package org.unicode.cldr.draft; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.unicode.cldr.draft.XLikelySubtags.LSR; import org.unicode.cldr.draft.XLocaleDistance.RegionMapper.Builder; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile; import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class XLocaleDistance { static final boolean PRINT_OVERRIDES = true; public static final int ABOVE_THRESHOLD = 100; @Deprecated public static final String ANY = "�"; // matches any character. Uses value above any subtag. private static String fixAny(String string) { return "*".equals(string) ? ANY : string; } // For now, get data directly from CLDR private static final CLDRConfig CONFIG = CLDRConfig.getInstance(); private static final CLDRFile english = CONFIG.getEnglish(); static final SupplementalDataInfo SDI = CONFIG.getSupplementalDataInfo(); private static List> xGetLanguageMatcherData() { return SDI.getLanguageMatcherData("written"); } static final Multimap CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED; static final Multimap CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED_FINAL; static { TreeMultimap containerToContainedTemp = TreeMultimap.create(); fill("001", containerToContainedTemp); CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(containerToContainedTemp); // get hard-coded data because ICU fails to copy information for (String container : SDI.getContainers()) { Set contained = SDI.getContained(container); System.out.println(".putAll(\"" + container + "\", \"" + CollectionUtilities.join(contained, "\", \"") + "\")"); } ImmutableMultimap.Builder containerToFinalContainedBuilder = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder<>(); for (Entry> entry : CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED.asMap().entrySet()) { String container = entry.getKey(); for (String contained : entry.getValue()) { if (SDI.getContained(contained) == null) { containerToFinalContainedBuilder.put(container, contained); } } } CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED_FINAL =; } // TODO make this a single pass private static Collection fill(String region, Multimap toAddTo) { Set contained = SDI.getContained(region); if (contained != null) { toAddTo.putAll(region, contained); for (String subregion : contained) { toAddTo.putAll(region, fill(subregion, toAddTo)); } return toAddTo.get(region); } return Collections.emptySet(); } final static private Set ALL_FINAL_REGIONS = ImmutableSet.copyOf(CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED_FINAL.get("001")); // end of data from CLDR private final DistanceTable languageDesired2Supported; private final RegionMapper regionMapper; private final int defaultLanguageDistance; private final int defaultScriptDistance; private final int defaultRegionDistance; @Deprecated public static abstract class DistanceTable { abstract int getDistance(String desiredLang, String supportedlang, Output table, boolean starEquals); abstract Set getCloser(int threshold); abstract String toString(boolean abbreviate); public DistanceTable compact() { return this; } // public Integer getInternalDistance(String a, String b) { // return null; // } public DistanceNode getInternalNode(String any, String any2) { return null; } public Map> getInternalMatches() { return null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } } @Deprecated public static class DistanceNode { final int distance; public DistanceNode(int distance) { this.distance = distance; } public DistanceTable getDistanceTable() { return null; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof DistanceNode)) { return false; } DistanceNode other = (DistanceNode) obj; return distance == other.distance; } @Override public int hashCode() { return distance; } @Override public String toString() { return "\ndistance: " + distance; } } private interface IdMapper { public V toId(K source); } static class IdMakerFull implements IdMapper { private final Map objectToInt = new HashMap<>(); private final List intToObject = new ArrayList<>(); final String name; // for debugging IdMakerFull(String name) { = name; } IdMakerFull() { this("unnamed"); } IdMakerFull(String name, T zeroValue) { this(name); add(zeroValue); } /** * Return an id, making one if there wasn't one already. */ public Integer add(T source) { Integer result = objectToInt.get(source); if (result == null) { Integer newResult = intToObject.size(); objectToInt.put(source, newResult); intToObject.add(source); return newResult; } else { return result; } } /** * Return an id, or null if there is none. */ public Integer toId(T source) { return objectToInt.get(source); // return value == null ? 0 : value; } /** * Return the object for the id, or null if there is none. */ public T fromId(int id) { return intToObject.get(id); } /** * Return interned object */ public T intern(T source) { return fromId(add(source)); } public int size() { return intToObject.size(); } /** * Same as add, except if the object didn't have an id, return null; */ public Integer getOldAndAdd(T source) { Integer result = objectToInt.get(source); if (result == null) { Integer newResult = intToObject.size(); objectToInt.put(source, newResult); intToObject.add(source); } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return size() + ": " + intToObject; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof IdMakerFull)) { return false; } IdMakerFull other = (IdMakerFull) obj; return intToObject.equals(other.intToObject); } @Override public int hashCode() { return intToObject.hashCode(); } } static class StringDistanceNode extends DistanceNode { final DistanceTable distanceTable; public StringDistanceNode(int distance, DistanceTable distanceTable) { super(distance); this.distanceTable = distanceTable; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof StringDistanceNode)) { return false; } StringDistanceNode other = (StringDistanceNode) obj; return distance == other.distance && Objects.equal(distanceTable, other.distanceTable); } @Override public int hashCode() { return distance ^ Objects.hashCode(distanceTable); } StringDistanceNode(int distance) { this(distance, new StringDistanceTable()); } public void addSubtables(String desiredSub, String supportedSub, CopyIfEmpty r) { ((StringDistanceTable) distanceTable).addSubtables(desiredSub, supportedSub, r); } @Override public String toString() { return "distance: " + distance + "\n" + distanceTable; } public void copyTables(StringDistanceTable value) { if (value != null) { ((StringDistanceTable) distanceTable).copy(value); } } public DistanceTable getDistanceTable() { return distanceTable; } } public XLocaleDistance(DistanceTable datadistancetable2, RegionMapper regionMapper) { languageDesired2Supported = datadistancetable2; this.regionMapper = regionMapper; StringDistanceNode languageNode = (StringDistanceNode) ((StringDistanceTable) languageDesired2Supported).subtables.get(ANY).get(ANY); defaultLanguageDistance = languageNode.distance; StringDistanceNode scriptNode = (StringDistanceNode) ((StringDistanceTable) languageNode.distanceTable).subtables.get(ANY).get(ANY); defaultScriptDistance = scriptNode.distance; DistanceNode regionNode = ((StringDistanceTable) scriptNode.distanceTable).subtables.get(ANY).get(ANY); defaultRegionDistance = regionNode.distance; } private static Map newMap() { // for debugging return new TreeMap(); } /** * Internal class */ @Deprecated public static class StringDistanceTable extends DistanceTable { final Map> subtables; StringDistanceTable(Map> tables) { subtables = tables; } StringDistanceTable() { this(newMap()); } public boolean isEmpty() { return subtables.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof StringDistanceTable)) { return false; } StringDistanceTable other = (StringDistanceTable) obj; return subtables.equals(other.subtables); } @Override public int hashCode() { return subtables.hashCode(); } public int getDistance(String desired, String supported, Output distanceTable, boolean starEquals) { boolean star = false; Map sub2 = subtables.get(desired); if (sub2 == null) { sub2 = subtables.get(ANY); // <*, supported> star = true; } DistanceNode value = sub2.get(supported); // <*/desired, supported> if (value == null) { value = sub2.get(ANY); // <*/desired, *> if (value == null && !star) { sub2 = subtables.get(ANY); // <*, supported> value = sub2.get(supported); if (value == null) { value = sub2.get(ANY); // <*, *> } } star = true; } if (distanceTable != null) { distanceTable.value = ((StringDistanceNode) value).distanceTable; } return starEquals && star && desired.equals(supported) ? 0 : value.distance; } public void copy(StringDistanceTable other) { for (Entry> e1 : other.subtables.entrySet()) { for (Entry e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) { DistanceNode value = e2.getValue(); DistanceNode subNode = addSubtable(e1.getKey(), e2.getKey(), value.distance); } } } DistanceNode addSubtable(String desired, String supported, int distance) { Map sub2 = subtables.get(desired); if (sub2 == null) { subtables.put(desired, sub2 = newMap()); } DistanceNode oldNode = sub2.get(supported); if (oldNode != null) { return oldNode; } final StringDistanceNode newNode = new StringDistanceNode(distance); sub2.put(supported, newNode); return newNode; } /** * Return null if value doesn't exist */ private DistanceNode getNode(String desired, String supported) { Map sub2 = subtables.get(desired); if (sub2 == null) { return null; } return sub2.get(supported); } /** add table for each subitem that matches and doesn't have a table already */ public void addSubtables( String desired, String supported, Predicate action) { int count = 0; DistanceNode node = getNode(desired, supported); if (node == null) { // get the distance it would have Output node2 = new Output<>(); int distance = getDistance(desired, supported, node2, true); // now add it node = addSubtable(desired, supported, distance); if (node2.value != null) { ((StringDistanceNode) node).copyTables((StringDistanceTable) (node2.value)); } } action.apply(node); } public void addSubtables(String desiredLang, String supportedLang, String desiredScript, String supportedScript, int percentage) { // add to all the values that have the matching desiredLang and supportedLang boolean haveKeys = false; for (Entry> e1 : subtables.entrySet()) { String key1 = e1.getKey(); final boolean desiredIsKey = desiredLang.equals(key1); if (desiredIsKey || desiredLang.equals(ANY)) { for (Entry e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) { String key2 = e2.getKey(); final boolean supportedIsKey = supportedLang.equals(key2); haveKeys |= (desiredIsKey && supportedIsKey); if (supportedIsKey || supportedLang.equals(ANY)) { DistanceNode value = e2.getValue(); ((StringDistanceTable) value.getDistanceTable()).addSubtable(desiredScript, supportedScript, percentage); } } } } // now add the sequence explicitly StringDistanceTable dt = new StringDistanceTable(); dt.addSubtable(desiredScript, supportedScript, percentage); CopyIfEmpty r = new CopyIfEmpty(dt); addSubtables(desiredLang, supportedLang, r); } public void addSubtables(String desiredLang, String supportedLang, String desiredScript, String supportedScript, String desiredRegion, String supportedRegion, int percentage) { // add to all the values that have the matching desiredLang and supportedLang boolean haveKeys = false; for (Entry> e1 : subtables.entrySet()) { String key1 = e1.getKey(); final boolean desiredIsKey = desiredLang.equals(key1); if (desiredIsKey || desiredLang.equals(ANY)) { for (Entry e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) { String key2 = e2.getKey(); final boolean supportedIsKey = supportedLang.equals(key2); haveKeys |= (desiredIsKey && supportedIsKey); if (supportedIsKey || supportedLang.equals(ANY)) { StringDistanceNode value = (StringDistanceNode) e2.getValue(); ((StringDistanceTable) value.distanceTable).addSubtables(desiredScript, supportedScript, desiredRegion, supportedRegion, percentage); } } } } // now add the sequence explicitly StringDistanceTable dt = new StringDistanceTable(); dt.addSubtable(desiredRegion, supportedRegion, percentage); AddSub r = new AddSub(desiredScript, supportedScript, dt); addSubtables(desiredLang, supportedLang, r); } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String toString(boolean abbreviate) { return toString(abbreviate, "", new IdMakerFull("interner"), new StringBuilder()).toString(); } public StringBuilder toString(boolean abbreviate, String indent, IdMakerFull intern, StringBuilder buffer) { String indent2 = indent.isEmpty() ? "" : "\t"; Integer id = abbreviate ? intern.getOldAndAdd(subtables) : null; if (id != null) { buffer.append(indent2).append('#').append(id).append('\n'); } else for (Entry> e1 : subtables.entrySet()) { final Map subsubtable = e1.getValue(); buffer.append(indent2).append(e1.getKey()); String indent3 = "\t"; id = abbreviate ? intern.getOldAndAdd(subsubtable) : null; if (id != null) { buffer.append(indent3).append('#').append(id).append('\n'); } else for (Entry e2 : subsubtable.entrySet()) { DistanceNode value = e2.getValue(); buffer.append(indent3).append(e2.getKey()); id = abbreviate ? intern.getOldAndAdd(value) : null; if (id != null) { buffer.append('\t').append('#').append(id).append('\n'); } else { buffer.append('\t').append(value.distance); final DistanceTable distanceTable = value.getDistanceTable(); if (distanceTable != null) { id = abbreviate ? intern.getOldAndAdd(distanceTable) : null; if (id != null) { buffer.append('\t').append('#').append(id).append('\n'); } else { ((StringDistanceTable) distanceTable).toString(abbreviate, indent + "\t\t\t", intern, buffer); } } else { buffer.append('\n'); } } indent3 = indent + '\t'; } indent2 = indent; } return buffer; } public StringDistanceTable compact() { return new CompactAndImmutablizer().compact(this); } @Override public Set getCloser(int threshold) { Set result = new HashSet<>(); for (Entry> e1 : subtables.entrySet()) { String desired = e1.getKey(); for (Entry e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) { if (e2.getValue().distance < threshold) { result.add(desired); break; } } } return result; } public Integer getInternalDistance(String a, String b) { Map subsub = subtables.get(a); if (subsub == null) { return null; } DistanceNode dnode = subsub.get(b); return dnode == null ? null : dnode.distance; } public DistanceNode getInternalNode(String a, String b) { Map subsub = subtables.get(a); if (subsub == null) { return null; } return subsub.get(b); } public Map> getInternalMatches() { Map> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Entry> entry : subtables.entrySet()) { result.put(entry.getKey(), new LinkedHashSet<>(entry.getValue().keySet())); } return result; } } static class CopyIfEmpty implements Predicate { private final StringDistanceTable toCopy; CopyIfEmpty(StringDistanceTable resetIfNotNull) { this.toCopy = resetIfNotNull; } @Override public boolean apply(DistanceNode node) { final StringDistanceTable subtables = (StringDistanceTable) node.getDistanceTable(); if (subtables.subtables.isEmpty()) { subtables.copy(toCopy); } return true; } } static class AddSub implements Predicate { private final String desiredSub; private final String supportedSub; private final CopyIfEmpty r; AddSub(String desiredSub, String supportedSub, StringDistanceTable distanceTableToCopy) { this.r = new CopyIfEmpty(distanceTableToCopy); this.desiredSub = desiredSub; this.supportedSub = supportedSub; } @Override public boolean apply(DistanceNode node) { if (node == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad structure"); } else { ((StringDistanceNode) node).addSubtables(desiredSub, supportedSub, r); } return true; } } public int distance(ULocale desired, ULocale supported, int threshold, DistanceOption distanceOption) { LSR supportedLSR = LSR.fromMaximalized(supported); LSR desiredLSR = LSR.fromMaximalized(desired); return distanceRaw(desiredLSR, supportedLSR, threshold, distanceOption); } /** * Returns distance, from 0 to ABOVE_THRESHOLD. * ULocales must be in canonical, addLikelySubtags format. Returns distance * @param desired * @param supported * @param distanceOption * @return */ public int distanceRaw(LSR desired, LSR supported, int threshold, DistanceOption distanceOption) { return distanceRaw(desired.language, supported.language, desired.script, supported.script, desired.region, supported.region, threshold, distanceOption); } public enum DistanceOption { NORMAL, SCRIPT_FIRST } /** * Returns distance, from 0 to ABOVE_THRESHOLD. * ULocales must be in canonical, addLikelySubtags format. Returns distance */ public int distanceRaw( String desiredLang, String supportedlang, String desiredScript, String supportedScript, String desiredRegion, String supportedRegion, int threshold, DistanceOption distanceOption) { Output subtable = new Output<>(); int distance = languageDesired2Supported.getDistance(desiredLang, supportedlang, subtable, true); boolean scriptFirst = distanceOption == DistanceOption.SCRIPT_FIRST; if (scriptFirst) { distance >>= 2; } if (distance < 0) { distance = 0; } else if (distance >= threshold) { return ABOVE_THRESHOLD; } int scriptDistance = subtable.value.getDistance(desiredScript, supportedScript, subtable, true); if (scriptFirst) { scriptDistance >>= 1; } distance += scriptDistance; if (distance >= threshold) { return ABOVE_THRESHOLD; } if (desiredRegion.equals(supportedRegion)) { return distance; } // From here on we know the regions are not equal final String desiredPartition = regionMapper.toId(desiredRegion); final String supportedPartition = regionMapper.toId(supportedRegion); int subdistance; // check for macros. If one is found, we take the maximum distance // this could be optimized by adding some more structure, but probably not worth it. Collection desiredPartitions = desiredPartition.isEmpty() ? regionMapper.macroToPartitions.get(desiredRegion) : null; Collection supportedPartitions = supportedPartition.isEmpty() ? regionMapper.macroToPartitions.get(supportedRegion) : null; if (desiredPartitions != null || supportedPartitions != null) { subdistance = 0; // make the code simple for now if (desiredPartitions == null) { desiredPartitions = Collections.singleton(desiredPartition); } if (supportedPartitions == null) { supportedPartitions = Collections.singleton(supportedPartition); } for (String desiredPartition2 : desiredPartitions) { for (String supportedPartition2 : supportedPartitions) { int tempSubdistance = subtable.value.getDistance(desiredPartition2, supportedPartition2, null, false); if (subdistance < tempSubdistance) { subdistance = tempSubdistance; } } } } else { subdistance = subtable.value.getDistance(desiredPartition, supportedPartition, null, false); } distance += subdistance; return distance >= threshold ? ABOVE_THRESHOLD : distance; } private static final XLocaleDistance DEFAULT; public static XLocaleDistance getDefault() { return DEFAULT; } static { String[][] variableOverrides = { { "$enUS", "AS+GU+MH+MP+PR+UM+US+VI" }, { "$cnsar", "HK+MO" }, { "$americas", "019" }, { "$maghreb", "MA+DZ+TN+LY+MR+EH" }, }; String[] paradigmRegions = { "en", "en-GB", "es", "es-419", "pt-BR", "pt-PT" }; String[][] regionRuleOverrides = { { "ar_*_$maghreb", "ar_*_$maghreb", "96" }, { "ar_*_$!maghreb", "ar_*_$!maghreb", "96" }, { "ar_*_*", "ar_*_*", "95" }, { "en_*_$enUS", "en_*_$enUS", "96" }, { "en_*_$!enUS", "en_*_$!enUS", "96" }, { "en_*_*", "en_*_*", "95" }, { "es_*_$americas", "es_*_$americas", "96" }, { "es_*_$!americas", "es_*_$!americas", "96" }, { "es_*_*", "es_*_*", "95" }, { "pt_*_$americas", "pt_*_$americas", "96" }, { "pt_*_$!americas", "pt_*_$!americas", "96" }, { "pt_*_*", "pt_*_*", "95" }, { "zh_Hant_$cnsar", "zh_Hant_$cnsar", "96" }, { "zh_Hant_$!cnsar", "zh_Hant_$!cnsar", "96" }, { "zh_Hant_*", "zh_Hant_*", "95" }, { "*_*_*", "*_*_*", "96" }, }; Builder rmb = new RegionMapper.Builder().addParadigms(paradigmRegions); for (String[] variableRule : variableOverrides) { rmb.add(variableRule[0], variableRule[1]); } if (PRINT_OVERRIDES) { System.out.println("\t\t"); System.out.println("\t\t\t"); for (String[] variableRule : variableOverrides) { System.out.println("\t\t\t"); } } final StringDistanceTable defaultDistanceTable = new StringDistanceTable(); final RegionMapper defaultRegionMapper =; Splitter bar = Splitter.on('_'); List, List, Integer, Boolean>>[] sorted = new ArrayList[3]; sorted[0] = new ArrayList<>(); sorted[1] = new ArrayList<>(); sorted[2] = new ArrayList<>(); // sort the rules so that the language-only are first, then the language-script, and finally the language-script-region. for (R4 info : xGetLanguageMatcherData()) { String desiredRaw = info.get0(); String supportedRaw = info.get1(); List desired = bar.splitToList(desiredRaw); List supported = bar.splitToList(supportedRaw); Boolean oneway = info.get3(); Integer percentRaw = desiredRaw.equals("*_*") ? 50 : info.get2(); final int distance = 100 - percentRaw; int size = desired.size(); // for now, skip size == 3 if (size == 3) continue; sorted[size - 1].add(Row.of(desired, supported, distance, oneway)); } for (List, List, Integer, Boolean>> item1 : sorted) { int debug = 0; for (Row.R4, List, Integer, Boolean> item2 : item1) { List desired = item2.get0(); List supported = item2.get1(); Integer distance = item2.get2(); Boolean oneway = item2.get3(); add(defaultDistanceTable, desired, supported, distance); if (oneway != Boolean.TRUE && !desired.equals(supported)) { add(defaultDistanceTable, supported, desired, distance); } printMatchXml(desired, supported, distance, oneway); } } // add new size=3 for (String[] rule : regionRuleOverrides) { // if (PRINT_OVERRIDES) System.out.println("\t\t\t"); if (rule[0].equals("en_*_*") || rule[1].equals("*_*_*")) { int debug = 0; } List desiredBase = new ArrayList<>(bar.splitToList(rule[0])); List supportedBase = new ArrayList<>(bar.splitToList(rule[1])); Integer distance = 100 - Integer.parseInt(rule[2]); printMatchXml(desiredBase, supportedBase, distance, false); Collection desiredRegions = defaultRegionMapper.getIdsFromVariable(desiredBase.get(2)); if (desiredRegions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad region variable: " + desiredBase.get(2)); } Collection supportedRegions = defaultRegionMapper.getIdsFromVariable(supportedBase.get(2)); if (supportedRegions.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad region variable: " + supportedBase.get(2)); } for (String desiredRegion2 : desiredRegions) { desiredBase.set(2, desiredRegion2.toString()); // fix later for (String supportedRegion2 : supportedRegions) { supportedBase.set(2, supportedRegion2.toString()); // fix later add(defaultDistanceTable, desiredBase, supportedBase, distance); add(defaultDistanceTable, supportedBase, desiredBase, distance); } } } if (PRINT_OVERRIDES) { System.out.println("\t\t"); } DEFAULT = new XLocaleDistance(defaultDistanceTable.compact(), defaultRegionMapper); if (false && PRINT_OVERRIDES) { System.out.println(defaultRegionMapper); System.out.println(defaultDistanceTable); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private static void printMatchXml(List desired, List supported, Integer distance, Boolean oneway) { if (PRINT_OVERRIDES) { String desiredStr = CollectionUtilities.join(desired, "_"); String supportedStr = CollectionUtilities.join(supported, "_"); String desiredName = fixedName(desired); String supportedName = fixedName(supported); System.out.println("\t\t\t\t"); } } private static String fixedName(List match) { List alt = new ArrayList(match); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); switch (alt.size()) { case 3: String region = alt.get(2); if (region.equals("*") || region.startsWith("$")) { result.append(region); } else { result.append(english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, region)); } case 2: String script = alt.get(1); if (script.equals("*")) { result.insert(0, script); } else { result.insert(0, english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, script)); } case 1: String language = alt.get(0); if (language.equals("*")) { result.insert(0, language); } else { result.insert(0, english.getName(CLDRFile.TERRITORY_NAME, language)); } } return CollectionUtilities.join(alt, "; "); } static public void add(StringDistanceTable languageDesired2Supported, List desired, List supported, int percentage) { int size = desired.size(); if (size != supported.size() || size < 1 || size > 3) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final String desiredLang = fixAny(desired.get(0)); final String supportedLang = fixAny(supported.get(0)); if (size == 1) { languageDesired2Supported.addSubtable(desiredLang, supportedLang, percentage); } else { final String desiredScript = fixAny(desired.get(1)); final String supportedScript = fixAny(supported.get(1)); if (size == 2) { languageDesired2Supported.addSubtables(desiredLang, supportedLang, desiredScript, supportedScript, percentage); } else { final String desiredRegion = fixAny(desired.get(2)); final String supportedRegion = fixAny(supported.get(2)); languageDesired2Supported.addSubtables(desiredLang, supportedLang, desiredScript, supportedScript, desiredRegion, supportedRegion, percentage); } } } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String toString(boolean abbreviate) { return regionMapper + "\n" + languageDesired2Supported.toString(abbreviate); } // public static XLocaleDistance createDefaultInt() { // IntDistanceTable d = new IntDistanceTable(DEFAULT_DISTANCE_TABLE); // return new XLocaleDistance(d, DEFAULT_REGION_MAPPER); // } static Set getContainingMacrosFor(Collection input, Set output) { output.clear(); for (Entry> entry : CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED.asMap().entrySet()) { if (input.containsAll(entry.getValue())) { // example; if all southern Europe are contained, then add S. Europe output.add(entry.getKey()); } } return output; } static class RegionMapper implements IdMapper { /** * Used for processing rules. At the start we have a variable setting like $A1=US+CA+MX. We generate a mapping from $A1 to a set of partitions {P1, P2} * When we hit a rule that contains a variable, we replace that rule by multiple rules for the partitions. */ final Multimap variableToPartition; /** * Used for executing the rules. We map a region to a partition before processing. */ final Map regionToPartition; /** * Used to support es_419 compared to es_AR, etc. * @param variableToPartitionIn * @param regionToPartitionIn */ final Multimap macroToPartitions; /** * Used to get the paradigm region for a cluster, if there is one */ final ImmutableSet paradigms; private RegionMapper( Multimap variableToPartitionIn, Map regionToPartitionIn, Multimap macroToPartitionsIn, Set paradigmsIn) { variableToPartition = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(variableToPartitionIn); regionToPartition = ImmutableMap.copyOf(regionToPartitionIn); macroToPartitions = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(macroToPartitionsIn); paradigms = ImmutableSet.copyOf(paradigmsIn); } public String toId(String region) { String result = regionToPartition.get(region); return result == null ? "" : result; } public Collection getIdsFromVariable(String variable) { if (variable.equals("*")) { return Collections.singleton("*"); } Collection result = variableToPartition.get(variable); if (result == null || result.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variable not defined: " + variable); } return result; } public Set regions() { return regionToPartition.keySet(); } public Set variables() { return variableToPartition.keySet(); } @Override public String toString() { TreeMultimap partitionToVariables = Multimaps.invertFrom(variableToPartition, TreeMultimap.create()); TreeMultimap partitionToRegions = TreeMultimap.create(); for (Entry e : regionToPartition.entrySet()) { partitionToRegions.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("Partition ➠ Variables ➠ Regions (final)"); for (Entry> e : partitionToVariables.asMap().entrySet()) { buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append(e.getKey() + "\t" + e.getValue() + "\t" + partitionToRegions.get(e.getKey())); } buffer.append("\nMacro ➠ Partitions"); for (Entry> e : macroToPartitions.asMap().entrySet()) { buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append(e.getKey() + "\t" + e.getValue()); } return buffer.toString(); } static class Builder { final private Multimap regionToRawPartition = TreeMultimap.create(); final private RegionSet regionSet = new RegionSet(); final private Set paradigms = new LinkedHashSet<>(); void add(String variable, String barString) { Set tempRegions = regionSet.parseSet(barString); for (String region : tempRegions) { regionToRawPartition.put(region, variable); } // now add the inverse variable Set inverse = regionSet.inverse(); String inverseVariable = "$!" + variable.substring(1); for (String region : inverse) { regionToRawPartition.put(region, inverseVariable); } } public Builder addParadigms(String... paradigmRegions) { for (String paradigm : paradigmRegions) { paradigms.add(new ULocale(paradigm)); } return this; } RegionMapper build() { final IdMakerFull> id = new IdMakerFull<>("partition"); Multimap variableToPartitions = TreeMultimap.create(); Map regionToPartition = new TreeMap<>(); Multimap partitionToRegions = TreeMultimap.create(); for (Entry> e : regionToRawPartition.asMap().entrySet()) { final String region = e.getKey(); final Collection rawPartition = e.getValue(); String partition = String.valueOf((char) ('α' + id.add(rawPartition))); regionToPartition.put(region, partition); partitionToRegions.put(partition, region); for (String variable : rawPartition) { variableToPartitions.put(variable, partition); } } // we get a mapping of each macro to the partitions it intersects with Multimap macroToPartitions = TreeMultimap.create(); for (Entry> e : CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED.asMap().entrySet()) { String macro = e.getKey(); for (Entry> e2 : partitionToRegions.asMap().entrySet()) { String partition = e2.getKey(); if (!Collections.disjoint(e.getValue(), e2.getValue())) { macroToPartitions.put(macro, partition); } } } return new RegionMapper( variableToPartitions, regionToPartition, macroToPartitions, paradigms); } } } /** * Parses a string of regions like "US+005-BR" and produces a set of resolved regions. * All macroregions are fully resolved to sets of non-macro regions. *
Syntax is simple for now: *
regionSet := region ([-+] region)*
* No precedence, so "x+y-y+z" is (((x+y)-y)+z) NOT (x+y)-(y+z) */ private static class RegionSet { private enum Operation { add, remove } // temporaries used in processing final private Set tempRegions = new TreeSet<>(); private Operation operation = null; private Set parseSet(String barString) { operation = Operation.add; int last = 0; tempRegions.clear(); int i = 0; for (; i < barString.length(); ++i) { char c = barString.charAt(i); // UTF16 is ok, since syntax is only ascii switch (c) { case '+': add(barString, last, i); last = i + 1; operation = Operation.add; break; case '-': add(barString, last, i); last = i + 1; operation = Operation.remove; break; } } add(barString, last, i); return tempRegions; } private Set inverse() { TreeSet result = new TreeSet<>(ALL_FINAL_REGIONS); result.removeAll(tempRegions); return result; } private void add(String barString, int last, int i) { if (i > last) { String region = barString.substring(last, i); changeSet(operation, region); } } private void changeSet(Operation operation, String region) { Collection contained = CONTAINER_TO_CONTAINED_FINAL.get(region); if (contained != null && !contained.isEmpty()) { if (Operation.add == operation) { tempRegions.addAll(contained); } else { tempRegions.removeAll(contained); } } else if (Operation.add == operation) { tempRegions.add(region); } else { tempRegions.remove(region); } } } public static Multimap invertMap(Map map) { return Multimaps.invertFrom(Multimaps.forMap(map), ArrayListMultimap.create()); } public Set getParadigms() { return regionMapper.paradigms; } public int getDefaultLanguageDistance() { return defaultLanguageDistance; } public int getDefaultScriptDistance() { return defaultScriptDistance; } public int getDefaultRegionDistance() { return defaultRegionDistance; } static class CompactAndImmutablizer extends IdMakerFull { StringDistanceTable compact(StringDistanceTable item) { if (toId(item) != null) { return (StringDistanceTable) intern(item); } return new StringDistanceTable(compact(item.subtables, 0)); } Map compact(Map item, int level) { if (toId(item) != null) { return (Map) intern(item); } Map copy = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Entry entry : item.entrySet()) { T value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof Map) { copy.put(entry.getKey(), (T) compact((Map) value, level + 1)); } else { copy.put(entry.getKey(), (T) compact((DistanceNode) value)); } } return ImmutableMap.copyOf(copy); } DistanceNode compact(DistanceNode item) { if (toId(item) != null) { return (DistanceNode) intern(item); } final DistanceTable distanceTable = item.getDistanceTable(); if (distanceTable == null || distanceTable.isEmpty()) { return new DistanceNode(item.distance); } else { return new StringDistanceNode(item.distance, compact((StringDistanceTable) ((StringDistanceNode) item).distanceTable)); } } } @Deprecated public StringDistanceTable internalGetDistanceTable() { return (StringDistanceTable) languageDesired2Supported; } public static void main(String[] args) { // for (Entry> entry : containerToContained.asMap().entrySet()) { // System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t⥢" + entry.getValue() + "; " + containerToFinalContained.get(entry.getKey())); // } // final Multimap regionToMacros = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(Multimaps.invertFrom(containerToContained, TreeMultimap.create())); // for (Entry> entry : regionToMacros.asMap().entrySet()) { // System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "\t⥤ " + entry.getValue()); // } if (PRINT_OVERRIDES) { System.out.println(getDefault().toString(true)); } DistanceTable table = getDefault().languageDesired2Supported; DistanceTable compactedTable = table.compact(); if (!table.equals(compactedTable)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compaction isn't equal"); } } }