path: root/modules/objfmts/bin/tests/bintest.asm
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/objfmts/bin/tests/bintest.asm')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/objfmts/bin/tests/bintest.asm b/modules/objfmts/bin/tests/bintest.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c434ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/objfmts/bin/tests/bintest.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+; test source file for assembling to binary files
+; build with:
+; yasm -f bin -o bintest.com bintest.asm
+; When run (as a DOS .COM file), this program should print
+; hello, world
+; on two successive lines, then exit cleanly.
+; This file should test the following:
+; [1] Define a text-section symbol
+; [2] Define a data-section symbol
+; [3] Define a BSS-section symbol
+; [4] Define a NASM local label
+; [5] Reference a NASM local label
+; [6] Reference a text-section symbol in the text section
+; [7] Reference a data-section symbol in the text section
+; [8] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the text section
+; [9] Reference a text-section symbol in the data section
+; [10] Reference a data-section symbol in the data section
+; [11] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the data section
+[BITS 16]
+[ORG 0x100]
+[SECTION .text]
+ jmp start ; [6]
+endX mov ax,0x4c00 ; [1]
+ int 0x21
+start mov byte [bss_sym],',' ; [1] [8]
+ mov bx,[bssptr] ; [7]
+ mov al,[bx]
+ mov bx,[dataptr] ; [7]
+ mov [bx],al
+ mov cx,2
+.loop mov dx,datasym ; [1] [4] [7]
+ mov ah,9
+ push cx
+ int 0x21
+ pop cx
+ loop .loop ; [5] [6]
+ mov bx,[textptr] ; [7]
+ jmp bx
+[SECTION .data]
+datasym db 'hello world', 13, 10, '$' ; [2]
+bssptr dw bss_sym ; [2] [11]
+dataptr dw datasym+5 ; [2] [10]
+textptr dw endX ; [2] [9]
+[SECTION .bss]
+bss_sym resb 1 ; [3]