;
+ nanosleep(&t, NULL);
+ }
+ return true;
+} // namespace webrtc